Chapter 01 Our Comments (26


中国文化概况Chapter1 ppt

中国文化概况Chapter1 ppt

Tarim Basin, the Junggar Basin (1000m-2000m)
Inner Mongolia Plateau, the Loess Plateau黄土高原
the North China Plain (北部平原) and the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain(长江平原);(500-1000m)
The continental Shelf大陆架
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(高原) (above4000m)
Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and Sichuan Basin (1000m-2000m)
Rivers and Lakes 河流和湖泊

More than 1,500 rivers each drain 1,000 sq km or larger areas Source on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, rich in water –power(水能) resources 24,800 natural lakes

The Ancient Period古代史

Why are we called “the descendants(后裔) of Yan and Huang (炎黄子孙)”? Chinese history began with two legendary figures— Emperor(皇帝) Huang and Emperor Yan, who, together with their tribes(部落), inhabited(居住) the drainage(排水) area along the middle reaches (中游) of the Yellow River. By the time of Xia Dynasty(朝代), after centuries of living side by side, these two tribes had gradually merged into(合 并) one. Consequently, the Chinese people usually call themselves “the descendants of Yan and Huang”.

双语传热学课件Chapter 1

双语传热学课件Chapter 1

1.1 Conduction Heat transfer
Conduction: the transfer of heat through direct contact.
Fቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱurier’s Law
Units t Direction Conductivity. Temperature t difference kA q:w;
Thermal Conductivity of Materials(copied from materials lecture)
Silver Copper Gold
K (W m-1 K-1)
422 391 295
room T metals feel cold great for pulling away heat
Convection heat transfer processes (a) Forced convection, (b) Natural convection, (c) Boiling, (d) Condensation
Heat Transfer
Hong Liu School of Energy and Power Engineering
Concept of Heat transfer
Heat:a type of energy (thermal energy) JOULES (J)
Heat transfer:
The movement of heat from a warmer object to a colder one.
Electromagnetic radiation
as a result of a temperature difference

MongoDB CRUD Operations 与索引说明书

MongoDB CRUD Operations 与索引说明书

CRUD Operations in MongoDBCiprian Octavian Truică, Alexandru Boicea, Ionut TrifanUniversity “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania**********************.ro,***********************.ro,***********************Abstract- In this paper we will examine the key features of the database management system MongoDB. We will focus on the basic operations of CRUD and indexes. For our example we will create two databases one using MySQL and one in MongoDB. We will also compare the way that data will be created, selected, inserted and deleted in both databases. For the index part we will talk about the different types used in MongoDB comparing them with the indexes used in a relational database.Index Terms - MongoDB, NoSQL, BSON, CRUD, index.I. IntroductionMongoDB is a high performance and very scalable document-oriented database developed in C++ that stores data in a BSON format, a dynamic schema document structured like JSON. Mongo hits a sweet spot between the powerful query ability of a relational database and the distributed nature of other databases like Riak or HBase [1]. MongoDB was developed keeping in mind the use of the database in a distributed architecture, more specifically a Shared Nothing Architecture, and that is way it can horizontally scale and it supports Master-Slave replication and Sharding.MongoDB uses BSON to store its documents.BSON keep documents in an ordered list of elements, every elements has three components: a field name, a data type and a value. BSON was designed to be efficient in storage space and scan speed which is done for large elements in a BSON document by a prefixed with a length field. All documents must be serialized to BSON before being sent to MongoDB; they’re later deserialized from BSON by the driver into the lang uage’s native document representation [2].II.CRUD operations In MongoDBIn this chapter we will analyze the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations in MongoDB. For a simple illustration of these operations we will also create a MySQL database and use the equivalent SQL queries.The database will model an article with tags and comments. The article must have author and can have many comments and tags. In other words, the relational design of the database will have the following tables:ers – the table where we will keep information aboutthe article's author.2.Articles- the table where we will store the article data3.Tags – table for tags.ments – table for comments.5.Link_article_tags – an article can have more than onetag.For the MongoDB database, all data will be stored in one collection that will have documents that will look like:{ user_id: "1",first_name: "Ciprian",last_name: "Truica",article:{date_created: "2013-05-01",text: "This is my first article",tags: ["MongoDB", "CRUD"],comments: [{author_name: "Alexandru",date_created: "2013-05-02",text: "good article"},{author_name: "Andrei",date_created: "2013-05-03",text: "interesting article"}]}});We will use the MongoDB nested property for nesting inside a document other documents. In other words document will keep tags in an object array and the comments in a BSON document array.A. Create operationIn MongoDB the create operation is used to create a collection and add new documents to a collection. In SQL the equivalent operations are CREATE and INSERT.A collection is implicitly created at the first insert: db.articles.insert(<document>). To explicitly create a new collection we can use: db.createCollection("articles").So, for creating our collection and inserting our first article we can simple use the command:db.articles.insert ({user_id: "1",first_name: "Ciprian",last_name: "Truica",article :{date_created: "2013-05-01",title: "Overview of MongoDB",text: "This is my first article",tags: ["MongoDB", "CRUD"],comments: [{author_name: "Alexandru",date_created: "2013-05-02",text: "good article"},{author_name: "Andrei",date_created: "2013-05-03",text: "interesting article"}]}});To do the same thing using a relational database we first need to create a schema, then to create the tables and lastly to do the insert operations for each table. We will only create the schema and the users table and then insert some date in this table.International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Electronics Information (ICACSEI 2013)CREATE SCHEMA `BlogDB`;CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `BlogDB`.`users`( `id` INT NOT NULL,`first_name` VARCHAR(64) NULL ,`last_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,PRIMARY KEY (`id`) );INSERT INTO `BlogDB`.`users`(id, first_name, last_name) VALUES(1, "Ciprian" , "Truica" );For insertion of a new document we can write a simple JavaScript function. If we use PL/SQL or Transact-SQL this is a very difficult thing to do because we do not have a way to send arrays as input to a stored procedure or a function. A simple insertion function in MongoDB can be insertArticle, where articleText parameter is an object array and articleComments is a BSON document array:Function insertArticle (userId, firstName, lastName,articleCreateionDate, articleText, articleTags,articleComments){db.articles.insert ({ user_id: userId,first_name: firstName, last_name: lastName,article:{date_created: ISODate(articleCreateionDate),text: articleText,tags: tags,comments: articleComments}})};We can create a collection using the explicit method db.createCollection(<collection name>);. So if we want to explicitly create the collection articles we will use the next command in the mongo shell prompt:> db.createCollection ("articles");This command is equivalent to the CREATE command in SQL.B. Read OperationsRead operations are used to retrieve data from the database. They can use aggregation functions like count, distinct or aggregate.MongoDB offers two functions for this find() and findOne(). Their syntax is similar:>db.collection.find( <query>, <projection>)>db.collection.findOne(<query>, <projection>)The db.collection specifies the collection, for our example we can use db.articles. To see all the collections contain by a database we can use the show collections command in the shell prompt. The <query> argument describes the returned set and the <projection> argument describes the returned field we want. For example if we want only the comments for all the articles for user with user_id=1 we can use the next query: db.articles.find( {user_id:"1"}, { "ments" : 1});To do the same query on a relational database we need two JOIN operations:SELECT c.author_name, mentFROM `BlogDB`.`articles` AS aINNER JOIN `BlogDB`.`users` AS uON = a.id_userINNER JOIN `BlogDB`.`comments` AS cON c.id_article = a.idWHERE = 1;As already mentioned before, JOIN operations are very costly. In MongoDB we stored comments in an array of BSON documents, and keeping in mind that the relation between articles and comments is one to many, we actually do one projection operation using the query:>db.articles.find( {user_id:"1"}, { "ments" : 1});If we wanted only one record for the user we could have used the findOne() function.C. Update operationIn MongoDB we can use the update function for modifying a record. This function modifies a document if the record exists; otherwise an insert operation is done. For example we will change the title of the article:>db.articles.update ({_id: "1"},{$set: { "article.title": "MongoDB" }},{upsert: true});To do this simple query in SQL we will use the next statement:UPDATE `BlogDB`.`articles` SET title="MongoDB" WHERE id = 1;Let's do another example, this time we will add a new comment to the existing article:>db.articles.update ({_id: "1"},{ $addToSet:{"ments":{author_name: "Aurel", date_created: "2013-02-02",text: "MongoDB is so simple"}}},{upsert: true});MongoDB supports update operation on nested documents using $addToSet operator. The upset parameter is a Boolean. When true the update() operation will update an existing document that matches the query selection criteria or if no document matches the criteria a new document will be inserted. Another parameter that can be used with the update statement is the Boolean multi that, if the query criteria matches multiple documents and its value is set to true, then all the documents will be updated. If it value is set to false it will update only one document.An update can be done by using the save() method which is analog with an update that has upsert: true.D. Remove operationTo delete a document from a collection, in MongoDB we will use the remove() function that is analog with the DELETE operation in SQL:>db.collection.remove(<query>, <limit>);The arguments are:1. <query> is the corresponding WHERE statement in SQL2. <limit> is an Boolean argument that has the same effect asLIMIT 1 in SQLLet do a delete on our database where the record's_id is 1. The statement looks like this:>db.articles.remove ({_id: "1"});By using this statement we will not only delete the article, but also the comment and the tags for the article.In SQL this statement is a composed statement. First we will need to delete the information stored in the link_article_tags:DELETE `BlogDB`.`link_article_tags` WHERE id_article=1;Then we need to delete the comments:DELETE `BlogDB`.`comments`WHERE id_article=1;Only after these operations we can delete the article, because all the constraints have been deleted.DELETE `BlogDB`.`article`WHERE id = 1;To delete all the data from o collection we use remove() function without any where clause as is done in SQL.If we want to delete a collection from the database we will use the mongo shell prompt command db.collection.drop(). For example if we want to drop the articles collections we will use the fallowing command:>db.articles.drop();This command is equivalent to the SQL DROP command. So the corresponding query for db.articles.drop(); that will delete the articles table in SQL is:DROP TABLE `BlogDB`.`articles`;III. Indexes in MongoDBIndexes offer enhanced performance for read operations. These are useful when documents are larger than the amount of RAM available.MongoDB indexes are explicitly defined using an ensureIndex call, and any existing indices are automatically used for query processing [2].The most important index is _id, if it's not introduces at the creation of a document it is automatically created. This unique index main purpose is to be the primary key.The remaining indexes in MongoDB are known as secondary indexes. Secondary indexes can be created using ensureIndex (). If a field is a vector we can create separate indexes for each value in the array, the index is known as the multi-key index.Let's add an index to the title field for our articles:>db.articles.ensureIndex ({"article.title" : 1}, {unique : true});In SQL we would write:CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON `BlogDB`.`articles` (title);Let's create a compound index for first_name and last_name for ensuring that the select operations are done faster:>db.articles.ensureIndex ({first_name : 1, last_name:1}, {unique: true});CREATE UNIQUE INDEX compound_index ON `BlogDB`.`users` (first_name, last_name);And a last example is for a multi-key index, we will add an unique index for each separate tag:>db.articles.ensureIndex({"article.tags" : 1},{unique : true});Another type of index is the sparse index. This type of index is useful for documents that have a particular field, but that field is not in all documents in the collection, hence name. An example could be the comments field, we are not sure that all of our articles have comments but we want to add an index to this particular field. To do this we will use a sparse index: >db.articles.ensureIndex({"ments" : 1},{sparse : true});MongoDB provides geospatial indexes that are constrained by the location in a two-dimensional system and are useful for search documents that are similar to a given pair of coordinates. To declare a geospatial index a document must have stored inside a field with a two dimensional array or an embedded document, for example: loc: [x, y] or loc: {x: 1, y: 2}. To add a geospatial index one can use the fallowing command: db.collection.ensureIndex({ loc : "2d" }).Let’s add a geospatial index to our ar ticle. First we add the new information to the document and then we add the index on the new field location:>db.articles.update ({_id: "1"},{ $addToSet: {location: {x: 1, y:2}}},{upsert: true});>db.ensureIndex ({location: "2d"});To find a document based on a distance to a give point we can use a proximity query. For example, to find all the indexes near location x: 0, y: 0, one can use the fallowing query:>db.articles.find({location: {$near: [0, 0]}});To select documents that have coordinates that are in a specific geometric area one can use a bounded query. MongoDB supports the fallowing shapes: circles, rectangles and polygons. These queries perform faster than proximity queries.For each shape, we present the next examples:1. Circle with the center in (0,0) and radius=1: >db.articles.find ({ "location": { "$within": { "$center": [ [0, 0],2 ]}}})2. Rectangle bound by the point (0,0) and (2,2)> >db.articles.find ({ "location": { "$within": { "$box": [ [0, 0] , [2,2] ]}}})3. Polygon defined by three points (0,0), (22), (2,0):>db.articles.find({"location": {"$within": {"$polygon": [ [ 0,0], [2,2], [2,0] ]}}})IV.MySQL vs. MongoDB methodsTo present the MongoDB methods we have installed and configured the latest database from the developers’site. The installation and configuration was done with easily in UbuntuX6412.4LST, the operation system we have chosen to use for both databases.All SQL queries were done on the relational database management system MySQL 5.5. For a comprehensive overview we present the CRUD operations and the indexes' creation summarized in table 1.TABLE 1 CRUD OperationsV.ConclusionsMongoDB is a very flexible, schema-less database that that can be implemented in a distributed architecture. “MongoDB was build for the cloud” dev elopers boast. MongoDB can scale horizontally using Sharding. Data in a collection can split across multiple shards. Also MongoDB provides build in load balancing; data is duplicated to keep the system up and running in case of a failure. From the point of CRUD operations this fact is not seen, data will be manipulated the same and to interrogate a distributed MongoDB system will not need any other query methods. Indexes full potential is seen in a distributed system.Their main role is to help read queries perform fast. Although adding secondary indexes build more overhead in storing documents their B-tree structure is very helpful of keeping track of data that is split and stored on different servers.MongoDB supports master-slave replication. From the point of view of the CRUD operations they are not influenced in any way by the number of slaves servers a master server has. In MongoDB there is no use of a JOIN operation. Documents can be nested inside other documents. Using the no normalization encourages data redundancy, an idea not shared by most developers due to the fact that this can create confusion in a database regarding the way records are store. But using a schema-less design comes in handy when using CRUD operations; they are more natural to write and they are easier to understand at a first glance.MongoDB is a more rapid database management system. If you want a simple database that will respond very fast, this is the choice you should make[3]. To achieve scalability and mush higher performance, MongoDB gave up ACID(Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transaction, having a weaker concurrency model implemented known as BASE (Basically Available, Soft state, Eventual consistency). This means that updates are eventually propagated to all nodes in due time.In conclusion, if a developer wants to build a web application that is fast and flexible, than MongoDB is the right choice. If the application designer’s main concern is the relation between data and to have a normalized database that uses ACID transactions, then the right choice is a classic relational database.VI . Acknowledgments.The research presented in this paper was partially performed under the European FP7 project ERRIC ([1] E. Redmond and J. R. Wilson, “Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: AGuide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement”, 2012[2] K. Banker, “MongoDB in action”, 2011[3] A.Boicea, F. Rădulescu, and L.I. Agapin, “MongoDB vs. Oracle -database comparison”, The 3-rd Conference EIDWT, Bucharest, 2012 [4] /。



安徽省合肥一六八中学2024-2025学年高三上学期10月段考英语试卷一、阅读理解Pottery (陶艺) ClassesWheel Throwing Taster$89.00Get down and dirty with us. This is the class everyone thinks about when they hear pottery class,but we promise there won’t be an awkward moment in sight. This class is ideal for folks with zero experience who want to try the wheel to see if they like it before taking on a four-week class to learn the tricks.Nerikomi$130.00So you’ve worked with clay, but you’re looking to learn more techniques and you are curious about decoration and patterns in clay. Then this class is for you! This 2.5-hour class will guide you through the process of Nerikomi: a decorative technique established in Japan that involves stacking (堆叠) coloured clay and slicing through the cross section to reveal a pattern.Sculpt Your Own Pet$130.00Develop your pottery skills with resident artist Ginny Lagos in this two-and-a-half-hour session! You’ll be guided to sculpt your very own clay creature creation, to look just like your favourite animal. Just bring along some pictures of your pet. The more, the better and we’ll show you how to turn a blob of (一团) clay into your best animal friend.Kirinuki$130.00If you’ve dabbled (涉足) in clay, but you’d like to learn something unique, join us! Unlike most other techniques in clay, Kirinuki starts with a solid block of clay, which is then hollowed out (挖空), and carved. You’re left with containers that have a very strong connection to the earth that they originate from.1.Which class targets pottery beginners?A.Nerikomi.B.Kirinuki.C.Wheel Throwing Taster.D.Sculpt Your Own Pet.2.What will students learn in the Nerikomi class?A.A pottery decorating technique.B.A wheel throwing method.C.A pottery colouring way.D.A clay carving skill.3.Which activity will the Kirinuki class offer?A.Stacking coloured clay.B.Making a clay earth model.C.Creating animal clay figures.D.Sculpting containers from clay blocks.It is a story which began in 2009 in the remote valleys of Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Huon Peninsula and is being heard around Caffe Vita’s stores in Seattle, Los Angeles and New York City, USA.Here,500g bags of this high-quality coffee are available for purchase, alongside freshly made cups for in-store enjoyment.The limited harvest is grown under native shade at elevations (海拔) ranging from 1200 to 1500 metres by farmers who have committed to conserving 180,000 acres (英亩) of land for the preservation of Matschie’s tree kangaroos. And according to Caffe Vita, it is the story behind the coffee as much as the quality of the product that attracts customers.Deforestation to make way for rice farming,combined with over-hunting, was threatening the only tree-living kangaroo. Thus in consultation with communities of Yopno, Uruwa, and Som (YUS), Woodland Park Zoo helped create PNG’s first conservation area.This was a significant achievement given that 95%of PNG land is owned by local people and the 15,000-strong population of the YUS region was geographically separated. Out of these strictures arose the opportunity to make use of existing skill sets in agriculture for communities to develop in harmony with national policy.Setting aside land to grow high value coffee was so appealing that some people walked for two days to participate in the consultation meetings.Karau Kuna from the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program (TKCP) explained“in reality, all the planning was done by the people; we the facilitators just introduced the concept and provided the technical support” .But going beyond coffee growing was key to the project’s longevity. Community members also learned about processing and will eventually take on marketing the product to new and existing buyers. As with any new project there are challenges, but Lisa Dabek, Director of the TKCP, is confident. She explains“the coffee project continues to grow and strengthen despite the challenge of transport in this remote region.SOS (Save Our Species) funding has allowed us to provide further technical assistance for the coffee project while it is still at a critical stage” . 4.For what reason do the buyers purchase the PNG coffee?A.Its rarity.B.Its cheap price.C.Its convenience.D.Its ecological background.5.What does the underlined word“strictures”in Paragraph 4 mean?A.Advantages.B.Restrictions.C.Disagreements.D.Flexibilities. 6.What is local people’s attitude toward the coffee project?A.Unclear.B.Dismissive.C.Approving.D.Doubtful. 7.What can we infer about the coffee project from the last paragraph?A.It is in urgent need of funding.B.It is progressing despite difficulties.C.It has achieved the expected victory.D.It has improved local transportation.Picture this: you are running late to drop your kids off at school in the morning. On top of this, it is pouring rain outside. While you are driving down the highway, another car cuts you off. You begin to think they must be a rude person who is also a terrible driver. A couple of minutes later, you, yourself accidentally cut off someone. You inform yourself your action is a result of the fact that you are late for your child’s drop-off and you cannot see well because of the rain. Why is it that we automatically assume others’ negative actions are a result of who they are as a person while giving ourselves excuses? The actor-observer bias (偏差) is an explanation for this confusing phenomenon.When you explain someone’s behavior based on internal factors, like assuming the person who cuts you off is a rude person, but attributing (把……归因于) your own behavior to external situational factors, you are engaging in the actor-observer bias.So why does the actor-observer effect occur? The general explanation is that it occurs as a defense mechanism for maintaining high personal dignity. We would rather believe that our faults come from factors we cannot control because then we cannot change them and it is easier for us to accept the outcome.The actor-observer bias is the cause of many arguments between the actor and the observer as a result of a misunderstanding of the effect of external and internal factors. How can we stop thinking this way and become more sympathetic to the people around us? This is where it gets tricky because the observer’s internal attributions are an automatic process which means they occur almost immediately and unconsciously (无意识地).In order to become more sympathetic towards surrounding people in situations, we must make the attributions a controlled process. A controlled process is when the observer purposely focuses attention on something and is consciously aware of the process,unlike an automatic process. Knowing what the actor-observer effect is and how it can influence your own attributions is a good step toward becoming more sympathetic and kinder to people you interact with. 8.How would we define the other driver’s behavior in Paragraph 1?A.An emotional outburst.B.A display of bad manners.C.A moment of carelessness.D.An unavoidable circumstance.9.Why do we fall for the actor-observer bias?A.To safeguard our self-image.B.To avoid arguments with others.C.To promote sympathy towards others.D.To ensure fairness in interpersonal interactions.10.How might an observer be more considerate to an actor’s actions?A.By focusing on the situational factors.B.By making the attribution process automatic.C.By attributing these actions to internal factors.D.By imagining themselves in the same situations.11.What is the best title for the text?A.Why we repeat our mistakesB.How we can stop blaming othersC.What is the science of social justiceD.Why we always ignore our own faultsSolar power is helping bring about a future of cleaner energy, but there are limits to where rigid solar panels (刚性太阳能电池板)can go. A new kind of solar cell made with a mineral called perovskite (钙钛矿)can go almost anywhere, says physicist Olga Malinkiewicz. We can use perovskite cells on the surfaces of the building, on the roofs of the buildings, on the roofs of the cars and on the electronic devices. We can use it on the sails. We can use it in the balls, tents and unlimited applications. Malinkiewicz says perovskite has become a favorite among solar panel researchers. Because it can be printed, everyone can use it on every surface.Malinkiewicz developed a way to print perovskite panels like an inkjet printer. She co-founded a company to produce them, called Soleil Technologies, after the Baltic sun goddess. Construction company Skanska is testing the panels at their Warsaw headquarters. Adam Targowski is sustainable (可持续的)development manager for Skanska. They work perfectly, even when they are not well exposed to sunlight. So we can use them in all surfaces of the building. Soleil calculates that about one square meter of panel can supply a day’s worth of power for one worker’s computer and lights. And they keep getting better as research continues, says the company’s scientific director Konrad Wojciechowski.For other technologies, it took decades to really enter markets. Perovskite has been around only for few years in scientific research, so there is still a lot to be done, but potential is basically pretty much unlimited, I think. There are still durability and other problems to work out, but several companies expect to have perovskite panels on the market this year.12.What do we know about perovskite solar cell from the first paragraph?A.It’s delicate.B.It’s complex.C.It’s flexible.D.It’s expensive. 13.What does the underlined word “they” in the second paragraph refer to?A.Skanska and Adam Targowski.B.Malinkiewicz and Skanska.C.Soleil Technologies.D.Perovskite panels.14.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.It needs years to put perovskite panels into markets.B.Scientists think perovskite panels are ready for markets.C.Perovskite has been studied for decades.D.Perovskite panels will soon be seen in the market.15.What is the main purpose of the passage?A.To explain how to use perovskite panels.B.To introduce perovskite panels.C.To advertise a new solar power cell.D.To propose scientists to further study perovskiet cells.Attitudes toward small talk can vary, but there are a few reasons why some people may dislike small talk.16 People who value deep connections may find small talk insufficient for building meaningful relationships. But it needn’t be. If the goal is to use small talk to deepen connections with others, consider the kind of information you are sharing. Communication research differentiates three levels of conversation: factual, personal, and relational.At the most superficial level of conversation, we share facts. We talk about things and their place in time and space, exchange news and facts, and report on our experiences factually and objectively (e.g., “It was warm outside today.” “I work as a computer analyst.”). Almost all these are factual information. 17The next is the personal level, where we talk about how we feel about the content at the informational level. (e.g., “I loved the warm weather today.” “ 18 ”). The personal level is defined by sharing emotions about something or someone beyond the current time and space. Sharing from the personal level invites the other person to connect with you at this deeper level.19 Think: What’s happening now? How am I feeling at this moment? How do you feel being here with me? When we bring our attention to the present moment, we often experience greater engagement and connection with others. 20 This brings our attention to the many aspects of our present-moment experience and lets another person into our inner world.You can get a sense of how the experience of intimate (亲密的) connection with another deepens as we move through the levels.A.I just came from London.B.I find my work rewarding.C.It has nothing to do with oversharing.D.It can be quite useful, but it lacks emotional content.E.Small talk is often seen as shallow and lacking depth.F.One way we can do this is to start sentences with “I notice...”.G.The relational level involves sharing in the present moment and space.二、完形填空When I was young, my family had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood. I used to listen with 21 when my mother talked to the old case 22 to the wall.Then I discovered that inside the wonderful 23 lived an amazing person — Information Please, who could 24 anybody’s number.My first personal 25 with this genie (精灵) -in-the-bottle came one day. Amusing myself at the tool bench, I hit my finger with a hammer. The pain was terrible, but there was no one home to give 26 . Suddenly I spotted the telephone. Quickly I ran for it and 27 the receiver. “Information Please!” I 28 . A voice spoke into my ear. “Information.” “I hurt my finger...” The tears came readily enough now that I had a(n) 29 .“Isn’t your mother home?” came the question. “Nobody’s home but me.”“Are you bleeding?” “No.” I replied.“Can you open your icebox?” she asked. I said I could. “Then 30 a little piece of ice and hold it to your finger.”After that I called her for everything. I asked her for help with my geography and math. She even 31 me that my pet chipmunk I had caught in the park liked eating fruits and nuts.As I grew into my teens, the memories of those childhood 32 never really left me; often in moments of 33 I would recall the sense of security I had then. I 34 how patient and 35 a stranger was to have spent her time on a little boy.21.A.respect B.sincerity C.fascination D.caution 22.A.driven B.pushed C.opened D.fixed 23.A.hole B.device C.home 24.A.provide B.change C.delete D.guess 25.A.meeting B.experience C.interview D.cooperation 26.A.approval B.confidence C.comfort D.comment 27.A.pressed B.dialled C.replaced D.lifted 28.A.ordered B.cheered C.yelled D.declared 29.A.teacher B.audience C.partner D.assistant 30.A.heat up B.slip on C.put away D.chip off 31.A.informed B.showed C.warned D.inspired 32.A.conversations B.injuries C.pains D.dreams 33.A.glory B.kindness C.confusion D.anger 34.A.admitted B.appreciated C.wondered D.estimated 35.A.optimistic B.ambitious C.disciplined D.understanding三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

管理会计加里森第14版课后答案Chapter 01

管理会计加里森第14版课后答案Chapter 01

True/False Questions1. Managerial accounting places less emphasis on precision and more emphasis onflexibility and relevance than financial accounting.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Measurement LO: 1 Level: Medium2. Managerial accounting is not governed by generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP).Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making, Measurement LO: 1 Level: Easy3. Financial accounting and managerial accounting reports must be prepared inaccordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Measurement LO: 1 Level: Easy4. When carrying out their directing and motivating activities, managers mobilize theorganization's human and other resources so that the organization's plans are carried out.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management,Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy5. When carrying out planning activities, managers rely on feedback to ensure that the planis actually carried out and is appropriately modified as circumstances change.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium6. When carrying out their directing and motivating activities, managers select a course ofaction and specify how the action will be implemented.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium7. Persons occupying staff positions provide support and assistance to other parts of theorganization.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy8. Staff departments generally have direct authority over line departments in anorganization.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium9. Informal relationships and channels of communication often develop that do not appearon the organization chart.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management, Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy10. The controller's position in a retail company is considered a line position rather than astaff position.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium11. The Chief Financial Officer of an organization should present facts and refrain fromoffering advice and personal opinion.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium12. A strategy is a game plan that enables a company to attract customers by distinguishingitself from competitors.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy13. A strategy requires effective use of Six Sigma improvement techniques.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium14. A customer value proposition is essentially a reason for customers to choose acompany's products over its competitors' products.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Marketing AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy15. Customer value propositions tend to fall into three broad categories--customer intimacy,operational excellence, and product leadership.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Marketing AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy16. Companies that adopt a customer intimacy strategy are in essence saying to their targetcustomers, “The reason you should choose us is because we understand and respond to your individ ual needs better than our competitors.”Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Marketing AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy17. Companies that choose an operational excellence strategy are in essence saying to theircus tomers, “Choose us rather than our competitors because we strive for zero defects.”Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Marketing AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium18. A value chain consists of the major business functions that add value to the company'sproducts and services.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy19. Efforts designed to increase the rate of output should generally be applied to theworkstation that is the constraint.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Easy20. The lean thinking model is a five step management approach that organizes resourcessuch as people and machines around the flow of business processes and that pulls units through theses processes in response to customer orders.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Easy21. Supply chain management involves acquiring and bringing inside the company all ofthe processes that bring value to customers.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Medium22. An enterprise system integrates data across an organization into a single softwaresystem that enables all employees to have simultaneous access to a common set of data.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Leveraging Technology AICPA FN: Leveraging Technology LO: 3 Level: Easy23. Corporate governance is the legal framework that allows managers to control and directlower-level workers on the job.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Medium24. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was intended to protect the interests of those whoinvest in publicly traded companies by improving the reliability and accuracy ofcorporate financial reports and disclosures.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Legal AICPA FN:Measurement LO: 3 Level: Easy25. The Standards of Ethical Conduct promulgated by the Institute of ManagementAccountants specifically states, among other things, that management accountants havea responsibility to disclose fully all relevant information that could be reasonably beexpected to influence an intended user's understanding of the reports, comments and recommendations presented.Answer: True AACSB: Ethics AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 4 Level: EasyMultiple Choice Questions26. Managerial accounting places considerable weight on:A) generally accepted accounting principles.B) the financial history of the entity.C) ensuring that all transactions are properly recorded.D) detailed segment reports about departments, products, and customers.Answer: D AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Measurement LO: 1 Level: Easy27. The plans of management are often expressed formally in:A) financial statements.B) performance reports.C) budgets.D) ledgers.Answer: C AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Measurement LO: 1 Level: Easy28. The phase of accounting concerned with providing information to managers for use inplanning and controlling operations and in decision making is called:A) throughput time.B) managerial accounting.C) financial accounting.D) controlling.Answer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Measurement LO: 1 Level: Easy29. A staff position:A) relates directly to the carrying out of the basic objectives of the organization.B) is supportive in nature, providing service and assistance to other parts of theorganization.C) is superior in authority to a line position.D) none of these.Answer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy30. For a manufacturing company, what type of position (line or staff) is each of thefollowing?Manager of a Data Processing Department Manager of a ProductionDepartmentA) Staff StaffB) Staff LineC) Line StaffD) Line LineAnswer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy31. A _______________ position in an organization is directly related to the achievementof the organization's basic objectives.A) lineB) managementC) staffD) None of the above.Answer: A AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy32. ______________ is an example of a line position.A) Controller for a merchandising companyB) Chief financial officer of a merchandising companyC) Store manager for Best BuyD) Human resources manager for a community collegeAnswer: C AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy33. Which of the following is NOT one of the three major customer value propositionsdiscussed in the text?A) customer intimacyB) discount pricingC) operational excellenceD) product leadershipAnswer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy34. Which of the following is NOT one of the five steps in the lean thinking modeldiscussed in the text?A) Continuously pursue perfection in the business process.B) Identify value in specific products/services.C) Implement an enterprise system.D) Create a pull system that responds to customer orders.Answer: C AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy35. One consequence of a change from a push to a properly implemented pull productionsystem can be:A) an increase in work in process inventories.B) an extremely difficult cultural change due to enforced idleness when demand fallsbelow production capacity.C) an increased mismatch between what is produced and what is demanded bycustomers.D) an increase in raw materials inventories.Answer: B AACSB: Analytic AICPA BB: Industry, Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Hard36. All of the following are characteristics of a pull production system EXCEPT:A) Inventories are reduced to a minimum by purchasing raw materials and producingunits only as needed to meet consumer demand.B) Raw materials are released to production far in advance of being needed to ensureno interruptions in work flows due to shortages of raw materials.C) Products are completed just in time to be shipped to customers.D) Manufactured parts are completed just in time to be assembled into products.Answer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Medium37. The five step framework used to guide Six Sigma improvement efforts includes all ofthe following EXCEPT:A) Analyze.B) Control.C) Digitize.D) Measure.Answer: C AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Medium38. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 contains all of the following provisions EXCEPT:A) The audit committee of the board of directors of a company must hire, compensate,and terminate the public accounting firm that audits the company's financial reports.B) Financial statements must be audited once every three years by the GovernmentAccounting Office.C) Both the CEO and CFO must certify in writing that their company's financialstatements and accompanying disclosures fairly represent the results of operations.D) A company's annual report must contain an internal control report.Answer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Legal AICPA FN:Measurement LO: 3 Level: Medium39. The Institute of Management Accountants' Standards of Ethical Conduct contains apolicy regarding confidentiality that requires that management accountants:A) refrain from disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of their workexcept when authorized by management.B) refrain from disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of their workin all situations.C) refrain from disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of their workexcept when authorized by management, unless legally obligated to do so.D) refrain from disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of their workin all cases since the law requires them to do so.Answer: C AACSB: Ethics AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 4 Level: Hard40. Which of the following is NOT one of the Institute of Management Accountants' fiveStandards of Ethical Conduct?A) CompetenceB) ConfidentialityC) IndependenceD) IntegrityAnswer: C AACSB: Ethics AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 4 Level: Medium。

Chapter_1. Communication_An Intercultural Perspective

Chapter_1. Communication_An Intercultural Perspective

We communicate to give and receive information
We communicate to make sense of the world and our experience of it
We communicate to express our imagination and ourselves to others
Cultural Social
Encode-Channel-Decode Sender/receiver Sender/receiver Decode-Channel-Encode Feedback
Physical Context
conference room or living room the seating arrangements lighting the time of day the distance between speakers …

3. You said to yourself, “Yes, I must get it done.” 4. On a construction site, some workers are working with a driller and that causes a great noise. 5. In a commercial, a housewife is using a detergent in the kitchen.
History of Human Communication

Human communication is as old as mankind.





1. A. At 4:00 pm. B. At 7:00 pm. C. At 8:00 pm.2. A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By subway.3. A. An hour and a half. B. Two hours.C. Two and a half hours.听第二段材料,回答第4-6题。

4. A Singing songs. B. Give an interview. C. Taking a hot-air balloon ride.5. A. Playing a game. B. Going on a hike. C. Resting near a river.6. A. He’s brave. B. He’s clever. C. He’s friendly.第二节回答问题(共4小题每小题2分,满分8分)听第三段材料,然后回答问题。


7. ____________ 8. ____________9. ____________ 10. ____________第二部分阅读(共三节,满分40分)第一节阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AFriends are very important to us. Sometimes we just want to develop some new friendships. Here are some of the best apps for you to make new friends.AtletoResearch shows that exercising with a friend promotes more motivation and healthier lifestyle habits. Atleto is an app that builds on this “exercise contagion (传染) phenomenon by bringing together athletic people to take exercise and organize group activities. You can choose from over 40 sports and find your community of people who like to be in a sweat.FrienderStudies show that we’re eager to find people similar to us. Suppose you’re sick of boring surface-level (表面的) conversations. Then, Friender solves that problem quickly with an algorithm (算法) that only matches you based on your favourite activities and interests. This friend-finding app makes it easy to get into conversations thatyou care about. If you don’t have many hobbies to type into an app, one of the easiest ways to start is to try out new hobbies.PawDateDogs are great companions, but sometimes it’s nice to talk to humans, too. This app connects pet owners to meet up at dog parks or walk with their pups. You get to set up doggie play dates and find new friends at the same time.SkoutSkout started back in 2007 to help people make new friends. The matches are based on geographical distances and preferences. It’s perfect for meeting new friends while people are travelling, moving and entering a new chapter of life. Skout is able to discover people directly by checking into a location and seeing who else on the app is there.11. Who is Atleto intended for?A. Those who like to walk their dogs.B. Those who want to play sports together.C. Those who want to develop new hobbies.D. Those who like to do community service.12. What can people do by using Friender?A. Solve conversation problems.B. Share their favourite activities.C. Make new friends while travelling.D. Have conversations with like-minded people.13. Which app can help the user find new friends quickly at a new place?A. Atleto.B. Friender.C. PawDate.D. SkoutBTo develop one’s taste in English, the most effective way is to read English books widely. Yet one may be at a loss to choose the proper books, especially as a beginner. As a native Spanish, I would like to share some of my reading experience.My first English novel was Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, recommended by many English teachers and professors as an ideal book for English learners. But my experience was somewhat horrible. I had great difficulty in understanding the novel, let alone enjoying it. It’s not the vocabulary that troubled me, but rather the way Austen constructs sentences, and her way of thinking, which seemed rather unfamiliar to me at that time. My fading enthusiasm was much recovered after reading Hemingway’s novel-A Farewell to Arms. No long and puzzling sentences. And I particularly liked his brief style. So my first suggestion is, as a beginner, you’d better choose modern novels instead of classical ones.However, if you limit yourself to novels, you will miss a lot of treasures. Besides, English essays also play a key role. They can at once inform you, entertain you, and improve your, taste in English. The best example is Bertrand Russell’s work. Its language is plain, yet you cannot help feeling the elegance (优雅) and the special sense of humor. His simple language enables his philosophy within the reach of ordinary people. Therefore, here comes my second suggestion-essays are also vital.Never follow others’ recommendations and opinions blindly, however famous or influential the person mightbe. We should be open to various ideas, but always think independently and determine for ourselves. As a saying goes, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. With that in mind, we are bound to find out our favorite writers through reading and develop our fine taste in English.14. What made the first English novel that the author read hard to understand?A. Difficult conversations.B. The old-fashioned vocabulary.C. Not knowing the social background.D. Sentences and Austen’s way of thinking.15. What advice does the author give in the last paragraph?A. Compare books before buying.B. Read books that are influential.C. Don`t blindly follow others’ choices.D. Choose books that challenge us most.16. What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?A. Give comments on literature works.B. Tell beginners how to choose English books.C. Encourage people to read more English books.D. Recommend first class books to English learners.COnce upon a time, researchers dreamed of building a robot storyteller. It would not only entertain (娱乐) young children, but also help them learn well. This dream has come true. The robot is called Tega . It is cute and appears to be useful in increasing young children’s language skills. Developed by a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Tega sounds like a child, makes its body and face full of life while storytelling and explains the tales on a screen with pictures.In an eight-week experiment, Tega read picture books to 67 children aged from 4 to 6 in weekly meetings lasting an hour. During the meetings, Tega asked questions to have knowledge of the listeners’ language skills, tested them on a word’s meaning or asked them to describe a character. For example, Tega asked, “What do you think will happen to the boy?” Tega also recorded the facial expressions and body positions of the children to see how interested they were. For example, keeping the body forward was considered a good sign. After the book was finished, the children retold the story to Tega in their own words.One group of kids played with a personalized version (版本) of the robot, which improved each time it interacted (互动) with the kids, learning about their language skills from the conversations they had: For this group, Tega chose which book to read based on what it thought would be most suitable for the children’s language level. Every second time. Tega would replace (替换) several words in the story for these children with more difficult words with similar meanings. such as “clamour” in place of “noise”.A second group interacted with a non-personalized Tega that remembered the children each week, but chose stories to read at random (随机的) from its library of 81 picture books. For this group, the story difficulty increased every two weeks. A third group of kids didn’t interact with Tega at all. .Several weeks after the last meeting, the team found that all the children who played with Tega had increased their vocabularies (词汇), but the personalized group learned the most words. Their error (错误) rate on a vocabulary test dropped by 23 percent, almost double that of the non-personalized group. The stories that the children told back to the personalized robot were also longer and more wonderful, says team member Hae Won Park.17. What do we know about Tega?A. It has a voice of an adult.B. It is connected to the Internet.C. It can tell stories in a lively way.D. It is mainly designed to entertain kids.18. Why did Tega ask questions during the meetings?A. To keep the kids interested.B. To help kids better understand a story.C. To know about the kids’ language skills.D To encourage the kids to think independently.19. What do the results of the experiment show?A. Children enjoy telling back stories to Tega.B. Young kids really love interacting with others.C. The robot needs to be improved to work better.D. The personalized version of the robot helps kids most.20. What is the text mainly about?A. A new invention for kids.B. A personalized teaching method.C. A new way to increase kids’ vocabularies.D. A study carried out by researchers recently.第二节语句排序(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)将下列几个部分(A、B、C、D和E)按题号排序,构成一个符合逻辑的完整语篇。

Chapter 1-1

Chapter 1-1

Language is ……
What is language?
Comments on the following ideas
1. Language is a means of communication. 2. Language has a form-meaning correspondence. 3. The function of language is to exchange information.
The subject matter of linguistics
• The subject matter of linguistics is all natural languages, living or dead. • It studies the origin, growth, organization, nature and development of languages. • It discovers the general rules and principles governing languages.
Phonetics (语音学)
• It is the scientific study of speech sounds, including the articulation, transmission and reception of speech sounds, the description and classification of speech sounds. • [b] 双唇爆破辅音
• Linguistics differs from traditional grammar at least in three basic ways:



一、根据首字母填写单词(单词拼写)1. The a of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.2. Because I s________ breakfast all the time, I used to have stomach problems. (根据首字母单词拼写)3. The area can be easily worked out if you know the l________ and the width.(根据首字母单词拼写)二、根据汉语意思填写单词(单词拼写)4. Unluckily, the house we talked about is in ________ (废墟). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)5. Dr. Zhong Nanshan is one of the most ________(杰出的) scientists in the world. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)6. He studies hard, so his ________ (学术的) performance is excellent. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)三、根据中英文提示填写单词(单词拼写)7. Jane was h________(雇用) as a resident physician after graduating from a medical college. (根据中英文提示填空)8. He s________ (略过) this chapter since the topic had been covered in class. (根据中英文提示填空)四、完成句子9. 他除了脸部和手受伤以外,两条腿也断了。

________ the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.10. 这列火车的长度是普通火车的三倍。

This train is three times ________ ________ of a normal one.五、根据所给汉语提示填空11. You ____________(应该) here five minutes ago. (根据汉语提示完成句子)12. The students return in September for the start of ________(新学年). (根据汉语提示完成句子)13. Wolko________(做出了杰出的贡献)to children's medicine. (根据汉语提示完成句子)六、句型转换14. Time or opportunity lost will return no more. (同义句转换)Time or opportunity lost ________ return ________ ________.15. She made up her mind to go and settle in America. (同义句转换)She ________ ________ (determine) to go and settle in America.七、汉译英(单词/短语)(翻译)16. 汉译英1. ________第一手;亲自2. ________谋生3. ________一系列或一连串4. ________除了……外;此外5. ________(朝……)前进;(向……)去6. ________寻找成功致富之路;闯世界7. ________导致;引起8. ________仅举几例八、汉译英(整句)(翻译)17. 正是悠久的历史和浓厚的学术氛围使得这座大学成为游客必到之处。

外贸函电 Chapter one

外贸函电 Chapter one

2. Be courteous and considerate
Reply promptly to all communications-answer on the same day if possible. If you cannot answer immediately, write a brief note and explain why. This will create goodwill. Understand and respect the recipient’s point of view. Resist the temptation to reply as if your correspondent is wrong. If you feel some comments are unfair, be tactful and try not to cause offence. Resist the temptation to reply to an offensive letter in a similar tone. Instead, answer courteously and do not lower your dignity.
letterhead (2) the inside address (3) the date (4) the salutation (5) the body of the letter (6) the complimentary close (7) the signature
(1) the
Part of Business Letters B. The optional parts
2. Indented style with Closed Punctuation 缩行式



大学英语 精读COLLEGE ENGLISH总主编 董亚芬BOOK 3上海外语教教育出版社第三册课文汉译英答案第一单元课文汉译英:1.|发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。

| The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances.2. |杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。

|Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary.3. |随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。

(confirm)|The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again.4. |我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。

|I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays.5. |令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。

|To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official.6. |少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。

|A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.7. |如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了。

【免费下载】C Primer英文版第5版

【免费下载】C Primer英文版第5版

C++ Primer英文版(第5版)《C++ Primer英文版(第5版)》基本信息作者: (美)李普曼(Lippman,S.B.) (美)拉乔伊(Lajoie,J.) (美)默Moo,B.E.) 出版社:电子工业出版社ISBN:9787121200380上架时间:2013-4-23出版日期:2013 年5月开本:16开页码:964版次:5-1所属分类:计算机 > 软件与程序设计 > C++ > C++内容简介计算机书籍 这本久负盛名的C++经典教程,时隔八年之久,终迎来史无前例的重大升级。

除令全球无数程序员从中受益,甚至为之迷醉的——C++大师Stanley B. Lippman的丰富实践经验,C++标准委员会原负责人Josée Lajoie对C++标准的深入理解,以及C++先驱Barbara E. Moo在C++教学方面的真知灼见外,更是基于全新的C++11标准进行了全面而彻底的内容更新。

非常难能可贵的是,《C++ Primer英文版(第5版)》所有示例均全部采用C++11标准改写,这在经典升级版中极其罕见——充分体现了C++语言的重大进展极其全面实践。



目录《c++ primer英文版(第5版)》prefacechapter 1 getting started 11.1 writing a simple c++program 21.1.1 compiling and executing our program 31.2 afirstlookat input/output 51.3 awordaboutcomments 91.4 flowofcontrol 111.4.1 the whilestatement 111.4.2 the forstatement 131.4.3 readinganunknownnumberof inputs 141.4.4 the ifstatement 171.5 introducingclasses 191.5.1 the sales_itemclass 201.5.2 afirstlookatmemberfunctions 231.6 thebookstoreprogram. 24chaptersummary 26definedterms 26part i the basics 29chapter 2 variables and basic types 312.1 primitivebuilt-intypes 322.1.1 arithmetictypes 322.1.2 typeconversions 352.1.3 literals 382.2 variables 412.2.1 variabledefinitions 412.2.2 variabledeclarations anddefinitions 44 2.2.3 identifiers 462.2.4 scopeof aname 482.3 compoundtypes 502.3.1 references 502.3.2 pointers 522.3.3 understandingcompoundtypedeclarations 57 2.4 constqualifier 592.4.1 references to const 612.4.2 pointers and const 622.4.3 top-level const 632.4.4 constexprandconstantexpressions 652.5 dealingwithtypes 672.5.1 typealiases 672.5.2 the autotypespecifier 682.5.3 the decltypetypespecifier 702.6 definingourowndatastructures 722.6.1 defining the sales_datatype 722.6.2 using the sales_dataclass 742.6.3 writing our own header files 76 chaptersummary 78definedterms 78chapter 3 strings, vectors, and arrays 813.1 namespace usingdeclarations 823.2 library stringtype 843.2.1 defining and initializing strings 843.2.2 operations on strings 853.2.3 dealing with the characters in a string 90 3.3 library vectortype 963.3.1 defining and initializing vectors 973.3.2 adding elements to a vector 1003.3.3 other vectoroperations 1023.4 introducingiterators 1063.4.1 usingiterators 1063.4.2 iteratorarithmetic 1113.5 arrays 1133.5.1 definingandinitializingbuilt-inarrays 113 3.5.2 accessingtheelementsof anarray 1163.5.3 pointers andarrays 1173.5.4 c-stylecharacterstrings 1223.5.5 interfacingtooldercode 1243.6 multidimensionalarrays 125chaptersummary 131definedterms 131chapter 4 expressions 1334.1 fundamentals 1344.1.1 basicconcepts 1344.1.2 precedenceandassociativity 1364.1.3 orderofevaluation 1374.2 arithmeticoperators 1394.3 logical andrelationaloperators 1414.4 assignmentoperators 1444.5 increment anddecrementoperators 1474.6 thememberaccessoperators 1504.7 theconditionaloperator 1514.8 thebitwiseoperators 1524.9 the sizeofoperator 1564.10 commaoperator 1574.11 typeconversions 1594.11.1 thearithmeticconversions 1594.11.2 other implicitconversions 1614.11.3 explicitconversions 1624.12 operatorprecedencetable 166 chaptersummary 168definedterms 168chapter 5 statements 1715.1 simple statements 1725.2 statementscope 1745.3 conditional statements 1745.3.1 the ifstatement 1755.3.2 the switchstatement 1785.4 iterativestatements 1835.4.1 the whilestatement 1835.4.2 traditional forstatement 1855.4.3 range forstatement 1875.4.4 the do whilestatement 1895.5 jumpstatements 1905.5.1 the breakstatement 1905.5.2 the continuestatement 1915.5.3 the gotostatement 1925.6 tryblocks andexceptionhandling 1935.6.1 a throwexpression 1935.6.2 the tryblock 1945.6.3 standardexceptions 197 chaptersummary 199definedterms 199chapter 6 functions 2016.1 functionbasics 2026.1.1 localobjects 2046.1.2 functiondeclarations 2066.1.3 separatecompilation 2076.2 argumentpassing 2086.2.1 passingargumentsbyvalue 2096.2.2 passingargumentsbyreference 2106.2.3 constparametersandarguments 2126.2.4 arrayparameters 2146.2.5 main:handlingcommand-lineoptions 218 6.2.6 functionswithvaryingparameters 2206.3 return types and the returnstatement 222 6.3.1 functionswithnoreturnvalue 2236.3.2 functionsthatreturnavalue 2236.3.3 returningapointer toanarray 2286.4 overloadedfunctions 2306.4.1 overloadingandscope 2346.5 features forspecializeduses 2366.5.1 defaultarguments 2366.5.2 inline and constexprfunctions 2386.5.3 aids for debugging 2406.6 functionmatching 2426.6.1 argumenttypeconversions 2456.7 pointers tofunctions 247 chaptersummary 251definedterms 251chapter 7 classes 2537.1 definingabstractdatatypes 2547.1.1 designing the sales_dataclass 2547.1.2 defining the revised sales_dataclass 256 7.1.3 definingnonmemberclass-relatedfunctions 260 7.1.4 constructors 2627.1.5 copy,assignment, anddestruction 2677.2 accesscontrol andencapsulation 2687.2.1 friends 2697.3 additionalclassfeatures 2717.3.1 classmembersrevisited 2717.3.2 functions that return *this 2757.3.3 classtypes 2777.3.4 friendshiprevisited 2797.4 classscope 2827.4.1 namelookupandclassscope 2837.5 constructorsrevisited 2887.5.1 constructor initializerlist 2887.5.2 delegatingconstructors 2917.5.3 theroleof thedefaultconstructor 2937.5.4 implicitclass-typeconversions 2947.5.5 aggregateclasses 2987.5.6 literalclasses 2997.6 staticclassmembers 300chaptersummary 305definedterms 305contents xipart ii the c++ library 307chapter 8 the io library 3098.1 the ioclasses 3108.1.1 nocopyorassignfor ioobjects 3118.1.2 conditionstates 3128.1.3 managingtheoutputbuffer 3148.2 file input and output 3168.2.1 using file stream objects 3178.2.2 file modes 3198.3 stringstreams 3218.3.1 using an istringstream 3218.3.2 using ostringstreams 323chaptersummary 324definedterms 324chapter 9 sequential containers 3259.1 overviewof the sequentialcontainers 3269.2 containerlibraryoverview 3289.2.1 iterators 3319.2.2 containertypemembers 3329.2.3 begin and endmembers 3339.2.4 definingandinitializingacontainer 3349.2.5 assignment and swap 3379.2.6 containersizeoperations 3409.2.7 relationaloperators 3409.3 sequentialcontaineroperations 3419.3.1 addingelements toasequentialcontainer 3419.3.2 accessingelements 3469.3.3 erasingelements 3489.3.4 specialized forward_listoperations 3509.3.5 resizingacontainer 3529.3.6 containeroperationsmayinvalidateiterators 353 9.4 how a vectorgrows 3559.5 additional stringoperations 3609.5.1 other ways to construct strings 3609.5.2 other ways to change a string 3619.5.3 stringsearchoperations 3649.5.4 the comparefunctions 3669.5.5 numericconversions 3679.6 containeradaptors 368chaptersummary 372definedterms 372chapter 10 generic algorithms 37510.1 overview. 37610.2 afirstlookat thealgorithms 37810.2.1 read-onlyalgorithms 37910.2.2 algorithmsthatwritecontainerelements 380 10.2.3 algorithmsthatreordercontainerelements 383 10.3 customizingoperations 38510.3.1 passingafunctiontoanalgorithm 38610.3.2 lambdaexpressions 38710.3.3 lambdacapturesandreturns 39210.3.4 bindingarguments 39710.4 revisiting iterators 40110.4.1 insert iterators 40110.4.2 iostream iterators 40310.4.3 reverse iterators 40710.5 structureofgenericalgorithms 41010.5.1 thefive iteratorcategories 41010.5.2 algorithmparameterpatterns 41210.5.3 algorithmnamingconventions 41310.6 container-specificalgorithms 415 chaptersummary 417definedterms 417chapter 11 associative containers 41911.1 usinganassociativecontainer 42011.2 overviewof theassociativecontainers 423 11.2.1 defininganassociativecontainer 423 11.2.2 requirements onkeytype 42411.2.3 the pairtype 42611.3 operations onassociativecontainers 428 11.3.1 associativecontainer iterators 429 11.3.2 addingelements 43111.3.3 erasingelements 43411.3.4 subscripting a map 43511.3.5 accessingelements 43611.3.6 awordtransformationmap 44011.4 theunorderedcontainers 443 chaptersummary 447definedterms 447chapter 12 dynamicmemory 44912.1 dynamicmemoryandsmartpointers 45012.1.1 the shared_ptrclass 45012.1.2 managingmemorydirectly 45812.1.3 using shared_ptrs with new 46412.1.4 smartpointers andexceptions 46712.1.5 unique_ptr 47012.1.6 weak_ptr 47312.2 dynamicarrays 47612.2.1 newandarrays 47712.2.2 the allocatorclass 48112.3 usingthelibrary:atext-queryprogram 484 12.3.1 designof thequeryprogram 48512.3.2 definingthequeryprogramclasses 487 chaptersummary 491definedterms 491part iii tools for class authors 493chapter 13 copy control 49513.1 copy,assign, anddestroy 49613.1.1 thecopyconstructor 49613.1.2 thecopy-assignmentoperator 50013.1.3 thedestructor 50113.1.4 theruleofthree/five 50313.1.5 using = default 50613.1.6 preventingcopies 50713.2 copycontrol andresourcemanagement 51013.2.1 classesthatactlikevalues 51113.2.2 definingclassesthatactlikepointers 51313.3 swap 51613.4 acopy-controlexample 51913.5 classesthatmanagedynamicmemory 52413.6 movingobjects 53113.6.1 rvaluereferences 53213.6.2 moveconstructor andmoveassignment 53413.6.3 rvaluereferencesandmemberfunctions 544 chaptersummary 549definedterms 549chapter 14 overloaded operations and conversions 551 14.1 basicconcepts 55214.2 input andoutputoperators 55614.2.1 overloading the output operator [[55714.2.2 overloading the input operator ]]. 55814.3 arithmetic andrelationaloperators 56014.3.1 equalityoperators 56114.3.2 relationaloperators 56214.4 assignmentoperators 56314.5 subscriptoperator 56414.6 increment anddecrementoperators 56614.7 memberaccessoperators 56914.8 function-calloperator 57114.8.1 lambdasarefunctionobjects 57214.8.2 library-definedfunctionobjects 57414.8.3 callable objects and function 57614.9 overloading,conversions, andoperators 57914.9.1 conversionoperators 58014.9.2 avoidingambiguousconversions 58314.9.3 functionmatchingandoverloadedoperators 587 chaptersummary 590definedterms 590chapter 15 object-oriented programming 59115.1 oop:anoverview 59215.2 definingbaseandderivedclasses 59415.2.1 definingabaseclass 59415.2.2 definingaderivedclass 59615.2.3 conversions andinheritance 60115.3 virtualfunctions 60315.4 abstractbaseclasses 60815.5 accesscontrol andinheritance 61115.6 classscopeunder inheritance 61715.7 constructors andcopycontrol 62215.7.1 virtualdestructors 62215.7.2 synthesizedcopycontrol andinheritance 62315.7.3 derived-classcopy-controlmembers 62515.7.4 inheritedconstructors 62815.8 containers andinheritance 63015.8.1 writing a basketclass 63115.9 textqueriesrevisited 63415.9.1 anobject-orientedsolution 63615.9.2 the query_base and queryclasses 63915.9.3 thederivedclasses 64215.9.4 the evalfunctions 645chaptersummary 649definedterms 649chapter 16 templates and generic programming 65116.1 definingatemplate. 65216.1.1 functiontemplates 65216.1.2 classtemplates 65816.1.3 templateparameters 66816.1.4 membertemplates 67216.1.5 controlling instantiations 67516.1.6 efficiency and flexibility 67616.2 templateargumentdeduction 67816.2.1 conversions andtemplatetypeparameters 67916.2.2 function-templateexplicitarguments 68116.2.3 trailing return types and type transformation 683 16.2.4 functionpointers andargumentdeduction 68616.2.5 templateargumentdeductionandreferences 68716.2.6 understanding std::move 69016.2.7 forwarding 69216.3 overloadingandtemplates 69416.4 variadictemplates 69916.4.1 writingavariadicfunctiontemplate 70116.4.2 packexpansion 70216.4.3 forwardingparameterpacks 70416.5 template specializations 706chaptersummary 713definedterms 713part iv advanced topics 715chapter 17 specialized library facilities 71717.1 the tupletype 71817.1.1 defining and initializing tuples 71817.1.2 using a tuple toreturnmultiplevalues 72117.2 the bitsettype 72317.2.1 defining and initializing bitsets 723 17.2.2 operations on bitsets 72517.3 regularexpressions 72817.3.1 usingtheregularexpressionlibrary 729 17.3.2 thematchandregex iteratortypes 73417.3.3 usingsubexpressions 73817.3.4 using regex_replace 74117.4 randomnumbers 74517.4.1 random-numberengines anddistribution 745 17.4.2 otherkinds ofdistributions 74917.5 the iolibraryrevisited 75217.5.1 formattedinput andoutput 75317.5.2 unformattedinput/outputoperations 761 17.5.3 randomaccess toastream 763 chaptersummary 769definedterms 769chapter 18 tools for large programs 77118.1 exceptionhandling 77218.1.1 throwinganexception 77218.1.2 catchinganexception 77518.1.3 function tryblocks andconstructors 777 18.1.4 the noexceptexceptionspecification 779 18.1.5 exceptionclasshierarchies 78218.2 namespaces 78518.2.1 namespacedefinitions 78518.2.2 usingnamespacemembers 79218.2.3 classes,namespaces,andscope 79618.2.4 overloadingandnamespaces 80018.3 multiple andvirtual inheritance 80218.3.1 multiple inheritance 80318.3.2 conversions andmultiplebaseclasses 805 18.3.3 classscopeundermultiple inheritance 807 18.3.4 virtual inheritance 81018.3.5 constructors andvirtual inheritance 813 chaptersummary 816definedterms 816chapter 19 specialized tools and techniques 819 19.1 controlling memory allocation 82019.1.1 overloading new and delete 82019.1.2 placement newexpressions 82319.2 run-timetypeidentification 82519.2.1 the dynamic_castoperator 82519.2.2 the typeidoperator 82619.2.3 usingrtti 82819.2.4 the type_infoclass 83119.3 enumerations 83219.4 pointer toclassmember 83519.4.1 pointers todatamembers 83619.4.2 pointers tomemberfunctions 83819.4.3 usingmemberfunctions ascallableobjects 84119.5 nestedclasses 84319.6 union:aspace-savingclass 84719.7 localclasses 85219.8 inherentlynonportablefeatures 85419.8.1 bit-fields 85419.8.2 volatilequalifier 85619.8.3 linkage directives: extern "c" 857chaptersummary 862definedterms 862appendix a the library 865a.1 librarynames andheaders 866a.2 abrieftourof thealgorithms 870a.2.1 algorithms tofindanobject 871a.2.2 otherread-onlyalgorithms 872a.2.3 binarysearchalgorithms 873a.2.4 algorithmsthatwritecontainerelements 873a.2.5 partitioningandsortingalgorithms 875a.2.6 generalreorderingoperations 877a.2.7 permutationalgorithms 879a.2.8 setalgorithms forsortedsequences 880a.2.9 minimumandmaximumvalues 880a.2.10 numericalgorithms 881a.3 randomnumbers 882a.3.1 randomnumberdistributions 883a.3.2 randomnumberengines 884本图书信息来源:中国互动出版网。














例:How much is the shirt?A.£19.15.B.£9.18.C.£9.15.答案是C。

1.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In the book store.B.In the register office.C.In the dorm building. 2.What is the weather like now?A.Sunny.B.Cloudy.C.Rainy.3.What does the man want to do on the weekend?A.Do some gardening.B.Have a barbecue.C.Go fishing. 4.What are the speakers talking about?A.A new office.B.A change of their jobs.C.A former colleague. 5.What do we know about Andrew?A.He’s optimistic.B.He’s active.C.He’s shy.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

BETchapter 1

BETchapter 1

Moon likes water, it flows/drops/casts/stays/pours… The moonlight just like the flowing water, pouring… The moon light as water, it poured… Nap, snap?snack? 梵婀玲? Fan Aling? 满月? Complete month?
文学翻译: 没有标准答案
Moonlight is like flowing water, pouring peacefully onto the leaves and flowers. Filmy mists rise in the lotus pond. The leaves and flowers are as if washed in cow’s milk, like a dream covered with light yarn. Although it is a full moon, there is a thin layer of cloud in the sky. The moon cannot get through to give full light. But I think it’s just about perfect- although sound sleeps are necessary, naps also have a special flavor. Moonlight is passing through trees. Bushes from higher ground cast irregular black shadows, like ghosts. The beautiful shadows of bending willows are sparsely drawn on the lotus leaves. Moonlight in the pond is not even, but lightness and shadows are in harmony, like sublime music played on a violin.



2020知到答案综合英语(一)(基础写作篇)完整网课章节测试答案1例如:知到app网课英语听说实境主题与技能答案第一章单元测试1、What does this chapter mainly teach ()?A:Contents of the courseB:The Orientation of CoursesC:Learning methodsD:Teaching method答案: 【Contents of the course;The Orientation of Courses;Learning methods】2、In everyday life, open awareness means . ()A:offering us more freedom, peace, and well-being in our livesB:gives rise to the subjective experience of joy, awe, and peaceC:approaching situations with fresh eyes, letting go of our habitual reactions and our expectations for the futureD:a sanctuary of relief from her feelings of rage and burnout答案: 【approaching situations with fresh eyes, letting go of our habitual reactions and our expectations for the future】3、Positive interdependence that binds group members together is posited to result in feelings of responsibility for . ()A:facilitating the work of other group members B:completing one’s share of the workC:turning individualistic people into caring and collaborating onesD:obtaining their goals if and only if the other individuals with whom they are competitively linked fail to obtain their goals.答案: 【facilitating the work of other group members; completing one’s share of the work】4、When you’re listening to an articl e about a natural disaster, what is the most likely keyword? ( )A:seismic zone B:infectionC:immune systemD:rescue and relief答案: 【seismic zone;rescue and relief 】5、The phenomenon of joining words together is called . ()A:assimilationB:elisonC:liaisonD:weak form of words答案: 【liaison 】6、Hearing is . ()A:listening to somethingB:an active skillC:the physical act of sound waves entering our ears and being transported to our brainD:a passive process that requires no effort答案: 【the physical act of sound waves entering our ears and being transported to our brain;a passive process that requires no effort】7、When we listen, flow of speech can be divided into, then our brain to convert these into meaningful information. ()A:lettersB:stressC:pausesD:rhythm答案: 【letters ;stress ;pauses;rhythm 】8、means the way of pronouncing the words based on the regional or social background of a speaker. ()A:AccentB:CaptionC:BiasD:Barrier答案: 【Accent】9、Formal speaking usually occurs . ()A:in business or academic situationsB:when meeting with family and friendsC:in schoolD:when meeting people for the first time答案: 【in business or academic situations ;when meeting people for the first time】10、Casual conversation about ordinary or unimportant subjects, especially at social occasions, is called . ()A:polite talkB:trash talkC:small talkD:shop talk答案: 【small talk 】第二章单元测试1、Every time when we return from a long vacation to our routine work or study, we may feel stressed. This kind of stress is also referred to as _____.()A:post-holiday depressionB:post-holiday syndromeC:post-holiday stressD:post-holiday disease答案: 【post-holiday depression ;post-holiday syndrome ;post-holiday stress】2、What kinds of stress have been interpreted in this chapter? ()A:episodic acute stressB:eustressC:chronic stressD:acute stress答案: 【episodic acute stress ;eustress ;chronic stress;acute stress】3、What does episodic acute stress mean in this chapter? ()A:stress that happens from time to time and then stop for a while, rather than happening all the timeB:a very short-term type of stressC:stress that seems never-ending and inescapableD:a kind of positive type of stress that keeps you energized答案: 【stress that happens from time to time and then stop for a while, rather than happening all the time】4、Fatigue, high blood pressure, increased heartbeat, out of breath are the possible physical stress response we might have under stress. ()A:错B:对答案: 【对】5、Which of the following are possible mental responses to stress? ()A:difficulty in concentratingB:mental slownessC:forgetfulnessD:decreased digestive activity答案: 【difficulty in concentrating ;mental slowness ;forgetfulness】6、It is said in this chapter that connection with others can create resilience. Which of the following is the correct interpretation of the work “resilience” in this chapter? ()A:in low spiritB:irritatedC:strong-mindedD:excited答案: 【strong-minded 】7、What stress reducer was mentioned in terms of sound in this chapter? ()A:vocal toningB:humming a favorite tuneC:sound track of natureD:music答案: 【vocal toning ;humming a favorite tune;sound track of nature ;music】8、The stress management of taste means when you feel stressed you can enjoy any of your favorite food. ()A:对B:错答案: 【错】9、Wrapping yourself in a warm blanket belongs to which of following stress management? ()A:touchB:sightC:tasteD:smell答案: 【touch 】10、In the last session of this chapter, two suggestions to reduce stress are recommended, what are they? ()A:to let it goB:to obtain a positive view of stressC:to maintain connection with othersD:to go to the psychologist答案: 【to obtain a positive view of stress ;to maintain connection with others 】第三章单元测试1、All the greenhouse gases are produced by industry nowadays.( )A:错B:对答案: 【错】2、If the greenhouse gas emissions are stopped, the warming of sea water will stop. ( )A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、Changes in ocean currents and temperature will cause the weather change.( )A:错B:对答案: 【对】4、Thirteen countries in Africa are building a green Great Wall, hoping that the forests will absorb more carbon dioxide as they stop the Sahara from expanding.()A:错B:对答案: 【对】5、Which of the following mountain glaciers are melting faster than others?( )A:The AlpsB:The RockiesC:The HimalayasD:The Andes答案: 【The Himalayas 】6、According to NASA, what’s th e percentage of forest in the newly added green land in China? ( )A:50%B:82%C:62%D:42%答案: 【42% 】7、According to the prediction, how much will the sea level rise by the end of this century?( )A:1-4 feetB:5-8 feetC:5-8 inchesD:8 inches答案: 【1-4 feet 】8、Which of the following types of sound-linking are mentioned in the lecture?()A:A vowel is following by a vowel.B:A consonant is following by a consonant.C:A vowel is following by a consonant.D:A consonant is following by a vowel.答案: 【A vowel is following by a vowel.;A consonant is following by a consonant.;A consonant is following by a vowel.】9、Which of the following sounds are semivowels?( ) A:/j/B:/w/C:/h/D:/l/答案: 【/j/;/w/ 】10、Human factor plays a bigger role in temperature rise compared to the natural factors. Which of the following human factors are mentioned in the lecture?( )A:Atmospheric pollutionB:fforestationC:IndustrializationD:Increase in population答案: 【Atmospheric pollution;Industrialization;Increase in population】第四章单元测试1、What are the features Chinese cuisines are famous for in the world? ( )A:Beautiful color.B:Tempting taste.C:Aromatic smell.D:Exotic feelings.E:Comfortable touch.答案: 【Beautiful color. ;Tempting taste.;Aromatic smell. 】2、Roasting food is regarded as the national food in Britain. ( )A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、According to the lecture, what features can show that Chinese people are more health-focused on food? ( )A:With medicated purpose.B:With some taboos.C:With regional preferenceD:With season-oriented choice.E:With gender differences.答案: 【With medicated purpose. ;With some taboos. ;With season-oriented choice.】4、Elevenses, just as its name implies, is a cup of tea and biscuits at around 3 p.m.( )A:错B:对答案: 【错】5、According to the lecture, who introduced “Afternoon Tea” in Britain? ( )A:Duchess of Bedford.B:Duchess of Cambridge.C:Queen Elizabeth.D:Queen Mary.答案: 【Duchess of Bedford.】6、What are the new trends of “Afternoon Tea” in Britain? ( )A:Increasing reputation.B:Low price.C:More export.D:Various flavors.E:Art combination.答案: 【Increasing reputation.;Various flavors. ;Art combination.】7、The flourishing period in Britain is during the Roman Invasion. ( )A:对B:错答案: 【对】8、What should we take as notes in listening comprehension? ( )A:Information words.B:Formal words.C:Functional words.D:Informal words.答案: 【Information words.】9、What does this symbol “Θ” mean when we take notes in listening comprehension? ( )A:Leaders.B:International.C:Conference.D:Because of.答案: 【International.】10、You should take notes vertically instead of horizontally. ( )A:对B:错答案: 【对】第五章单元测试—————————————完整章节答案点此购买—————————————1、Which apple began the wisdom of human beings? ()A:The apple of Adam and EveB:The apple of NewtonC:The apple Steve Jobs2、The oldest computer we have in the world was born in the United States in 1946. ()A:对B:错3、What are the four great inventions of ancient China? ()A:CompassB:GunpowderC:PrintingD:Papermaking4、How did the shared bikes in Copenhagen in 1995 make profit? ()A:From governmentsB:From usersC:From advertisements5、The first Industrial Revolution was characterized by _.()A:ElectricityB:Steam powerC:Automation6、The main role of clothing is to protect us from coldness. ()A:对B:错7、What are the negative impacts of technology? ()A:Decline of mental abilityB:Destruction of natural orderC:Degeneration of mental skills8、From the perspective of information bearing function, nouns, verbs and adjectives will carry most information. They often lead to a new topic, make new comments and draw new conclusion. ()A:错B:对9、Where does the key information lie in progressive relationship? ()A:In the beginningB:In the endC:In the middle10、In narration of a person, what key information should we pay attention to at the beginning part? ()A:Problem, phenomenon, idea, object, etcB:General description of the person.C:Issue and thesis statement第六章单元测试1、All the Four Great New Innovations of China mentioned in this chapter were created by Chinese people.()A:对B:错2、What common forms of payment in the US are mentioned in this chapter? ()A:debit cardB:checkC:money orderD:credit card3、According to the micro lectures in this chapter, what does the word “clearance” on the sign at th e entrance mean? ()A:the process of a check being paid by a bank B:the maximum height limitC:the removal of all unwanted things from a placeD:the official permission for a plane to take off or land 4、Which of the following best explains the sign of “kis s and ride” in some parking space? ()A:temporary parking for a very short time to drop somebody off or pick somebody upB:parking by somebody else, especially in a hotel or restaurantC:leaving your car and transfer to a public transport, like airplane or trainD:parking on street and pay by the meter on both sides of the street5、In the US, the little free library libraries on the roadside are launched by a nonprofit organization of “the Little Free Library”, and everyone can start a little free library by registering online and paying for a chart. ()A:对B:错6、Apart from providing collection of books, what other functions of public libraries, especially the community libraries, are mentioned in this chapter? ()A:promoting community involvementB:provide discounted books through book saleC:promoting children’s readingD:as gathering places7、According to the micro-lectures in this chapter, adults, regardless of their age, in America can easily access a study program at school to pursue their further study.()A:对B:错8、According to the microlectures in this chapter, what are the criteria by which we decide whether a school is a university or a community college? ()A:the number of collegesB:the academic achievementC:fields of study or programs that are offeredD:types of degrees available9、In summarizing a listening material through mind mapping, we may combine different types of mind maps to illustrate different relationships among different key information in the material. ()A:对B:错10、What is the sequence of creating a mind map explained in this chapter? ()A:identifying the general idea — finding out the detailed information — creating a mind mapB:looking up new words in dictionaries — understanding the information — drawing a mind mapC:classifying information — taking notes of key words and expressions — drawing a mind mapD:taking notes of key words and expressions — classifying the key words — detecting the interrelationship among the key words — creating a mind map第七章单元测试1、Clothing can not only keep warm,but also reflect a person's social status and taste.( )A:错B:对2、The use of emoticon can satisfy the entertainment mentality. ( )A:错B:对3、According to the survey results, only a few undergraduates often use online emoticons and thee moticons don’t play a major part in the social networking among the students.( )A:对B:错4、The entertainment function of fashion has greatly eased the pressure of the academic learning and the sense of loneliness.()A:对B:错5、What are the advantages of the Internet?( )A:Some hackers may employ the Internet to commit crimes. B:More and more young people are indulged in online games.C:It is convenient to communicate with others by using the Internet.D:We can surf the Internet for any information we need ina short time without working hard in the library6、What pressures are college students facing today? ( ) A:employmentB:all kinds of competitionsC:academic examsD:parents’ expectations7、How do college students cope with pressure today? ( ) A:listening to musicB:chatting with good friendsC:taking part in fashionable clubs and organizationsD:taking more physical exercise8、What are the reasons why college students like QQ chat?()A:The concealment of network communication.B:Chatting with people who share the common interests will develop a sense of belonging.C:It doesn't cost money.D:They can practice typing.9、In English news, important information comes only in the last paragraph.( )A:对B:错10、Most English news is told in an inverted pyramid structure, unlike the structure of a novel or story.( )A:错B:对第八章单元测试1、From the movie, we can know that in 1920s, there was a trend that most young people thought learning science was better to the nation than learning literature. ()A:对B:错2、When did W u Linglan hear Tagora’s speech in Qinghua university?()A:In 1924B:In 1926C:In 1923D:In 19253、What negative trends among youth are mentioned in the lecture? ()A:Buddhist youths.B:Exquisite egoistsC:All of themD:Cynical youths.4、Cao Shuxin graduated from Shandong University of Technology in 2018. ()A:错B:对5、What’s Li Jianing’s hobby in spare time? ()A:Reading booksB:Playing basketballC:Listening to musicD:Roller skating6、Who published a scientific paper as the first author in college ? ()A:Li JianingB:AshlyC:Cao ShuxinD:Song Qingyun7、Which one is not the function of the beginning of a narration ()A:Tell how the event developed step by step.B:Set the scene.C:Present the theme.D:Show some background information.8、How old is Ashly? ()A:17B:15C:16D:189、What kind of words are not the key information in a choice? ()A:ArticlesB:NounsC:VerbsD:Numerals10、when we listen to a narration in College English Test Band 4 ,we usually have to deal with multiple-choice questions. ()A:对B:错第九章单元测试1、 Old people are more likely to develop mental health problems.()A:错B:对2、Good interpersonal relationship is an important part of college students’ growth and socialization.()A:对B:错3、In primary and high schools, mental health is given much attention. ()A:错B:对4、The Lebanese film has triggered heated discussion: the way of raising children tends to have great influence on their future development. ()A:错B:对5、The society, universities and families all play very important roles in helping the students with mental problems. ()A:错B:对6、Which of the following statements are true? ()A:Obsessive compulsive disorder means a mental illness that causes a person to do something repeatedly for no reason.B:None of the above statements is true.C:Narcissistic means having too much interest in and admiration for yourselfD:Paranoid means feeling extremely nervous and worried because you believe that other people do not like you or are trying to harm you.7、What should we do to deal with paranoids? ()A:We should avoid any signs of criticisms or attack.B:We should stick to conversation topics that are safe and not too personalC:We should refrain from using language that is patronizing.D:We should try acknowledging their hard work with compliments.答案: 【We should avoid any signs of criticisms or attack.; We should stick to conversation topics that are safe and not too personal;We should refrain from using language that is patronizing.】8、Which one is not true about the generic features of exposition? ()A:The words and sentences in exposition are accurate, clear, concise and logical.B:The application of exposition is widespread and it covers many aspects in our lives.C:An expository passage is written in the order of logic. D:Usually, in the introduction part of exposition, the author presents a problem, phenomenon, an idea, an object, or briefly introduces some background information of the things talked about.9、Which explanatory methods are frequently used in exposition? ()A:ClassificationB:ListingC:IllustrationD:Definition10、Which one is not true about the generic features of the listening passage ? ()A:This passage mainly uses present tense.B:The order of the passage is from the general to the specific.C:The passage mainly has two parts: introduction and development.D:In this passage, it uses comparison, classification, definition and citation to help us better understand the idea.第十章单元测试1、Who is regarded as the father of artificial intelligence?()A:None of themB:Claude ShannonC:Marvin MinskyD:John McCarthy2、Why is AI so popular and powerful these years? ()A:All of themB:Computer science developmentC:Data volumes incrementD:Cloud infrastructure and service improvement3、What are the potential benefits of the self-driving car? ( )A:Improving traffic flow and congestionB:Relieve travelers from driving tirednessC:Reduce the need for parking space4、What nationality is Karel Capek? ()A:CzechB:ItalyC:SlovakiaD:Poland5、In which year was JIBO ranked top of the 25 best inventions by TIMES?()A:In 2016B:In 2018C:In 2015D:In 20176、What’s the function of the signal word “however”?()A:Summarizing what has been saidB:Adding a statement that is opposite to what has been saidC:Suggesting cause and effectD:Setting out the stages of the talk7、Which of the following are used to provide illustrations? ( )A:For exampleB:BecauseC:Another exampleD:Therefore8、Where is an argumentation widely and mostly used? ( )A:Policy speechesB:Forms of proposalsC:Newspaper editorialsD:Academic papers9、How to summarize the main supporting points of an argumentation? ( )A:Restating the claimB:Urging the audience to take some actionsC:None of themD:Appealing to needs or values10、What are the language features of an argumentation? ( )A:Orderly and logicalB:Formal and powerfulC:TactfulD:Accurate。

母亲节北京游 英语作文

母亲节北京游 英语作文

母亲节北京游英语作文1Mother's Day in Beijing was an extraordinary and unforgettable journey for both my mother and me. We embarked on this wonderful adventure with hearts full of excitement and love.Our first stop was the Forbidden City. As we stepped through its grand gates, it felt like stepping back in time. The red walls and yellow tiles stood solemnly, telling tales of ancient emperors and their courts. I could sense the weight of history beneath my feet. I took pictures of my mother against the backdrop of these magnificent structures, and in that moment, I saw the joy and wonder in her eyes.Then, we strolled through the Summer Palace. The serene lake and the lush mountains surrounded us, creating a peaceful haven. The gentle breeze carried the fragrance of flowers, and the soft sunlight kissed our faces. We walked hand in hand, sharing the beauty and tranquility of this place. Every step we took was a moment of connection and shared happiness.Throughout the day, I witnessed my mother's smiles and heard her laughter. I felt an overwhelming gratitude for all she has done for me. This Mother's Day in Beijing was not just a trip; it was a celebration of our bond, a tribute to her love and sacrifices. I will cherish these memories forever,and I promise to continue to show my love and appreciation for her in every way possible.2Mother's Day in Beijing was an extraordinary journey that etched indelible memories in my heart. We began our adventure by climbing the Badaling Great Wall. As we ascended the steep steps, hand in hand, supporting each other, the magnificent panorama of the continuous mountains unfolded before our eyes. I felt a profound admiration for my mother's perseverance and strength. Her determination and courage inspired me greatly.Later, we strolled along Wangfujing Street, where the aroma of various delicacies filled the air. We savored the local cuisine, and the taste still lingers on my tongue. While exploring the street, I carefully selected a special gift for my mother, imagining the joy it would bring to her face.That day, every moment spent with my mother was precious and heartwarming. The laughter, the shared experiences, and the deep connection we felt made this Mother's Day truly exceptional. The city of Beijing became a backdrop for our celebration of love and family. I realized that these moments of togetherness were the essence of life, and the bond between my mother and me was unbreakable. This trip was not just a vacation but a beautiful testament to the preciousness of family ties and the warmth of a mother's love.Mother's Day in Beijing was an extraordinary and memorable journey for both my mother and me. It was a day filled with love, joy, and precious moments that will be etched in our hearts forever.Early in the morning, we set out to explore the vibrant city. The first adventure was taking the subway in Beijing. As the train smoothly moved along the tracks, I couldn't help but notice the look of curiosity and excitement on my mother's face. Her eyes sparkled with wonder as she observed the hustle and bustle of people inside the carriage.Later, we reached the magnificent Bird's Nest and the Water Cube. The sight was truly breathtaking. We stood there, hand in hand, and had our pictures taken, capturing that unforgettable instant. The sunlight shone upon us, as if blessing our special day.Throughout the day, my mother's smile never faded. Her presence made every moment more precious. Every step we took together, every sight we witnessed, was a testament to the depth of our bond and the greatness of her love.As the sun began to set, we returned home, tired but filled with happiness. This Mother's Day in Beijing was not just a trip; it was a celebration of the love and connection between a mother and her child. I will always cherish this day, and the memories we made will forever be a source of warmth and strength in my heart.On Mother's Day, I had the privilege of taking my mother on a special trip to Beijing. The city, with its rich history and vibrant culture, provided the perfect backdrop for a memorable celebration of motherly love.We began our journey at the Temple of Heaven, where the ancient architecture and serene atmosphere filled our hearts with a sense of tranquility. Standing there, I made a heartfelt prayer for my mother's eternal health, hoping that all the goodness in the world would surround her. Her smile, filled with gratitude and love, touched my soul deeply.Later, we visited the museums, and it was here that I witnessed my mother's profound respect and emphasis on cultural inheritance. As we walked through the halls filled with relics and artworks, she shared her insights, teaching me the importance of preserving and passing on our heritage. Her words were like guiding stars, leading me to a greater understanding of our roots.Throughout the day, every moment spent with my mother in Beijing became a precious memory. The way she held my hand, the warmth in her eyes, and the wisdom in her words made me realize that her love is an unwavering force that has shaped my life. This Mother's Day in Beijing was not just a trip; it was a journey of love, appreciation, and a deeper connection with the woman who has given me everything.On Mother's Day, I had the privilege of taking my mother on a memorable trip to Beijing. The journey was not just a physical exploration but a profound emotional experience that strengthened the bond between us.We strolled through the prestigious campus of Peking University, where the air was filled with intellectual vigor. As we walked along the tree-lined paths, I shared my academic aspirations with my mother. Her eyes sparkled with pride and encouragement, and her words of support became the driving force that fueled my determination to pursue my dreams.Later, we found ourselves in an artistic district, surrounded by captivating exhibitions. My mother's unique perspective on art and her insightful comments opened my eyes to new dimensions of creativity. Her appreciation for beauty and her ability to find meaning in the most intricate works inspired me to look beyond the surface and embrace the depth of artistic expression.Throughout the trip, every moment spent with my mother was precious. Her presence by my side, her smiles, and her gentle touch made this Mother's Day in Beijing an unforgettable chapter in our lives. I realized that her love and wisdom are the guiding lights that illuminate my path, and I am grateful for the countless lessons she has imparted and theunwavering support she has given. This trip will forever remain etched in my heart as a testament to our deep connection and the love I hold for my dear mother.。



教案首页Step1:GreetingsStep2:Introductions and Requirements1.The teacher introduces self to the Ss firstly.2.Choose some Ss to do self-introduction to the whole class3.Give some requirements to Ss when they study English in this termStep3:Words and Expressions1.Ask Ss to turn to Page 162 and look at the words that are related to lesson 12.Ask Ss to read the new words after the teacher3.The whole class read together4.Choose two Ss to read the new words5.Correct their pronunciationStep4:Explain each partPart 1:Pair practice1.Be sure that each student understands the task of this part firstly2.The teacher explains the conversation to Ss first and then makes up theconversation with one student3.Ask Ss to work in pair and practice the conversation4.Call on a few pairs to perform their conversations for the class5.Correct their pronunciationPart 2.3:Group Practice1.Ask Ss to form groups of four and do self-introduction to three different membersin their groups2.Do the conversation with a student by asking two questions:What’s your name?Where are you from?3.Ask Ss to form groups of four and greet each other by telling their names andwhere they are form4.Choose some groups to act out their conversations5.Give some comments on their performance6.Explain grammar points about statements with be to SsPart 4.5:Say it and wire1.Have Ss look at the information about Alex and Katherine in the cards2.Role play the first conversation with a student , shoring the class how to take turnplaying A and B roles3.Ask Ss to work in pair and practice the conversation by using Frank’s ID card andWang guo’s ID card4.Choose some to act out5.check their mistakes6.Finish part 5 with the whole classPart 6.7: Listen and Group practice1. The whole class read the letters of the alphabet together first2.Ask Ss to work in pairs and finish the following exercises①What’s your n ame ? ②Is your name David ?③Yes, it is ④How do you do ?⑤What’s his name ? ⑥Is her name Marry?⑦No , it isn’tPart 8:Listen and say it1. 1. Have Ss look at the card and be sure that each student understand it2.the whole class read the dialogue together.3.Give five minutes to Ss and let them fill in the passport with their own informationP0art 10.11:Write and Teamwork Task1.Be sure that Ss understand the task of Part 102.ASK a volunteer to read the names in alphabetical order3.Ask Ss to work in teams of four and alphabetize their names4.Call on some teams to read their lists out loudStep 5: Conclusion1.Review how to greet people.2.Review to introduce yourself and others.Step 6:Homework1.Copy new words of lesson 1 in the exercise book2.Preview lesson 2板书设计:Names and Greetingsbe : am, is ,are教案首页Step1:GreetingsStep2:Revision1.The whole class read the words that are related to lesson 12.Review the important language points of lesson 1Step3:Words and Expressions1.Ask Ss to look at the words that are related to lesson 2 and read them after theteacher2.The whole class read it together3.Choose some to read the new words4.Correct their mistakesStep4: Explain each partPart 2: Pair Practice1.Have Ss read the names on the family tree after the teacher2.Give five minutes to Ss and let then practice the questions and answers with apartner3.Check the answers by asking one pairPart3: Listen and say it1.Ask Ss to read the conversation together2.Work in pair and practice the conversation by using the pictures given3.Choose some pairs to act out4.Correct their mistakesCulture TipExplain the culture about introductions to Ss1. For informal introductions, use only the fist namee.g this is my friend Dimitri2.For more formal introductions or business introductions use first and last names or titlese.g This is my teacher ,Eric RyanPart 4:Gronp Practice1.Ask Ss to work in group of four and introduce one of your classmates to anotherclassmate2.Go around the class when Ss are talking3.Choose three groups to act out4.Give some comments on their performancePart 6: Listen and say it1.Teach the culture about wedding ringsIn the U.S married people usually wear a wedding ring on the fourth finger of their left hand2.Ask Ss to read two conversations together3.Work in pairs and practice the conversation by using the three pictures given4.Choose three pairs to act out5.Correct their mistakesGrammar Check .Part 81.Explain the grammar point to Ss:Be : ContractionsFull Form Contraction Example SentencesI am I’m I’m a studentYou are You’re You’re form BrazilHe/she is He’s/She’s He’s/She’s my teacherIt is It’s It’s my phone numberWe/They are We’re/ They’re We’re/ They’re friends2.Finish each sentence using contractions in Part 83.Ask five Ss to read their completed sentences out loud4.Check the answersPart 9:Teamwork Task1.Work in teams of four choose one student volunteer. On a piece of paper draw afamily tree for the student volunteer .Ask the volunteer questions to fill in the family tree. Ask about wife/husband, parents , children ,brothers, and sister , write their names in the family tree .then write sentences about the people in the volunteer’s family2.When Ss are doing the task , go around and offer help when it’s necessary3.Ask two teams to act out in front of the class4.Correct their mistakesStep 5: ConclusionReview how to use the words to family members.Step6.Homework1.Review what they have learnt today and copy new words in the exercise book2.Preview Lesson 3板书设计:Introducing My FamilyBe: I’m You’re He’s She’s It’s We’re They’re教案首页Step1:GreetingsStep2:RevisionThe whole class read the words of lesson 3.Step3:Words and Expressions1.The whole class read the new works of lesson 3 after the teacher2.Ask Ss to read them it3.Choose three Ss to read it4.Correct their mistakesStep4:Explain Each PartPart 1.2:Listen and Pair Practice1.Have Ss read the numbers in Part 1 together2.Work in pairs and finish the exercise below.12:twelve 25 twenty-five102 one hundred and two 159 one hundred and fifty-nine3.Ask Ss to write down their answers on the blackboard4.check the answersPart 3:Listen and say it1.Explain the information in job application card to Ss first2.Teach how to read the zip code in English3.Ask Ss to read the conversation after the teacher4.Work in pairs and practice the conversation using the applications given5.Go around the class and offer help when necessary6.Choose some pairs to act out7.Check their mistakesPart 5.6:Listen and say it , Group Practice1.The whole class read the conversation of Part 5 together2.\Work in pair and practice the conversation again by using the applications given inPart 53.Choose two pairs to act out their dialogues4.Ask Ss to work in groups o three in Part 6 and ask the other students in your grouptheir phone numbers, then write each person’s name and telephone number down 5.Choose two groups to read their dialogues outGrammar Check. & Part :1 .Explain grammar about Possessive Adjectives Pronoun Possessive Adjective Example SentencesI My My name is EricYou your Your area code is 0754He/she his/her His/Her teacher is AmericanIt its its tail is blackWe/they our/their Our/their house is in China2Finish the exercises in part3.Check the answers by asking:Part 8:Listen and say it1.Have Ss look at the job Application Form first and be sure that ss understand it2.Ask Ss to read the conversation after the teacher fist3.Choose two Ss to read it out4.Give five minutes to Ss and let them fill in the application with their owninformation5.Ask some Ss to practice the conversation again by using their own information6.Check their mistakesCulture 7&Part 91.Explain some knowledge about titles to Ss first In formal situations , use one ofthese titles before a per son’s name:Mr=A man (Mr is pronounced mister)Ms=A woman (Ms is pronounced Miz)Miss=A single (Miss is pronounced miss)Mrs=A single woman (Mrs is pronounced missuz)2.Have Ss look at the employee directory and explain it to Ss3.Finish Part 9 by asking some SsPart 12 :Pair Practice1.Explain how to address an envelop to Ss2.Give fifty minutes to Ss and let then finish the envelop according to theinformation given below :Return address: 广州市花都区五华直街15号李华Mailing address广东省广州市花都区宝华路10号林小明(收)3.Ask two Ss to write down their answers on the blackboard4.Check the answersStep 5: ConclusionReview how to write the address an envelope.Step6: Homework1.Review what they have learnt2.Copy new words of lesson 33.Finish all the exercises of Review板书设计:What’s Your Number?Possessive Adjectives: my your his her its our their教案首页2010年9月14日3周Step1:GreetingsStep2 :Revision1.The whole class read the words of chapter 1 together2.Review how to address an envelopeStep3: Explain each partPart Ss do read the story after the teacher first2.Explain the main idea of the story3.Ask Ss to finish part 24.Check the answers with the whole class5.Work in pairs and finish part 36.Call on some pair and ask them read out their writing7.Check the mistakes8.Finish park 4 with SsPart 5 6 7:1.Ask Ss to write the words for the numbered items in the picture in part 52.Choose one student to read the answers out3.Check the answers with Ss4.Give ten minutes to Ss and let then read the information of part 6 , then address theenvelope5.Ask two Ss to write down their answers on the board6.Check the answers with Ss7.Give a model example of part 7 and ask Ss to finish the application form with theirpersonal informationPart 8:Teamwork Task1.Ask Ss to work in groups of four and create a directory of names, addresses ,andtelephone numbers of all the students on their teams2.Be sure that Ss understand all the steps of this task3.Go around the class and offer help when necessary4.Explain the goals listed in the box and ask Ss to evaluate they master them or notPart 9.10: Write and Group Practice1.Ask Ss to fill in the missing words in the cartoon story with the words given2.Choose some Ss to read out their answers3.Check the answers with the whole class4.The whole class read the story together5.Work in groups of three , one to be as Alberto another to be as Rosa and the lastone to be as Cindy , then practice the conversation6.Ask sore groups to read it out7.Correct their pronunciationsStep 4: ConclusionReview the important parts of this chapter.Step 5:Homework1.Review the words of chapter 1and be ready for dictation2.Preview Lesson 1 Chapter 2。



商务英语函电全部答案Chapter II Establishing Business RelationsLesson One ExercisesI. Translate the following expressions:1.cotton piece goods 6. 另函2.state-operated corporation 7. 供你方参考3.import andexport 8. 商务参赞处 lines 9. 盼望5.establish business relations 10. 最新的商品目录 II.Translating the following into English:1.We are informed that _______________________________________(你公司是经营化工产品的国营公司).2.We shall let you know our comments_________________________________(一俟收到你方的报价).3.We are ______________________________________(专门从事中国工艺品出口).4.We hope to _______________________________________________(与你们建立贸易关系). 5.________________________________(兹航寄) three sample books.6.______________________________________________(我们已经和世界上一百多个国家的商号建立了关系) on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange ofneeded goods. III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1.We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a statecorporation specializing in the export business of canned goods, and expressour desire to enter into business relations you.2.Our company is one of the import and export corporations in Shanghaicommercial circle authorized by the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We have enjoyed a good reputation in the world market for a longtime.3.We are one of the leading exporters of first class cotton and rayongoods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years? business experience.4.Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned that you have been supplying the best quality foods all over the world.5.We are desirous of enlarging our trade in various agricultural products, but unfortunately have had no good connections in the southern part of Russia. Therefore we shall be obliged if you kindly introduce us to some of the most capable and reliable importers. IV. Translate the following sentences into English : 1.承蒙外国商会介绍得知你公司的名称地址。



《骆驼祥子》每章节批注(Comments on each chapter of camelXiangzi)Chapter one:This chapter through Xiangzi save money to buy a car twists and turns of experience, to show us is undoubtedly a honest, simple, love life image of workers. "He is the one...... seems to be a good ghost." Xiangzi is a better portrayal of the soul. Of course, this chapter depicts the protagonist in a specific social background, connecting the fate of the characters with the changes in the social situation, laying a foreshadowing for the plot development. At the same time, this is the first Xiangzi in life.Second chapters:Xiangzi writes about the appearance of this part, characterization of Xiangzi pulled the car, are very good, it has become Xiangzi's youth, health and labor praise. But in the back, Xiangzi with his sweat for the symbol of his newborn car, in the army \ "valve melee" was taken away. This is a blow to Xiangzi, so Xiangzi tears. He hated those soldiers, and hate everything in the world." This is the first drop in Xiangzi's life.Third chapters:Although Xiangzi lost his first car, he was still awake, and his dream was not shattered. He also wanted to rebuild his life with camel and his hard work. "He had a drink of cold water,and then took the thirty five bright silver dollar, a cornmeal pancake, wearing a nurse to the chest when the pieces of broken white xiaogua, step by step to go to town!" In this sentence as the end of the third chapter, in order to reflect Xiangzi's confidence in remodeling life, but also for the next Xiangzi in order to buy a car and desperately pull the car to pave the way.Fourth chapters:"His relationship with the three camels from his nonsense was somebody to go. A sober, he is Xiangzi 'camel'." The title and the beginning of the novel. Here not only explains the "camel Xiangzi" nickname of the bitter origin, but also make the novel content interlocking, seamless. "I see people there... His only friend is... The city." Resorting to sight, hearing, smell and touch, describing scenes in various angles, and methodically introducing Peking's "hectic" environment. At the same time, Xiangzi regarded the ancient city as his "friend", which showed the recovery of his life confidence and the loneliness and helplessness in his heart.Fifth chapters:Xiangzi in order to buy a car again, he began to like a ravening beast ", but many households in the home run, swallow. But Xiangzi still did not expect, in the old society surrounded by the dark forces, the fate of the lower little people is difficult to change. At the same time, Xiangzi's psychological world is changing quietly, showing the signs of "sinking" and "depravity". In this chapter, there are two still gratifying:one is Xiangzi's confidence in life is not death; two had on Xiangzi's caring. This also makes the plot of the novel is a very good opportunity for development.Sixth chapters:This chapter reflects her and Xiangzi relationship is one-way, i.e. active passive Tigress, Xiangzi. The author also wrote Tigress, clever arrangement, the emotion "Tibet" out of sight. Her "rough" character show. Xiangzi is no love at all to her. But because of his prior experience, factors of confusion, Tigress germinating nature, the effect of alcohol and other complex, coupled with Xiangzi's personality, life experience decision. In short, the author wrote this emotional experience, wrote the complexity of human nature, appears to be true and not single, make the character's image more plump, vivid and credible.Seventh chapters:"After much deliberation, he found that: about to the end, he had to face up to tiger girl; she is not, not to the car?" From the simple "containing Xiangzi want to face to the car, but it was not for her. This is Xiangzi "fallen", start a snob. This is Xiangzi's sadness, this is also a social tragedy. "Mother's words like a gramophone record... And no traces of transitions." The mother's words like a gramophone record, both image is appropriate,At the same time also show Xiangzi's stiff, honest and straightforward, honest, this makes Xiangzi ineloquent imagemore prominent.Eighth chapters:"The first ice appeared on the ground, even on the sidewalk soil solidified...... he continued running, go into, nothing could stop the giant" bad external environment did not stop Xiangzi, from the side of the life of a person's beliefs influence great. "They wear a light right through, a gust of wind blew broken, broken clothes" through the exaggeration of the art, extremely shabby, and the clothes thin, but also reflects the society at that time the people at the bottom of the hardships of life.Ninth chapters:With the two chapter, Xiangzi happily came to the old customer Mr. Cao home lira monthly, Mr. Cao Cao and Mrs. Xiangzi here feel kind, everything is so nice and warm, all have to make endless effort. When she suddenly appeared in front of Xiangzi, pointing to his belly and said: "I have!" Are told to make imaginative fourth Master Liu find him as his son-in-law, Xiangzi pain to come out, he felt like falling into the trap, hands and feet were all clamps, can't run.Tenth chapters:Xiangzi sent Mr. Cao to the movies once. In the teahouse met hungry faint in the horse and his grandson pony. The old horse is a rickshaw driver with his own car, and his tragic experience casts a shadow over Xiangzi's greatest hope. He vaguely felt even if you buy the car is still not a good day. This chapterby Xiangzi agonising over whether to marry Tigress, has decided to marry her end, tail echo, demonstrates the process of Xiangzi. The main body is written horse and pony, Xiangzi from them to see their past and future, which is the root cause of Xiangzi's heart change, reflects the sorrow of life.Eleventh chapters:This chapter is written by Xiangzi following the loss of his car. The "first strike" by "second hit", the author first wrote Xiangzi's heart activities - that is kept in a pot of money, he is to get rid of, Tigress continue to buy a car all the basic survival and rely on, and these "ideal" and "pleasure" because of the destruction of detective sun. "Tragedy, is good things for people to see the tear." The contents of the preceding are all ready for Xiangzi's later experience, all in a powerful foil, highlighting the sadness behind.Twelfth chapters:The article will be Mr. Cao why was detective tracking, why Xiangzi was extortion content made the necessary supplement, which not only eliminates the readers mind mysteries, and the sequence of events makes it clear, complete and reasonable.Thirteenth chapters:This chapter seems simple, but in fact according to the wishes Tigress in a step by step development: Xiangzi is back, fourth Master Liu praises Xiangzi, Xiangzi obedient, his ideal is to fourth Master Liu pointed out, Xiangzi also bought a gift. Theseare foreshadowing for the following plot buried. But the fourth Master Liu tricky, envy other driver, but also for the development of the plot in Mongolia a shadow, to attract readers to continue to pay attention to.Fourteenth chapters:This chapter takes the reception process of fourth Master Liu as the main clue, from different aspects: conflicts between Xiangzi and the other driver, fourth Master Liu and Xiangzi, and Tigress, and fourth Master Liu psychological self contradiction, and so on, these contradictions urge the plot towards unexpected direction, until the people contrary to expectation -- produced a tigress and fourth Master Liu fierce quarrel. She also under the circumstances of her to be caught off guard, Xiangzi. ".". The woman fell out, Xiangzi.Fifteenth chapters:This chapter is mainly written in the tigress and father after falling out with Xiangzi, another Tigress marriage, but Xiangzi is unwilling, but not attack. She is thinking about how to with my father, in order to have a good life. The development of the plot seems calm, but dark wave surging, P. Xiangzi had wronged, want to leave and leave; but Xiangzi worried that Tigress, tough Xiangzi;Xiangzi wants to pull the car, Tigress but want to live leisurely day...... contradiction after another, character is completed.Sixteenth chapters:After the wedding of Xiangzi live in slums like Warren, although life Tigress do a very thoughtful, but Xiangzi did not want to idle at home, thus avoiding Tigress, secretly pulled the car rent. In the face of extremely boring Tigress, stubborn Xiangzi, agreed to buy a car, this makes Xiangzi very happy. In this chapter the tigress image was gradually plump. The author on the basis of the above, and highlight its love, happiness and self-respect, and as the boss's father would break, and to keep Xiangzi Xiangzi to compromise, which allows us to see the old black woman's beauty.Seventeenth chapters:When Xiangzi and his wife, sold the car to go out to enjoy the fourth Master Liu, in her desperation, Xiangzi had to buy a second-hand car. The second-hand car is joy's father used to sell money to buy the joy. Tigress was later bought her officers abandoned home and she became friends, but in order to support the family, she became a prostitute. This part is still in Xiangzi's life as the main line, but the author and supplemented with interleaved technique, describes in detail the miserable life of a tigress, another main character leads to the following - joy.Eighteenth chapters:This chapter first briefly introduces her pregnancy, a detailed account of Xiangzi's illness antecedents and consequences. The contents are arranged in detail to highlight the "unjust world",the strong criticism of society, and the boundless sympathy for the lower class workers. Highlights of this chapter, as the description of the scene, the detailed image text, from the different perspective, the process description of summer weather changes, immersive people. It also plays a role in promoting the plot.Nineteenth chapters:His illness, reduced income, but not pregnant Tigress, and pay attention to eat, which makes her dystocia. Coupled with the thought of superstition and others of cheating, more important is the poor without money and the doctor's indifference, Tigress finally died. This is a blow to people just lit the hope of life to Xiangzi. The author use simple language reveals the underlying social causes of the tragedy in the paper.Twentieth chapters:In order to give her funeral, Xiangzi sold the car, out of home, leave love and hope to rely on his joy, to the car rental car to make a living. Life brought about tremendous changes to Xiangzi's inner world. He changed slowly, learned to smoke, drink, and not feel bad about money. Xiangzi's biggest change was reflected by his change in the car: he pulled the car and was just mixing it with light. Later, Mr. Xiangzi took Mr. Xia's monthly salary. A stingy, dissolute, hypocritical images of officials. Compared to Xiangzi's life and Mr. Xia, the image reveals the social causes of the tragedy of Xiangzi.Twenty-first chapters:Xiangzi was Mrs. Xia temptation, infected with the disease, and spent a lot of money for medical treatment. He became more and more self abandoned. Apart from narration and description, the author reveals the change of Xiangzi's depravity by incisive language, which is caused by social indifference and hits the nail on the head. After the fall of Xiangzi encountered a fourth Master Liu, this has aroused Xiangzi's confidence in life. After part of the novel, written in the most moving, great sorrow is heard about the death of her fourth Master Liu, the figure of flesh and blood.Twenty-second chapters:Determined anew Xiangzi, decided to find Mr. Cao and joy. Mr. Cao told Xiangzi politely as before, and promised to help Xiangzi and joy through. Xiangzi was so happy and urgent that he came out of Cao house to find Xiao Fu. The scenery along the way was also very beautiful, but he could not find the sign of Xiao Fu in the courtyard. He asked everywhere and had no fruit. Once again into depression. This chapter is a chapter full of sunshine, and also part of Xiangzi's hope of rekindle life, even though it is the last one".Twenty-third chapters:Xiangzi in the horse reminder, to the "White House" to find joy,But learned that she had hanged herself. This makes Xiangzi hardly wished to live. hopes finally. The old horse, Xiao Fu and his own experience made him sink down completely, get intoall kinds of bad habits, become a real rogue, and even a kind good man cheat. The author described the process of Xiangzi's depravity and degradation, and described the very simple and profound language. He pointed out sharply that "people are now expelling their own kind into the wild beasts."". Although Xiangzi's depravity has revenge on society, it is irrational and even inhuman moral decay.Twenty-fourth chapters:In the bustling luoguxuantian, Peiping, numbness of the people was to see Ruan Ming shot. And Ruan Mingzheng was betrayed by Xiangzi. Ruan Ming and Xiangzi, are all fallen, but not the same form and reason. But at the end they have become slaves of money are "individualism end ghost". Xiangzi is on the people to do odd jobs to survive the funeral. In this chapter, the author put Xiangzi in a wider social background to write, reflecting the inevitability of the birth of Xiangzi's social disease fetus.。



Chapter II Establishing Business RelationsLesson OneExercisesI. Translate the following expressions:1.cotton piece goods 6.另函2.state-operated corporation 7. 供你方参考3.import and export 8. 商务参赞处 lines 9. 盼望5.establish business relations 10. 最新的商品目录II. Translating the following into English:1.We are informed that _______________________________________(你公司是经营化工产品的国营公司).2.We shall let you know our comments_________________________________(一俟收到你方的报价).3.We are ______________________________________(专门从事中国工艺品出口).4.We hope to _______________________________________________(与你们建立贸易关系).5.________________________________(兹航寄) three sample books.6.______________________________________________(我们已经和世界上一百多个国家的商号建立了关系) on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1.We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export business of canned goods, and express our desire to enter into business relations you.2.Our company is one of the import and export corporations in Shanghai commercial circle authorized by the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We have enjoyed a good reputation in the world market for a long time.3.We are one of the leading exporters of first class cotton and rayon goods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years’ business experience.4.Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned that you have been supplying the best quality foods all over the world.5.We are desirous of enlarging our trade in various agricultural products, but unfortunately have had no good connections in the southern part of Russia. Therefore we shall be obliged if you kindly introduce us to some of the most capable and reliable importers.IV. Translate the following sentences into English :1.承蒙外国商会介绍得知你公司的名称地址。

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Our Comments on the “Your Turn” Cases
You as a Creditor As a creditor, you are interested in the borrower’s ability
to repay the $10,000 that she borrows, plus an additional amount for the use of your bank’s money for the time the loan is outstanding. Info rmation that
would assist you in making a decision regarding the creditworthiness of the potential borrower would include employment and income information, other expenses that she must pay (for example, rent or house payment), and her history of borrowing and repaying loans. In other words, you are interested in the borrower’s “cash flow prospects,” or her ability to repay the amount of the loan, plus a fee for the use of the bank’s money (called interest) in accordance with the agreement reached at the time the loan is made.
You as a Professional Accountant This situation puts you in a very difficult position. On the one hand, you want to do the right thing and, in your opinion, that involves an in depth study of the problem you have found. On the other hand, you are pulled in the direction of doing what your superior says to do because you may respect her position as your superior and because your responsibility is to take directions from the person with whom you are assigned to work. You might want to discuss with your superior the potential implications of the irregularities that you have found and try to convince her that some additional effort to better understand what is going on may be very important. You may want to discuss this with a peer or another person not directly involved in your engagement but whose opinion you value. You may want to talk with a person higher up in the organization than your superior, although you should be careful to avoid creating a conflict with your superior. You probably should keep a record of steps you have taken to resolve the situation and certainly keep your eyes open for a pattern of similar behavior that may be a signal to you that you need to consider a job elsewhere. Also, if you are responsible for auditing this area and you believe that the audit procedures employed to date are insufficient, following your superior’s instructions will generally not be an adequate defense if regulators or private litigants name you in a lawsuit. Simply following orders was not an adequate defense at Nuremberg (Nazi war crimes trials), it was not an adequate defense for Lieutenant Calley in Vietnam, and it is not an adequate defense in business.。
