



岸电改造方案文章介绍250kV A变频电源改造方案设计,根据方案设计系统组,对变压器、滤波器、变频器和开关进行选型,改造后通过空载和带载试验测量谐波,与国家岸电试行标准进行对比并满足电源供电标准。

标签:岸电;变频电源;变频器;滤波器1 背景中海油惠州物流基地码头已建成8套岸电电源,为国内船舶停靠时提供岸电供给。


2 概述岸电电源是一种船用或者岸用大功率变压变频装置,常常装备在造船厂及修船厂、岸边码头及远洋钻井平台等高温、高湿、高腐蚀性的恶劣环境,提供高精度高质量的电压和频率的电源。









3 方案设想对8套岸电电源的其中2套进行改造,增加变频单元,改造后既能提供380V 50Hz电源又能提供440V 60Hz电源。


SolaHD SHP系列重量级模块电源说明书

SolaHD SHP系列重量级模块电源说明书

SHP Series: Heavy Duty Modular Power SuppliesThe SolaHD SHP Series high power, intelligent modular power supplies, range from 1500 through 4920 watts and were designed for optimum flexibility. The modular design makes these units easy to customize for unusual voltage and power combinations, and the intelligent modules allow the use of I2C or CANBUS/RS485 communication to monitor and control many attributes of the power supply.All units have power factor corrected inputs, an end mounted fan for cooling and a variety of built-in signals and controls. High reliability and a flexible design make these power supplies an excellent choice for process control and semiconductor fabrication applications.Applications• Process Controls• Semi-Conductor Fabrication• Automated Service EquipmentFeatures• Available in intelligent and non-intelligent models• Single, dual and triple output modules configurable incombinations up to 24 different outputs• Single phase and three phase inputs• I2C control in intelligent modules• End mounted intelligent fan (speed control/fault status)• Voltage adjustment on all outputs (manual or I2C)• CANBUS and RS-485 optional interface• Overload protection on all outputs• Power factor correction (.99 typ.)• Configurable output UP/DOWN sequencing• Modular Construction• Configurable input and output OK signals and indicators • Programmable voltage, current limit, inhibit/enablethrough I2C• Three year limited warrantyCertifications and Compliances• UL Recognized Component, ITE, E137632- UL 60950-1/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1, 2nd Edition• - Low Voltage Directive- IEC/EN 60950-1, 2nd Edition• RoHS Compliant Related Products• Surge Protective Devices• SCD DC to DC Converters• Active Tracking®FiltersE137632Standard Offering Selection Table Accessories TableSpecificationsOutput Module Specification OverviewNotes:1) For dual & triple output modules: the max output power is the total amount of power for the module.2) For dual & triple output modules: the max output current is the total max current for each output.3) To calculate the total weight of the power supply: sum up the weight for each module and add it to the weight of the case given under the Specifications Table.Catalog Numbering SelectionIntelligent ModelExample:4500Wcasewith:************************************************@30Aconnectedin****************************************.1500 W 1) Certifications pending.3) Total output power on dual and triple modules must not exceed the max output power rating for the module.4) I 2C Adjustment Ranges apply to single output modules only.Catalog Numbering SelectionNon-Intelligent ModelExample:3210Wcasewith:a36Wtripleoutputmodulesetat11V@1A,********,5V@2Aanda600Wmodule **************.2) Only the input parameters will have communications capabilities with these options. Non-intelligent modules do not provide communication capabilities on the output side.3) Increments of current not shown can be achieved by paralleling modules. See Parallel Code Table.4) Total output power on dual and triple modules must not exceed the max output power rating for the module.Connector TablesConnector J210561SH30 and S3H3 Dimensional Drawings – in. (mm)5.00 ± 0.02I 2Notes:1. See Connectors Table 1 for screw types.2. Chassis material: aluminum with chemical film coating (conductive).3. All dimensions are in millimeters and inches, and are typical.4. Customer mounting - 3 sides M4, bottom also includes 8-32 mounting holes. Max. penetration is 0.155” (4.0 mm). Max. torque: 5in-lbs. (0.57 N-m).SH45 and S3H5 Dimensional Drawings – in. (mm)Intelligent Modules Dimensional Drawings – in. (mm)Single 360 WattDual 144 WattTriple 36 WattSingle 750 WattSingle 1500 WattNotes:1. Output Module Connections: All single O/P modules are M4 x 8 mm screws. Maximum torque: 10 in.-lbs. (1.13 N-m). Dual O/P module is M3 x 8 mm screws. Maximum torque: 5 in.-lbs. (0.57 N-m).2. All output modules have a green DC OK LED, (except for 36 W module).3. See Connectors Table 4 for mating connector kits.21.3 Ref.V1 Adj V2 AdjV3 AdjV1+V1+V1-V1-V2-V2-V3-V3-V2+V2+V3+V3+Pin 1V AdjV-V+59.3 0.2+11.3 0.8+8.10.8+(3x) 31.6 0.8+(2x) 15.0 0.8+(2x) 16.0 0.2+(3x) 15.6 0.2+(2x) 16.0 0.2+DC Output Connector M4x8 screw w/ conical washer (6x)For Factory-Use Only.63” (16.0).32” (8.1).44” (11.0).61”(15.6).59” (15.0)1.24” (11.0)V+V-Pin 1V Adj 2x 2xDC OutputConnectorM4x8screws (4x)Single 210 Watt.44” (11.2).32” (8.1).48”(12.1)1.38” (35.1)2xV AdjPin 1V+V-M4X8 screws with conical washer DC Output Connector"44.)4.11( .44” (11.2).48” (12.1).32” (8.1).63”(16.0).33” (8.5)1.38” (35.2)V+V-V AdjPin 1DC Output ConnectorM4x8 screws with conical washer(2x)(2x).32” (8.1).46” (11.7) (4x)1.17” (29.7).30 (7.5) (3x).42 (10.7)(4x)V1 Adj V2 Adj Pin 1V1+V1-V2-V2+M3X8 screws with spring washerPower SuppliesNon-Intelligent Modules Dimensional Drawings – in. (mm)Single 210 WattSingle 360 WattNotes:1. Output Module Connections: All single O/P modules are M4 x 8 mm screws. Maximum torque: 10 in.-lbs. (1.13 N-m). Dual O/P module is M3 x 8 mm screws. Maximum torque: 5 in.-lbs. (0.57 N-m).2. All output modules have a green DC OK LED, (except for 36 W module).3. See Connectors Table 4 for mating connector kits.Power SuppliesNon-Intelligent Modules Dimensional Drawings – in. (mm)Notes:1. Output Module Connections: All single O/P modules are M4 x 8 mm screws. Maximum torque:10 in.-lbs. (1.13 N-m). Dual O/P module is M3 x 8 mm screws. Maximum torque: 5 in.-lbs. (0.57 N-m).2. All output modules have a green DC OK LED, (except for 36 W module).3. See Connectors Table 4 for mating connector kits.Dual 144 WattTriple 36 WattSingle 600 WattV1+V1-V2-V3-V2+V3+。



海洋石油FPSO电气一配电系统番禺FPSO 的配电系统简介:番禺油轮FPSO的配电系统是由16kV高压配电盘(编号为HVSMB-2)、6.3KV中压配电盘(HVSMB-1, HVDSB)、400V低压盘和230V低压盘,110V低压五个电压等级电力网络组成,分两个区域配电:上部模块(TOPSIDE)和船体部分。

并配有一套先进的电能管理控制系统(POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM)简称PMCS系统,主要是对整套高、中、低压开关柜实行实时监控和连锁功能保护禁止合闸作用,防止误操作。


FPSO 电力系统单线图FPSO电力系统结构组成:中/高压开关柜配电系统简介。












开关柜具有以下连锁功能:A: 断路器手车一旦离开”工作”位置或”试验/断开”位置时,断路器不能合闸。



1 2 3 4 5 概述 高压岸电系统技术方案 低压岸电系统技术方案 主要设备及其性能 问题间辅机运行排放大气污染物,影响岸边码头 利用岸电电源系统,关闭辅机,为靠港船舶提供相对廉价、 的空气质量。 高质量稳压稳频的电源,减少船燃油消耗,降低靠港船舶在港期 间运营成本,提高码头的竞争力。
满足岸电电源运行条件: 岸电电源与船舶发电机相比的优点:
船用发电机处于运行停止状态 电流谐波比较少,不需要谐波抑制装置
船舶接电柜进线开关处于分闸状态 船舶插电电缆接插正常
输出正弦波形,对输入电压适合范围宽, 输出电压及频率波动比较小,并用完整的通 用参数设置功能 节省人力,比较容易操作,不需要专人值
监测船舶上供电系统电压,电流,功率、电度、频 率,断路器运行位置、故障跳闸信号等,同时提供 连锁控制功能,以避免带电接插电源造成事故。
配电为440V的低压船舶,需对船舶进行改造,安 装变压器,将6.6KV的高压岸电降为受电船适用的电 压等级。

三菱重工业引擎系统亚太有限公司 MGS1000G 50Hz 产品说明书

三菱重工业引擎系统亚太有限公司 MGS1000G 50Hz 产品说明书

This specification covers the indoor use MHIESA gas engine generator set and attached equipment.
(2) Generator power factor : 0.9 or higher (lagging)
(3) Under standard atmospheric according to ISO 3046
(4) Tolerance: +5% (5) Methane number: 80 or higher, fuel gas lower heating value: 36.47 MJ/m3
ISO : International Standard Organization
PAINTING MITSUBISHI standard colour Munsell 6.0PB 4.4/5.2
ENVIRONMENT ETC. MHIESA gas generator sets are designed to meet following operating conditions
No. of cylinder
Bore / stroke (mm)
170 / 220
Total displacement Frequency regulation Governor
79.9 liter
(100% load unloading or 25% loading) Transient --------- 15% or below Steady State ----- 5% or below Recovery Time --- 15 sec or below














1 概述 2 高压岸电系统技术方案 3 低压岸电系统技术方案 4 主要设备及其性能 5 问题与建议
低压岸电 系统直接 对低压船 舶供电,。 为低压岸 电-低压 船舶模式
港口高压岸电电源 6.6KV
国内船舶 50Hz
国外船舶 60/50Hz
受电 船舶
高压船舶6.6KV, 低压船舶440V/380V
10kV 开关柜
高压 变频器
隔离变 压器
6.6kV@ 60Hz 开关柜
(一) 高压岸电系统组成
整个电源系统分为两部分,分别安装在一个40英尺集装箱和 一个20英尺集装箱内,两部分都可以移动至码头前沿。
船舶接电柜安装于船舶上,自动化控制柜,用于 监测船舶上供电系统电压,电流,功率、电度、频 率,断路器运行位置、故障跳闸信号等,同时提供 连锁控制功能,以避免带电接插电源造成事故。
配电为440V的低压船舶,需对船舶进行改造,安 装变压器,将6.6KV的高压岸电降为受电船适用的电 压等级。
班管理,维护也非常简单,安装、设定和调 试简便
在码头前沿设置岸电电源接电箱,如图所示接电 箱采用地下隐蔽式安装,接电作业时将覆盖钢板移 开即可进行操作,设置明显的指示灯提示作业中、 作业完成、带电指示等信号。

爱森电源组 VCP-WG特定空气电缆断路器推荐文档说明书

爱森电源组 VCP-WG特定空气电缆断路器推荐文档说明书

AutomotiveAerospaceElectricalTruckHydraulicsPowering business worldwideNext generation transportationEaton is driving the development of newtechnologies –from hybriddrivetrains and emission control systems to advanced engine components –that reduce fuel consumption and emissions in trucks and cars.Higher expectationsWe continue to expand our aerospace solutions andservices to meet the needs of new aviation platforms,including the high-flying light jet and very light jet markets.Building on our strengths Our hydraulics businesscombines localised service and support with an innovative portfolio of fluid powersolutions to answer the needs of global infrastructure projects,including locks,canals and dams.Powering Greener Buildings and BusinessesEaton’s Electrical Group is a leading provider of powerquality,distribution and control solutions that increase energy efficiency and improve power quality,safety and reliability.Our solutions offer a growing portfolio of “green”products and services,such as energy audits and real-time energy consumption monitoring.Eaton’s Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS),variable-speed drives and lighting controls help conserve energy and increase efficiency.Eaton delivers the power inside hundreds of products that are answering the demands of today’s fast changing world.We help our customers worldwide manage the power they need for buildings,aircraft,trucks,cars,machinery and entire businesses.And we do it in a way that consumes fewer resources.1Eaton Corporation is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture, and sale of safe, reliableand high-performance medium voltage power distribution equipment in accordance with IEC,ANSI and GB / DL standardsComplete Global Medium Voltage Switchgear Solutions Eaton,a premier leader in designing and manufacturing power distribution and protection equipment in the electrical industry, offers a comprehensive range of medium voltage(MV)solutions to meet the needs of virtually every application.From products that feature cutting-edge design that allow for easy access, maintenance and space savings,to arc-resistant products that enhance safety,Eaton’s medium voltage solutions provide a variety of products for every need.Additionally,Eaton’s global service network provides maximum customer support in all regions of the world.As one of the few completely vertically integrated and diversifiedindustrial manufacturers in the world,Eaton designs not only MV assemblies,but also the key components that comprise the MV solutions–from steel housing and circuit breaker compartments to vacuum interrupters,circuit breakers,bus systems and fuses. Eaton’s MV heritage,strengthened by acquisitions such as Westinghouse DCBU,Cutler Hammer,MEM and Holec,has resulted in breakthrough MV technologies and numerous international patents over the years.Part of Eaton’s complete electrical PowerChain Solutions–which help businesses minimize risks while realizing greater reliability,cost efficiencies,capital utilization and safety– Eaton’s medium voltage equipment meets all applicable standards and certifications such as IEC,NEMA/ANSI,GB / DL,UL,IEEE,KEMA and CSA.When it comes to medium voltage solutions,you can trust the one name with a long history of proven performance:Eaton.A unique circuit breaker --VCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for Generator Generator circuit has somespecial characteristics, and it thus requires special design and test of the circuit breaker. IEEE has provided requirements on those characteristics in specific standards. Based on years of research, design, improvement and testing, VCP-WG circuit breaker developed by Eaton Electric has reached and exceeded the IEEE design standards.Eaton’s VCP-WG circuit breaker fully complies with China’s GB/T 14824 "Common technical requirements for generatorcircuit-breaker" and ANSI C37.013 "Standard for AC high voltage generator circuit breakers based on symmetrical current".VCP-WG circuit breaker has reached and exceeded the strict technical specifications required by IEEE design standards, mainly in the following aspects:·Generator circuit configuration ·High sustained current rating ·Special short-circuit fault current ·System-source short circuit ·Generator-source short circuit ·Special voltage ·Rapid RRRV·Out-of-phase breakingFigure. 2: The generator-source short circuit will cause zero-crossing delay of current. High X/R of the system (inductance-to-resistance ratio) may cause a particularly large DC component which exceeds 100%.Generator circuit configurationFig. 1The transformer and generator can be located very close to the circuit breaker (see Figure 1), and if operating at high sustained current rating, large-sized low-impedance conductors are needed for connection. These conditions might cause unique current and voltage faults. Eaton’s VCP-WG vacuum circuit breaker can operate safely and reliably under those special conditions.Special short-circuit fault currentSystem-source short-circuit fault current can be very high (see Figure 1, fault point a). When a short-circuit fault occurs at point a, the breaking short-circuit current of the generator circuit breaker is supplied by the system network, and low-resistance line has little impact on short-circuit fault current limit. According to the result of tests conducted per IEEE design standard, the breaking capacity of the VCP-WG generator circuit breaker can reach 75kA when the DC component reaches 75%. Therefore, it is an ideal choice for high short-circuit fault current. A short-circuit fault of generator source (see Figure 1, fault point b) will lead to the so-called "zero-crossing delay of current" (see Figure 2). When a short-circuit fault occurs at point b, the generator directly supplies short-circuit current. High X/R (inductance-to-resistance ratio) of the system may cause aparticularly large DC component which exceeds 100%, and the short-circuit current completely deviates from the neutral line (see Figure 2). From the start of short circuit to the occurrence of current zero, there is a delay of several cycles. In this case, the peak value of the asymmetric short-circuit fault current is extremely high; theattenuation is slow; and the arcing time of the circuit breaker is long. Therefore, the circuit breaker has to withstand harsh electricalconditions, temperature rise, and impact. Eaton’s VCP-WG vacuum circuit breaker for generator sets has passed the verification in this working condition required by IEEE standards, that is, the DCcomponent reaches 135% of the breaking capacity of three-phaseasymmetric short-circuit current.VCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for Generator Main characteristics3The product has passed the world well-known KEMA laboratory testPower GeneratorGenerator Circuit BreakerTransformerHigh-voltage Circuit BreakerHigh sustained current ratingIn special voltage stateA generator circuit breaker must be able to operate at high sustained current ratings. Eaton Electric’s VCP-WG vacuum circuit breaker canoperate reliably because it adopts natural convection cooling. The draw-out type can reach 4,000A; and the fixed type can reach 6,000A. In the case of overload, it will activate built-in fan for cooling, the draw-out type being able to reach 7,000A, and the fixed type 7,000A.The generator circuit is typically featured by high frequency, low resistance and parasitic capacitance, which ensure very high rate of rise of recovery voltage. Eaton Electric’s VCP-WG generator vacuum circuit breaker complies with IEEE design standards and is able to quickly break RRRV fault current.VCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for GeneratorMain characteristicsCapacity to break fault currentEaton Electric’s VCP-WG generator vacuum circuit breaker has a unique feature: When the generator is not in step with the power system voltage, it still works normally. If out of step, the voltage of the opening vacuum interrupter break distance can be 2 times the rated voltage of the system. VCP-WG circuit breaker meets the requirements of the IEEE design standard. And the test result indicates that it’s able to break if out of step.Eaton specific vacuum interrupter for generatorsTo meet the special requirements on circuit breakers for generators, Eaton has developed a special vacuum interrupter. Compared with the vacuum interrupters for ordinary circuit breakers, Eaton’s vacuum interrupter for generator has the following features:·Design of targeted special contact shape ·Special contact material·The dynamic/static contact is heavier than ordinary circuit breaker interrupters of the same specification ·The travel and overtravel are greater than ordinary circuit breaker interrupters of the same sizeCurrent trackElectric arcElectroma gnetic field applied to axial arc Arc and arc cutting upon AC breakingStart of arc High-curre nt arcZero currentTime (us)Recovery voltageFault currentTime (ms)Each contact piece is connected to the moving contact rod of the vacuum circuit breaker to ensure smooth operation. As the contact pieces are embedded incontact with the moving contact rod, each piece is in multi-point contact. When the moving contact rod moves up and down, the V-Flex system bends instead of sliding to reduce wear. Therefore, maintenance is no longer needed.Non-slip current conversion system Design of spiral contact located in the vacuum interrupter. This type of arc control prevents the formation of hot spots and reduces electrode corrosion. Therefore, the smallest possible peripheral size is ensured.Arc in vacuum and arc cutting As shown in the figure, when a breaking fault current occurs, severe arc and cutting occur in the vacuum. Such phenomena affect the design of circuit breaker, especially its size, shape, and contact material. In a few milliseconds, sufficient insulation strength can be restored to withstand transient overvoltage.Arc and arc cutting upon AC switching Contact piecesMoving contact rod4Multifunctional applicationsVCP-WG generator vacuum circuit breaker includes withdrawable type (VCP-WG) or fixed type (VCP-WRG) to meet various application requirements. Many industrial and commercial power supply systems nowadays use small generators as local power source. Due to there-planning of the power industry, new applications are constantly increasing in the construction of small-scale power plants. Typical applications include:·Small and medium hydroelectric generator set ·Thermal power generators ·New energy generator sets ·Mixed flow/gas turbines·Self-contained power generators of paper, chemical and processing industriesNormal operating environment·Ambient temperature: -15℃~40℃;·Altitude not exceeding 1,000m;·The monthly average relative humidity is not higher than 90% (at 25℃); and the daily average is not higher than 95% (at 25℃);·Max endurable earthquake intensity: Magnitude 8;·Keep it away from fire, explosion, chemical corrosion, and severe vibration.*If you have any special requirements, please contact Eaton ElectricHydroelectric power station Thermal power stationWaste incineration power plant New energy power plant5VCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for Generator Main characteristicsTechnical parameters of generator circuit breakerNote:① Forced air cooling is required.6Item Unit 150VCP-W(R)G40Rated voltage Rated frequency Rated currentRated short-time withstand current Rated peak withstand current Rated short-circuit making currentRated symmetrical out-of-step breaking current kV 15Hz 50/60A 1250~3150,4000 ,5000①①kA/s 40/4kA 110kA 110kA 20Rated short-circuit breaking current (symmetrical)DC component of rated short-circuit breaking current System Generator System Generator Interphase / to earth Break distance Interphase / to earth Break distance SystemGeneratorOut-of-phase breakingSystem GeneratorOut-of-phase breakingkA 40kA 25%80%130Power frequency withstand voltage (1min)kV 50kV 59Lightning impulse withstand voltagekV 95kV 110Peak transient recovery voltagekV 27.6kV 27.6kV 39Rate of rise of transient recovery voltage kV/us 3.5kV/us 1.6kV/us 3.3Mechanical life Opening time Closing timeRated operating sequencetimes 1000010000ms 16~50ms35~70CO-30min-CO150VCP-W(R)G5017.550/601250~3150,4000,5000①50/4137137255031.580130505911011032. Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for GeneratorTechnical parametersOverall dimensions of 150VCP-WG withdrawable circuit breaker (unit: mm)Width of Cabinet (mm)10001000Rated Current (A)1250~3150, 4000ª, 5000ª1250~4000, 5000ªRated Short-circuit Breaking Current (kA)4050N 725805Y 720780Note:a Forced air cooling is required.7VCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for Generator Overall dimensionsOverall dimensions of 150VCP-WG40 fixed circuit breaker (unit: mm)8VCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for GeneratorOverall dimensionsOverall dimensions of 150VCP-WG50 fixed circuit breaker (unit: mm)VCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for Generator Overall dimensions9VCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for Generator Secondary wiring of 150VCP-WG withdrawable circuit breakerSecondary wiring of 150VCP-WG fixed circuit breakerTechnical parameters of 150VCP-WG generator circuit breakerNote:① Forced air cooling is required in the case of high current. Please contact Eaton for detailed information.Item Unit 150VCP-W(R)G63150VCP-W(R)G75kV 15Hz 50/60A 1250~ 7000①1550/601250~ 7000①kA/s 63/375/1 or 63/3kA 173206kA 173206kA 31.537.5kA 6375kA 31.540%7563%130130kV 42kV 50kV 95kV 95kV 27.6kV 27.6kV 39SystemGeneratorOut-of-phase breakingkV/us 3.4kV/us 1.6 2.2kV/us 3.34250959527.627.6393.43.3times 1000010000ms ~45~45~75ms~60CO-30min-COCO-30min-COVCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for Generator Technical parametersRated voltage Rated frequency Rated currentRated short-time withstand current Rated peak withstand current Rated short-circuit making currentRated symmetrical out-of-step breaking current Mechanical life Opening time Closing timeRated operating sequenceRated short-circuit breaking current (symmetrical)DC component of rated short-circuit breaking current Power frequency withstand voltage (1min)Lightning impulse withstand voltagePeak transient recovery voltageRate of rise of transient recovery voltage System Generator System Generator Interphase / to earth Break distance Interphase / to earth Break distance SystemGeneratorOut-of-phase breaking 11Overall dimensions (unit: mm)Note: The above dimensions are suitable to rated currents between 1,250A and 3,150A, 4,000A FC, and short-circuit breaking current 63kA.VCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for GeneratorOverall dimensions12Overall dimensions (unit: mm)Note: The above dimensions are suitable to rated currents 4,000A, 5,000A FC, and short-circuit breaking current 63kA.VCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for Generator Main characteristics13Note: For detailed solutions regarding withdrawable and fixed types applicable to the short-circuit breaking current 75kA, please contact Eaton.VCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for GeneratorOverall dimensionsOverall dimensions (unit: mm)1415Schematic diagram of DC controlled VCP-WG vacuum circuit breakerSchematic diagram of AC controlled VCP-WG vacuum circuit breakerCS –Circuit breaker control switch — closing C CS –Circuit breaker control switch — tripping T Y –Anti-jump relaySpring release coil (closing coil)Spring energy charging motor Shunt trip coil Protection relay Terminal block Position switch 1Position switch 2SR –M –S T –PR –O –PS 1–PS2–Codes of secondary components in the figureSwitch terminalLS1Switched on until spring fully charged Switched off until spring fully charged Switched on until spring fully charged ‘C’ and ‘NO’ ‘C’ and ‘NC’‘C’ and ‘NO’ ‘C’ and ‘NO’ ‘C’ and ‘NC’ ‘C’ and ‘NO’Brown switchbb LS2aa Black switchLS2bb LC Switched off until the mechanism is rese PS1Black switch PS2Brown switch *It’s optional that the second auxiliary contact 5 is normally open or normally closed. If you have a particular requirement, please contact Eaton.when the second trip coil is selectedOptionsbWhen ST2 option is chosen, the jumper shall When ST2 option is chosen, a jumper must be added on the terminal blockWhen ST2 option is chosen, a jumper must be added on the terminal blockterminal whenthe second tripcoil is selectedbVCP-WG Specific Vacuum Circuit Breaker for GeneratorSwitched off (except for “Test” and “Connect” positions)Switched off (except for “Test” and “Connect” positions)Eaton is an intelligent power management company dedicated toimproving the quality of life and protecting the environment for people everywhere. We are guided by our commitment to do business right, to operate sustainably and to help our customers manage power ─today and well into the future. By capitalizing on the global growth trends of electrification and digitalization, we’re accelerating the planet’s transition to renewable energy, helping to solve the world’s most urgent power management challenges, and doing what’s best for our stakeholders and all of society. Founded in 1911, Eaton has been listed on the NYSE for nearly a century. We reported revenues of $19.6 billion in 2021 and serve customers in more than 170 countries. Eaton entered the Chinese market in 1993, and has grown significantly since then. In 2004, Eaton moved its Asia-Pacific headquarters from Hong Kong to Shanghai. Today, Eaton has nearly 8,000 employees and 19 manufacturing facilities in China.For more information about Eaton China, visit Eaton is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.All trademarks are property of their respective owners.© 2022 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in ChinaCHICA2020012A _EN (09-2022)Eaton CorporationNo.3, Lane 280, Linhong Road,Changning District,Shanghai, China 200335。








变频电源的核心重要部件—逆变单元采用芬兰Vacon PLC公司生产的符合英国劳氏船级社船用产品认证标准的通用变频器为逆变单元(在船舶及海洋钻井平台的应用中采用Vacon大功率变频器已经超过4000台);所有PCB电路板采用涂层固化处理;正弦滤波器、输出变压器采用整体真空浸渍绝缘漆和喷涂高温防护漆处理,具有较高的绝缘级别和防护能力;柜体采用喷塑处理,防护等级达到IP22,如果安装在我司生产的移动舱内,则整体防护等级达到IP55,适用于露天和经常整体移动的场合和任何恶劣的工作环境。


(交流电压允许波动范围由323V至 528V)*额定输出电压:输出电压可根据用户需要,提供多种单/三相电压等级。

*额定输出频率:60HZ/50HZ(可任意转换)或 400Hz*输出频率精度及稳定度:输出频率误差≤0.01Hz;稳定度<0.01%(0~100%负荷变化时输出频率不变)*输出电压稳压率:静态<1%;动态<3%*50%负荷突加/减时输出电压瞬间变化:<5%,并且在0.5秒内恢复到额定输出电压*变频电源过载能力:每十分钟允许有一分钟超负荷的过载电流为1.5倍输出额定线电流。



42F o c u s聚焦■绿色环保希望森兰港口船舶岸电系统助力 广澳港区打造绿色港口★希望森兰科技股份有限公司罗深,吕海波1背景为深入贯彻习近平总书记关于“经济强国必定 是海洋强国、航运强国”、“经济要发展,国家要强 大,交通特别是海运首先要强起来”的重要指示精 神,落实《交通强国建设纲要》,港口船舶岸电系统 已成为了绿色港口的标配,对于港口环境污染和噪声 污染治理有着显著的功效。

森兰作为岸电电源行业的 领军企业,也先后参与了国内多个大型码头岸电系统 的建设,成为了行业内岸电电源系统成功应用案例最 多的企业之一,更是先后开创了危化码头岸电应用技 术、多机并联岸电应用技术的先河。

2实施与应用汕头招商局港口集团广澳港区二期港口岸电 建设工程:3MVA岸基电源系统,输出电源电压为 6.6kV,输出电源频率可在50赫兹和60赫玆之间进行 切换,能够满足国际和国内船舶不同的电源需求。

此 码头一期岸电项目给1个泊位提供用电,船舶吨位为 10万吨。

考虑船舶的停靠情况,采用一个泊位一套 岸电系统两套岸电箱的供电系统结构,即一套岸电系 统两个岸电箱只可以向一个泊位供电。

高压水冷型四象限岸电电源为森兰针对客户需 求定制幵发的新一代高性能变频电源系统,具有动态 响应快、过载能力强、控制精度高、智能电网回馈等 优点,无论是系统拓扑结构选择、控制性能、功能设 计,还是水冷系统设计,都处于国际一流水平。

希望 森兰典型VFPS系列岸电电源组成部分包括电网、高压配电站、岸电电源系统、码头接线箱、船上电缆卷盘、幵关柜、并网柜、船上发电机组等。

10kV TM V-3(60x6)⑵图1岸电电源系统一次图四象限岸电电源是交、直流侧可控的四象限运 行的变流装置。

当变流器从电网吸收能量时,运行在 整流状态;反之,若变流器向电网馈送能量时,变流 器工作于有源逆变状态。

功率单元控制系统根据电网 输入电压,利用快速锁相跟踪技术得到电网电压频 率、幅值、相位等实时值,控制整流端IGBT的开通 与关断,使整流侧电压相位超前或滞后,实现能量回 馈控制。

Whelen模型ISP4HS急救灯强光源 暧光源电源安装手册说明书

Whelen模型ISP4HS急救灯强光源 暧光源电源安装手册说明书

©1998 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.13291G (072507)Installation Guide:Model ISP4HSStrobe/Halogen Power SupplyFor warranty information regarding this product, visit /warranty•Proper installation of this product requires the installer to have a good understanding of automotive electronics, systems and procedures.•Whelen Engineering requires the use of waterproof butt splices and/or connectors if that connector could be exposed to moisture.•Any holes, either created or utilized by this product, should be made both air- and watertight using a sealant recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.•Failure to use specified installation parts and/or hardware will void the product warranty.•If mounting this product requires drilling holes, the installer MUST be sure that no vehicle components or other vital parts could be damaged by the drilling process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before drilling begins. Also de-burr the holes and remove any metal shards or remnants. Install grommets into all wire passage holes.•If this manual states that this product may be mounted with suction cups, magnets, tape or Velcro®, clean the mounting surface with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water and dry thoroughly.•Do not install this product or route any wires in the deployment area of your air bag. Equipment mounted or located in the air bag deployment area will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag, or become a projectile that could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for the air bag deployment area. The User/Installer assumes full responsibility to determine proper mounting location, based on providing ultimate safety to all passengers inside the vehicle.•For this product to operate at optimum efficiency, a good electrical connection to chassis ground must be made. The recommendedprocedure requires the product ground wire to be connected directly to the NEGATIVE (-) battery post (this does not include products that use cigar power cords).•Do not attempt to activate or control this device in a hazardous driving situation.•It is recommended that these instructions be stored in a safe place and referred to when performing maintenance and/or reinstallation of this product.•FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT OR VEHICLE AND/OR SERIOUS INJURY TO YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS!A u t o m o t i v e : Warnings to InstallersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices must be properly mounted and wired in order to be effective and safe. Read and follow all of Whelen’s written instructions when installing or using this device. Emergency vehicles are often operated under high speed stressful conditions which must be accounted for when installing all emergency warning devices. Controls should be placed within convenient reach of the operator so that they can operate the system without taking their eyes off the roadway. Emergency warning devices can require high electrical voltages and/or currents. Properly protect and use caution around live electrical connections.Grounding or shorting of electrical connections can cause high current arcing, which can cause personal injury and/or vehicle damage, including fire. Many electronic devices used in emergency vehicles can create or be affected by electromagnetic interference. Therefore, after installation of any electronic device it is necessary to test all electronic equipment simultaneously to insure that they operate free of interference from other components within the vehicle. Never power emergency warning equipment from the same circuit or share the same grounding circuit with radio communication equipment. All devices should be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and securely fastened to vehicle elements of sufficient strength to withstand the forces applied to the device. Driver and/or passenger air bags (SRS) will affect the way equipment should be mounted. This device should be mounted by permanent installation and within the zones specified by the vehicle manufacturer, if any. Any device mounted in the deployment area of an air bag will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag and may damage or dislodge the device. Installer must be sure that this device, its mounting hardware and electrical supply wiring does not interfere with the air bag or the SRS wiring or sensors. Mounting the unit inside the vehicle by a method other than permanent installation is not recommended as unit may become dislodged during swerving; sudden braking or collision. Failure to follow instructions can result in personal injury. Whelen assumes no liability for any loss resulting from the use of this warning device. PROPER INSTALLATION COMBINED WITH OPERATOR TRAINING IN THE PROPER USE OF EMERGENCY WARNING DEVICES IS ESSENTIAL TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF EMERGENCY PERSONNEL AND THE PUBLIC.Warnings to UsersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices are intended to alert other operators and pedestrians to the presence and operation of emergency vehicles and personnel. However, the use of this or any other Whelen emergency warning device does not guarantee that you will have the right-of-way or that other drivers and pedestrians will properly heed an emergency warning signal. Never assume you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to proceed safely before entering an intersection, driving against traffic, responding at a high rate of speed, or walking on or around traffic lanes. Emergency vehicle warning devices should be tested on a daily basis to ensure that they operate properly. When in actual use, the operator must ensure that both visual and audible warnings are not blocked by vehicle components (i.e.: open trunks or compartment doors), people, vehicles, or other obstructions. It is the user’s responsibility to understand and obey all laws regarding emergency warning devices. The user should be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations prior to the use of any emergency vehicle warning device. Whelen’s audible warning devices are designed to project sound in a forward direction away from the vehicle occupants. However, because sustained periodic exposure to loud sounds can cause hearing loss, all audible warning devices should be installed and operated in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association.Safety FirstThis document provides all the necessary information to allow your Whelen product to be properly and safely installed. Before beginning the installation and/or operation of your new product, the installation technician and operator must read this manual completely. Important information is contained herein that could prevent serious injury or damage.WARNING: This product may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, visit /regulatory.51 Winthrop RoadChester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Internet: Salese-mail:*******************CustomerServicee-mail:*******************®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.The ISP4HS™ is a versatile strobe power supply serving as the fundamental building block for many Whelen emergency warning systems. The ISP4HS™ is used in the state-of-the-art Fast Trax™lighting system, as well as the industry standard DOT systems pioneered by Whelen. In addition, the ISP4HS™ serves equally well as a stand alone synchronized strobe power supply and halogen flasher known as the Whelen SSNF systems.Programming for the various applications is selectable by a 4 position dip switch. 5 low current control lines allow flexible operator control and the system may be wired as simple or intricately as the users needs dictate.When used in a stand-alone or DOT application, both the strobe and halogen outlets have Hi / Low intensity control. This may be wired for either latched or level control and the power supply will automatically sense which wiring has been selected and automatically adjust it’s internal circuitry.Another feature is the optional Diagnostix™ display. This allows the operator to confirm proper operation of the system in “real time” and diagnose system malfunctions. When used in a Fast Trax or standard DOT system, please refer to the system wiring instructions for the default wiring of the ISP4HS™, applicable to your system.WARNING:The Strobe Light Power Supply is a high voltage device. Do not touch or remove tube assembly in strobe light head assemblies while in operation. Wait 10 minutes after disconnecting the unit from its power source before starting work or troubleshooting on power supply or system.CAUTION:As it will be necessary to drill holes into the mounting surface, the installer MUST be sure that no vehicle components or other vital parts could be damaged by the drilling process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before drilling begins! WARNING: All customer supplied wires that connect to the positive terminal of the battery must be sized to supply at least 125% of the maximum operating current and FUSED at the battery to carry that load. DO NOT USE CIRCUIT BREAKERS WITH THIS PRODUCT!(See wire chart, this page)Selecting a Mounting Location:The most common choice for a mounting area would be a trunk or similar compartment. However, due to the wide variety of vehicles onto which the unit could be installed, this is not always possible. The following guidelines will help the installer select an acceptable alternative.•The power supply should be mounted on a metal surface to aid heat dissipation. Be sure that this surface is notone that either generates or is exposed to excessive heat during normal operation of the vehicle.•Do not select a location where the unit will be exposed to potential damage from any unsecured or looseequipment in the vehicle.•Do not allow the unit to be exposed to water.•When routing the power supplies wires, it is important to choose a path that will keep these wires away fromexcessive heat and from any vehicle equipment thatcould damage the wires (trunk lids, door jams, etc.). Mounting your ISP4HS:1.Position the ISP4HS in its proposed mounting location toensure that it fits properly. With the unit in place, insert an awl or other suitable tool into the mounting holes of the power supply and scribe the areas to be drilled.2.Remove the unit from its mounting area and, using a drill bitsized for a #10 sheet metal screw, drill a hole in each of the areas scribed in the previous step.3.Return the power supply to its mounting location and usingthe supplied screws, mount the unit.Wiring your ISP4HS:1.Locate the 10 position Input Connector included with yourISP4HS and plug it into the port indicated on page 3. Extend the 2 BLACK wires, the RED wire and the WHITE wire from the Input Connector towards the battery.2.Connect the RED wire to a fuse block (customer supplied)and then to the POSITIVE terminal on the battery.3.Connect the WHITE wire to a fuse block (customer supplied)and then to the POSITIVE terminal on the battery.NOTE:Although a 15 amp fuse (customer supplied) is required to be used in the fuse block, do not install the fuse until all wire connections are completed.4.Connect the BLACK wires to the factory chassis groundadjacent to the battery.5.Refer to diagram on page 3 for wiring information for theremaining Switch Control Wires and Pattern Control Wires.RECOMENDED SIZE / CUSTOMER SUPPLIED WIRES POWER AND GROUND CONTROL LINES18AWG . . . . . .5 FT. MAX22 AWG. . . . 5 FT. MAX16 AWG. . . . . .8 FT. MAX20 AWG. . . . 16 FT. MAX 14 AWG. . . . . .13 FT. MAX18 AWG. . . . 26 FT. MAX 12 AWG. . . . . .21 FT. MAX16 AWG. . . . 41 FT. MAX 10 AWG. . . . . .33 FT. MAXHi/Lo Power:Diagnostix™ (Optional)The optional Diagnostix™ display allows the operator to confirm proper operation of the 8 outlets on the ISP4HS by monitoring the Control Lines used to activate specific outlets, based on dip switch settings.Row 1 (top) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CTRL 1 (Strobe)Row 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CTRL 3 (Halogen)Row 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CTRL 4 (Halogen)Row 4 (bottom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CTRL 2 (Strobe)The LED’s appearance indicates the condition of its corresponding outlet, as shown in the table to left.Dip Switch FunctionsDip Switch #1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Strobe Pattern Control Dip Switch #2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Strobe Pattern Control Dip Switch #3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sequence ControlDip Switch #4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mode ControlPattern Controls / Dip Switches 1 & 2Switch 1Switch 2Flash PatternOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF. . . . . . . . . .Comet Flash(Default) OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . ON. . . . . . . . . . .Double FlashON. . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF. . . . . . . . . .Triple FlashON. . . . . . . . . . . . . ON. . . . . . . . . . .Action Flash Sequence Control / Dip Switch 3Switch 3ModelOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Simultaneous (Default) ON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AlternatingMode Control / Dip Switch 4Switch 4ModelOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISP4HS(Default) ON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fast TraxUP TO1SECOND...L AT C HE D MORE THAN1SECONDL E V E LThe type of switch used depends on how the operator wishes the Hi/Lo feature to function.Latching Mode: By applying voltage to the Violet wire for less than 1 second the power supply is “latched” into low power operation. The unit must be turned off and back on to restore normal, Hi power operation. A momentary switch is desired for this style.Level Mode: Applying voltage to the Violet wire for more than 1 second holds the power supply in low power mode until that voltage is removed. A toggle switch is desired for this style.Dip。



大容量高低压双频岸电电源在永钢码头的应用发表时间:2019-05-27T10:06:17.577Z 来源:《电力设备》2018年第35期作者:卢浩朱翌[导读] 摘要:为加大船舶靠港使用岸电协调应用,推动绿色交通发展,降低港口污染废气的排放量,并结合内陆港大中型货运船舶的特点与目前岸电应用过程中的技术问题,研究设计新型高低压双频可调压岸电电源系统,实现输出6.6kV/60Hz、380V/50Hz或440V/60Hz电源给靠港船舶提供用电。

(张家港智电柔性输配电技术研究所有限公司江苏张家港 215600)摘要:为加大船舶靠港使用岸电协调应用,推动绿色交通发展,降低港口污染废气的排放量,并结合内陆港大中型货运船舶的特点与目前岸电应用过程中的技术问题,研究设计新型高低压双频可调压岸电电源系统,实现输出6.6kV/60Hz、380V/50Hz或440V/60Hz电源给靠港船舶提供用电。



关键词:高低压双频;岸电电源;港口码头0 引言港口以往停靠码头的船舶必须一天24小时采用船舶辅机发电,以满足船舶用电的需求,辅机在工作中燃烧油料,排出大量的废气,产生噪声污染。


[1]1 项目背景介绍江苏永钢集团盛泰码头位于长江下游,设计年吞吐量为300万吨,其中进口110万吨、出口190万吨。




宁波港远东码头高压岸电技术与应用刘强;卜佩征;李磊;方智淳;吴新刚【摘要】Ships in port to use shore power is important of port environment construction and innovation. This paper summarizes the research and comparison of the shore power shore power systems,and application of high voltage frequency conversion technology in port shore power. It introduces the composition and main technology of high voltage shore power system(3MVA)and its application of the Ningbo Port. The application shows that, the technology can meet various ships power demand needs and power sourse stability and purity requirement.%船舶靠港使用岸电对港口环境建设及港口创新有重要意义。

阐述岸电上船方式相关研究及高压变频电源在港口岸电应用的技术,介绍宁波港远东码头3 MVA高压岸电系统的组成及主要技术与应用,应用表明,该技术可以满足各类船只的用电需求及电源稳定、纯净的要求。

【期刊名称】《电力需求侧管理》【年(卷),期】2016(018)003【总页数】4页(P34-37)【关键词】高压岸电系统;高压变频;减排【作者】刘强;卜佩征;李磊;方智淳;吴新刚【作者单位】国网浙江省电力公司,杭州 310007;国网浙江省电力公司,杭州310007;国网浙江省电力公司,杭州 310007;国网浙江省电力公司,杭州 310007;国网信通产业集团,北京 100031【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F407.61我国是世界上航运贸易大国,港口货物的吞吐量连续6年位居世界第一,但同时也出现了许多问题,油船和集装箱船等大型船舶靠港时船上仍需要生活、生产用电,辅机需要继续运转,而船舶普遍使用燃油制品(重油、柴油)发电来满足船舶的用电需求,必然会对周边环境造成污染(主要污染物为氮氧化物、二氧化硫)。

















虽然Chroma 620测试仪可以测试电源的纹波失真,但是由于其仅仅使用数字表示且测试时间较短所以这个测试结果并不很准确,当然杂讯信号也不再其测试范围之内。




● 保利得银色先锋EN350EN350全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V纹波输出●鑫谷EP300环保星EP300全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V纹波输出●鑫谷P4-400全能王P4-400全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V纹波输出●先马腾雾辉煌版先马腾雾辉煌版全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V纹波输出●世纪之星自由战士Ⅱ自由战士Ⅱ外包装典型负载/满负荷负载下12V纹波输出●世纪之星黄金武士黄金武士外包装典型负载/满负荷负载下12V纹波输出●传旗500传旗500外包装典型负载/满负荷负载下12V纹波输出●长城BTX300P4BTX300-P4全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出●长城BTX300SEL-P4BTX300SEL-P4全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出●长城BTX350P4BTX350P4全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出●长城巨龙双动力BTX-400SPBTX400SP全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出●航嘉磐石300磐石300全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出●航嘉磐石400航嘉磐石400全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出●航嘉冷静王至尊版航嘉冷静王至尊版全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出●多彩550S多彩550S全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出●多彩650S650S全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出蓝瀑400W全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出Green'PS全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● Tt PurePower460WTt PurePower460W全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● TtBTX450BTX450全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 康舒ATX350CTATX350CT全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 康舒ATX400CATX400C全家福ATX400C全家福(详细评测数据)典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 保利得EN3500EN3500全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 保利得EN4000EN-4000全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 保利得EN4500EN-4500全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 酷冷至尊 RS380RS380全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 鑫谷双核530PE530PE全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 寿昌黑金LC-D320EXP黑金全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 先马超光450超光450全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 冠硕火麒麟标准版火麒麟标准版全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 金河田劲霸ATX-S328劲霸S328全家福典型负载/满负荷负载下12V1纹波输出典型负载/满负荷负载下12V2纹波输出● 金河田劲霸ATX-S528S528全家福。



TH24C20N-220AC船舶电源技术说明书石家庄通合电子有限公司目录第一章概述-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 §1.1前言---------------------------------------------------------------- 2 §1.2模块的主要保护功能-------------------------------------------------------- 2 §1.3模块特点及技术参数------------------------------------------------------- 4第二章模块构成----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 §2.1模块的工作原理------------------------------------------------------------ 5 §2.2模块丝印-------------------------------------------------------- 5 §2.3模块外形尺寸------------------------------------------------------------- 6 §2.4安装说明------------------------------------------------------------- 7第三章使用环境-------------------------------------------------------------------- 7第一章概述1.1 前言船用电源是采用谐振软开关新技术研制的电源设备,将单相交流输入220VAC/50HZ,高效率的变换为24 V直流电压.具有以下特点:●输入电压范围宽;●安全性满足相关国际标准;●功率密度高,强制风冷,体积小;●具有缺相,输出过流,过压保护,过温、短路保护功能;●输出电压稳定度高;●采用隔离自主均流,并机不均流度<±3%。

2021 Larson 7500G 组合货运电缆卧载器 - 电信版说明书

2021 Larson 7500G 组合货运电缆卧载器 - 电信版说明书
equals a significant increase in production and decreases downtime
LEVEL WINDER The Level Winding Device accessory is operated through the auxiliary hydraulics provided by the trailer. It holds any wire or cable in place. This device will guide wire onto the reel in a level fashion, preventing high and low spots. Not designed to be used in the fiberoptic handling process, but mainly used when
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