HydroComp.NavCad.2004.v5.08 用于对船舶航速和动力性能的预测和分析HydroComp.PropExpert.2004.v5.03用于对工作船和游艇的推进系统进行选择和分析PROTEUS.ENGINEERING.MAESTRO.V8.7 船舶制造业设计软件Shape3d.V6.10 根据海浪和帆板的概念,用计算机数控机器设计帆板等3d图形的专业工具。
通用前后处理Samcef FieldGT PRO 联合循环和热电联产燃机电厂设计软件STEAM PRO火电厂设计软件Steam-MASTER 常规电厂仿真软件THERMOFLEX通用热能系统设计和仿真软件常规火力发电STEAM软件线性分析Samcef Linear,非线性分析Samcef Mecano热分析Samcef Thermal显式分析软件EUROPLEXUS转子动力学分析Samcef for rotor机床静动力学仿真分析软件Samcef for Machine Tools空间展开结构仿真分析软件Samcef for Deployable Structures充气展开结构仿真分析软件Samcef for Inflatable Structures断裂力学分析软件Samcef for Fracture Mechanics复合材料分析软件Samcef for Composite振动噪声分析软件OOFELIE Vibroacoustics压电材料分析软件OOFELIE Piezoelectric materials高压电缆分析软件Samcef HVS过程管理和多学科优化分析软件Boss Quattro地层孔隙压力破裂压力预测软件DrillWorks机械动力学分析软件LMS Virtual Lab分子动力模拟可视化软件gdpcSCA 时间序列预测软件FastCAM自动编程套料软件铸造软件Adstefan注塑软件MoldStudio3D复合材料结构设计专用软件ESACompEviews 强大的计量经济学分析预测软件HyperNest自动套料软件FLUIDSIM 气动、液压原理图绘制及气路、油路仿真软件德国电气软件eplan21 V4.3TRNSYS动态仿真软件FreeWorld3D 3D地形编辑和生成工具Proteus v7.0 (电路分析实物仿真系统AIMMS决策支持和高级计划系统EDSA(电力系统分析软件GAMS运筹规划分析软件Moldflow模塑仿真分析Fastform钣金成形性分析和钣金设计软件Lindo/Lingo 运筹学软件介绍Mathematica数学软件Mathcad数学软件MatlabIDEAS NX V11中文版化工流程模拟软件PRO/2 PRO/II PRO II8.0Aspenone v13.1(AspenOne2004HyperMill V9.0PRESSCAD 2006 中文版THINK3+K-MOLDMPlus 3 统计分析软件排样软件AutoNEST、ProNEST及SigmaNESTDesign Expert V7.0实验设计软件DA TA ANAL YSIS AND STATISTICAL COMPUTATION(DASC)数据分析与统计计算软件Maple V 10.1数学符号数值运算MATHEMATICA V 5.2 数学符号运算软件MathType 5.2公式编辑器ETAP PowerStation V 5.0电力系统分析软件Algor有限元素结构分析软件AUTOMA TION STUDIO V 5.0液气压仿真软件HyperChem V 7.5 化学分子结构计算BandSOLVE 光子晶体设计软件包NTSYS-pc V 2.2 形态学分类系统GS+ V 7环境科学空间统计软件Ecological Methodology V 6.1 生态方法SYN-TAX 2000 生态学与分类学软件Precision Tree V 1.0.7决策树分析软件PlanningPME V 1.0人力资源及设备排程管理软件Micro Saint V 1.2离散事件模拟Logical Decisions支援决策分析@RISK for Excel V 4.5风险分析软件WinRA TS V 6.0经济时间序列软件PcGive Professional V 10.1 计量经济模型软件OxMetrics经济软件包Ox Professional V 3统计经济之矩阵语言Nlogit (includes LIMDEP) V 3罗吉特模式Nlogit V 8计量经济软件Microfit V 4.1经济计量分析软件GiveWin时间序列前处理软件GAUSS V 7 经济学矩阵运算软件Eviews V 5.1经济回归预测分析软件CA TS V 1经济时间序列Power and Precision 统计幕数及可靠区间分析Meta-Analysis V 2 文章质性的统计分析软件SYSTAT Suite V 11 最佳泛用统计分析软件StatXact V 7 无母数分析SigmaStat Suite V 3.1.1 精灵教导型统计软件MVSP V 3.1 多变量统计GAUSS V 7经济学矩阵运算软件EQS V 6.1结构方程模型软件BMDP Pro V 2.0递回式统计软件SI-CHAID资料采矿决策树TableCurve 3D Suite V 4 3D曲面套配软件TableCurve 2D Suite V 5 2D曲线套配软件PeakFit Suite V4.12非线性曲线套配软件色层分析及光谱CaRIne Crystallography V 4.0结晶学教学与研究BestFit V4.5.3分配函数曲线套配软件Crystal Studio V 8晶体结构建立显示分析软件AutoSignal Suite V1.7 讯号处理分析软件SIMNON V 3 非线性系统;常微分方程;状态空间;仿真软件MuPAD Pro V 3.1 数学及符号数值运算绘图软件FlexPDE V 5 偏微分有限元素软件MapViewer Suite V 6.0地图绘制统计软件Reference Manager V 11.0最专业的网络式参考书目软件GeoModel V磁场及重力场模拟SigmaScan Pro V 5影像量测分析软件trips交通规划软件AutoPIPE管道应力分析软件HTFS 传热模拟计算系列软件HYSYS 动态模拟软件HYSYS 工艺流程模拟软件ASPEN PLUS 石油化工流程模拟软件FLARENET火炬管网模拟计算软件JPKPIPE 海底管线计算分析软件包SACS 海洋平台结构分析软件包Offpipe 海底管线铺设计算分析软件PIPENET复杂管网计算软件HTFS换热模拟计算软件WinNOZL设备/管嘴连接点处的局部应力分析PlantFLOW管网流体分析软件STAAD.Pro结构分析软件EndNote V 9.0个人专用的参考书目软件WinEdit ProPack V 20 最专业的编辑器DigiTri V 2004三角相图图形数字化软件DigitSurf V 2004立体正投影图形数字化软件BCL Drake V 7.1 将PDF转为RTFACQUIRE专家系统建构工具EqMagic Pro V 2 数学方程式编辑器XpertRule Knowledge Builder V 5.4专家系统建构软件WebEQ Developers Suite V 3.6 MathML-aware的Jave应用程序LaTex Suite 科学排版软件包VTEX Pro V 7LATEX论文排版FIDE V 2模糊逻辑发展系统PCTEX V 5LATEX论文排版Braincel V 3类神经网络软件for ExcelNeuralWorks Professional II/PLUS V 5.5类神经网络发展系统软件Neuralyst V 1.42a类神经网络Excel应用软件NeuroShell 2 V 4类神经网络教学应用系统Evolver V 4.0.8遗传演绎应用系统ChemOffice Ultra 2006ChemOfficeChemDraw Ultra 10.0ChemDrawMapViewer Suite V 6.0 地图绘制统计软件SmartDraw V 7 科技插画软件SigmaPlot Suite V 9.02D,3D科学绘图软件GeneHunter V 2.4遗传演绎应用软件SURFER Suite V 8.03D科学绘图软件Grapher Suite V 6.0数据式XY科学绘图软件GraphPad Prism V 4.0 科学绘图软件KaleidaGraph Suite V 4.0.1 科学绘图软件PARADIGM EPOS3.0 地球物理数据处理应用软件PAM-STAMP 2G v2005(世界首屈一指的冲压模拟软件)JmatPro3.0世界独一无二的材料性能模拟软件KD-RTI和KD-FRMC软件MAGMA压注模流分析软件SURPAC矿山工程软件LandMark 地震处理解释系统软件流体计算软件FLUENTFluid Plan气动/液压设计工程软件热力学计算软件THERMCAL电子散热软件icepak flotherm质的研究软件QSR NVivo 7流体动力仿真软件HyPneu汽车仿真软件advisor/cruise结构分析软件NASTRAN动力学分析软件DYTRAN动力学分析软件STRAND 7非线性分析软件MSC/MARC疲劳分析软件MSC/FATIGUE计算流体力学软件CFX4、CFX5结构分析和优化软件SEMCEF多学科数值分析软件FEGENSOFT电力电子控制系统用仿真软件PSIM7.0世界著名的大型通用有限元分析软件ALGOR功能强大的网格生成软件TrueGrid多重物理量耦合PDE有限元分析软件FEMLAB功能强大的材料性能模拟软件JMatPro专为工程师开发的流体动力分析软件b模块最完整之通用数据统计分析软件SYSTA T整车分析模拟软件VPG板成形模拟的专用软件DYNAform大型有限元程序系统Strand7Materials Studio材料模拟软件Metrolog XG? for Leica专业的三维测量软件Clementine10数据挖掘工具Synopsys NanoSim(混合信号仿真)Adams 与SimPack 多体动力学仿真MSC Patran、MSC Natran、MSC Marc有限元Citrix 集中式网络环境集成软件Ekahau 无线网络最佳定位及布建软件OPNET 网络及通讯模拟分析软件Testing Tech 通讯测试软件WRQ Reflection 终端机模拟软件Crystal Ball 蒙地卡罗模拟软件ANSYS AUTODYN6.0 非线性显式动力学软件三维软件NewTek LightwaveTGNET 气体管道仿真软件XCaliper6.1机器视觉软件开发包AutoReaGas 三维计算流体分析软件JETCAM钣金设计加工软件钣金展开软件AutoPol钣金数控编程软件JetCAM激光器设计软件LASCADEViews 预测分析计量软件GAUSS 数值分析与统计计量软件LIMDEP 经济计量分析软件LISREL 线性/非线性规划分析软件MINITAB 统计制程分析软件GoCAD v2.1 用于三维构造建模,油藏建模和二次开发TSP 时间序列数据软件DecisionPro 决策分析与智能网站建构软件Expert Choice AHP 专家决策分析软件Shazam 经济计量分析软件SigmaPlot/SigmaStat 统计分析绘图软件Stata 数据管理统计绘图软件StatXact/LogXact 无母数分析软件Systat 统计分析绘图软件SewerCAD污水管网系统软件XP-SWMM 水文仿真系统Magsoft Flux-3D, 2D 电磁及EMI 分析软件origin 工程及科学用绘图软件ease 声学仿真软件ChemOffice 分子结构绘图软件Gaussian 计算化学软件HyperChem 化学计算及分子结构软件Spartan 量子化学绘图软件Diffpack 偏微分方程式软件FilterShop 类比/数据滤波器设计软件PVTsim多用途PVT模拟软件(勘探开发)Grapher, Surfer 2D/3D 曲面及地图绘制软件铸造模拟软件MAGMAsoftISIGHT 软件机器人Visualyse World 仿真软件多物理场软件CFD-ACE+VODT 工程过程管理(EPM )软件气动分析软件CFD-FASTRANMGAERO/CFD-FASTRAN/USAERO/PAM-FLOW/CFX/CFdesign 外流数值模拟软件CFX/CFdesign/CFD-ACE+ 内流数值模拟软件CFD-ACE+ 多物理场模拟软件PROCAST/CALCOSOFT/SYSWELD/PAM-RTM/PAM-FOAM 工艺过程模拟软件PAM-CRASH/PAM-SHOCK/SYSPL Y 结构强度模拟软件VDOT/iSIGHT/EASA/ 专业设计软件PTV Vissim4.1、Vissem、Vissum9.3三合一Simetrix/Simplis 5.2 (Simplis好用)TCAM / TWINCAD V3.2005+NCEDIT V1.5地层孔隙压力、破裂压力预测软件DrillWorks/PREDICTGNGTCAM / TWINCAD V3.1060+ 线切割软件+PRESSCAD(冲模设计)PCI Geomatica软件、RiverTools软件、ENVI/IDL软件WorldToolKit 10 实时3D开发的跨平台软件开发系统+ 使用手册LIfeCAD 中文版冲模设计齿轮传动设计软件RomaxOSLO光学仿真设计软件TracePro光学照明仿真设计分析软件CYME电力系统分析软件DIFFRACT衍射分析软件SPICE仿真软件Essential Macleod光学薄膜分析软件GLAD波动光学仿真软件BeamProp5.9光学仿真软件IntelliWave干涉条纹分析软件Tektronix wavestar 示波器软件Lensview镜头专利数据库Optiwave光通讯设计分析软件Radiant Source光源档案数据库essential macleod V8.9 光学薄膜设计及分析软件optiwave optisystem 3.0 (光通讯系统仿真软件)optiwave optibpm 6.00305 (波导光学模块化软件系统)optiwave optifdtd 6.0 (光通讯、光子晶体、奈米结构仿真软件)speos 2006(光学机构仿真软件)渲染巨匠lightscape激光器设计软件LASCADLightTools V6.0 正式版SYBYL 7.2分子模拟软件Macleod光学薄膜设计软件AGI32照明设计软件材料性能模拟软件JMatProMatlad/Simulink仿真软件注塑流动分析软件MoldFlow、Moldex及C-Mold.塑胶镜片设计及分析软件ZEMAX塑胶挤压及分析软件Nekton塑胶注塑螺丝设计及分析软件WINSSD流固热固耦合分析软件MPCCI铁路轮轨动力学仿真计算软件NUCARS油气管道的设计和规划软件Energy Solutions Pipeline StudioOptiSystem 光通信系统设计软件OptiAmplifier 光纤EDFA/Raman放大器及光纤激光器设计软件OptiBPM 波导光学模拟软件系统OptiFDTD 时域光子学仿真软件OptiGrating 集成及光纤光栅设计软件OptiFiber 光纤设计软件OptiHS 半导体异质结模拟软件spotfire基因表达数据分析软件SPECTRO Smart Analyzer Vision 软件Ansoft HfSS v9.2三维结构电磁场仿真软件光学:SORIC系列Radiant Imaging系列ESD系列:OPTICAD系列光通讯:Optiwave系列电路磁路:MagNet ElecNet ,ThermNet OptiNet ,NI Vision Builder,IMAQ Vision软件配管设计(PDSOFT Piping工艺流程图设计(PDSOFT PIDAnalog Office(模拟与RF 射频IC(RFIC)设计软件包Wallingford软件海岸河口多功能数学模型软件包TK-2DDHI MIKE系列河口、海岸水流潮流模拟系统MIKE21MIKE11 by DHIMike Basin by DHIDALCOAST河口海岸预报系统DHI WEST 污水处理厂模拟软件MIKE URBAN网管模型EMME/2(城市与区域规划TransCAD 交通规划EMME2 交通规划软件TransModeler交通仿真软件Paramics微观交通仿真软件Flexsim交通物流仿真软件MicroStation交通土木工程EnergyPlus 建筑能耗仿真软件Pro/E,3dsmax, Autodesk Architectual Desktop, Autodesk Inventor,流体动力学分析(CFD)软件Fluent﹑AutoReagas﹑CFX﹑CFdesign、Star-CD、Phoenics 数值计算库(linpack,lapack,BLAS,GERMS,IMSL,CXML)计算化学类(Gaussian98,Spartan,ADF2000,ChemOffice数理统计类(GAUSS,SPSS,SAS, Splus,statistica,minitab数学公式排版类(MathType,MikTeX,Scientific Workplace,Scientific Nootbook数值计算类(Matcom, IDL,DataFit,S-Spline,Lindo,Lingo,O-Matrix,Scilab,Octave工艺信息管理系统:CAPP统计过程控制系统:Synergy2000SPC产品数据管理系统:PDM工程图档管理系统:EDMCadds5计算机船舶设计软件芬兰NAPA 船舶设计软件TRIBON M2/TRIBON M3 计算机辅助船舶设计和建造软件formSYS_MAXSURF 计算机辅助船舶设计和建造软件Ship Constructor (基于AUTOCAD开发的三维船舶施工设计专业软件) 1CD 船舶制造三维设计软件SB3DSAutoYacht(Autoship公司的供快艇设计者使用的外壳设计和外观模型工具) FastSHIP (船体线型设计光顺软件)FastSHIP(船体线型设计光顺软件)材料模拟计算算法库MAPRhino(犀牛)软件TechGems(珠宝插件)SoleCreator v3(制鞋插件)OMEGA、VIEWS、PROMAX、GRISYS、GEOCLUSTER等处理软件JASON、GEODEPTH、GEOFRAME、LANDMARK等解释软件VIP、ECLIPS等并行数值模拟软件IES、LANDMARK、CGG解释软件LCT非地震与地震联合处理解释系统Geomap 3.2地质绘图软件包NDS测井曲线矢量化配电线路CAD系统NSA钢管杆优化设计系统LMS SYSNOISE v5.6(噪声分析软件SVCAD电子平板测绘系统SLHLW影像平断面处理系统SLCAD架空送电线路定位CAD系统SLDW优化排位系统SLCAD架空送电线路平断面处理系统自立式铁塔多塔高、多接腿满应力分析程序Metacomp Technologies系列仿真软件计算流体力学模拟软件CFD++空气声学计算模拟软件CAA++GPT 油藏自动绘图软件GPTModel相控地质建模GPTMap油藏自动绘图GPTLog精细地质解释与对比GPTSeis地震解释与储层预测兰德马克(LandMark)软件LandMark地震综合解释软件包R2003新优化设计软件SmartDOINCA 气动计算软件Citrix 集中式网络环境集成软件Ekahau 无线网络最佳定位及布建软件OPNET 网络及通讯模拟分析软件Testing Tech 通讯测试软件WRQ Reflection 终端机模拟软件统计与经济分析软件Crystal Ball 蒙地卡罗模拟软件EQS 社会及行为科学统计软件EViews 预测分析计量软件GAUSS 数值分析与统计计量软件LIMDEP 经济计量分析软件LISREL 线性/非线性规划分析软件MINITAB 统计制程分析软件NW A 统计制程管制工具Ox/PcGive/Stamp 经济计量分析软件MATLAB 数学计算软件dSPACE 实时仿真软件eM-Plant 软件用于规划、仿真和优化制造厂、生产系统和工艺过程气动设计分析软件VSAERO、USAERO、MGAERO、MGFPI、INCARomax 齿轮传动设计和分析软件Rhapsody 嵌入式软件设计工具Lyrtech 信号处理软件TESIS 车辆动力学软件ALTIA 人机界面设计仿真软件RICARDO 发动机设计、分析和仿真软件SDL DSP软件PSS 航空、航天器仿真软件SINDA/G 热设计软件NEV ADA 辐射热计算软件QSR 质性分析软件RA TS 时间序列统计计量软件SCA 时间序列预估软件Shazam 经济计量分析软件SigmaPlot/SigmaStat 统计分析绘图软件Stata 数据管理统计绘图软件StatXact/LogXact 无母数分析软件Systat 统计分析绘图软件TSP 时间序列数据软件DecisionPro 决策分析与智能网站建构软件Expert Choice AHP 专家决策分析软件FinTools 金融资产定价分析与预测软件Frontier 数据包络法分析软件GAMS 作业研究软件Lindo/Lingo 作业研究软件Mathematica 高阶数学及符号运算软件MathType 数学符号编辑软件Statgraphics 数据分析结果解读软件@Risk 风险评估管理软件ChemOffice 分子结构绘图软件Gaussian 计算化学软件HyperChem 化学计算及分子结构软件Spartan 量子化学绘图软件Diffpack 偏微分方程式软件FilterShop 类比/数据滤波器设计软件Grapher, Surfer 2D/3D 曲面及地图绘制软件Magsoft Flux-3D, 2D 电磁及EMI 分析软件origin 工程及科学用绘图软件PSCAD 电力系统模拟分析SmartDraw 商业绘图管理软件SKM 电力系统分析设计软件Tecplot 三维流场视觉化绘图软件XFDTD 电磁场分布及分析软件EndNote 书目管理软件Lahey Fortran 程式语言编辑器PCTeX 学术文章排版软件Scientific Workplace 科学排版软件Simscript 非连续事件模拟语言软件Fraca 3.0裂缝油藏描述软件Direct(数字化油藏表征工具)promi吸收滤波双狐微机解释系统2003版OFM 2005DSS 储层动态管理(Dynamic Surveillance System)PETRA(GeoPLUS公司)PETRA地质物探可视化分析软件Geo-office 油藏地球物理办公软件1.3油藏开发效果评价及动态分析系统LESA 5.0 测井评估分析系统Petrel 2004RC2工作站版RC2微机版Desktop VIP油藏数值模拟软件包2003微机版Eclips 2005数模系统Jason 6.0 地震反演软件Sim-Office 油藏数值模拟办公软件ProMax处理系统(版本2003TomoxPro 3.1 井间地震处理软件Univers 5.2 垂直地震处理VSPSYBYL,INSIGHT2,AMBER 大型分子模拟软件克浪油气检测与反演软件KLInversionGreenMountain绿山Mesa 9.0 ExpertCFD(计算流体力学)的软件, 数据, 视频和文字资料(美国爱荷华大学IIHR-水利科学与工程研究中心发布)(部分)CFDTutor and CFDExpert (CFD学习与模拟软件)ChemiSoft (化学工程相关软件目录)ChemSage (无机物相图计算)ChemSep (多组分分离过程计算软件)Chemstations (过程模拟)COADE, Inc. (管道应力分析与设计、压力容器设计) DESIGN II for Windows (过程模拟软件)DIPPR (物性数据)DR Software, Inc. (MSDS管理软件)Element DataSystem (环保实验室信息管理系统) Environmental Technology Network (与环境有关的过程软件EPI Suite(与环境有关的物性估算程序包ePlantData (过程数据交换方法ESM Software(材料科学与工程软件Flavor Selector 5.0 (调味剂管理工具Fluent Inc.(CFD软件、流动和传热模拟General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS, 数学规划软件Haddock HazCom (MSDS专业服务公司HSE Systems (MSDS软件开发以及管理服务商Hyprotech (过程模拟ImageTrak Software (MSDS管理软件开发与服务ImageWave Corporation (MSDS管理数据库和服务商InfoDyne Softwares (MSDS的建立与管理软件, 针对欧洲标准LabView(仪器编程的图形化编程环境软件Logical Technology, Inc. (环境卫生和安全EH&S软件和服务MSDSpro (MSDS和化学品管理服务MSDSystem (MSDS 管理, 搜索和修复软件OLI Systems (水溶液系统的模拟计算Pacific Simulation (造纸过程模拟PenSim v2.0(青霉素发酵批处理过程模拟软件PHOENICS (流体力学计算软件德国SIGMASOFT仿真软件FLUX电、磁、热场分析软件Reaction Design (反应、物理汽相沉积PVDSafeTrax (MSDS创建工具I-Logix Rhapsody 嵌入式仿真开发软件Scandpower AS (石油业咨询、过程模拟SGI应用于化学、生物信息学的软件、硬件产品Sim42 (公开源代码的化学过程模拟器项目Simulation Sciences IncSpotfire(决策支持软件Spotfire DecisionSiteSunrise Systems (管道流动模拟Talos (MSDS 管理软件THERIAK-DOMINO (平衡态及相图计算Virtual Materials Group, Inc. (面向过程工程的热力学应用产品开发WinSim Inc. (Windows、过程模拟软件并行分子动力学模拟软件DoD-TBMD过程控制流程图绘制与管理软件ControlDraw 1过程模拟环境ASCEND韩国岭南大学计算应用流体实验室开发的CFD模拟软件化学反应动力学模拟Kinetics Simulator化学工程软件目录, [url=/][color=#8df381][/color][/url]化学平衡计算程序EQS4WIN汽车动力学仿真软件CarSim计算流体力学软件CFX空气和废气性质计算(Air and Exhaust Gas Properties V1.2流化床模拟分析软件ERGUN 6.0流体动力学模拟软件包:FOAM生物动态成象系统水溶液反应库及平衡计算Joint Expert Speciation Syetem (JESS填料塔计算Packed Column Calculator烃类二元、三元系平衡模拟软件Equilibria物性数据库和工程小软件PhysProps, EngVert, PipeDrop下载与交换MA TLAB开发的程序相图计算软件MTDA TA过程设备强度计算软件包SW6-1998橡胶、塑料部件加工模拟(SIGMA Engineering意大利的里雅斯特大学应用物理系DINMA分部开发的一些CFD软件英国工程领域高性能计算计划CCP12 (High Performance Computing in Engineering, UK 与过程相关的小型计算工具, Process Associates of AmericaBioWisdom (医药术语、同义词库,平台工具C&L Instruments, Inc. (荧光仪器/软件CAMO (实验设计、多变量数据分析CG Information (BiblioWeb文献管理工具ChemCodes (药物开发平台软件Chemical Computing Group Inc. (化学计算Chemical Concepts (提供光谱数据库和软件的公司., Inc.(亚洲地区化学工业信息数据库Chempute Software (化工软件COADE, Inc. (管道应力分析与设计、压力容器设计CompuDrug International, Inc. (药物设计与发现、预测软件Cyprotex (药物代谢动力学Dash Optimization Ltd.( 模拟与优化软件产品Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc (结构信息处理、化学信息系统开发环境Deconvolution and Entropy Consulting (谱图分析DIMENSION 5 (数据挖掘软件Dolphin Software (MSDS及相关软件DR Software, Inc. (MSDS管理软件DTW Associates, Inc.(高分子物性及相关软件genamics (信息检索和基因分析工具Get The Patent (整篇下载各国专利的扫描图像全文Gold Standard Multimedia (医疗教育和药物信息开发公司Golden Helix, Inc.(数据挖掘和化合物筛选软件Grabitech Solutions AB (实验设计与优化软件Graffinity Pharmaceuticals (化学基因组学Gulf Publishing Company (油气工业出版商Haddock HazCom (MSDS专业服务公司HighChem, Ltd. (质谱软件Hypercube, Inc. (分子模型化软件IDBS (药物发现软件ImageTrak Software (MSDS管理软件开发与服务ImageWave Corporation (MSDS管理数据库和服务商InfoDyne Softwares (MSDS的建立与管理软件, 针对欧洲标准Infometrix, Inc. (模式识别Inpharmatica (药物发现平台LabBook (生物信息和知识管理平台Leadscope (化学信息学Leffingwell & Associates (为香味剂、香料、食品和饮料企业提供服务和软件Libraria (药物发现专家系统LION bioscience (药物发现平台Logical Technology, Inc. (环境卫生和安全EH&S软件和服务M-Base Company (物性数据库和设计软件Madison Technical Software Inc.(热传递和物性计算软件Maximum Entropy Data Consultants (Bayesian数据分析用于信号增强MDS Sciex (质谱仪器Micromass (质谱仪器Fluent FloWizard 2.1.8一流的流体模拟工具Misys Healthcare Systems (医疗信息系统Moldflow Corporation (注塑模拟Molecular Discovery Ltd. (医药研究领域的科学软件Molecular Knowledge Systems, Inc. (物性估算Molecular Networks GmbH (计算机化学Molecular Simulation Inc. (MSIMolinspiration Cheminformatics (独立的化学信息学研究机构Molsoft L.L.C.(分子模拟和药物设计软件和信息MSDSpro (MSDS和化学品管理服务MSDSsolutions (MSDS数据库和软件工具MSDSWorld (MSDS 发行管理服务NuGenesis Technologies Corporation (药物发现数据管理平台)O-Matrix (卡尔曼滤波Kalman filters)OpenEye (快速计算分子的静电性质、形状)(部分)PerfumersWorld Ltd.(为芳香剂和香料专业人员提供服务)Pharma Algorithms(药物发现的软件和平台)Prous Science (医药出版商)Scandpower AS (石油业咨询、过程模拟)Schrodinger(药物相关的软件)Scientific Instrument Services, Inc. (质谱仪和气相色谱服务商)SciTegic(药物相关的软件)Selerant (配方产品管理工具, 技术数据表Technical Data Sheets, TDS创建工具) Silicon Valley X-ray Site (X射线仪器、软件等)SimBioSys (药物设计软件SPROUT)Simulations Plus, Inc.(药物相关的软件、教学模拟软件)SOLUTIONS Software Corporation (美国联邦法规、MSDS数据库等) Spotfire(决策支持软件Spotfire DecisionSite)Sunrise Systems (管道流动模拟)Synthematix, Inc. (化学合成管理工具)Thermo-Calc Software (热力学计算、合金体系扩散控制计算)Trega Biosciences, Inc.Tripos, Inc. (计算机辅助药物设计)Umetrics (实验设计、多变量数据分析)Virtual Materials Group, Inc. (面向过程工程的热力学应用产品开发) Waters Corporation (高效液相色谱、质谱)WavBox (小波变换WinSim Inc. (Windows、过程模拟软件)上海申迪软件工程有限公司(SATech)Stat-Ease, Inc.(实验设计软件)材料模拟计算算法库MAP化学工程进展CEP的化工软件计算材料科学Mathub FEATFLOW (计算流体力学)MARVIN'S PROGRAM (表面与界面模拟)Chemical Online最新发布的化工软件ANSYS Inc. Corporate (工程模拟软件)ChemiSoft (化学工程相关软件目录)ChemSep (多组分分离过程计算软件)ESM Software(材料科学与工程软件)Moldflow Corporation (注塑模拟)OLI Systems (水溶液系统的模拟计算)Pacific Simulation (造纸过程模拟)PHOENICS (流体力学计算软件)Reaction Design (反应、物理汽相沉积PVD)Sunrise Systems (管道流动模拟)THERIAK-DOMINO (平衡态及相图计算)化学反应动力学模拟化学工程软件目录流体动力学模拟软件包FOAM 物性数据库和工程小软件各种工具软件下载试用Simfit (曲线拟合、统计分析、画图软件)过程相关的单位换算在线工具统计学数据集、软件StatLibHyperCard(苹果公司文档管理工具软件) originCAMO (实验设计、多变量数据分析) CurveExpert (数据拟合) Deconvolution and Entropy Consulting EXPGUI (结构分析系统图形用户界面) Numerical Recipes (数值分析方法库) Statistical DesignsUmetrics (实验设计、多变量数据分析)化学标记语言CML化学反应动力学模拟数据处理、图形显示及编程工具IGORMaterials Studio最强大的材料模拟软件Discovery Studio药物发现的崭新平台InsightII最权威的生物分子模拟软件Catalyst基于药效团的药物设计软件Cerius2著名的药物设计软件Thomson Pharma医药信息平台Horizon Global 原料药竞争情报数据库分子模拟、化学信息学、生物信息学软件Accelrys化学信息学软件MDL化学信息学软件Thomson实验室信息管理系统Thermo热力网络及换热器设计模拟软件HX-Net5.0,HEXTRAN8.0/8.1/8.11HeaTtPro4.4.6Chemkin3.6/3.7/4.0Intergraph Intools Engineering Suite (国际顶级仪表工程的设计软件)。
终切力10-minuto gel strength
固相控制solid control 钻屑cutting 砂sand 井漏(lost circulation ) 井塌(borehole collapse ) 钻井液污染(drilling fluid contamination )
第 20 页
井下动力钻井hole bottom power drilling
涡轮钻具钻井turbine drilling 螺杆钻具钻井screw drilling
旋转钻井钻机Rotary Rig
动力系统(Power System) 旋转系统(Rotating System)
提升系统(Hoisting System) 循环系统(Circulating System) 井控系统(Well Control System)
地面管汇surface pipeline 遥控面板remote control panel 压井管汇kill line 钻前准备drill preparation 钻进drilling 固井well cementation 完井well completion
直井straight/vertical well
第 23 页
第五章 井眼轨道设计与轨迹控制
造斜点(kick off point) k 二维定向井Two-dimensional directional well 三维定向井Three-dimensional directional well
第 24 页
第六章 钻进参数优选
第 22 页
第五章 井眼轨道设计与轨迹控制
GridRead 读取文件:scheme 方案 journal 日志 profile 外形 Write 保存文件Import :进入另一个运算程序 Interpolate :窜改,插入 Hardcopy : 复制, Batch options 一组选项 Save layout 保存设计Check 检查Info 报告:size 尺寸 ;memory usage 内存使用情况;zones 区域 ;partitions 划分存储区 Polyhedral 多面体:Convert domain 变换范围 Convert skewed cells 变换倾斜的单元 Merge 合并 Separate 分割Fuse (Merge 的意思是将具有相同条件的边界合并成一个;Fuse 将两个网格完全贴合的边界融合成内部(interior)来处理,比如叶轮机中,计算多个叶片时,只需生成一个叶片通道网格,其他通过复制后,将重合的周期边界Fuse 掉就行了。
注意两个命令均为不可逆操作,在进行操作时注意保存case)Zone 区域: append case file 添加case 文档 Replace 取代;delete 删除;deactivate 使复位;Surface mesh 表面网孔Reordr 追加,添加:Domain 范围;zones 区域; Print bandwidth 打印 Scale 单位变换 Translate 转化Rotate 旋转 smooth/swap 光滑/交换Models 模型:solver 解算器Pressure based 基于压力density based 基于密度implicit 隐式,explicit 显示Space 空间:2D,axisymmetric(转动轴),axisymmetric swirl (漩涡转动轴);Time时间:steady 定常,unsteady 非定常Velocity formulation 制定速度:absolute绝对的;relative 相对的Gradient option 梯度选择:以单元作基础;以节点作基础;以单元作梯度的最小正方形。
平衡深度法所依据的核心概念即为有效应力,其表达 式如下:
(1) 式中, 为埋深Z处的地层压力; 为平衡深度; 为静水压力梯度; 为埋深在 至 之间岩柱的压力梯 度。 所谓平衡深度,即为某压力异常点处孔隙度值在正常 压实段中出现时所对应的深度。上文所提有效应力的概念 是平衡深度法的核心,故先应清楚某处有效应力的计算 式:
式中, 为声波时差; 为埋藏深度。 求取(4)式反函数,算出对应的平衡深度:
(5) 式中, 为声波时差; 为平衡深度。 最终根据式(3)计算出相应的地层压力。
3 结束语
平衡深度法所依据的基本规律是有效应力与物体形态 的绝对关系,其在计算欠压实引起的异常压力时效果良 好。在使用该方法计算地层压力过程中,应当注意区域剥 蚀及其他超压成因的影响。当异常压力存在其他超压成因 的可能时,当使用其他方法进行识别后再谨慎使用平衡深 度法。
Xi 'an Shiyou University,Xi 'an 710068,China Abstract:Based on the response characteristics of well logging data to the effective stress,the equivalent depth method is introduced.Meanwhile,this paper discusses the workflow of this method to predict the formation pressure. Key words:equivalent depth method;effective stress;normal compaction curve
Jason 的重要特点就是随着越来越多的非地震信息(测井,测试,地质)的引入,由地震数据推演的油气藏参数模型的分辨率和细节会得到不断的改善。
用户可根据需要由Jason 的模块构建自己的研究流程。
2、地层孔隙压力和破裂压力预测和分析软件DrillWorks/PREDICTGNG软件功能:•趋势线(参考线)的建立--手工--最小二乘方拟合--参考线库•页岩辨别分析•上覆岩层梯度分析--体积密度测井--密度孔隙度测井--用户定义方法(程序)•孔隙压力分法--指数方法电阻率、D一指数声波、电导率地震波--等效深度方法电阻率、D--指数声波--潘尼派克方沾--用户定义方法(程序)•压裂梯度分法--伊顿方法--马修斯和凯利方法--用户定义方法(程序)•系统支持项目和油井数据库•系统支持所有趋势线方法•系统包括交叉绘图功能•用户定义方法(程序)•包括全套算子•系统支持井与井之间的关联分析•系统支持岩性显示•系统支持随钻实时分析•系统支持随钻关联分析•多用户网络版本数据装载功能:•斯仑贝谢LIS磁盘输入•斯仑贝谢LIS磁带输入•CWLS LAS输入•ASCII输入•离散的表格输入•井眼测斜数据•测深/垂深表格用户范围:•美国墨西哥湾•北海•西部非洲•南美•尼日利亚三角洲•南中国海•澳大利亚DrillWorks/PREDICTGNG 与其它软件的区别•世界上用得最多的地层压力软件•钻前预测、随钻监测和钻后检测•用户主导的软件系统•准确确定--上覆岩层压力梯度--孔隙压力梯度--破裂压力梯度•使用下列数据的任何组合来分析地层:-地震波速度-有线测井-MWD、LWD数据-重复地层测试(RFT)-泄漏试验(LOT)数据-录井资料-地质资料•面向现实世界中数据资料不尽人意、而新的方法又层出不穷的用户而设计的•地层压力软件平台:新的预测压力方法可通过"用户定义方法(程序)"编入系统软件用途:•准确预测地层压力•有效降低钻井成本•提高经济效益•优化井眼尺寸•优化泥浆和水力学•避免井涌和卡钻•减少地层污染•延伸套管鞋深度•减少套管数目•保障施工安全3、GeoPredict地层孔隙压力预测软件本程序基于当量深度法,根据钻进过程中钻时的快慢,并结合岩屑的岩性,由操作人员在图中用拖动鼠标的方式挑出的泥/页岩段,完成压力预测原理中首先选取泥/页岩段的过程。
相信加⼊学习当中的你,很快便不再受英语的困扰!还在等什么?和⼩编⼀起来学习吧!新概念第四册课⽂翻译及学习笔记(Lesson13) 【课⽂】 First listen and then answer the following question. 听录⾳,然后回答以下问题。
What do oilmen want to achieve as soon as they strike oil? The deepest holes of all are made for oil, and they go down to as much as 25,0000 feet. But we do not need to send men down to get the oil out, as we must with other mineral deposits. The holes are only borings, less than a foot in diameter. My particular experience is largely in oil, and the search for oil has done more to improve deep drilling than any other mining activity. When it has been decided where we are going to drill, we put up at the surface an oil derrick. It has to be tall because it is like a giant block and tackle, and we have to lower into the ground and haul out of the ground great lengths of drill pipe which are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit at the bottom. The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, so every so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit. It cuts a clean cylinder of rock, from which can be seen the strata the drill has been cutting through. Once we get down to the oil, it usually flows to the surface because great pressure, either from gas or water, is pushing it. This pressure must be under control, and we control it by means of the mud which we circulate down the drill pipe. We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher, which wastes oil and gas. We want it to stay down the hole until we can lead it off in a controlled manner. T.F.GASKELL The Search for the Earth's Minerals from Discovery 【New words and expressions ⽣词和短语】 mineral adj. 矿物的 boring n. 钻孔 derrick n. 井架 block and tackle 滑轮组 haul v. 拖,拉 rotate v. 使转动 cutting bit 钻头 geologist n. 地质学家 coring bit 取芯钻头 cylinder n. 圆柱体 strata n. 岩层[复]([单]stratum或strata [误⽤]) circulate v. 注⼊,环流 gusher n. 喷油井 【课⽂注释】 1.they go down to as much as 25,0000 feet,as much as意为“多达”,“达到(量)”。
In all cases, the length distributions have a negative exponential shape (Figs. 6 and7), but the negative exponent magnitudes tend to be smaller (ranging from about –0.01 to –0.17) than those generated in the simulations (ranging from –0.1 to –1.5). The exception is the Oil Mountain microcrack data (Fig. 7), which has an extremely high magnitude exponent of negative 136. It is possible that natural rock is less flawed than we modeled, or more likely most flaws in rock are too small to impact the propagation of largerfractures. In the numerical model the flaws are quite large, on the order of 0.2 m. Another factor that is important to consider is that fracture length is exceptionally difficult toquantify in the field because of the segmented nature of most natural fractures.13Depending on the detail level of the data collection, fracture length observations may overestimate the abundance of longer fractures by overlooking their segmented nature at smaller scales.Fracture Spacing.As with fracture length, fracture spacing is significantly affected by variations in subcritical index (Figs. 5 and8). (The results are from the same 400 crack simulations used for the length discussion above, and we exclude flaws that have not propagated from the spacing analysis.) The first overall spacing attribute is whether or not the fractures are clustered. As mentioned above, the cases with subcritical indices of 40 and 80 show strong fracture clustering, while those with lower ndo not. The nominal correlation of fracture spacing with bed thickness (i.e. fracture height) is evident in the fracture pattern for the non-clustered cases of n ≤20, where the maximum spacing of 3.5 to 4 meters is close to the bed thickness of 4 meters (Fig. 8). Increasing the subcritical index from 5 to 20 increases the median spacing (taken at a cumulative frequency of 0.5) from 0.7 to 2.3 meters. However, for the clustered cases, the median spacing goes back down, such that the median spacing for n=80 is 0.5 meters, which is less than that for any other case. However, if fracture trace length were the measure of fracture intensity, the trace maps (Fig. 5) clearly show that the n=5 case is the most highly fractured.Relating Fracture Length to Aperture.A theoretical model for fracture length distributions is important because fracture length is difficult to observe in core data. Correlation of length with a more easily measured parameter would also be beneficial for fracture attribute determination. One attribute just discussed is the spacing, which has been shown to behave similarly to fracture length as the subcritical index for the fracturing material is changed. Another important flow related parameter that can be correlated with length is the aperture (fracture opening), more specifically the maximum aperture. For the simplified conditions of two-dimensional, plane-strain elasticity, maximum fracture aperture (Iu ∆) can be described as a linear function of fracture length (2a) as (9)where E is Young’s modulus and νis Poisson’s ratio. Eq. 9 also requires that the crack is straight, uniformly loaded, and not interacting with its neighbors. For a population of fractures of different length to show linear aperture to length scaling, all of those fractures must also be experiencing the same driving stress, I σ∆. Since crack propagation is inherently unstable under constant stress loading (which is implied by constant driving stress), such conditions are unlikely to be long-lived in nature. A better model, although still idealized, is to assume the driving stress varies from crack to crack to maintain a constant stress intensity factor, KI, equal to the rock’s fracture toughness, KIc, such that each crack is just at the point of propagation, where (10)Solving this expression for driving stress and substituting it into Eq. 9 results in a new aperture to length expression that predicts square-root instead of linear scaling. (11)A more illustrative expression is to describe the fracture aspect ratio, (12)which shows that aspect ratio is expected to decrease with increasing fracture length. This trend can be readily seen in examples of outcrop data, such as the Shiprock dike data described earlier as well as veins from other sandstone and granite outcrops. The data depicted in Fig. 9show a best-fit, power-law curve with a negative exponent of 0.6, which is very close to the inverse square-root relationship predicted in Eq. 12. Further work is required to examine how fracture interaction and other effects influence aperture to length scaling, particularly the effects of limited fracture height. However, this simple analysis brings into question the validity of the linear scaling law and suggests sub-linear scaling may be a more reasonable model.Core-based Measurements of Fracture Mechanics PropertiesGeomechanical predictions of fracture attributes need some constraints to be used for subsurface reservoir characterization. One parameter we have identified that strongly controls fracture pattern development is the subcritical crack index. The laboratory measurement of subcritical crack behavior in rock is performed using the double torsion testing method.A large number of subcritical index measurements have been reported for a variety of rock types,but few measurements have been made from subsurface reservoir rocks and no systematic studies of petrographic or diagenetic controls of subcritical crack propagation have been reported.In ongoing studies of natural fractures in sedimentary rock, we are carrying out suites of measurements on core and outcrop samples from several different formations in which there are known variations in petrographic properties such as porosity, mineralogy, and intergranular cement. Correlations between the subcritical index and petrographic properties are needed to predict mechanical properties where measurements are not available and to correct present-day measurements for the diagenetic changes that have occurred since the time of fracturing.以断裂力学核心属性为基础的测量断裂力学预测需要一些可用于地下储层特征的约束属性。
4、质量入口边界条件(mass-flow-inlet):给定入口边界上的质量流量。主要用于可压缩流动问题,对于不可压缩问题, 由于密度是常数,可以使用速度入口条件。如果压力边界条件和质量边界条件都适合流动时,优先选择用压力进口条件。
一阶迎风格式/ Fisrst order upwind:一阶迎风格式考虑了流动方向,可以得到 物理上看起来合理的解。但当对流作用占主导而扩散作用很小的时候,一阶迎 风格式夸大了扩散的影响,容易偏离真正的场分布。一阶格式具有一阶精度截 差,当网格密度不足时,一阶格式的求解精度有限。
二阶迎风格式/ Second order upwind: 二阶格式在一阶基础上考虑了物理量在节 点间分布曲线的曲率的影响,具有二阶精度截差。
* 一般来说 Coupled-implicit Solver(隐式耦合求解器)比Coupled-explicit solver(显式耦合求解器)更常用 I.从计算时间上说,隐式求解器比显式运算速度大概快一倍。 II.从内存占有量来说,隐式耦合求解器需要的内存大概是显式和离散式的两倍。 * Coupled-explicit solver(显式耦合求解器)只适用于速度与声速相当的非稳态的流问题,例如:追踪瞬间冲击 波。
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IPM—MBAL培训手册INTEGRATED PRODUCTION MODELLINGMBAL北京阳光杰科科技有限公司目录MBAL模块功能简介MBAL模块集成了大量经典的油气藏动态分析方法,包括:物质平衡法、多层合采产量劈分、蒙特卡洛模拟、递减曲线分析、水驱前缘法、气藏典型曲线法等。
Jason 的重要特点就是随着越来越多的非地震信息(测井,测试,地质)的引入,由地震数据推演的油气藏参数模型的分辨率和细节会得到不断的改善。
用户可根据需要由Jason 的模块构建自己的研究流程。
2、地层孔隙压力和破裂压力预测和分析软件DrillWorks/PREDICTGNG软件功能:•趋势线(参考线)的建立--手工--最小二乘方拟合--参考线库•页岩辨别分析•上覆岩层梯度分析--体积密度测井--密度孔隙度测井--用户定义方法(程序)•孔隙压力分法--指数方法电阻率、D一指数声波、电导率地震波--等效深度方法电阻率、D--指数声波--潘尼派克方沾--用户定义方法(程序)•压裂梯度分法--伊顿方法--马修斯和凯利方法--用户定义方法(程序)•系统支持项目和油井数据库•系统支持所有趋势线方法•系统包括交叉绘图功能•用户定义方法(程序)•包括全套算子•系统支持井与井之间的关联分析•系统支持岩性显示•系统支持随钻实时分析•系统支持随钻关联分析•多用户网络版本数据装载功能:•斯仑贝谢LIS磁盘输入•斯仑贝谢LIS磁带输入•CWLS LAS输入•ASCII输入•离散的表格输入•井眼测斜数据•测深/垂深表格用户范围:•美国墨西哥湾•北海•西部非洲•南美•尼日利亚三角洲•南中国海•澳大利亚DrillWorks/PREDICTGNG 与其它软件的区别•世界上用得最多的地层压力软件•钻前预测、随钻监测和钻后检测•用户主导的软件系统•准确确定--上覆岩层压力梯度--孔隙压力梯度--破裂压力梯度•使用下列数据的任何组合来分析地层: -地震波速度-有线测井-MWD、LWD数据-重复地层测试(RFT)-泄漏试验(LOT)数据-录井资料-地质资料•面向现实世界中数据资料不尽人意、而新的方法又层出不穷的用户而设计的•地层压力软件平台:新的预测压力方法可通过"用户定义方法(程序)"编入系统软件用途:•准确预测地层压力•有效降低钻井成本•提高经济效益•优化井眼尺寸•优化泥浆和水力学•避免井涌和卡钻•减少地层污染•延伸套管鞋深度•减少套管数目•保障施工安全3、GeoPredict地层孔隙压力预测软件本程序基于当量深度法,根据钻进过程中钻时的快慢,并结合岩屑的岩性,由操作人员在图中用拖动鼠标的方式挑出的泥/页岩段,完成压力预测原理中首先选取泥/页岩段的过程。
这款软件获得了Hart Energy评选和颁发的智能软件类“技术创新进步奖”。
开采水平 mining level,gallery level运输大巷及井底车场所在的水平位置及所服务的开采范围。
辅助水平 subsidiary level在开采水平内,因生产需要而增设有运输大巷的水平位置及所服务的开采范围。
开采水平垂高 lift,level interval又称“水平高度”。
矿井延深 shaft deepening为接替生产而进行的下一开采水平的井巷布置及开掘工程。
采区准备 preparation in district采区(盘区、带区)内主要巷道的掘进和设备安装工作。
采区 district阶段或开采水平内沿走向划分为具有独立生产系统的开采块段。
近水平煤层采区又称“盘区(panel)”;倾斜长壁分带开采的采区又称(“带区(strip district)”)。
分段 sublevel曾称“小阶段”、“亚阶段”、“分阶段”。
区段 district sublevel在采区内沿倾斜方向划分的开采块段。
分带 strip在带区内沿走向划分的开采块段。
前进式开采 advancing mining(1) 自井筒或主平硐附近向井田边界方向依次开采各采区的开采顺序;(2) 采煤工作面背向采区运煤上山(运输大巷)方向推进的开采顺序。
后退式开采 retreating mining(1) 自井田边界向井筒或主平硐方向依次开采各采区的开采顺序;(2) 采煤工作面向运煤上山(运输大巷)方向推进的开采顺序。
往复式开采 reciprocating mining前一采煤工作面推进到终采线位置后,相邻的后续采煤工作面按相反方向推进的开采方式。
上行式开采 ascending mining,upward mining分段、区段、分层或煤层由下向上的开采顺序。
下行式开采 descending mining, downward mining分段、区段、分层或煤层由上向下的开采顺序。
Landmark Drillworks 技术说明简介Drillworks是Landmark Engineer’s Desktop钻完井套件中的新成员,替代Presgraf为油田用户提供更方便、高效和更准确的压力分析和预测服务。
Aabrasion action 磨蚀作用abrasives 研磨料;研磨物absolute age 绝对年龄absorbed layer 吸附层absorbed water 吸(附)水absorption limit 吸附界限absorption loss 吸附损失abutment 桥台;坝肩;墩栓;支座abutment wall 桥台翼墙abysmal deposit 深海沉积Accelerated Landslip Preventive Measures Project 加速防止山泥倾泻计划acceptable wave condition 容许波浪条件acceptance of tender 采纳投标书accident investigation 意外调查,事故调查accident loading condition 意外荷载条件accident report 意外事件[故]报告accident statistics 意外[事故]统计(数字) accredited private laboratory 认可私营实验所accumulated deformation 累积变形accuracy 准确度;精度acidic corrosion 酸性侵[腐]蚀acidic igneous rock 酸性火成岩acidity and alkalinity test 酸碱度试验acidity test 酸度试验acid-pickling 酸洗;酸浸Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, ADCP 声波多普勒水流测剖机[仪]acoustic emission monitoring 声辐射监测acoustic exploration 声波勘探acoustic frequency geo-electric field method 声频大地电场法acoustic piezometer 声辐射测压计acoustic prospecting 声波勘探acquisition (土地) 收购;征用acrylamide grouting 丙凝灌浆active clay 活性黏土active earth pressure, pa 主动土压力active fault 活断层;活动断裂active intensity forecasting 活动烈度预测active isolation 积极隔振[离]active mitigation strategies 主动缓解策略active period 活动期,活跃期active pile 主动桩active stabilizer 活性加固剂active state 主动状态active state of plastic equilibrium 主动塑性平衡状态active water (有侵蚀性)活性水active zone 活动层,膨胀土层activity 活性activity index, A活性指数additional stress 附加应力additive constant 加常数adhesion 黏着力;黏著作用;内聚力adhesive 胶黏剂,黏结剂adjusted value 平差值,调整值adjustment 调整;调节;调校;(测量) 平差adjustment item 调整项目administrative procedure 行政程序Admiralty Chart 海军图表,航海图admissible load 容许荷载admixture 搀和剂,混合物,搀合物advance works 前期工程adverse geological condition 不良地质情况[条件] Advisory Council on the Environment 环境咨询委员会Advisory Letter (on slope maintenance) (斜坡维修) 劝喻信aeolian soil 风积土aeration zone 通气带aeration zone water 通气带水aerated water 饱气水aerial camera/air camera 航空摄影机;空中摄影机aerial mapping 航空填图航空测绘aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量学,空中摄影测量学aerial photograph interpretation, API 航空照片判释[解译]aerial photograph (vertical or oblique) ( 垂直或倾斜) 航空照片,航摄照片aerial photographic survey 航空摄影测量aerial survey/air survey 航空测量,空中测量aerobe 需氧菌,喜氧菌;需氧生物age-dating (of rock) ( 岩石) 测年,测定年代ageing 老化agglomerate 集块岩aggregate ( 土壤) 团粒;(混凝土) 骨料aggregate abrasion value 石料耐磨值aggregate impact value 石料冲击强度值agitator 搅拌器A-horizon A层;淋溶层AIEG (Association of International Engineering Geology) 国际工程地质学会air compressor 空气压缩机air content, ac 含气率air jet 喷射气流;喷嘴air permeability 透气性[率]air permeability test 透气性[率]试验air space ratio, Ga 排水气隙比air test 气密试验air void ratio, Gv 气隙比air voids (of a soil) ( 土的)气隙,(土的)空气孔隙air-curtain method气幕法air-dried soil 风干土air-lift equipment 压缩空气扬水泵air-lock 气闸Airport Core Programme, ACP 机场核心计划air-water 气水面alert criteria 警戒准则alert level 预警水平alignment (pipe alignment) ( 管线)定线;线向;路线alignment survey 定线测量A-line (塑性图) A线all round pressure 周围压[应]力allocation condition 批地条款;分配条件;分配规定allocation plan 批地图allowable amplitude 容许振幅allowable bearing capacity 容许承载能力allowable bearing pressure 容许承载力allowable bearing value 容许承载值allowable deformation 容许变形allowable error 容许误差allowable load 容许荷载allowable movement 容许位移allowable pile bearing load 单桩容许荷载allowable settlement 容许沉降量allowable soil pressure 容许土压力allowable vibration acceleration 容许振动加速度allowance for corrosion loss 预留锈蚀量alluvial (clay, silt, sand) 冲积(黏土、粉土、砂) alluvial plain 冲积平原alluvial soil 冲积土alluvial terrace 冲积阶地alluvium 冲积物;冲积层all-weather 全天候alternating load交变荷载alternating strain 交变应变alternating stress 交变应力alternation 更改;改建;后补;替代alternative design 替代设计altimeter 测高仪altitude 高程,海拔aluminum octahedron 铝八面体ambient pressure 环境压[应]力ambient temperature 环境[介质]温度amendment 修正;改正Amenity (城市规划) 环境美化带[区]amenity area 美化市容地带;市容地带American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standard 美国公路及交通正式标准协会American Society for T esting and Materials (ASTM) Standards 美国试验及材料学会标准amplification factor 放大因子amplitude magnification factor 振幅放大因子amplitude of vibration 振幅amplitude ratio 振幅比anaerobe 厌氧菌;厌氧生物anaerobic sulphate-reducing bacteria 厌氧抗硫酸盐细菌anchor (in slope works) (边坡工程) 锚杆,锚;锚杆支撑anchor block 锚块anchor bolt 锚栓,螺栓anchor cable 锚索anchor pile 锚桩anchor plate 锚板anchor rod 锚杆anchor wall 锚定[固]墙anchorage 锚定[固]作用;地锚anchorage area 锚地;碇泊区anchorage force 锚固力anchorage shear test 锚固剪切试验anchored bulkhead锚定[固]岸壁;锚定[固]挡壁anchored sheet piling 锚定[固]板桩墙anchoring 锚固ancillary works 附属工程andesite 安山岩andesite tuff 安山凝灰岩anemometer 风速仪;风速表ANFO blasting agent 硝酸铵油渣混合炸药angle of contact ( 弯液面) 接触角angle of dilatancy 剪胀角,扩容角angle of external friction 外摩擦角angle of inclination 倾角angle of internal friction, 内摩擦角angle of obliquity 倾斜角angle of reach 触及坡角angle of repose 休止角angle of rupture 破裂角angle of shearing resistance 抗剪角,剪切角angle of shearing strength 剪切强度角angle of skin friction 表面摩擦角angle of slope 斜坡坡角,斜坡角度angle of true internal friction 真内摩擦角angle of wall fric tion, δ 墙摩擦角angular 棱角状的angularity chart 棱角度对比图angularity factor 棱角度因子anidrite 硬石膏anion adsorption 阴离子吸附anion exchange 阴离子交换anisotropic consolidation 各向不等压固结;各向异性固结anisotropic hardening 各向异性硬化anisotropic medium 各向异性介质anisotropic soil 各向异性土anisotropy 各向异性anthropogenic 受人类影 的anticline 背斜anti-flocculation 反絮凝作用anti-slide pile 抗滑桩anvil 砧A-parameter 孔隙压力系数Aaperture size 缝隙尺寸aplite 细晶岩apparent angle of internal friction 表观内摩擦角apparent cohesion 表观黏聚力,似黏聚力apparent preconsolidation pressure 表观先期固结压力apparent shearing strength 表观抗剪强度apparent velocity 表观流速approach channel 进出港航道;进出口航道approach road 引路approach velocity 行近流速approved concrete mix 认可混凝土混合料approved contractor 认可承建商approved plan 批准的计划;认可的设计:认可图则approved project estimate 核准工程预算approved suppliers of materials 认可物料供货商apron 护坦,挡板aquiclude 阻水层aquifer 含水层aquitard 弱透水层arch action (in soil) ( 土中)成拱作用Archaeozoic 太古代Archean (年代) 太古代的;(地层) 太古界的arching 拱作用Area Committee 分区委员会area load面荷载area ratio (取样器) 面积比argillaceous rock 泥质岩;黏土(质)岩arid region 干旱区arithmetical check 运算核对armour (防波堤) 护面;护面块体armour layer 护面层armour rock 护面块石artesian aquifer 承压含水层artesian basin 自流盆地artesian ground water 承压地下水artesian water 承压水;自流水artesian well 自流井articles of agreement 合约细则,协议条款,合约条款artificial ground 人工地基as-constructed drawing 竣工图as-constructed plan 竣工图则aseismatic design 抗震设计aseismic region 无震区asphalt 沥青,柏油asphalt mix design 沥青混凝土配方asphalt paver 沥青摊铺机aspirator 流水抽气器assembly 装置Assessment Panel 评估小组Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong, ACEHK 香港顾问工程师协会Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (Hong Kong) Ltd. 香港岩土及岩土环境工程专业协会Association of Government Land and Engineering Surveying Officers, AGLESO 政府土地工程测量主任协会Association of Government Local Land Surveyors, AGLLS 政府本地土地测量师协会Association of Government T echnical and Survey Officers, AGTSO 政府工程技术及测量主任协会associative flow rule 相关流动法则astronomical tide 天文潮atmospheric water 大气水attenuation 衰减Atterberg Limits 阿太堡界限attitude (地质) 产状,构造面位置auger 螺旋钻auger bit 螺旋钻头auger boring 螺旋钻探auger drill 螺旋钻auger pile 螺旋桩Authorized Person, AP 认可人士;获授权人士authority 当局;权力;主管机构authority concerned 有关当局;有关主管机构authority for approval 授权当局;批核当局authorization 批核Authorized Land Surveyor 认可土地测量师authorized marine borrow area 认可挖砂区,已批准的挖砂区autograph 自动缯图仪autographic record 自动记录automatic raingauge 自动雨量计automatic ram pile driver 自动冲锤打桩机auto-telemetering 自动遥测availability of land 可用土地avalanche 山崩;雪崩average maximum wave height 平均最大波高average stress 平均应力axial 轴向axial bearing capacity 轴向承载[压]力axial compression 轴向压缩axial extension test 轴向拉伸试验axial load 轴向荷载;轴压axial pressure 轴向压力axial strain 轴向应变axial stress 轴向应力axial symmetry 轴对称azimuth 极方位;极方位角Bback analysis 反演分析back drain 墙背排水设施back osmotic pressure 反渗压力back pressure 反压(力),倒压back-calculation 反算法,反推法backfill 回填土,回泥;回填backfilling 回填background noise level 背景音量backing concrete 堤背混凝土back-up area 后勤区;后勤用地backward erosion 向源侵蚀,逆向侵蚀backwater effect 回水作用bad land 劣地bagged concrete 袋装混凝土bailer 抽泥筒balance cone (稠度试验) 平衡锥balance in water quantity 水量平衡ballast 道碴;压载balloon densimeter 囊式密度计balloon volumeter 囊式体积仪band drain 排水板,排水肩带banded clay 带状黏土band-shaped prefabricated drain 带状预制排水板bank (of channel) 堤岸;河畔;(航道)边坡banquette 填土;扩坡道barge 卸泥船;趸船;驳船;平底船barging point 趸船转运站barium sulphate test 硫酸钡试验barrel 钻探取样器,(惯称) 巴鲁;桶barrette 方形桩,矩形桩barrier effect ( 桩工) 遮帘作用Barron’s consolidation theory 巴隆固结理论basal conglomerate 底砾岩basalt 玄武岩basalt dyke 玄武岩岩墙base course (路工) 基层base exchange capacity 盐基交换容量base exchange 盐基交换base heave failure 基底隆起破坏base level 基准面base shearing resistance 基底抗剪强度base tilt factor (地基承载力) 基底倾斜因子baseline 基数;基线basement wall 地下室墙basic igneous rock 基性火成岩basic intensity 基本烈度basin 水槽;港池;盆地;峡basin-range landform 盆峡岭地貌batching and mixing plant(concrete) ( 混凝土)配料及搅拌设备batching plant 混凝土配料机batholith 岩基bathyal deposit 次深海沉积bathymetric survey 海深测量bathymetry 海深,海底深度batter leader pile driver 斜导架打桩机batter pile 斜桩batter 倾斜Baumehydrometer 波美比重计beach sand 海滩砂beacon 航标;浮标;灯塔;讯标;立标beam under foundation 地基梁bearing 方位;方向角;支承(座架)bearing capacity 承载力bearing capacity factor ( 地基) 承载力因子,承载力系数bearing course 承压垫层bearing graph ( 桩工) 反应曲线bearing layer 持力层bearing pile 承重桩,支承桩bearing plate 载荷板bearing stratum 持力层,支承层bearing test 载荷试验bedded rock slope 层状岩石斜坡bedding 层理bedding error ( 试验) 端垫误差bedding layer 垫层bedding plane 层理面bedrock 基岩belled pile 扩底桩belling bucket 扩底挖斗benched foundation 台阶式基础benchmark 水平点bending moment 弯矩bending schedule 弯钢筋表bending strength 抗弯强度benefit analysis 效益分析benthic seabed grab survey 海底抓斗勘测benthic 海底的bentonite 膨润土,膨土岩bentonite liner 膨润土衬垫bentonite slurry 膨润土泥浆berm (on a slope) ( 斜坡)坡级,坡台berm 护道;斜水,(俗称) 坡级bermstone 护脚石berth configuration coefficient 靠泊形状系数berth 码头;泊位berthing 停泊berthing and landing facilities 靠泊及登陆设施berthing condition 靠泊条件;靠泊,靠码头,停泊berthing energy 靠船(撞击)能量berthing load 靠泊荷载berthing reaction 靠泊反力best-estimate parameter 最佳估计参数B-horizon B 层(岩土风化) B积层bias 偏差bias of risk 风险偏向biaxial state of stress 双轴应力状态bilinear model 双线性模型bills of quantities 工料清单;工料报价单binder course (路工) 结合层Bingham model 宾汉模型biological weathering 生物风化Biot’s consolidation theory 比奥固结理论biota tissue 生物组织biotite 黑云母bird’s-eye view 鸟瞰图Bishop’s simplified method of slice 毕肖普简化条分法bitumen 沥青bitumen grouting 沥青灌浆blanket 铺盖;掩盖blanket grouting 铺盖灌浆blast 燃爆;爆破blast cleaning 喷砂清洁blasting (e.g. rock blasting) 燃爆,爆破(例:爆石) blasting by abrasive (e.g. sand blasting) 磨料喷砂(例:砂磨)blasting certificate 燃爆证书blasting compaction method 爆炸挤密法blasting site 爆石工地;爆破工地blasting works 爆石工程;爆破工程bleeder well 减压井blind catch basin 截留盲井blind drain 盲沟blinding 基础垫层;地基垫层,(俗称) 草鞋底blinding layer 垫层block diagram 三相图block sample 样品,块样blockage 堵塞,淤塞blockage of drain 排水堵塞,渠道淤塞blocking leaking 堵漏blockwork seawall 方块海堤blockwork wall 方块体墙blow count 击数blow-in 涌入;吹入blown sand 风成砂blown tip pile 爆扩桩blows (in SPT) (标准贯入试验) 锤击数blow-up ( 路工) 鼓起bluff 悬崖boat hoist 吊艇body force 体积力body wave 体波bog 沼泽bog peat 沼泽泥炭boiling 砂沸;翻浆bollard 系船柱bolt 螺栓bolting 栓固bond 契约bonding 黏结;结合力bondsman 保证人bonus payment 奖励付款book clay 带状黏土bookhouse fabric 书堆结构border pile 边桩bored pile 钻孔灌注桩,钻孔桩borehole 钻孔borehole camera 钻孔照相机borehole direct shear device 钻孔直剪仪borehole extensometer 钻孔引伸仪borehole log 钻孔记录;钻孔柱状图borehole periscope 钻孔潜望镜borehole spacing 钻孔间距borehole specimen 钻孔土样borehole surveying 钻孔勘察borescope ( 桩工) 钻孔检查显示器boring (for ground investigation) (地基勘探) 钻探boring bit 钻头boring by percussion 冲击钻进boring casing 钻探套管boring frame 钻架boring log 钻孔记录;钻孔柱状图boring machine 钻孔机boring rig 钻探机,钻机boring rod 钻杆borrow area 取土区;挖泥区;采料场borrow pit 取土坑Boston blue clay 波士顿蓝黏土bottom dump 经舱底卸置,舱底式卸置bottom heave 坑底隆起,底鼓bottom pressure 底压力bottom-dump barge 开底运泥船boulder 漂石,孤石,漂砾,散石,砾石,巨砾boulder clay 漂石黏土boulder fall 砾石下坠,孤石崩落,孤石下坠,巨砾泻落boulder fence 防石栏Boulder Field Inventory 富孤石区目录bouldery colluvium 砾石坡积物bound water 吸附水,结合水boundary condition 边界条件boundary element 边界元boundary element method 边界元法boundary mark 界址标记boundary wall 边界墙Bourdon gauge 布尔登压力计Boussinesq solution 布西涅斯克解Boussinesq theory 布西涅斯克理论box caisson 沉箱box culvert 盒形暗渠,箱涵,箱形涵洞box foundation 箱型基础box pile 箱型桩B-parameter 孔隙压力系数Bbraced excavation 支撑开挖braced sheeting 支撑挡板bracing 支撑;加劲bracing arrangement ( 基坑开挖) 支撑装置Brazilian test 巴西试验,劈裂试验break damage 干裂破坏break line 倾斜变换线;折线breakdown pressure 破碎压力breaking strain 断裂应变breaking stress 断裂应力breaking wave 破碎波breakwater 防波堤breast wall 胸墙breccia 角砾岩bridge abutment 桥台briefing session 简报会briefly frozen soil 暂短冻土British Standards, BS 英国标准British Standards Institution, BSI 英国标准协会brittle failure 脆性破坏brittle fracture 脆裂brittleness index 脆性指数brooming (木)桩碎裂,(木)桩头碎裂Brownian movement 布朗运动bucket 链斗;斗;桶斗;铲斗;车斗桶;勺bucket auger 勺钻bucket dredger 链斗式挖泥船bucket ladder dredger 链斗挖掘船buckling 压曲,弯曲,弯折;侧胀Building (Administration) Regulations 建筑物(管理)规例Building (Construction) Regulations 建筑物(建造) 规例Building Authority 建筑事务监督building code 建筑守则,建筑规范Building Management Committee, BMC 大厦管理委员会Buildings Ordinance 建筑物条例built-in component 嵌入部份bulb pile 球根桩bulging (of ground) ( 土地) 隆起bulk check 整体检查bulk compressibility 体积压缩性bulk density 体密度bulk explosives 浆状炸药bulk modulus 体积模量bulk sample 体样bulk shrinkage 体缩bulk unit weight 体积单位重量;体容重bulk weight 体重量bulk volume 扩张体积bulkhead 岸壁,挡墙bulking factor 体积扩张系数;体积系数bulking 体胀,胀大bulldozer 推土机;铲泥车bund 堤壆;壆;田基buoy 浮标buoyancy 扬压力,浮力buoyant density, ρ' 浸没密度,浮密度buoyant foundation 浮筏基础buoyant pile 浮桩;摩擦桩buoyant unit weight, γ' 浮容重;浮重度burette 滴定管Burgers model 伯格模型buried karst 埋藏型岩溶,潜伏岩溶buried pile cap 低桩承台buried structure 埋入式结构物buried water-carrying services 地下带水管道bursting 破裂,爆裂bus bay 巴士停车处;巴士停车场bus lay-by 巴士站;巴士停车场butt 桩头;对接buttress 扶墙,扶壁,支撑墙,支壁buttressed retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙buttressed wall 扶垛墙by-pass seepage 绕渗Ccable percussion boring 钢绳冲击钻探cable tool drill 钢绳冲击钻cadastral plan 地籍图cadastral survey 地籍测量cage of reinforcement 钢筋笼caisson 沉箱,挖孔桩caisson foundation 沉箱基础caisson wall 挖孔桩挡土墙,沉箱挡土墙,沉箱墙calcareous concretion 钙质结核calcareous tufa 石灰华calcite 方解石calculated self-weight collapse 计算自重湿陷量calculation model 计算模型calculous soil 砾质土calendar day 历日calibrate/calibration 校准[正];校定calibration test 标定试验;校准[正]试验California Bearing Ratio, CBR 加州承载比calling for tender 招标calorimetric method 量热法Cambrian (年代) 寒武纪;(地层) 寒武系Cambridge Model 剑桥(本构)模型camkometer 剑桥旁压仪cantilever footing 悬臂式基础cantilever pile 悬臂桩cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式档土墙cantilever sheet piling 悬臂式板桩墙cantilevered footpath 悬臂式行人径cap 护顶;桩帽;桩顶;帽;柱帽cap model 帽盖模型high capacity road 高流量的道路capblock 桩帽capillarimeter 毛细管仪capillarity 毛细管作用capillary action 毛细管作用capillary fringe 毛细管水上升边缘capillary head 毛细管水头capillary height, hc 毛细管水上升高度capillary migration 毛细管水移动capillary pressure 毛细管水压力capillary rise, hc 毛细管水上升高度capillary tension 毛细管水张力capillary water (土中)毛细管水capital cost 基本建设费用capital works contract 基本工程合约Capital Works Reserve Fund, CWRF 基本工程储备基金capital works 基本建设工程capped yield model 盖帽屈服模型capping (工程) 封顶capping piece 压檐木capture fisheries 捕捞渔业carbonaceous mudstone 钙质泥岩Carboniferous 石炭纪;(地层) 石炭系cardboard drain 纸板排水;排水纸板cardhouse fabric 片架组构cargo working/handling area 货物装卸区Carlson stress meter 卡尔逊应力计cartographic 制图的;地图的Casagrande’s soil classification 卡萨格兰德土壤分类法case history 工程实录case study 实例研究cased borehole 套管钻孔cased pile 套管桩casing 套管cast iron 铸铁,生铁cast-in fixing bolt 预埋锚栓casting 浇铸,铸件casting yard/basin 浇灌场cast-in-place pile 灌注桩cast-in-situ 原地铸造;就地浇筑cast-in-situ pile 灌注桩cataclasis 碎裂cataclasite 碎裂岩cataclastic 碎裂的Catalogue of Slopes 斜坡目录,斜坡纪录册catastrophic prediction 灾变预测catch-drain 截水暗沟catchment 集水区catchment area 流域[集水][汇水]面积;集水区;引集范围catchpit 集水井;排水井;聚泥坑;集水坑;截流井catchwater 引水道categories of cost 费用类别cathodic protection 阴极防蚀cathodic protection system 阴极防蚀系统cation exchange 阳离子交换cation exchange capacity 阳离子交换量causative fault 发震断裂cavern 洞穴;岩洞Cavern Project S tudy, CAPRO 「岩洞计划」研究cavernous marble 含溶洞大理石cavernous rock 多孔岩石caving 坍落cavity (岩溶) 溶洞;空隙;洞穴cavity expansion theory 空穴膨胀论cell pressure ( 三轴试验) 围压;(压力盒) 盒压;(旁压仪) 腔压cellular bulkhead格型岸壁cellular cofferdam 格型围堰cellular retaining wall 格状挡土墙C-horizon C 层,母质层cellular steel sheet pile 格状钢板桩chunam 灰泥,(俗称) 朱南cellular texture 网格组织chunam cover 灰泥护面,(俗称) 朱南护面cement 水泥;胶结材料;胶合剂;胶水chunk sample 块状试样cement grouting 水泥灌浆churn drill 旋冲钻cement injection 水泥灌注[浆]churn drilling 冲击钻进cement mortar 水泥砂浆cinder 炉渣;矿渣;火山渣cementation 胶结作用circle of stress 应力圆cemented soil 胶结土circular arc analysis 圆弧分析法cementing agent 胶结剂circular foundation 圆形基础cement-stabilized soil 水泥加固土circular frequency 圆频率cement-treated-soil grout 水泥土(灌)浆circular road 环回公路Central T ender Board 中央投标委员会circular slip surface ( 土壤力学) 圆弧滑动面centrifugal model test 离心模型试验circulation 循环;环流;浚通centrifuge moisture equivalent, CME 离心含水当量classical earth pressure theory 经典土压力理论centrifuge test 离心试验classification and index tests 分类及指标数试验ceramic filter 陶瓷过滤器classification test (土壤力学) 分类试验certificate of completion 完工证明书clastic flow 碎屑流certified true copy 核实副本;经核证无误的副本;认证文本clastic structure 碎裂屑结构clay binder 黏土胶结物chain bucket dredger 链斗式挖泥船clay blanket ( 水工) 黏土铺盖;(隧道) 黏土护层chain sounding 链式水深测量clay content 黏土含量chainage 链测长度;链程clay fraction 黏土粒粗chainman 丈量员clay grouting 黏土灌浆chalk 白垩clay loam 黏质壤土chalky clay 白垩黏土clay mineral 黏土矿物chamber 池;室;小房间clay onion-skin bond 黏粒葱皮黏结channel 渠道;沟渠;排水沟;海峡;航道;水道clay partings 黏土夹层channel of flow 水流汇聚;引集水流clay platelet 黏土片晶channelization ratio 沟豁比clay puddle 黏土膏;黏土坑;胶土channelized debris flow 沿沟泥石流,沟豁控制的泥石流clay shale 黏土质页岩clay stratum 黏土层characteristic 特性clay-cement grouting 黏土水泥灌浆characteristic compressive strength 特性抗压强度clayey sand 黏质砂土characteristic load 特征荷载clayey silt 黏质粉土,黏质粉砂characteristic strength 特性强度claystone 黏土岩Chart Datum, CD 海图基准面clean-out auger 清孔钻chartered engineer 特许工程师clearance 清理;清拆charting 海图制图clearance application 清拆申请chaser 送桩器clearance programme 清拆计划checking of design record 核对设计记录cleavage ( 岩石) 劈理;(矿物) 解理checking certificate 审核证书cliff 悬崖,峭壁checklist 核对表;检查单climatic effect 气候效应chemical churning pile 旋喷桩climatic environment 气候环境chemical grouting 化学灌浆clinometer 测斜仪,倾角仪chemical injection process 化学注液法clogging 淤塞chemical stabilization 化学加固closed conduit 暗管chemical weathering 化学风化closed system 封闭系统chequer plate 棋格板closing error 闭合差chimney drain ( 坝工) 竖向截水体closure of road 封闭道路chloride content 氯化物含量cloup 漏斗;灰岩坑;落水洞chopping bit 冲击钻头cluster structure 团粒结构,团状结构coagulant 凝聚剂coagulation 凝聚作用coagulator 促凝剂coal gangue 煤矿石coal tar epoxy 煤焦油环氧树脂coarse aggregate 粗粒料coarse ash tuff 粗粒凝灰岩coarse fraction content 粗粒组含份量coarse grained soil 粗粒土coarse particle 粗粒,粗颗粒coarse sand 粗砂coastal habitat 海岸栖息地coastline 海岸线coated pile 涂面桩coaxiality 共轴性cobble 卵石,鹅卵石;中砾code 规范;守则code of practice 作业规范;工作守则coefficient of active earth pressure, Ka 主动土压力系数coefficient of adhesion 黏附系数coefficient of attenuation 衰减系数coefficient of collapsibility 湿陷系数coefficient of compressibility, av 压缩系数coefficient of consolidation, cv 固结系数coefficient of consolidation for radial flow 径向固结系数coefficient of correlation 相关系数coefficient of curvature 曲率系数coefficient of deformation 变形系数coefficient of dynamic viscosity 动力黏滞系数coefficient of earth pressure at rest, Ko 静止土压力系数coefficient of elastic non-uniform compression 弹性非均匀压缩系数coefficient of elastic shear 弹性剪切系数coefficient of elastic uniform compression 弹性均匀压缩系数coefficient of foundation ditch’s rebound 基坑回弹系数co efficient of friction, μ 摩擦系数coefficient of horizontal consolidation, ch 水平固结系数coefficient of internal friction 内摩擦系数coefficient of kinematic viscosity 运动黏滞系数coefficient of passive earth pressure, Kp 被动土压力系数coefficient of permeability, k 渗透系数coefficient of resilience 回弹系数coefficient of restitution 恢复系数coefficient of rigidity 刚度系数coefficient of secondary consolidation 次固结系数coefficient of seismic effect 地震影响系数coefficient of self-weight collapsibility 自重湿陷系数coefficient of shrinkage 收缩系数coefficient of softening 软化系数coefficient of sorting 分选系数coefficient of stiffness 刚度系数coefficient of subgrade reaction, ks 基床反力系数coefficient of swelling 膨胀系数coefficient of thaw 融化系数coefficient of thaw compression 融化压缩系数coefficient of thaw-subsidence 融沉系数coefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数coefficient of thermometric conductivity 导温系数coefficient of thermometric transmission 热渗系数coefficient of uniformity 均匀系数coefficient of vertical consolidation, cv 垂向固结系数coefficient of viscosity, η 黏滞系数coefficient of volume change 体积变化系数coefficient of volume compressibility 体积压缩系数cofferdam 围堰cofferdam-bracing 围堰支撑cohesiometer 黏度计cohesion, c 黏聚力,内聚力,凝聚力cohesionless soil 无黏性土cohesive soil 黏性土collapse 崩塌,坍陷;湿陷collapse post 陷落柱collapse settlement 坍陷沉降;湿陷量collapsibility 塌陷性;湿陷性collapsibility grading index 分级湿陷collapsible loess 湿陷性黄土collapsible soil 湿陷性土collar (of a drill hole) ( 钻孔)顶;护圈;束套;套环collection station 观测站collector well 集水井colloid fraction 胶粒粒组colloidal particle 胶粒colluvial fan 坡积扇colluvial lobe 坡积舌colluvium 坡积物colonnade foundation 管柱基础colonnade foundation process 管柱基础施工法colour code 颜色代号[码]column 支柱column pile 端承桩,柱桩columnar joint 柱状节理columnar structure 柱状结构combined footing 联合基础combustible/flammable liquid 易燃液体commercial explosives 商业用爆炸品commissioned 受委任的;现役的Commissioner of Mines 矿务处处长commitment 承担额;交托;许诺;约定communal drain 公用排水渠communal service 公用供水系统compacted depth 压实深度,夯实深度compacted fill 压实填土,夯实填土compacted lift 压实分层厚度,夯实分层厚度compacted refuse 经压实的垃圾compacted soil 压实土,夯实土compactibility 可压实性,可夯实性compacting factor 压实系数,夯实系数compacting fraction value 致密化分数值,致密化分式值compaction 压实,夯实,夯压compaction by rolling 碾压compaction by vibrating roller 振动碾压法compaction characteristic 压实特性compaction curve 击实曲线,压实曲线,夯实曲线compaction device 击实仪compaction mould 击实筒compaction pile 挤密桩compaction test 压实试验,击实试验compactive effort 击实功,压实功compactness 密夯度compactor 夯压机compactor pass (夯压机)压夯遍数,碾压遍数compass 罗盘仪;罗盘,指南针compatibility equation 相容方程compensated foundation 补偿式基础completely decomposed rock 全风化岩石completion certificate 竣工证书complex landslide 复合滑坡compliance criteria 遵从准则,依从准则compliance monitoring 特定监察compliance test 验证试验composite columnar section 综合柱状图composite pile 组合桩composite sliding surface 复合滑动面composite slope 复式边坡Comprehensive Development Area, CDA (土地利用)综合发展地区Comprehensive Feasibility Study 综合可行性研究comprehensive geophysical method 综合物探方法comprehensive prediction 综合预报compressed-air caisson 气压沉箱compressed-air hammer 压缩空气锤compressed-air method (隧道) 气压法compressed-air tamper 压缩空气夯compressibility (of soil or rock) ( 土壤或岩石) 压缩性compressibility ratio 压缩比compressible soil 压缩性土;可压缩土compression 压缩compression and recovery test 压缩和复原试验compression curve 压缩曲线compression index, Cc 压缩指数compression test 压缩试验compression wave, P-wave 压缩波,P波compression zone 压缩区compressive deformation 压缩变形compressive strain, εc 压应变compressive strength 抗压强度compressive stress, ζc 压应力compresso-crushed zone 挤压破碎带computation simulation 模拟计算concentrated load 集中荷载concentration 浓渡concentration factor ( 应力) 集中因子conceptual design 方案设计;概念设计concrete 混凝土concrete batching plant 混凝土厂concrete blockwork wall 混凝土块体墙concrete buttress 混凝土扶壁;混凝土支壁concrete corer 混凝土钻心式切削机concrete cutter 混凝土切削机concrete design 混凝土配合比设计concrete gravity platform 混凝土重力式钻采平台concrete groover 混凝土开槽式切削机concrete mix 混凝土配方concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机concrete paving 混凝土覆盖concrete paving train 混凝土摊铺车concrete pile 混凝土桩concrete pump 混凝土泵concrete tubular pile 混凝土管桩condensation water 凝结水condensed water 凝结水conditions of contract 合约规则;合约章程conditions of tender 招标章程conduit 管道conduit jacking 顶管法cone bearing test 圆锥承重试验cone foundation 锥形基础cone of depression (地下水位) 下降漏斗cone of groundwater influence 水位降落漏斗cone penetration test, CPT 圆锥触探试验,静力触探试验cone penetration test with pore pressure measurement 孔压静力触探试验cone penetrometer 圆锥触探仪;(液限试验) 锥式液限仪cone resistance, qc 圆锥触探头阻力confined aquifer 层间含水层confined compression test 圈闭压缩试验confined scar 封闭断崖,封闭滑坡边崖confined water 层间水confining pressure, ζ3 (三轴试验) 侧压,围压conformable bedding 整合层面conglomerate 砾岩connate water 封存水connection 驳喉;接驳consequence of failure 崩塌后果,破坏后果,失稳后果consequence 后果,结果,影响consequence to life category (斜坡)人命后果类别Conservation Area, CA 保留地区Considerate Contractor Site Award Scheme 公德地盘奖励计划consistency 稠度consistency index, CI 稠度指数consistency limits 稠度界限consistency test 稠度试验consolidated anisotropically undrained test, CAU-test 各向不等压固结不排水试验consolidated isotropically undrained test, CIU-test 各向等压固结不排水试验consolidated undrained triaxial compression test, CU-test 固结不排水三轴压缩试验consolidated-drained direct shear test, CD-test 固结排水直剪试验,慢剪试验consolidated-drained triaxial compression test, CD-test 固结排水三轴压缩试验consolidation 固结;加固consolidation apparatus 固结仪consolidation by electro-osmosis 电渗固结consolidation curve 固结曲线consolidation deformation 固结变形consolidation grouting 固结灌浆consolidation settlement 固结沉降consolidation test 固结试验consolidation test under constant loading rate 等速率加荷固结试验consolidation test under constant rate of strain 等应变速率固结试试验consolidometer 固结仪constant gradient test 等梯度固结试验constant head permeability test 常水头渗透试验,恒定水头渗透试验constant head permeameter 常水头渗透仪constant head test 恒定水头试验,常水头试验constant pressure device 恒压装置constant rate of penetration test, CRP-test ( 桩工) 等速贯入试验constant rate of uplift test, CRU-test ( 桩工) 等速上拔试验constant volume test 恒体积试验constant-force-amplitude excitation 恒力幅激振constitutive equation 本构方程constitutive law 本构定律constitutive relation 本构关系constrained diameter 限制粒径constrained modulus 侧限模量construction and demolition[C&D]material 拆建物料construction and demolition[C&D]material sorting facility 拆建物料分类设施construction and demolition[C&D]waste 拆建废料construction cost index 建筑费用指数construction fabrics 建筑用织物construction fibers 建筑用纤维construction joint 施工缝construction load 施工荷载Construction Noise Permit 建筑噪音许可证construction sequence 施工顺序Construction Site Safety Handbook 建筑工地安全实务手册construction standard 建筑工程标准;建设标准consultancy agreement 顾问合约consultancy brief 顾问摘要consultant 顾问;顾问公司;工程顾问人员consultant management 顾问管理consultants’ fees 顾问费Consultant’s Remuneration Index, CRI 顾问酬金指数consulting engineer 顾问工程师contact erosion 接触侵蚀contact pressure 接触压力contact scouring 接触面冲蚀contaminated 受污染contaminated dredged material 受污染的疏浚物料contaminated mud受污染海泥contaminated mud pit 污泥卸置坑continental shelf 大陆架contingency action 应急措施contingency sum 应急费用;拨备金额continual loading test, CL-test 连续加荷固结试验continuing professional development 持续专业发展continuous footing 条形基础,连续基础continuous medium 连续介质continuous sampling 连续取样contour 等高线contour interval 等高距contract 合约,合同,契约contract administration 合约管理contract adviser 合约顾问contract document 合约文件。
常用术语中英对照一、建筑结构永久荷载:permanent load可变荷载:variable load偶然荷载:accidental load荷载代表值:representative values of a load 设计基准期:design reference period标准值:characteristic value/nominal value组合值:combination value频遇值:frequent value准永久值:quasi-permanent value荷载设计值:design value of a load荷载效应:load effect荷载组合:load combination基本组合:fundamental combination偶然组合:accidental combination标准组合:characteristic/nominal combination 频遇组合:frequent combinations准永久组合:quasi-permanent combination等效均布荷载:equivalent uniform live load 从属面积:tributary area动力系数:dynamic coefficient基本雪压:reference snow pressure基本风压:reference wind pressure地面粗糙度:terrain roughness混凝土结构:concrete structure现浇结构:cast-in-situ concrete structure装配式结构:prefabricated concrete structure缺陷:defect严重缺陷:serious defect一般缺陷:common defect施工缝:construction joint结构性能检验:inspection of structural performance锚具:anchorage夹具:grip连接器:coupler预应力钢材:prestressing steel预应力筋:prestressing tendon预应力筋-锚具组装件:prestressing tendon-anchorage assembly预应力筋-夹具组装件:prestressing tendon-grip assembly预应力筋-连接器具组装件:prestressing tendon-coupler assembly内缩:draw-in预应力筋-锚具组装件的实测极限拉力:ultimate tensile force of tendon-anchorage assembly预应力筋-夹具组装件的实测极限拉力:ultimate tensile force of tendon-grip assembly受力长度:tension length预应力筋的效率系数:efficiency factor og prestressing tendon 二、钢结构零件:part部件:component构件:element小拼单元:the smallest assembled rigid unit中拼单元:intermediate assembled structure高强度螺栓连接副:set of high strength bolt抗滑移系数:slip coefficent of faying surface预拼装:test assembling空间刚度单元:space rigid unit焊钉(栓钉)焊接:stud welding环境温度:ambient temperature钢结构防火涂料:fire resistive coating for steel struture 三、抗震地震震级:earthquake magnitude地震面波:surface wave质点运动:particle motion地动位移:displacement of ground motion质点运动速度:velocity of particle motion震中距:epicentral distance量规函数:calibration function地震烈度:seismic intensity抗震设防烈度:seismic fortification intensity抗震设防标准:seismic fortification criterion地震作用:earthquake action设计地震动参数:design parameters of ground motion设计基本地震加速度:design basic acceleration of ground motion 设计特征周期:design characteristic perild of guound motion场地:site建筑抗震概念设计:seismic concept design of buildings抗震措施:seismic fortification measures抗震构造措施:details of seismic design工程抗震:earthquake engineering工程抗震决策:earthquake engineering decision抗震对策:earthquake protective counter-measure抗震措施:earthquake protective counter抗震设防:earthquake fortification搞震设防标准:earthquake fortification level抗震设防区: earthquake fortification zone抗震设防区划:earthquake fortification zoning基本烈度:basic intensity多遇地震烈度:intensity of frequently occurred earthquake 罕遇地震烈度:intensity of seldomly occurred设计地震震动:design ground motion人工地震震动:artificial ground motion极限安全地震震动:ultimate-safe guound motion运动安全地震震动:operation-safe ground环境振动:ambient vibration;microtremer卓越周期:predominant period结构抗震性能:earthquake resistant behavior of structure 结构延性:ductility of structure抗震鉴定:seismic evaluation for engineering抗震加固:seismic strengthening for engineer-ing结构体系加固:structural system strengthening构件加固:structural member strengthening生命线工程:lifeling engineering工程地震学:engineering seismology地震:earthquake板内地震:intraplate earthquake板间地震:interplate earthquake人工诱发地震:artificially induced earthquake爆破诱发地震:explosion induced earthquake水库诱发地震:reservoir induced earthquake矿山陷落地震:mine depression earthquake 地震波:seismic wave地震震级:earthquake magnitude里氏震级:Richter’s magnitude活断裂:active fracture断裂活动段:fracturing segment地表断裂:surface fuacture断裂距:fracture distance震源:earthquake focus;hypocenter震源深度:focal depth浅源地震:shallow-focus earthquake深源地震:deep-focus earthquake震中:earthquake epicenter仪器震中:instrumental epicenter现场震中:field epicenter震中距:epicentral distance地震烈度:earthquake intensity烈度分布:intensity distribution烈度异常:abnormal intensity烈度异常区:intensity abnormal rigion等震线:isoseismal;isoseism等震线图:isoseismal map极震区:meizoseismal srea有感面积:felt area;area of perceptivity地震烈度表:earthquake intensity scale地震预报:earthquake prediction地震危险性:seismic hazard潜在震源:potential source点源:point source线源:linear source面源:areal source本底地震:background earthquake地震发生概率:earthquake occurrence probability 地震活动性:seismicity地震重现期:earthquake return period年平均发生率:amerage annual occurrence rate超越概率:exceedance probability地震震动参数:ground motion parameter地震震动衰减规律:attenuation law of ground motion烈度衰减规律:intensity attenuation地震能量耗散:seismic energy dissipation地震能量吸收:seismic energy absorption地震区划:seismic zonation中国地震烈度区划图:Chinese seismic intensity zoning map 地震小区划:seismic microzoning结构动态特性:dynamic properties of structure自由振动:free vibration自振周期:matural perild of vibration基本周期:fundamental period振型:vibration mode基本振型:fundamental mode高阶振型:high order mode共振:resonance振幅:amplitude of vibration阻尼振动:damping vibration阻尼:damping临界阻尼:critical damping阻尼比:damping ratio耗能系数:energy dissipation coefficient自由度:degree of freedom单自由度体系:single-degree of freedom system多自由度体系:multi-degree of freedom system集中质量:lumped mass地震反应:earthquake response随机地震反应:random earthquake response结构—液体耦联振动:structure-liquid coupling vibration强震观测:strong motion observation强震观测台网:strong motion observation metwork强震观测台阵:strong motion observation array强震仪:strong motion instrument三分量地震计仪:three-component seismometer(seismoscope) 加速度仪:accelerograph 光学记录加速度仪:optically recording accelerograph磁带记录加速度仪:magnetic-tape recording accelerograph 数字加速度仪:digital accelerograph加速度仪启动器:starter of accelerograph启动时间:starting time触发阈值:triggering threshold value加速度仪放大倍数:magnification of accelerograph时标:time marking强震记录:strong motion record加速度图:accelerogram数据处理:data proccessing基线校正:base-line correction地震震动:ground motion强地震震动:strong ground motion自由场地震震动:free field ground motion地震震动持续时间:ground motion duration地震震动强度:ground motion intensity谱烈度:spectral intensity峰值加速度:peak acceleration峰值速度:peak velocity峰值位移:peak displacement抗震试验:earthquake resistant test现场试验:in-sitr test天然地震试验:natural earthquake test人工地震试验:artificial earthquake test模拟地震震动试验:simulated ground motion tes t伪动力试验:pseudo dynamic test振动台试验:shaking table test结构动态特性测量:dynamic properties measurement of structure 自由振动试验:free vibration test初位移试验:initial displacement test初速度试验:initial vibuation test强迫振动试验:forced vibration test偏心块起振试验:rotation eccentric mass excitation test液压激振试验:hydraulic excitation test人激振动试验:man-escitation test环境振动试验:ambient(environmental) excitation test动态参数识别:dynamic parameter identification伪静力试验:pseudo static test偱环加载试验:cyclic loading test滞回曲线:hysteretic curve骨架曲线:skeleton curve恢复力模型:restoring mod el土动态特性试验:dynamic property test for soil共振柱试验:resonant column test动力三轴试验:dynamic triaxial test剪切波速测试:shear wave velocity measurement单孔法:single hold method跨孔法:cross hole method场地:site危险条件site condition:有利地段:favoruable area不利地段:unfavourable area危险地段:dangerous area场地类别:site classification计算基岩面:nominal bedrock场地土:site soil场地土类型:type of site soil土层平均剪切波速:average velocity of shear wave of soil layer 土体抗震稳定性:seismic stability of soil地裂缝:ground crack构造性地裂缝:tectonic ground crack非构造性地裂缝:non-tectonic ground crack震陷:subsidence due to earthquake矿坑震陷:mining subsidence due to earthquake4.2、地基抗震术语地震地基失效:ground failure due to earthquake液化:liquefaction液化势:liquefaction potintial喷水冒砂:sandboil and waterspouts液化初步判别:preliminary discrimination of liquefaction标准贯入锤击数临界值:critical blow count in standard penetration test 液化指数:liquefaction index液化等级:class of soil liquefaction液化安全系数:liquefaction safety coefficient液化强度:liquefaction safety coefficient抗液化措施:liquefaction defence measures地基承载力抗震调整系数:modified coefficient of seismic bearing capacity of subgrade5、工程抗震设计术语5.1、抗震设计术语抗震设计:seismic design二阶段设计:two-stage design工程结构抗震类别:seismic categoryof engineering structures5.2、抗震概念设计术语抗震概念设计:conceptual design of earthquake设计近震和设计远震:design mear earthquake and design far earthquake 多道抗震设防:multi-defence system of seismic engineering抗震结构整体性:integral behaviour of seismic structure塑性变形集中:concentration of plastic deformation强柱弱梁:strong column and weak beam强剪弱弯:strong shear and weak bending capacity柔性底层:soft ground floor5.3、抗震构造设计术语抗震构造措施:earthquake resistant constructional measure 抗侧力体系:lateral resisting system抗震墙:seismic structural wall抗震支撑:seismic bracing约束砌体:confined masonry圈梁:ring beam;tie column构造柱:constructional column;tie column约束混凝土:confined concrete防震缝:seismic joint隔震:base isolation;seismic isolation滑动摩擦隔震:friction isolation滚球隔震:ball bearing isolation叠层橡胶隔震:steel-plate-laminated-rubber-bearing isolation 耗能:energy dissipation5.4抗震计算设计术语抗震计算方法:seismic checking computation method静力法:static method底部剪力法:equivalent base shear method振型分解法:modal analysis method振型参与系数:mode-participation coefficient平方和方根法:aquare root of sumsquare combination method 完全二次型方根法:complete quadric combination method时程分析法:time history method时域分析法:time history method频域分析:frequency domain analysis地震作用:earthquake action设计反应谱:response apectrum楼面反应谱:floor response spectrum反应谱特征周期:characteristic period of response spectrum 地震影响系数:seismic influence coefficient地震作用效应:seismic action effect地震作用效应系数:coefficient of seismic action地震作用效应调整系数:modified coefficient of seismic action effect 变形二次效应:secondary effect of deformation 鞭梢效应:whipping effect晃动效应:sloshing effect地震动水压力:earthquake hydraulic dynamic pressure地震动土压力:earthquake dynamic earth pressure结构抗震可靠性:reliability of earthquake resistance of structure材料抗震强度:earthquake resistant strength of materials结构抗震承载能力:seismic bearing capacity of structure杆件承载力抗震调整系数:modified coefficient of seismic bearing capacity of member结构抗震变形能力:earthquake resistant deformability of structure6、地震危害和减灾术语6.1地震危害术语危害:risk危险:hazard地震危害分析:seismic risk analysis可接受的地震危害:acceqtable seismic risk灾害:disaster地震灾害:earthquake disaster地震原生灾害:primary earthquake disaster地震次生灾害:secondary earthquake disaster海啸:tsunami震害调查:earthquake damage investigation工程结构地震破坏等级:grade of earthquake damaged engineering structure完好:intact轻微破坏:slight damage中等破坏:moderate damage严重耍破坏:severe damage倒塌:collapse震害指数:esrthquake damage结构性破坏:structural damage非结构性破坏:nonstructural damage撞击损坏:pounding damage工程震害分析:earthquake damage analysis of engineering6.2减轻地震灾害术语减轻地震灾害:earthquake disaster mitigation震害预测:earthquake disaster prediction易损性:vulnerability累积损坏:cumulative damage地震经济损失:economic loss due to earthquake地震直接经济损失:direct economic loss due to earthquake 地震间接经济损失:indirect economic loss due to earthquake 地震社会损失(影响):social effect due to earthquake地震人员伤亡:earthquake casualty地震破坏率:earthquake casualty修复费用:rehabilitation cost抗震减灾规划:earthquake disaster reduction planing城市抗震减灾规划:urban earthquake disaster reduction planning工矿企业抗震减灾规划:earthquake disaster reduction planning for industrial enterpriss土地利用规划:land use planning灾害保险:disaster insurance地震灾害保险:earthquake disaster insurance震后救援:post-earthquake relief震后恢复:post-earthquake rehabilitation四、幕墙建筑幕墙:building curtain wall组合幕墙:composite curtain wall玻璃幕墙:glass curtain wall斜玻璃幕墙:inclinde building curtain wall框支承玻璃幕墙:frame supported glass curtain wall明框玻璃幕墙:exposed frame supported glass curtain wall 隐框玻璃幕墙:hidden frame supported glass curtain wall半隐框玻璃幕墙:semi-hidden frame supported glass curtain wall单元式玻璃幕墙:frame supported glass curtain wall assembled inprefabricated units构件式玻璃幕墙:frame supported glass curtain wallassembled inelements全玻璃幕墙:full glass curtain wall点支承玻璃幕墙:point-supported glass curtain wall支承装置:supporting device支承结构:suppouting structure钢绞线:strand硅酮结构密封胶:structural silicone sealant硅酮建筑密封胶:weather proofing silicone双面胶带:double-faced adhesive tape双金属腐蚀:bimetallic corrosion相容性:compatibility五、防火高层民用建筑设计防火规范裙房:skirt building建筑高度:building altitude耐火极限:duration of fire resistance不燃烧体:non-combustible component难燃烧体:hard-combustible component燃烧体:combustible component综合楼:multiple-use building商住楼:business-living building网局级电力调度楼:large-scale power dispatcher’building 高级旅馆:high-grade hotel高级住宅:high-grade hotel重要的办公楼、科研楼、档案楼:important office building、laboratory、archive半地下室:semi-basement地下室:basement安全出口:safety exit挡烟垂壁:hang wall六、防雷和采光建筑物防雷设计规范接闪器:air-termination system引下线:down-conductor system接地装置:earth-termination system接地体:earth-termination接地线:earth electrode防雷装置:lightning protection system,LPS 直击雷:direct lightning flash雷电感应:lightning induction。
drillworks 界面翻译
DRILLWORKS翻译一、开始一个新的项目Create a Project: Step 1—Specify Project General Information创建一个项目:步骤1—具体项目的概要信息Project location 项目位置Project name 项目名字Description 描述Analyst 分析人员Default depth unit 默认深度单位Copy library as a well into project 复制库文件作为一口井到项目中Create a well—step 1: Specify Data Source创建一口井—步骤1:具体的数据来源Source well 井的来源None 没有From a well in this project (copy well information only)来自于这个项目中的一口井(只复制井的信息)From a well in this project (Copy well information and all data inside this well)来自于这个项目中的一口井(复制井的信息和这口井的所有数据)From an LAS file 来自一个LAS文件View generation 视图生成Automatically create views using the system default views 用系统默认的视图自动创建视图View name generate schemes 视图名字产生方案Create a Well – Step2: Collect Well General Information创建一口井—步骤2:选择井的概要信息Well name 井的名子;Description 描述Operator 操作人员;Analyst 分析人员Unique Well Identifier 井的唯一标识符Rig name 钻探设备名字Status状态;Well type 井的类型Security level 安全级别;Spud date 开钻日期Completion date 完钻日期Depth unit 深度单位Air gap 空气间隙Water depth 水深Elevation 海拔Total MD 总测量深度Total TVD 总实际垂直深度Create a Well – Step 3: Collect Well Location Information创建一口井—步骤3:选择井的位置信息World location: 位置Area: 地区Country 国家Field 油田Block number 区块号码Coordinate system: 坐标体系UTM zone number二、输入数据Well Survey Import Step 1: Select Data Source输入井的测量数据步骤1:选择数据来源An external file 外部文件Open spiritWell Survey Import Step 2: Select Source File输入井的测量数据步骤2:选择源文件Select File Name: 选取的文件名Browse 浏览Well Survey Import Step 3: Select well and format输入井的测量数据步骤3:选择井及其规格Decimal Point Symbol: 小数点符号Survey File Format 测量文件的格式Space delimited header 空格键分割标题Tab delimited header “Tab”键分割标题Depth Reference 深度的参考方式Kelly bushing level 方钻杆套管平面Mean sea level 平均海平面Ground level 地平面Depth Unit 深度单位Feet 英尺Meter 米Well Survey Import Step 4: Map Measured DepthAnd Column输入井的测量数据步骤4:测量深度和列的对应关系Import Option 输入选项Measure depth(MD), inclination and azimuth 测量深度,倾斜角和方位角Measure depth (MD), true vertical depth (TVD), inclination and azimuth测量深度,实际垂直深度,倾斜角和方位角Measure depth(MD), true vertical depth (TVD) only 测量深度,实际垂直深度Select a MD channel: 选择测量深度通道Select an inclination channel: 选择倾斜角通道Select an azimuth channel: 选择方位角通道Select a TVD channel 选择垂直深度通道Dataset Import Step 1: Select a Data Source 数据集输入步骤1:选择数据源Specify a data source: 指定一个数据源An external file 来自外部文件Clipboard(tab delimited text column format) 剪贴板(tab 分割文本的列格式)OpenSpirit objectsDataset Import Step 2: Specify Import Option 数据集输入步骤2:指定输入选项Dataset creation/append options 数据集的创建/附加选项Create a new dataset 创建一个新的数据集Append to the end of an existing dataset 附加到已存在的数据集末尾Overwrite an existing dataset if overlap 如果重复覆盖已存在的数据集Replace all data in an existing dataset 替换已存在的数据集的所有数据Depth interval options 深度间隔选项As is 按照原有数据Specify:指定Dataset import step 3: specify input data settings and select input channels数据集输入步骤3:指定输入数据设置和选择输入通道Select a depth channel 选择深度通道Select data channel(s) 选择数据通道Depth unit 深度单位Depth conversion options 深度转换选项Source in TVD: no conversion 来源是实际深度:不转换Source in MD: use survey data 来源是测量深度:使用测量数据Use a top table 使用顶部平台Depth reference level: 深度参考水平面Decimal point symbol(for text file only): 小数点符号(只用于文本文件)Dataset import step 4: map an input data channel to a new or existing dataset数据集输入步骤4:把一个输入数据频道映射到一个新的或现有的数据组Channel name 通道名称New dataset settings 新数据集设置Dataset name: 数据集名称Color:颜色Line style: 线型Symbol: 记号Append settings 附加设置Datatype: 数据类型Unit: 单位Create a Dataset – Step 1: Specify Data Source 创建数据集—步骤1:指定数据来源Data source 数据来源None 没有A dataset 数据集Well 井Dataset: 数据集Copy all line groups and annotations 复制所有的线群和注解A line group 线群Well 井Dataset 数据集Line group 线群Interpolation 插补Create dataset – step 2: Collect New Dataset Information创建数据集—步骤2:收集新的数据信息Well name: 井的名称Dataset name: 数据集名称Description: 描述Index type: 列表类型Index unit: 列表单位Reference level: 参照平面Edit dataset 编辑数据集Select a well 选择一口井Select a dataset 选择数据集Add datasets to track 给轨迹增加数据集Select a well 选择一口井Select datasets: 选择数据集三、根据岩性曲线采集页岩间隔Track properties 轨迹属性Select a track: 选择一条轨迹Horizontal scale type 水平比例尺类型Linear 线性log 对数Number of grid lines: 栅格线数量Track width(pixels): 轨迹宽度(像素)Vertical scale type: 垂直比例类型Vertical scale value: 垂直比例值ft/in 英尺/英寸Start date: 开始日期Option: 选项Show grid 显示栅格Show ruler 显示标尺Show vertical scale 显示垂直比例尺Show vertical scale type 显示垂直比例类型Horizontal rescale 水平线重新依比例决定Show water depth mark 显示水深标记Show seismic marker 显示地震指示层Create a line group 创建线群Select a dataset that the new line group will be associated with:选择一个和新建线群相关联的数据集New line group attributes 新建线群的属性Name 名称Color 颜色Line style: 线的类型GR shale lines γ页岩线添加线条删除线条移动端点平移线条use least square interpolation 交互计算撤销上一步操作存盘撤销所有操作并退出帮助四、把页岩间隔转移到孔隙度指示数据Transferring Shale Intervals to Porosity-Indicating DatasetsShale point analysis—Step 1: Select a Method页岩点分析—步骤1:选择一种方法Use a line group 使用一组线群Use parameters 使用参数Use a shale index dataset 使用页岩索引数据组Use a shale volume dataset 使用页岩体积数据组Shale point analysis—Step 2: Select a Well页岩点分析—步骤1:选择一口井Shale point analysis—Step 3: collect Parameter Information页岩点分析—步骤3:收集参数信息Select a lithology dataset: 选择岩性数据Select a porosity dataset: 选择孔隙度数据Select a line group 选择一组线群Shale point pick criteria 页岩点采集标准Points are large than those on RLG 页岩点比参考线群大Point are less than those on RLG 页岩点比参考线群小Shale Point Analysis—Step 4: Collect New Dataset Information页岩点分析--步骤4:收集新的数据信息Well name: 井的名称Dataset name: 数据名称Description: 描述Index type: 列表类型Datatype: 数据类型Color 颜色Line style: 线型Symbol: 符号五、Making the Refined Porosity-Indicating DatasetFilter a dataset – Step 1: Select a Method过滤一些数据—步骤1:选择一种方法Simple boxcarShrink boxcarMoving weighted average过滤一些数据集步骤2:采集输入信息Input well: 选择输入的井Input dataset: 选择输入数据集Number of filter points (3 to 1999, odd number): 过滤得点数(3到1999的奇数)Filter window size(specify 0 to indicate no window size):过滤器窗口大小(???)Moving weighted average – Specify weights below(comma delimited, maximum 25):Filter a dataset – Step 3: Collect new Dataset Information过滤一些数据集步骤3:采集新的数据集信息Dataset name: 数据集名称Description:描述Datatype: 数据类型Unit:单位Color 颜色Line style: 线型Symbol: 符号Has text column 有文本列显示过滤后的孔隙度数据集六、上负岩层压力梯度的展开Density Analysis – Step 1: Select a Method密度分析—步骤1:选择一种方法Gardner interval velocity 速度间隔Gardner sonic 声波Miller 米勒Porosity 孔隙度Density Analysis – Step 2: Select a well 密度分析步骤2:选择一口井Select a well 选择一口井Density Analysis – Step 3: Collect Parameter Information密度分析—步骤3:收集参数信息Location type 位置Near sediment source 沉淀物来源附近Distant sediment source 原理沉淀物来源Porosity A 孔隙度APorosity B 孔隙度BPorosity decline parameter: 孔隙度衰减参数Curvature parameter 曲率参数Bottom depth below mudline: 泥线以下的底端深度Water density 水密度Formation matrix density 基岩地层密度Density Analysis – Step 4: Collect New Dataset Information密度分析—步骤4:收集新的数据集信息Well name: 井的名称Dataset name: 数据集名称Description: 描述Index type: 列表类型Create a Dataset from Multiple Datasets 从多重数据集中创建一个数据Well name: 井的名称Dataset name: 数据集名称Datatype: 数据类型Unit: 单位Display attributes: 显示的属性Source datasets 原数据集Filter过滤Project: Predict Tutorial View: Basic Log Data --- Drillworks PredictOverburden Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 1: Select a Method上负岩层压力梯度分析—步骤1:选择一种方法Bulk density 体密度Density porosity 密度孔隙度Amoco 美国石油公司Barker and WoodOverburden Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 2: Select a Well上负岩层压力梯度 – 步骤2:选择一口井Overburden Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 3: Collect Parameter Information上负岩层压力梯度分析 – 步骤3:收集参数信息Bulk density log 体密度测井Top depth of first valid data: 首个有效数据的顶端深度Bottom depth: 底部深度Water density: 水密度Density at mudline: 泥水分界线处的密度Formation matrix density: 地层母岩密度Pore fluid density: 孔隙液体密度Note: Missing values will be linearly interpolated between the value at mudline and the value at the specified top of valid data注意:漏测值将被线性的插入在泥线值和有效数据在指定顶端的数值之间Overburden Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 4: Collect New Dataset Information上负岩层压力梯度分析 – 步骤4:收集新的数据信息Well name: 井的名称Dataset name: 数据集名称Description: 描述Reference column type: 参考列类型Depth interval: 深度间隔七、正常压实趋势展开Create a Line Group创建一组线群Select a dataset that the new line group will be associated with: 选择一组数据,此数据与新线群相关联Normal compaction trend analysis – step 1: Selecta Method正常压实趋势分析—步骤1:选择一种方法Bowers sonic: Bowers 声波Bowers interval velocity:Bowers间隔速度Miller sonic: Miller声波Miller interval velocity:Miller间隔速度Skagen sonic:Skagen声波Skagen interval velocity:Skagen间隔速度Semi-log sonic 半对数声波Semi-log interval velocity 半对数间隔速度Semi-log resistivity 半对数电阻率Normal comaction trend analysis – step 2: select awell正常压实趋势分析—步骤2:选择一口井Normal compaction trend analysis – step 3: Collect Parameter Information正常压实趋势分析—步骤3:收集参数信息Start depth:起始深度Parameter A option 参数A选项Use constant 使用常数Use dataset 使用数据Parameter B option 参数B选项Mudline sonic 泥线声波Normal pore pressure gradient 正常孔隙压力梯度Overburden gradient option 上负岩层压力梯度选项Normal compaction trend analysis – step 4: Collect New Dataset Information正常压实趋势分析—步骤4:收集新的数据信息Well name 井的名称Dataset name 数据名称Description 描述Index type 列表类型Create a Dataset from MultipleDatasets: 从多重数据集中创建一组数据Well name:井的名称Dataset name 数据名称Datatype 数据类型Unit 单位Display attributes: 显示属性Source datasets 源数据集八、进行孔隙压力分析Pore Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 3: Collect Parameter Information孔隙压力梯度分析步骤3:收集参数信息Trend input option 趋势输入选项From a compaction trend dataset 来自压实趋势数据From the input specified at right 来自右边指定的输入数据Sonic dataset:声波数据Start depth:起始深度Unloading inputs 卸载输入Unloading exponent:卸载指数Maximum velocity depth 最大速度深度Pore Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 4: Collect New Dataset Information孔隙压力梯度分析—步骤4:收集新的数据信息Well name 井的名称Dataset name 数据名称Description 描述Index type 列表类型Edit DT trend Bowers 编辑DT trend Bowers数据Mudline sonic 泥线声波Normal PPG正常孔隙压力梯度A:B:OBG dataset:上负岩层压力数据集Update all child datasets更新所有的子数据集Pore pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 3: CollectParameter Information孔隙压力梯度分析—步骤3:收集参数信息Porosity trend dataset 孔隙度趋势数据Normal trend option 正常趋势选择Use a line group使用一组线群Use a dataset使用数据Depth of first valid reading第一次有效读取深度Normal pore pressure 正常孔隙压力Eaton exponent Eaton指数Use constant 使用常数Use dataset使用数据Overburden gradient option上负岩层压力梯度选项Pore Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 4: CollectNew dataset Information孔隙压力梯度—步骤4:收集新的数据信息Well name 井的名称Dataset name 数据名称Description 描述Index type 列表类型九、进行破裂压力梯度分析Fracture Gradient Analysis – Step 1: Select a Method破裂压力梯度分析—步骤1:选择一种方法Eaton 伊顿Daines 丹尼斯Matthews and Kelly 马修斯和凯利Breckels and Van EekelenFracture Gradient Analysis – Step 2: Select a Well破裂压力梯度分析—步骤2:选择一口井Select a well 选择一口井Fracture Gradient Analysis – Step 3: CollectParameter Information破裂压力梯度分析—步骤3:收集参数信息Pore pressure dataset 孔隙压力数据集Overburden gradient 上负岩层压力梯度Constant 常数Dataset 数据集Tectonic stress 大地构造应力Poisson ratio option 泊松系数选项Use a constant 使用常数Use a dataset 使用数据集Fracture Gradient Analysis – Step 4: Collect New Dataset Information 破裂压力梯度分析—步骤4:收集新的数据信息Well name 井的名称Dataset name 数据集名称Description 描述Index type 列表类型Datatype 数据类型Color 颜色Line style 线型Symbol 符号十、进行安全密封分析Safe Seal Analysis – Step 1: Select a Crest Well安全密封分析—步骤1:选择一口脊井Select a crest wellSafe Seal Analysis – Step 2: Collect Parameter Information安全密封分析—步骤2:收集参数信息Crest wellCrest FPCrest depth:Gas-Oil depth 油气深度Oil-Water depth 油水深度Temperature dataset 温度数据集Centroid wellCentroid PPCentroid depthGas SGOil density 油密度Water density 水密度Calculate Gas Specific Gravity (Relative to Air) 计算气的比重(相对于空气)Use gas composition 用气体成分Fill in the fractions of C1, C2, C3, n-C4 whose sum is 1.0填写小数到C1, C2, C3, n-C4,总和为1.0Convert from other units 单位转换Gas density 气体密度Gas SG(air)计算后的结果将改变步骤2的Gas-Oil depth(油气深度)和Oil-Water depth(油水深度)见下图Safe Seal Analysis – Step 2: Collect ParameterInformation安全密封分析—步骤2:收集参数信息Gas-Oil depth 油气深度Oil-Water depth 油水深度Safe Seal Analysis – Step3: Collect New Dataset Information安全密封分析—步骤3:收集新的数据集信息Well name 井的名称Dataset name 数据集名称Description 描述Index type 列表类型。
be opposed (doing) sth. object to (diong) sth
反对(做) 某事
oppose(doing)sth. be against(doing)sth.
(1) Many local people opposed building (build)the new airport. (2) My mother was very much opposed to my going (go) abroad.
mistቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱke he had made.
解题指导:have no choice but to do sth. 除了做某事别无选择。
教材原句 On the one hand , there are many diferent groups of people around the world who live happily in the absence of new technology . 一方面,世界上有许多不同的 群体,他们在没有新技术的情况下幸福地生活着。
(2) occupied adj. 忙于……的 be occupied(in)doing sth./with sth. 忙于(做)某事
(1) — Why don’t you choose engineer as your occupation (occupy)?
— Because I don’t want to devote myself to lifeless machines.
(1) occupation 泛指任何一种工作,常用于正式文件。 (2) profession 指需要特别教育和训练的职业,如医生、律师、教师等。 (3) career 指多年甚至终生从事的职业。 (4) job 可指任何有收益的工作,指为雇主工作。 【词语积累】
目录一、表示否定 (1)1、a- 加在单词或词根前面,表示"不,无,非" asocial 不好社交的(a+social好社交的)apolitical [ˌepəˈlɪtɪkəl]对政治不感兴趣的(a+political政治的) (1)3、an-在词根前,表示"不,无" (1)4、anti-表示"反对,相反" (1)5、contra-表示"反对,相反" (2)6、dis- (2)7、hetero-其他的,不同的、异类,异种 (2)8、in(在m,b,p前面为im,在r前为ir,l前为il) (2)10、mis-表示“错误,坏” (3)11、non-表示”不,非” (4)12、un- 表示“不,无,没有” (4)二、表示方位关系 (4)三、表数量 (8)四、描述 (10)1、表示共同 (10)2、表程度 (11)3、其他 (13)4、个改变词性前缀:en、a、be (16)前缀一、表示否定1、a- 加在单词或词根前面,表示"不,无,非"asocial 不好社交的(a+social好社交的)apolitical [ˌepəˈlɪtɪkəl]对政治不感兴趣的(a+political政治的)at ypical [eˈtɪpɪkəl] adj.非典型的atheist[ˈeθiɪst] n.无神论者(a+ theist有神论者)2、ab-,abs-加在词根前,表示"相反,离去"等abnormal 反常的(ab+normal正常的)abuse 滥用(ab+use用→用坏→滥用)absent 缺席的(ab+sent出现→没有出现→缺席的)abduct [æbˈdʌkt] vt.劫持;诱拐(ab+duct[dʌkt]n.管,导管,引导→引走→诱拐)abject [ˈæbˌdʒɛkt] adj.卑鄙的,下贱的;(指境况)凄惨的,可怜的(ab+ject抛→抛掉→可怜的)abstract 抽象的;心不在焉的(abs+tract拉→被拉开→心不在焉)abscise [æbˈsaɪz]v. 切除被切除(abs+cise剪→剪掉→切除)3、an-在词根前,表示"不,无"anarchism [ˈænɚˌkɪzəm] 无政府主义(an+arch统治+ism→无统治→无政府主义)anonymous [əˈnɑnəməs]adj. 无名的;假名的;匿名的(an+onym名字+ous→匿名的)4、anti-表示"反对,相反"antivirus[ˌæntiˈvaɪrəs]n. 抗病毒液antiwar 反战的(anti+war战争)anticancer [ˌæntɪˈkænsɚ]adj. 抗癌的antonym[ˈæntəˌnɪm]n. 反义词antipathy [ænˈtɪpəθi]n反感(anti+pathy(拉丁语后缀)变态或疾病)antibiotic[ˌæntɪbaɪˈɑtɪk]抗生素的,抗生素anti+bio生物+ t连接词+ic与。
I P M—M B A L培训手册INTEGRATED PRODUCTION MODELLINGMBAL北京阳光杰科科技有限公司目录MBAL模块功能简介MBAL模块集成了大量经典的油气藏动态分析方法,包括:物质平衡法、多层合采产量劈分、蒙特卡洛模拟、递减曲线分析、水驱前缘法、气藏典型曲线法等。
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一、开始一个新的项目Create a Project: Step 1—Specify Project General Information创建一个项目:步骤1—具体项目的概要信息Project location 项目位置Project name 项目名字Description 描述Analyst 分析人员Default depth unit 默认深度单位Copy library as a well into project 复制库文件作为一口井到项目中Create a well—step 1: Specify Data Source 创建一口井—步骤1:具体的数据来源Source well 井的来源None 没有From a well in this project (copy well information only)来自于这个项目中的一口井(只复制井的信息)From a well in this project (Copy well information and all data inside this well)来自于这个项目中的一口井(复制井的信息和这口井的所有数据)From an LAS file 来自一个LAS文件View generation 视图生成Automatically create views using the system default views 用系统默认的视图自动创建视图View name generate schemes 视图名字产生方案Create a Well – Step2: Collect Well General Information 创建一口井—步骤2:选择井的概要信息Well name 井的名子Description 描述Operator 操作人员Analyst 分析人员Unique Well Identifier 井的唯一标识符Rig name 钻探设备名字Status状态Well type 井的类型Security level 安全级别Spud date 开钻日期Completion date 完钻日期Depth unit 深度单位Air gap 空气间隙Water depth 水深Elevation 海拔Total MD 总测量深度Total TVD 总实际垂直深度Create a Well – Step 3: Collect Well Location Information 创建一口井—步骤3:选择井的位置信息World location: 位置Area: 地区Country 国家Field 油田Block number 区块号码Coordinate system: 坐标体系UTM zone number二、输入数据Well Survey Import Step 1: Select Data Source 输入井的测量数据步骤1:选择数据来源An external file 外部文件Open spiritWell Survey Import Step 2: Select Source File 输入井的测量数据步骤2:选择源文件Select File Name: 选取的文件名Browse 浏览Well Survey Import Step 3: Select well and format 输入井的测量数据步骤3:选择井及其规格Decimal Point Symbol: 小数点符号Survey File Format 测量文件的格式Space delimited header 空格键分割标题Tab delimited header “Tab”键分割标题Depth Reference 深度的参考方式Kelly bushing level 方钻杆套管平面Mean sea level 平均海平面Ground level 地平面Depth Unit 深度单位Feet 英尺Meter 米Well Survey Import Step 4: Map Measured Depth And Column输入井的测量数据步骤4:测量深度和列的对应关系Import Option 输入选项Measure depth(MD), inclination and azimuth 测量深度,倾斜角和方位角Measure depth (MD), true vertical depth (TVD), inclination and azimuth测量深度,实际垂直深度,倾斜角和方位角Measure depth(MD), true vertical depth (TVD) only 测量深度,实际垂直深度Select a MD channel: 选择测量深度通道Select an inclination channel: 选择倾斜角通道Select an azimuth channel: 选择方位角通道Select a TVD channel 选择垂直深度通道Dataset Import Step 1: Select a Data Source 数据集输入步骤1:选择数据源Specify a data source: 指定一个数据源An external file 来自外部文件Clipboard(tab delimited text column format) 剪贴板(tab 分割文本的列格式)OpenSpirit objectsDataset Import Step 2: Specify Import Option 数据集输入步骤2:指定输入选项Dataset creation/append options 数据集的创建/附加选项Create a new dataset 创建一个新的数据集Append to the end of an existing dataset 附加到已存在的数据集末尾Overwrite an existing dataset if overlap 如果重复覆盖已存在的数据集Replace all data in an existing dataset 替换已存在的数据集的所有数据Depth interval options 深度间隔选项As is 按照原有数据Specify:指定Dataset import step 3: specify input data settings and select input channels 数据集输入步骤3:指定输入数据设置和选择输入通道Select a depth channel 选择深度通道Select data channel(s) 选择数据通道Depth unit 深度单位Depth conversion options 深度转换选项Source in TVD: no conversion 来源是实际深度:不转换Source in MD: use survey data 来源是测量深度:使用测量数据Use a top table 使用顶部平台Depth reference level: 深度参考水平面Decimal point symbol(for text file only): 小数点符号(只用于文本文件)Dataset import step 4: map an input data channel to a new or existing dataset 数据集输入步骤4:把一个输入数据频道映射到一个新的或现有的数据组Channel name 通道名称New dataset settings 新数据集设置Dataset name: 数据集名称Color:颜色Line style: 线型Symbol: 记号Append settings 附加设置Datatype: 数据类型Unit: 单位Create a Dataset – Step 1: Specify Data Source 创建数据集—步骤1:指定数据来源Data source 数据来源None 没有A dataset 数据集Well 井Dataset: 数据集Copy all line groups and annotations 复制所有的线群和注解A line group 线群Well 井Dataset 数据集Line group 线群Interpolation 插补Create dataset – step 2: Collect New Dataset Information 创建数据集—步骤2:收集新的数据信息Well name: 井的名称Dataset name: 数据集名称Description: 描述Index type: 列表类型Index unit: 列表单位Reference level: 参照平面Edit dataset 编辑数据集Select a well 选择一口井Select a dataset 选择数据集Add datasets to track 给轨迹增加数据集Select a well 选择一口井Select datasets: 选择数据集三、根据岩性曲线采集页岩间隔Track properties 轨迹属性Select a track: 选择一条轨迹Horizontal scale type 水平比例尺类型Linear 线性log 对数Number of grid lines: 栅格线数量Track width(pixels): 轨迹宽度(像素)Vertical scale type: 垂直比例类型Vertical scale value: 垂直比例值ft/in 英尺/英寸Start date: 开始日期Option: 选项Show grid 显示栅格Show ruler 显示标尺Show vertical scale 显示垂直比例尺Show vertical scale type 显示垂直比例类型Horizontal rescale 水平线重新依比例决定Show water depth mark 显示水深标记Show seismic marker 显示地震指示层Create a line group 创建线群Select a dataset that the new line group will be associated with: 选择一个和新建线群相关联的数据集New line group attributes 新建线群的属性Name 名称Color 颜色Line style: 线的类型GR shale lines γ页岩线添加线条删除线条移动端点平移线条use least square interpolation交互计算撤销上一步操作存盘撤销所有操作并退出帮助四、把页岩间隔转移到孔隙度指示数据集Transferring Shale Intervals to Porosity-Indicating DatasetsShale point analysis—Step 1: Select a Method 页岩点分析—步骤1:选择一种方法Use a line group 使用一组线群Use parameters 使用参数Use a shale index dataset 使用页岩索引数据组Use a shale volume dataset 使用页岩体积数据组Shale point analysis—Step 2: Select a Well 页岩点分析—步骤1:选择一口井Shale point analysis—Step 3: collect Parameter Information 页岩点分析—步骤3:收集参数信息Select a lithology dataset: 选择岩性数据Select a porosity dataset: 选择孔隙度数据Select a line group 选择一组线群Shale point pick criteria 页岩点采集标准Points are large than those on RLG 页岩点比参考线群大Point are less than those on RLG 页岩点比参考线群小Shale Point Analysis—Step 4: Collect New Dataset Information 页岩点分析--步骤4:收集新的数据信息Well name: 井的名称Dataset name: 数据名称Description: 描述Index type: 列表类型Datatype: 数据类型Color 颜色Line style: 线型Symbol: 符号显示来自于声波曲线的页岩点五、Making the Refined Porosity-Indicating DatasetFilter a dataset – Step 1: Select a Method 过滤一些数据—步骤1:选择一种方法Simple boxcarShrink boxcarMoving weighted averageFilter a dataset – Step 2: Collect Input Information 过滤一些数据集步骤2:采集输入信息Input well: 选择输入的井Input dataset: 选择输入数据集Number of filter points (3 to 1999, odd number): 过滤得点数(3到1999的奇数)Filter window size(specify 0 to indicate no window size): 过滤器窗口大小(???)Moving weighted average – Specify weights below (comma delimited, maximum 25):Filter a dataset – Step 3: Collect new Dataset Information 过滤一些数据集步骤3:采集新的数据集信息Dataset name: 数据集名称Description:描述Datatype: 数据类型Unit:单位Color 颜色Line style: 线型Symbol: 符号Has text column 有文本列显示过滤后的孔隙度数据集六、上负岩层压力梯度的展开Density Analysis – Step 1: Select a Method 密度分析—步骤1:选择一种方法Gardner interval velocity 速度间隔Gardner sonic 声波Miller 米勒Porosity 孔隙度Density Analysis – Step 2: Select a well 密度分析步骤2:选择一口井Select a well 选择一口井Density Analysis – Step 3: Collect Parameter Information 密度分析—步骤3:收集参数信息Location type 位置Near sediment source 沉淀物来源附近Distant sediment source 原理沉淀物来源Porosity A 孔隙度APorosity B 孔隙度BPorosity decline parameter: 孔隙度衰减参数Curvature parameter 曲率参数Bottom depth below mudline: 泥线以下的底端深度Water density 水密度Formation matrix density 基岩地层密度Density Analysis – Step 4: Collect New Dataset Information 密度分析—步骤4:收集新的数据集信息Well name: 井的名称Dataset name: 数据集名称Description: 描述Index type: 列表类型Create a Dataset from Multiple Datasets 从多重数据集中创建一个数据Well name: 井的名称Dataset name: 数据集名称Datatype: 数据类型Unit: 单位Display attributes: 显示的属性Source datasets 原数据集Filter过滤Project: Predict Tutorial View: Basic Log Data --- Drillworks PredictOverburden Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 1: Select a Method 上负岩层压力梯度分析—步骤1:选择一种方法Bulk density 体密度Density porosity 密度孔隙度Amoco 美国石油公司Barker and WoodOverburden Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 2: Select a Well 上负岩层压力梯度–步骤2:选择一口井Overburden Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 3: Collect Parameter Information上负岩层压力梯度分析–步骤3:收集参数信息Bulk density log 体密度测井Top depth of first valid data: 首个有效数据的顶端深度Bottom depth: 底部深度Water density: 水密度Density at mudline: 泥水分界线处的密度Formation matrix density: 地层母岩密度Pore fluid density: 孔隙液体密度Note: Missing values will be linearly interpolated between the value at mudline and the value at the specified top of valid data注意:漏测值将被线性的插入在泥线值和有效数据在指定顶端的数值之间Overburden Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 4: Collect New Dataset Information 上负岩层压力梯度分析–步骤4:收集新的数据信息Well name: 井的名称Dataset name: 数据集名称Description: 描述Reference column type: 参考列类型Depth interval: 深度间隔七、正常压实趋势展开Create a Line Group创建一组线群Select a dataset that the new line group will be associated with: 选择一组数据,此数据与新线群相关联Normal compaction trend analysis – step 1: Select a Method 正常压实趋势分析—步骤1:选择一种方法Bowers sonic:Bowers 声波Bowers interval velocity:Bowers间隔速度Miller sonic:Miller声波Miller interval velocity:Miller间隔速度Skagen sonic:Skagen声波Skagen interval velocity:Skagen间隔速度Semi-log sonic 半对数声波Semi-log interval velocity 半对数间隔速度Semi-log resistivity 半对数电阻率Normal comaction trend analysis – step 2: select a well 正常压实趋势分析—步骤2:选择一口井Normal compaction trend analysis – step 3: Collect Parameter Information正常压实趋势分析—步骤3:收集参数信息Start depth:起始深度Parameter A option 参数A选项Use constant 使用常数Use dataset 使用数据Parameter B option 参数B选项Mudline sonic 泥线声波Normal pore pressure gradient 正常孔隙压力梯度Overburden gradient option 上负岩层压力梯度选项Normal compaction trend analysis – step 4: Collect New Dataset Information 正常压实趋势分析—步骤4:收集新的数据信息Well name 井的名称Dataset name 数据名称Description 描述Index type 列表类型Create a Dataset from Multiple Datasets: 从多重数据集中创建一组数据Well name:井的名称Dataset name 数据名称Datatype 数据类型Unit 单位Display attributes: 显示属性Source datasets 源数据集八、进行孔隙压力分析Pore Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 3: Collect Parameter Information 孔隙压力梯度分析步骤3:收集参数信息Trend input option 趋势输入选项From a compaction trend dataset 来自压实趋势数据From the input specified at right 来自右边指定的输入数据Sonic dataset:声波数据Start depth:起始深度Unloading inputs 卸载输入Unloading exponent:卸载指数Maximum velocity depth 最大速度深度Pore Pressure Gradient Analysis – Step 4: Collect New Dataset Information 孔隙压力梯度分析—步骤4:收集新的数据信息Well name 井的名称Dataset name 数据名称Description 描述Index type 列表类型。