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对的.txt 监督;指导direct v.人是一生幸福;对的时间遇见错的人是一场心伤;错的时indirect

conduct, command 反:adj.直接的同:间遇见对的人是一段荒唐;错的时间遇见错的人是一声叹息。There was nobody to direct the workman.



Which is the most direct way to London?

attend v.上学;参加去伦敦最直接的路是哪一条?n.attendance

drag, haul

同:draw v.拉七岁以上的小孩都得上学。Draw your chair nearer to the table.

All children over seven must attend school.


反:blame n.责难realm

同:empire n.帝国

I have done my best, neither praise nor blame can The United States was once a part of the British affect me now.


我已尽最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了美国一度曾经是大英帝国的一部分。我。归档文档卷v.file n. 气泡bubble n.Please put these letters in the main file. Children like to make bubble with soap and water.

请把这些文件放入文卷总档中。孩子喜欢用肥皂水做泡泡。The secretary filed the cards in order. graveyard

墓地cemetery n. 同:秘书将卡片依序归档。There are many tombs in the cemetery.

candid, honest 同:frank adj.坦白的墓地里有许多墓碑。deceiful, dishonest



反:praise mendation赞扬同:that he hadn't studied 承认)He was frank to admit (the lesson.

He was given a commendation for bravery after he

saved the little children from the fire.

他坦白承认没有念那一课。他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇气可嘉而produce, make 同:generate v.产生受到赞扬。We know that heating water can generate steam. reconciliation

冲突;争斗conflict n.同:反:fight

我们知道将水加热可以产生蒸汽。Some people think that there is a great deal of

and science.

conflict between religions (宗教)停止前进v.halt.


The soldiers halted for a rest. grand, splendid


士兵们停止前进,以休息片刻。王The king was wearing a magnificent gold crown (.

冠)horn n.角国王戴着华丽的金冠。) has two horns on its head. 山羊A goat (physical

反:mental adj.心理的山羊的头上有两只角。Keeping mental health is very important in modern individual adj.个别的society.


n.个人同:在现代社会中维护心理健康是非常重要的。A teacher can't give individual attention if his class is everlasting

transient 反:暂时的同:momentary rge.

Her feeling of danger was only momentary; it soon 如果班上的人数众多,老师就不能个别的注意到passed.

每一个学生。他的危险感是暂时的,很快就消失了。The rights of the individual are more important than

the rights of society as a whole.

中立的neutral adj. 个人的权利比整个社会的权利重要得多。He remained neutral in the argument between his

two friends.

interval n.(时间的)间隔他在两个朋友的争辩中保持中立。There is a long interval before he replied.

遗漏,删除omit v. 他隔了一段很长时间才回答。He made many mistakes in spelling by omitting knot n.绳结.

letters (字母)The knots of your package must be tied tightly. 他因漏掉字母而犯了许多拼字上的错误。你包裹上的绳结必须扎紧。peacock n.孔雀professional

liberal adj.自由主义的,通才的反:A peacock can fly only short distance.

He is liberal in his view on government. 孔雀只能飞很短的距离。他对政体的看法是属于自由主义的。forerunner

先驱者同:pioneer n.They want their child to have a liberal education. 太空旅John Glenn was a pioneer in space travel (.

行)他们要他们的孩子接受通才教育。约翰·格伦是太空飞行的先驱者。普通教育,通才教liberal education★:文科教育,

育:太空飞行,太空旅行★space travel 华丽的magnificent adj. 的音~读v.pronounce


