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MTS 材料试验系统介绍
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MTS 材料试验系统发展简述
计算机自动控制方面,先后由PDPll / 23 小型计 算机和Micro PDPll 小型计算机到运算速度更快、 内存更人的先进的PC 计算机。在辅助设备方面, 例如夹头、夹具、引伸仪、高低温环境箱等均不断 创新。可以说MTS 测试系统随着时代的发展而日 新月异。 对于材料及其零部件实际工况下的性能测试技术一 直是MTS 公司所关注的,特别是进入21 世纪, MTS 公司在极端环境、危险环境、多向应力状态 等测试技术领域均有相应的试验系统。
MTS 材料试验系统发展简述
自20 世纪80 年代以来,MTS 公司的测试系统 的系列不断更新。MTS 810 系列、MTS880 系 列、MTS New 810 系列和MTS Teststar 系列 相继出现。在控制系统方面,从20 世纪70 年代 的MTS 442 控制系统到20 世纪80 年代末期的 MTS 448 、MTS 458 控制器,再到20 世纪 90 年代的MTS Teststartll 全数字控制装置。
MTS 材料试验系统发展简述
1959 年美国政府急需一种测试方法和技 术以真实再现复杂载荷条件和工作环境, 并与民用喷气机上所用材料已知的断裂情 况联系起来,特指定明尼苏达州明尼阿波 利斯的一家公司执行该项研究任务。这家 公司就是“研究有限公司”,也就是今天 的MTS 系统有限公司的母公司。该研究 项目的策划工程师约翰逊后来成为MTS 公司的第一任总裁。
Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA1.Description (1)2.Product Components and Storage Conditions (4)3.Protocols (5)A.General Protocol (5)B.Example of a Protocol for Bioassay of IL-6 Using B9 Cells (5)4.General Considerations (6)A.Background Absorbance.....................................................................................6B.Optional Wavelengths to Record Data.............................................................7C.Lymphocyte Assays.............................................................................................8D.Reagent Optimization..........................................................................................8E.Cell Number Optimization (8)5.References (9)6.Related Products (9)1.DescriptionThe CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay (a)is a colorimetric method for determining the number of viable cells in proliferation or cytotoxicity assays. The CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent contains a novel tetrazolium compound [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, inner salt; MTS (a)] and an electron coupling reagent (phenazine ethosulfate; PES). PES has enhanced chemical stability, which allows it to be combined with MTS to form a stable solution. This convenient “One Solution” format is an improvement over the first version of the CellTiter 96®AQ ueous Assay, where phenazine methosulfate (PMS) is used as the electron coupling reagent, and the PMS Solution and MTS Solution are supplied separately.The MTS tetrazolium compound (Owen’s reagent) is bioreduced by cells into a colored formazan product that is soluble in tissue culture medium (Figure 1, 1).This conversion is presumably accomplished by NADPH or NADH produced by dehydrogenase enzymes in metabolically active cells (2). Assays are performed by adding a small amount of the CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent directly to culture wells, incubating for 1–4 hours and then recording the absorbance at 490nm with a 96-well plate reader (3,4).CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Cell Proliferation AssayAll technical literature is available on the Internet at: /tbs Please visit the web site to verify that you are using the most current version of this Technical Bulletin. Please contact Promega Technical Services if you have questions on useofthissystem.E-mail:********************.1.Description (continued)The quantity of formazan product as measured by the absorbance at 490nm is directly proportional to the number of living cells in culture (Figure 2). Because the MTS formazan product is soluble in tissue culture medium, the CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Assay requires fewer steps than procedures that usetetrazolium compounds such as MTT or INT (5,6). The formazan product of MTT reduction is a crystalline precipitate that requires an additional step in the procedure to dissolve the crystals before recording absorbance readings at570nm (7).If you currently use a [3H]thymidine incorporation assay, addition of theCellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent can be substituted for the pulse of[3H]thymidine at the time point in the assay when the pulse of radioactivethymidine is usually added. Bioassay data comparing [3H]thymidineincorporation to the MTS-based CellTiter 96®AQ ueous Assay and the original MTT-based CellTiter 96®Assay demonstrate that tetrazolium reagents can be substituted for [3H]thymidine incorporation (4,7).Advantages of the CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Assay include:•Easy-to-Use:Add the CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent to cells,incubate and read absorbance.•Convenient:Supplied as a single solution, filter-sterilized and ready for adding to assay plates.•Fast:Perform the assay in a 96-well plate with no washing or cell harvesting.Also eliminates solubilization steps normally required for MTT assays.•Non-Radioactive:Requires no scintillation cocktail or radioactive wastedisposal.Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USAFigure 1. Structures of MTS tetrazolium and its formazan product.N N N NSO 3OCH 2COOHMTS +SN CH 3CH 3N N N N H SO 3OCH 2COOH FormazanS NCH 3CH 31605M B 09_6A•Flexible:Plates can be read and returned to incubator for further color development.•Safe:Requires no volatile organic solvent to solubilize theformazanproduct (unlike MTT).Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USAFigure 2. Effect of cell number on absorbance at 490nm measured using theCellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Assay. Various numbers of B9 hybridoma cells were added to the wells of a 96-well plate in RPMI containing 50μM 2-mercaptoethanol and supplemented with 5% FBS and 2ng/ml IL-6. The medium was allowed toequilibrate for 1 hour, then 20μl/well of CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent was added. After 1 hour at 37°C in a humidified, 5% CO 2atmosphere, the absorbance at 490nm was recorded using an ELISA plate reader. Each point represents the mean ± SD of 4 replicates. The correlation coefficient of the line was 0.993, indicating alinear response between cell number and absorbance at 490nm. The backgroundabsorbance shown at zero cells/well was not subtracted from these data.2 × 1044 × 1046 × 1048 × 1041 × 1051.2 × 1051.4 × 1051.6 × 105A b s o r b a n c e (490n m )Cells/Well1606M A 10_9A2.Product Components and Storage ConditionsProduct Size Cat.# CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One SolutionCell Proliferation Assay200 assays G3582 For Laboratory Use. Includes:•4ml CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution ReagentProduct Size Cat.# CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One SolutionCell Proliferation Assay1,000 assays G3580 For Laboratory Use. Includes:•20ml CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution ReagentProduct Size Cat.# CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One SolutionCell Proliferation Assay5,000 assays G3581 For Laboratory Use. Includes:•100ml CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution ReagentStorage Conditions:For long-term storage, store the CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent at –20°C, protected from light. See the expiration date on the ProductInformation Label. For frequent use, solutions may be stored at 4°C, protected fromlight, for up to 6 weeks.Note:The performance of CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent after 10 freeze-thaw cycles was demonstrated to be equal to that of freshly prepared solution.Safety:To the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical and toxicologicalproperties of this product have not been thoroughly investigated; therefore, werecommend the use of gloves, lab coats and eye protection when working with these orany chemicals.Light-Sensitivity:The CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent is light-sensitive andis supplied in an amber container. Discoloration may occur if solutions are exposed tolight outside of the container for several hours. This discoloration may cause slightlyhigher background 490nm absorbance readings, but it should not affect theperformance of the CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Assay.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA3.ProtocolsMaterials to Be Supplied by the User•96-well plates suitable for tissue culture•repeating pipettes, digital pipettes or multichannel pipettes•96-well plate reader3.A.General Protocol1.Thaw the CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent. It should takeapproximately 90 minutes at room temperature, or 10minutes in a waterbath at 37°C, to completely thaw the 20ml size.2.Pipet 20μl of CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent into each well ofthe 96-well assay plate containing the samples in 100μl of culture medium.Note:We recommend repeating pipettes, digital pipettes or multichannelpipettes for convenient delivery of uniform volumes of CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent to the 96-well plate.3.Incubate the plate at 37°C for 1–4 hours in a humidified, 5% CO2atmosphere.Note:To measure the amount of soluble formazan produced by cellularreduction of MTS, proceed immediately to Step 4. Alternatively, to measurethe absorbance later, add 25μl of 10% SDS to each well to stop the reaction.Store SDS-treated plates protected from light in a humidified chamber atroom temperature for up to 18 hours. Proceed to Step 4.4.Record the absorbance at 490nm using a 96-well plate reader.3.B.Example of a Protocol for Bioassay of IL-6 Using B9 Cells1.Maintain stock cultures of B9 cells in RPMI 1640 medium containing5%FBS, 50μM 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) supplemented with 5ng/mlhuman recombinant IL-6 . Subculture the stock cultures of cells to2×104cells/ml, and refeed with human recombinant IL-6 every 3 days orwhen a density of 2 × 105 cells/ml is reached.Note:B9 cells used for the bioassay should be from stock cultures 2 daysafter the last subculture (feeding with IL-6).2.Add 50μl/well of IL-6 samples or standards to be measured, diluted inRPMI 1640 medium containing 5% FBS and 50μM 2-ME. Start the titrationof the IL-6 standard at 4ng/ml in column 12, and perform serial twofolddilutions across the plate to column 2 (to 4pg/ml). (After the cellsuspension is added in Step 5 below, the final concentration of the titratedstandard will be 2ng/ml in column 12 to 2pg/ml in column 2.) Usecolumn1 for the negative control: RPMI 1640 medium (and supplements)without IL-6. Equilibrate the plate at 37°C in a humidified, 5% CO2atmosphere while harvesting the cells for assay.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA3.B.Example of a Protocol for Bioassay of IL-6 Using B9 Cells (continued)3.Wash the B9 cells twice in RPMI 1640 containing 5% FBS and 50μM 2-MEby centrifugation at 300 × g for 5 minutes.4.Determine cell number and viability (by trypan blue exclusion), andresuspend the cells to a final concentration of 1 × 105 cells/ml in RPMI 1640supplemented with 5% FBS and 50μM 2-ME.5.Dispense 50μl of the cell suspension (5,000 cells) into all wells of the plateprepared in Step 2. The total volume in each well should be 100μl.6.Incubate the plate at 37°C for 48–72 hours in a humidified, 5% CO2atmosphere.7.Add 20μl per well of CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent.8.Incubate the plate at 37°C for 1–4 hours in a humidified, 5% CO2atmosphere.Note:To measure the amount of soluble formazan produced by cellularreduction of MTS, proceed immediately to Step 9. Alternatively, to measurethe absorbance at a later time, add 25μl of 10% SDS to each well to stop thereaction. Store SDS-treated plates protected from light in a humidifiedchamber at room temperature for up to 18 hours. Proceed to Step9.9.Record the absorbance at 490nm using a 96-well plate reader.10.Plot the corrected absorbance at 490nm (Y axis) versus concentration ofgrowth factor (X axis). Determine the X-axis value corresponding to one-halfthe difference between the maximum (plateau) and minimum (no growthfactor control) absorbance values; this is the ED50value (ED50= theconcentration of growth factor necessary to give one-half the maximumresponse.)4.General Considerations4.A.Background AbsorbanceA small amount of spontaneous 490nm absorbance occurs in culture mediumincubated with CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent. The type of culturemedium used, type of serum, pH and length of exposure to light are variablesthat may contribute to the background 490nm absorbance. Backgroundabsorbance is typically 0.2–0.3 absorbance units after 4 hours of culture.Background absorbance may result from chemical interference of certaincompounds with tetrazolium reduction reactions. Strong reducing substances,including ascorbic acid, or sulfhydryl-containing compounds, such asglutathione, coenzyme A and dithiothreitol, can reduce tetrazolium saltsnonenzymatically and lead to increased background absorbance values.Culture medium at elevated pH or extended exposure to direct light also maycause an accelerated spontaneous reduction of tetrazolium salts and result inincreased background absorbance values. If phenol red containing medium is Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USAused, an immediate change in color may indicate a shift in pH caused by thetest compounds. Specific chemical interference of test compounds can beconfirmed by measuring absorbance values from control wells containingmedium without cells at various concentrations of test compound.Background 490nm absorbance may be corrected as follows: Prepare atriplicate set of control wells (without cells) containing the same volumes ofculture medium and CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent as in theexperimental wells. Subtract the average 490nm absorbance from the “no cell”control wells from all other absorbance values to yield corrected absorbances.4.B.Optional Wavelengths to Record DataFigure 3 shows an absorbance spectrum of the formazan product resultingfrom reduction of MTS. We recommend recording data at the absorbance peakof 490nm; however, if your 96-well plate reader does not have a 490nm filter,data can be recorded at wavelengths of 450–540nm. Absorbance may berecorded at other wavelengths if necessary, but loss in sensitivity will result. Areference wavelength of 630–700nm may be used to subtract backgroundcontributed by excess cell debris, fingerprints and other nonspecific absorbance.Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USAFigure 3. Absorbance spectrum of MTS/formazan. The absorbance spectrum of the formazan product resulting from reduction of the MTS tetrazolium compoundshows an absorbance maximum at 490nm. The negative absorbance values (382nm)correspond to the disappearance of MTS as it is converted into formazan.A b s o r b a n c e Wavelength (nm)3.002.502.001.501.000.500.00-0.503004005006007002284M A 07_8A4.C.Lymphocyte AssaysLymphocytes may produce less formazan than other cell types (8). To achievesignificant absorbance changes with lymphocytes, increase the number ofcells to approximately 2.5–10 × 104cells/well and incubate the plate withCellTiter 96®AQ ueous One Solution Reagent for the entire 4-hour period.4.D.Reagent OptimizationThe concentrations of tetrazolium and electron transfer reagents have beenoptimized for general use with a wide variety of cell lines cultured in 96-wellplates containing 100μl of medium. If different volumes of culture medium areused, adjust the volume to maintain a ratio of 20μl CellTiter 96®AQ ueous OneSolution Reagent per 100μl culture medium. This reagent:medium ratio resultsin a final concentration of 317μg/ml MTS in the assay wells. Minor variationsin the optimum concentrations of tetrazolium and electron transfer reagentsoccur with different cell lines; however, assay sensitivity is seldomcompromised using the formulation in the CellTiter 96®AQ ueous One SolutionReagent. If reagent optimization is critical to your assay procedure, werecommend using the CellTiter 96®AQ ueous Non-Radioactive Cell ProliferationAssay (Cat.# G5421, G5430, G5440) or the CellTiter 96®AQ ueous MTS ReagentPowder products (Cat.# G1111, G1112) that supply the chemicals separately.4.E.Cell Number OptimizationCell proliferation assays require cells to grow over a period of time. Therefore,choose an initial number of cells per well that produces an assay signal nearthe low end of the linear range of the assay. This helps to ensure that the signalmeasured at the end of the assay will not exceed the linear range of the assay.This cell number can be determined by performing a cell titration as shown inFigure 2.Different cell types have different levels of metabolic activity. Factors that affectthe metabolic activity of cells may affect the relationship between cell numberand absorbance. Anchorage-dependent cells that undergo contact inhibitionmay show a change in metabolic activity per cell at high densities, resulting ina nonlinear relationship between cell number and absorbance. Factors thataffect the cytoplasmic volume or physiology of the cells will affect metabolicactivity.For most tumor cells, hybridomas and fibroblast cell lines, 5,000 cells per wellis recommended to initiate proliferation studies, although fewer than 1,000 cellscan usually be detected. The known exception to this is blood lymphocytes,which generally require 25,000–250,000 cells per well to obtain a sufficientabsorbance reading.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA5.References1.Barltrop, J.A. et al.(1991) 5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4,5-dimenthylthiazoly)-3-(4-sulfophenyl)tetrazolium, inner salt (MTS) and related analogs of3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) reducing to purplewater-soluble formazans as cell-viability indicators. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.1, 611-4.2.Berridge, M.V. and Tan, A.S. (1993) Characterization of the cellular reduction of3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT): Subcellularlocalization, substrate dependence, and involvement of mitochondrial electrontransport in MTT reduction. Arch. Biochem. Biophys.303, 474–82.3.Cory, A.H. et al.(1991) Use of an aqueous soluble tetrazolium/formazan assay for cellgrowth assays in culture. Cancer Commun.3, 207–12.4.Riss, T.L. and Moravec, R.A. (1992) Comparison of MTT, XTT, and a noveltetrazolium compound for MTS for in vitro proliferation and chemosensitivity assays.Mol. Biol. Cell (Suppl.)3, 184a.5.Mosmann, T. (1983) Rapid colorimetric assay for cellular growth and survival:Application to proliferation and cytotoxicity assays. J. Immunol. Methods65, 55–63.6.Bernabei, P.A. et al.(1989) In vitro chemosensitivity testing of leukemic cells:Development of a semiautomated colorimetric assay. Hematol. Oncol.7, 243–53.7.CellTiter 96®Non-Radioactive Cell Proliferation Assay Technical Bulletin#TB112,Promega Corporation.8.Chen, C.-H., Campbell, P.A. and Newman, L.S. (1990) MTT colorimetric assay detectsmitogen responses of spleen but not blood lymphocytes. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl.Immunol.93, 249–556.Related ProductsMTS/MTT-Based Cell Viability Assay SystemsProduct Size Cat.# CellTiter 96®AQ ueous Non-RadioactiveCell Proliferation Assay1,000 assays G54215,000 assays G543050,000 assays G5440 CellTiter 96®AQ ueous MTS Reagent Powder*250mg G11121g G1111 CellTiter 96®Non-RadioactiveCell Proliferation Assay1,000 assays G40005,000 assays G4100For Laboratory Use. *PMS is not supplied with MTS Reagent Powder and must beobtained separately.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA6.Related Products (continued)Luminescent-Based Cell Viability Assay SystemProduct Size Cat.# CellTiter-Glo®Luminescent Cell Viability Assay10ml G757010 × 10ml G7571100ml G757210 × 100ml G7573Resazurin-Based Cell Viability Assay SystemProduct Size Cat.# CellTiter-Blue®Cell Viability Assay20ml G8080100ml G808110 × 100ml G8082Fluorescent-Based Cell Viability AssayProduct Size Cat.# CellTiter-Fluor™ Cell Viability Assay10ml G60805 × 10ml G60812 × 50ml G6082For Laboratory Use.Cytotoxicity Assay Systems (LDH)Product Size Cat.# CytoTox-ONE™ HomogeneousMembrane Integrity Assay200–800 assays G78901,000–4,000 assays G7891 CytoTox 96®Non-Radioactive Cytotoxicity Assay*1,000 assays G1780 CytoTox-Glo™ Cytotoxicity Assay*10ml G92905 × 10ml G92912 × 50ml G9292*For Laboratory Use.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USAApoptosis Assay SystemsProduct Size Cat.#Apo-ONE®Homogeneous Caspase-3/7 Assay1ml G779210ml G7790100ml G7791 Caspase-Glo®2 Assay*10ml G094050ml G0941 Caspase-Glo®6 Assay*10ml G097050ml G0971 Caspase-Glo®3/7 Assay* 2.5ml G809010ml G8091100ml G8092 Caspase-Glo®8 Assay* 2.5ml G820010ml G8201100ml G8202 Caspase-Glo®9 Assay* 2.5ml G821010ml G8211100ml G8212CaspACE™ Assay System, Colorimetric*50 assays G7351100 assays G7220 DeadEnd™ Fluorometric TUNEL System60 reactions G3250 DeadEnd™ Colorimetric TUNEL System40 reactions G713020 reactions G7360*For Laboratory Use.Apoptosis ReagentsProduct Size Cat.# CaspACE™ FITC-VAD-FMK In Situ Marker50μl G7461125μl G7462Anti-ACTIVE®Caspase-3 pAb50μl G7481Anti-Cytochrome c mAb100μg G7421Anti-pS473Akt pAb40μl G7441Anti-PARP p85 Fragment pAb50μl G7341 Caspase Inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK125μl G723250μl G7231 Caspase Inhibitor, Ac-DEVD-CHO100μl G5961 Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA6.Related Products (continued)Viability and Cytotoxicity AssayProductSize Cat.#MultiTox-Fluor Multiplex Cytotoxicity Assay 10ml G92005 × 10ml G9201(live/dead cell protease activity determination) 2 × 50ml G9202CytoTox-Fluor™ Cytotoxicity Assay 10ml G92605 × 10ml G9261(dead cell protease activity determination) 2 × 50ml G9262MultiTox-Glo Multiplex Cytotoxicity Assay 10ml G92705 × 10ml G9271(live/dead cell protease activity determination) 2 × 50ml G9272For Laboratory Use.Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA(a)The MTS tetrazolium compound is the subject of U.S. Pat. No. 5,185,450 assigned to the University of South Florida and islicensed exclusively to Promega Corporation.© 1996, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007 Promega Corporation. All Rights Reserved.Anti-ACTIVE, Apo-ONE, Caspase-Glo, CellTiter 96, CellTiter-Blue, CellTiter-Glo and CytoTox 96 are registered trademarks of Promega Corporation. CaspACE, CellTiter-Fluor, CytoTox-Fluor, CytoTox-Glo, CytoTox-ONE and DeadEnd are trademarks of Promega Corporation.Products may be covered by pending or issued patents or may have certain limitations. Please visit our Web site for more information.NEN is a registered trademark of NEN Life Science Products, Inc.All prices and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.Product claims are subject to change. Please contact Promega Technical Services or access the Promega online catalog for the most up-to-date information on Promega products.。
MTS R 系列
MTS 公司的R 系列-Profibus DP 输出信号位移传感器被广泛地应用在工业
控制领域,例如在钢铁行业的推料机和冷床等距离远而且有位移精度要求的设备上,可以构建多种DP 总线网络拓扑结构,适应工业现场的复杂情况。
如下图是12 支MTS 传感器接入SIEMENS TCS 控制器为主站的PROFIBUS DP 网络应用实例,实现远距离多字节数据的传输:
R 系列-Profibus DP 输出信号位移传感器接入DP 总线的连线方式可以串
联或并联总线电缆,S7-400PLC 作为DP 主站的并联接入方式如下图所示:
R 系列-Profibus DP 输出信号位移传感器D53 和D63 端口形式组成节点并
联,D53 端口形式如下图所示:
D63 端口形式如下图所示:
关于传感器DP 通讯稳定性的问题
很多客户提出关于传感器DP 通讯稳定性的相似问题:MTS 位移传感器- Profibus DP 输出信号接口在设备上有多个从站应用时,会偶尔出现短时(持续20s 或一段短时间)无法读取到位置值,引发控制系统报警,故障排查时,传。
MTS promega 说明书
MTS promega 说明书普洛麦格(北京)生物技术有限公司地址: 北京市东城区北三环东路36号环球贸易中心B座907-909CellTiter 96? AQ ueous One SolutionCell Proliferation AssayI. 描述 (1)II. 产品组分和保存条件 (4)III. 操作步骤 (5)A. 一般操作步骤 (5)B. 应用举例:用B9细胞检测IL-6生物活性的操作程序 (5)IV. 通常需考虑的因素 (6)A. 背景吸光度值 (6)B. 读取数据的可选波长 (6)C. 淋巴细胞检测 (7)D. 试剂优化 (7)E. 细胞数的优化 (7)V. 相关产品 (8)VI. 参考文献 (11)I. 描述CellTiter 96? AQ ueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay(a)是一种用比色法来检测细胞增殖和细胞毒实验中的活细胞数量的检测试剂。
此试剂含有一个新型的四唑化合物[3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, inner salt; MTS(a)]和一种电子偶联剂(phenazine ethosulfate; PES)。
这种方便的“单溶液”模式,是在第一代CellTiter 96?AQ ueous Assay的基础上的改进,CellTiter96?AQueous Assay中使用的电子偶联剂PMS与MTS溶液是分开提供的。
MTS (Owen’s reagent) 被细胞生物还原成为一种有色的甲臜产物,可直接溶解于培养基中(图1, 1)。
整理)MTS 细胞增殖及毒性试验
竹密岂妨流水过蛮鬼2018.3山高哪碍野云飞MTS 或CCK8细胞增殖及毒性试验一、所需试剂1、CellTiter 96® AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay试剂盒(-20℃避光保存,4℃保存6周,黄色)(1)MTS:新一代四氮唑蓝盐化合物,即被活细胞线粒体中的多种脱氢酶还原成有色的甲瓒产物,其颜色深浅与某些敏感细胞株的活细胞数在一定范围内呈高度相关。
(2)PES:吩嗪硫酸乙酯,一种电子偶联剂,具有增强的化学稳定性,这使它可与MTS混合形成稳定的溶液2、Cell Counting Kit-8(简称CCK-8)(保存条件同上,紫色)(1)WST-8:2-(2-甲氧基-4-硝基苯基)-3-(4-硝基苯基)-5-(2,4-二磺酸苯)-2H-四唑单钠盐(2)1-Methoxy PMS:1-甲氧基-5-甲基吩嗪鎓硫酸二甲酯3、药物或毒素(药物IC50等用到)4、96孔板二、实验步骤每种处理设置3个副孔(空白组可1个),加入100μl培养基:(1)细胞增殖实验:设置NC组,处理组,空白组,6天时间,平均每孔1000-2000个细胞(2)毒性或药物或放疗IC50:设置梯度给药组(包括不给药组),空白组,平均每孔5000-8000个细胞2、在37°C,5% CO2的环境下培养(1)增殖:8h或24h(细胞贴壁时间),也可种板后直接测第一次,作为基准线,之后每隔24小时检测下一天的细胞量(MTS 每孔加20μl,CCK8加10μl)(2)毒性和药物:培养24h后加入药物培养48小时及以上3、增殖实验每天测量一次,以100全培养基:20MTS比例配制总管(CCK8以100:10)4、吸掉96孔板内待测孔内培养基,每孔加入120μl稀释后的MTS试剂(CCK8加入110μl)4、在37°C,5% CO2的环境下孵育1-4个小时(一般选2h)5、选取波长,MTS选492nm,CCK8选450nm,读取吸光度值,记录结果,以时间为横坐标,每日吸光值/基准值为纵坐标绘制细胞生长曲线。
3M Interam Mat Mount 1600HTE 技术数据表单说明书
February 20223M™ Interam™ Mat Mount 1600HTETechnical Data SheetFeatures: • Wide operating temperature range (ambient to 1100°C) • High resiliency• Excellent erosion resistance • Low peak holding force • Low thermal conductivity • Light weightApplications - Total mount system for: • Thin wall monoliths• Close-coupled or manifold mounted converters• Diesel applications including diesel filters and truck applications •Endcone insulation for internally insulated converter designsProduct Description3M™ Interam™ Mat Mount 1600HTE is a high temperature, non-intumescent mat mount and thermal insulation material that is made of high temperature polycrystalline ceramic fibers and an organic binder. Interam mat mount 1600HTE is a proven solution for a wide variety of exhaust emission control applications including substrate mat mount for both light-duty and commercial vehicle applications and low thermal conductivity, high durability performance thermal insulation.**LD: Light duty***CV: Commercial vehicleRegulatory InformationPlease refer to the product label and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for health and safety information before using. Contact InformationThe information provided in this technical document is intended as a guide for these products. For more information or help in selecting a 3M product for an application, please contact your 3M technical service representative or call 1-800-328-1684.Technical Information: The technical information, guidance, and other statements contained in this document or otherwise provided by 3M are based upon records, tests, or experience that 3M believes to be reliable, but the accuracy, completeness, and representative nature of suchinformation is not guaranteed. Such information is intended for people with knowledge and technical skills sufficient to assess and apply their own informed judgment to the information. No license under any 3M or third party intellectual property rights is granted or implied with this information. Product Selection and Use: Many factors beyond 3M’s control and uniquely within user’s knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. As a result, customer is solely responsible for evaluating the product and determining whether it isappropriate and suitable for customer’s application, including conducting a workplace hazard assessment and reviewing all app licable regulations and standards (e.g., OSHA, ANSI, etc.). Failure to properly evaluate, select, and use a 3M product and appropriate safety products, or to meet allapplicable safety regulations, may result in injury, sickness, death, and/or harm to property. Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Unless a different warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature (in which case such warranty governs), 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M MAKES NO OTHERWARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM, OR USAGE OF TRADE. If a 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M’s option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price. Limitation of Liability: Except for the limited remedy stated above, and except to the extent prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential (including, but not limited to, lost profits or business opportunity), regardless of the legal or equitable theory asserted, including, but not limited to, warranty, contract, negligence, or strict liability.Automotive Aerospace Solutions Division 3M Center, Building 224-6NE-45 St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 Phone: 1-800-328-1684Web: /emission3M and Interam are trademarks of 3M Company Please recycle. Printed in USA © 3M 2022 All rights reserved.。
洁净室尘埃粒子在线监测系统用户需求书日期: 2010年11月1.总则1.1 本用户需求书所列技术要求适用于药品生产关键区域的尘埃粒子在线环境监测系统的采购。
新引进的设备在设计、制造技术及性能上达到国际先进水平, 符合中国、欧盟和FDA的GMP要求。
1.2 本URS描述了该粒子计数器的基本需求, 包括:工作性能需求、关键技术参数要求、安全要求、符合中国、欧盟和FDA的GMP要求和安装及其他要求。
同时, 这份用户要求文件也是开展后续相关验证工作的基础, 包括SAT草案和报告、IQ草案和报告、OQ草案和报告、PQ草案和报告。
1.3 在本URS中用户仅提出基本的技术要求和设备的基本要求, 并未涵盖和限制卖方设备具有更高的设计与制造标准和更加完善的功能、更完善的配置和性能、更优异的部件和更高水平的控制系统。
如遇与卖方所执行的标准发生矛盾时, 应按较高标准执行(强制性标准除外)。
1.4供货范围1.4.1一套尘埃粒子在线环境监测系统及软件(系统具有浮游菌在线采样的扩展能力);1.4.2尘埃粒子传感器;1.4.3一用一备自动切换的真空泵系统;1.4.4控制柜, 控制器及相关A/D转换模块;1.4.5声光报警系统;1.4.6符合21 CFR Part 11关于电子签名、电子记录要求的控制软件系统;1.4.7监控电脑采用知名品牌,数据采用热备份设计, 保证数据安全性;1.4.8须提供良好的服务器设计, 保证系统运行的稳定性和可靠性;1.4.9 提供能满足两年正常运作要求的备品备件。
1.5投标人资质投标人应有行业内大型制药企业粒子在线监测系统的项目经验, 以及施工经验;企业应通过ISO9001认证或相应的质量认证, 并提供证书报告。
2.适用的法规和指南(1)本URS中系统设备应符合的标准:(2)FDA cGMP,工业指导意见;(3)中国: 最新版GMP附录一无菌药品的生产等;(4)欧盟: GMP 2008 Annex1;软件系统须符合21CFR Part 11 电子记录, 电子签名;ISO14644, ISO14698。
Temposonics®Absolute, Non-Contact Position Sensors© MTS Temposonics® Product Overview Industry 551264 Revision B (EN) - Alterations reservedMTS Sensors Technology Corp.737 Aihara-cho, Machida-shi, Japan Tel. + 81-42-775-3838Fax + 81-42-775-5516E-Mail: Systems CorporationSensors Division3001 Sheldon Drive Cary, N.C. 27513, USATel. + 1-919-677-0100Fax + 1-919-677-0200E-Mail: sensorsinfo@ MTS Sensor Technologie GmbH & Co. KG Auf dem Schüffel 958513 Lüdenscheid, Deutschland Tel. + 49-23 51-95 87 0Fax + 49-23 51-5 64 91E-Mail: info@mtssensor.dewww.mtssensor.deINDUSTRIES SERVEDMagnetostriction: The best choice for your applicationYou are under constant pressure to improve your products, reduceyour costs and maintain a competitive edge. The choice you make must provide accuracy and repeatability. You need modular solutions that can adapt to your specific application and you need a price/per-formance ratio that delivers value.By choosing MTS Temposonics sensors, you’re choosing the leader in magnetostrictive sensors.And that means you have a huge competitive advantage.Increased productivity through innovationMTS sensors do more than just measure position. Intelligentelectronics move some control functions to the sensor, dramatically increasing productivity. When needed, MTS can tailor application-specific software to meet your needs.OTHER APPLICATION AREASOEM-MarketTemposonics ® C-Series: Compact construction, a reasonable price for large-series production, comple-te functionality and modularity. The C-Series position trandsducers provide persuading solutions for all requirements of the OEM-market.Mobile MachineryTemposonics ® M-Series: Integrated in the hydraulic cylinder, the compact Temposonics position sen-sors for mobile off-road agricultural and construction machinery measure displacement and velocity safely even in an extremely harsh environment.Liquid LevelLevel Plus ® liquid level transmitters utilize the inherent advantages of magnetostrictive technology to provide the product level, interface level, and temperature measurement of a tank from one process opening. Accurately measuring multiple process variables from one opening lowers the installed costs of adding feedback to a storage tank or process vessel.Quality is the base for constructive co-operation.RH Pressure-resistant stainless steel rod sensor for fluidtechnologyRPRobust aluminum profile forindustrial manufacturingRD4Compact sensor for Hydrauliccylinder and industrial manu-facturingGHPressure-resistant stainlesssteel rod sensor for automationGPAluminum profile, perfect sen-sor for mechanical engineeringGBPressure-resistant rod versionfor hydraulic cylindersGT2 / GT3Redundancy for high reliabilityVoltage: 0...10 V; 10...0 V; -10...+10 VAdditional output ranges available between -10 and +10 V.Voltage: 0...10 V; 10...0 V; -10...+10 V; +10...-10 V Voltage: 0...10 V and 10...0 VVoltage: 0...10 / 10...0 /-10...+10 / +10...-10 VDCCurrent:Additional output ranges available between 0 and 20 mA.Current: 0/4...20 mA; 20...4/0 mA Current: 4..20 mA or 20..4 mA Current: 4(0)...20 / 20...4(0) mASSI: Gray- or Binary-Format; Data length selectable; synchronous /asynchronous measurement; optional Parity- and Error Bit. -SSI: Gray or Binary; Data lengthselectable; synchronous /asynchronous measurement-Fieldbus: CANbus; CANOpen; Profibus DP-V1; DNet; EtherCAT; EtherNet/IP--Start / Stop Impuls RS 422-HeadquatersMTS Systems Corporation, Minneapolis, USA MTS Sensor Technologie Lüdenscheid, GermanyMTS Sensors Division Cary (North Carolina), USA MTS Sensors Technology Corp.Tokyo, JapanTHE COMPANYThe World of MTS - Precision and ReliabilityFollowing the founding of MTS Systems Corporation in 1951, the company rapidly developed into a lea-ding supplier of intelligent hardware and software products in the fields of test and simulation systemsand in measuring and automation technology. Today MTS Systems Corporation has over 2000 emplo-yees worldwide – 280 of whom are employed by MTS Sensors at three sites in the USA (Cary, N.C.),Germany (Lüdenscheid) and Japan (Tokyo). At MTS, intensive basic research is efficiently merged witha consistent focus on practical requirements. The results are innovative solutions for a wide range ofpotential industrial and non-industrial applications.Magnet fieldof current pulse Magnet field of Position magnetMechanicalstrain pulseMovable position magnetMagnetostrictivesensing element(Waveguide)CurrentinterrogationpulseStrain (torsion)pulse converter。
亿佰特电子科技有限公司 E22-400M30S 产品规格书说明书
E77-400M22S产品规格书STM32WLE5410/510MHz SoC贴片型LoRa模块目录第一章概述 (3)1.1简介 (3)1.2特点功能 (3)1.3应用场景 (3)第二章规格参数 (4)2.1极限参数 (4)2.2工作参数 (4)第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义 (5)第四章基本操作 (5)4.1硬件设计 (7)4.2软件编写 (7)第五章基本应用 (8)5.1基本电路 (8)第六章常见问题 (9)6.1传输距离不理想 (9)6.2模块易损坏 (9)6.3误码率太高 (9)第七章焊接作业指导 (10)7.1回流焊温度 (10)7.2回流焊曲线图 (10)第八章相关型号 (11)第九章天线指南 (11)9.1天线推荐 (11)第十章批量包装方式 (12)修订历史 (12)关于我们 (13)免责申明和版权公告本文中的信息,包括供参考的URL地址,如有变更,恕不另行通知。
第一章概述1.1简介E77-400M22S是基于ST新推出的STM32WLE5CCU6(ARM Cortex-M4+LoRa)SoC无线通信模块,具备通信远,待机功耗低,抗干扰能力强,接口资源丰富,处理能力强,外形尺寸小等特性。
MTS temposonice说明书
MTS temposonice说明书MTS位移传感器又称为线性传感器,是一种属于金属感应的线性器件,传感器的作用是把各种被测物理量转换为电量。
我们售出的产品zui长提供两年的质量保证,我司所有的产品直接从境外进货美国,德国为主要货源,能够提供不同国别、厂商的设备配件,解决您多处寻找的麻烦和对产品质量的担心等, 在价格上我们有很大的优势,公司备有大量的现货,是国内库存量zui多的公司之一,并且都经过了严格的测试和认证。
态。膜脂类分子在相变温度以上条件下主要有侧向扩散、旋转、左右摇摆、伸缩振荡、翻转 及异化运动等方式。膜蛋白的运动方式大体分为侧向及旋转运动,主要受脂质双分子层的影 响。脂肪酸不饱和键含量和链的长度明显影响着膜脂流动性,不饱和键的存在会降低膜脂分 子间排列的有序性,从而增加膜的流动性,短链能减低脂肪酸链尾部相互作用,在相变温度 下,不易于凝集,此外,脂肪酸烃链围绕 C- C 键由全反式构型到歪扭(CAUCHE)的旋转异 构运动,也可使流动性加大。
按下列公式计算荧光偏振度 P: P=(IVV-GIVHIHV)/(IVV+GIVH) 其中校正因子 G=IHV/IHH
式中 IVV:起偏和检偏器光轴同为垂直方向时测得的荧光强度; IVH:起偏和检偏器光轴分别为垂直和水平方向时测得的荧光强度。 IHV:起偏和检偏器光轴分别为水平和垂直方向时测得的荧光强度; IHH:起偏和检偏器光轴同为水平方向时测得的荧光强度。 P 值越大 ,流动性越小;P 值越小,流动性越大。
体洒落。 ● 染色液为 DMSO 溶液,冬季气温较低时在室温时为凝固状态,极易粘附在管壁、吸头壁。注意需要
加热溶解,吸头也需要放在培养箱预热,否者容易再次凝固在吸头内壁产生损耗。 ● 细胞处理需要小心操作,尽量避免人为的损伤细胞。 ● 染色后立即进行分析。 ● 标记的条件因细胞种类而异,根据不同样本的实际染色结果做相应调整,在每次实验前,请先确
定最佳条件。 ● 以下步骤仅供参考。请根据实际实验方案设计或者参考文献实验。
1、 染色工作液的配制: 用稀释液稀释 TMA-DPH 探针 1000 倍-10000 倍,配制成 TMA-DPH 染色工作液。
SAM P L E R S项目样本盒说明书
S A M P L E R SItem Portfolio SamplerSingle Copy Sampler (Box)Description Use for a customer’s first introduction to the program.Includes:Program Guide,System 44Research Foundation Paper,SPI Assessment Paper,Product T our CD,and Print Component Sampler.Use at conferences,events and with customers who have already been introduced to the program and are serious about purchasing.Includes the Program Guide,System 44Research Foundation Paper,SPI Assessment Paper,Product T our CD,Component Map,Poster,44Book ,Decodable Digest ,T eaching Resources Guides,Screening ,Assessment and Reporting Guide and an assortment of Student Library Books.Item #159280159279Availability at JC 9/1/089/1/08Availability on the Portal N/A N/AUnitCost$12.50*$34.00*P R O M OT I O N A L M AT E R I A L SItemProgram GuideProduct T our CD Simulator CDComponent MapTeaching Guide Sampler (Book)“Tiny TE”DescriptionComprehensive overview of the program.Great introduction for customers—perfect leave behind.T otal pages:36.Content currently featured on the System 44Web site.This CD allows customers to get an overview of the program,and hear from Marilyn Adams and T ed Hasselbring.(This is a Flash®file—NO Internetconnection needed.)T abs have been added for easier navigation.Use this CD to better familiarize yourself with the software.You will be able to access all of the zones—it is representative of a student experience.May also be used with customers for demonstration purposes,but do not hand out the CD.We created a limited quantity for internal use only.This is NOT in JC.Visual overview of the program including teacher and student materials,and software applications.Each edition is highlighted.Includes several lessons from the Teaching Guide.Provides customers with an overview of the entire book and highlights several lessons.We are not providing copies of the complete TG in any e this item for any customers who want to know what's covered in the TG.T otal pages:60.Item #153045159589N/A 0-545-11901-4159292Availability at JCNow!Now!N/A Now!Now!Availability on the PortalNow!N/AN/ANow!N/APromotional Materials and SamplersItem#1602443007/08SCHOLASTIC,SYSTEM 44,SCHOLASTIC PHONICS INVENTORY,and associated logos and designs are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc.Other company names,brand names,and product names are the property and/or trademarks of their respective owners*Unit cost based on initial quote.Final cost may differ slightly.R E S E A R C HItemSystem 44Research Foundation PaperSPI Assessment PaperSPI T echnical ManualSystem 44Formative Research PaperDescriptionThorough explanation of the research foundations behind System 44.Underscores the importance of anassessment like SPI and its effectiveness.Details how SPI was validated including the study that correlates SPI to the TOWRE and Woodcock-JohnsonDetails the results of studies conducted during the development of System 44.Item #1595861593280-545-11679-1TKAvailability at JCNow!Now!8/1/089/15/08Availability on the PortalNow!Now!Now!9/1/08P R O M OT I O N A L M AT E R I A L SDescription Includes selections from the Teaching Guide ,Decodable Digest ,44Book ,Student Libraries and T eaching Resources Guide.Also features selections from theScreening ,Assessment and Reporting Guide ,highlighting the System 44and SPI reports.T otal pages:76Features wonderful visual of the sounds and spellings that are taught in the program.Great for hanging during an event or presentation.Item PrintComponent Sampler (Book)The System of Sounds &Spelling PosterItem #159293155626Availability at JCNow!Now!Availability on the PortalN/AN/AO N LY O N T H E S A L E S P O R TA L !Availability on the PortalNow!Now!Now!Now!Now!Now!Now!Now!Now!And distributedon CDN/ADescriptionFor READ 180and non READ 180customers.Compiled list of questions since the launchof System 44.Updated weekly and posted on the portal.PowerPoint®slides outlining the strengths and weaknesses of technology and print competitors.The list of books in the Upper Elementary and Secondary Student Libraries with their corresponding Lexile®levels and genre.For READ 180and non READ 180customers.For READ 180and non READ 180customers.A detailed program scope and sequence.Up-to-date technical specifications.NEW!Includes PowerPoint®presentation with video and script that was presented at the summer sales meeting.An animation of the 44reasons poster that runs on a loop for conferences and other events.ItemOrder FormsFAQsCompetitive OverviewBook ListSales ProposalsCost ProposalsScope &SequenceT echnical SpecificationsSales PresentationConference Exhibit Loop。
gemin e参数
gemin e参数
Gemin E可能是指Gemini E双光源单晶衍射仪,其参数包括:
- X 射线发生器和光路系统:
- Mo 光源:采用 Mo 靶和陶瓷 X 射线光管,管电压10-60kV,管电流2-80mA。
- Cu 光源:采用30W 微焦点封闭靶光源。
- 收集数据和还原数据同步进行,具有远程诊断及控制功能。
- 循环水冷系统,分别冷却 CCD 探测器和 X 射线管。
- 水温、水压与流量满足发生器要求,有过热保护,能连续工作。
- CCD 冷却单元控温精度0.05℃,X 射线管冷却单元控温精度0.2℃。
- 液氮低温系统:配置高低温喷液氮装置,温度范围90-490K,控温精度0.1K,使用75升液氮杜瓦瓶。
如果你想了解更多关于Gemin E的信息,可以继续向我提问。
R-Series MTS
Temposonics®Magnetostrictive Position SensorsR-Series ProfibusTemposonics RP and RH Measuring length 25 - 7600 mmmSENSORSThe absolute Temposonics ®linear position sensors are based on the MTS developed magnetostrictive measurement principle. That combi-nes various magneto-mechanical effects and uses the physical height precise speed-measurement of an ultrasonic wave (torsion pulse in its sensor element) for position detec-ting. Sensor integrated signal proces-sing transforms the measurements directly into market standard outputs.The contactless principle - an exter-nal movable magnet marks the posi-tion - eliminates the wear, noise and erroneous signal problems and gua-rantees the best durability without any recalibration.The extremely robust sensor, ideal for continuous operation under harshest industrial conditions is completely modular in mechanic and electronic design.• A profile or rod-shaped sensor hou-sing protects the sensing element in which gives rise to the measurement signal.• The sensor head accommodates the complete modular electronic interface with active signal conditioning.Double encapsulation ensures high operating safety and optimum EMC protection.• The position transmitter, a perma-nent magnet - fixed at the mobile machine part - drives contactlessly over the sensor's stroke and starts measuring through the housing wall.Advanced Communication... offers Multi-Position MeasurementNew: Diagnostic LEDMTS Sensors Operation modesPROFIBUS sensors provide measurings with one or multiple magnets.Following different operation modes are available:- Standard measurement: Position measurement 1 magnet- Multi-Magnets measurement: Position measurement of max. 15 magnets simultaneously resp. position and speed of max. 5 magnets.Data exchangeWith Multi-Magnet measurement, 1 status byte and 3 bytes of position data for each position are transmitted. The status byte contains e.g. the error bit and the position number of the following measurement value. Dependent on sensor parameters setting, the position data can be transfered to the control unit in dif-ferent formats (e.g. INTEL or MOTOROLA format).Accessory: MTS ServicetoolProfibus Address-Programmer is used for setup sensor's slave address. Normally addressing is done by Profibus SetSlaveAddress. Since some master systems do not support this standard, or customers controller can not handle, this tool - connected to the sensor - can be used for direct addressing.LEDProfibus InterfaceTemposonics sensors fulfill all requirements of PROFIBUS-DP (EN 50170). The sensor realizes the absolute position measuring with direct transmission of serial, bitsynchronous data in RS485 standard to control units in a baud rate of12 Mbit/s maximum. PROFIBUS interface is built-up withSiemens buscontroller SPC3. In addition to applications data transmission, PROFIBUS provides powerful functions for diagnostics and configuration, loa-ded into the bus via the GSD (Electronic Device Data Sheet).Profibus sensors - corresponding DP-slave Class 2 - featuringSensor outputs:- Absolute position measurement- Speed measurement- Sensor status- Error detection (e.g. magnet status)Selectable parameters:- Offset/Preset for each magnet- Measuring direction: Forward/reverse- Resolution- Different data formatsI 2II 3IMTS SensorsTechnical DataInputMeasured variable Displacement / Option: Multi-Magnets measurement (max. 15 positions or 5 positions + 5 velocities)Measuring length Profile 25 - 5000 mm / Rod 25 - 7600 mm OutputOutput signal PROFIBUS-DP System according ISO 74498Data formatPROFIBUS-DP (EN 50 170)Data transmission rate Max. 12 Mbit/sAccuracy Resolution - Displacement 5 µm / other values selectable via GSD-File- Speed5 mm/s µm displacement resolution : 0,64 mm/s up to 500 / 0,43 mm/s up to 2000 / 0,21 mm/s up to 4500 / 0,14 mm/s up to 7600 mm stroke length Linearity < ±0,01 % F.S. (Minimum ±50 µm)Repeatability< ±0,001 % F.S. (Minimum ±2,5 µm)Cycle time, standard (1 magnet) 0,5 ms at 500 mm / 1 ms at 2000 mm / 2 ms at 4500 mm / 3,1 ms at 7600 mm stroke length each additional magnet + 0,05 ms; for speed measurement ca. + 0,03 ms Temperature coefficient <15 ppm/°C Hysteresis< 4 µmOperating conditions Magnet speedanyOperating temperature -40 °C ... +75 °CDew point, humidity 90% rel. humidity, no condensationProtection Profile: IP65, Rod: IP67, if mating connector is correctly fitted Shock test 100 g single hit, IEC-Standard 68-2-27Vibration test15g / 10 - 2000 Hz, IEC-Standard 68-2-6Standards, EMC testElectromagnetic emission EN 50081-1Electromagnetic immunity EN 50082-2EN 61000-4-2/3/4/6, Level 3/4, Criterium A, CE-qualified Form factor, material Diagnostic display LEDs beside connectorProfile model:Sensor head Aluminum Sensor stroke AluminumPosition magnet Magnet slider or removable U-magnet Rod model:Sensor head AluminumRod with flange Stainless steel 1.4301 / AISI 304-Pressure rating 350 bar, 700 bar peakPosition magnet Ring magnets, U-magnetsInstallationMounting position any orientationProfileMovable mounting clamps or T-slot nuts M5 in base channel U-Magnet, removable Mounting plate and screws from antimagnetical material RodThreaded flange M18 x 1,5 or 3/4" -16 UNF-3A, Hex nut M18Position magnet Mounting plate and screws from antimagnetical materialElectrical connection Connection type 2 x 6 pin connector M16 or 2 x 5 pin connector M12 + 4 pin. connector M8 Input voltage24 VDC (-15 / +20 %)- Polarity protection up to -30 VDC - Overvoltage protection up to 36 VDC Current drain 90 mA typical Ripple< 1 % S-SElectric strength500 V (DC ground to machine ground)I 4I MTS Sensors Stable Profile Design Temposonics-RP offers modular con-struction, flexible mounting configu-rations and easy installation. Position measurement is contactless via two versions of permanent magnets.• A sliding magnet running in profile housing rails. Connection with the mobile machine part is via a ball join-ted arm to taking up axial forces.• A floating magnet, mounted directly on the moving machine part, travels over the profile at a low distance. Its air-gap allows the correction of small misalignments at installation.Connection types1. Connector outlet D63- 6 pin male receptacle M16- 6 pin female receptacle M162. Connector outlet D53- 5 pin female receptacle M12- 5 pin male receptacle M12- 4 pin male receptacle M8All measurements in mmI 5IMTS SensorsHigh Pressure Rod DesignTemposonics-RH with a pressure-resistant stainless steel flange and sensing rod is suitable for use in hydraulic cylinders and externally in all applications where space is a pro-blem. Position measurement is via ring or U-magnets travelling along the sensing rod without any mechani-cal contact. Advantage...the completely operable sensor car-tridge can be replaced for servicing easily without opening the fluid cir-cuit.Selection of position magnets (not on delivery)I 6IMTS SensorsI 7IMTS SensorsRingmagnetSensor Hydraulic Housing Flange with tube becomes a permanent part of the cylinderSensor CartridgeElectronic head + sensor element,easy to replace in field with two screws M4 (2,5 mm hexagon socket)m SENSORS GermanyMTS Sensor TechnologieGmbH & Co. KGAuf dem Schüffel 9D-58513 LüdenscheidTel.: +49-2351-9587-0Fax: +49-2351-56491info@mtssensor.dewww.mtssensor.deUSAMTS Systems CorporationSensors Division3001 Sheldon DriveCary, N.C. 27513Tel.: +1-919-677-0100Fax: +1-919-677-0200info@JapanMTS Sensors Technology Corp.Ushikubo Bldg.737 Aihara-cho, Machida-shiTokyo 194-0211Tel.: +81-42-775-3838Fax:* Note: Pls. specify magnet numbers for your sensing application and order separatelyOn delivery Profile Model: Sensor, magnet slider or U-magnet, 2 mounting clamps up to 1250 mm stroke + 1 clamp for every additional 500 mmOn delivery Rod Model: Sensor, hex nut, magnets must be ordered separatelyInstallation guide + CD-ROM (Electronic Data Sheet with standardized Device Data Base File)。
Promega MTS试剂盒G3580操作流程
Promega MTS 试剂盒操作流程
1、融化试剂: 室 温 静 置 90min 或 37 ℃ 水 浴 10min , 可 完 全 溶 解 20mlCellTiter 96®AQueous One Solution Reagent。 2、加样: 在 96 孔板中,每孔 100ul 培养基加 20µl CellTiter 96®AQueous One Solution Reagent。 注: 推荐排枪或连续式加样器及数字式加样器加试剂,保证加样方便准确。 3、孵育: 在 37°C,5% CO2 的环境下孵育 1-4 个小时。 注:如果立刻检测就直接进行第 4 步,如果需要以后检测,每孔加入 25ul 10% SDS 终止反应,避光保存于室温的湿盒中,最多可保存 18 小时。然后再 进行第 4 步。 4、测吸光度值: 490nm 读取吸光度值。
根据 Promega MTS 试剂 G3580 官网说明书整理 中南大学临床药理研究所
cellwisecw2017规格书【产品简介】Cellwise CW2017是一款先进的细胞生物学研究设备,广泛应用于生物科学、医学研究和药物开发等领域。
【主要特性】1.高灵敏度:Cellwise CW2017具有高灵敏度,可以检测到较低浓度的目标分子,提高了实验的准确性。
【适用场景】Cellwise CW2017适用于以下场景:1.细胞活力检测:用于测定细胞存活率,评估药物毒性、细胞增殖能力等。
【技术参数】1.检测范围:Cellwise CW2017适用于各种细胞类型和样本类型的检测。
4.检测操作:将96孔板放入Cellwise CW2017,选择相应的检测模式和参数。
【售后服务】1.产品保修:Cellwise CW2017享有合理的保修期限。