国际贸易双语教案问题答案Pugel_14_SG_AKEY (19)

国际贸易双语教案问题答案Pugel_14_SG_AKEY (19)
国际贸易双语教案问题答案Pugel_14_SG_AKEY (19)



Objectives of the Chapter

In the short run, fluctuations in exchange rates can be related to demands for and supplies of assets denominated in different currencies—what we call ―the asset market approach to exchange rates.‖ Here, we revisit the international financial investors and incorporate the impact of interest rate differentials and exchange rate expectations into the determination of the current spot exchange rate.

In the long run, purchasing power parity suggests that movements in exchange rates are determined by differences in countries’ inflation rates. The ―monetary approach to exchange rates‖ explains inflation rates as functions of relative demands for and supplies of domestic and foreign monies. Linking the two, we get a model that ties exchange rates to ―fundamentals‖ such as incomes and relative money supplies. After studying Chapter 19 you should be able to explain

1. the impact of interest rates on the current exchange rate.

2. the impact of expectations about future spot rates on the current exchange rate.

3. what exchange rate overshooting is, and why it can occur.

4. how short-run exchange rate movements can diverge from what would be predicted by market


5. the purchasing power parity hypothesis, in both its absolute and relative forms.

6. the quantity theory of money in a two-country world.

7. the difference between nominal and real exchange rates.

Important Concepts

Asset market approach Explains exchange rates in terms of demands and supplies to exchange rates: of all assets denominated in different currencies. The monetary

approach to exchange rates is a variant of this approach in which

only demands and supplies of the money asset are considered. Bandwagon: A situation in which investors expect the recent trend in exchange

rates to extend into the future.

Law of one price:Asserts that a single commodity will have the same price everywhere

once the prices are expressed in the same currency. This is another

way of stating the purchasing power parity hypothesis. It seems to be

true chiefly for commodities that are standardized and heavily traded


Monetary approach Seeks to explain exchange rates by focusing on the demands to exchange rates: for and supplies of national monies.

Nominal bilateral exchange rate: The exchange rate we see quoted in foreign exchange markets.

Nominal effective exchange rate: The weighted-average exchange value of a country’s currency,

where the weights reflect the importance of the other countries in

t he home country’s total international trade.

Overshooting: When the exchange rate is driven past its ultimate equilibrium rate

(usually thought to be the PPP level), and then back to that rate later,

during the adjustment of the macroeconomy to an exogenous shock.

This effect is the consequence of goods prices that are sticky in the

short run.

Purchasing power parity: In its absolute form, this hypothesis says that the exchange rate will

equal the ratio of the domestic price level to the foreign price level,

or e= P/P f. (In its relative form, the hypothesis states that the

difference over time in inflation rates will be offset by changes in

the exchange rate over that period)] An approximation of relative

purchasing power parity is [e future–e today]= [(inflation rate at home)

minus (inflation rate in the foreign country]).

Quantity theory Theorizes that, in any country, the money supply is equal to the of money: demand for money, which is directly proportional to the value of

nominal gross domestic product. This is symbolized as M = kPY.

Here, money’s only role is as a medium of exchange.

Real exchange rate: A way of measuring the price of foreign goods, not just in currency-

adjusted terms, but also in price-level-adjusted terms. The real

exchange rate on a currency at any moment in time is calculated as:

[(foreign cost of home currency) x (P/P f) x (100)]. If purchasing

power parity holds between the two countries, the real exchange rate

will be 100. When the real exchange rate is above 100, the home

currency is overvalued and the foreign currency is undervalued;

when the real exchange rate is less than 100, the home currency is

undervalued and the foreign currency is overvalued.

Speculative bubble: A self-confirming upward or downward movement in a price (here,

the exchange rate) that is out of line with the changes in the

fundamental factors that determine the price of that object.

Warm-up Questions

True or False? Explain.

1. T / F An expectation that the yen will appreciate can cause the yen to appreciate.

2. T / F An increase in the domestic interest rate will cause the home currency to depreciate.

3. T / F International interest rate differentials drive exchange rates in the short run; international

price differentials drive exchange rates in the long run.

4. T / F The purchasing power parity hypothesis is unlikely to be true for countries that do not

trade commodities internationally.

5. T / F If the inflation rate in the United States is lower than the inflation rate in France, the euro

will depreciate relative to the dollar.

Multiple Choice

1. If there is a sudden five percent decrease in the domestic money supply, we should expect

A. the domestic currency to appreciate by five percent in the long run.

B. the domestic currency to appreciate by six percent in the short run.

C. the foreign currency to depreciate as demand for foreign assets decreases.

D. all of the above.

2. Under the asset market approach, if both U.S. and British interest rates rise by three percentage

points, we could expect

A. the dollar to appreciate.

B. the dollar to depreciate.

C. the exchange rate between the dollar and the pound to remain unchanged.

D. investors to move their funds to a third country.

3. If a country’s nominal interest rate increases b y the same percentage that the inflation rate has


A. international investors will withdraw their funds from the country.

B. international investors will pour more funds into the country.

C. international investors will demand an increase in the real interest rate they are paid.

D. none of the above.

4. All other things being equal, if the British government increases the money supply by 5% while

the British economy is experiencing 5% real growth, the exchange rate on the pound will be

A. unaffected.

B. higher.

C. lower.

D. a mystery.

5. All other things being equal, which of the following would not cause the price of a foreign

currency (e) to fall?

A. A rise in the home country’s expected inflation rate.

B. A rise in the foreign coun try’s expected inflation rate.

C. A drop in the foreign country’s real income.

D. A rise in the foreign country’s money supply.


1. What impact will each of the following events have on the current spot exchange rate between

the Saxon scudo (Ss) and the Leinster lira (Ll)? You should assume that each event was not

predicted in advance.

a. Leinster residents expect the scudo to appreciate.

b. Saxony’s new government was voted in on a ―Whip Inflation Now‖ platform.

c. A change in saving behavior causes the real interest rate in Leinster to increase.

d. The Minister of Trade announces that Saxony has incurred a much larger trade deficit than

had been predicted.

e. An earthquake flattens the major telephone factory in Leinster.

f. The Minister of Finance in Leinster is charged with embezzling one billion lira from the


2. Consider the following information:

?Today’s spot exchange rate between the scudo and the lira is Ss 100/Ll.

?People believe that in the next 90 days the lira is going to appreciate to Ss 101/Ll.

?The 90-day interest rate in Saxony is 2 percent; the 90-day interest rate in Leinster is

1.5 percent.

a. Does uncovered interest parity hold?

b. If it does not hold, at what current spot rate would it hold?

3. A group of Saxon economics students is planning to spend a summer in Leinster when they

graduate from college in two years. Obviously, they are concerned about how much it will cost to vacation in Leinster. They know that, currently, the typical vacation basket of goods costs 12,000 scudos in Saxony; the same array of goods costs 120 lira in Leinster. The exchange rate now is

Ss 100/Ll. Suppose they have taken a course in international finance and know that the newly

elected Finance Minister of Leinster is going to decrease the lira supply by one-third in the next two weeks.

a. What can the students expect the exchange rate on the lira to be when they graduate in two


b. Will that exchange rate be the same one they can expect to see in the next few months?

4. Suppose the Saxon monetary authorities are prone to flooding their country with new scudo,

whereas Leinster’s government officials hate t o increase the supply of lira. In light of this, what would you expect to be the long-run trend in the exchange rate between the scudo and the lira?

5. Calculate the real exchange rate on the British pound, assuming the following hypothetical data:

e = $2/?

P UK = ?150

P US = $200

6. Suppose the U.S. price level in 2008 is 120 (where the year 1998 = 100) and the price level in

Mexico is 180 (where the year 1998 = 100). The exchange rate in 1998 was 150 Mexican pesos per U.S. dollar. According to the purchasing power parity hypothesis, what would be the

equilibrium exchange rate between the peso and the dollar in 2008?

7. The ―Cambridge k‖ from the money demand formula is thought to depend on behavioral

variables that do not change much in the short run. Suppose that some sort of financial

innovation in the United States causes ―k‖ to decrease. (A good example might be the

proliferation of credit cards.)

a. What impact would this have on the demand for money in the U.S.?

b. What impact would this have on the exchange rate between the dollar and the Mexican peso?

Discussion Topics

1. If the prices of goods and services are flexible even in the short run, will exchange rate

overshooting occur?

2. Try to match recent changes in the exchange rate of some currency to political events in that

country, such as elections or new criminal investigations; also compare changes in the exchange rate to economic ―news‖ about the country’s budget or trade balance.

3. Discuss how a substantial movement away from free trade would nullify the purchasing power

parity hypothesis.

4. If a country wants to peg its exchange rate, should it peg its nominal rate or its real rate?

5. What would you expect to happen to the currency value of a country engaged in war? Relate

your answer to the observation that few countries maintain fixed exchange rates during periods of war.


《国际经济与贸易》教学大纲 课程编号:112602B 课程类型:□通识教育必修课□通识教育选修课 □专业必修课√专业选修课 □学科基础课 总学时:32 讲课学时: 32 学分:2 适用对象:金融学(国际金融英文班) 先修课程:经济学、金融学 一、教学目标 本课程的主要目标:本门课程的教学,旨在使学生了解和掌握《国际经济学》中的主要理论和研究方法,并能灵活运用所学的理论和方法研究和分析国际经济领域的问题和现象,认识现象和问题的本质属性。 Through the teaching of this course, students should know and seize the major theories and inquisitive method of the international economics. Meanwhile, students should be able to research and analyze some problem and phenomena and understand the substantial properties in the field of international economy according to the theories and methods studied in this course. 二、教学内容及其与毕业要求的对应关系 要求学生掌握国际贸易基本理论、基本知识,了解当代国际贸易的热点问题及发展趋势,把握国际贸易理论研究前沿。学完本课程后,应达到以下基本要求:

1、了解国际贸易理论前沿和发展状况,能够理解和掌握国际贸易基本概念、历史、理论、政策、新趋势和新实践等基本知识,掌握国际贸易基本方法和基本知识; 2、了解国际贸易实践,通过案例教学把握国际贸易的实际情况,能够理论联系实际解决问题,具有分析和解决国际贸易实际问题的能力和研究、分析和编写报告的能力; 3、使学生能够运用所学知识,正确分析和解释国际贸易问题与现象。提高学生应用国际贸易的基本知识分析和处理国际贸易问题的能力。为学生进一步学好其他相关课程,以及毕业后能顺利从事国际金融等相关工作打下坚实的基础。 三、各教学环节学时分配(黑体,小四号字) 四、教学内容 Chapter 1Introduction


合同的标的至货物的交付 商品的名称name of commodity 凭买方样品买卖sale by seller’s sample 凭买方样品买卖sale by buyer’s sample 代表性样品representative sample=原样original sample =标准样品type sample 复样duplicate sample=留样keep sample 对等样品counter sample=回样return sample 色彩样品color sample 花样款式样品pattern sample 参考样品reference sample 免费样品free sample 推销样品selling sample 装运样品shipping sample ,shipment sample 到货样品outturn sample 检验用样品sample for test

凭文字说明买卖sale by description 凭规格买卖sale by specification 凭等级买卖sale by grade 凭标准买卖sale by standard 良好平均品质Fair Average Quality 或F.A.Q 凭产地名称或凭地理标志买卖sale by name of origin , or sale by geographical indication 凭说明书和图样买卖sale by description and illustration Quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller 仅供参考For Reference Only 质量公差quality tolerance 毛重gross weight 以毛作净gross for net 净重net weight 按实际皮重real tare , or actual tare 按平均皮重average tare 按习惯皮重customary tare 按约定皮重computed tare 按公量计重conditioned weight 按理论重量计重theoretical weight 法定重量legal weight

国际贸易双语教案问题答案Pugel_14_SG_AKEY (9)

CHAPTER 9 NONTARIFF BARRIERS TO IMPORTS Objectives of the Chapter This chapter notes the numerous other ways to restrict foreign trade without using a tariff. Nontariff barriers (NTBs) have gained importance since World War II as a result of continuous multilateral negotiations to cut tariffs. Many of these barriers reduce imports to a fixed amount by either setting an import quota or coercing the exporting country to limit its exported quantity. Other barriers restrict the quantity of imports through discrimination by quality or content. Import tariffs, import quotas, and voluntary export restraints (VERs) all have the same effects on the home country’s producers and consumers:the producers win and the consumers lose. The major difference in economic impact comes in who receives the profits from higher-priced imports. In the case of a tariff, the government collects the revenue in the form of the import tax. In the case of a quota, the government may auction rights to import the limited quota amount (in which case the quota looks just like a tariff), or the government may use some alternative form of license distribution such as favoritism (in which case the cronies who receive the licenses get the windfall). With a VER, the windfall goes to the agents in the exporting country who get the privilege of selling expensive imports to the country. After studying Chapter 9 you should know 1. the rationale behind imposing nontariff trade barriers. 2. the import quota and reasons for using it. 3. how a tariff and a quota can be equivalent. 4. the ways to allocate import licenses. 5. the comparisons between import quotas and VERs. 6. other costs that arise from erecting import barriers, such as foreign retaliation. Important Concepts Domestic content requirements: Directs that a product made or assembled in a country must have a certain amount of “domestic value,” in the form of local factors of production that are used in (or locally made components that are part of) the finished product. Fixed favoritism: A way of allocating import licenses in which the government simply assigns fixed shares to firms, often based on the shares of imports the firms had before the quota was imposed. Import license: A legal right to import goods subject to quotas or other nontariff barriers. Import licenses can be allocated by governments using competitive auction, fixed favoritism, or resource-using application procedures. Import quota: A limit on total quantity of imports allowed into a country each year. Import quotas are the most common nontariff trade barrier.


国际贸易基础知识教学 说课 集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-

教材名称:《国际贸易基础知识》 版本:高教京版、第3版 主编:肖文、应颖 出版社:高等教育出版社 教材分析与处理 1.教材分析 《国际贸易基础知识》一书是由肖文、应颖主编的中等职业教育国家规划教材,该课程是商贸类专业的主干课程之一。 2.教材处理 由于本节课内容上有一定的难度,而且教材本身并没有做很多的解释。鉴于这种情况,我在实际教授过程中对教材内容作如下安排:由于采用纯教师讲授,学生死记硬背,效果势必不理想,故利用任务导向教学法和案例教学法结合,安排学生自主学习、自主探究、小组合作讨论、归纳等方法,激发学生的学习兴趣,加强学生动手能力和团队协作学习能力的培养。 教学设计理念 教学设计是建构以学生发展为本的课堂教学模式。通过引入任务驱动机制和竞赛机制等机制,充分调动学生学习积极性,挖掘学生自主学习潜能,实现教学过程的“师生共同参与、相互作用、创造性地实现教学目标的过程”。 教师从传授知识的角色向教学促进者的角色转化,成为教学活动的组织者、引导者和合作者,强调在课堂教学中体现教师的“教”与学生的“学”的整合。使学生获得广泛的学习体验,促进学生全面、和谐地发展。让学生成为课堂的主体。通过让学生动口、动

脑、动手和各种参与活动,让学生在演练、尝试中不知不觉地掌握知识,实现寓教于乐,使学生在轻松的氛围中快乐的学习。 教学方法 本次课主要采用的教学方法有:合作学习法、案例教学法、分层教学法、任务导向教学法等。 教案纸 课题第六章非关税壁垒措施第二节非关税壁垒—进品配额制 教学目标(包括知识目标、能力目标、情感目标)掌握非关税壁垒的概念和特点 掌握非关税壁垒的种类 理解非关税措施的影响 全面理解非关税措施对贸易的意义 教材分析(包括教学重点、教学难 点)重点:1、进口配额制定义及相关概念 2、绝对配额和关税配额的分析难点:进口配额的效应与关税的效应 教学方法 (包括教法、 学法) 案例讨论、多媒体辅助、讨论法、提问法 教学过程设计 教学环节时间 安排 主要内容 师生双边活动及 教法运用 备注 复习旧课导入新课讲授新课5’ 10’ ’ 非关税措施的含义 非关税措施的特点 2009年4月20日,美国钢铁 工人联合会申请对中国产乘用 车轮胎发起特保调查。9月12 日,美国总统奥巴马宣布,对 从中国进口的所有小轿车和轻 型卡车轮胎实施为期三年的惩 罚性关税。白宫发言人说,在 现行进口关税(3.4%-4.0%)的基 提问学生 分组讨论,分析 问题,发言表达 观点 1、美国为什么 提出“特保”? 2、“特保”为 什么针对中国? 3、“特保”为 什么选择轮胎行

国际贸易双语教案Chap024 (7)

Chapter 6 Scale Economies, Imperfect Competition, and Trade Overview For the 14th edition, this chapter has a new name, and much of it has been rewritten to be clearer and more accessible to students. Standard trade theory presented in chapters 3-5 is based on perfect competition, with constant returns to scale at the level of the individual firm and constant or increasing cost of expanding production at the level of the industry. Comparative advantage predicts that countries will trade with other countries that are different (the source of the comparative cost differences) and that each country will export some products and import other, quite different products. While much international trade conforms to these patterns, a substantial amount does not. Most obviously, industrialized countries trade a lot with each other, and in much of their trade each is exporting and importing similar products. This chapter looks at three theories of trade based on market structures that differ from the standard theory. Each of these theories includes a role for scale economies, so that unit costs tend to decline as output increases. The first section of the chapter defines and examines scale economies, including a new Figure 6.1 that shows the average cost function with scale economies, as well as an explanation of the difference between scale economies that are internal to the individual firm, and scale economies that are external to the firm but apply to a cluster of firms in a geographic area. The next section of the chapter defines intraindustry trade (IIT), in which a country both exports and imports the same product or very similar product varieties. It explains how IIT is measured for an individual product, with examples shown in a new Figure 6.2. The importance of IIT in a country’s overall trade is the weighted average of the IIT shares for each of the individual products. The new Figure 6.3 provides original information on the overall importance of IIT.


《国际贸易实务》课程标准 适用专业:电子商务、商务管理、 会计、金融证券 编制人:方铮炀 编制单位:财经系 审核人: 系部主任:杨新颖 编制日期:2014 年12 月30 日 郑州信息工程职业学院教务处制

目录 一、课程基本情况 二、课程概述 (一)课程的性质与定位 (二)课程基本理念 (三)课程设计思路 三、课程目标 (一)知识目标 (二)能力目标 (三)素质目标 四、与前后课程的联系 五、课程内容标准 (一)课程总体设计 (二)项目(单元)设计 六、课程实施建议 (一)教学组织实施 (二)师资条件要求 (三)教学条件基本要求 七、教学资源基本要求 (一)教材的选用与编写 (二)网络资源建设 (三)信息化教学资源建设 (四)其它教学资源的开发与利用 八、考核方式与标准 九、其它 《国际贸易实务》课程标准一、课程基本情况

二、课程概述 (一)课程的性质与定位 《国际贸易实务》课程是国际商务、报关与国际货运、国际经济与贸易专业 学生必修的专业主干课,是专业英语、涉外会计等其他涉外经济类专业学生学习的专业必修课。本课程是一门主要研究国际商品交换的基本知识、基本规则和具体操作技术的学科,也是一门具有涉外经济活动特点的实践性很强的综合性、应用性科学。 (二)课程基本理念 《国际贸易实务》课程是物流专业及其相关专业课程体系中的一门专业基 础理论课程。本课程的目的是使学生懂得国际贸易发生的基本原因,熟悉基本的国际贸易政策和措施,具备一定的国际贸易政策环境分析能力,能够判断、解决现实中的国际贸易问题,为从事国际贸易以及相关专业的工作准备必要的理论基础。 本课程对学生从事国际贸易职业能力的培养和职业素养养成起着重要支撑 作用,任何具体的微观国际贸易业务,总是在一定的宏观政策环境中进行的,通过学习,学生具备了宏观的国际贸易理论政策知识,便于今后学习具体的国际贸易职业课程,也为学生职业生涯的可持续发展提供了思维能力的锻炼。 (三)课程设计思路 本课程总体设计思路是以外贸业务员的工作内容为教学内容,按进出口业务流程组织教学过程,将校内实训室和校外实习基地作为第二课堂,采用教、学、做三位一体的教学模式,突出对学生职业能力的培养。 (一)内容设计 按照对外经贸企业或岗位的业务工作内容和相关职业资格考试对从业人员基础知识、操作技能、职业素养等的要求,进行教学内容的选取和重、难点确定。在课程内容安排上,按照选用教材的章节顺序,以国际货物买卖合同的订立与履行为主线,将进出口业务各个环节串联起来,具体讲授国际货物买卖的基本知识与流程、进出口业务的主要操作技能与方法、国际贸易惯例的相关案例与规定。(二)教学设计 在教学过程设计上,既强调学生理解并掌握国际贸易操作的基础知识,又注重学生动手实践能力的培养,并将职业素养教育融入到教学活动中。采用讲授法、讨论法、分组教学法、案例分析教学法、任务式教学法、角色模拟教学法等形式多样的教学方法,综合运用多媒体、实训软件等教学手段,以期实现教学目标、达到预期的教学效果。大力开发课程资源,完善精品课程建设,将课堂讲授与网络教学相结合,促进学生自主学习。 三、课程目标 通过学习本课程,学生应具备从事国际贸易相关工作的职业能力,熟知 国际贸易惯例、熟悉国际贸易流程、具备独立开展进出口业务的技能,既能胜任外贸一线岗位,又具备可持续发展能力。 (一)知识目标 使学生熟知外贸业务的专业术语和专业知识,通晓外贸业务操作的程序步骤 和外贸合同的各项条件,理解国际法律法规及贸易惯例对外贸操作的主要规定。

国际贸易地理 教学大纲


《国际贸易地理》课程教学大纲 一、课程的性质和任务 1、1课程性质 《国际贸易地理》课程是报关与国际货运专业的一门专业基础课。 1、2课程任务 通过本学期的学习,能够让学生了解国际贸易产生与发展的历史,理解国际贸易与各国地理分布之间的联系,能够了解影响商品生产与市场变化的诸多要素。初步了解世界各主要经济贸易区分布及主要贸易国的贸易状况,了解自然资源、经济部门结构、世界港口分布、现代贸易交通运输方式等要素对当今国际贸易的影响作用。通过对上述知识的学习,根本目的是要让学生对我国的进出口商品结构及贸易市场的分布情况由一个全面的了解,为对外贸易研究和工作打下良好的基础。另外,在教学中作好学生的思想品德工作。 二、课程的内容及要求 2、1绪论——国际贸易地理学的研究 1、了解国际贸易地理学的研究对象,熟悉国际贸易地理学的研究内容与任务。 2、掌握国际贸易地理学的研究方法。 2、2地理环境与国际贸易 1、掌握自然地理环境与国际贸易,了解自然地理环境要素和人文地理环境要素的种类,掌握这两类要素对国际贸易活动的影响。 2、掌握人文地理环境与国际贸易,学会甄别和分析国际贸易活动

中的自然地理要素或人文地理要素。 2、3国际贸易中心区的形成与转移 1、产业革命前的区域贸易中心区,了解产业革命前区域贸易中心区的形成与转移,熟悉并领会世界 2、世界贸易中心区的形成,贸易中心区的形成过程,地理大发现与第一、第二次产业革命对该行程过程的作用与影响,能分析亚太地区成为世界贸易中心的有利条件及存在的有利条件及存在的障碍。 3、亚太地区——正在兴起的世界贸易中心 2、4世界区域经济贸易集团 1、区域贸易经济贸易集团概论,重点掌握区域经济贸易集团的定义、类型、形成原因及对世界经济的影响。 2、世界三大主要区域贸易集团,了解三大区域经济组织以及组织内主要国家的相关知识,在此基础上,领会区域经济集团化与世界经济一体化之间的内在关系。 2、5世界经济特区 1、世界经济特区的发展简史及其主要类型,掌握各种经济特区如自由港、自由贸易区、保税区、出口加工区和高科技园区等在促使国家经济贸易发展中的作用。 2、世界经济特区区位选择及其分布,了解区位选择的条件,掌握我国经济特区与国外经济特区的异同点,能够结合有关特区发展的经验和教训,指出我国特区发展的借鉴。 2、6世界石油及大宗农矿原料贸易地理 1、世界石油贸易,掌握世界石油生产与消费的地区分布、贸易流向以及我国石油贸易动态,了解世界石油界贸易战略和储备制度。


北京语言大学网络教育学院 《国际贸易实务》模拟试卷一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零分计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在答题卷相应题号处。 1、国际法协会专门为解释CIF合同而制定的国际惯例是( )。 [A] 《美国对外贸易定义1941年修订本》 [B] 《华沙—牛津规则》 [C] 《1990年通则》 [D] 《2000年通则》 2、根据《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》解释,按D组贸易术语签订的合同( )。 [A] 均属于到达合同 [B] 均属装运合同 [C] 属于启运合同 [D]有时属于到达合同,有时属于装运合同 3、仲裁协议是仲裁机构受理争议案件的必要依据,仲裁协议的达成( )。 [A] 必须在争议发生之前 [B] 只能在争议发生之后 [C] 既可以在争议发生之前,也可以在争议发生之后 [D] 必须在争议发生的过程中 4、国际货物买卖中,递盘是指( )。 [A] 要约[B]反要约[C] 买方发盘[D]邀请发盘 5、我A公司向巴西B公司发出传真稿:“急购B公司一级白砂糖200吨,每吨250美元CIF广州,1994年4月20日至25日装船。”巴西B公司回电称:“完全接受你方条件,1994年5月1日装船。”依照国际贸易法律与惯例,巴西B公司的回电属于( )。 [A]反要约[B]一项新要约[C] 无效承诺[D]有效承诺 6、我国甲进出口公司于2000年11月15日上午8:50用电报向美国乙公司发出要约,规定接受须于11月20日前到达公司才有效。11月18日,甲公司同时接到乙公司的“接受”和“撤回接受”的通知。根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,在此情况下( )。 [A] 该合同成立

国际贸易双语教案Chap024 (9)

Chapter 8 Analysis of a Tariff Overview This chapter starts the analysis of government policies that limit imports, by examining the tariff—a government tax on imports. Early in the chapter, the first in a new series of boxes on Global Governance introduces the World Trade Organization (WTO), created in 1995, which subsumed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), formed in 1947. The major principles of the WTO include trade liberalization, nondiscrimination, and no unfair encouragement of exports. Eight completed rounds of multilateral trade negotiations have been successful in lowering tariffs imposed on most nonagricultural imports into industrialized countries. The box also notes the different path that developing countries have taken to their tariff reductions. In addition to beginning the examination of the role and activities of the WTO, the chapter has two major purposes. First, the analysis shows the effects of a tariff when the importing country is small, so that its import policies have no effect on world prices. Second, the analysis of a large importing country—one whose policies can affect world prices—shows that a large country can use a tariff to lower the price that it pays foreigners for its imports. We begin by examining the effects of a tariff imposed by a small country (contrasted with free trade), using supply and demand within the importing country. Since foreign exporters do not change the price that they charge for the product, the domestic price of the imported product rises by the amount of the tariff. Domestic producers competing with these imports can also raise their domestic prices as the domestic price of imports rises. Domestic producers gain when the government imposes a tariff on competing imports. They get a higher price for their products, they produce and sell a larger quantity (a movement along the domestic supply curve), and they receive more producer surplus. (The effects of the entire tariff system on domestic producers can be more complicated than this, because other tariffs can raise the costs of materials and components. The box on “The Effective Rate of Protection” discusses this more complete analysis, focusing on the effects of the tariff system on value added per unit of domestic production.) Domestic consumers of the product are also affected by the imposition of the tariff. They must pay a higher price (for both imported and domestically produced products), they reduce the quantity that they buy and consume (a movement along the domestic demand curve), and they suffer a loss of consumer surplus. The government also collects tariff revenue, equal to the tariff rate per unit imported times the quantity that is imported with the tariff in place (less than the free-trade import quantity).


《国际贸易实务》教学大纲 第一讲导论、国际贸易术语(1) 【教学目的和要求】 1、掌握国际贸易的特点 2、了解国际货物买卖使用的法律与惯例 3、了解本课程的研究的对象 4、了解国际货物买卖合同的主要条款 5、认真阅读本课程的学习方法 6、认真阅读贸易术语的产生与发展。 7、认真阅读并知晓有关贸易术语的国际贸易惯例。 8、掌握国际贸易惯例的性质与作用。 【课程知识点】 1、国际货物买卖适用的法律与惯例 2、国际货物买卖合同及其特点 3、国际贸易术语及其含义和作用 4、有关贸易术语的国际贸易惯例:《1932年华沙-牛津规则》、《1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本》、《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》 5、国际贸易惯例的性质与作用 【复习思考题】 1、在我国进出口贸易中为什么要遵循《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的有关规定? 2、根据我国合同法规定,合同应包括哪些主要内容? 3、进口贸易和出口贸易的一般业务程序各包括哪些环节和内容? 4、国际贸易惯例与法律有何联系与区别?如合同内容与惯例有冲突以什么为准? 5、当事人可否在合同中作出与惯例不符的规定? 6、有关贸易术语的国际惯例都有哪些?各有何不同? 7、学习和掌握国际贸易惯例的意义何在? 第二讲国际贸易术语(2) 【教学目的和要求】 1、了解E组贸易术语的主要特点 2、掌握F组贸易术语的特点 3、重点掌握FCA和FOB贸易术语的特点及其注意的问题。

4、重点掌握C组贸易术语中有关CIF贸易术语的特点及其注意的问题 5、重点掌握CIP贸易术语的有关特点 【课程知识点】 1、EXW贸易术语的特点 2、FAS贸易术语的特点 3、FOB、CFR和CIF贸易术语的买卖双方基本责任义务的划分、特点和使用的注意问题 4、FCA、CPT和CIP贸易术语的买卖双方基本责任义务的划分、特点和使用的注意问题 【复习思考题】 1、简述EXW术语的含义及卖方完成交货的条件。 2、《2000通则》对FCA条件下卖方交货的地点、风险划分的界限及买卖双方各自承担的责任和费用问题是如何规定的? 3、FAS术语与FCA术语有何共同点和区别? 4、如何理解按FOB术语成交时以船舷为界划分风险的问题? 5、CFR与FOB术语的异同点是什么? 6、请指出CPT、CIP和FCA三种术语之间的联系与区别。 第三讲国际贸易术语(3) 【教学目的和要求】 1、掌握D组贸易术语的特点 2、重点掌握DES贸易术语及其注意的问题。 3、重点掌握常用贸易术语的变形及其涵义 4、重点掌握贸易术语与合同的关系。 5、重点掌握选用贸易术语时应该注意的问题。 【课程知识点】 1、DAF贸易术语的含义及其使用中的注意问题 2、DES贸易术语的含义及其使用中的注意问题 3、DEQ贸易术语的含义及其使用中的注意问题 4、DDU贸易术语的含义及其使用中的注意问题 5、DDP贸易术语的含义及其使用中的注意问题 6、E、F、C、D三组不同的贸易术语的特点 7、FOB、CFR和CIF三种不同贸易术语的变形及其含义 8、贸易术语与合同的关系 9、风险转移问题 10、包装和检验问题 11、选用贸易术语应注意的问题 【复习思考题】 1、请比较DES与CIF术语的区别。 2、《2000通则》对DEQ术语作了什么新的规定?

国际贸易双语教案问题答案Pugel_14_SG_AKEY (4)

CHAPTER 4 TRADE: FACTOR AVAILABILITY AND FACTOR PROPORTIONS ARE KEY Objectives of the Chapter The previous chapter laid the foundation for our basic model in which international trade is driven by price differentials resulting only from differences in (constant) costs of production. In the real world, however, production costs are rarely constant, and demand-side factors such as tastes may affect pre-trade price differentials. Chapter 4 extends our model of international trade to account for increasing costs and for heterogeneous tastes. Here, the production possibility curve may be non-linear, and the pre-trade prices of goods will be determined by a country’s pre-trade production point on that curve. Tastes, as represented by community indifference curves, help us understand how the pre-trade point is established. Because international taste differentials do not seem to be the major determinant of pre-trade prices, we focus our attention once again on supply-side differences in developing the Heckscher-Ohlin model of international trade. A simple H-O model posits a world with two factors of production and two goods. Countries can be characterized as relatively abundant in one factor or another; goods can be characterized as intensively using one factor or another in production. As with all trade, we assume that a country will export the good that it produces relatively cheaply compared to the rest of the world, and will import the good that it produces relatively expensively. Using H-O, we can conclude that a country will export the good that intensively uses its relatively abundant (i.e., cheap) factor of production and will import the good that intensively uses its relatively scarce (i.e., costly) factor of production. After studying Chapter 4, you should be able to 1. explain how increasing marginal costs affect the shape of the production possibility curves. 2. describe how tastes can be represented by community indifference curves. 3. show how the theory of comparative advantage developed in Chapter 3 can be generalized to include: a. increasing marginal costs. b. differences in tastes. c. differences in resource endowments. d. differences in how intensively goods use factors of production. 4. use the production possibility curves and the community indifference curves to illustrate how trade affects a. the production patterns in each country. b. the consumption patterns in each country. c. the overall well-being in each country.


国际贸易基础知识倾销与反倾销说课稿 国际贸易基础知识说课稿:倾销与反倾销 尊敬的评委: 您们好! 我今天说课的课题是《倾销与反倾销》。 教材地位 本节课内容选自高教版中等职业教育国家规划教材《国际贸易基础知识》。 “教材是教师教学的资源和工具”。教师要“尊重教材、钻研教材、整合教材”。 从整本书的知识体系结构来看,倾销与反倾销是第二大模块中的必修内容,从框图来看,倾销与反倾销是国际贸易基本原理的重点内容之一。因此,我将教材内容加以整合,将第六章第一节鼓励出口措施中商品倾销和第四章第二节进口附加税中的反倾销税,组成一个专题模块,并结合温州地区、全国众多出口产品屡遭反倾销调查的大背景,系统学习该模块知识。该知识要求学生熟练掌握,具有重要的现实指导意义,同时增强学生将来从事国际贸易工作的信心和决心。 教学理念 本节课,我的核心理念是创设开放、合作、竞争的学习氛围。提升学生的关键能力,即专业能力、方法能力和社会能力。 专业能力:掌握专业知识。 方法能力:具备从事职业活动所需的工作方法和学习方法。 社会能力:具备从事职业活动所需要的行为能力,包括人际交往、参与意识,自信心,成功欲,积极性,主动性,灵活性,语言文字表达能力等。 说学情 我所教的07(3+2)国贸班,是高二学生,总共30人。该班已多次开展小组合作学习,初步形成了开放、合作、竞争的学习氛围。学生学习目的明确,思维活跃,对喜闻乐见的实例比较感兴趣,对学习抽象的理论知识存在畏难情绪,缺乏主动性。 教学目标 基于以上分析,教学目标的确定,尽可能的靠近学生的“最近发展区”,激发学生的学习兴趣,为此,教学目标确定如下: 知识目标: ①掌握倾销含义 ②掌握倾销构成要件 ③理解出口企业应对反倾销调查的主要措施 能力目标: ①结合案例学习,提高学生的思辨能力。 ②通过小组合作学习,提升学生的关键能力。 情感目标: ①通过小组合作学习,让学生学会沟通、学会合作、学会创新 ②通过小组合作学习成果的展示,让学生体会学习的乐趣,感受成功的喜悦 为更好地完成既定的课堂教学任务,在教学过程中,我特别注重三维目标的有机整合。 教学重难点 判断商品是否构成倾销,必须掌握倾销的构成要件,因此,本节课的教学重点是倾销的构成要件 目前,中国出口的产品屡遭国外反倾销调查,出口企业如何应对反倾销调查就成为一个具有现实意义的问题。所以,本节课的教学难点,我设定为: 我国出口企业应对反倾销调查的主要措施 说教法 教师之为教,不在全盘授予,而在相机诱导。依据教学目标,结合学生现有的认知水平,本节课主要运用以下三种教法:1、案例教学法2、交互式教学法3、赏识教学法 案例教学法,通过一个贴近学生生活、切合知识点的案例(欧盟对中国出口(大部分为温州出口)的打火机进行反倾销立案调查)贯穿教学活动的始末,引发求知欲,使学生在分析、讨论的过程中感悟倾销构成要件的真正内涵。
