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1. 主谓一致

主谓语的一致是指谓语动词和主语在人称和数方面须保持一致。主谓一致的原则有三条:语法一致、概念一致和就近原则。语法一致指单数的主语接单数的谓语;复数的主语接复数的谓语。概念一致指谓语动词和主语的一致是根据主语所表示的单、复数概念来决定的,如:The government have broken all their promises./Sixty people means a huge party. 前句中的government是集合名词,指the memebers of the government,在概念上是复数的。因此动词和人称代词必须用复数形式。后句中的sixty people从语法标记上看是复数,但表示的概念是单数的:六十个人是一个大群体,因此动词用单数第三人称。就近原则是指谓语动词的人称和数要与靠近它的那个名词或代词取得一致,如:Tom or his brothers are waiting in the room.关于主谓一致的问题,要特别注意以下几点:

•主语从句的数的概念:由whether 和that,who和whoever,what和whatever,which 和whichever,以及when,where,why,how等引导的名词性分句作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。但由what 引导的分句作主语时,如果what 分句指的是抽象概念或某一个具体实物,what 分句当单数看待,连接的谓语动词用单数形式。但如果what 在分句中本身就具有复数的概念(即分句的谓语动词也是复数形式),这时what=those things which,例如:Whoever breaks this law deserves a fine.

Whether or not he gets the money doesn’t concern me.

When and where this took place is still unknown.

How the book will sell largely depends on its author.

What I have seen here today has made a very deep impression on me.

What I should like most is a dictionary of modern English usage.

What are your problems have become mine now.

•并列主语的数的概念:当主语后面跟由with,together with,but,along with,like,in addition to,as well as,as much as,rather than,except,more than,no less than 等连接的词组时,其谓语动词的形式依主语的单复数形式而定。如:John, as well as his brothers, was responsible for the loss.在这里,谓语be 的形式就要依据主语John,而不用考虑as well as 后面加的另外一个名词。但由or,either…or,neither…nor,not only...but also连接的并列主语,其谓语动词应和最靠近它的那个名词或代词在人称和数方面保持一致。例如:

His parents as well as he are very kind to me.

John, James, or Andrew intends to accompany you.

Not only the child but also his parents are interested in collecting stamps.

•不定式和动名词作主语的数的概念:不定式和动名词作主语时,应接单数谓语动词。由and 联结的两个不定式或动名词,如果指一个概念,应接单数谓语动词,如果指不同的概念,应接复数谓语动词。例如:

To be one sided means not to look at problems from all sides.

Modernizing our country is a profound revolution.

To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness.

All coming and going was forbidden.

To realize the four modernizations and to raise the people’s living standard are our targets for fighting.

Hunting and fishing are very good sports.


的动词也只能是单数。在one of…后面的定语分句中,谓语动词的数应该与of之后的那个复数名词(代词)保持一致,用复数形式。如果one 之前被定冠词the或the only限定时,分句动词的数应与one 保持一致,用单数形式。但有时也有one 之前不加冠词而动词既可用单数又可用复数的场合,这时主要根据句子所要表达的意思来选择。例如:

I trust him, who is my best friend.

Physics is the science that deals with matter.

Our team won the championship, which was something we had not expected.

Bob is one of my friends who are helping me paint my house.

Bob is the only one of my friends who is helping me paint my house.

He is one of those people who knows how to drive a car.在那些人中,他是唯一懂得开汽车的人。

He is one of those people who know how to drive a car. 他是那些懂得开汽车的人之一。

2. 谓语动词的时态、语态和语气

2.1 时态


•时态呼应:在英语复合句中,从句中的动词时态往往受制于主句中的动词时态,通常根据主句时态加以适当调整,这种现象叫时态的呼应。一般说来,当主句的动词是过去时态,分句的时态不能用现在或将来的时态。但是在下列情况下,即使主句的动词是过去时态,分句的动词仍可根据句意采用适当时态:(1)宾语分句所指的是一般真理、习惯或特征。如:Columbus proved that the world is round. (2)宾语分句所指的行为或状态在讲话时刻还在继续着(可能还有继续下去),或者与现在情况有联系。如:He said just now his son is ill.(3)关系分句和比较状语分句的时态不受主句时态的支配。如:This is the room in which he was born./He works as hard as I worked.

•一般现在时表将来时间或动作:在时间、条件、让步、地点、方式等分句中,一般不用will 或shall表示将来时间或动作,而用一般现在时代替。但如果强调分句的动作的完成先于主句的动作,分句中的谓语动词要用现在完成时。如果时间分句是由连词after, when, before, as soon as, after, until 等引导的,由于这些连词的词汇意义已表明前后关系,则用一般现在时和现在完成时区别不大,如:

I’ll let you know as soon as it is arranged.

We’ll have the party outside if it doesn’t rain this evening.

However busy he is, he’ll find time to help us.

We’ll go and work wherever the Party and the people need us.

Next time I’ll do as he says.

Don’t smoke until the plane has taken off.

When you have signed the cheque, I will hand you the letter.

•现在完成时:现在完成时通常和表示不确定的过去时间状语(如:already, before, just, recently, lately, yet等)和频度时间状语(如:ever, never, once, twice, three/four…times等)连用。现在完成时还可以和表示到现在为止的一段时间状语连用,如:until/till now, up to now, so far, in/for/during/over the past/last+若干时间等。如:

I have seen her before/already/recently.

Mary has been there for three times.

I haven’t seen her so far/up to now.
