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Longer texts, e.g. dissertations and articles, may include (depending on subject area):

Abstract > Contents > Introduction > Main Body > Case Study >Discussion > Findings > Conclusion > Acknowledgements > Bibliography/References > Appendices

Here the key word is “discuss”. Discussing involves examining the benefits and drawbacks of something.
3.1 how to plan the essay with a given title 2

Describe the growth of the European Union since 1975 and suggest its likely form by 2020. Summarise the arguments in favour of privatisation and evaluate its record in Britain. Identify/state the main causes of rural poverty in

Introduction Literature review

(Development of hypotheses) Data description Empirical models


Analysis of the empirical results Conclusions and policy implications References
Example 2: Journal of Banking & Finance 31 (2007) 1669–1692
Example 3: Journal of International Business Studies (2008) 39, 231–248

Internalization and experience: Japanese banks’ international expansion, 1980–1998

the Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Work
a chapter or two to describe in detail the methodology adopted or proposed a chapter or two presenting the main results of the work
the conventional structure of a thesis/dissertation
Why am I doing it? What is known? What is unknown? Introduction Significance Review of research Identifying gaps
How to write the academic paper
YANG Lihua 2015 Spring
The purpose of writing a paper is to convey the idea
Outline of the lecture 1

1. Types of academic paper
Hsieh, Meng-Fen , Shen, Chung-Hua and Lee, JenSin(2010) 'Factors influencing the foreign entry mode of Asian and Latin-American banks', The Service Industries Journal, 30: 14, 2351- 2365
2. Standard format of an academic paper
2.1 Standard format of …a journal article

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 How is the format of thesis/dissertation different with that of a journal article?
3.1 how to plan the essay with a given title 3

Answers to Ex2
a) Define: give a definition; Outline: describe the main features b) Compare: examine the similarities;
2.2 Outline of a … thesis/dissertation

Title Author(s), address the Abstract key words the Introduction the Literature Review the methodology and results
3.1 how to plan the essay with a given title 1

a title (assigned title)

Most written Key terms in work begins with a title, and students must be quite clear what question the title is asking before starting to plan the essay and read around the topic. E.g Nursery education is better for children than staying at home with mother – discuss.


Sample Dependent Variable Independent Variables Control Variables Modeling Procedure
What do I hope to discover?
How am I going to discover it? What have I found? What does it mean? So what? What are the possible applications or recommendations? What contribution does it make to knowledge? What next?
Exercise 1: Match the definitions
below to one of the terms

i) Short summary (100–200 words) of the writer’s purpose and findings (......) ii) Section where various people who assisted the writer are thanked (......) iii) Final part where extra data, too detailed for the main text, are stored (......) iv) List of all the books that the writer has consulted (......) v) Section looking at a particular example, relevant to the main topic (......) vi) Introductory part of the book which may give the writer’s motives (......) vii) Alphabetical list of all topics in the text (......)
2. Standard format of an academic paper

3. Title 4. Authorship 5. Abstract
1. Types of academic paper

Below are the most common types of written work produced or used by students.

Exercise 2:Underline the key words in the
following titles and consider what they are asking you to do.

Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu

a) Define information technology (IT) and outline its main applications in medicine. b) Compare and contrast the appeal process in the legal systems of Britain and the USA. c) Evaluate the effect of mergers in the motor industry in the last ten years. d) Trace the development of primary education in one country. Illustrate some of the issues currently facing this sector.

a) abstract b) acknowledgements c) appendix d)bibliography e) case study f) preface g) index
3. Title

3.1 how to plan the essay with a given title 3.2 how to write a good title for a thesis /dissertation 3.3 examples

Analyse the Impact of Mobility on Performance of
Routing Protocols for Adhoc Networks Examine two-hybrid interactions in all possible combinations between the yeast proteins

Contrast: look at the differences c) Evaluate: consider the value d) Trace: describe the main features; Illustrate:give examples
The following terms are also commonly used in essay titles.
Methodology Results Discussion Conclusions
Conclusion: the Organisation of texts

Shorter texts, e.g. essays, are normally organised:

Introduction > Main Body > Conclusion