See you again 音乐ppt
see you again音乐欣赏

see you again

See you againIt's been a long day,without you my friend.and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.We've been a long way,from where we began.oh,I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.~when I see you again. why'd you have to leave so soon,why'd you have to go.why'd you have to leave me when I needed you the most.Cause I don't really konw how to tell you,that felt feeling much worth.I know you are in a better place,but it's always gonna hurtcarry on,give me all the strength I need.To carry on...It's been a long day,without you my friend.and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.We've come a long way,from where we began.oh,I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.~when I see you again. How do I breath without you,feeling so cold.I'll be waiting right here for you till the day you home.carry on,give me all the strength I need.To carry on...So let the light guides your way.Hold every memory as they go.And every road you take a long way since you home.It's been a long day,without you my friend.and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.We've come a long way,from where we began.oh,I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.~when I see you again.感恩的心我来自偶然像一颗尘土有谁看出我的脆弱我来自何方我情归何处谁在下一刻呼唤我天地虽宽这条路却难走我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦我还有多少爱我还有多少泪要苍天知道我不认输感恩的心感谢有你伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己感恩的心感谢命运花开花落我一样会珍惜。

就在该片上映前,由美国说唱歌手Wiz Khalifa和新人Charlie Puth共同献声的片尾 曲《See you again》MV通过互联网发布。 这首歌正是为了缅怀保罗而创作,MV中也 剪辑了前几部《速度与激情》中保罗的镜头。 但最大催泪弹还是MV的结尾部分,保罗饰 演的布莱恩和范-迪塞尔饰演的好兄弟多米 尼克透过并肩行驶的跑车相视一笑,最终驶 向两条不同的分岔路。这一幕不知道让多少 粉丝潸然泪下。
Charlie Puth共同献唱,深情致敬保罗沃克,很多网友看到片中范迪塞尔和保罗沃克相视一笑的场景,听
相信在第一时间为票房贡献力量的观众中,一 定有《速度与激情》系列忠实的粉丝,也一定有 更多的人是为了在荧幕上再见到这个系列的主角 布莱恩的扮演者保罗-沃克一眼。2013年感恩节的 周末,保罗乘坐好友罗杰-罗达斯驾驶的保时捷卡 雷拉GT,在圣塔克拉里塔发生严重车祸,接连撞 上大树和灯柱后起火爆炸,保罗和罗杰双双殒命。 因为保罗的去世,环球影业立即暂停了《速度与 激情7》的拍摄工作,原本定于2014年7月档的该 片也随即无限期推迟。
歌曲以一段宁静柔和的钢琴声作为开场。“没有老 友你的陪伴,日子真是漫长,与你重逢之时,我会 敞开心扉倾诉所有”,听者的情绪从一开始便被歌词所 调动。随后由哈利法完成了两段深情的说唱。歌曲充 满着使人流泪的力量,而这种力量让大部分电影观 看者在电影结束时不由得落下了眼泪
歌曲的音乐录影带于2015年4月6 日正式发布,由Marc Klasfeld执导拍 摄 。音乐录影带中剪辑了维兹·卡利法 与查理·普斯两人的演唱画面,并穿插 保罗·沃克在该系列电影的片段。MV的 最后,由保罗·沃克饰演的Brian O'Conner和范·迪塞尔饰演的Dominic Toretto相视一笑,驶向两条不同的道 路。
see you again-与你重逢

See You Again - Wiz Khalifa&Charlie PuthIt's been a long day without you my friend没有老友你的陪伴日子真是漫长And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有We've come a long way from where we began回头凝望我们携手走过漫长的旅程Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有When I see you again与你重逢之时Damn who knew all the planes we flew谁会了解我们经历过怎样的旅程Good things we've been through谁会了解我们见证过怎样的美好That I'll be standing right here这便是我在你眼前出现的原因Talking to you about another path与你聊聊另一种选择的可能I know we loved to hit the road and laugh我懂我们都偏爱速度与激情But something told me that it wouldn't last但有个声音告诉我这美好并不会永恒Had to switch up look at things我们得变更视野different see the bigger picture转向更为辽阔的天地Those were the days hard work forever pays有付出的日子终有收获的时节Now I see you in a better place此刻我看到你走进更加美好的未来Now I see you in a better place此刻我看到你走进更加美好的未来How could we not talk about family当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊when family's all that we got?我们怎么能忘却最可贵的真情Everything I went through无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷you were standing there by my side总有你相伴陪我度过And now you gonna be with me for the last ride 最后一段征程我更需要你的相伴It's been a long day without you my friend没有老友你的陪伴日子真是漫长And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有We've come a long way from where we began 回头凝望我们携手走过漫长的旅程Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有When I see you again与你重逢之时First you both go out your way一开始你们总是追随你们心中的步伐And the vibe is feeling strong and what's热忱累积信念不变Small turn to a friendship a friendship渺小的世界见证这段深情厚谊Turn into a bond and that bond will never深厚的友情蜕成血浓于水的感情Be broke and the love will never get lost此情不变此爱难逝Be broke and the love will never get lost此情不变此爱难逝And when brotherhood come first then the line莫逆之交的我们绝不会背叛彼此Will never be crossed established it on our own只因这深情厚谊基于我们真实意愿When that line had to be drawn and that line is what 这友谊让我们肝胆相照荣辱与共We reach so remember me when I'm gone即便我离去也请将我铭记We reach so remember me when I'm gone即便我离去也请将我铭记How could we not talk about family当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊when family's all that we got?我们怎么能忘却最可贵的真情Everything I went through you无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷were standing there by my side总有你相伴陪我度过And now you gonna be with me for the last ride最后一段征程我更需要你的相伴Let the light guide your way hold every memory就让那光芒引导你的前路铭记与我的曾经As you go and every road you无论你选哪一条路take will always lead you home那都会通向你的家Hoo~吼~~It's been a long day without you my friend没有老友你的陪伴日子真是漫长And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有We've come a long way from where we began回头凝望我们携手走过漫长的旅程Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有When I see you again与你重逢之时Again重逢之时When I see you again see you again与你重逢之时?重逢之时When I see you again与你重逢之时。
See you again歌曲介绍

See You Again is sung by the American famous rapper WizKhalifa and newcomer Charlie Puth. This song is included in the movie Furious 7 soundtrack as OST and the theme song. lt is composed for the memory of actor Paul Walker who died from a car accident.2015, See You Again becomes the new No.1 single Billboards new chart math, ending a 14-week run by Mark Ronson's “Uptown Funk'' , helped by a huge push of popularity for a tribute to Paul Walker.According to the author Charlie Puth, when he was writting this song, one of his friends also gone by suddenly, so he wrote this moving song to in memory of his friend. It just took him 10 minutes to accomplish the lyrics. After many times of modification,the official version was born.翻译:«See You Again»是由美国著名说唱歌手维兹·哈利法和新人査理·帕斯共同献声的一首歌曲。
see you again

And when brotherhood come first then the line 莫逆之交的我们 绝不会背叛彼此 Will never be crossed established it on our own 只因这深情厚谊基于我们真实意愿 When that line had to be drawn and that line is what 这友谊让我们肝胆相照 荣辱与共 We reach so remember me when I'm gone 即便我离去 也请将我铭记
How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got? 当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊时 我们怎么能忘却 最可贵的亲情 Everything I went through you were standing there by my side 无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷 总有你相伴陪我度过 And now you gonna be with me for the last ride 而今你将陪我走完这最后一段旅程
Hold every memory as you go 当你走的时候请留住所有的美好瞬间 And every road you take will always lead you home 这样的话不论你选择哪条路它都会引领你回家 It's been a long day without you my friend 没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长 And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 We've come a long way from where we began 回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程
see you again

[02:22.64][00:00.46]I got my sight set on you(我的视线已将你锁定)[02:26.95][00:03.36]And I'm ready to wait(我已经做好等待的准备)[00:06.11]I have a heart that will(我有一颗心)[00:10.07]Will never be tamed(一颗永远不会被驯服的心)[00:12.63]I knew you were somethin' special(但我知道你却是特别的)[00:16.75]When you spoke my name(当你说出我名字的瞬间)[00:48.42][00:19.77]Now I can't wait (现在的我已经迫不及待)[03:00.18][02:53.10][02:15.68][01:18.37][00:51.41][00 :22.72]To see you again(想要再次见到你)[02:20.17]I've got a way of knowin'(我有办法知道)[00:30.83]When somethin' is right (什么时候才是正确)[00:34.07]I feel like I must have known you(觉得必须认识你)[00:37.96]In another life(开始另一种人生)[00:40.78]'Cause I felt this deep connection(因为我有心灵感应)[00:45.73]When you looked in my eyes(can't wait)(当你凝视我的双眼(不能再等))[02:30.61][01:50.45][00:54.29]The last time I freaked out(上次我曾逃避)[02:31.80][01:52.68][00:57.70]I just kept lookin' down (只好一直低着头)[02:33.61][01:54.37][00:59.76]I st-st-stuttered when (一时之间我有点大舌头)[02:35.17][01:55.99][01:01.20]You asked me what I'm thinkin' 'bout(在你问我想些什么)[02:36.86][01:57.92][01:03.13]Felt like I couldn't breathe(仿佛将要窒息)[02:38.66][01:59.51][01:04.82]You asked what's wrong with me(在你问我怎么了)[02:40.22][02:01.01][01:06.20]My best friend Leslie said(朋友说)[02:41.96][02:02.64][01:07.68]"Oh, She's just bein' Miley"(她很耀眼)[02:43.52][02:04.63][01:09.56]And next time we hang out (下次我们再见面)[02:45.34][02:06.20][01:11.39]I will redeem myself(我要为自己救赎)[02:47.03][02:07.85][01:13.13]My heart can't rest 'til then(我的心无法平静直到那个时刻的到来)[02:56.83][02:48.84][02:10.02][01:15.39]Whoa, whoa,I(喔~喔~我)[02:58.61][02:51.21][02:13.78][02:14.54]I can't wait(我已经无法再等待)[01:22.46]I got this crazy feelin'(快要发疯的感觉)[01:26.47]Deep inside(在我内心的深处)[01:29.35]When you called and asked to see me(当你打电话约我)[01:33.35]Tomorrow night(约我明晚见面)[01:35.97]I'm not a mind reader(我无法看透你的心思)[01:40.27]But I'm readin' the signs(bet you can't wait)(但我打赌看到了你期待的讯息)[01:43.64]Bet you can't wait(赌你一样迫不及待)[01:46.08]To see me again(想要再见我一面)Whoa, whoa, I,(喔~喔~我)EXO-M historyLUHAN鹿晗:listen 感觉到没有我的心脏停掉了节奏KRIS吴凡: (my heart be breakin)TAO黄子韬: 泪水曾经愤怒的掉落大声嘶吼ha 移步向以后KRIS吴凡: (my pain be creepin)CHEN金钟大: 灰的眼留恋蓝的天让无所谓叫嚣变成泡沫不含畏缩纯粹的执著合:原地踏步过多久在这新的起始站点站这是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一份两头本是太阳般一体结构oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体oh ohevery enery eyeryday 我创造的historyCHEN金钟大:break 破陈旧的规矩move it 让谎言作废KRIS吴凡: (no more shakin like that)LAY张艺兴: 倒数归零后就会洗净了伤悲崭新的经纬LUHAN鹿晗: 时间还有空间穿越与游走梦想完美国度的光辉会让我们牵起手飞合:原地踏步过多久在这新的起始站点站这是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一份两头本是太阳般一体结构oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体oh oh让时间逆向行走该是转变的时候turn it up turn it up turn it up(turn it on)LUHAN鹿晗: 当你什么都会寄望给永远所有都推迟到下一个明天CHEN金钟大: 或许明天之后没有未来留下只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃LUHAN鹿晗: 抓住爱的手爱的手爱的手越爱越完美热爱这个星球CHEN金钟大: 悲伤在走手握喜悦的右手我们分享同一个理由KRIS吴凡: ya 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远TAO黄子韬: 隔离分开成两边太阳不需要分界线KRIS吴凡: one more two morethreefour moreTAO黄子韬: 这一瞬间迎接翼望已久梦里完美世界KRIS吴凡: 心脏开始跳动急速跳动doong doong doong合:徘徊过多久在这新的起点始点站这是我KRIS吴凡: yeahexom—mexo-k要打开我们未来的history合:我们一份两头本是太阳般一体结构TAO黄子韬: oh 同一颗心脏太阳下我们连线无限的延长线合:i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体oh ohvery enery eyeryday 我创造的history。
see you again

1 It's been a long day without you my friend [ 诶次宾呢long day without 球my friend ] it’s 是真声,been 开始转成假声。
2 And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again [ 按闹tell U wall 了抱雷when 呢C U 我gain ]3 We've come a long way from where we began [ we v 卡么long way 噫frəm where we began ] we’ve先园唇(w) 然后是轻轻地快速地咬一下嘴唇(v)4 Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again [ oh well tell you 嗷了抱雷碗呢C U 我gain] ♬和原唱模仿,认真模仿!Roman说:「This is crazy, man.」说唱第一段1 Damn who knew all the planes we flew [ damn 胡no 凹的planes we fə low ]2 Good things we've been through [ 哥things we’v been throw ] DAMN 踩在第4拍儿上♬半速→[ damn 胡no 凹的planes we fəlow ] →[ 哥things we’v been throw ]3 That I'll be standing right here talking to you [ 带大哦b standing right here talking 你/内U ] About another path [ 抱的那ðərpæθ/ bæθ] 复习~ DAMN 踩在第4拍儿上♬半速→[ damn 胡no 凹的planes we fə low ] →[ 哥things we’v been throw ] →[ 带大哦b standing right here talking 你/内U ] →[ 抱的那ðərpæθ/ bæθ] ♬ 3/4速4 I know we loved to hit the road and laugh [ I no we loved 的hit 的肉蛋læf ] But something told me that it wouldn't last [ bəsth. 偷米呆的呜︳嗯læst ]5 Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture [ hæ 的s味差乐该things different C 的背个儿picture ]Those were the days hard work forever pays now I see you in a better place [ 豆子味儿的day 仨儿味erfer ever 呸s 哪C U 吻呢白的er place ]接下来这段,非常讨巧,非常简单:D 1 How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got? [ 好可we 那套可抱family吻family 澡呆we 嘎]2 Everything I went through you were standing there by my side [ everything ŋa: went through U 味儿stan 嫩neər 爸妈side ]3 And now you gonna be with me for the last ride [ 嗯哪有gon 逼为咪for 的læs ride ]复习整段~ HOW 踩在第。

How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got? 当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊时 我们怎么能忘却最可贵的亲情 Everything I went through you were standing there by my side 无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷 总有你相伴陪我度过 And now you gonna be with me for the last ride 而今你将陪我走完这最后一段旅程 Let the light guide your way 就让那光芒引导你的前路 Hold every memory as you go 当你走的时候请留住所有的美好瞬间
And every road you take will always lead you home 这样的话不论你选择哪条路它都会引领你回家 Hoo~ It's been a long day without you my friend 没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长 And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 We've come a long way from where we began 回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程 Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有
It's been a long day without you my friend 没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长 And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 We've come a long way from where we began 回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程 Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 When I see you again 与你重逢之时
See You Again Love Me Like You Do Sugar 阿卡贝拉 合唱谱

So let the
your way,
Hold ev 'ry mem 'ry as you go,
and ev 'ry
I'm bro ken
I need your lo ving,
When I'm with out you
A. ving I
need it
now (yeah).
When I'm with out
knew that
it could mean
so much
so much
I just wan na be deep in your love
You're the
You're the
I don't care, cause I've ne ver been so high.
road you take
Hold ev 'ry mem 'ry as you go,
will al
ways lead you
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

Lesson 1 & 5 Maomao’s Day
Hale Waihona Puke lihut
Maomao’s Day
What do you do in the morning,Maomao?
What do you do in the morning? I fly kites. I like kites.
Maomao: I go to school in the morning. I like school.
Hi Lingling! Glad to see you again.
Hi Maomao! Glad to see you, too!
I say hello to Lingling. I like Lingling.
glad sad
Nice to see you again, boys and girls.
Nice to see you, too, Miss Wang.
Pleasettuurrnn to page 6. Let’s read thewwoorrddss.
Nice to meet you again. Nice to see you again. Glad to meet you again. Glad to see you again.
Glad to see you, too. Glad to meet you, too. Nice to see you, too. Nice to meet you, too.
See you again 音乐ppt

创作人之一Charlie Puth和之前几部电影就有过多
次合作美国说唱歌手Wiz Khalifa两人共同演唱。
See you again,Paul.
See you again,Paul.
SeFeoyoru Paul
谨此献给 保a罗g·沃aቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱin,
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有
When I see you again 与你重逢之时
See you again,Paul.
See you again,Paul.
《See You Again》是由美国著名说唱歌 手Wiz Khalifa和新人Charlie Puth共同演唱的 一首歌曲。这首歌收录于电影《速度与激情7》 的原声带中,也是该电影的片尾曲兼主题曲。 这首歌是为了缅怀因车祸逝世的演员Paul Walker而创作的。
See you again,Paul.
See you again,Paul.
在创作这首歌时,Charlie Puth说他在
Walker意外去世后,除了对剧本进行较大改动外, 家乡自己也有一位朋友突然去世,于是写下
电影制作方也希望制作一首歌曲以纪念和缅怀Paul, 了这首闻者落泪的歌曲。而同样因为这个原
Charlie Puth。他与朋友Justin Franks一起写了一

See you again,Paul.
See you again,Paul.
在创作这首歌时,Charlie Puth说他在
Walker意外去世后,除了对剧本进行较大改动外, 家乡自己也有一位朋友突然去世,于是写下
电影制作方也希望制作一首歌曲以纪念和缅怀Paul, 了这首闻者落泪的歌曲。而同样因为这个原
Charlie Puth。他与朋友Justin Franks一起写了一
段基本的歌词,并将歌名取为See You Again,创 Khalifa本人写的。在接受采访时,当记者
It's been a long day without you my friend 没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有
We've come a long way from where we began 回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有
When I see you again 与你重逢之时
See you again,Paul.
See you again,Paul.
See you again

MV截图(10张)《See You Again》的歌曲MV由Marc Klasfeld执导拍摄,于2015年4月6日在互联网发布。 MV中剪辑了维兹·卡利法与查理·普斯两人的演唱画面,并穿插保罗·沃克在该系列电影的片段。MV的最后,由 保罗·沃克饰演的布莱恩·奥康纳和范·迪塞尔饰演多米尼克·托雷托的相视一笑,驶向两条不同的道路 。
2015年4月,维兹·卡利法发布了一款《See You Again》的第二版MV,再次记录保罗·沃克与影迷一起走 过的速度与激情,MV中一一展现着保罗·沃克永远阳光暖心的笑脸,和飞车家族曾经美好的时光 。
《See You Again》的主题是在纪念逝去的一位“电影明星”,因为这个由头,歌曲承载着群体夙愿,它几 乎就是被民间推举出的圣歌,由此掀起一场浩大的悼念活动,而《See You Again》就是整个活动的中心。《See You Again》是一首为大众发泄情绪提供最有效渠道的现象级歌曲及纸巾,为他们擦拭心中无尽的泪,同时又诠 释了查理·普斯草根逆袭的定义 。
See you again
01 创作背景
03 歌曲MV
02 歌曲鉴赏
《See You Again》是由美国说唱歌手维兹·卡利法与歌手查理·普斯合作演唱的一首歌曲,歌词、曲谱由 DJ Frank E、查理·普斯、维兹·卡利法和安德鲁·希达尔等人共同创作完成。《See You Again》作为该电影 的片尾曲和主题曲于2015年3月17日发行,被收录在电影《速度与激情7》原声专辑和查理·普斯2016年1月29日 发行的录音室专辑《Nine Track Mind》中。

• When can we do this again? 我们何时才能再次聚在一 •
• • • •
起 When can I see you again? (oh oh oh)我何时才能再次 见到你 When can we do this again? 我们何时才能再次聚在一 起 Yeah, it’s been fun but now I’ve got to go这很的 确有趣但现在我要走了 Life is way too short to take it slow人生实在太过 短暂,你都无法放慢脚步 But before I go and hit the road但在我离开踏向人生 道路前 Tell me when, when can I see you again?告诉我我何 时才能再次见到你 When can I see you again? (Tell me when)我何时才能 再次见到你(告诉我) When can I see you again?我何时才能再次见到你
• I gotta know我想知道When can I see you again?我何 • • • •
时才能再次见到你 Don’t close your eyes ‘cause your future is ready to shine不要闭上眼睛因为你的未来将是一片光 明 It’s just a matter of time before we learn how to fly我们学会飞翔仅仅是时间问题 Welcome to the rhythm of the night欢迎来到夜晚的 旋律中 There’s something in the air you can’t deny空中 有一些有趣的东西让你欲罢不能 So let me know before I wave goodbye所以让我在告 别前知道 When can I see you again? (oh oh oh)我何时才能再 次见到你
See you again 中文歌词(2020年12月整理).pptx

Back to you
呼唤着我回到那个 时光
In a place far away
Where the water meets the sky
The thought of it makes me smile
但是只要想到这就会 不禁微笑
You are my tomorrow
See you again 中文歌词 (2020年12月整理).pptx
And you were gone, gone, gone
Faded into the setting sun,
你就这么不见,不见,不 见了
But I won’t cry
Cause I know I’ll never be lonely
I’ll See you again, oh
This is not where it ends
I will carry you with me, oh
Till I see you again Till I see you again Said goodbye, turned around
I’ll See you again, oh
This is not where it ends
I will carry you with me, oh
Till I see you again
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在创作这首歌时,Charlie Puth说他在 家乡自己也有一位朋友突然去世,于是写下 了这首闻者落泪的歌曲。而同样因为这个原 因,他在演唱时也是带着真情在唱的,这也 是公司选择他作为该曲演唱者的原因。 这首歌的说唱部分的歌词是由Wiz Khalifa本人写的。在接受采访时,当记者 问他为什么这首歌取得如此大成功时,Wiz 说因为这首歌虽然是为Paul创作的,但却深 深打动了许多人,让他们感同身受,而不会 仅停留在缅怀Paul的层面上。
See you again,Paul.
See you again,Paul.
在速度与激情系列电影的主力演员Paul Walker意外去世后,除了对剧本进行较大改动外, 电影制作方也希望制作一首歌曲以纪念和缅怀Paul, 于是他们召集了超过50名创作人共同商量这首歌 的创作,这其中就包括了当时名气并不高的 Charlie Puth。他与朋友Justin Franks一起写了一 段基本的歌词,并将歌名取为See You Again,创 作过程仅用时十分钟。他们上交给了制作方,原本 以为就这样石沉大海,结果却收到了各方面的好评。 之后这首歌在多位创作人的多次改动下,终于 有了如今我们听到的最终版本。电影制作方邀请了 创作人之一Charlie Puth和之前几部电影就有过多 次合作美国说唱歌手Wiz Khalifa两人共同演唱。
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有
When I see you again 与你重逢之时
See you again,Paul.
See you again,Paul.
《See You Again》是由美国著名说唱歌 手Wiz Khalifa和新人Charlie Puth共同演唱的 一首歌曲。这首歌收录于电影《速度与激情7》 的原声带中,也是该电影的片尾曲兼主题曲。 这首歌是为了缅怀因车祸逝世的演员Paul Walker而创作的。
See you again,Paul.
See you again,Paul.
For you Paul
谨此献给 保罗· 沃克