A《马关条约》B《天津条约》C《北京条约》D《辛丑条约》答案:A P222、中国赔款最多的条约是()。
A《北京条约》B《望厦条约》C《马关条约》D《辛丑条约》答案:D P233、规定在中国通商口岸可以投资设厂的条约是()。
A《南京条约》B《天津条约》C《马关条约》D《北京条约》答案:C P284、造成近代中国贫穷落后的根本原因是()。
A中国落后的经济制度B中国落后的政治制度C外国-资本帝国主义的侵略D统治集团的腐败答案:C P305、下列哪个条约允许外国公使常驻北京()。
A《南京条约》B《北京条约》C《望厦条约》D《天津条约》答案:D P246、以下()是中国近代史上中国人民第一次大规模的反侵略武装斗争。
A三元里人民的抗英斗争B香港工人大罢工C义和团反侵略斗争D台湾黑旗军的斗争答案:A P327、提出了“师夷长技以制夷”的思想的是()。
A林则徐B魏源C郑观应D康有为答案:B P408、指挥清军在中越边境前线大败法军,取得镇南关大捷的是()。
A冯子材B邓廷桢C林则徐D邓世昌答案:A P349、近代中国人民斗争的主要出发点是()。
A反对贪官污吏B发展资本主义C挽救中华民族的危亡D争取民主答案:C P3210、资本主义列强对中国的侵略,首先和主要的是进行()。
A军事侵略B政治控制C经济掠夺D文化渗透答案:A P2111、割占中国领土最多的条约是()A、《北京条约》B、《瑷珲条约》C、《马关条约》D、《勘分西北界约记》答案:B P2212、最早在中国设立租界的国家是()A、英国B、法国C、美国D、俄国答案:A P2213、()说“在北京建立了令人满意的关系,在某种程度上(我们)已经成为这个政府的顾问”。
A、赫德B、戈登C、普鲁斯D、巴夏里答案:C P2414、提出《局外旁观论》,要求清政府必须遵守不平等条约的人是()A、李鸿章B、赫德C、袁世凯D、康格答案:B P2515、清朝中央政府的最高顾问是()A、总理衙门B、英国驻中国公使C、北洋通商大臣D、海关总税务司答案:D P2516、令洋人享有领事裁判却的不平等条约是()A、《虎门条约》B、《望厦条约》C、《黄埔条约》D、《五口通商章程》答案:D P2517、规定洋货只需交纳2.5%子口税就能畅行中国内地的不平等条约是()A、《天津条约》B、《北京条约》C、《黄埔条约》D、《望厦条约》答案:A P2718、增开天津为通商口岸的不平等条约是()A、《北京条约》B、《马关条约》C、《辛丑条约》D、《烟台条约》答案A P2719、第一家在中国开设的外国银行是()A、英国渣打银行B、美国花旗银行C、法国东方理汇银行D、英国丽如银行答案:D P2920、以“争取中国士大夫中有势力的集团,开启皇帝和政治家们的思想”为指导思想的学会是()A、广学会B、南学会C、万木草堂D、强学会答案:A P3121、指出现在“实为一个千载难得之实行瓜分(中国)时机”的人是()A、伊藤博文B、瓦德西C、西摩尔D、康格答案:B P3522、列强对中国的侵略,首先和主要的是()A、经济侵略B、政治侵略C、军事侵略D、文化侵略答案:C P2123、将香港岛对岸九龙半岛南端和昂船洲割让给英国的条约是()A、中英《南京条约》B、中英《北京条约》C、中英《天津条约》D、中英《虎门条约》答案:B P2124、割去乌苏里江以东40万平方公里的条约是()A、中俄《瑷珲条约》B、中俄《勘分西北界约记》C、中俄《北京条约》D、中俄《天津条约》答案:C P2225、将福建省划作自己势力范围的国家是()A、英国B、德国C、法国D、日本答案:D P2226、火烧圆明园,并且承认“我们就这样以最野蛮的方式摧毁了世界上最宝贵的财富”的英国军官是()A、巴夏礼B、额尔金C、赫德D、戈登答案:D P2327、规定增开天津为通商口岸的条约是()A、《南京条约》B《望厦条约》C、《烟台条约》D《北京条约》答案:D P2728、规定洋货只须再海关缴纳2.5%子口税的不平等条约是《》A、《望厦条约》B、《烟台条约》C、《中俄密约》D、《天津条约》答案:D P2729、基督教在中国设立的最大的出版机构是()A、强学会B、南学会C、广学会D、科学补习所答案:C P3130、指出“争取中国士大夫中有势力的集团,启开皇帝和政治家们的思想”的人是()A、李提摩太B、伊藤博文C、威廉二世D、西奥多罗斯福答案:A P3131、近代中国反侵略战争失败的最重要原因()A、经济技术落后B、半殖民地半封建的社会制度C、西方先进资本主义制度的入侵D、统治者战略方针的错误答案:B P3832、在《救亡决论》一文中,响亮喊出“救亡”口号的人物是()A、梁启超B、康有为C、章太炎D、严复答案:D P4133、()指出:世界上一切民族都在为生存而竞争……中华民族也不能例外A、孙中山B、严复C、李大钊D、陈独秀答案B P4134、在《盛世危言》中大力提倡发展民族工商业与西方列强进行商战的人是()A、马建忠B、薛福成C、李鸿章D、郑观应答案:D P4035、列强瓜分中国最终破产的根本原因()A、列强之间的矛盾妥协B、以华制华政策推行C、中国人民反抗斗争D、列强准备不足答案:C P3636、在近代,外国人控制中国海关行政权的时间是()A、19世纪40年代B、19世纪50年代C、19世纪60年代D、19世纪70年代答案:B P27二、多项选择题1、以下不平等条约中含有割让领土条款内容的是()。
期末综合复习(2)复习时间:60分钟 满分:100分 书写(3分)知 识 技 能 (75分)一、我w ǒ会h u ì填ti án。
(每空1分,共33分) 1.2. 1张可以换( )张,1张可以换( )枚。
3.图中有( )个长方形,( )个正方形,( )个三角形,( )个圆,( )个平行四边形。
4.由9个一和5个十组成的数是( ),与它相邻的两个数是( )和( )。
5. 43角=( )元( )角 1元3角+7角=( )元 6元5角=( )角 5元8角-3角=( )元( )角6.有39个,每10个装1袋,可以装满( )袋,再拿来( )个,正好可以装满4袋。
(1)13 17 21 25 29 ( ) ( ) (2)50 ( ) 46 44 42 40 ( ) 8.在里填上“>”“<”或“=”。
35-825 67-1057 33角4元2角 89-998 28+7080 417-(8-5)9.路路的前面有9人,后面有18人,这一列一共有( )人。
二、我w ǒ会h u ì判p àn。
( )2.有13棵树苗,栽了9棵,还有5棵没栽。
( )3.计算30+(25-5)时,先算减法,再算加法。
( )4. 88中的两个“8”表示的意义不一样。
( )5.一双鞋25元5角,买这双鞋付2张10元和2张5角的就够了。
( )三、我w ǒ会h u ì选xu ǎn。
(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)(10分)1.一个两位数,比80少得多,比20多一些,这个数可能是( )。
①72 ②17 ③282.按规律接着摆,下一个应该是( )。
3.用给出的钱正好能买( )。
他投中了5次,最多可以得( )分。
①41 ②50 ③995.路路做了25朵红花和10朵黄花,菲菲至少要做( )朵花才能超过路路。
)交换机A的Fa0/1 接口交换机A的Fa0/2 接口交换机B的Fa0/1 接口交换机B的Fa0/2 接口交换机C的Fa0/1 接口交换机C的Fa0/2 接口2.下列有关交换机上无标记帧的说法中,哪两项正确?(选择两项。
无标记帧可最大程度降低因检查VLANID 标记而造成的延迟。
CHAP 通过重复询问进行检验。
CHAP 通过双向握手建立链路。
CHAP 使用基于M D5 哈希算法的询问/响应方法。
在这种情况下,可以使用哪种WAN 技术?PPPISDN帧中继模拟拨号5. 哪两种说法正确描述了RSTP?(选择两项。
)是一种C isco 专有协议可在不到1秒的时间内重新计算生成树。
需要交换机端口上具有PortFast 和UplinkFast 功能。
仪分练习答案一.填空1 .1956年范第姆特提出速率理论方程。
其方程简式表示为_H=A+B/u + Cu__。
2.电位分析法中,基于电子交换反应的电极一般分为四类电极,Ag/Ag+ 属于第一类电极,Ag/AgCl属于第二类电极,Pt/Fe2+,Fe3+属于零类电极。
6. 尺寸排阻色谱法与其它色谱法的不同之处在于它是按试样分子的尺寸和形状不同进行分离。
9. 直接电位法测量某二价离子,若读数误差为±1mV时,则由此产生的浓度相对误差为±8% 。
10. 高效液相色谱仪主要包括高压输液系统,进样系统,分离系统和检测系统。
12.某离子选择性电极,其选择系数为K,当K ij<1时,表明电极对i离子的响ij应较对j的响应_强_;当K>1时,表明电极选择性倾向_j_离子;当K ij=1时,ij表明电极对i,j离子的响应相同。
13. 在气相色谱中,线速度较低时,范迪姆特方程分子扩散项是引起色谱峰扩展的主要因素,此时宜采用_相对分子质量较大的氮气或氩气__作载气,以提高柱效。
2 2
2.如图 3 所示,设 A 为反比例函数 y
k 图象上一.如果直角三角形的两边分别为 3 、 4 ,那么第三边的长为 4.某市广播电视局欲招聘播音员一名,对 A,B 两名候选人进行了两项素质测试,两人的两项测试 成绩如右表所示.根据实际需要,广播电视局将面试、综合知识测试的得分按 3: 2 的比例计算两人 的总成绩,那么 (填 A 或 B )将被录用. 5.已知 x y 7 且 xy 12 ,则当 x y 时,
2y x2 2y2 3x 2 y 2 x
三、 (每小题 5 分,共 15 分)
3x 2 1.计算: 4y
1 1 1 1 2.化简: 2 2 b a b a
3.如图 6,公路 MN 和公路 PQ 在点 P 处交汇,公路 PQ 上点 A 处有学校,点 A 到公路 MN 的距离 为 80 m , 现有一拖拉机在公路 MN 上以 18km/ h 的速度沿 PN 方向行驶, 拖拉机行驶时周围 100 m 以 内都会受到噪音声的影响,试问该校受影响的时间为多少秒?
题 学 目 校
星火一中 自我设计 略 略
学 科
设计来源 学 习 目 标 重 点 难 点
学习 方法
教学时间 2012-05-15
知识技能 过程方法 情感态度 价 值 观 基础知识
一基础知识 二、填空题: (每小题 3 分,共 24 分) 1.计算: a b ab
期末复习 第二章 《西游记》
10.1:唐僧师徒受阻于流沙河,猪八戒几次潜入水中勇斗 妖怪,和悟空一起保护唐僧。 2:平顶山上,猪八戒以巡山为借口想乘机睡觉,不料被 悟空识破、跟踪。路上,八戒耍小聪明演习如何骗过师傅, 没想到睡了一觉,一回来就被悟空揭穿,八戒赶忙求饶。 11.昏庸无能,不辨忠愚。对封建统治者的嘲讽蔑视,对 黑暗社会的尖锐讽刺和批判。 12.铁扇公主因为与孙悟空有仇,不但不愿借扇,还想加 害悟空,可以看出她的重亲情,同时也显示出她胸襟狭隘。
•三、1.(1)D B (2)示例:我们应该像猪八戒一样学会灵活处事,宽以待人,善 于调和气氛、沟通交流,不要毫无目的地放纵,要控制好自己的欲 望,不要盲目判断,做事也不能半途而废。 2.(1)语段一:孙悟空打死白骨精,唐僧误以为他滥杀无辜将他 赶走,孙悟空内心充满悲愤委屈及对师父依恋与不舍,因而“落 泪”。语段二:孙悟空被银角大王施法压在三座山下,无法脱身救 唐僧,感到悲伤难过。 (2)多次“落泪”表现了孙悟空有情有义的一面,使人物形象更 鲜活,也凸显了孙悟空性情的完善和生命成长过程,同时推动情节 发展。
11.三太子小白龙 鹰愁涧 白马 八部天龙广力菩萨
12.心地善良,信仰坚定 勇往直前,义无反顾 胆小懦弱
13.圣婴大王 枯松涧火云洞 牛魔王 铁扇公主 丈八火
尖枪 三昧真火 观音菩萨 善财童子
14.五行山 高老庄 鹰愁涧 流沙河 孙悟空 猪八戒 沙僧
15.旃檀功德佛 斗战胜佛 净坛使者 金身罗汉 八部天
•示例2:可以借助山,分析孙悟空的成长史。花果山,是孙悟空的 出生地。这里是他的洞天福地,自由自在。但老猴子的死去,让他 决心走出大山,去学本领,从此开启了他辉煌的一生。他走出舒适 圈,人生变得有意义;五行山,是孙悟空大闹天宫之后,被如来佛 祖关押之地。在这里,他被困500年,沉淀了心性;火焰山,这八 百里火焰,挡住了取经路。孙悟空在这里“三调芭蕉扇”,才最终 熄灭了火焰,可见战胜困难有时需要付出多次努力;灵山,是取经 队伍的目的地。自大唐到灵山十万八千里,他们师徒克服重重险阻, 终于取得真经,并且各自也都修成正果,“付出终有回报”。取经 路上九九八十一难,孙悟空不断修炼,从冲动暴躁、反抗叛逆到重 情重义,通过自己的努力,他获得了成长。
期末复习(二) 勾股定理
解:根据题意,得 , .又 , .又 , .
(2) 的度数.
[答案] , , , , 为直角三角形, .由(1)得 为等腰直角三角形, , .
重难点3 勾股定理在实际生活中的应用
【例3】如图,高速公路的一侧有 , 两个村庄,它们到高速公路所在直线 的距离分别为
解:这个零件符合要求. , , . .又 , , . .
[答案] 由(1)知 , ,∴这个零件的面积为 .
A. 直角三角形 B. 锐角三角形C. 钝角三角形 D. 以上答案都不对
A. B. C. D.
7.图1是由边长为1的六个小正方形组成的图形,它可以围成图2所示的正方体,则图1中正方形的顶点 , 在图2围成的正方体中的距离是( )
A. B. C. D.
8.如图,在 中, 于点 , , , ,则 的为( )
A. B. C. D.
3.图1是放置在水平面上的可折叠式护眼灯,其中底座的高 ,连杆 ,灯罩 .如图2,转动 , ,使得 成平角,且灯罩端点 离桌面 的高度 为 ,求 的距离.
解:过点 作 于点 . , ,∴四边形 为矩形. , . , ,
∴在 中, . 的距离为 .
六( )班 姓名:( ) 书写:( ) 等级:( )复习卷2一.想一想,填一填。
1.18的倒数是( );0.45的倒数是( ) 2.( )16=0.125=( ):32=8÷( )=( )% 3.54的59是( ),12m 是35m 的( ),(圈出“1”)60t 比( )少154.如右图,文化馆在学校的( )偏( )30°的方向上,距离是( )m ,学校在超市的( )偏( )( )°方向上,距离是800m 。
5.张师傅半小时做了15个零件,照这样计算,他23小时可以做( )个零件。
6.东汉名医张仲景的“苓桂术甘汤”药方:茯苓四两,桂枝,白术各三两,炙甘草 二两。
王爷爷按这个药方配中药共重360g ,其中茯苓重( )g 。
7.某品牌衣服“迎国庆”促销降价10%后,又遇到“双十一”活动降价10%,现价 是原价的( )%。
计算:8.如图,把圆分成若干等份,剪拼成一个近似的长方形,已知长方形的宽为5cm ,则长是( )cm ,长方形的面积是( )cm 2. 计算1: 计算2:9.食品安全问题是全社会关注的问题,某部门两次检测一批大米,第一次检测100 袋,合格率为95%,合格的有( )袋。
两次 检测的总合格率是( )%。
计算1: 计算2:10.完成同样的数学作业,壮壮用了25分钟,依依用了30分钟,壮壮和依依完成这份作业的时间比是( ),壮壮写作业的小丽比依依高( )%。
如果两人同时同地相背而行,( )分 钟后相遇。
如果两人同时同地同向而行,( )分钟后,苹苹超出奶奶一圈。
期末复习⼆(含答案)期末复习(⼆)易混词语填空1. a/an/theA. There's "u" and _____ "s" in _____ word "us".B. There is _____ young man and _____ old man in the photo. ______ old man is _____ young man's father.2. one/onesA. I don't like this skirt. Show me that _____.B. The new skirts are mine. The old _____ are yours.3. by/with/in/useA. Jay can sing the song _____ either Chinese or English. How great!B. I won't believe it until I see it _____ my own eyes.C. We usually ______ a ruler to draw a straight line.D. Miss Zhao goes to work ______ bike.4. put on/wear/in/dressA. The twins don't always _____ the same clothes,B. The woman _____ a red hat is our new English teacher.C. It's very cold today. Please _____ more clothes when you go out.D. Mother is ______ my baby sister now.5. other/another/the other/others/the othersA. Those shoes are too small for me. Would you show me _____ pair?.B. There are six people in the room. Three are girls, _____ three are boys.C. He is always helping _____.D. There are many books in the box. Ten of them are mine, _____are my sisler's,E. Mr Liu and Miss Sun and four ______ teachers are teaching this class.6. look for/find/find outA. Please try to _____ who stole the computer.B. Please help me _____ my mobile phone, I can't _____ it.7. look/read/see/watchA. _____ at the picture! What can you ______ in it?B. I'll _____ a book instead of _____ TV tonight.8. take/bring/carry/getA. The woman was _____ a big bag. Let's help her.B. Next lime when you come, _____ me the book,please.C. Who's _____ away today's newspaper?. I haven't read it yet.D. Go and _____ me some water, rm thirsty.9. each/everyA. "_____ of them speaks a foreign language." means _____ one of them speaks a foreign language."B. There are some big shops on _____ side of the street.10. problem/questionA. What is the biggest _____ in the world? Can you answer this _____ ?B. The _____ is that he's always asking me such foolish _____.11. sometime/sometimes/some time/some timesA. Please read the text _____ until you can recite it.B. I will go shopping _____ tomorrow.C. He waited for _____ then left.D. They _____ play football after school.12. may be/maybeA. Tom, ______ you are right.B. The mon over there ______ Li Lei's English teacher.13. have been to/have been in/have gone toA. They ______ Beijing for five years,B. They ______ Beijing three times.C. ---- Where're they? ---- They ______ Beijing.14. that/which/whoA. This is the best film _____ has been shown this year.B. You can take any seat _____ is free.C. Is there anything ______ I can do for you?D. Those ______ know the answer, put up your hands.E. The teacher, ______ comes from England, speaks English.⼀、单项选择1. ---Your dress is very beautiful, Mary. --- ____.A. Not at allB. Just so-so.C. No, it isn’t.D. Thank you2. We_____ spend too much time in watching TV.A. told don'tB. told not to .C. were told not toD. were told to not3. He said he ___ never seen _____ an exciting football match before.A. has, soB. has, suchC. had, soD. had, such4. We study five days week and on Sundays we often play ____football.A. a;theB. 不填;aC. an;aD. a;不填5.____John ____ Jack may go with you because one of them must stay at home.A. Neither;norB. Both;andC. Either;orD. Not only;but also6. He told me that he _____ here for five minutes.A. has comeB. had arrivedC. had beenD. came7. ---_____ are the Olympic Games held?. ---Every four years..A. How oftenB. WhenC. How soonD. How long8. You won't pass the exam ____ you study hard.A. ifB. when .C. afterD. unless9. ---Could I use your bike?---Yes,of course you _____.A. canB. couldC. mustD. will10. All of us preferred ________ to ________ there by bus.A. walking; goB. to walk; goC. to walk; goingD. walking; going11. I've given you everything ____ I have.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. whom12. Forty minutes _______ for the children to finish all the work.A. is quite a long timeB. are quite long .C. was a quite long timeD. were quite long time13. ______ of us has read the story,so we know nothing about it.A. SomeB. BothC. NoneD. All14. ---Would you like some more rice? . ---Yes,Just ______.A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little15. ---Look! That man looks like Mr Brown. ---It _____ be him,for he _____ America.A. can't;has gone toB. may not;has goneC. mustn't;has been toD. can't;has been to16. Jim with his parents _____ abroad. They ____ back in two weeks.A. have gone;will comeB. has gone;will comeC. have been to;have comeD. has been;come17. ______ he failed in the maths exam again,______ he never gave up.A. Because,soB. Because,/C. Although,butD. Although,/18. ---Would you mind my opening the windows? ---_____.A. Sorry. I wouldn'tB. No,of course notC. It doesn't matterD. Yes,please19. ---Why not come and join us in the game? ---_____. But I must meet Mr Smith at his office now..A. I'd like toB. Let's goC. Yes,pleaseD. It's a pleasure20. ---Will you please show me the photo of your family? ---OK. I will ____ it here tomorrow.A. takeB. catchC. bringD. carry21. Keep _______,and you'll succeed.A. to tryB. triesC. tryingD. tried22. ---I hear Tom is working hard at his lessons. . ---I'm ______ he will pass the exams this time.A. afraidB. surprisedC. sureD. sorry⼆、补全对话A: Hi, Jenny. What are busy with these days?B:Oh, I am busy practicing playing tennis . You know, I will take part in an important competition next month. I am trying my best to get the first1.______________ in the championship.A: I hope you will be as lucky as Li Na, the newest2._____________ in Australian Open Tennis Championship. B: Thanks alot. Actually, I am one of her fans. Did you see the3._______________ match between Li Na and Domimika Cibulkova?A: Of course. I was excited when Li Na got the champion at last. Because she was the first Asian who won the Australian Open4._______________ Championship in one hundred year history. It’s believed that every Chinese will be proud of her. B: I agree with you. I am 5.________________ by her final speech at the court in public.A: What did she say?B: She said a lot to thank her team members, her coach, especially her husband. Although her husband was more famous than her as a tennis coach, he gave up 6.________________ and just practiced with her with great patience every day. She thought she was lucky enough to get the help from all of them.A: She is right. Nobody can succeed7._____________________. We need to work with others and share the success with them.B: Yes, 8._______________________ me as an example. My coach and teammates work hard with me from morning to night. We all try hard to do the best. I hope I can be successful in the competition.9.________________ I win, I will also appreciate them and share the happiness with them.A: Best wishes to you! I believe your dream of becoming the champion will come10.___________.different living things, but in the past, t he number was 2______________ .In the beginning perhaps only one.” Darwin waited a long time before he put these things into a book. He always tried to add more and more facts; he wanted his ideas about evolution(进化)to be right.It 3____________ him many years to write the book. On the first day, people brought every copy. The men of churches fought 4______________ Darwin’s ideas. His story of the world was different from 5___________. So 6_________________ Darwin or the men of the churches must be wrong. B ut the churches didn’t bring any new facts, or better ideas. They only brought angry words.Later, Darwin wrote a book about the evolution of man. He said that man is 7_____________ a kind of animal. And again, Darwin didn’t just write dow n his own ideas. He filled his book with facts. We know now 8________________ he was right. There have been men for more than a million years. We 9______________ some of their bones. Bones have told us about the evolution of living things.Like any other animal, man slowly changed 10_____________ time. But we can’t find the bones of men from a few million years ago. There weren’t any men at that time. But the bones can take us backwards (向后) through time into the past. And they can help us with our study of the evolution of life.四、阅读填空Literature is a word used to describe written as well as spoken material. Generally speaking, it is often used to describe anything from creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama and fiction.Then why read literature, since it is often imaginary and seems unconnected with real life?A lot of us re ad literature for enjoyment and relaxation. It’s always pleasant to read some interesting b ooks in our spare time. In a modern life full of stress, it is our common wish to read some imaginary works and look for relaxation from the stress in life.Reading literature is more than fun; it also allows us to get knowledge. As a general rule, literature represents a language of a people, and it often gives us an insight(洞察⼒) into the traditions, attitudes and values of the age in which it was written. Sometimes literature can even offer us new, creative ways to have a better understanding of the world. It introduces us to new worlds of experiences. We enjoy the comedy and the tragedy of poems, stories and plays; and we may even grow through our literary journey with books. At last we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the writer says and how he or she says it. In some ways, we explore the human condition and analyze(分析) the way they think and feel the way they feel. Literature helps us think clearly and encourages us to open minds.So we can certainly say literature is of great importance to us. Why not get going with one poem, drama or期末复习(⼆)⼀、单选1-5 DCDDC 6-10 CADAD 11-15 BACCA 16-20 BDBAC 21-22 CC⼆、补全对话Place / prize ,champion/ winner, final/ newest , Singles, impressed/ moved, everything/ working, alone, take, If ,true 三、选词填空1,_studied_ 2, _smaller__ 3,_took__ 4,_against__ 5,_theirs__6,_either__ 7, _also__ 8,_that___ 9,__have found__ 10,_through__四、阅读填空56. Why 57. imagination 58. Poetry 59. Reasons/Purposes/Aims/Goals60. keep 61. knowledge/information 62. understand63. how 64. clear 65. important。
八年级语文期末复习 2 课内阅读1
章末复习(二) 全等三角形分点突破命题点1 全等三角形的概念及性质1.如图,△ABC≌△DEC,∠A=70°,∠ACB=60°,则∠E的度数为( )A.70° B.50° C.60° D.30°2.(柳州中考)如图,△ABC≌△DEF,则EF=________.命题点2 全等三角形的判定与性质3.(安顺中考)如图,已知AE=CF,∠AFD=∠CEB,那么添加下列一个条件后,仍无法判定△ADF≌△CBE的是() A.∠A=∠C B.AD=CBC.BE=DF D.AD∥BC4.如图,在△ABC和△FED中,AD=FC,AB=FE,当添加条件______________时,即可以得到△ABC≌△FED.(只需填写一个你认为正确的条件)5.如图,点B、C、E、F在同一直线上,BC=EF,AC⊥BC于点C,DF⊥EF于点F,AC=DF.求证:(1)△ABC≌△DEF;(2)AB∥DE.命题点3 角平分线6.(来宾中考)如图,在△ABC中,CD平分∠ACB交AB于点D,DE⊥AC交于点E,DF⊥BC于点F,且BC=4,DE=2,则△BCD的面积是________.7.如图,DE⊥AB于点E,DF⊥BC于点F,且DE=DF,若∠DBC=50°,则∠ABC=________.8.如图1,在一次军事演习中,红方侦察员发现蓝方指挥部在A区内,到铁路到公路的距离相等,且离铁路与公路交叉处B点700米,如果你红方的指挥员,请你在图2所示的作战图上标出蓝方指挥部的位置,并简要说明理由.综合训练9.(宜昌中考)如图,在方格纸中,以AB为一边作△ABP,使之与△ABC全等,从P1,P2,P3,P4四个点中找出符合条件的点P,则点P有()A.1个 B.2个C.3个 D.4个10.(宜昌中考)两组邻边分别相等的四边形叫做“筝形”,如图,四边形ABCD是一个筝形,其中AD=CD,AB=CB,詹姆斯在探究筝形的性质时,得到如下结论:①AC⊥BD;②AO=CO=12AC;③△ABD≌△CBD,其中正确的结论有()A.0个 B.1个C.2个 D.3个11.(石家庄中考)如图,O是△ABC内一点,且O到三边AB、BC、CA的距离OF=OD=OE,若∠BAC=70°,则∠BOC=________.12.为参加学校举行的风筝设计比赛,小明用四根竹棒扎成如图所示的风筝框架,已知AB=CD,AC=DB,AC,BD交于点E,你认为小明扎的风筝两脚的大小相同吗?(即∠B=∠C吗),试说明理由.13.如图,已知BD为∠ABC的平分线,AB=BC,点P在BD上,PM⊥AD于M,PN⊥CD于N,求证:PM=PN.14.(通辽中考)如图,四边形ABCD中,E点在AD上,其中∠BAE=∠BCE=∠ACD=90°,且BC=CE.求证:△ABC与△DEC全等.15.如图,OP平分∠MON , PE⊥OM于E,PF⊥ON于F,OA=OB, 则图中有几对全等三角形,并说明理由.参考答案1.B2.53.B4.BC =DE 或∠A =∠F 或AB ∥EF5.(1)证明:∵AC ⊥BC 于点C ,DF ⊥EF 于点F , ∴∠ACB =∠DFE =90°.在△ABC 和△DEF 中,⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧BC =EF ,∠ACB =∠DFE ,AC =DF ,∴△ABC ≌△DEF(SAS). (2)证明:∵△ABC ≌△DEF , ∴∠B =∠DEF. ∴AB ∥DE. 6.4 7. 100°8.如图所示.在两条路所夹角的平分线上,由比例尺算出到B 点的距离为3.5 cm. 9.C 10.D 11.125°12.∠B =∠C ;理由:连接AD ,∵在△ADB 和△DAC 中,⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧AD =DA ,AB =DC ,BD =AC ,∴△ADB ≌△DAC(SSS). ∴∠B =∠C.13.证明:∵BD 为∠ABC 的平分线, ∴∠ABD =∠CBD.在△ABD 和△CBD 中,⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧AB =CB ,∠ABD =∠CBD ,BD =BD ,∴△ABD ≌△CBD(SAS).∴∠ADB =∠CDB ,即BD 平分∠ADC. ∵点P 在BD 上,PM ⊥AD ,PN ⊥CD , ∴PM =PN.14.证明:∵∠BCE =∠ACD =90°, ∴∠BCA +∠ACE =∠ACE +∠ECD. ∴∠BCA =∠ECD.在△ACD 中,∠ACD =90°,∴∠CAE +∠D =90°.∵∠BAE =∠BAC +∠CAE =90°,∴∠BAC =∠D.在△ABC 和△DEC 中,⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧∠BAC =∠D ,∠BCA =∠ECD ,BC =CE ,∴△ABC ≌△DEC(AAS).15.图中共有3对全等的三角形.理由如下:∵∠POE =∠POF, ∠PEO =∠PFO =90°,OP =OP ,∴△POE ≌△POF(AAS).∴PE =PF.又∵OA =OB ,∠POA =∠POB ,OP =OP ,∴△POA ≌△POB(SAS).∴PA =PB.∵PE =PF ,∴Rt △PAE ≌Rt △PBF(HL).别浪费一分一秒——如何利用零散时间学人们常说,时间是公平的,每个人的一天只有24个小时,所以应该珍惜时间去充实自己。
一、填空题1.如图所示,用钢尺快速击打下面的一颗棋子,可以发现这颗棋子被击飞而上面的那些棋子仍然留在原处落在正下方,上面的那些棋子没有飞出是因为这些棋子具有.下面的那颗棋子被击后飞出去,说明.2.如图所示,一艘小船上的人用力推开另一艘小船,结果发现两艘小船同时向相反方向运动,该现象说明:力可以改变物体的;力的作用是的.3.如图所示,某同学用弹簧测力计拉着放在水平桌面上的木块匀速滑动,在木块前端离开桌面至一半移出桌面的过程中,弹簧测力计的示数,木块对桌面的压力,木块对桌面的压强.(均选填“变大“、“变小”或“不变”)4.用弹簧测力计水平拉着重为8N的木块,在水平长木板沿直线匀速移动0.5m,如图所示,木块受到的摩擦力是N,木块所受的重力做功J.1题图2题图3题图4题图5.推土机的推土铲刃、篆刻刀的刀口做的很锋利,破窗锤的敲击端做成锥状,这些都是通过受力面积来压强的.(两空均选填“增大”或“减小”)6.在烧杯内装适量的水,把一木块慢慢地放入水中,水未溢出,当木块静止时,水对杯底的压强比原来的压强,一个水池中水的深度为3m,池底有一个小孔,用面积为10cm2的塞子刚好塞住,塞子受到水的压力大小为N.7.如图所示,三峡大坝的正常蓄水位为175m,则深度为20m的某处受到水的压强为Pa.轮船在通过三峡大坝时,需经过五级船闸才能完成“跳大坝”的壮举,船闸利用了原理.(ρ水=1×103 kg/m3,g=10N/kg)8.如图,在铁桶内放少量的水,用火加热,沸腾后把桶口堵住,然后浇上冷水,铁桶被压扁.该现象证明了的存在;铁桶被压扁表明力可以改变物体的.9.马德堡半球实验有力地证明了的存在,著名的实验首先测出了大气压值,同学们用吸管喝牛奶,这是把牛奶压入了嘴里的,1标准大气压为mm高的水银柱的压强.10.托里拆利实验能够测出大气压的值,测量方法如图所示,在其它条件不变的情况下,仅换用更粗的玻璃管,则管内、外水银面的高度差将(选填“增大”、“减小”或“不变”);小亮同学测量时如果管内混有少量气体,则测量结果与真实值相比(选填“偏大”、“偏小”或“不变”).11.小明把如图的气压计从山脚带到山顶的水平地面上,玻璃管内水柱的高度(选填“增大”、“减小”或“不变”)。
语法易错题PracticeI. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)1. I have just watched a good film about ______ elderly fisherman in Guilin.” (2013徐汇一模)A. aB. anC. theD. /2. Have ______try, and maybe you will win the free tickets to Italy? (2013徐汇一模)—Sure, I’d love to.A. anotherB. The otherC. otherD. others3. Meeting different people ______ help children learn to get along with others.A. shouldB. needC. mayD. must4. You’d better book the tickets as early as possible, ______ they will be sold out soon.A. andB. butC. soD. or5. Every year the world’s top tennis players ______ to Shanghai to compete against each other.A. comeB. will comeC. have comeD. comes6. After the conversation with the teacher, Jenny’s mother looked a little ______.(2013徐汇一模)A. happinessB. happierC. happyD. happily7. The policeman caught the drunk driver, but he didn’t remember ______ the old lady.A. knock downB. to knock downC. to knocked downD. knocking down8. That rude man seldom uses kind words, ______ ?A. does heB. isn’t heC. was heD. hasn’t he9. You must do something to prevent your house ______.A. to be broken inB. from being broken inC. to break inD. from breaking in10 .I’m sorry I forgot ______ your dictionary. Let’s borrow one from Li Ming.A. to takeB. takingC. to bringD. bringing11. He finished his homework, and then he went on ______ a letter.A. writeB. writingC. withD. to write12. You didn’t need ______ him the news; it just made him sad.A. tellingB. tellC. to tellD. that you would tell13. I meant ______ you, but I was so busy.A. to call onB. calling onC. to call atD. calling at14. It is no good ______. You should give______.A. to smoke, it upB. smoking, it upC. smoking, up itD. to smoke, up it15. — Why are you late?— My bike broke down. I had it ______.A. repairedB. repairsC. repairD. Repairing16.He __________back until the work __________ done.A. isn't; will beB. isn't; isC. won't be; will beD. won't be; is17. We have ______ computer at ______ home, and we’re going to buy ______ second one.A. a…the…theB. the…\...theC. a…\...theD. a…\...a18. Would you please show me the way to the ______ shop.A. shoeB. shoesC. shoe’sD. shoes’19. --How far is your restaurant from here?--Not very far. It’s about fifteen ______ walk.A. minute’sB. minutesC. minuteD. minutes’20. Could you give me some books to read? ______ will do.A. AnyoneB. Any oneC. EveryoneD. Every one21. Mary Lee is ______ old. She works in a hospital.A. 21-yearB. 21 yearC. 21 yearsD. 21-years22.Tom has ______ one-eye dog.A. aB. theC. /D. An23. - Do you know when Dr. White __________ for dinner this evening?- No, but I think he __________ when he is free.A. will come, comesB. will come, will comeC. comes, comesD. comes, will come24. - Did you watch the movie Nanjing! Nanjing in the school hall last night?- Yes, though it __________ hard all the time.A. is rainingB. was rainingC. has rainedD. had rained25.I have three cousins. One is in Grade 6,______ is in Grade 7 and ______ is in Grade 8.A. other; the otherB. another; the otherC. the other; the thirdD. the other; anotherHomeworkI. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)1. -What are they talking about? ()-They are talking about ______.A. what to eat dinnerB. when to eat dinnerC. where to eat for dinnerD. what will they eat2.It’s nice ______ her ______ so. ()A. for, to sayB. for, sayingC. of, to sayD. of, saying3. Their wish is ______ a house of their own. ()A. to haveB. for havingC. haveD. of having4. Mrs. Smith warned her daughter ______ after drinking. ()A. never to driveB. to never driveC. never drivingD. never drive5. Frank is the kind of person who people like to ______. ()A. make friend withB. make friends ofC. make friendsD. make friends with6. Computers______ our life greatly since they came into use many years ago.(2011崇明一模)()A. changeB. have changedC. will changeD. would change7. The lady is always ______ in white at the party.(2011宝山一模)()A. wearingB. dressingC. wornD. dressed8. This book ______ everybody. ()A. is known byB. is known forC. is known toD. is known as9. They ______ their classroom to welcome the coming Christmas tomorrow afternoon. (2011金山一模)()A. decorateB. will decorateC. are decoratingD. decorated10. How long ago ______ playing soldiers? ()A. have you stoppedB. had you stoppedC. did you stopD. do you stop11. Since 1978, great changes ______ in China. ()A. took placeB. have been taken placeC. have taken placeD. are taken place12. Since you don’t want to go, I ______ alone. ()A. will goB. goC. wentD. have been13. It’s the third time you ______ late this week. ()A. had arrivedB. arrivedC. have arrivedD. arrive14. John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes ______. ()A. openB. to be openedC. to openD. opening15. When I spent holidays Europe, I bought _____ vases. ()A. two lovely big old GermanB. two lovely old big GermanC. two German big old lovelyD. lovely big two old German16. ______ anywhere in the United States costs less than a dollar when you dial it yourself. ()A. Three-minute callB. A three-minutes callC. A three-minute callD. A three-minutes-call17. Of the two cars that the Smiths have, the Plymouth is, without any question, ______. ()A. the cheapest to runB. the cheaper to runC. cheaperD. more cheaper18. —Have you been to ______ United States? ()—No, but I have been to ______ Canada.A. the…\B. \...\C. the…theD. \...the19. The bridge is three hundred ______ long. ()A. feetB. feet’sC. footD. feets20. Please come at ______ time. I’ll show you ______ my stamps. ()A. any, allB. all, anyC. some, someD. any, every21.Even while he was in ______ hospital, he went on writing songs. ()A. aB. anC. theD. /22.He hit his sister in ______ face. ()A. herB. aC. theD. His23. There’s no water in my cup. Could you let me have_______? ()A. a fewB. a littleC. fewD. little24. The man hurried _____aboard while the woman hurried _____hospital. ()A. to; toB. /; /C. to; /D. /; to25. Could you tell me _____? ()A. how much did you pay for the jacketB. how many did you pay for the jacketC. how much you paid for the jacketD. how many you paid for the jacket语法词汇和句型综合PracticeI. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)1. -Do you know ______ lady in front of the park? ()-Yes, She is ______ university teacher.A. a; anB. the; anC. a; theD. the; a3.This is a photo of ______. I stood between my parents in the photo. ()A. meB. mineC. ID. his3. George’s ambition is ______ an architect when he grows up. ()A. to becomeB. to becomingC. becomeD. will become4. My mother was cooking lunch in the kitchen ______ my father was repairing his car in the garage. ()A. whenB. whileC. ifD. before5. This mobile phone is not expensive. It only ______ me 500 yuan. ()A. costB. spentC. takeD. paid6. China has become the third country______ its astronauts into space after Russia and the US.(2011崇明一模)()A. sendB. sendsC. sendingD. to send7. My school bag is ______ than yours.(2011宝山一模)()A. a little heavierB. heavyC. more heavierD. much heavy8. I will go to Mount Tai with my friends ______ next week. ()A. inB. onC. /D. at9. All the girls went to the Grand Theatre______ my daughter. ()A. exceptB. except forC. besidesD. beside10. I want to know ______. ()A. what the matter isB. what matter it isC. what’s the matterD. the matter is what11. Many students asked ______. ()A. why won’t they allowed to play during lunch breakB. why during lunch break weren’t they allowed to playC. why they during lunch break weren’t allowed to playD. why they weren’t allowed to play during lunch break12. Jenny was too sad to ______ last night. ()A. feel sleepyB. go to bedC. fall asleepD. be asleep13. I can’t afford ______ toy robot. I’ve got ______ money. ()A. more; noneB. to buy; nowC. another; noD. the; none14. ______ the night ______ National Day we can watch many fireworks. ()A. On; /B. On; ofC. In; inD. At; of15. Everyone must be responsible ______ what he has done and said. ()A. toB. forC. inD. at16. ______ anywhere in the United States costs less than a dollar when you dial it yourself. ()A. A three minutes’ callB. A three-minutes callC. A three-minute callD. A three-minutes-call17. Mr. Wang looked up and saw an old man______ beside him. ()A. standB. standingC. standedD. to stand18. I’m sorry that I can’t ______ the lecture at the City Hall? ()A. attendB. take part inC. joinD. enter19. I will tell them the news as soon as they ______ back. ()A. cameB. comeC. will comeD. are coming20. Dad looked very ______. He looked at my report _____. ()A. angry; angryB. angrily; angrilyC. angrily; angryD. angry; angrilyII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)1. Many slaves buy their__________ with what they save from working. (free)2. I have already checked the bag __________, but there is no sign of your glasses. (two)3. ________, all the money I lost on the train was returned to me. (lucky)4. It’s necessary to ________ the narrow road to avoid traffic jam. (wide)5. It rained so hard that the road was ___________ covered by water soon. (complete)6. There are two changes in the world, __________ (physics) change and __________ (chemistry) change.7. I want to know the history of dinosaurs’ __________. (exist)III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子)1. She lay down on her bed. (改为一般疑问句)__________ she __________ down on her bed?2. The man who is fishing by the river is my grandpa. (对划线部分提问)__________ __________ is your grandpa?3. You dislike playing the violin at all. (改为反意疑问句)You dislike playing the violin at all, __________ __________?4. They will get close to the great cliff in a few minutes. (对划线部分提问)__________ __________ will they get close to the great cliff.5. My home is near my school. (保持句意基本不变)My home is __________ __________ my school.6. The tiger gave a roar. The roar made the girl cry. (合并为一句)The tiger gave a roar __________ __________ the girl cry.7. My mother told me. Light travels faster than round.(合并为一句)My mother told me __________ light __________ faster than sound.HomeworkI. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)1. The man who is wearing a pair of glasses is ______ European scientist, he’ll give us a talk? ()A. theB. /C. aD. an2. ______ of the film is good. I don’t like them. ()A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. All3. In the cliff, there were ______ doors. ()A. two-storey-highB. two-storeys-highC. two storeys highD. two storeys high4. --Is this radio ______? ()-- No, it belongs to ______?A. yours; meB. yours; hisC. her; himD. yours; her5. Captain King is thinking of ______ from the cave. ()A. escapeB. escapingC. escapedD. to escape6. Underground trains ______ run ______ planes. ()A. don’t; as quick asB. don’t; as quickly asC. not; as quick asD. not; as quickly as7. Let me pick the fruit, ______ ? ()A. don’t IB. don’t youC. will youD. shall we8. I don’t know ______ life in the future will be like. ()A. whatB. howC. ifD. when9. I will never make mistakes ______ this kind. ()A. ofB. inC. onD. for10. Yesterday morning I got up early ______ be late for the exam? ()A. in order toB. in order to notC. so as not toD. so as to11. The Class Four students had a barbecue in Luxun Park ______ last Sunday. ()A. /B. inC. onD. at12. ______night they usually sit together, talking happily, but ______ the night of last Friday, they had to be busy with the work. ()A. In; onB. At; onC. In; inD. At; at13. The farmers began to work in the fields ______ dawn. ()A. inB. onC. atD. until14. -- It’s kind ______ you to come to see me. ()-- It’s a pleasure. You were so kind ______ me.A. of; withB. for; withC. of; toD. for; to15. ______ the age of fifteen, she had written scores of articles for a magazine. ()A. AtB. BeforeC. SinceD. By16. The monster has a ______ eye. ()A. huge single glowing redB. single huge glowing redC. glowing single red hugeD. single huge red glowing17. I have already spent ______ the money given by my grandmother. ()A. a part ofB. part ofC. a lotD. much18. —Have you been to ______ United States? ()—No, but I have to ______ Canada.A. the…\B. \...\C. the…theD. \...the19. We asked our teacher ______. ()A. how will we have a restB. how we will have a restC. when would we have a restD. when we would have a rest20. – What are you going to do this weekend?-- ______. ()A. I’m thinking of tidying my roomB. Let’s go and watch a filmC. I’m reading a letterD. I have cleaned the flatII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)1. Don’t eat too much__________ food in the __________ weather. It’s bad for your health. (freeze)2. The shopping centre __________ at 9 a.m. (open)3. I’ll call him as soon as he __________ back next week. (come)4. The __________ bag I bought last Friday is very cheap. (sleeping)5. He __________ the gun at the apple and pressed the button. (aim)6. I’m old enough to have the __________ to do as I like. (free)7. What __________ my sister and I were seeing such a film. (fool)8. The ancient Chinese __________ and calligraphy are priceless. (paint)III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子)1. Many people have invited her to perform since she became famous in the Talent Show.(改为被动语态) She ________ ________ invited to perform since she became famous in the Talent Show.2. It seems that all the members are pleased with the decision. (保持句意基本不变)It seems that all the members are ________ ________ the decision.3. You write the answer on the answer sheet. (改为被动语态)The answer __________ __________ on the answer sheet.4. The farmers still worked in the field when the rain started. (同义句转换)The farmers __________ stop working __________ the rain started.5. me, every year, a, sends, Chris, Christmas card (连词成句)____________________________________________________________.阅读理解A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(2013崇明一模)What was school like in ancient times? In Greece, 2,500 years ago, students used to get up at dawn to go to school. Classes began very early and ended when it was dark. Students didn’t rest on the weekends. They had classes seven days a week, so they didn’t have much time for anything else. In Athens, only the sons of rich people went to school, and they started school around the age of seven. After they learned to read and write, they used to study Greek poems and historical works. Music was very important, and physical training was also important. Teachers used to hit students who didn’t pay attention or were lazy. Girls stayed at home with their mothers and learned how to do housework in the home.In ancient Rome, boys and girls from wealthy families received a bilingual (双语) education. They had to study Greek and Latin. Students usually had classes outside, if the weather was good, or in the teacher’s house. Young students sat on the floor. Older students used to sit on benches, higher up. That’s how “high school” got its name.Education was very important to the ancient Aztecs of Mexico. Boys and girls used to attend school, but they were kept in different classes. They learned Aztec history, myths, and rituals, but they memorized (记住) everything because there weren’t any textbooks. The boys received intensive military training, and the girls learned how to manage the home and the family. There were two kinds of schools: one for children ofrich families and another for children of ordinary families.1. We know from the first paragraph that in ancient Greece.A) classes began very late B) students went to school very lateC) classes ended very early D) students had to study at the weekends2. What was school like in ancient Athens?A) The students didn’t study Greek poems.B) There were no girl students at schools.C) There were no music lessons at schools.D) The students started school at the age of ten.3. The students didn’t learn how to at schools in ancient Athens.A) read B) write C) enjoy music D) do housework4. The second paragraph tells us that .A) older students used to sit on benchesB) only young students had classes outsideC) only boys received a bilingual educationD) girls didn’t have to study Greek and Latin5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the third paragraph?A) Boys and girls were kept in different classes at schools.B) Students learned Aztec history, myths, and rituals at school.C) Boys and girls both received intensive military training.D) Students had to have good memory because they had no textbooks.6. Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?A) Schools in Ancient Times B) Greek Poems and MusicC) Bilingual Education in Rome D) Schools in Ancient Mexico读有所得1. 在古代_____________________2. 在大早上_____________________3. 学会_____________________4.接受双语教育_____________________5.接受密集的军事训练____________________B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(2013奉贤一模)Ever since Jonathan had set up the house in Compton Street, he had looked after it very carefully. Before he left the house in the morning, he carefully closed all the doors downstairs, opened some windows to let the air in and locked the front gate. ___1___ Jonathan did was tidy and orderly.One summer evening Jonathan returned home ___2___ at five minutes to seven exactly. When he opened the front gate, he immediately noticed something strange. There was a heavy footprint in the soil in one of the flower beds. Jonathan was just going to blame(责怪) the milkman or the postman when he noticed that one of the curtains in the front room downstairs was not in its usual place. That was too strange! Jonathan ___3___ left anything out of place.He walked up to the front door and opened it quietly. He listened carefully for a few minutes, but he could hear nothing. The front room door was half open. Jonathan thought about it carefully, ___4___ if he had forgotten to close it that morning. He had never forgotten before. He looked inside the room. The shadow(影子) of a man was clearly reflected on (映在) the far wall in the evening sunlight. He had been standing ___5___ the door since Jonathan’s return. Jonathan shut the door quickly and turned the key. Then he picked up the telephone in the hall and called the police.The thief tried to climb through a window to get out, but Jonathan had expected that. He ___6___ him with his umbrella, holding it as a sword(剑). Three minutes later the police arrived there. Jonathan was a little angry that he had to have dinner later than usual, but on the whole he felt quite pleased with himself.1. A) Nothing B) Something C) Anything D) Everything2. A) as usual B) all the time C) right away D) as soon as3. A) always B) never C) often D) seldom4. A) knowing B) guessing C) wondering D) surprising5. A) at B) in front of C) beside D) behind6. A) caught B) attracted C) attacked D) pulledPost-readingPlease write down at least five good sentences. (请写出至少5个好句)1 ________________________________________________________________________2 ________________________________________________________________________3 ________________________________________________________________________4 ________________________________________________________________________5 ________________________________________________________________________C. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。
1. (或1.6)
3.45 75
1.一根4m长的方木,用去 ,还剩( )(填分数),还剩( )m。
2.最小的质数的倒数是( ),0.45的倒数是( )。
3.甲,乙两数的比是3∶5,它们的平均数是60,甲数是( ),乙数是( )。
4.在一个长15cm,宽10cm的长方形里面剪直径为3cm的圆,最多能剪( )个圆。
37.有甲、乙两个粮仓,甲粮仓存粮的质量是乙粮仓存粮质量的 。若把甲粮仓中的1200千克粮食运进乙粮仓,这时甲、乙两个粮仓存粮的质量比是2∶5。甲、乙两个粮仓原来各有存粮多少千克?
有亲近自然时,目及广mào(袤)的畅快;有凝( ning )神阅读时,心无旁骛的沉醉;有恣睢挫败时,痛入心扉的忧戚();更会有冲动后,追悔莫及的懊恼……这又有什么关系呢?这才是人生真正的味道。
朝气péng bó( )的我们展开了青春亮丽的风采!(1)给加点字注音或根据拼音写汉字。
(4分)广mào( )忧戚.( qī)朝气péng bó( 蓬勃)(2)画波浪线的语句有一处语病,请写出修改意见。
谦辞3.下列词语中加点字注音字形完全正确的一项是( B )(3分)A.羞怯(què)切分歧.(qí)酬.劳(chóu)B.绽.开(zhàn)突兀.(wù)怂恿(yǒng)C.惩.戒(chěng)成着.落(zháo)卓热忱.(chén)沉D.蜷.伏(quán)全头衔.(xián)莅.临(wèi)立4.默写:(6分)1),江春入旧年。
八年级数学期末模拟测试1.下列图形中属于轴对称图形的是( )2.石墨烯是人类已知强度最高的物质之一,据科学家们测算,要施加55牛顿的压力才能使0.000 001米长的石墨烯断裂,其中0.000 001用科学记数法表示为( )A .1×10-7B .10×10-7C .0.1×10-5D .1×10-6 3.使分式x x -1有意义的x 的取值范围是( ) A .x ≠1 B .x ≠0 C .x ≠0且x ≠1 D .x ≠-14.下列属于因式分解的是( )A .(x +2)(x -2)=x 2-4B .x 2-4=(x +2)(x -2)C .x 2-4+3x =(x +2)(x -2)+3xD .x 2+4x -2=x (x +4)-25.下列各组数据中,可以构成等腰三角形的是( )A .1,1,2B .1,1,3C .2,2,1D .2,2,56.如图,已知△ABE ≌△ACD ,下列选项中不能被证明的结论是( )A .AD =AEB .DB =AEC .DF =EFD .DB =EC7.若点A (m ,n )和点B (5,-7)关于x 轴对称,则m +n 的值是( )A .2 B .-2 C .12 D .-128.已知x m =6,x n =3,则x 2m -n 的值为( )A .9 B .39 C .12 D .1089.如图,AB =AC ,AE =AF ,BE 与CF 交于点D .对于下列结论:①△ABE ≌△ACF ;②△BDF ≌△CDE ;③D 在∠BAC 的平分线上.其中正确的是( )A .①B .②C .①②D .①②③(第9题) (第10题) (第14题)10.如图,DE ⊥AB 于点E ,DF ⊥BC 于点F ,且DE =DF ,若∠DBC =50°,则∠ABC =________°.11.已知1a -1b =12,则 ab b -a的值是________. 12.已知一个多边形的每一个外角都相等,一个内角与一个外角的度数之比为9∶2,则这个多边形的边数为________.13.已知a -b =3,则代数式a 2-b 2-6b 的值为________.14.如图,在直角三角形ABC 中,∠C =90°,两锐角的平分线AM ,BN 交于点O ,则∠AOB =________.15.如图,△ABC中,点D在BC边上,BD=AD=AC,E为CD的中点.若∠CAE=16°,则∠B=________°.(第15题)(第16题)16.如图,Rt△ABC中,CD是斜边AB上的高,角平分线AE交CD于点H,EF⊥AB于点F,则下列结论中不正确的是________.(填序号)①∠ACD=∠B;②CH=CE=EF;③AC=AF;④CH=HD.17.计算:(2x+3)(2x-3)-4x(x-1)+(x-2)2.18.先化简,再求值:4x-1·x2-12-3(x-1),其中x=2.19.如图,△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A=30°.(1)用尺规作图作AB边上的垂直平分线DE,交AC于点D,交AB于点E;(2)连接BD,若AD=4,求AC的长度.20.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,△ABC的顶点都在格点上,点A的坐标为(-3,2).(1)画出△ABC关于x轴对称的△A1B1C1,画出△ABC关于y轴对称的△A2B2C2;(2)求△ABC的面积.21.如图,在等边△ABC中,点D,E分别在边BC,AC上,且DE∥AB,过点E作EF⊥DE,交BC的延长线于点F. (1)求∠F的度数;(2)若CD=2,求DF的长.22.如图①,已知等边△ABC,点P,Q分别是AB,BC边上的动点(点A,B除外),点P从点A,点Q从点B同时出发,且它们的运动速度相同,连接AQ,CP交于点M.(1)求证:△ABQ≌△CAP;(2)如图①,当点P,Q分别在AB,BC边上运动时,∠QMC的大小变化吗?若变化,请说明理由;若不变,请求出它的度数;(3)如图②,若点P,Q分别运动到点B和点C后,继续在射线AB,BC上运动,直线AQ,CP交于点M,请直接写出∠QMC的度数.。
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50+60= 270-90= 47+31= 44-26= 78-16=
19+78= 1000-100= 98-63= 80+150= 380-150=
54-17= 360+80= 2300-800= 400+600= 1200-300=
48÷7= 336+4179= 800-625= 278+456=
280+312+158= 726-513+145= 512-212-39= 647-( 428+ 172 )=
1001○998 3005○3050 1时50分○150分 8分米○80厘米
(1)、385 390 395 ()()。
(2)、2070 2080 2090 ()()。
(3)、1010 2020 3030 ()()。
(1)4891 (2)5430 (3)5902
(1)300 (2)400 (3)500
(1)1056 (2)6060 (3)7600
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