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Death in English(死亡的委婉表达)

be gone 去世了

be among the missing 在去世人之中

be no more 再也不存在了

be in heaven 上西天

be pushing up the daisies 命丧黄泉

cross the great divide 跨进了阴曹地府finish off 完结

depart this life 与世长辞

gather home 回老家

give up the ghost 见阎王了

go out of this world 离开人间

go the way of all flesh 逝世

go the of nature 身故

go to a better world 去极乐世界

go to glory 上天堂

go to heaven 归天,入天堂了

go to the sunset 去阴间

go to the ground 入地下

go to sleep for ever 永远睡觉

go west 归西

kick the bucket 蹬腿了

fall on sleep 沉睡

fall asleep 长眠了

lay one's bones 把一把骨头给扔了

make one's exist 去世

meet one's fate 天数尽了

pass over 去世了

pass away 离去,去世

sleep the sleep that knows no waking 睡着就不醒了turn up one's toes 翘脚尖

one's days on earth end 日子到头了
