A Global-Model Naive Bayes Approach to the Hierarchical Prediction of Protein Functions - ICDE 2009






以下是数据挖掘领域中被广泛使用的十大算法:1. 决策树(Decision Trees):决策树是一种用于分类和回归的非参数算法。


2. 支持向量机(Support Vector Machines,SVM):SVM是一种二分类算法,通过在数据空间中找到一个最优的超平面来分类数据。


3. 朴素贝叶斯(Naive Bayes):基于贝叶斯定理,朴素贝叶斯算法使用特征之间的独立性假设,通过计算给定特征下的类别概率,进行分类。

4. K均值聚类(K-means Clustering):K均值聚类是一种无监督学习算法,用于将数据集分割成多个类别。


5. 线性回归(Linear Regression):线性回归是一种用于建立连续数值预测模型的算法。


6. 关联规则(Association Rules):关联规则用于发现数据集中项集之间的关联性。


7. 神经网络(Neural Networks):神经网络是一种模拟人脑神经元网络的算法。


9. 改进的Apriori算法:Apriori算法用于发现大规模数据集中的频繁项集。


10. 集成学习(Ensemble Learning):集成学习是一种通过将多个学习器进行组合,从而提高分类准确率的算法。





CDA LEVELⅡ建模分析师_模拟题:一、单项选择题(每小题0.5分,共30分)1、答案(D)在使用历史数据构造训练集(Train)集、验证(Validation)集和检验(Test)时,以下哪个样本量分配方案比较适合?A.训练50%,验证0%,检验50%B.训练100%,验证0%,检验0%C.训练0%,验证100%,检验0%D.训练60%,验证30%,检验10%2、答案(A)一个累积提升度曲线,当深度(Depth)等于0.1时,提升度为(Lift)为3.14,以下哪个解释正确?A.根据模型预测,从最高概率到最低概率排序后,最高的前10%中发生事件的数量比随机抽样的响应率高3.14B.选预测响应概率大于10%的样本,其发生事件的数量比随机抽样的响应率高3.14C.根据模型预测,从最高概率到最低概率排序后,最高的前10%中预测的精确度比随机抽样高3.14D.选预测响应概率大于10%的样本,其预测的精确度比随机抽样高3.143、答案(C)在使用历史数据构造训练(Train)集、验证(Validation)集和检验(Test)集时,训练数据集的作用在于A.用于对模型的效果进行无偏的评估B.用于比较不同模型的预测准确度C.用于构造预测模型D.用于选择模型4、答案(D)在对历史数据集进行分区之前进行数据清洗(缺失值填补等)的缺点是什么?A.增加了填补缺失值的时间B.加大了处理的难度C.无法针对分区后各个数据集的特征分别做数据清洗D.无法对不同数据清理的方法进行比较,以选择最优方法5、答案(C)关于数据清洗(缺失值、异常值),以下哪个叙述是正确的?A.运用验证数据集中变量的统计量对训练集中的变量进行数据清洗B.运用验证数据集中变量的统计量对验证集中的变量进行数据清洗C.运用训练数据集中变量的统计量对验证集中的变量进行数据清洗D.以上均不对6、答案(B)当一个连续变量的缺失值占比在85%左右时,以下哪种方式最合理A.直接使用该变量,不填补缺失值B.根据是否缺失,生成指示变量,仅使用指示变量作为解释变量C.使用多重查补的方法进行缺失值填补D.使用中位数进行缺失值填补7、答案(B)构造二分类模型时,在变量粗筛阶段,以下哪个方法最适合对分类变量进行粗筛A.相关系数B.卡方检验C.方差分析D.T检验8、答案(A)以下哪个方法可以剔除多变量情况下的离群观测A.变量中心标准化后的快速聚类法B.变量取百分位秩之后的快速聚类法C.变量取最大最小秩化后的快速聚类法D.变量取Turkey转换后的快速聚类法9、答案(C)以下哪种变量筛选方法需要同时设置进出模型的变量显著度阀值A.向前逐步法B.向后逐步法C.逐步法D.全子集法10、答案(A)以下哪个指标不能用于线性回归中的模型比较:A.R方B.调整R方C.AICD.BIC11、[答案B.]将复杂的地址简化成北、中、南、东四区,是在进行?A.数据正规化(Normalization)B.数据一般化(Generalization)C.数据离散化(Discretization)D.数据整合(Integration)12、【答案(A)】当类神经网络无隐藏层,输出层个数只有一个的时候,倒传递神经网络会变形成为?A.罗吉斯回归B.线性回归C.贝氏网络D.时间序列13、[答案B.]请问Apriori算法是用何者做项目集(Itemset)的筛选?A.最小信赖度(Minimum Confidence)B.最小支持度(Minimum Support)C.交易编号(Transaction ID)D.购买数量14、[答案B.]有一条关联规则为A→B,此规则的信心水平(confidence)为60%,则代表:A.买B商品的顾客中,有60%的顾客会同时购买AB.买A商品的顾客中,有60%的顾客会同时购买BC.同时购买A,B两商品的顾客,占所有顾客的60%D.两商品A,B在交易数据库中同时被购买的机率为60%15、【答案(B)】下表为一交易数据库,请问A→C的支持度(Support)为:A.75%B.50%C.100%D.66.6%TID Items Bought1A,B,C2A,C3A,D4B,E,F16、【答案(D)】下表为一交易数据库,请问A→C的信赖度(Confidence)为:A.75%B.50%C.100%D.66.6%TID Items Bought1A,B,C2A,C3A,D4B,E,F17、[答案D.]倒传递类神经网络的训练顺序为何?(A:调整权重;B:计算误差值;C:利用随机的权重产生输出的结果)A.BCAB.CABC.BACD.CBA18、[答案C.]在类神经网络中计算误差值的目的为何?A.调整隐藏层个数B.调整输入值C.调整权重(Weight)D.调整真实值19、[答案A.]以下何者为Apriori算法所探勘出来的结果?A.买计算机同时会购买相关软件B.买打印机后过一个月会买墨水夹C.买计算机所获得的利益D.以上皆非20、[答案D.]如何利用「体重」以简单贝式分类(Naive Bayes)预测「性别」?A.选取另一条件属性B.无法预测C.将体重正规化为0~1之间D.将体重离散化21、[答案B.]Naive Bayes是属于数据挖掘中的什么方法?A.分群B.分类C.时间序列D.关联规则22、[答案B.]简单贝式分类(Naive Bayes)可以用来预测何种数据型态?A.数值B.类别C.时间D.以上皆是23、[答案B.]如何以类神经网络仿真罗吉斯回归(Logistic Regression)?A.输入层节点个数设定为3B.隐藏层节点个数设定为0C.输出层节点个数设定为3D.隐藏层节点个数设定为124、[答案B.]请问以下何者属于时间序列的问题?A.信用卡发卡银行侦测潜在的卡奴B.基金经理人针对个股做出未来价格预测C.电信公司将人户区分为数个群体D.以上皆是25、[答案D.]小王是一个股市投资人,手上持有某公司股票,且已知该股过去历史数据如下表所示,今天为预测2/6的股价而计算该股3日移动平均,请问最近的3日移动平均值为多少?日期股价2/1102/2122/3132/4162/519A.11B.13C.14D.1626、[答案C.]下列哪种分类算法的训练结果最难以被解释?A.Naive BayesB.Logistic RegressionC.Neural NetworkD.Decision Tree27、[答案B.]数据遗缺(Null Value)处理方法可分为人工填补法及自动填补法,下列哪种自动填补法可得到较准确的结果?A.填入一个通用的常数值,例如填入"未知/Unknown"B.把填遗缺值的问题当作是分类或预测的问题C.填入该属性的整体平均值D.填入该属性的整体中位数二、多项选择题1、(AB)对于决策类模型、以下哪些统计量用于评价最合适?A.错分类率B.利润C.ROC指标D.SBC对于估计类模型、以下哪些统计量用于评价最合适?A.错分类率B.极大似然数C.ROC统计量D.SBC3、(AB)以下哪个变量转换不会改变变量原有的分布形式A.中心标准化B.极差标准化C.TURKEY打分D.百分位秩4、(AB)连续变量转换时,选取百分位秩而不选用最大最小秩的原因A.避免模型在使用时,值域发生明显变化B.避免输入变量值域变化对模型预测效果的影响C.避免输入变量的异常值影响D.是转换后的变量更接近正态分布构造二分类模型时,在变量粗筛阶段,以下哪两个方法最适合对连续变量进行粗筛A.皮尔森(Pearson)相关系数B.思皮尔曼(SPEARMAN)相关系数C.Hoeffding’s D相关指标D.余弦相关指标6、(CD)常见的用于预测Y为分类变量的回归方法有A.伽玛回归B.泊松回归C.Logistic回归D.Probit回归7、(A,B,C)请问以下个案何者属于时间序列分析的范畴?A.透过台湾股票指数过去十年走势预测其未来落点B.透过美国股票指数走势变动以分析其与台股指数的连动因果C.透过突发事件前后的股票指数走势变动来探讨该事件的影响D.分析投资人对不同股票的喜好程度8、(A,B,C)下表为一事务数据库,若最小支持度(Minimum Support )=50%,则以下哪些是长度为2的频繁项目集(Frequent Itemset)?A.BEB.ACC.BCD.AB 9.(B,C,D)下列对C4.5算法的描述,何者为真?A.每个节点的分支度只能为2B.使用gain ratio 作为节点分割的依据C.可以处理数值型态的字段D.可以处理空值的字段10.(A,B,D)下列哪个应用可以使用决策树来建模?TID Items Bought1A,C,D 2B,C,E 3A,B,C,E 4B,EA.预测申办信用卡的新客户是否将来会变成卡奴B.银行针对特定族群做人寿保险的推销C.找出购物篮里商品购买间的关联D.根据生活作息推断该病人得癌症的机率11.(B,C)小王是一个股市投资人,手上持有A、B、C、D、E五只股票,请问以下何者不属于时间序列的问题?A.透过A只股票过去一年来的股价走势,预测明天A只股票的开盘价格B.将A、B、C、D、E五只股票区分为赚钱与赔钱两个类别C.将A、B、C、D、E五只股票区分为甲、乙、丙三个群体D.透过A,C,D三只股票过去一年来的走势,预测明天A只股票的开盘价格12.(A,C,D)下列何者是类神经网络的缺点?A.无法得知最佳解B.模型准确度低C.知识结构是隐性的,缺乏解释能力D.训练模型的时间长13.(A,B)请问要符合什么条件才可被称为关联规则?A.最小支持度(Minimum Support)B.最小信赖度(Minimum Confidence)C.最大规则数(Maximum Rule Number)D.以上皆非三、内容相关题根据相同的背景材料回答若干道题目,每道题的答案个数不固定。





1. 线性回归模型(Linear Regression Model):线性回归是最经典的预测模型之一,通过建立一个线性关系来预测因变量与自变量之间的关系。


2. 逻辑回归模型(Logistic Regression Model):逻辑回归是一种用来对二分类问题进行预测的模型,通过将线性回归的结果通过sigmoid函数映射到[0,1]的概率范围内,来预测样本属于其中一类的概率。

3. 决策树模型(Decision Tree Model):决策树是一种非常直观的预测模型,它将数据集分割成不同的子集,每个子集中的样本具有相似的属性。


4. 随机森林模型(Random Forest Model):随机森林是一种集成学习模型,它由多个决策树组成,并通过对每个决策树的预测结果进行投票或平均来得到最终的预测结果。


5. 支持向量机模型(Support Vector Machine Model):支持向量机是一种二分类模型,它通过在高维特征空间中找到一个最优的超平面来进行分类。


6. 朴素贝叶斯模型(Naive Bayes Model):朴素贝叶斯是一种基于贝叶斯定理和特征条件独立性假设的分类模型。


7. K近邻模型(K-Nearest Neighbors Model):K近邻是一种基于样本之间距离进行分类和回归的方法。




贝叶斯分类英文缩写Bayesian classification, often abbreviated as "Naive Bayes," is a popular machine learning algorithm used for classification tasks. It is based on Bayes' theorem and assumes that features are independent of each other, hence the "naive" aspect. 贝叶斯分类,通常缩写为“朴素贝叶斯”,是一种常用的用于分类任务的机器学习算法。


One of the main advantages of Naive Bayes classification is its simplicity and efficiency. It is easy to implement and works well with large datasets. Additionally, it performs well even with few training examples. However, its main downside is the assumption of feature independence, which may not hold true in real-world scenarios. 朴素贝叶斯分类的主要优点之一是其简单和高效。




From a mathematical perspective, Naive Bayes classification calculates the probability of each class given a set of features using Bayes' theorem. It estimates the likelihood of each class based on thetraining data and the probabilities of different features belonging to each class. The class with the highest probability is assigned to the input data point. 从数学角度来看,朴素贝叶斯分类使用贝叶斯定理计算了给定一组特征时每个类别的概率。


13. AB
14. ABCD
15. ABC
16. ABC
17. ABC
18. ABC
19. ABC
20. ABCD



机器学习与人工智能领域中常用的英语词汇1.General Concepts (基础概念)•Artificial Intelligence (AI) - 人工智能1)Artificial Intelligence (AI) - 人工智能2)Machine Learning (ML) - 机器学习3)Deep Learning (DL) - 深度学习4)Neural Network - 神经网络5)Natural Language Processing (NLP) - 自然语言处理6)Computer Vision - 计算机视觉7)Robotics - 机器人技术8)Speech Recognition - 语音识别9)Expert Systems - 专家系统10)Knowledge Representation - 知识表示11)Pattern Recognition - 模式识别12)Cognitive Computing - 认知计算13)Autonomous Systems - 自主系统14)Human-Machine Interaction - 人机交互15)Intelligent Agents - 智能代理16)Machine Translation - 机器翻译17)Swarm Intelligence - 群体智能18)Genetic Algorithms - 遗传算法19)Fuzzy Logic - 模糊逻辑20)Reinforcement Learning - 强化学习•Machine Learning (ML) - 机器学习1)Machine Learning (ML) - 机器学习2)Artificial Neural Network - 人工神经网络3)Deep Learning - 深度学习4)Supervised Learning - 有监督学习5)Unsupervised Learning - 无监督学习6)Reinforcement Learning - 强化学习7)Semi-Supervised Learning - 半监督学习8)Training Data - 训练数据9)Test Data - 测试数据10)Validation Data - 验证数据11)Feature - 特征12)Label - 标签13)Model - 模型14)Algorithm - 算法15)Regression - 回归16)Classification - 分类17)Clustering - 聚类18)Dimensionality Reduction - 降维19)Overfitting - 过拟合20)Underfitting - 欠拟合•Deep Learning (DL) - 深度学习1)Deep Learning - 深度学习2)Neural Network - 神经网络3)Artificial Neural Network (ANN) - 人工神经网络4)Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) - 卷积神经网络5)Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) - 循环神经网络6)Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) - 长短期记忆网络7)Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) - 门控循环单元8)Autoencoder - 自编码器9)Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) - 生成对抗网络10)Transfer Learning - 迁移学习11)Pre-trained Model - 预训练模型12)Fine-tuning - 微调13)Feature Extraction - 特征提取14)Activation Function - 激活函数15)Loss Function - 损失函数16)Gradient Descent - 梯度下降17)Backpropagation - 反向传播18)Epoch - 训练周期19)Batch Size - 批量大小20)Dropout - 丢弃法•Neural Network - 神经网络1)Neural Network - 神经网络2)Artificial Neural Network (ANN) - 人工神经网络3)Deep Neural Network (DNN) - 深度神经网络4)Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) - 卷积神经网络5)Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) - 循环神经网络6)Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) - 长短期记忆网络7)Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) - 门控循环单元8)Feedforward Neural Network - 前馈神经网络9)Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) - 多层感知器10)Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) - 径向基函数网络11)Hopfield Network - 霍普菲尔德网络12)Boltzmann Machine - 玻尔兹曼机13)Autoencoder - 自编码器14)Spiking Neural Network (SNN) - 脉冲神经网络15)Self-organizing Map (SOM) - 自组织映射16)Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) - 受限玻尔兹曼机17)Hebbian Learning - 海比安学习18)Competitive Learning - 竞争学习19)Neuroevolutionary - 神经进化20)Neuron - 神经元•Algorithm - 算法1)Algorithm - 算法2)Supervised Learning Algorithm - 有监督学习算法3)Unsupervised Learning Algorithm - 无监督学习算法4)Reinforcement Learning Algorithm - 强化学习算法5)Classification Algorithm - 分类算法6)Regression Algorithm - 回归算法7)Clustering Algorithm - 聚类算法8)Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm - 降维算法9)Decision Tree Algorithm - 决策树算法10)Random Forest Algorithm - 随机森林算法11)Support Vector Machine (SVM) Algorithm - 支持向量机算法12)K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Algorithm - K近邻算法13)Naive Bayes Algorithm - 朴素贝叶斯算法14)Gradient Descent Algorithm - 梯度下降算法15)Genetic Algorithm - 遗传算法16)Neural Network Algorithm - 神经网络算法17)Deep Learning Algorithm - 深度学习算法18)Ensemble Learning Algorithm - 集成学习算法19)Reinforcement Learning Algorithm - 强化学习算法20)Metaheuristic Algorithm - 元启发式算法•Model - 模型1)Model - 模型2)Machine Learning Model - 机器学习模型3)Artificial Intelligence Model - 人工智能模型4)Predictive Model - 预测模型5)Classification Model - 分类模型6)Regression Model - 回归模型7)Generative Model - 生成模型8)Discriminative Model - 判别模型9)Probabilistic Model - 概率模型10)Statistical Model - 统计模型11)Neural Network Model - 神经网络模型12)Deep Learning Model - 深度学习模型13)Ensemble Model - 集成模型14)Reinforcement Learning Model - 强化学习模型15)Support Vector Machine (SVM) Model - 支持向量机模型16)Decision Tree Model - 决策树模型17)Random Forest Model - 随机森林模型18)Naive Bayes Model - 朴素贝叶斯模型19)Autoencoder Model - 自编码器模型20)Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Model - 卷积神经网络模型•Dataset - 数据集1)Dataset - 数据集2)Training Dataset - 训练数据集3)Test Dataset - 测试数据集4)Validation Dataset - 验证数据集5)Balanced Dataset - 平衡数据集6)Imbalanced Dataset - 不平衡数据集7)Synthetic Dataset - 合成数据集8)Benchmark Dataset - 基准数据集9)Open Dataset - 开放数据集10)Labeled Dataset - 标记数据集11)Unlabeled Dataset - 未标记数据集12)Semi-Supervised Dataset - 半监督数据集13)Multiclass Dataset - 多分类数据集14)Feature Set - 特征集15)Data Augmentation - 数据增强16)Data Preprocessing - 数据预处理17)Missing Data - 缺失数据18)Outlier Detection - 异常值检测19)Data Imputation - 数据插补20)Metadata - 元数据•Training - 训练1)Training - 训练2)Training Data - 训练数据3)Training Phase - 训练阶段4)Training Set - 训练集5)Training Examples - 训练样本6)Training Instance - 训练实例7)Training Algorithm - 训练算法8)Training Model - 训练模型9)Training Process - 训练过程10)Training Loss - 训练损失11)Training Epoch - 训练周期12)Training Batch - 训练批次13)Online Training - 在线训练14)Offline Training - 离线训练15)Continuous Training - 连续训练16)Transfer Learning - 迁移学习17)Fine-Tuning - 微调18)Curriculum Learning - 课程学习19)Self-Supervised Learning - 自监督学习20)Active Learning - 主动学习•Testing - 测试1)Testing - 测试2)Test Data - 测试数据3)Test Set - 测试集4)Test Examples - 测试样本5)Test Instance - 测试实例6)Test Phase - 测试阶段7)Test Accuracy - 测试准确率8)Test Loss - 测试损失9)Test Error - 测试错误10)Test Metrics - 测试指标11)Test Suite - 测试套件12)Test Case - 测试用例13)Test Coverage - 测试覆盖率14)Cross-Validation - 交叉验证15)Holdout Validation - 留出验证16)K-Fold Cross-Validation - K折交叉验证17)Stratified Cross-Validation - 分层交叉验证18)Test Driven Development (TDD) - 测试驱动开发19)A/B Testing - A/B 测试20)Model Evaluation - 模型评估•Validation - 验证1)Validation - 验证2)Validation Data - 验证数据3)Validation Set - 验证集4)Validation Examples - 验证样本5)Validation Instance - 验证实例6)Validation Phase - 验证阶段7)Validation Accuracy - 验证准确率8)Validation Loss - 验证损失9)Validation Error - 验证错误10)Validation Metrics - 验证指标11)Cross-Validation - 交叉验证12)Holdout Validation - 留出验证13)K-Fold Cross-Validation - K折交叉验证14)Stratified Cross-Validation - 分层交叉验证15)Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation - 留一法交叉验证16)Validation Curve - 验证曲线17)Hyperparameter Validation - 超参数验证18)Model Validation - 模型验证19)Early Stopping - 提前停止20)Validation Strategy - 验证策略•Supervised Learning - 有监督学习1)Supervised Learning - 有监督学习2)Label - 标签3)Feature - 特征4)Target - 目标5)Training Labels - 训练标签6)Training Features - 训练特征7)Training Targets - 训练目标8)Training Examples - 训练样本9)Training Instance - 训练实例10)Regression - 回归11)Classification - 分类12)Predictor - 预测器13)Regression Model - 回归模型14)Classifier - 分类器15)Decision Tree - 决策树16)Support Vector Machine (SVM) - 支持向量机17)Neural Network - 神经网络18)Feature Engineering - 特征工程19)Model Evaluation - 模型评估20)Overfitting - 过拟合21)Underfitting - 欠拟合22)Bias-Variance Tradeoff - 偏差-方差权衡•Unsupervised Learning - 无监督学习1)Unsupervised Learning - 无监督学习2)Clustering - 聚类3)Dimensionality Reduction - 降维4)Anomaly Detection - 异常检测5)Association Rule Learning - 关联规则学习6)Feature Extraction - 特征提取7)Feature Selection - 特征选择8)K-Means - K均值9)Hierarchical Clustering - 层次聚类10)Density-Based Clustering - 基于密度的聚类11)Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - 主成分分析12)Independent Component Analysis (ICA) - 独立成分分析13)T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) - t分布随机邻居嵌入14)Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) - 高斯混合模型15)Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) - 自组织映射16)Autoencoder - 自动编码器17)Latent Variable - 潜变量18)Data Preprocessing - 数据预处理19)Outlier Detection - 异常值检测20)Clustering Algorithm - 聚类算法•Reinforcement Learning - 强化学习1)Reinforcement Learning - 强化学习2)Agent - 代理3)Environment - 环境4)State - 状态5)Action - 动作6)Reward - 奖励7)Policy - 策略8)Value Function - 值函数9)Q-Learning - Q学习10)Deep Q-Network (DQN) - 深度Q网络11)Policy Gradient - 策略梯度12)Actor-Critic - 演员-评论家13)Exploration - 探索14)Exploitation - 开发15)Temporal Difference (TD) - 时间差分16)Markov Decision Process (MDP) - 马尔可夫决策过程17)State-Action-Reward-State-Action (SARSA) - 状态-动作-奖励-状态-动作18)Policy Iteration - 策略迭代19)Value Iteration - 值迭代20)Monte Carlo Methods - 蒙特卡洛方法•Semi-Supervised Learning - 半监督学习1)Semi-Supervised Learning - 半监督学习2)Labeled Data - 有标签数据3)Unlabeled Data - 无标签数据4)Label Propagation - 标签传播5)Self-Training - 自训练6)Co-Training - 协同训练7)Transudative Learning - 传导学习8)Inductive Learning - 归纳学习9)Manifold Regularization - 流形正则化10)Graph-based Methods - 基于图的方法11)Cluster Assumption - 聚类假设12)Low-Density Separation - 低密度分离13)Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machines (S3VM) - 半监督支持向量机14)Expectation-Maximization (EM) - 期望最大化15)Co-EM - 协同期望最大化16)Entropy-Regularized EM - 熵正则化EM17)Mean Teacher - 平均教师18)Virtual Adversarial Training - 虚拟对抗训练19)Tri-training - 三重训练20)Mix Match - 混合匹配•Feature - 特征1)Feature - 特征2)Feature Engineering - 特征工程3)Feature Extraction - 特征提取4)Feature Selection - 特征选择5)Input Features - 输入特征6)Output Features - 输出特征7)Feature Vector - 特征向量8)Feature Space - 特征空间9)Feature Representation - 特征表示10)Feature Transformation - 特征转换11)Feature Importance - 特征重要性12)Feature Scaling - 特征缩放13)Feature Normalization - 特征归一化14)Feature Encoding - 特征编码15)Feature Fusion - 特征融合16)Feature Dimensionality Reduction - 特征维度减少17)Continuous Feature - 连续特征18)Categorical Feature - 分类特征19)Nominal Feature - 名义特征20)Ordinal Feature - 有序特征•Label - 标签1)Label - 标签2)Labeling - 标注3)Ground Truth - 地面真值4)Class Label - 类别标签5)Target Variable - 目标变量6)Labeling Scheme - 标注方案7)Multi-class Labeling - 多类别标注8)Binary Labeling - 二分类标注9)Label Noise - 标签噪声10)Labeling Error - 标注错误11)Label Propagation - 标签传播12)Unlabeled Data - 无标签数据13)Labeled Data - 有标签数据14)Semi-supervised Learning - 半监督学习15)Active Learning - 主动学习16)Weakly Supervised Learning - 弱监督学习17)Noisy Label Learning - 噪声标签学习18)Self-training - 自训练19)Crowdsourcing Labeling - 众包标注20)Label Smoothing - 标签平滑化•Prediction - 预测1)Prediction - 预测2)Forecasting - 预测3)Regression - 回归4)Classification - 分类5)Time Series Prediction - 时间序列预测6)Forecast Accuracy - 预测准确性7)Predictive Modeling - 预测建模8)Predictive Analytics - 预测分析9)Forecasting Method - 预测方法10)Predictive Performance - 预测性能11)Predictive Power - 预测能力12)Prediction Error - 预测误差13)Prediction Interval - 预测区间14)Prediction Model - 预测模型15)Predictive Uncertainty - 预测不确定性16)Forecast Horizon - 预测时间跨度17)Predictive Maintenance - 预测性维护18)Predictive Policing - 预测式警务19)Predictive Healthcare - 预测性医疗20)Predictive Maintenance - 预测性维护•Classification - 分类1)Classification - 分类2)Classifier - 分类器3)Class - 类别4)Classify - 对数据进行分类5)Class Label - 类别标签6)Binary Classification - 二元分类7)Multiclass Classification - 多类分类8)Class Probability - 类别概率9)Decision Boundary - 决策边界10)Decision Tree - 决策树11)Support Vector Machine (SVM) - 支持向量机12)K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) - K最近邻算法13)Naive Bayes - 朴素贝叶斯14)Logistic Regression - 逻辑回归15)Random Forest - 随机森林16)Neural Network - 神经网络17)SoftMax Function - SoftMax函数18)One-vs-All (One-vs-Rest) - 一对多(一对剩余)19)Ensemble Learning - 集成学习20)Confusion Matrix - 混淆矩阵•Regression - 回归1)Regression Analysis - 回归分析2)Linear Regression - 线性回归3)Multiple Regression - 多元回归4)Polynomial Regression - 多项式回归5)Logistic Regression - 逻辑回归6)Ridge Regression - 岭回归7)Lasso Regression - Lasso回归8)Elastic Net Regression - 弹性网络回归9)Regression Coefficients - 回归系数10)Residuals - 残差11)Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) - 普通最小二乘法12)Ridge Regression Coefficient - 岭回归系数13)Lasso Regression Coefficient - Lasso回归系数14)Elastic Net Regression Coefficient - 弹性网络回归系数15)Regression Line - 回归线16)Prediction Error - 预测误差17)Regression Model - 回归模型18)Nonlinear Regression - 非线性回归19)Generalized Linear Models (GLM) - 广义线性模型20)Coefficient of Determination (R-squared) - 决定系数21)F-test - F检验22)Homoscedasticity - 同方差性23)Heteroscedasticity - 异方差性24)Autocorrelation - 自相关25)Multicollinearity - 多重共线性26)Outliers - 异常值27)Cross-validation - 交叉验证28)Feature Selection - 特征选择29)Feature Engineering - 特征工程30)Regularization - 正则化2.Neural Networks and Deep Learning (神经网络与深度学习)•Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) - 卷积神经网络1)Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) - 卷积神经网络2)Convolution Layer - 卷积层3)Feature Map - 特征图4)Convolution Operation - 卷积操作5)Stride - 步幅6)Padding - 填充7)Pooling Layer - 池化层8)Max Pooling - 最大池化9)Average Pooling - 平均池化10)Fully Connected Layer - 全连接层11)Activation Function - 激活函数12)Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) - 线性修正单元13)Dropout - 随机失活14)Batch Normalization - 批量归一化15)Transfer Learning - 迁移学习16)Fine-Tuning - 微调17)Image Classification - 图像分类18)Object Detection - 物体检测19)Semantic Segmentation - 语义分割20)Instance Segmentation - 实例分割21)Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) - 生成对抗网络22)Image Generation - 图像生成23)Style Transfer - 风格迁移24)Convolutional Autoencoder - 卷积自编码器25)Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) - 循环神经网络•Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) - 循环神经网络1)Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) - 循环神经网络2)Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) - 长短期记忆网络3)Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) - 门控循环单元4)Sequence Modeling - 序列建模5)Time Series Prediction - 时间序列预测6)Natural Language Processing (NLP) - 自然语言处理7)Text Generation - 文本生成8)Sentiment Analysis - 情感分析9)Named Entity Recognition (NER) - 命名实体识别10)Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS Tagging) - 词性标注11)Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) - 序列到序列12)Attention Mechanism - 注意力机制13)Encoder-Decoder Architecture - 编码器-解码器架构14)Bidirectional RNN - 双向循环神经网络15)Teacher Forcing - 强制教师法16)Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT) - 通过时间的反向传播17)Vanishing Gradient Problem - 梯度消失问题18)Exploding Gradient Problem - 梯度爆炸问题19)Language Modeling - 语言建模20)Speech Recognition - 语音识别•Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) - 长短期记忆网络1)Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) - 长短期记忆网络2)Cell State - 细胞状态3)Hidden State - 隐藏状态4)Forget Gate - 遗忘门5)Input Gate - 输入门6)Output Gate - 输出门7)Peephole Connections - 窥视孔连接8)Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) - 门控循环单元9)Vanishing Gradient Problem - 梯度消失问题10)Exploding Gradient Problem - 梯度爆炸问题11)Sequence Modeling - 序列建模12)Time Series Prediction - 时间序列预测13)Natural Language Processing (NLP) - 自然语言处理14)Text Generation - 文本生成15)Sentiment Analysis - 情感分析16)Named Entity Recognition (NER) - 命名实体识别17)Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS Tagging) - 词性标注18)Attention Mechanism - 注意力机制19)Encoder-Decoder Architecture - 编码器-解码器架构20)Bidirectional LSTM - 双向长短期记忆网络•Attention Mechanism - 注意力机制1)Attention Mechanism - 注意力机制2)Self-Attention - 自注意力3)Multi-Head Attention - 多头注意力4)Transformer - 变换器5)Query - 查询6)Key - 键7)Value - 值8)Query-Value Attention - 查询-值注意力9)Dot-Product Attention - 点积注意力10)Scaled Dot-Product Attention - 缩放点积注意力11)Additive Attention - 加性注意力12)Context Vector - 上下文向量13)Attention Score - 注意力分数14)SoftMax Function - SoftMax函数15)Attention Weight - 注意力权重16)Global Attention - 全局注意力17)Local Attention - 局部注意力18)Positional Encoding - 位置编码19)Encoder-Decoder Attention - 编码器-解码器注意力20)Cross-Modal Attention - 跨模态注意力•Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) - 生成对抗网络1)Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) - 生成对抗网络2)Generator - 生成器3)Discriminator - 判别器4)Adversarial Training - 对抗训练5)Minimax Game - 极小极大博弈6)Nash Equilibrium - 纳什均衡7)Mode Collapse - 模式崩溃8)Training Stability - 训练稳定性9)Loss Function - 损失函数10)Discriminative Loss - 判别损失11)Generative Loss - 生成损失12)Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) - Wasserstein GAN(WGAN)13)Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN) - 深度卷积生成对抗网络(DCGAN)14)Conditional GAN (c GAN) - 条件生成对抗网络(c GAN)15)Style GAN - 风格生成对抗网络16)Cycle GAN - 循环生成对抗网络17)Progressive Growing GAN (PGGAN) - 渐进式增长生成对抗网络(PGGAN)18)Self-Attention GAN (SAGAN) - 自注意力生成对抗网络(SAGAN)19)Big GAN - 大规模生成对抗网络20)Adversarial Examples - 对抗样本•Encoder-Decoder - 编码器-解码器1)Encoder-Decoder Architecture - 编码器-解码器架构2)Encoder - 编码器3)Decoder - 解码器4)Sequence-to-Sequence Model (Seq2Seq) - 序列到序列模型5)State Vector - 状态向量6)Context Vector - 上下文向量7)Hidden State - 隐藏状态8)Attention Mechanism - 注意力机制9)Teacher Forcing - 强制教师法10)Beam Search - 束搜索11)Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) - 循环神经网络12)Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) - 长短期记忆网络13)Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) - 门控循环单元14)Bidirectional Encoder - 双向编码器15)Greedy Decoding - 贪婪解码16)Masking - 遮盖17)Dropout - 随机失活18)Embedding Layer - 嵌入层19)Cross-Entropy Loss - 交叉熵损失20)Tokenization - 令牌化•Transfer Learning - 迁移学习1)Transfer Learning - 迁移学习2)Source Domain - 源领域3)Target Domain - 目标领域4)Fine-Tuning - 微调5)Domain Adaptation - 领域自适应6)Pre-Trained Model - 预训练模型7)Feature Extraction - 特征提取8)Knowledge Transfer - 知识迁移9)Unsupervised Domain Adaptation - 无监督领域自适应10)Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation - 半监督领域自适应11)Multi-Task Learning - 多任务学习12)Data Augmentation - 数据增强13)Task Transfer - 任务迁移14)Model Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) - 与模型无关的元学习(MAML)15)One-Shot Learning - 单样本学习16)Zero-Shot Learning - 零样本学习17)Few-Shot Learning - 少样本学习18)Knowledge Distillation - 知识蒸馏19)Representation Learning - 表征学习20)Adversarial Transfer Learning - 对抗迁移学习•Pre-trained Models - 预训练模型1)Pre-trained Model - 预训练模型2)Transfer Learning - 迁移学习3)Fine-Tuning - 微调4)Knowledge Transfer - 知识迁移5)Domain Adaptation - 领域自适应6)Feature Extraction - 特征提取7)Representation Learning - 表征学习8)Language Model - 语言模型9)Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) - 双向编码器结构转换器10)Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) - 生成式预训练转换器11)Transformer-based Models - 基于转换器的模型12)Masked Language Model (MLM) - 掩蔽语言模型13)Cloze Task - 填空任务14)Tokenization - 令牌化15)Word Embeddings - 词嵌入16)Sentence Embeddings - 句子嵌入17)Contextual Embeddings - 上下文嵌入18)Self-Supervised Learning - 自监督学习19)Large-Scale Pre-trained Models - 大规模预训练模型•Loss Function - 损失函数1)Loss Function - 损失函数2)Mean Squared Error (MSE) - 均方误差3)Mean Absolute Error (MAE) - 平均绝对误差4)Cross-Entropy Loss - 交叉熵损失5)Binary Cross-Entropy Loss - 二元交叉熵损失6)Categorical Cross-Entropy Loss - 分类交叉熵损失7)Hinge Loss - 合页损失8)Huber Loss - Huber损失9)Wasserstein Distance - Wasserstein距离10)Triplet Loss - 三元组损失11)Contrastive Loss - 对比损失12)Dice Loss - Dice损失13)Focal Loss - 焦点损失14)GAN Loss - GAN损失15)Adversarial Loss - 对抗损失16)L1 Loss - L1损失17)L2 Loss - L2损失18)Huber Loss - Huber损失19)Quantile Loss - 分位数损失•Activation Function - 激活函数1)Activation Function - 激活函数2)Sigmoid Function - Sigmoid函数3)Hyperbolic Tangent Function (Tanh) - 双曲正切函数4)Rectified Linear Unit (Re LU) - 矩形线性单元5)Parametric Re LU (P Re LU) - 参数化Re LU6)Exponential Linear Unit (ELU) - 指数线性单元7)Swish Function - Swish函数8)Softplus Function - Soft plus函数9)Softmax Function - SoftMax函数10)Hard Tanh Function - 硬双曲正切函数11)Softsign Function - Softsign函数12)GELU (Gaussian Error Linear Unit) - GELU(高斯误差线性单元)13)Mish Function - Mish函数14)CELU (Continuous Exponential Linear Unit) - CELU(连续指数线性单元)15)Bent Identity Function - 弯曲恒等函数16)Gaussian Error Linear Units (GELUs) - 高斯误差线性单元17)Adaptive Piecewise Linear (APL) - 自适应分段线性函数18)Radial Basis Function (RBF) - 径向基函数•Backpropagation - 反向传播1)Backpropagation - 反向传播2)Gradient Descent - 梯度下降3)Partial Derivative - 偏导数4)Chain Rule - 链式法则5)Forward Pass - 前向传播6)Backward Pass - 反向传播7)Computational Graph - 计算图8)Neural Network - 神经网络9)Loss Function - 损失函数10)Gradient Calculation - 梯度计算11)Weight Update - 权重更新12)Activation Function - 激活函数13)Optimizer - 优化器14)Learning Rate - 学习率15)Mini-Batch Gradient Descent - 小批量梯度下降16)Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) - 随机梯度下降17)Batch Gradient Descent - 批量梯度下降18)Momentum - 动量19)Adam Optimizer - Adam优化器20)Learning Rate Decay - 学习率衰减•Gradient Descent - 梯度下降1)Gradient Descent - 梯度下降2)Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) - 随机梯度下降3)Mini-Batch Gradient Descent - 小批量梯度下降4)Batch Gradient Descent - 批量梯度下降5)Learning Rate - 学习率6)Momentum - 动量7)Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam) - 自适应矩估计8)RMSprop - 均方根传播9)Learning Rate Schedule - 学习率调度10)Convergence - 收敛11)Divergence - 发散12)Adagrad - 自适应学习速率方法13)Adadelta - 自适应增量学习率方法14)Adamax - 自适应矩估计的扩展版本15)Nadam - Nesterov Accelerated Adaptive Moment Estimation16)Learning Rate Decay - 学习率衰减17)Step Size - 步长18)Conjugate Gradient Descent - 共轭梯度下降19)Line Search - 线搜索20)Newton's Method - 牛顿法•Learning Rate - 学习率1)Learning Rate - 学习率2)Adaptive Learning Rate - 自适应学习率3)Learning Rate Decay - 学习率衰减4)Initial Learning Rate - 初始学习率5)Step Size - 步长6)Momentum - 动量7)Exponential Decay - 指数衰减8)Annealing - 退火9)Cyclical Learning Rate - 循环学习率10)Learning Rate Schedule - 学习率调度11)Warm-up - 预热12)Learning Rate Policy - 学习率策略13)Learning Rate Annealing - 学习率退火14)Cosine Annealing - 余弦退火15)Gradient Clipping - 梯度裁剪16)Adapting Learning Rate - 适应学习率17)Learning Rate Multiplier - 学习率倍增器18)Learning Rate Reduction - 学习率降低19)Learning Rate Update - 学习率更新20)Scheduled Learning Rate - 定期学习率•Batch Size - 批量大小1)Batch Size - 批量大小2)Mini-Batch - 小批量3)Batch Gradient Descent - 批量梯度下降4)Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) - 随机梯度下降5)Mini-Batch Gradient Descent - 小批量梯度下降6)Online Learning - 在线学习7)Full-Batch - 全批量8)Data Batch - 数据批次9)Training Batch - 训练批次10)Batch Normalization - 批量归一化11)Batch-wise Optimization - 批量优化12)Batch Processing - 批量处理13)Batch Sampling - 批量采样14)Adaptive Batch Size - 自适应批量大小15)Batch Splitting - 批量分割16)Dynamic Batch Size - 动态批量大小17)Fixed Batch Size - 固定批量大小18)Batch-wise Inference - 批量推理19)Batch-wise Training - 批量训练20)Batch Shuffling - 批量洗牌•Epoch - 训练周期1)Training Epoch - 训练周期2)Epoch Size - 周期大小3)Early Stopping - 提前停止4)Validation Set - 验证集5)Training Set - 训练集6)Test Set - 测试集7)Overfitting - 过拟合8)Underfitting - 欠拟合9)Model Evaluation - 模型评估10)Model Selection - 模型选择11)Hyperparameter Tuning - 超参数调优12)Cross-Validation - 交叉验证13)K-fold Cross-Validation - K折交叉验证14)Stratified Cross-Validation - 分层交叉验证15)Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV) - 留一法交叉验证16)Grid Search - 网格搜索17)Random Search - 随机搜索18)Model Complexity - 模型复杂度19)Learning Curve - 学习曲线20)Convergence - 收敛3.Machine Learning Techniques and Algorithms (机器学习技术与算法)•Decision Tree - 决策树1)Decision Tree - 决策树2)Node - 节点3)Root Node - 根节点4)Leaf Node - 叶节点5)Internal Node - 内部节点6)Splitting Criterion - 分裂准则7)Gini Impurity - 基尼不纯度8)Entropy - 熵9)Information Gain - 信息增益10)Gain Ratio - 增益率11)Pruning - 剪枝12)Recursive Partitioning - 递归分割13)CART (Classification and Regression Trees) - 分类回归树14)ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3) - 迭代二叉树315)C4.5 (successor of ID3) - C4.5(ID3的后继者)16)C5.0 (successor of C4.5) - C5.0(C4.5的后继者)17)Split Point - 分裂点18)Decision Boundary - 决策边界19)Pruned Tree - 剪枝后的树20)Decision Tree Ensemble - 决策树集成•Random Forest - 随机森林1)Random Forest - 随机森林2)Ensemble Learning - 集成学习3)Bootstrap Sampling - 自助采样4)Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating) - 装袋法5)Out-of-Bag (OOB) Error - 袋外误差6)Feature Subset - 特征子集7)Decision Tree - 决策树8)Base Estimator - 基础估计器9)Tree Depth - 树深度10)Randomization - 随机化11)Majority Voting - 多数投票12)Feature Importance - 特征重要性13)OOB Score - 袋外得分14)Forest Size - 森林大小15)Max Features - 最大特征数16)Min Samples Split - 最小分裂样本数17)Min Samples Leaf - 最小叶节点样本数18)Gini Impurity - 基尼不纯度19)Entropy - 熵20)Variable Importance - 变量重要性•Support Vector Machine (SVM) - 支持向量机1)Support Vector Machine (SVM) - 支持向量机2)Hyperplane - 超平面3)Kernel Trick - 核技巧4)Kernel Function - 核函数5)Margin - 间隔6)Support Vectors - 支持向量7)Decision Boundary - 决策边界8)Maximum Margin Classifier - 最大间隔分类器9)Soft Margin Classifier - 软间隔分类器10) C Parameter - C参数11)Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernel - 径向基函数核12)Polynomial Kernel - 多项式核13)Linear Kernel - 线性核14)Quadratic Kernel - 二次核15)Gaussian Kernel - 高斯核16)Regularization - 正则化17)Dual Problem - 对偶问题18)Primal Problem - 原始问题19)Kernelized SVM - 核化支持向量机20)Multiclass SVM - 多类支持向量机•K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) - K-最近邻1)K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) - K-最近邻2)Nearest Neighbor - 最近邻3)Distance Metric - 距离度量4)Euclidean Distance - 欧氏距离5)Manhattan Distance - 曼哈顿距离6)Minkowski Distance - 闵可夫斯基距离7)Cosine Similarity - 余弦相似度8)K Value - K值9)Majority Voting - 多数投票10)Weighted KNN - 加权KNN11)Radius Neighbors - 半径邻居12)Ball Tree - 球树13)KD Tree - KD树14)Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) - 局部敏感哈希15)Curse of Dimensionality - 维度灾难16)Class Label - 类标签17)Training Set - 训练集18)Test Set - 测试集19)Validation Set - 验证集20)Cross-Validation - 交叉验证•Naive Bayes - 朴素贝叶斯1)Naive Bayes - 朴素贝叶斯2)Bayes' Theorem - 贝叶斯定理3)Prior Probability - 先验概率4)Posterior Probability - 后验概率5)Likelihood - 似然6)Class Conditional Probability - 类条件概率7)Feature Independence Assumption - 特征独立假设8)Multinomial Naive Bayes - 多项式朴素贝叶斯9)Gaussian Naive Bayes - 高斯朴素贝叶斯10)Bernoulli Naive Bayes - 伯努利朴素贝叶斯11)Laplace Smoothing - 拉普拉斯平滑12)Add-One Smoothing - 加一平滑13)Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) - 最大后验概率14)Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) - 最大似然估计15)Classification - 分类16)Feature Vectors - 特征向量17)Training Set - 训练集18)Test Set - 测试集19)Class Label - 类标签20)Confusion Matrix - 混淆矩阵•Clustering - 聚类1)Clustering - 聚类2)Centroid - 质心3)Cluster Analysis - 聚类分析4)Partitioning Clustering - 划分式聚类5)Hierarchical Clustering - 层次聚类6)Density-Based Clustering - 基于密度的聚类7)K-Means Clustering - K均值聚类8)K-Medoids Clustering - K中心点聚类9)DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) - 基于密度的空间聚类算法10)Agglomerative Clustering - 聚合式聚类11)Dendrogram - 系统树图12)Silhouette Score - 轮廓系数13)Elbow Method - 肘部法则14)Clustering Validation - 聚类验证15)Intra-cluster Distance - 类内距离16)Inter-cluster Distance - 类间距离17)Cluster Cohesion - 类内连贯性18)Cluster Separation - 类间分离度19)Cluster Assignment - 聚类分配20)Cluster Label - 聚类标签•K-Means - K-均值1)K-Means - K-均值2)Centroid - 质心3)Cluster - 聚类4)Cluster Center - 聚类中心5)Cluster Assignment - 聚类分配6)Cluster Analysis - 聚类分析7)K Value - K值8)Elbow Method - 肘部法则9)Inertia - 惯性10)Silhouette Score - 轮廓系数11)Convergence - 收敛12)Initialization - 初始化13)Euclidean Distance - 欧氏距离14)Manhattan Distance - 曼哈顿距离15)Distance Metric - 距离度量16)Cluster Radius - 聚类半径17)Within-Cluster Variation - 类内变异18)Cluster Quality - 聚类质量19)Clustering Algorithm - 聚类算法20)Clustering Validation - 聚类验证•Dimensionality Reduction - 降维1)Dimensionality Reduction - 降维2)Feature Extraction - 特征提取3)Feature Selection - 特征选择4)Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - 主成分分析5)Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) - 奇异值分解6)Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) - 线性判别分析7)t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) - t-分布随机邻域嵌入8)Autoencoder - 自编码器9)Manifold Learning - 流形学习10)Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) - 局部线性嵌入11)Isomap - 等度量映射12)Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) - 均匀流形逼近与投影13)Kernel PCA - 核主成分分析14)Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) - 非负矩阵分解15)Independent Component Analysis (ICA) - 独立成分分析16)Variational Autoencoder (VAE) - 变分自编码器17)Sparse Coding - 稀疏编码18)Random Projection - 随机投影19)Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (NPE) - 保持邻域结构的嵌入20)Curvilinear Component Analysis (CCA) - 曲线成分分析•Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - 主成分分析1)Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - 主成分分析2)Eigenvector - 特征向量3)Eigenvalue - 特征值4)Covariance Matrix - 协方差矩阵。



------------------------------------ (HT ------------------------------------一、判断题1.数据可分为结构化数据和非结构化数据等。















的筛选?A、最小信赖度(Minimum Confidence)B、最小支持度(Minimum Support)C、交易编号(TransactionlD)D、购买数量正确答案:B2.为调查我国城市女婴出生体重:北方n1=5385,均数为3.08kg,标准差为0.53kg ;南方n2=4896,均数为3.10kg,标准差为0.34kg,经统计学检验,p=0.0034<0.01,这意味着()A、南方和北方女婴出生体重的差别无统计学意义B、南方和北方女婴出生体重差别很大C、由于P值太小,南方和北方女婴出生体重差别无意义D、南方和北方女婴出生体重差别有统计学意义但无实际意义正确答案:D3.预测分析中将原始数据分为训练数据集和测试数据集等,其中训练数据集的作用在于()A、用于对模型的效果进行无偏的评估B、用于比较不同模型的预测准确度C、用于构造预测模型D、用于选择模型正确答案:C4.一个射手连续射靶22次,其中3次射中10环,7次射中9环,9次射中8环,3次射中7 环.则射中环数的中位数和众数分别为()A、8,9B、8,8C、8,5,8D、8.5, 9正确答案:B5.一般来说,当居民收入减少时,居民储蓄存款也会相应减少,二者之间的关系是()A、负相关B、正相关C、零相关D、曲线相关正确答案:B6.下表为一交易数据库,请问A - C的信赖度(Confidence^()A、75%B、50%C、60%D、66.7%正确答案:D7.如何利用「体重」以简单贝式分类(Naive Bayes)预测「性别」?A、选取另一条件属性B、将体重正规化为到0〜1之间C、将体重离散化D、无法预测正确答案:C8.以下哪个属于时间序列的问题?()A、信用卡发卡银行侦测潜在的卡奴B、基金经理人针对个股做出未来价格预测C、电信公司将人户区分为数个群体D、以上皆是正确答案:B9.数据缺失(Null Value)处理方法可分为人工填补法及自动填补法,下列哪种填补法可得到较准确的结果?庆、填入一个通用的常数值,例如填入“未知/UnknownB、把填补遗缺值的问题当作是分类或预测的问题口填入该属性的整体平均值口、填入该属性的整体中位数正确答案:B10.某市有各类书店500家,其中大型50家,中型150家,小型300家。






1.KNN算法KNN算法的全名称叫做k-nearest neighbor classification,也就是K最近邻,简称为KNN算法,这种分类算法,是一个理论上比较成熟的方法,也是最简单的机器学习算法之一。



2.Naive Bayes算法在众多的分类模型中,应用最为广泛的两种分类模型是决策树模型(Decision Tree Model)和朴素贝叶斯模型(Naive Bayesian Model,NBC)。








3.CART算法CART 也就是Classification and Regression Trees。





《⼤数据时代下的数据挖掘》试题和答案及解析《海量数据挖掘技术及⼯程实践》题⽬⼀、单选题(共80题)1)( D )的⽬的缩⼩数据的取值范围,使其更适合于数据挖掘算法的需要,并且能够得到和原始数据相同的分析结果。

A.数据清洗B.数据集成C.数据变换D.数据归约2)某超市研究销售纪录数据后发现,买啤酒的⼈很⼤概率也会购买尿布,这种属于数据挖掘的哪类问题?(A)A. 关联规则发现B. 聚类C. 分类D. ⾃然语⾔处理3)以下两种描述分别对应哪两种对分类算法的评价标准? (A)(a)警察抓⼩偷,描述警察抓的⼈中有多少个是⼩偷的标准。


A. Precision,RecallB. Recall,PrecisionA. Precision,ROC D. Recall,ROC4)将原始数据进⾏集成、变换、维度规约、数值规约是在以下哪个步骤的任务?(C)A. 频繁模式挖掘B. 分类和预测C. 数据预处理D. 数据流挖掘5)当不知道数据所带标签时,可以使⽤哪种技术促使带同类标签的数据与带其他标签的数据相分离?(B)A. 分类B. 聚类C. 关联分析D. 隐马尔可夫链6)建⽴⼀个模型,通过这个模型根据已知的变量值来预测其他某个变量值属于数据挖掘的哪⼀类任务?(C)A. 根据内容检索B. 建模描述C. 预测建模D. 寻找模式和规则7)下⾯哪种不属于数据预处理的⽅法? (D)A.变量代换B.离散化C.聚集D.估计遗漏值8)假设12个销售价格记录组已经排序如下:5, 10, 11, 13, 15, 35, 50, 55, 72, 92, 204, 215 使⽤如下每种⽅法将它们划分成四个箱。

等频(等深)划分时,15在第⼏个箱⼦内?(B)A.第⼀个B.第⼆个C.第三个D.第四个9)下⾯哪个不属于数据的属性类型:(D)A.标称B.序数C.区间D.相异10)只有⾮零值才重要的⼆元属性被称作:( C )A.计数属性B.离散属性C.⾮对称的⼆元属性D.对称属性11)以下哪种⽅法不属于特征选择的标准⽅法: (D)A.嵌⼊B.过滤C.包装D.抽样12)下⾯不属于创建新属性的相关⽅法的是: (B)A.特征提取B.特征修改C.映射数据到新的空间D.特征构造13)下⾯哪个属于映射数据到新的空间的⽅法? (A)A.傅⽴叶变换B.特征加权C.渐进抽样D.维归约14)假设属性income的最⼤最⼩值分别是12000元和98000元。

CPDA考试真题与答案 2

CPDA考试真题与答案 2


正确答案: ×2。













正确答案: ×12.当倒传递神经网络(BP神经网络)无隐藏层,输出层个数只有一个的时候,也可以看做是逻辑回归模型。

正确答案: √13.维规约即事先规定所取模型的维数,可以认为是降维的一种.正确答案:×14。




数据库系统是由()组成的A、数据库、数据库管理系统和用户B、数据文件、命令文件和报表C、数据库文件结构和数据D、常量、变量和函数正确答案: A3。








以下是几种常用的特征提取方法:1. 词袋模型 (Bag-of-Words model)词袋模型是最简单且最常用的特征提取方法之一。




2. TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)TF-IDF是一种常用的权重计算方法,用于衡量某个词在文本中的重要性。

通过计算词频 (TF) 和逆文档频率 (IDF) 的乘积,可以得到每个词的权重。


3. Word2VecWord2Vec是一种基于神经网络的词向量表示方法,可以将词表示为低维的实值向量。





1. A
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. C
17. D
18. D
19. D
20. D
C. Naive Bayes算法
D. PageRank算法



大数据思维是指一种( )。

相比依赖于小数据和精确性的时代,大数据因为更强调数据的( ),帮助我们进一步接近事实的真相。

两个或多个变量的( )之间存在某种规律性,就称为关联。

( )是一些管理方面的最佳实践。

常用的挖掘算法都以( )为主。

大数据时代,我们是要让数据自己“发声”,没必要知道为什么,只需要知道( )。




朴素贝叶斯分类算法介绍要介绍朴素贝叶斯算法(Naive Bayes),那就得先介绍贝叶斯分类算法,贝叶斯分类算法是统计分类算法的⼀种,他是⼀类利⽤概率统计知识进⾏的⼀种分类算法。





(在后⾯的例⼦中x={"Youth", "Medium", "Yes", "Fair"},⾥⾯的4个因⼦为他的特征向量)2、有类别集合。

(在后⾯的类别中只有buy_computer的分类yes, no,C={yes, no})3、计算。

(在后⾯的计算的任务就是计算在X事件的条件下,yes和no事件的发⽣概率,P(Yes|X, P(No|X)))4、如果,则。

(计算出上⾯的结果值,拥有最⼤概率的值的yi就是他的分类,这个很好理解,在X条件下,那个分类类型概率⾼就属于哪个分类,在这⾥⽐的就是P(Yes|X, P(No|X))那么现在的关键就是如何计算第3步中的各个条件概率。











近年来,机器学习(ML )模型在疾病诊断或预后预测方面表现出良好的性能[4]。

在海量与复杂结构的数据情境下,与传统的统计方法相比,ML 模型可以捕捉到复杂的非线性关系,并在大数据中识别出未知的关联性,从而获得更深层次的洞察力[5]。


尽管ML 方法有很好的预测准确性,但由于缺乏可解释性,因此其表现和应用饱受质疑[7,8],正如Stinear 等[9]指出,构建具有可操作和可解释性ML 模型对临床应用至关重要。

可解释性被定义为人类能够理解MLAn interpretable machine learning-based prediction model for risk of death for patients with ischemic stroke in intensive care unitLUO Xiao,CHENG Yi,WU Cheng,HE JiaDepartment of Military Health Statistics,Naval Medical University,Shanghai 200433,China摘要:目的构建一种内在可解释性机器学习模型,即可解释提升机模型(EBM)来预测重症缺血性脑卒中患者一年死亡风险。




《数据科学与⼤数据通识导论》题库及答案-2019年温州市⼯程技术系列专业技术⼈员继续教育1.数据科学的三⼤⽀柱与五⼤要素是什么?答:数据科学的三⼤主要⽀柱为:Datalogy (数据学):对应数据管理 (Data management)Analytics (分析学):对应统计⽅法 (Statistical method)Algorithmics (算法学):对应算法⽅法 (Algorithmic method)数据科学的五⼤要素:A-SATA模型分析思维 (Analytical Thinking)统计模型 (Statistical Model)算法计算 (Algorithmic Computing)数据技术 (Data Technology)综合应⽤ (Application)2.如何辨证看待“⼤数据”中的“⼤”和“数据”的关系?字⾯理解Large、vast和big都可以⽤于形容⼤⼩Big更强调的是相对⼤⼩的⼤,是抽象意义上的⼤⼤数据是抽象的⼤,是思维⽅式上的转变量变带来质变,思维⽅式,⽅法论都应该和以往不同计算机并不能很好解决⼈⼯智能中的诸多问题,利⽤⼤数据突破性解决了,其核⼼问题变成了数据问题。


第⼀范式:经验科学第⼆范式:理论科学第三范式:计算科学第四范式:数据密集型科学今天,是数据科学,统⼀于理论、实验和模拟4.从⼈类整个⽂明的尺度上看,IT和DT对⼈类的发展有些什么样的影响和冲击?以控制为出发点的IT时代正在⾛向激活⽣产⼒为⽬的的DT(Data Technology)数据时代。

⼤数据驱动的DT时代由数据驱动的世界观⼤数据重新定义商业新模式⼤数据重新定义研发新路径⼤数据重新定义企业新思维5.⼤数据时代的思维⽅式有哪些?“⼤数据时代”和“智能时代”告诉我们:数据思维:讲故事→数据说话总体思维:样本数据→全局数据容错思维:精确性→混杂性、不确定性相关思维:因果关系→相关关系智能思维:⼈→⼈机协同(⼈ + ⼈⼯智能)6.请列举出六⼤典型思维⽅式;直线思维、逆向思维、跳跃思维、归纳思维、并⾏思维、科学思维7.⼤数据时代的思维⽅式有哪些?同58.⼆进制系统是如何实现的?计算机⽤0和1来表⽰和存储所有的数据,它的基数为2,进位规则是“逢⼆进⼀”,⽤1表⽰开,0表⽰关9.解释⽐特、字节和⼗六进制表⽰。


3. K-means算法通过迭代更新聚类中心将数据分为K类。适用于数据分布呈团状,如用户群体划分。
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. C
18. D
19. B
20. A
1. ABC
2. ABC
3. ABC
4. ABD
5. AB
6. BD
8. ABC
9. AB
10. ABCD
11. ABC
12. ABC
13. ABC
14. ABD
15. ABC
16. ABC
17. AB
9. ______是一种保护数据隐私的技术,允许数据在不解密的情况下进行处理和分析。


C. K-means聚类
A. K-means聚类
7. ABC
9. ABC
10. ABC
11.. ABCD

nave bayes的假定

nave bayes的假定

Naive Bayes的假设简介Naive Bayes是一种基于贝叶斯定理的分类算法,其主要假设是特征之间相互独立。

这个假设使得Naive Bayes算法具有简单、高效、有效的特点,在文本分类、垃圾邮件过滤、情感分析等领域得到广泛应用。

贝叶斯定理回顾在深入探讨Naive Bayes的假定之前,我们需要回顾一下贝叶斯定理。


设A和B是两个事件,且P(B) > 0,则条件概率定义为在事件B发生的条件下事件A发生的概率为P(A|B) = P(A∩B) / P(B)。

根据乘法规则,我们可以将条件概率表示为P(A|B) = P(B|A) * P(A) / P(B)。


Naive Bayes算法的假设Naive Bayes算法基于贝叶斯定理,但在其应用中做了一个简化的假设:特征之间相互独立。

这个假设是Naive Bayes算法的核心,使得算法在计算上更加简单高效。



虽然这个假设在现实中很少成立,但在实际应用中,Naive Bayes算法仍然表现良好。











A)欠拟合B)过拟合C)拟合D)以上答案都不正答案:B解析:当学习器把训练样本学得太好了的时候,很可能巳经把训练样本自身的一些特点当作了所有潜在样本都会具有的一般性质,这样就会导致泛化性能下降这种现象在机器学习中称为过拟合 。

2.[单选题]例如Hive建表语句中stored as 的作用是指定表的格式,下列不属于Hive表的常见格式的是()create table if not exists textfile_table( ueserid STRING, movieid STRING, rating STRING, ts STRING)row formated delimated fields terminated by '\t'stored as textfile;A)PigTableB)ORCC)PARQUETD)TEXTFIL答案:A解析:3.[单选题]机器学习中,基于样本分布的距离是以下哪一个()A)马氏距离B)欧式距离C)曼哈顿距离D)闵可夫斯基距离答案:A解析:马氏距离是基于样本分布的一种距离。

4.[单选题]以下关于数据服务API开放方使用流程,描述正确的是:( )。



A)一个含N个变量的二次规划问题B)一个含N+1个变量的二次规划问题解析:欲找到具有最大间隔 的划分超平面,也就是要找到能满足式题中不等式约束的参数w 和b ,是一个含d+1个变量的二次规划问题。

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A Global-Model Naive Bayes Approachto the Hierarchical Prediction of Protein Functions Carlos N.Silla Jr.and Alex A.FreitasSchool of Computing and Centre for Biomedical Informatics University of Kent,Canterbury,Kent,UK,CT27NF{cns2,A.A.Freitas}@Abstract—In this paper we propose a new global–model approach for hierarchical classification,where a single global classification model is built by considering all the classes in the hierarchy–rather than building a number of local classification models as it is more usual in hierarchical classification.The method is an extension of theflat classification algorithm naive Bayes.We present the extension made to the original algorithm as well as its evaluation on eight protein function hierarchical classification datasets.The achieved results are positive and show that the proposed global model is better than using a local model approach.Keywords-hierarchical classification;bayesian classification; protein function prediction;I.I NTRODUCTIONWithin the different types of machine learning problems, the most common focus is to solveflat classification prob-lems.In the classification task the algorithm is given a set of labeled objects(training set),each of them described by a set of features,and the aim is to predict the label of unknown labeled objects(test set)based on their features.In aflat classification problem,each test example e(unseen during training)will be assigned a class c∈C(where C is the set of classes of the given problem),where C has a“flat”structure(there is no relationship among the classes).This approach is often single label,i.e.the classifier will only output one possible class for each test example.Apart from flat classification,there are problems that are hierarchical by its nature,involving a hierarchy of classes to be predicted.E.g.in text categorization by topic,due to the large number of possible topics,the simple use of aflat classifier seems infeasible.As the number of topics becomes larger,flat categorizers face the problem of complexity that may incur in rapid increase of time and storage[1].For this reason, usingflat classification algorithms might not befit to the problem.The machine learning method has to be tailored to deal with the hierarchical class structure.One of the application domains that can truly benefit from hierarchical classification is thefield of bioinformatics,more precisely the task of protein function prediction.This task is particularly interesting as,although the human sequencing genome project has ended,the contribution made for knowl-edge is less clear,because we still do not know the functions of many proteins encoded by genes[2].Also,one of the most used methods to infer new protein functions,BLAST, which is based on measuring similarity between protein sequences,has some limitations.In particular,proteins with similar sequences can have very different functions[3]and BLAST does not produce a classification model that can give the user insight about the relationship between protein features and proteins functions[4].In this work,we extend the traditionalflat(ignoring class-relationships)Naive Bayes to deal with a hierarchical clas-sification problem.This extension allows the algorithm to create a global–model that allows the prediction of any class in the hierarchical class structure instead of only classes at the leaf nodes of the class hierarchy.The classification model is said to be global because it is built by considering all classes in the hierarchy–rather than building a number of local classification models as usual.We also augment the global-model Naive Bayes by using a notion of“usefulness”by taking into account the depth of the prediction.The motivation is that deeper predictions tend to be more useful (more specific and informative)to the user than more general predictions.We evaluate our approach on eight protein datasets and compare it against a suitable baseline approach tailored for hierarchical classification problems.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II presents background on hierarchical classification. Section III discusses the new global–model naive Bayes method for hierarchical classification proposed in this paper. Section IV presents the experimental setup and reports the computational results on the task of hierarchical pro-tein function prediction.Conclusions and some perspectives about future work are stated in Section VI.II.H IERARCHICAL C LASSIFICATIONThe existing hierarchical classification methods can be analyzed under different aspects[5],[4],as follows:•The type of hierarchical structure of the classes,whichcan be either a tree structure or a DAG(Direct Acyclic Graph)structure.In this work,the datasets are orga-nized into a tree-structured class hierarchy;•How deep the classification in the hierarchy is per-formed.I.e.,if the output of the classifier is always2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Data Mininga leaf node(which[4]refers to as Mandatory Leaf-Node Prediction and[5]refers to as Virtual Category Tree)or if the most specific(“deepest”)class predicted by the classifier for a given example could be a node at any level of the class hierarchy(which[4]refers to as Non-Mandatory Leaf Node Prediction and[5]refers to as Category Tree).In this work,we are dealing witha non-mandatory leaf node prediction problem.•How the hierarchical class structure is explored bythe algorithm.The existing hierarchical classification approaches can be classified into Local and Global approaches.In this work we propose a new global approach.The local–model approach consists of creating a local classifier for every parent node[6](i.e.,any non-leaf node) in the class hierarchy(assuming a multi-class classifier is available)or a local binary classifier for each class node [7](parent or leaf node,except for the root node).In the former case the classifier’s goal is to discriminate among the child classes of the classifier’s corresponding node.In the latter case,each binary classifier predicts whether or not an example belongs to its corresponding class.In both cases, these approaches are creating classifiers with a local view of the problem.Despite the differences on creating and training the classifiers,these approaches are often used with the same “top-down”class prediction strategy in the testing phase. The top-down class prediction approach works in the testing phase as follows.For each level of the hierarchy(except the top level),the decision about which class is predicted at the current level is based on the class predicted at the previous(parent)level.The main disadvantage of the local approach with the top-down class prediction approach is that a classification mistake at a high level of the hierarchy is propagated through all the descendant nodes of the wrongly assigned class.In the global–model approach,a single(relatively com-plex)classification model is built from the training set, taking into account the class hierarchy as a whole during a single run of the classification algorithm.When used during the test phase,each test example is classified by the induced model,a process that can assign classes at potentially every level of the hierarchy to the test example[4].In this work we propose a novel global classification approach to avoid the above–mentioned drawback of the local approach. Most of the classification research in machine learning focus on the development and improvement offlat classi-fication methods.In addition,in thefield of hierarchical classification most approaches use a local-model approach with a top-down class prediction approach.The global–model approach is still under-explored in the literature and it deserves more investigation because it builds a singular coherent classification model.Even though a single model produced by the global-model approach will tend to be more complex(larger)than each of the many classification modelsroot{{{{{{{{R R R RR R R RR R R RR R R R1}}}}}}}}C C CC C CC C2z z zz z zz zD D DD D DD D1. class structure exampleproduced by the local–model approach,intuitively the single global model will tend to be much simpler(smaller)than the entire hierarchy of local classification models.There is also empirical evidence for this intuitive reasoning[8],[9].III.T HE G LOBAL-M ODEL N AIVE B AYESAs seen in the previous section,we are interested in developing a hierarchical classification algorithm that builds a global classification model.Moreover,we also want the algorithm to output its decision process in a human un-derstandable format and to be able to cope with naturally missing attribute values.For these reasons,in this work,we consider the use of Bayesian algorithms instead of“black box”type of algorithms like SVM or neural networks. Bayesian methods range from the simple Naive Bayes (which assumes no dependency between the attributes given the class)to Bayesian networks,which efficiently encode the joint probability distribution for a large set of variables [10].The training of a Bayesian classifier has two main steps: (1)Deciding the topology of the network representing attribute dependencies;(2)Computing the required proba-bilities.The second step,at least,needs to be adapted to hierarchical classification.Hence,in this paper we discuss how to adapt this second step to the task of hierarchical classification–considering the less investigated scenario of global classification models;whilst adapting thefirst step to hierarchical classification will be investigated in future research.Hence,in this paper we focus on the well-known naive Bayes algorithm,which has the advantages of simplicity and computational efficiency(an important point in hierarchical classification,given the large number of classes to be predicted).Considering Figure1,where each node in the tree corresponds to a class,the Naive Bayes classifier has the following components:•Topology:The topology is essentially the same forflat and hierarchical classification;the difference is that the “class node”has an internal hierarchical structure.•Prior Probabilities-computed for each class:P(1),P(2), P(1.1),P(1.2),P(2.1),P(2.2),P(2.3).•Likelihoods:P(A i=V ij|1),P(A i=V ij|2),P(A i=V ij|1.1), P(A i=Vij|1.2),P(A i=Vij|2.1),P(A i=Vij|2.2).This is computed for each attribute A i,and each value V ij belonging to the domain of A i,i=1,...,n,j=1,...,i m,where n is the number of attributes and i m is the number of values in the domain of the i th attribute. After training,during the testing phase,the question that arises is how to assign a class to a test example?The original (flat)Naive Bayes simply assigns the class with maximum value of the posterior probability given by p(Class)=ni=1(A i=Vij|Class)×P(Class)[11].However this needsto be adapted to hierarchical classification,where classes at different levels have different trade-offs of accuracy and usefulness to the user.In order to extend the original naive Bayes classifier to handle the class hierarchy,the following modifications were introduced in the algorithm:•Modification of the prior calculations:During the train-ing phase,when there is an example that belongs to a certain class(say class2.1),this means that the prior probabilities of both that class and its ancestor classes(i.e.classes2and2.1in this case)are going to beupdated).(This is because we are dealing with a“IS-A”class hierarchy,as usual.)•Modification of the likelihood calculation:As in the prior calculations,when a training example is pro-cessed,its attribute-value pair counts are added to the counts of the given class and its ancestor classes.As in the previous example,if the training example belongs to class2.1,the attribute-value counts are added to the counts of both classes2and2.1.These modifications will allow the algorithm to predict classes at any level of the hierarchy.However,although the predictions of deeper classes are often less accurate(since deeper classes have fewer examples to support the training of the classifier than shallower classes),deeper class predictions tend to be more useful to the user,since they provide more specific information than shallower class predictions.If we only consider the posterior class probability(the product of likelihood×prior class probability)we would not take into account the usefulness to the user.It is interesting therefore to select a class label which has a high posterior probability and is also useful to the user.Therefore an optional step in the proposed method is to predict the class with maximum value of the product of posterior probability×usefulness. The question that arises is how to evaluate the usefulness of a predicted class?Given that predictions at deeper levels of the hierarchy are usually more informative than the classes at shallower levels, some sort of penalization for shallower class predictions is needed.In Clare’s work[12]the original formula for entropy was modified to take into account two aspects:multiple labels and prediction depth(usefulness)to the user.In this work we have modified the part of the entropy-based formula described in[12].The main reason to modify this formula is that while Clare was using a decision tree classifier based on entropy,in this work we are using a Bayesian algorithm that makes use of probabilities.Therefore,we need to adapt the“usefulness”measure from[12]to the context our algorithm.Also,all that we need is a measure to assign different weights to different classes at different class levels.Therefore,we adapt Clare’s measure of usefulness by using a normalized usefulness value based on the position of each class level in the hierarchy.Moreover,we only use the normalized value of the Clare’s equation to measure the usefulness:usefulness(c i)=1−(a(c i)log2treesize(c i)max)(1) where:•treesize(c i)=1+number of descendant classes of c i (1is added to represent c i itself)•a(c i)=0,if p(c i)=0;a(c i)=a user defined constant (default=1)otherwise.•max is the highest value obtained by computinga(c i)log2treesize(c i)and it is used to normalize all the other values into the range[0,1].To make thefinal classification decision,the global-model naive Bayes has two options.Thefirst option is to assign thefinal class label with the maximum value of posterior probability(Equation2).The second option is to assign the class label which maximizes the product of the posterior probability and usefulness(Equation3).classify(A)=arg maxclassni=1(A i=Vij|Class)×P(Class)(2)classify(A)=arg maxclassni=1((A i=Vij|Class)×P(Class))×Usefulness(Class)(3)IV.E XPERIMENTAL D ETAILSA.Establishing a Baseline MethodAn important issue when dealing with hierarchical clas-sification is how to establish a meaningful baseline method. Since we are dealing with a problem where the classifier’s most specific class prediction for an example can be at any level of the hierarchy(non-mandatory leaf node prediction –see Section2),it is fair to have a comparison against a method whose most specific class prediction can also be at any level in the class hierarchy.Therefore,in this work,as a baseline method,we use the same broad type of classifier(Naive Bayes),but with a conventional local–model approach with a top-down class prediction testing approach.More precisely,during the train-ing phase,for every non-leaf class node,a naive Bayes multi-class classifier was trained to distinguish between the node’sB IOINFORMATICS D ATASETS D ETAILS.Protein Type Signature Type#of Attributes#of Examples#Classes/LevelEnzyme Interpro1,21614,0276/41/96/187 Pfam70813,9876/41/96/190 Prints38214,0256/45/92/208 Prosite58514,0416/42/89/187GPCR Interpro4507,44412/54/82/50 Pfam757,05312/52/79/49 Prints2835,4048/46/76/49 Prosite1296,2469/50/79/49child classes.To implement the test phase,we used the top-down class prediction strategy(see Section2)in the context of a non-mandatory leaf-node class prediction problem.The criterion for deciding at which level to stop the classification during the top-down classification process is based on the usefulness measure(see Section3).Since we already have the measure for usefulness of a predicted class,we decided to use the following stopping cri-terion:If p(c i)×usefulness(c i)>p(c j)×usefulness(c j) for all classes c j that are a child of the current class c i,then stop classification.In other words,if the posterior probability times the usefulness(given by Equation1)computed by the classifier at the current class node is higher than the posterior probability times the usefulness computed for each of its child class nodes,then stop the classification at the current class node–i.e.,make that class the most specific(deeper) class predicted for the current test example.B.Bioinformatics Datasets Used in the ExperimentsIn this work we have used datasets about two different proteins families:Enzymes and GPCRs(G-Protein-Coupled Receptors).Enzymes are catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions while GPCRs are proteins involved in signalling and are particularly important in medical applications as it is believed that from40%to50%of current medical drugs target GPCR activity[13].In each dataset,each example represents a protein.Each dataset[14]has four different versions based on different kinds of predictor attributes,and in each dataset the classes to be predicted are hierarchical protein functions. Each type of binary predictor attribute indicates whether or not a“protein signature”(or motif)occurs in a protein.The motifs used in this work were:Interpro Entries,FingerPrints from the Prints database,Prosite Patterns and Pfam.Apart from the presence/absence of several motifs according to the signature method,each protein has two additional attributes: the molecular weight and the sequence length.Before performing the experiments,the following pre-processing steps were applied to the datasets:(1)Every class with fewer than10examples was merged with its parent class.If after this merge the class still had fewer than10 examples,this process would be repeated recursively until the examples would be labeled to the Root class.(2)All examples whose most specific class was the Root class were removed.(3)A class blind discretization algorithm based on equal-frequency binning(using20bins)was applied to the molecular weight and sequence length attributes, which were the only two continuous attributes in each dataset.Table I presents the datasets’main characteristics after these pre-processing steps.The last column of Table I presents the number of classes at each level of the hier-archy(1st/2nd/3rd/4th levels).In all datasets,each protein (example)is assigned at most one class at each level of the hierarchy.The pre-processed version of the datasets (as they were used in the experiments)are available at: /people/rpg/cns2/V.C OMPUTATIONAL R ESULTSIn this section,we are interested in answering the fol-lowing questions by using controlled experiments:(a)How does the choice of a local(with top-down class prediction approach)or global(with the proposed method)approach affect the performance of the algorithms?(b)How does the inclusion of the usefulness criterion(Equation1)affect the global model Naive Bayes algorithm?All the experiments reported in this section were obtained by using the datasets presented in Section IV-B,using stratified ten-fold cross-validation.In order to evaluate the algorithms we have used the metrics of hierarchical precision(hP),hierarchical recall (hR)and hierarchical f-measure(hF)proposed in[15]. These measures are extended versions of the well known metrics of precision,recall and f-measure but tailored to the hierarchical classification scenario.They are defined as follows:hP=i|ˆP i∩ˆT i|i|ˆP i|,hR=i|ˆP i∩ˆT i|i|ˆT i|,hF=2∗hP∗hRhP+hR, whereˆP i is the set consisting of the most specific class predicted for test example i and all its ancestor classes andˆT i is the set consisting of the true class of test ex-ample i and all its ancestor classes.The main advantage of using this particular metric is that it can be applied to any hierarchical classification scenario(i.e.single label, multi-label,tree-structured,dag-structured,mandatory-leaf node or non-mandatory leaf node problems).In addition, this measure penalizes shallow predictions because such predictions would have relatively low recall values,thereforeH IERARCHICAL P RECISION(H P),R ECALL(H R)AND F1-M EASURE(H F)ON THE HIERARCHICAL PROTEIN FUNCTION DATASETS.LMNBwU GMNB GMNBwUDatabases hP hR hF hP hR hF hP hR hFGPCR-Interpro70.4967.2967.9087.6071.3377.0184.3974.7678.27GPCR-Pfam66.4959.1761.3277.2357.5264.4070.3560.1363.53GPCR-Prints70.1366.3266.9987.0669.4275.3883.0473.0076.51GPCR-Prosite63.4555.9558.1175.6453.7361.1466.3856.6159.89EC-Interpro74.8580.2376.6494.9689.5890.5394.0792.8492.65EC-Pfam74.9479.7376.4795.1586.9488.7293.6992.2592.13EC-Prints78.3582.7379.7992.2187.2687.9890.9690.6289.92EC-Prosite81.7386.5283.2095.1489.5390.7093.3892.4592.01introducing some pressure for predictions to be as deep as possible(to increase recall)as long as precision is not too compromised.This approach to cope with the trade-off between precision and recall is suitable to our non-mandatory leaf-node prediction problem.To measure if there is any statistically significant differ-ence between the hierarchical classification methods being compared,we have employed the Friedman test with the post-hoc Shaffer’s static procedure for comparison of multi-ple classifiers over many datasets as strongly recommended by[16].Table III presents the results of this test using the values of hierarchical F-measure.Thefirst column of Table III presents which classifiers are being compared.The sec-ond column presents the p value of the statistical test,which needs to be lower than the corrected critical value shown on the third column,in order to have a statistically significant difference between the performance of two classifiers at a confidence level of95%.A.Evaluating the Local Vs.Global Model Approaches Wefirst evaluate the impact of the usefulness compo-nent in the different types of hierarchical classification algorithms.Table II presents the results comparing the baseline local-model naive Bayes(LMNBwU)described in Section IV-A with the proposed global-model naive Bayes (GMNBwU),both with usefulness.For all eight datasets the proposed global-model with usefulness obtained significantly better results than the local-model with usefulness.The statistical significance of the detailed results shown in Table II is confirmed by thefirst row of Table III,where the p value is much smaller than the corrected critical value.The same result is achieved by the global-model naive bayes without usefulness as shown in Table II and confirmed by the second row of Table III. These results corroborate the ones reported in[9]where a global–model decision-tree approach was also better than a local-model one.Most previous studies comparing the local–model and global–model approaches have focused on mandatory leaf node prediction problems[8][17],which is a simpler scenario–since there is no need to decide at which level the classification should be stopped for each example and there is no need to consider the trade-off between predictive accuracy and usefulness.B.Evaluating the impact of the usefulness measure in the global-model Naive BayesLet us now evaluate the impact of the optional usefulness criterion in the proposed global-model naive Bayes,which considers the trade-off between accuracy and usefulness when deciding what should be the most specific class-predicted for a given test example.Table II shows the hierarchical measures of precision,recall and f-measure of the global-model Naive Bayes without(GMNB)and with the usefulness criterion(GMNBwU).The analysis of the results collaborate with our previous statements.That is,the GMNB has an overall higher hierar-chical precision than the GMNBwU,while the GMNBwU has a higher overall hierarchical recall than the GMNB.This means that that by adding the usefulness to the global-model naive bayes,the classifier is really making deeper predictions at the cost of their precision.It should be noted however, that there is no statistically significant difference between the hF measure values of the two classifiers,as show in the third row of Table III.The decision of which version of the classifier to use will depend on the type of protein being studied and the costs associated with the biological(laboratory)experiments in order to verify if the predictions are correct.Table IIIR ESULTS OF S TATISTICAL T ESTS FORα=0.05algorithm p ShafferLMNBwU vs.GMNBwU 4.6525E-40.01666LMNBwU vs.GMNB0.01240.05GMNB vs.GMNBwU0.31730.05VI.C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE W ORKIn this paper we have proposed a novel algorithm that is an extension of the Naive Bayes algorithm to handle hierarchical classification problems by producing a single global classification model–rather than a number of local classification models as in the conventional local classi-fier approach with the top-down class prediction approach. Moreover,contrary to the usual scenario of hierarchicalclassification problems where the algorithm has to predict one of the leaf classes for each test example,in this work we dealt with the less-conventional scenario where the algorithm can predict,as the most specific class for a test example,a class at any level of the hierarchy(also known as a non-mandatory leaf-node prediction problem).In this scenario, we have chosen to combine the posterior probability of each class with the notion of prediction usefulness based on class depth,since deeper classes tend to be more useful(more informative)to the user than shallower classes.In order to perform the experiments,we employed suitable hierarchical classification measures to this non-mandatory leaf-node prediction scenario and also established a mean-ingful baseline hierarchical classification method by mod-ifying a local classifier approach with the top-down class prediction approach to take into account the same usefulness measure used by the proposed global-model algorithm. The proposed global-model and the baseline local-model algorithms were evaluated on eight proteins datasets. The two versions of the proposed global-model algorithm achieved significantly better hierarchical classification accu-racy(measured by hierarchical f-measure)than the local-model approach.We also presented results showing that the notion of usefulness allows the global-model algorithm to obtain a hierarchical f-measure similar to the one obtained without the use of usefulness but making more specific predictions,which tend to be more useful to the user.As future research,we intend to evaluate this method on a larger number of datasets and compare it against other global hierarchical classification approaches,like the ones proposed in[9],[18].A CKNOWLEDGMENTWe want to thank Dr.Nick Holden for kindly providing us with the datasets used in this experiments.Thefirst author isfinancially supported by CAPES–a Brazilian research-support agency(process number4871-06-5).R EFERENCES[1] D.Tikk,G.Bir´o,and J. 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