英汉对比Assignment 3 汇总讲评 09翻译





3.China-EU Incubator Cooperation and Development Forum and China Int’l Business
Incubator Network Annual Meeting 2009 中国-欧盟孵化器合作与发展论坛暨2009中国国际企业孵化器网络年会方案
Venue: Minshan Hotel 岷山饭店
Agenda 日程
09:00-09:05 会议主持人高新区管委会傅学坤副主任介绍出席会议的领导及来宾
09:05-09:10 成都市白刚副市长致欢迎词
09:10-09:30 欧洲商业与创新中心联盟主席Luigi Campitelli致辞并做主题发言
09:30-09:50 Keynote speech
10:00-10:15 中国高新区协会创业中心专委会主委发言
10-15-10:30 荷兰孵化器主席(欧洲商业与创新中心联盟副主席)发言
10:30-10:45 成都高新区技术创新服务中心主任发言
10:45-11:00 芬华(FINCHI)创新中心总裁发言

新英汉翻译教程 第三章.英汉语言对比答案

新英汉翻译教程 第三章.英汉语言对比答案
【译文】哈佛商学院成立于20世纪初,它开了个案研究 教学法之先河,即在教学中运用现实生活中的案例, 而不是单纯依靠学术理论,这种方法业已成为当今 世界MBA课程的基础。
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3. 1. 3 英语爱用静态词,汉语常用动态词
英语喜欢使用静态词汇,而汉语则 多使用动态词汇,英译汉时常常把原文 中表示动作意义的静态叙述转换成汉语 的动态叙述。
第 三 章 重 点
3. 2 英汉词汇表达对比
3.2.1 英语词汇含义多 3.2.2 英语词汇搭配多 3.2.3 英语词汇在句中的位置多
3. 3 英汉句法结构对比
3.3.1 英汉句子结构的互换 A. 英语简单句可转换成汉语复合句 B. 英语并列句、复合句可转换成汉语简单句 3.3.2 英汉句子顺序的调整 A.调整时间顺序 B.调整空间顺序 课堂互动3 C.调整逻辑顺序
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例1:Inspiration is the number one cause of greatness. If information is power, then inspiration must be the power of our potential. The power that moves us from the systematic to the spontaneous. From ideas to results.
【译文】这时候,他从烤架上拿了些羊肉,庄重地送 到我们面前,我们各自取了一些,可是我们早已 没有了胃口,只不过做做样子,装吃罢了。
15 返回章重点 退出
例2:Harvard Business School opened in the early 20th century, and pioneered the casestudy method of teaching—making use of real-world scenarios, instead of relying on academic theory—a methodology that has remained the bases for many MBA programmes around the world today.



新中国成立后,中国始终把解决人民吃饭问题作为治国安邦的首 要任务。
Since the founding of the People‘s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, China has always prioritized(优先处理,优先考虑) food security in state governance.
70年来,在中国共产党领导下,经过艰苦奋斗和不懈 努力,中国在农业基础十分薄弱、人民生活极端贫困的 基础上,依靠自己的力量实现了粮食基本自给
Despite a weak agricultural foundation and extreme poverty, the Communist Part y of China (CPC) has led an unremitting (不邂 的) campaign of hard work over the past 70 years that has made China basically self-sufficient in food supply.
增补法:汉译英时,增词多增添英语特色词汇 ,增加连词,使句子衔接更加连贯。
Food is closely linked to national development and people‘s lives. Food security is the basis of a safe country.
重要政治词汇英译 “我将无我,不负人民。”
I will work selflessly and live up to the expectations of the people.

英汉翻译:译 注 评(翻译名师讲评系列)

英汉翻译:译 注 评(翻译名师讲评系列)

3 短文 Dark一
词的不同隐喻 含义
4 36 Possible
Unifi cation (1)
5 短文翻译时不
0 1
37 Possible Unifi cation (2)
0 2
短文我的译 文我做主
338 T h e West: Unique, Not Universa l
0 4
短文 “解包袱法” (Unpacking)在翻 译中的价值
30 The Dumbest Generation (1)
短文 Shower和Bath 这两个隐喻的处理
31 The Dumbest Generation (2)
短文看看能否抛弃隐 喻
32 The
Ancien Régime and
the French
短文软文本译者自 由度探底
1 Melodies Their Composer Never Heard (1)
2 Melodies Their Composer Never Heard (2)
短文翻译的对等原则 3 Ansel Adams
短文摆脱原文的束缚 4 Susan Sontag
5 短文如何翻译
有鼓动宣传功 能的文字?
14 Three Advertisements
短文广告类文本翻译 的大致原则
15 I Want Beauty in My Life
短文文学翻译不宜过 度解释
16 Foreword for Here Is New York
短文保留原文的语言 特色
17 El Dorado (1) 短文浅谈翻译单位



[原文]In a normal recession, the to-do list is clear. Copies of Keynes are dusted off, the Fed lowers interest rates, the president and Congress cut taxes and hike spending. In time, purchasing, production and loans perk up, and Keynes is placed back on the shelf. No larger alterations to the economy are made, because our economy, but for the occasional bump in the road, is fundamentally sound.This has been the drill in every recession since World War II.Republicans and Democrats argue over whose taxes should be cut the most and which projects should be funded, but, under public pressure to do something, they usually find some mutually acceptable midpoint and enact a stimulus package. Even in today's hyperpartisan Washington, the odds still favor such a deal.This time, though, don't expect that to be the end of the story -- because the coming recession will not be normal, and our economy is not fundamentally sound. This time around, the nation will have to craft new versions of some of the reforms that Franklin Roosevelt created to steer the nation out of the Great Depression[参考译文] 平常的经济萧条一旦来临,大家都明确应该马上着手做哪些事情:重新翻开尘封已久的凯恩斯的著作,联邦政府调低利息率,总统和国会开始减税,增加财政支出。



Examples of N meal a day. Morphological transfer (词形迁移) Neither nouns nor verbs have inflections in Chinese. 在汉语中,名词和动词都没有形态变化。
Examples of Negative Transfer
1. The writer likes writing at light (night). Phonological transfer (语音迁移) The sound /n/ does not exist in some Chinese dialects and /l/ serves as a substitute. 在有些中国方言(如南京方言)中没有/n/这个 辅音,而用/l/来替代。
Chinese: left-extending, heavy-headed like a lion
树 一棵树 一棵大树 一棵枝繁叶茂的大树 校园里一棵枝繁叶茂的大树 海事大学校园里一棵枝繁叶茂的大树 临港新城海事大学校园里一棵枝繁叶茂的大树 ……
English: right-extending heavy-tailed like a peacock
Two Types of Transfer
• Negative Transfer (负迁移) Errors arise from analogy. 类推会产生错误。 • Positive Transfer (正迁移) Errors decrease by analysis. 分析能减少错误。
We could turn negative transfer (interference) into positive (facilitation) by making analysis on differences between the two languages and arouse the learner’s awareness of avoiding or reducing errors from analogy. 我们可以通过分析两种语言的差异,提高学生避免 或减少类推错误的意识,把负迁移(干扰)转化为正迁 移(促进)。



The Assignment of a Contrastive Approach to TranslationBetween English and Chinese ( III ) 翻译下列句子或语段:1.Only the thought of his mother gave him the strength to go on doing it.想起母亲,他才鼓足勇气继续做了下去。

2.It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal.要不是我能干重活,早就给辞退了。

3.China' s support is constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit of social andeconomic development and the maintenance of national independence. 中国的支持始终鼓励我们去追求社会和经济发展,维护国家独立。

4.Robots have found application for the exploration of the outer space.机器人已用于探索外层空间。

5.He's a big eater.他这人非常能吃。

6.Of the girl 's sensations they remained a little in doubt. 译文一:姑娘的心思他们一时还无法断定。


7.He is inexperienced in driving.译文一:开车他没有经验。


8.And am I not indebted to you for the bread I eat?译文一:我眼下有口饭吃,还不是多亏了你吗?译文二:还不是多亏了你,我眼下才有口饭吃。

英汉翻译 英汉语言对比PPT课件

英汉翻译 英汉语言对比PPT课件
▪ 西文句中名物字,多随举随释,如中文之 旁支,后乃遥接前文,足意成句。”(严复) 英语句子“多随举随释”,枝杈蔓生, 呈树状结构,分叉处有介词,关系代词连 接。而汉语按时间顺序或逻辑顺序逐层 展开,节节延伸,犹如竹子。
▪ 英语的词组与词组、句子与句子之间结构关 系和逻辑联系必须交代得十分清楚。英语的 关系词(包括介词、关系代词、关系副词、 连接词等)十分丰富,英语正是靠这些关系 词的过渡和连接,从形态上来维系句内和句 间的各种关系的。因此英语句子结构呈树状, 往往有一主干(复合句中的主句或简单句中 的某主要成分),主干上枝蔓横生:句子成 分随时可加以修饰,而修饰语中的某成分又 可被别的成分修饰。由此往往形成长句。
1.他的话,我可不信。 2.会上讲了什么,我一点没记住。 3.王先生我认识。 4.唱歌,他是最棒的。
2.1.2 形合与意合
▪ 英语国家沿袭了古代希腊人非常严格和规范的语 词系统。古代希腊人认为,语词系统与思维系统是 相一致的,要表达一个清晰合理的思想就离不开清
晰合理的词形和句法。而在一个毫无条理的陈述 结构中,思想肯定也是杂乱无章的,而杂乱无章的
1.I would not believe what he said.
2.I did not remember a single point discussed at the meeting.
3.I know Mr. Wang.
4.He is the best singer.
▪ 汉语句子结构呈竹节状,逐节(短语 或小句)展开。汉语的句子可以在同 一施事或主题语之下按逻辑顺序铺陈, 虽然小句间有逗号隔开,但语句的联 系仍是紧密的。这样,汉译时经常由 英语的树状转化为汉语的竹节状。










Eric Partridge: Words do not have meanings; people have meanings for words.(词本无义,义随人意。







如:He is a good eater and a good sleeper.他能吃又能睡。





• 听到他这样说话,我差点笑出来。
–could have done 表示过去有可能发生的 动作没有发生,用“差点”正好符合英 文要表达的意思
[例3]I could have laughed to hear him talk like that.
2.语势差异:把英语的静态语势译为 汉语的动态语势
老年人的辉煌已经留在他们身后,或许这 就是问题之所在。
[例2]汉语词组有名次词组和动词词组。以名 词为中心的词组,一般是名词及其定语, 在剧中作用相当于一个名词的,叫名词词 组。以动词为中心的词组,一般是动词及 其状语,在剧中作用相当于一个动词的, 叫动词词组。此外,在用法注释中有时提 到词或词组,其中词组则和前面说到的词 往往起同一作用。
熟悉英语的人都知道,英语表达相同的意思 时往往变换表达方式。第一次说"我认为"可以用 "I think",第二次再用"I think"显然就很乏味,应 该换成"I believe"或"I imagine"之类的表达。相 比之下,汉语对变换表达方式的要求没有英语那 么高,很多英语中的变化表达译成重复表达就行 了。
② Reading exercises one’s eyes; Speaking, one’ s tongue; while writing, one’s mind.
阅读训练人的眼睛,说话训练人的口齿,写 作训练人的思维。
④ One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.
一. 英、汉语言的共相 1.词类划分 1)都分为实词、虚词两大类 2)实词中的名、数、动、形、副、代词 的语法功能基本相似 3)虚词中的介词、连词、语气词的语法 功能也有不少相同点



2020考研英语词汇:assignment的中文翻译解析考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面由小编为你精心准备了“2020考研英语词汇:assignment的中文翻译解析”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯!2020考研英语词汇:assignment的中文翻译解析assignment的中文意思名词1.可数名词:(分派的)任务,工作2.可数名词:(课外)作业,功课3.不可数名词:分配,指派,选派4.【律】(财产等的)转让英语解释an undertaking that you have been assigned to do (as by an instructor)the instrument by which a claim or right or interest or property is transferred from one person to another(law) a transfer of property by deed of conveyancethe act of distributing something to designated places or personsthe act of putting a person into a non-elective positiona duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the armed forces)相似短语on assignment受委派assignment analysis任务分析assignment component赋值分量assignment lamp呼叫灯,联络灯assignment test标定测验address assignment地址分配express assignment明示转让loadline assignment载重线勘定interrupt assignment中断指定proportioning by assignment 经验配合法,经验配合法相似单词assignmentn.1.[C](分派的)任务,工作2.[C](课外)作业,功课3.[U] 分配,指派,选派4.【律】(财产等的)转让man assignment人力分配individual assignment分片包片法execute assignment statement 【计】执行赋值语句cross assignment交叉分配time assignment时间分配2020考研英语词汇:asset的翻译解析asset是什么意思可数名词:1. 有价值的人或事物,有用的人或事物2. 资产,财产3. 天赋英语解释a useful or valuable quality例句When plant assets are sold, any gain or loss on the disposal is computed by comparing the book value with the amount received from the sale.当固定资产被出售时,任何处置的损失或收益都是通过比较账面净值和出售所得金额计算出来的。

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• Persistent Pig : A pig who persistented to live after buried in the ruins for 36 days during the wenchun earthquake.When it was diged up by the sodiers, many people was deeply moved by its persistence . Afterward, it was called “Persistent Pig” .
• A pig who was buried under the earth for 36 days during the wenchuan earthquake, and it weighs much lighter during the earthquake. It was strong enough to survive the earthquake.
Assignment 3
• 猪坚强:During Wen Chuan earthquake, a pig, which was buried in ruins ,sustained life by eating charcoal. And thirty six days later, it was still alive and rescued by people. At that time,its weight reduced to about 50 kilogram from 150 kilogram. It tells people how strong life can be.It's a miracle of life.
• 猪坚强: strong-willed pig • In the earthquake of “5.12”, a pig survived after being buried in the extreme environment for 36 days and created the life miracle in the victims of the earthquake, represented the strong spirit. Hence, the pig was awarded the title “strong-willed pig”.
• A pig who survived in the wenchuan earthquake • A strong pig who survived from WenChuan Earthquake after 36 days. • strong pig who insist in living in the ruins without food and cleanly water in 2008 earthquake in Sichuan province. • As strong as the pig who had been trapped in the ruins for 36 days surviving by eating charcoal and drinking rainwater.
• pig with strong will which survived in earthquake
• The pig that survives in a huge disaster • A pig that is able to survive under unbearable plight • A pig living through without food for many days
• Adamant pig;the pig has a doughtiness heart • piggish toughness • Quake - proof Pig; • Brother Hold-on; • Pig Perseverance.
• The Pig King(猪坚强) • He is a pig survived the big earthquake in Sichuan. Just like Monkey King, he is a Pig King. • He is the pride of his species. Not only his body but also his spirit is hardy. The disaster did not bring him to his knees. It took thousands of people’s life, but forgot him. And according to a veterinarian, it was the charcoal and the timely rain that saved him, so we can see that his desire to survive was very strong. To our surprise, after being buried for 36 days he was still alive under the condition of no food, though his weight had lost 2/3. An ordinary pig could not do this, even a man. He makes people look at pigs with new eyes. • He deserves the honor Pig King. I think other pigs will submit to him.
• 猪坚强 • Chinese strong-willed pig
• 猪坚强:It is a pig which still survive during the WenChuan earthquake after being buried in the ruins for 36 days. • Now this word is usually used to express that those people who behave bravely and stay calm when trapped in difficulties. It is also expresses people who are very optimistic no matter what have happened.
• A strong-minded pig survived under the ruin after a long period of starvation • the strong pig which survived Wenchuan Earthquake after thirty-six days • 猪坚强:A strong pig which can survive in a very hard condition . • a persist pig which survived through Whenchuan earthquack • A very strong pig with great will which has survived through great difficulties of hunger and helplessness
• 猪坚强: • The word was from the story of a pig which had survived for about 36 days without water and food in the whenquan earthquake .People were surprised about the pig’s survive desire and ability . But now it refers to a kind of spirit of never giving up in whatever condition .It encourged people to be persistence .
• The name is signed from a touched story that a pig survived from Wenchuan Earthquake by eating cinder and drinking rain for 36 days.
• 猪坚强:A pig which survived in the wenchuan earthquake without water and food for 36 days.Now it refers to a pig which can live in a very hard condition,even it is a disabled pig. • 猪坚强: • A strong pig who survived in wenchuang earthquake . but now it reflects a spirit : never give up in any tough situation .
• The pig with strong will • a pig with high perseverance • 猪坚强 The hero of pig world, having strong will to survive •
• a pig who went through hard times during the Wenchuan earthqueak
• What a strenuous pig. • The pig is tenacious. • The pig is brave enough when it meets difficulties. • The pig has strong spirit so that it can survive from the earthquake.