SYB240128A6V10单页资料 Model (1)
液晶显示模块 JRD240128-5D系列 说明书
液晶显示模块使用手册版本: 1.0型号:JRD240128-5D 系列选配件说明□常温(0~50℃) □宽温(-20~+70℃)液晶片□超宽温(-30~+80℃)□黄绿模 □蓝模 □灰模 □黑白模背 光 □LED白光 □LED翡翠绿光 □LED蓝光 □EL白光□EL蓝光 □CCFL负压电路 □板载负压 □不带负压EL逆变器 □配备 □板载 □不配备CCF逆变□配备 □不配备一.概述JRD240128-5D是一种图形点阵液晶显示器。
二.特性1.工作电压为+3V-5V,自带驱动LCD所需的负电压;♦ 内建7602个常用简体字库,国家标准GB码字库;♦ 内建对比度调节电路,可软件设置对比度;♦ 内建多组半宽字符(ASCII码),方便编程;♦ 内建粗体字型和行距设定;♦ 提供显示屏幕水平卷动和垂直拖动功能;♦ 提供单个字符反白显示和N行反白显示;♦ 提供简单4级灰度显示功能;♦ 提供中英文对齐/不对齐功能;♦ 提供触摸屏控制功能;2.全屏幕点阵,点阵数为320(列)×240(行),可显示20(列)×15(行)个(16×16点阵)汉字,也可完成图形,字符的显示。
三.外形尺寸1. 外形尺寸图2.主要外形尺寸Viewing Area(W X H)Module Size (W X H X T)View Angle Dot Pitch(W X H)Dot Size(W X H)Item0.40 X 0.40114.0 X 64.0Max.144.0 X 104.0 X 14.0Unit mm mm mm mmMECHANICAL DATA0.45 X 0.456 or 12 O'Clock四.硬件说明1. 引脚特性3 接口定义J 1接口定义2345678910111213141517161820VSSVC C V0W R R D CS RS BUS RSTD B 0D B 1D B 2D B 3D B 4D B 5D B 6DB7V O U T Power GroundPower positive Negative Volt Adjust Write Signal Read Signal Chip SelectH:Data L:Instruction Code Busy signal Data bus [0-7]There state I/O common terminalNegative Volt Output 2122BLA BLKBacklight Anode(5v)Backlight Cathode(0v)BLAB L K Backlight Anode(5v)Backlight Cathode(0v)2325Reset Signal1FGFrame ground注意:1、BLA(背光控制脚):在使用LED 型背光时,作为LED 背光电源正,板载降压电阻,可直接供给5V,LED 背光的负极被接到GND(地)。
二.特性1.工作电压为+5V±10% ,可自带驱动LCD所需的负电压。
三.外形尺寸.外形尺寸项目标 准 尺 寸 单 位模 块 体 积 144.0×104.0×12mm定 位 尺 寸 138.0×97.0mm视 域114.0×64.0 mm行 列 点 阵 数 240×128dots点 距 离 0.45×0.45mm点 大 小0.40×0.40mm四.硬件说明1.引脚特性引脚号引脚名称 级 别 引脚功能描述1FG0V压框地2 VSS 0V电源地3 VDD +5V 电源电压4 VLCD 0~-10V LCD驱动负电压,要求VDD-VLCD=10V5 /WR H/L 低电平有效。
写操作信号6 /RD H/L 低电平有效。
读操作信号7 /CE H/L低电平有效。
片选信号C/D=H 为指令通道 8C/D H/L 通道选择信号C/D=L 为数据通道9 /RESET H/L 复位信号,低有效10 DB011 DB112 DB213 DB3H/L八位三态并行数据总线14 DB415 DB516 DB617 DB7FS=H, 6×8点阵字体18 FS H/L字体选择。
LCM240128液晶模块及其应用发表时间:2009-11-12T14:19:53.950Z 来源:《赤子》第14期供稿作者:孙刚[导读] 随着液晶显示技术的发展,LCD(液晶显示器)模块已成为家电、显示仪器仪表和其他电子产品的重要组成部分孙刚(空军航空大学基础部电工电子教研室,吉林长春 130022)摘要:介绍了北京新华龙公司生产的LCM240128液晶显示模块,从应用角度介绍了其特点及功能,在此基础上设计了其与C8051F020单片机的接口,最后对汉字显示方法进行了介绍并举出实例。
1 LCM2401281液晶显示器简介LCM2401281是北京新华龙公司生产液晶显示模块,它具有240×128分辨率,即显示屏幕具有240×128点阵,整个液晶模块包括LCD 显示屏、LCD驱动电路、连接件、LCD控制模块、PCB线路板、背光源和结构件等。
Register Set
Control Word set
Mode set
Display Mode
Cursor Pattern Select
Data auto Read/write
Data read Write
Screen peek Screen copy
00100001 00100010 00100100 01000000 01000001 01000010 01000011 1000x000 1000x001 1000x011 1000x100 10000xxx 10001xxx 10010000 1001xx10 1001xx11 100101xx 100110xx 100111xx 10100000 10100001 10100010 10100011 10100100 10100101 10100110 10100111 10110000 10110001 10110010 11000000 11000001 11000010 11000011 11000100 11000101 11100000 11101000 11110XX
4- R1.5
2. 外形尺寸一览
模块体积 视域 行列点阵数 点距离 点大小
144.0×104.0×13.7 114.0×64.0 240×128 0.40×0.40 0.45×0.45
UNIT mm mm DOTS mm mm
Input low voltage
LCD 模块使用手册EDM240128B图形点阵式液晶显示模块使用说明大连佳显电子有限公司电话: (0411) 84619565, 84573876传真: (0411) 846195851. 使用范围----------------------------------------------------32. 质量保证----------------------------------------------------33. 性能特点----------------------------------------------------34. 外形图-------------------------------------------------------65. I/O接口特性-----------------------------------------------76. 质量等级---------------------------------------------------167. 可靠性---------------------------------------------------198. 生产注意事项---------------------------------------------209. 使用注意事项---------------------------------------------211. 使用范围该检验标准适用于大连佳显电子有限公司设计提供的标准液晶显示模块。
2. 质量保证如在此手册列明的正常条件下使用、储存该产品,公司将提供12个月的质量保证。
3. 性能特点3-1.性能:显示方式 : 半透、正显FSTN/STNLCD显示颜色 : 显示点: 黑色背景: 白色显示形式: 240(w)×128(h) 全点阵输入数据 : 来自MPU的8位并行数据接口Duty驱动路数: 1/128视角: 6 点RAM 显示容量: 32k byte S-RAM(built-in)HD61830(Built-in)控制器:容量: Built-in 160 words 5×7 and 32 words 5×CGROM/RAM11character generator (CG) ROM.3-2.机械性能:项目规格单位外形尺寸 144.0(W)×104.0(H) ×14.5 Max.(T) mm显示点阵数 240(W) ×128(H) Dots —字符结构5×7 Fonts and5×11 Fonts —视域 114.0(W)×64.0(H) mm显示图形域 107.95(W)×57.55(H) mm 点间距 0.45(W)×0.45(H) mm点尺寸 0.4(W)×0.4(H) mm145 g 重量 Approx.3-3. 极限参数:项 目 符 号 最小值最大值单位 注 释逻辑 Vdd 0 6.0 V电源电压LCD 驱动 Vdd – Vee 0 26 V输入电压 Vi 0 Vdd V 操作温度 Top -20 70 ℃ 储存温度 Tstg -30 85 ℃ 湿度 — — 90 %RH3-4. 电气特性:3-4-1. 电气参数项 目 符 号 条 件 最小值典型值 最大值 单 位 逻辑 Vdd 4.5 5.0 5.5电源电压LCD 驱动 Vdd–Vee — 21.0 24.0高电平 Vih Vdd=5V ±5% 0.7Vdd — Vdd输入电压低电平 Vil 0 — 0.3Vdd V高电平 Vih Vdd-0.4— Vdd输出电压低电平 Vil 0 — 0.4频 率 Fflm Vdd=5V 60 70 80 Hz逻辑 Idd — 3.0 5.0功 耗 LCD 驱动 Iee Vdd=5V Vdd–Vee=15.0VFflm=75Hz— 2.0 3.5 mA Ta= 0℃φ=0°,θ=0°— 22.1 23.0Ta= 25℃φ=0°,θ=0°20.0 21.0 21.7 LCD 驱动电压 (推荐电压) Vdd–Vee Ta= 50℃φ=0°,θ=0° 19.2 20.3 —VNote: <1> 驱动路数=1/128 <2> 所有点在静态条件下3-5. 电光特性项 目 符号温度 条件 最小值典型值最大值 单位 注释 0℃ — 22.1 23.025℃20.0 21.0 21.7 LCD 驱动电压(推荐电压)V op 50℃ φ=0°,θ=0°19.2 20.3 — V 1,2,5 0℃ — 1500 2000 上升时间 tr 25℃ — 150 2000℃ — 30003500响应 时间 衰退时间 td 25℃ φ=0°,θ=0°— 200 250mS 1,3,5垂直 -35 — 35视 角 Δφ 25℃ 水平 -30 — 30deg. 1,4,5对比度 K 25℃ φ=0°,θ=0° 2.0 5.0 — — 1,5,6注意:<1> φ和θ的定义<2> 在此电压范围内能获得对比度大于2(k ≥2)注意:<4>视角定义注意:<5> 光学测量系统温度控制室(ΔΦ) ΔΦ=|Φ1-Φ2|非选择点的亮度(B2)选择点的亮度(B1)4. 外形图5. I/O接口特性5-2.时序及时序图:1. 接口时序2.接口时序参数名称符号最小值典型值最大值单位E周期时间t CYC 1.0 — —us E高电压宽度t WEH 0.45 — —E低电压宽度t WEL 0.45 — —E上升时间t Er — — 25E下降时间t Ef — — 25 地址建立时间t AS 140 — —数据建立时间t DSW 225 — —ns 数据延迟时间t DDR — — 225 数据保持时间t DHW 10 — — 地址保持时间t AH 10 — — 输出数据保持时间t DH 20 — —5-3. 电源连接图*VDD-V0:液晶驱动电压。
工作簿1 (1)
原顺序辅助列辅助列2橙色瓦楞披6橙色瓦楞披6黄底YEP6金牌牛皮瓦6金牌牛皮瓦6一起披萨牛6 BBQ瓶瓦7 BBQ瓶瓦7 EST207 EST207 ITALI7 ITALI7 steal7阿拉斯加瓦7阿拉斯加瓦7超级美味牛7超级美味牛7橙色瓦楞披7橙色瓦楞披7橙色瓦楞手7奋斗瓦楞披7奋斗瓦楞披7功夫太极瓦7功夫太极瓦7狗狗击掌瓦7狗狗新年款7果蔬瓦楞披7果蔬瓦楞披7黑底新鲜披7黑底新鲜披7红底披萨瓦7红底披萨瓦7黄底YEP7黄底YEP7黄底YEP7黄底功夫太7灰底脸谱瓦7灰底脸谱瓦7金卡瓦楞披7金卡瓦楞披7金牌牛皮瓦7金牌牛皮瓦7卡通蓝脸瓦7卡通蓝脸瓦7卡通水果牛7老好切瓦楞7老好切瓦楞7六角BAN7六角BAN7六六六瓦楞7六六六瓦楞7猫小姐瓦楞7猫小姐瓦楞7美女瓦楞披7美女瓦楞披7美味同在瓦7美味同在瓦7骑行瓦楞披7骑行瓦楞披7圈圈瓦楞披7圈圈瓦楞披7惹火瓦楞披7惹火瓦楞披7杀手瓦楞披7杀手瓦楞披7圣诞节瓦楞7手枪牛皮瓦7手枪牛皮瓦7兔子款瓦楞7兔子款瓦楞7无色不欢(7无色不欢(7西安瓦楞披7西安瓦楞披7小鸡瓦楞披7小鸡瓦楞披7小鸟贴窗瓦7一起披萨牛7一起披萨牛7银色心型开7橙色瓦楞披8黄底YEP8黄底YEP8黄底YEP8灰底脸谱瓦8机车六角披8机车六角瓦8金牌牛皮瓦8金牌牛皮瓦8BBQ瓶瓦9 BBQ瓶瓦9 ITALI9 ITALI9 steal9阿拉斯加瓦9阿拉斯加瓦9超级美味牛9超级美味牛9橙色瓦楞披9橙色瓦楞披9橙色瓦楞手9单片Yep9单片Yep9单片Yep9单片Yep9单片功夫白9奋斗瓦楞披9奋斗瓦楞披9功夫太极瓦9功夫太极瓦9狗狗击掌瓦9狗狗新年款9狗狗新年款9果蔬瓦楞披9果蔬瓦楞披9黑底新鲜披9黑底新鲜披9红底披萨瓦9红底披萨瓦9黄底YEP9黄底YEP9黄底YEP9黄底功夫太9灰底脸谱瓦9灰底脸谱瓦9机车六角瓦9金卡瓦楞披9金卡瓦楞披9金牌牛皮瓦9金牌牛皮瓦9金牌牛皮瓦9金牌牛皮瓦9卡通蓝脸瓦9卡通蓝脸瓦9卡通水果牛9老好切瓦楞9老好切瓦楞9六角BAN9六角BAN9六六六瓦楞9六六六瓦楞9猫小姐瓦楞9猫小姐瓦楞9美味同在瓦9美味同在瓦9骑行瓦楞披9骑行瓦楞披9圈圈瓦楞披9圈圈瓦楞披9惹火瓦楞披9惹火瓦楞披9杀手瓦楞披9杀手瓦楞披9圣诞节瓦楞9手枪牛皮瓦9手枪牛皮瓦9兔子款瓦楞9兔子款瓦楞9无色不欢(9无色不欢(9西安瓦楞披9西安瓦楞披9小鸡白卡手9小鸡白卡手9小鸡瓦楞披9小鸡瓦楞披9小鸟贴窗瓦9熊猫瓦楞披9熊猫瓦楞披9一起披萨牛9一起披萨牛9银色心型开9银色心型开9寸BBQ瓶10寸BBQ瓶10寸ITAL10寸ITAL10寸阿拉斯加10寸阿拉斯加10寸超级美味10寸橙色瓦楞10寸橙色瓦楞10寸奋斗瓦楞10寸奋斗瓦楞10寸狗狗击掌10寸狗狗新年10寸狗狗新年10寸果蔬瓦楞10寸黄底YE10寸黄底YE10寸灰底脸谱10寸机车六角10寸机车六角10寸金牌牛皮10寸金牌牛皮10寸卡通水果10寸卡通水果10寸老好切瓦10寸老好切瓦10寸六六六瓦10寸六六六瓦10寸猫小姐瓦10寸猫小姐瓦10寸美味同在10寸骑行瓦楞10寸骑行瓦楞10寸圈圈瓦楞10寸圈圈瓦楞10寸惹火瓦楞10寸杀手瓦楞10寸圣诞节瓦10寸手枪牛皮10寸手枪牛皮10寸兔子款瓦10寸兔子款瓦10寸无色不欢10寸无色不欢10寸西安瓦楞10寸西安瓦楞10寸小鸡瓦楞10寸小鸡瓦楞10寸银色心型10寸银色心型10寸橙色瓦楞12寸橙色瓦楞12寸狗狗新年12寸黄底YE12寸黄底YE12寸金牌牛皮12寸金牌牛皮12寸卡通水果12寸卡通水果12寸小鸡瓦楞12寸小鸡瓦楞12寸一起披萨12寸Sphe13寸黄底YE14寸黄底YE16杯托#N/A 湃客咖啡手#N/A。
爱普生 ET-2800 无墨盒超大容量打印机 说明书
Specification Sheet | Page 1 of 2Wireless | Print | Copy | ScanThe ideal basic home printer.Innovative Cartridge-Free Printing — High-capacity ink tanks mean no more tiny, expensive ink cartridges; Epson’s exclusive EcoFit ® ink bottles make filling easy and worry-freeDramatic Savings on Replacement Ink — Save up to 90% with replacement ink bottles vs. ink cartridges 1 – that’s enough to print up to 4,500 pages black/7,500 color 2, equivalent to about 90 individual ink cartridges 3Stress-Free Printing — Up to 2 years of ink in the box 4 – and with every replacement ink set – for fewer out of ink frustrationsZero Cartridge Waste — By using an EcoT ank printer, you can help reduce the amount of cartridge waste ending up in landfillsImpressive Print Quality — Unique Micro Piezo Heat-Free T echnology ™ produces sharp text – plus impressive color photos and graphics – on virtually any paper type Built-in Scanner & Copier — High-resolution flatbed scanner and a color display for easy document copying and navigationModern Connectivity — Features wireless, plus hands-free voice-activated printing 5. Easily print from your smart device 6 with the intuitive Epson Smart Panel ® App 7Designed for Reliability — Worry-free 2-year limited warranty with registration 8, including full unit replacement/ecotankReplacement ink bottles1 Actual savings and costs will vary considerably based on print tasks, print volumes and usage conditions. Savings and cost per ISO page are based on the cost of replacement ink bottles and the cost of enough standard cartridges to achieve the total page yields of the bottles using the MSRP (USD) and yields for Epson ® standard-capacity ink cartridges for similarly featured Epson consumer inkjet printers as of October 2020.with registration 8Specification Sheet | Page 2 of 2Max. Resolution 9600 dpi interpolatedScanner Bit Depth Input: 48-bit color/Output: 24-bit color Scan Bed Size 8.5" x 11.7" max.Scan Compatibility TWAIN, WIA, ICAScan Features Scan to Computer Event Manager, Scan to Computer (WSD)TWAIN Reading Resolution 75~9600 dpi (1 dpi step)TWAIN Output Format PDF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, Multi-TIFF, BMP (Windows ®), PICT (Mac ®)TemperatureOperating: 50 ° to 95 °F (10 ° to 35 °C) Storage: -4 ° to 104 °F (-20 ° to 40 °C)Relative Humidity Operating: 20 – 80%Storage: 5 – 85% (no condensation)Sound Level Power: 6.3 B(A) Pressure: 52 dB(A)Power RequirementsRated Voltage: AC 100 – 240 V Universal (Automatic) Rated Frequency: 50 – 60 Hz Rated Current: 0.4 – 0.2 A4 individual ink bottles (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black)Replacement Ink Bottles 2522 Black ink bottle (65 mL) yield: 4,500; 522 color (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) ink bottle (65 mL) yield: 7,500Epson strongly recommends the use of genuine ink to ensure optimal print quality and performance.Eco FeaturesENERGY STAR ® qualified RoHS compliant Recyclable product 13Epson America, Inc. is a SmartWay ® Transport Partner 14Ordering InformationET-2800 (Black)0 10343 95788 6C11CJ66201Specifications and terms are subject to change without notice. EPSON, EcoTank, Epson ESC/P , Epson Smart Panel and MicroPiezo are registered trademarks, EPSON Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark and Better Products for a Better Future, Epson Connect, Epson iPrint and Micro Piezo Heat-Free Technology are trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation. EcoFit is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. AirPrint, Apple, Mac, macOS and OS X are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android is a trademark of Google LLC. Windows, Windows Server and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Wi-Fi ® and Wi-Fi Direct ® are registered trademarks and Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ is a trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance ®. SmartWay is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. Copyright 2021 Epson America, Inc. CPD-60628R2 4/21All images simulated.† Black and color print speeds are measured in accordance with ISO/IEC 24734. Actual print times will vary based on factors including system configuration, software, and page complexity. For more information, visit /printspeed | †† Black and color copy speeds are determined in accordance with ISO/IEC 29183. Actual copy times will vary based on factors including system configuration and page complexity. For more information, visit /copyspeed | 1 Actual savings and costs will vary considerably based on print tasks, print volumes and usage conditions. Savings and cost per ISO page are based on the cost of replacement ink bottles and the cost of enough standard cartridges to achieve the total page yields of the bottles using the MSRP (USD) and yields for Epson standard-capacity ink cartridges for similarly featured Epson consumer inkjet printers as of October 2020. | 2 Part of the ink from the included bottles is used for initial setup; yields are lower than those of replacement ink bottles. Replacement and included ink bottle yields based on the ISO/IEC 24712 pattern with Epson’s methodology. Actual ink yields will vary considerably for reasons including images printed, print settings, temperature and humidity. Yields may be lower when printing infrequently or predominantly with one ink color. All ink colors are used for printing and printer maintenance, and all colors must be available for printing. For more information, visit /inkinfo | 3 Individual cartridges estimate based on print yields of a replacement set of black and color ink bottles as compared to Epson standard-capacity ink cartridges for similarly featured printers as of October 2020. | 4 Based on average monthly document print volumes of about 125 pages. | 5 See /voice for device compatibility. Epson Connect account and voice-activated account registration required.| 6 Most features require an Internet connection to the printer, as well as an Internet- and/or email-enabled device. For a list of Epson Connect enabled printers and compatible devices and apps, visit /connect | 7 Requires Epson Smart Panel App download. Data usage fees may apply. | 8 12 months of standard limited warranty or 30,000 plain paper sheets (whichever happens first). For an additional 12-month extended service plan (total of 24 months or 30,000 plain paper sheets, whichever happens first), register your product and use Epson genuine ink bottles. See Limited Warranty for details. | 9 Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™; level of performance subject to the range of the router being used. Wi-Fi Direct may require printer software. | 10 Only printingand scanning are supported under Windows Server OS. | 11 Some applications and/or functions may not be supported under Mac OS X. | 12 Internet access is required to install OS X drivers and software. | 13 For convenient and reasonable recycling options, visit /recycle | 14 SmartWay is an innovative partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that reduces greenhouse gases and other air pollutants and improves fuel efficiency.Epson America, Inc.3131 Katella Ave., Los Alamitos, CA 90720Epson Canada Limited185 Renfrew Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 6G3。
金鹏电子 OCM240128 图形点阵液晶显示模块 说明书
金鹏电子有限公司Golden Palm Electronics Co.,Ltd.目 录(一) 显示特性 (3)(二) 模块尺寸 (3)(三) 模块图 (4)(四) 限定参数 (4)(五) 电气特性及使用说明 (4)(六) 光学特性 (7)(七) 可靠性 (9)(八) 注意事项 (10)1Display Specification1.1 Display type:STN1.2 Display colorDisplay color:Blue-BlackBackground color:Yellow-Green1.3 Polarizer mode:PositiveReflective1.4 Viewing Angle:6:001.5 Driving Duty: 1/1281.6 Backlight: LED Or CCFLz Color tone is slightly changed by temperature and driving voltage。
2Mechanical Specifications图1:OCM240128-1/-2模块尺寸图7 /CE Chip enable SignalSelection8 C/D Command/Datasignal9 /Reset Reset10 DB0 Data bit 011 DB1 Data bit 112 DB2 Data bit 213 DB3 Data bit 314 DB4 Data bit 415 DB5 Data bit 516 DB6 Data bit 617 DB7 Data bit 7Selection18 FS Font19 VEE Negative voltage for LCD driving20 LED+ Power supply for LED(+5V)21 LED- Power supply for LED(0V)OCM240128_2:Pin NO.Symbol Description(Function) Remark 1 FG Module Frame GroundGround2 VSS3 VDD Supply voltage for logic and LCD(+5V)4 V0 Operating voltage for LCD variable5 /WR Data Write into T6963C6 /RD Data Read from T6963C7 /CE Chip enable Signal8 C/D Command/DataSelectionsignal9 /Reset Reset10 DB0 Data bit 011 DB1 Data bit 112 DB2 Data bit 213 DB3 Data bit 314 DB4 Data bit 415 DB5 Data bit 516 DB6 Data bit 617 DB7 Data bit 7Selection18 FS Font19 LED+ Power supply for LED(+5V)20 LED- Power supply for LED(0V)5.3 Interface Timing Chart:Unless otherwis e specified,VDD=5.0±10%,VSS=0V,Ta=-10~70℃MINUNITMAX Item SymbolTestConditionC/D Set up Time tCDS 100 -- nsC/D Hold Time tCDH 10 -- nsCE,RD,WR Width tCE,tRD,tWR80 -- nsData Set up Time tDS 80 -- nsData Hold Time tDH 40 -- ns Access Time tACC -- 150 ns Output Hold Time tOH 10 50 ns5.4 Instruction CodeCOMMAND CODE D1 D2 FUNCTION REGISTERS 00100001 X address Y address Set Cursor Pointer00100010 Data 00H Set Offset Register SETTING 00100100 Low address High address Set Address Pointer01000000 Low address High address Set Text Home AddressAreaSET CONONTROL 01000001 Columns 00H SetTextWORD 01000010 Low address High address Set Graphic Home Address01000011 Columns 00H SetAreaGraphicmode1000x000 -- -- OR1000x001 -- -- EXORmodemode MODE SET 1000x011 -- -- AND1000x100 -- -- TextmodeAttributemodeROMCG10000xxx -- -- InternalmodeRAM10001xxx -- -- ExternalCGoff10010000 -- -- Display1001xx10 -- -- Cursor on, blink off1001xx11 -- -- Cursor on, blink onDISPLAY MODE 100101xx -- -- Text on, graphic off100110xx -- -- Text off, graphic on100111xx -- -- Text on , graphic oncursor10100000 -- -- 1-linecursor10100001 -- -- 2-linecursor10100010 -- -- 3-linecursor CURSOR 10100011 -- -- 4-linecursor PATTERN ELECT 10100100 -- -- 5-linecursor10100101 -- -- 6-linecursor10100110 -- -- 7-line10100111 -- -- 8-line cursor DATA AUTO10110000 -- -- Set Data Auto Write10110001 -- -- Set Data Auto Read READ/WRITE10110010 -- -- Auto Reset11000000 -- -- Data Write and Increment11000001 -- -- Data Read and Increment DATA11000010 -- -- Data Write and Decrement READ/WRITE11000011 -- -- Data Read and Decrement11000100 -- -- Data Write and Non variable11000101 -- -- Data Read and Non variable SCREEN PEEK11100000 -- -- Screen Peek SCREEN COPY11101000 -- -- Screen Copy11110xxx -- -- Bit reset11111xxx -- -- Bit set1111x000 -- -- Bit0 (LSB)1111x001 -- -- Bit1 BIT SET/RESET1111x010 -- -- Bit21111x011 -- -- Bit31111x100 -- -- Bit41111x101 -- -- Bit51111x110 -- -- Bit6 1111x111 -- -- Bit7 (MSB)5.5 Character Code Map6 Optical Characteristics6.1 Optical Characteristics Ta=25℃Item Symb olCondition Min. Typ.Max. Unit Remarkθx θy=0 -20 ---- 20 Viewing angle θy Cr>3 θx=0 -25 ---- -25 degContrast Ratio Cr θx=0° θy=15°3Turn on Ton θx=0° 200 Response Time Turn off Toff θy=0° 360 ms6.2 Definition of optical characteristics6.2.1Definition of viewing Angle(see follow)6.2.2Definition of Contrast Ratio(see follow) 1) ℃;2) Frame freguency : 32Hz6.2.3Definition of Response time (see follow)Contrast Ratio(K)=B2/B1———————————————— selected state brightness Measuring Conditions: Ambient Temperature: 257 Reliability7.1 Content of Reliablity TestNO. Test Item Content of Test Test condition High Temperature Endurance test applying the high 60℃1Storage storage temperature for a long time96H Low Temperature Endurance test applying the low 50℃Storage storage temperature for a long time 96HHigh TemperatureEndurance test applying the Temperature electric stress (voltage50℃3Operation¤t) and the thermalstress to the element for a long time96HHigh TemperatureEndurance test applying the Temperature electric stress (voltage0℃4Operation¤t) and the thermalstress to the element for a long time96HHigh Temperature Endurance test applying thehigh temperature and high humidity 5/Humidity Storage storage for a long time40℃ 90%RH 96H6 TemperatureCycleEndurance test applying the low andhigh temperature cycle 10 cycle-20℃--25℃--60℃--25℃30min 5min 30min 5min1cycle-20℃/60℃7 Vibration Test(package state)Endurance test applying thevibration during transportation10Hz~55Hz~10Hz1.5mmP-P,1.5gX.Y.-5mm8Shock Test(package state)Endurance test applying theshock during transportationDrop a product forma height of 79cm to asolid unbending andhorizontal plane9 AtmosphericPressure TestEndurance test applying theatmospheric prssure duringtransportation by air40kPa24H7.2 Failure Judgment CriterionCriterion Test Item NO. Failure JudgementItem Criterion Basic Out of the basicSpecification Specification Electrical Out of theSpecification electricalspecification Mechanical Out of theSpecification mechanicalspecification Optical Out of theCharacteristic opticalspecificationRemark Basic specification = Display specification + Mechanicalspecification8. Precautions for use of LCD ModulesOCM240128图形点阵液晶显示模块使用说明书8.1 Handling Precautions8.1.1The display panel is made of glass. Do not subject it to amechanical shock by dropping it from a high place, etc.8.1.2If the display panel is damaged and the liquid crystalsubstance inside it leaks out, be sure not to get any in yourmouth, if the substance comes into contact with your skinor clothes, promptly wash it off using soap and water.8.1.3Do not apply excessive force to the display surface or theadjoining areas since this may cause the color tone to vary.8.1.4The polarizer covering the display surface of the LCDmodule is soft and easily scratched. Handle this polarizercarefully.8.1.5If the display surface become contaminated, breathe on thesurface and gently wipe it with a soft dry cloth. if still notcompletely clear, moisten cloth with one of the followingsolvents:-----Isopropyl alcohol-----Ethyl alcoholSolvents other than those mentioned above may damagethe Polarizer. Especially, see the following:-----Water-----Ketone-----Aromatic solvents8.1.6Do not attempt to disassemble the LCD Module8.1.7 NC terminal should be open. do not connect anything8.1.8 If the logic circuit power is off, do not apply the inputsignals8.1.9To prevent destruction of the elements by electricity, becareful to maintain an optimum work environmenta.Be sure to ground the body when handling the LCD Modulesb.Tools required for assembly, such as solderingc.irons, must be properly ground.d.To reduce the amount of static electricity generateddo not conduct assembly and other work under dryconditions.e.The LCD Module is coated with a film to protect the displaysurface. Be care when peeling off this protective film since staticelectricity may be generated.肇庆金鹏电子有限公司Golden Palm Electronics Co.,Ltd. 共11页第11页地址:肇庆市建设四路13号天宁广场E幢13、14、15楼邮编:526040 E-mail: *************业务联系:0758-2317153/2317143 技术支持:0758-********************传真:0758-2317023。
12.从机发现 MCLK=0,知道主机已经发出第二个数据. 13.从机收第二个 bit 的数据. 14.从机将 SCLK=0,表示已经收了第二个 bit.之后等待 MCLK 是否变 1,如果变 1,则主机已经 发出了第三个 bit.
15.再重复 3-14,3 遍,传完 8bit 数据.
16.主机发现 SCLK=0,知道从机已经收完 8 位数据. 17.主机将 MCLK=1,准备下一轮通讯.
一、 测试板连线方法
测试板有两组接口,分别是 JI 接口和 J2 接口。 1、 J1 接口有 5 个引脚,分别是 VCC,GND,MCLK,SCLK,SDA。 其中 VCC 是电源正,接+5V。 其中 GND 是电源地,接 0V。 其中 MCLK 是主时钟线,用于主机(发送数据方即用户 MCU)申请数据通讯及报告数据状 态。 其中 SCLK 是从时钟线,用于从机(接受数据方即测试板)反馈从机数据处理状态。 其中 SDA 是数据线,用于主机传输数据给从机。 2、J2 接口有 21 个引脚,分别接模块 OCM240128-1 的 1~21 脚,上电后要调整测试板上的 电位器 使模块达到最佳显示效果。 注:模块 OCM240128-1 可视面积:114x64,点阵区面积 107.95x57.55,点阵数:240x128。
6.从机发现 MCLK=1,知道主机已经发出第一个数据. 7.从机收第一个 bit 的数据. 8.从机将 SCLK=1,表示已经收了第一个 bit.之后等待 MCLK 是否变 0,如果变 0,则主机已经发 出了第 二个 bit.
9.主机发现 SCLK=1,知道从机已经开始准备接受第二个数据. 10.主机发送第二个 bit 到 SDA. 11.主机将 MCLK=0,表示已经发送第二个 bit 到 SDA.
E1 正泰企业形象样本-中文版152153154155156157158159E2 正泰行业样本-中文版160161162163164165166E3 正泰产品样本-中文版167168169170171172E1 正泰企业形象样本E1-1 正泰企业形象样本-中文版形象样本是企业形象传播的重要载体。
样本封面元素E1-2 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本封面1辅助制图网格单元格=4.8×4.8mm2广告语中英文组合-标准组合广告语宽度:73mm,高度:比例缩放,广告语距离顶边线:44mm 广告语距离侧边线:29.5mm4正泰标志-横版尺寸:210×285mm3闪电符号宽度:210mm,高度:比例缩放灰度:C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:15a a4.8mm4.8mm 1234样本封面正泰集团标志宽度:58.5mm,高度:比例缩放E1-3 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本集团样本版式框架1样本出血标准:四边 3mm3区域分廊间距:8mm4中缝页边距间距:10mm 5分割间距:10mm 单位:A, 最大高度12A6底边缓冲区域:5mm7暂定分廊宽度:110mm8暂定分廊宽度:70mm2暂定文字不可侵犯区域:左右:12mm 上下:18mm11A A A A A A A A A A A 22538674A A A A A A A A A A AE1-4 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本内页(一)正泰 电气全产业链集成供应商A16723451形象图片区域:满版,高度可调3大标题:4文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Blod字体大小:20pt字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8.5pt行间距:14pt 左右分廊间距:8-10mm6透明色块:2LOGO、图标区:分廊居中,最大宽度60mm5大标题与文字内容间距:8mm色块高度:6A=60mm,高度可调,以A为单位,特殊情况除外色块宽度:最大宽度为满版,可根据框架格局进行调整不透明度85%C:100 M:60 Y:0 K:07图标区:产业名称字体:微软雅黑Regular,字体大小:8pt此图标暂定为其产业图标,以后出现类似图标均以此风格进行设计E1-5 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本内页(二)1形象图片区域:3典型案例:副标题:7字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:20pt 5字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:12pt 4字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:16pt左、上满版文字注释:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:8.5pt 6文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:14pt 透明色块:28字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:7pt 行间距:10ptICON 图标:底边与透明色块下对齐9图片及注释:最大宽度84mm 可调整宽度与高度,可替换信息等,可删除字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:12pt10产业公司LOGO:距离透明色块10mm,内容信息可更换色块高度:可调,通版到底色块宽度:113.5mm,可根据框架格局进行调整不透明度85%产业园区形象区域:右满版,高度60mm,宽度100mm,最大宽度110mmC:92 M:24 Y:71 K:0E1-6 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本内页(三)产业保障 — 投资金融探索产业链升级孵化新模式1233344586731形象图片区域:3文字标题:大标题:破折号后:字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:10pt 567字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:12pt 字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:9.5pt4字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:8.5pt左、上满版副标题:文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Blod字体大小:12pt文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:14pt透明色块:28文字信息:字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:16pt色块高度:7A=70mm,可调色块宽度:最大宽度178mm,可根据框架格局进行调整不透明度90%C:10 M:42 Y:86 K:0E1-7 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本内页(四)183752形象图片区域:左、上满版,高度可调更多案例:标题:微软雅黑Blod,字体大小:8pt文字内容:微软雅黑Regular,字体大小:8pt,行间距:12pt 典型案例:副标题:字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:20pt 字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:12pt 4字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:20pt 6文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:14pt 标题:字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:9pt 标题与文字内容行间距:16pt图片诠释:文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8pt 行间距:10pt 透明色块:色块高度:7A=70MM,可调色块宽度:113.5mm,可根据框架格局进行调整不透明度85%案例展示:左分廊图片:宽度70mm,最大宽度74mm,间距:间距4.8mm 右分廊图片:宽度126mm,高度与透明色块等高C:100 M:60 Y:0 K:0C:100 M:60 Y:0 K:0典型案例 — 美国EMERSON — 稳定电力设备 降低运营成本 12783456E1-8 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本内页(五)典型案例 — 青藏铁路— 卓越电力技术 助力西部建设12345678183752形象图片区域:左、上满版,高度可调更多案例:标题:微软雅黑Blod,字体大小:8pt文字内容:微软雅黑Regular,字体大小:8pt,行间距:12pt典型案例:副标题:字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:20pt 字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:12pt 4字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:20pt 6文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:14pt 标题:字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:9pt 标题与文字内容行间距:16pt文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8pt 行间距:10pt 透明色块:色块高度:可调,通版到底色块宽度:113.5mm,可根据框架格局进行调整不透明度85%案例展示:图片:宽度42mm,最大最大宽度46mm,间距:间距3mm C:80 M:17 Y:4 K:13。
基于C51单片机的ATM240128 液晶说明
A TM240128使用说明1.引脚说明注:9 res L 复位信号10—17 data 数据18 FS H/L 字体选择19 VOUT 0V LCD电源输出端20 A5V 背光电源正21 K 0V 背光电源负2.接线本说明书引脚及程序部分是根据SCH240128.PDF编写的,但其中的引脚说明(9号)和本实验用到的引脚稍有区别,请大家仔细连接。
电位器用来调节亮度根据引脚说明和程序内引脚定义接线,其中VDD,VO,VOUT,VSS按照下图接线3.程序该LCD采用东芝公司的T6963控制器,程序前几句的未定义即为各个引脚的连接信息,如图:⑴显示图像关键字:图像取模,bmp,240*128软件名称:字模提取V2.1 该软件非常简单,根据选项输入和修改图像即可注:在本实验中汉字的字模提取用另外一个软件,该软件不适合实验中所写的程序方法:在程序中打开一幅BMP位图图像,选取合适的尺寸,选择“修改图像“进行修改,将分辨率调整为液晶的分辨率:240*128图像生成的编码保存在程序的sch[ ]数组中,要改变图像,只需将新图像的编码导入该数组与用户有关的图像操作函数no_parameter(0x98);//TEXT OFF ,GRAPHIC ON(图像模式)void display_map(unsigned char *p) P为图像数组名(2)显示字符关键字:字符模式,ascii码,字符坐标与显示字符有关的函数:no_parameter(0x94)字符模式; all_display(0,0x00); disptext();其中,disptext()为试验程序,显示hello world,各位可以根据自己的需要对其进行更改,只要把其内部的函数display_ascii(&test+i,hang,lie)写入不同for语句中,就可以产生不同的文字效果;(3)显示汉字汉字看似很麻烦,其实也不是很难,只要把程序理顺的就大概明白了,多说几句关于在240*128分辨率下汉字的显示问题关键字:字模软件取模顺序汉字索引表相关程序首先,字模软件不能用转化图像的软件,因为它的取模顺序与程序所编写的读汉字编码顺序不同,如下程序段的注释,汉字读取顺序为左上右上,左下右下,而地址偏移为+0,+2,+1,+3,说明取模软件的取模顺序为ACBD(观察上面的截图便知分晓)void displayHZ_at_xyaddr(unsigned char addr,unsigned char hang,unsigned char lie){unsigned int temp;unsigned char low;unsigned char high;temp=(size_lie/8)*2*(hang-1)+2*(lie-1);//T EXT 模式下,T EXT 区域被分为size_hang/8 行、size_lie/8 列个8X8 点阵//行地址为0-(size_hang/8-1),列地址0 -(size_lie/8-1)//注意,本程序的hang 和 lie 都是从1 开始的,并且是16X16 的low=temp&0x00ff;high=(temp>>8)&0x00ff;double_byte_parameter(low,high,0x24);no_parameter(0xb0);check_sta3();wdata(addr);//左上check_sta3();wdata(addr+2);//右上check_sta3();wcom(0xb2);temp=(size_lie/8)*2*(hang-1)+(size_lie/8)+2*(lie-1);// 下半部分比上半部分的地址多(size_lie/8)low=temp&0x00ff;high=(temp>>8)&0x00ff;double_byte_parameter(low,high,0x24);no_parameter(0xb0);check_sta3();wdata(addr+1);check_sta3();check_sta3();wcom(0xb2);}第二,汉字编码的数组为CGTAB[1024],可存储32个即1024byte的字,本程序只有十八个字。
产品单页资料目录太阳能住宅楼道应用系统(C01-L40) (2)太阳能商用楼道应用系统(C01-cL200) (3)太阳能独立办公应用系统(C01-cSxx) (4)太阳能地下车库照明系统(C01-Pxx) (5)自主电动车充电车库解决方案(C01-Pbxx) (6)太阳能楼宇指示系统(Ms-Lxx) (7)太阳能公告牌系统(M-Bxx) (8)太阳能模块化系统(M(S)-Mxx) (9)面板式LED灯 (10)太阳能组件 (11)太阳能住宅楼道应用系统(C01-L40)太阳能住宅楼道应用系统,是盖娅科技成功推向市场的高性价比产品,其性价比达到竞争对手的3到4倍。
摩卡电子V2401 2402系列独立计算机商品介绍说明书
The V2401/2402 Series embedded computers are based on the Intel Atom N270 x86 processor, and feature 4 RS-232/422/485 serial ports, 8 RS-232 serial ports, dual Gigabit LAN ports, 6 USB 2.0 hosts, and a CompactFlash socket. The V2401 computer provides VGA, DVI, and LVDS outputs, and the V2402 computer provides both VGA and DVI outputs, making them particularly well-suited for industrial applications such as SCADA and factory automation.The V2401 and V2402 come with 4 RS-232/422/485 serial ports, and the V2401 has an additional 8 RS-232 ports, making them ideal for connecting a wide range of serial devices, and the dual 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports offer a reliable solution for network redundancy, Front View promising continuous operation for data communication and management. As an added convenience, the V2401/2402 computers have 4 DIs, and 4 DOs for connecting digital input/output devices. In addition, the CompactFlash and USB sockets provide the V2401/2402 computers with the reliability needed for industrial applications that require data buffering and storage expansion.Pre-installed with Linux, Windows CE 6.0, or Windows Embedded Standard 2009, the V2401/2402 Series provides programmers with a friendly environment for developing sophisticated, bug-free application software at a low cost.In addition, the V2402 series also offers -40 to 70°C wide temperature models for harsh environments.V2401/2402 SeriesOverviewAppearancePower/Storage 10/100/1000 Mbps(V2401)Rear ViewHardware SpecificationsComputerCPU: Intel Atom N270 1.6 GHz processorOS (pre-installed): Linux, Windows CE 6.0 or Windows Embedded Standard 2009System Chipset: Intel 945GSE + ICH7-MBIOS: 8 Mbit Flash BIOS, SPI type, ACPI function supportedFSB: 400/533 MHzSystem Memory: 2 GB capacity, 1 GB pre-installed: 1 x 2 GBDDR2-533 200 pin SO-DIMM SDRAM slotUSB: USB 2.0 compliant hosts x 6, type A connector, supports system boot upStorageBuilt-in: 2 GB onboard industrial DOM to store OSStorage Expansion: CompactFlash socket for CF card expansion, supporting CF Type-I/II socket with DMA modeHDD Support: 1 SATA-II connector for HDD expansionOther PeripheralsKB/MS: 1 PS/2 interface supporting standard PS/2 keyboard and mouse through Y-type cableAudio: HD audio, with line-in and line-out interfaceDisplayGraphics Controller: Intel Gen 2.5 Integrated Graphics Engine, 250 MHz core render clock and 200 MHz core display clock at 1.05-V core voltage VGA Interface: DB15 female connectorLVDS Interface: Onboard HIROSE DF13-40DP-1.25 V connector (V2401 only)DVI Interface: DVI-connector (chrontel CH7307 SDVO to DVI transmitter)Ethernet InterfaceLAN: 2 auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Mbps ports (RJ45)Serial InterfaceSerial Standards:• V2401/2402: 4 RS-232/422/485 ports*, software selectable (DB9 male connector)• V2401 only: 8 RS-232 ports (68-pin VHDC connector)*COM1’s pin 9 signal can be set by jumper as N/C (default), +5 V, or +12 V ESD Protection: 4 kV for all signalsSerial Communication ParametersData Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8Stop Bits: 1, 1.5, 2Parity: None, Even, Odd, Space, MarkFlow Control: RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF, ADDC® (automatic data direction control) for RS-485Baudrate: 50 bps to 921.6 kbps (non-standard baudrates supported; see user’s manual for details)Serial LEDs RS-232/422/485RS-232 Serial Port x 8 DI x 4Software SpecificationsSerial SignalsRS-232: TxD, RxD, DTR, DSR, RTS, CTS, DCD, GND RS-422: TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, GND RS-485-4w: TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, GND RS-485-2w: Data+, Data-, GNDDigital InputInput Channels: 4, source type Input Voltage: 0 to 30 VDC at 25 Hz Digital Input Levels for Dry Contacts: • Logic level 0: Close to GND • Logic level 1: OpenDigital Input Levels for Wet Contacts: • Logic level 0: +3 V max.• Logic level 1: +10 V to +30 V (Source to DI)Isolation: 3 kV opticalDigital OutputOutput Channels: 4, sink typeOutput Current: Max. 200 mA per channelOn-state Voltage: 24 VDC nominal, open collector to 30 VDC Connector Type: 10-pin screw terminal block (4 DI points, 4 DO points, DI Source, GND)Isolation: 3 kV optical isolationLEDsSystem: Power, StorageLAN: 100M/Link x 2, 1000M/Link x 2 (on connector)Switches and ButtonsPower Switch: on/off (front panel)Reset Button: For warm reboot (rear panel)Physical CharacteristicsHousing: Aluminum Weight:• V2401: 2.1 kg • V2402: 2 kg Dimensions:Without ears: 250 x 57 x 152 mm (9.84 x 2.24 x 5.98 in)With ears: 275 x 63 x 152 mm (10.83 x 2.48 x 5.98 in)Mounting: DIN rail, wall, VESAEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature:• Standard models: -10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F) • Wide temp. models : -40 to 70°C (-40 to 158°F)Storage Temperature: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% (non-condensing)Anti-vibration: 5 g rms @ IEC-68-2-34, random wave, 5-500 Hz, 1 hr/axisAnti-shock: 50 g @ IEC-68-2-27, half sine wave, 11 msPower RequirementsInput Voltage: 9 to 36 VDC (3-pin terminal block for V+, V-, SG)Power Consumption: 26 W (without LVDS output) 2.9 A @ 9 VDC 1.08 A @ 24 VDC 720 mA @ 36 VDCStandards and CertificationsSafety: UL 508, UL 60950-1, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07, EN 60950-1, CCC (GB9254, GB17625.1)EMC: EN 55022 Class A, EN 61000-3-2 Class D, EN 61000-3-3, EN 55024, FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A Wheeled Vehicles: e-Mark (e4)Green Product: RoHS, CRoHS, WEEEReliabilityAutomatic Reboot Trigger: Built-in WDT (watchdog timer) supporting 1-255 level time interval system reset, software programmable MTBF (mean time between failures): V2401: 238,762 hrs V2402: 228,172 hrsWarrantyWarranty Period: 3 yearsDetails: See /warrantyLinuxOS: Linux 2.6.26, Debian Lenny 5.0File System: EXT2Internet Protocol Suite: TCP, UDP, IPv4, SNMPv1/v2c/v3, ICMP, ARP, HTTP, CHAP, PAP, SSH 1.0/2.0, SSL, DHCP, NTP, NFS, Telnet, FTP, TFTP, PPP, PPPoEInternet Security: OpenVPN, iptables firewallWeb Server (Apache): Allows you to create and manage web sites; supports PHP and XMLTerminal Server (SSH): Provides secure encrypted communications between two un-trusted hosts over an insecure networkDial-up Networking: PPP Daemon for Linux that allows Unix machines to connect to the Internet through dialup lines, using the PPP protocol, as a PPP server or client. Works with ‘chat’, ‘dip’, and ‘diald’, among (many) others. Supports IP, TCP, UDP, and (for Linux) IPX (Novell).File Server: Enables remote clients to access files and other resources over the networkWatchdog: Features a hardware function to trigger system reset in a user specified time interval (Moxa API provided)Application Development Software:• Moxa API Library (Watchdog timer, Moxa serial I/O control, Moxa DI/DO API)• GNU C/C++ compiler • GNU C library • PerlWindows XP EmbeddedOS: Windows Embedded Standard 2009 SP3File System: NTFSInternet Protocol Suite: DHCP, DNS, FTP, HTTP, SNTP, NTP, Telnet, SMTP, SNMPv2, TCP, UDP, IPv4, ICMP, IGMP, IPsec, TAPI, ICS, PPP, CHAP, EAP, PPPoE, PPTP, NetBIOSWeb Server (IIS): Allows users to create and manage websitesSilverlight 2.0: A free runtime that powers rich application experiences and delivers high quality, interactive video across multiple platforms and browsers, using the .NET frameworkRemote Registry Service: Enables remote users to modify registry settings on this computerRemote Desktop: The Terminal Server Remote Desktop component provides remote access for the desktop of a computer running Terminal ServicesWatchdog: Features a hardware function to trigger system reset in a user specified time interval (Moxa API provided)Enhanced Writer Filter: Redirect disk write operations to volatile (RAM) or non-volatile (disk) storageFile Based Write Filter: The File Based Write Filter (FBWF) component redirects all write requests directed at protected volumes to the overlay cache, which records and displays the changes while preserving the protected status of the target volume.Application Development Software: • Moxa API Library• Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 with SP1• Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) Core • Active Template Library (ATL), 2.0 • Common Control Libraries • Common File Dialogs• Direct3D, DirectPlay, DirectShow, and Direct show filtersOrdering InformationAvailable ModelsV2401-CE: x86 ready-to-run embedded computer with Intel Atom N270, VGA, LVDS, DVI, Audio, 2 LANs, 12 serial ports, 4 DIs, 4 DOs, 6 USB 2.0 ports, CF, WinCE 6.0V2401-XPE: x86 ready-to-run embedded computer with Intel Atom N270, VGA, LVDS, DVI, Audio, 2 LANs, 12 serial ports, 4 DIs, 4 DOs, 6 USB 2.0 ports, CF, Windows Embedded Standard 2009V2401-LX: x86 ready-to-run embedded computer with Intel Atom N270, VGA, LVDS, DVI, Audio, 2 LANs, 12 serial ports, 4 DIs, 4 DOs, 6 USB 2.0 ports, CF, Linux 2.6V2402-CE: x86 ready-to-run embedded computer with Intel Atom N270, VGA, DVI, Audio, 2 LANs, 4 serial ports, 4 DIs, 4 DOs, 6 USB 2.0 ports, CF, WinCE 6.0V2402-XPE: x86 ready-to-run embedded computer with Intel Atom N270, VGA, DVI, Audio, 2 LANs, 4 serial ports, 4 DIs, 4 DOs, 6 USB 2.0 ports, CF, Windows Embedded Standard 2009, -10 to 60°C operating temperatureV2402-LX: x86 ready-to-run embedded computer with Intel Atom N270, VGA, DVI, Audio, 2 LANs, 4 serial ports, 4 DIs, 4 DOs, 6 USB 2.0 ports, CF, Linux 2.6, -10 to 60°C operating temperatureV2402-T-XPE: x86 ready-to-run embedded computer with Intel Atom N270, VGA, DVI, Audio, 2 LANs, 4 serial ports, 4 DIs, 4 DOs, 6 USB 2.0 ports, CF, Windows Embedded Standard 2009, -40 to 70°C operating temperatureV2402-T-LX: x86 ready-to-run embedded computer with Intel Atom N270, VGA, DVI, Audio, 2 LANs, 4 serial ports, 4 DIs, 4 DOs, 6 USB 2.0 ports, CF,Linux 2.6, -40 to 70°C operating temperatureOptional Accessories (can be purchased separately) CBL-M68M9x8-100: 8-port RS-232 cable with VHDC connector PWR-24250-DT-S1: Power adaptorPWC-C7US-2B-183: Power cord with 2-pin connector, USA plug PWC-C7EU-2B-183: Power cord with 2-pin connector, Euro plug PWC-C7UK-2B-183: Power cord with 2-pin connector, British plug PWC-C7AU-2B-183: Power cord with 2-pin connector, Australia plug PWC-C7CN-2B-183: Power cord with 2-pin connector, China plug FK-75125-01: Hard disk installation package (for SSD)DK-DC50131-01: DIN-Rail mounting kit Package Checklist• V2401 or V2402 embedded computer • Terminal block to power jack converter • PS2 to KB/MS Y-type cable• Wall mounting kit• Documentation and software CD or DVD • Quick installation guide (printed)• Warranty card• Mapi32 Libraries• Message Queuing (MSMQ) Core• Microsoft Visual C++ Run Time Libraries• Power Management dynamic-link library• RPC• Windows API, Script Engines, and WMIWindows Embedded CE 6.0OS: Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3File System: FAT (for on-board flash)Internet Protocol Suite: TCP, UDP, IPv4, SNMPv2, ICMP, IGMP, ARP, HTTP, CHAP, PAP, SSL, DHCP, SNTP, SMTP, Telnet, FTP, PPPWeb Server (WinCE IIS): Supports ASP, ISAPI Secure Socket Layer (SSL 2/3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL 3.1) publickey-based protocols, and Web Administration ISAPI ExtensionsDial-up Networking: Supports RAS client API and PPP, Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), and RAS scriptingFile Server: Enables remote clients to access files and other resources over the networkWatchdog: Features a hardware function to trigger system reset in a user specified time interval. (Moxa API provided)Application Development Software:• Moxa WinCE 6.0 SDK• Moxa API Library• C Libraries and Run-times• Component Services (COM and DCOM)• Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework 2.0• XML, including DOM, XQL, XPATH, XSLT, SAX, SAX2• SOAP Toolkit Client• Winsock 2.2。
2004/3/2 Version: 1.2注意LCM240128ZK出厂时默认6800时序.移动R26到R21可改成8080时序。
LCM240128ZK出厂时默认8位数据并行方式.移动R27到R22可改成4位数据并行方式.DB0~DB3 有效,DB4~DB7需接地。
功 能 特 点 :1. LCM240128ZK显示内容15x8行;2. 内含7602个简体中文字型;3. 支持4/8位6800/8080MPU接口;4. 提供中/英文文字对齐功能;5. 内建粗体字形与行距设定;6. 对比度软件调节,用户可自建字库;7. 显示类型:A:STN黄绿模式,6:00视角;B:STN蓝模式,6:00视角;C:FSTN,6:00视角。
8. CCFL背光、LED背光;9. 工作电压:5V;10. 改进增强型液晶显示模块,美国专用DC-DC电源。
内容:物理数据外形尺寸原理框图极限参数电性能参数光电参数LED 黄绿背光源说明LED 白色背光源说明CCFL 背光源说明引脚说明时序说明指令说明应用电路注意事项物理数据Unit Item ContentsLCD type STN ---LCD duty 1/128 ---LCD bias 1/12 ---Viewing direction 6×104 × 13MAX mmModule size (W×H×T) 144× 64.0 mmViewing area (W×H) 114.0Number of dots 240 × 128 dots× 0.4 mmDot size (W×H) 0.4Dot pitch (W×H) 0.45× 0.45 mm原理框图极限参数( Ta = 25o C )MaxUnitMinParameter SymbolSupply voltage for logic VDD -0.3 7.0 VSupply voltage for LCD VDD -VO -0.3 28 VInput voltage VI -0.3 VDD+0.3VOperating temperature(CCFL) TOP -10 60 o COperating temperature(LED) TOP -20 70 o CStorage temperature TST -30 80 o C电性能参数( VDD = +5V±10% , VSS = 0V, Ta = 25o C )UnitMaxTypParameter SymbolCondition MinSupply voltage for logic VDD --- 3.0 5.0 5.5 VSupply current for logic IDD --- --- 30 50 mA-20℃19.1 19.8 20.5 V Operating voltage for LCD VDD -VO25℃18.0 18.5 19.4 V70℃17.9 17.6 18.3 V Supply voltage for side light VF --- --- 4.2 4.6 VSupply current for side light IF VF=4.2V--- 300 500 mAInput voltage ' H ' level VIH --- VDD - 2.2--- VDD VInput voltage ' L ' level VIL --- 0 --- 0.8 V光电参数( Ta=25 o C V DD=5.0±0.25V VOP=12.5V)UNITMAXCONDITION MINITEM SYMBOLTYPE35 40 _DegVIEW ANGLE ∆φθ=0o,Cr≥2-90 o <φ1, φ2<90 oCONTRAST Cr φ=0 o,θ=0 o 4 10 __ RESPONSE TIME tr(rise) φ=0 o,θ=0 o_250 300 ms tf(fall)φ=0 o,θ=0 o_300 350 ms Frame Frequency fF 25 o C 64 HzNOTE1: Definition of Viewing Angle θ,φNOTE3: CONTRASTLED 黄绿背光源说明:ITEM SYMBOL STANDARD VALUE UNIT CONDITIONSMIN. TYP. MAX.Operating Votage OV 4.05 4.2 4.35 VIF =330mATa=25 o C Forward Current fc 330 mAWavelength - 568 - nmλ - 30 nmSpectral Line HalfWidthOperating Temp Topr -20 25 70 o CStorang Temp Tst -30 25 80 o CLED 白色背光源说明:ITEM SYMBOL STANDARD VALUE UNIT CONDITIONSMIN. TYP. MAX.Operating Votage OV 3.8 4.0 4.2 VIF =160mATa=25 o C Forward Current fc 160 mAOperating Temp Topr -20 25 70 o CStorang Temp Tst -30 25 80 o CCCFL 背光源说明:ITEM SYMBOL STANDARD VALUE UNIT CONDITIONSMIN. TYP. MAX.Tube Votage V 250 350 V IF=5 MAmsTube Current I 5 6 MAms IF=5 MAmsPower Dissipation pd - 1.5 W IF=5 MAmsLighting Frepuency lf - 55 KHz IF=5 MAmsLuminance lv 224 280 CD/m2IF=5 MAmsOperating Temp Topr -10 25 60 o CStorang Temp Tst -20 25 70 o C引脚说明PIN NO. SYMBOL LEVEL FUNCTION模拟地(使用时和数字地连接到一起)1 Vss 0V模拟电源(使用时和数字电源连接到一2 Vdd +5V起 )数字地3 Vss 0V数字电源4 Vdd +5V5 VO LCD 屏操作电压(调节VO的值可以调节显示对比度)6 RS H/L指令/数据选择当RS是High时,MCU会存取指令寄存器(Instruction Register),而当RS是Low时,MCU会存取资料寄存器(Data Register)。
■ ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25℃) ◇ Electrical Absolute Maximum Ratings ITEM Suuply Voltage For Logic Suuply Voltage For LCD Input Voltage SYMBOL Vdd – Vss Vdd – Vr Vi CONDITON MIN -0.3 0 -0.3 MAX 7.0 26 Vdd +0.3 UNIT V V V
Revision: 1.0
ZLG240128D-_ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ _-TP
Hale Waihona Puke ◇ Enviromental Absolute Maximum Ratings ITEM Operating temperaton Operating temperaton Humidity Endurance SYMBOL Topr Ttsg RH CONDITON -Normal temp. versionno ondensation Ta<=40 deg MIN -20 -30 MAX 70 80 95 UNIT deg C deg C %
COM1400技术手册版本1.5盛博科技目 录第一章模块介绍 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2 性能特点 (1)1.3 物理特性 (1)第二章硬件配置及安装 (3)2.1连接器功能及引脚定义 (3)2.1.1 连接器综述 (3)2.1.2 总线接口(J1) (4)2.2 安装 (6)第三章软件设置 (7)3.1 BIOS Setup的主画面 (7)3.1.1 Standard COMS Features(标准COMS参数设置) (7)3.1.2 Advanced BIOS Features(扩展BIOS特性设置) (11)3.1.3 Advanced Chipset Features(芯片组特性设置) (14)3.1.4 Integrated Peripherals(在板集成设备) (17)3.1.5 Power Management Setup(能源管理参数设置) (20)3.1.6 PnP/PCI Configurations(即插即用与PCI参数设置) (23)3.1.7 PC Health Status(电脑健康状态) (24)3.1.8 Frequency/V oltage Control(频率和电压控制) (24)3.1.9 Load Fail-Safe Defaults(载入最安全的缺省值) (25)3.1.10 Load Optimized Defaults(装入最优化的缺省值) (25)3.1.11 Set Supervisor Password(设置超级用户密码) (25)3.1.12 Set User Password(设置用户密码) (25)3.1.13 Save & Exit Setup(保存并退出设置程序) (25)3.1.14 Exit Without Saving(退出设置程序,不更新CMOS内容) (25)3.2 Watchdog (25)3.3 GPIO (28)附录A COM1400资源分配 (31)— i —图表目录图2-1. COM1400机械尺寸(单位:mm) (3)表2-1. 连接器功能 (4)表2-2. 总线接口(J1) (5)表2-3. 复用信号对应表 (6)图3-1. COM1400 BIOS Setup的主画面 (7)图3-2. 标准CMOS参数设置屏 (8)图3-3. IDE Primary Master 设置图 (9)图3-4. Advanced BIOS Features设置 (11)图3-5. Removable Device Priority设置 (12)图3-6. Hard Disk Boot Priority设置 (12)图3-7. Advanced Chipset Features设置 (15)图3-8. Integrated Peripherals设置 (17)图3-9. OnChip IDE Device设置图 (17)图3-10. Onboard Device设置 (18)图3-11. SuperIO Device设置 (19)图3-12. Power Management Setup设置 (21)图3-13. PnP/PCI Configurations设置 (23)图3-14. PC Health Status设置 (24)图3-15. Frequency/V oltage Control设置 (25)表A-1. 1M地址以下内存ROM空间分配 (31)表A-2. 中断资源分配 (31)表A-3. I/O地址空间分配 (32)表A-4. DMA通道分配 (33)— ii —第一章模块介绍1.1概述COM1400是一款采用新一代超低功耗Intel Pentium M / Intel Celeron M处理器的核心模块,提供使产品快速进入市场的解决方案。
碗盖:141±0.5 纸碗:克重(g)≥29 注水线高度(mm)32±0.5 卷边高度(mm)4.5±0.3 上口径(mm)137±0.5 下口径(mm)115 碗斜坡高度(mm)105 底深(mm)15±0.5 纸箱:395×275×215
怕雨 怕晒 不能夹卡 堆码层数极限:≤10层
卷膜尺寸:330*205 纸箱尺寸:420×290×140 (自动) 碗盖:直径141±0.5 纸碗:克重(g) ≥25 注水线高度(mm) 30±0.5 卷边高度(mm) 4.5±0.3 上口径(mm) 137±0.5 下口径(mm) 102 碗斜坡高度(mm) 106±1.0 底深(mm) 12±0.5 纸箱:375×257×215 外摇盖108mm 平口卷膜:330*200 五连包:260×95×280①上 封:40背封:10 袋角:5mm 纸箱:428×280×295 五连包:260×95×280①上 封:40背封:10 袋角:5mm 纸箱:428×280×295 卷膜尺寸:330*205 纸箱尺寸:430×295×135 碗盖:直径141±0.5 纸碗:克重(g) ≥25 注水线高度(mm) 30±0.5 卷边高度(mm) 4.5±0.3 上口径(mm) 137±0.5 下口径(mm) 102 碗斜坡高度(mm) 106±1.0 底深(mm) 12±0.5 纸箱:375×257×215 外摇盖108mm 平口卷膜:330*200 五连包:260×95×280①上 封:40背封:10 袋角:5mm 纸箱:428×280×295 卷膜尺寸:330*205 纸箱尺寸:430×295×135
线下 白家酸菜鱼袋装
IntroductionPES-2401PES-2401, 4-Port Relay Output board, is one of smart expansion boards for PHPoC boards. You can turn some devices on or off by using this board.※ Caution: A PHPoC Board is required to use this PES-2401 board!What is the Smart Expansion Board?A smart expansion board has own devices and firmware unlike the otherexpansion boards. This board communicate in a master-slave protocol throughthe designated port. Two or more smart expansion boards can be connected toone PHPoC board and each of them required to be setting a slave id.Dimension Bodywith Terminal Block (T type)with Terminal Block (S type)※ Dimensions(unit : mm) may vary according to a method of measurement.Layout1. Output PortsOutput ports are interfaced with a 5mm spaced terminal block which has 8 terminals. Every output port is connected to a relay which is NO (Normal Open) type.※ Normal Open: This means the default state of output port is OFF.Output ports' range of use is as follows:※ Caution: It may result in product malfunction to use beyond the maximum permissible current. Be sure to use it considering the peak current of a connected device.2. SLAVE ID SwitchA slave ID is used when PHPoC board identifies each smart expansion board. So, each smart expansion board, which is connected to a PHPoC board, should have an unique slave ID. The slave ID can be set one of the numbers from 1 to 14 by 4 DIP switches as follows:3. LEDSTS LEDPES-2401 has two STS LEDs. The one on the top of JP1 is connected to 3.3V and the other one on the bottom is connected to 5V. The operation of the two LEDs is the same as the following.Digital Output Port LEDPES-2401 has 4 LEDs of digital output portsPES-2401 User Manual > How to Use How to UsePES-2401 can be used by steps as follows.1. Connect to a PHPoC boardIt is not possible to use PES-2401 alone. Please be sure that connection to a PHPoC board is required.2. Install Software (IDE)PHPoC Debugger is a software which is used for configuring PHPoC products and developing PHPoC script. It is requried to install this software on your PC because PES-2401 must be controlled by PHPoC.Download PHPoC DebuggerPHPoC Manual Page3. Use SPC Library and Sample CodesThe SPC library is for smart expansion boards such as PES-2401. This library makes it easy for you to use smart expansion boards. Refer to the manual page of SPC library for more information.SPC Library Manual PagePES-2401 User Manual > How to Use > Commands CommandsYou can use spc_request_dev or spc_request_sys function of the SPC library when setting or using a smart expansion board.spc_request_dev($sid, $cmd)spc_request_sys($sid, $cmd)$sid: a slave ID$cmd: a command stringCommon Commands of Smart Expansion BoardsThe commands commonly supported by all smart expansion boards use the spc_request_sys function.The following is a list of smart expansion board common commands.PES-2401 CommandsThe commands that apply to each smart expansion board use the spc_request_dev function.The following is a list of commands supported by the PES-2401.$port : an output port(0 ~ 3)$level : signal level to output(high or low)$time : delay time(unit : millisecond)Controlling Output PortsCalling spc_request_dev function for controlling output ports spc_request_dev($sid, $cmd);$sid : a slave ID$cmd : a command stringStructure of a command string is as follows:"set $port output $value"$port : an index number of an output port, 4 numbers from 0 to 3 are available$value : "high" to turn it on, "low" to turn it offExample<?phpinclude "/lib/sd_spc.php";spc_reset();spc_sync_baud(115200);$sid = 1;echo "turn all output ports on\r\n";spc_request_dev($sid, "set 0 output high");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 1 output high");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 2 output high");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 3 output high");sleep(1);echo "turn all output ports off\r\n";spc_request_dev($sid, "set 0 output low");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 1 output low");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 2 output low");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 3 output low");>outputturn all output ports onturn all output ports offMonitoring Output PortsCalling spc_request_dev function for monitoring output ports spc_request_dev($sid, $cmd);$sid : a slave ID$cmd : a command stringStructure of a command string is as follows:"get $port output"$port : an index number of an output port, 4 numbers from 0 to 3 are available Return ValueThe normal return value is in string form and is as follows:Example<?phpinclude "/lib/sd_spc.php";spc_reset();spc_sync_baud(115200);$sid = 1;echo "turn all output ports on\r\n";spc_request_dev($sid, "set 0 output high");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 1 output high");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 2 output high");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 3 output high");// get status of input portsecho "Port 0: ", spc_request_dev($sid, "get 0 output"), "\r\n";echo "Port 1: ", spc_request_dev($sid, "get 1 output"), "\r\n";echo "Port 2: ", spc_request_dev($sid, "get 2 output"), "\r\n";echo "Port 3: ", spc_request_dev($sid, "get 3 output"), "\r\n";sleep(1);echo "turn all output ports off\r\n";PES-2401 User Manual > How to Use > Monitoring Input spc_request_dev($sid, "set 0 output low");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 1 output low");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 2 output low");spc_request_dev($sid, "set 3 output low");// get status of input portsecho "Port 0: ", spc_request_dev($sid, "get 0 output"), "\r\n";echo "Port 1: ", spc_request_dev($sid, "get 1 output"), "\r\n";echo "Port 2: ", spc_request_dev($sid, "get 2 output"), "\r\n";echo "Port 3: ", spc_request_dev($sid, "get 3 output"), "\r\n">Outputturn all output ports onPort 0: 1Port 1: 1Port 2: 1Port 3: 1turn all output ports offPort 0: 0Port 1: 0Port 2: 0Port 3: 02017-08-11Sollae Systems page 11 of 11。
240128K 图形液晶显示模块规格书
1, 当计算机写指令或一次读/写数据时,S0 和 S1 要同时有效,即“准备好”状态 2, 当计算机使用自动读/写功能时,S2 或 S3 将取代 S0 和 S1 作为标志位,此时计算机要判
别它是否有效 3, S6 标志是考察 T6963C 屏读或屏拷贝执行情况的标志位。 4,S5 和 S7 表示控制器内部运行状态,在 T6963C 的应用上不会使用它们
D1 参数(确定水平方向的位置),取值范围 00H-4FH(1-80 字符位) 单屏结构
D2 参数(确定垂直方向的位置),取值范围 00H-1FH(1-32 字符行) 单屏结构
附:光标在双屏结构时: 垂直方向规定上半屏为 00H-0FH,下半屏为 10H-1FH
2,CGRAM 偏置地址设置 D1-D2-22H
T6963C 可以管理 2K 的 CGRAM。在显示存储器内要划出 2K 的区域作 CGRAM 使用,只需确定 16
位地址高 5 位(ad15-ad11)即可,用户可以通过将这个寄存器的内容与自定义字符代码值组合
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240128K 图形液晶显示模块规格书
五. 时 序
T6963C 的接口部适配 INTEL8080 系列计算机的操纵时序:
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 N3 N2 N1 N0 无 状态检测