



2 - Atlas Copco marine inert gas systemsTURNKEY INERT GAS SOLUTIONS FOR MARINE APPLICATIONSAtlas Copco is a market leader in nitrogen systems for maritime applications such as ballast water treatment, cargo tank inerting during loading and unloading or while sailing, pump stripping after loading and unloading, or fuel line purging for LNG fuel supply. Combining powerful technology with a high level of flexibility and cost savings has made us a preferred supplier of marine and offshore nitrogen generators.Clean Atlas Copco’s NGP + nitrogen generators deliver very clean and dry gas. T his protects your cargo, crew and vessel, but also your entire cargo handling system. Clean and dry nitrogen also saves valuable time and money by speeding up the tank washing process.FlexibilityAtlas Copco’s modular design and small footprint provide atotally new flexibility. Y ou can choose from an extensive range ofgenerators. Each unit can be easily customized to meet yourindividual needs. We also offer a variety of high-qualityequipment to support the generator, including compressors,dryers, boosters and filters.A higher utilization of the natural content of nitrogen in atmospheric air, combined with a lower inlet pressure, considerably reduces our PSA technology’s energy consumption. Compared to both membrane technology and other inert gas generators, we can reduce running costs up to 50% by using variable speed compressors, high-performance dryers andfilters, and a unique energy-saving algorithm embedded in theNGP + generator.AN 2 performanceAtlas Copco PSA nitrogen generators are the safe, convenientand economic source of nitrogen. T hey deliver nitrogen rangingfrom 95.0% to 99.999% purity and capacities from a few m 3 up to10,000 m 3/h and beyond. T he individual equipment that makesup the generator is in-house developed by Atlas Copco to giveyou complete peace of mind.Atlas Copco marine inert gas systems - 3ALWA YS AVAILABLENo more high-pressure cylinders or liquefied gas. No more orderprocessing, refills and delivery charges. Atlas Copco generators letyou produce your own nitrogen at the flip of a switch. It’s your ownnitrogen supply, when you want it, where you want it and how youwant it, available 24/7.Atlas Copco nitrogen generationY our benefits• Significant energy savings.• User interface designed for easy and safe operation.• Made for the marine environment.• High reliability and low maintenance.• Small footprint.• Clean and dry inert gas.• Modular design that can be customized.Clean and dry compressed air (pressurized)Nitrogen gas (pressurized)Oxygen exhaust (depressurized)AdsorbentPSA technology isolates nitrogen molecules from other molecules in compressed air. Oxygen, CO 2, water vapor and other gases are adsorbed. T he result is virtually pure nitrogen at the outlet of the generator.Y our all-inclusive nitrogen partnerAtlas Copco inert gas units are delivered as turnkey packages thatinclude our nitrogen generators, compressors, dryers, filters, andbuffer tanks. T hey can even be delivered on all-in-one skids. AtlasCopco is the only company in the world that can source all thesetechnologies in-house. T his means you can work with just onesupplier for commissioning and maintenance.PSA VERSUSMEMBRANESNitrogen can be generated through Pressure SwingAdsorption (PSA) or membrane technology. Atlas Copcooffers both. T he main difference is the compressed air theyrequire. PSA needs around 1/3 less compared to amembrane set-up, which saves a significant amount of fuelon board of a vessel. In addition, PSA technology comeswith lower investment and maintenance costs and a smallerfootprint, without compromising on reliability and flexibility.Membrane technology separates air into componentgases by passing compressed air through semi-permeable membranes consisting of bundles ofindividual hollow fibers.COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us.We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity./marine2935 6923 40 © 2017, Atlas Copco Airpower NV, Belgium. All rights reserved.Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.Read all safety instructions in the manual before usage.4 - Atlas Copco marine inert gas systems。



Catalog 0730-2Hi-Flow F602 SeriesHi-Flow Filters2 & 2-1/2 Inch PortsFeatures• Excellent water removal efficiency • For heavy duty applications with minimum pressure drop requirement • Unique deflector plate that creates swirling of the air stream ensuring maximum water and dirt separation • Large filter element surface guarantees low pressure drop and increased element life• 40 micron filter element standard • Metal bowl with sight gauge standard • Twist drain as standard, optional auto drain• Large bowl capacity• Optional high capacity bowl(s) available • High flow: 2 & 2-1/2" – 1200 SCFM §Drains and Options Blank Manual Twist Drain Q External Heavy Duty Auto Drain R Internal Auto DrainOrdering InformationF 602 — 16 W J /**BowlE 32 oz. Large Capacity Metal without Sight GaugeW 16 oz. Metal with Sight GaugeElement J 40 MicronPort Size 16 2 Inch 20 2-1/2 InchPort Threads — NPT G BSPPEngineeringLevel * Will be Entered at Factory.Standard part numbers shown bold.For other models refer to ordering information below.§SCFM = Standard cubic feet per minute at 90 PSIG inlet and 5 PSIG pressure drop.Port Size NPTTwist DrainAutomatic Pulse DrainMetal Bowl / Sight Gauge - 16 oz.2"F602-16WJ F602-16WJR 2-1/2"F602-20WJ F602-20WJR Metal Bowl without Sight Gauge - 32 oz.2"F602-16EJ F602-16EJR 2-1/2"F602-20EJF602-20EJRAutomaticDrainManual DrainF602 Filter Dimensions A BCD E F F602-16W, F602-20W4.90(124)11.08 (281)13.00 (330) 6.30 (160) 1.92 (48.7) 2.45(62.2)F602-16E, F602-20E4.90(124)14.31(364)16.23(412)6.30 (160)1.92 (48.7)2.45(62.2)inches (mm)BOLD ITEMS ARE MOST POPULAR.Catalog 0730-2Technical Specifications – F602F602 Series, 2 & 2-1/2 Inch Ports Hi-Flow FiltersTechnical InformationF602 Filter Kits & AccessoriesBowl Kits –Aluminum (E) .....................................................................BK603B Zinc with Sight Gauge (W) ..............................................BK605WB Drain Kits –External Auto (E) .................................................................SA603D External Auto (W) ................................................................SA602D Internal Auto (All) ............................................................SA602MD Manual (All) ...................................................................SA600Y7-1Semi-Automatic “Overnight” Drain ...................................SA602A7 (Drains automatically under zero pressure)Filter Element Kits – 40 Micron (All) .....................................................................EK602B Repair Kits –Deflector, Baffle Assembly, and Retaining Rod (All) ..........RK602C External Auto Drain (All) .....................................................RK602D Internal Auto Drain (All) ...................................................RK602MD Metal Bowl Sight Gauge (W) ........................................RKB605WBSpecificationsBowl Capacity –Aluminum (E) .................................................................32 Ounces Zinc (W) ..........................................................................16 Ounces Port Threads .................................................................2, 2-1/2 Inch( ) = Bowl TypeFloat (Inside Bowl) Manual Push ButtonDrain(Outside Bowl)Drain (1/4" NPTF)Connection Through Bowl (1/8" NPSM)“Q” Option External Heavy Duty Auto Drain SA602D / SA603DFor heavy duty applications where the filter is being used to remove large volumes of liquid and/or particulate matter from the airstream, the external automatic drain (“Q” option) should be used.Pressure & Temperature Ratings –Aluminum Bowl (E) ............................0 to 300 PSIG (0 to 20.4 bar) 40°F to 150°F (4.4°C to 65.6°C) Zinc (W) ..............................................0 to 250 PSIG (0 to 17.2 bar) 40°F to 150°F (4.4°C to 65.6°C) With Internal Auto Drain (R) ..........20 to 175 PSIG (1.4 to 11.9 bar) 40°F to 125°F (4.4°C to 52°C) With External Auto Drain (Q) ............30 to 250 PSIG (0 to 17.2 bar) 40°F to 150°F (4.4°C to 65.6°C)Weight –Aluminum Bowl (E) .................................... 10.3 lb. (4.67 kg) / Unit 11 lb. (4.99 kg) / 1-Unit Master Pack Zinc Bowl (W) .............................................. 9.8 lb. (4.45 kg) / Unit 39 lb. (17.69 kg) / 4-Unit Master PackMaterials of ConstructionBody ....................................................................................Aluminum Bowls –(E) ...................................................Aluminum without Sight Gauge (W) ................................................................Zinc with Sight Gauge Drain –Manual Twist & Overnight .......................................................Brass Housing “R” ............................................................................Acetal Housing “Q” .........................................................................Bronze Filter Elements –40 Micron (Standard) ................................................Polypropylene Seals ........................................................................................Buna N Sight Gauge ...............................................................................Nylon2505007501000125012345Flow - SCFMP r e s s u r e D r o p - P S I GP r e s s u r e D r o p - b a r.1.2.3Primary Pressure - PSIG1.7 3.4 5.2 6.9Primary Pressure - bar 0240360480120Flow - dm n 3/s。



NOTICEMARQUE: ROBLINREFERENCE:ARIA 732 - 5102030 CODIC:4297660Instructions Manual Manuel d’Instructions BedienungsanleitungINDEXRECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS (3)CHARACTERISTICS (6)INSTALLATION (7)USE (9)MAINTENANCE (10)SOMMAIRECONSEILS ET SUGGESTIONS (12)CARACTERISTIQUES (15)INSTALLATION (16)UTILISATION (18)ENTRETIEN (19)INHALTSVERZEICHNISEMPFEHLUNGEN UND HINWEISE (21)CHARAKTERISTIKEN (24)MONTAGE (25)BEDIENUNG (27)WARTUNG (28)CONSEILS ET SUGGESTIONSLes instructions pour l’utilisation se réfèrent aux différents modèles de cet appareil. Par conséquent, certaines descriptions de caractéristiquesparticulières pourraient ne pas appartenir spécifiquement à cet appareil. INSTALLATION • En aucun cas le fabricant ne peut être tenu pour responsable d’éventuels dommages dus à une installation ou à une utilisation impropre.• La distance de sécurité minimum entre le plan decuisson et la hotte aspirante est de 650 mm (certainsmodèles peuvent être installés à une hauteur inférieure ;voir le paragraphe concernant les dimensions de travailet l’installation).• Assurez-vous que la tension de votre secteur correspondà celle indiquée sur la plaque des données appliquée àl’intérieur de la hotte.• Pour les appareils de Classe I, s’assurer que l’installation électrique de votre intérieur dispose d’une mise à la terre adéquate.Relier l’aspirateur au conduit de cheminée avec un tube d’un diamètre minimum de 120 mm. Le parcours des fumées doit être le plus court possible.• Ne pas relier la hotte aspirante aux conduits de cheminée qui acheminent les fumées de combustion (par exemple de chaudières, de cheminées, etc.). • Si vous utilisez l’aspirateur en combinaison avec desappareils non électriques (par ex. appareils à gaz), vous devez garantir un degré d’aération suffisant dans la pièce,afin d’empêcher le retour du flux des gaz de sortie. Lacuisine doit présenter une ouverture communiquantdirectement vers l’extérieur pour garantir l’amenée d’airpropre. Si vous utilisez la hotte de cuisine en combinaison avec des appareils non alimentés à l’électricité, la pression négative dans la pièce ne doit pas dépasser 0,04 mbar afin d’éviter que la hotte ne réaspire les fumées dans la pièce.• Si le cordon d’alimentation est endommagé, veuillez le faire remplacer par le fabricant ou par un service après-vente agréé pour éviter tout risque d’accident.• Si les instructions d’installation du plan de cuisson à gaz spécifient unedistance supérieure à celle indiquée ci-dessus, veuillez impérativement entenir compte. Toutes les normes concernant l’évacuation de l’air doivent êtrerespectées.• Utiliser exclusivement des vis et des petites pièces du type adapté pour lahotte.Attention : toute installation des vis et des dispositifs de fixation nonconforme aux présentes instructions peut entraîner des risques dedécharges électriques.• Brancher la hotte à l’alimentation de secteur avec un interrupteur bipolaireayant une ouverture des contacts d’au moins 3 mm. UTILISATION• Cette hotte aspirante a été conçue exclusivement pour un usagedomestique, dans le but d’éliminer les odeurs de cuisine.• Ne jamais utiliser la hotte pour des objectifs différents de ceux pour lesquelselle a été conçue.• Ne jamais laisser un feu vif allumé sous la hotte lorsque celle-ci est enfonction.• Régler l’intensité du feu de manière à l’orienter exclusivement vers le fondde la casserole, en vous assurant qu’il ne déborde pas sur les côtés.• Contrôler constamment les friteuses durant leur Array utilisation : l’huile surchauffée risque de s’incendier.• Ne pas flamber des mets sous la hotte : sous risquede provoquer un incendie.• Cet appareil n’est pas destiné à être utilisé par desenfants d’un âge inférieur à 8 ans, ni par des personnes dont les capacitésphysiques, sensorielles ou mentales sont diminuées ou qui ont uneexpérience et des connaissances insuffisantes, à moins que ces enfants ouces personnes ne soient attentivement surveillés et instruits sur la manièred’utiliser cet appareil en sécurité et sur les dangers que cela comporte.Assurez-vous que les enfants ne jouent pas avec cet appareil. Le nettoyageet l’entretien de la part de l’utilisateur ne doivent pas être effectués par desenfants, à moins que ce ne soit sous la surveillance d’une personneresponsable.• ATTENTION : les parties accessibles peuvent devenir très chaudes durant l’utilisation des appareils de cuisson.ENTRETIEN•Avant d’effectuer toute opération de nettoyage et d’entretien, éteindre oudébrancher l’appareil du secteur.• Nettoyer et/ou remplacer les filtres après le délai indiqué (dangerd’incendie).• Nettoyer les filtres à graisse tous les 2 mois de fonctionnement ou plus souvent en cas d’utilisation particulièrement intense. Ces filtres peuvent être lavés au lave-vaisselle.• Le filtre à charbon actif ne peut être ni lavé ni régénéré et il doit être remplacé environ tous les 4 mois de fonctionnement ou plus souvent en cas d’utilisation particulièrement intense.• Effectuer le nettoyage selon les instructions, sous risque d'incendie.• Nettoyer la hotte avec un chiffon humide et un détergent liquide neutre.Le symbole marqué sur le produit ou sur son emballage indique que ce produit ne peut pas être éliminé comme déchet ménager normal. Lorsque ce produit doit être éliminé, veuillez le remettre à un centre de collecte prévu pour le recyclage du matériel électrique et électronique. En vous assurant que cet appareil est éliminé correctement, vous participez à prévenir desconséquences potentiellement négatives pour l'environnement et pour la santé, qui risqueraient de se présenter en cas d’élimination inappropriée. Pour toute information supplémentaire sur le recyclage de ce produit, contactez votre municipalité, votre déchetterie locale ou le magasin où vous avez acheté ce produit.CARACTERISTIQUESEncombrementComposantsRéf. Q.té Composants de Produit1 1 Corps Hotte équipé de: Commandes, Lumière, GroupeVentilateur, Filtres8 1 Grille en Direction Sortie Air9 1 Flasque de Réduction ø 150-120 mm101 Buse avec clapet ø 150 mmRéf. Q.té Composants pour l ’installation 12e 2 Vis 2,9 x 9,5Q.téDocumentation1Manueld’instructions109 1INSTALLATIONMontage du corps de hotteAVANT DE MONTER LA HOTTE DANS L’ARMOIRE MURALE SUIVRE LA MARCHE CI-DESSOUS :• Ouvrir le panneau en le tirant.• Retirer les filtres à graisse.• Débrancher le câblage des commandes en intervenant surles connecteurs.• Retirer le cadre en desserrant les 4 vis (2 à droite et2 à gauche).• La hotte peut être installée directement sur le plan inférieur desarmoires murales (650 mm min. par rapport au plan decuisson).• Faire une entaille sur le plan inférieur de l’armoire murale, dela manière indiquée.• Insérer la Hotte jusqu’à accrocher les Supports latéraux parencliquetage.• Bloquer définitivement en serrant les Vis Vf depuis le bas de laHotte.• Revisser le cadre avec les 4 vis précédemment retirées,rebrancher le câblage des commandes, remonter le filtre àgraisse et fermer le panneau.BranchementsSORTIE AIR VERSION ASPIRANTEl’installateur.Raccord tube ø 150•Insérer la bride avec soupape 10 ø 150 sur la sortiedu corps de hotte.•Fixer le tube avec des colliers serre-tube appropriés.Le matériel nécessaire n’est pas fourni.Raccord tube ø 120•Pour la liaison avec le tube ø120 mm, insérer la busede réduction 9 sur la bride ø 150 10 précédemmentinstallée.•Fixer le tube avec des colliers serre-tube appropriés.Le matériel nécessaire n’est pas fourni.•Dans les deux cas, retirer les filtres anti-odeur àcharbon actif éventuels.SORTIE AIR VERSION FILTRANTE•Percer un trou de ø 125 mm. sur l’éventuelle Tablettequi se trouve au-dessus de la Hotte.•Insérer le flasque de réduction 9 sur la sortie du corpsde la hotte.•Connecter la Flasque au trou de sortie sur la Tablettequi se trouve au-dessus de la Hotte, au moyen d’untuyau rigide ou flexible de ø120 mm.•Fixer le tube par des colliers appropriés. Le matériaunécessaire n’est pas fourni.•Fixer la Grille orientée 8 sur la sortie de l’air recycléà l’aide de 2 Vis 12e (2,9 x 9,5) fournies avecl’appareil.•S’assurer de la présence des filtres anti-odeur aucharbon actif.BRANCHEMENT ELECTRIQUE•Brancher la hotte sur le secteur en interposant un interrupteur bipolaire avec ouverture des contacts d’au moins 3 mm.UTILISATIONTableau des commandesT1T2T3T4LTOUCHE FONCTIONST1 MoteurCoupe le moteur. T2 VitesseDémarre le moteur à la première vitesse. Touche allumée fixe. T3 VitesseDémarre le moteur à la deuxième vitesse. Touche allumée fixe. T4 Vitesse Appuyée brièvement, elle démarre le moteur à la troisième vitesse. Toucheallumée fixe.Appuyée pendant 2 secondes. Touche clignotante.Elle démarre la quatrième vitesse avec une temporisation de 6 minutes,après lesquelles le moteur retourne à la vitesse précédemment program-mée. Fonction indiquée pour faire face aux pointes d’émission de fuméesde cuissonL Lumière Branche et débranche l’éclairage. Touche allumée fixe.ENTRETIENFiltres anti-graisseNETTOYAGE FILTRES ANTI-GRAISSE METALLIQUES AUTOPOR-TEURS• Lavables au lave-vaisselle, ils doivent être lavés environ tous les 2 mois d’emploi ou plus fréquemment en cas d’emploi par-ticulièrement intense.• Tirer sur les panneaux confort pour les ouvrir.• Retirer les filtres, un à un, en les poussant vers la partie posté-rieure du groupe tout en tirant vers le bas.• Laver les filtres en évitant de les plier, et les faire sécher avant de les remonter. (Tout changement de couleur sur la surface du filtre, susceptible de se produire avec le temps, ne nuit en rien à l’efficacité de ce dernier.)• Remonter les filtres en faisant attention de tenir la poignée vers la partie externe visible.• Refermer les panneaux confort.Filtres anti-odeur au charbon actif (version filtrante)Le filtre anti-odeur au charbon actif n’est pas lavable et ne peut pas être régénéré : il faut le remplacer tous les 4 mois de service environ, ou plus souvent en cas d’usage particulièrement intense.REMPLACEMENT• Tirer sur les panneaux confort pour les ouvrir.• Retirer les filtres à graisse.• Enlever les filtres anti-odeur au charbon actif saturés, comme indiqué (A).• Monter les nouveaux filtres, comme indiqué (B).• Remonter les filtres à graisse.• Refermer les panneaux confort.Éclairage• Pour le remplacement, contacter le Service après-vente (« Pour l’achat, s’adresser au service après-vente »).991.0439.148_01 - 1 212。



Toyobo ReverTra Ace qPCR RT Master Mix技术手册说明书

Toyobo ReverTra Ace qPCR RT Master Mix技术手册说明书

F1173KReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Master MixFSQ-201 200 reactionsStore at -20°C Contents[1] Introduction[2] Components[3] Protocol1. RNA template for reverse transcription2. Reverse transcription[4] Application data[5] Related protocol1. DNase I treatment of total RNA[6] Troubleshooting[7] Related productsC AUTIONAll reagents in this kit are intended for research purposes. Do not use for diagnostic or clinical purposes. Please observe general laboratory safety precautions while using this kit.-ReverTra Ace® is a registered trademark of Toyobo Co., Ltd., Japan.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86) 1JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************1[ 1 ] Introduction [ 2 ] Components DescriptionReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Master Mix is an efficient and convenient reagent to synthesize high quality cDNAs for real-time PCR. The master mix reagent (5x) contains the highly efficient reverse transcriptase “ReverTra Ace®”, primers and buffer optimized for highly efficient synthesis of short-chain cDNAs suitable for real-time PCR. The protocol is simple, and the reaction can be completed in 15 min.ReverTra Ace® is a mutant M-MLV reverse transcriptase that shows excellent efficiency. Features-5x Master Mix reagent contains all components for reverse transcription.The Master Mix reagent will not freeze at -20°C.-No reverse transcription control experiments (no RT-Control) can be performed.-The master mix reagent contains random and oligo dT primers optimized for efficient reverse transcription.-The reaction can be completed in 15 min. The protocol does not contain an additional RNase H treatment step to remove residual RNA after reverse transcription (Patent Pending).-Since the RT buffer is optimized for real-time PCR, the addition of 20% (v/v) of the synthesized cDNA solution to the PCR solution does not inhibit the PCR reaction.Therefore, this kit is suitable for the detection of low abundance mRNAs.The kit includes the following reagents, which can be used for 200 (FSQ-201) and 40 (FSQ-201S) 10 µl reactions. All reagents should be stored at -20°C. For extended storage, -30°C is recommended.FSQ-201FSQ-201S (SAMPLE) 5x RT Master Mix 400 μl80 μl5x RT Maser Mix no RT-Control 40 μl8 μlNuclease-free water 1000 μl x 2400 μl5× RT Maser MixThis reagent is a 5x master mix that contains highly efficient reverse transcriptase “ReverTra Ace®”, RNase inhibitor, oligo dT primer, random primer, MgCl2 and dNTPs .NotesBe aware that “5x RT Master Mix” and “5x RT Master Mix II” in ReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Master Mix with gDNA remover (Code No. FSQ-301) are not compatible.5× RT Maser Mix no-RT ControlThe composition of “5x RT Master Mix no-RT Control” is identical to that of “5x RT Master Mix” except that the reverse transcriptase (RT) is omitted. This master mix can be used in control experiments due to the absence of reverse transcriptase.Nuclease-free waterThis nuclease-free water has been prepared without DEPC treatment.JAPAN CHINA TOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140********************2[ 3 ] Protocol1. Template RNA for reverse transcriptionThe following RNAs are appropriate for highly efficient reverse transcription.(1)Total RNATotal RNA usually contains 1-2% mRNA. Total RNA can be used directly as template with this kit. RNA prepared using acid guanidium-phenol-chloroform (AGPC) or the spin-column method contains genomic DNA, so total RNA should be treated with DNase I before transcription.(2)Poly(A)+ RNA (mRNA)Poly(A)+ RNA is useful to detect low abundance mRNAs. However, poly(A)+ RNA should be treated carefully because it is more sensitive to RNase than total RNA.2. Reverse transcription(1) Denaturation of RNA [optional]Incubate the RNA solution at 65°C for 5 min, and then keep on ice.Notes-This step increases the efficiency of reverse transcription of RNA templates that form secondary structures.-This step should be performed before adding 5x RT Master Mix.(2) Preparation of the reaction solutionPrepare the following reagents on ice.Notes-The master mix reagent contains oligo dT and random primers. Do not use with specific primers.-For control experiments, “5x RT Master Mix no RT-Control” should be used instead of 5x RT Master Mix. A control experiment without reverse transcription is useful to prove whether amplicons originate from cDNA and/or genomic DNA.-The reaction volume can be increased according to need.-Master mix reagents should be spun-down prior to use due to high viscosity.5x RT Master Mix2 μl RNA template 1 pg – 1 μgNuclease-free Water X μl Total V olume10 μlJAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************3-This kit contains nuclease-free water for 200 reverse transcription reactions. The kit does not contain sufficient nuclease-free water for the dilution of RNA samples.Nuclease-free water prepared without DEPC-treatment is recommended for the dilution of RNA samples.(3)Incubate at 37°C for 15 min(4)Incubate at 50°C for 5 min [optional](5)Heat to 98°C for 5 min(6)Store the reacted solution* at 4°C or – 20°C*This solution can be used directly or after dilution for real-time PCR.Notes-The reaction time at 37°C can be prolonged up to 1 hr.-ReverTra Ace® excels at high reaction temperatures (up to 50°C). This step may increase the efficiency of the reverse transcription.-Up to 20% of the synthesized cDNA solution can be added to the PCR reaction solution.JAPAN CHINA TOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140********************4[ 4 ] Application data<Materials and Methods>cDNA synthesis Reagent: ReverTra Ace ® qPCR RT Master Mix (Code No.FSQ-201) Template: HeLa total RNA 2 pg-2 μg /20 μl reactionReal-time PCRReagent: THUNDERBIRD ® SYBR ® qPCR Mix (Code No.QPS-201) Template: cDNA 2 μl/20 μl reaction (cDNA solution: 10%) Targets: Typical house-keeping genes Real-time cycler: Applied Biosystems 7900HT<Results>Template RNA (pg)Log (RNA amount)Ct of qPCRATP5F TFRC RPLP1 RPLP2 RPS182 0.301 33.76 31.16 32.89 32.5420 1.301 31.43 30.73 27.70 30.05 28.65 200 2.301 28.64 27.29 24.44 26.72 25.22 2,000 3.301 25.41 23.79 21.12 23.31 21.98 20,000 4.301 21.86 20.43 17.69 19.88 18.42 200,000 5.301 18.65 17.09 14.14 16.59 15.10 1,000,000 6.000 16.03 15.03 11.63 14.37 13.09 2,000,000 6.301 15.42 14.28 11.11 13.53 12.28/20μl Slope -3.280 -3.303 -3.384 -3.284 -3.368R20.999 0.999 1.000 1.000 0.999 Eff.101.8%100.8%97.5% 101.6% 98.1%High linearity and no crossing over of the standard curves of five housekeeping genes suggest that the reagent shows high performance in a broad concentration range.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************5[ 5 ] Related Protocol1. DNase I treatment of total RNATotal RNA prepared by general methods contains genomic DNA. Genomic DNA can beeliminated by the following method.(1)Mix the following reagents.Nuclease-free water X μlTotal RNA (<10 μg)Yμl10 x DNase I Buffer[e.g. 100 mM Tris-Cl, 20 mM MgCl2(pH 7.5)]1 μlRNase-free DNase I (10 U/μl)0.5μlTotal volume 10 μl(2)Incubate on ice for 10-30 min.(3)Purify the treated RNA according to the following step.DNase I-treated RNAAdd nuclease-free water (adjust volume to 100 μl)Add 100 μl TE-saturated phenolVortexKeep on ice for 5 minCentrifuge at 12,000 rpm for 5 minSupernatantAdd 100 μl chloroform: isoamyl alcohol (24:1), V ortexCentrifuge at 12,000 rpm for 5 min at 4 °CSupernatantAdd 100 μl 5 M ammonium acetate + 200 μl isopropanol+ [5 μl 2 mg/ml glycogen* (for coprecipitation) : optional]VortexIncubate at - 20 °C for 30 minCentrifuge at 12,000 rpm for 10-15 min at 4 °CDiscard supernatantPrecipitateAdd 1 ml 70% ethanolCentrifuge at 12,000 rpm for 5 minDiscard supernatantPrecipitateDissolve in appropriate volume of nuclease-free waterRNA solution*Molecular biology gradeJAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************6[ 6 ]TroubleshootingSymptom Cause SolutionLow signal afterreal-time PCRLow purity of RNA Repurify the RNA sample.Degradation of RNA Prepare fresh RNA sample. Diluted RNA templates havea tendency to degrade and to adsorb on the vessel walls.RNA template for the reaction should be prepared from ahighly concentrated stock prior to use.Excess or small amount of RNA The recommended RNA concentration range for reverse transcription is from 1 pg to 1 μg in a 10 μl reaction. However, the optimal concentration of RNA template should be determined for each case.Secondary structure of RNA template The efficiency of reverse transcription of RNAs that form secondary structures tends to be low. Incubation at 65°C for 5 min and quenching prior to the reaction is usually effective on such templates. Also, the additional step of 50°C for 5 min after the reaction at 37°C for 15 min might be effective for such difficult templates.Inappropriate temperature conditions Perform the reaction according to this instruction manual.Excess amount of cDNAsolution compared to thetotal PCR reaction volumeReduce the cDNA solution to less than 10%.Amplification in no-RT control reaction Contamination of genomicDNA in RNA templateRedesign the primers to prevent amplification fromgenomic DNA. Or treat the template RNA with DNase Iprior to reverse transcription.Primer dimer formation Optimize the PCR conditions or redesign the primers.HPLC-grade primers sometimes improve PCRspecificity.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************7[ 7 ] Related productsProduct name Package Code No.High efficient revers transcriptaaseReverTra Ace®10,000 U TRT-101RNase inhibitor (Recombinant type) 2,500USIN-201 Real-time PCR master mix for probe assayTHUNDERBIRD® Probe qPCR Mix 1.67 mL x 3 QPS-101Real-time PCR master mix for SYBR® Green assayTHUNDERBIRD® SYBR® qPCR Mix 1.67 mL x 3 QPS-201High efficient cDNA synthesis kit for Real-time PCRReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Kit200 reactions FSQ-101High efficient cDNA synthesis master mix Real-time PCR with gDNA removerReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Master Mixwith gDNA remover200 reactions FSQ-301。

MPI TITAN RF Probe Selection Guide

MPI TITAN RF Probe Selection Guide

MPI Probe Selection GuideWith a critical understanding of the numerous measurement challenges associated with today’s RF ap-plications, MPI Corporation has developed TITAN™ RF Probes, a product series specifically optimized for these complex applications centered upon the requirements of advanced RF customers.TITAN™ Probes provide the latest in technology and manufacturing advancements within the field of RF testing. They are derived from the technology transfer that accompanied the acquisition of Allstron, then significantly enhanced by MPI’s highly experienced RF testing team and subsequently produced utilizing MPI’s world class MEMS technology. Precisely manufactured, the TITAN™ Probes include matched 50 Ohm MEMS contact tips with improved probe electrical characteristics which allow the realization of unmat -ched calibration results over a wide frequency range. The patented protrusion tip design enables small passivation window bond pad probing, while significantly reducing probe skate thus providing the out -standing contact repeatability required in today’s extreme measurement environments. TITAN TM Probes with all their features are accompanied by a truly affordable price.The TITAN™ Probe series are available in single-ended and dual tip configurations, with pitch range from 50 micron to 1250 micron and frequencies from 26 GHz to 110 GHz. TITAN™ RF Probes are the ideal choice for on-wafer S-parameter measurements of RF, mm-wave devices and circuits up to 110 GHz as well as for the characterization of RF power devices requiring up to 10 Watts of continuous power. Finally, customers can benefit from both long product life and unbeatable cost of ownership which they have desired foryears.Unique design of the MEMS coplanar contacttip of the TITAN™ probe series.DC-needle-alike visibility of the contact point and the minimal paddamage due to the unique design of the tipAC2-2 Thru S11 Repeatability. Semi-Automated System.-100-80-60-40-200 S 11 E r r o r M a g n i t u d e (d B )Frequency (GHz)Another advantage of the TITAN™ probe is its superior contact repeatability, which is comparable with the entire system trace noise when measured on the semi-automated system and on gold contact pads.CROSSTALKCrosstalk of TITAN™ probes on the short and the bare ceramic open standard of 150 micron spacing compared to conventional 110 GHz probe technologies. Results are corrected by the multiline TRL calibration. All probes are of GSG configuration and 100 micron pitch.-80-60-40-200Crosstalk on Open. Multiline TRL Calibration.M a g (S21) (d B )Frequency (GHz)-80-60-40-200Crosstalk on Short. Multiline TRL Calibration.M a g (S21) (d B )Frequency (GHz)The maximal probe c ontac t repeatability error of the c alibrate S11-parameter of the AC2-2 thru standard by T110 probes. Semi-automated system. Ten contact circles.Cantilever needle material Ni alloy Body materialAl alloy Contact pressure @2 mils overtravel 20 g Lifetime, touchdowns> 1,000,000Ground and signal alignment error [1]± 3 µm [1]Planarity error [1] ± 3 µm [1]Contact footprint width < 30 µm Contact resistance on Au < 3 mΩThermal range-60 to 175 °CMechanical CharacteristicsAC2-2 Thru S21 Repeatability. Manual TS50 System.-100-80-60-40-200S 21 E r r o r M a g n i t u d e (d B )Frequency (GHz)MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe maximal probe c ontac t repeatability error of the c alibrate S21-parameter of the AC2-2 thru standard by T50 probes. Manual probe system TS50.26 GHZ PROBES FOR WIRELESS APPLICATIONSUnderstanding customer needs to reduce the cost of development and product testing for the high competitive wireless application market, MPI offers low-cost yet high-performance RF probes. The specifically developed SMA connector and its outstanding transmission of electro-magnetic waves through the probe design make these probes suitable for applications frequencies up to 26 GHz. The available pitch range is from 50 micron to 1250 micron with GS/SG and GSG probe tip configurations. TITAN™ 26 GHz probes are the ideal choice for measurement needs when developing components for WiFi, Bluetooth, and 3G/4G commercial wireless applications as well as for student education.Characteristic Impedance 50 ΩFrequency rangeDC to 26 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 0.4 dB Return loss (GSG configuration)1> 16 dB DC current ≤ 1 A DC voltage ≤ 100 V RF power, @10 GHz≤ 5 WTypical Electrical Characteristics26 GHz Probe Model: T26Connector SMAPitch range50 µm to 1250 µm Standard pitch step from 50 µm to 450 µm from 500 µm to 1250 µm25 µm step 50 µm stepAvailable for 90 µm pitch Tip configurations GSG, GS, SG Connector angleV-Style: 90-degree A-Style: 45-degreeMechanical CharacteristicsT26 probe, A-Style of the connectorTypical Electrical Characteristics: 26 GHz GSG probe, 250 micron pitchPROBES FOR DEVICE AND IC CHARACTERIZATION UP TO 110 GHZTITAN™ probes realize a unique combination of the micro-coaxial cable based probe technology and MEMS fabricated probe tip. A perfectly matched characteristic impedance of the coplanar probe tips and optimized signal transmission across the entire probe down to the pads of the device under test (DUT) result in excellent probe electrical characteristics. At the same time, the unique design of the probe tip provides minimal probe forward skate on any type of pad metallization material, therefo -re achieving accurate and repeatable measurement up to 110 GHz. TITAN™ probes are suitable for probing on small pads with long probe lifetime and low cost of ownership.The TITAN™ probe family contains dual probes for engineering and design debug of RF and mm-wave IC’s as well as high-end mm-wave range probes for S-parameter characterization up to 110 GHz for modeling of high-performance microwave devices.Characteristic Impedance 50 ΩFrequency rangeDC to 40 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 0.6 dB Return loss (GSG configuration)1> 18 dB DC current ≤ 1 A DC voltage ≤ 100 V RF power, @10 GHz≤ 5 WTypical Electrical Characteristics40 GHz Probe Model: T40Connector K (2.92 mm)Pitch range50 µm to 500 µmStandard pitch step For GSG configuration:from 50 µm to 450 µm from 500 µm to 800 µmFor GS/SG configuration:from 50 µm to 450 µm 25 µm step 50 µm stepAvailable for 90 µm pitch25 µm stepAvailable for 90/500 µm pitch Tip configurations GSG, GS, SG Connector angleV-Style: 90-degree A-Style: 45-degreeMechanical CharacteristicsTypical Electrical Characteristics: 40 GHz GSG probe, 150 micron pitchT40 probe, A-Style of the connectorCharacteristic Impedance50 ΩFrequency range DC to 50 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 0.6 dB Return loss (GSG configuration)1> 17 dBDC current≤ 1 ADC voltage≤ 100 VRF power, @10 GHz≤ 5 W Typical Electrical Characteristics Connector Q (2.4 mm)Pitch range50 µm to 250 µm Standard pitch stepFor GSG configuration: from 50 µm to 450 µm For GS/SG configuration: from 50 µm to 450 µm 25 µm stepAvailable for 90/500/550 µm pitch 25 µm stepAvailable for 90/500 µm pitchTip configurations GSG, GS, SG Connector angle V-Style: 90-degreeA-Style: 45-degreeMechanical CharacteristicsT50 probe, A-Style of the connectorTypical Electrical Characteristics: 50 GHz GSG probe, 150 micron pitchCharacteristic Impedance50 ΩFrequency range DC to 67 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 0.8 dB Return loss (GSG configuration)1> 16 dBDC current≤ 1 ADC voltage≤ 100 VRF power, @10 GHz≤ 5 W Typical Electrical Characteristics Connector V (1.85 mm)Pitch range50 µm to 250 µm Standard pitch stepFor GSG configuration: from 50 µm to 400 µm For GS/SG configuration: from 50 µm to 250 µm 25 µm step Available for 90 µm pitch25 µm step Available for 90 µm pitchTip configurations GSG Connector angle V-Style: 90-degreeA-Style: 45-degreeMechanical CharacteristicsT67 probe, A-Style of the connectorTypical Electrical Characteristics: 67 GHz GSG probe, 100 micron pitchCharacteristic Impedance 50 ΩFrequency rangeDC to 110 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 1.2 dB Return loss (GSG configuration)1> 14 dB DC current ≤ 1 A DC voltage ≤ 100 V RF power, @10 GHz≤ 5 WTypical Electrical CharacteristicsMechanical CharacteristicsTypical Electrical Characteristics: 110 GHz GSG probe, 100 micron pitchT110 probe, A-Style of the connectorCharacteristic impedance50 ΩFrequency range DC to 220 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 5 dB Connector end return loss(GSG configuration)1> 9 dBTip end return loss(GSG configuration)1> 13 dBDC current≤ 1.5 ADC voltage≤ 50 V Typical Electrical CharacteristicsConnector Broadband interface Pitch range50/75/90/100/125 µm Temperature range -40 ~ 150 ºC Contact width15 µmquadrant compatible(allowing corner pads)Yes recommended pad size20 µm x 20 µm recommended OT (overtravel)15 µmcontact resistance(on Al at 20 ºC using 15 µm OT)< 45 mΩlifetime touchdowns(on Al at 20 ºC using 15 µm OT)> 200,000Mechanical CharacteristicsT220 probe, broadband interface Typical Performance (at 20 ºC for 100 µm pitch)BODY DIMENSIONS PROBES Single-Ended V-StyleT220 GHz Probe1.161.1628.328437.455.6512.5527.73Single-Ended A-StyleCALIBRATION SUBSTRATESAC-series of calibration standard substrates offers up to 26 standard sets for wafer-level SOL T, LRM probe-tip cali -bration for GS/SG and GSG probes. Five coplanar lines provide the broadband reference multiline TRL calibration as well as accurate verification of conventional methods. Right-angled reciprocal elements are added to support the SOLR calibration of the system with the right-angled configuration of RF probes. A calibration substrate for wide-pitch probes is also available.Material Alumina Elements designCoplanarSupported calibration methods SOLT, LRM, SOLR, TRL and multiline TRL Thickness 635 µmSizeAC2-2 : 16.5 x 12.5 mm AC3 : 16.5 x 12.5 mm AC5 : 22.5 x 15 mm Effective velocity factor @20 GHz0.45Nominal line characteristic impedance @20 GHz 50 ΩNominal resistance of the load 50 ΩTypical load trimming accuracy error ± 0.3 %Open standardAu pads on substrate Calibration verification elements Yes Ruler scale 0 to 3 mm Ruler step size100 µmCalibration substrate AC2-2Probe Configuration GSGSupported probe pitch100 to 250 µm Number of SOL T standard groups 26Number of verification and calibration lines5Calibration substrate AC-3Probe Configuration GS/SG Supported probe pitch50 to 250 µm Number of SOL T standard groups 26Number of verification and calibration lines5Calibration substrate AC-5Probe Configuration GSG, GS/SG Supported probe pitch250 to 1250 µm Number of SOL T standard groups GSG : 7GS : 7SG : 7Open standardOn bare ceramic Number of verification and calibration linesGSG : 2GS : 1Typical characteristics of the coplanar line standard of AC2-2 calibration substrate measured using T110-GSG100 probes, and methods recommended by the National Institute of Standard and Technologies [2, 3].2468(d B /c m )F requency (G Hz)α-6-4-202I m a g (Z 0) ()F requency (G Hz)AC2-2 W#006 and T110A-GSG100Ω2. (u n i t l e s s )F requency (G Hz)β/βо4045505560R e a l (Z 0) ()F requency (G Hz)ΩTypical Electrical CharacteristicsMPI QAlibria® RF CALIBRATION SOFTWAREMPI QAlibria® RF calibration software has been designed to simplify complex and tedious RF system calibration tasks. By implementing a progressive disclosure methodology and realizing intuitive touch operation, QAlibria® provides crisp and clear guidance to the RF calibration process, minimizing con-figuration mistakes and helping to obtain accurate calibration results in fastest time. In addition, its concept of multiple GUI’s offers full access to all configuration settings and tweaks for advanced users. QAlibria® offers industry standard and advanced calibration methods. Furthermore, QAlibria® is integrated with the NIST StatistiCal™ calibration packages, ensuring easy access to the NIST mul-tiline TRL metrology-level calibration and uncertainty analysis.MPI Qalibria® supports a multi-language GUI, eliminating any evitable operation risks and inconvenience.SpecificationsRF AND MICROWAVE CABLESMPI offers an excellent selection of flexible cables and acces-sories for RF and mm-wave measurement applications forcomplete RF probe system integration.CablesHigh-quality cable assemblies with SMA and 3.5 mm connectorsprovide the best value for money, completing the entry-level RFsystems for measurement applications up to 26 GHz. Phase stab-le high-end flexible cable assemblies with high-precision 2.92, 2.4, 1.85 and 1 mm connectors guarantee high stability, accuracy and repeatability of the calibration and measurement for DC applications up to 110 GHz.MPI offers these cable assemblies in two standard lengths of 120 and 80 cm, matching the probe system’s footprint and the location of the VNA.Cables Ordering InformationMRC-18SMA-MF-80018 GHz SMA flex cable SMA (male) - SMA (female), 80 cmMRC-18SMA-MF-120018 GHz SMA flex cable SMA (male) - SMA (female), 120 cmMRC-26SMA-MF-80026 GHz SMA flex cable SMA (male) - SMA (female), 80 cmMRC-26SMA-MF-120026 GHz SMA flex cable SMA (male) - SMA (female), 120 cmMRC-40K-MF-80040 GHz flex cable 2.92 mm (K) connector, male-female, 80 cm longMRC-40K-MF-120040 GHz flex cable 2.92 mm (K) connector, male-female, 120 cm longMRC-50Q-MF-80050 GHz flex cable 2.4 mm (Q) connector, male-female , 80 cm longMRC-50Q-MF-120050 GHz flex cable 2.4 mm (Q) connector, male-female , 120 cm longMRC-67V-MF-80067 GHz flex cable 1.85 mm (V) connector, male-female, 80 cm longMRC-67V-MF-120067 GHz flex cable 1.85 mm (V) connector, male-female, 120 cm longMMC-40K-MF-80040 GHz precision flex cable 2.92 mm (K) connector, male-female, 80 cm long MMC-40K-MF-120040 GHz precision flex cable 2.92 mm (K) connector, male-female, 120 cm long MMC-50Q-MF-80050 GHz precision flex cable 2.4 mm (Q) connector, male-female , 80 cm long MMC-50Q-MF-120050 GHz precision flex cable 2.4 mm (Q) connector, male-female , 120 cm long MMC-67V-MF-80067 GHz precision flex cable 1.85 mm (V) connector, male-female, 80 cm long MMC-67V-MF-120067 GHz precision flex cable 1.85 mm (V) connector, male-female, 120 cm long MMC-110A-MF-250110 GHz precision flex cable 1 mm (A) connector, male-female, 25 cm longMPI Global PresenceDirect contact:Asia region: ****************************EMEA region: ******************************America region: ********************************MPI global presence: for your local support, please find the right contact here:/ast/support/local-support-worldwide© 2023 Copyright MPI Corporation. All rights reserved.[1] [2][3] REFERENCESParameter may vary depending upon tip configuration and pitch.R. B. Marks and D. F. Williams, "Characteristic impedance determination using propagation constant measu -rement," IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, vol. 1, pp. 141-143, June 1991.D. F. Williams and R. B. Marks, "Transmission line capacitance measurement," Microwave and Guided WaveLetters, IEEE, vol. 1, pp. 243-245, 1991.AdaptersHigh-In addition, high-quality RF and high-end mm-wave range adapters are offered to address challenges ofregular system reconfiguration and integration with different type of test instrumentation. MRA-NM-350F RF 11 GHz adapter N(male) - 3.5 (male), straight MRA-NM-350M RF 11 GHz adapter N(male) - 3.5 (female), straightMPA-350M-350F Precision 26 GHz adapter 3.5 mm (male) - 3.5 mm (female), straight MPA-350F-350F Precision 26 GHz adapter 3.5 mm (female) - 3.5 mm (female), straight MPA-350M-350M Precision 26 GHz adapter 3.5 mm (male) - 3.5 mm (male), straight MPA-292M-240F Precision 40 GHz adapter 2.92 mm (male) - 2.4 mm (female), straight MPA-292F-240M Precision 40 GHz adapter 2.92 mm (female) - 2.4 mm (male), straight MPA-292M-292F Precision 40 GHz adapter 2.92 mm (male) - 2.92 mm (female), straight MPA-292F-292F Precision 40 GHz adapter 2.92 mm (female) - 2.92 mm (female), straight MPA-292M-292M Precision 40 GHz adapter 2.92 mm (male) - 2.92 mm (male), straight MPA-240M-240F Precision 50 GHz adapter 2.4 mm (male) - 2.4 mm (female), straight MPA-240F-240F Precision 50 GHz adapter 2.4 mm (female) - 2.4 mm (female), straight MPA-240M-240M Precision 50 GHz adapter 2.4 mm (male) - 2.4 mm (male), straight MPA-185M-185F Precision 67 GHz adapter 1.85 mm (male) -1.85 mm (female), straight MPA-185F-185F Precision 67 GHz adapter 1.85 mm (female) -1.85 mm (female), straight MPA-185M-185M Precision 67 GHz adapter 1.85 mm (male) -1.85 mm (male), straight MPA-185M-100FPrecision 67 GHz adapter 1.85 mm (male) -1.00 mm (female), straightDisclaimer: TITAN Probe, QAlibria are trademarks of MPI Corporation, Taiwan. StatistiCal is a trademark of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Data subject to change without notice.。



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50 50
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7777型号选择指南:Meredian II电极线性或浸湿装配说明书

7777型号选择指南:Meredian II电极线性或浸湿装配说明书

51-52-16U-17Issue 29Page 1 of 3Series 7777Model Selection GuideMeredian® II ElectrodeIn-Line or Immersion MountingKEY NUMBERSelectionAvailabilityDescription7777 Electrode Mounting07777In-line mountingTee not includedTABLE II - Mounting, Leads, Instrument Connection, Part No.Meredian II Glass pH:Mounting Leads (Integral)Instrument Connection P/NIn-Line Quick Disconnect Direct Connection to:09c (Note 3)UDA2182, APT2000/4000Immersion20' Tinned c (6,10 meters)In-Line18c Immersion12' (6 pin preamp connector)03d (3,66 meters)In-Line14dORP Electrodes:Mounting LeadsTemp.In-LineQuick Disconnect11c (Note 3)12c Immersion 20' Tinned -5 to 110oC07c (6,10 meters) -5 to 110oC08c In-Line20' Tinned -5 to 110oC27c (6,10 meters) -5 to 110oC28c 50' Tinned 29c(15,25 meters)RESTRICTIONSRestrictionLetter Table Selection Tablec I 0d I3Note 1:For longer preamp to instrument cables, see Accessories and Spare Parts List.Note 2: Gold is generally used in applications containing cyanide; platinum is used for all others.Note 3:Please order corresponding Quick Disconnect sensor-to-instrument cable from accessory table.50027820-502 (gold)16Available Only With51451341-504 (gold) 51451326-50431074387-501 -5 to 110oC 51451340-505 (platinum)50027820-501Not Available With31074399-50151451340-503 (platinum) 51451340-504 (platinum) -5 to 110oC-5 to 110oC50027820-503 (platinum)Selection51451341-503 (gold) P/N (Note 2)Direct Connection to:51451326-503Preamp Connection UDA2182, APT2000/4000Series 7777Accessories andReplacement PartsDescription Part NumberDirections - Meredian II Mounting70-82-25-05Directions - Preamp (31075704-501 & 31075705-501)70-82-25-57Directions - Meredian II Electrode70-82-25-56pH Buffer Solutions4.0131103001-5016.8631103002-5019.1831103003-501Extension Cables for Sensors with Quick Disconnect Option:2m (6.56 Ft.)50024092-5013m (9.84 Ft.)50024092-5026m (19.69 Ft.)50024092-503Only Honeywell Extension Cables can be used.Cable - preamp to instrumentTable I = 3 - 20 feet (6,10 meters)31075723-501- 50 feet (15,25 meters)51309677-501Smooth Electrode Tip - In-Line Mounting31074331-501Guarded Electrode Tip - Immersion Mounting31074330-501Frit 0-Ring (for replacement tips)31074365-501Junction Box50034477-501Special CPVC pipe tee for 3/4" in-line mounting31120167-501Cable grip - for Meredian glass and preamp to instrument cables (3/4" NPT31074354-501 connection and 0.25" grommet hole)。



UL Recognized UL Standard 1077Component Recognition Program as Protectors,Supplementary (Guide QVNU2,File E75596)UL Standard 508Switches,Industrial Control (Guide NRNT2,File E148683)CSA CertifiedComponent Supplementary Protector under Class 3215 30,FIle 047848 0 000CSA Standard C22.2 No. 235VDE CertifiedEN60934,VDE 0642 under File No.10537Agency CertificationsNotes for T able A:1DC and 1Ø 277 Volt ratings are 1 or 2 poles breaking. 3Ø Ratings are 3 poles breaking.2 Requires branch circuit backup with a UL LISTED Type K5 or RK5 fuse rated 15A minimum and no more than 4 times full load amps not to exceed 150A for 250 Volt rating and 125A for 277and 480 Volt ratings.3 UL Recognition and CSA Certification at 480 Volts refers to 3 and 4 pole versions, used only in a 3Ø wye connected circuit or 2 pole versions connected with 2 poles breaking 1Ø and backedup with series fusing per note 2.Table A:Lists UL Recognized and CSA and VDE Certified configurations and performance capabilities as a Component Supplementary Protector.ElectricalCURRENT RA TINGCIRCUITMAX FULL LOAD WITH WITHOUT (Inc) WITH (Icn) WITHOUTCONFIGURA TIONRA TINGFREQUENCYPHASEAMPSBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSE65DC ---0.02 - 50 ---500050001500125/25050/60 1 and 30.02 - 50 ---3000 --- ---25050/60 1 and 30.02 - 505000 ---5000150027750/6010.02 - 505000 --- --- ---480 Y 50/60 1 and 30.02 - 305000---------65DC ---0.02 - 5025050/60 1 and 30.02 - 5027750/6010.02 - 50480 Y50/6030.02 - 30480 Y 50/6010.02 - 30SWITCH ONL Y UL / CSAVDED-SERIES TABLE A: COMPONENT SUPPLEMENTARY PROTECTORVOLT AGEINTERRUPTING CAPACITY (AMPS)SERIESDesigned for snap-on-back panel rail mounting on either a 35mm x 7.5mm, or a 35mm x 15mm Symmetrical Din Rail,allowing rapid and simple mounting and removal of the breaker.It features recessed, wire-ready, touch-proof, shock-resistant ter-minals, suitable for automatic screwdriver assembly, as well as "Dead Front" construction characteristics.Available with a Visi-Rocker two-color actuator, which can be specified to indicate either the ON or the TRIPPED/OFF mode,or solid color rocker or handle type actuators. All actuator types fit in the same industry standard panel cutouts.0.02 - 50 amps, up to 480 VAC or 65 VDC, 1 - 4 poles (Handle),1 - 3 poles (Rocker), with a choice of time delays.Number of PolesRocker Type: 1-3; Handle Type: 1-4 Internal Circuit Config. Switch Only and Series Trip with cur-rent or voltage trip coils.WeighApproximately 128 grams/pole (Approximately 4.57 ounces/pole)Standard Colors Housing - Black; Actuator - See Ordering Scheme.MountingMounts on a standard 35mmSymmetrical DIN Rail (35 x 7.5 or 35x 15mm per DIN EN5002).MechanicalElectricalPhysicalEndurance10,000 ON-OFF operations @ 6 per minute; with rated Current and Voltage.Trip FreeAll D-Series Circuit Breakers will trip on overload,even when actuator is forcibly held in the ON position.Trip IndicationThe operating actuator moves posi-tively to the OFF position when an overload causes the breaker to trip.Designed and tested in accordance with requirements of specifi-cation MIL-PRF-55629 & MIL-STD-202 as follows:Shock Withstands 100 Gs,6ms,sawtoothwhile carrying rated current per Method 213,Test Condition "I".Instantaneous and ultra-short curves tested @ 90% of rated current.Vibration Withstands 0.060" excursion from10-55 Hz,and 10 Gs 55-500 Hz,at rated current per Method 204C,Test Condition A. Instantaneous and ultra-short curves tested at 90% of rated current.Moisture Resistance Method 106D,i.e.,ten 24-hourcycles @ + 25°C to +65°C,80-98%RH.Salt Spray Method 101,Condition A (90-95%RH @ 5% NaCl Solution,96 hrs).Thermal Shock Method 107D,Condition A (Fivecycles @ -55°C to +25°C to +85°C to +25°C).Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°CEnvironmental020 0.0200250.0250300.0300500.050075 0.0750800.0800850.0852100.1002150.1502200.2002250.2502300.3002350.3502400.4002450.450250 0.5002550.5502600.6002650.6502700.7002750.7502800.8002850.850410 1.000512 1.250413 1.300414 1.400415 1.500517 1.750420 2.000522 2.250425 2.500527 2.750430 3.000532 3.250435 3.500436 3.600440 4.000445 4.500547 4.750450 5.000455 5.500460 6.000465 6.5004707.0005727.2504757.5004808.0004858.5004909.0004959.500610 10.00071010.50061111.00071111.50061212.00071212.50061313.00061414.000615 15.00061616.00061717.00061818.00061919.00062020.00062121.00062222.000623 23.00062424.00062525.00062626.00062727.00062828.00062929.00063030.00063232.00063535.00064040.00064545.00065050.000A06 6 DC, 5 DC A1212 DC, 10 DC A1818 DC, 15 DC A2424 DC, 20 DC A3232 DC, 25 DC A4848 DC, 40 DC A6565 DC, 55 DC J06 6 AC, 5 AC J1212 AC, 10 AC J1818 AC, 15 ACJ2424 AC, 20 AC J4848 AC, 40 AC K20120 AC, 65 AC L40240 AC, 130 AC10Agency Approval8Actuator Color8 ACTUATOR COLOR & LEGEND Actuator orVisi-Color Marking: Marking Color: Single Color Visi-Rocker Color:I-O ON-OFF Dual Rocker/Handle (Actuator Black)8White A B 1Black White Black C D 2White n/a Red F G 3White Red Green H J 4White Green Blue K L 5White Blue Y ellow M N 6Black Y ellow Gray P Q 7Black Gray OrangeRS8Black Orange10 AGENCY APPROVAL C UL Recognized & CSA Certified D VDE Certified, UL Recognized & CSA Certified9 MOUNTING/VOLTAGEMOUNTING STYLE VOLTAGE Threaded Insert 16-32 x 0.195 inches< 300C 96-32 X 0.195 inches ≥300 2ISO M3 x 5mm< 300D 9ISO M3 x 5mm ≥3007 TERMINAL1#10 Screw & Pressure Plate for Direct Wire Connection 2#10 Screw without Pressure Plate3 POLES 1One2Two 3Three4Four5 FREQUENCY & DELA Y 03DC 50/60Hz, Switch Only 105DC Instantaneous 11DC Ultra Short 12DC Short 14DC Medium 16DC Long20550/60Hz Instantaneous 2150/60Hz Ultra Short 2250/60Hz Short 2450/60Hz Medium2650/60Hz Long32DC, 50/60Hz Short 34DC, 50/60Hz Medium 36DC, 50/60Hz Long42650/60Hz Short, Hi-Inrush 44650/60Hz Medium, Hi-Inrush 46650/60Hz Long, Hi-Inrush 527DC, Short,Hi-Inrush 547DC,Medium, Hi-Inrush 567DC, Long, Hi-Inrush4 CIRCUITA0 Switch Only (No Coil) 4B0Series Trip (Current)C0Series Trip (Voltage)1 SERIES D6Current Rating4Circuit3Poles2Actuator9Mounting/Voltage7Terminal5Frequency & Delay1SeriesNotes:1 Handle breakers available up to four poles. Rocker breakers available up to three poles.2Actuator Code:A: Multi-pole units factory assembled with common handle tie.B: Handle location as viewed from front of breaker:2 pole - left pole3 pole - center pole4 pole - two handles at center poles3Multipole rocker breakers have one rocker per breaker, as viewed from the front of thepanel. Two pole - left pole. Three pole - center pole 4≤30A, select Current Rating code 630. 31-50A, select Current Rating code 650.5Voltage coil only available with delay codes 10 & 20.6Available to 50A max with circuit code BO only.7Available to 50A (UL/CSA), 30A (VDE) with circuit code BO only.8Color shown is visi and legend with remainder of rocker black.9≥300V: Three pole breaker 3Ø or 2 pole breaker 1Ø, UL/CSA limited to 30 FLA max.10VDE Approval requires Dual (I-O, ON-OFF) or I-O markings6 CURRENT RATING (AMPERES)OR VOLTAGE COIL (VOLTS, MIN. TRIP RATING)5P0LE 3P0LE 2P0LE 1SERIES TRIP (2 TERM'S.)LINELINEROCKER ACTUATOR INDICATE "ON"HANDLE ACTUATORSWITCH ONL Y (2 TERM'S.)#10-32 SCREW AND PRESSURE PLA TE PER TERMINAL"MULTI-POLE IDENTIFICATION SCHEMENotes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.015 [.38] unless otherwise specified.3-POLE(DF3) 3-POLE(DC3)REMOVALASSEMBL YNotes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.015 [.38] unless otherwise specified.3Dimensions apply to all variations shown. Notice that circuit breaker line and load termi-nal orientation on indicate OFF is opposite of indicate ON.4For pole orientation with horizontal legend, rotate front view clockwise 90°.Notes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.010 [.25] unless otherwise specified.。



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1.3 使用工具箱和其文档
有四种方法可以使用神经网络工具箱软件。第一种方式是通过本章中所描述的四个图形 用户界面(GUI) 。你可以从主图形用户界面,调用命令 nnstart 打开这些图形用户界面。提 供了一个快速简便的方法来访问工具箱的强大功能来完成以下任务:
函数拟合 模式识别
数据聚类 时间序列分析 使用工具箱中的第二种方式是通过基本的命令行操作。比图形用户界面,命令行操作提 供了更大的灵活性,但增加了一些复杂性。本章介绍了一些命令行函数,神经网络工具箱用 户指南覆盖了命令行操作的更多细节(包括第 2 章)对理解命令行用法和训练神经网络的基 本方法都十分重要,你应该阅读它们,才能进入用户指南中的高级课题学习。 “网络对象、数据、训练方式”提出的神经元模型的基本原理和神经网络的架构,它也 描述了用于神经网络工具箱软件中的网络对象。神经网络工具箱软件存储了定义了神经网络 的所有信息。重要的是要了解网络对象的结构,尤其是使用命令行的操作。本章还介绍了工 具箱中的数据是如何存储和使用,以及如何训练神经网络。 “多层网络和反向传播训练” 解释在设计多层网络中涉及的基本步骤。这里的网络是工 具箱的主力,它可用于函数拟合与模式识别。此网络的设计步骤可以应用到工具箱中的任何 其他网络设计。 如果这是您第一次体验这一工具箱,图形用户界面提供了最好的指南。此外,图形用户 界面可以记录 MATLAB 代码生成脚本,为您提供模板创建自己的自定义命令行函数。初次使 用的图形用户界面创建和修改 MATLAB 脚本的过程,是一个很好了解工具箱功能的方式。 使用工具箱中的第三种方法是通过定制。这种先进的功能使您可以创建自己定制的神经 网络,同时还能了解工具箱全部函数功能。您可以创建具有任意连接的网络,并使用现有工 具箱训练功能(只要网络组件是可区分的)训练创建的网络。在“高级主题”中描述了如何 定制工具箱。“培训自定义网络”中给出了一个例子,展示训练定制网络的方法。 使用工具箱中的第四种方式是通过修改工具箱中包含的任何函数的能力。用 MATLAB 代 码编写的每一个计算组件程序可完全访问。 这四个层次的工具箱的使用,跨度从新手到专家 - 简单的向导引导新用户通过特定的 应用程序和网络定制,使研究人员能够以最小的努力尝试新颖的结构。无论你神经网络和 MATLAB 知识的水平如何,工具箱都能满足您的需求。 脚本自动生成 本章中图形界面的描述形成了一个关于神经网络工具箱软件的十分重要的文档。图形用 户界面引导你在四个重要的应用领域中设计神经网络、解决实际问题,而无需任何使用 MATLAB 神经网络知识或复杂的 matlab 应用背景。此外,图形用户界面可以自动生成简单和 高级 MATLAB 脚本,可以重现由 GUI 执行的步骤,并覆盖默认设置的选项。这些脚本可以为 您提供模板创建定制度代码,他们可以帮助你熟悉工具箱的命令行功能。我们强烈建议您使 用图形用户界面易用的自动脚本生成功能。



医药用级泊洛沙姆188特征医药用级泊洛沙姆188特征泊洛沙姆188(oloame)为聚氧乙烯聚氧丙烯醚嵌段共聚物,又叫做聚醚多元醇,商品名为昔流尼克(luromio). 这是一类新型的高分子非离子表面活性剂。

化学式:H(C2H4O)a(C3H6O)b(C2H4O) aOH本品为α—氢—ω—羟基聚(氧乙稀)a—聚(氧丙烯)b—聚(氧乙稀)a嵌段共聚物。


在共聚物中氧乙烯单元(a)为75~85,氧丙烯单元(b)为25~30,氧乙烯(EO)含量79.9%~83.7%,平均分子量为7680~9510、二氧化钛CAS号: 13463—67—7分子式: O2Ti分子量: 79.87二丁基羟基甲苯分子式分子量C15H24O 220.35CAS号[128—37—0]甘露醇CAS号:87—78—5;69—65—8固体石蜡 CAS号: 8002—74—2分子式: CnH2n+2 n=24~36分子量: 0中文名环甲基硅酮外文名 CyclomethiconeCAS注册号69430—24—6 EINECS号为209—136—7黄原胶CAS:11138—66—2英文名称:Xanthan gumEINECS:234—394—2分子式:C35H49O29凡士林 CAS号: 8009—03—8分子式: C15H15N分子量: 209.2863EINECS号: 232—315—6磷酸氢二钾CAS号: 16788—57—1分子式: H7K2O7P分子量: 228.22EINECS号: 231—834—5尿素汉语拼音Niaosu英文名Urea分子式与分子量CH4N2O 60.06醋酸钠CAS号: 6131—90—4分子式: C2H9NaO5分子量: 136.08EINECS号: 204—823—8氨丁三醇分子式: C57H110O6 分子量: 891.48CAS号: 68334—00—9DL酒石酸CAS号: 133—37—9分子式: C4H6O6分子量: 150.09EINECS号: 205—105—7聚丙烯酸树脂CAS号:24938—16—7分子式:(C8H15NO2·C8H14O2.·C5H8O2)x山梨酸钾CAS号: 590—00—1分子式: C6H7KO2分子量: 150.22三氯蔗糖Sucralose蔗糖素分子式 C12H19Cl3O8分子量397.6335三乙醇胺CAS号: 102—71—6分子式: C6H15NO3分子量: 149.19。

艾伦 Moeller 系列 Rapid Link DOL 启动器 199077 说明书

艾伦 Moeller 系列 Rapid Link DOL 启动器 199077 说明书

Eaton 199077Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - DOL starter, 6.6 A, Sensorinput 2, 230/277 V AC, AS-Interface®, S-7.A.E. for 62 modules,HAN Q4/2, with manual override switchGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link DOLstarter1990774015081971350120 mm270 mm220 mm 1.8 kgIEC/EN 60947-4-2 CEUL approvalCCCRoHSUL 60947-4-2Assigned motor rating: for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm at 50 Hz or 1800 min at 60 HzRAMO5-D202A32-412RS1Product Name Catalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog NotesModel CodeParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: KeypadParameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: FieldbusDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-InterfaceKey switch position HANDKey switch position AUTOKey switch position OFF/RESETThermistor monitoring PTCThermo-clickManual override switchElectronic motor protectionTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationShort-circuit releaseFor actuation of motors with mechanical brakeExternal reset possibleTemperature compensated overload protection CLASS 10 ANEMA 12IP65Class A10,000,000 Operations (at AC-3)10,000,000 Operations (at AC-3)Direct starter0.3 A6.6 AIIIMotor starterAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 62 modulesASI4000 VCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network) AC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted. DOL starterDCFeatures Fitted with: Functions ClassDegree of protectionElectromagnetic compatibility Lifespan, electricalLifespan, mechanicalModelOverload release current setting - min Overload release current setting - max Overvoltage categoryProduct categoryProtocolRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) System configuration typeTypeVoltage typeVertical15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyResistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on acceleration Max. 2000 mAbove 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m Max. 1000 m-10 °C55 °C-40 °C70 °C< 95 %, no condensationIn accordance with IEC/EN 50178Adjustable, motor, main circuit0.3 - 6.6 A, motor, main circuit6.6 A (at 150 % Overload)Maximum of one time every 60 seconds 380 - 480 V (-15 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz) 20 - 35 ms20 - 35 ms50/60 HzAC-53a 3 HP≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brake230/277 V AC -15 % / +10 %, Actuator for external motor brake10 kA0 AType 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuitMounting position Shock resistance Vibration AltitudeAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max Climatic proofingCurrent limitationInput currentMains switch-on frequency Mains voltage tolerance Off-delayOn-delayOutput frequency Overload cycleRated frequency - min Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phaseBraking currentBraking voltageRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)Rated conditional short-circuit current (Iq), type 2, 380 V, 400 V, 415 VShort-circuit protection (external output circuits)47 Hz63 Hz6.6 A6.6 A0.09 kW3 kW0 kW3 kW480 V AC, 3-phase 400 V AC, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, fLN, Main circuit Center-point earthed star network (TN-S network) AC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.0 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0 V24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug) 230/277 V AC (external brake 50/60 Hz)Connections pluggable in power section Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mASpecification: S-7.A.E. (AS-Interface®) Number of slave addresses: 62 (AS-Interface®)010 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable lengthMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Rated frequency - max Rated operational current (Ie) at 150% overload Rated operational current (Ie) at AC-3, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz - min Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz - max Rated operational power at AC-3, 220/230 V, 50 Hz Rated operational power at AC-3, 380/400 V, 50 Hz Rated operational voltage Supply frequencySystem configuration typeRated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - min Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - max Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - min Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - max Rated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - min Rated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - max Rated control voltage (Uc)ConnectionInterfacesNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally closed contacts)Number of auxiliary contacts (normally open contacts)Cable length10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosuresMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Generation Change RA-SP to RASP5Connecting drives to generator suppliesGeneration change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkRapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnectDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-drivesConnect USB Driver DX-COM-PCKITMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticsProduct Range Catalog Drives EngineeringDA-DC-00004523.pdfDA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004525.pdfeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-reversing-starter-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-reversing-starter-dimensions-003.epsETN.RAMO5-D202A32-412RS1.edzIL034084ZU10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material10.10 Temperature rise Application notes BrochuresCatalogues Certification reportsDrawingseCAD model Installation instructions Installation videosEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediacalculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Rapid Link 5MN040003_ENramo5_v5.dwg ramo5_v5.stp10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical function Manuals and user guides mCAD model。

2013:Biobutanol production from fiber-enhanced DDGS pretreated with electrolyzed water

2013:Biobutanol production from fiber-enhanced DDGS pretreated with electrolyzed water

Biobutanol production from fiber-enhanced DDGS pretreated with electrolyzed waterXiaojuan Wang a ,b ,Yi Wang c ,d ,Bin Wang b ,Hans Blaschek b ,c ,Hao Feng b ,d ,*,Zhiyi Li aaDepartment of Chemical Machinery,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian,ChinabDepartment of Food Science and Human Nutrition,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Urbana,IL,USA cCenter for Advanced BioEnergy Research,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Urbana,IL,USA dDepartment of Agricultural and Biological Engineering,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Urbana,IL,USAa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 2September 2011Accepted 9October 2012Available online 13November 2012Keywords:Fiber-enriched DDGS ButanolElectrolyzed water PretreatmentEnzymatic sacchari fication Fermentationa b s t r a c tDDGS (distiller ’s dried grains with solubles)is a major co-product in dry-grind ethanol production from corn.A recently developed physical process separates DDGS into two value-added components:a fiber-enriched DDGS and a portion that is rich in oil and protein.Electrolyzed water,a new pretreatment catalyst was employed to pretreat fiber-enriched DDGS.Four temperatures (130,145,160,and 175 C)and three treatment times (10,20,and 30min)were examined in the pretreatment with a solid loading of 20%w/w.Other pretreatment methods,such as diluted sulfuric acid,alkaline solution,and hot water,were also tested for comparison purposes.Fifteen FPU cellulase/g cellulose,40units b -glucosidase/g cellulose,and 50units xylanase/g dry biomass were used in the enzymatic hydrolysis at 50 C and 10%solid loading.The hydrolyzates were fermented by Clostridium beijerinckii BA 101at 35 C in an auto-controlled Six-fors fermentor with continuous mixing.The highest sugar yield was achieved when using the acidic electrolyzed water treatment at 175 C for 10min,with 23.25g glucose,xylose and arabinose released from 100g fiber-enriched DDGS.The C.beijerinckii fermentation produced 5.35g ABE (acetone,butanol,and ethanol)from 100g dry fiber-enhanced DDGS.This study demonstrated that DDGS pretreated with electrolyzed water and hydrolyzed with commercial enzymes could be used to produce biobutanol without detoxi fication.Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe exhaustion of fossil oil has stimulated considerable interest in fuel and chemical production from renewable resources.Bio-ethanol has been used as an alternative energy source for replacing fossil fuel in both the U.S.and other countries.Currently,bio-ethanol production in the largely from corn starch fermentation.For instance,in 2010,over 13billion gallons ethanol was produced from 4.65billion bushels of corn in the U.S.,as re-ported by the Renewable Fuels Association [1].In a typical dry-grind ethanol process,considerable amounts of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS)are produced.For every bushel (56pounds)of corn converted into ethanol (2.7gallons),18pounds (8.2kg)of DDGS are generated.As a result,38million metric tons ofDDGS was produced in 2010.According to the U.S.Grains council,because of the mandate of the Renewable Fuels Standard II,DDGS production is expected to continue to grow through 2015[2].DDGS has high protein content and is mainly used as a food supplement for beef and swine.It currently has a value of approximately $0.04lb À1.As the supply of DDGS increases,its price is anticipated to decrease.Therefore,measures must be taken to increase the value of DDGS in order to keep dry-grind ethanol production competitive and sustainable.Efforts have been made in recent years to produce value-added products utilizing DDGS as a feedstock.A new method using aspi-ration to enhance the value of DDGS has recently been developed by Singh et al.[3,4].There are two end-products obtained from this process.One is rich in oil and protein,and can be used for animal feed.The other is fiber-enriched DDGS,containing mainly fibers that can be converted to fermentable sugars.In recent years,a renewed and growing interest for the production of acetone,butanol and ethanol (ABE)has been stim-ulated by the increasing demand in biofuels production.ABE fermentation was industrialized in the United States during the first*Corresponding author.Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,382F-AESB,1304W Pennsylvania Ave,Urbana,IL 61801,USA.Tel.:þ1112172442571;fax:þ1112173339329.E-mail address:haofeng@ (H.Feng).Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectRenewable Energyjournal ho me m/locate/renene0960-1481/$e see front matter Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.renene.2012.10.011Renewable Energy 52(2013)16e 22half of last century,but was unable to continue due to unfavorable economic conditions brought by competition from the petro-chemical industry[5].Butanol is the main product of ABE fermentation,and has some attractive properties.The advantages of butanol include30%higher energy content over ethanol,low vapor pressure,no sensitivity to water,less volatile,lessflammable and mixable with gasoline at any proportion[6].ABE production from different feedstocks employing various processing methods has been examined[7e12].A key step in biofuel production from lignocellulose biomass is pretreatment.The purpose of a pretreatment is to alter the physical and chemical structure of a feedstock as well as its chemical composition so that the carbohydrate fraction can be easily accessed and converted into fermentable sugars during enzymatic hydrolysis[13].Five promising pretreatment techniques were selected and evaluated using a single feedstock(corn stover)in a project funded by USDA[14,15].Thefive methods included the dilute acid,hot water,ammoniafiber explosion(AFEX),ammonia recycle percolation(ARP),and lime pretreatments[16e20].The results showed that a pretreatment with a higher sugar conversion yield was often accompanied by either harsh pretreatment condi-tions or a higher cost in equipment and downstream separation. Due to the low lignin content,cornfiber was considered to be a low cost feedstock that can be pretreated with hot water under mild pretreatment conditions[21].The use of electrolyzed water in biomass pretreatment wasfirst proposed and tested at University of Illinois in2006.This method has been used for the pretreatment of selected biomass,such as Miscanthus and DDGS[12,22].There are two types of electrolyzed water:acidic electrolyzed water(AEW)with a pH of 2.7and an oxidation reduction potential(ORP)of1123e1170mV and alkaline electrolyzed water(ALEW)having a pH of!11.4and ORP of <Àpared with traditional pretreatment methods, AEW and ALEW may provide a new and environmentally friendly alternative for pretreatment of biomass.In this paper,the electrolyzed water was used as the pretreat-ment agent for the production of ABE fromfiber-enriched DDGS. The pretreated-samples were hydrolyzed by commercial enzyme solutions.At afixed solid loading,a maximum mono-sugar yield was obtained.Finally,the fermentability of the hydrolyzates from electrolyzed water pretreated-samples and those pretreated with other methods was compared.2.Materials and method2.1.MaterialsThefiber-enriched DDGS was provided by Dr.Vijay Singh at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and stored atÀ20 C. The enzyme loading and sugar conversion yields were calculated based on the following DDGS composition in Table1,which was determined by the Experiment Station Chemical Laboratories,University of Missouri.The moisture content of DDGS was deter-mined from weight loss after drying at105 C till a constant weight was attained.Cellulase(Spezyme CP)and b-glucosidase(Novo188)were purchased from Sigma e Aldrich(St.Louis,MO),and xylanase was supplied by Enzyme Development Corporation(New York,NY, USA).The activities of the enzymes were determined using pub-lished methods or assays provided by the enzyme companies [23,24].The release of reducing sugars in the cellulase and xylanase assays was determined as described in reference[25];while the release of glucose in the b-glucosidase assay was determined usinga glucose assay kit purchased from Sigma e Aldrich.2.2.Electrolyzed water pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysisThefiber-enriched DDGS was pretreated with acid electrolyzed water(AEW)and alkaline electrolyzed water(ALEW)at four temperatures(130,145,160,and175 C)and three times(10,20, and30min).The solid loading was set at20%w/w,which was achieved by adding8g DDGS(dry weight)in each tubular reactor to get a total slurry of40g.All the pretreatments were conducted in tubular reactors(1inch ODÂ7inch L).A SBL-2Dfluidized-bed sand bath(4000W,Techne Inc.Burlington,NJ,USA)equipped with a TC-8D temperature controller was used for heating.The DDGS samples were presoaked in AEW or ALEW for4h in the reactors.When the bath reached the set temperature,the tubular reactors with DDGS slurry were inserted into the sand bath.Following the treatment, the reactors were immersed into ice water to terminate the reaction.Three other pretreatments,i.e.,sulfuric acid,sodium hydroxide and hot water,were also carried out for comparison purposes.The treatment conditions for these methods were chosen and modified based on published data.The1%wt sulfuric acid and2.5%sodium hydroxide pretreatments were conducted at140 C with a treat-ment time of20min[27].For the hot water pretreatment,the conditions were160 C and20min[28].Since the microorganism employed in this paper can use both glucose and xylose to produce ABE,the pretreatment conditions for the three pretreatments were chosen based on the highest glucose and xylose combine yields.A solid loading of20%w/w was used for these pretreatments.The pretreated slurries were washed into100ml VITLABflasks using a sodium citrate buffer(pH5.0,100mM).The pH of the slurry was adjusted to pH5.0.The enzyme loading was:15FPU cellulase/g cellulose,40U b-glucosidase/g cellulose;and50U xylanase/g dry biomass.After the enzymes were loaded,the total weight of the slurry was adjusted to80g with the sodium citrate buffer to ach-ieve a solid loading of10%w/w.Enzymatic hydrolysis was performed inflasks in a shaker water bath(Aquatherm water bath shaker,New Brunswick Scientific Co. INC,NJ,USA)at50 C and225rpm.During the hydrolysis,aliquots of2ml were sampled at6,12,24,48,and72h.The samples were immersed into boiling water for5min to deactivate the enzymes and then transferred to icy water to cool down in preparation for HPLC analysis.2.3.ABE fermentationThe ABE fermentation was carried out using Clostridium beijer-inckii BA101grown from laboratory stocks of spores.Thefiber-enhanced DDGS hydrolyzates were centrifuged at10,000g in a Sorvall RC5B Superspeed Centrifuge(Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.,Waltham,MA,USA).The sugar containing supernatant was used for boratory stocks of C.beijerinckii BA101 spores were heat-shocked at80 C for10min,followed by cooling on ice for5min.The heat-shocked spores were inoculated intoTable1Composition offiber-enhanced DDGS.Composition%SampleCellulose10.36Hemicellulose33.28Lignin 1.05ADF11.07NDF44.45Crude protein16.10Crude fat8.27Ash 3.88X.Wang et al./Renewable Energy52(2013)16e2217a tryptone e glucose e yeast extract (TGY)medium (in 50ml screw capped Pyrex bottles at an inoculum ratio of 1%)and incubated at 35Æ1 C for 16e 18h in an anaerobic chamber maintained under a gas mixture of 85%N 2,10%CO 2,and 5%H 2.Subsequently,15ml actively growing TGY culture was used to inoculate the fermenta-tion broth containing a total volume of 300ml for solvent production.Fermentation was conducted in an auto-controlled Sixfors benchtop bioreactor (Infors AG,Bottmingen,Switzerland).Before inoculation,the DDGS hydrolyzate supplemented with yeast extract of 1g/L final concentration was autoclaved at 121 C for 15min.On cooling,oxygen-free nitrogen was flushed through the broth overnight for anaerobiosis.Filter-sterilized P2medium stock solutions were added and the pH was adjusted to 6.5using filter-sterilized 2M NaOH or HCl [29,30].The temperature of the medium was controlled at 35 C.During fermentation,2ml culture aliquots were collected to quantify cell,ABE,acid and sugar concentrations.The pH values were continuously recorded by the Sixfors controlling program Iris V5.2.4.Analytical methodsMonosaccharide concentrations were determined using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC).The HPLC system consisted of a Waters (Milford,MA,USA)2659Separation Module,a Waters 717plus auto sampler,and a Waters 410refractive index detector.A Bio-Rad HPX-87P column (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.,Hercules,CA,USA)with a guide column (30Â4.6mm)was used.The column temperature was 85 C and that of the guide column was 30 C.The mobile phase was ultrapure water at a flow rate of 0.6mL/min.ABE,acetic acid,and butyric acid concentrations were quanti fied by gas chromatography (Hewlett Packard,Avondale,PA,USA).The GC was equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID),an 1829Â2mm glass column (10%CW-20M,0.01%H 3PO 4,support 80/100Chromosorb WAW),and an Agilent 7683series automatic liquid sampler (Agilent Technologies,Inc.Palo Alto,CA,USA).5g/L of 1-proponal was used as the internal standard.The liquid samples were first centrifuged at 10,860g for 3min using a 5415R Centri-fuge (Eppendorf North America,Westbury,NY,USA),and then fil-trated through 0.2m m membrane and finally measured on the GC.3.Results and discussion3.1.Sugar yield from enzymatic hydrolysis of DDGSFig.1shows the sum of glucose,xylose,and arabinose yield,referred to as total sugar in the hydrolyzates for the samplespretreated by AEW and ALEW under different conditions.For both pretreatments,the yield of total sugar increased with an increase in pretreatment temperature.At a lower temperature (130 C or 145 C),an increase in the total sugar yield can be observed when the pretreatment time was increased.At high temperatures (160and 175 C),however,extended pretreatment time may not result in a higher total sugar yield.When treating the samples at 175 C,increasing the treatment time from 10to 30min was accompanied by a decrease in total sugar yield.This might be caused by the degradation of five carbon sugars (xylose)at high temperatures.Similar xylose degradation was observed in hot water pretreatment of corn stover and dilute acid pretreatment of switchgrass [17,26].In the AEW-treated samples,the highest total sugar yield was ob-tained at 175 C and 10min,with 23.25g sugars (glucose,xylose,and arabinose)released from 100g (dry weight)fiber-enriched DDGS (Fig.1a).A similar sugar release from the ALEW pretreat-ment could be observed.The highest yield for ALEW was 21.32g of total sugar from 100g (dry weight)fiber-enriched DDGS at 175 C and 10min (Fig.1b).It can also be seen that the sugar yields from ALEW-pretreated-samples are lower than those obtained from the AEW-pretreatment.The sugar concentrations in the hydrolyzates obtained from DDGS samples treated with different methods are listed in Table 2.The highest sugar yield (26.16g/L)was from the sulfuric acid pre-treated-samples,while that from the NaOH (15.01g/L)had the lowest.In the hot water pretreatment,17.01g/L total sugar was released,slightly higher than that obtained following alkaline pretreatment.These hydrolyzates were subjected to fermentation without any concentration and detoxi fication.3.2.ABE fermentation of hydrolyzates from different pretreatment methodsThe fermentability of the hydrolyzate obtained following the AEW-pretreatment of DDGS was compared with those from hot water,sulfuric acid,and NaOH pretreatments,and the results are summarized in Table 3.abFig.1.Sugar yield in hydrolysis for samples pretreated by AEW and ALEW at different conditions.Table 2Hydrolyzates from different pretreatment methods (72h enzymatic hydrolysis).g/lAEW 175 C 10min Hot water160 C 20min NaOH 140 C 20min Sulfuric acid 140 C 20min Glucose 15.6512.8710.2314.96Xylose 3.44 2.14 2.55 6.87Arabinose 3.792 2.23 4.34Total sugars23.2517.0115.0126.16X.Wang et al./Renewable Energy 52(2013)16e 2218The hydrolyzate from the AEW-pretreatment was obtained using DDGS treated at 175 C and 10min that gave the highest total sugar yield.Fig.2shows the ABE production,sugar consumption,and OD values during the fermentation with the hydrolyzates from the AEW,sodium hydroxide,and hot water pretreated-samples;while Fig.3shows the pH changes during the fermentation with each hydrolyzate.The fermentation of the hydrolyzate from the sulfuric acid pretreatment did not produce detectable ABE and was hence not included in Fig.2.For the AEW-pretreated DDGS,there was no ABE production during the first 22h (Fig.2a).However,a rapid cell growth as measured by optical density increase (Fig.2b)and a reduction of sugar concentration from 23.3g/L to 18.4g/L were observed during this period (Fig.2b).Subsequently,an increased ABE production was observed until the concentration reached 4.33g/L,while the sugar concentration deceased to 5.5g/Lat 45h.The ABE production after 45h was less pronounced,and at 96h,the ABE concentration was 5.46g/L and that for butanol was 3.62g/L.The ABE fermentation described by Ezeji and Blaschek using a mixed sugar solution and produced up to 20g/L ABE for a total sugar concentration of 60g/L [31].In this work,the concentration of ABE produced from the hydrolyzate of AEW-pre-treated DDGS was 5.47g/L (0.23g ABE/g sugar),or 56%e 64%of the yield reported by Ezeji and Blaschek [31].Since the total sugar concentration used in the fermentation was only 23.25g/L,the relatively low ABE yield may be attributed to the fact that the fermentation was not conducted at the optimal sugar concentration.The ABE yield,OD value,and sugar consumption for the hot water hydrolyzate are shown in Fig.2c,d,and Fig.3b,where the solvent production exhibited a different pattern compared to that from the AEW hydrolyzate (Fig.2a &b).There was no sugar consumption,OD and pH changes,or ABE production in the first 25h (Fig.2c &d).Following that,a rapid cell growth was observed,which was accompanied by moderate sugar consumption and ABE production.The highest ABE concentration (5.19g/L)was obtained after 45h fermentation,and a slight reduction in the ABE concentration was seen thereafter.The fermentation of the NaOH hydrolyzate showed a signi fi-cant delay in both cell growth and ABE production (Fig.2e &f).NoA B E C o n c e n t r a t i o n (g /L )Time (Hour)aTime (Hour)S u g a r C o n c e n t r a t i o n (g /L ) BE C o n c e n t r a t i o n (g /L )Time (Hour)cTime (Hour)S u g a r C o n c e n t r a t i o n(g /L ) EC o n c e n t r a t i o n (g /L )Time (Hour)eTime (Hour)S u g a r C o n c e n t r a t i o n (g /L )fOD ValueOD ValueOD ValueFig.2.ABE production,sugar consumption,and OD in fermentation of hydrolyzates from different pretreatments:AEW e (a)and (b);hot water e (c)and (d);NaOH e (e)and (f).Table 3ABE fermentation of hydrolyzates from different pretreatment methods (final data after 96h fermentation).g/l AEW Hot water NaOH Sulfuric acid Acetone 1.54 1.33 1.210Butanol 3.62 3.64 2.090Ethanol 0.300.170.160ABE5.465.143.46X.Wang et al./Renewable Energy 52(2013)16e 2219ABE production was observed till 45h.The cell growth was also negligible in the first 22h with minimal sugar consumption.Since C.beijerinckii BA 101is sensitive to the existence of inhibitors,the absence of ABE and lack of growth of the cells is an indication of the existence of inhibitory compounds in the NaOH hydrolyzate [32].This is also true for the hydrolyzate obtained from the hot water pretreatment.The delay in ABE production from the NaOH pretreated-samples was 45h and that for the hot water treated was 25h.Some inhibitors should have also presented in the AEW-pretreated-samples as no ABE production was detected for 22h.However,the rapid cell growth during the first 22h sug-gested that the inhibition only had an impact on ABE production and not cell growth.In addition,the highest ABE concentration was obtained in AEW-pretreated DDGS,showing a better fer-mentability when compared to samples pretreated by other methods.In this study,the delay in cell growth was less than 22h in the fermentation of the hydrolyzate from AEW-treated samples (Fig.2b).In contrast,there was no cell growth in the first 22h in the fermentation for the hydrolyzates from the hot water and NaOH pretreated DDGS.It is likely that the inhibitor concentration was relatively low in the AEW DDGS hydrolyzates and once the cells adapted to the inhibitor-containing environment,cell growth and production of ABE was initiated.The inhibitors in the hydrolyzates might include compounds like furfural,HMF and other sugar degradation products with low concentrations.The most toxic compounds for ABE fermentation are those in the phenolic group[33].Ezeji and Blaschek [31]reported that the addition of selected phenolic compounds,such as syringaldehyde,r -coumaric acid,and ferulic acid,signi ficantly impacted the growth of C.beijerinckii BA 101,and hence ABE production.Furfural and HMF did not show any inhibitory to C.beijerinckii BA 101,but showed a stimulatory effect on growth and ABE production at concentrations up to 2.0g/L.In another research,syringaldehyde,r -coumaric acid,and ferulic acid were found to be inhibitory to C.beijerinckii BA 101at concentra-tions as low as 0.3g/L [34].3.3.DDGS surface morphologyThe SEM micro-images of the fiber-enriched DDGS samples before pretreatment are shown in Fig.4a,b and c.Fig.4a shows a piece of corn bran from untreated DDGS,with the bran surface and the cross-section or edge in the view.On the bran surface,the alignment of some fibrous matter could be seen underneath a dense and relatively smooth surface,while at the edges,some fragments are packed together and formed a porous structure.Fig.4b and c are a close view of the edges and surface.Fig.4d,e,and f are images of fiber-enriched DDGS following an AEW-pretreat-ment at 175 C and 10min.Some breakage or tiny holes can be observed on the bran surface (Fig.4d).This becomes more evident in the close-up shown in pared to the SEM images before pretreatment (Fig.4b &c),most of the fragments packed on the bran surface and the edge were removed during pretreatment (Fig.4e &f).Since a high concentration of hemicellulose depoly-merization products (e.g.xylose and arabinose)were detected in the liquid following the pretreatment,the fragments covering the DDGS samples should mostly be hemicellulose in nature.There are some small granules on the bran surface and at the edge (Fig.4d and 4f).From their sizes (<1m m)and location,they may not be starch granules.The corn starch granules in DDGS as observed by Wang et al.were on the surface with a size of about 2m m,while those in Fig.4f are much smaller and embedded in the sub-surface [12].The small particulates embedded or semi-embedded on the fiber surface might be proteins and a further analysis is needed to ascertain this.3.4.Mass balanceA mass balance using 100g fiber-enriched DDGS (dry basis)was performed in this study,as shown in Fig.5.The pretreatment for the mass balance calculations was carried out at 175 C and 10min with AEW.As can be seen from Fig.552.7g DDGS feedstock were dissolved during pretreatment.Some of this was fat that can be washed into the liquid portion after the pretreatment.A small amount of cellulose was also degraded as glucose was detected by HPLC of the liquid fraction with a concentration of 1.71g/L.The xylose and arabinose concentra-tions in the liquid portion were 1.14g/L and 2.38g/L,respectively.There may be oligomers of 5carbon sugars present in the liquid portion as well.Following the pretreatment,the solid portion (47.3g)was used for enzymatic hydrolysis.After sacchari fication,21.7g insoluble solids remained which mainly contained protein and ash (19.98g protein and ash were in the untreated 100g fiber-enriched DDGS).Almost 1L hydrolyzate was obtained from 100g fiber-enriched DDGS,which contained 15.65g/L glucose,3.44g/L xylose,and 3.79g/L arabinose.Finally,5.46g/L ABE was produced after fermentation from 100g dry DDGS.In the work reported by Wang et al.,10g/L ABE was produced from 100g (dry basis)traditional DDGS [12].Since Wang et al.performed detoxi fication and concentration to increase the sugar concentration in the hydrolyzate before fermentation,a direct comparison in terms of ABE yield is not possible [12].abcFig.3.Changes of pH in fermentation of hydrolyzates from different pretreatments:AEW e (a);hot water e (b);NaOH e (c).X.Wang et al./Renewable Energy 52(2013)16e 2220In the current study,no detoxi fication was performed.The pretreated-samples were hydrolyzed with enzymes and then used directly in ABE production.Butanol fermentation from biomass hydrolyzates with Clostridium can sometimes be very sensitive to the presence of inhibitory compounds.Qureshi et al.[35]reported that even after overliming,the switchgrass hydrolyzate fermenta-tion with C.beijerinckii P260was not successful.Since the fiber-enriched DDGS pretreated with ABE can be directly used for fermentation without detoxi fication and concentration,it will no doubt contribute to lower the total cost for ABE production.4.ConclusionsWith a pretreatment solid loading of 20%w/w,the highest sugar yield was obtained from the AEW-pretreated samples at 175 C and10min.Under the conditions tested in this study,23.25g total sugars (glucose,xylose,and arabinose)were released from 100g (dry basis)fiber-enriched DDGS after enzymatic hydrolysis.The ABE fermentation with C.beijerinckii BA 101was successful with 5.35g ABE and 3.55g butanol produced from 100g fiber-enriched DDGS.Since no detoxi fication or concentration was performed before fermentation,the AEW-pretreatment may have generated fewer inhibitors than other pretreatment methods.This work suggests that electrolyzed water may be used as an alternative pretreatment catalyst for biofuel production from biomass.AcknowledgmentsThe project was partially supported by the National Research Initiative of the USDA Cooperative State Research,EducationandFig.5.Mass balance:AEW-pretreatment at 175 C for 10min.Fig.4.SEM of AEW-pretreated fiber-enhanced DDGS samples at 175 C and 10min:(a),(b),and (c)were non-pretreated samples;(d),(e),and (f)were samples after pretreatment.X.Wang et al./Renewable Energy 52(2013)16e 2221Extension Service(Grant No.2006-35504-17419).We thank Mr. John Jerrell for his assistance on GC analysis.Thanks are also sent to the China Scholarship Council for supporting Xiaojuan Wang. 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Variable Frequency Drive(VFD)说明书

Variable Frequency Drive(VFD)说明书
Power section Function Overload current (150% overload) max. starting current (High Overload) Note about max. starting current Output voltage with Ve Output Frequency Switching frequency
1st and 2nd environments
C1 ≤ 1 m
169322 - HPL-ED2015 V15.0 EN
Mounting position Altitude
Degree of Protection Protection against direct contact
Radio interference suppression filter Brake chopper OLED display Local controls
with SmartWire-DT module DX-NET-SWD2
Certifications Production quality Climatic proofing Ambient temperature
Overload cycle for 60 s every 600 s
for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm-1 at 50 Hz or 1800 min-1 at 60 Hz

QuikHyb Hybridization Solution 201220 产品使用说明书

QuikHyb Hybridization Solution 201220 产品使用说明书

QuikHyb Hybridization Solution, Part Number 201220*************(24小时)化学品安全技术说明书GHS product identifier 应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::供应商/ 制造商:安捷伦科技贸易(上海)有限公司中国(上海)外高桥自由贸易试验区英伦路412号(邮编:200131)电话号码: 800-820-3278传真号码: 0086 (21) 5048 2818QuikHyb Hybridization Solution, Part Number 201220化学品的推荐用途和限制用途201220部件号:物质用途:分析试剂。

250 ml QuikHyb 201220-21安全技术说明书根据 GB/ T 16483-2008 和 GB/ T 17519-2013GHS化学品标识:QuikHyb 杂交溶液,部件号 201220有关环境保护措施,请参阅第 12 节。

物质或混合物的分类根据 GB13690-2009 和 GB30000-2013紧急情况概述液体。



H315 - 造成皮肤刺激。

H319 - 造成严重眼刺激。

H335 - 可能造成呼吸道刺激。

物理状态:颜色:气味:GHS危险性类别警示词:警告危险性说明:H315 - 造成皮肤刺激。

H319 - 造成严重眼刺激。

H335 - 可能造成呼吸道刺激。

:防范说明预防措施:P261 - 避免吸入蒸气。

P264 - 作业后彻底清洗。

标签要素混合物中由对水生环境毒性未知的组分组成的比率: 26%象形图皮肤腐蚀/刺激 - 类别 2严重眼损伤/眼刺激 - 类别 2AH335特异性靶器官毒性 一次接触 (呼吸道刺激) - 类别 3P362 + P364 - 脱掉所有沾染的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用。

P302 + P352 - 如皮肤沾染: 用水充分清洗。

P332 + P313 - 如发生皮肤刺激: 求医要么就诊。



Gene Construction Kit WinPlas 2.7 Plasmid Premier2.02 Plasmid Toolkit
推荐软件:Primer Premier 5.0 Primer Premier 5.0的结构域查找功能与它的引物设计一样强,结果能以图形、表格、序列三种方式输出。同时还提供了一些未知的结构域的列表;当然软件本身也提供了大量的已知结构域的序列。
3’端的连续3个G 或C ,如GGG或CCC,会导致引物在G+C富集序列区错误引发
Vector NTI Suite
三、应用实例 -----------PCR引物设计及相关软件使用

Sense primer
Antisense primer
推荐软件:band leader 3.0
提供处理DNA或蛋白分子凝胶电泳图象和从凝胶电泳图象获得相关数据的工具。它可以对电泳图谱进行半定量分析,识别扫描得到的WINDOWS图象格式 .BMP,是一个难得的好软件。



GeneRead DNAseq Panel PCR Kit V2 1 GeneRead DNAseq Panel 5x PCR Buffer GeneRead HotStarTaq® DNA Polymerase 6 U/µl DNase-free water
181940 (12) (24/24/16/12* samples) 230 µl 80 µl 1000 µl
2 3 4
GeneRead DNAseq Panel Kits are shipped on dry ice and should be stored at –30°C to –15°C upon arrival. When stored properly at –30°C to –15°C, all reagents are stable for up to 6 months after delivery. GeneRead DNAseq Panel PCR Kits are shipped on cold packs. For long-term storage, keep tubes at –30°C to –15°C. If the entire volume will not be used at once, we recommend dividing into aliquots and storing at –30°C to –15°C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing. If stored under these conditions, GeneRead DNAseq Panel PCR Kits are stable for 6 months after receipt.



NAG Library Routine DocumentF08BHF (DTZRZF)Note:before using this routine,please read the Users’Note for your implementation to check the interpretation of bold italicised terms and other implementation-dependent details.1PurposeF08BHF (DTZRZF)reduces the m by n (m n )real upper trapezoidal matrix A to upper triangular form by means of orthogonal transformations.2SpecificationSUBROUTINE F08BHF (M,N,A,LDA,TAU,WORK,LWORK,INFO)INTEGERM,N,LDA,LWORK,INFOREAL (KIND=nag_wp)A(LDA,*),TAU(*),WORK(max(1,LWORK))The routine may be called by its LAPACK name dtzrzf .3DescriptionThe m by n (m n )real upper trapezoidal matrix A given byA ¼R 1R 2ÀÁ,where R 1is an m by m upper triangular matrix and R 2is an m by n Àm ðÞmatrix,is factorized asA ¼R 0ÀÁZ ,where R is also an m by m upper triangular matrix and Z is an n by n orthogonal matrix.4ReferencesAnderson E,Bai Z,Bischof C,Blackford S,Demmel J,Dongarra J J,Du Croz J J,Greenbaum A,Hammarling S,McKenney A and Sorensen D (1999)LAP ACK Users’Guide (3rd Edition)SIAM,Philadelphia /lapack/lug5Parameters1:M –INTEGERInputOn entry :m ,the number of rows of the matrix A .Constraint :M !0.2:N –INTEGERInputOn entry :n ,the number of columns of the matrix A .Constraint :N !0.3:A ðLDA,ÃÞ–REAL (KIND=nag_wp)arrayInput/OutputNote :the second dimension of the array A must be at least max 1;N ðÞ.On entry :the leading m by n upper trapezoidal part of the array A must contain the matrix to be factorized.24.1On exit:the leading m by m upper triangular part of A contains the upper triangular matrix R,and elements Mþ1to N of thefirst m rows of A,with the array TAU,represent the orthogonal matrix Z as a product of m elementary reflectors(see Section3.3.6in the F08Chapter Introduction).4:LDA–INTEGER Input On entry:thefirst dimension of the array A as declared in the(sub)program from which F08BHF (DTZRZF)is called.ðÞ.Constraint:LDA!max1;M5:TAUðÃÞ–REAL(KIND=nag_wp)array OutputðÞ.Note:the dimension of the array TAU must be at least max1;MOn exit:the scalar factors of the elementary reflectors.ðÞÞ–REAL(KIND=nag_wp)array Workspace 6:WORKðmax1;LWORKOn exit:if INFO¼0,WORKð1Þcontains the minimum value of LWORK required for optimal performance.7:LWORK–INTEGER Input On entry:the dimension of the array WORK as declared in the(sub)program from which F08BHF (DTZRZF)is called.If LWORK¼À1,a workspace query is assumed;the routine only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array,returns this value as thefirst entry of the WORK array,and no error message related to LWORK is issued.Suggested value:for optimal performance,LWORK!MÂnb,where nb is the optimal block size.ðÞor LWORK¼À1.Constraint:LWORK!max1;M8:INFO–INTEGER Output On exit:INFO¼0unless the routine detects an error(see Section6).6Error Indicators and WarningsErrors or warnings detected by the routine:INFO<0If INFO¼Ài,argument i had an illegal value.An explanatory message is output,and execution of the program is terminated.7AccuracyThe computed factorization is the exact factorization of a nearby matrix AþE,whereEk k2k k2¼O Aand is the machine precision.8Further CommentsðÞ.The total number offloating point operations is approximately4m2nÀmThe complex analogue of this routine is F08BVF(ZTZRZF)..2249ExampleThis example solves the linear least squares problemsmin x b jÀAx j2,j¼1;2for the minimum norm solutions x1and x2,where b j is the j th column of the matrix B,A¼À0:090:14À0:460:681:29À1:560:200:291:090:51À1:48À0:430:89À0:71À0:96À1:090:840:772:11À1:270:080:55À1:130:141:74À1:59À0:721:061:240:34B BB BB B@1C CC CC CAand B¼7:42:74:2À3:0À8:3À9:61:81:18:64:02:1À5:7B BB BB B@1C CC CC CA.The solution is obtained byfirst obtaining a QR factorization with column pivoting of the matrix A,and then the RZ factorization of the leading k by k part of R is computed,where k is the estimated rank of A.A tolerance of0:01is used to estimate the rank of A from the upper triangular factor,R.Note that the block size(NB)of64assumed in this example is not realistic for such a small problem,but should be suitable for large problems.9.1Program TextProgram f08bhfe!F08BHF Example Program Text!Mark24Release.NAG Copyright2012.!e Statements..Use nag_library,Only:dgeqp3,dnrm2,dormqr,dormrz,dtrsm,dtzrzf,&nag_wp,x04caf!..Implicit None Statement..Implicit None!..Parameters..Real(Kind=nag_wp),Parameter::one= 1.0E0_nag_wpReal(Kind=nag_wp),Parameter::zero=0.0E0_nag_wpInteger,Parameter::inc1=1,nb=64,nin=5,nout=6 !..Local Scalars..Real(Kind=nag_wp)::tolInteger::i,ifail,info,j,k,lda,ldb,&lwork,m,n,nrhs!..Local Arrays..Real(Kind=nag_wp),Allocatable::a(:,:),b(:,:),rnorm(:),tau(:),&work(:)Integer,Allocatable::jpvt(:)!..Intrinsic Procedures..Intrinsic::abs!..Executable Statements..Write(nout,*)’F08BHF Example Program Results’Write(nout,*)!Skip heading in data fileRead(nin,*)Read(nin,*)m,n,nrhslda=mldb=mlwork=2*n+(n+1)*nbAllocate(a(lda,n),b(ldb,nrhs),rnorm(n),tau(n),work(lwork),jpvt(n))!Read A and B from data fileRead(nin,*)(a(i,1:n),i=1,m)Read(nin,*)(b(i,1:nrhs),i=1,m)!Initialize JPVT to be zero so that all columns are freejpvt(1:n)=024.3!Compute the QR factorization of A with column pivoting as!A=Q*(R11R12)*(P**T)!(0R22)!The NAG name equivalent of dgeqp3is f08bffCall dgeqp3(m,n,a,lda,jpvt,tau,work,lwork,info)!Compute C=(C1)=(Q**T)*B,storing the result in B!(C2)!The NAG name equivalent of dormqr is f08agfCall dormqr(’Left’,’Transpose’,m,nrhs,n,a,lda,tau,b,ldb,work,lwork,info)!Choose TOL to reflect the relative accuracy of the input data tol=0.01_nag_wp!Determine and print the rank,K,of R relative to TOLloop:Do k=1,nIf(abs(a(k,k))<=tol*abs(a(1,1)))Exit loopEnd Do loopk=k-1Write(nout,*)’Tolerance used to estimate the rank of A’Write(nout,99999)tolWrite(nout,*)’Estimated rank of A’Write(nout,99998)kWrite(nout,*)Flush(nout)!Compute the RZ factorization of the K by K part of R as!(R11R12)=(T0)*Z!The NAG name equivalent of dtzrzf is f08bhfCall dtzrzf(k,n,a,lda,tau,work,lwork,info)!Compute least-squares solutions of triangular problems by!back substitution in T*Y1=C1,storing the result in B!The NAG name equivalent of dtrsm is f06yjfCall dtrsm(’Left’,’Upper’,’No transpose’,’Non-Unit’,k,nrhs,one,a,lda,b,& ldb)!Compute estimates of the square roots of the residual sums of!squares(2-norm of each of the columns of C2)!The NAG name equivalent of dnrm2is f06ejfDo j=1,nrhsrnorm(j)=dnrm2(m-k,b(k+1,j),inc1)End Do!Set the remaining elements of the solutions to zero(to give!the minimum-norm solutions),Y2=0b(k+1:n,1:nrhs)=zero!Form W=(Z**T)*Y!The NAG name equivalent of dormrz is f08bkfCall dormrz(’Left’,’Transpose’,n,nrhs,k,n-k,a,lda,tau,b,ldb,work,lwork,& info)!Permute the least-squares solutions stored in B to give X=P*W Do j=1,nrhswork(jpvt(1:n))=b(1:n,j)b(1:n,j)=work(1:n)End Do!Print least-squares solutions!ifail:behaviour on error exit!=0for hard exit,=1for quiet-soft,=-1for noisy-soft .424ifail=0Call x04caf(’General’,’’,n,nrhs,b,ldb,’Least-squares solution(s)’,& ifail)!Print the square roots of the residual sums of squaresWrite(nout,*)Write(nout,*)’Square root(s)of the residual sum(s)of squares’Write(nout,99999)rnorm(1:nrhs)99999Format(5X,1P,6E11.2)99998Format(1X,I8)End Program f08bhfe9.2Program DataF08BHF Example Program Data652:Values of M,N and NRHS-0.090.14-0.460.68 1.29-1.560.200.29 1.090.51-1.48-0.430.89-0.71-0.96-1.090.840.77 2.11- 1.74-1.59-0.72 1.06 1.240.34:End of matrix A7.4 2.74.2-3.0-8.3-9.61.8 1.18.6 4.02.1-5.7:End of matrix B9.3Program ResultsF08BHF Example Program ResultsTolerance used to estimate the rank of A1.00E-02Estimated rank of A4Least-squares solution(s)1210.6344 3.625820.9699 1.82843-1.4402-1.64164 3.3678 2.43075 3.39920.2818Square root(s)of the residual sum(s)of squares2.54E-023.65E-02__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________24.5。

300 WATT电子负载模块Agilent Model 60502B商品说明书

300 WATT电子负载模块Agilent Model 60502B商品说明书

1981OPERATING MANUAL300 WATT ELECTRONIC LOAD MODULEAgilent Model 60502BFOR MODULES WITH SERIAL NUMBERS:3118A-00101 AND ABOVEAgilent Part No. 60502-90008 Printed in U.S.A. Microfiche No. 60502-90009 June, 1991DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYaccording to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014TechnologiesManufacturer’s Name: AgilentManufacturer’s Address: New Jersey Division140 Green Pond RoadRockaway, NJ 07866 U.S.A.declares that the productProduct Name:Load mainframe and modulesModel Number(s):Agilent 6050A, 6051A mainframes with modulesAgilent 60501A/B, 60502A/B, 60503A/B, 60504A/B, 60507A/B conform(s) to the following Product Specifications:Safety:IEC 348:1978 / HD401 S1:19811EMC:CISPR 11:1990 / EN 55011:1991 - Group 1, Class BIEC 801-2:1991 / EN 50082-1:1992 - 4kV CD, 8 kV ADIEC 801-3:1984 / EN 50082-1:1992 - 3 V/mIEC 801-4:1988 / EN 50082-1:1992 - 0.5 kV Sig. Lines, 1 kVPower Lines Supplementary Information:The product herewith complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and carries the CE-marking accordingly.Note 1: The product family was introduced prior to 12/93New Jersey January 1997300-Watt ModuleAbout This ManualThis manual provides information for the Agilent 60502B 300-Watt Electronic Load Module. It is designed as a supplement to the Agilent 6050A/6051A Multiple Input Mainframe Electronic Load Operating Manual (part number 06050-90001). Four tables provide the following module-specific information:Table 60502-1 lists both the specifications and supplemental characteristics of the module. Specifications indicate warranted performance in the 25 °C ± 5 °C region of the total temperature range (0 to 55° C). Supplemental characteristics indicate non-warranted, typical performance and are intended to provide additional information by describing performance that has been determined by design or type testing.Table 60502-2 lists the ranges that can be programmed in constant current, constant resistance, and constant voltage modes. It shows the maximum and minimum programming values for each range. Refer to this table when programming the module locally as described in Chapter 4, or remotely as described in Chapter 5 of the operating manual.Table 60502-3 gives the factory default values of the module. Unless you have saved your own wake-up settings, the module will be set to the factory default values whenever power is applied. See Chapter 4 in the operating manual.Table 60502-4 provides calibration information for the module. This information is needed to perform the annual calibration procedure described in Chapter 6 of the operating manual.Module Installation and OperationExcept for the module-specific information in this manual, all installation, operation, and calibration instructions are given in the Mainframe Operating Manual. The Agilent Electronic Load Family Programming Reference Manual (part number 06060-90005) contains complete programming details that apply to all Electronic Load models.Note:The following information in Chapter 2 of the Mainframe Operating Manual does not apply to electronic load modules with the serial numbers listed on the title page of this manual: The section titled "ExtendedPower Operation", and the section titled "Extended Power Limit". Also for these modules, change the 3-second delay referred to under "Nominal Power Limit" to 50 milliseconds.Items SuppliedIn addition to this manual, a 10-pin connector plug is also shipped with your Electronic Load module. Refer to Chapter 3 in the operating manual for more information.12Table 60502-1. Specification and Supplemental CharacteristicsSPECIFICATIONS DC Input Rating:Current: 0 to 60 AVoltage : 3 V to 60 V (minimum dc operation from 0 to 2 V for 0 to 60 A)Power: 300 W at 40 °C (derated to 225 W at 55 °C)A. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSB. DERATED CURRENT DETAIL Constant Current Mode:Ranges:0 to 6 A; and 0 to 60 AAccuracy: (after 30 second wait): ± 0.1% ± 75 mA (both ranges)Resolution: 1.6 mA (6 A range); 16 mA (60 A range)Regulation:10 mA (both ranges)Temperature Coefficient:100 ppm/°C ± 5 mA/°C (both ranges)Constant Resistance Mode:Ranges:0.033 to 1 Ω; 1 Ω to 1 k Ω; and 10 Ω to 10 k ΩAccuracy:± 0.8% ± 8 m Ω with ≥ 6 A at input (1 Ω range);± 0.3% ± 8 mS with ≥ 6 V at input (1 k Ω and 10 k Ω ranges)Resolution:0.27 m Ω (1 Ω range); 0.27 mS (1 k Ω range); 0.027 mS (10 k Ω range)Regulation:10 mV with remote sensing (1 Ω range); 10 mA (1 k and 10 k Ω ranges)Temperature Coefficient:800 ppm/°C ± 0.4 m Ω/°C (1 Ω range);300ppm/°C ± 0.6 mS/°C (1 k and 10 k Ω ranges)Constant Voltage Mode:Range:0 to 60 VAccuracy:± 0.1% ± 50 mV Resolution: 16 mVRegulation:10 mV (remote sense); 40 mV (local sense)Temperature Coefficient:100 ppm/°C ± 5 mV/°CTransient Operation:Continuous ModeFrequency Range:0.25 Hz to 10 kHzFrequency Resolution: 4%Frequency Accuracy: 3%Duty Cycle Range:3% to 97% (0.25 Hz to 1 kHz); 6% to 94% (1 kHz to 10 kHz)Duty Cycle Resolution: 4%Duty Cycle Accuracy:6% of setting ± 2%Pulsed Modeµs ± 3% minimum; 4 s ± 3% maximumPulse Width: 50Transient Current Level (0 to 6 A and 0 to 60 A ranges):Resolution:26 mA (6 A range); 260 mA (60 A range)Accuracy:± 0.1% ± 80 mA (6 A range); ± 0.1% ± 350 mA (60 A range)Temperature Coefficient:100 ppm/°C ± 7 mA/°CTransient Resistance Level (0.033 to 1 Ω, 1 Ω to 1 kΩ, and 10 Ω to 10 kΩ ranges):Resolution: 4.3 mΩ (1 Ω range); 4.3 mS (1 kΩ range); 0.4 mS (10 kΩ range) Accuracy:± 0.8% + 8 mΩ with > 6 A at input (1 Ω range)± 0. 3% + 10 mS with ≥ 6 V at input (1 kΩ range)± 0.3% + 7 mS with ≥ 6 V at input (10 kΩ range)Transient Voltage Level (0 to 60 V):mVResolution: 260Accuracy: ± 0.1% ± 300 mVppm/°C ± 5 mV/°CTemperature Coefficient: 150Current Readback:Resolution:17 mA (via GPIB); 20 mA (front panel)Accuracy:(after 30 minute wait): ± 0.05% ± 65 mA°C ± 5 mA/ °CTemperature Coefficient: 50ppm/Voltage Readback:Resolution:17 mV (via GPIB); 20 mV (front panel)Accuracy:± 0.05% ± 45 mVTemperature Coefficient:50 ppm/°C ± 1.2 mV/°CMaximum Readback Capability:65 to 70 V (typical)Power Readback:Accuracy: ± 0.2% ± 4 W3External Analog Programming 0 to 10 V (dc or ac):Bandwidth:10 kHz (3 db frequency)Accuracy:± 4.5% ± 75 mA (0 to 6 A range)± 4.5% ± 250 mA (0 to 60 A range)± 0.8% ± 200 mV (0 to 60 V range)Temperature Coefficient:100 ppm/°C ± 6 mA/°C (current ranges)100 ppm/°C ± 1 mV/°C (voltage range)External Current Monitor (0 to 10 V):Accuracy:± 0.4% ± 85 mA (referenced to analog common)Temperature Coefficient:50 ppm/°C ± 6 mA/°CExternal Voltage Monitor (0 to 10 V):Accuracy:± 0.25% ± 40 mV (referenced to analog common)°C ± 0.2 mV/ °CTemperature Coefficient: 50ppm/Remote Sensing: 5 Vdc maximum between sense and input binding postsMaximum Input Levels:Current:61.2 A (programmable to lower limits)Voltage:75 VMinimum Operating Voltage: 2 V (derated to 0 V at 0 A)PARD (20 Hz to 10 MHz noise):Current: 4 mA rms/40 mA p-pVoltage: 6 mV rmsDC Isolation Voltage:± 240 Vdc between + or - input binding post and chassis groundDigital Inputs:V lo:0.9 V maximum at I lo = -1 mAV hi 3.15 V minimum (pull-up resistor on input)Digital Outputs:V lo:0.72 V maximum at I lo = 1 mAV hi: 4.4 V minimum at I lo - 20 µASUPPLEMENTAL CHARACTERISTICSProgrammable Slew Rate (For any given input transition, the time required will be either the total slew time or a minimum transition time, whichever is longer. The minimum transition time increases when operating with input currents under 1 A. The following are typical values; ± 25% tolerance):4Current Slew Rate:*Rate #60 A Range Step 6 A Range Step Transition Time1 1 A/ms 0.1 A/s 8.0 ms2 2.5 A/ms 0.25 A/s 3.2 ms3 5 A/ms 0.5 A/s 1.6 ms4 10 A/ms 1 A/ms 800 µs5 25 A/ms 2.5 A/ms 320 µs6 50 A/ms 5 A/ms 160 µs7 0.1 A/µs 10 A/ms 80 µs8 0.25 A/µs 25 A/ms 32 µs9 0.5 A/µs 50 A/ms 16 µs10 1 A/µs 0.1 A/µs 12 µs11 2.5 A/µs 0.25 A/µs 12 µs12 5 A/µs 0.5 A/µs 12 µs*AC performance specified from 3 to 60 V.Voltage Slew Rate:Rate #Voltage Range Step Transition Time*1 1 V/ms 8.0 ms2 2.5 V/ms 3.2 ms3 5 V/ms 1.6 ms4 10 V/ms 800 µs5 25 V/ms 320 µs6 50 V/ms 160 µs7 0.1 V/µs 85 µs8 0.25 V/µs 85 µS9 0.5 V/µs 85 µS*Transition time based on low capacitance current source.Resistance Slew Rate (1 Ω range): Uses the value programmed for voltage slew rate.Resistance Slew Rate (1 k and 10 kΩ ranges): Uses the value programmed for current slew rate. Transient Current Overshoot (When programmed from 0A):Range Transient Current Level Current Slew Rate Overshoot*60 A6-60 A All slew rates03 A 1 A/µs to 5 A/µs1%3 A 1 A/µs to 0.5 A/µs06 A 6 A All slew rates03 A0.25 A/µs to 0.5 A/µs1%3 A0.1 A/ms to 0.1 A/µs0*Overshoot may be higher during the first five seconds of programming if unit has been operating at full current. Overshoot values assume a total inductance of lµH, or less, in the load leads connected to the D.U.T.56Source Turn-On Current Overshoot: Less than 10% of final value (in CC and CR modes when connected to power supplies with voltage rise times of greater than 500µs).Programmable Short Circuit: 0.033 Ω (0.002 Ω typical)Programmable Open Circuit: 20 k Ω (typical)Drift Stability (over an 8 hour interval):Current:± 0.03% ± 10 mA Voltage:± 0.01% ± 10 mVReverse Current Capacity: 100 A when unit is on; 40 A when unit is off Weight:3.2 kg (7 lbs.)Table 60502-2. Programming RangesFunctionFront Panel Front Panel HPSL CommandRange of ValuesKey Display (Short Form)Constant Current Set RangeCURR value"CURR value"Low Range0 to 6 A High Range 0 to 60 ASet Slew Rate(shift)C:TLV value"CURR:TLEV value"same as main level *Set Triggered Level "CURR:TRIG value"same as main levelConstant Resistance Set RangeRES value"RES value"Low Range 0 to 1 Ω Middle Range 1 Ω to 1 k Ω High Range 10 Ω to 10 k ΩSet Slew Rate(shift)R:TLV value"RES:TLEV value"same as main level *Set Triggered Level "RES:TRIG value"same as main levelConstant Voltage Set Main LevelV:SLW value"VOLT:SLEW value"0.001 to 0.5 (V/µs)Set Transient Level7Table 60502-2. Programming Ranges (continued)FunctionFront Panel Front Panel HPSL CommandRange of ValuesKey Display (Short Form)Transient Operation Set FrequencyDCYCLE value"TRAN:DCYC value"3-97% (0.25 Hz-1 kHz)6-94% (1 kHz-10 kHz)*Set Pulse Width"TRAN:TWID value"0.00005 to 4 s Trigger Operation *Set Trigger Period "TRIG:TIM value"0.000008 to 4 s Current Protection *Set Current Level "CURR:PROT value"0 to 61.2 A *Set Delay Time"CURR:PROT:DEL value"0 to 60 s*Can only be programmed remotely via the GPIB.Table 60502-3. Factory Default SettingsFunction Settings Function Setting CURR level 0 A Mode (CC, CR, CV)CC CURR transient level 0 A Input (on/off)on *CURR slew rate 1 A/µs Short (on/off)off CURR range 60 ATransient operation (on/off)off *CURR protection (on/off)off ***TRAN mode continuous **CURR protection level 61.2 A (continuous, pulse, toggle)**CURR protection delay 15 s TRAN frequency1 kHz TRAN duty cycle50%RES level 1 k Ω**TRAN pulse width 0.5 ms RES transient level 1 k ΩRES range 1 k Ω**TRIG source hold (bus, external, hold, timer, line)VOLT level 60 V **TRIG period 0.001 s VOLT transient level 60 V **PORT0 output (on/off)off (logic 0)VOLT slew rate 5 V/µs**CAL mode (on/off)offThe *RST command resets the CURR slew rate to 5 A/µs, not to the factory default.**Can only be programmed remotely via the GPIB.***Continuous transient mode is the only mode available at the front panel. Pulsed, toggled, and continuous modes can all be programmed remotely via the GPIB.Table 60502-4. Calibration InformationRanges and Calibration Points Variables VariablesValuePower SupplySettingsCurrentShuntHigh Current Range Hi_curr_rng60 5 V/61 A100 A High Current Offset Hi_curr_offset0.0282Low Current Range Lo_curr_rng6 5 V/10 A15 A Low Current Offset Lo_curr_offset0.0197Voltage Range N/A N/A61 V/5 A N/A Voltage Hi point Volt_hipt60Voltage Lo point Volt_lopt 2.7Low Resistance Range Lo_res_rng115 V/10.9 A15 A Low Resistance Hi point Lo_res_hipt1Low Resistance Lo point Lo_res_lopt0.04Middle Resistance Range Mid_res_rng1010.9 V/15 A15 A Middle Resistance Hi point Mid_res_hipt30Middle Resistance Lo point Mid_res_lopt1High Resistance Range Hi_res_rng100160 V/6 A15 A High Resistance Hi point Hi_res_hipt120High Resistance Lo point Hi_res_lopt128Agilent Sales and Support OfficeFor more information about Agilent Technologies test and measurement products, applications, services, and for a current sales office listing, visit our web site: /find/tmdirYou can also contact one of the following centers and ask for a test and measurement sales representative.United States:Agilent TechnologiesTest and Measurement Call Center P.O. Box 4026Englewood, CO 80155-4026 (tel)180****4844Latin America:Agilent TechnologiesLatin American Region Headquarters 5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite #950 Miami, Florida 33126U.S.A.(tel) (305) 267 4245(fax) (305) 267 4286Canada:Agilent Technologies Canada Inc. 5150 Spectrum Way Mississauga, OntarioL4W 5G1(tel)187****4414Australia/New Zealand:Agilent Technologies Australia Pty Ltd 347 Burwood HighwayForest Hill, Victoria 3131(tel) 1-800 629 485 (Australia) (fax) (61 3) 9272 0749(tel) 0 800 738 378 (New Zealand) (fax) (64 4) 802 6881Europe:Agilent TechnologiesTest & Measurement European Marketing Organisation P.O. 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Proliferation indices of phosphohistone H3and Ki67:strong prognostic markers in a consecutive cohort with stage I/II melanomaPatricia S Nielsen 1,Rikke Riber-Hansen 1,Trine O Jensen 2,Henrik Schmidt 2and Torben Steiniche 11Departmentof Pathology,Aarhus University Hospital,Aarhus,Denmark and 2Department of Oncology,Aarhus University Hospital,Aarhus,DenmarkCellular proliferation is correlated with the progression of melanoma.Accordingly,the proliferation index of H&E-stained thin melanomas was recently included in the staging system of the American Joint Committee on Cancer.Yet,the immunohistochemical markers of proliferation phosphohistone H3and Ki67may improve such indices.To accurately quantify these markers,they should be combined with a melanocytic marker,for example,MART1in an immunohistochemical double stain;also enabling automated quantification by image analysis.The aim of the study was to compare the prognostic impact of phosphohistone H3/MART1,Ki67/MART1,and H&E stains in primary cutaneous melanoma,and to determine the difference between indices established in hot spots and the global tumor areas.The study included 153consecutive stage I/II melanoma-patients.The follow-up time was 8–14years for event-free melanoma.Recurrent disease occurred in 43patients;37died of melanoma.Both events occurred in only three thin melanomas.Their paraffin-embedded tissue was stained for phosphohistone H3/MART1,Ki67/MART1,and with H&E.And proliferation indices were established in 1-mm 2hot spots and in the global tumor areas.In multivariate Cox analyses,only hot spot indices of phosphohistone H3/MART1and Ki67/MART1were independent prognostic markers.Phosphohistone H3/MART1tended to be better than Ki67/MART1with adjusted hazard ratios of 3.66(95%CI, 1.40–9.55;P ¼0.008)for progression-free survival and 3.42(95%CI,1.29–9.04;P ¼0.013)for melanoma-specific death.In all stains,prognostic performance was substantially improved by using hot spots instead of the global tumor areas.In conclusion,phosphohistone H3/MART1and Ki67/MART1were superior to H&E stains,and hot spots superior to the global tumor areas.Given the potential for automated analysis,these double stains seem to be robust alternatives to conventional mitotic detection by H&E in stage I/II melanomas in general.This was particularly true for thick melanomas whereas no specific analyses for thin melanomas only could be performed.Modern Pathology (2013)26,404–413;doi:10.1038/modpathol.2012.188;published online 23November 2012Keywords:computer-assistedimage analysis;immunohistochemical double staining;Ki67;melanoma;phosphohistone H3;prognosisUnlimited cell division is a hallmark of carcinogen-esis,and increased cellular proliferation is corre-lated with declined patient survival in a variety of human malignancies.1–3Accordingly in thin primary cutaneous melanoma (r 1mm),the mitotic index replaced Clark level of invasion in the 2009staging system of the American Joint Committee onCancer.4,5The recommended quantification of proliferation by hot spots (areas with most mitoses)on H&E stains is,however,widely criticized.Primary concerns are difficulty discerning the mitotic figures,low reproducibility,and excessive time-consumption.6–9An alternate option may be immunohistochemical markers of proliferation.The immunohistochemical marker Ki67labels the nucleus of cells in the active phases of the cell cycle (G 1,S,G 2,and M)10and has been extensively studied in both mela-noma and other malignancies.8,11,12Most studies demonstrate a correlation between the proportion of Ki67-positive melanocytic cells (Ki67index)andCorrespondence:PS Nielsen,MSc,Department of Pathology,Aarhus University Hospital,Noerrebrogade 44,DK-8000Aarhus C,Denmark.E-mail:swittenp@Received 23May 2012;revised 19September 2012;accepted 19September 2012;published online 23November 2012Modern Pathology (2013)26,404–413&2013USCAP,Inc All rights reserved 0893-3952/13$32.00clinical outcome of melanoma;however,con-clusions of studies are contradictory.8Whereas Ki67marks nuclei in all active phases of the cell cycle,the proliferation marker phosphohis-tone H3(PHH3)visualizes only the four actual phases of mitosis and late G2.13Recent studies suggest that PHH3is a more reliable marker of mitosis in melanoma than H&E stains and that time spend to determine the proliferation index may be reduced by at least50%.14,15The prognostic impact of PHH3is already demonstrated in other malignancies,for instance,breast cancer and meningiomas,16–18and recently,similar tendencies were demonstrated in nodular melanomas.19Yet,all current studies base their analysis of PHH3 and Ki67on immunohistochemical single stains. Recent studies,however,demonstrate advantages of combining PHH3and Ki67with a melanocytic marker,for example,melanoma antigen recognized by T cells(MART1)in an immunohistochemical double stain.15,20,21Thus,because double stains enable clear distinction between proliferative melanocytic cells and proliferative lymphocytes,histiocytes,stromal cells,and endothelial cells,the prognostic impact of Ki67and PHH3may be improved.In addition,fast and repeatable quantification by automated image analysis(AIA)is possible.22Today,Ki67indices are mostly quantified in the entire tumor section,whereas indices of PHH3and H&E stains are quantified in hot spots.The differ-ence between these two techniques and their influence on clinical staging are largely unexplored. The aim of this study was to compare the prognostic impact of proliferation in PHH3/ MART1-,Ki67/MART1-,and H&E-stained primary cutaneous melanomas and,additionally,to establish the most favorable reference space for proliferative activity(hot spot vs the global tumor area)in melanoma prognosis.Materials and methodsSpecimensFormalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue from 190primary cutaneous melanomas was retrieved from the archives of the Department of Pathology at Aarhus University Hospital,Aarhus,Denmark and Randers Hospital,Randers,Denmark.The prospec-tive patient cohort,previously described in detail,23 included consecutive stage I/II patients from February1997to December2000;an era before the introduction of the sentinel node technique.23The study was conducted after approval by the Central Denmark Region Committee on Biomedical Research Ethics.ImmunohistochemistryPHH3/MART1stains were performed on Bench-Mark XT(Ventana Medical Systems,Tucson,AZ,USA)by an indirect sequential immunoenzymatic technique.A3-m m section was cut from each tissue block,mounted on Superfrost Plus slides(ThermoFisher Scientific,Waltham,MA,USA),and driedfor1h at601C.Standard settings and reagent kits of Benchmark XT(Ventana)were used in deparaffini-zation,rehydration,antigen retrieval,and endogen-ous peroxidase blocking.Polyclonal rabbit antibody Phospho-Histone H3(Ser10,dilution1:300;Cell Signaling Technology,Danvers,MA,USA)incu-bated32min at room temperature follow by Venta-nas ultraView Universal3,30-Diaminobenzidin (DAB)Detection Kit.After denaturation(871C), monoclonal mouse antibody MART1(Clone A103, dilution1:30;Dako Denmark A/S,Glostrup, Denmark)incubated40min at room temperature followed by Ventanas ultraView Universal Alkaline Phosphatase Red Detection Kit.Slides were counter-stained with Mayer’s hematoxylin and bluing reagent and later manually dehydrated and mounted.Ki67/MART1stains were performed on Autostai-ner Link48(Dako)by an indirect simultaneous immunoenzymatic technique.Our Ki67/MART1 procedure has previously been described.20In short,pretreatment was followed by incubationwith monoclonal rabbit antibody Ki67(Clone SP6; Thermo Fisher Scientific)and monoclonal mouse antibody MART1(Clone A103;Dako).The visuali-zation system was a polymer mixture of goatanti-rabbit antibody conjugated to horseradish peroxidase[EnVisionþSystem-HRP(DAB);Dako]and goat anti-mouse antibody conjugated to alkaline phosphatase[Histofine Simple Stain AP(M),CosmoBio,Tokyo,Japan].Liquid Permanent Red(Dako)was applied;then DAB(Dako).20All PHH3/MART1and Ki67/MART1series in-cluded positive controls.Ki67/MART1stains also include internal controls(presence of Ki67/MART1 positivity in epidermis or dermal–epidermal junc-tion).Quantification of Proliferation IndicesWhole slide images of PHH3/MART1,Ki67/MART1,and H&E stains were captured by Nanozoomer (Hamamatsu Phototonics K.K.,Hamamatsu City, Japan)at a magnification ofÂ20and saved in theirimage format NDPI.A Master of Science(PSN)analyzed the immuno-histochemical stains,and an experienced patholo-gist evaluated H&E slides(TS);both without knowledge of patients’outcome.PHH3/MART1stains.The area with most dermalPHH3/MART1-positive cells was covered by a fixed1-mm2square(Figure1a)in Visiopharm Integrator System4.2.3.0[(VIS)Visiopharm A/S,Hoersholm, Denmark].The number of PHH3/MART1-positiveCellular proliferation in melanoma prognosisPS Nielsen et al405Modern Pathology(2013)26,404–413cells manually counted at Â40in this frame was reported as the PHH3index in hot spot.Dermal PHH3/MART1-positive cells were also counted manually throughout the tumor section.The tumor area was then automatically quantified by the Visiomorph DP module in VIS (Visiopharm).That is,a region of interest (ROI)was manuallyoutlined by the observer (Figure 1b),and the MART1-verified tumor area was quantified by previously described algorithms (Figure 1b).22The PHH3index was calculated byPHH3index ðglobal Þ¼N PHH3/MART1AMART1Figure 1Nodular melanoma stained for PHH3/MART1(a –d )and Ki67/MART1(e –h ),and with H&E (i ,j ).(a )A 1-mm 2hot spot.(b )Automated quantification of MART1-verified tumor areas (A MART1,red)within the ROI (green line).(c ,d )Positivity of PHH3and MART1.(e )Automated Ki67index in hot spot.(f )Automated Ki67index in the global tumor area.(g )Positivity of Ki67and MART1.(h )Automated recognition of Ki67-positive (green)and Ki67-negative (blue)melanocytic cells that are verified by MART1(red).(i )ROI (green line).(j )Automated area-quantification of ROI (A ROI ,purple).Modern Pathology (2013)26,404–413Cellular proliferation in melanoma prognosis406PS Nielsen et alwhere N PHH3/MART1is the number of PHH3/MART1-positive cells(Figures1c and d)and A MART1the tumor area verified by MART1(Figure1b). Because we occasionally experienced weak intensity of MART1in PHH3/MART1stains,the tumor area of such stains(n¼11)was merely the area of ROI(Figure1b).Ki67/MART1stains.Visiomorph DP in VIS (Visiopharm)automatically quantified Ki67indices. The AIA protocol that was fixed and applied to all whole slide images has previously been described.22 Prior to AIA,a hot spot area was manually covered with a1-mm2square(Figure1e),and ROIs were drawn around tumor areas(Figure1f)in VIS (Visiopharm).The Ki67index was then automati-cally calculated for the1-mm2hot spot(Figure1e) and the global tumor area(Figure1f)byKi67index¼N Ki67/MART1N Ki67/MART1þN Neg:/MART1Á100%where N Ki67/MART1is the number of Ki67-positive melanocytic cells and N Neg./MART1the number of Ki67-negative melanocytic cells(Figures1g and h).Hematoxylin and eosin stains.Dermal melanocy-tic mitoses in H&E stains were manually counted by the conventional hot spot technique24and in the global tumor areas.Counting was conducted on whole slide images in the Nanozoomer Digital Pathology Viewer(Hamamatsu Phototonics)atÂ40. Again,ROIs were outlined(Figure1i)in VIS (Visiopharm),and their areas established by AIA (Figure1j).The number of mitoses in1mm2were reported as the H&E index in hot spot,while the global H&E index was calculated byH E indexðglobalÞ¼N Mitoses A ROIwhere N Mitoses is the number mitoses in the global tumor area and A ROI the area of tumor(Figure1j).Data and Statistical AnalysesStatistical analyses were performed in Stata10.1 (StataCorp,College Station,TX,USA).Time to end points,recurrent disease or melano-ma-specific death,was measured from the time of diagnosis.Patients who either died without evidence of melanoma or were alive without recurrent disease at last clinical follow-up were censored.Time-to-event data were updated July2011.Kaplan–Meier survival curves were based on median indices of PHH3/MART1,Ki67/MART1, and H&E stains.And the groups divided by the median were compared by log-rank tests.Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using the Cox proportional hazards model.25Here,patients with missing data were excluded.In multivariate analyses,the directive of minimum10events per covariate was followed.26The model included the recognized prognostic factors,Breslow thicknessand ulceration,4in addition to the relevant proliferation index(positively skewed)that was categorized based on its median.The Cox pro-portional hazards assumption for all indices and covariates were assessed by log–log plots,27and linearity of continuous covariates was assessed bythe quartile design variable method;28hence,age at diagnosis was categorized.In addition,Breslow thicknesses were logarithmically transformed.In all statistical analyses,two-sided P-valueso0.05were considered statistically significant.ResultsOnly153of the initial190patients23were includedin the study.The exclusion criteria were inadequatequality of the tissue section or immunohisto-chemical stain despite repeated staining attempts(n¼7)or insufficient tumor material left for analysis because of excessive sectioning(n¼30,the initial median Breslow thickness of this group was0.6mm).Characteristics of the included study patients are presented in Table1.Of the153patients,43(28%) experienced recurrent disease and49(32%)died;37(24%)deaths were related to melanoma.For patients with thin melanomas,only three experi-enced recurrent disease,and subsequently they alldied of melanoma.The median follow-up time was12years(range,8–14years)for patients with event-free melanoma.Table1Patient characteristicsFeature No.of patients(%)SexMale76(50)Female77(50)Age(years)Median51Range23–79Histological subtypeSuperficial spreading108(71)Nodular32(21)Other13(9)Breslow thickness(mm)r156(37)1.01–2.0053(35)2.01–4.0024(16)44.0011(7)Unclassified9(6)Median 1.20UlcerationYes37(24)No116(76)Modern Pathology(2013)26,404–413 Cellular proliferation in melanoma prognosisPS Nielsen et al407In AIA of Ki67/MART1stains,one outlier with a very high Ki67index was excluded from further analysis.The automated indices of this lesion were based on the recognition of only two melanocytic cells.Kaplan–Meier plots for proliferation indices of PHH3/MART1,Ki67/MART1,and H&E stains are shown in Figure 2for progression-free survival and in Figure 3for melanoma-specific death.The divisions of patients in the Kaplan–Meier plots are compared in Table 2.The univariate and final multivariate Cox regression analyses are shown in Tables 3and 4,respectively.In the multivariate analysis of PHH3in hot spots,the adjusted hazard ratio (HR)of the Breslow thickness (continuous,log-transformed)was 2.91(95%CI,1.60–5.27;P o 0.001)for progression-free survival and 3.36(95%CI,1.81–6.27;P o 0.001)for melanoma-specific death.For ulceration,the adjusted HR was 1.25(95%CI,0.574–2.74;P ¼0.571)for progression-free survival and 1.03(95%CI,0.441–2.39;P ¼0.953)for melanoma-specific death.Similar changes in the adjusted ratios of the Breslow thickness and ulceration were seen in all proliferation indices (data not shown).DiscussionIncreased cellular proliferation is correlated with declined patient survival in a variety of human malignancies.2–4Correspondingly,the mitotic index was recently included in the staging system of the American Joint Committee on Cancer in thinmelanoma.4,5The recommended index-quantifi-cation on H&E stains is,however,widely criticized because of presumed inaccuracy,low reproduci-bility,and excessive time-consumption.6–9An alternate option may be immunohistochemical markers;such as PHH3or Ki67.To accurately quantify PHH3and Ki67,they should be combined with a melanocytic marker in an immunohisto-chemical double stain;15,20,21to our knowledge,a shortage in all existing investigations.Double stains may,in addition,enable quantification by AIA.In this study we have compared the prognostic impact of proliferation in PHH3/MART1-,Ki67/MART1-,and H&E-stained primary cutaneous melanomas and compared indices of hot spots and the global tumor areas.In this context,we have demonstrated independent prognostic capabilities of PHH3and Ki67as opposed to H&E in our consecutive cohort with stage I/II melanomas.We found proliferation indices of immunohisto-chemistry to be highly superior to indices of H&E stains.In immunohistochemical stains,PHH3tended to be better than Ki67.And when comparing reference spaces,the prognostic performance of indices was substantially improved by using hot spots instead of the global tumor areas.In univariate analyses,strong association between proliferation and clinical outcome was demon-strated (Figures 2and 3;Tables 2and 3);except in global H&E indices.Based on HRs of the univariate analyses,PHH3indices in hot spots were highly superior to other indices and standard risk factors of melanoma (Table 3).And compared with H&E stains,the HR of proliferation increased twofoldbyFigure 2Progression-free survival curves for proliferation quantified in hot spots (a –c )and the global tumor areas (d –f )for PHH3/MART1(a ,d ),Ki67/MART1(b ,e ),and H&E (d ,f )stains.Modern Pathology (2013)26,404–413Cellular proliferation in melanoma prognosis408PS Nielsen et alusing PHH3in hot spots (Table 3).Indices of Ki67stains were also better than the comparable indices of H&E stains (Tables 2and 3).In multivariate analyses,the only independent prognostic markers of melanoma were PHH3and Ki67in hot spots.Both were superior to ulceration,which lost its usual independent prognostic proper-ties.Indices of H&E stains were,on the other hand,highly dependent on Breslow thickness (Table 4).When comparing the hot spot technique with indices of the global tumor area,noteworthy differences were recognized.In both univariate and multivariate analysis,the difference between methodologies was apparent for all stains (Figures 2and 3;Tables 2–4).The prognostic impact of all stains was markedly improved by using a hot spot instead of the global tumor area as reference space.This may indicate that subclones of progressive tumor cells impact clinical outcome of melanoma to a larger extent than the general proliferative activity of the tumor.We find the evidence for this hypothesis convincing because all three stains,PHH3/MART1,Ki67/MART1,and H&E,show this same pattern of variation.Previously,only two studies performed by the same group have explored the prognostic impact of PHH3in cutaneous melanomas.19,29Most recently,like us,they found that PHH3in hot spots is anTime (years)255075100135791113Time (years)255075100135791113Time (years)255075100135791113Time (years)255075100135791113Time (years)255075100135791113Time (years)255075100135791113M e l a n o m a -s p e c i f i c s u r v i v a l (%)H&E, hot spot ≤ 1/mm 2H&E, hot spot > 1/mm 2H&E, global ≤ 0.5/mm 2H&E, global > 0.5/mm 2Ki67, hot spot ≤ 4.7%Ki67, hot spot > 4.7%Ki67, global ≤ 2.8%Ki67, global > 2.8%PHH3, global ≤ 1.3/mm 2PHH3, global > 1.3/mm 2PHH3, hot spot ≤ 1/mm 2PHH3, hot spot > 1/mm 2M e l a n o m a -s p e c i f i c s u r v i v a l (%)M e l a n o m a -s p e c i f i c s u r v i v a l (%)M e l a n o m a -s p e c i f i c s u r v i v a l (%)M e l a n o m a -s p e c i f i c s u r v i v a l (%)M e l a n o m a -s p e c i f i c s u r v i v a l (%)abcdefFigure 3Melanoma-specific survival curves for proliferation quantified in hot spots (a –c )and the global tumor areas (d –f )for PHH3/MART1(a ,d ),Ki67/MART1(b ,e ),and H&E (d ,f )stains.Table 2Association of proliferation indices with progression and survivalProliferation index typeDivision by medianNo.of patientProgression-free survival Melanoma-specific death Events observedP-value a Events observed P-value a PHH3,hot spot r 1/mm 2847641/mm 26936o 0.00131o 0.001PHH3,global r 1.3/mm 277131141.3/mm 276300.008260.005Ki67,hot spot r 4.7%769744.7%7734o 0.00130o 0.001Ki67,global r 2.8%76111042.8%7732o 0.00127o 0.001H&E,hot spot r 1/mm 293141141/mm 26029o 0.00126o 0.001H&E,globalr 0.5/mm 276171540.5/mm 277260.239220.168Abbreviation:PHH3,phosphohistone H3.a Log-rank test.Modern Pathology (2013)26,404–413Cellular proliferation in melanoma prognosisPS Nielsen et al409independent prognostic marker as opposed to H&E mitotic indices;however,with a smaller HR than ours.The two studies are,however,not completely comparable because they only evaluated nodular melanomas,and the Breslow thicknesses were subdivided into three groups.19In their first study,no correlation between PHH3and clinical outcome was demonstrated.This study was,however,conducted on tissue microarrays,29which may be problematic when evaluating hot spots.Our Ki67results for global indices are in line with many other studies that demonstrate correlation between increased Ki67expression and declined survival;though,dependent on Breslow thickness.8Nevertheless,just as many studies designate Ki67an independent prognostic marker.8Seemingly,only one study has used the hot spot technique.They also find that Ki67in hot spots is an independent prognostic marker.30Possibly,the prognostic impact of other studies could have been improved if the hotTable 3Univariate Cox regression analysisProliferation index typeProgression-free survivalMelanoma-specific deathHR95%CI P -value HR 95%CI P -value PHH3,hot spot,r 1/mm 2a vs 41/mm 27.93 3.52–17.9o 0.0018.86 3.69–21.3o 0.001PHH3,global,r 1.3/mm 2a vs 41.3/mm 2 2.36 1.22–4.550.010 2.67 1.32–5.400.006Ki67,hot spot,r 4.7%a vs 44.7% 4.67 2.24–9.76o 0.001 5.43 2.38–12.4o 0.001Ki67,global,r 2.8%a vs 42.8% 3.58 1.80–7.12o 0.001 3.31 1.60–6.840.001H&E,hot spot,r 1/mm 2a vs 41/mm 2 3.84 2.02–7.29o 0.001 4.79 2.36–9.71o 0.001H&E,global,r 0.5/mm 2a vs 40.5/mm 2 1.450.779–2.690.241 1.580.820–3.050.172Breslow thickness (mm),log-transformed,continuous 4.48 2.88–6.97o 0.001 4.68 2.95–7.44o 0.001Ulceration,none a vs present5.28 2.89–9.63o 0.001 5.27 2.76–10.1o 0.001Histological subtype,superficial spreading a vs nodular 3.82 2.03–7.18o 0.001 3.63 1.83–7.21o 0.001Gender,female a vs male 3.14 1.61–6.120.001 3.78 1.78–8.020.001Age,r 51years a vs 451years1.430.781–2.630.2451.460.760–2.790.257Abbreviations:HR,hazard ratio;95%CI,95%confidence interval;PHH3,phosphohistone H3.a Reference group.Table 4Multivariate Cox regression analysis including Breslow thickness (continuous,log-transformed)and ulcerationProliferation index typeProgression-free survivalMelanoma-specific deathHR95%CI P -value HR 95%CI P -value PHH3,hot spot,r 1/mm 2a vs 41/mm 2 3.66 1.40–9.550.008 3.42 1.29–9.040.013PHH3,global,r 1.3/mm 2a vs 41.3/mm 2 1.960.972–3.960.060 1.830.866–3.850.113Ki67,hot spot,r 4.7%a vs 44.7% 2.51 1.09–5.780.031 3.34 1.32–8.470.011Ki67,global,r 2.8%a vs 42.8% 1.930.891–4.200.095 1.970.869–4.480.105H&E,hot spot,r 1/mm 2a vs 41/mm 2 1.180.515–2.720.690 1.390.572–3.360.469H&E,global,r 0.5/mm 2a vs 40.5/mm 20.5620.267–1.180.1290.6390.289–1.410.268NOTE:Only patients with a classified Breslow thickness were included (n ¼144);hence,the number of events was reduced to 39for progression-free survival and 34for melanoma-specific death.Abbreviations:HR,hazard ratio;95%CI,95%confidence interval;PHH3,phosphohistone H3.a Reference group.Modern Pathology (2013)26,404–413Cellular proliferation in melanoma prognosis410PS Nielsen et alspot technique had been used.Additional controversy between studies may occur because a high Ki67index may simply reflect a lengthened cell cycle or cell-cycle arrest of Ki67-positive cells before they enter actual mitosis.8To circumvent this problem,PHH3can be used because PHH3only marks actual dividing cells in the short,stable mitotic phase;31,32producing more reliable results. In contrast to our study,many studies report independent prognostic significance of H&E mitotic indices;however,these studies often include a very large patient cohort;8enabling them to detect smaller differences between groups.This prognostic significance of H&E mitotic indices has been strongest in patients with thin melanomas.4Our study was,however,based on a smaller cohort of patients,and thus only three events occurred in patients with thin melanomas.Therefore,we were unable to make any specific conclusions about this subgroup of patients.To establish specific prognostic properties of PHH3and Ki67in thin melanomas, dedicated studies for this purpose are needed.When performing an independent statistical analysis on the subgroup with thick melanomas(41mm,data not shown),we found no significant differences from the results presented for the whole group;hence,the prognostic properties of PHH3and Ki67did also apply to only thick melanomas.When counting proliferative cells,most former studies use a subset of smaller coherent frames to evaluate hot spots.We thus speculated whether our 1-mm2inflexible hot spot was suitable;especially for thin melanomas.Consequently,we also exam-ined the use of a counting frame assembled from four small0.25-mm2frames placed in coherent hot spots.The results of our univariate and multivariate analysis for this technique were similar,though, inferior to the use of one big1-mm2hot spot (unpublished observations).In contrast to single marker studies,immunohisto-chemical markers of proliferation are often superior to H&E mitotic indices in comparative studies on the same patient cohort.19,29,33Like other investigators,7,19,34we believe that quantification errors are considerably more frequent in indices of H&E than PHH3/MART1and Ki67/MART1stains. Apoptotic cells and technical artifacts may be difficult to distinguish from mitoses,and the prophase that comprises a large fraction of the entire mitotic phase19is undetected;hence,mitotic indices of H&E stains may loose their prognostic impact.An advantage of our study compared with other studies of PHH3and Ki67is the use of immunohis-tochemical double stains that increase the markers’specificity in tumor-cell evaluation.This is also a likely explanation for our markedly lower index medians compared with former studies.19,29,33For instance,the median PHH3index in the Ladstein study of nodular melanomas(median Breslow thickness of 3.6mm)was28.7per mm2(range, 0–148per mm2)19compared with our median of 6per mm2(range,0–43per mm2);also for nodular melanomas(median Breslow thickness of2.55mm). Although not fully validated,we used AIA forKi67/MART1quantification.To justify this,we have quantified all Ki67indices manually and compared manual and automated Ki67indices.Indices of AIAtended to be somewhat higher than manual esti-mates,but their ability to foresee clinical outcomewas equal(unpublished observations).We have previously seen this tendency for higher indices inAIA in a study aiming to distinguish melanomasfrom benign nevi.22In PHH3,we also used AIA to estimate tumor ually,we observe no difficulties in such quantification.Unfortunately in this study,theMART1intensity of our PHH3/MART1stains variedfrom very weak to very intense.The tumor area verified by MART1(Figure1b)was thus difficult to quantify in weak MART1stains(n¼11).The area ofROI,which was used instead,is an appropriate substitute;though,somewhat less accurate (Figure1b).The varying MART1intensity alsomeant that the number of PHH3/MART1-positivecells was difficult to quantify by AIA.Thus,PHH3/MART1-positive cells were only counted manuallyin this study.But we believe that an optimization ofour PHH3/MART1stains will enable an automated quantification of the PHH3index.However,the immediate need for automated PHH3-index quanti-fication seems smaller than with Ki67indices because of the relative low number of counting points.In general,all IHC markers as well as thedigital image analysis should be optimized,and,if possible,standardized before utilized in large studies,and especially if applied in routine practice.In conclusion,cellular proliferation was a strong prognostic marker in our consecutive cohort of patients with stage I/II primary cutaneous melano-ma.The quantification method was,however,very important for the prognostic value of the individual markers.Proliferation indices of PHH3/MART1andKi67/MART1stains were highly superior to indicesof H&E stains,and hot spots were superior to indicesof the global tumor areas in all stains;hence,onlyPHH3/MART1and Ki67/MART1positivity in hotspots were independent prognostic markers of both progression-free survival and melanoma-specific death.This was true for the complete cohort andthick melanomas whereas exclusive analyses forthin melanomas are still needed.Given the prog-nostic impact of tumor-specific proliferation and the potential for automated analysis,PHH3/MART1andKi67/MART stains seem to be robust alternativesto conventional mitotic detection by H&E stains instage I/II melanomas.AcknowledgementsWe thank Allan Thorsteinsson,Martin Nielsen,Lone Nielsen,and Helle Johnsen from the Depart-Modern Pathology(2013)26,404–413 Cellular proliferation in melanoma prognosisPS Nielsen et al411。
