石油化工行业概述 过滤分离器在石油化工行业的应用 过滤分离器在石油化工行业的作用 过滤分离器在石油化工行业的发展趋势
过滤分离器在水处理行业的应用 过滤分离器的工作原理 过滤分离器在水处理过程中的作用 过滤分离器在水处理行业的发展趋势
过滤分离器在制药行业的应用 过滤分离器在药物生产过程中的作用 过滤分离器在药物纯化过程中的应用 过滤分离器在药物检测过程中的应用
过滤分离器制造设备主要包括:过滤机、分离器、过滤器等 过滤分离器制造设备需要具备:高效、节能、环保等特点 过滤分离器制造设备需要满足:不同行业、不同需求、不同规格的要求 过滤分离器制造设备需要具备:自动化、智能化、信息化等特点
检测项目:过滤效率、压力损失、耐腐蚀 性等
新型过滤材料:如纳米材料、 复合材料等,提高过滤效率 和精度
新型过滤设备:如连续过滤 设备、高效过滤设备等,提
新型检测技术:如在线检测、 实时监控等,提高产品质量 和生产安全性
技术发展趋势:智能化、自动化、高效化 应用领域拓展:环保、医疗、食品等行业 市场竞争加剧:国内外企业竞争激烈,需要不断创新和提升产品质量 环保要求提高:需要满足越来越严格的环保标准,降低能耗和污染排放
检测报告:检测结果、检测方法、检测 标准等
确保过滤分离 器安装正确, 避免漏气、漏
定期检查过滤 分离器的滤芯,
Racor 500FG 锐炎机组燃油过滤器 水分离器说明书
500FG Turbine SeriesFuel Filter/Water SeparatorContact Information Parker Hannifin Corporation Racor Division P .O. Box 32083400 Finch Road Modesto, CA 95353phone 800 344 3286 209 521 7860fax 209 529 3278****************/racorInstruction Part Number 15332 Rev GThe Racor 500FG Turbine Series fuel filter/water separator protects the precision components ofyour engine from dirt, rust, algae, asphaltines, varnishes and especially water, which is prevalent in low distillate fuels. Contaminants are removed from fuel using the legendary three stage processdescribed below.How It WorksStage 1 - SeparationUsing the fuel flow, the stationary turbine separates large solids and free water through enhanced centrifugal force.Stage 2 - CoalescingSmaller water droplets and solids coalesce on the conical baffle and fall to the collection bowl.Stage 3 - FiltrationEngines will benefit from near 100% water separation and fuel filtrationwith Racor’s proprietary Aquabloc ®water repelling media. Thereplaceable filters are available in 2, 10, and 30 micron ratings.Mounting InstructionsInstallation DiagramValve 1Valve 2500FG (Front)7.5 in.(19.1 cm)V± 10ºInstall 500FG Assembly within 10º of verticalThese customer supplied materials should be on hand before beginning installation.• Shop Towels• Mounting Hardware • Inlet/Outlet Fittings • Fuel Hose • Clean Diesel Fuel• Parker Super O-lube orClean Motor Oil• Thread Sealant (no thread tapes)Positioning filter assembly: Filter assemblies should be installed on vacuum side of fuel transfer pump for optimum water separating efficiency. See Installation Diagram.Keep fuel line restrictionsto a minimum. Locate the500FG filter assembly between horizontal planes of bottomof fuel tank and inlet of fuel pump, if possible. If 500FG filter assembly is installed inan application where the fuel tank is higher than the filter, a shut-off valve must be installed between the tank and 500FG filter assembly INLET. This will be used when servicing the replacement filter.Before installing filter assembly:• Obtain good ventilation and lighting.• Maintain a safe workingenvironment.• Engine must be off forinstallation.• DO NOT smoke orallow open flames nearinstallation.Installing filter assembly: Completely remove any vacuumside filters in fuel line between fuel tank and fuel pump. This is where the Racor filter will mount. Leaving these filters in place will add to fuel line restriction. Filter heads cast into engine or that are non-removable or hard piped should be serviced with a new filter and left in place.Keep fuel flow restrictionto a minimum. Always usethe maximum size fuel hose possible. Do not make sharp bends with flexible hose as kinks may occur. Avoid use of two 45° elbow fittings where one 90° elbow will work.When routing hose, avoid surfaces that move, have sharp edges, or get hot (such as exhaust piping).InstallationGuidelinesPrimingThe Unit Draining Water:Frequency of water draining is determined by contamination level of fuel. Inspect or drain collection bowl of water dailyor as necessary. Collection bowl must be drained before contaminants reach top of turbine or when Water Detection Module (optional) indicates it’s time to drain water.Vacuum Applications / Installations:1. Close inlet valve (or valve #1)and open drain on bottom ofbowl with a suitable container in place.2. Close drain after all waterand contaminants have beenevacuated – DO NOT leavedrain open too long as it willeventually completely drainentire filter assembly of waterAND fuel.3. Follow Priming Instruction s. Pressure Applications / Installations:1. Open drain on bottom ofbowl to evacuate water andcontaminants with a suitablecollection container in place.Head pressure will push anywater and contaminants outof drain while keeping filterprimed.2. Close drain after all waterand contaminants have beenevacuated – DO NOT leavedrain open too long as it willeventually completely drainentire filter assembly of waterAND fuel, and possibly drainentire tank. Service1. Remove T-handle and lidfrom top of filter assembly. 2. Fill filter assembly with cleanfuel.3. Lubricate lid gasket andT-handle O-ring with cleanfuel or motor oil.4. Replace lid and T-handle,tighten snuggly by hand only – do not use tools.5. If applicable, refer toequipment operator’smanual to complete fuelpriming procedure.6. Start engine, check for fuelsystem leaks. Correct asnecessary with engine offand pressure relieved fromfilter assembly.Frequency of filter replacement is determined by the contamination level of your fuel. Replace filter every 10,000 miles (16,000 km), every 500 hours, every other oil change, when vacuum gauge (optional) reads between 7 to 10 inches of mercury (inHg), if power loss is noticed, or annually, whichever comes first.Note – always carry extrareplacement filters as one tankful of excessively dirty fuel can plug a filter.Use only genuine RacorAquabloc ®replacement filters – see Replacement Part ListAll Applications:1. Bypass filter assembly with bypass valves, if applicable.2. Remove T-handle and lid.3. Remove filters by holding bail handles and slowlypulling upward with a twisting motion. Dispose properly according to local regulations.4. Remove and discard old lid gasket and T-handle O-ring and clean seal glands of any dirt or debris. Lubricate new gasket and seal (supplied with new filter) with motor oil or diesel fuel before installation.5. Refer to Priming Instructions, otherwise, fill unit with clean fuel, replace lid and T-handle and tighten snuggly by hand only – do not use tools.Note - above ground tanks or transfer pump applications may use head pressure to prime filter assembly.Filter ReplacementA major cause of power loss or hard starting is result of an air leak (or clogged filter). If your unit will not prime or fails to hold prime, check thatTroubleshooting Proceduresdrain, bowl and lid are properly tightened. Next, check all fitting connections and ensure fuel lines are not pinched or clogged with contaminants. If problemspersist (and filter is new) call Racor Technical Support for assistance: (800) 344-3286 ext. 7555 or (209) 575-7555.Specifications122aBD 78541a5a3CE9Parts and kits listed can be purchased from a Racor distributor. Go to to purchase parts online.5*5*RK 11780 Drain Kit (1993 & Older) Drain ConfigurationsRK 30488 Drain Kit (1994-2002)59RK 30476 Drain Kit (2002-Current)Application For 500 Filter Assemblies Thread Size 1/4˝ NPT bottom boss mountFitting Thread 9/16˝-18 UNF Dimensions 2.0˝ Diameter x 1.1˝ DepthWeight (dry)0.3 lb (0.1 kg)Ambient Temperature Range-40oto +250oF (-40oto +121oC)Special Notes: For severe vibration applications, mount gauge on a stable, remote location and connect to the source using flexible tubing. After September 1999, Racor converted many liquid-filled gauges to new silicone dampened movement. This new (dry) technology provides a vibration resistant design that never leaks fluid or requires adjustments due to temperature or altitude variations.The T-handle vacuum gauge monitors your filters condition. As your filter slowly becomes clogged with contaminates, restriction (resistance to flow) increases. Because of this restriction, more air is mixed with fuel and less fuel isdelivered to the engine (fuel de-gassing). This will result in loss of power and eventually stall the engine.Installing a T-handle vacuum gauge in your fuel system gives you a visual monitor of your filter condition. Excessive resistance on the gauge means it’s time to change the filter.T-handle Vacuum GaugeAll products manufacturedor distributed by Racor are subject to the following, and only the following, LIMITED EXPRESS WARRANTIES, and no others: For a period of one (1) year from and after the date of purchase of a new Racor product, Racor warrants and guarantees only to the original purchaser-user that such a product shall be free from defects of materials and workmanship in the manufacturing process. The warranty period for pumps and motors is specifically limited to ninety (90) days from date of purchase.A product claimed to be defective must be returnedto the place of purchase. Racor, at its sole option, shall replace the defective product with a comparable new product or repair the defective product. This express warranty shall be inapplicable to any product not properly installedand properly used by the purchaser-user or to any product damaged or impaired by external forces.THIS IS THE EXTENT OF WARRANTIES AVAILABLE ON THIS PRODUCT. RACOR SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER FOR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES FLOWINGFROM THE USE OF ANYDEFECTIVE PRODUCTOR BY REASON OF THEFAILURE OF ANY PRODUCT.RACOR SPECIFICALLYDISAVOWS ALL OTHERWARRANTIES, EXPRESSOR IMPLIED INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALLWARRANTIES OF FITNESSFOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE (EXCEPT FORTHOSE WHICH APPLYTO PRODUCT OR PARTTHEREOF THAT IS USEDOR BOUGHT FOR USEPRIMARILY FOR PERSONAL,FAMILY, OR HOUSEHOLDPURPOSES), WARRANTIESOF DESCRIPTION,WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY, TRADEUSAGE OR WARRANTIES ORTRADE USAGE.WarningFailure or improper selectionor improper use of theproducts and/or systemsdescribed herein or relateditems can cause death,personal injury and propertydamage. This document andother information from ParkerHannifin Corporation, itssubsidiaries and authorizeddistributors provide productand/or system options forfurther investigation by usershaving technical expertise.It is important that youanalyze all aspects of yourapplication and review theinformation concerning theproduct or system in thecurrent product catalog. Dueto the variety of operatingconditions and applicationsfor these products orsystems, the user, throughits own analysis and testing,is solely responsible formaking the final selection ofthe products and systemsand assuring that allperformance, safety andwarning requirements of theapplications are met.The products describedherein, including withlimitation, product features,specifications, designs,availability and pricing, aresubject to change by ParkerHannifin Corporation andits subsidiaries at any timewithout notice.The following statementis required pursuant toproposition 65, applicablein the State of California:‘This product may contain achemical known to the Stateof California to cause canceror reproductive toxicity’.Limited Warranties StatementNovember 2011© Parker Hannifin Corporation。
• 浮力 • 重力 • 曳力
Coulter 粒度分析仪
等动采样 优点: 1.方法可靠, 2.数据重复性 好, 3.投资少。
缺点: 1. 操作复杂, 2.安全性差。
1. 导叶式旋风管 2. 切流式旋风管
• 目前单管直径有50、100和150mm • 进口速度一般为10~20 m/s • 上部采用导向叶片;下部采用排尘底板
• 方形网格金属线织物 • 缠绕的金属线毡 • 烧结金属丝网 • 金属粉末冶金 • 金属膜过滤材料 • 压制纸-植物纤维 • 玻璃纤维滤芯(金属支架)
• 一次性过滤材料 • 连续再生过滤器-反洗和反吹
过滤分离器工作原理介绍过滤分离器(Filter Separator)是一种广泛应用于工业领域的设备,用于将混合物中的固体颗粒与液体或气体分离。
它包括以下几个主要步骤:1. 进料混合物通过进料口进入过滤分离器。
2. 过滤在过滤分离器中,混合物经过过滤媒介,例如滤网、滤纸或滤板。
3. 分离通过过滤媒介的作用,固体颗粒被阻挡住,而液体或气体通过媒介流向分离室。
4. 清洗过滤媒介随着时间的推移,过滤媒介会被固体颗粒堵塞,减少过滤效率。
5. 固体排出当过滤媒介上积累了足够的固体颗粒时,需要将其排出。
以下是一些常见的应用领域:1. 石油和天然气工业在石油和天然气开采和加工过程中,过滤分离器被用于将固体颗粒从液体或气体中分离出来。
2. 化学工业在化学工业中,过滤分离器被用于分离不同的化学品、溶剂或反应物。
3. 食品和饮料工业在食品和饮料工业中,过滤分离器用于清除悬浮物、微生物和杂质。
4. 矿业在矿业中,过滤分离器被用于从矿石中分离出有用的矿物质,并去除不需要的杂质。
5. 污水处理在污水处理过程中,过滤分离器起到了重要的作用。
2 、气体过滤器的分类与结构特点(1)表面过滤:尺寸大于介质孔隙的颗粒沉降在介质的表面上,过滤作用仅仅发生在一个表面上。
3、常用过滤材料的综合比较(1) 方形网格金属线织物(2) 缠绕的金属线毡(3) 烧结金属丝网(4) 金属粉末冶金(5) 金属膜过滤材料(6) 压制纸-植物纤维(7) 玻璃纤维滤芯(金属支架)4、过滤分离器的基本结构性能(1) 由两段组成:第一段为园筒形玻璃纤维模压滤芯;第二段为由不锈钢金属丝网除雾;(2) 玻璃纤维滤芯为10微米的玻璃纤维压缩,用酚醛树脂和硅酮粘结而成,为深层过滤材料;(3) 两台轮换使用;(4) 除尘效率:理论上,大于8微米的颗粒,效率可达99.99%, 6~8微米的大于99%;(5) 密封常出现问题-一个过滤元件出现密封问题,整台过滤器性能失效;(6) 大量的含水会导致过滤精度降低;(7) 过滤元件质量低,使用寿命低;(8) 排液不及时;(9) 进出口压差指示表不准。
aerospaceclimate controlelectromechanicalRacor Filter Division Hydrocarbon Filter Vessels and ElementsParker Filtration’s global reputation as a reliablesupplier of superior filtration products is the result ForfurtherinformationEmail:*************************Plant expansionHydrocarbon FiltrationAutomotiveand Industrial Fuel FiltrationEngine Air Filtration SystemsMarine FiltrationCONTENTS6 – 78 – 1112 – 1314 – 1516 – 174 – 5Over 30 years of innovation, over 30 years of quality…Racor Fuelled UpHydrocarbonQualificationsFBO Filter ElementsRVFS SeriesElements2018 – 19Rre Filter Vessels1983196919851989199219951997200020021969It all began with a patented,and exceptionally efficient new way to remove water, dirt, rust and algae from diesel fuel.Diesel FuelTechnology1983Aquabloc ®filters debut, and RacorFilter/Separators make another significant leap in filtration efficiency.1985Racor becomes a division of ParkerHannifin Corporation, further strengthening one of the world’s most respected brands.GrowthQuality1989Racor earns Ford Q1 certification, the first ina series of quality awards from one of the world's leading engine and equipment manufacturers.Oil1992Every bit as vital and every bit as dirty asfuel.The Racor solution is an ingenious one, a cleanable oil filter that puts an end to frequent filter changes and disposal.CCV Products1995Racor starts cleaning up engine roomswith a crankcase ventilation system that keeps oily blow-by from damaging turbo chargers and other precision components.Racor Hydrocarbon1997Racor Hydrocarbon Filters and Vesselsdebut – offering customers flow rates to 1000 gpm and higher.UK Facility2000Having moved out of Morley into a purpose built factoryat nearby Dewsbury in 1998 Racor sees significant growth in Europe. 2000 saw the expansion of manufacturing capability to include all spin on series filters, and the establishment of a state-of -the-art design and test, research and development facility.High performance air filters2002Racor purchases Farr opening up opportunities in medium andheavy duty Engine Air applications.Industrial Filter Separator Vessels21Pressure Filter Vessel Summary2223More from ParkerRacorFuel Monitor VesselsIn Europe Morley, West Yorkshire in the UK becomes the centre of excellence in Europe.Fluid Condition MonitoringFrom the Refinery to the ForecourtOver the last 30 years Racor has become the premium name to trust in Marine and Automotive fuel filtration and water separation. With advanced fuel filtration laboratories in the USA and Europe and new ones planned for Asia and South America, with separate 2500GPM API/IP test facilities in the USA,Racor will continue leading the market in advanced fuel filtration technology It should therefore be of little surprise that Racor should utilise this breadth of experience in the fuel supply industry, producing Aviation Fuel API/IP 1581qualified water separators,1590 particulate filters and 1583 monitors, as well as Approved Vessels interchangeable products.From the refinery to the injector, at the terminal and on the forecourt, Racor has a solution to your fuel delivery needs.With engine tolerances getting tighter, whilstinjection pressures increase,the need for high quality conditioning designed to complement on-board RefineryAirportFiltration requirements will vary depending on local fuel quality.TerminalIndustrial & Marine Fuel ApplicationsPetrol ForecourtMulti-Product Pipeline Dedicated Pipeline Road Transport Refueler Dispenser Sea Cargo Aircraft Helicopter Fuel DrumsFuel StorageFloating JunctionUnderground Storagealso considered as direct supply.FMI Fuel Monitor elements will absorbchecks for aviation and diesel fuels.A quick 2 minute test will allow you toconsistent reliable and repeatable way than traditional clear and bright methods.The minimum filtration requirement of Jet-A/A1 into Airports and drum filling,is a filter (FWS) meeting the requirements of AP/IP1581 current addition.Injection molded nylon end capsassure tolerances equaled only inmachined parts. Nylon resinseliminate corrosion problems andoffer improved chemical andSymmetric layering of high efficiencyglass media into depth media caneliminate the need for metal center tubes– even in qualifying coalescer cartridges75 psi pressure requirements.Racor Division has been recognizedas the global leader in fuel filtrationapplications. Racor vessels, combined with Racorfilter elements, offer customers finer filtration,cleaner, drier hydrocarbonBy utilizing the latest computer-aided design tools, the engineering team takesspecific application requirements and quickly develops the necessary components to manufacture vessels and elements that meet industry codes and customer-specific requirements.Racor’s emphasis on advanced engineering is combined with a company-wide focus on uncompromising quality and premier customer service. This concentrated effort means that customers receive on-time delivery of the highest quality filtration systems available and that they meet the demanding requirements for performance and service life.C A R B O N F I L T E R E L E M E N T SGlass filled nylon end caps are standard,eliminating corrosion and offering excellent thermal stability and high impact resistance.Buna-N gaskets standard. Other options available.HIF corelessconfiguration.HIF ‘W’ petitor crossreferences.Synthetic Pleated Media Cartridges FS Series• 4 times the filtrationsurface area of comparable product available from competitors.•99.7% efficiency atstated element rating.•Designed and tested tomeet stringent requirements of API/IP 1590 Specifications and qualification procedures for aviation fuel microfilters. (Consult factory to obtain qualification test report).Micron ratings of 1 and 5 (approved) 10 and 25.HYDROCARBON FILTER ELEMENTSE L E M E N T SQualified to API/IP specification 1583.Qualification for Aviation Fuel Monitors with Absorbent Type Element.Separator Elementsstandard (Viton available on request)Multi-layered media for maximum solids holding –with absorbent media cross linked to trap and Works in the presence of fuel additives an surfactantsas specified in the API/IP Specification1583Interior and exterior media migration Micron ratings1, 5, 10 and 30.•Removes free andemulsified water to less than 5 PPM.•Water absorbingcapacity to four quarts depending upon cartridge size.•Progressive low flowrates or rapid differential pressure rise alert operators changeout is needed.•Spin-onfilters also Collapse pressureend caps are standard.Buna N gaskets standard.Recommended cartridgechangeout 20 PSID.cast filter head with four bolts. The slotted element change outs. With new element rotate into position on the locking ring The closure hardware consists of stainless steel nuts, bolts and washers with metal Maximum Flow Rates Prefilter 5-40 gpm 20Filter Sep 5-35 gpm 18Absorber5-25 gpm18Flow Range Diesel Jet Fuel Gasoline Delta P Delta PFBO-10Clean Dry ChangeFlow Range Diesel Jet Fuel Gasoline Delta P Delta PFBO-14Performance Specifications10FBO-60355 25FBO-6033551"Optional Accessories Automatic air eliminator Pressure relief valve Differential pressureLiquid level gaugewaterSupport stand ApplicationsFMI Monitor InstallationConnections• Inlet and Outlet:2 inch NPT•Main Drain and LiquidLevel Ports: 1/2 inch NPT•Vent and PressureRelief Connection: •Pressure Gauge/Sample Ports:1/8 inch NPT16, FS, and HIF coreless, high efficiency micronic series elements. Racor hydrocarbon filter housings are designed for removing solid contaminants such as dirt, rust, pipe Racor hydrocarbon vessels are designed for a single pass through the high efficiency element for clean • Inlet and Outlet: Style 1 – 3000# coupling Style 2 & 3 – 150# RF • Vent and relief valve: 3/4 inch NPT •Inlet and outlet permanently marked •Interior: epoxy-coated MIL–C–4556 E •Exterior: prime coated • Knife-edge cartridge mounting seals • Rod mount cartridge hardware• Stamped name plateOptional Accessories •Automatic air eliminator • Differential pressure gauge • Pressure relief valve • Manual drain valve •Sampling probesStyle 1Style 2Style 3Custom designs available. *Dimensions are reference only. For exact dimensions, request drawing for applicable model number.Dimensional Datain RVMF-60-1-148 5/8RVMF-120-1-288 5/8RVMF-200-1-448 5/8RVMF-40O-2-4414RVMF-600-3-4416RVMF-800-4-4418RVMF-1200-6-4420RVMF-2200-11-4428RVMF-3600-18-4436RVMF-520O-26-44421067A Model No.Features•Carbon steel construction; other materials available•10.34 bar ASME Code, Section VIII construction, stamped and certified •Yellow zinc-plated swing bolt closure •Buna-N o-ring cover seal •Hydraulic jack cover lift•Inlet and outlet permanently marked •Interior: epoxy-coated MIL-C-4556 E •Exterior: prime coated•Knife-edge cartridge mounting seals •Stamped name plate19INDUSTRIAL FILTER SEPARATOR VESSELSIndustrial Filter/Separator VesselsStandard Housing Data and Flow RatesMaximum Recommended Flow Rates At These ViscositiesModel No.1 CS 2.2 CS3 CS4 CS5 CS6 CS 8 CS 10 CS 31.0 SSU 33.0 SSU 36.0 SSU 39.0 SSU 42.3 SSU 45.5 SSU 52.0 SSU 58.8 SSU G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM RVFS-222-122145 549115 43585 32265 24650 18940 15130 11425 95RVFS-244-233290 1098240 908180 681130 492100 37990 34160 22750 189RVFS-344-233435 1646340 1287250 946190 719150 568125 47390 34175 284RVFS-444-333580 2195480 1817360 1363260 984200 757180 681120 454100 379RVFS-456-436740 2801615 2328460 1741335 1268255 965230 871155 587130 492RVFS-656-5361100 4164915 3463675 2555500 1893385 1457335 1268230 871195 738RVFS-856-7361475 55831220 4618915 3463660 2498510 1930455 1722305 1154255 965RVFS-1056-9361850 70021530 57911150 4353830 3142640 2422570 2157380 1438320 1211RVFS-1256-11362220 84031835 69451375 5204995 3766765 2896685 2593455 1722380 1438RVFS-1456-13362585 97842140 81001605 60751160 4391895 3388800 3028530 2006445 1684RVFS-1656-15362955 111852445 92541835 69451325 50151020 3861915 3463610 2309510 1930RVFS-2056-19363695 139863060 115822295 86871655 62641275 48261140 4315760 2877635 2403RVFS-2456-23364435 167863670 138912755 104281990 75321530 57911370 5185915 3463765 2896RVFS-2856-27365175 195874280 162003215 121692320 87811785 67561600 60561065 4031895 3388Dimensional DataDimensional / Physical InformationModel No.Inlet/Outlet Flange Main Drain NPT A B C D Dry Weight Liquid Volume in. mm in. mm in.mm in. mm in. mm in. mm Lbs. Kgs.Gal. Ltr.RVFS-222-1222 51 1 2516 40652 1321 6 15217 432620 28135 132RVFS-244-233 3 76 1 2518 45777 1956 6 15223 584720 32760 227RVFS-344-2334 102 1 2520 50878 1981 6 15228 711850 38680 303RVFS-444-333 4 102 1 2524 61080 2032 6 15228 7111000 454115 435RVFS-456-436 6 152 1 2524 61097 24647.5 19136 9141100 499140 530RVFS-656-536 6 152 1.5 3828 711108 27437.5 19136 9141400 635200 757RVFS-856-7368 203 1.5 3832 813114 28969 22946 11681900 862270 1022RVFS-1056-9368 203 1.5 3836 914115 29219 22948 12192300 1043365 1382RVFS-1256-11368 203 1.5 3838 965116 29469 22948 12192500 1134415 1571RVFS-1456-133610 254 2 5142 1067118 299710 25454 13723400 1542530 2006RVFS-1656-153610 254 2 5148 1219120 304810 25460 15243800 1724580 2195RVFS-2056-193612 305 2 5154 1372125 317512 30569 17534500 2041900 3407RVFS-2456-233612 305 2 5160 1524129 327712 30571 18035700 25851160 4391RVFS-2856-273614 356 2 516616761433632143568020326500 29481390 5261Element OptionsCoalescer / Separator Element Selection Information NumberModel No.Coalescer .5 Mic. 1 Mic.2 Mic. 5 Mic. 25 Mic. Separator Silicone Treated Paper Element Quantity"32 Series""54 Series""55 Series" "58 Series" "78 Series" Element Quantity "05 Series"RVFS-222-1222CP-22632-TB CP-22654-TB CP-22655-TB CP-22658-TB CP-22678-TB 1SP-22605-S RVFS-244-2332CP-44632-TB CP-44654-TB CP-44655-TB CP-44658-TB CP-44678-TB 2SP-33605-S RVFS-344-2333CP-44632-TB CP-44654-TB CP-44655-TB CP-44658-TB CP-44678-TB 2SP-33605-S RVFS-444-3334CP-44632-TB CP-44654-TB CP-44655-TB CP-44658-TB CP-44678-TB 3SP-33605-S RVFS-456-4364CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 4SP-36605-S RVFS-656-5366CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 5SP-36605-S RVFS-856-7368CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 7SP-36605-S RVFS-1056-93610CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 9SP-36605-S RVFS-1256-113612CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 11SP-36605-S RVFS-1456-133614CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 13SP-36605-S RVFS-1656-153616CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 15SP-36605-S RVFS-2056-19320CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 19SP-36605-S RVFS-2456-233624CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 23SP-36605-S RVFS-2856-273628CP-56632-TBCP-56654-TBCP-56655-TBCP-56658-TBCP-56678-TB27SP-36605-Sequipped with FM 2” Series cartridges. The FMIaddition, they are not disarmed when surfactants and fuel additives are present.Features•Carbon steel construction; other material available F U E L M O N I T O R V E S S E L Sprocesses to meet industryFlow Rates Fuels Elements Inlet/OutletJet A, Jet A 1FS PleatedUp to 5,OOO gpm JP 4,5,8 FP Pleated NPT22Fluid Condition MonitoringF L U I D C O N D I T I O N M O N I T O R I N GApplications•Determination of particle size distribution forfilter testing.•Determination of water content in fuel.•Filter performance monitoring.•Pipeline commission trials.•Future development for telemetric analysis.Current practice in the aviation industry is to use a visual, ‘clear and bright’ test to make sure that the fuel being supplied from our refineries is free from solid matter and undissolved water at normal ambient temperatures.This test is subjective and cannot detect those contaminates that can really do damage to the engine and its critical tolerance fuel control components in todays modern aero engines.• Particle counting has been in lab environments since the 1960’s.• Recognised as an industry approved method.• Counts particulate distribution in hydraulic fluids.• Conforms with IS0/NASand SAE standards.• Lab performance in the field.• Small, portable and self powered data storage.• Dynamic 2 minute test procedure.• Simple operation.• Calibration to ISO standards (ISO 11171).• Particle counts per ml.• Sample particle distribution analysis.• Connects to exsisiting aviation sampling points.Parker Filtration’s global reputation as a reliable supplier of superiorSystemsFresh air. That’s whatIt’s easy to see whyParker Racor is themost trusted name inParker Racor fuel andoil filtration systemsParker WorldwideAE – UAE,DhabiTel: +971 4 8875600parker.me@AR – Argentina,Buenos AiresTel: +54 3327 44 4129AT – Austria,Wiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501-0parker.austria@AT – Eastern Europe,Wiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501 970parker.easteurope@AU – Australia,Castle HillTel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777AZ – Azerbaijan,BakuTel: +994 50 2233 458parker.azerbaijan@BE /LX – Belgium,NivellesTel: +32 (0)67 280 900parker.belgium@BR – Brazil,Cachoeirinha RSTel: +55 51 3470 9144BY – Belarus,MinskTel: +375 17 209 9399parker.belarus@CA – Canada,Milton, OntarioTel: +1 905 693 3000CH – Switzerland,EtoyTel: +41 (0) 21 821 02 30parker.switzerland@CN – China,ShanghaiTel: +86 21 5031 2525CZ – Czech Republic,KlecanyTel: +420 284 083 111parker.czechrepublic@DE – Germany,KaarstTel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0parker.germany@DK – Denmark,BallerupTel: +45 43 56 04 00parker.denmark@ES – Spain,MadridTel: +34 902 33 00 01parker.spain@FI – Finland,VantaaTel: +358 (0)20 753 2500parker.finland@FR – France,Contamine-s/ArveTel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25parker.france@©2008 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved.RU – Russia,MoscowTel: +7 495 645-2156parker.russia@SE – Sweden,SpångaTel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00parker.sweden@SG – SingaporeTel: +65 6887 6300SL – Slovenia,Banska BystricaTel: +421 484 162 252parker.slovenia@SL – Slovenia,Novo MestoTel: +386 7 337 6650parker.slovenia@TH – Thailand,BangkokTel: +662 717 8140TR – Turkey,IstanbulTel: +90 216 4997081parker.turkey@TW – Taiwan,TaipeiTel: +886 2 2298 8987UA – Ukraine,KievTel +380 44 494 2731raine@UK – United Kingdom,WarwickTel: +44 (0)1926 317 878@US – USA,ClevelandTel: +1 216 896 3000VE – Venezuela,CaracasTel: +58 212 238 5422ZA – South Africa,Kempton ParkTel: +27 (0)11 961 0700parker.southafrica@European Product Information CentreFree phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, EI,ES,FI, FR, IT, NL, NO, PL, RU, SE, SK,UK, ZA)GR – Greece,AthensTel: +30 210 933 6450parker.greece@HK – Hong KongTel: +852 2428 8008HU – Hungary,BudapestTel: +36 1 220 4155parker.hungary@IE – Ireland,DublinTel: +353 (0)1 466 6370parker.ireland@IN – India,MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85IT – Italy,Corsico (MI)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21parker.italy@JP – Japan,FujisawaTel: +(81) 4 6635 3050KR – South Korea,SeoulTel: +82 2 559 0400KZ – Kazakhstan,AlmatyTel: +7 7272 505 800parker.easteurope@LV – Latvia,RigaTel: +371 745 2601tvia@MX – Mexico,ApodacaTel: +52 81 8156 6000MY – Malaysia,Subang JayaTel: +60 3 5638 1476NL – The Netherlands,OldenzaalTel: +31 (0)541 585 000parker.nl@NO – Norway,SkiTel: +47 64 91 10 00parker.norway@NZ – New Zealand,Mt WellingtonTel: +64 9 574 1744PL – Poland,WarsawTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00parker.poland@PT – Portugal,Leca da PalmeiraTel: +351 22 999 7360parker.portugal@RO – Romania,BucharestTel: +40 21 252 1382parker.romania@Parker Hannifin (UK) LtdRacor Filter Division EuropeTel: +44 (0) 1924 487037Email: filtrationinfo@/rfdeCatalogue FDRB137GB1 10/2008Your local authorised Parker distributor。
关键词:过滤分离设备;过滤分离设备应用1 长输管道中过滤分离设备介绍1.1 过滤分离器天然气过滤分离器采用过滤滤芯作为过滤元件,主要用于去除天然气中夹带的较小粒径的固体粉尘和粒径较大的液滴。
1.2 气-液聚结分离器气-液聚结分离器采用气液聚结滤芯作为分离元件,主要用于去除天然气中的较小粒径液滴,适用于天然气中含液量较高或处理精度要求更高的场所。
XXXX炼油化工有限责任公司XX大炼油工程储运区航煤过滤分离器气分装置凝聚脱水器技术协议XXXX炼油化工有限责任公司(业主):XX集团XX工程有限公司(SSEC)(买方):XX过滤净化技术有限公司(卖方):XXXX年XX月目录1总则 (1)2工程简介 (1)3设计基础 (1)4供货范围及材料要求 (4)5制造、检验、验收和质量控制 (6)6交货方式、涂漆、保护、包装和运输方案 (7)7责任与分工及交货期 (8)8质量保证 (9)9售后服务 (9)10总体技术要求 (9)11安装备品备件 (9)12资料交付 (9)13图纸确认会 (11)14未尽事宜由双方协商解决 (11)15三方联系人及联系方式 (12)1总则本技术协议仅适用于XXXX炼油化工有限责任公司XX大炼油项目。
2工程简介2.1 工程名称XXXX炼油化工有限责任公司XX大炼油工程2.2 建设地点XX省XX市经济技术开发区2.3 工程概况上表中共有航煤过滤分离器3套,其中预过滤器3台,过滤分离器3台。
3设计基础3.1 气象条件1)气温极端最高气温:39.3℃极端最低气温:-10.6℃最热月平均气温:25.6℃最冷月平均气温:0.2℃年平均气温:13.2℃2)降水年平均降水量:665.87mm月最大降水量:319.2mm一次最大降水量:472.2mm24小时最大降水量:206.5mm1小时最大降水量:86.5mm10分钟最大降水量:24.4mm3)风速、风压全年主导风向:南风、北风夏季主导风向:东南风冬季主导风向:北风、北西风年平均风速:3.3m/s最大风速:21.8m/s设计风压值:0.6KN/m24)地震地震基本烈度:7度3.2 遵循的技术规范及标准《石油化工企业管道设计器材选用通则》SH3059《石油化工钢制管法兰》SH/T3406《钢制压力容器》GB150及第1、2号修改单《现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范》GB50236《军用燃油过滤分离器通用规范》GJB2807《喷气燃料过滤分离器性能试验方法》GBJ689《航空燃油过滤器通用技术条件》HB6100以上所用标准均应为标准的最新版本。
Parker Hannifin 900FH和1000FH燃油过滤器 水分离器商品说明书
Turbine Series900FH and 1000FHFuel Filter/Water SeparatorsTurbine Series filters protect precision engine components from dirt, rust, algae, asphaltines, varnishes, and especially water, which is prevalent in engine fuels. They remove contaminants from fuel using the following legendary three stage process:Stage 1 - SeparationAs fuel enters the assembly, it moves through the centrifuge and spins off large solids and water droplets, which are heavier than fuel, and fall to the bottom of the collection bowl.Stage 2 - CoalescingSmall water droplets bead-up on thesurface of the conical baffle and cartridge filter. When heavy enough, they too fall to the bottom of the collection bowl.Stage 3 - FiltrationProprietary Aquabloc ®II cartridge filters repel water and remove contaminants from fuel down to 2 micron (nominal). Aquabloc ®II cartridge filters arewaterproof and effective longer than water absorbing filters.Instruction Part Number 12960 Rev DContact Information Parker Hannifin Corporation Racor Division P .O. Box 32083400 Finch Road Modesto, CA 95353phone 800 344 3286209 521 7860fax 209 529 3278****************/racor/racorproductsGetting StartedThe following customersupplied materials shouldbe on hand before beginning installation.Shop Towels.• Diesel Fuel (about 1 • gallon).Thread Sealant (no thread • tapes).Parker Super O-Lube • (RK 31605) or equivalent.Fuel Hose.• Mounting Hardware (3/8"• or M10 fasteners).Inlet/Outlet Fittings.•2Mounting Information90°10°10°VNote: Mount the filter assembly as close to vertical (V) as possible.Do not exceed 10° from vertical or the assembly may not function properly.Note: Fastener size 3/8" (M10) for Mounting brackets.1000FH(27.7 cm)Adjustableby ±2.1 in.5.8 in.900FH13.5 in5.8 in.Installation DiagramValve 1Valve 23Installation InstructionsAdjustable, one-piece clamp-type mounting brackets (with grade 5 fasteners) are included for ensured durability. The 900FH uses one mounting bracket and 1000FH uses two mounting brackets, both can be adjusted for a secure fit.Positioning Filter• I nstall Turbine Series filter on vacuum side of fuel transfer pump for optimum water separating efficiency. Note: See installation diagram.• K eep fuel line restrictions to a minimum. Locate filter assembly between horizontal planes of bottom of fuel tank and inlet of fuel pump, if possible. If filter is installed in an application where the fuel tank is higher than the filter, a shut-off valve must be installed between tank and filter assembly INLET. This will be used when servicing replacement filter.Before Installation• O btain good ventilation and lighting.• M aintain a safe working environment.• T he engine must be off for installation.• D O NOT smoke or allow open flames near the installation.Installing Filter• C ompletely remove any vacuum side filters in fuel line between fuel tank and fuel pump. This is where filter assembly will be mounted. Leaving these filters in place will add to the fuel linerestriction. Filter heads cast into engine, or that are non-removable, or hard pipedshould be serviced with a new filter and left in place.• K eep fuel flow restriction values to a minimum. Always use maximum size fuel hose possible. Do not make sharp bends with flexible fuel hose as kinks may occur. Avoid useof two 45° elbow fittings where one 90° elbow will work.• W hen routing hose, avoidsurfaces that move, have sharp edges, or get hot (such as exhaust piping).Priming Instructions1. R emove T-handle and lid from top of filter.2. F ill filter with clean fuel.3. L ubricate lid gasket andT-handle O-ring with clean fuel or motor oil.4. R eplace lid and T-handle and tighten snugly by hand only - do not use tools .5. I f applicable, refer toequipment Operator’s Service Manual to complete fuel priming procedure.6. S tart engine and check for fuel system leaks. Correct as necessary with engine off and pressure relieved from filter assembly.Draining WaterFrequency of water draining is determined by the contamination level of fuel. Inspect or draincollection bowl of water daily or as necessary. Collection bowl must be drained before contaminants reach the top of the turbine or when Water Detection Module (optional) indicates a drain is required.Vacuum Side Applications1. C lose inlet valve (or valve #1) and open self-venting drain on bottom of bowl.2. C lose drain after all water and contaminants have been evacuated - DO NOT leave drain open too long as it will eventually completely drain entire filter of water AND fuel.3. Follow Priming Instructions .Pressure Side Applications1. O pen self-venting drain on bottom of bowl. Head pressure will push any water and contaminants out of drain while keeping filter primed.2. C lose drain after all water and contaminants have been evacuated - DO NOT leave drain open too long as it will eventually completely drain entire filter of water AND fuel, and possibly drain entire tank.Service Instructions4Frequency of filter replacement is determined by contamination level of fuel. Replace filter every 10,000 miles, every 500 hours, every other oil change, when vacuum gauge (optional) reads between 6 to 10 inches of mercury (inHg), if power loss is noticed, or annually, which ever occurs first. Note - always carry extrareplacement filters as one tankful of excessively dirty fuel can plug a filter.1. B ypass filter assembly with bypass valves, if applicable.2. Remove T-handle and lid.3. R emove filter by holding bailhandles and slowly pullingupward with a twisting motion. Dispose of properly.4. R eplace old lid gasket and T-handle O-ring with newseals (suppled with new filter). Lubricate both seals with clean motor oil or diesel fuel before installation.5. R efer to Priming Instructions otherwise, fill filter with clean fuel, then replace lid andT-handle and tighten snugly by hand only - do not use tools . Note - above ground tanks or transfer pump applications may use head pressure to prime filter.Element ReplacementHeater InformationNote: Heater options are for use with diesel applications only.In-filter heaters are a cold weather starting aid with an internal, non-adjustable automatic thermostat that turns heater ON when fuel temperature drops below 50°F (10°C) and turns OFF when fuel reaches 80°F (27°C). Heat issupplied in the filter assembly just below replacement filter to melt wax crystals and allow fuel to pass through the filter for quick, easy starting.Follow directions to hook up heater wire and leads to your engine.Optional Items1. H eater power demand is 25 amps for 12 vdc and 13 amps for 24 vdc. Due to powerdemands, Racor recommends our relay kit for safest method of installation. Racor offers two relay kits available from your Racor distributor. Part numbers are RK 11861 (for 12 vdc) and RK 11862 (for 24 vdc). These kits include an in-line fuse holder(and fuse). Use a 25 amp fuse with a 12 vdc system and a 15 amp fuse with a 24 vdc system.2. A customer supplied ON-OFFtoggle switch is recommended tocontrol power to the heater relay. (Cuts power to heater for summer use or servicing procedures.) 3. A ll wires should be 14 AWG min.Installation1. E ither heater wire may be used for Hot (+) or Ground (-).2. W ire/terminal connectionsshould be soldered and crimped.3. R un wires in protected locations. Avoid hot surfaces and places that could pinch or rub on wires.RK 11861 and RK 11862 Heater Relay Installation1. E nsure wiring diagram is closelyfollowed and proper safety fuseis used. If fuse should fail, ensure cause is found and correctedprior to using heater again.2. P rime filter assembly with fuelbefore applying power to heater. Note: Never power heater on until fuel is fully primed within filter.3. D uring vehicle or equipmentservicing always ensure powerto heater is shut off to avoidinadvertent heating of fuel in astatic condition.4. A nnualy, or every 12,000 miles,inspect all wiring for wear orunsafe conditions. Inspectheater for proper operation (attemperatures above 85o F, checkCAUTIONcontinuity (with power off)across power and ground wires- current should be open - nocontinuity).5. F or questions or assistance,please call Racor TechnicalSupport at (800) 344-3286 or(209) 521-7860 ext 7555.black 14Inlet Portthe relay 'White 18'wire simply goes to56B AB E FReplacement Parts900FHSpecifications900FH78Replacement Parts1000FHE FSpecifications1000FH910Troubleshootingpower loss, whichever occurs first.For Construction and Agriculturaluse, change filter every 300 hours. Do not over tighten self-tappingcapscrews to avoid stripping outbody threads. After disassembly,start threads by hand prior to usingtools. Tighten to 55-65 in. lbs.back. If unit looses prime, inspectupstream hose connections first,disassemble unit to inspect seal andball. (It is normal to hear a "rattling"sound at any time).Air bubbles or fuel leakageappearing from drain may indicatedrain is not closed completelyor seal has been clogged withcontaminants. Tighten or30-35 in. lbs.drained for any reason, reprimeassembly. Fill to just above topof filter before replacing lid. It isnormal for the fuel level to dropduring use. This is especiallyapparent at filter element change-out.use tools for leverage.SAE O-ring ports should have asmooth angled seat for sealing.Do not scratch this surface. CheckO-ring for damage. Damaged, worn, or dirty seals will allow air ingestion. Inspect and replace all seals as needed. Clean the sealingsurfaces of dirt or debris every time the filter is replaced.If carriage bolt is loose, do notovertighten it as this may distort thebracket position.Heater feed-thru O-ring must notbe damaged or swollen.A plug is installed if the watersensor option is not selected.Tighten to 15-20 in. lbs.The water sensor (if equipped)should activate when watercontacts tips. Air bubbles or fuelleakage appearing from sensormay indicate it is loose or O-ring isdamaged. Tighten to 15-20 in. lbs.Filter Safety ValveDrain water (if present) before itgets to this level. At some time, thecontaminant collection bowl maybecome dirty on the inside. Removethe four bowl ring capscrews anddrop the bowl. Clean the insidewith hot soapy water, dry off andre-install. Ensure bowl gasket iscleaned, and lubricate with siliconegrease prior to reuse.If self-venting drain will notwork when opened, it may beclogged. Cycle the drain (open-close) or attach a hose and brieflyapply air (<2-3 PSI) to dislodgecontaminants.Replace T-handle o-ring and lidgasket with each filter elementreplacement.TroubleshootingNote - Correct external fuel leaks immediately! These conditionswill result in reduced engine performance such as: hard starting, stalling, reduced power, and other associated problems.New filter installations must be filled with fuel and fuel system must be adequately primed followingthe engine manufacturer’s recommendations, if applicable. Existing installation difficulties are usually associated with improper priming procedures or damage to the unit or fuel system. The result is either internal air suction or external fuel leakage. Diagnosis should be in these following steps: 1. C heck fuel tank level and makesure any fuel delivery valves arein open position, as applicable.2. E nsure T-handle, bowl fasteners,and fuel fittings are tight. Alsoverify that bowl drain is closed.3. I f filter is new, check potentialrestriction at fuel tank drawtube. An in-tank strainer may be plugged.Correct Application - It is very important that filter is not ‘under specified’ for the application. The maximum fuel flow rating of filter must not be exceeded and engine manufactures maximum fuel inlet restriction, must not be exceeded. Doing so will reduce efficiency and de-gas (pull air from) fuel.Filter - Replacement filtersare available in 2, 10, and 30 micron ratings. Filtration needs are based on application, fuel quality, maintenance schedules, and operating climates. A simple rule to remember is - the finerthe filtration, the more frequent the filter change. Always carry extra replacement filters withyour equipment as one tankful of excessively contaminated fuel can plug a filter. When clogged to themaximum capacity, filters willhave a brown to black color or tarlike contaminants may be present- this is normal. An appearance ofa multi-colored slime (which mayhave a foul odor) is an indicationof microbiological contamination.This condition must be treatedimmediately.Severe conditions must becorrected by a repair facility.Note - Never operate Racor unitwithout the filter in place - the'filter safety valve' will not exposeoutlet hole on fuel return tube iffilter is removed and fuel will notflow to engine. Instead, punchemergency tab on the top of filterand leave in place. Puncturingemergency tab will bypass allfiltration and send unfiltered fuelto your engine. Service filter assoon as possible to avoid harmfulcontaminants flowing downstreamto engine.Water Sensors - This feature alertsoperator of a high-water condition.The bowl is then drained of waterat earliest convenience. Note - aRacor water detection module isneeded to work with the in-bowlsensor. The unit should activatewhen water reaches sensor tips(and when they measure between47,000 and 100,000 ohms ofresistance, depending on detectionmodule used.) If not, tips may befouled with a coating. Removewater sensor and clean tips with acloth. Run a jumper wire betweentips with ignition ON to test system.Difficulties usually lie in the wireconnections, power source, or anindependent ground.Heaters - In-filter heaters arestarting aids, but may be left onduring cold operations to continueto supply heat. The 300 watt heateris an extremely reliable option,but MUST be powered via a relayswitch due to initial amperagesurge at start-up: 25 amps at 12 vdcand 12.5 amps at 24 vdc. They donot activate unless the fuel is below50°F (10°C) and automaticallydeactivate at 80°F (28°C).Heater Testing - Heaters can onlybe tested when the thermostat isclosed (fuel temperature is below50°F or 10°C). With a ampmeterattached to external wiring, andengine off, amperage shouldincrease when heater is switchedon. (Option - remove heaterand place it in a freezer until thetemperature is under 50°F (10°C).Remove heater and repeat theabove test).All Racor FH filter assembliesare 100% tested to ensure aleak-proof, quality product.Note - Correct external fuelleaks immediately! In the eventdifficulties are experienced withyour filter assembly or a problemappears to prevent the enginefrom running smoothly, refer tothe procedures on the previouspage. Note - Apply Parker SuperO-lube (part number RK 31605)or equivalent to all seals at majorattachment points to maintainintegrity, seal elasticity, to fill smallvoids, and to provide protectionfrom degradation.Perform all checks with engineOFF (and applicable valvesclosed). For replacement parts,refer to the Replacement Partssection of this manual.1112February 2010© Parker Hannifin Corporation All products manufactured or distributed by Racor are subject to the following, and only the following, LIMITED EXPRESS WARRANTIES, and no others: For a period of one (1) year from and after the date of purchase of a new Racor product, Racor warrants and guarantees only to the original purchaser-user that such a product shall be free from defects of materials and workmanship in the manufacturing process. The warranty period for pumps and motors is specifically limited to ninety (90) days from date of purchase. A product claimed to be defective must be returned to the place of purchase. Racor, at its sole option, shall replace the defective product with a comparable new product or repair the defective product. This express warranty shall be inapplicable to any product not properly installed and properly used by the purchaser-user or to any product damaged or impaired by external forces. THIS IS THE EXTENT OF WARRANTIES AVAILABLE ON THIS PRODUCT. RACOR SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER FORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESFLOWING FROM THE USE OF ANY DEFECTIVE PRODUCT OR BY REASON OF THEFAILURE OF ANY PRODUCT. RACOR SPECIFICALLY DISAVOWS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (EXCEPT FOR THOSE WHICH APPLY TO PRODUCT OR PART THEREOF THAT IS USED OR BOUGHT FOR USE PRIMARILY FOR PERSONAL, FAMILY, OR HOUSEHOLDPURPOSES), WARRANTIES OF DESCRIPTION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, TRADE USAGE ORWARRANTIES OR TRADE USAGE.WarningFailure or improper selectionor improper use of the products and/or systems described herein or related items can cause death,personal injury and property damage. This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide productand/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in thecurrent product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the applications are met. The products described herein, including withlimitation, product features, specifications, designs,availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.The following statement is required pursuant to proposition 65, applicable in the State of California: ‘This product may contain a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity’.Limited Warranties Statement。
过滤分离器设计方案用户:沙雅燃气长输管道有限公司型号: XFS28A-19 任务书编号: SR11003 工作令: SWA11088-1~2 图号: SW03-011-00编制:日期:1、设计标准本设计中过滤分离器器属于中压容器,应以安全为前提,综合考虑质量保证的各个环节,尽可能做到经济合理,可靠的密封性,足够的安全寿命。
设计标准如下:a. TSG R0004-2009《固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程》b. GB150-1998《钢制压力容器》c. HG20584-1998《钢制化工容器制造技术要求》d. JB4712.1-2007《容器支座》2、工作原理过滤分离器是用来清除气体中的固体、液态颗粒状杂质的设备,适用于各种燃气及其他非腐蚀性气体。
用户:中国石油天然气股份有限公司管道工程建设项目经理部 项目工号:CQE200700506 工程地点:中卫~靖边 数据单编号:CQE200700506-ME-DS-1109工程名称:西气东输二线管道工程第 1 页 共 4 页过滤分离器数据单2版 次说 明编 制 校 对 审 核 本文件由西气东输二线管道工程设计联合体发布,用于西气东输二线管道工程。
项目号:CQE200700506数据单文件号:制D-L313文件编号:CQE200700506-ME-DS-1109设计阶段:初设日期:2008.07西气东输二线管道工程设计联合体西气东输二线管道工程第 2 页共 4 页2版本文件由西气东输二线管道工程设计联合体发布,用于西气东输二线管道工程。
目录1、靖边联络站 (3)设计阶段: 初设 日 期:2008.07西气东输二线管道工程设计联合体西气东输二线管道工程第 3 页 共 4 页2版1、靖边联络站安装地点 靖边联络站 设备名称 过滤分离器 数量 4台 过滤分离器编号 01C001FSP201,01C001FSP202,01C001FSP203,01C001FSP204《过滤分离器技术规格书》 CQE200700506-ME-TS-0001 《快开盲板技术规格书》 CQE200700506-ME-TS-0006 相关技术文件《快开盲板数据单》 CQE200700506-ME-DS-1409质 量设备净质量(kg) 设计标准及规范见过滤分离器技术规格书充水质量(kg)设 计 条 件材 质设计压力: 10.5MPa 操作压力:6.45MPa 筒体16MnDR 设计温度: -30~80℃ 操作温度:6.6℃ 封头16MnDR 介质 : 见过滤分离器技术规格书 接管 16MnD Ⅲ 单台处理量: 477 N Km 3/h法兰 16MnD Ⅲ过滤效率:见过滤分离器技术规格书 滤芯焊接接头系数 :1 鞍座垫板16MnDR 腐蚀裕量(mm) :2 鞍座快开盲板快开盲板数据单 容积(m 3)快开盲板密封圈快开盲板数据单 筒体壁厚(mm ) 螺柱 封头壁厚(mm ) 螺母 小筒体壁厚(mm )垫片 筒体内径(mm )1000 铭牌 不锈钢试验及检测要求: 见过滤分离器技术规格书热处理后焊缝硬度检测: 焊缝中心的外表面硬度不大于240HV10 水压试验压力:15.0MPa 注:1.所有法兰应配对(含螺柱、螺母和垫片),法兰标准为ASME/ANSI B16.5;2.所有接管端面是水平或垂直于地面;3.快开盲板可以打开到180°,组焊时不能损伤快开盲板的密封性能;4.快开盲板的采办应取得业主书面认可;5.快开盲板与过滤分离器筒体组焊由过滤分离器制造商完成;6.液位计、压力表等仪表开孔待定;7.此数据单空白处由投标商填写;8.未尽事项双方协商、业主决定。
图6-40 过滤-分离器(3)工作原理含液天然气从顶部进入过滤分离器后,先进入过滤段,过滤段中设置用玻璃纤维制成的中空长筒形过滤元件,玻璃纤维经过特殊处理,不会被水润湿。
3. 调压站用燃气过滤器特点:①底部配有排污阀,易于排污操作。
图6-41 过滤器结构示意图使用与维护正常使用:①投运前用惰性气体置换;投运时缓慢开启过滤器的进出口阀门,以免滤芯因压降过大而损坏。
第三章 过滤—分离器
• 一次性过滤材料
• 连续再生过滤器-反洗和反吹
• 早期:从美国引进的Perry公司的75H型卧
• 国产过滤分离器
• 90年代,加拿大引进的F-201卧式过滤分 离器
液体浓度 C=0 g/m3
3 颗粒浓度 C=20 中国石油管道学院 g/m
液体浓度 C=2.0 g/m3 颗粒浓度 C=20 g/m3
液体浓度 C=16 g/m3 中国石油管道学院 g/m3 颗粒浓度 C=20
液体浓度 C=30 g/m3 颗粒浓度 C=20 g/m3
2.过滤—分离器 当含有水的天然气进入干式过滤器,玻璃纤 维被液体湿润而静电效应显著降低,干式过滤器的 过滤效果也就降低。为此,可使用过滤—分离器来 脱出含水天然气中的液固体杂质。 美Perry公司生产的PECO系列75H型卧式 过滤分离器,它主要由圆筒形玻璃纤维过滤原件和 不锈钢金属丝除雾网组成,其结构示意图见图3- 24。
旋风分离器-效果一般、范围小 多管干式分离器-排尘效果差 循环分离器-效果一般 过滤分离器-效果较好 卧式气液分离器-效果好 立式重力分离器-使用量大、范围大
第二节 两相分离器的工作过程
1 结构组成与工作原理1.1 结构组成过滤分离器在站场中用于清除天然气介质中的杂质,它适用于含尘较少,固体颗粒粒径小,但同时也含有少量液体或有大量液滴突然出现的场合。
[2]1.2 工作原理采用过滤分离滤芯作为分离元件,主要用于除去天然气中夹带的粒径较小的固体杂质和液滴的过滤分离器设备。
Racor 120R--RAC--01和02 marine燃油过滤器 水分离器说明说明书
The Racor 120R--RAC--01and 02marine fuel filter/water separators feature a versatile four port head and are rated for fuel flows up to 30gallons per hour (GPH).The head (and bowl on the 02)features an anodized base plating over a protective powder coating for superior corrosion resistance.The spin--on filter design is simple to replace and the reusable contaminant collection bowl features a self--venting drain (01model)or plug (02model)for removing unwanted water,with the engine off.Only the 120R--RAC--02model (with metal bowl)is Underwriters Laboratories,Inc.marine listed and may be used with gasoline inboard applications.WARNING!GASOLINE IS HIGHLY FLAMMABLE AND EXPLOSIVE.YOU CAN BE BURNED OR SERIOUSLY INJURED WHEN HANDLING FUEL.STOP THE ENGINE AND KEEP HEAT,SPARKS AND FLAME AWAY.HANDLE FUEL ONLY OUTDOORS.WIPE UP SPILLS IMMEDIATELY.INSTALLATION.Suction side of pump only.1.Any secondary/final or pressure side filters located between the pump and engine should be serviced and left in place.2.Mount the unit vertically on the suction side of the fuel pump,transfer pump or non--removable filters,whichever comes first.Maintain 1”(25mm)vertical clearance below the filter housing for removal of replacement element.(See installation diagram on next page).3.Ensure a suitable pipe thread sealing compound is used on the NPT threads of the fittings (customer supplied --steel plated fittings are recommended)prior to installation into the head.Note:Do not use Teflon tape on NPT threads.e quality fuel hose in the maximum fuel line size applicable to reduce potential fuel flow restriction.Note:USCG accepted hose is recommended.Racor offers USCG accepted hose in several sizes.Call your local Distributor for information.See parts listbelow.Parker Hannifin Corporation Racor DivisionP .O.Box 3208,3400Finch Road Modesto,CA 95353USA(209)521--7860/(800)344--3286/racor.30”Fuel Ports (SAEJ476)1/4”--18NPTF Maximum Flow Rate 30GPH /114LPH Element Removal ,Minimum Underneath clearance req’d.1”(25mm)Clean Pressure Drop 0.15PSI (1.03kPa)Height 6.5”(166mm)Width 3.2”(81mm)Depth 3.2”(81mm)Weight,Dry 1.1lbs.(0.5kgs)Temperature Rating --40_/+255_F (--40_/+124_C)SPECIFICATIONS Item/Part No.Description1RK10214--01Head,1/4”NPTF Ports2S3240120R--RAC--01Service Element,10micron S3240UL 120R--RAC--02Service Element,10micron 3RK10012Bowl O--ring4RK10222See--thru Bowl with Drain (for 01)RK10109Metal Bowl with Drain Plug (for 02)5RK30476Drain Valve Assembly (for 01)911--N4--H6Steel Fitting,1/4”NPT to 3/8”hose barb913--N4--H6Steel Fitting,1/4”NPT to 90o 3/8”hose beadPARTS LISTU LMARINELISTED 168Y120RRAC02Model 120R--RAC--01shownPRIMING THE UNIT.1.Fill the Bowl and Element(assembled together)with clean fuel.(Note:If the fuel tank is mounted higher than the Racorfilter,open the tank outlet valve and fill the unit using a gravity feed.Loosen the outlet connection to bleed air,if needed).2.Spin the above onto the mounting Head and tighten snugly by hand(do not use tools to tighten).3.Start engine and check for any leaks.If the engine is difficult to start or runs rough,check that the drain,bowl,elementand port plugs are securely tightened.Check all connections for security and the hoses to ensure there are no kinks or sharp bends that would create excessive restriction.SERVICEDANGER:WHEN SERVICING GASOLINE FUEL SYSTEMS,GREAT CARE MUST BE EXERCISED TO AVOID POTENTIAL FIRE HAZARDS.DO NOT SMOKE OR PERMIT OPEN FLAMES NEAR THE FUEL SYSTEM DURING SERVICING PROCEDURES.DRAINING THE COLLECTION BOWL.Water is heavier than fuel and will settle to the bottom of the bowl and appear different in color.In extremely humid conditions, take a fuel sample(in a clear container)frequently(daily,if possible)and drain as required if water is present.TO DRAIN CONTAMINANTS:1.Place a container of sufficient volume below the unit to collect the contaminants.2.Close the fuel tank valve(if applicable),then open the drain at the bottom of the’01’bowl or loosen/remove the drain plugon the’02’bowl.Note:a UL listed drain valve kit is available for’02’models.Order part number RK19492.3.Prime the fuel system following manufacturer’s procedure,if necessary,otherwise see’PRIMING THE UNIT’. ELEMENT REPLACEMENT:Element replacement frequency is determined by the contamination level in fuels.Fuel flow to the engine becomes restricted as the element slowly plugs with contaminants.Replace the element every100hours,10,000miles,every other oil change, annually,or at the first indication of power loss and/or hard starting,which ever comes first.Always carry extra replacement elements as one tankful of excessively contaminated fuel can plug a fuel filter.TO REPLACE THE ELEMENT:Clean any debris or dirt away from the Head of the Racor filter prior to servicing.1.Place a container of sufficient volume below the unit to collect the contaminants.2.Open the drain(remove plug)to empty the unit of fuel.(Close tank outlet valve if tank is mounted higher than the Racor).3.Spin the Element and Bowl off together,then remove the bowl from the element.4.Clean the bowl o--ring gland and the sealing surface of the mounting head free of dirt,debris or gums.5.Apply motor oil to the new square edged seal and to the bowl o--ring supplied with the new element.6.Place the square edged seal onto the top of the new element and the o--ring into the bowl gland.7.Spin the bowl onto the element snugly by hand.DO NOT USE TOOLS TO TIGHTEN!8.Prime the fuel system following manufacturer’s procedure,if necessary,otherwise see’PRIMING THE UNIT’. TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESA major cause of power loss or hard starting is the result of an air leak(or clogged filter).If your unit will not prime or fails to hold prime,first check that the drain,bowl and element are properly tightened.Next,check all fitting connections and ensure none of the fuel lines are pinched or clogged with contaminants.If problems persist and the element is new,call Racor Customer Service for assistance:(800)344--3286,6AM to5PM,Pacific Time,or e--mail us from our website, /racor.Racor’s policy is one of continual improvement in design and manufacturing to insure still finer products;therefore,specifications,equipment and product information(while correct at the time of publication)is subject to change without notice.Instruction Part Number10223,Rev.A Copyright,PARKER HANNIFIN CORPORATION,2000.。
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7 集液包
14 滤芯
忠武线忠县站增压工程 过滤分离器
日 期:2016.03
第8页 共9页
编号 名称
尺寸 数量
2)气源进气压力和温度 交气压力:忠县站进站压力:4.0~4.5MPa,交气温度25~35℃。 3)标准状态: 压力1.01325×105Pa(绝对压力),温度20℃。 4)气象参数 忠县站气象资料详见表5。
高温度 度
年平均 雷暴日数
最大 风速
主导 平均相 风向 对湿度
地震 烈度
海拔 高度
(℃) (℃) (℃) (℃)
(d/a) (m/s) -
4.1 26.5
- NE 80
6 209
第三部分 专用技术要求
本数据单与 CDP-S-NGP-MA-007-2013-2 《输气管道工程卧式过滤分离器技术规格 书》配套使用,对《输气管道工程卧式过滤分离器技术规格书》第二部分 通用技术要 求增加了下述内容:
□√ 有
序号 说明
序号 说明
1 筒体 2 封头 3 进/出口接管 4 进/出口法兰 5 铭牌 6 螺柱/螺母
8 鞍座
9 鞍座垫板
10 其它接管
11 其它法兰
12 起重吊耳
35CrMoA/30CrMoA 13 吊耳垫板
Q235B Q345R 16MnⅢ 16MnⅢ Q345R Q345R
排污 41-2
注水注氮口 1
差压计口 待定 待定
位液 计口 待定 待定
开口说明 级 法兰 压力等
类型 Class
待定 待定
待定 待定
φ610×12.7 φ508×12.7 φ60.3×4.8 φ60.3×4.8 φ60.3×4.8
甲 烷(CH4) 乙 烷(C2H6)
97.256 0.124
丙 烷(C3H8)
C6+ 硫化氢(H2S)
<0.001 2.170 mg/m3
忠武线忠县站增压工程 过滤分离器
日 期:2016.03
第3页 共9页
第一部分 工程概况
本工程拟在忠武线已建的忠县站增设2台离心式压缩机及驱动机组(利用冀宁联 络线泰安压气站闲置压缩机组),运行方式1用1备,以满足忠武线输气量达28.5亿方/ 年的要求。同时配置过滤分离器、空冷器、燃料气调压计量橇和压缩空气等系统,压缩 机组及部分配套工艺设施设置于忠县站预留压缩机用地区域。
(MPa) 4.0~5.0
操作介质温度 (℃) 0~35
(MPa) 7.7
1 安装场所......................................................................................................................................... 3 2 环境条件......................................................................................................................................... 3 第三部分 专用技术要求............................................................................................................................... 5 第四部分 数据表........................................................................................................................................... 7
(℃) -10~60
(MPa) 10.5
焊接接头系数 过滤分离效率
1.0 见技术规格书
(mm) 2
单台处理量(104Nm3/d) 990
(MPa) ≤0.012
更换滤芯压降 (MPa) ≤0.1
滤芯组件起始压降 (MPa) ≤0.010
日 期:2016.03
第6页 共9页
对于同一炉号、同一钢号、同一截面尺寸和同一热处理工艺下的元件材料,每组应 至少 3 个试样。
焊接接头应进行-10℃夏比 V 型缺口冲击试验,要求 3 个试样的平均值≥41J,仅允 许一个试样的最小值≥29J。
3、通用技术要求 8.5 压力试验 增加 8.5.2 在最终检测和水压试验前,过滤分离器的内外表面应彻底清理干净,不应有焊 渣、铁锈、污垢、砂粒、焊接飞溅物、油漆、油污等可能影响检测和试验的物质存在。 8.5.3 水压试验用水应是无毒、无腐蚀性的洁净水。 8.5.4 水压试验使用的垫片应与操作条件下的相同。 8.5.5 在试验完后过滤分离器里的水应立即排出,残存的水应擦干,如果需要,还应 进一步进行空气烘干。过滤分离器内应彻底清洁,所有水、污物、沙子、铁锈以及其它 无关物质应清理出过滤分离器,并封堵好所有接口。 8.5.6 供货商应提供过滤分离元件(滤芯)性能检测报告和设备选型计算报告。
日 期:2016.03
第4页 共9页
天然气气体常数 J/(kg.K) 水露点 烃露点
500.99 -5.9℃
(2)万州净化厂净化气组分及物性值见表 3 和表 4。
忠武线忠县站增压工程 过滤分离器
日 期:2016.03
第2页 共9页
第一部分 工程概况....................................................................................................................................... 3 第二部分 现场条件....................................................................................................................................... 3
(1)忠县净化厂天然气组分及物性值见表 1 和表 2。
甲 烷(CH4)
乙 烷(C2H6)
丙 烷(C3H8)
1、通用技术要求 6.1 性能要求 增加 特定部位(冲刷、磨损较严重的部位)应采取防冲刷、磨损措施; 滤芯材质为聚酯纤维,最少应能承受 0.65MPa 的压差,在投标阶段和报批图纸以及 技术文件中标明建议更换滤芯的压差; 过滤设备处理能力不应小于各工况下最大输气量的 110%; 过滤设备在正常工况下运行噪声不应大于 85dbA; 过滤设备应能承受各种工况下压力及流量变化引起的冲击; 6.2.3 条补充:过滤设备压降指设备进口法兰和设备出口法兰之间的压差。 2、通用技术要求 7 材料要求 增加 冲击试验(夏比 V 型缺口) 试样尺寸:10mm×10mm×55mm 试验温度和冲击功见表: