奥巴马演讲《A More Perfect Union》说服力分析
关键词 : 同理论 ; 认 肯尼斯 ・ 伯克 ; 修辞策略
中图 分 类 号 : 34 H 1 文 献标 识码 : A 文 章编 号 :0 8— 03 2 1 )6— 0 4— 3 10 2 9 (0 0 0 0 8 0
语 言 与政治 有着 十分 紧密 的联 系 , 内许 多学 者 国 伯 克认为 , 修辞 活动 的本质 和标 志是认 同。一个 曾从 文体学 、 统 功 能语 言学 、 系 符号 学 、 播 学 、 用 人 通过共 同 的或 相 似 的情 感 、 值 、 想 或 职业 与别 传 语 价 思
第1 8卷 第 6期
21 0 0年 1 1月
Ju a o e a eh n a nห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ lcia E g er gC l g orl f nnM cai l dEetcl ni ei o ee n H c a r n n l
Vo . 8 № . 11 6
NO 2 0 V. 01
奥 巴马获 胜演 说 的认 同理 论修 辞 分 析
王旭 东
( 河南机 电高等专科学校 外语 系, 河南 新 乡4 30 ) 5 0 0 摘要 :借鉴西方修 辞学家肯尼斯 ・ 克的认 同理论 , 伯 以奥 巴马的获胜 演说作为研究语料 , 析演讲者从 内容 与形 分 式两个方面拉近与听众的距 离、 得认 同、 取 达到同体 , 促进合作 , 而实现其演讲 动机 , 从 完成其演讲 目的。
符号尤其是语言与听众取得“ 认同” 即像听众那样所 , 2 认同理论在奥 巴马获胜演讲 中的体现 思 、 说 、 行 。认 同是 伯 克新 修 辞 学 理 论 中 的 核心 所 所 内容 , 是 他 的 整 个 动 机 理 论 中 的 一 个 重 要 概 念 。 又 认 同来 源于修辞 语篇 的 内容和形 式 的互 动 , 而 因 “ 同” 自于 “ 质 ” sbtne 这 一 概 念 , 是 由 认 同策略可 以分 为 内容认 同 和形 式 认 同 两 大类 。演 认 来 物 (us c) a 人 对 误 各种 实质 或 特 性 构 成 的 , 括 有 形 的 物 质 、 业 、 讲者 在演说 过 程 中通 过 诉 诸 同情 认 同 、 立 认 同 、 包 职 朋 同时也通过传 友、 行为、 价值等。当我们与他人具有某种共 同特性 , 同等认同策略与其听众实现 内容认同; 我们就 取得 与他人 的认 同 “ 。 即 统形式、 重复形式 、 推进形式及次要形式与听众实现
奥巴马就职演说的评析篇一:奥巴马就职演说译文三个版本评析翻译学习:奥巴马就职演说译文三个版本评析 (1)中英对照:奥巴马就职演说全文 (4)奥巴马就职演说译文第二版本 (13)奥巴马就职演说译文第三版本 (15)翻译学习:奥巴马就职演说译文三个版本评析20XX年01月24日10:38沪江英语网我要评论(0)字号:T|T转播到腾讯微博奥巴马就职演说译文第一版本(中英双语)>>>奥巴马就职演说译文第二版本>>>奥巴马就职演说译文第三版本>>>可以说,三个版本的译文各有特色,第一版本全文翻译了奥巴马的演说辞,字斟句酌地翻译了原文的每一个词句。
例如:1.Thepatriotsof1776didnotfighttoreplacethetyrannyofakingwiththeprivile gesofafewortheruleofamob.1776年,美国的爱国先驱们不是只为了推翻国王的暴政而战,也不是为赢得少数人的特权,建立暴民的统治。
例如:2.we,thepeople,declaretodaythatthemostevidentoftruths–thatallofusarecreatedequal–isthestarthatguidesusstill;justasitguidedour forebearsthroughSenecaFalls,andSelma,andStonewall;justasitguidedalltho semenandwomen,sungandunsung,wholeftfootprintsalongthisgreatmall,toh earapreachersaythatwecannotwalkalone;tohearaKingproclaimthatourindividualfreedomisinextricablyboundtothefreedomofeverysoulonEarth.我们,人民,今天昭示的最明白的事实是——我们所有人都是生而平等的,这是依然引领我们的恒星。
追溯到 2004年,当时民主党的总统候选人还是马萨诸塞州参议员John Kerry,在一次民主党全国代表大会上,一位名不见经传的伊利诺斯州参议员发表了主题演讲。
•Were hungry for=want for
•But the remarks that have caused this recent firestorm weren’t simply controversial. (para.15)
• 流淌的血液是我们的血液,眼泪是我们的眼泪; 在这个阳光明媚的日子,这个黑人聚集的教堂, 再一次作为桥梁将一个民族的故事汇入未来的世 代和更大的世界
• church =vessel
• They are full of dancing, clapping, screaming and shouting that may seem jarring to the untrained ear (para20)
我既接受过美国的精英教育,也在世界上最 贫困的国家生活过
the best schools VS the world’s poorest nations.
•…, and that elevates what is wrong with America above all that we know is right with America; (para15)
•we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction(para6)
在确立主题方面,奥巴马采用反复强调的词汇手段,演讲开始他说:Tonight ,more than 200 years after a former colony wonthe right to determine its own destiny ,the task ofperfecting our union moves forward.It moves forward because of you.It moves forward because you reaffirmed the spirit …在此段演讲中奥巴马连续3次使用move forward ,之后反复提起,forward 一词总共说了9次,达到了强调的作用,使之演讲主题与首次的演讲主题密切关联起来,体现了一种承前启后的关系。
奥巴马首次竞选演讲的主题是:Change has come toAmerica。
奥巴马传奇演讲AMorePerfectUnion一个更完美的城邦中英对译第一篇:奥巴马传奇演讲A More Perfect Union一个更完美的城邦中英对译A More Perfect Union Remarks of Senator Barack Obama Philadelphia, PA | March 18, 2008 为了更完美的联邦巴拉克〃奥巴马2008年3月18日在美国宾夕法尼亚州费城的演讲海星译“We the people, in order to form a more perfect union.” “我们[美利坚合众国的]人民,为缔造一个更完美的联邦。
”Two hundred and twenty one years ago, in a hall that still stands across the street, a group of men gathered and, with these simple words, launched America's improbable experiment in democracy.Farmers and scholars;statesmen and patriots who had traveled across an ocean to escape tyranny and persecution finally made real their declaration of independence at a Philadelphia convention that lasted through the spring of 1787.221年前,一群人聚集在至今仍屹立在这条街上的市政厅里,用上述这样简洁的言语,发起了美利坚不可思议的民主实验。
You may think that there’s nothing for you t o l e a r n f r o m B a r a c k O b a m a’s speechmaking skills – that speaking to 200,000 people at Grant Park, Chicago is too far removed from the presentation you m i g h t g i v e t o y o u r s t a f f,t o y o u r management team or to potential clients. Here are six lessons you can learn from Obama’s acceptance speech at Grant Park.美国为这个时代选出了一位最厉害的政治演说家。
奥巴马是在芝加哥的格兰特公园,向20万人发表演说,而你要面对的人群是职员、管理团队和潜在客户,你也许觉得这两者根本就不搭调嘛!下面是6个根据奥巴马在格兰特公园发表的提名演讲总结出的演讲技巧, 可供您学学。
1. Know your audienceIt would have been easy for Obama to fall into the trap of talking to the 200,000 people before him in Grant Park. He didn’t. He spoke to Americans in their living rooms, he spoke to those who voted for McCain, he spoke to people watching him across the world – leaders and the poorest of the poor. He knew who his audience was.“And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.”2. Envelop your point in a storyThe long history of the campaign for civil rights in America made Obama’s election possible. Obama enveloped this point with the story of Anne Dixon Cooper, a 106 year old woman who was born the daughter of slaves, and has lived through the milestons of the civil rights movement.“She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn’t vote for two reasons — because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.”That’s far more emotionally engaging than giving us a history lesson.1、了解观众在格兰特公园面对着20万观众演讲,奥巴马很容易踩到地雷。
奥巴马演讲《A More Perfect Union》说服力分析共32页文档
6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
Thank you
奥巴马演讲《A More Perfect Union》 说服力分析
6、法律的基础有两个,而且只有两个……公平和实用。——伯克 7、有两种和平的暴力,那就是法律和礼节。——歌德
8、法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——亚里士多德 9、上帝把法律和公平凑合在一起,可是人类却把它拆开。——查·科尔顿 10、一切法律都是无用的,因为好人用不着它们,而坏人又不会因为它们而变得规矩起来。——德谟耶克斯
Antithesis 我们认为下述真理是不言 Parallelis gather to inaugurate a president, m 而喻的,人人生而平等。
men are created equal, that they are (指权利等)不 当我们每次聚在一起为总统举行就职典礼时,我们都 endowed by their 能剥夺的 Creator with certain 是在见证美国宪法的不朽力量。我们是在又一次立下 unalienable rights, 美 that among these 国民主的承诺。 我们重申,将这个国家紧密联系在一 are Life, Liberty, 起的不是我们的肤色,也不是我们信仰的教条,更不 and the pursuit of 是我们名字的来源。让我们与众不同,让我们成为美 Happiness.
今天,我们仍在继续这个永恒的征程,架起这些理 念与我们时代现实之间的桥梁。因为历史告诉我 们,即便这些真理是不言而喻的,它们也从来不 会自动生效。因为虽然自由是上帝赋予的礼物, 但仍需要世间的子民去捍卫。
We understand that outworn programs are inadequate to the needs of our and no Old-fashioned longer useful 过时的 time. We must harness new ideas and technology to remake our government, 利用 revamp our tax code, reform our improve schools, and empower our citizens with the skills, they Toneed give sb. to the work harder, 授权 higher. Alliteration learn more, andpower reach
奥巴马:一个更完美的联邦 a more perfect union【演讲背景】由于欧巴马的教会牧师朋友莱特被人拍下在布道时对白人极为仇视的种族主义言论,造成全美极大的震撼并致使奥巴马选情一度落后告急!各界纷纷要求欧巴马表态,而且民主党两大阵营也荒腔走板的面对媒体说出许多性别及种族的歧视言论,因此,欧巴马为力挽狂澜,选定在独立宣言议定的费城以美国独立宣言为主题来进行破题演讲,但实质上内文讲的却是美国的种族纷争和未来的走向。
从批评性话语分析角度解读奥巴马的总统选举获胜演讲一、本文概述本文旨在从批评性话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis, CDA)的角度,深入解读美国前总统奥巴马在总统选举获胜后发表的演讲。
二、批评性话语分析框架批评性话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis, CDA)是一种语言学分析方法,旨在揭示语言、权力和社会结构之间的关系。
关键 词 : 演说 词 ; 际 功 能 ; 篇 分析 人 语
中 图分 类 号 : 4 0 2 1 114 0
文献标识码 : A
文 章 编 号 :0 9 4 5 (0 90 - 0 1 - 0 10 - 48 2 0 )3 2 5 2
货物和劳务 , 由此就构成了四个言语功能 , 如表所示:
■—_■———————————————一 = — —
交 (给予 1 ) (需求 2 )
() a 消息 陈述 问题
④ 提供 命令
语篇 6的理 ’囡 三个纯理功能是系统功能语言学的核心, 斤 。” 即人
际功能、 概念功能和语篇功能, 它们为语篇分_提供了不同的角度。语 析 篇分析的目的‘ 是理解语篇表示什么(ht 不 w a) 意义, 而是说明对于受话 者来说语篇如何(。 ) hⅣ并且为什么( 表达所表达的意义, w 以及受话 者是如伺f 目以什么方式来评价语篇 ’3 并 。1 [m由此可见, 3 语篇分析的目的
包含两个层面。在较低层面上, 语篇分析不仅有助于对语篇的理解, 而
目 能帮助人们说明语篇是妍阿并 目 什么表达它所表达的意义; 为 在较 高层面 匕语篇分析能帮助^ , 们说明语篇在哪一方面 成功的, 在哪些 方酝 = 功的, I = 减 甚至是失败的。但是, “ 实现较高层面的 目标是 比较 困难的, 要求对语境以及语境与语篇之间的对应关系的理解”。] 因 r 3 】 而, 本文对奥巴马竞选总统获胜 词的语篇分析 目的在于分析涪篇 是如何并目为什么表达所表达意义的。
的一部分, 表达时态或情态的助
1. A More perfect unionThe title is taken from the Preamble to the constitution of the United States. The preamble runs like this: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. When the founding father wrote “to form a more perfect Union”they meant the U.S. established on the constitution would be a better state than those in the Old World (Europe). They were following the call of building “a City on the Hill.” But when Barack Obama used the phrase, the implication was that the current union was far from being perfect and it was the task of the American people to make it more perfect, to realize the goal set out in the constitution.2.“We the people, in order to from a more union.” (Para.1)Obama began the speech with a quote from the constitution for two purposes. One is to show where the title came from, the other is to appeal to the audience because, according to American political scientists, the American people worship the Constitution, regarding it as a sacred document like the Bible.3.Two hundred and 21 years ago….in democracy. (2)In 1787, in a hall opposite this meeting place on the other side of the street, 55 men gathered and worked out, after much debate and deliberation, the constitution.1)improbable: not likely to happen2)This sentence modeled on the beginning of the “Gettysburg Address”by Lincoln. Theaddress began with “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”3)In American history and American government, many scholars hold that the writing andimplementation of the Constitution is an experiment because it was the first written document initiating the beginning of the end of the concept of the divine right of kings. At that time the U.S. was small and weak. No one could be sure if it would survive or the experiment could succeed. Therefore you have “improbable experiment.”4.Farmers and scholars...that lasted through the (2)1.traveled across the ocean: referring to the early settlers, the Puritans who sailed across theAtlantic ocean2.made real their declaration of independence…:turned the concepts embodied in theDeclaration of Independence into articles in the Constitution.3.that lasted through the spring of 1787:The Constitutional Convention met in thePhiladelphia State House from May 25 to September 17, 1787; the Convention was attended by 55 delegates from 12 states. (Rhode Island declined to send delegates to the convention.)5. The document they produced …unfinished. (3)1) After much, sometimes heated, debate, the Constitution was finally adopted by theconvention. Of the 55 delegates only 39 signed. The convention provided that the new constitution would go into effect when ratifying conventions nine of the 13 states had approved it. In discussion, one issue that arose was the apportioning of seats in the House of Representatives according to population. The southern States wanted slaves to be included in the population total when allotting Congressional seats but left out in determining liability for direct taxation. The Northern States wanted slaves excluded from representation, since they were neither citizens nor voters, but included for tax purposes since they were a species ofproperty. The result was a compromise, the “three-fifths” clauses, whereby a slave was counted as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of both representation and direct taxation.2)eventual: happening at the end of ,or as a result of ,a series of events3) ultimate: by which a process or series comes to an end4) when Obama said the document they produced was eventually signed but ultimatelyunfinished he meant the Constitution was finally adopted by the convention and in June 1788 New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the constitution and later that year Virginia and New York also ratified the constitution and it went into effect. But since the problem of slavery was not solved, the process did not end until the civil war and the enactment of constitutional Amendments 14 (1868) and 15(1870).6. It was stained by …to future generations.(3)1).Stain: to spoil the appearance by patches or streaks of color or dirt, to bring shame upon (someone’s character, reputation, ) to disgrace; to dishonor2. original sin: According to the Bible, the sin of having eaten the forbidden fruit committed by Adam and Eve, is traditionally viewed as transmitted in its essential guilt and consequent penalties from Adam as head of the human race to all unredeemed humanity. 原罪3) During the War of independence, the British announced that freedom would be given to those slaves left their masters and went over to the British side. Seventeen of the slaves owned by George Washington also deserted him and fled to the British side. So the slave issue was a serious issue at the Constitutional Convention.In the end, the Constitution in Article One Section Two point 3 states that Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. And in Article one Section Nine Point 1, the Constitution says “The migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight…” As a result, South Carolina and Georgia imported 90,000 new slaves in the 20 years before 1808.7. Of course, the answer…. That could be and should over time. (4)1) embed: Originally it means to set (flowers, etc.) in earth; here it means to fix firmly in the mind, memory, etc. To be embedded within our Constitution means to be set or included in the Constitution.2) It may be correct to say the ideal of liberty and justice in the constitution makes it possible for the resolution of the slave issue, but the constitution itself does not provide any solution. Otherwise it would not take a civil War,, a very destructive war, to put an end to a slavery system. And there would be no necessity for constitutional Amendments 14 and 15 and Civil rights of 1964 and the V oting rights Act of 1965.3) Note the parallel structure of “a constitution that…”“a constitution that…”a union that for emphasis.Also not the use of modal auxiliaries: “could” and “should.”“ could” indicates possibility and “should” denotes obligation or desirability.8. and yet words on …as citizens of US. (5)And yet the Constitution or any law is not enough to set the slaves free or to five people of different origins or beliefs in the United States equal rights. Obama is referring to the fact that black slaves were not legally greed until after the Civil War and women did not have voting rights until1921.1)words on a parchment: referring to the constitution which is the first written constitutionin the world; the idea may come from the Dead Sea Scroll discovered between 1947 and 1956 which were considered to be written between 3rd century B.C. and 1st century A.D.Obama meant that any law or agreement or treaty, if it is not enforced, is of no value.2)Creed; any set of beliefs or principles.3)Every color and creed: people of different ethnicities and beliefs, especially religionsbeliefs; color and creed: alliteration9. What would be needed… and reality of their time. (5)Only through struggles in different forms did generation after generation of Americans succeed in bringing the rights promised in the constitution to people of different sex, color or belief.1)Who were willing to do their par t: Not all Americans in different periods of Americanhistory would struggle for the goal, only some who had the awareness and determination would take part in the struggle. This is exemplified by the Civil Rights Movement and the feminist movement.2)On the street, in the courts, through a civil war: Not the use of prepositions to avoidthe repetition of the preposition of in.3)To narrow that gap between the promise of our ideals and the reality of their tim e:This is an important concept. Many Americans believe the founding fathers had worked out an ideal model and the current problems and drawbacks exist because Americans have not followed the guidance of the founding fathers. All they need to do is to go back to the founding principles.In “I have a dream,” Martin King said, “ In a sense we’ve come to our nations capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir, This note was a promise that all men_yes, black men as well as white men should be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”10. the function of the first 5 paragraphs: They serve as a background leading to Obama’s campaign in 2008. Obama starts with a quotation from the constitution, bringing out the idea of “a more perfect union.” Then he moves on to describe the birth of the Constitution and points out hat because of the compromise on the slavery issue, the process of perfecting the union did not stop there. In the course of history, generations of Americans have struggled hard to narrow the gap between promise and reality and to perfect the union. Then in Para. 6 he points out this is one of the tasks he set forth at the beginning of this campaign. A smooth transition is thus achieved.11. this was one of the tasks… and more American. (6)Obama, through such description of his intention to run for presidency, put himself on the moral high ground. His running was not out of personal interests, not out of desire for power but out of a wish to make America better, and this is a continuation of a long march for a noble goal.Note that the concepts of “a long march”and “to make America better”are often found in presidential rhetoric. In 1910, Theodore Roosevelt, in the presidential campaign, had this to say, “we came here today to commemorate one of the epoch-making events os the long struggle for the rights of man ---the long struggle for the uplift of humanity.12. I chose to run for the president… and our grandchildren. (6)1) at this moment in history: Obama meant that this was a critical moment in history because America was experiencing two wars (the Iraq War and Afghan War) and an economic recession.2) The parallel structure of “unless..unless” and the antithesis are effective in bringing out the idea of unity.3) Note the choice of words: not “come from the same place”but “move in the same direction.”13. This was one of the tasks…. And more prosperous American. (6)This is the topic sentence of 6. The theme of his whole speech is also embodied in para 6. 14. Function of Para 7: Para 6, a long para, is followed by a short one of two lines. This is for emphasis.15. This belief… of the American people. (7)1) unyielding: not bending easily, inflexible2) unyielding faith: firm, unquestioning belief3)Obama used “the American people” instead of the people or “my people” to stress his family background which would come in the next para. Because of his family background, he could see the qualities of the American people more clearly.16. But it also comes from my own story. (7)Obama’s story consists of two parts. One is his ethnic background: black father, white mother, white maternal grandparents, Asian stepfather. The other is his experience: best school in Hawaii, Columbia University and Harward Law School. He taught law at the university of Chicago Law School for 12 years. He was elected to the U.S, Senate in 2004. This part is an “American Dream”idealized. His life and experience is a success of a non-white in American society, showing that the “American Dream” is still alive. This personal story will appeal to many potential voters because this is still a myth which many Americans believe in.17. I was raised…while he was overseas. (8)1) survived the Depression: lived through the 1929 depression2) to serve in Patton’s Army: The grandfather was in Europe in world War 2. fighting under General Patton, noted for his courage, dash and commanding skill18. I’ve gone to …the world’s poorest nations. (8):This is an example of antithesis :the best school and the poorest nation. This is bring out his rich experience in life. Another contrast is the blood of slaves and slave owners.19. I have brother.. even possible.I will never forget that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible. I can become what I am only in America and I am grateful and will never forget this.Hue: use to indicate modification of a basic color.20. It’s a story that hasn’t made …candidate.(9)I did well in the US so people would think I would be for the status quo. I would be happy with where I am. But no, I wanted change.Conventional: conforming to formal or accepted standards or rules rather than nature.21. but it is a story....we are truly one (9)My life experience has infused deeply in me the concept that in spite of the fact that we are different in race, ethnicity, political view, religious belief, we are united because we have shared belief---the American creed.1)sear: to brand with a hot iron2)genetic makeup: natural constitution3)seared into my genetic makeup: to be deeply ingrained in me4)this nation is more than the sum of its parts: the US is not just adding all the states or allthe elements together, when the pars are melted or fused into whole, its power or influence ismuch greater.5)Out of many, we are truly one: the phrase echoes the Three Musketeers cry:” out of manywe are one.”It is the English translation of the Latin phrase: E pluribus unum, which was found in 1776 on the seal of the US and formally adopted by an Act of Congress in 1782. the original phrase if “Out of many ,One.” Obama adopts it into “out of many, we are truly one.”22. throughout he first year of this campaign… this unity. (10)When Obama first announced his intent of running for Democratic candidate for presidency, public media said the United States was not ready to have a black president and Obama would fail in the campaign. However, his campaign gained momentum which proved that ordinary Americ ans overlooked the issued of color and were eager for unity and change.1)against all predictions to the contrary: in spite of all announcements saying thatObama would not succeed2)hungry: the word is used metaphorically, meaning craving, eager.3)How hungry.. message of unity: the American people were eager to support acandidate who advocated unity and change.23. Despite the temptation… in the country. (10)In the campaign, three issues were often raise by his opponents to terrify ordinary Americans: Obama was not a native-born American, he was black and would give privileges to blacks and he was Muslim, not Christian. But the campaign so far proved if we insisted on the message of unity, many Americans white Americans, conservative Americans would support this idea.1)purely racial lens: in terms of race and color2)commanding: very large3)whitest populations: referring to the white people loving in the Southern States, who aremore racially biased, more conservative; these states, since the 1980s, were states supporting the Republican Party.24. In South Carolina… white Americans..(10)South Carolina was one of the confederate states in the civil war, In 1962, the confederate battle flag of the “Southern Cross” was placed on top of the South Carolina statehouse by vote of the all-white legislature. It was not until 1 July 2000 that the flag was removed from the south Carolina Statehouse.25. This is not to say that race… in this campaign. (11)This statement serves as a correction and a change, leading to the discussion of race.26. We saw racial tensions bubble to the surface… primary.Before the Democratic selection for candidates to the national convention in south Carolina, racial tension which seemed insubstantial in the past became a boiling issue.27. the press has scoured… but black and brown as well.1) scour: to search thoroughly2) The press had checked or run over polls of people who had just voted to find evidence of people dividing into two opposing groups.3) brown: referring to people of black and white origin, like Obama.28. And yet, it has only been in the last… divisive turn. (12)This one sentence para serves as a further turn of the discussion. From this paragraph on, Obama took up the issue of his former pastor’s incendiary language on race, and made his position clear.29. On one end of the …on the cheap. (13).At one end of the wide range of opinions, there are people who say that I decided to run becauseI wanted to show black and white should have equal opportunity and I wanted to play on the desires of naive liberals in achieving racial harmony without making a great effort.1)spectrum: a continuous range or entire extent2)wide-eyed liberals: naive or unsophisticated people who favor liberalism3)on the cheap: at very little cost4)Note how Obama presented the case. He did not just raise Reverend Wright’s case. He putit in a conflict of two opposing views, two extremes. The implication may be Wright was not the only one who took a wrong position yet he was picked out because of this relations with Obama.30. On he other end… and black alike. (13)Obama considers Wright wrong because his views and the language he used in expressing his views, will not only widen the gap between the blacks and the whites but are attacks on the basic nature of America as a nation, so his words cause the anger and condemnation of both white and black.1)former: indicating Obama’s relationship with Wright has ended2)racial divide: divisions between races3)the greatness and the goodness. Example of alliteration4)that rightly offend white and black alik e: Note the choice of words: rightly and whiteand black alike, indicating that the anger is justified and is shared by white and black, so it is not a matter of race.31. I have already …and in some cases pain.When Reverend Wright’s statements were broadcasted in the news stations in early March, Obama’s relations with his former pastor were repeatedly brought up. This would very negatively affect his campaign. So in one statement he condemned such statements in clear and unambiguous words.In unequivocal terms: in words that express a clear and unambiguous attitude.32. For some, nagging questions remain. (14).For some people, such condemnation seems not enough. They still have doubts which trouble them.Nagging. Causing continuous discomfort; troubling33. Did I... absolutely (14)Three parallel questions beginning with “Did I”and three definite answers of “of course, ““yes”and “absolutely”are used here to address the doubts in people’s minds. His affirmative answers show he is not avoiding straight answers. He has nothing to hide.34. …just as I’m sure… strongly disagreed.At the end of his answers, he brings in the experience of the audience, saying that they may have similar experiences so this is not unique to Obama. He also carefully mentions pastors, priests, or rabbis, referring to different churches of the Judeo-Christian tradition.35. but the remarks that have cause… controversial..(15)1) firestorm: a strong, often violent, outburst, disturbance2) controversial:stiring up disputes36. they weren’t simply…perceived injustice.1) Not the use of “not simply” in the two sentences, forming a parallel structure, to be followed by a contrast through the use of “instead,” to achieve emphasis.2) perceived injustic e: acts that are perceived as injustice37. Instead.. they ..radical Islam.:When Obama accused Wright of distortion, he raised two points. One is Wright thought America embraced white racism. The other is the cause of the conflict in the Middle East lies with Israel, not radical Islam. He thought Wright was wrong on both points.1)the parallel structure. A distorted view, a view that sees…; a view that sees…2) a view that sees white racism as endemic: a view that considers white racism as aninseparable part of America3)elevate: to lift up. Raise4)that elevates…right with America: to put white racism which we all consider to be wrongas characteristic of America, leaving out all good characteristics which we associate with America.5)in the actions of stalwart allies.. radical Islam: Note the contrast and choice of words.Actions and ideologies and the description of “perverse” and “hateful” ideologies. The was of presenting the idea brings out he position of Obama.6)In the United States, in discussing the conflict of the Middle East, criticizing Israel ispolitically incorrect. This if the result of popular sympathy for the victims of the Holocaust, and of the economic power of Jewish Americans and the work of Jewish interest groups.American elites want to curry favor with Israel and the Jewish interest groups in America.It is particularly so in an election year.38. As such… that confront us all. (16).Obama pointed out in the previous para why Wright’s statements were wrong. In this para he stressed t he point that these statements were divisive, especially when unity was called for.1)racially charged: to be filled or loaded with racial bias2)monumental: great, colossal3)Latino: a usually Spanish-speaking person of Latin American birth or descent who livesin the US39. given my background… are not enough.Given: taken as premise2) professed: openly declared40. and I confess that … in much the same way. (17)If Reverend Wright were the person represented by the repeatedly shown scraps of sermons, if the Trinity United Church of Christ were the one sold to the pulic by some commentators, I woud have long deserted them. In this part, Obama wanted to show what was on the television sets and YouTube was not all, not even the major side of Reverend Wright. There was another side, an important side, of the pastor which was not shown to the public.1)snippet: a small piece, scarp, or portion, specifically of information2)loop: a segment of film or magnetic tape jointed end to end to form a continuous strip forendless repetition3)the subjunctive mood of the sentence shows that this is not the case4)peddle: to circulate(ideas), often used with mild contempt41. But the truth is. That I know of the man. (18)In this para, Obama points out that the above-mentioned problems are one side of Reverend Wright. There is another side, a positive side, to the man. And he goes on to talk about this side. The framing of the statement is very important. The use of “isn’t all” and “I know of “ limits the scope of his evaluation of the person. The phrase “isn’t all” concedes what has been said about Wright is true but not the whole truth and “I now of “limits the following evaluation to his personal experience and observation.42. The man I met… to those suffering from. AIDs. (18)In this part, Obama mentions the things Reverend Wright taught him and Wright’s services to the country. Parallel structures are used in this para., e.g. the man I met, a man, a man, (He is) a man; (He is a man) who served, who has studied and lectured, who…led a church; by housing…ministering… providing…reaching out.1)minister: to give help to2)ministry: the function or service of a religious minister43. “people began t o….we coud start t orebuild. (19)The description of Obama’s first experience at Trinity is typical of sermons and responses of the pastors and congregations at black churches. The stories of survival, freedom and hope are repeated. The shouting, crying, stamping, clapping and singing are common scenes. This can be seen in news reels and films. The Bible stories are often used to relate the struggles of the blacks with the struggles as recorded in the Bible. And the whole para is written in ha highly rhetorical style. This again is typical of writings by black pastors. You would find this in many of Martin Luther King” writings.44. I heard something else…of dry bones. (19)Obama is linking the particular scene with the experience and history of the black people, with the heroic stories in the Bible. The black people were not alone, they were a part of a greater struggle, a struggle for realizing god’s teaching.45. Those stories.. into a larger world.The history , the struggle, the spirit became part of me and the church served as a carrier to pass this on to future generations and to spread it to the world beyond the black community.Vessel(bible) a person thought of as being the receiver or repository of some spirit or influence 46. our trials and … and wit hwhich we start to rebuild.In recalling the hardship and suffering and the successes and victories which the black people had gone through but were not limited to the black people, we were filled with confidence and did not need to feel ashamed of the past. The past is food for study fro all people and a starting point for the building of a bright future.47. Like other predominantly black churches… and the gangbanger.(20)Trinity embraces all types of people into the community, the doctor and women living on government aid, good kids and kids who went astray in the past. A contrast is used to indicate different kinds of people: man, woman, educated, uneducated, good, former criminal Gang-banger: a member of a street gang, particularly a man who is part of a group of men who rape women.48. Like other black churches….bawdy humor.1) This is a parallel structure for emphasis, pointing out the similarities of black churches.2) raucou s: loud and rough-sounding3) bawdy: coarse4) The use of “raucous laughter”and “bawdy humor”gives the idea that the group at the religious ceremony are ordinary people, but natural, full of life and down to earth.49. The yare full of… to the untrained ear.People who are not familiar with such practices may find the services too noisy, too rowdy. 50. The church contains in full .. in America.The device of antithesis is employed wit ha number of contrasts. The contrasts are used to show the two sides of the experiences of the blacks in America.1)fierce intelligence: people who are very well-informed and intensely bright2)shocking ignorance: people who are distressingly lack of knowledge3)yes: agreement51. Para 19 and 20: Para 19 and 20 answer the question about the nature of Trinity United Church of Christ. Obama points bout the Trinity, like other black churches, is an embodiment of black history, black experience, black people in the community, the embodiment of complex contradictions. It is impossible to use “good”or “bad”to describe it. And this part of American reality.52. And this helps …has served fro so many years. (21)In this para, Obama deals with two things. One is Reverend Wright’s relations with him and his family. The other is the complexity of Wright’s character.1)as imperfect as he may be: Obama does not use the statement “as imperfect as he is”because he is not so sure Wright is that imperfect and his personal contact with Wright does not convince him Wright is so imperfect. This is a statement of concession.2)Officiated at my wedding: performed the function of a pastor at Obama”s wedding3)In derogatory terms: use words to disparage or belittle53. he contains within him.. for so many years.Wright’ fault is also the fault of the community he works for. A combination of opposites exists in him as well as in the black community.54. I can no more disown him… the black community.It is impossible for me to cast him off just as it is impossible for me to repudiate the black community.Disown: cast off, repudiate55. I can no more disown … that made me cringe.The same applies to my white grandmother who helped raise me, who loves me yet who is biased against blacks.Cringe: to shrink from sth dangerous or painful56. these people are part of me.This is a summing up of Obama’s attitude. He can condemn Wright’s recent statements in unequivocal terms but he cannot disown Wright or the Trinity Church because there is another side to the man, the good sides the man, because Wright is not just an individual but a typical example of the embodiment of contradiction , of good and bad, of the black community. This is the reality of American. Obama is correct in such analysis and it takes a man of his background and his experience to see the issue in this light. It also takes a man of courage to put it this way, especially in an election year.57. we can dismiss… some deep-seated bias. (24)We can condemn Wright as being odd or eccentric and then reject him and put him out of mind just as some have done with Geraldine Ferraro.1)dismiss: to put out of one’ mind, to reject as lacking in importance or value2)crank: a person who has odd, stubborn notions about something; eccentric3)demagogue: a person who tries to stir up the people by appealing to emotion, prejudice,etc. in order to win them over quickly and so gain power58. but race is an issue that I …to ignore right now.(25)Obama is trying to bring people’s attention to the issue of race,. It goes beyond statements by Wright and the firestorm that followed. The use of the word “afford” means if we ignore the issue, the consequences will be serious.59. We would be making the ..distorts reality.。
奥巴马演讲《A More Perfect Union》说服力分析[课资类别]
• To appeal to logic and evoke a rational response, a speaker often uses more theoretical or abstract language that includes historical analogies, factual data and statistics, quotations from experts and authorities, and informed opinions.
Concrete Analysis
What persuasion methods are applied in this speech? Logos, pathos, ethos
Logos ['lɔɡos]
Logos is commonly called the logical appeal. It is the appeal to logic and reason.
help balck and white people alike in real life - the issues reflect the complexities of race that needs to be worked through)
课堂内(3容) An example of Ashley Baia (as a white woman, she organizes a mostly African-Amecican communi1t3y )
• 1. logos = logical arguments (logical appeal) • 2. pathos = the emotion awakened by the speaker in an audience (emotional appeal) • 3. ethos = the character of the speaker (ethical appeal)
奥巴马就职演说中运用头韵的句子有:1)witholdfriendsandformerfoes,wewillworktirelesslytolessenthe nuclearthreat?(对于老朋友和老对手,我们将不遗余力地继续削弱核威胁?)2)weareshapedbyeverylanguageandculture,drawnfromeveryendofthisearth.(我们民族的成长受到许多语言和文化的影响,我们吸取了这个地球上任何一个角落的有益成分.)运用尾韵的句子有:1)Homeshavebeenlost;jobsshed;businessshuttered.(我们的人民正失去家园,失去工作,企业要倒闭。
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Definition of Persuasion
• Persuasion is an umbrella term of influence. • Persuasion can attempt to influence a person's beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations or
• 1. Facts (anecdote, examples)
In most cases, facts are perceived to be more objective than opinions and can therefore carry more persuasive force (Corbett, 1990:127).
signed but ultimately unfinished. It was stained by this nation's original sin of slavery, whose
final resolution was left to future generations.” 5“What would be needed were Americans in
• 2. Quotations • Quoting from authorities will make the language of one's speech more convincing. • to justify a point of view or action, to back up one's ideas, to strengthen credibility
Persuasion Methods —— Robert Cialdini
• Robert Cialdini, in Influence, his book on persuasion, defined six “influence cues or weapons of influence”.
• 1. Reciprocity (when offered a free service or gift, repay in kind) • 2. Commitment and consistency • 3. Social proof (the power of the crowd) • 4. Likeness (tend to say yes to people that they like —— physical attractiveness /other traits/ similarity) • 5. Authority (an expert, some authority figures) • 6. Scarcity (people want more of what they cannot have)
• To appeal to logic and evoke a rational response, a speaker often uses more theoretical or abstract language that includes historical analogies, factual data and statistics, quotations from experts and authorities, and informed opinions.
• In this speech? • —— to call on all Americans to join hands
Methods —— various standards of classification
Some persuasion methods? What are applied in this speech?
• eg.(I 1) “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union.”
Coersive techniques
brain washing coersive persuation force mind control torture
03 Aids to persuasion
body language communication skill or rhetoric sales techniques
Concrete Analysis
What persuasion methods are applied in this speech? Logos, pathos, ethos
Logos ['lɔɡos]
Logos is commonly called the logical appeal. It is the appeal to logic and reason.
Persuasion in Public Speaking
• Public speaking is deliberately structured with three general purposes: to inform, to persuade and to entertain.
help balck and white people alike in real life - the issues reflect the complexities of race that needs to be worked through)
(3) An example of Ashley Baia (as a white woman, she organizes a mostly African-Amecican community )
1. definition of persuasion 2. persuasion methods 3. concrete analysis 4. conclusion
What is persuasion? What is the goal of persuasion?
(I 2) “Two hundred and twenty-one years ago, a group of men gathered and launched America's
impropable experiment in democracy.” 3“The document they produced was eventually
Lists of Methods —— wikipedia
By appeal to reason
logic logical argument rhetoric scientific evidence (proof) scentific method
04 Other techniques
“A more perfect union”
Some questions and preconceptions
• What is persuasion? • What is the goal of persuasion (especially in this speech)? • What methods did the speaker Obama apply to persuade the audience? • Did Obama successfully achieve his persuasion goals?
—— Gass, Robert H. Seiter, John S. (2010). Persuasion, social influence, and compliance gaining (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. p. 33.
• Application areas: • In business, persuasion is a process aimed at changing a person's (or a group's) attitude or behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other person(s), by using written, spoken words or visual tools to convey information, feelings, or reasoning, or a combination thereof. • In the pursuit of personal gain, such as election campaigning, giving a sales pitch, or in trial advocacy.
• Persuasion is the use of appeals to reasons, values, and emotions to persuade the audience to think or act in a particular way.
• Its ultimate goal is basic, but difficult —— to convince the audience to internalize the speakers' argument, then embrace it as a part of their core belief system.
—— source: wikipedia
Persuasion methods —— Aristotle
• Aristotle and his treatise Rhetoric