APS2415 V0.0




1. 光源:该检测器使用发光二极管作为光源。

2. 折光指数(RI)范围:该检测器的RI范围为 RIU。

3. 测量范围:该检测器的测量范围为5x10-4 RIU~7x10-9 RIU。

4. 流速:该检测器支持的流速为/min。

5. 噪声:在RIU模式下,该检测器的噪声为± RIU(1ml/min水,23-25℃,±2℃/h);在410模式下,该检测器的噪声为±3x10-9 RIU(1ml/min水,23-25℃,±2℃/h)。

6. 漂移:该检测器的漂移为1x10-7 RIU/hr。

7. 响应时间:该检测器的响应时间为、1、3、10秒。

8. 温度控制:该检测器具有内部温箱,温度控制在30~55℃±℃;同时,

9. 流通池:该检测器的流通池体积为10uL,耐压为100psi。

10. 操作面板:该检测器具有操作面板,可以独立设定工作参数和显示运行





Chipown 高性能电源芯片1,机顶盒——电源应用整体解决方案PN8136 PN81375-12W 超低待机内置MOS的AC-DC开关电源芯片APS2408 APS24152-3A,18V高效同步整流降压DC-DC转换芯片AP20082A,25V高效升压DC-DC转换芯片AP2952 AP2953 AP2972 AP1621 AP1711 0.61,5V限流负载开关芯片2,LED照明——驱动电源整体解决方案PN8322 PN83241-5W内置高压启动PSR双绕组LED恒流驱动AC-DC芯片PN83157-18W非隔离单电感BUIK高效LED恒流驱动AC-DC芯片PN8336 PN83397-24W单级PFC 非隔离BUIK高效LED恒流驱动AC-DC芯片PN83477-12W单级PFC隔离PSR高效LED恒流驱动AC-DC芯片PN8230 PN824015-40W单级PFC隔离/非隔离高效LED恒流驱动AC-DC芯片AP2210 AP22033W升压型DC-DCLED驱动芯片3,便携设备——电源应用整体解决方案平板电脑AP2952 AP2953A AP29722-3A,18V高效同步整流降压DC-DC转换芯片APS2408 APS24150.8-1.5A,6.5V高效同步整流降压DC-DC转换芯片AP312836V,PWM调光,10串LED背光专用异步升压驱动芯片AP31260.6A,20V偏置专用DC-DC转换芯片AP1621 AP17110.6-2.1,5V限流负载开关芯片手机AP312936V,PWM调光,10串LED背光手机专用异步升压驱动芯片移动电源AP20043A,6V高效异步升压DC-DC转换芯片AP5056 AP50570.8-1A,线性单节锂离子电池充电管理芯片AP53022A,开关型单节锂离子电池充电管理芯片AP5901移动电源四合一专用芯片4、专题介绍AP8012AP8022。

ZEISS Xradia 410 Versa 微子微型X线成像系统说明书

ZEISS Xradia 410 Versa 微子微型X线成像系统说明书

ZEISS Xradia 410 VersaSubmicron X-ray Imaging: Bridge the Gap in Lab-based MicroscopyProduct Information Version 1.1Xradia 410 Versa bridges the gap between high-performing X-ray microscopes and less powerful, lower-cost computed tomography (CT) systems. Delivering non-destructive 3D imaging with industry best resolution, contrast, and in situ capabilities, Xradia 410 Versa enables you to achieve groundbreaking research for the widest range of sample sizes. Enhance imaging workflow with this powerful, cost-efficient "workhorse" solution, even in diverse lab environments.A Workhorse Solution for Your 3D Submicron Imaging› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceSimpler. More Intelligent. More Integrated.Extend the Boundaries of ScienceXradia 410 Versa X-ray microscope delivers cost-efficient, flexible 3D imaging to enable you to address a wide range of samples and research environments. Non-destructive X-ray imaging preserves and extends the use of your valuable samples over time. The instrument achieves0.9 μm true spatial resolution with minimum achievable voxel size of 100 nm. Advanced absorption and phase contrast (for soft orlow-Z materials) offer you more versatility to overcome the limitations of traditional computed tomography approaches.Your Premier 4D / In Situ SolutionNon-destructive X-ray microscopes allow youto uniquely characterize the microstructure ofmaterials in their native environments—in situ—as well as to understand the evolution of proper-ties over time (4D). RaaD capabilities enableyou to maintain submicron resolution across abroad spectrum of sample dimensions in nativeenviron m ents and to use a wide range of in siturigs. The Xradia Versa In Situ Kit makes set-upoptimal and operation easy with a faster timeto results.Achieve Performance Beyond Micro-CTXradia Versa solutions extend scientific researchbeyond the limits of projection-based micro- andnano-CT systems. Where traditional tomographyrelies on a single stage of geometric magnifica-tion, Xradia 410 Versa features a unique two-stage process based on synchrotron-caliber optics.You will find it easy to use, with flexible contrast,while its breakthrough Resolution at a Distance(RaaD) enables you to achieve unprece d entedlab-based exploration for a diverse array ofapplications, sample types and sizes. And, multi-length scale capabilities enable you to imagethe same sample across a wide range of magnifi-cations. Additionally, the Scout-and-Scan controlsystem enables an efficient workflow environmentwith recipe-based set-up that makes Xradia 410Versa easy for users with a wide variety ofexperience levels.› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details › ServiceScintillatorCCDObjective Your Insight into the Technology Behind Ithigh resolution.using flexible working distances and workflow efficiencies for a diverse array of applications and samples.› In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceZEISS XRM Two-stage Magnification ArchitectureR e s o l u t i o n (µm )L o wH i g hClearance around sample rotation axis (mm)High resolution is maintained for large samplesdistances. This enables you to study the widest range of sample sizes effectively, including within in situ chambers.› ServiceYour Insight into the Technology Behind ItAchieving True ResolutionXradia Versa solutions enable you to achieve powerful 3D X-ray imagingmaintaining true submicron spatial resolution across varying distances, sample sizes, and environments. ZEISS XRM are specified on true spatial resolution, the most meaningful measurement of a microscope’s performance.Spatial resolution refers to the minimum separation at which you can resolve a feature pair with an imaging system. It is typically measured by imaging astandardized resolution target with progressively smaller line-space pairs. Spatial resolution accounts for critical characteristics such as X-ray source spot size, detector resolution, magnification geometry, and vibrational, electrical and thermal stability. Other terms such as “voxel,” “spot size,” "detail detectability," and “nominal resolution” do not provide you with an understanding of full system performance.› In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceYour Insight into the Technology Behind ItAn Edge In ContrastYou require superior contrast capabilities to reveal details needed to visualize and quantify features. Xradia Versa deliver flexible, high contrast imaging for even your most challenging materials – low atomic number (low Z) materials, soft tissue, polymers, fossilized organisms encased in amber, and other materials of low contrast.Our comprehensive approach employs proprietary Enhanced Absorption ContrastDetectors that achieve superior contrast by maximizing collection of low energy photons while minimizing collection of contrast-reducing high energy photons. In addition, Tunable Propagation Phase Contrast measures the refraction of X-ray photons at material transitions to allow you to visualize features displaying little or no contrast during absorption imaging.Pear imaged with absorption contrast – no visibility of cell walls (left), and pear imaged with phase contrast, showing details ofcell walls in normal cells and stone cells (right).› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details › ServiceTailored Precisely to Your Applications› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceLarge flip chip (10x10x1 mm) imaged at high resolutionUnstained water in Ottawa sand, imaged in a 12.5 mm diameter aluminum tubeComposite material of polyurethane, EDPM, metal oxides and high melting explosiveMurine breast tissueZEISS Xradia 410 Versa at WorkNatural Resources Materials ResearchElectronicsLife Sciences125 µm5 mm0.7 mm1 mm› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › Service1211910768354Your Flexible Imaging Solution4 System Stability for Best Imaging • Granite base vibrational isolation • Thermal environment stabilization • Low noise detector• Proprietary stabilization mechanisms5 System Flexibility for Diverse Range of Sample Sizes• Variable scanning geometry • Tunable voxel sizes• Absorption contrast mode • Phase contrast mode• Wide Field Mode (WFM) for increased lateral tomography volume with 0.4X objective• Vertical Stitching for joining multiple tomographies vertically6 Autoloader Option• Maximize productivity by reducing user intervention • Programmable handling of up to 14 samples• Automated workflows for high volume, repetitive scanning7 Sample Stage• Ultra-high precision 8-degrees of freedom sample stage 15 kg sample mass capacity8 X-ray Filters • Single filter holder• Set of 12 filters included• Custom filters available by special order 9 In Situ and 4D Solutions• Resolution at a Distance (RaaD) enables superior in situ imaging • I ntegrated in situ recipe control for Deben stages • In situ interface kit option • Custom in situ flow interface kit by special order 10 Instrument Workstation• Power workstation with fast reconstruction • Single CUDA-based GPU • Multi-core CPU • 24” display monitor11 Software• Acquisition: Scout-and-Scan Control System • Reconstruction: XMReconstructor • Viewer: XM3DViewer• Compatible with wide range of 3D viewers and analysis software programs• ORS Visual SI for 3D visualization and analysis (optional)1 X-ray Microscope• ZEISS Xradia 410 Versa with Resolution at a Distance 2 Source Options• Light materials, closed reflection source (20 – 90 kV, maximum 8 W)• High energy, closed reflection source (40 – 150 kV, maximum 10 W)• High power, closed reflection source (40 – 150 kV, maximum 30 W)3 Contrast-optimized Detectors• Innovative dual-stage detector system with detector turret of multiple objectives at different magnifications with optimized scintillators for highest contrast• 2k x 2k pixel, noise suppressed charge-coupled detector› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceTechnical Specifications› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceBecause the ZEISS microscope system is one of your most important tools, we make sure it is always ready to perform. What’s more, we’ll see to it that you are employing all the options that get the best from your microscope. You can choose from a range of service products, each delivered by highly qualified ZEISS specialists who will support you long beyond the purchase of your system. Our aim is to enable you to experience those special moments that inspire your work.Repair. Maintain. Optimize.Attain maximum uptime with your microscope. A ZEISS Protect Service Agreement lets you budget for operating costs, all the while reducing costly downtime and achieving the best results through the improved performance of your system. Choose from service agreements designed to give you a range of options and control levels. We’ll work with you to select the service program that addresses your system needs and usage requirements, in line with your organization’s standard practices.Our service on-demand also brings you distinct advantages. ZEISS service staff will analyze issues at hand and resolve them – whether using remote maintenance software or working on site. Enhance Your Microscope System.Your ZEISS microscope system is designed for a variety of updates: open interfaces allow you to maintain a high technological level at all times. As a result you’ll work more efficiently now, while extending the productive lifetime of your microscope as new update possibilities come on stream.Profit from the optimized performance of your microscope system with a Carl Zeiss service contract – now and for years to come.Count on Service in the True Sense of the Word>> /microservice› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceThe moment exploration becomes discovery.This is the moment we work for.// X-RAY MICROSCOPYMADE BY ZEISS› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceE N _40_011_004 | C Z 05-2014 | D e s i g n , s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d t e c h n i c a l p r o g r e s s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . | © C a r l Z e i s s M i c r o s c o p y G m b HCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH 07745 Jena, Germany BioSciences and Materials ********************/xrm。



深圳市沛城电子科技有限公司地址:中国广东省深圳市南山区科技园北区清华紫光信息港B座三楼联系人:曾小姐电话:86-755-82990713(直线)总机:86-755-82993060传真: 86-755-82992851E-mail: pcmy2011@MSN:yinhualy@公司网址:阿里旺铺:沛城电子是茂达(ANPEC)授权一级代理商,1、MOSFET(MOS管)APM9435为一颗P-MOSFET,VDS耐压为30V,VGS耐压为25V,提供最大的连续电流为6.2A,在VGS=10V 时,最大导通阻抗为60mΩ,采用无铅的SOP-8封装,主要作为电源的开关和PWM的功率器件的应用,常用在车载电子、LCD、便携DVD等电子产品上. 替代市面上如 CEM9435、AP9435 、AF9435 、GE9435、 GT9435 、TM9435、 MT9435、 SD9435。

APM2300CAC,SOT23封装, N沟道 20V/6A兼容,AO3400,SI2300,ME2314,GN2300,……APM2301CAC,SOT23封装, P沟道 20V/6A, 800MA VIN 2.5-5.5 BUCK PWM,兼容AO3401 ,SI2301,LT3406,RT8008,RT8009,APS1006,MP2104……APM2306,SOT23封装,兼容ME2306,GV2314……APM4412为一颗N-MOSFET,VDS耐压为30V,VGS耐压为20V,提供最大的连续电流为12A,在VGS=10V 时,最大导通阻抗为12mΩ,采用无铅的SOP-8封装,主要作为电源的开关和PWM的功率器件的应用,常用在车载电子、LCD、便携DVD,电子调速器等电子产品上。

APM4953为一颗P-MOSFET,VDS耐压为30V,VGS耐压为25V,提供最大的连续电流为6.2A,在VGS=10V 时,最大导通阻抗为60mΩ,采用无铅的SOP-8封装,主要作为电源的开关和PWM的功率器件的应用,常用在车载电子、LCD、便携DVD等电子产品上.兼容SI4953,AP4953,STM9435,MT9435……APM9926,封装SOP/TSSOP-8,兼容N9926A,应用LED显示屏APM4550:封装SOP8,应用:笔记本,场效应管APM3095:封装SOT252,其他MOSFET(MOS管):APM4953KC SOP8 双P沟道 30V/5A兼容SI4953,AP4953,STM9435,MT9435……APM2305AC SOT23 沟道 16V/3.5A兼容 SI2305……APM3055LUC TO252 N沟 30V/20A兼容STD1703APM3023NUC TO252 N沟道 30V/30A兼容AOD408,AP40T03…APM3095PUC TO252 N沟道 30V/8AAP2014NUC TO252 N沟道 20V/40A兼容SOD434,AP9T18GAPM9410KC SOP8 N沟通道30V/8A,APM4435KC SOP8 P沟道 30V/8AAPM2506NUC TO252 N沟道 25V50A兼容 06N03,AO472,AP86T02, STD70N02,60N03…APM2509NUC TO252 N沟道 25V50A兼容09N03,AO452,AP72T02,STD90N02,70N03…APM7313KC SOP8 双N沟道 30V/6A兼容IRF7313,AO48002、PWM(DC-DC升/降压IC):DC-DC升压IC:APW7077AAPW7077A是一颗升压PWM控制器,超低的启动电压(0.9V),工作电压为(0.9V~5.5V),内置软启动和固定的300K频率,APW7077A本身的驱动能力为150mA,SOT-25封装,和AP1624,NCP1450,XC6368兼容。

24G15N 用户手册说明书

24G15N 用户手册说明书

24G15N安全 (1)标志惯例 (1)电源 (2)安装 (3)清洁 (4)其它 (5)设置 (6)物品清单 (6)安装支架和底座 (7)调整视角 (8)连接显示器 (9)Adaptive-Sync功能 (10)HDR (11)调节显示器 (12)热键 (12)OSD设定 (13)Luminance(明亮度) (14)Color Setup(颜色设置) (15)Picture Boost(窗口增亮) (16)OSD Setup(OSD设置) (17)Game Setting(游戏设置) (18)Extra(其它) (19)Exit(退出) (20)LED指示灯 (21)故障排除 (22)规格 (23)主要规格 (23)预设显示模式 (24)引脚分配 (25)即插即用版权说明.................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................2626安全标志惯例以下小节描述此文档中使用的标志惯例。




APS2408 APS2415 APS2420 APS2430 5V输入高效同步BUCK变换器

APS2408 APS2415 APS2420 APS2430 5V输入高效同步BUCK变换器

APS2408 1.5MHz,800mA同步降压转换器APS2408是一款高效率,1.5MHz固定工作频率,电流模式PWM单片式降压稳压器,可以提供输出电压调种和12V18V等固定输出电的种稳器在负载时的作电流为300A当处关断时可调品种和1.2V、1.8V等固定输出电压的品种。









高效率:高达96%1.5MHz 恒定开关频率800mA输出电流(VIN=3.6V&Vout=1.8V) 手机和智能电话微处理器和DSP内核供电 无线和DSL调制解调器输出电流() 内置功率开关管及同步整流开关,无需外部肖特基二极管2.5V至6.5V输入电压范围06V平板电脑数码相机和摄像机 便携式设备输出电压可低至0.6V允许低压差操作:占空比可达100%低静态工作电流:300μA(VIN<4.2V)电流模式实现优异的线性和负载瞬态响应 短路保护和过温保护待机电流小于1μA软启动节约空间的5引脚SOT23封装APS2415 1.5MHz,1.5A同步降压转换器APS2415是一款高效率,1.5MHz固定工作频率,电流模式PWM单片式降压稳压器,该芯片有可调输出版本稳器在负载时的作电流为300A 当处关断时作电流降到1A以输入作电版本。



下武估算 ‘ () 4
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Prism TM seriesdiffuse refl ective sensors, OEM versionModels covered in this manual:8-Inch diffuse reflective modelsDC power with Cable DC power with connectorViewing style:Light operate Dark operate Light operate Dark operateNPN output Forward13156ALN1713156ADN1713156ALN0713156ADN07 Right angle13156RLN1713156RDN1713156RLN0713156RDN07PNP output Forward13156ALP1713156ADP1713156ALP0713156ADP07 Right angle13156RLP1713156RDP1713156RLP0713156RDP07NPN/PNP output Forward13156AL1713156AD1713156AL0713156AD07 Right angle13156RL1713156RD1713156RL0713156RD07 24-Inch diffuse reflective modelsDC power with cable DC power with connectorViewing style:Light operate Dark operate Light operate Dark operateNPN output Forward13157ALN1713157ADN1713157ALN0713157ADN07 Right angle13157RLN1713157RDN1713157RLN0713157RDN07PNP output Forward13157ALP1713157ADP1713157ALP0713157ADP07 Right angle13157RLP1713157RDP1713157RLP0713157RDP07NPN/PNP output Forward13157AL1713157AD1713157AL0713157AD07 Right angle13157RL1713157RD1713157RL0713157RD07a Contact factory for availability on these models.aa a a aa a a aa a a aa a a aa a a aa a aCAUTIONTHESE PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, TESTED,OR RECOMMENDED FOR USE IN HUMAN SAFETY APPLICATIONS.MAXIMUM INPUT VOLTAGE FOR DC OPERATION IS30 VDC. APPLYING VOLTAGE ABOVE THIS LIMIT WILL RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE SENSOR.USE #4 MOUNTING HARDWARE ONLY! LARGER HARDWARE WILL DAMAGE THE SENSOR AND MAY CREATE AN ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. TIGHTEN THE HARDWARE JUST TO THE SENSOR BODY SO THAT NO DEFLECTION OF THE BODY OCCURS.DO NOT USE TOOLS TO APPLY TORQUE DIRECTLY TO SENSOR BODY. ALIGN SENSOR BY HAND BEFORE TIGHTENING MOUNTING HARDWARE.THE GAIN POT IS A 3/4 TURN POT. ANY RESISTANCE ENCOUNTERED WHILE ADJUSTING THIS POT INDICATES YOU HAVE REACHED THE ADJUSTMENT LIMIT STOP. TURNING PAST THIS STOP WILL DAMAGE THE SENSOR.SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION WILL AUTOMATICALLY RESET ONCE SHORT IS REMOVED.IntroductionA diffuse reflective sensor operates by shininga beam of light out through the lens. When an object comes within the sensor’s view, it reflects part of this beam of light back to the sensor causing the sensor to detect the object. The maximum range at which a given object can be detected depends on how well its surface reflects light—the less light it reflects back, the shorter the range. The ability of a surface to reflect light depends primarily upon its material of construc-tion, color, and texture.This manual covers both forward viewing and right angle viewing models. Although the units differ in the location of the lenses, the basic fundamentals of installation, set-up, and operation are nearlyidentical.ForwardviewingMountingMounting location and set-upThe Prism sensor features a threaded housing and includes jam nuts and washers. This allows mounting into any 0.75 inch hole, or optional bracket. Use caution to avoid cross-threading the jam nuts on the sensor body. Tighten nuts to less than 4 N•m (36 in.-lbs. or 3 ft.-lbs.) torque to avoid stripping threads.A second mounting method is to use #4 hardware in the 0.125 inch diameter mounting holes in the flat sides of the sensor. This is ideal for mounting the Prism against a wall, piece of equipment, rail, mounting bracket, etc.Select a mounting location with a clear view of the object to be detected. Avoid direct reflection from a highly reflective background (or darken the background). Mount the sensor so that it points at the most suitable part of the target object.Be sure your power supply is off, then connect the sensor to thecontrol circuit and power lines. Turn the power supply on and place a sample object in the beam. Slowly turn the gain adjustment clockwise (see Warning above concerning pot adjustment) until the LED lights (for light-operate model). Note the position and remove the sample object. Now continue turning the gain setting clockwise to find the position where the LED lights from the background reflec-tion. Reset the gain midway between the two positions. Tighten all mounting screws.ote: N If background reflections are low, it will be possible to achieve a maximum gain setting without the LED lighting; in that case, set the gainmidway between the first setting and maximum (this will prevent a hysteresislatch-up after sensing an object).2Installation Instructions 110210-305Effective January 2017EATON Prism TM seriesdiffuse refl ective sensors, OEM versionetected.SpecificationsDC modelsInput voltage 10 to 30 V DC, reverse polarity protected Power dissipation 1 W maximumOutput type NPN only, PNP only, or NPN and PNP by modelOutput operationDark operate models: ON when beam is blocked; OFF when beam is not blocked Light operate models: ON when beam is not blocked; OFF when beam is blocked Current switching capacity 100 mA maximum Off-state leakage 10 mA maximumOn-state voltage dropNPN: 2.0 V at 100 mA; PNP: 2.5 V at 100 mA Short circuit protection Protected against dead shorts only.Operation: Output is continuously retried at 3 mS intervals and will automatically reset when short is removed (no visual indication of a short circuit condition).CAUTION: will not protect against overloads between 100 mA and 1 A.Response time 1.2 mSLight/dark operation Specified by model numberTemperature range Operating: -25° to 55° C (-13° to 131° F), Storage: -25° to 70° C (-13° to 158° F)Sunlight immunity 1,000 foot-candlesMaterial of construction Lens: Polycarbonate; Cable jacket: PVC; Body: Structural polyurethane foam (do not expose to concentrated acids, alcohols, or ketones)Cable models 6-foot long; 3-wire NPN or PNP models; 4-wire NPN/PNP models Connector models Micro Connector, 4-pin maleVibration and shock Vibration: 30g over 10 Hz to 2 kHz; Shock: 50 g for 10 mS 1/2 sinewave pulse Indicator led Lights steady when output is ON; OFF when output is OFF;OFF when output is in short circuit modeAlarm indicator led ON in condition of low gain or noise interferance; OFF in normal condition Enclosure ratings NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 4X, 6, 12, and 13 (See note below)ApprovalsContact factory for latest list of agency approvalsote: N Our products conform to NEMA tests as indicated, however, some severe washdown applications can exceed these NEMA test specifications. If you have questions about a specific application, contact our Applications Department.3Installation Instructions 110210-305Effective January 2017EATON Prism TM series diffuse refl ective sensors, OEM version Wiring diagramsNPN modelsPNP modelsNPN/PNP modelsOptical performanceOptical performance(Shown in inches except where noted)All optical specifications are guaranteed to be the minimum perfor-mance under clean conditions of any product delivered from stock.Typical performance may be higher.Dirt in the environment will affect optical performance by reducingthe amount of light the control receives. For best results, sensorsshould be used at distances where excess gain is higher than 1.5(1.5 times the amount of sensing power required to detect an objectunder ideal conditions). Higher excess gain will allow the sensor toovercome higher levels of contamination on the lens. All ranges andexcess gain graphs are based on a 90% reflectance white card.1315613157Source Infrared, 880 nm Infrared, 880 nmMaximum range8 inches (203 mm)24 inches(609mm)Optimum range0.1-5 inches(3-127 mm)0.1-15 inches(3-381mm)Field of view2 inch (51 mm) diameterat 5 inches (127 mm)6 inches (152 mm) at15 inches (381 mm)Eaton1000 Eaton BoulevardCleveland, OH 44122United States© 1999 EatonAll Rights ReservedEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners. Installation Instructions 110210-305Effective January 2017Prism TM seriesdiffuse refl ective sensors, OEM version。



•C ompa c t for H igh D en s ity P CB M ount •D C C ontrol •S CR O utputFastFax Document No.102SERIES SDV, SDI.Rev. 042302PAGE 1 OF 1S erie s S DV, S DI1.5 Amp • 120/240Vac • 16 PIN DIP Package The Series SDV and SDI solid state relays are rated at 1.5 Amps RMS at ambient temperatures up to 40ûC . The compact 16 pin DIP package is perfect for high density printed circuit boards. The SDV is voltage operated, and the SDI is cur-rent operated. Both are offered in either zero voltage or random switch-ing (R) versions.Manufactured in Crydom's ISO 9002Certified facility for optimum product performance and reliability.MODEL NO.S DV2415S DV2415R S DI2415S DI2415RIN P U T SPE C I F I C A T ION S ➀Control Voltage Range 3.5-10 Vdc 3.5-10 Vdc------Control Current Range ------10-35 mA 10-35 mANominal Input Impedance270 Ohm 270 Ohm ------Typical Input Current @ 5 Vdc 15 mAdc 15 mAdc ------Must Turn On Voltage 3.5 Vdc3.5 Vdc------Must Turn On Current ------10 mA10 mA Must Turn Off Voltage1.0Vdc1.0Vdc------Must Turn Off Current------ 1 mA1 mAOU T P U T SPE C I F I C A T ION S ➀Operating Voltage Range (47-63 Hz)12-280 Vrms Load Current Range .025 - 1.5 Arms Transient Over-Voltage 600 Vpk Max. Surge Current, (16.6ms)30 Apk Min. Off-State dv/dt @ Max. Rated Voltage ➂500 V/µsec Max.Off-State Leakage @ Rated Voltage.01 mArms Max. On-State Voltage Drop @ Rated Current 1.2 VpkMax.Turn-On Time 1/2 cycle 0.1 msec1/2 cycle0.1 msecMax. Turn-Off TIme1/2 cyclePower Factor (Min.) WIth Max. Load0.5G E N E R A L SPE C I F I C A T ION SDielectric Strength➁3750 VrmsInsulation Resistance (Min.) @ 500 Vdc ➁109Ohm Max. Capacitance, Input-Output2.0 pF Ambient Operating Temperature Range-30 to 80˚C Ambient Storage Temperature Range-30 to 125˚C M E C HANI C A L SPE C I F I C A T ION SWeight : (typical).10 oz. (2.9 g)Encapsulation:Thermally Conductive EpoxyC U R R E N TDE R A T I N G C U R V E1.50.51.020406080AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (˚C)L O A D C U R R E N T (A M P S )Max. Load Current vs. Temp.PIN 8:AC LOAD PIN 10:AC LOADPIN 16:+DC CONTROL PIN 1: -DC CONTROLG E N E R A L N O T E S➀All parameters at 25¼C unless otherwise specified.➁Dielectric and insulation resistance are measured between input and output.➂Off-State dv/dt test method per EIA/NARM standard RS-443.©2002 CRYDOM CORP, Specifications subject to change without notice.All dimensions are in inches (millimeters)A PP R OVA L SUL 116950CSA LR81689For recommended applications and more information contact:USA: Sales Support (877) 502-5500 Tech Support (877) 702-7700 FAX (619) 710-8540Crydom Corp, 2320 Paseo de las Americas, Ste. 201, San Diego, CA 92154Email : sales@ WEB SITE: UK: +44 (0)1202 365070 • FAX +44 (0)1202 365090 Crydom International Ltd., 7 Cobham Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Ferndown, Dorset BH21 7PE, Email : intsales@. GERMANY: +49 (0)180 3000 506元器件交易网。

Dell UltraSharp U2415 用户指南说明书

Dell UltraSharp U2415 用户指南说明书

Dell UltraSharp U2415 用户指南管制型号:U2415注、注意和警告注:“注”表示可以帮助您更好使用显示器的重要信息。



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2019 - 11Rev. A08目录1关于本显示器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5包装物品 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5产品特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7识别零部件及控制装置. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8显示器规格 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11即插即用功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20通用串行总线 (USB) 接口. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21液晶显示器质量和像素规定. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22维护指导 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 2设置您的显示器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24连接支架 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24连接显示器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25设置电缆 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31安装电缆盖 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31拆卸显示器支架 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32卸下电缆盖 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32墙面安装(选配) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 3操作显示器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34打开显示器电源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34使用前面板控制部件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34使用屏幕显示(OSD)菜单 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36设置最大分辨率 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49使用倾斜、旋转和垂直展开功能. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50调节系统的旋转显示设置. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 4故障排除. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55自检 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55内置诊断功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56常见问题 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57产品特定问题 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58通用串行总线 (USB) 特定问题. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59移动高清连接 (MHL) 的特定问题 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59目录|35附录. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 FCC 声明(仅针对美国)和其它管制信息 . . . . . . . . . . .60中国能源效率标识 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60联系 Dell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60设置显示器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 4|目录关于本显示器|5关于本显示器包装物品您的显示器配有以下部件。

说明书 Instruction Manual 705-XPRZC0-00

说明书 Instruction Manual 705-XPRZC0-00

说明手册Instruction Manual地址/Add: 深圳市宝安区福永镇福洲大道西新和村华发工业园A4栋Building A4, Xinhe Huafa Industrial Zone, Fuzhou RD West, Fuyong Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen 518103, China电话/Tel: +86-755-29609320(8062) 传真/Fax: +86-755-25723423邮箱/E-mail:***************深圳市神牛摄影器材有限公司GODOX Photo Equipment Co., Ltd.TTL 无线引闪器TTL Wireless Flash Trigger前言警告部件机身LCD显示屏电池安装电池电池电量指示使用引闪器无线同步触发机顶闪光灯无线同步触发外拍闪光灯无线同步触发原厂闪光灯无线同步触发影室闪光灯无线触发相机快门使用2.5mm同步接口触发闪光灯设置引闪器电源开关自动进入省电模式AF对焦辅助灯开关频道设置020203050510目录无线ID设置模式设置放大功能档位值设置曝光补偿设置频闪参数值设置(输出值、次数、频率)造型灯设置ZOOM值设置快门同步设置蜂鸣器设置同步孔设置TCM功能SHOOT功能设置C.Fn自定义功能兼容闪光灯型号兼容相机列表产品参数恢复出厂设置固件升级注意事项引闪器的保养 感谢您购买XProC无线引闪器。



该触发器适用CANON EOS系列带热靴的相机,同时可以连接具有PC接口的相机使用。

支持E-TTL II 闪光和高速闪光同步,最大闪光同步速度达1/8000s。



14 PIN DIP Package 7 PIN SIP Package
d angle ojection
1 Bottom View
6 7
19.65 7.05
9 8
19.90 10.20
RXT-050505 RECOM **** RYT-051212 RECOM ****
0.51 typ.
RYT-051212 RECOM ****
7.62 4.10 0.51 typ.
1 2 4 5 6 7
7.10 1.27 2.0
1 2 4 5 6 7
15.24 2.0
Recommended Footprint Details
1.00 ø+0.15/–0 1.00 ø+0.15/–0 2.54 2.54/DC-Converter
RXT & RYT Series, 1W, DIP14, Regulated, Isolated Outputs (Dual Output) Features
● ● ● ●
Isolated Outputs
Output/Output Isolation 1kVDC Power Sharing on Outputs UL 94V-0 Package Material
Output Power (Watts) 1.5 1.0 Safe Operating Area 0,5 0 -25 0 50 100 125 150 70 Operating Temperature ˚C 2.0
50% min. 1.000VDC min. 10 GΩ min. 40pF min./72pF max. 1.000VDC min. 1 Second 38kHz min. / 85kHz max. -25°C to +70°C (see Graph) -55°C to +125°C 2.9g

邦纳 安全光幕

邦纳 安全光幕

EZ-SCREEN TM2一种具备30mm 分辨率和15m 保护距离的低成本保护系统在危险低的区域保护采用EZ-SCREEN ®2级安全光幕,这是一种比较经济的解决方案。


具备30mm 的分辨率,可以检测小的物体,诸如手掌或脚踝,工作距离可达到15m ,具有广泛的应用。

符合二级的设计标准EZ-SCREEN ®2级满足抗震动、冲击试验、光性能及使用安全标准(IEC61496-1/-2与EN954-1)的二级应用的所有需求,具有连续的自诊断功能和外围设备控制的故障检测功能,是专为低危险程度保护而设计应用的,不建议用在手工危险操作的保护应用。

小巧、简单的两件式系统EZ-SCREEN ®2级是一种小巧的两件式系统,不需要单独的控制器,仅需包含了各自电源和光学同步功能的发射器和接收器即可,除去了DIP 开关功能选择或程序设定的调试功能,只要安装后就可使用。

可选手动或自动复位输出,响应速度快采用EZ-SCREEN ®2级,当遮挡光束消除时,需要自动复位输出可选择带T 的接收器型号,需要手动复位输出(如典型的安全门应用)可选择带L 的接收器型号。

优秀的2级设计具有极快的响应速度,11ms 到25ms 就可使设备迅速停机。

简单明了的诊断EZ-SCREEN ®2级具有非常明显的LED 状态指示灯:• 电源指示• 故障指示(LED 闪烁)• 顶部和底部光束接受指示• 光束或输出状态:遮挡或对准Trip 接收器Latch 接收器发射器3EZ-SCREEN 系统30mm 分辨率、8针M12(Euro 型)针式连接器接线的EZ-SCREEN 二级安全光幕各型号如下:单件或成对采购都可EZ-SCREEN 二级电缆4EZ-SCREEN TM 2级系统套装型号解析安全继电器模块EZ-SCREEN ®2级系统,可以单独购买,成对购买或套装购买,套装型号解析请看以下图示。



APS2415V0.0APS2415Chipown1.2MHz, 1.5A Synchronous Step-Down ConverterFeaturesz z z z z z z z z z z z z High Efficiency: Up to 96% 1.2MHz Constant Switching Frequency 1.5A Output Current at VIN=3V Integrated Main switch and synchronous rectifier. No Schottky Diode Required 2.5V to 6.5V Input Voltage Range Output Voltage as Low as 0.6V 100% Duty Cycle in Dropout Quiescent Current: 300µA(input < 4.2V) Slope Compensated Current Mode Control for Excellent Line and Load Transient Response Short Circuit Protection <1uA Shutdown Current Soft start Space Saving 5-Pin SOT23 packageGeneral DescriptionThe APS2415 is a high efficiency monolithic synchronous buck regulator using a constant frequency, current mode architecture. The device is available in an adjustable version and fixed output voltages, such as 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, etc. Supply current with no load is 300uA and drops to <1uA in shutdown. The 2.5V to 6.5V input voltage range makes the APS2415 ideally suited for single Li-Ion, two to four AA battery-powered applications. 100% duty cycle provides low dropout operation, extending battery life in portable systems. PWM pulse skipping mode operation provides very low output ripple voltage for noise sensitive applications. Switching frequency is internally set at 1.2MHz, allowing the use of small surface mount inductors and capacitors. The internal synchronous switch increases efficiency and eliminates the need for an external Schottky diode. Low output voltages are easily supported with the 0.6V feedback reference voltage. The APS2415 is available in a small SOT package .PackageSOT23-5LApplicationsz z z z z z z Cellular and Smart Phones Microprocessors and DSP Core Supplies Wireless and DSL Modems PDAs MP3 / MP4 /PMP Player Digital Still and Video Cameras Portable InstrumentsTypical Application Circuitη vs Io(Vo=1.8V) 100 95 90 85 η(%) 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0 300 600 900 Io(mA)Vin=2.5V Vin=3.6V Vin=4.2V Vin=5V Vin=6V12001500Figure 1. Basic Application Circuit with APS2415 adjustable versionFigure 2. Typical Efficiency Curve8/F, ChuangYuan BuildingNo.21-1 Changjiang Road, Wuxi New Destrict Tel: +86(510)8521-7718/doc/0b17328324.htmlV0.01/8APS2415Pin DescriptionPin No. 1 2 3 4 5 Pin Name RUN GND SW VIN VFB/ VOUT Pin FunctionChipownRegulator Enable control input. Drive RUN above 1.5V to turn on the part. Drive RUN below 0.6V to turn it off. In shutdown, all functions are disabled drawing <1µA supply current. Do not leave RUN floating. Ground. Power Switch Output. It is the Switch note connection to Inductor. This pin connects to the drains of the internal P-CH and N-CH MOSFET switches. Supply Input Pin. Must be closely decoupled to GND, Pin 2, with a 22µF or greater ceramic capacitor. VFB (APS2415): Feedback Input Pin. Connect FB to the center point of the external resistor divider. The feedback threshold voltage is 0.6V. VOUT (APS2415-1.2/APS2415-1.8): Output Voltage Feedback Pin. An internal resistive divider divides the output voltage down for comparison to the internal reference voltage.Functional Block DiagramFigure 3. APS2415 Block DiagramAbsolute Maximum Rating(Note 1)Input Supply Voltage.......................................................................................................................................-0.3V to +7V RUN, V Voltages................................................................................................................................-0.3V to V +0.3V SW Voltages............................................................................................................................................-0.3V to V +0.3V Package Thermal Resistance ? ...............................................................................................................................................................220°C/W ? ...............................................................................................................................................................110°C/W Operating TemperatureRange.....................................................................................................................-40°C to +85°C Junction Temperature .....................................................................................................................................+125°C Storage Temperature Range.......................................................................................................................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s)..........................................................................................................................+260°C(Note 3)JC JA FB IN(Note 2)IN8/F, ChuangYuan BuildingNo.21-1 Changjiang Road, Wuxi New Destrict Tel: +86(510)8521-7718/doc/0b17328324.htmlV0.02/8APS2415Electrical Characteristics(V =VIN RUNChipown(Note 4)= 3.6V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.) Conditions V =0.5V or VFB FB INParameter Input Voltage Range Input DC Supply Current Active Mode Shutdown Mode Regulated Feedback Voltage V Input Bias CurrentMin 2.5OUTTypMax 6.5 400 1.0 0.6120 0.6135 0.6180 ±30unit V µA µA V V V nA %/V V V %/V % A=90% 0.5880V =0V, V =4.2V T = +25°CA A A300 0.1 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5865 0.5820T = 0°C ≤ T ≤ 85°CAT = -40°C ≤ T ≤ 85°CA FBVFB IN= 0.65V 0.5 1.164 1.746 1.200 1.800 0.5 0.5 =90% 2.5 0.96 3.5 1.2 135 95SWReference Voltage Line Regulation Regulated Output Voltage Output Voltage Line Regulation Output Voltage Load Regulation Peak Inductor Current Oscillator Frequency R of P-CH MOSFETDS(ON) DS(ON)V = 2.5V to 5.5V, Iout=10mA APS2415-1.2, -40°C ≤ T ≤ 85°CA A0.60 1.236 1.854 0.60APS2415-1.8, -40°C ≤ T ≤ 85°C V = 2.5V to 5.5V Iout=10mA Iout=10 to 1500mA V =3V, V =0.5V or VIN FB INDuty Cycle <35% V =0.6V or V =100%FB OUTOUT1.44 200 150 ±1MHz m? m? µAI ISW SW= 300mA = -300mA = 0V, V = 0V or 5V, VINRof N-CH MOSFETSW LeakageV5VRUN=±0.01Soft start 1.3 mS RUN Threshold Low 0.6 -40°C ≤ T ≤ 85°C V A RUN Threshold High 1.5 RUN Leakage Current ±0.01 ±1µA Thermal Shutdown 165 °C Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired. Note 2: Thermal Resistance is specified with approximately 1 square of 1 oz copper. Note 3: TJ is calculated from the ambient temperature TA and power dissipation PD according to the following formula: APS2415: TJ = TA + (PD)x(220°C/W) Note 4:100% production test at +25°C. Specifications over the temperature range are guaranteed by design and characterization.8/F, ChuangYuan BuildingNo.21-1 Changjiang Road, Wuxi New Destrict Tel: +86(510)8521-7718/doc/0b17328324.htmlV0.03/8APS2415η vs Io(Vo=1.2V) 100 95 90 85 η(%) 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0 300 600 900 Io(mA)Vin=2.5V Vin=3.6V Vin=4.2V Vin=5V Vin=6VChipownη vs Io(Vo=3.3V) 100 95 90 85 η(%) 80 75 70 65 60 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 Io(mA)Vin=4.2V Vin=5V Vin=6VTypical Performance Characteristics (Test Figure 1 above unless otherwise specified)12001500Ripple(CH1:VIN, CH2:VO, CH3:VSW) VIN=3.6V,VO=1.8V,IO=0VIN=3.6V,VO=1.8V,IO=1.5ASoft Start(CH1:VIN, CH2:VO, CH3:VSW,CH4:ISW) VIN=3.6V,VO=1.8V,IO=0 VIN=3.6V,VO=1.8V,RL=1.5?Order InformationPart number APS2415TBER-ADJ1.XY=date code P=Package factoryMark S1XYP1PPackage SOT-23-5L8/F, ChuangYuan BuildingNo.21-1 Changjiang Road, Wuxi New Destrict Tel: +86(510)8521-7718/doc/0b17328324.htmlV0.04/8APS2415OperationAPS2415 is a monolithic switching mode Step-Down DC-DC converter. It utilizes internal MOSFETs to achieve high efficiency and can generate very low output voltage by using internal reference at 0.6V. It operates at a fixed switching frequency, and uses the slope compensated current mode architecture. This Step-Down DC-DC Converter supplies 1500mA output current at Vout = 1.8V with input voltage range from 2.5V to 6.5V.Chipownconverter decreases. Caution must be exercised to ensure the heat dissipated not to exceed the maximum junction temperature of the IC. Note 5: The duty cycle D of a step-down converter is defined as:D = TON × f OSC × 100% ≈V OUT × 100% VINWhere TON is the main switch on time and fOSC is the oscillator frequency (1.2MHz).Current Mode PWM ControlSlope compensated current mode PWM control provides stable switching and cycle-by-cycle current limit for excellent load and line responses and protection of the internal main switch (P-Ch MOSFET) and synchronous rectifier (N-CH MOSFET). During normal operation, the internal P-Ch MOSFET is turned on for a certain time to ramp the inductor current at each risingedge of the internal oscillator, and switched off when the peak inductor current is above the error voltage. The current comparator, ICOMP, limits the peak inductor current. When the main switch is off, the synchronous rectifier will be turned on immediately and stay on until either the inductor current starts to reverse, as indicated by the current reversal comparator, IZERO, or the beginning of the next clock cycle. The OVDET comparator controls output transient overshoots by turning the main switch off and keeping it off until the fault is no longer present.Maximum Load CurrentThe APS2415 will operate with input supply voltage as low as 2.5V, however, the maximum load current decreases at lower input due to large IR drop on the main switch and synchronous rectifier. The slope compensation signal reduces the peak inductor current as a function of the duty cycle to prevent sub-harmonic oscillations at duty cycles greater than 50%. Conversely the current limit increases as the duty cycle decreases.Layout GuidanceWhen laying out the PCB board, the following suggestions should be taken to ensure proper operation of the APS2415. These items are also illustrated graphically in Figure 4 & Figure 5. 1. The power traces, including the GND trace, the SW trace and the VIN trace should be kept short, direct and wide. The VFB pin should be connected directly to the feedback resistor. The resistive divider R1/R2 must be connected between the (+) plate of Cout and ground. Connect the (+) plate ofC1 to the VIN pin as closely as possible. This capacitor provides the AC current to internal power MOSFET. Keep the switching node, SW, away from the sensitive VFB node. Keep the (-) plates of C1 and C3 as close as possible.Idle Mode OperationAt very light loads, the APS2415 automatically enters pulse skipping Mode. In the pulse skipping Mode, the inductor current may reach zero or reverse on each pulse. The PWM control loop will automatically skip pulses to maintain output regulation. The bottom MOSFET is turned off by the current reversal comparator, IZERO, and the switch voltage will ring. This is discontinuous mode operation, and is normal behavior for the switching regulator.2.3.4. 5.Dropout OperationWhen the input voltage decreases toward the value of the output voltage, the APS2415 allows the main switch to remain on for more than one switching cycle and increases the duty cycle (Note 5) until it reaches 100%. The output voltage then is the input voltage minus the voltage drop across the main switch and the inductor. At low input supply voltage, the RDS(ON) of the P-Channel MOSFET increases, and the efficiency of the8/F, ChuangYuan BuildingNo.21-1 Changjiang Road, Wuxi New Destrict Tel: +86(510)8521-7718/doc/0b17328324.htmlV0.05/8APS2415ChipownFigure4. APS2415 ADJ output Suggested LayoutFigure5. APS2415 Fixed output Suggested Layout prevent core saturation. Table 1 lists some typical surface mount inductors that meet target applications for the APS2415. Table 1. Typical Surface Mount InductorsPart Number L (µH) MaxDC Current (A) DCR (m?) Size LxWxH (mm)Application Information Setting the Output VoltageFigure 1 above shows the basic application circuit with APS2415 adjustable output version. The external resistor sets the output voltage according to the following equation:R2 VOUT = 0.6V × 1 + R1R1=200K? for all outputs; R2= 200k? for VOUT=1.2V, R2=300k? for VOUT =1.5V, R2=400k? for VOUT =1.8V, andR2=633.3k? for VOUT =2.5V.Sumida CDRH5D16 Sumida CDRH8D28 Coiltronics SD532.23.34.7 2.0 3.3 4.73.0 2.6 3.4 3.3 2.6 2.128.7 35.6 19 23 29 395.8x5.8 x1.8 8.3x8.3 x3.0 5.2x5.2 x3.0Inductor SelectionFor most designs, the APS2415 operates with inductors of 1µH to 4.7µH. Low inductance values are physically smaller but require faster switching, which results in some efficiency loss. The inductor value can be derived from the following equation: Input Capacitor SelectionThe input capacitor reduces the surge current drawn from the input and switching noise from the device. The input capacitor impedance at the switching frequency shall be less than input source impedance to prevent high frequency switching current passing to the input. A low ESR input capacitor sized for maximum RMS current must be used. Ceramic capacitors with X5Ror X7R dielectrics are highly recommended because of their low ESR and small temperature coefficients. A 22µF ceramic capacitor for most applications is sufficient.L=VOUT × (VIN ? VOUT ) VIN × ΔI L × f OSCWhere ΔI L is inductor Ripple Current. Large value inductors lower ripple current and small value inductors result in high ripple currents. Choose inductor ripple current approximately 35% of the maximum load current 1500mA, or ΔI L =525mA. For output voltages above 2.0V, when light-load efficiency is important, the minimum recommended inductor is 2.2µH. For optimum voltage-positioning load transients, choose an inductor with DC series resistance in the 50m? to 150m? range. For higher efficiency at heavy loads (above 500mA), or minimal load regulation (but some transient overshoot), the resistance should be kept below 100m?. The DC current rating of the inductor should be at least equal to the maximum load current plus half the ripple current toOutput Capacitor SelectionThe output capacitor is required to keep the output voltage ripple small and to ensure regulation loop stability. The output capacitor must have low impedance at the switching frequency. Ceramic capacitors with X5R or X7R dielectrics are recommended due to their low ESR and high ripple current. The output ripple VOUT is determined by:ΔVOUT ≤VOUT × (V IN VOUT ) 1 × ESR + V IN × f OSC × L 8 × f osc × C 38/F, ChuangYuan BuildingNo.21-1 Changjiang Road, Wuxi New Destrict Tel: +86(510)8521-7718/doc/0b17328324.htmlV0.06/8APS2415Package InformationChipown8/F, ChuangYuan BuildingNo.21-1 Changjiang Road, Wuxi New Destrict Tel: +86(510)8521-7718/doc/0b17328324.htmlV0.07/8APS2415ChipownImportant NoticeChipown Microelectronics Co. Ltd. reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or specifications herein. Chipown Microelectronics Co. Ltd. does not assume any responsibility for use of any its products for any particular purpose, nor does Chipown Microelectronics Co. Ltd assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any its products or circuits. Chipown Microelectronics Co. Ltd does not convey any license under its patent rights or other rights nor the rights of others.8/F, ChuangYuan BuildingNo.21-1 Changjiang Road, Wuxi New Destrict Tel: +86(510)8521-7718/doc/0b17328324.htmlV0.08/8。



η vs Io(Vo=1.8V)
图 2 典型效率曲线
Vin=2.5V Vin=3.6V Vin=4.2V Vin=5V Vin=6V
1200 1500
2 3 4 5
功能 稳压器使能控制输入引脚。高于 1.5V 时驱动 RUN 端可打开稳压器。低于 0.6V 时驱动 RUN 端关闭。在停机模式中,所有的功能均失效,仅吸收<1uA 的供 电电流。不要让 RUN 引脚处于悬空状态。 接地引脚。 功率输出开关节点。与外部电感相接。该引脚连接到内部 P 沟道和 N 沟道 MOSFET 开关的漏极。 电源输入引脚。必须通过一个 22µF 或更大的陶瓷电容紧密耦合至地(引脚 2)。
z 手机和智能电话 z 微处理器和 DSP 内核供电 z 无线和 DSL 调制解调器 z 掌上电脑 z 各种媒体播放器 z 数码相机和摄像机 z 各种手持设备
图 1 典型应用电路
100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0
反馈输入引脚。连接 FB 至外部电阻分压器的中心点。反馈阈值电压是 0.6V。
绝对最大额定值 (注 1)
图 3 功能框图
输入供电电压........................................................................................................................................-0.3V ~ +7V


















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No Schottky Diode Required z 2.5V to 6.5V Input Voltage Range z Output Voltage as Low as 0.6V z 100% Duty Cycle in Dropout z Quiescent Current: 300µA(input < 4.2V) z Slope Compensated Current Mode Control for
8/F, ChuangYuan Building No.21-1 Changjiang Road, Wuxi New Destrict Tel: +86(510)8521-7718 V0.0
Pin Description
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s)..........................................................................................................................+260°C
Input Supply Voltage.......................................................................................................................................-0.3V to +7V
SW Voltages............................................................................................................................................-0.3V to V +0.3V IN (Note 2)
Typical Application Circuit
Figure 1. Basic Application Circuit with APS2415 adjustable version
z High Efficiency: Up to 96% z 1.2MHz Constant Switching Frequency z 1.5A Output Current at VIN=3V z Integrated Main switch and synchronous rectifier.
Storage Temperature Range.......................................................................................................................-65°C to +150°C
Regulated Feedback Voltage
V Input Bias Current FB
RUN, V Voltages................................................................................................................................-0.3V to V +0.3V
(Note 3)
Junction Temperature
divides the output voltage down for comparison to the internal reference voltage.
Functional Block Diagram
Figure 3. APS2415 Block Diagram
(Note 1)
Absolute Maximum Rating
Pin Pin Pin Function
No. Name
Regulator Enable control input. Drive RUN above 1.5V to turn on the part. Drive RUN
1 RUN below 0.6V to turn it off. In shutdown, all functions are disabled drawing <1µA supply current.
Operating Temperature Range.....................................................................................................................-40°C to +85°C
(V =V = 3.6V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.) IN RUN
Parameter Input Voltage Range
Typ Max unit
Input DC Supply Current Active Mode Shutdown Mode
1.2MHz, 1.5A Synchronous Step-Down Converter
General Description
The APS2415 is a high efficiency monolithic synchronous buck regulator using a constant frequency, current mode architecture. The device is available in an adjustable version and fixed output voltages, such as 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, etc. Supply current with no load is 300uA and drops to <1uA in shutdown. The 2.5V to 6.5V input voltage range makes the APS2415 ideally suited for single Li-Ion, two to four AA battery-powered applications. 100% duty cycle provides low dropout operation, extending battery life in portable systems. PWM pulse skipping mode operation provides very low output ripple voltage for noise sensitive applications. Switching frequency is internally set at 1.2MHz, allowing the use of small surface mount inductors and capacitors. The internal synchronous switch increases efficiency and eliminates the need for an external Schottky diode. Low output voltages are easily supported with the 0.6V feedback reference voltage. The APS2415 is available in a small SOT package.
Ө ...............................................................................................................................................................110°C/W JC
Supply Input Pin. Must be closely decoupled to GND, Pin 2, with a 22µF or greater ceramic capacitor.
VFB (APS2415): Feedback Input Pin. Connect FB to the center point of the external resistor
Package Thermal Resistance
Ө ...............................................................................................................................................................220°C/W JA
Do not leave RUN floating.
2 GND Ground.3 NhomakorabeaSW
Power Switch Output. It is the Switch note connection to Inductor. This pin connects to the drains of the internal P-CH and N-CH MOSFET switches.