



未接通、掉话及切换失败分析未接通、掉话及切换失败分析Posted on 2011-07-26 20:56:37 by一、未接通分析正常呼叫主叫起呼和被叫接入过程:……由主叫起呼信令流程图可以看出,主叫首先发出channel request reportimmediate assignmentCM service requestsetupcall proceedingassignment commandassignment completealertingconnect完成一次起呼。

在主叫assignment complete 完成后2-3秒左右被叫开始信道请求流程Channel request reportimmediate assignmentsetupcall confirmedassignment commandassignment completealertingconnect完成一次被叫接入。




65 Bearer service not implemented(承载服务未实施)
68 ACM equal to or greater than ACMmax (ACM等同或大于ACMmax)
69 Requested facility not implemented(请求设备未实施)
70 Only restricted digital information bearer capability isavailable (只有有限的数字信息承载容量)
29 Facility rejected (设备被拒绝)
31 Normal, unspecified (not logged)(正常,未指定【未记录】)
34 No circuit/channel available (无可用电路/ 信道)
38 Network out of order (网络故障)
41 Temporary failure (临时故障)
42 Switching equipment congestion(交换设备拥塞)
43 Access information discarded (访问信息丢弃)
44 Requested circuit/channel available(请求电路/ 信道不可用)
98 Message type not compatible with the protocol state(消息类型与协议状态不兼容)
99 Information element non-existent or not implemented(信息元素不存在或未实施)

GSM网络cause value值的详细解释

GSM网络cause value值的详细解释

处理过程2004-11-24 0:01:27 刘业标以下是我知道的常见Disconnect / Release Cause :Cause Value Reason==============================================================31 BSS or MSC problem34(beforeAssignmentCommand) TCH Blocking34(after Assignment Complete) MSC Blocking41(after Assignment Command) BSS problem, especially DRI problem41(after Assignment Complete) MSC problem42 MSC Congestion44 BSS problem, especially the CIC blocking111 BSS or MSC problem2004-11-26 14:55:38 罗怀瑾以下为已知的CAUSE VALUE 集合1 Unassiagned number(未分配的号码(空号))3 No route to destination(无至目的地的路由)6 Channel unacceptable(不可接受的信道)16 Normal clearing(正常清除)17 User busy(用户忙)18 No user responding(无用户响应)19 User alerting,no answer(已有用户提醒,但无应答)21 Call rejected(呼叫拒绝)22 Number changed(号码改变)26 Non selected user clearing(清除未选择的用户)27 Destination out of order(终点故障)28 Incomplete number(无效号码格式(不完全的号码))29 Facility rejected(设施被拒绝)30 Response to status enquiry(对状态询问的响应)31 Normal,unspecified(正常,未规定)34 No circuit/channel available(无电路/信道可用)38 Network out of order(网络故障)41 Temporary failure(临时故障)42 Switching equipment congestion(交换设备拥塞)43 Access information discarded(接入信息被丢弃)44 Requested circuit/channel not available(请求的电路/信道不可用)47 Resources unavailable,unspecified(资源不可用,未规定)49 Quality of service unavailable(服务质量不可用)50 Requested facility not subscribed(未预订所请求的设施)55 Incoming calls barred within the CUG57 Bearer capability not authorized(承载能力未认可)58 Bearer capability not presently available(承载能力目前不可用)63 Service or option not available,unspecified(无适用的业务或任选项目,未规定)65 Bearer service not implemented(承载业务不能实现)MS2:始终处于空闲状态问题分析:CM Service被拒绝,原因是位置更新失败,或跨LAC以后手机未进行位置更新,或者交换机问题。



一般从disconnect里面解出来以下原因码,我们定位为"链路资源不可用" 1、no circuit'channel available:无可用的电路/通路(该原因表示目前尚无适当的电路/通路可用来处理呼叫 。) 2、resource unavailable,unspecifie:资源不可用,未规定(该原因仅在没有任何其他的资源不可用类型使用时报告一个资 源不可用的事件。ds也 这三种情况主要是资源不够,即传输链路不够,小区拥塞都会导致。还有可能是RNC上板卡REM3650板卡内存阻 塞。) 3、requested circuit/channel not available:请求的电路/通路不可用(当另一侧接口不能提供请求实体所指示的电路或通路时,返回这一原因 RRC多次连接请求,超时后引起未接通(看无线环境C/I情况,是否存在干扰) 按照规范定义C/I>=-3为满足PCCPCH覆盖率中的一个条件, 我们在当前PCCPCH RSCP值很好(大于-95dBm以 上)的条件下,将PCCPCH C/I<=-5或DPCH C/I<=-5或两者同时<=-5并且持续,归入C/I差 "BLER大"是用软件中的BLER参数来标识的,若PCCPCH RSCP、DPCH RSCP、C/I都很好,而误块率BLER为30%以 按照规范定义PCCPCH RSCP >=-95dBm 为满足PCCPCH覆盖率中的一个条件,我们一般认为"PCCPCH RSCP <=被叫UE没有响应动作 切换失败造成的主叫未接通 TD网内主叫正常呼叫,被叫在进行位置更新(LAC变更) 2G向TD重选时,主叫在2G侧呼叫,被叫在满足异系统重选条件时向TD网络重选造成的主叫未接通;TD向2G重选 时,主叫在TD侧呼叫,被叫在满足异系统重选条件时向2G网络重选造成的主叫未接通 "其他原因"包括从disconnect里面解出来以下原因码,我们定位为"其他原因": 1、call reject 2、destination out of order:终点故障(该原因表示不能到达用户所指示的收端,因为收端的接口工作不正常 。术语"工作不正常"表示信令消息不能递交到远端用户;例如,远端用户的物理层或数据层故障,用户设备脱 机等。) 3、temporary failure 4、protocol error, unspecifiedds

无线网络优化中Disconnect Cause Codes原因

无线网络优化中Disconnect Cause Codes原因

Disconnect Cause CodesThe following is a complete list of Cause Codes based on the Q.931 specification. Notall of these codes may be applicable in all situations.Table 50 Disconnect Cause Code sDecimal Value HexadecimalDefinitionValue1 01 Unallocated (unassigned) number.This number is not in the routing table or it has no path across the ISDN cloud(network).1. C heck routing table to see it the number is available.2. C heck to make sure the correct digits were dialed and it is a validnumber.2 02 No route to specified transit network (national use).The number was dialed with a transit network code such as 108880 to fromAT&T to MCI and there is no route between the 2 networks.3 03 No route to destination.The dialed number is in the routing plan, but there is no physical route to thedestination.1. T he link may be down at one end or the other.2. T he span or WAN is not connected correctly.4 04 Send special information tone.Indicates that the called party cannot be reached for reasons that are of along-term nature and that the special information tone should be returned tothe calling party.5 05 Misdialed trunk prefix (national use).Indicates the erroneous inclusion of a trunk prefix in the called party number.6 06 Channel Unacceptable.Indicates that the channel most recently identified is not acceptable to thesending entity for use in this call.7 07 Call awarded and being delivered in an Established channel.Indicates that the user has been awarded the incoming call, and that theincoming call is being connected to a channel already established to that userfor similar calls (e.g. packet-mode virtual calls).8 08 Pre-Emption.Indicates that the call is being pre-empted.0 09 Pre-Emption Circuit reserved for reuse.Indicates that the call is being cleared because one of the users involved inthe call has requested that the call be cleared.16 10 Normal Call Clearing.This is one of the most common cause codes and is received for manyreasons. It usually occurs because someone hung up the call at one side orthe other.17 11 User Busy.The number dialed is busy and cannot receive any more calls.18 12 No User Responding.The called party does not respond to the call, or does not wish to answer thecall.19 13 No Answer from User (User Alerted).The called party has been alerted to the incoming call, but does not respondwith a connect indication within a prescribed period of time.NoteThis cause is not necessarily generated by Q.931 procedures but may begenerated by internal network timers.20 14 Subscriber Absent.Used when a mobile station has logged off, radio contact is not obtained witha mobile station or if a personal telecommunications user is temporarily notaddressable at any user-network interface.21 15 Call Rejected.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not wish to accept thiscall, alth9ough it could have accepted the call because the equipmentsending this cause is neither busy nor incompatible. May also be generatedby the network, indicating that the call was cleared due to a supplementaryservice constraint.22 16 Number Changed.This is returned to a calling party when the called party number indicated bythe calling party is no longer assigned. The new called party number mayoptionally be included in the diagnostic field. If a network does not supportthis cause value, cause number 1 shall be used.26 1A Non-Selected User Clearing.Indicates that the user has not been awarded the incoming call.27 1B Destination Out-of-Order.This is a working number, but the span to the destination is not active or thereis a problem sending messages to this destination.28 1C Invalid Number Format (address incomplete).Indicates that the called party cannot be reached because the called partynumber is not in a valid format or is not complete. This can happen when youare calling out using a network type number (enterprise) when you should becalling out Unknown or National for the Type of Number (TON).29 1D Facility Rejected.This cause is returned when a supplementary service requested by the usercannot be provided by the network.30 1E Response to STATUS ENQUIRY.This cause is included in the STATUS message when the reason forgenerating the STATUS message was the prior receipt of a STATUSENQUIRY message.31 1F Normal, Unspecified.This is a very common cause code and happens when the network is notable to determine what to do with the call being made.34 22 No Circuit/Channel Available.There are no channels available to handle this call. This may happen if thedestination gateway is full with calls.38 26 Network Out-of-Order.Indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition islikely to last a relatively long period of time.39 27 Permanent Frame Mode Connection Out-of-Service.This cause is included in a STATUS message to indicate that a permanentlyestablished frame mode connection is out-of-service.40 28 Permanent Frame Mode Connection Operational.This cause is included in a STATUS message to indicate that a permanentlyestablished frame mode connection is operational and capable of carryinguser information.41 29 Temporary Failure.The call was disconnected due to a network failure. The network is notfunctioning correctly and that the condition is not likely to last a long period oftime; e.g., the user may wish to try another call attempt almost immediately.42 2A Switching Equipment Congestion.Indicates that the switching equipment generating this cause is experiencinga period of high traffic.43 2B Access Information Discarded.Indicates that the network could not deliver access information to the remoteuser as requested, i.e., user-to-user information, low layer compatibility, highlayer compatibility, or sub-address, as indicated in the diagnostic.44 2C Requested Circuit/Channel not Available.This cause is returned when the circuit or channel indicated by the requestingentity cannot be provided by the other side of the interface. This may happenwhen you get in a glare condition: Both sides are selected top-down orbottom-up channel hunting.47 2F Resource Unavailable, Unspecified.Used to report a resource unavailable event only when no other cause in theresource unavailable class applies.49 31 Quality of Service Not Available.Used to report that the requested Quality of Service, as defined inRecommendation X.213, cannot be provided (e.g., throughput or transit delaycannot be supported).50 32 Requested Facility Not Subscribed.This cause indicates that the user has requested a supplementary servicewhich is implemented by the equipment which generated this cause, but theuser is not authorized to use.53 35 Outgoing Calls Barred Within Closed User Group (CUG).Indicates that although the calling party is a member of the CUG for theoutgoing CUG call, outgoing calls are not allowed for this member of theCUG.55 37 Incoming Calls Barred within CUG.Indicates that although the called party is a member of the CUG for theincoming CUG call, incoming calls are not allowed to this member of theCUG.57 39 Bearer Capability Not Authorized.Indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability which isimplemented by the equipment that generated this cause but the user is notauthorized to use.58 3A Bearer Capability Not Presently Available.Indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability, which isimplemented by the equipment that generated this cause but which is notavailable at this time.62 3E Inconsistency in Designated Outgoing Access Information and SubscriberClass.This cause indicates that there is an inconsistency in the designated outgoingaccess information and subscriber class.63 3F Service or Option Not Available, Unspecified.Used to report a service or option not available event only when no othercause in the service or option not available class applies.65 41 Bearer Capability Not Implemented.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the bearercapability requested (i.e., requesting 64kb data when only speech issupported).66 42 Channel Type Not Implemented.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the channeltype requested.69 45 Requested Facility Not Implemented.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support therequested supplementary service.70 46 Only Restricted Digital Information Bearer Capability is Available (nationaluse).Indicates that the calling party has requested an unrestricted (64kb) bearerservice but that the equipment sending this cause only supports the restrictedversion of the requested bearer capability.79 4F Service or Option Not Implemented, Unspecified.Used to report a service or option not implemented event only when no othercause in the service or option not implemented class applies.81 51 Invalid Call Reference Value.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message witha call reference that is not currently in use or assigned on the user-networkinterface. E.G. The call that is being reference by this value, does not exist onthis system.82 52 Identified Channel Does Not Exist.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request touse a channel not activated on the interface for a call.For example, if a user has subscribed to those channels on a PRI numberedfrom 1 to 12 and the user equipment or the network attempts to use channels13 through 23, this cause is generated.83 53 A Suspended Call Exists, but This Call Identity Does Not.Indicates that a call resume has been attempted with a call identity whichdiffers from that in use for any presently suspended calls(s).84 54 Call Identity in Use.Indicates that the network has received a call suspended request containinga call identity that is already in use for a suspended call within the domain ofinterfaces over which the call might be resumed.85 55 No Call Suspended.Indicates that the network has received a call resume request containing acall identity information element, which presently does not indicate anysuspended call within the domain of interfaces over which calls may beresumed.86 56 Call Having the Requested Call Identity Has Been Cleared.Indicates that the network has received a call resume request containing acall identity information element indicating a suspended call that has in themeantime been cleared while suspended.87 57 User Not Member of CUG.Indicates that the called user for the incoming CUG call is not a member ofthe specified CUG or that the calling user is an ordinary subscriber calling aCUG subscriber.88 58 Incompatible Destination.The number being dialed is not capable of the type of call.1. C alling a restricted line in unrestricted mode.2. C alling a POTS phone using unrestricted mode.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request toestablish a call which has low layer compatibility, high layer compatibility, orother compatibility attributes which cannot be accommodated.90 5A Non-Existent CUG.Indicates that the specified CUG does not exist.91 5B Invalid Transit Network Selection (national use).Indicates that a transit network identification was received which is of anincorrect format as defined in Annex C/Q.931.95 5F Invalid Message, Unspecified.Used to report an invalid message event only when no other cause in theinvalid message class applies.96 60 Mandatory Information Element is Missing.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a messagewhich is missing an information element which must be present in themessage.97 61 Message Type Non-Existent or Not Implemented.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message witha message type it does not recognize either because this is a message notdefined or defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this cause.98 62 Message is Not Compatible with the Call State, or the Message Type isNon-Existent or Not Implemented.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a messagesuch that the procedures do not indicate that this is a permissible message toreceive while in the call state, or a STATUS message was received indicatingan incompatible call state.99 63 An Information Element or Parameter Does Not Exist or is Not Implemented.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a messagewhich includes information element(s)/parameter(s) not recognized becausethe information element identifier(s)/parameter name(s) are not defined orare defined but not implemented by the equipment sending the cause.100 64 Invalid Information Element Contents.The call has an information element that is not understood by the switchbeing called. This cause is usually followed by the information element that iscausing the problem.101 65 The Message is Not Compatible with the Call State.Indicates that a message has been received which is incompatible with thecurrent call state for this call.102 66 Recovery on Timer Expired.This occurs when ISDN messages dont arrive in specified time according tothe Q.931 specification.This cause is sometimes followed by the timer that has expired.103 67 Parameter Non-Existent or Not Implemented Passed On (national use).Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a messagewhich includes parameters not recognized because the parameters are notdefined or are defined but not implemented by the equipment sending thecause.110 6E Message with Unrecognized Parameter Discarded.Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has discarded a receivedmessage, which includes a parameter that is not recognized.111 6F Protocol Error, Unspecified.Used to report a protocol error event only when no other cause in the protocolerror class applies.127 7F Interworking, Unspecified.Indicates that there has been interworking with a network which does notprovide causes for actions it takes. Thus, the precise cause for a messagewhich is being sent cannot be ascertained.ISUP消息中rel原因值G3.1正常类别原因NO.1:未分配的(未确定的)号码"unassigned (unallocaled) number"该原因表示不能到达主叫用户所请求的终点,因为虽然号码格式有效,但该号码目前尚未分配(未确定)。



【1】未接通问题汇总一、产生未接通的原因分析:1覆盖问题导致的未接通1.1弱覆盖问题在现象上主要表现为无线信号质量主要是PCCPCH RSCP值较低,并且在邻区表中也没有PCCPCH RSCP值更好的小区,此时UE_Txpower通常也会升高。




1.3越区覆盖问题其在现象上与弱覆盖问题产生的事件较为相似都表现为服务小区及邻区表小区PCCPCH RSCP值较低,但最主要的区别在于,越区覆盖的小区其邻区表中的各个小区均距离问题路段较远,且距离问题路段较近的小区没有出现在邻区列表中(如使用DX188手机进行测试,则直接可以通过邻区表判断是否存在邻区漏配,因为该型号手机有邻区测量功能,即使与周边小区没有配臵邻区关系仍然可以进行测量),而弱覆盖区域中我们可以发现,即使覆盖问题路段的小区均出现在邻区表中,但其PCCPCH RSCP值都很低。


路测中接通不成功的原因分析 作为路测(DRIVE TEST) 当中考察的一项重要

路测中接通不成功的原因分析 作为路测(DRIVE TEST) 当中考察的一项重要

路测中接通不成功的原因分析作为路测(DRIVE TEST) 当中考察的一项重要指标, 接通率一直是优化中要应对的一个重要工作.在日常的测试当中, 我们经常遇到各种各样的未接通情况。






从测试中主叫与被叫的信令流程分析,要完成一个完整的接续过程,一共有以下几步的信令流程:相比主叫,被叫在交换机一侧多了以下几步流程,在无线上多了PAGING 这个流程:E|GMSC -> HLR UDT(BEG(INV(Send Routing Info)))D|HLR -> VLR UDT(BEG(INV(Provide Roaming Number)))D|VLR -> HLR UDT(END(RES-L(Provide Roaming Number))) Roaming NumberE|HLR -> GMSC UDT(END(RES-L(Send Routing Info))) Roaming NumberA|MSC -> BSS UDT(Paging)我们将结合长沙现网的实际情况,根据信令流程,一步一步对未接通的原因进行分析。

1,c hannel request 拒绝:没有出现过,但是在小区被BAR 的情况下,会出现手机channel request 发送不出的现象。

如下图,在L3 的信息里面不会出现channel request 的信息。

路测中间,如果主叫手机在一个启动了流量控制的小区发起呼叫,可能不会出现channel request 消息。

根据最新的测试规范,只有channel request 和 CM SERVICE REQUEST 同时出现时,才计算一次试呼,所以,主叫没有channel request 不会影响接通率。



未接通分类什么是未接通:根据CMCC规范以主叫Channel request来确定试呼开始,接着出现了Connect,Connect Acknowledge消息中的任何一条就计数为一次接通,否则就计为一次未接通。


一种为在idle时间内主叫手机位置更新顺利完成,另一种为手机小区重选后还未来得及进行位置更新或位置更新未完成,主叫手机就发起起呼命令(channel request),此种情况会导致未接通,网络下发CM Service Reject(Cause=4,IMSI unknown in VLR)。

被叫位置更新:在GSMDT测试中中是一种常见的现象,具体情况为主叫起呼后,被叫正在进行位置更新,无法正常响应主叫的寻呼命令,最后主叫网络下发Disconnect(Cause Number=18,No User responding)。



具体情况为主叫手机起呼Channel Request后,网络无法对其进行正常的立即指配命令。


附SD拥塞案例如下:手机占用小区LAC:37318 CI:16807(临潼斜口街道办芷阳村马巧莉),16:11:15发起CHANNEL REQUEST,随即收到下发的IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJEC,则SDCCH分配失败。

从层3消息中,我们可以看到SDCCH拥塞时,系统会向移动台发送Immediate Assignment Reject消息。



未接通分类什么是未接通:根据CMCC规范以主叫Channel request来确定试呼开始,接着出现了Connect,Connect Acknowledge消息中的任何一条就计数为一次接通,否则就计为一次未接通。


一种为在idle时间内主叫手机位置更新顺利完成,另一种为手机小区重选后还未来得及进行位置更新或位置更新未完成,主叫手机就发起起呼命令(channel request),此种情况会导致未接通,网络下发CM Service Reject(Cause=4,IMSI unknown in VLR)。

被叫位置更新:在GSMDT测试中中是一种常见的现象,具体情况为主叫起呼后,被叫正在进行位置更新,无法正常响应主叫的寻呼命令,最后主叫网络下发Disconnect(Cause Number=18,No User responding)。



具体情况为主叫手机起呼Channel Request后,网络无法对其进行正常的立即指配命令。


附SD拥塞案例如下:手机占用小区LAC:37318 CI:16807(临潼斜口街道办芷阳村马巧莉),16:11:15发起CHANNEL REQUEST,随即收到下发的IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJEC,则SDCCH分配失败。

从层3消息中,我们可以看到SDCCH拥塞时,系统会向移动台发送Immediate Assignment Reject消息。



1.1 未接通事件1:被叫手机位置更新被叫手机RNC侧信令:(rnc侧信令时间等于空口信令时间+44秒)事件分析:UE沿图中方向行驶跨位置区,被叫位置更新导致本次呼叫未接通。


主叫收到alerting的时间是10:42:09.8秒,一般connect至alerting的时间间隔是5秒左右,所以正常流程下主叫收到connect时间应该是10:42:14.8秒,但主叫上行disconnect时间是10:42:12.5,也就是主叫等不及connect就disconnect了(软件默认设置主叫connect时间是15秒)1.2 未接通事件2:未知原因导致未接通事件分析:UE沿望江路自西向东行驶,主叫手机占用社科院3小区,主叫上发rrcConnectSetupComplete,但没有上发CM SERVICE REQUEST,导致本次未接通。

由于rrc没有建立完成,所以RNC跟踪的信令不记录本次呼叫记录,因此看不出来是RNC没有收到rrcconnectsetupcomplete,还是RNC收到了,但UE异常没有发送CM service request消息。


所以应该是UE异常没有发送CM service request消息导致本次未接通。

1.3 未接通事件3:被叫频繁重选未及时收到寻呼导致未接通事件分析:UE沿图中方向行驶,主被叫均完成位置更新以后,主叫起呼,主叫call proceeding(10:47:29)后,被叫应该收到寻呼,查看被叫信令,被叫在10:47:30至10:47:40秒之间收到了4次寻呼,但都不是本次呼叫的寻呼,而是ps域寻呼,直到10:47:41秒才收到本次呼叫的寻呼,被叫手机响应本次寻呼完成。


Cause value为#17: (User Busy)被叫通onding)被叫没有响应
6、MS1拨叫MS2(主、被叫均无Alerting),MS1就主动挂机(disconnect)可导致被叫发生一次Block call
7、MS1拨叫MS2(主被叫均无Alerting),MS2忙导致Block call
在lay3中的disconnect的cause value基本可以指示出block call原因:
4、MS1拨叫MS2(主、被叫均存在Alerting),MS1主动挂机(disconnect)导致主被叫各发生一次Block call
5、MS1拨叫MS2(主、被叫均存在Alerting),MS2主动挂机(disconnect)导致主被叫各发生一次Block call
Cause value 为#16:(Normal call clearing)正常呼叫清除
Cause value 为#28:(Invalid number farmat)被叫号码错误
Cause value为#27:(Destination out of order)sd拥塞
Cause value为#31: (normal,unspeched)
以下过程将产生BLOCK CALL:
1、Immediate Assignment Reject (SDCCH接入失败)
3、主叫拨叫被叫均振铃,无应答,主叫提示:“对不起,您拨打的电话已经停机”,或者“您拨打的电话暂时无人接听,请稍后再拨”-往往主被叫均存在block call










未接通、掉话及切换失败分析一、未接通分析正常呼叫主叫起呼和被叫接入过程:主叫起呼信令流程图被叫接入信令流程图由主叫起呼信令流程图可以看出,主叫首先发出channel request report-→immediate assignment-→CM service request-→setup-→call proceeding-→assignment command-→assignment complete-→alerting-→connect-→完成一次起呼。

在主叫assignment complete 完成后2-3秒左右被叫开始信道请求流程Channel request report→immediate assignment-→setup→call confirmed→assignment command→assignment complete-→alerting→connect-→完成一次被叫接入。

1、未接通原因分析(1)RACH冲突或者AGCH拥塞建议:查看与RACH相关的参数――最大重发次数和发送分布时隙数以及与AGCH相关的参数――接入准许保留块数(2)SDCCH拥塞建议:检查SDCCH配置,查看相关小区SDCCH话务量(3)SDCCH掉话或者TCH拥塞建议:查看是否启用SDCCH信道上的切换,查看相关小区话务量和TCH配置,在排除无线方面原因后,应跟踪Abis接口、A接口信令从交换侧寻找问题原因(4)位置更新引起未接通建议:查看位置更新定时器和位置区设置(5)小区重选过程引起未接通建议:查看相关小区的小区重选参数2、未接通实例分析(1)SDCCH拥塞导致未接通在主叫完成起呼(assignment complete )后2秒左右,此时被叫发起信道请求channel request report,由于SDCCH拥塞溢出,被叫手机无法获得SDCCH,重复2次发送信道请求后仍然无法获得SDCCH信道消息的回复,导致未接通的发生。



1、未接通原因事件1)什么是“链路资源不可用”?一般从disconnect里面解出来以下原因码,我们定位为"链路资源不可用"1、no circuit'channel available2、resource unavailable,unspecified3、requested circuit/channel not available2)“C/I差“的定义按照规范定义C/I>=-3为满足PCCPCH覆盖率中的一个条件,我们在当前PCCPCH RSCP值很好(大于-95dBm以上)的条件下,将PCCPCH C/I<=-5或DPCH C/I<=-5或两者同时<=-5并且持续,归入C/I差。

3)“BLER大”的定义"BLER大"是用软件中的BLER参数来标识的,若PCCPCH RSCP、DPCH RSCP、C/I都很好,而误块率BLER为30%以上,并且持续,即定义为”误块率高”4)“其他原因”还包括哪些情况?"其他原因"包括从disconnect里面解出来以下原因码,我们定位为"其他原因":1、call rejected2、destination out of order3、temporary failure4、protocol error, unspecified5、PCCPCH RSCP、DPCH RSCP、C/I、BLER都很好,但仍然存在未接通的呼叫。

6、Unassigned numberetc.5)如何判断“弱覆盖(连续小于-95dBm)”按照规范定义PCCPCH RSCP >=-95dBm 为满足PCCPCH覆盖率中的一个条件,我们一般认为"PCCPCH RSCP <=-96dBm 以下,即为弱覆盖。

2、掉话原因事件1)“C/I差“的定义按照规范定义C/I>=-3为满足PCCPCH覆盖率中的一个条件,我们在当前PCCPCH RSCP值很好(大于-95dB以上)的条件下,将PCCPCH C/I<=-5或DPCH C/I<=-5或两者同时<=-5,归入C/I差。



AMR12.2K未接通前台信令解析一、概述接通的定义:当一次试呼开始后出现了Connect,Connect Acknowledge消息中的任何一条就计数为一次接通。




二、未接通情况说明1、被叫关机(被叫开通全球传信业务)测试场景说明:被叫号码开通了全球传信业务,被叫手机正常关机后,主叫拨打该号码,从主叫手机可以听到提示音:“你好,你所拨打的客户已启用来电提醒功能,你的来电信息我们会以短信方式通知对方,请挂机...”,最后主叫UE收到disconnet造成未接通,原因为“Normal call clearing”。

查看前台测试信令,在收到提示音时,主叫UE有收到下发的振铃信令Alerting,而被叫此时正处于关机状态,主叫信令情况如下:2、被叫关机(被叫无开通全球传信业务)测试场景说明:被叫号码没有开通全球传信业务,被叫手机正常关机后,主叫拨打该号码,从主叫手机可以听到提示音:“你好,你所拨打的电话已关机...”,最后主叫UE收到disconnet造成未接通,原因为“destination out of order”(目标不可达)。

查看前台测试信令,在收到提示音时,主叫UE有收到下发的振铃信令Alerting,而被叫此时正处于关机状态,主叫信令情况如下:3、被叫非正常脱网(如UE死机或UE非正常关机)测试场景说明:为了验证被叫在非正常脱网情况下的信令流程,我们将被叫UE直接拔掉电池,这样被叫UE在网络端未进行关机登记,主叫UE立刻拨打该号码,从主叫手机可以听到提示音:“你好,你所拨打的电话暂时无法接通,请稍候再拨...”,最后主叫UE收到disconnet造成未接通,原因为“Normal unspecified”。



DISconnect未接通的原因值Channel Release信令里面的Cause(事件号)分析:对应的网络发生的事情,在这里我们可以看到很多网络释放的原因,例如:我们平时测试时,在被叫MS没有人接听或者正在通话的情况下,就会统计成一次连接失败,如果我们在报告里面仅仅用文字表达的话,说服力不强,但是要是在报告里面能说明Cause是17、19的话就很容易说服别人,还有拥塞也可以在信令里面看到Cause是34,除次以外还有很多Cause,可以看下表:编号原因1 Unassiagned number(未分配的号码(空号))3 No route to destination(无至目的地的路由)6 Channel unacceptable(不可接受的信道)16 Normal clearing(正常清除)17 User busy(用户忙)18 No user responding(无用户响应)19 User alerting,no answer(已有用户提醒,但无应答)21 Call rejected(呼叫拒绝)22 Number changed(号码改变)26 Non selected user clearing(清除未选择的用户)27 Destination out of order(终点故障)28 Incomplete number(无效号码格式(不完全的号码))29 Facility rejected(设施被拒绝)30 Response to status enquiry(对状态询问的响应)31 Normal,unspecified(正常,未规定)34 No circuit/channel available(无电路/信道可用)38 Network out of order(网络故障)41 Temporary failure(临时故障)42 Switching equipment congestion(交换设备拥塞)43 Access information discarded(接入信息被丢弃)44 Requested circuit/channel not available(请求的电路/信道不可用)47 Resources unavailable,unspecified(资源不可用,未规定)49 Quality of service unavailable(服务质量不可用)50 Requested facility not subscribed(未预订所请求的设施)55 Incoming calls barred within the CUG57 Bearer capability not authorized(承载能力未认可)58 Bearer capability not presently available(承载能力目前不可用)63 Service or option not available,unspecified(无适用的业务或任选项目,未规定)65 Bearer service not implemented(承载业务不能实现)68 ACM equal to or greater than ACMmax69 Requested facility not implemented(所请求的设施不能实现)70 Only restricted digital information bearer(仅能获得受限数字信息承载能力)79 Service or option not implemented(业务不能实现,未规定)81 Invalid transaction identrfier value(无效处理识别码)87 User not member of CUG88 Incompatible destination(非兼容目的地址)91 Invalid mandatory information(无效过渡网选择)95 Semantically incorrect message(无效消息,未规定)96 Invalid mandatory information(必选消息单元差错)97 Message type non-existent or not implemented(消息类型不存在或不能实现)98 Message type not compatible with protocol state(消息与控制状态不兼容,消息类型不存在或不能实现)99 Information element non-existent or not implemented(信息单元不存在或不能实现)100 Conditional IE error(无效信息单元内容)101 Message not compatible with protocol state(消息与呼叫状态不兼容)102 Recovery on timer expiry(定时器超时恢复)111 Protocol error,unspecified(协议差错,未规定)127 Interworking,unspecified(互通,未规定)DISCONNECT 原因(CAUSE VALUE)用户感受被叫TCH拥塞34: No circurt/channel available录音通知,暂时无法接通主叫TCH拥塞34: No circurt/channel available连续的嘟嘟嘟嘟有寻呼消息,但没有PAGING_RESPONSE16: normal clearing录音通知,暂时无法接通被叫SDCCH拥塞16: normal clearing录音通知,暂时无法接通主叫SDCCH拥塞没有DISCONNECT 消息没有任何提示音,直接返回SDCCH 掉话41:temp failure录音通知,暂时无法接通错误号码28:Invalid number format主叫在听到一阵杂音后,多来米呼叫无应答18: alerting,but no answe录音通知,用户无人接听CIC 复位111:protocol error主叫听见多来米被叫位置更新41:temp failure录音通知,暂时无法接通连接超时102主叫听见多来米,被叫无寻呼信息。



connect是在分配SDCCH和TCH过后才发送的信令,您说的“3信令中缺少connect导致block call”,那就很有可能就是SDCCH和TCH拥塞导致的,那就要看具体的信令流程了,下面给你简单列几个:被叫用户没有接通的消息历程Immediate Assignment…Setup…TMSI Reallocation Command(入网移动台的识别号,替换,)…TMSI Reallocation Complete…Call Proceeding…Assignment CommandAssignment Complete…Disconnect (No circuit/Channel available)从上面的层3消息中,我们可以看到TCH信道的正常分配。


分析Disconnect消息中的Cause Value可以大致得出原因:MSC未能建立对外的连接,有可能是由于没有可用的资源。

3、被叫用户忙的消息历程Immediate Assignment…Setup…TMSI Reallocation Command(入网移动台的识别号,替换,)…TMSI Reallocation Complete…Call Proceeding…Assignment CommandAssignment CompleteDisconnect (user busy)Release…从上面的层3消息中,我们可以看到TCH信道的正常分配。


分析Disconnect消息中的Cause Value可以得出明确的原因:被叫用户忙。

4被叫用户已关机或未应答的消息历程Immediate Assignment…Setup…TMSI Reallocation Command(入网移动台的识别号,替换,)…TMSI Reallocation Complete…Call Proceeding…Assignment CommandAssignment CompleteProgress…Disconnect (No user Responding)Release…从上面的层3消息中,我们可以看到TCH信道的正常分配。



未接通原因分析一、网络确实存在的未接通1、TCH分配失败造成的未接通:由于TCH分配失败造成的未接通主被叫手机均有可能发生,从信令流程上来看主(被)叫手机在上行发送Assignment complete 后紧跟着发送Assignment failure;(或者直接发送Assignment failure)参看Disconnect 的Cause 为Temporary failure 如下图:图1 主叫分配失败图2 被叫分配失败TCH分配失败主要是由于无线原因造成,可以结合测试时段话务报告该小区的TCH分配失败率和分配失败次数来确认。


2、系统补丁造成的未接通现象主要发生在被叫手机,从信令流程上来看,被叫手机在Paging response 后,系统不能下发Setup消息。




如下图:主叫流程被叫流程图3 系统补丁造成的未接通信令流程3、拥塞造成的未接通拥塞造成的未接通主被叫手机均有可能发生,从信令流程上来看主叫手机在Call proceeding ( 被叫手机在Call confirmed )后,系统没能下发Assignment command 消息,察看Disconnect 的Cause 为No radio resource。

主叫流程被叫流程图4 拥塞造成的未接通流程图解决办法:结合话务报告分析该小区的占用情况是否存在拥塞,扩容高话务小区,适当调整小区参数,缓解拥塞。





交换设备拥塞导致未接通问题分析报告问题描述:8月13日一8月15日期间,在路测中发现主叫呼叫建立成功后,CN 下发Disconnect(Cause_value : (42)Switching equipment congestion 交换设备拥塞)导致发生 3 次未接通。

问题分析:1.乐山钟楼-2未接通发生时间:2012-8-1309:39:26UE 在乐山钟楼-2小区下完成 RB 建立后,CN 下发Disconnect ( Cause_value :(42)Switching equipment congestion 交换设备拥塞)导致本次呼叫未接通。

从路测数据来看,当 时无线环境较好(PCCPCH RSCP=-45dbm,PCCPCH C/l=20db)。

具体路测信令如下图所示:2.岷江中街245号-3未接通发生时间:2012-8-1315:22:35UE 在岷江中街245号-3小区下完成 RB 建立后,CN 下发Disconnect(Cause_value : (42)Switching equipment congestion 交换设备拥塞)导致本次呼叫未接通。

从路测数据来看,当时无线环境较好 (PCCPCH RSCP=-51dbm,PCCPCH C/I=19db)。

具体路 测信令如下图所示:IL F存ANfl 軒BR bl rr F qMJrsfle--HzM 斗工“眼酣刊聆时13朝罚r —穴ba:旺珂臥CiH«^Prf*K迪邸戡Hdt.i ikiMh CiW)j rCC"Q1 T ■曲 U JUJ ■*I J 1M : WK *T M kitH■um d;l 」*^awE# MAH>£iKM|j FOCPOCirtlilion EE711 ICnflMffl3MI WRea*?倾丨一…dr Edr«nuiv.TKI^I ■aAWW■MiGlIflinipi-aa山£f T »1 W-M中e 和"inW B'1 * " ■ 1 1 r, I"「*■£.*ihE-h»l* - H E ・■ F*" r •」: I■< 1J Ji ?J B.—1-◎ =-*•建毡 a -ir 一 c 4'• I F 41 E 2 占« i.蠡広』R门■辖r 出w 吕豪■ ■ v園雷Aj — : 4 ::: BH-n-k«»n^ljB9llra fajj ■* h-J L£ _L i.*JCH 歸f :啤1J ^4MLtf hw*S*Ti4 •■ M 玛尸 * B 1*』(I0 \ ^Tste-J m :y 4.' I:吐 m*「・■■an -^ w* 11黑赴■«i :TtB i-i j. :j■! (i)1 ”二+j.- I N 1b«,UE 在乐山卫校-1小区下完成 RB 建立后,CN 下发Disconnect( Cause_value :(42)Switching equipment congestion 交换设备拥塞)导致本次呼叫未接通。



交换设备拥塞导致未接通问题分析报告问题描述:8月13日一8月15日期间,在路测中发现主叫呼叫建立成功后,CN 下发Disconnect(Cause_value : (42)Switching equipment congestion 交换设备拥塞)导致发生 3 次未接通。

问题分析:1.乐山钟楼-2未接通发生时间:2012-8-1309:39:26UE 在乐山钟楼-2小区下完成 RB 建立后,CN 下发Disconnect ( Cause_value :(42)Switching equipment congestion 交换设备拥塞)导致本次呼叫未接通。

从路测数据来看,当 时无线环境较好(PCCPCH RSCP=-45dbm,PCCPCH C/l=20db)。

具体路测信令如下图所示:2.岷江中街245号-3未接通发生时间:2012-8-1315:22:35UE 在岷江中街245号-3小区下完成 RB 建立后,CN 下发Disconnect(Cause_value : (42)Switching equipment congestion 交换设备拥塞)导致本次呼叫未接通。

从路测数据来看,当时无线环境较好 (PCCPCH RSCP=-51dbm,PCCPCH C/I=19db)。

具体路 测信令如下图所示:IL F存ANfl 軒BR bl rr F qMJrsfle--HzM 斗工“眼酣刊聆时13朝罚r —穴ba:旺珂臥CiH«^Prf*K迪邸戡Hdt.i ikiMh CiW)j rCC"Q1 T ■曲 U JUJ ■*I J 1M : WK *T M kitH■um d;l 」*^awE# MAH>£iKM|j FOCPOCirtlilion EE711 ICnflMffl3MI WRea*?倾丨一…dr Edr«nuiv.TKI^I ■aAWW■MiGlIflinipi-aa山£f T »1 W-M中e 和"inW B'1 * " ■ 1 1 r, I"「*■£.*ihE-h»l* - H E ・■ F*" r •」: I■< 1J Ji ?J B.—1-◎ =-*•建毡 a -ir 一 c 4'• I F 41 E 2 占« i.蠡広』R门■辖r 出w 吕豪■ ■ v園雷Aj — : 4 ::: BH-n-k«»n^ljB9llra fajj ■* h-J L£ _L i.*JCH 歸f :啤1J ^4MLtf hw*S*Ti4 •■ M 玛尸 * B 1*』(I0 \ ^Tste-J m :y 4.' I:吐 m*「・■■an -^ w* 11黑赴■«i :TtB i-i j. :j■! (i)1 ”二+j.- I N 1b«,UE 在乐山卫校-1小区下完成 RB 建立后,CN 下发Disconnect( Cause_value :(42)Switching equipment congestion 交换设备拥塞)导致本次呼叫未接通。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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98 Message type not compatible with protocol state(消息与控制状态不兼容,消息类型不存在或不能实现)
99 Information element non-existent or not implemented(信息单元不存在或不能实现)
100 Conditional IE error(无效信息单元内容)
28:Invalid number format
18: alerting,but no answe
CIC 复位
111:protocol error
95 Semantically incorrect message(无效消息,未规定)
96 Invalid mandatory information(必选消息单元差错)
97 Message type non-existent or not implemented(消息类型不存在或不能实现)
81 Invalid transaction identrfier value(无效处理识别码)
87 User not member of CUG
88 Incompatible destination(非兼容目的地址)
91 Invalid mandatory information(无效过渡网选择)
101 Message not compatible with protocol state(消息与呼叫状态不兼容)
102 Recovery on timer expiry(定时器超时恢复)
111 Protocol error,unspecified(协议差错,未规定)
127 Interworking,unspecified(互通,未规定)
63 Service or option not available,unspecified(无适用的业务或任选项目,未规定)
65 Bearer service not implemented(承载业务不能实现)
68 ACM equal to or greater than ACMmax
34 No circuit/channel available(无电路/信道可用)
38 Network out of order(网络故障)
41 Temporary failure(临时故障)
42 Switching equipment congestion(交换设备拥塞)
43 Access information discarded(接入信息被丢弃)
44 Requested circuit/channel not available(请求的电路/信道不可用)
47 Resources unavailable,unspecified(资源不可用,未规定)
49 Quality of service unavailable(服务质量不可用)
69 Requested facility not implemented(所请求的设施不能实现)
70 Only restricted digital information bearer(仅能获得受限数字信息承载能力)
79 Service or option not implemented(业务不能实现,未规定)
34: No circurt/channel available
34: No circurt/channel available
16: normal clearing
16: normal clearing
41:temp failure
Channel Release信令里面的Cause(事件号)分析:
18 No user responding(无用户响应)
19 User alerting,no answer(已有用户提醒,但无应答)
21 Call rejected(呼叫拒绝)
22 Number changed(号码改变)
26 Non selected user clearing(清除未选择的用户)
27 Destination out of order(终点故障)
28 Incomplete number(无效号码格式(不完全的号码))
29 Facility rejected(设施被拒绝)
30 Response to status enquiry(对状态询问的响应)
31 Normal,unspecified(正常,未规定)
41:temp failure
1 Unassiagned number(未分配的号码(空号))
3 No route to destination(无至目的地的路由)
6 Channel unacceptable(不可接受的信道)
16 Normal clearing(正常清除)
17 User busy(用户忙)
50 Requested facility not subscribed(未预订所请求的设施)
55 Incoming calls barred within the CUG
57 Bearer capability not authorized(承载能力未认可)
58 Bearer capability not presently available(承载能力目前不可用)