



全国外科学考博试题总结名词解释:1.高钾血症;2.心脏按摩;3.中心静脉压;4.非少尿型急性肾功能衰竭;5.呼吸性酸中毒;6.肠源性感染;7.脓毒症(sepsis);8.Superinfection;9.ARDS;10.过继免疫疗法;11.CARS12.GVHR;13.SIADH;14.基因诊断;15.条件性感染;16.SIADH;17.SIRS;18. 预存式自体输血;19.休克抑制期;20. 痈;21.海绵状血管瘤;22.负氮平衡;23. 脑再灌注损伤;24.中厚皮片;25. 脓血症26.烧伤面积的中国九分法;27.systemic inflammatory response syndrome ;28.功能性细胞外液;29.心肺复苏;30.MSOF;31.ARF;32.ARDS;33.ICU;34.休克指数;35.MODS;36.条件感染;37.载体和重组质粒;38.MAC;39.导向复苏40.精准医疗论述题:1、较广泛的或剧烈的创伤性炎症对机体可引起哪些不利影响?(10 分)2、成人呼吸窘迫综合症的临床表现和分期(15 分)。

3.输血适应症4.外科抗菌药应用原则5.理想手术切口应具备的条件6.肾替代疗法应达到的指标7.DIC 的临床表现8.创伤治愈的分期、处理原则9.理想的肿瘤标志物应具备的特点10. 肾在体内酸碱平衡调节的机制11. 肠外营养的适应证和并发症12. 自体输血的方式和禁忌证13.试述肠内营养适应证14.试述自体输血的适应证与禁忌症15.分输血的种类和适应症16.肠源性感染的发病机制17.代谢性酸中毒的分型及常见原因18.创伤的检查与诊断步骤(13)19.脑复苏的现代观念及主要方法20.灭菌与消毒有何区别?21.高钾血症的原因和诊断处理?22.肠外营养有哪些常见并发症如何处理23.简述外科如何选择和使用抗菌药物?24..创伤后组织修复分几个阶段?简述其修复过程?25.创伤后组织修复过程分为哪几个阶段?各阶段的主要特点是什么?26.试述肿瘤浸润与转移过程中的相关因素?27.试述创伤的代谢变化及其临床意义?28.溶血反应的发病机理及病理变化?29.感染性休克病理生理变化过程中血流动力学改变有何特征?治疗要点是什么?30.全胃肠外营养的并发症31..肠细菌移位的发生机制32.腹部外科术后心力衰竭的紧急处理,应从哪些方面着手?33.有哪些腹部外科疾病与病毒感染有关?如何预防和治疗。



2016年Passage oneParents are on a journey of discovery with each child whose temperament, biology, and sleep habits result in a unique sleep-wake pattern. It can be frustrating when children’s sleep habits do not conform to the household schedule. Helping the child develop good sleep habits in childhood takes time and parental attention, but it will have beneficial results throughout life. An understanding of the changing patterns of the typical sleep-wake cycle in children will help alleviate any unfounded concerns.Maintaining a sleep diary for each child will provide the parents with baseline information in assessing the nature and severity of childhood sleep problems.observant patents will come to recognize unusual sleep disruptions or those that persist or intensify.一对父母发表了一篇关于孩子的性情(temperament:predisposition)、生理以及睡眠习惯会导致不一样睡眠-觉醒模式。



























(B)Kallmann 氏症候群患者大部分是因为Y染色体长臂上之基因缺损引起。



(E)男性不育症患者若有Y染色体上AZFa 或AZFb整段缺损,则睪丸取精术的成功率明显降低。


(A)Paroxetine(帕罗西丁)(B)Fluoxetine.(氟西汀,百忧解)(C)Sertraline.(舍曲林)(D)Clomipramine.(氯丙咪嗪)(E)Imipramine.(丙咪嗪)5、睪丸切除是否会降低血液中总睾酮、游离睾酮或雌二醇的含量,下列叙述何者正确?(A)只有总睾酮减少(B)总睾酮和游离睾酮减少(C)总睾酮和雌二醇减少(D)游离睾酮和雌二醇减少(E)总睾酮、游离睾酮及雌二醇均减少6、下列何种药物会抑制阴茎勃起?(A)Nitroglycerin(硝酸甘油)(B)Imipramine (丙咪嗪)(C)Guanethidine (胍乙啶)(D)Phenoxy benzamine (苯氧基苯扎明)(E)Sildenafil(西地那非)7、长期肾衰竭的病人引起不育,请问下列何者不是其生殖功能异常的表现?(A)Gynecomastia(男子女性型乳房)(B)Hypogonadism (性腺机能减退)(C)FSH及LH降低(D)性欲降低(E)Oligospermia (性腺机能减退)8、电刺激射精可以使脊椎受伤的病人排出精液,以进行人工生殖。



医学考博英语试题及答案一、词汇与语法(共20分,每题1分)1. The new drug is reported to be effective in treating_______.A. hypertensionB. hypotensionC. hyperactivityD. hypoactivity答案:A2. The patient's condition has been stable since the _______ of the medication.A. administrationB. admissionC. communicationD. commutation答案:A3. The doctor advised the patient to avoid _______ foods.A. allergenicB. allergicC. allergenD. allergy答案:A4. The _______ of the surgery was successful, but thepatient's recovery was slow.A. executionB. implementationC. performanceD. operation答案:D5. The _______ of the disease is influenced by genetic factors.A. progressionB. regressionC. transmissionD. transition答案:A二、阅读理解(共30分,每篇5分)Passage 1Recent studies have shown that a balanced diet can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. Experts recommend consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. It is also important to limit the intake of salt, sugar, and saturated fats.5. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of a balanced dietB. The role of fruits and vegetables in heart healthC. The dangers of salt, sugar, and saturated fatsD. The benefits of lean proteins and healthy fats答案:A6. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT recommended for heart health?A. Consuming a variety of fruits and vegetablesB. Eating whole grainsC. Limiting the intake of salt and sugarD. Eating large amounts of saturated fats答案:DPassage 2The use of electronic health records (EHRs) has increased significantly in recent years. EHRs provide a comprehensive view of a patient's medical history, which can improve the quality of care. However, the implementation of EHRs also presents challenges, such as ensuring data privacy and security.7. What is the main advantage of EHRs mentioned in the passage?A. They provide a complete medical historyB. They improve patient-doctor communicationC. They reduce medical errorsD. They lower healthcare costs答案:A8. What challenge is associated with the use of EHRs?A. Ensuring data privacy and securityB. Training medical staff to use the systemC. Maintaining the hardware for the systemD. Complying with legal regulations答案:A三、完形填空(共20分,每题2分)In recent years, telemedicine has become increasingly popular as a means of providing medical care to patients in remoteareas. This approach allows doctors to consult with patients via video conference, 9. which can save both time and money. Telemedicine can also 10. provide access to specialized care that may not be available locally.9. A. therebyB. moreoverC. howeverD. otherwise答案:A10. A. potentiallyB. actuallyC. certainlyD. occasionally答案:A四、翻译(共30分,每题15分)将下列句子从英文翻译成中文。



医学考博--普外专业真题系列资料第三军医大学2013年外科专业基础之人体解剖真题名词解释:胸骨角纵隔膜迷路动脉韧带肺段简答脑屏障的主要特点喉的结构,运动及功能的关系胆汁的产生,排出的主要特点问答皮质核束的主要特点内脏传导通路的主要特点迷走神经的主要特点腰丛的主要特点2013年中山大学外科学博士外科学试题(骨科部分)一、必答题:1.糖皮质激素运用于治疗感染性休克的机制是什么?2.胃癌腹腔镜治疗的禁忌症?3、黑色素瘤的临床特点?4. 糖尿病术前重点评估指标和围手术期血糖处理原则?5. AFP,CEA,PSA,CA199,CA125的中文名称是什么?用于检测什么肿瘤?6.防止术后伤口裂开的预防措施有哪些?7、先天性胆总管扩张的分型?8、食管静脉曲张的非手术治疗措施?喷门周围血管离断术为什么能治疗此疾病?9、低渗性缺水的病因?2013年南方医科大学外科学专业普通外科学真题(绝对真实)第一部分外科学总论(共28分)一、名词解释(每题2分,共8分)1、痈2、SIRS3、三期愈合4、急性肾衰竭二、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1、无菌术是什么,有何内容,灭菌和消毒的区别2、代谢性酸中毒的治疗原则3、肠外营养的指征4、肿瘤共同的临床表现三、问答题(共6题,每题8分,选答4题)1、腹主动脉瘤的五大症状?2、腹部损伤行损伤控制性手术的三个阶段?3、腹腔间隔室综合征的五大减压措施或手段?4、腹股沟直疝与腹股沟斜疝手术中唯一鉴别的解剖学基础?5、腹腔镜胆囊切除术的术后并发症?6、多吉美(索拉菲尼)治疗原发性肝癌的原理?四、论述题(共4题,选答两题,每题20分)1、急性乳腺炎的发病机制?如何治疗?2、原发性腹膜炎发生的细菌入侵四大途径?并举例说明。



考试科目:肿瘤学(外科) 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。 一、名词解释 CRM 二、简答题 1.肝癌大小分类 2.胆囊息肉手术指证 3.胃癌分期的检查方法 4.Siewert分型 5.结直肠癌微创治疗2015年研究热点 6.直肠癌分型 7.微转移定义及腋窝淋巴结处理 8.乳腺癌易感基因 9.乳腺术后假体重建禁忌症 三、简答论述题 1.全胃切除消化道重建方式及手术操作要点。 2.左侧右侧结肠癌伴急性肠梗阻处理原则。 3.乳腺癌术后并发症的判定和处理。
第1页 共1页



1 什么是无菌术?无菌术的内容包括那些?答:无菌术是针对微生物及感染途径所采取的一系列预防措施。


2 什么是等渗性缺水?常见病因有哪些?答:等渗性缺水又称急性缺水或混合性缺水,此时水和钠成比例地丧失,因此血清钠仍在正常范围,细胞外液的渗透压也保持正常。






5 低钾血症时,静脉补钾的注意事项有哪些?答:①浓度的限制,输液中含钾量低于40mmol/L;②输液速度的限制,输入钾量小于20 mmol/h ;③休克病人应尽快恢复血容量,待尿量大于40 ml/h后,再静脉补钾。



7 高钾血症时如何治疗?答:⑴停用一切含钾的药物或溶液。





考博外科学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不是外科手术的基本原则?A. 无菌操作B. 无创原则C. 快速切除D. 保护组织2. 外科手术中,以下哪项不是常用的止血方法?A. 压迫止血B. 电凝止血C. 药物止血D. 物理止血3. 以下哪种情况不适合进行手术治疗?A. 急性阑尾炎B. 慢性胆囊炎C. 严重营养不良D. 早期乳腺癌4. 外科手术中,以下哪项不是术后并发症?A. 感染B. 出血C. 疼痛D. 血栓形成5. 以下哪项是腹腔镜手术的优点?A. 切口大B. 恢复快C. 视野差D. 并发症多6. 以下哪项是外科手术前的常规准备?A. 禁食禁水B. 立即手术C. 无需体检D. 无需心理辅导7. 以下哪种麻醉方式适用于短小手术?A. 全身麻醉B. 局部麻醉C. 椎管内麻醉D. 神经阻滞麻醉8. 以下哪项是外科手术中常见的感染类型?A. 细菌性感染B. 真菌性感染C. 病毒性感染D. 寄生虫感染9. 以下哪项是外科手术中常见的并发症?A. 心律失常B. 肾功能衰竭C. 肺栓塞D. 以上都是10. 以下哪项是外科手术中的无菌操作原则?A. 无菌区域与非无菌区域分离B. 手术器械随意摆放C. 手术人员可以随意进出手术室D. 手术人员可以不戴口罩答案:1-5 C, D, C, D, B;6-10 A, B, A, D, A二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述外科手术前的基本准备流程。


2. 请列举三种常见的外科手术并发症,并简要说明其预防措施。



3. 描述腹腔镜手术与传统开腹手术的主要区别。




医学博士英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is the most common cause of death in patients with heart failure?A. Heart attackB. Kidney failureC. Respiratory failureD. Sepsis答案:C2. The primary function of the liver is to:A. Produce bileB. Regulate blood sugar levelsC. Filter bloodD. Produce hormones答案:A3. In medical terminology, "icterus" refers to:A. JaundiceB. HematuriaC. DyspneaD. Edema答案:A4. The term "neuropathy" is most closely associated withwhich system of the body?A. Musculoskeletal systemB. Nervous systemC. Cardiovascular systemD. Respiratory system答案:B5. Which of the following is a risk factor for developing diabetes?A. High blood pressureB. Family history of diabetesC. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B答案:C6. The abbreviation "MRI" stands for:A. Magnetic Resonance ImagingB. Myocardial Reperfusion ImagingC. Metabolic Rate ImagingD. Mitochondrial Respiratory Index答案:A7. A patient with a diagnosis of "pneumonia" is most likely to exhibit which symptom?A. CoughB. DiarrheaC. RashD. Headache答案:A8. The "HIV" in medical terminology stands for:A. Human Immunodeficiency VirusB. Hepatitis Infection VirusC. Hemophiliac Infection VirusD. Hypertension Infection Virus答案:A9. Which of the following is a type of cancer that originates in the blood?A. LeukemiaB. MelanomaC. Lung cancerD. Breast cancer答案:A10. The "ICU" in a hospital setting refers to:A. Intensive Care UnitB. Inpatient Care UnitC. Imaging Control UnitD. Infection Control Unit答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The medical term for inflammation of the heart muscle is ________.答案:cardiomyopathy2. A(n) ________ is a medical professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, and throat.答案:otolaryngologist3. The process of removing waste products from the body is known as ________.答案:excretion4. A(n) ________ is a type of cancer that originates in the prostate gland.答案:prostate cancer5. The abbreviation "CT" stands for ________.答案:computed tomography6. A patient with a diagnosis of ________ is experiencing difficulty in breathing.答案:asthma7. The medical term for the surgical removal of the appendix is ________.答案:appendectomy8. A(n) ________ is a medical condition characterized by high blood pressure.答案:hypertension9. The abbreviation "MRI" stands for ________.答案:magnetic resonance imaging10. The term "diabetes" refers to a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high blood ________ levels.答案:glucose三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. Explain the difference between a "benign" tumor and a "malignant" tumor.答案:A benign tumor is a growth that does not invade nearby tissue or spread to other parts of the body. It is generally not life-threatening and can often be removed surgically. In contrast, a malignant tumor is cancerous, meaning it can invade and destroy surrounding tissues and spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems, posing a significant health risk.2. What is the role of the spleen in the human body?答案:The spleen is an important organ in the immune system, primarily responsible for filtering blood and removing damaged cells and bacteria. It also plays a role in the production of white blood cells and the storage of platelets and red blood cells. Additionally, the spleen helps in the recycling of iron from old red blood cells.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. Discuss the importance of a balanced diet in maintaining good health.答案:A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining good health as it provides the body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals required for optimal functioning. Ithelps in maintaining a healthy weight, supports the immune system, promotes proper growth and development, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. A balanced diet typically includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, while。



注意:本答案非华慧考博官网出,完整参考答案请及时关注《华慧医学考博英语一本通》2016医博英语考试听力部分答案Listening Comprehension (30%)Section A1. B. At three next Wednesday.2. B. A piercing pain.3. A. He is going to get married.4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more.5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him.6. B. It's wise to be prepared.7. B. He is a trouble-maker.8. D. $309. C. Work out in the gym.10. B. 23211. A. Mary isn't his type.12. A. Play tennis.13. C. In the hospital.14. A. She is seriously ill.15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady.Section BDialogue16. A. A duodenal ulcer.17. B. Try medical means.18. A. Overweight.19. C. He is a heavy smoker.20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks.Passage One21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity.22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men.23. B. In their 60s and 70s.24. D. Iron.25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity.Passage Two26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty.27. B. He is an investment advisor.28. D. Fear.29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing.30. C. Where there is a will, there is a way.2016医学考博英语Vocabulary参考答案Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirections:In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D, are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31. Employers have a legal obligation to pay _______ to their workers for injuries.A. compensationB. compromiseC. commodityD. consumptionKey: A32. The argument between the two patients became so fierce that the doctor had to _________.A. alleviateB. aggravateC. extinguishD. interveneKey: D33. But despite all the legal hustle and bus tle, they don’t actually expect to _______ death sentences to life terms without parole.A. induceB. convertC. reviveD. swerveKey: B34. To maintain physical well-being, a person should eat _______ food and get sufficient exercise.A. integralB. grossC. wholesomeD. intactKey: C35. The Central Government’s pledge to maintain the ______ and stability of Hong Kong at all costs is a great encouragement to the local finance.A. provisionB. prosperityC. privilegeD. preferenceKey: B36. It is pointed out that patients must be reassured that “their lives will not be ______ asa result of bed shortages.”A. facilitated B. forfeited C. fulfilled D. furnishedKey: B37. The cause of his death has been a mystery and _______ unknown so far.A. exclusivelyB. superficiallyC. utterlyD. doubtfullyKey: C38. It is known that some ways of using resources _______ can destroy the environment as well as the people living in it.A. recklesslyB. sparinglyC. sensiblyD. incrediblyKey: A39. Cholera is a preventable waterborne bacterial infection that is spread through ______ water.A. filteredB. distilledC. contaminatedD. purifiedKey: C40. We welcome him not ____________ as a new broom but rather as a very old friend.A. by the wayB. at all eventsC. by no meansD. in any senseKey: C2016医学考博英语阅读参考答案Part IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage One61. To have a journey of discovery witheach child, according to the passage, is_____________.A. to discover their unique sleep-wakecycles62. In the first paragraph, the authorsuggests that parents ____________.D. keep a diary on sleep pattern for theirchil63. When there exists a “marker” in the child according to the passage, __________.A. it might lead to his or her earlysubstance use64. What is the author trying to tell us inthethird paragraph?B. Sometimes parents need to seek professionalassistance.65. What is the main idea of the passage?C. Parents’ role in building their child’shealthy sleeping habit.Passage Two66. The study's results indicated_____________.A. health disparities between English andAmerican senior citizens67. Which of the following is uniquehealth-care challenge for English senior citizens when compared with theirAmerican counterparts?A. higher death rate.68. What does James Smith imply by anAmerican plate?C. large portion of food consumed byAmericans.69. The Americans' unique health-carechallenge, according to James Smith, is derived form ______________.D. their unhealthy lifestyle factors70. Even though it is much more aggressive,the American medicine __________.B. benefits more seniors who needmedicalcare.Passage Three71. The current PIK study ___________.B. was based on the global land-use models72. As the PIK results imply, it ispossible ____________.D. to return to the emission levels around199573. Simply put, to produce and consume lessmeat and dairy is to __________.A. to reduce more methane and nitrous oxideemissions74. The greenhouse gas pie tellsus__________.C. the priorities in the environmentalprotection75. What can be the best title forthepassage?D. Diet for a Healthier PlanetPassage Four76. What can be said of Henry?C. His life was improved with telehealth.77. Henry activates his daily healthmanagement __________.B. By getting hooked up to themonitoringdevices78. As one of the pioneering patients,Henry __________.A. receives the most benefitsfromtelehealth79. What is the most important about thetelehealth technology in the case of Henry?D. His condition can be kept undercontinuous surveillance at home.80. Thanks to the telehealth technologyHenry knows for sure his blood oxygen level, thus __________.C. getting hospitalized in no timePassage Five81. Rappaport argues that a major threat toour human health __________.A. lies in our exposome82. What can be said of the exposomeaccording to Rappaport?D. Changeable.83. Speaking of genes, Rappaport wouldsaythat __________.B. there is no such a thing aspredictivemedicine.84. Even though we cannot pinpoint theexact impact of environmental influences. Wild contends that __________.C. each of us leaves a unique exposurehistory in the environment85. Particularly important, according toNicholson, is the time when __________.C. the exposome comes inPassage Six86. The author cries for a changein____________.D. global science publishing87. According to the author, the lowinternational recognition and impact of scientists in the developing countriescan be attributed to __________.C. their limited publications in globalindexing databases88. The survey conducted by Tijssenjustified the author's view that __________.D. most scientists in developing countriesremain marginalized in global science publishing89. To address the current situation, theauthor argues that it is imperative that __________.D. quality and quantity be desired in thelocal journals90. Which of the following can be the besttitle for the passage?C. Globalizing Science Publishing全国医学考博英语作文讲的是全科医生的缺乏和对策首先讲医疗发展了,人们对医疗的需求加大,但是全科医生缺乏。



A. 硝酸甘油
B. 阿司匹林
C. 美托洛尔
D. 卡托普利
A. 流感病毒
B. 结核杆菌
C. 肺炎链球菌
D. 柯萨奇病毒
A. 常常由于冠状动脉阻塞引起
B. 症状包括胸痛、呼吸困难等
C. 可以通过心电图和心肌酶检测诊断
D. 治疗方法主要是溶栓和手术治疗,药物治疗无效
A. 流感
B. 疟疾
C. 糖尿病
D. 类风湿性关节炎
A. X线胸片
B. 腹部B超
C. 血液生化检查
D. 肺部CT扫描
A. 艾滋病是一种可以通过空气传播的疾病
B. 艾滋病病毒主要攻击人体的呼吸系统
C. 艾滋病病毒可以通过血液、性接触和母婴传播
D. 目前已有完全治愈艾滋病的药物
A. 抑制细菌生长
B. 杀灭细菌
C. 治疗病毒感染
D. 预防细菌感染
A. 利尿剂
B. 胰岛素
C. 他汀类药物
D. 抗生素。



Part II Vocabulary(10%)Section ADirections:In this section all the sentences are incomplete.Four words or phrases,marked A,B,C and D,are given beneath each of them.You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Then,mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31.Employers have a legal obligation to pay_______to their workers forpensation promise modity D.consumptionKey:A32.The argument between the two patients became so fierce that the doctor had to_________.A.alleviateB.aggravateC.extinguishD.interveneKey:D33.But despite all the legal hustle and bustle,they don’t actually expect to_______death sentences to life terms without parole.A.induceB.convertC.reviveD.swerve Key:B34.To maintain physical well-being,a person should eat_______food and get sufficient exercise.A.integral B.gross C.wholesome D.intactKey:C35.The Central Government’s pledge to maintain the______and stability of Hong Kong at all costs is a great encouragement to the local finance.A.provisionB.prosperityC.privilegeD.preferenceKey:B36.It is pointed out that patients must be reassured that“their lives will not be______as a result of bed shortages.”A.facilitatedB.forfeitedC.fulfilledD.furnished Key:B37.The cause of his death has been a mystery and_______unknown so far.A.exclusivelyB.superficiallyC.utterlyD.doubtfully Key:C38.It is known that some ways of using resources_______can destroy the environment as well as the people living in it.A.recklesslyB.sparinglyC.sensiblyD.incrediblyKey:A39.Cholera is a preventable waterborne bacterial infection that is spread through______ water.A.filtered B.distilled C.contaminated D.purifiedKey:C40.We welcome him not____________as a new broom but rather as a very old friend.A.by the wayB.at all eventsC.by no meansD.in any senseKey:C2016医博英语考试阅读理解答案如下:Part IV Reading Comprehension(30%)Passage One61.To have a journey of discovery witheach child,according to the passage,is_____________.A.to discover their unique sleep-wakecycles62.In the first paragraph,the authorsuggests that parents____________.D.keep a diary on sleep pattern for theirchild63.When there exists a“marker”in thechild,according to the passage,__________.A.it might lead to his or her earlysubstance use64.What is the author trying to tell us inthe third paragraph?B.Sometimes parents need to seek professionalassistance.65.What is the main idea of the passage?C.Parents’role in building their child’shealthy sleeping habit.Passage Two66.The study's results indicated_____________.A.health disparities between English andAmerican senior citizens67.Which of the following is uniquehealth-care challenge for English senior citizens when compared with theirAmerican counterparts?A.A higher death rate.68.What does James Smith imply by anAmerican plate?C.A large portion of food consumed byAmericans.69.The Americans'unique health-carechallenge,according to James Smith,is derived form______________.D.their unhealthy lifestyle factors70.Even though it is much more aggressive,the American medicine__________.B.benefits more seniors who need medicalcare.Passage Three71.The current PIK study___________.B.was based on the global land-use models72.As the PIK results imply,it ispossible____________.D.to return to the emission levels around199573.Simply put,to produce and consume lessmeat and dairy is to__________.A.to reduce more methane and nitrous oxideemissions74.The greenhouse gas pie tells us__________.C.the priorities in the environmentalprotection75.What can be the best title for thepassage?D.Diet for a Healthier PlanetPassage Four76.What can be said of Henry?C.His life was improved with telehealth.77.Henry activates his daily healthmanagement__________.B.By getting hooked up to the monitoringdevices78.As one of the pioneering patients,Henry__________.A.receives the most benefits fromtelehealth79.What is the most important about thetelehealth technology in the case of Henry?D.His condition can be kept undercontinuous surveillance at home.80.Thanks to the telehealth technology,Henry knows for sure his blood oxygen level,thus__________.C.getting hospitalized in no timePassage Five81.Rappaport argues that a major threat toour human health__________.A.lies in our exposome82.What can be said of the exposomeaccording to Rappaport?D.Changeable.83.Speaking of genes,Rappaport would saythat__________.B.there is no such a thing as predictivemedicine.84.Even though we cannot pinpoint theexact impact of environmental influences.Wild contends that__________.C.each of us leaves a unique exposurehistory in the environment85.Particularly important,according toNicholson,is the time when__________.C.the exposome comes inPassage Six86.The author cries for a change in____________.D.global science publishing87.According to the author,the lowinternational recognition and impact of scientists in the developing countriescan be attributed to__________.C.their limited publications in globalindexing databases88.The survey conducted by Tijssenjustified the author's view that__________.D.most scientists in developing countriesremain marginalized in global science publishing89.To address the current situation,theauthor argues that it is imperative that__________.D.quality and quantity be desired in thelocal journals90.Which of the following can be the besttitle for the passage?C.Globalizing Science Publishing。



外科学考博试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 外科感染中最常见的致病菌是:A. 金黄色葡萄球菌B. 大肠杆菌C. 肺炎链球菌D. 真菌答案:A2. 以下哪项不是外科手术的基本原则?A. 无菌原则B. 无创原则C. 快速原则D. 安全原则答案:C3. 以下哪项是开放性骨折的特点?A. 骨折端不与外界相通B. 骨折端与外界相通C. 骨折线完全在皮肤下D. 骨折线完全在骨髓内答案:B4. 急性阑尾炎最典型的临床表现是:A. 腹痛B. 恶心呕吐C. 右下腹固定压痛D. 发热答案:C5. 以下哪项是乳腺癌的高危因素?A. 长期吸烟B. 长期饮酒C. 家族遗传史D. 长期素食答案:C二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述外科手术切口的分类及其特点。





2. 描述急性胆囊炎的诊断要点。


3. 解释何为“无菌技术”及其在外科手术中的重要性。




三、论述题(每题25分,共50分)1. 论述外科手术前的准备要点。


2016-医学 考博试题

2016-医学 考博试题

2016协和医学院病理学真题回忆一、名词解释6分×8题:①metaplasia、②opsonin、③Tetralogy of Fallot、④Zollinger-Ellison综合征、⑤tubercle、⑥chloroma、⑦MEN、⑧Verocay小体二、单选1分×30题急性普通性肝炎的镜下改变胰腺癌早期转移途径痰涂片检出率最高的肺癌类型食管癌好发部位:中段>下段>上段猝死好发于:缺血性心脏病or心律失常风湿性心脏病赘生物好发于哪个瓣膜哪个部位病例题:葡萄胎?恶性葡萄胎?子宫内膜癌?葡萄胎的特点B细胞淋巴瘤乳头血性溢液:导管内乳头状瘤Negri bodies:狂犬病毒形成的包涵体三、简答8分×4题:1.溃结和克罗恩病区别2.风湿病对心脏的影响3.子宫内膜癌I型与II型区别4.胃肠胰神经内分泌瘤定义,其分级和免疫组化的意义以及病理报告包括啥四、问答20分×2题:1.中年女性,低分化胃癌,伴有阴道出血2月,查体及超声显示双侧卵巢大,子宫不大,CEA高。








2016年医学博士外语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PartⅢCloze 6. PartⅣReading Comprehension 7. PartⅤWritingSection A听力原文:M: Can I see the doctor soon?W: Of course. How about next Monday? There’s a slot available at 10 in the morning. M: I’m afraid I’m working at 10. Is there anything available after 3?W: Let me see. Not on Monday, but we have a 3 o’clock opening next Wednesday. Would you like to come in then? M: No problem. Thank you. Q: When is the man scheduled to see the doctor?1.A.At ten next Wednesday.B.At three next Wednesday.C.At ten next Monday.D.At three next Monday.正确答案:B解析:时间细节题。

护士跟男病人确认了最后的时间是next Wednesday的三点。

听力原文:W: What kind of pain is it? Can you describe the pain? M: It’s terrible, like a knife stabbing me. Q: What kind of pain is the man suffering from?2.A.A dull pain.B.A piercing pain.C.A burning pain.D.A numb pain.正确答案:B解析:细节题。




以下是一份外科学考博试题库及答案,供参考:一、选择题1. 以下哪项不是外科手术的基本原则?A. 无菌原则B. 无创原则C. 快速原则D. 安全原则答案:C2. 外科手术中,下列哪项不是无菌操作的基本要求?A. 穿戴无菌手术衣和手套B. 保持手术区域的清洁C. 手术器械直接接触患者皮肤D. 手术室内保持空气流通答案:C3. 以下哪项是外科手术中常见的并发症?A. 术后出血B. 术后感染C. 术后肺栓塞D. 所有选项都是答案:D二、简答题1. 简述外科手术的无菌技术的重要性。



2. 描述外科手术中的麻醉方法有哪些,并简要说明其特点。



三、论述题1. 论述外科手术中止血的重要性及其常用方法。









博士外科试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 以下哪个选项不是开放性伤口的特点?A. 伤口边缘不整齐B. 伤口内组织损伤严重C. 伤口表面有异物D. 伤口边缘整齐答案:D2. 以下哪个选项是腹腔镜手术的主要优点?A. 手术创伤小B. 手术费用低C. 术后恢复慢D. 术中视野狭窄答案:A3. 以下哪个选项不是腹部外伤的常见症状?A. 腹痛B. 呕吐C. 腹泻D. 腹部压痛答案:C4. 以下哪个选项是阑尾炎的典型临床表现?A. 右下腹痛B. 左下腹痛C. 右上腹痛D. 左上腹痛答案:A5. 以下哪个选项是甲状腺癌的常见症状?A. 甲状腺肿大B. 甲状腺结节C. 甲状腺功能亢进D. 甲状腺功能减退答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些是肠梗阻的常见原因?A. 肠套叠B. 肠扭转C. 肠粘连D. 肠壁肿瘤答案:ABCD2. 以下哪些是胆囊结石的常见症状?A. 右上腹痛B. 黄疸C. 恶心呕吐D. 右下腹痛答案:ABC3. 以下哪些是胃癌的高危因素?A. 长期不良饮食习惯B. 幽门螺杆菌感染C. 家族遗传史D. 长期吸烟答案:ABCD4. 以下哪些是颅内压增高的常见症状?A. 头痛B. 呕吐C. 视力下降D. 意识障碍答案:ABD5. 以下哪些是乳腺炎的常见症状?A. 乳房红肿B. 乳房肿块C. 乳房疼痛D. 乳房溢液答案:AC三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述急性阑尾炎的典型临床表现。


2. 描述一下甲状腺癌的诊断方法。


3. 简述肠梗阻的常见治疗方法。


4. 描述一下颅内压增高的急救措施。


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攻 读 博 士 学 位 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 试 卷
第1页 共1页
2016 年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试题
考试科目:外科学(普外) 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。 一、名词解释 acs alpps calot 三角 renoyld 五联征 notes pppd opsi pnet eras fnh 二、画画题 1.乳腺 Cooper 韧带 2.胰十二指肠切除术的 child 吻合 3.肝门胆管癌 bismuth 分型 4.肝 Couinaud 分段法 5.右侧喉返神经损伤的声带图 三、简答题 1.布加综合征的分型 2.左右半结肠癌的临床表现异同 3.急性重症胰腺炎的处理原则 4.慢性便秘的原因 5.阑尾炎术后并发症 四、论述题 1.论述原发性肝癌的治疗。
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