国际商务信函写作(英文版)Unit 12 Conclusion of Business

Definition of
International Sales
The Functions
Of the Contract In Written
Contents of a
Sales Contract
Signing of the
• Therefore, the importance of a contract in an international sales transaction cannot be underestimated. Often it is the only document between the parties to which they may refer for clarification of mutual responsibilities, resolution of disputes, in the event of disagreement. Any party who fails to fulfill his obligations will have to make compensation for the other party’s losses.
Definition of International Sales Contracts
• Sales contract is an agreement between a buyer and seller covering the sale and delivery of goods, securities, and personal property other than goods or securities. International sales contracts fall under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (CISG), also known as the Vienna Sales Convention.
商务英语写作Unit 12 Invitations

B. 接到Roberts医生夫妇邀请的Thomson夫妇 因故不能应邀而给予答复。
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Thomson regret that a previous engagement
prevents their acceptance of Dr. and Mrs. Lea Roberts’ kind invitation to dinner
Formal Invitation Sample 2
Sample A Sample B
Invitation Letter Sample 1
Sample A Sample B
What Are Invitations?
邀请函(Invitation)是书信的一种形 式,常常是告知别人某事并邀请别人参 加某项活动的文件。它的内容可长可短, 格式可分为请帖式(Formal Invitation) 和书信式(Invitation Letter)。
正式请帖的行文不使用第一人称(I would like …),而使用第三人称(Mr. and Mrs. ×× request the pleasure of Mr. ××)。
对此类请帖的回复也同样使用第三人称和 同样的文字编排方式。通常应先表示感谢, 再表示接收或拒绝。如接受,则在感谢后 写明应邀出席的时间和地点。如拒绝,则 在歉意后婉转注明不能出席的原因。
Sample Reading
In this part you will read several sample formal invitations which are written for different purposes. Study them carefully and go over what you’ve learned in the previous parts in your mind when reading them.
商务英语函电unit 12 claim letters

The clocks complained about are part of the batch of five hundred supplied to our order No 908 of April 2. This order was placed on the basis of a sample clock left by your representative. We have ourselves compared the performance of this sample with that of a number of the clocks complained about and there is little doubt that many of them do not tell the right time.(详细解释状况)
We regret being unable to accept your suggestion to...(很遗憾不能接受你方......的 建议)
We can not but...(我们只能......)
4. 希望表示希望继续与对方的合作关系。 (Wishing to cooperate with the reader again)
Sample letter 2: Buyer lodging a claim for inferior quality
Dear Sirs:
Our order No.098 of 9 March for plastics has now been delivered. We have examined the shipment carefully and, to our great disappointment, find that they are not of the quality we ordered.
实用外贸英语函电教程unit twelve Payment and Balance

Specimen Letters(信函样例)
❖1. Payment Terms (付款条件)
❖Letter 1. Buyer Advise Seller that the L/C Has Been Opened (买方通知卖方信用证已开立)
❖ 见P149
❖Letter 2. Asking for Easier Payment Terms (要求 放宽付款条件)
❖ 见P150
❖Letter 3. Asking for Reimbursement of Balance and Commission (要求补交结余款项和佣金)
❖ 见P152-153
❖Letter 4. Payment on Collection Basis (托收项下 支付)
❖2. Settlement of Accounts (结算)
❖Letter 1. Final Settlement (决算) ❖ 见P152
❖Letter 2. Asking for Reimbursement of the Short-paid (要求补交短偿贷款)
❖ 见P152
❖ 见P15320Βιβλιοθήκη 0/10/12外贸英语函电
Unit Twelve
❖Payment and Balance ❖支付与结算
世纪商务英语-外贸函电unit 12 Complaint, Claim and Settlement

▪ Part Four
Sample Letters
▪ Part Five
Practical Training
Part One
1. The Purpose of Making Complaints The party making complaints aims at either the improvement of current
products /services of their business partner, e.g. a supplier or a carrier, or the compensation for the losses caused by the wrongdoings of the business partner. Sometimes the two goals are combined when the party receiving complaints not only accepts the compensation request but also promises to deliver a better job in the future.
商务英语函电实训 Unit (12)

Useful Expressions
Unit 12 Establishment of and amendment to an L/C
通知信用证的开立与有效期限 We have instructed the Bank of China to open an irrevocable letter of credit for US$35,000. This will be advised by the bankers’ correspondents, Beijing City Commercial Bank. They will accept your draft on them at 30 days after sight for the amount of your invoices. The credit id valid until September 30. 通知对方已开立信用证, 并支付汇票 We have asked the Bank of China here to open a credit for US$50,000 in your favor and this will remain in force until March 31, 2001. The bank will honor your draft at sight for the amount of your invoice drawn under the L/C.
Useful Expressions
Unit 12 Establishment of and amendment to an L/C
通知对方已寄出信用证 According to your request for opening L/C, we are pleased to inform you that we have airmailed today through the Bank of China an irrevocable L/C for $200,000 in favor of the New York Trading Co., Inc. on the following terms and conditions.

【课题】UNIT12 Agency I【教材版本】闫兴伯黄宪西.中等职业教育国家规划教材——商务英语函电(国际商务专业).第二版.北京:高等教育出版社,2006【教学目标】知识目标:熟记本单元(代理)的常见词汇和句型。
【教学过程】第一环节导入1. 复习:复习前单元的词汇和句型。
2.代理有哪些形式?(见PPT)a. 总代理(General Agent)。
b. 独家代理(Exclusive Agent or Sale Agent)。
c. 一般代理(Agent)。
第二环节新授课1. Pre-Study(1)Terms to LearnA. 教师带读,学生跟读商务书信中的常见词汇P175。
B. 学生理解并熟记这些单词和表达方法。
(2)Useful SentencesA. 教师带读,学生跟读本单元的常用句型。
B. 学生理解并熟记这些表达方法。
C. 课堂练习P178 V ocabulary review 1(参考答案见PPT)2. Asking for Sole Agency(1)词汇讲解(见PPT)A. agent n. 代理,代理人e.g. commercial agent 商务代办, 代理商Exclusive Agent or Sale Agent独家代理a general agent 总代理universal agent 商业全权代理人B. decade n.十年e.g. for decades on end 数十年如一日next decade 后一个十进位previous decade 前一个十进位Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.过去十年间物价一直在上涨。

Risk of Shortage in Weight
On Deck Risk
《商务英语函电》 Unit 12 Insurance
Warm Up
Knowledge Objective
Skill Objective
Insurance covers all damages or loss of the goods in ocean transportation, land
Warm Up
6) Special charge for landing, warehousing and forwarding at an intermediate port of
call or refuge
7) General Average (G/A) sacrifice and G/A expenditure
transportation, and air transportation and provides considerable benefit and financial
Business Situational Design
advantages. In international business, the ocean transportation is the most significant and
with any external substance other than water
4) Any package which totally lost in loading, transshipment or discharge
5) P/A attributed to discharge of cargo at a port of distress
商务英语函电unit 12 claim letters[精]
![商务英语函电unit 12 claim letters[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4d0dee0467ec102de2bd8986.png)
2. 说明此差错带来的不便或损失,以使你的 投诉或索赔更有力;(A statement of the inconvenience or loss that hs resulted from this error. This strengthens your argument) The materials are quite unsuited to...(货物很 不适合......) These goods are entirely useless to us...(这些 货物对我们毫无用处......) This has caused us much inconvenience...(这 给我们带来了很大不便)
2. 解释问题出现的原因并表示同意索赔; (Explaining the reasons of the problem and expressing the wish to grant the claim)
It happened that...(事情是......)
Another thorough check-up reveals that...(再 次彻底检查发现......)
We regret being unable to accept your suggestion to...(很遗憾不能接受你方......的 建议)
We can not but...(我们只能......)
4. 希望表示希望继续与对方的合作关系。 (Wishing to cooperate with the reader again)
The wrong pieces may be returned...(发错的 货可以退回......)
We are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation.(我们准备给你方合理的赔偿)
商务英语函电 Unit 12

General inquiry Hello sir/madam,
We have been informed of your company through AliExpress. We are an international business firm and very interested to purchase gift and toy items for kids.
Response to general inquiry
Dear Sirs, We welcome your inquiry and thank you for your interest in our products. We have been in this industry for 15 years and manufacture a wide range of gifts and toys items for kids in which we think you may be interested. A copy of our illustrated catalogue is being sent to you today, with samples of gift and toy items for kids. We would be grateful if you would follow our customary practice of payment. Hope to hear your reply soon. Adam Lynch
04 Writing tips
Writing tips
State clearly and concisely what you want—general information, a catalogue, price list, sample, quotation, etc.
《国际商务函电双语教程》chapter 12

Promotion (促销)
Background Information Sample Letters
Letter 1 Letter 2 Letter 3 Useful Expressions Key to ExerMATION
the Definition of Promotion
Promotion is one way for marketers to convey information of their enterprise and products to the consumers, persuade them to buy the products so as expanding the sales.
XCMG now has its own sales network all over the world and has always been faithful in carrying out its contract. Reasonable in price, superior in quality, good after-sale services, timely in delivery, the Corporation serves clients wholeheartedly.
the Ordinary Promotion Methods
To some extent, the letter of promotion is a form of advertising, aiming at selling particular kinds of goods or services to specific types of customers. It is usually written by companies to their potential buyers, former customers and existing customers. It generally includes four basic characters: to draw attention; to arouse interest; to create desire of buying and to induce action of buying.

113Unit 12 Urging Establishment of L/CIntroductionⅠ.When shall L/C be opened?It is the usual practice that the letter of credit is to be opened and to reach the sellers 30 days ahead of shipment so as to give the seller enough time to make preparation for shipment,such as making the goods ready and booking shipping space.For prompt shipment,it is advisable that the letter of credit be issued in good time.Ⅱ.Principles of writing letters urging establishment of L/C:No suggestion of annoyance is allowed to be shown in the letter urging establishment of L/C.It is not advisable,except under special conditions,to start off too strongly by blaming the buyer for not executing the contract.The first message sent should therefore be a polite note saying that the goods ordered are ready but the relevant letter of credit has not yet be received.If the first message brings no reply,a second one will be sent.This one, though still restrained,will express disappointment and surprise.Ⅲ.The following structure is for your reference in writing a letter urging establishment of L/C1.Open the letter in a positive way.For example,in the first paragraph the seller usually informs the buyer that the goods are ready for dispatch or that the shipping space has already been booked.2.Politely push the buyers to open the L/C without delay,either by referring to the stipulations of the contract or by reminding the buyers of the seriousness of not opening the L/C in time. 3.Express expectations and ask the buyers to take immediate action.Chinese Versions of the TextsSample Letter Ⅰ敬启者:我们很高兴地通知你们,你方第TY213号购货合同下的货物已备妥待运。
商务函电chapter 12 complaint and coclaim.

Sample Letter 3 : complaint about poor quality
Useful expression
Words and phrases
Writing steps
Sample letter
Words and Phrases
收货时 外表粗糙, 品质低劣 退还货款
on delivery
Writing Steps
1.Begin by
acknowledging the receipt of the goods; mention the date or No of the order or the date of delivery.
2. Regret the need to
complain, state your reasons for being dissatisfied with the goods and ask for an explanation.
Letters of complaint
complaint about wrong goods
Sample letter 3:
complaint about poor quality
Sample letter 2:
accept the complaint about wrong goods
Writing Steps
1.Begin by acknowledging the receipt of the goods; mention the date or No of the order or the date of delivery. 2. Regret the need to complain, state your reasons for being dissatisfied with the goods and ask for an explanation. 3. Refer to the inconvenienc e caused

The extra premium will be for your account.(额 外的保险费将由你方负担。)
The prevailing rate for the shipment against…is …%, subject to Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses.(目前,根据海洋运输货 物保险条款规定,该货物投保……险的保 险费率是……%。)
Generally we cover insurance…in the absence of definite instructions from our clients. If you desire to cover…, we can provide such coverage at a slightly higher premium.(通常,如若没有客户的明确指 示,我们承保……,如果你方希望投 保……,我们将以稍高一点的保险费率承 保。)
We write this letter to you in the hope of getting
some information about the special rate of insurance.(特致函,希望获得有关特惠保险费
We wish to insure with your company a shipment (2)提出 of…valued at… against …(我们希望就……(货 保险要求 物),货值为……,向你方办理投保……(险别)。
国际商务函电-练习答案Unit (12)[2页]
![国际商务函电-练习答案Unit (12)[2页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d2adbb8ef5335a8103d2206f.png)
Answer Key to Unit 12I. Choose the correct answer:1.Bailey & Sons (was) one of the companies that responded to the invitation.2.Even though our report appeared more lengthy than (theirs,), the reportscontained similar information.3.Neither the bank president nor the loan officers (were) aware of the newguidelines.4.Your leader has recommended (your) moving to a different work team.5.Was it (she) who recommended me for the position?6.Our company is revising ( its) statement of purpose.II. Improve the following sentences to make them more positive and effective:答案不唯一1.责备的语气改掉就可以2.语言可以更加生动些.3.We know 的句式不自然, how can you know…?4.可改成行动指向,避免负面语气。
6.可改成该如何做III. Translate the following into English:1.We will start to operate under the name of " Hengyuan Trading Co.,Ltd."starting April 1.1.From today on, All our documents communicating with the other side,invoices and account numbers, tax numbers carry the name of the new company.2.Please note that this email account will be invalid by the end of this month.3.Prices have kept rising since September and we will not raise prices beforethe end of December.4.I will be transferred to our Shanghai headquarters on April 1.5.Please read through the attached files before we meet next week.IV. Translate the following into Chinese or English:(1)一封信的语气能让读者有积极的回应。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
B. decade n.十年 e.g. for decades on end 数十年如一日 next decade 后一个十进位 previous decade 前一个十进位
C. potential a. 有潜力的
e.g.a potential market 有潜力的市场
Every seed is a potential plant.
课堂练习一 P178 Vocabulary review 1
1 .Put the following into English
exclusive agent
steam electric iron
agency agreement break fresh ground
potential market wide business connection
Business English Correspondence
UNIT 12 Agency I
a.总代理(General Agent)。是委托人的全权代表。 在指定地区内,代表委托人从事销售活动和其他范围 广泛的商务活动。 b.独家代理(Exclusive Agent or Sale Agent)。在代 理协议规定的时间、地区内,对指定商品享有专营权 的代理人、即委托人不得在以上范围内自行或通过其 他代理人进行销售。 c. 一般代理(Agent)。指不享有独家代理专营权的 代理商,委托人可同时委托若干个代理人在同 operating in this variety. 5 (1)you do not set the volume Last year.
(2) You mainly engaged in textile
1 P179 Writing Practice
Useful Information:
专营权。在上述范围内,委托人承诺所指定的独家代理为 唯一同买主进行交易的中间商,若委托人与买主直接发生交易, 仍应按交易金额向独家代理支付佣金 ,是否授予专营权是独家 代理与一般代理的主要区别。
佣金条款。代理协议中必须规定佣金率、支付佣金的时间 和方法。佣金率可与成交金额或数量相联系。
最低成交额。独家代理通常承诺最低成交数量或金额。若 未能达到该数额,委托人有权中止协议或按协议规定调整佣金 率。
act as agent
enter into agreement
electric fan
air conditioner
1. Asking for Sole Agency (1)词汇讲解
A. agent n. 代理,代理人 e.g. commercial agent 商务代办, 代理商 Exclusive Agent or Sale Agent独家代理 a general agent 总代理 universal agent 商业全权代理人
(2) 帮助学生读通和理解信文。
A. We are writing to you to acting as agent for the sale of your electric appliances in our district. 兹致函贵公司申请作为贵公司在我地区电器销售的代理。
规定有专营权的代理协议,即为独家代理协议。其主 要内容如下:
双方的基本关系。出口方与代理商之间的关系是委 托代理关系。代理人应在委托人授权范围内行事, 并应对委托人诚信忠实。委托人对代理人在上述范 围内的代理行为,承担民事责任。
代理的商品、地区和期限。委托人对代理人的授权 中,应明确说明代理销售商品的类别和型号,独家 代理则必须明确其业务的地理范围,并约定代理协 议有效期限,或者规定中止条款。
课堂练习二 Vocabulary review 2,3 P178
2.Fill in the blanks with the words given. receiving deliver standard contracts identifiable assistance
3 .Complete the following sentences in English.
B. Malaysia is a vast and potential market for Steam Electric irons. 马来西亚在蒸汽电熨斗上有巨大而又有潜力的市场。
C. We intend to break fresh ground for you. 我方打算为贵公司开辟新天地。 D. …our relations have been proved mutually satisfactory. 双方相互对贸易关系很满意。 mutually ad.相互 e.g. to pledge mutually. 互相保证 Tom and An blame mutually.
商情报告。代理人有义务向委托人定期或不定期提供商情 报告,以使委托人了解当地的市场情况和代理人的工作业绩。 能否提供合理的商情报告是考核代理人的重要依据。
1 (1)that they have been doing business with you in the past few years.
(2) They can secure more orders for your company. 2 (1)signing an exclusive agreement with you.
(2)acting as our exclusive agency in Eygept.
3 (1)can break fresh ground for you. (2)can promote plenty of your goods.
4 (1) We are experienced in the clothing trade. (2) We have good relations with the wholesalers