

《高级职业英语》--Lecture 5 推荐信、解职函与证明

《高级职业英语》--Lecture 5 推荐信、解职函与证明

Sample analysis
Sample1 _Employment To Whom It May Concern: recommendations This letter is from Mr. Douglas. Until just recently, I have been Cathy's
Why a letter of recommendation is needed?
It is critical to obtain strong letters of recommendation for any application process since they…… --offer concrete, credible, and readily available evidence of past accomplishments and abilities --create an unchanging assessment --save future employers the effort of interviewing your former supervisor
Guidelines for writing recommendations.
A sense that your credentials are meaningful and therefore what you say in your letter is worth listening to
A sense that you know the candidate well enough to form sound judgments
Give basic Information about the applicant and describe the relationship with the applicant.

lecture 5 汉英词语翻译

lecture 5 汉英词语翻译

7). 昨天看电影我没有买到好票:
* I did not buy a good ticket for yesterday’s film. I did not buy a good seat for yesterday’s film.
8). 这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批人才
(batches of )。 * The national heavy university has sent/transported batches of qualified talents to the society. The national key university has prepared batches of qualified graduates for the society. 9). 他们省吃俭用,为的是攒钱买房子。 * They save food and expenses to accumulate more funds to buy an apartment. They live frugally/economically/thriftily to accumulate more funds to buy an apartment.
Appropriateness in word selection-ii
To choose word according to the collocation 2). 好: 好教徒 好父母 好儿女 好妻子 好丈夫 3). 水平: 英语水平 生活水平 游泳水平
2) good a faithful/devout/pious/sincere/ devoted Christian/believer a loving/caring parent an obedient/filial child a virtuous/devoted wife a dutiful/responsible husband 3) level English proficiency/ level living standard swimming skill

Lecture 5 Peking opera

Lecture 5 Peking opera

Many foreign friends first learn about Chinese culture through the numerous Chinese restaurants found all over the world, and soon discern that China is a country with delicious cuisine (菜肴).The second impression of Chinese culture is often Peking Opera, whose masks are now almost emblematic (标志性的) of China. Many countries design posters using Peking Opera masks to signal a “Year of Chinese Culture”. To understand Chinese culture, therefore, some knowledge about Peking Opera is indeed indispensable. Peking Opera contains the soul of Chinese national culture. Its unique charm inspires deep feeling in Chinese people.History:Peking Opera has been an integral part of Chinese culture for over 200 years. Originating from humble beginning in east China's Anhui and Hubei provinces, it was brought to Beijing by the Qing Emperor Qianlong who, during his periodic inspections of the southern regions, discovered and fell in love with the vibrancy and life in the performances he witnessed there. As an 80th birthday gift to himself, he ordered local troupes to perform for him and had the Anhui and Hubei groups incorporated into the palace opera. In this way Peking Opera was born.parison: Eastern and Western DramaThe actors of Ballet just dance; the actors of modern drama just speak; the actors of opera just sing songs; while only Peking Opera actors perform all four elements as “sing, speak, act and fight(the last two are also considered as dance) on the stage.芭蕾,只舞不说;话剧,只说不唱;歌剧,只唱不舞,京剧逢动必舞,有声必歌II. Main Features of Peking OperaIII. BEAUTY in Peking Opera3.1 The Delights of Peking Opera Masks3.2 Peking Opera Performance: Sing, Speak, Act, and FightIV. Mei Lanfang, Great Peking Opera ArtistV. How to appreciate Peking OperaI. Comparison: Eastern and Western DramaII. Main Features of Peking Opera1) Peking Opera is a comprehensive performing art that aesthetically combines music, singing, dialogue, pantomime, acrobatics and martial arts. Hence an actor or actress in Beijing Opera has to meet more requirements than that in other forms of performing art. All of these skills are expected to be performed effortlessly, in keeping with the spirit of the art form.2)Symbolism prevails in Peking Opera. The stage of Peking Opera knows no limit in space or time. The set can accommodate anything. For example, an actor can practice the scene of galloping the horse simply by using a horsewhip without riding a real horse on stage. A bridge is made up of two chairs standing on each side of a table. Storms are realized by performers dancing with umbrellas.These examples describe the function of the “virtual world” in the art of Peking Opera, which provides limitless room for the performances of actors; and in return, performers present the audience with a world of images full of appealing wit. Thefollowing pictures can help us understand the virtual world on the stage.3)A highly stylized art.Peking Opera follows other traditional Chinese arts in emphasizing meaning, rather than accuracy. The highest aim of performers is to inject beauty into every motion. The most common stylization method in Peking Opera is roundness. Every motion and pose is carefully manipulated to avoid sharp angles and straight lines. A character looking upon an object above them will sweep his eyes in a circular motion from low to high before landing on the object. Similarly, a character will sweep his hand in an arc from left to right in order to indicate an object on the right.The performers primarily use pantomime to express feelings and tell stories. Stylized footwork, gestures, and various kinds of body movements portray and symbolize actions such as opening a door, climbing a hill, going upstairs, or rowing a boat.The elaborate and gorgeous facial make-up and costumes are two distinguished characteristics of Beijing Opera. The audience can know what kind of character the role is from the colors and patterns.Generally speaking, red faces have the positive meaning symbolizing the brave, upright and wise men. Another positive color is purple. Black faces usually have neutral meaning, representative the just men and uprightness. Blue and green also have neutral meanings that symbolize the hero from the bushes. Meanwhile, the yellow and white represent the crafty men with negative meaning. Performers have gold or silver facial make-up standing for the monsters or Gods. Good-nature people are usually painted with relatively simple colors while make-up of hostile and doubtful characters, such as bandits, robbers, rebels and alike, bear complex marks 3.1 The Delights of Peking Opera MasksFace painting: Vivid face makeup fascinates foreigners watching Peking Opera. Actually this face painting is not done for the sake of beauty but rather it portrays different characters. Red stands for loyalty and bravery, black represents powerful and wise people, yellow and white depict fierce and cunning characters, blue and green indicate very virile Robin Hood type of outlaws, while gold and silver indicates mysterious or super-natural presences.•The Masks, applied to the two roles of the “jing” or “painted-face role” and the “chou” or “clown”, serve two pur poses.•One is to indicate identity and character of the role.•The other purpose is to express people’s appraisal of the roles from a moral and aesthetic point of view, such as respectable, hateful, noble, or ridiculous, etc.3.2 Peking Opera Performance: Sing, Speak, Act, and Fight。



实验区(过渡区):在缓冲区的周围划出一定 地段的保护区。可根据自然资源条件,开展科 学试验、教学实习、参观考察、驯养繁殖和多 种经济活动。
世界的第一个自然保护区为1864年美国为保 护红杉树而在约西迈特山谷建立的自然保护区。 1872年美国建立了世界上第一个国家公园, 即黄石国家公园。 1879年,澳大利亚在悉尼附近建立了世界上 第二个国家公园。自此以后,尤其是本世纪三 十年代以后,世界各国都陆续开展建立自然保 护区的工作。
6 多种经营管理区(Multiple-use 多种经营管理区(Multiplemanagement areas)与自然资源保护区 areas)与自然资源保护区 (Resource reserve) reserve) 单项自然资源的保护地或储备地、禁猎 区等。目的是为资源持续利用创造条件。 具有相当大面积的区域,可以进行木材 生产、水资源利用、放牧、养殖等活动。 要计划经营,并进行一定的保护管理, 划分为多个小区,分别经营和管理。
我国自然保护区的发展历史 ---创建时期(1956-1965) ---创建时期(1956-1965)
1957年在福建建立了以保护中亚热带常绿阔 叶林为主的万木林自然保护区。 1958年在云南西双版纳建立了小勐养、勐后、 勐腊三个保护区,对热带雨林及珍稀动物亚 洲象、野牛、犀鸟等进行保护。 1961年,全国各地规划的自然保护区和禁猎 区有70多处,其中自然保护区级20处,面积 814万ha,约占我国国土面积的0.1%。 到1965年为止,我国正式建立的自然保护区 19处,面积为64.8874ha。
2 国家公园(National Parks) 国家公园( Parks)
国家公园与其它保护区的区别主要有: 国家公园与其它保护区的区别主要有: (1)面积较大。 (2)区内具有一种或几种未被人类开发利用 的生态系及一些可供观赏的自然景观。 (3)在区域内严禁开发自然资源的大规模生 产性活动。 (4)可以参观访问。



Lecture 5讲授题目:Word Formation Ⅰ❖所属章节:《现代英语词汇学概论》之第3章❖计划学时:4 periods❖教学方法:传统讲授法❖参考资料:《英语词汇学教程》、《英语词汇学》❖教学目的和要求:通过本单元的学习,学生对英语的构词法有初步了解,尤其是产出新词最多的三种主要构词法:词缀法、复合法、转类法。

❖教学重点:1) Affixation;2) Compounding;3) Conversion.❖教学难点:The above-mentioned word-formations.The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word-formation. There is a variety of means being at work now. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversion.According to Pyles and Algeo (1982), words produced through affixation constitute 30% to 40% of the total number of new words; compounding yields 28% to 30% of all the new words; conversion gives us 26% of the new vocabulary. The rest of new words come form shortening including clipping andacronymy, amounting to 8% to 10%, together with 1% to 5% of words born out of blending and other means.Talking about word-forming patterns means dealing with rules. But a rule of word-formation usually differs from a syntactic rule. Not all the words that are produced by applying the rule are acceptable. For example, the existence of the actual English words unclean, unwise, unfair does not ensure the acceptance of unsad, unexcellent.Therefore, rules themselves are not fixed but undergo changes to a certain extent. For example, the Old English –th which is found in warmth, length, depth, width, derived from adjectives warm, long, deep, wide,but broad is no longer used to form new word broadth (※coolth)---(Quirk, et al 1985).By word-formation processes, we concentrate on productive or marginally productive rules. While applying the rules, we should remember that there are always exceptions.(在构词过程中,我们要注意到活跃性和边缘性问题。

科技英语交流(第2版)Lecture 5 How to write Methods

	 科技英语交流(第2版)Lecture 5 How to write Methods
To give the readers enough information to judge whether the methods are appropriately used or not.
Basic components
Generalization or introduction Materials or subjects Methods or procedures Data analysis
The experimental apparatus for...is shown in Fig.2.
5.4.3 Typical expressions of equipment and apparatus
The experimental system was based on a ... A fine wire screen is installed at the ... Example: The experimental system was composed of
vehicles 3. Decoupling PF dynamic model
… 4. Case study

3. Organization-related data selection
3.1 Fixed and dynamic keywords sources
3.2 Known accounts sources 3.3 Org keyusers sources 3.4 Two-class SUM
5.3 Specific analyses: generalization and introduction
This part is a general introduction of the principal activity, sometimes presenting the purpose of the research. For example, “In this letter we present the first systematic study on the electrical and magnetic effects of hole compensation.” It also introduces some background information related to the methods or the author’s hypothesis to the research. Study the example on page 87-89.



第五讲 载流子产生与复合(续)9月12,2001内容:1.热平衡之外的G&R率2.表面产生与复合阅读作业del Alamo Ch. 3,§§3.4 ,3.6主要问题●当载流子浓度被扰动而偏离热平衡时的值时,对产生和复合之间的平衡发生了什么影响?●对每个G&R机制是如何打乱的?●决定G&R率平衡的主要因素是什么?●如何能表征表面G&R?⒈ 平衡之外的G&R率●在热平衡时:●在热平衡之外(载流子浓度被扰动而偏离热平衡时的值):如果,G R 载流子浓度随时间变化。

定义净复合率U 是十分有用的:U R G=−反映内部G&R 机制的平衡:如果0R G U >,净复合占优势如果0R G U <,净产生占优势如果几个机制同时作用,定义:i i iU R G =−而iU U =在热平衡之外的不同机制对G&R 率会发生什么影响?a )能带到能带光学G&R●光产生率没有变化,因为键合数目没有变化:00rad rad rad G g r n p ==●如果电子和空穴浓度发生变化时,光复合率受到影响:rad rad R r np=●定义净复合率:()00rad rad rad rad U R G r np n p =−=− -如果00np n p >,0rad U >,净复合占优势-如果00np n p <,0rad U <,净产生占优势●注意:我们假定rad g 和rad r 与平衡时无变化b ) 俄歇G&R●包括热电子 :eeh eeh G g n= 2eeh eeh R r n p=如果eeh g 和eeh r 间关系和TE 时无差别:()00eeh eeh eeh eeh U R G r n np n p =−=−●同样,包括热电子:()00ehh ehh U r p np n p =−●总的 俄歇 :()()00Auger eeh ehh U r n r p np n p =+−c ) 与陷阱有关的热G&R在平衡之外,如果产生复合率常数不受影响:复合:捕获一个电子+一个空穴净复合率=净电子捕获率=净空穴捕获率tr ec ee hc heU r r r r =−=−从这,推导出t n ,并最终得到tr U :()()00tr ho i o inp n p U n n p n ττ−=+++d ) 所有过程组合起来□ 特殊情况:低水平掺杂定义过剩载流子浓度:'0n n n =+ '0p p p=+LLI :平衡的少数载流子浓度占主导但对多数载流子浓度扰动可以忽略-对n 型:-对p型:在LLI中:U的所以表达式仿效下面形式:τ为过程i的载流子寿命,每个G&R过程的一个特征常数:i在LLI 情况下,净复合率作为材料和温度的一个常数,线性的取决于过剩载流子浓度。

Lecture 5拟人、拟声、拟物

Lecture 5拟人、拟声、拟物

拟声词可呈多种次词类形式,其中最常见的是名词、 动词、副词和感叹词。 E.g. The angry husband shut the door with a bang. (用作名词) My heart is banging in my ears. (用作动词)
The drunken driver drove bang into the store window. (用作副词)
Lecture 5
• It gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions. Personification is treating a thing or an idea as if it were human or had human qualities. • It is a figure of speech in which a thing, quality, or idea is represented as a person.
There are three chief kinds of personifications: 1) That produced by the use of adjectives. the blushing rose; the thirsty ground
2) That produced by the use of verbs. the kettle sings; the waves danced
3) That produced by the use of nouns. the smiles of spring; the whisper of leaves


• 习语,包括固定搭配使用的词组或短语、成语、典 故、俚语、歇后语、谚语、格言等。 • 从广义上说,习语是语言的精华。 • 它所承载的文化信息特别集中,并且带有强烈的民 族文化特色。
• 思维方式的不同 • 由于东西方之间自然与社会条件差别极大,人们形 成了不同的思维模式。 • 英语强调个体、逻辑,而不是主语,并习惯于抽象思 维;汉语则强调整体、直觉和主语,并常运用具体形 象思维。
• 谋事在人,成事在天 • Man proposes, God disposes • Man proposes, Heaven disposes
• 同一种形象在不同的文化国度中会有不同的联想 意义。 • 例如vinegar在汉语中的比喻联想意义是“忌 妒”——“醋劲大发”、“醋坛子”、“醋罐子” 等;而在英语中它的联想意义是“bad temper”或 “being unhappy” 。 • 如“His resort was delivered with a strong note of vinegar”,译成正确的汉语应为“他怒气冲冲 地进行了回击”。
• • • • • • • • • • • 金元外交 “dollar policy” 大棒加胡萝卜政策 “a stick_and_carrot policy” 时间就是金钱 “Time is money” paper tigers 纸老虎 An inch of time is an inch of gold 一寸光阴一寸金 A gentleman uses his tongue,not his fists 君子动口不动手
• • • •tread on thin ice 如履薄冰 as clear as crystal 像水晶一样透明 as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛 bull market 牛市 Bear market 熊市 tower of ivory 象牙之塔


移动设备 LTPS显示技术在智能手机、平板 电脑等移动设备领域具有广泛应 用前景,可提供高分辨率、低功 耗的显示解决方案。
物联网与智能家居 物联网和智能家居领域的快速发 展为LTPS显示技术提供了新的应 用场景,如智能家居控制面板、 智能穿戴设备等。
车载显示 随着智能交通的发展,LTPS显示 技术在车载导航、仪表盘等领域 有较大的应用潜力。
采用先进的温度控制、压力调节和化 学计量系统,确保制程参数的稳定。 同时,引入自动化和智能化的监控系 统,实时监测制程状态并调整参数。
深入研究设备和材料的兼容性,优化材料选择和制程参数。同时,加强设备之 间的互通性和标准化,提高设备之间的兼容性。
为降低成本和提高效率,产业 链上下游企业将加强合作,实
在生产过程中注重环保和可持 续发展,推动绿色制造和循环
某公司在LTPS制程技术上取得了重大突破,成功研发出高性能、高分辨率的LTPS显示屏。该技术具有低功耗、 高亮度、高对比度等特点,广泛应用于高端智能手机、平板电脑等领域。
某知名品牌手机厂商在其新款旗舰机型中采用了LTPS显示屏,该显示屏具有出色的色彩还原度和超高 的清晰度,为用户带来了极致的视觉体验。该手机上市后获得了市场的广泛认可和用户的一致好评。

操作系统课件:Lecture5 进程的控制与调度

操作系统课件:Lecture5 进程的控制与调度

例,几乎同时到达的三个作业j1、j2、j3。j1运行2 小时,j2和j3只需1分钟。三个作业的平均周转时 间为2个小时多。增长了短作业的周转时间。
(系统先运行j1,j2和j3要等2个小时。j1完成之后 ,j2和j3再分别运行1分钟。)
(3)为支持可剥夺调度,即使没有新就绪进程,为了让 所有就绪进程轮流占用处理机,可在下述情况下申请 进行进程调度: 当时钟中断发生,时钟中断处理程序调用有关时间片 的处理程序,发现正运行进程时间片到,应请求重新 调度。以便让其他进程占用处理机。 在按进程优先级进行进程调度的操作系统中,任何原 因引起进程的优先级发生变化时,应请求重新调度。 如进程通过系统调用自愿改变优先级时或者系统处理 时钟中断时,根据各进程等待处理机的时间长短而调 整进程的优先级。
内核 进程1 调度
内核 调度
内核 调度
内核 调度
正在执行的进程执行完毕。操作系统在处理进程结束 系统调用后应请求重新调度。 正在执行的进程发出I/O请求,当操作系统代其启动 外设I/O后,在I/O请求没有完成前要将进程变成阻塞 状态,应该请求重新调度。 正在执行的进程要等待其它进程或系统发出的事件时。 如等待另一个进程通讯数据,这时操作系统应将现运行 进程挂到等待队列,并且请求重新调度。 正在执行的进程暂时得不到所要的系统资源,如要求 独占资源,但其被其它进程占用,这时等待的进程应阻 塞到等待队列上,并且请求重新调度。



例7.3 小白鼠在接种了3种不同菌型的伤寒杆菌后的存活天数如表7.5所示。 判断小白鼠被注射3种菌型后的平均存活天数有无显著差异?
菌型 1 2 3 2 5 7 4 6 11 3 8 6 2 5 6 4 10 7 7 7 9 7 12 5 2 12 5 2 6 10 5 6 6 4 3 10
解 提出假设 > mouse<-data.frame( X=c(2, 4, 3, 2, 4, 7, 7, 2, 2, 5, 4, 5, 6, 8, 5, 10, 7, 12, 12, 6, 6, 7, 11, 6, 6, 7, 9, 5, 5, 10, 6, 3, 10), A=factor(c(rep(1,11),rep(2,10), rep(3,12)))) > mouse.aov<-aov(X ~ A, data=mouse) > summary(mouse.aov) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) A 2 94.26 47.13 8.484 0.0012 ** Residuals 30 166.65 5.56 --Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘
由上述计算结果可知, μ1与μ2, μ1与μ3均有显著差异,而μ2与μ3间 没有显著差异,即小白鼠所接种的三种不同菌型的伤寒杆菌中第一种与 后两种使得小白鼠的平均存活天数有显著差异,而后两种差异不显著。 多重t检验方法的优点是使用方便,但在均值的多重检验中,如果 因素的水平较多,而检验又是同时进行的,多次重复使用t检验会增大犯 第一类错误的概率,所得到的“有显著差异”的结论不一定可靠。 可通过设置函数pairwise.t.test()中的参数p.adjust.method选择不 同的调整P值的方法。






z在体液中可溶或不溶不溶蛋白质—组成结构和运动功能的部分;也能调节细胞功能(通过吸附肽)可溶蛋白质—通过吸附、粘附等强烈地控制细胞功能z分子量存在很大的范围“肽”(若干个氨基酸):激素,药物试剂例如:脑下垂体后叶荷尔蒙(催产素):刺激子宫收缩(9 a.a.)天(门)冬氨酰苯丙氨酸甲酯:天然甜味剂 (2 a.a.)“多肽”(~ 10-100氨基酸)激素,生长因子例如:胰岛素:两条多肽链(30&21a.a.)表皮生长因子(45a.a)“蛋白质”(100’s-1000’s氨基酸)例如:血清白蛋白(550 a.a.)阿朴脂蛋白B :胆固醇转运蛋白(4536 a.a.)蛋白质的作用:z结构/支架:细胞外基质组分,作为细胞物理支持例如:胶原——纤维状,提供强度弹性蛋白——为韧带提供弹性支持蛋白:纤维连接蛋白、层粘蛋白、体外连接蛋白——调节细胞吸附糖蛋白z酶:通过释放键能,降低通过稳定态的能量,催化化学反应。








– Shield Volcanoes – Calderas
• Hydrothermal systems • Explosive vs. Extrusive
(composite volcanoes)
Servicio Nacional de Turismo, Chile
USGS, Mt St. Helens
Mt St. Helens
Mt St. Helens
Lava Domes
• Occur in craters of stratovolcanoes
– Magma is so viscous that it cools very quickly
– Provide structure and streesistance to slope failure
Rarely, more fluid lavas can also be extruded
Old blocky andesitic lava flow, El Reventador volcano, Ecuador, 2005
– No one established conduit
Shield Volcanoes
• Volcanoes constructed almost entirely out of lava flows
– Usually basaltic or other low-viscosity magma
• Shield-shaped
• Violent eruptions can add ash layers to the volcanic cone, building it even higher



拟 优 检验
参数符号是否合理 出现负的误差方差 参数的取值范围是否合理 潜变量间相关系数的绝对值大于1或接近1 因子载荷偏低(小于0.5) 出现过大或过小的标准误差 参数是否可以得到合理的解释
Alienation稳 Alienation稳
计结果 1 参数 计结果
Model Chisquare = 71.532 Df = 6 Pr(>Chisq) = 1.9829e-13 Chisquare (null model) = 2131.5 Df = 15 Goodness-of-fit index = 0.97514 Adjusted goodness-of-fit index = 0.913 RMSEA index = 0.10831 90% CI: (0.086636, 0.13150) Bentler-Bonnett NFI = 0.96644 Tucker-Lewis NNFI = 0.9226 Bentler CFI = 0.96904 SRMR = 0.021256 BIC = 30.508
基本思想: 基本思想:
Error variance R = 1− Total variance ˆ 误差方差为S与 Σ 之间的离差平方和
ˆ ˆ tr (S − Σ0 ) (S − Σ 0 ) 1− (LS) tr [SS ] −1 2 ˆ ) W −1 2 W −1 2 (S − Σ ) W −1 2 tr (I − S −1Σ ) (I − S −1Σ ) ˆ ˆ ˆ tr W (S − Σ 0 0 0 0 = 1 − GFI = 1 − (GLS) −1 2 −1 2 −1 2 −1 2 n tr W SW W SW ˆ− ˆ− tr (SΣ 0 1− I ) (SΣ 0 1− I ) 1− (ML) ˆ −1SΣ −1 ) ˆ tr(SΣ 0 0

Lecture 5

Lecture 5
• She promptly shepherded them out of the crowded living room and into the privacy of the library. • 她迅速把他们领出拥挤的客厅,带到了人少的图 书馆。
• One should be psychologically as well as physically sound.
Please have a try!
• An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs.
• 熟悉一些世界史有助于学习时事。 • He urged upon citizens of the country the necessity of persisting in participation in political controversies. • 他告诫全国人民,必须坚持参加政治论战。
• 老年人什么都相信;中年人什么都怀疑;青年人 什么都懂。 • Under given condition, the harmful can be transformed into the beneficial. • 在一定条件下,坏事可以变成好事。
3、n → adj
• I recognized the absurdity of dealing with them through intermediaries. • 我认识到通过中间人跟他们打交道是愚蠢的。
Lecture 5
• • • • • 转性与变态 增补与省略 正译与反译 抽象与具体 分句与合句

Lecture 5 - 副本

Lecture 5 - 副本
Cornell University

Dartmouth College

Harvard University University of Pennsylvania Princeton University

Report II: US colleges chasing cash favor foreigners over Americans
Report II: US colleges chasing cash favor foreigners over Americans
• University of California (UC)是美国加州的一 个最具影响力的公立大学之一。加州大学起源于 1853年建立在奥克兰的加利福尼亚学院 (College of California)。 • 如今 UC 已发展成一所拥有10个分校并对加州发展 影响深远的巨型大学系统。其伯克利分校(UC, Berkeley) 、圣地亚哥分校 (UC, San Diego)和 洛杉矶分校(UC, LA) 都是世界一流的学府。 • 美国《新闻周刊》2004年,2005年连续评价:加州 大学伯克利分校研究生项目连续名列全美第一。
• 这里先后诞生了八位美国总统, 40位诺贝尔奖得主和30位普利 策奖得主。其商学院案例教学 盛名远播。这里也培养了缔造 了微软、IBM、Facebook等一 个个创造商业奇迹的人。 • 著名校友:肯尼迪 奥巴马 , 盖茨,竺可桢
Yale University
• 该校最强的学科社会科学、人文学以及生命科 学 • 耶鲁创造了惊人的奇迹:连续3届总统都出自 耶鲁: 第41任总统乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布 什、第42任总统比尔·克林顿以及美国第43任 总统小布什;克林顿与他的夫人希拉里就是在 耶鲁法学院的图书馆里相识


Part I: Types of Volcanoes
• Introduction to several varieties of volcanoes
– Stratovolcanoes – Lava Domes – Cinder Cones
• Monogenetic fields
layers of lava flows and ash stratified • Can be very steep-sided
Cross-section of a stratovolcano, showing pyroclastics (ash and rock fragments) alternating with lava flows
– Shield Volcanoes – Calderas
• Hydrothermal systems • Explosive vs. Extrusive
(composite volcanoes)
Servicio Nacional de Turismo, Chile
• Largest percentage of Earth’s subaerial volcanoes
– 60%
• Most commonly exist at subduction zones
– Occasionally found at divergent margins
• Usually erupt material of dacitic to andesitic composition • Called stratovolcanoes because they are composed of

lecture5 定态薛定谔方程及可解问题(I)

lecture5 定态薛定谔方程及可解问题(I)
及 可解问题(I)
2 2 U (r , t ) 1) 薛定谔方程: i t 2
2) 得到定态薛定谔方程的前提条件:势能不显含时间变量 U ( r )
3) 由2)条件,薛定谔方程变为: 2 i 2 U (r ) t 2 4) 利用分离变量法,考虑方程一特解: (r , t ) (r ) f (t )
i b.几率流密度: J ( * * ) 2 i J ( * * ) 2
( r , t ) ( r )e

11) 由5)和6)得与时间无关的关于 (r ) 的方程:
? (r ) 中,得薛定谔方程特解 8) 将7)中的任意常数并入
( r , t ) ( r )e
iE t
因为 (r ) 中也有任意常数
9) e


E 为系统能量 E 是确定常数

薛定谔方程特解 (r , t ) (r )e

对应着确定的能量 E
* ( x ) 3)所以, 和 ( x) 都是定态薛定谔方程的相应于 E 的解
4)推论: 如果关于 E 的解无简并,则该解总可以表示为实数
E 解无简并 C C C C C 为实数 取C 1
* * *
C 1
定理2 设 V ( x) 具有空间反射不变性 V ( x) V ( x) ,如果 ( x)
( x) C ( x)

lecture 5

lecture 5

• 我们应继续采取措施进一步提高常规教育、成人 教育以及在职培训。 A: We should continue to take measures to further improve regular education, adult education and on-the-job training program. B: We should continue to improve regular education, adult education and on-the-job training program. [- “Continue” to improve=“further” improve. -take measures to improve, unnecessary verb phrase, should be dropped.]
• [- “Make vigorous efforts to” is a variant of “make great efforts to.” • - “To establish the institution of regulating”= “to regulate”.
Unnecessary Modifiers
• 今年从国外进口的汽车数量急剧下滑。 A: Imports of foreign automobiles have declined sharply this year. B: Imports of automobiles have declined sharply this year. [we cannot import a domestic product.]
• Adverbs of time: • 过去我们经常过分强调阶级斗争的需要。 A:Previously we used to overemphasize the need for class struggle. B:We B We used to overemphasize the need for class struggle. [Such adverbs of time as “at present”, “in the future”, “and in the past” appear in the Chinese publications. Actually their function is served by the tense of the verb.
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1)千分尺其分度值为0.01mm,测量范围有0-25、25-50、50-75、75-100、 100-125、125-150等。 2)工作原理:通过螺旋付传动,将被测尺寸的直线位移(即丝杆的轴向 位移),转换成微分筒的角位移。 3)刻线原理:在微分筒圆锥面上刻有50等分的刻线,当微分筒转一周,带动 测微杆轴向移动0.5mm;而微分筒转1格,测微杆轴向移动0.01mm,故千分尺 的分值精度为0.01mm.
实验一 §孔轴配合的认识及基本技术测量
1.巩固技术测量的基本概念、基本知识; 2.加深对光滑圆柱体结合的公差与配合的认识;
4.认识和学会使用几种常用的机械式量具、量仪; 5.学习测量数据的后期处理。
1.观察减速箱中孔轴配合的类型; 2.测量方法分类、测量工具介绍; 2.量块的选择及组合; 4.量具、量仪的使用及测量; 5. 测量数据的后期处理。
某仪器的测量极限误差δlim=±3δ=±0.003,用此仪器测量工 件,1)测量一次,测得值为20.001,写出测量结果;2)测量四 次,20.001、20.002、20.000、19.997,写出测量结果;3)要使 测量极限不超过±0.001应测几次?
1)单次测量结果:x±3δ=(20.001±0.003)mm 2)测量平均值为20.000;平均的标准偏差0.0005; 测量结果: (20.000±0.0015)mm 3)将测量极限代入平均标准偏差计算公式,计算得n=9
1)结构: 主尺、游框、游标、外量爪、内量爪、测深尺、锁紧装置等。利用 主尺刻线间距与游标刻线部距之差,提高人眼对主尺毫米刻线的细分能力。 2)刻线原理: 三种精度的游标卡尺,尺身上的刻线相同,一小格a=1mm,不同的是 游标格数与尺身相对的格数,其间隔b比尺身间隔小。
如精度0.1mm的刻线原 理:尺身上的9格对应游 标上的10格,b=0.9, 精度i=a-b=0.1mm 如精度0.05mm的刻线 原理:尺身上的19格对应 游标上的20格,b=0.95, 精度i=a-b=0.05mm
(一)量块 回顾: 1)量块的精度指标,2)量块的选用,3)量块使用注意事项 (二)机械式量具、量仪(本节主要介绍以下内容):
A、常用游标量具有(见下图):游标卡尺、高度游标卡尺、深度游标卡尺。 游标卡尺按精度分0.1、 0.05、0.02mm三种,常用的有0.02mm。
读数方法:先读短针与起始位置0之间的整数,再读长针在表盘上所指的小 数部分值,两个数相加就是被测尺寸。
使用方法: 1)百分表不是单独使用的,必须夹持在支架(表架)上使用。表 架有各种各样的。 2)测量头与被测表面接触时,测量杆应有一定预压量,一般为 0.3~1mm,同时应转动表盘使指示针正好指在表盘0线上。 3)测量圆柱工件时,测量杆的轴线应与工件直径方向一致,并垂 直于工件的轴线。 4)百分表不能用于测量毛坯。
4)读尺方法: 第一步:在固定套筒上读与微分筒边沿靠近的刻度线(包括整毫米和半 毫米); 第二步:在微分筒上读与固定套筒基准线对齐的刻度数值; (估一位) 第三步:把整数部分和小数部分相加即为测量结果。
• 使用前必须校对零位。 • 手应握在隔热垫处,测量器具与被测件必须等温,以减少温度对测量精度的 影响。 • 当测量面与被件表面将接触时,必须使用测量力装置。 • 测量读数时要特别注意半毫米刻度的读取
1.观察减速箱中孔轴配合的类型; 齿轮和轴、轴承和轴、端盖和轴承座孔处等等。
2.分别用游标卡尺测量和外径轴外径千分尺测量轴径5次,进行后 期数据处理,并比较测量结果;
3.试用83块一套的量块进行2-箱盖 3-上下箱联接螺栓 4-通气器 5-检查孔盖板 6-吊环螺钉 7-定位销 8-油标尺 9-放油螺塞
•齿侧间隙的消除:通过游丝消除齿偶间隙,提高测量精度。 •测量力的控制:弹簧是控制百分表的测量力的。 •百分表的分度值为0.01mm,表面刻度盘上共有100条等分刻线。因此, 百分表齿轮传动机构,应使量杆移动1mm时,指针回转一圈。 •百分表的测量范围,有0-3、0-5、0-10mm三种。测量范围是测量杆 的最大移动量。
①应与腐蚀性物质隔离,防止表面锈蚀。 ②不得作工具使用。 ③不能将游标卡尺和外径千分尺的锁紧装置锁紧后作卡规使用。 ④不要测量运动着的工件。 ⑤使用完毕要擦净测量面并涂上专用防锈油后置于盒内保管。 ⑥使用有效期满后,要及时送计量部门检修。
百分表外形图和传动原理图 1.表盘 2.大指针 3.小指针 4.套筒 5.测量杆 6.测量头 为避免长针转几圈数不清,装上分度值为1mm的短针,短针转一周为10mm。 长针每转1周,短针移动1个标尺标记。
3)读尺方法: 第一步:在尺身上读位于游标零线左面的毫米尺寸数,为测量结果 的整数部分; 第二步:读游标上与尺身刻线对齐的刻线数值,用此值和精度i的乘 积为小数部分; 第三步:把整数部分和小数部分相加即为测量结果。
4)使用注意事项: • 使用前应将测量面擦干净,检查两测量爪间不能存在显著的间 隙,并校对零位。 • 移动游框时力量要适度,测量力不易过大。 • 注意防止温度对测量精度的影响,特别是测量器具与被测件不等 温产生的测量误差。
10-平键 11-油封 12-齿轮轴 13-挡油盘14-轴承 15-轴承端盖 16-轴 17-轴套 18-齿轮
1.活动量杆2.等臂杠杆3.固定量杆4.壳体5.长管6.推杆7.9.弹簧 8.百分表 10.定位护桥 •内径百分表的活动测头,其移动量很小,它的测量范围是由更换或调整可换测 头的长度达到的。 •内径百分表的测量范围有以下几种:10-18、18-35、35-50、50-100、100-160、 160-250、250-450mm。 •用内径百分表测量孔径是一种相对量法,测量前应根据被测孔径的大小,在千 分尺或其他量具上调整好尺寸后才能使用。
• 读数时其视线要与标尺刻线方向一致,以免造成视差。 • 尽量减少阿贝误差对测量的影响。 • 测量时量爪的位置要正确,避免图所示的错误。
B、常用的测微量具有外径千分尺、内径千分尺、深度千分尺等,其 中外径千分尺在生产中应用广泛。
1尺架、2 固定测砧、3测微螺杆、4轴套、5固定套筒、6微分筒、7调节螺母、 8接头、9垫片、10、测力装置、11、锁紧螺母、12绝热板