英语语言学讲义 Lecture 5-semantics


英语语言学Chapter 5_semantics

英语语言学Chapter 5_semantics
5. Sense & Reference
• Sense and reference are the two terms often encountered in the study of word meaning. They are two related but different aspects of meaning. • Sense– the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form. • Reference: What a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world.
„Colorful‟ meaning
• Commendatory • tough-minded • resolute, firm • shrewd • childlike • wiseman • man of usual talent • portly, stout, solid, plum • slender, slim • • • • • • • • • Derogatory ruthless obstinate sly, crafty childish wiseguy freak fleshy, fat, tubby lean, skinny, lanky, weedy, scraggy
• (1) • (2) • (3) linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations. e.g. I was once bitten by a dog. Mind you. There is a dog over there. Sometimes linguistic forms with the same reference might differ in sense. “朝阳” & “夕阳” “主任” &

unit 5 semantics

unit 5 semantics

wrath:literature The Grapes of Wrath 《愤怒的葡萄》
John Steinbeck 约翰· 斯坦贝克
• cliche judo
typhoon tea versus ginseng
• Sputnik mosquito
English is particularly rich in synonyms for the historical reason that its vocabulary has come from two different sources, from Anglo -Saxon on the one hand and from French, Latin and Greek on the other.
“Anger, rage, fury, indignation
and wrath” are synonymous in denoting the emotional excitement induced by intense displeasure.
Sense 意义
Vs versus
Reference 所指
• Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. • Abstract • De-contextualized • Dictionary meaning • What does the word “dog” mean in your dictionary?
A teacher was amazed to find that a lazy student had gained • mark a of 100 in an important test.



6.3 Complementary antonymy

The members of a pair complementary to each other. They divide the whole of a semantic field completely. The assertion of one means the denial of the other and the denial of one means the assertion of the other. There is no intermediate ground between the two. Distinction between gradable and complementary contrary and contradictory
3.2 Connotative meaning

the emotional association which a word or a phrase suggests in one’s mind. It is the supplementary value added to the purely denotative meaning of a word. Mother a female parent connotes love, care and tenderness. Dogs have different connotative meaning between Chinese and English.
3.7 Thematic meaning

determined by the order of the words and the different prominence they each receive.

英语语言学Lecture 5 Semantics

英语语言学Lecture 5 Semantics
4.2.2 Complementary(互补)~ –E.g. alive vs. dead; male vs. female;
4.2.3 Converse(反向)~ –E.g. give vs. receive; husband vs. wife.
4.4 Homonymy
Sound Spelling Meaning Example
2.4.2 Sense and Reference
• Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of linguistic form. It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract and decontextualized.
1)Innocent—guilty 2)Borrow—lend 3)Strong-weak 4)Furniture—desk 6)Knight—night 7)Autumn—fall
Homonym +
Night vs. Knight
Lead vs. Lead
Bank vs. Bank
4.5 Hyponymy
Furniture Super-ordinate
• Tell the sense relations of these pairs of words
• Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.



5. Semantics5.1 What is semantics?Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning. This definition naturally leads to the question: what is meaning? Meaning is central to the study of communication, but the question of what meaning really is is difficult to answer. Even linguists do not agree among themselves as to what meaning is. And what makes the matter even more complicated is th at philosophers, psychologists, and sociologists all claim a deep interest in the study of meaning, although they differ in their focus of interest. The philosophers are interested in understanding the relations between linguistic expressions and what they refer to in the real world, and in evaluating the truth value of linguistic expressions. The psychologists focus their interest on understanding the workings of the human mind through language. This is why it is not surprising to find ten books all bearing the title "Semantics" but talking about different things. In our discussion, we will limit ourselves to the study of meaning from a linguistic point of view.5.2 Some views concerning the study of meaning5.2.1 The naming theoryOne of the oldest notions concerning meaning, and also the most primitive one, was the naming theory proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato. According to this theory, the linguistic forms or symbols, in other words, the words used in a language are simply labels of the objects they stand for. So words are just names or labels for things.The limitations of this theory are obvious. First of all, this theory seems applicable to nouns only, but verbs, adjectives, and adverbs such as "think", "hard", "slowly" are definitely not labels of objects. Besides, within the category of nouns, there are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world at all such as "ghost", "dragon", and "unicorn", and also nouns that do not refer to physical objects, but abstract notions such as "j o y", "im pulse ".5.2.2 The conceptualist viewA more sophisticated and seemingly more plausible view than naming is one that relates words and things through the mediation of concepts of the mind. This conceptualist view has been held by some philosophers and linguists from ancient times. This view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to (i.e. , between language and the real world); rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind. This is best illustrated by the classic semantic triangle or triangle of significance suggested by Ogden and Richards:THOUGHT/REFERENCESYMBOL/FORM-REFERENT(直线表示两者之间有直接联系,虚线表示两者之间无直接联系。



Lexical vs. Compositional Semantics
Dog bites man. (happens all the time; not too interesting) Man bites dog.
2-legged mammal, (relatively) hairless, male sex,
Applicable to Ns only Ns: denote things that do not exist in the real world, e.g. ghost, dragon, unicorn, phenix… Ns: do not refer to abstract notions e.g. joy, impulse, hatred…
The conceptualist view 概念论
a linguistic form
“dog” no direct link what it refers to
Rather, they are linked through the mediation of
concepts in the mind.
The naming theory 命名论 The conceptualist view 概念论 Contextualism 语境论 Behaviorism 行为主义论
The naming theory 命名论
Plato Words are names or labels for things. “whale” “microorganism” Limitations:
Homonymy 同音/同形词

语言学整理的资料Chapter 5 semantics

语言学整理的资料Chapter 5 semantics

Chapter 51.Semantics:自测: __________ can be defined as the study of meaning.术语:Semantics 语义学解释:语义学可以简单的定义为对意义的研究。

术语:semantics is the study of meaning of linguistics units, words and sentences in particular.语义学是对语言单位尤其是词和句子的意义的研究。

解释:Semantics is defined as the study of meaning. However, it is not the only linguistic discipline that studies meaning. Semantics answers the question “what does this sentence mean”. In other words, it is the analysis of conventional meanings in words and sentences out of context. 语义学被定义为对意义的研究,然而,却不仅仅是对语言的意义研究。



2.Sense:自测:Which of the following is NOT true?A. Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.B. Sense is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form.C. Sense is abstract and decontextualized.D. Sense is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are not interested in.术语:Sense 涵义解释:涵义指一个实体的抽象属性。


"up" and "down", "hot" and "cold".
understanding antonyms helps to express contrasts and nuances more accurately.
"John opened the door." (John 是动作 "open" 的发起者)
Agency example
Suffering from trouble
Suffering from trouble example
"The company is suffering from financial trouble." (公司正在遭受财务困难)
Types of semantic fields
The Application of Semantic Field Theory
Lexicography: Semantic field theory can be used in lexicography to organize and categorize words in dictionaries and thesauri based on their semantic relationships.
Point to the matter
Semantic implication and presupposition



Chapter 5 Semantics 语义学、定义1. semantics 语义学:Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning in language. 语义学可以简单地定义为对意义的将研究。

二、知识点5.2 Different views of meaning 意义研究的不同观点521 The naming theory命名论(by 希腊Scholar Plato)The naming theory命名论:Words are just names or labels for thin gs词语只不过是其代表的事物的名字或标记。

Eg. desk—a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs.The limitations of this theory 局限性:1. This theory seems applicable to nouns only这一理论看起来仅适用于名词(Some words are definitelynot lables of object:eg. jump, quickly, pretty, an d, i n,hearted, thi nk, hard, slowly …)2. There are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world: ghost,grago n, un icorn麒麟.有些名词是指世界中根本就不存在的事物。

3. Nouns that do not refer to physical object, but abstract notions such asjoy and impulse有些名词并不是指实物性的物体,而是指:joy, impulse 刺激,这样的抽象概念。


指称意指语言形式在现实的物质世界 中所指的事物; 它涉及的是语言成分 和非语言的经验世界之间的关系.
Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations; on the other hand, there are also occasions, when linguistic forms with the same reference might differ in sense, e.g. the morning star and the evening star,
用符号或单词表示物体是通过言语者思 维中单词的形式与概念联系起来实现的。 从这个观点看,概念就是单词的意义。
Contextualism (语境论)
Meaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, context — elements closely linked with language behavior.
Naming theory (Plato)命名论
Words are names or labels for things.
1) Applicable to nouns only.
2) There are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world, e.g. ghost, dragon, unicorn, phenix…



21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
1、合法而稳定去温厚善良的美 德。— —伯克
3、最大限度地行使权力总是令人反感 ;权力 不易确 定之处 始终存 在着危 险。— —塞·约翰逊 4、权力会奴化一切。——塔西佗
5、虽然权力是一头固执的熊,可是金 子可以 拉着它 的鼻子 走。— —莎士 比
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚


Dialect: the language of a geographical region or of a social class. Time: the language of the 18th c., etc. Province: language of law, of science, of advertising, etc. Status: polite, colloquial, slang, etc. Modality: language of memoranda, lectures, jokes, etc. Singularity: the style of Dickens, etc.
Formal <------------------------------> Informal
(4) Affective meaning

Reflecting the personal feelings of the speaker, including his attitude to the listener, or his attitude to something he is talking about.


Some words may have the same conceptual meaning, but have different social meaning and stylistic meaning.

domicile: very formal, official residence: formal abode: poetic home: general




Types of Synonyms:
1. Dialectal synonyms(方言) e.g. autumn - fall, biscuit - cracker, petrol – gasoline… 2. Stylistic synonyms(文体风格---正式、一般、口语)
e.g. kid, child, offspring; start, begin, commence;… 3. Synonyms that differ in emotive or evaluative meaning (褒义或贬义)
The conceptualist view 概念论
• Definition: one concerning meaning.
• It is also called ideational theory(观念论).
Complete homonyms 同音同形异义 two words are identical in both sound and spelling,but different in meaning.
e.g. fast adj fast v (斋戒)
Hyponymy 下义关系
Definition: the sense relation between a more general, more
inclusive word and a more specific word.
(下义关系指的是一个更普遍, 范围更广泛的词和一个更具体的词之间的关系.)
Superordinate(上义): the word which is more general in

语言学Chapter 5

语言学Chapter 5

Collocative meaning搭配意义
It refers to the associations a word acquires on account of its mutual expectancy with some other words which tend to occur in its environment. Example: pretty and handsome pretty {girl, boy, woman, flower, etc.} handsome {boy, man, car, vessel, etc.} cows may wander, but may not stroll. one trembles with fear, but quiver with excitement.
Social/stylistic meaning社会/文体意 义
It refers to what language conveys about the social circumstances of its use. It relates to people’s recognition of different dimensions and levels of style with the same language steed (poetic) residence (formal) horse (general) abode (poetic) nag (slang) home (general) gee-gee (baby language) domicile (very formal, official)

语言学讲义 考研 5 Semantics

语言学讲义 考研 5 Semantics
讲义五 Semantics
Grace Tan
• • • • • 语义学定义 语义三角说 LEECH的七种意义类型 词汇意义关系(同义,反义,下义) 识别各实例中词与词的意义关系,句与句间的蕴 涵、前提、回话含义、同义、不相容、语义矛盾、 语义反常等 • 用成分分析同下义词、反义词、句子意义的区别 • 反义词的种类及例子
• 情感意义反映作者或说话人对所谈论的人或物、 事态等表示的个人情感或态度。这种意义可以通 过选用表情词直接了当地表现出来。
考研语言学 谭宗燕
• Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories: appreciative and pejorative/derogative. Words of positive overtones are used to show appreciation or the attitude of approval; those of negative connotations imply disapproval, contempt or criticism.
3) Affective Meaning
• Affective meaning expresses the speaker‟s attitude towards the person or thing in question. This meaning can be overtly and explicitly conveyed simply by the choice of the right words.

Lecture 5 Semantics

Lecture 5 Semantics

Some approaches to meaning

Naming theory (Plato) The conceptualist view Contextualism Behaviorism (Bloomfield)
Naming theory (Plato)命名说
Words are names or labels for things. 该理论是把词看作所指事物的名称 Limitations: 1) Applicable to nouns only. 2) There are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world, e.g. ghost, dragon, unicorn, phenix… 3) There are nouns that do not refer to physical objects but abstract notions, e.g. joy, impulse, hatred…
Lecture 5: Semantics
Language without meaning is meaningless. Roman Jakobson

What is semantics? Approaches to meaning Sense and reference Word/lexical meaning

Philosophers are mainly interested in the relation between linguistic expressions, such as the words of a language, and persons, things, and events in the world to which these words refer. Within the domain of linguistics, semantics is mainly concerned with the analysis of meaning of words, phrases, or sentences and sometimes with the meaning of utterances in discourse or the meaning of a whole text.

大学英语新编语言学教程Chapter 5 Semantics

大学英语新编语言学教程Chapter 5 Semantics
• Some expressions will have the same referent across a range of utterances, e.g. The Eiffel Towel or the Pacific Ocean, such expressions are sometimes described as having constant reference. • Others have their reference totally dependent on context, expressions like I , you, she, etc. are said to have variable reference.
Conceptualist/ Mentalism View(概念论)
• Conceptualist view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to (i.e. between language and the real world; rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in our mind.
• Mentalism or Conceptualism follows Saussure’s “sign ” theory ,and considers the linguistic sign to consist of a signifier and signified, i.e., a sound image and a concept ,linked by a psychological “associative” bond


s: a linguistic stimulus for Jack
R: non-linguistic RESPONSE of getting the apple
1.5 Meaning as context (p.107)
Contextualist view (inspired by Malinovsky, proposed by Firth): Context determines the meaning; meaning is found in the context within which a particular expression is uttered suggests that we can derive meaning from the observable context.
Reference or extension deals with the relationship between the linguistic elements (words, sentences, etc.) and the nonlinguistic world of experience (things, actions, events and qualities).
1.2 Meaning as naming (p.105)
Naming theory (Plato): the meaning of expression is what it refers to, or names.
The semantic relationship holding between a word and the thing it denotes is the relationship of naming.

自考英语语言学Chapter 5 Semantics

自考英语语言学Chapter 5 Semantics

Chapter 5 Semantics语义学一、本章纲要二、本章重点1.What is semantics? 什么是语义学A study of meaning in language(2003填空). Linguists cannot agree among themselves as to what meaning is. Philosophers are interested in understanding the relations between linguisticexpressions and the phenomena in the real word they refer to and in evaluating the conditions of truth and falsehood of such expressions. Psychologists focus their interest on understanding the human mind through language.2.Some views concerning the study of meaning2.1 The naming theory命名论(2005单选;2007名词解释)It is one of the oldest notions concerning meaning, and also a very primitive one, proposed by Greek scholar Plato. According to his theory, the linguistic form of symbols, in other words, the words used in a language are taken to be labels of the objects they stand for. So words are just names or labels for things. 命名论是最原始的语义理论,由古希腊学者柏拉图提出。

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MeaningWhat is Semantics ? •Semantics -the study ofmeaning oflinguisticunits.•words•sentences•Plato •Lao Zi5.1 The meaning of meaning • C. K. Ogden & I. A. Richards (1923). The Meaning of Meaning.•presented "a representative list of the main definitons which reputable students of meaning have favoured"•16 major categories•22 all together with sub-categories•Geoffrey Leech (1974, 1981). Semantics: The Study of Meaning. Seven types of meaning:1.Conceptual meaning2.Connotative meaning3.Social meaning4.Affective meaning5.Reflected and meaning6.Collocative meaning7.Thematic meaning Associative Meaning5.1.1 Conceptual meaning•Also called ‘denotative’ or‘cognitive’ meaning.•Refers to logical, cognitive or denotative content.•Concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes, or refers to.5.1.2 Connotative meaning • Philosophical Ideasconnotations "human"-"biped,featherless, rational,etc."- the properties of the entity a word denotes •denotations •John & Maryconnotations • Linguistic Ideas politician vs. statesman -additional, esp. emotive meaning. • Philosophical Ideas "human"- "biped,featherless, rational,etc."- the properties of the entity a word denotes5.1.3 Social meaning•What a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use. •Dialect: the language of a geographical region or of a social class.•Time: the language of the 18th c., etc. •Province: language of law, of science, of advertising, etc.5.1.3 Social meaning•Status: polite, colloquial, slang, etc. •Modality: language of memoranda, lectures, jokes, etc.•Singularity: the style of Dickens, etc.•domicile: very formal, official •residence: formal •abode: poetic •home: general •steed: poetic •horse: general •nag: slang •gee-gee: baby language5.1.4 Affective meaning•Reflecting the personal feelings of the speaker, including his attitude to the listener, or his attitude to something he is talking about.5.1.4 Affective meaning •You’re a vicious tyrant and a villainous reprobate, and I hate you for it!•你这个凶残的土霸王,无耻的色鬼。

我恨透你了!•I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, but I wonder if you would be so kind as to lower your voices a little.or•Will you belt up?5.1.5 Reflected meaning•Arises in cases of multiple conceptual meaning, when one sense of a word forms part of our response to another sense.•When you hear ‘click the mouse twice’, you think of Jerry being hit twice by Tom so you feel excited.•Many taboo terms are result of this.5.1.6 Collocative meaning•The associations a word acquires on account of the meanings of words which tend to occur in its environment. •pretty: girl, boy, woman, flower, garden, colour, village, etc.•handsome: boy, man, car, vessel, overcoat, airliner, typewriter, etc.5.1.7 Thematic meaning•What is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer organizes the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis.•Mrs Bessie Smith donated the first prize.•The first prize was donated by Mrs Bessie Smith.•They stopped at the end of the corridor. •At the end of the corridor, they stopped.5.2. Referential theory•Words → Meaning: Words ‘name’ or‘refer to’ things-- Platonic•Words→Concepts→Things: Ogden & Richardsthought/concept/imagesymbolizes refers to symbol -------------------------------------- referent (word) stands for (object)5.2.1 Sense•‘Meaning’ is not some kind of‘entity’ separate from language. •That words ‘have meaning’ means only that they are used in a certain way in a sentence. There is no ‘meaning’beyond the meaning of individual words and sentences.5.2.2Sense vs. Reference •Sense: the way people relate words to each other within the framework of their language•Reference: how language refers to this external worldThe family tree•舅父 = ‘mother’s brother’•叔叔 = ‘father’s younger brother’•伯父 = ‘father’s elder brother’•姨母 = ‘mother’s sister’•姑母 = ‘father’s sister’5.3 Sense Relations•Sense-•Semantic relations between one word and another- between one linguistic unit and another.•Intralinguistic relationsdesk chair table furniture5.3.1 Synonymy•buy/purchase •thrifty/economical/st ingy•autumn/fall•flat/apartment •tube/underground •Sameness relations •Synonyms5.3.2 Antonymy•good ----------------------- bad •long ----------------------- short •big ----------------------- small •Can be modified by adverbs of degree like very.•Can have comparative forms. •Can be asked with how.a. Gradable antonymyb. Complementary antonymy•alive : dead •male : female •present : absent •innocent : guilty •odd : even •pass : fail •boy : girl •hit : missc. Converse antonymy•buy : sell •lend : borrow •give : receive •parent : child •husband : wife •teacher : student •above : below •before : after•host : guest •employer : employee5.3.3 Hyponymy•Inclusiveness•A is included in / a kind of B.•Cf.: chair and furniture, rose and flowerCo-hyponyms & superordinate • flower•• tulip violet roseAnimalbird fish insect animalhuman animaltiger lion elephant ...Hyponymy & Antonymy Beautiful plain looking uglySense Relations •Synonymy•Antonymy •Hyponymy Gradable Complementary Converse5.4 Componential Analysis•HUMAN•man (ADULT, MALE)•woman (ADULT, FEMALE) •boy (NON-ADULT, MALE)•girl (NON-ADULT, FEMALE)MALE FEMALE NON-ADULT bull cow calfram ewe lamb boar sow piglet•father: PARENT (x, y) & MALE (x) •x is a parent of y, and x is male. •take: CAUSE (x, (HAVE (x, y))) •x causes x to have y.•give: CAUSE (x, (~HAVE (x, y))) •x causes x not to have y.•Die =become (x, (~alive (x))•Kill = cause (x, (become (y (~alive (y))))) •Murder =intend (x, (cause x, (become (y, (~alive (y))))))Problems withcomponential analysis1.Many words are polysemous.e.g.: man2. Some semantic components are seen as binarytaxonomies.e.g.: male vs. female absolute oppositeyoung vs. adult relative opposite boy vs. man ≠ woman vs. girl3. There are words without neatly organized parts. *human, adult, maleMeta-language: a language used for its own sake /talking about another language.•The cat is chasing the mouse.•The mouse is chasing the cat.•I have read that book.•That book I have read.•The daughter of Queen Elizabeth’s son is the son of Queen Elizabeth’s daughter.•SM= WM+SSThank You !。
