卫生部药品标准中药材第一册(1992年版)一枝蒿yzh中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册1人参叶rsy中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册2九节菖蒲jjcp中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册3干蟾gc中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册4dyml tchb中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册5大叶木兰(腾冲厚补)山麦冬smd中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册6广升麻gsm中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册7马宝mb中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册8马槟稂mbl中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册9天山雪莲花tsxlh中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册10无名异wmy中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册11无花果whg中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册12云母石yms中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册13云芝yz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册14木耳me中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册15木芙蓉叶mfry中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册16木芙蓉花mfrh中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册17木槿皮(川槿皮)mjp cjp中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册18木槿花mjh中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册19瓦松ws中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册20分心木fxm中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册21凤尾草fwc中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册2223水半夏sbx中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册1992年版)水獭肝stg中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册24玉米须ymx中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册25石楠叶sny中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册26石燕sy中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册27石蟹sx中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册28北寒水石bhss中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册29代代花ddh中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册30白巨胜bjs中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册31白药子byz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册32冬凌草dlc中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册33地耳草(田基黄)dec tjh中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册34光慈姑gcg中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册35肉桂子rgz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册36全叶青兰qyql中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册37关白附gbf中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册38寻骨风xgf中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册40阳起风yqf中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册41阳起石yqs中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册42芫荽子ysz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册43芜荑wy中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册44芸苔子ytz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册45苎麻根zmg中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册46佛手瓜fsg中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册47陆英ly中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册49青龙衣qly中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册50松香sx中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册51苦豆草kdc中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册52苦楝子klz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册53罗勒ll中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册54金精石jjs中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册55狗宝gb中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册56狗鞭(狗肾)gb gs中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册57鱼脑石yns中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册58油松节ysj中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册59参叶sy中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册60相思子xsz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册61枳犋子zjz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册62树舌ss中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册63南山楂nsz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册64南板蓝根nblg中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册南寒水石nhss中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册66虻虫mc中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册67扁豆花bdh中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册68蚕沙cs中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册69荷梗hg中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册70铁苋菜txc中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册71狼毒ld中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册72浮小麦fxm中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册73浮石fs中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册74浮海石fhs中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册75海松子hsz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册76梧桐子wtz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册77菊三七jsq中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册78黄药子hyz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册79黄荆油hjy中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册80鹿尾lw中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册81鹿骨lg中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册82鹿骨胶lgj中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册84鹿胎lt中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册85鹿筋lj中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册86鹿鞭(鹿肾)lb ls中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册87密佗僧mts中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册88棕榈子zlz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册89葛花gh中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册90葱子cz中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册91萱草根xcg中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册92紫贝齿zbc中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册93紫金牛zjn中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册94猴骨hg中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册95蜣螂ql中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册97蜡梅花lmh中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册98鲜竹沥xzl中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册99樱桃核yth中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册100蝼蛄lg中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册101橘络jl中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册102鳖甲胶bjj中药材卫生部药品标准中药材第一册103卫生部药品标准蒙药分册三棵针skz中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册1大栀子dzz中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册2大蒜ds中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册3山沉香scx中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册4小秦艽花xqjh中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册5毛莲菜mlc中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册6凤仙花fxh中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册7火绒草hrc中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册8水苦荬skm中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册9玉簪花yzh中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册10白益母草bymc中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册11白葡萄bpt中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册12地梢瓜dsg中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册13多叶棘豆dyjd中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册14肋柱花lzh中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册15并头黄芩bthq中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册16赤包子cbz中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册17芯芭xb中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册18返顾马先蒿fgnxg中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册19沙芥sj中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册20驴尔风毛菊lefmj中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册21阿尔泰狗娃花aetgwh中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册22刺柏叶cbj中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册23刺玫果cmg中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册24抱茎苦荬菜bjkmc中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册25苦石莲ksl中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册26苦地丁kdd中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册27苦叶草kjc中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册28齿缘草cyc中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册29金莲花jlh中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册30泡囊草pnc中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册31细叶铁线莲xytxl中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册32珊瑚sh 中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册33柿子sz中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册34草乌花cwh中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册35扁蕾bl中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册36莲座蓟lzj中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册37铁杆蒿tgh中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册38铃铃香llx中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册39通经草tjc中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册40菱角lj中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册41接骨木jgm中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册42悬钩子木xgzm中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册43梅花草mhc中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册44蒙花锚mhm中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册45蒙酸模msm中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册46紫藤子ztz中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册47硬毛棘豆gmjd中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册48蓖齿蒿bch中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册49照山白zsb中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册50蓝刺头lct中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册51蓝盆花lph中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册52辣椒lj中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册53漏芦花llh中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册54橡子xz中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册55豌豆花wdh中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册56糙苏cs 中药材卫生部药品标准蒙药分册57三子颗粒szkl中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册58三臣丸scw中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册59土木香十味汤散tmxswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册60土木香五味汤散tmxwwts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册61土茯苓七味汤散tflqwts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册62小儿清肺八味丸xeqfbww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册63云香十五味丸yxswww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册64止吐六味散ztlws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册65止血八味散zxbws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册66止痢十五味丸zlswww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册67止痢十五味散zlswws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册68止痢七味散zlqws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册69扎冲十三味丸zcssww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册70牛黄十三味丸nhssww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册71升阳十一味丸sysyww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册72乌兰十三味汤散wlsswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册73乌兰三味汤散wlswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册74风湿二十五味丸fseswww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册75风湿三味丸fssww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册76文冠木十味汤散wgmswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册77文冠木软膏wgmrg中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册78巴特日七味丸btrqww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册79巴特日六味汤散btqlwts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册80玉簪清咽十五味散yzqyswws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册81玉簪清咽十五味丸yzqyswww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册82石膏二十五味散sgeswws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册83地丁三味汤散ddswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册84地锦草四味汤散djcswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册85吉祥安神丸jxasw中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册86协日嘎四味汤散xrgswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册87光明盐四味胶囊gmyswjn中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册88肉蔻五味丸rkwww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册89行气止痛丸xqztw中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册90肋柱花四味汤散lzhswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册91壮西六味丸zxlww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册92壮西六味散zxlws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册93安神补心六味丸asbxlww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册94安神镇惊二十味丸aszjesww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册95那仁明目汤散nrmmts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册96那如八味丸nrbww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册97那如三味丸nrsww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册98红花清肝十三味丸hhqgssww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册99克感额日敦片kgerdp中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册100克感额日敦胶囊kgerdjn中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册101麦冬十三味丸mdssww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册102豆蔻五味散dkwws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册103苏木六味汤散smlwts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册104花锚肝宁片hmgnp中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册105连翘四味汤散lqswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册106连翘四味胶囊lqswjn中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册107利肝和胃丸lghww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册108利胆八味散ldbws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册109利尿八味散lnbws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册110沉香安神散cxass中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册111沉香十七味丸cxsqww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册112沙参止咳汤散sszkts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册113坷子五味胶囊kzwwjn中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册114补肾健胃二十一味丸bsjwwsyww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册115阿那日十四味散anrssws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册116阿那日八味散anrbws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册117阿那日五味散anrwws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册118阿如健脾散arjps中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册119阿拉坦五味丸altwww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册120阿拉坦五味散altwws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册121阿魏八味丸awbww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册122阿魏五味散awwws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册123枫香脂十味丸fxzsww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册124明目十六味丸mmslww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册125明目六味汤散mmlwts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册126参竹精颗粒szjkl中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册127珍宝丸zbw中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册128珍珠通络丸zztlw中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册129胡日查六味丸hrclww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册130草果四味汤散cgswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册131草果健脾散cgjps中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册132哈日十二味散hrsews中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册133hdhlmlssww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册134哈敦海鲁木勒十三味丸哈敦海鲁木勒九味丸hdhlmljww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册135顺气十三味散sqssws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册136顺气补心十一味丸sqbxsyww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册137顺气安神丸sqasw中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册138洪林五味汤散hlwwts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册139活血六味散hxlws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册140冠心七味片gxqwp中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册141扁蕾颗粒blkl中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册142祛通橡胶膏qtxjg中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册143给喜古纳丸gxgnw中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册144桔梗八味丸jgbww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册145桔梗八味颗粒jgbwkl中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册146健胃十味丸hwsww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册147健胃止痛五味胶囊jwztwwjn中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册148健脾五味丸jpwww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册149舒筋十二味丸sjseww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册150凉血十味散lxsws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册151消肿九味散xzjws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册152消肿橡胶膏xzxjg中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册153益肾十七味丸yssqww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册154益智温肾十味丸yzwssww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册155透骨灵橡胶膏tglxjg中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册156tydbeswwts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册157调元大补二十五味汤散菖蒲四味丸cpsww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册158菖蒲四味胶囊cpswjn中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册159菊花七味胶囊jhqwjn中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册160黄柏八味散hbbws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册161痔瘘六味散zllws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册162清心沉香八味丸qxcxbww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册163清血八味胶囊qxbwjn中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册164清血八味散qxbws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册165清肝二十七味丸qgesqww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册166清肝七味散qgqws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册167清肝九味散qgjws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册168清肾热十味散qsrsws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册169清肺十八味丸qfsbww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册170清肺十三味散qfssws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册171清咽六味散qylws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册172清热二十五味丸qreswww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册173清热八味胶囊qrbwjn中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册174清热八味散qrbws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册175清热二十三味散qressws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册176清热止痛三味汤散qrztswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册177清感九味丸qgjww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册178清瘟十二味丸qwseww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册179清瘟止痛十四味丸qwztssww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册180清瘟止痛十一味丸qwztsyww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册181清瘟利胆十三味丸qwldssww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册182清瘟消肿九味丸qwxzjww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册183羚牛角二十五味丸lnjeswww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册184森登四味汤散sdswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册185黑云香四味汤散hyxswts中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册186消食十味胶囊xsswjn中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册187消食十味丸xssww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册188溃疡软膏kyrg中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册189外用溃疡散wykys中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册190寒水石二十一味散hssesyws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册191暖宫七味丸ngqww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册192暖宫七味散ngqws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册193德都红花七味丸ddhhqww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册194德都红花七味散ddhhqws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册195槟榔十三味丸blssww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册196嘎日迪五味丸grdwww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册197镇刺六味丸zclww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册198檀香清肺二十味丸txqfesww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册199西红花十六味散xhhslws中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册200藜芦十二味丸llseww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册201珊瑚七十味丸shqsww中成药卫生部药品标准蒙药分册202卫生部药品标准藏药第一册大青盐DQY中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册1大籽蒿DZH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册2大托叶云实DTYYS中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册3山苦荬SKM中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册4山矾叶SFY中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册5川西獐牙菜CXZYC中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册6小米辣XML中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册7飞廉FL中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册8马尿泡MNP中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册9马蔺子MLZ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册10无患子WHZ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册11木棉花MMH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册12木橘MJ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册13止泻木子ZXMZ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册14手参SS中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册15牛尾蒿NWH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册16乌奴龙胆WNLD中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册17风毛菊FMJ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册18文冠木WGM中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册19火硝HX中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册20水柏枝SBZ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册21打箭菊DJJ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册22甘青春兰GQCL中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册23甘青瑞香GQRX中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册24石灰华SHH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册25石榴子SLZ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册26石莲华SLH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册27印度獐牙菜YDZYC中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册28丛菔 CF中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册29白花油麻藤BHYMT中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册30白花筋骨草BHJHC中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册31芒果核MGH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册32灰枝紫菀HZZW中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册33江巴JB中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册34光明盐GMY中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册35网眼瓦韦WYWW中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册36肉托果RTG中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册37肉果草RGC中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册38多刺绿绒蒿DCLRH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册39异叶青兰YYQL中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册40红景天HJT中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册41杜鹃花DJH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册42芫荽果YSG中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册43花苜蓿HMX中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册44花锚HM中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册45角茴香JHX中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册46角蒿JH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册47沙棘膏SJG中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册48羌活鱼QHY中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册49鸡蛋参JDS中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册51青藏龙胆QZLD中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册52松蛙SW中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册53松石SS中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册54松生等SSD中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册55刺参CS中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册56苞叶雪莲BYXL中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册57岩参YS中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册58垂头菊CTJ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册59乳白香青RBXQ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册60金腰草JYC中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册61兔心TX中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册62兔耳草TEC中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册63波棱瓜子BLGZ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册64草木犀CMX中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册65草玉梅CYM中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册66草莓CM中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册67荠菜JC中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册68荨麻XM中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册69砂生槐子SSHZ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册70点地梅DDM中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册71香旱芹XHQ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册72独一味DYW中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册73蚤缀ZZ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册74珠芽蓼ZYL中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册75秦艽花QJH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册76夏至草XZC中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册77烈香杜鹃LXDJ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册78铁棒槌TBC中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册79铁棒槌幼苗TBCYM中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册80臭蒿CH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册81高山绒线菊GSRXJ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册82高原毛茛GYMG中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册83高原蚤缀GYZZ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册84唐古特乌头TGTWT中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册85唐古特铁线绒TGTTXR中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册86宽筋藤KJT中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册87展毛翠雀ZMCQ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册88绢毛菊JMJ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册89菥冥子XMZ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册90黄帚橐吾HZTW中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册91黄堇HJ中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册92硇砂NS中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册93雪莲花XLH中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册94假耧斗菜JLDC中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册95婆婆纳PPN中药材卫生部药品标准藏药第一册96。
SHIMADZU AOC-20 Clarity Control Module说明书
![SHIMADZU AOC-20 Clarity Control Module说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4b3833240a1c59eef8c75fbfc77da26925c5960c.png)
SHIMADZU AOC-20Clarity Control Module ENGCode/Rev.:M090/90BDate:10/2/2023DataApex Ltd. Phone:+420251013400Petrzilkova2583/13 ********************15800Prague5 The Czech RepublicClarity®,DataApex®and®are trademarks of DataApex Ltd.Microsoft®and Windows TM aretrademarks of Microsoft Corporation.DataApex reserves the right to make changes to manuals without prior notice.Updated manuals can be downloaded from .Author:MPContents1Shimadzu AOC-20i/s/d Control module1 2Requirements2 3Installation Procedure33.1Autosampler Setup-communication33.1.1Connections43.2Clarity Configuration54Using the control module74.1Hardware Configuration dialog74.2Method Setup-AS84.3Shimadzu AOC-20i/s Setup105Sequence12 6Troubleshooting13To facilitate the orientation in the Shimadzu AOC-20manual and Clarity chromatography station, different fonts are used throughout the manual.Meanings of these fonts are:Open File(italics)describes the commands and names of fields in Clarity,parameters that can be entered into them or a window or dialog name.WORK1(capitals)indicates the name of the file and/or directory.ACTIVE(capital italics)marks the state of the station or its part.Chromatogram(blue underlined)marks clickable links referring to related chapters.The bold text is sometimes also used for important parts of the text and the name of the Clarity station.Moreover,some sections are written in format other than normal text.These sections are formatted as follows:Note:Notifies the reader of relevant information.Caution:Warns the user of possibly dangerous or very important information.▌Marks the problem statement or trouble question.Description:Presents more detailed information on the problem,describes its causes, etc.Solution:Marks the response to the question,presents a procedure how to remove it.Shimadzu AOC-201Shimadzu AOC-20i/s/d Control module 1Shimadzu AOC-20i/s/d Control module This manual describes the setting of the Shimadzu AOC-20i/s/d autosamplers.The control module enables direct control of the instrument over serial line.Fig.1:AOC-20iDirect control means that the autosampler can be completely controlled from the Clarity environment.Instrument method controlling for example the vials and further device specific functions(e.g.washing)will be saved in the measured chromatograms.Shimadzu AOC-202Requirements2Requirementsl Clarity Installation with AS Control module(p/n A26).l Free serial port in the PC(fast-16550UART).Note:Modern computers usually have only1(if any)serial(COM)port installed.To use more devices requiring the port,the MultiCOM adapter(p/n MC01)is available.l Serial cross DB9F-DB9F cable(p/n SK01).Note:Cables are not part of Clarity Control Module.It is strongly recommended to order required cables together with the Control Module.Caution:We have experienced power sources(controller boards)with DB9F connector on the back instead of normal DB9M connector.In that case,serial cross DB9M-DB9F cable is necessary.Contact our support on******************to consultthe correct wiring.3Installation Procedure3.1Autosampler Setup-communicationThe autosampler communicates with PC using the RS232-compliant serial cross DB9F-DB9F cable.Fig.2:Serial cross DB9F-DB9F cableThe RS-232cable is plugged in to the autosampler controller board(not the tower) present at the back side of the GC,replacing the cable connecting it to the GC in default setup,as displayed in the Fig.3on pg.3.Fig.3:Shimadzu AOC-20controller board connections3.1.1ConnectionsBesides the serial RS-232cable,the connections must be made between the autosampler Start OUT/Ready IN connector and the appropriate connectors on the GC to allow proper synchronization between the AS and GC.l The Clarity Start(IN)input must be connected to the GC Start Out connector.l The Clarity Ready(OUT)digital output is not used,the commands are transmitted over the serial line.Refer to Shimadzu manual for description of cables supplied with the autosampler.When autosampler has to be used with Shimadzu201x series GCs( 2010,2014, 2014C,2014APC/AFC),it is necessary to connect it to the PC via separate serial line.The controller box is build in the GC2010/2014case,but to use the control from Clarity,the short serial cable from the GC to the controller box needs to be disconnected and replaced by a serial cable to the PC.3.2Clarity ConfigurationFig.4:How to add Shimadzu AOC-20l Start the Clarity station by clicking on the icon on the desktop.l Invoke the System Configuration dialog accessible from the Clarity window using the mand.l Press the Add button①(see Fig.4on pg.5.)to invoke the Available Control Modules dialog.l You can specify the searching filter②to simplify the finding of the driver.l Select the AOC-20sampler and press the Add③button.The Shimadzu AOC-20i/s Setup dialog will appear.Fig.5:Shimadzu AOC-20i/s Setupl Select the correct Port,Baud Rate,Parity and Stop bit settings for the autosampler.Then press the Connect button.If the communication is correct,the status of the autosampler will appear in the Connection row.Note:The Shimadzu AOC-20i/s Setup dialog is more closely described in the chapter "Shimadzu AOC-20i/s Setup"on pg.10.The AOC-20autosampler item will appear in the Setup Control Modules list of the System Configuration dialog.l Drag and drop the AOC-20icon from the Setup Control Modules④list on the left side of the System Configuration dialog to the desired Instrument⑤tab on the right side⑥(or use the button⑦to do so).4Using the control moduleNew Method Setup-AS tab appears in the Method Setup dialog,enabling the setting of the AS control method.The From AS and To AS buttons serve for transfer of methods from and to autosampler.Caution:If you have injection methods already established in the sampler,it is advisable to download them to Clarity using the From AS button and save them as a Claritymethod.The AS Status button displays the Hardware Configuration dialog.4.1Hardware Configuration dialogFig.6:Hardware ConfigurationThis dialog displays automatically detected communication port.4.2Method Setup-ASFig.7:Method Setup-AS-Parameters Dwell timeWaiting time after sample injection.Valid range:0-99.9sRinse with sampleSample washing times of the syringe before injection.Valid range:0-99Rinse with solventSolvent washing times of the syringe after injection.Valid range:0-99Viscosity timeWaiting time of the plunger after sample suction.Valid range:0-99.9sPump syringeNumber of pumpings.Valid range:0-99Plunger injection speedInjection speed of the plunger.Plunger suction speedPlunger suction speed at sample suction.Injection typeInjection type.Standard-sample+(air)Solvent flush-solvent+air+sample+(air)Solvent flush w/o air-solvent+sample+(air)Standard internal-solvent+air+standard sample+air+sample+(air)Standard internal w/o air-solvent+standard sample+sample+(air)Syringe injection speedInjection speed of the syringe.Select SolventSelects the appropriate solvent for solvent wash in case there are three solvent vials on the sampler rack.It is necessary to enable this option in the Shimadzu AOC-20i/s Setup dialog using the Use three solvents checkbox.Air SuctionCheck if you want autosampler to suck air into the needle after sample suction.This can help prevent premature evaporation of part of the sample,when the needle is warmed-up.4.3Shimadzu AOC-20i/s SetupThe Shimadzu AOC-20i/s Setup dialog sets the fundamental options of the control module.Note:It is accessible from the System Configuration dialog by doubleclicking the Shimadzu AOC-20i/s item.Fig.8:Shimadzu AOC-20i/s SetupPortCOM Port used for communication between the hardware and the PC.Baud Rate,Parity,Stop BitCommunication parameters.Those parameters should be set according to the actual communication parameters set in the autosampler(use the Function key to check/modify them)Default values:Baud rate:2400(F80=2)Parity:none(F81=0)Stop bits:2(F82=1)Note:The changes made on the sampler are active only after power restart.ConnectButton which tests communication with auto-injector hardware and detects if auto-sampler hardware is present.First fill in the COM Port,Baud rate,Parity,Stop bit fields and check AOC17mode if you need AOC-17compatible mode,then press the Connect button.Now connection is tested and auto-sampler is detected for established connection.Connection state is shown in the Connection field.If connection fails then message box appears and you are asked to check some parameters on the hardware.ConnectionConnection status.Sampler nameAssigns name to the sampler,under which it appears in configuration,method setup,reports,etc.ModelDefines the model of the AOC-20sampler.Vial sizeDefines the type of the vials used on the sampler.Syringe typeDefines the type of the syringe.AOC-17modeSetting this checkbox enables AOC-17compatible mode.To use the AOC20in this mode,set the functions F84=1(default is F84=0).Note:Regardless of mode used,the Channel1Protocol parameter must be zero (F83=0).Use three solventsDefines whether the autosampler uses the three-vial solvent option or not.When checked,additional options will be available on the Method Setup-AS tab for selecting the solvent vials for pre-wash and post-wash.Shimadzu AOC-205Sequence 5SequenceTo use the autosampler in the Clarity sequence,following conditions must be met:l The sequence must be savedl The sequence must be set as Active Sequencel All used methods must have the External Start enabled and the Autostop time setl Method Setup-AS dialog in the used methods must be filled The required values for starting vial(SV),ending vial(EV),number of injections from vial(I/V)and injected volume are set in the sequence table.Standard sequence operationAfter sequence start,the AS control method will be sent to the sampler and the datastation will wait for the injection signal from sampler.After receiving it,the run starts and after finishing,the method for next injection will be sent to the sampler.Note:Communication protocol used for autosampler control in Clarity allows wider possibilities for some parameters(for example Minimum injection volume)compared to original manufacturer's User manual.Shimadzu AOC-206Troubleshooting 6TroubleshootingWhen the cause could not be discovered easily,the recording of communication between Clarity and the autosampler can significantly help the DataApex support to discover the cause.The recording can be enabled by adding or amending the COMMDRV.INI file in the Clarity installation directory(C:\CLARITY\CFG by default).The file can be edited in any text editor(e.g.Notepad).Following lines should be added[COM1]echo=ontextmode=onfilename=CommDrv_%D.txtreset=offNote:Instead of COM1type the correct serial port used to communicate with the Shimadzu AOC-20detector.Note:%D(or%d)in the filename parameter means that the log will be created separately for each day.The reset=off parameter disables deleting the content ofthe log each time the station is started during the same day.The created LOG files will greatly help in diagnosis of unrecognized errors and problems in communication.Recording the communication related to instrument control is not recommended to leave it on for prolonged periods.。
Jayco Swift 20AL SWIFT LI 20TL Customer Value Pack
![Jayco Swift 20AL SWIFT LI 20TL Customer Value Pack](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e9be74ac846a561252d380eb6294dd88d0d23d8e.png)
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YG20加工方案1. 引言YG20是一种硬质合金材料,广泛应用于机械加工领域。
2. 材料特性YG20是一种由钨碳化物和钴基合金组成的硬质合金材料。
•高抗压强度:YG20的抗压强度可达3000 MPa以上。
3. 加工工艺YG20的加工工艺主要包括切削加工和磨削加工。
3.1 切削加工切削加工是一种常用的加工方法,适用于YG20的车削、铣削和钻削等工艺。
3.1.1 车削车削是通过工件在车床上旋转,刀具沿着工件的轴向或切向进行切削的方法。
3.1.2 铣削铣削是通过在工件上旋转刀具,沿着工件表面进行切削的方法。
在YG20的铣削过程中,需要注意以下几点:•刀具选择:对于YG20的铣削,常用的刀具有硬质合金铣刀和PVD 涂层刀具。
3.1.3 钻削钻削是通过旋转切削工具,在工件上制造孔洞的方法,适用于YG20的钻削过程需要注意以下几点:•刀具选择:YG20的钻削可以选择硬质合金或高速钢钻头。
ZY20 中渔 说明书 用户手册
![ZY20 中渔 说明书 用户手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8baac6d8b9f3f90f76c61bb2.png)
ZY-20 CDMA2000/GSM数字移动电话机用户手册说明与注意说明:说明表示可以帮助您更好地使用该手机。
目录1 了解您的手机 (6)1.1 基本规格 (6)1.2 按键定义 (6)1.3 常用状态图标 (7)2 开始使用 (8)2.1 安装/取出电池 (8)2.2 电池充电 (8)2.3 安装/取出电话卡 (8)2.4 T-Flash卡 (9)3 基本功能 (10)3.1 开机/关机 (10)3.2 拨打电话 (10)3.2.1 紧急电话 (10)3.2.2 拨号盘 (10)3.2.3 快速拨号 (10)3.3 接听电话 (10)3.4 通话操作 (11)4 文本输入 (12)4.1 智能拼音输入法 (12)4.1.1 键盘输入 (12)4.1.2 词组输入 (12)4.2 数字输入法 (12)4.3 字母输入法 (12)4.4 笔画输入法 (13)5 菜单 (14)5.1 通讯录 (14)5.1.1 联系人列表 (14)5.1.2 新建 (14)5.1.3 查找 (14)5.1.4 群组 (14)5.1.5 分组复制 (14)5.1.6 删除 (15)5.1.7 快速拨号 (15)5.1.8 容量查询 (15)5.1.9 C网本机号码 (15)5.1.10 G网本机号码 (15)5.2 信息 (15)5.2.1 短信 (15)5.2.2 彩信 (16)5.2.3 语音信箱 (18)语音信箱 (18)5.3 通话记录 (19)5.3.2 GSM通话记录 (20)5.3.3 全部记录 (20)5.4 互联网 (20)5.5 天翼 (20)5.6 爱音乐 (20)5.7 天翼空间 (20)5.8 天翼视讯 (21)5.9 娱乐 (21)5.9.1 FM收音机 (21)5.9.2 音乐播放 (21)5.9.3 视频播放 (21)5.9.4 照相机 (21)5.9.5 录像 (22)5.9.6 录音机 (22)5.9.7 游戏 (22)5.9.8 文本阅读器 (23)5.9.9 UCWEB (23)5.9.10 QQ (23)5.9.11 JA V A (24)5.10 文件管理 (24)5.10.1 本地文件夹 (24)5.10.2 T-FLASH卡 (24)5.10.3 内置U盘 (24)5.10.4 容量查询 (25)5.11 个人助理 (25)5.11.1 闹钟 (25)5.11.2 日程表 (25)5.11.3 记事本 (25)5.11.4 计算器 (25)5.11.5 货币兑换 (25)5.11.6 秒表 (26)5.11.7 世界时间 (26)5.11.8 定时关机 (26)5.11.9 定时器 (26)5.11.10 归属地查询 (26)5.11.11 天气预报 (26)5.11.12 手电筒 (26)5.12 设置 (26)5.12.1 话机设置 (26)5.12.2 卡槽设置 (27)5.12.3 显示设置 (27)5.12.4 通话设置 (27)5.12.5 安全设置 (27)6 常见问题 (30)7 安全信息 (31)1 了解您的手机1.1 基本规格说明:待机时间是指手机在不通话、不移动情况下的持续开机工作时间。
APPLICATIONSs Rectification s Freewheel Diode s DC Motor Control s Power Supplies s Welding s Battery ChargersFEATURESs High Surge CapabilityVOLTAGE RATINGSKEY PARAMETERSV RRM 2000V I F(AV)220A I FSM 4000A200014001000600SV20 20 M or K(R)SV20 14 M or K(R)SV20 10 M or K(R)SV20 06 M or K(R)ConditionsV RSM = V RRM + 100VLower voltage grades available.M for M12 thread. K for 1/2" - 20UNF thread, R for reverse polarity.Add C to type number for DO8C package.Type NumberRepetitive PeakReverse VoltageV RRM VCURRENT RATINGSSymbolParameterConditionsSingle Side Cooled I F(AV)Mean forward current I F(RMS)RMS valueI FContinuous (direct) forward currentUnitsMax.Half wave resistive load, T case = 100o C 220A T case = 100o C350A T case = 100o C297AOutline type codes: DO8C and DO8See Package Details for further information.SV20Rectifier DiodeReplaces March 1998 version, DS4085-2.3DS4085-3.0 January 2000SURGE RATINGSConditions10ms half sine; T case = 175o C V R = 50% V RRM - 1/4 sine 10ms half sine; T case =175o CV R = 0Max.Units Symbol ParameterI FSM Surge (non-repetitive) forward current I 2t I 2t for fusingI FSM Surge (non-repetitive) forward current I 2tI 2t for fusingA 2s4.0kA 51.2 x 103A 2s 3.2kA 80.0 x 103THERMAL AND MECHANICAL DATAConditions Min.Max.UnitsoC/W-0.08Thermal resistance - case to heatsinkR th(c-h)Thermal resistance - junction to case R th(j-c)Symbol Parameter-0.23oC/W175oC T vj Virtual junction temperatureT stg Storage temperature range -55200oC--175oCMounting torque 15.0Nm with mounting compound Forward (conducting)Reverse (blocking)dcMounting Torque-12.015.0NmCHARACTERISTICSForward voltage Peak reverse current ParameterµC -Q S Total stored charge Symbol V FM I RRM I RM Peak recovery current 70*-A 200*At V RRM , T case = 175o C-20mA - 1.4V At 600A peak, T case = 25o C ConditionsTyp.Max.Units At T vj = 175˚C-V TO Threshold voltage r TSlope resistance1.0m ΩAt T vj = 175˚C -0.8V t rr reverse recovery time 5.5*-µs I F = 100A, dI RR /dt = 20A/µs, T case = 25˚C*Typical values.CURVESPACKAGE DETAILSFor further package information, please contact your local Customer Service Centre. All dimensions in mm, unless stated otherwise.DO NOT SCALE.ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONSTitleApplication NoteNumber Calculating the junction temperature or power semiconductors AN4506Thyristor and diode measurement with a multi-meter AN4853Use of V TO, r Ton-state characteristicAN5001CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRESFrance, Benelux, Italy and Spain T el: +33 (0)1 69 18 90 00. Fax: +33 (0)1 64 46 54 50North America T el: 011-800-5554-5554. Fax: 011-800-5444-5444UK, Germany, Scandinavia & Rest Of World T el: +44 (0)1522 500500. Fax: +44 (0)1522 500020SALES OFFICESFrance, Benelux, Italy and Spain T el: +33 (0)1 69 18 90 00. Fax: +33 (0)1 64 46 54 50Germany T el: 07351 827723North America T el: (613) 723-7035. Fax: (613) 723-1518. T oll Free: 1.888.33.DYNEX (39639) /T el: (831) 440-1988. Fax: (831) 440-1989 / Tel: (949) 733-3005. Fax: (949) 733-2986.UK, Germany, Scandinavia & Rest Of World Tel: +44 (0)1522 500500. Fax: +44 (0)1522 500020These offices are supported by Representatives and Distributors in many countries world-wide.© Dynex Semiconductor 2000 Publication No. DS4085-3 Issue No. 3.0 January 2000TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION – NOT FOR RESALE. PRINTED IN UNITED KINGDOMHEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS DYNEX SEMICONDUCTOR LTD Doddington Road, Lincoln.Lincolnshire. LN6 3LF. United Kingdom.Tel: 00-44-(0)1522-500500Fax: 00-44-(0)1522-500550DYNEX POWER INC.Unit 7 - 58 Antares Drive,Nepean, Ontario, Canada K2E 7W6.T el: 613.723.7035Fax: 613.723.1518T oll Free: 1.888.33.DYNEX (39639)This publication is issued to provide information only which (unless agreed by the Company in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced for any purpose nor form part of any order or contract nor to be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned. No warranty or guarantee express or implied is made regarding the capability, performance or suitability of any product or service. The Company reserves the right to alter without prior notice the specification, design or price of any product or service. Information concerning possible methods of use is provided as a guide only and does not constitute any guarantee that such methods of use will be satisfactory in a specific piece of equipment. It is the user's responsibility to fully determine the performance and suitability of any equipment using such information and to ensure that any publication or data used is up to date and has not been superseded. These products are not suitable for use in any medical products whose failure to perform may result in significant injuryor death to the user. All products and materials are sold and services provided subject to the Company's conditions of sale, which are available on request.All brand names and product names used in this publication are trademarks, registered trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.e-mail: power_solutions@Datasheet Annotations:Dynex Semiconductor annotate datasheets in the top right hard corner of the front page, to indicate product status. The annotations are as follows:-Target Information: This is the most tentative form of information and represents a very preliminary specification. No actual design work on the product has been started.Preliminary Information: The product is in design and development. The datasheet represents the product as it is understood but details may change.Advance Information: The product design is complete and final characterisation for volume production is well in hand.No Annotation: The product parameters are fixed and the product is available to datasheet specification.POWER ASSEMBLY CAPABILITYThe Power Assembly group was set up to provide a support service for those customers requiring more than the basic semiconduc-tor, and has developed a flexible range of heatsink / clamping systems in line with advances in device types and the voltage and current capability of our semiconductors.We offer an extensive range of air and liquid cooled assemblies covering the full range of circuit designs in general use today. The Assembly group continues to offer high quality engineering support dedicated to designing new units to satisfy the growing needs of our customers.Using the up to date CAD methods our team of design and applications engineers aim to provide the Power Assembly Complete solution (PACs).HEATSINKSPower Assembly has it’s own proprietary range of extruded aluminium heatsinks. They have been designed to optimise theperformance or our semiconductors. Data with respect to air natural, forced air and liquid cooling (with flow rates) is available on request.For further information on device clamps, heatsinks and assemblies, please contact your nearest Sales Representative or the factory.。
( )6.A.On the table. B.Under the bed C.In the box( )7.A.Science. B.History C.Geography( )8.A.Black. B.Brown. C.Blue( )9.A.Jane's brother B.Jane's friend. C.Jane's classmate.( )10.A.Because it's interesting. B.Because it's relaxing. C.Because it's useful. 第三节听短文,根据短文内容,回答第11至15小题。
( )11.When do David and Jack go to school? A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon C.In the evening( )12.Who likes math?A.David.B.JackC.David and Jack.( )13.When do David and Jack have math?A.After science.B.At1:15C.At1:50( )14.What's Jack's favorite subject?A.Math.B.Music.C.History.( )15.Who plays the piano?A.David.B.Jack.C.Mr.Green第四节听短文,根据所听内容完成下面表格,每空一词。
电力产品型号汇总四芯集束悬挂线夹四芯集束耐张线夹型号适用导线范围备注型号适用导线范围备注CJS-0 16~25 合页型(2到4芯通用) JNS-1A(D) 16~50×2 两芯螺杆型CJS-1 35~50 JNS-2A(D) 50~120×2CJS-2 70~120 JNS-1A 16~50×4 四芯螺杆型CJS-0J 16~25 带绝缘垫\合页型(2到4芯) JNS-2A 50~120×4CJS-1J 35~50 JNS-1B 10~50×4 拉板型(四芯)CJS-2J 70~120 JNS-2B 50~120×4JCG-0 16~25×4 铝合金型 JNS-3B 150~240×4JCG-1 35~50×4 JNS-1D 10~50×2 拉板型(两芯)JCG-2 70~120×4 JNS-2D 70~120×2JCG2-1-xx 16~70 钢板型 JNS-1E 16~35×4 全塑型(四芯)JCG2-2-xx 95~150 JNS-2E 50~70×4JCG4 铝出口型 JNS-1C 16-25×4 铝合金型(四芯)JCG5 塑料出口型 JNS-2C 35-50×4JNS-3C 70×4墙用固定支架 JNS-4C 95×4型号适用范围备注 JNS-5C 120×4CQR-1 固定在墙上铝合金 JNS-1C(D) 16-25×2 拉合金型(两芯)CQR-2 JNS-2C(D) 35-50×2CQJ-1 镀锌钢 JNS-3C(D) 70×2CQL-1 平行挂钩CQLZ-2 JJP-1 4×4CQU-2 JJP-2 6~16×4CQV-4 JJP-3 4~16×2JJP-4 25~35×2杆用抱箍固定支架型号适用范围备注型号适用范围备注CB-1 φ180~210 悬挂抱箍 CBJ-1 φ180~210 单面猪尾抱箍CB-2 φ210~240 CBJ-2 φ210~240CB-3 φ240~270 CBJ-3 φ240~270CBN-1 φ180~210 单面耐张抱箍 CBJS-1 φ180~210 双面猪尾抱箍CBN-2 φ210~240 CBJS-2 φ210~240CBN-3 φ240~270 CBJS-3 φ240~270CBNS-1 φ180~210 双面耐张抱箍 CBL-1 φ180~210 单面螺栓抱箍CBNS-2 φ210~240 CBL-2 φ210~240CBNS-3 φ240~270 CBL-3 φ240~270NEJ铝合金楔型耐张线夹(等同JNX) 自锁式耐张线夹壳体适用导线mm2 内楔范围型号绝缘罩适用导线椭圆锥型挂板式型号 1KV 10KV 单耳 NXL-1 φ7.8~10.8NEJ-101 16、25 φ7~9.5 NXL-2 φ11.6~15.8NEJ-102 35、50 φ9~11.5 NXL-3 φ16.1~21.7NEJ-103 70 16 φ11~13.5 NXL-4 φ22.4~29.5NEJ-104 95 25,35 φ13~15.5 双耳 NEK-1 φ7.8~10.8NEJ-205 120 50 φ15~17.5 NEK-2 φ11.6~15.8NEJ-206 150 70 φ17~19.6 NEK-3 φ16.1~21.7NEJ-307 185 95,120 φ19~21.5 单耳 NXL-2J 不剥皮安装φ14.8~17.8 NEJ-308 150 φ21~23.5 NXL-3J φ19.6~22.6NEJ-408 240 150 φ21~23.5 NXL-4J φ23.5~26.5NEJ-409 185 φ23~25.5 NXL-5J φ27.0~30.0NEJ-410 240 φ25~27.5 铝合金螺栓型耐张线夹(配电)NEJ-511 300 φ28~30 型号绝缘罩适用导线NEJ-512 φ31~33 NLL-1(190) φ7.6~16.2椭圆锥型螺杆式 NEJ2-101 16、25 φ7~9.5 NLL-2(230) φ8.5~19.6NEJ2-102 35、50 φ9~11.5 NLL -3(285) φ11.4~17.1NEJ2-103 70 16 φ11~13.5 NLL -4(320) φ13.0~18.9NEJ2-104 95 25,35 φ13~15.5 NLL -5(350) φ13.0~23.8NEJ2-205 120 50 φ15~17.5 NLL-190J φ7.6~16.2NEJ2-206 150 70 φ17~19.6 NLL-230J φ8.5~19.6NEJ2-307 185 95,120 φ19~21.5 NLL -285J φ11.4~17.1NEJ2-308 240 150 φ21~23.5 NLL -320J φ13.0~18.9NEJ2-409 185 φ23~25.5 NLL -320J/3 三个螺栓NEJ2-410 240 φ25~27.5 NLL -350J φ13.0~23.8方型挂板式 JNE3-204 95 25,35 φ13~15 备注:NLL-J系列为公司新开发的加强型产品,可满足10KV绝缘导线不剥皮安装的需求。
Temperature Range
−55˚C to +130˚C −55˚C to +130˚C −55˚C to +130˚C −55˚C to +130˚C −40˚C to +125˚C
−40˚C to +125˚C
NS Package Number MAA05A MAA05A MAA05A MAA05A
n Cellular Phones n Computers n Power Supply Modules
n Battery Management n FAX Machines n Printers n HVAC n Disk Drives n Appliances
VO = (−3.88x10−6xT2) + (−1.15x10−2xT) + 1.8639
where: T is temperature, and VO is the measured output voltage of the LM20.
Full-Range Celsius (Centigrade) Temperature Sensor (−55˚C to +130˚C) Operating from a Single Li-Ion Battery Cell
should not be connected to this pin.
Top View See NS Package Number MAA05A
Note: - Pin numbers are referenced to the package marking text orientation. - Reference JEDEC Registration MO-211, variation BA - The actual physical placement of package marking will vary slightly
Alloy 20合金介绍
![Alloy 20合金介绍](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/29cb9f05763231126edb1117.png)
》》》》》》》》Alloy 20
一、Alloy 20(N08020)镍基合金合金概述:
Alloy 20(N08020)镍基合金中的Cr含量通常为19.0-21.0%,镍含量为32.0-38.0%。
Alloy 20(Incoloy 20)合金是一种含钼和铜的镍基合金,具有很好的热加工及冷加工性能。
Alloy 20(N08020)镍基合金是具有很多优异性能的耐蚀合金,对氧化性和中等还原性腐蚀有很好的抵抗能力,具有优异的抗应力腐蚀开裂能力和好的耐局部腐蚀能力在很多化工工艺介质中有满意的耐蚀特性。
二、Alloy 20(N08020)镍基合金物理性能:
1、Alloy 20(N08020)合金镍基合金密度:8.08 g/cm3;
2、Alloy 20(N08020)合金镍基合金熔点:1357-1430℃。
三、Alloy 20(N08020)镍基合金力学性能:
1、Alloy 20(N08020)合金抗拉强度(MPA) Rm N/mm2 ≥ 620;
2、Alloy 20(N08020)合金屈服强度(MPA) RP0.2N/mm2 ≥ 300;
3、Alloy 20(N08020)合金延伸率 A5 % ≥ 40。
Yale AM20移动平台手柄说明书
![Yale AM20移动平台手柄说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e873bb331fb91a37f111f18583d049649b660ec1.png)
Elemento de mando únicoCorta y maniobrableRobusta y duraderaBajo coste de mantenimientoy mantenimiento preventivoAM 20Transpaleta manual (2.000 kg)La transpaleta manual AM 20 es el “ayudante de almacén” ideal para todas las tareas de transporte manual en trayectos cortos. Sus ventajas más destacadas son:• El elemento de mando es muy fácil y cómodo de manejar, tanto para zurdos como para diestros. El cabezal de la barra timón permite realizar maniobras con una sola mano, de la forma más cómoda y segura posible.• Máxima maniobrabilidad, incluso en los espacios más estre-chos, gracias a la reducida estructura s articulaciones y los casquillos de las ruedas están cromados para facilitar el empuje y remolque. Están lubricados permanen-temente y, por tanto, no requieren ningún mantenimiento.La AM 20 dispone de una bomba hidráulica potente con un depósito hidráulico externo para una gran facilidad de mante-nimiento.La elección de diferentes bandajes y equipamientos de rodillos garantiza aplicaciones óptimas en todas las condiciones de suelo.AM 20Versión: 02/2017 Datos técnicos según VDI 2198Esta hoja técnica conforme a la directiva VDI 2198 indica sólo los valores técnicos del equipo estándar. Bandajes diferentes, otros mástiles de elevación, otros dispositivos adi-cionales, etc., pueden resultar en otros valores.Aprovechar las ventajasElemento de mando ergonómicoHidráulica sin mantenimientoConexiones de lubricación perma-nente para aplicaciones sin man-tenimiento Maniobrabilidad fácil gracias al rodamiento de bolas del vástago del pistónFácil manejoEl elemento de mando de fácil manejo es ideal tanto para zurdos como para dies-tros. Gracias a la válvula especial de des-censo es posible bajar las cargas de una forma especialmente suave y precisa.Corta y maniobrableLa estructura delantera de tan sólo 390 mm permite maniobrar fácilmente y con seguridad en los espacios más reducidos.Fácil y simpleEl sistema hidráulico optimizado mini-miza la fuerza de bombeo. Las ruedas provistas de casquillos reducen la fuerza de arrastre necesaria.El rodamiento del vástago del pistón enel centro de rotación se realiza mediante un rodamiento de bolas de alta calidad. De esta forma, se garantiza una menor resistencia de giro, una fácil maniobra-bilidad y menos desgaste. Los rodillos auxiliares en las puntas de las horquillas y los rodillos de salida facilitan pasar por encima de pasarelas y simplifican la entrada en el palet.Silenciosa y con casquillosLos casquillos cromados de las ruedas y de las articulaciones garantizan una vida útil especialmente larga. A pesar de que ya no es necesario un engrase de las conexiones, la AM 20 funciona de forma suave y fiable.Larga vida útilHorquillas estables. Anclaje de barra timón soldado. Rodillos auxiliares en las puntas de las horquillas protegidos. El chasis de perfil de acero, una construc-ción soldada de calidad especialmente alta, es resistente a la torsión y espe-cialmente resistente al desgaste. No sufre deformaciones incluso con carga máxima. Las mejores condiciones para la máxima estabilidad y una larga vida útil.EquipamientoGracias la posibilidad de elegir diferentes bandajes y equipamientos de rodillos, la AM 20 puede equiparse de forma óptima para cualquier suelo y cualquier aplicación.T _A M 20_072018_e s _E S _000Jungheinrich de España, S.A.U.Polígono Industrial El Barcelonés C/ Hostal del Pi, 908630 Abrera (Barcelona)Teléfono 937 738 200Línea de atención al cliente Teléfono 902 120 895********************www.jungheinrich.esLas carretillas de Jungheinrichcumplen los requisitos deseguridad europeos.Jungheinrich de España S.A.U. y las fábricas alemanas de Norderstedt Moosburg y Landsberg están certificadas.。
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假设,销售一款商品,生产商品成本价是10元,销售价是12元,这个时候的毛利润:毛利润率=(12-10)/10=20% 这里属于毛利润,也是最简单、纯粹的商品毛利润,从甲卖给了乙。
vivo Y20G(6GB128GB全网通)CPU性能
![vivo Y20G(6GB128GB全网通)CPU性能](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6e99f31e2e60ddccda38376baf1ffc4fff47e257.png)
vivo Y20G(6GB+128GB全网通)是一款配置较高的智能手机,其CPU性能对于用户的日常使用和多任务处理非常重要。
接下来,我们将详细探讨vivo Y20G的CPU性能。
vivo Y20G搭载了联发科(MediaTek)Helio G80处理器,该处理器采用12nm制程工艺,拥有八个核心,其中包括两个2.0GHz的Cortex-A75大核心和六个1.8GHz的Cortex-A55小核心。
这样的配置使得vivo Y20G在运行轻量级应用程序时能够提供出色的性能,并且在处理多任务时也能够保持流畅的操作体验。
Helio G80处理器还集成了Mali-G52 MC2 GPU,提供相对较好的图形处理能力。
这意味着用户可以在vivo Y20G上流畅地进行游戏、观看高清视频和浏览图像等操作,获得良好的视觉体验。
此外,vivo Y20G还具备6GB的运行内存,为CPU提供了充足的空间来运行多个应用程序并快速切换。
对于日常使用而言,vivo Y20G的CPU性能可以满足大多数用户的需求。
然而,对于一些更加需要高性能处理的任务,如复杂的3D游戏或者专业级图像编辑软件,vivo Y20G的CPU 性能可能稍显不足。
总结起来,vivo Y20G(6GB+128GB全网通)搭载的联发科Helio G80处理器在中端手机中表现出色。
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发表时间:2012-10-23T11:36:56.640Z 来源:《医药前沿》2012年第17期供稿作者:钟和坪[导读] 为确保甘露醇的正常使用,保护好静脉血管,减少其导致的局部静脉硬化是在使用甘露醇过程中必须重视的。
钟和坪(四川省人民医院神经内一科四川成都 610000)
1. 20%甘露醇对血管的损害
1.1 局部静脉硬化: 高渗及低温度的液体刺激血管,使血管痉挛,进而使血管壁缺氧缺血,缺血缺氧时间过长即可导致血管壁变性,渗出直至硬化;一根血管反复多次穿刺所造成的机械性损伤。
1.2 静脉炎:甘露醇为高渗性溶液,快速静脉输入时局部浓度较高, 可造成血管壁细胞脱水、变性, 影响细胞功能, 从而导致血管变硬,甚至出现局部皮肤发红、肿、痛等静脉炎的症状[1]。
2. 预先保护血管的措施
2.1 提高病员的依从性,告知病员输液过程中避免漏针以及输液后经脉留置针的保护的注意事项:避免大幅度运动穿刺测肢体;安置经脉留置针侧肢体不应提重物,不应沾水;对于神智不清及躁动患者,可以使用约束装置约束穿刺侧肢体,但同时应定时观察(Q2h)约束侧肢体的血液循环情况。
2.2 凡需长期静滴甘露醇的患者,为了保护血管应选择从远心端小静脉开始,逐渐向近心端小静脉按计划进行操作,血管情况允许安置静脉留置针的,可选用静脉留置针,来减少穿刺次数。
2.3 避免使用用带甘露醇的头皮针直接静脉穿刺,以免穿刺失败后液体渗入皮下引起局部组织坏死,可以使用生理盐水排气,穿刺成功后再予以更换,同时加强巡视,及时发现不良情况。
2.4 静脉溶液的温度是预防静脉炎的基本条件,适宜温度(25~36℃)可使血管腔增大,减轻血管痉挛,亦可以使甘露醇的结晶微粒溶解,避免损伤血管。
2.5 输液停止1小时后,可以对穿刺局部进行温热敷 2~3次,每次 15分钟,以利血液循环[1]。
2.6 酒精湿敷:酒精湿敷除了可以扩张血管,增强血液循环,改善血管内皮细胞功能之外,酒精有易于挥发的特性,而挥发时带走机体的热量,起到降温冷敷的作用,且在低温的状态下,血管内皮细胞抗损伤能力也相对增强,从而达到减少静脉炎发生的目的。
2.7 加强穿刺技术,提高穿刺成功率。
2.8 病情允许的情况下,可以选用其他脱水药物来替代甘露醇,或者与甘露醇交替使用,以减少对血管的损害。
3. 发生输液渗漏后的措施
3.1 立即停止输液
3.2 湿热敷
3.2.1 25%硫酸镁:硫酸镁溶液穿透皮肤能力强,镁离子直接作用于表浅静脉,使表浅静脉扩张充盈,其渗透压高于皮肤外渗液体,可是液体渗透回血管当中,达到促进局部水肿的消退,减轻穿刺局部肿胀,减轻疼炎症反应的作用。
3.2.2 酒精加地塞米松:75%酒精+地塞米松(5~10mg),可使周围毛细血管扩张,血流加速,改善局部的血液循环,加快外渗液体的吸收,减轻炎症,达到消肿、镇痛之功效[2]。
3.2.3 温水湿敷:输液停止后60分钟,予以湿热敷。
3.3 短时间内避免再次穿刺该血管。
4. 总结
[1] 王爱霞.减少甘露醇致局部静脉硬化的探讨.医学信息,2011,09:4585—4586.
[2] 杨小铃,李国蓉.ICU留置针所致静脉炎患者的护理和预防.求医问药,2011,12:0350-0351.。