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1. --- I t’s raining hard ou t s i d e.Y ou’d better .

-----O K.

A.to go out

B. going out

C. not to go out

D. not go ou t

2. --- W h a t a bou t hiking t h i s Sunday?

--- Great. I’d like w i t h y ou.

A.to go ; going

B. going; going

C. going; to go

D. go; to g o

3. --- would mind your bike?

----- N o,not at a ll.I’ll put it under the tree r i g h t a w a y.

A. move

B. to move

C. moves

D. m o v i n g

4. During the Spring Fes t i v a l,the heavy snow s t opp e d many people from back ho m e.

A. go

B. goes

C. w e n t

D. g o i n g

5. --- W h e r e’s Mr Yu , do you k no w?

--- W e ll,i t’s hard to say. B u t I heard him loudly here j u s t no w.

A. was reading

B. reading

C. had read

D. to read









此时,常用i t 作形式主语,而把动词不定式放在后面,这样句子可以避免头重脚轻。

I t’s easy to get l o s t in a big c i t y like Tokyo. 在东京这样的大城市容易迷路。

I t is good to read English in the m o r n i n g.早上读英语大有好处。


常接动词不定式作宾语的有a ff o r d,agree, b e g i n,decide, expect, f a il,f o r g e t,happen, help, hop e, learn, plan, prepare, pretend, w a n t,start, w i s h, promise 等。

I c a n't a ff o r d to buy a d i g i t a l camera at the m o m e n t.我现在买不起数码相机。

I w a n t e d to show it to you. 我想把它给你看一看。考点三动词不定式作表语。不定式作表语表示主语的职业、职责或性质等,通常对系动词前面的名词进行诠释说明。His wish is to become a doctor. 他的愿望是成为一名医生。

To h i m,the f i r s t i m po r t a n t t h i n g was to save li v es.对他来说,最重要的事情就是抢救生命。


1 常接带t o 的不定式作宾语补足语的动词有w a n t,ask, tell, teach, w i s h,a ll o w,i n v i t e等,构成w a n t/a s k sb. to do sth. 句型表示“想要/让某人做某事”。

Our h e a d t e a c h e r w a n t s us to school on t i m e.我们的班主任要我们按时到校。

The policeman asked the children not to play in the street. 警察让这些孩子不要在街上玩耍。

2 使役动词l e t,m a k e, have 和感官动词s ee, w a t c h,notice, look at, hear, li s t e n to, f ee l等后面接不带t o 的不定式(即动词原形)作宾语补足语。

These p i c t u r es made me t h i n k of my c h il dhood.这些照片使我想起了我的童年。

I heard children t a l k in the n e x t r oo m.我听见孩子们在隔壁交谈。

3 动词h elp 后面的不定式作宾语补足语,可以带t o,也可以不带t o。

You m u s t help me to do my homework t h i s a f t e r noon.你今天下午必须帮我做作业。

He o f t e n helps his parents clean the house. 他常常帮父母打扫房屋。


I have some c l o t h es to w a s h.我有一些衣服要洗。

Would you like s o m e t h i n g to drink? 你想喝点什么?


1 不定式在不及物动词后作目的状语的情况最多,可位于句首或句末。

To get good results, one m u s t s t ud y hard. 要想取得好成绩,必须努力学习。

She came here to ask f o r her book. 她来是为要回她的书。

2 不定式和某些形容词连用构成“b e +形容词+不定式”结构,作原因状语。

I’m glad to see you. 很高兴见到你。

We are sorry to t r oub l e you. 很抱歉给你添麻烦了。

3 不定式作程度或结果状语时,常与e nough (表示肯定)或t o(表示否定)连用。

He is old enough to go to school. 他长大了,该上学了。

He is too young to go school. 他太小还不能上学。

考点七疑问词w h a t,w h i c h,ho w,w h e n, where 等于动词不定式连用。


Where to buy t h i s kind of c o m pu t e r is a p r ob l e m.到哪里去买这种计算机是一个问题。

I really don’t know w h a t to do. 我的确不知道该怎么办了。

The qu es t i on is how to get there. 问题是怎么到那里去。

Can you t e ll me which one to choose? 请告诉我选择哪一个?


1 动词e njoy, practice, f i n i s h,m i nd,m i ss,keep, s u gg es t,i m a g i n e, consider 等后面只能接动名词作宾语。

My uncle enjoys going out f o r a walk a f t e r super. 我叔叔喜欢玩晚饭后出去散步。

Her sister p r a c t i ces speaking English everyday. 他妹妹每天练习说英语。

2 某些介词构成的短语动词如b e interested in, be proud o f, be w o r t h, be used to, f ee l li k e,g i v e up, t h i n k o f,take part in 等之后也接动名词作宾语。
