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What’s the right order of the sentences?
6 Justin did not show up at the family lunch the next
3 Kelly heard Justin return home.
1 Justin left home to play baseball with his two
1. The reason why people were interested in the disappearance of the child is that ____
A. the lost boy was 15 years old.
B. the police advised them to do so.
Boy missing, police puzzled
It’s abouta__m_i_ss_i_n_g_b_o_y. Skimming
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
the first paragraph:
when_th_r_e_e__d_a_ys__a_g_o; Scanning
A. They can’t make sure that Justin was taken by aliens.
B. They think it possible for some people to make up an amazing story.
C. They are looking at other possibilities, such as murder.
Justin __hi_s_t_w_o_f_r_ie_n_d_s__
Foster did go
back __h_i_s_s_is_t_e_r _____
( Para. 2)
Main points
Supporting details
The boy was taken
Reading I
Boy missing, police puzzled
Boy missing, police puzzled
A boy is missing, _a_n__d_ the police are puzzled.
How/When/Where was the boy missing? Why are the police puzzled?
“why” “how”
Reading strategy
The structure of a news story
the second to give more important paragraph facts
the following to give detailed but less paragraphs important information
who_Ju_s_t_in__F_o_s_te_r; what_w_e_n_t_m__is_s_in_g_;
how_s_h_o_w__g_r_e_a_t _in_te_r_e_s_t_;
why_s_ig_h_t_in_g_s__o_f _p_u_z_zl_in_g__li_g_h_ts_&_
D. All of the above.
3. We can infer that the boy might go missing ______.
Reading strategy
The structure of a news story
to give a general idea about the news
the first to tell readers “who” paragraph “when” “where” “what”
away by aliens.
(Para. 3~8 )
Kelly saw _a_la_r_g_e_s_p_a_c_e_s_h_i_p_f_ly_in_g____ _o_u_ts_id_e_.
Kelly heard J_u_s_t_in__s_h_o_u_t __.
Mavis Wood said _th_a_t_t_h_e_a_li_e_n_s_t_o_o_k_h_e_r_a_w__ay _so__th_a_t_t_h_e_y_c_o_u_l_d_d_o______ _re_s_e_a_r_c_h_o_n_h_e_r_.
Reading strategy
The reading skills of news stories For general ideas, read the topic if any and the first one or two paragraphs;
For details, read the rest of the story.
the following paragraphs: evidence
given byJ_u_s_t_in_’s__p_a_re_n_t_s_, _s_is_te_r_,_n_e_ig_h_b_o_r_s_…_
Main points
Supporting details
Who believed he was back?
C. the disappearance might have sth.
to do with the UFO and the alien.
D. all of the above.
2. What is the attitude of the police to the disappearance of the boy?
2 Justin was seen walking towards his home at 10.45
5 Kelly heard Justin shout. 4 Kelly saw a bright light outside her window.
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