


1五昧子多糖的抗肿瘤 作用机制
经研究表 明,高浓度的五 味子多糖有较好 的抑瘤 作用怛J ,且与环磷酰胺合用可使抑瘤作用增强【3 J 。 五味子多糖可通过抑制自由基产生,增强机体免疫 力,上调血清硒( s e) 水平和白细胞介素.2( I L- 2) 的表 达等方面,直接或间接起到抑制肿瘤生长作用。 1.1抑制自由基产生
摘 要:五味子多糖具有益气强阴、养五脏、明目、壮筋骨等多种功效,在抗衰老、保肝、抗突变、提高免疫力、降

中图 分类号:R285
se 对机体的非特异性免疫、细胞免疫和体液免 疫均存在重要影响。给缺Se补者Se后,机体吞噬细 胞功能较前增高9.4%。Se 能协同巨噬细胞激活因
第4 期 夏文军,等.五味子多糖抗肿瘤及其他生物学作用研究进展
子,激活其抗肿瘤活性。于赫、李冀等一1通过五味子 多糖对 H恐荷瘤小鼠给 药,1周后采 血,分离血清 ,原 子分光光度法检测各组小鼠血清se 水平,得出模型 组小鼠的血清s e含量极显著低于正常组小鼠( P< 0.01) ,给药组小鼠的Se含量则显著高于模型组小鼠 ( P<0.05) 。因而血清Se水平很可能是五味子多糖 作用的靶点之一,五味子多糖可以通过上调H::荷瘤 小鼠的血清Se增强其抗肝癌的能力。 1.4上调血清I L- 2的表达
能诱发肿 瘤的化学物质、 放射性物质和病 毒有很 多,而 这些诱发肿瘤 的物质并不是 一接触就会发 生肿 瘤,肿 瘤的产生 和发展与人 体免疫力的 下降有着 直接 和密切的联系。Oh等¨1研究表明,五味子多糖能够 使黑色素瘤的酪氨酸酶相关蛋白1( TRP—1) 的表达水 平明 显下 调, 于此 调节机 体免 疫系 统。 于赫等 旧1 研 究提出五味子多糖高、中剂量对小鼠H::肝癌移植瘤 具有抑制作用。五味子多糖高剂量能极显著的提高 荷瘤小鼠的脾脏指数。说明五味子多糖可以在器官 水平上增强机体免疫力,从而起到间接抗肿瘤作用。 1.3上调 血清 Se 水 平




关键词:五味子多糖;药理作用;保肝;抗肿瘤中图分类号:Q539文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-979X(2007)12-0066-02Progress on Pharmacological Action of Fructus Schisandrae PolysaccharideCHEN Wen-jing1, JI Yu-bin1(Research Center of Life Science and Environmental Science, Harbin University of Commerce, Harbin 150076,China)Abstract:The pharmacological effects of Fructus Schisandrae Polysaccharide, including liver-protection, anti-hypoxia, anti-fatigue, immunity enhancement, anti-aging, anti-oxidation and anti-tumor, are summarized in thisarticle in order to provide references for the further study on the pharmacological effects of Fructus SchisandraePolysaccharide.Key words:Fructus Schisandrae polysaccharide; pharmacological action; liver-protection; anti-tumor收稿日期:2007-05-17基金项目:黑龙江省研究生创新科研项目( YGSCX2007-0215 HLJ)作者简介:陈文静(1983-),女,四川人,硕士研究生,研究方向为肿瘤药理学E-mail:chenwenjing10@sina.com五味子[Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.)Baill.]又名五梅子、玄及、会及、山花椒等,木兰科多年生落叶藤本。



第34卷第2期吉林医药学院学报v01.34N o.22013年04月J oum al of J m n M edi cal C oⅡege A pr.2013文章编号:1673-2995(2013)02旬141m3五味子多糖抗肿瘤作用的研究综述T he ant i-t m nor ea.ect of f r uct us scl l i z andr ae cl l i nens i s pol ys acc har i de盂天娇1,狄烊1,姜亚磊1,闫晓英1,温娜2综述,齐玲2+审校(吉林医药学院:1.2010级临床本科班,2.病理教研室,吉林吉林132013)摘要:五味子为木兰科五味子的干燥成熟果实,是著名的滋补中药。












Adv a n c e s i n Re s e ar c h o f Po l y s a c c h a r i d e f r o m S c h i s a nd r a
X U L i 1 , WA N G X i a o — h u a 2 , Z H A O Me i - j i n 1 , WE I H a n - l i a n
许莉 , 王晓华 , 赵美瑾 , 魏汉莲
( 1 . 辽宁省 中药研究所 , 辽 宁 沈阳 1 1 0 1 6 3 ; 2 . 朝 阳市 喀左县结核病 防治所 , 辽宁 朝 阳 1 2 2 3 0 0 )
摘 要: 从提取分 离、 分级 纯化 、 含量测定、 药理作用等方面对五味子 多糖进行概述 。 五味子 多糖的提取 方法 由一般 的
( 1 . L i a o n i n g I n s t i t u t e o f T r a d i t i o n a l C h i n e s e Me d i c i n e , S h e n y a n g 1 1 0 1 6 3 , L i a o n i n g , C h i n a ; 2 . L i a o n i n g Ka z u o C o u n t y o f T h e P r e v e n t i o n a n dT r e a t me n t o f T u b e r c u l o s i s , C h a o y a n g 1 2 2 3 0 0 , L i a o n i n g , C h i n a )
l o g i c a l e f f e c t s a n d o t h e r a s p e c t s we r e s u mma iz r e d . T he e x t r a c t i o n me t h o d s o f S c h i s a n d r a p o l y s a c c h a r i d e d e v e l —



五味子为木兰科植物五味子 S c h i s a n d r a c h i n e n s i s( T u r c z ) B a l 1 . 的 糖,含量在百分之六以上【 1 4 1 。韩学 忠采用恒 温沉 淀法将 五味子多糖 干燥成熟果 实, 具有益气 强阴 、 养 五脏 、 明 目壮筋 骨等多 种功效l l 1 。 分得 5个级分,多糖主要集 中在 第 1 级分和第 4级 。五味子多糖 五味子别 名为董藉 、 玄及 、 会及 、 五梅子 、 山花椒 等。 《 本草衍义》 记 中有药效作 用的多糖 都溶于 4 0 %乙醇, 4 0 %乙醇浓度下多糖,水溶 载“ 治肺 虚寒: 五味子, 方红熟 时, 采得 , 蒸烂 、 研滤汁, 去子, 熬成稀膏 。 性较强『 l 5 1 。 量酸甘人蜜, 再上火待蜜熟 , 俟冷, 器中贮, 作汤, 时时服 。” 五味子含有 2 . 3制备方法及结果分析。 谭 晓虹等采用热水浸提法, 以4 0  ̄ C 恒 丰富 的有机 酸 、 维生素 、 类 黄酮 、 植 物 固醇及多糖 , 五 味子常用 于治 温, 半小 时较好 ,得北五味子 中多糖 含量为 6 . 5 7 %, 回收率在 百分之 疗尿颇遗尿 、 久泻不止 、 津伤 口渴 、 心悸失眠 、 咳嗽虚喘等 , 五味子具 九十九以上n 4 1 。范荣军等采用正交实验设计对蒸馏水 、 碱水、 醇碱 3 有收敛 固涩 、 益气生津 、 宁心安神等功效 , 本文对 五味子多糖的研究 种的工艺进行筛选,结果确定最佳工艺为加 人 3 0倍量 的醇碱溶液 概况进行综述。 煮沸提取三小 时, 在 4 0 ℃下 、 加入 1 %活性炭 、 搅拌 四十分钟 。张 兰 1 概 述 杰等采用碱水 7 0  ̄ C 下提 取三次,浓缩 、 醇析 、 脱色、 D A T E纤维素柱 1 . 1多糖 的概念 。 多糖 主要分为 同多糖和杂多糖。 多糖没有还原 洗脱等步骤 分离 出两种多糖组分呻。 性, 无甜 味也没有没有精确 的分子量 。多糖广泛 的分 布在 自然界, 其 3 五 昧 子 多糖 研 究 的 发 展趋 势 功能是多种多样的 。许多多糖是单细胞微生物 的结构单元 、 脊椎动 五味子多糖具有保肝 、 提高免疫 、 抗疲劳 、 抗 衰老 、 抗肿瘤等药理 物结缔 组织组分 、 高等植物 细胞 壁的结构单元 、 节肢 动物外 骨骼 的 作用 。目前提取 分离 出多 为多糖粗 品, 杂质较 多, 多糖粗 品单体很 组分等形式存在 。 少被分 离 出来 , 多糖 含量测定 方法大多 为 比色法 , 不能准 确的反 映 1 . 2 中药多糖 。 2 0 世纪 8 0年代 以来, 科学家们分 离出了大量 的 多糖含量 , 我 国是五味子资源大国, 应用历史悠久 , 市场前景广泛 。 如 多糖 。含有多糖的中药非 常多, 如刺参 、 鹿茸 、 茯苓 、 灵芝 、 人参 、 枸杞 果我们能进一步优化五味子 多糖提 纯工 艺, 分离 出多糖单体成分, 将 子、 当归 、 黄芪 、 五味子 、 猪苓 、 冬虫夏草等。补益类的 中药大多具有 会对药物研发有重大意义。 抗 老延 寿、 抗肿瘤 、 降血脂等作用。 参考 文献 2五 昧子 多糖 的 研 究 进 展 [ 1 ] 范关华五 味 子的研 究新进展[ J 1 . 西北药学杂志, 2 0 0 7 , 2 2 ( 5 ) : 2 8 1 . 2 . 1药理作用 。 2 . 1 . 1保肝作用 。 金顺姬 在研究 中发现, 五味子可 [ 2 ] 金顺姬. 五味子的保肝 作 用研 究[ J ] . 长春 中医药大学 学报 , 2 0 0 7 , 2 3 以抑制 动物血清谷丙转氨酶耐 四氯化碳等引起) 升高1 2 " 1 。 王艳杰 等实 ( 6 ) : 2 8 . 验 发 现 五味子 粗多 糖无 论是 不 同给 药途径 还是 高 、中剂量 组对 [ 3 】 王艳杰, 吴勃岩, 孙 阳等. 五味子粗 多糖 对 H 2 2 、 S 1 8 0 荷 瘤小鼠抑制 H 2 2 , S I 8 0荷瘤小 鼠具有抑瘤作用[ 3 1 。五味子粗多糖高剂量组抑瘤率 作 用的实验研 究[ J 1 . 中医药信 息, 2 0 0 7 , 2 4 ( 5 ) : 6 4 . 达到 4 5 . 4 %, 但剂量过低五味子粗多糖抗肿瘤作用 降低 。五 味子多 【 4 ] 陈文静, 王艳杰, 李宇彬等. 五味子 多糖的抗 突 变作 用研 究I J 1 . 上海 糖高、 中、 低 剂量组对环磷 酰胺 诱导的小 鼠骨髓 微核率均 有抑制作 医药, 2 0 0 7 , 2 8 ( 1 0 ) : 4 6 2 . 用, 但三组之间有非常显著性差异[ 4 1 。 2 . 1 . 2 提高免疫力 。 文献报道, 五 【 5 】 苗 明三, 方晓艳. 五味子 多糖 对正 常小鼠免疫功 能的影 响【 J I . 中国 味子多糖具有兴奋免疫 的作用,其可 以促 进小 鼠淋 巴细胞转 化 、 促 中 医药科 技 , 2 0 0 3 , 1 0 f 2 1 : 1 0 0 . 进溶血素 、 巨噬细胞 的吞噬功能 。 五味子多糖含量在百分之三以上 【 6 】 苗 明三. 五味 予 多糖 对 衰老模 型小 鼠的 影 响『 J ] . 中 国医药 学报 , [ 5 1 2 . 1 . 3抗衰 。 文献报道五味子多糖可以抑制 由衰 老所致小 鼠胸腺 、 2 0 0 2 , 1 7 ( 3 ) : 1 8 7 . 脾脏 的萎缩和神 经细胞 的退 行性变, 使神经 细胞恢 复正常 、 小 鼠胸 【 7 】 黄玲, 陈华 . 五 味 子 多糖 对 荷 瘤 小 鼠 血 液 S O D和 MD A的影响【 J 1 . 福 腺、 脾脏 明显增大变厚[ 6 1 。 文献报道五 味子多糖能提高荷瘤小 鼠抗具 建 中医学院学报, 2 0 0 5 , 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 8 . 有一定的抗 脂质过氧化作用1 7 ] 。谢大泽等对五 味子多糖清 除氧 自由 [ 8 】 谢 大泽, 湛 学军, 章 涛等. 枸 杞等 5种 多糖 清除氧 自由基 的 实验研 基进行了研 究, 实验结果发现, 五味子粗多糖具有较强 的清 除氧 自由 究『 J 1 . 江西 医学检验, 2 0 0 2 , 2 O ( 4 ) : 1 9 5 . 9 ] 黄玲, 张捷 平 , 陈华 . 五味 子 多糖 对 S 1 8 0荷 瘤 小 鼠抑 瘤 作 用 的 研 究 基的能力[ 8 1 。2 . 1 . 4抗肿瘤黄玲等。通过肿瘤移植的动物模型发现五 【 味子多糖能抑制 S 1 8 0荷瘤的增长并且效果 和浓度成正 比 。 五味子 『 J 1 . 福建 中医学院学报, 2 0 0 3 , 1 3 ( 3 ) : 2 2 . 多糖与环磷 酰胺 合用 , 可以提高环磷 酰胺 的抑瘤率1 9 ] 。4 0 0 mg / k g 五味 f 1 0 1 黄玲 , 陈玲, 张振 林. 五味子 多糖对荷瘤 鼠瘤体抑 制作 用的病理 学 子多糖可能不是直接杀死瘤 细胞 而是活化免疫细胞 , 促进 细胞 凋亡 观察f J 1 . 中药材, 2 0 0 4 , 2 7 ( 3 ) : 2 0 2 . 4 0 0 m g 五味子多糖可 以预防和治疗癌症并且增加肿瘤 化疗 『 1 l 1 黄玲, 陈 华, 张捷 平 . 五 味 子 多糖 对 荷 瘤 小 鼠 血 液 S O D 和 MD A 的 作用㈣。五味子多糖可 以提 高荷瘤小 鼠的血浆 S O D水平( S O D可清 影响『 J ] . 福建 中医学院学报, 2 0 0 5 , 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 8 . 1 2 ]  ̄- " , g g 杰, 吴勃岩, 梁颖. 五味子粗 多糖拮抗环磷 酰胺诱 导 小鼠微核 除 自由基 , 降低脂质过氧化反应) 和降低荷 瘤小 鼠血浆 MD A水平 , 具 『 的 实验研究『 J ] . 中医药信 息, 2 0 0 6 , 2 3 ( 5 ) : 7 2 . 有一定 的抗脂质过氧化作用【 l 1 1 。王艳杰等采用评价 细胞遗传学损伤 的标准试 验和荷瘤小 鼠的生命延长率实验 , 表 明五 味子多糖还具有 f 1 3 ] -  ̄秀吉, 景旭, 纪文泽等. 五味 子 多糖提 取工艺及含量测定研 究[ J 】 . 抑制肿瘤细胞生长 的作用[ 1 2 1 。 黑龙 江科 技 信 息 , 2 0 0 7 , 1 1 ( 3 ) : 7 . 1 4 1 谭晓虹, 王治宝, 李如 章等. 北五味子 多糖的提取和含量测 定f J j . 时 2 . 2五味子多糖的分级。 研究发现多糖 具有较高 的子 多糖 的研究概况



(制剂与炮制(收稿日期:2006211209; 修订日期:2007202227作者简介:谭晓虹(19692),女(汉族),河北张家口人,现任河北北方学院讲师,硕士学位,主要从事中草药提取和药理研究工作.北五味子多糖的提取和含量测定谭晓虹,王治宝,李如章(河北北方学院,河北张家口 075029)摘要:目的建立提取和测定北五味子中多糖含量的方法。


结果测得北五味子中多糖含量为6.57%,平均回收率为99.78%,RSD =1.54%。


关键词:北五味子; 多糖; 提取; 含量测定中图分类号:R284.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100820805(2007)0621463201Extracti on and D eterm i n a ti on of Polys acchar i de fro m Sch isand ra ch inensis (Turcz)Ba illFru itT AN X iao 2hong,WANG Z hi 2bao,L I R u 2zhang(D epart m en t of Che m istry,Hebei N orth U n iversity,Zhangjiakou 075029,China )Abstract:O bjecti ve To establish a method f or the extracti on and dete m inati on of polysaccharide fr om Schisandra chinensis(Turcz )Baill Fruit .M ethods Polysaccharide in Schisandra chinensis (Turcz )Baill Fruit was deter m ined by the method of Spec 2tr ophot o metry .Results The polysacharides in Schisandra chinenisis (Turcz )Baill Fruitwas 6.57%,the average recovery was 99.78%,RSD was 1.54%.Conclusi on This method is si m p le,the result is stable,rep r oducible,and satisfact ory .Key words:Schisandra chinensis (Turcz )Baill; Polysaccharide; Extracti on; Deter m inati on 北五味子Schisandra chinensis (Turcz )Baill Fruit 是木兰科植物五味子的干燥成熟果实,是著名的滋补性中药,因其果实甘、酸、辛、苦、咸五味俱全,故名五味子,具有敛肺、滋肾、生津、收汗、涩精之功效。


Sc s n a p y a e rde w a x r c e sng hia dr ol s c ha i s e t a t d by u i wa e x r c i n a loh r c p t to a t r e t a to nd a c olp e i ia i n nd
摘 要 :五味 子 是一种 具有 广 阔开发前 景的传 统 中药材 。 实验 中. 以五味 子 为原料 . 用水提 醇 沉 利
法 得 到 了五 味 子 粗 多糖 。 在 料 液 质 量 体 积 比 为 1g:3 浸 提 温 度 9 C. 取 时 间 h的 适 宜 2 mI, 9 提
主 要 仪 器 : C 0一 P 2 2S型 电 子 分 析 天 平 , 一2 RE 5 C
型 旋 转 蒸 发 仪 , J1 I 一0型 冷 冻 干 燥 机 ,w F UV一 G Z 20 6 2型 紫 外 可 见 分 光 光 度 计 , DHP 2 型 恒 温 摇 10
准 确 称 取 2. 0 0mg多 糖 粗 品 溶 于 水 , 容 于 定
的提 取 工 艺条 件 下 。 多糖 的 提 取 率 达 5 6 。 采 用 酶 法 与 S v g法 联 用 脱 除 粗 多糖 中 蛋 白质 效 粗 .1 ea
果较 好 。利 用凝 胶 色谱 柱层 析 法对 多糖 半纯 品进行 分 级 分 离, 到 了两种 多糖 I和 Ⅱ。经 薄层 色 得 谱 分析 , 步确 定 了两种 多糖的单 糖组 成 , 初 又通过 红 外 光谱 分 析 , 明 多糖 I可能 为 a呋 喃糖 , 证 一 多
第 1期
丛 娟 等 : 味 子 多糖 的 提 取 及 分 离 五
9 1
有 近 O种 。 五 昧 子 多 糖 是 从 五 味 子 干 燥 成 熟 果 实 l














五味子多糖的提取工艺研究进展五味子(Schisandra chinensis)是一种中药材,具有多种保健和药用作用。




1. 离子液体提取法离子液体提取法是一种新型的绿色提取技术。



结果表明,最佳提取条件为提取时间40 min,提取温度为75 ℃,料液比为1:25,此时提取率可达到10.05%。

2. 超声波提取法微波辅助提取法是一种常用的非常规物理提取方法。




结果表明,在微波功率为360 W,提取时间为3 min,液固比为30:1的条件下,五味子多糖的提取率可达到7.93%。

4. 酶解提取法酶解提取法是一种常用的生物技术提取方法。











【关键词】中药;五味子;多糖五味子为木兰科植物五味子Schisandra chinensis(Turcz)Ball.的干燥成熟果实,是着名的滋补性中药,始载于《神农本草经》,列为上品,具有益气强阴、养五脏、明目壮筋骨等多种功效[1]。






1 概述多糖的概念多糖又称聚糖,可以分为两类。





刘 丽 邾枝花
合肥 2 00 361 安徽医学高等专科学校 ,安徽
【 摘
要】 目的 : 察五 味子多糖对小鼠的抗疲劳作用。方法 :小鼠随机分成对 照组和五 味子多糖 5 , 0 , 0 gk 三个剂 量组 , 观 0 10 20m /g
通 过对小 鼠负重游泳试验和血清肝糖原 、乳酸 的含量测定 ,观察 五味子多糖 的抗疲 劳作用 。结果 :五味子 多糖能增 加小 鼠负 重游泳 时间 ,
菊 物 研 究
Te h me iie su y dcn td
中 国 民 族 民 间 医 药
C ieejunlo tnm dc e ad eh ohr ay hns ora feho e in n tnpam c i ・ 9・ 2
五 味 子 多糖 抗 疲 劳 作 用研 究
Ke r s P ls c h rd r m c ia d a c i e ii ;a t —f t e e e t y wo d : oy a c a ie f o S h s r h n n ss n n i a i f c u g
传统 中药五 味子为木 兰科 多 年生落 叶藤 本植 物五 味子 [ c i dac i ni T r .B i. Shs r hn s uc a1 ]的果实 J n a e s z l 。五味 子有益 气 生津 ,敛肺滋 肾,止泻 ,涩精 ,安 神 的作 用 ,可 治久 咳 虚喘 ,津少 口干 ,遗精 久泻 ,健 忘 失眠 等症 ,应 用 历史 悠 久 ,历代 均有养 五脏 ,除热 ,补 虚劳 等记 载 ,是 一种 开 发 前景非 常广阔的药 食兼 用 的 中药 材。 国内外对 五 味子 的研 究多集 中在脂溶性成 分 方面 ,多糖是 五 味子 中一类 重要 的 活性物 质 ,研 究表 明五 味子 多糖 有 提 高 免疫 功 能 、保 肝 、



五味子多糖的提取工艺研究进展五味子(Schisandra chinensis)是一种常用的中药材,具有多种生物活性成分。













































C C 1 诱 导 的肝 损 伤 大 鼠血清 谷 丙 转 氨 酶 ( A ) 、 谷 草 4比率 正 向 变化 , 恢 复 大 鼠的免疫 功 能 , 调 节下 丘 脑 一 转 氨酶 ( A S T ) 活性显著降低 , 肝 中丙 二 醛 的生 成 量 显 垂体 一肾上腺 轴 , 使 大 鼠 的神 经 内分 泌 免 疫 系 统恢 复
显著 提 高 , 电镜 下 肝 脏组 织 的超 微 结 构 均 得 到 明显 改
化作 用 。
善, 五味 子 多糖提 取 物可 以改 善肝 纤 维化 , 对 肝 细胞 具 3 抗变 态 、 调 节 免疫作 用
有 明显 的保 护 作 用 。 陈宝 芝 等 研 究 表 明 , S C P高 剂
1 保肝 作 用
低小 鼠血 清 L D H和血 清 尿素 氮 ( B U N) 的浓 度 , 该 结果 说 明北 五味 子多糖 对 小 鼠具有 明显 的抗 疲 劳 和耐 缺 氧
作用 。孟 昭琴 等 研究 表 明 , 五 味 子 多糖 可 以调 节 3 0 许 珂玉 等 ’ 研 究表 明 , 五 味子多 糖 给药组 能够 使 m i n和 6 0 mi n游泳 大 鼠 I N F一 分泌 , 使I N F一 ̄ / / I L一
止、 自汗盗 汗、 津伤 口渴 、 内热消渴 、 心悸失眠。五味子多糖是五 味子及南 五味子的主要化学成 分之一 , 本文对 五味子 多糖 保肝 、 抗缺 氧、 抗疲劳 、 增强免疫力 、 抗 肿瘤 、 镇静催眠等方 面药理作用进行分析综述 。
关键词 五味子多糖 , 保肝 , 抗肿 瘤 , 药 理 作 用 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 6 - 5 6 8 7 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 0 2 - 0 0 7 3 0 - 3 中图 分 类 号 : R 9 6 2



五味子多糖的提取工艺研究进展五味子(Schisandra chinensis)是传统中医药中的重要药材,具有多种药理活性成分,如五味子多糖。
























五味子多糖提取、结构特征及生物活性研究进展司洲;陈昊翔;樊梓鸾【期刊名称】《食品工业科技》【年(卷),期】2024(45)3【摘要】五味子是木兰科植物五味子(Schisandra chinensis(Turcz.)Baill),或华中五味子(Schisandra sphenanchera Rehd.etWils.)的干燥成熟果实,富含多糖、木脂素、挥发油、多酚等多种活性成分。


五味子多糖主要由鼠李糖、甘露糖、葡萄糖、半乳糖、阿拉伯糖和半乳糖醛酸组成,平均分子量大致范围在103~105 Da。




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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 50 (2012) 844–848Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectInternational Journal of BiologicalMacromoleculesj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /i j b i o m acAn immunostimulatory polysaccharide (SCP-IIa)from the fruit of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.)BaillYong Chen a ,Jinbao Tang b ,∗,1,Xiaoke Wang a ,Fengxiang Sun a ,Shujuan Liang a ,∗,1a Department of Basic Medicine,Weifang Medical University,Weifang 261042,ChinabDepartment of Pharmacology and Biological Science,Weifang Medical University,Weifang 261042,Chinaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 27October 2011Received in revised form 12November 2011Accepted 15November 2011Available online 23 November 2011Keywords:PolysaccharideSchisandra chinensisImmunomodulatory effect Cyclophosphamidea b s t r a c tA water-soluble polysaccharide named SCP-IIa was isolated from the water extract of the fruit of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.)Baill by means of ethanol precipitation,deproteination,anion-exchange and gel-permeation chromatography.The molecular weight of SCP-IIa was ascertained via HPLC,and immuno-modulating effect was evaluated using the immunosuppressed model induced by cyclophos-phamide.SCP-IIa was a homogeneous form of polysaccharide,with an average molecular weight of approximately 7700Da.The detected parameters showed that SCP-IIa increased the thymus and spleen indices,as well as the pinocytic activity of the peritoneal macrophages in immunosuppressed mice.The splenocyte proliferation assay showed that SCP-IIa,in combination with Con A or LPS,positively affected splenocyte proliferation.Moreover,the polysaccharide promoted hemolysin formation.The results sug-gested that SCP-IIa was involved in immunomodulatory effects leading to the exploration for SCP-IIa as a potential immunostimulant.© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionSchisandra chinensis (Turcz.)Baill is produced mainly in north-east China.Its fruit (referred to hereafter as S.chinensis )has been extensively used as traditional medicine and functional food in the Orient for thousands of years.S.chinensis has many traditional usages,such as collecting and arresting discharge,supplementing Qi,promoting the production of body fluids,nourishing the kidney,and calming the heart.It is a famous and precious Chinese tradi-tional drug,with frequency of 22times in the China pharmacopoeia [1].The interest of researchers in medicinal plants as natural sources of active compounds had remarkably increased during the past decades,and particular attention had been given to the polysac-charide components of various traditional Asian medicines [2–4].Recently polysaccharides were found to have many pharmacolog-ical actions,including liver protection,resistance to oxidation and aging,and anticancer properties [5–7].In recent years,the use of immunomodulators to enhance host defense responses had been found to be one of the most promising alternatives to classical antibiotic treatment [8].Polysac-charides isolated from various traditional medicinal plants had∗Corresponding authors.Tel.:+865368462266;fax:+865368462266.E-mail addresses:tangjb@ (J.Tang),liangshjuan@ (S.Liang).1Contributed equally to this work.been shown to profoundly affect the immune system both in vivo and in vitro through their ability to modulate immune function,including cytokine/chemokine production,reactive oxygen species (ROS)production,and cell proliferation [9].It has potential as an immunomodulator because it has no significant side effects,which is a major problem associated with immunomodulatory bacterial polysaccharides and synthetic compounds [8,10,11].However,there are few published data on the purification of S.chinensis polysaccharide (SCP)and its effects on immune responses.In the present study,we isolated and purified SCP-IIa from S.chi-nensis and investigated the immune status of SCP-IIa -treated mice.Since a temporarily weakened immune system is the indicator for therapy with herbal immunomodulators [12],we investigated the effects of SCP on macrophage function.Levels of serum cytokine and splenocyte proliferation in immunosuppressed mice treated with cyclophosphamide (Cy)were determined to identify whether SCP-IIa exerts its action through systemic effects and to investigate the extent of SCP-IIa’s ability to restore deviated immune parameters in immunosuppressed animals.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsS.chinensis was purchased from Weifang Ben-Cao-Ge Chinese Matreria Medica Co.Ltd.and verified by Prof.Chongmei Xu (Depart-ment of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science,Weifang Medical University,Weifang,PR China).0141-8130/$–see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2011.11.015Y.Chen et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules50 (2012) 844–848845Sephacryl TM S-200High Resolution and DEAE-cellulose-52were purchased from Amersham Biosciences.Standard dextrans T-2000, T-110,T-70,T-40,T-10and Cy were obtained from Sigma(St. Louis,MO,USA).Concanavalin A(ConA)and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)were also from Sigma.All other reagents were of the highest available quality.2.2.General methodsUV–vis absorption spectra were recorded with a UNICO UV-2000spectrophotometer.Total protein concentration was esti-mated using the folin–phenol method proposed by Lowry et al.with bovine serum albumin as standard[13].Dialysis was carried out using dialysis tubing(Spectra/Por MWCO:6000–8000).2.3.Isolation and purification of the polysaccharideDried S.chinensis were crushed into particles(500g),defatted with95%EtOH,then extracted with5L of distilled water for2h at100◦C andfiltered.The residue was further extracted with3L of water bined aqueous extracts were concentrated in vacuo to500mL in a rotary evaporator under reduced pressure at 60◦C andfiltered.Thefiltrate was deproteinatedfive times using the Sevag method[14]and dialyzed against distilled water for2 days.The concentrated dark brown solution was precipitated by addition of4vol of95%EtOH and was kept overnight at4◦C.After centrifugation(6000rpm,20min),the precipitate was washed with anhydrous EtOH and then vacuum-dried at40◦C to obtain crude polysaccharide(SCP,27.4g).SCP(5.0g)dissolved in distilled water was applied to a DEAE-cellulose column(2.6cm×50cm),and eluted with water and sodium chloride(0–0.3mol/L).Fractions(4mL)were collected at aflow rate of0.8mL/min and monitored using the phenol-sulfuric acid method at490nm[15].Three fractions(i.e.SCP-I,SCP-II,and SCP-III)were obtained,with SCP-II constituting53%of the prod-ucts.SCP-II was further chromatographed on a Sephacryl S-200 HR column(1.6cm×60cm),eluted with0.1mol/L NaCl.Each2mL fraction was collected at aflow rate of1.0mL/min and monitored as described above.Collected fractions were dialyzed and lyophilized to obtain SCP-IIa,which was used in subsequent studies.2.4.Homogeneity and molecular weightThe homogeneity and molecular weight of SCP-IIa were deter-mined on a Waters HPLC system(1525HPLC pump)equipped with a Waters Ultrahydrogel250column(8.0mm×300mm)and a Waters2414differential refractometer.A sample solution(20␮L of0.1%)was injected in each run eluted with0.1mol/L NaCl as the mobile phase at theflow rate of0.5mL/min.The HPLC sys-tem was pre-calibrated with pullulan standards(Shodex Standard P-82,Waters).Commercially available standards(i.e.dextrans T-2000,T-110,T-70,T-40and T-10)were used as standard molecular markers.2.5.Measurement of immunomodulating activity2.5.1.Animal treatment and experimental designICR male BALB/c mice(8-weeks old;body weight20.0±2.0g) were obtained from the Animal Center of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan,China.The animals were main-tained on a12-h-dark/12-h-light cycle at20◦C.They were allowed free access to standard laboratory pellet diet and water throughout the experiments.Mice were randomly divided intofive groups(10in each group) and were allowed to acclimatize for1week before the experiment. All animals received Cy intraperitoneally once every three days at a dose of80mg/kg body weight to establish the immunosuppressive animal model.The control group received normal saline.Different groups were treated with SCP-IIa at50,100and200mg/kg given orally,whereas control group and model group were given normal saline of the same volume via oral administration.Animals were sacrificed after10days of treatment.Twenty-four hours after the last drug administration,the ani-mals were weighed and killed by decapitation.The spleen and thymus were excised from the animal and weighed immediately. Thymus and spleen indices were calculated according to the follow-ing formula:thymus or spleen index(mg/g)=(weight of thymus or spleen/body weight).2.5.2.Peritoneal macrophages activity assay[16]Twenty-four hours after the last drug administration,mice were intraperitoneally injected with0.5mL of5%CRBC.Thirty min-utes later,animals were killed by decapitation and2mL of Hank’s balanced salt solution was used for peritoneal lavage.The cell suspension was smeared and incubated for30min at37◦C in a humidified5%CO2incubator.After incubation,non-phagocytosed CRBC and other cells were removed by washing.Macrophages werefixed with methanol and stained with Giemsa.Phagocyto-sis percent was measured by counting the number of macrophages phagocytosing CRBC per100macrophage cells.The phagocytosis index was measured by counting the number of phagocytosed CRBC per100macrophage cells.2.5.3.Assay of splenocyte proliferation[17]Cell proliferation was assessed using MTT-based colorimetric assay.Twenty-four hours after the last drug administration,the animals were killed by decapitation,and spleens were removed aseptically.Spleen cells of mice were obtained by gently plac-ing the organ in RPMI-1640medium under aseptic conditions, followed by centrifugation at2000rpm for10min at room temper-ature.Red blood cells were removed by hemolytic Gey’s solution. After two washes,cells were resuspended in RMPI-1640complete medium containing5%FBS,with cell concentration adjusted to 1×106cell/mL.The cell suspension was planted in a96-well cul-ture plate with or without ConA(5.0␮g/mL)or LPS(20.0␮g/mL). After incubation for72h at37◦C in a humidified5%CO2incubator, the number of proliferating cells was determined by MTT assay ata wavelength of540nm.2.5.4.Serum hemolysin formation test[18]On thefifth day of administration,each mouse was immunized by injection of0.2mL suspension of SRBC(109/mL).Twenty-four hours after the last drug administration,blood samples were col-lected.One hour later,these blood samples were centrifuged at 2000rpm/min for10min and20␮L of supernatant serum was diluted to500times with normal saline.About0.5mL of10%SRBC and1mL of fresh guinea pig serum(1:10dilution)was added to the reaction tubesfilled with1mL of diluted serum samples.After incubation for1h at37◦C,the reaction tubes were immediately moved to an ice bath and centrifuged again under the same con-ditions.About1mL of the supernatant was mixed with3mL of Drabkin’s solution.Ten minutes later,the absorbance at540nm was measured.2.5.5.Statistical analysisQuantitative data were expressed as mean±S.D.All statistical comparisons were carried out using one-way ANOVA test followed by Tukey’s test.P-values less than0.05were considered statis-tically significant,while P-values less than0.01were considered extremely significant.846Y.Chen et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 50 (2012) 844–848Fig.1.Ion exchange chromatography (DEAE-cellulose)of the crude polysaccharide from S.chinensis .The polysaccharidie fraction was applied to the column equi-librated with water and eluted with a linear gradient of 0–0.3mol/L NaCl.The fractions were assayed by the phenol–H 2SO 4reaction to estimate the sugar content (A 490nm).3.Results3.1.Isolation and purification of SCP-IIaSCP was prepared from S.chinensis by hot-water extraction,EtOH precipitation,deproteination and dialysis.SCP yield was 5.27%of the dry weight.Total SCP extracted was fractioned by chromatography on DEAE-Cellulose-52column into three parts:SCP-I,SCP-II,and SCP-III with a ratio of 17:29:9(Fig.1).SCP-IIa was obtained from SCP-II by gel-filtration (Sephachryl S-200).Freeze-dried SCP-IIa appeared as pale yellow powder soluble in water.It had a negative response to the Lowry test and exhibited no absorption at 280and 260nm,indicating the absence of protein and nucleic acid.Total sugar content by the phenol–sulfuric acid method was 98.4%.GPC profile (Fig.2)showed a single and sym-metrically sharp peak,indicating that SCP-IIa was a homogeneous polysaccharide with an average molecular weight of ∼7700Da.3.2.Effects of SCP-IIa on thymus and spleen indices in miceTable 1demonstrated that the thymus and spleen indices of animals treated with Cy at 80mg/kg bodyweight decreased sig-nificantly compared with controls.This indicated that the mice immunosuppression model prepared by treatment with 80mg/kg bodyweight of Cy was built successfully.The thymus indices of animals treated with SCP-IIa at different concentrations combined with Cy did not show the significant difference except that of SCP-IIa (100mg/kg)combining Cy-treated group when compared with only Cy-treated model.The spleen indices of animals treated withTable 1Effects of SCP-IIa on the thymus and spleen indices of immunosuppressed mice.GroupThymus index (mg/g)Spleen index (mg/g)Control 2.79±0.38 5.14±0.76Cy1.38±0.29a 3.02±0.24a SCP-IIa (50)+Cy 1.41±0.31 3.78±0.36b SCP-IIa(100)+Cy 1.99±0.25b 4.22±0.18c SCP-IIa(200)+Cy1.56±0.174.45±0.22cCy and SCP-IIa +Cy denote mice groups treated with Cy and Cy plus SCP-IIa,respec-tively.The control group received the same volume of normal saline.The dose of Cy was 80mg/kg body weight for both the Cy and Cy plus SCP-IIa groups.Thymus or spleen index (mg/g)=(weight of thymus or spleen/body weight).The data are reported as mean ±S.D.(n =10).Significance was determined using the Student’s t -test.aP <0.01,compared with the matched control group.bP <pared with the Cy only-treated model group.cP <0.01,compared with the Cy only-treated model group.Table 2Phagocytotic function of macrophages and serum hemolysin formation in the immunosuppressed mice stimulated with SCP-IIa.GroupPhagocytose (%)Phagocytosis index Hemolytic plaque formationControl 41.12±2.310.79±0.120.318±0.016Cy25.80±3.30a 0.37±0.10a 0.102±0.010a SCP-IIa (50)+Cy 27.07±2.040.39±0.120.124±0.014b SCP-IIa(100)+Cy 31.13±2.19b 0.48±0.15b 0.119±0.026b SCP-IIa(200)+Cy35.08±2.43b0.47±0.08b0.247±0.019cCy and SCP-IIa +Cy represent the mice groups treated with Cy and Cy plus SCP-IIa,respectively.The control group received the same volume of normal saline.Dose of Cy was 80mg/kg body weight for both Cy and Cy plus SCP-IIa groups.Data are reported as mean ±S.D.(n =10).Significance was determined using the Student’s t -test.aP <0.01,compared with the matched control group.bP <pared with the Cy only-treated model group.cP <0.01,compared with the Cy only-treated model group.SCP-IIa at 50,100,or 200mg/kg combined with Cy at 80mg/kg bodyweight increased significantly in a dose-dependent manner compared with those treated with Cy only.The findings suggested that PAP overcame the immunosuppressed action induced by Cy.3.3.Effect of SCP-IIa on pinocytic activity of peritoneal macrophagesOne of the most distinct features of macrophage activation is an increase in pinocytic activity.Pinocytic activity of SCP-IIa-activated macrophages was indicated by uptake of SRBC.Results (Table 2)showed a dose-related enhancement of pinocytic activ-ity in macrophages treated with 50–200mg/kg doses of SCP-IIa.Phagocytosis percent and index in groups treated with moder-ate and high doses of SCP-II were significantly higher than the CY only group.SCP-IIa appeared to prime macrophages for enhanced pinocytic activity,which was comparable to that observed in con-trols.3.4.Effect of SCP-IIa on splenocyte proliferationThe Cy only-treatment significantly decreased the proliferation of the splenocytes compared with that of the normal control.In combination with Con A or LPS,SCP-IIa enhanced the proliferation of the splenocytes.The 50and 100mg/L SCP-IIa combined with Con A significantly promoted and strengthened the proliferation of the splenocytes.The 200mg/L SCP-IIa combined with Con A facilitated faster proliferation of splenocytes.The 100and 200mg/L SCP-IIa,combined with LPS provided obvious promotion and strengthening of the proliferation of the splenocytes.SCP-IIa showed a definite and clear synergistic effect on splenocyte proliferation after combining with Con A or LPS (Fig.3).3.5.Effect of SCP-IIa on serum hemolysin formationAs shown in Table 2,serum hemolysin formation in ani-mals treated with Cy only decreased significantly compared with controls.Serum hemolysin formation in animals treated with 200mg/kg SCP-IIa combined with Cy was significantly increased (p <0.01)compared with the Cy group.4.DiscussionS.chinensis is a famous and precious Chinese traditional drug.In recent years,Many studies have revealed that S.chinensis polysac-charides had widespread pharmacologic effects.We isolated and purified the polysaccharide SCP-IIa from S.chinensis using boiling water extraction,alcohol precipitation,ion-exchange chromatog-raphy,and column chromatography on silica gel.SCP-IIa was aY.Chen et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 50 (2012) 844–848847Fig.2.Profile of SCP-IIa in HPLC.The sample was analyzed by Waters Ultrahydrogel 250column (8.0mm ×300mm)and eluted with 0.1mol/L NaCl at 0.5mL/min.homogeneous polysaccharide with an average molecular weight of ∼7700Da.Our findings provided basis for further research on biological activity mechanism of S.chinensis polysaccharides.The body’s immune function includes nonspecific and specific mechanisms.Nonspecific immunity refers to defenses against all pathogenic microbes having a certain degree of resistance.It has no special selectivity and is also known as natural or congenital immu-nity.Specific immunity protects the body from one kind of microbe or its products,and includes humoral and cellular mechanisms.In order to create a model of weakened immunity,we treated mice with Cy,which is a chemotherapeutic drug for cancer that has the side effect of injuring the DNA of normal cells.In our model,the effect of Cy was demonstrated by reduced spleen and thymus indices,since Cy treatment decreases the capacity of the immune system.The lower spleen and thymus indices in the Cy-treated mice in comparison with normal mice indicated an immunosuppressed state.The thymus and spleen are important immune organs.Their weights are important and intuitive indices for nonspecific immu-nity of the organism.Immunopotentiators could increase the weight of the thymus and spleen.The relative spleen and thy-mus weights in SCP-IIa test groups were notably higher than that of model groups.SCP-IIa apparently increased spleen indices in a dose-dependentmanner.Fig.3.SCP-IIa stimulation of the proliferation of splenic lymphocyte induced by mitogen.The data are reported as mean ±S.D.(n =10).Significance was determined using the Student’s t-test.a p <0.01,compared with the matched control group.b p <0.05,compared with the Cy only-treated model group c p <0.01,compared with the Cy only-treated model group.Macrophages are ancient and phylogenetically conserved cells in all multicellular organisms.Together with neutrophils,they represent the first line of host defense,second to the epithelial barrier.Macrophages can function as antigen-presenting cells and can interact with T lymphocytes to modulate the adaptive immune response [19].Furthermore,macrophages are involved in tissue remodeling during embryogenesis,wound repair,clearance of apoptotic cells,and hematopoiesis [20,21].Activated macrophages not only participate in both specific and non-specific immune reac-tions,but also is the “bridge cell”of these two immune reactions [22].The present study investigated the phagocytic activity of peri-toneal macrophages.The phagocytic rate in mice pretreated with SCP-IIa markedly rivaled the decrease in phagocytic rate induced by Cy.The group treated with 200mg/kg SCP-IIa showed the great-est increase in phagocytic function.These demonstrated that the administration of SCP-IIa significantly increased the phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages in a dose-dependent manner.Lymphocyte proliferation is a crucial event in the activation cascade of both cellular and humoral immune responses [23].Lym-phocytes induced by ConA in vitro may be used as a method to evaluate T lymphocyte activity,while those induced by LPS may be used to evaluate B lymphocyte activity [24].Cy-induced suppres-sion of Con A-induced T-lymphocyte proliferation and LPS-induced B-lymphocyte proliferation was identified in this study.SCP-IIa appeared to have greater sensitivity for T cells of splenocytes than B cells,which resulted in better T-cell-mediated immunostimulating effect.The formation of serum hemolysin with SRBC immuniza-tion reflects humoral immunologic function [25].Our results demonstrated that SCP-IIa significantly increased serum hemolysin formation in Cy-immunosuppressed mice.These suggested that SCP-IIa can enhance humoral immunity activities.5.ConclusionIn summary,SCP-IIa exhibited potent immunomodulating prop-erties,such as improving the weight of immune organs,enhancing the phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages,promoting hemolysin formation,and increasing lymphocyte transforma-tion.Our investigations suggested that SCP-IIa was involved in immunomodulatory effects in vivo.This study may provide a basis for the use of SCP-IIa as an efficacious adjuvant immunopoten-tiating agent,and it should be explored as a strong potential immunostimulant for the food and pharmaceutical purpose.Thus,it is clear that this polysaccharide extracted from S.chinensis has sig-nificant therapeutic potential and represent a rich source for future848Y.Chen et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules50 (2012) 844–848discovery and development of novel compounds of medical value which need to be taken more attention in further studies. AcknowledgmentsThis study was supported by the following funds:the Natural Scientific Foundation of Shandong Province(ZR2011HQ044); Science&Technology Development Program of Weifang (201101178);Traditional Chinese medicine Science&Technology Program of Health Bureau,Weifang(2009016).References[1]W.Y Wang,J.G.Chen,J.Beihua Univ.(Nat.Sci.)8(2007)128–133.[2]H.Kiyohara,T.Matsumoto,N.Takemoto,H.Kawamura,Y.Komatsu,H.Yamada,Planta Med.61(1995)429–434.[3]Y.W.Zhang,H.Kiyohara,T.Matsumoto,H.Yamada,Planta Med.63(1997)393–399.[4]T.Matsumoto,X.B.Sun,T.Hanawa,H.Kodaira,K.Ishii,H.Yamada,Phytother.Res.16(2002)91–93.[5]P.J.Gao,Y.F.Pu,X.L.Guo,D.Y.Ju,B.Ren,J.Norman Bethune Uni.Med.Sci.22(1996)23–24.[6]M.Miao,China J.Tradit.Chin.Med.Pharm.17(2002)187–188.[7]L.Huang,L.Chen,Z.L.Zhang,Zhong Cao Yao27(2004)202–203.[8]A.O.Tzianabos,Clin.Microbiol.Rev.13(2000)523–533.[9]A.I.Schepetkin,M.T.Quinn,Int.Immunopharmacol.6(2006)317–333.[10]Y.J.Jeon,S.B.Han,K.S.Ahn,H.M.Kim,Immunopharmacology43(1999)1–9.[11]K.Y.Lee,Y.J.Jeon,Int.Immunopharmacol.3(2003)1353–1362.[12]C.Bodinet,U.Lindequist,E.Teuscher,J.Freudenstein,Phytomedicine9(2002)606–613.[13]O.H.Lowry,N.J.Rosebrough,A.L.Farr,R.J.Randall,J.Biol.Chem.193(1951)265–275.[14]M.G.Sevag,ckman,J.J.Smolens,Biol.Chem.124(1938)425–436.[15]M.Dubois,K.A.Gilles,J.K.Hamilton,P.A.Rebers,F.Smith,Anal.Chem.28(1956)350–356.[16]X.Li,L.L.Jiao,X.Zhang,W.M.Tian,S.Chen,L.P.Zhang,Int.Immunopharmacol.8(2008)909–915.[17]X.F.Du,C.Z.Jiang,C.F.Wu,E.K.Won,S.Y.Choung,Arch.Pharm.Res.31(2008)1153–1159.[18]R.M.Yu,L.Y.Song,Y.Zhao,W.Bin,L.Wang,H.Zhang,Y.H.Wu,W.C.Ye,X.S.Yao,Fitoterapia75(2004)465–472.[19]R.W.Birk,A.Gratchev,N.Hakiy,O.Politz,K.Schledzewski,P.Guillot,C.E.Orfanos,S.Goerdt,Hautarzt52(2001)193–200.[20]M.W.Lingen,b.Med.125(2001)67–71.[21]A.H.Klimp,E.G.E.de Vries,G.L.Scherphof,T.Daemen,Crit.Rev.Oncol.Hematol.44(2002)143–161.[22]W.X.Chen,W.Y.Zhang,W.B.Shen,K.C.Wang,Cell.Immunol.262(2010)69–74.[23]C.Zhao,M.Li,Y.F.Lu,W.K.Wu,Carbohydr.Res.341(2006)485–491.[24]F.Cerqueira,A.Cordeiro-Da-Silva,C.Gaspar-Marques,F.Simoes,M.M.Pinto,M.S.Nascimento,Bioorg.Med.Chem.12(2004)217–223.[25]H.Y.Liu,J.Chang,K.Gao,H.Y.Wang,L.Wu,Y.H.Xue,China Dairy Ind.34(2006)37–39.。
