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(安徽工程科技学院生化系芜湖 241000)


罗红霉素为半合成的大环内酯类抗生素。合成路线基本上都是以硫氰酸红霉素为原料,经肟化成红霉素肟,再和甲氧乙氧氯甲醚反应得罗红霉素。罗红霉素生产过程中,如何提高肟化效率、产品收率、溶剂回收和减少“三废”是医药工业面临的难题 11]。现在国内企业生产罗红霉素所使用的工艺,肟化率在63%-70%范围内,罗红霉素产品质量收率一般在80%左右,但是相比较国外先进工艺,生产成本高,产品纯度低。更为严峻的是很多企业没有对溶剂等原料充分回收利用,选择了直接排放,不但浪费资源,而且污染环境。参考国内外的文献,对罗红霉素工艺路线进行了设计,不但要获得较高的产品收率,而且要对溶剂进行回收,避免污染环境,达到清洁生产。



The technology design of the erythromycin produced

300 tons per year

zhong wei

(Anhui University of Technology & Science The biochemistry engineering department wuhu 241000)


Roxithromyein is a kind of semi-synthetical antibiotic drugs of large ring lactone. Roxithromycin is synthesized from methoxy ethoxy methyl chloride and oximido erythromycin that has been oximated from sulfocyanic acid and erythromycin. In the roxithromycin production line, how to raise efficiency of oximation reaction and the rate of roxithromycin, melting agent recovery are the problems the medicine industry to face. Now the local business enterprise produces roxithromycin, the rate is between 63% and 70%, the quality rate of roxithromycin is generally about 80%, but compare with foreign advanced craft, the production cost is higher, and the product purity is not high. More serious, a lot of business enterprises didn't recover the solvent, and chose direct emissions. Not only resource is wasted, but also environment is polluted. Preparation referred to the literature at home and abroad, The technical course of Roxithromycin was designed, not only want to acquire a higher product rate, but also want to recover the solvent, avoid pollution environment, attain to sweep production.

The scheme to the erythromycin produced 300 tons per year technological design process including technological process design, the balance of calculation,technics calculation and equipment choosing,energy calculation etc.

Keyword:erythromyein oxime;etherifieation;roxithromyein;technological design。


年产300吨罗红霉素原料药工艺设计 (1)

插图清单 (4)

表格清单 (4)

引言 (5)

第1章概述 (6)

1.1本课题的设计背景及现实意义 (6)

1.2国内外研究进展 (6)

1.3课题来源 (7)

1.4拟解决的问题 (8)

第2章工艺设计原理 (9)

2.1产品简介 (9)

2.2反应原理 (9)

第3章工艺流程设计 (11)

3.1工艺流程 (11)

3.2溶剂回收 (15)

3.3三废处理 (15)

第4章工艺计算 (18)

4.1物料衡算 (18)

4.2物料衡算表 (19)

4.3原辅材料消耗表 (20)

4.4排放物综合表 (20)

4.5热量衡算 (21)

第5章主要设备计算与选型 (27)

5.1肟化工段的主设备 (27)

5.2醚化工段的主设备 (28)

5.3精制工段的主设备 (29)

第6章主反应釜设计 (31)

6.1中间体反应釜设计 (31)

6.2醚化反应釜设计 (33)

第7章车间布局设计 (36)

7.1车间主要设备 (36)

7.2车间布置设计 (36)

结论与展望 (37)

致谢 (38)

参考文献 (38)
