what would you教案




九年级英语Unit4Whatwouldyoudo教案⼈教新⽬标版Unit 4 What would you do?Part 1: Teaching design (第⼀部分:教学设计)Structures: Second conditional, Should for adviceTarget language:What would you do if you won a million dollars?I’d give it to medical research.I can’t sleep the night before an exam. Wha t should I do?If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed.Vocabulary: million, charity, pimple, confident, shirt, tie, medical research Learning strategies: Matching, Listening for key wordsSECTION AGoals●To learn to use Second conditional and Should for advice●To listen and talk about imagined lifeProceduresWarming up by learning about Second conditional and Shouldfor adviceThe second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future. This page will explain how the second conditional is formed, and when to use i t. The structure of a second conditional sentenceLike a first conditional, a second conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if" clause and a main clause:if clause main clauseIf I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house.If the "if" clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the "if" clause comes second, there is no need for a comma:main clause if clauseI would buy a big house if I had a million dollars.We use different verb forms in each part of a second conditional:if clause if + subject + simple past verb*main clause subject + would + verb1a Talking about imaginary situationsWhat would you do if you had a lot of money?If I had a lot of money, I would give it to charity.If I had a lot of money, I would buy snacks.If I had a lot of money, I would give it to Hope Project.If I had a lot of money, I would buy books for the poor.1b Listening and numberingNow you are going to listen and number the pictures 1 to 3 in the order you hear them. TapescriptGirl1:Hey, did you see this newspaper article? An old man had a million dollars.And he gave it to charity.Boy1:Wow, what a nice man!Girl1:What would you do if you had a million dollars?Boy1:If I had a million dollars, I’d give the money to the zoo.I want to help the pandas.Girl1:That’s a gook idea! I know what I’d do. I’d buy a big house for my family. Girl2:Really? I’d put the money in the bank. Then I’d just watch it grow!Boy2:Hmmmm… I think I’d give the money to medical research. I’d want to help other people.Now listen again and write down the sentences with Second conditional and Should for advice1c Doing pairworkLet’s pretend th at we are the people in the picture on page 26. Talk with your partner about what you would do if you had a million dollars.Look. This old man had a million dollars, and he gave it to charity.Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars?I’d give it to medical research.I’d take a chance to achieve my dream of flying to the moon.If I won a million dollars, I’d stop working and become a professional runner.I’d go to an old people’s home to help them.I’d volunteer at the hospital twice every week.2a Listening and circlingListen to the tape and circle the reasons in the box on page 27 why Larry is nervous. TapescriptGirl1:Where are you going, Larry?Boy1:To Tom’s party.Girl1:Lucky you! I’d love to go to that party!Boy1: Yeah, well, I’m a little nervous. I don’t know what to wear.Girl1:If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.Boy1:And I don’t have a present. What if everyone brings a present?Girl1:If I were you, I’d take a small present—a pen orsomething. Keep it in your pocket and if everyone has a present,you can give him yours. If not, you can keep it.Boy1:OK. But what if I don’t know anyone?Girl1:If you don’t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. He’ll introduce you to people. Boy1: I guess I can do that.Girl1:Look! You’re s ure to have fun. But if you’re still nervous, you can leave. Now listen again and write d own all the expressions onto your phrase book.go to that party, a little nervous, wear a shirt and tie, have a present, bring a present, take a small present, keep…in your pocket, know anyone, talk to…,introduce… to …, have fun2b Listening and checkingListen to the tape again and check on page 27 the four things Larry’s sister says to him.2c Doing pairworkXu Linfeng, you are Larry. Men Yating, you are Lar ry’s sister. Xu is going to talk about his worries and Men is going to give him advice.X: I don’t know what to wear.M: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt andtie.X: I don’t have a present. What if everyone else brings a present? M: If I were you, I’d tak e a small present—a pen or something.X: What if I don’t know anyone?M: If you don’t know anyone, you can talkto Tom. He’ll introduce you to people.……3a Reading and matchingGo to page 28. Read the problems in the boxes and match them with thecorrect advice.And now write down all the expressions into your phrase book.be really shy, enjoy parties, get nervous before big parties, get pimples, look terrible, the night before…, take a big exam, do well, help with…, eat lots of fruits, drink lots of water, take a long walk, go to bed, look friendly, feel shy3b Thinking and role playingNext you are going to think of different advice for the problems in activity 3a. Role play conversations with your partner.A:I am really shy. I don’t enjoy parties.B:If I were you, I’d go and shout in the street. I’d set u p parties and invite all my classmates to come and sing and dance. A:I get nervous before big parties and I get pimples. B:Pimpleslook good to me. They are not terrible at all. If I were you, thenight before the big exam I’d lie in bed counting the cows, thesheep, the cattle and the horses. Then I’d have a nice sleep. If you count as many cows as possible you’d do well in the exam.A:I can’t lose my weight. B:If I were you, I’d eat lots o f fruits, drink lots of water and take a long walk before going to bed every evening.4. Doing group workYou are put into pairs and find out each other’s problems at school and at home. Then give each other advice.I really want to go to the mall with my parents, but I don’t have the time. Finish your homework at school and stop going to Sunday classes. You’ll find time that way.I failed the driver’s exam and cannot get my driver’s license.Go practicing driving more often and go over the textbook three more times. You won’t fail next time.My father does not want me to get my ears pierced. If I were you, I’d go to my mother for support. Or yo u can ask your mother to have her ears pierced first.I have to go to school on foot. I want to take the bus. Going to school on foot is good for your health. Go on going to school, to any places nearby on foot. It save money, too.I like to choose my own clothes, but my mother doesn’t allow me to do that. Wear your school uniforms while you are still a student. Wait till you are a big man and you’d have the right to choose your own clothes.……Closing down by taking a test on Second conditional Match up the parts of the sentence1. If I lost my job,a) we'd both benefit.c) you'd be more aware of what people really felt.d) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.2. If I were in your position,a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.c) you'd be more aware of what people really felt.d) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.3. If I spoke Japanese as well as you do,a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.b) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.c) we'd both benefit.d) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.4. If we spent more on Research and Development,a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.c) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.d) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.5. If you spoke less and listened more,a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.c) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.d) you'd be more aware of what people really felt.6. If you spent more time on your own problems and a bit less on mine,a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.c) we'd both benefit.d) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.7. If we controlled our expenses a bit better,a) I'd resign rather than wait to be sacked.c) we'd save a lot of money.d) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.8. If you invested some ti me into learning how the Internet works,a) you'd find that it could really help you in your job.b) I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.c) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.d) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.9. If we opened an office in Tokyo,a) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.b) you'd be more aware of what people really felt.c) I'd be interested in working there.d) we'd both benefit.10. If you didn't take the job,a) you'd regret it later.b) you'd be more aware of what people really felt.c) we wouldn't be so behind technologically.d) I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks.SECTION BGoals●To find out about people’s personalities●To learn to communicate by Second conditional and Should for adviceProceduresWarming up by learning about personalityWhat is personality? What is your personality?In psychology, personality describes the character of emotion, thought, and behavior patterns unique to a person. There are several theoretical perspectives on personality in psychology, which involve di fferent ideas about the relationship between personality and other psychological constructs, as well as different theories about the way personality develops.1a Describing and fillingTurn to page 29 and fill in the blanks with words given.1b Which words in activity 1a describe you? Tell your partner.What are you like? I think I am creative and outgoing.Words used to describe peopleAdventurous, superstitious, dependant (on), unfriendly, aggressive, active, old-fashioned, anxious, adaptable, decent, moral, annoyed, irritated, arrogant, very irritating, enlightened, well-informed, upset, excited, open, open-minded, sincere, honest, crazy, flipped-out, well-balanced, stable, shy, timid, talented, gifted, excited, enthusiastic, crazy, mad, persevering, persistent; dogged, helpful, well-known/famous, crazy, loopy, mad, zany, popular, modest, humble, self-effacing, demented, crazy, possessive, spellbinding, fascinating, silly, ignorant, stupid, spiteful, evil, angry, mean, spiteful, well-behaved, good, chaotic, disorganized, charming, cool, thankful, grateful, dumb, self-centred, ambitious, honest, jealous, selfish, simple, plain, simply, arrogant, smug, vain, unique, matchless, lonely, lonesome, vain, very mean, detestable, disgusti ng, elegant, classy, touchy, sensitive (to), sensitive, feeling, energetic; assertive, committed, dedicated, narrow-minded, successfulserious, first-class, fair, fantastic, fascinating, lazy, cowardly,fainthearted, refined, unchanging, solid, fit, feeling good,hard-working, industrious, progress-minded, cheeky, kind, friendly,happy, cheerful, merry, thoughtful, considerate, hospitable, generous, educated, cultured; well informed, patient, dangerous, full-of-feeling, sentimental, brilliant, stingy, cheap, tight, rude, low, ignorant, pleasant, brilliant, genius, just; fair; impartial, valued, dear, appreciated, clever, skillful, skillful, clever (at), closed, reserved, talkative, chatty, talkative, sociable, healthy, conscientious, greedy, reliable, trustworthy, pathetic (towards); unconcerned (about), indifferent (to), happy, lucky, rude, generous, well-dressed, good-humoured, well informed (on), good-natured, stu bborn,hard-headed, stubborn, domestic, home-loving, cheerful, bright, clear-headed, uninhibited, unworried, wonderful, magnificent, heartless, helpful, cooperative, helpful, deceitful, tricky, naughty, proud, snobby, stuck-up, polite, hungry, realistic 2a Listening and checkingCella is asking Bill questions from a personality surv ey. Check the questions Cella asks.TapescriptGirl1:I just did a personality survey in Teen Time magazine.It tells you how confident you are.Boy1:Oh? How did you do, Celia?Girl1:I don’t know yet. But it’s a really interesting test. You should try it, Bill.Boy1: OK.Girl1:How about question 1? What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?Boy1:I’d say I had a cold and couldn’t speak. I would be afraid to make a speech in front of the whole school.Girl1:How about this movie question? What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie?Boy1:Oh, I’d say no. I’d be too nervous. What’s the next question?Girl1:Let’s see…2b Listening and circlingYou shall listen again to the recording and circle Bill’s responses. Copy the phrases from the listening script.do a personality survey, in Teen Time magazine, a really interesting test, give a speech, in front of the whole school, have a cold, be afraid to make a speech, in front of the whole school, in a movie2c Doing pairworkIn pairs ask and answer the questions in the personality survey on page 29.3a Reading and fillingLook at the survey in 2a and read the personality survey result below on page 30. Fill in the balnks with a, b or c.3b Looking and writingNext you are to write your own personality survey based on thethat in 2a.4 Doing groupworkAsk students in your group the questions from your survey. Discuss the results. Closing down by taking a personality survey Read each statement carefully, and choose one answer from “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, “Disagree”, “ Strongly Disagree” as a description of you.Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Questions StronglyAgreeWaste my time?Often feel blue?Seldom feel blue?Have little to say?Do not like art?Believe in the importance of art?Dislike myself?Have a good word for everyone?Feel comfortable with myself?Feel comfortable around people?Am not interested in abstractideas?Have a sharp tongue?Are always prepared?Keep in the background?Pay attention to details?Rarely get irritated?Respect others?Make friends easily?Have a vivid imagination?Find it difficult to get down to work?Am not easily bothered by things? Know how to captivate people?Avoid philosophical discussi ons?Accept people as they are?Get chores done right away?skilled in handling social situations?Cut others to pieces?Carry out my plans?Am very pleased with myself?Would describe my experiences as somewhat dull?Do not enjoy going to art museums? [来Suspect hidden motives in others?D o just enough work to get by? often down in the dumps?Tend to vote for liberal political candidates?Tend to vote for conservative political candidates?Make people feel at ease?Make plans and stick to them?Have frequent mood swings?Don't like to draw attention tomyself?Carry the conversation to ahigher level?Get back at others?Don't see things through?Panic easily?Don't talk a lot?Enjoy hearing new ideas?Insult people?Shirk my duties.Believe that others have goodintentions?SELF CHECK1.Filling the blanksOn page 31 is a box with sentences in black. Read them and fill in the blanks with a correct word given. Make changes to the form if necessary.2.Reading an e-mailRead the e-mail from Fran and copy all the expressions.Subject: Can you help? From: FranDear Knowledgeable,My best friend, Mei, has a problem. There is a really important English speech contestfor our whole city next month. Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest. Everyone is sure she will win. It’s probably true. Mei is very clever, and can speak English really well. In fact, she always comes top in the school exams. The problem is that she’s very shy. She doesn’t want to let her friends down, but she’s terrified of speaking in front of other people. She’s my friend,so she can tell me that she’s shy. But she c an’t tell everyone that. I don’tthink they would b elieve her. I can’t think of any good advice to give her, butyou always come up with good solutions to people’s problems. What do you think Ishould tell Mei? What do you think I should tell the rest of the students? FranJust for funTo end this period let’s do something fun—to find the animals.Reading: What would you do if …?Before you read, go to page 148 to learn the words for this readingpassage first.While you read, put the sentences into thought groups andunderline all the useful phrases to be copied later after class. Martin Robinson is a famous doctor/ who has a lot of experience/ dealing with teenagers.His new book/ What Would You Do/ If…? came out/ last month. It gives advice/ on whatto do/ in lots of different situations. Here are two pages/ from the book.ACCIDENTSQuestion 1: What would you do/ if you cut yourself/ by accident?Doctor: You should cover the cut/ with a clean cloth /and press it/ hard. If it’s a deep cut, you should see a doctor. Question 2: If my grandmother fell downstairs, a nd wasn’t moving, I’d hurry/ to call the hospital/ first. Is that/ correct? Doctor: Yes, speed is very important. Get the medical help/ first, then make her comfortable/ and stay/ with her. Question 3: What would you do/ if you burned yourself/ by accident?Doctor: Well, first find out/ how bad/ it is. Then/ put the burned area/ under cold running water.Question 4: What would you do/ if you injured your knee /while running?Doctor: If I felt some pain, I’d stop exercising. And/ if it hurt/ for more than a few day s, I’d see a doctor.PROBLEMSProblem 1: A friend offers you cigarettes/ at a party.Advice: Of course/ you should refuse!If I were y ou, I’d also talk to your friend/ about the dangers of smoking. Problem 2: Children often think/ medicine is candy/ and eat it.Advice: You must always hide medicine/ from children, and/ you should tell children/ to ask their parents/ before they eat “candy”/ they find.Problem 3:An “internet friend” has asked/ if you could meet.Advice: You should tell your parents/ about it, agree to meet/ in a public place, and you shouldn’t go alone.Problem 4: You get pimples/ when you are nerv ous.Advice: You should drink lots of water/ and ask your doctor for advice.Part 2: Teaching Resources (第⼆部分:教学资源)A Personality surveyIn School1. I like teachers who set routines and have organized ways of conducting classes.2. I like classes to be "hands on," I like to play games, compete, and solve problems.3. I like my teachers, especially those who are friendly.4. I learn best by working by myself.5. I prefer teac hers who stay on one topic at a time.6. I like classes that have contests, changes of pace, and variety.7. My favorite subjects are about people, such as language, drama, and literature.8. I am easily bored if the subject holds no interest to me.9. I like subjects that are useful and traditional, such as history and government.10. My favorite subjects are music, art, and crafts.11. I am social and work best in a group setting.12. Sometimes, it is hard for me to decide what's important, because so many things are interesting to me. With Friends13. I prefer friends who are careful with their money and who make plans ahead of time.14. Planning ahead bores me because I never know what I want to do until the moment arrives.15. I am sensitive to rejection and need to know that a person cares about me.16. I may seem distant and without emotions.17. I like my friends to be loyal, dependable, and on time.18. I like to excite my friends with new and different things.19. I appreciate real, human feedback and like to receive notes and gifts.20. I am uneasy about showing my emotions.With Family21. I like stability and security and enjoy traditions and celebrations.22. I need a lot of space and freedom.23. I like to be happy and loving.24. I am probably seen as a loner because I like a lot of private time to think.25. I like to spend holidays with family members and plan on such gatherings for mon ths and months.26. It is hard for me to follow rules and I feel we all should just enjoy one another.27. I am very sensitive to rejection from my family and to family conflicts.28. Sometimes, I find activities boring and have difficulty following family rules that don't make sense to me.。



Unit 4 what would you do?I. Analysis of the Teaching Material1. Status and FunctionIn this unit students learn to talk about imaginary situations. Such topic enables students to activate their imagination and raises learning interest of students.All the students are active in such activities.(1) The first period introduces the key vocabulary words and the target language in this unit. The topic, what would you do if you had a lot of money, makes the introduction easier.(2) In the second period, students will learn to give advice to someone who is in an embarrasing situation by listening and pairwork activities with the target language.(3)All the activities in the third period are designed to give students a reinforced practice in the use of the target language.(4)In the fourth period, the first part is a vocabulary expansion activity. The other activities provide students with much integrating practice using the old and new target language.(5) The fifth period provides students with much reading and writing practice. So it’s helpful to improve students’ reading and writing skills.(6)The Self check in the sixth period shows students what they have learned. The making sentences and writing an e-mail activities are used to train students’ ability of reading and writing.2. Teaching Aims and Demands(1)Knowledge ObjectsTo make students grasp how to talk about imaginary situations.To make students grasp how to give advice using the target language.(2) Ability ObjectsTo train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.To train students’ communicative competence.(3) Moral ObjectsImaginary situations are unreal. Do remember: it’s really cool to realize your dream through great efforts.Two heads are better than one. Be ready to help others.In the United States, teenagers get their pocket money by helping parents with housework. It is a little different from that in China.3. Teaching Key PointsTo learn the key vocabulary words and the target language.To make students use the target language to give advice.4. Teaching Difficult PointTo train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by many different kinds of activities.5. Studying WaysTeach students how to communicate with others.Teach students how to give advice when someone is in trouble.Ⅱ. Language FunctionTalk about imaginary situations.Ⅲ. Target Language1. What would you do if you won a million dollars?I’d give it to medical research.2.I can’t sleep the night before an exam.What should I do?If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed.Ⅳ.Structures1. Second conditional2. Should for adviceⅤ. Vocabularylottery, million, pimple, energetic, confident, shirt, tie, medical researchⅥ. Recyclingcharity, present, fruit, vegetable, snack, shy, creative, outgoing, nervous, relax,late, tiredⅦ. Learning Strategies1. Matching9. Listening for key wordsⅧ. Teaching TimeSeven periodsThe First PeriodⅠ. Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Object(1) Key Vocabularylottery, million, medical, research(2) Target LanguageLook. This girl won a million dollars in the lottery.Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars?I’d give it to medical research.(3)StructureI would/I’d do2. Ability Objects(1) Train students’ listening skill.(2) Train students’ communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectIf you won a million dollars, you’d buy a big house, buy a car and so forth. However do remember it’s really being cool to realize your dream through great efforts.Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points1. Target language2. The structure: I would/I’d doⅢ. Teaching Difficult PointThe structure: I would/I’d doⅣ. Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionReview the structure "should be allowed to" by asking students to make sentences about school rules. Step Ⅱ1aThis activity focuses on vocabulary and structures introduced in the unit.Read the instructions to the class.Call students’ attention to the words in the box. Ask a student to read them to the class.Say, What would you do if you had a lot of money? Add more ideas to the list.Then share your answers with other students.Get students to complete the task. First individually, then in groups.As they work, walk around the room checking progress and offering any help they may need. Collect answers from students on the blackboard.Answers will vary but should include a mixture of ideas for helping themselves and others.Step Ⅲ1bThis activity gives students practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Read the instructions to the class.Read the question in the speech bubble.Explain the word lottery to students.Say, You will hear teenagers talking about what they would do if they won the lottery.Point to the pictures. Ask students to describe them one by one.For example, for Picture One, a student might say, "If I won the lottery, I’d buy a big house."Point out the sample answer. Say, The first picture you will hear about has the number one on it.Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording again. This time students listen and number the pictures in the order they hear them.Check the answers. Answers:2,1,4,3Step Ⅳ1cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Call students’attention to the conversation in the box. Explain the vocabulary words million and medical research. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.S A :Look! This girl won a million dollars in the lottery.S B: Wow ! What would you do if you won a million dollars?S A: I’d give it to medical research.Write it on the blackboard.Say, Pretend you are the people in the picture. Talk with your partner about what you would do if you won a million dollars.Get students to work in pairs. As they work in pairs together, walk around the room offering language support as needed.After students have had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to come to the front of the classroom and act out their conversations.Step ⅤSummaryIn this class, we’ve learned some vocabulary words and the target language what would you do if you won the lottery? I’d give it to medical research.Step ⅥHomeworkIf you had a large amount of money, e, g. ¥100,000 what would you buy? Please write down each item and its cost to see when you will spend the full amount. And bring your lists to class tomorrow. Step ⅦThe Second PeriodⅠ. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary tie(2) Target LanguageWhat would you do if you won a million dollars?I’d give it to charities.If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.If I were you, I’d take an umbrella.2. Ability Objects(1)Train students’ listening skill. (2) Train students’ communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectTwo heads are better than one. Give some direction to those who are in trouble.Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points :1.Listening Practice 2.Target languageⅢ. Teaching Difficult Point :Train students’ ability to use the target language.Ⅳ. Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionCheck homework. Students talk about how to spend a large amount of money.Invite a student to come to the front of The class and ask, if you had 100,000 yuan, what would you buy? Students take turns answering his/her question.Step Ⅱ2aThis activity provides practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Focus attention on the picture. Ask students to describe it. Help students say that the boy is going to somewhere, but he doesn’t know what to wear. The girl is helping him to pick out clothes.Point to the list of reasons. Invite a student to read them to the class. Say, You are to listen to a conversation between Larry and the girl and circle the reasons. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time students listen and circle the reasons. Check the answers.Answers:Circle items:2,3,5Step Ⅲ2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Point to the list of sentences. Invite a student to read them to the class.Say, You will listen to the same conversation again. This time you are to check the four things Larry’s sister says to him.Play the recording again. Students listen and check the things.Check the answers. Answers:Checked items: 1,2,4,5Step Ⅳ2cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Point to the list of Larry’s worries in the box. Invite a student to read them to the class.Ask students to look back at the list of checked sentences.Read the instructions to the class. Say,Please make conversations using information from Activities 2b and 2c.Ask a pair of students to demonstrate a conversation to the class.S A: I don’t know what to wear.S B: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.Get students to work in pairs. As the pairs work together, walk around the room listening in on various pairs and giving language and pronunciation support as needed.After all the students have a chance to play both parts, stop the activity. Ask different students to perform their conversations.Optional activity:Ask students to write down a problem they have on a piece of paper. Have students exchange papers with one another and read the one they receive. Then ask students to write two piecesof advice they would give the other student. Ask a student to read his/her advice to the class. The rest guess the problem.Step ⅤGrammar FocusAsk different students to read the question and answer and the statements to the class.Ask students questions pointing to the picture.T: Have you ever been in a lion’s cage?S s: No.T: That’s right. None of us has ever been in a lion’s cage. What would you do if you were in a lion’s cage? (Write the question on the blackboard.)S1:I’d call for help. (Write the sentence on the blackboard.)T: What about you?S1:I’d get out fast. (Write the sentence on the blackboard. )Get several more examples from other students.Say, When we talk about things that haven’t happened, we often use the word would (underline the word would in the question). Apostrophe’d is the abbreviation of the word would( underline the abbreviation ‘d in the answers).Then underline the word were in the two statements. Say, When you tell someone what you would do, you use the expression if I were you. Get all the students to read the target language on the blackboard.Pronunciation noteWhen saying the words would you in phrases such as what would you do…,English speakers often run the words together and pronounce these words as if they were spelled wudjuh.Step ⅥSummarySay, In this class, we’ve learned the target language I’d give it to charities and If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. And we’ve also done much listening practice using the target language.Step ⅦHomeworkSay, If your teacher criticized you, but in fact it isn’t your fault, what would you do? Get students to make a list.StepⅧThe Third PeriodⅠ. Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary: pimple, trouble(2) Target LanguageI can’t sleep the night before an exam.Then I’m too tired to do well. What should I do?If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed.I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one.Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.That’s a good idea.2. Ability Objects:(1) Train students’ reading skills. (2) Train students’ integrating skills.3. Moral ObjectEveryone may have some trouble. Don’t worry.Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points :1. Reading 2. Target languageⅢ. Teaching Difficult Point:Give advice using the target language.Ⅳ. Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionCheck homework. Get students to talk about what they would do if a teacher criticized them. For example, a student might say I’d explain to the teacher and so forth.Step Ⅱ3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language. Point to the problems on the left. Ask different students to read them to the class.Point out the pieces of advice on the right. Get different students to read them to the class.Point out the sample answer. Invite a pair of students to read the problem and the piece of advice to the class.S A: I’m really shy and I just don’t enjoy parties. I don’t know what to say or do.S s: If I were you, I’d talk to someone who looks friendly. Then you won’t feel so shy.Say, Please match each problem on the left with the correct advice on the right.Get students to complete the activity on their own. As they work individually, move around the room answering any questions students raise and offering help as needed.Check the answers.Answers 1. c 2. a 3. bStep Ⅲ3bThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class. Invite a pair of students to read the sample conversation.S A:I can’t sleep the night before an exam. Then I’m too tired to do well.What should I do?S B: If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed. That should help you relax.Say, Please think of different advice for the problems in Activity 3a.Collect suggestions from students. For example, for the third problem, a student might say, If I were you, I’d watch TV to relax my mind.Ask students to make conversations with partners using new suggestions to each problem. As they work in pairs, walk around the room offering language support as needed.After each student has a chance to play both parts, stop the activity. Get several pairs of students to say their conversations.Step ⅣPart 4This activity provides writing, listening and speaking practice using the targetlanguage.Read the instructions to the class. Get a pair of students to say the sample conversation to the class.S A:I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one.S B:Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble.Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.S A:That’s a good idea.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Point out the sample answers in the chart.Say, What problems do you have at home? At school? Make a list in the chart. Then ask your classmates for advice and write their advice in the chart too.Get students to complete the activity in groups of four. As the groups work together, move around the room to make sure students discuss the topic in English and know how to fill in the chart.Check the answers by asking different pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.Answers will vary.Optional activityAsk, What would you do if there were no classes tomorrow? Ask students to write as many answers as they can. Then get students to work in pairs. One ask the other the question and see how many new answers the other is able to think of.Step ⅤSummarySay, In this class, we’ve done a lot of reading, speaking and writing practice using the target language. Step ⅥHomework(1) Review the target language by reading the conversations in Activity 3a.(2)Finish off the exercises on pages 11~12 of the workbook.StepThe Foruth PeriodⅠ. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary:be strict with, take a test, pass a test, fail a test(2)Target LanguageI think Peter should be allowed to take the test later.I don’t agree.I think the school has to have rules.2. Ability Objects(1) Train students’ listening skill.(2) Train students’ ability to talk about agreement and disagreement.3. Moral Object: It’s good manners to be on time.Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points1.Review some key vocabulary words and target language.2.2. Talk about agreement and disagreement.Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point:Talk about agreement and disagreement.Ⅳ.Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevision(1)Check the homework.(2) Competition: Write "are allowed to" and "aren’t allowed to" on the blackboard, Divide the class into groups.Each group is asked to write down as many things as they can think of about what teenagers are or aren’t allowed to do. See which group can think of the most items for each category. StepⅡ1aThis activity reviews the use of always, sometimes, usually and never.Point to the picture. Ask students to describe what is happening in the picture.Help students to say, The boy is late for class. Invite a student to read the four questions in the box to the class.Read the instructions and remind students of the exact meanings of the adverbs of frequency.Say, Please write A after things you always do, U after things you usually do, S after things you sometimes do and N for things you never do.Get students to finish the task on their own.Answers to this activity will vary.Step ⅢlbThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Point out the sample conversation. Ask a pair of students to say it to the class.S A: Do you ever get to class late?S B: Yes, I sometimes get to class late.Say, Talk with your partner about your answers in Activity 1a.As the pairs work together, walk around the room offering help if necessary.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.Step Ⅳ2aThis activity provides practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Point out the four items in Activity 1a.Say, You will listen to a conversation and circle the things on the list that you hear. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording a second time. This time students listen and circle the things that they hear. Check the answers.AnswersCircled items: 1,4StepⅤ2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.Point to both the numbered and lettered lists of item in the box.Point out the sample answer. Read the sentence "Peter is going to fail a math test to the class."Say, I’ll play the same recording again.You are to match the sentence parts as you hear on the tape.Play the recording for students to do the activity.Check the answers.Answers1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. dStep Ⅵ2cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Call students’ attention to the statements in the box. Say them to the class.Ask three students to read the sample conversation to the class, completing the sentences.S A:I think Peter should be allowed to take the test later.S B:I don’t agree.S C:I think the school has to have rules.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Divide the class into groups of four. Say,Now discuss the statements with your group.As the groups work together, walk around the room offering help as needed.Ask some groups to say a few lines of their conversations to the class.NotesParents should not be too strict with teenagers. Note the word be strict with.Generally speaking, we say be strict with sb. but be strict in sth. For example, Our teachers are strict with us. He is strict in his work.Step ⅦSummary and HomeworkSay, In this class, we’ve learned to talk about agreement and disagreement. And we’ve also reviewed adverbs of frequency. Have you ever been late for school?Write a passage to describe what was happening that day.Step ⅧBlackboard DesignThe Fifth PeriodⅠ. Teaching Aims and Demands1.knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularypretty, social, bother, slight, in the slightest, fairly, plenty, plenty, get along with, listener(2) Reading (3) Writing2. Ability Objects(1) Train students’ ability of reading comprehension.(2) Train students’ ability of writing.3. Moral ObjectsSometimes you might annoy people because you are so confident. In fact, being a good listener is an art.Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points:1. Reading 2. Writing 3. Key vocabularyⅢ. Teaching Difficult Point:1. Reading 2. WritingⅣ. Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionHold a quick survey around the class. Ask what would you do if…(1) the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?(2) your brother borrowed your clothes without permission?(3) someone asked you to be in a movie?(4) you wanted to be friends with a new student? Encourage students to give different answers to each question.Step Ⅱ3aThis activity introduces key vocabulary words and provides reading practice using the targetpersonality survey results in the box. Set a time limit of two or three minutes. Have students read the three paragraphs silently. Mean while, write the new words on the blackboard. Ask students to look at the questions and answers on the survey in Activity 2a. Say, The letter a answers all describe one type of person. The letter b answers describe another and c still another type.Read the Activity 3a instructions to the class. Ask students to reread the personality survey results and decide which letter goes in each paragraph. Point out the sample answer.Get students to complete the activity on their own.Check the answers.Answers1. c 2. a 3. bStep Ⅲ3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Invite a student to say the example to the class.T: What kind of person is question a asking about? Ss: Outgoing.T: What about b? Ss: Shy. T: What about e? Ss: Pretty confident.Say, You are to write your own personality survey. You can write any questions you want, but each question must be about a different personality type.Give another example on the blackboard. If a friend misunderstood you, would you…a. tell him/her it is a misunderstanding at once?b. want to explain to him/her, but have no courage?c. invite him/her to dinner and explain?Get students to work individually. Remind them to use the ones in the book and on the blackboard as a model.As they work, move around the room checking their works and offering language support.Step ⅣPart 4This activity provides oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Point out the sample conversation in the box. Invite a pail of students to read it to the class.Divide the class into groups of five. Ask students to give their survey to each person in their group, and circle the answers.Say, Having given your survey, talk about what you learned. Use the sample conversation in the box as a model. As the groups work together, walk around the room offering any help they may need.Ask several students to read his/her question and tell the class about the results. Optional activityDivide the class into groups and ask each group to write a question with three choices. Collect the results. After class, combine the survey questions into a new survey. Make a survey to the class tomorrow.Step ⅤSummarysay, In t his class, we’ve learned some new vocabulary words. And we’ve also done much reading and writing practice using the target language.Step ⅥHomeworkAsk students to reread the three paragraphs under the headline personality survey results for further comprehension.Step ⅦThe Sixth PeriodⅠ. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyrepresent, let…down, come up with(2)Fill in blanks and make sentences with the words nervous, shy, tired, terrible, friendly.(3)Read the email from Fran, and write a reply.2. Ability Objects(1) Train students’ ability of reading comprehension.(2) Train students’ ability of writing.3. Moral ObjectThe reason why you are shy may be that you are afraid of being laughed at. Encourage students to be confident.Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points1. Fill in blanks and make sentences with vocabulary words.2. Write a reply using the target language.Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult PointMake sentences with vocabulary words.Ⅳ. Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionGo on doing the optional activity last class.Show the personality survey made up of students’ questions on the screen by a projector. Ask students to choose an answer to each question. Discuss the personality survey results along with students. Vote on the most popular personality.Step ⅡPart 1This activity provides a comprehensive review of vocabulary presented in the unit.Focus attention on the box. Invite a student to read the vocabulary words at the top.Say, You are to fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, you may need to use another form of the word, for example adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement.Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own.Check the answers. Five students each read a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of students check their answers.Answers1. tired2. nervous3. friendly4. terrible5. shyAsk students to make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences that are meaningful. Move around the room. Collect a few students’ answers with mistakes on the blackboard. Help correct the mistakes.Sample answers1. Are you tired?2. Don’t be nervous. It’s nothing serious.3. We must be friendly and patient to the old.4. --What’s wrong with you?--I’ve got a terrible headache.5. She is so shy a girl that she daren’t speak in public.Step ⅢPart 2This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class. Teach students to practice the words represent, let…down and come up with.Read the e-mail from Fran to the class. Set a time limit of five minutes. Students read the email again carefully and discuss what they are going to write in the reply. Move around the room answering any questions students have in the reading.Get students to write a reply on their own. Say, Your reply will involve telling Mei not to be shy, explaining how she is the best person for the job and encouraging her to practice in various ways. As students do this, walk around the room offering any help they may need.Ask a few students to read their replies to the class and share their solutions.Answers to this activity will vary,A sample versionDear Fran,I’m very glad to hear that Mei is so good at English. In my opinion, she should take part in the contest. It is a chance to show herself and learn from others. She is very clever. She can speak English really well. And she always comes top in the school exam. So she is sure to win the contest. There is no need for her to be shy. Tell her that the teacher and the whole class will help her prepare for the contest and encourage her to practice in various ways. With the help of the teacher and the classmates, she will succeed. Do remember: Try, then you’ll make it.Step ⅣJust for Fun!This activity provides reading and speaking practice with the target language.Ask students to read the cartoon story in pairs. Ask, Why, is it funny? Help students to answer. The mouse can scare the kitten, but a big cat can scare the mouse.Step ⅤSummaryIn this class, we’ve done much reading and writing practic e using the key vocabulary words and the target language presented in this unit.Step VI Homework(1)Read the email from Fran again.(2)Finish off the workbook exercises on pages 12~14 of the workbook.Step ⅦReading: What would you do if ……The Seventh PeriodⅠ. Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabularyShelf,come out, cover, ppress, deep, downstairs,hurt, knee, offer, refuse , helpful and so forth.Text: What would you do if ……2.Ability ObjectsTrain students’ ability of reading for special information.Train students’ ability of understanding words in context.Train students, writing skill.3. Moral ObjectBasketball is popular among people all over the world. Not only does it build our body, but it also brings us entertainment. Thank the inventor, James Naismith.Ⅱ.Teaching Key PointsKey vocabularyRead the text for special information.Read the text to understand words in context.Make a list of good things and difficult things about being a basketball player.Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult PointTrain students’ reading skill.Ⅳ. Teaching ProceduresStep I Key VocabularyThis activity introduces the key vocabulary words.Show the vocabulary on the screen by a projector.Have students repeat again and again until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.Step ⅡPart 1This activity is designed to activate students’ background knowledge before attempting the reading. Read the title The history of basketball to the class. Ask, What do you think the article is about? Read the instructions to the class.Point to the four questions in the box.Say, Please discuss the questions with your partner to see how much you know about basketball. But don’t look at the reading. Instead, use your background knowledge.Get students to complete the task in pairs. As the pairs work together, walk around the room. Ensure that they are discussing the questions in English.When most students are finished, invite pairs of students to report their results.Don’t say yes or no to their answers.Step ⅢPart 2This activity provides practice in scanning for specific information. Look at the picture. Ask students to describe what is happening in the picture.Read the instructions and draw students’ attention to the chart. Get a student to say the sample answer using a complete sentence, e. g. Basketball’s inventor was born in 1861.Say, Please read through the article silently. Find information for the years in the chart. Remember to skim for the key ideas rather than read slowly.Get students to work on their own. As they are doing this, move around the classroom answering questions they may have and offering language support as needed.Check the answers.Step IV Part 3This activity encourages students to use the strategy of reading in context.。

九年级英语 Unit 4 What would you do教案 人教新课标版

九年级英语 Unit 4  What would you do教案 人教新课标版

Unit 4 What would you do?Period 1Language goals 语言目标1. Words & expressions 生词和短语million, medical, research2. Key sentences重点句子What would you do if you had a lot of money?Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to understand and talk about imaginary situations.Teaching important 教学重点Talk about imaginary situations, worries/problems.Teaching procedures教学过程Step 1 Revision and Lead-inAsk one or more students to show their work.T: In the last unit, you were asked to do a project on a famous person’s childhood and how he/she became successful. Now who’d like to display your project on the classroom wall?Eg , EdisonThen ask the students to tell what they can learn from Edison.T: Edison had a really different childhood from us. He was the greatest inventor in the nineteenth century. Of all his inventions, electric bulb, is one of the most important. But just imagine what the world would be if there is no electric bulb? Today we’re going to learn how to talk about things that haven’t happened.Step II Listing and SpeakingAsk the students to read the picture on Page 26.T: When we talk about things that haven’t happened, we can use the words I would or I’d. Now look at the picture on Page 26. What can you see in the picture?S: We can see some people, a school, a zoo, a research lab, a bank.T: What are the people in the lower part of the picture doing?S1: Maybe they are thinking about the answers to the question shown in the picture.S2: The woman is reading a newspaper and they are all thinking of the answers to the question.T: Pretend you are the people in the picture, what would you do if you had a million dollars?S3: I’d buy a beautiful car.Write buy a beautiful car on the blackboard.S4: I’d build a research lab.S5: I’d give it to the H ope Project.S6: I’d travel around the world.S7: I’d give it to medical research.Ask for more ideas from the students. Write their ideas on the blackboard.buy a beautiful car,travel around the world, give it to the Hope Project, build a school for the poor children, build a library for our school, build a research lab Show the following to the students and then ask them to practice in pairs.-What would you do if you have a million dollars?-I would (I’d) ____________.T: Now work in pairs and make dialogues.Sample dialogues:1.– What would you do if you saw someone stealing something?–I’d call the police.2.– What would you do if you lost your bike?–I’d buy a new one.3.– What would you do if you saw a girl crying in the street.–I’d help her find h er mother.4.– What would you do if the teacher asked you to sing a song to the class?–I’d say yes.Step III ListeningAsk the students to listen to the recording and pare their answers with those in therecording.T: Next we’ll hear a conversation abou t how to spend a million dollars. The recording will be played twice. For the first time, listen to get the order you hear.Play the tape for the first time.T: For the second time, please number the picture in the order you hear them.Play the tape for the second time. Then check the answers.Step IV Homework1.Ask the students to do more practice as required in 1c on Page 26.2.Ask the students to prepare for the next period: Think about if you have any worriesor problems in daily life.Unit 4 What would you do?Period 2Language goals 语言目标1. Words & expressions 生词和短语tie, worry, what if, pimple2. Key sentences重点句子If I were you, I’d take a small present.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to deal with problems and worries.Teaching important 教学重点Talk about problems /worries.Teaching procedures教学过程Step 1 Revision and Lead-inAsk the students to share their ideas about what their worries are first, and then listen to the recording talking about worries.Step 2 Listening Practice (2a, 2b , 2c)Ask the students to listen to the dialogue about Larry’s worries.Play the recording for the first time. Choose the reasons why Larry is nervous? Check the answers, then play the recording for the second time. Check the four things Larry’s sister says to him .( 1, 2, 4, 5)Step 3 PairworkIf you were Larry, what would you do? Make dialogues in pairs.Sample conversation:A: What would you do if you were Larry?B: If I were Larry, I would bring a birthday cake.Step 4 Grammar focus虚拟语气:如果我们所说的不是事实,也不是要求、命令、劝告等,而只是一种假设、愿望、建议或是一种实现不了的空想就用虚拟语气。



《What would you like ?》教案教学内容:Unit 3 What would you like?的let`s learn部分。

教学目标1.知识目标:学会并能掌握句型What would you like to eat/ drink?I`d lik e…2.能力目标:提高学生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。



What would you like to eat / drink?并能用I`d lik e…来作答。

教具准备:录音机、课件教学过程Greeting1、Sing a song. What would you like to eat today?[激发学生学习兴趣]2、Ask and answer some questions.(教师问,同学答。

)What would you like for dinner?Revision复习上册课本中学过的食物、饮料单词。




) Presentation(一)导学提纲1.图片导入出示课本Let’s learn部分的图片。

师问:Do you know?So: What would you like to eat? 板书课题图片引入图片,学习ice cream. 拍手chant: ice cream, ice cream, I’d like some ice cream. 同时询问What would you like to eat? 引导学生回答I’d like some ice cream.依次引入单词hamburger, salad, sandwich, tea, hot dog. 同时chant记忆。



Unit4 What would you do?The First PeriodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Object(1)Key V ocabularymillion, medical, research(2)Target LanguageLook. This old man had a million dollars, and he gave it to charity. Wow! What would you do if you had a million dollars?I’d give it to medical research.(3)StructureI would/I’d do2. Ability Objects(1)Train students’ listening skill.(2)Train students’ communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectIf you had a million dollars, you’d buy a big house, buy a car and so forth. However, we would help other people who need help if we had a lot of money.II. Teaching Key Points1. Target language2. The structure: I would/I’d doIII. Teaching Difficult PointThe structure: I would/I’d doIV. Teaching Methods1. Scene teaching Method2. Teaching by induction3. PairworkV. Teaching AidA projectorVI. Teaching ProceduresStep I. lead-inShow the pictures of Lijiacheng and Bill Gates to the class, asking “who is he?” Get students to focus attention to the class.“They are rich men. Both of them have a lot of money”Show the picture of money. And lead the students to learn and read the new vacabulary million.T: “Do Lijiacheng and Bill Gates have a million dollars?”Ss: “Yes.”Ss: “No.”T: “Well. I don’t have a million dollars, either. It doesn’t matter. Let’s imagine that if the money were yours.”T: “What would you do if you had a million dollars? You can answer me with ‘I would…’ Here, more pictures may help you.”Show the pictures for the students to brainstorm.Step II. Activitiy 1a1.WritingGet the students to add more ideas and fill in the chart.Invite some students to share their answers in the sentences patterns as following:T: “What would you do if you had a million dollars?”Ss: “I would…”The teacher introduce more materials for the class. Lead them to know that money can do many things like helping other people.2. Grammar: the subjunctive moodSummarize the meanings and the structure of the subjunctive mood.The meaning: to describe the imaginary situations.“If +S+the past tence of the verb/were, S+would+verb.”Then ask the students to make sentences individually:Invite some of them to present their ideas.Step III. 1b Listening1.Play the recording. The first time, the students listen and number the pictures[1-3] in the order. Ask one student to answer. Then correct it. Correct answer: 2,1,4,32.Play again. This time, the students should fill in the chart.3.Then fill in the blanks using the informaion they heard and say out each of the whole sentence by a group.Step IV. Oral practice and pairworkShow the sentence patterns on screen. Ask the students to do the pairwork with their partners.Then gether the pictures for the students to do the pairwork.A: What would you do if you had a million dollars?B: If I had a…, I would/ I’d… .Step V. Practice1. Provide more topics for the class to discuss.“If I were my mother, I would/I’d…”“If I were a spacewoman, I would/I’d…”“If I were Bill Gates, I would/I’d…”Ask some students to show their opinions.2. Rush to answer: fill in the blanks and translate the sentences.i.What would you do if you ______ (step)on the moon?ii.What would you do if you ______ (get) lost on your way home?iii.What would you do if you ______ (be)your parent?iv.如果我有一百万美圆,我就会买一栋大房子.v.如果我是你, 我就会去那里。

《 What would you like 》教案设计

《 What would you like 》教案设计

《What would you like》教案设计第一章:教学目标1.1 知识目标学生能够理解并运用日常交际用语"What would you like?" 进行询问和回答。

1.2 技能目标学生能够在真实情境中熟练运用"What would you like?" 进行日常交流。

1.3 情感目标培养学生对日常交际用语的兴趣,提高他们的自信心和积极性。

第二章:教学内容2.1 主题内容本节课的主题是"What would you like?",主要学习如何用这个句子进行日常交际。

2.2 语言点学生需要掌握的关键词汇有:would, like, what, you, please, thank you, no thank you。

2.3 句型结构学生需要掌握的句型结构是:"What would you like?" 和"I would like"。

第三章:教学方法3.1 任务型教学法通过设置各种真实的交际任务,让学生在实践中学习和运用"What would you like?"。

3.2 情境教学法通过创设各种日常交际情境,让学生在情境中学习和掌握"What would you like?"。

3.3 互动式教学法通过学生之间的互动和合作,促进他们积极运用"What would you like?" 进行交流。

第四章:教学步骤4.1 热身活动(5分钟)通过简单的日常交际用语热身,激发学生的学习兴趣。

4.2 新课导入(10分钟)介绍并讲解"What would you like?" 的用法和句型结构。

4.3 实践环节(15分钟)设置各种真实的交际任务,让学生在实践中学习和运用"What would you like?"。



What Would You Like? - 英语教案1. 教学目标•学习和掌握与Whatwouldyoulike相关的常用英语表达•通过听说练习提高学生的英语交流技能•掌握和应用知识,加强对英语口语表达的信心和能力2. 教学重点•学习和掌握与Whatwouldyoulike相关的英语表达•熟练掌握“Would you like…”这一表达方式3. 教学难点•运用所学的英语表达,以简洁明了的方式与人交流4. 教学内容4.1 授课部分(25分钟)1.首先,教师与学生一起回顾和复习基础的英语口语,可以通过以下例句作为引导,引导学生进入英语口语的氛围:–Hi, how are you?–I am fine, thank you.–What is your name?–My name is …–Nice to meet you.2.引入本课内容,教授“Whatwouldyoulike”这一表达方式,并通过问答来演示他们如何表达自己的喜好和愿望,可以通过以下问题作为引导,引导学生了解“Whatwouldyoulike”这一表达方式的基本情况:–What do you want to drink?–Whatwouldyoulike to eat today?–Do you want tea or coffee?3.通过介绍常见的英语口语表达,让学生初步了解和掌握这些表达方式,并通过对这些表达方式和例句的训练,让学生更好地理解和掌握这些表达方式,例如:–Would you like some coffee?–I would like a glass of water, please.–What else would you like?–No, thank you. I’m full.4.2 拓展部分(20分钟)1.给学生提供一个小组讨论的机会,让他们在小组中实践运用所学的英语表达,进行简短的英语交流,让学生体验到说英语的快乐,同时训练学生的口语表达能力。



What would you like? 英语教案一、教学目标1.学生能够熟练地询问别人想要什么,并能妥善地回答这个问题。



二、教学内容1.重点词汇:like, want, need, fruit, vegetable,meat, fish等。

2.重点句型:“What would you like?”及其回答的多种方式。


三、教学过程1. 导入(10分钟)1.向学生展示一张图片,介绍这张图片中的食物。

2.引入句型“What would you like?”,询问学生这些食物中他们想要哪些。

2. 讲解(20分钟)1.通过课件介绍与句型“What would you like?”相关的词汇。

2.通过对话及示范,让学生了解回答“What wouldyou like?” 的多种方式。

例如: - A: What would you like for breakfast? - B: I would like some cereal and milk. - A: What kind ofdrink would you like? - B: I would like a cup of tea, please.3.让学生发挥想象力,提出类似的对话及回答。

3. 练习(30分钟)1.学生以小组为单位进行练习,表演应用上述所学知识的对话。

例如: - A: What would you like to eat for lunch? - B: I would like some chicken and rice. - A: Would you like some vegetables with that? - B: Yes, I would like some broccoli, please.2.学生在小组内进行日常生活场景的模拟练习。

《 What would you like 》教案设计

《 What would you like 》教案设计

《What would you like》教案设计第一章:教学目标1.1 知识目标学生能够掌握并运用基本的英语交际用语,如"What would you like?" 和"I would like ",以表达自己的喜好和需求。

1.2 技能目标学生能够在日常生活中,运用所学的英语交际用语,进行简单的交流和表达。

1.3 情感目标培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和积极性,提高他们的自信心。

第二章:教学重难点2.1 教学重点学生能够正确地发音和使用"What would you like?" 和"I would like " 进行交际。

2.2 教学难点学生能够灵活运用所学的交际用语,在实际情境中进行交流。

第三章:教学方法3.1 任务型教学法通过设定不同的场景和任务,让学生在实际操作中学习和使用所学的交际用语。

3.2 情境教学法通过创设真实的生活情境,让学生在情境中学习和运用所学的交际用语。

第四章:教学准备4.1 教具准备教学卡片、图片、实物等。

4.2 教学环境教室内的座位安排成圆形或方形,以便于学生之间的互动和交流。

第五章:教学过程5.1 热身活动(5分钟)通过唱一首英语歌曲,如"Hello, hello, what do you like?" 来调动学生的学习气氛。

5.2 引入新课(10分钟)教师向学生展示一些食物和饮料的图片,问学生"What would you like?",让学生回答并实践使用这个交际用语。

5.3 新课教学(15分钟)教师通过出示食物和饮料的实物或图片,引导学生用"I would like " 来表达自己的喜好。


5.4 练习活动(10分钟)学生分成小组,根据教师设定的场景,用"What would you like?" 和"I would like " 进行角色扮演和交流。

《 What would you like 》教案设计

《 What would you like 》教案设计

《What would you like?》教案设计第一章:教学目标1.1 知识目标学生能够理解并运用词汇:milk, water, bread, cake, fruit等。

学生能够理解并运用句型:“What would you like?”和“I would like ”。

1.2 技能目标学生能够在日常生活中运用所学的词汇和句型进行简单的交流。


第二章:教学内容2.1 教材内容本节课主要通过学习词汇和句型,让学生能够进行简单的日常交流。

2.2 教学重点与难点重点:词汇的学习和运用,句型的掌握。


第三章:教学方法3.1 教学策略采用情景教学法,通过设定情景,让学生在实际情境中学习和运用词汇和句型。


3.2 教学手段使用多媒体教学,通过图片、音频、视频等形式,让学生更直观地学习和理解。


第四章:教学步骤4.1 热身活动(5分钟)通过播放一首关于食物的歌曲,让学生放松,引入本节课的主题。

4.2 引入新知识(10分钟)通过展示实物,教授新词汇:milk, water, bread, cake, fruit等。


4.3 学习句型(10分钟)通过示例,教授句型:“What would you like?”和“I would like ”。


4.4 练习与巩固(10分钟)通过角色扮演,让学生模仿所学的对话。




第六章:教学评价6.1 评价方式采用课堂表现评价和作业评价相结合的方式。

《 What would you like 》教案设计

《 What would you like 》教案设计

《What would you like》教案设计第一章:教学目标1.1 知识目标学生能够理解并运用日常英语中的疑问词"What" 进行询问。

1.2 技能目标学生能够用英语进行简单的自我介绍,并回答关于个人喜好和需求的问题。

1.3 情感目标培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,增强自信心,提高团队合作能力。

第二章:教学内容2.1 词汇What: 什么Would: 将会Like: 喜欢Coffee: 咖啡Tea: 茶Milk: 牛奶Water: 水Sandwich: 三明治Hot dog: 热狗Juice: 果汁2.2 句型What would you like? (你想喝点什么?)I would like (我想要)2.3 对话A: What would you like?B: I would like a coffee, please.A: Here you are.B: Thank you.第三章:教学方法3.1 任务型教学法通过设定各种真实的任务情境,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习和使用英语。

3.2 互动式教学法鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,通过师生互动、生生互动,提高学生的语言运用能力。

第四章:教学步骤4.1 热身活动(5分钟)学生模仿教师,用中文进行自我介绍。

4.2 引入新词汇(10分钟)教师出示各种饮料和食物的照片,引导学生用中文说出它们的名称。

学生用中文回答教师的问题:"你最喜欢什么?"4.3 学习句型(10分钟)教师用英文演示对话,并解释句型"What would you like?" 的意思。


4.4 小组活动(15分钟)学生分成小组,用英文进行角色扮演,模拟餐厅场景。






Unit 4 What would you do?(SectionB1a—2c)Teaching goals:Talk about personalitiesGet the students to grasp the new words:energetic, confident, permission, herself。

Listen, describe and talk about personalities.Talk about embarrassing situations(worries/problems)Get the students to grasp the sentence structure:“What would you do if….?”(目标引领,用一段话表述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标.)Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step 1 PreviewLook at p29, put the following into Chinese or English.1.在公共场所______________________2.变得紧张________________________3.做演讲_______________________4.未经准许_____________________5.be in a movie_____________________6.be friends with sb.________________________7.introduce oneself __________________________8.ask one’s permission _________________________(预习强调学生的参与、体验、感知、实践和交流,以学定教。

)Step2 Revision。

What would you do if….I would… if….Step3 Warming up and new words。



What Would You Like 英语教案前言本篇教案适用于初中一年级的英语课程。



教学目标本课的教学目标如下:•学生能够用英语表达自己的食物喜好和不喜欢的食物;•学生能够用英语点餐,并与他人完成简单的英语对话;•学生掌握关于食物的基本词汇,如面包,牛肉汉堡,沙拉等;•学生学习流利使用What would you like? 和I would like…这两种基本的英语表达方式;•学生学会不同场合下的用餐礼仪。

教学内容词汇表在本节课中,我们需要学习如下单词和短语:•Bread: 面包•Hamburger: 汉堡•Fries: 炸薯条•Chicken sandwich: 鸡肉三明治•Caesar salad: 凯萨沙拉•Juice: 果汁•Coffee: 咖啡•Water: 水•What would you like?: 您想要什么?•I would like…: 我想要…课堂练习要求学生针对以下场景完成对话。


1.在餐馆里,服务员 A 问顾客 B:A: What would you like?B: I would like a hamburger and fries, please.2.在餐馆里,服务员 A 问顾客 B:A: What would you like to drink?B: I’d like a coffee, please.3.在餐馆里,服务员 A 问顾客 B:A: Is everything okay with your food?B: Yes, it’s delicious. Thank you.4.在餐馆里,服务员 A 问顾客 B:A: Would you like anything else?B: Yes, I’d like a water, please.互动游戏在此部分,我们将运用互动教学方式,让学生们更好地掌握所学知识。



本单元学习的主题是与同学谈论饮食爱好.主题情景图通过关于食物偏好的相关问题并能正确回答引导学生与同学谈论喜欢的食物和饮料,A 、B 局部"Let’slearn〞,"Let’stalk〞中的词汇和句子是本单元要学习的局部核心词汇和句型.〔1〕能听、说、读、写四会单词与四会句型.〔2〕能听懂、会说Part A 、B 中Let’s talk 与Let’s learn 中的对话,并能在实际生活中得以运用.〔3〕能够掌握字母的发音规如此, 即在单词词尾发/ /.’s sing 中的歌曲. 能读懂"Story time〞局部的趣味故事.〔1〕、以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性开展.〔2〕、通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,发展大量的语言操练和练习.〔3〕、将直观教具和电教手段,多媒体课件相结合,培养学生良好的朗读习惯,打下良好的语音语调根抵.〔1〕激发学生学习英语的兴趣,匡助学生树立学好英语的信心,逐步培养学生自主学习、合作学习的能力和欲望.〔2〕培养学生热爱学习、珍惜时间的良好品质,教育学生要根据课程表合理安排日常活动.<1>掌握A 、B 局部"Let’s learn〞,"Let’s talk〞中的词汇和句子.<2> 了解字母ee,ea 的发音规律,并能够熟练读出例词.<1> 掌握核心词汇和句型.<2> 匡助学生树立学好英语的信心,培养学生自主学习、合作学习的意识和能力.任务型教学法、合作探索法、情景教学法.本单元共分四个课时来教学.第一课时:A. Let’s learn let’s play第二课时:A. Let’s talk . Let’s spel l第三课时:B. Let’s learn B. group work B. Let’s talk第四课时:B. Read and write B. Let’s check C. Story ti me知识与能力<1>. 能听、说、读、写单词"sandwich〞,"salad〞,"hamburger〞,"ice cream〞和"tea〞.<2>. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型"What would you like to eat / drink?〞,"I’d like …〞过程与方法〔1〕热身/复习-呈现新课-练习-总结-作业.〔2〕培养学生手、耳、眼、脑各个局部的综合运用协调能力.培养学生能够将所学知识运用到生活实际等情境中去.培养学生小组合作学习的能力.〔3〕任务型教学法、合作探索法、情景教学法.情感、态度、价值观〔1〕激发学生的学习热情,.培养学生自主学习、合作学习的意思和能力,匡助学生树立学好英语的自信心.〔2〕培养学生积极运用所学的语言发展表达和交流,注意观察生活与运用所学英语知识,鼓励学生自主、合作、探索的学习行为.:1. 能听、说、读、写单词"sandwich〞,"salad〞,"hamburger〞,"icecream〞和"tea〞.2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵便运用句型"Whatwould you like to eat / drink?〞,"I’d like …〞.drink 的发音Step 1 . 课前热身〔Warm-up〕T: Good morning, everyone. Wele back to school. How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you.T: Nice to see you again.Ss: Nice to see you, too.2. 教师拿出学生以前学习过的食物图,师生发展对话,如:T: What are these?Ss: They are …T: What’s your favourite food?Ss: My favourite food is …1. 教师用多媒体课件出示以前学习过的食物单词图片,全班学生说出相应的汉语.2. 学生同桌合作,谈论最喜欢的食物.S1: What’s your favourite food?S2: My favourite food is …Step 2. 新课呈现〔Presentation〕1. A. Let’s learn<1> 教学新单词① 师生对话.T: What do you like, Chinese food of western food?Ss: I like …T: Some like Chinese food and some like western food. What western food do you know?Ss: ...T: Today let’s learn some popular western food. 教师用多媒体课件挨次出示三文治、沙拉、汉堡包和冰激凌的图片, 引出单词"sandwich〞,"salad〞,"hamburger〞和"ice cream〞.T: Do you know what English people like to drink? They like to drink tea.② 教师把生词写在黑板上,带领学生读几遍,然后让学生分组比赛读、分男女生读.<2> 教师拿出食物图片,与学生发展对话,如:T: What would you like to eat, S1?S1: I’d like …, please.T: Here you are. What would you like to eat, S2?S2: I’d like …, please.<3> 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读.<4> 第二次播放教学录音,全班学生分男女生跟着录音读.<5> 学生拿出人物头饰, 替换对话中的关键词,重新编写对话,然后教师请两三对学生上讲台表演对话.2. A. Role-play<1> 教师请两位学生站起来示X 读对话.<2> 学生同桌合作,一人扮演客人,一人扮演服务员,摹仿示例表演对话,提醒学生表演时要把客人与服务员该有的表现表演到位.<3> 教师请几组学生上讲台表演对话,并评选出"最优表演者〞. Step 3 巩固〔Consolidaion〕句子接龙把全班学生分成八大组,每组的第一位学生问第二位学生:"What would you like to eat? 〞,第二位学生说:"I’d like …〞,并问第三位学生"What do you like to eat?〞, 以此类推.S1 :What do we have on Mondays?Ss:We have... ...Step 4 总结〔Summary〕师生一起总结本节课学习的知识,学生说一说还有什么不懂的地方以与自己学习中遇到的艰难.Step 5 作业〔Homework〕1. 听录音,跟读本局部内容.2. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内誊写4 遍.Step 5 板书设计〔blackboard design〕Unit three What would you like?sandwich salad hamburger ice cream tea- What would you like to eat / drink?- I’d like …知识与能力〔1〕理解let’s talk 局部的对话并能朗读其中的重点句型;能问询别人想吃〔喝〕些什么并作出相应的回答.〔2〕能完成"Let’s try〞局部的听力任务.提高学生合作学习的能力,能灵便运用所学句型聊关于"饮食〞的话题.过程与方法〔1〕培养学生手、耳、眼、脑各个局部的综合运用协调能力.〔2〕培养学生能够将所学知识运用到生活实际等情境中去.〔3〕培养学生小组合作学习的能力.情感态度价值观〔1〕引导学生发展发现式学习,观察,感知,体验相结合的学习方法.〔2〕培养学生积极运用所学的语言发展表达和交流,注意观察生活与运用所学英语知识,鼓励学生自主、合作、探索的学习行为.理解let’s talk 局部的对话并能朗读其中的重点句型;能问询别人想吃〔喝〕些什么并作出相应的回答.能够运用所学句型发展真实场景对话.Step 1.热身〔Warm-up〕Step.1. Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I’m fine, too. What do you have for breakfast?Ss: I have … for breakfast.T: It’s time for our class. Here we go!2. 教师挨次出示上节课学习的新词卡片,全班学生大声说出相应的汉语意思.生拿出食物词卡, 同桌合作,一人问:"What would you like to eat?〞,另一人抽取词卡并回答:"I’d like …〞.Step 2.呈现新课〔Presentation〕Let’s talk1. 教学单词<1> 教师做"口渴〞的动作,说:"Oh, I’m thirsty.〞,然后再做"喝水〞的动作,说:"I’d like to have something to drink.〞, 由此引出新单词"drink〞和"thirsty〞.教师也可以用多媒体课件出示"乌鸦喝水〞的故事,介绍说:"Look, the crow is thirsty now. It’s looking for some water to drink.〞由此引出新单词.<2> 教师用多媒体课件出示几种饮料的图片,如水、橙汁、可乐、茶等, 问:"What would you like to drink?〞,学生选择自己喜欢的饮料并回答:"I’d like to drink some …〞.<3> 学生同桌合作,谈论自己想喝些什么饮料,如:S1: I’m thirsty.S2: What would you like to drink?S1: I’d like some water.S2: Here you are.2. 介绍对话情景T: It’s in Sarah’s family. They’re talking about what to eat and drink. Let’s listen to the tape and know something about their talking.3. 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读.第二次播放教学录音,学生听完录音后回答下面问题:① Who’s hungry?② What would Father like to eat?③ What would Father like to drink?Answer:① Father.② A sandwich.③Some water.第三次播放教学录音,全班学生分角色跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中药注意摹仿录音中的语音、语调.Let’s spell(1) Read listen and chant(2) Listen repeat and circle(3) Listen write and sayStep 3 巩固〔Consolidation〕1. A. Let’s try<1> 明确听力任务T: Sarah is hungry. What would she like to eat? Listen and fill in the blanks.<2> 先让学生观察图片,然后播放教学录音;播放第一遍录音师,学生根据录音内容完成填空任务;播放第二次录音时,师生一起核对答案.Step 4 总结〔Summary〕1. 师生一起总结本节课所学生的词汇与句型,说说本节课的重难点,教师评价学生的表现.2. 鼓励学生关注自己的饮食状况,养成良好的饮食习惯.Step 5 作业〔Homework〕1. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内誊写六遍.2. 听录音,跟读A. let’s talk 局部内容.Step 5 板书设计<blackboard design>Unit three What would you like?thirsty drinkI’m thirsty.-What would you like to eat / drink?- I’d like …Step 6 教学反思<teaching reflection>知识与能力〔1〕能听、说、认读"fresh〞,"healthy〞,"hot〞和"sweet〞"delicious〞. 能够在真实语境中正确运用以上五个词组描述周末活动.〔2〕理解let’s talk 局部的对话并能朗读其中的重点句型.过程与方法〔1〕培养学生手、耳、眼、脑各个局部的综合运用协调能力.〔2〕培养学生能够将所学知识运用到生活实际等情境中去.〔3〕培养学生小组合作学习的能力.情感态度价值观〔1〕引导学生发展发现式学习,观察,感知,体验相结合的学习方法.〔2〕培养学生积极运用所学的语言发展表达和交流,注意观察生活与运用所学英语知识,鼓励学生自主、合作、探索的学习行为.能听、说、读、写单词"fresh〞,"healthy〞,"hot〞和"sweet〞.能问询最喜欢的食物,如"What’s your favourite food?〞.能够运用所学句型发展真实场景对话.Step 1.热身〔Warm-up〕1. Free talkT: What would you like for breakfast, S1?Ss: I’d like …T: What would you like for breakfast, S2?Ss: I’d like …2. 请一两对学生上讲台表演"A. Let’s talk〞局部的对话.3. 教师播放两遍歌曲"What would you like to eat today?〞的录音.播放第一遍录音时,全班学生一起跟着小声唱歌曲;播放第二遍录音时,全班学生分男女生比赛唱歌.4. 学生同桌合作,谈论彼此最喜欢的东西,如颜色、科目、日常活动等.S1: What’s your favourite colour?S2: My favourite colour is blue / brown / white / … What about you?S1: My favourite colour is yellow / black / orange / … What’s your favourite subject?S2: My favourtie subject is maths / English / … What about you?S1: My favourite subject is …Step 2.呈现新课〔Presentation〕Let’s lea rn 1. B. Let’s learn <1> 教师利用多媒体课件分别呈现新鲜的、健康的、美味的、辣的和甜的食物, 引出单词"fresh〞,"healthy〞,"delicious〞,"hot〞和"sweet〞.<2> 教师带领学生读几遍单词,然后全班学生分男女生读,最后学生在小组内读, 小组成员相互纠正不许确的发音.<3> 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读.第二次播放教学录音,全班学生分角色跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意摹仿录音中的语音、语调.<4> 学生同桌合作练习表演对话,然后请一两对学生上讲台表演.<5> 同桌合作,用例词替换对话中的关键词编写对话,然后教师请两三对学生上讲台表演.2. B. Look, write and say<1> 学生根据图片完成句子.<2> 教师请一位学生站起来示X 读Zoom 说的话.<3> 学生根据图片说说自己喜欢什么食物以与原因,如"I like vegetable. They’re healthy. What about you?〞B. Let’s talk<1> 教师在黑板上画出自己喜欢吃的几种食物,说:"Look! There is ice cream, hamburgers, bread and noodles on the blackboard. They are food. They are my favourite food. 〞, 教师边说边在黑板上画几个笑脸, 匡助学生理解"favourtite food〞的意思.<2> 介绍对话情景.T: Sarah and Zhang Peng are talking about today’s menu. Let’s go and see what they would like to eat today.<3> 教师出示本局部的教学挂图, 问:"What food and drink are in today’s menu?〞, 学生根据情景图回答:"There are noodles, beef, fish, sandwich, tomato soup and milk in today’s menu. 〞.<4> 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调.第二次播放教学录音,全班学生分男女生跟着录音读.第三次播放教学录音,学生听完录音后回答下面问题:① What’s Zhang Peng’s favourite food?② What’s Sarah’s favourite food?③ What do they have today?Step 3 总结〔Summary〕小结本课的重要句型并对学生的饮食习惯发展必要的引导.Step 5 作业〔Homework〕1. 听录音,跟读B. Let’s talk 局部内容.2. 把本节课学习的生词在四线三格内誊写六遍.Step 6 板书设计<blackboard design>Unit three What would you like?fresh healthy delicious hot sweetWhat’s your favourite food?Ice cream. It’s sweet.What about you?知识与能力〔1〕能读懂"Read and write〞的阅读任务,复习有关食物的句型. 能听懂"Let’scheck〞局部的录音并完成句子填空练习.能读懂story time 局部的故事.〔2〕了解英文信件的书写格式,能听、说、认读单词"dear〞.过程与方法〔1〕培养学生手、耳、眼、脑各个局部的综合运用协调能力.〔2〕培养学生能够将所学知识运用到生活实际等情境中去.〔3〕培养学生小组合作学习的能力.情感态度价值观〔1〕引导学生发展发现式学习,观察,感知,体验相结合的学习方法.〔2〕培养学生积极运用所学的语言发展表达和交流,注意观察生活与运用所学英语知识,鼓励学生自主、合作、探索的学习行为.能读懂"Read and write〞局部的日记,简单了解日记的格式,并完成相应练习. 能读懂"Let’s c heck〞局部的录音, 圈出正确答案并回答如下问题. 能读懂"Story time〞局部的故事.了解英文信件的书写格式,"Story time〞局部趣味故事的理解.Step 1.热身〔Warm-up〕1. Free talkT: What do you have for breakfast today?Ss: I have … for breakfast today.T: What’s time now?Ss: It’s …T: Oh, it’s time for our c lass. Let’s begin now.2. 教师出示本单元所学的单词的卡片,全班学生说出相应的汉语意思.Step 2.呈现新课〔Presentation〕1. Read and write<1> 简单介绍阅读材料.T: Do you remember Robin?Ss: Yes.T: Robin is a robot. It’s a helpful robot. It can do many things. It can cook. Today Robin will cook. Wu Yifan and his grandpa each write a letter about what they want to eat. Let’s read the two letters and see.<2> 让学生观察信件的格式,教师稍作讲解:英文书信普通由六局部组成, 即:信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、完毕语和署名.正文开头局部普通顶格写上"Dear … 〞, 意为"亲爱的…… 〞,结尾应署上某某.<3> 教师播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容选择正确的图片.<4> 学生自主阅读信件, 回答下面的问题.① What’s Wu Yifan’s favourite food?② Does Wu Yifan like beef?③ What’s Grandpa’s favourite food?<5> Write to Robin and tell what you would like to eat.学生仿照文中的信件, 写一封信给罗宾,说一说自己想吃什么食物,然后学生在四人小组内读一读自己写的信件,最后教师请两三位小组代表站起来读一读.2. Let’s check<1> 介绍听力任务.T: Here is a listening material about Amy’s favourite food. Please listen to the tape and fill in the blank.<2> 先让学生观察图片中的食物,然后播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容完成句子填空.<3> 教师再次播放教学录音,师生一起核对答案.3. Story time<1> 教师用多媒体课件出示本局部的教学挂图,学生猜想故事大致内容.<2> 介绍故事背景.T: Zoom and Zip are at the farm now. Zoom is hungry. They’ll cook by themselves. Let’s listen to the tape and see what happens.<3> 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调.<4> 第二次播放教学录音,学生听完录音后回答下面的问题:① What would Zoom like to eat?② What are so fresh?③ Is the salad healthy?④ What does Zoom think about the dinner at the farm?Step 3 总结〔Summary〕师生一起总结本节课学习的内容.Step 5 作业〔Homework〕1. 誊写B. Let’s lear n 局部的单词.2. 两人一组练习摹仿例句练习对话.Step 6 板书设计<blackboard design>Unit three What would you like?B. Read and write B. Let’s checkC. Story time-What would you like to eat / drink?-I’d like …, please.-What’s your favourite food?-It’s sweet / hot / delicious / …Step 7 教学反思<teaching reflection>。

(小学四年级英语教案)Unit 5 What would you like-第二课时小学四年级教案

(小学四年级英语教案)Unit 5 What would you like-第二课时小学四年级教案

Unit 5 What would you like其次课时学校四班级教案教学重点:能听懂、会说Let’s talk中的对话。

教学难点:What would you like for dinner I’d like some…, please. Everything’s ready.教具预备:1. 食物和饮料的图片。

2. 教材相配套的教学录音带,课件。

3. 单词卡片。

教学过程:〔一〕热身/复习〔Warm-up/Revision〕1. 让同学听录音,说歌谣“Dinner time〞.[使用第一册Unit 5 Let’s chant局部]2. 做玩耍Do you like …将画有所学食物和饮料的卡片放在一个帽子或盒子里面。





让其他同学问:Do you like…假如其他同学猜得不对,这个同学要答复No。

假如其他同学猜对了,这个同学要答复Yes. I like juice.并出示刚刚抽出的卡片。


〔二〕呈现新课〔Presentation〕1. 老师在黑板上画一个钟,时间指向6:30,老师说:Wow! It’s 6: 30. It’s time for dinner. I’m hungry! I’d like some rice and vegetable. What would you like for dinner2. 一个同学答复完之后,让其他同学像这样做连锁问答:What would you like I’d like…3. 老师通过图片导入课文:Look at these pictures. Who are in this pictures What are they talking about4. 老师让同学看教学课件。



What Would You Like - 英语的教案教学目标•学生会用英语表达自己想要的事物。









学习新知(15分钟)知识点1:What would you like?(你想要什么?)老师将What would you like?这个问题写在白板上,并解释这个问题的意思,给学生们展示如何问他人想要的事物。

知识点2:I would like…(我想要…)然后老师将I would like… 这句话写在白板上,并解释这句话的意思,同时给学生们展示如何用英语表达自己想要的事物。



Dialog 1:A: What would you like for breakfast?B: I would like some bread and milk.A: Would you like some coffee or tea?B: Tea, please.Dialog 2:A: What can I get for you, sir?B: I would like a hamburger and fries, please.A: Anything to drink?B: Yes, I would like a coke.老师在练习后,全班评选出最迅捷准确的学生给予表扬。



新版五年级英语上册 Unit3 What would you like 授课设计第一课时(A. Let’ s learnA. Role-play)一、学习目标1. 能听、说、读、写单词ice cream, hamburger, tea, sandwich, 和 salad。

2. 能在创立的实质情况中灵便运用句型 What would you like to eat ? I ’d like 谈论自己喜欢的食品。


二、授课重难点授课重点1. 能听、说、读、写单词ice cream, hamburger, tea, sandwich, 和 salad。

2. 能在创立的实质情况中灵便运用句型 What would you like to eat ? I ’ d like 谈论自己喜欢的食品。

授课难点单词 hamburger ,sandwich 的读音和拼写。


(检测目标 1 的完成情况)。


(检测目标 2 的完成情况)3、同桌合作对话,在班级显现(检测目标 3 的完成情况)。

四、授课过程(―)课前热身( Warm-up)1.教师播放歌曲 What would you like to eat?2.简单介绍喜欢的食品师生就自己喜欢的食品进行问答练习,如:What would you like for lunch?I ’ d like some .设计妄图经过和学生谈论自己喜欢的食品,自然地过渡到学习新的食品名称中去。

(二)新课表现( Presentation)1. A. Let’ s learn(1)授课新单词① 师生对话。

T: What do you like, Chinese food of western food?Ss: I likeT:Some like Chinese food and some like western food. What western food do you know?Ss: ...T: Today let’ s learn some popular westernfood.教师用多媒体课件依次出示三文治、沙拉、汉堡包和冰激凌的图片,引出单词“sandwich,”“salad,”“hamburger和”“ice cream。

《 What would you like 》教案设计

《 What would you like 》教案设计

《What would you like?》教案设计一、教学目标1. 知识目标:a. 学生能够听懂并正确回答“What would you like?”这个问题。

b. 学生能够使用“I would like”的结构来表达自己的喜好。

c. 学生能够介绍自己喜欢的食物、饮料和颜色。

2. 技能目标:a. 学生能够用英语进行简单的日常交流。

b. 学生能够通过听力、口语、阅读和写作等方式运用所学知识。

3. 情感目标:a. 学生能够积极参与课堂活动,提高学习兴趣。

b. 学生能够与同学进行合作学习,培养团队精神。

二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:a. 学生能够听懂并正确回答“What would you like?”这个问题。

b. 学生能够使用“I would like”的结构来表达自己的喜好。

2. 教学难点:a. 学生能够介绍自己喜欢的食物、饮料和颜色。

b. 学生能够用英语进行简单的日常交流。

三、教学准备1. 教师准备:a. 制作PPT,包括食物、饮料和颜色的图片。

b. 准备一些食物、饮料和颜色的实物或图片卡片。

2. 学生准备:a. 提前学习有关食物、饮料和颜色的英文单词。

b. 准备一些自己喜欢的食物、饮料和颜色的实物或图片卡片。

四、教学过程1. 导入:a. 教师通过问学生“What would you like?”来引起学生的兴趣。

b. 学生回答并展示自己喜欢的食物、饮料和颜色。

2. 呈现:a. 教师通过PPT展示食物、饮料和颜色的图片,引导学生说出相应的英文单词。

b. 教师引导学生用“I would like”的结构来表达自己的喜好。

3. 操练:a. 教师组织学生进行小组活动,互相询问并回答“What would you like?”。

b. 学生通过听力、口语、阅读和写作等方式运用所学知识。

4. 巩固:a. 教师组织学生进行游戏,如“What would you like?”接龙。

b. 学生通过游戏巩固所学知识,提高口语表达能力。

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Teaching contents: Words: beans tomato potato eggplant cabbage green beans
Sentences: What woulsd you like?
I’d like some tofu.
Song: apple song
Key points:How to use the contents
Difficult points: |the plural form of the words.
The pronounciation of eggplant and cabbage
Teaching aims: Ss can read the words
Ss can answer the question.
Ss can write the words
Teaching tools: real objects: a tomato a potato an eggplant some green beans cabbage
dice ball balloon hammer ball stick paper word cards
cards eraser magic box two basons
Step 1:Greeting:
Let’s greet, When I say hello everyone ,you should say hello amy,
OK hello everyone , hello groupA\B . Hello ,
Jenny \Peter …
Step 2:Warm up: stand up sit down
Step 3:Revision: Unit one
Ok,now.Let’s review unit one.read after the little teacher.
beans presentation:If you read well , I will show it to you .
Practice:W---follow me
G---I group A/B , group A/B read. Clear?
Production:I will give you two chaptersticks,and you should use it to carry the
beans into the bason.
Eggplant presentation: peel the onion
Practice: -show two fingers, you read twice
show the eggplant to groupA/B, group A/B read. I take
away, keep silence.
ask your name , you read pencil
Game: Let’s play a game, Golden touch
potato Now, I will teach you potato, listen !! potato
Practice: W--- Let’s play Aleen says .
G-----I say boys\girls pencil—case, Boys \girls read pencil—case
S and game—
Production :Let’s play Passing down,
Tomato presentation: Let’s learn tomato , Is this a tomato ( T show the
tomato) NO Is this a tomato (T show the tomato YES
Practice:W---I touch the tomato twice ,you read twice
G—I show it to groupA/B ,group A/B read
S--- touch it and say book.
Game: Let’s play a game. Fast hand . .
Green beans: presentation:show the object.
Practice: whole to group to single
Production:quick mouth
Cabbage: presentation: show the picture
Practice:whole to group(clap your hands
Step 5 Presentation
Sentence: OK! We will learn the sentence. Listen to me . Wht would you
like?I’d like some tofu. Today It’s a sunny day . Peter is
shopping .the shop assistant says:hello,what would you like? Peter
says ;I’d like some tofu.And who can tell me what’s the
meaning? YES good!!
Practice how to answer:W-- follow me I’d like some tofu.
G—Group A/B read
S---I throw the ball to you , you read How to use:I’d like some...
Production:music chair
Step 6“song”
Let’s learn a song . firstly listen to me. now follow me sentence
by sentence . group A/B follow me sentence by sentence . let’s sing it
together. Now two groups have a competition. Which one is better can
get 5 points .
Enclosure: Let’s review what we have learned follow me
Let’s say which group is the winner
Homework: copy the words ten times,the sentences twices.
