
a result of, for the reason that 让步关系: though, although, even if, even though,
in spite of the fact that
递进关系:what’s more, in addition, furthermore
on the one hand …on the other hand, 条件关系:if, unless, as long as, on condition that …
flowers are many buildings of different
styles. A stream runs through our
school and you always see everything
reflected in the water. Our school is
just like a garden.
Topic paragraph Supporting Paragraph 1 Supporting Paragraph 2 Supporting Paragraph 3
Concluding paragraph
Topic paragraph (Introduction paragraph) General statement
时间先后:first, then, later, in the end, eventually,
since then, after a while 转折关系:but, however, on the contrary, nevertheless
高中英语书信作文 PPT课件 图文

1. 发出请求或建议
I hope you can take this matter into consideration. I would appreciate it if you could deal with it as soon as possible. I suggest/recommend that…
谢谢! 学妹给我打电话,说她又换工作了,这次是销售。电话里,她絮絮叨叨说着一年多来工作上的不如意,她说工作一点都不开心,找不到半点成就感。 末了,她问我:学姐,为什么想 找一份 自己热 爱的工 作这么 难呢? 我问她上一份工作干了多久,她 说不到 三个月 ,做的 还是行 政助理 的工作 ,工作 内容枯 燥乏味 不说, 还特别 容易得 罪人, 实在不 是自己 的理想 型。 我又问了她前几份工作辞职的原 因,结 果都是 大同小 异,不 是因为 工作乏 味,就 是同事 不好相 处,再 者就是 薪水太 低,发 展前景 堪忧。 粗略估计,这姑娘毕业不到一年 ,工作 却已经 换了四 五份, 还跨了 三个行 业。 但即使如此频繁的跳槽,她也仍 然没有 找不到 自己满 意的工 作。 2 我问她,心目中理想型的工作是 什么样 子的。 她说, 姐,你 知道苏 明玉吗 ?就是 《都挺 好》电 视剧里 的女老 大,我 就喜欢 她样子 的工作 ,有挑 战有成 就感, 有钱有 权,生 活自由 ,如果 给我那 样的工 作,我 会投入 我全部 的热情 。 听她说完,我尴尬的笑了笑。 其实每一个人都向往这样的成功 ,但这 姑娘却 本末倒 置了, 并不是 有了钱 有了权 有了成 就以后 才全力 以赴的 工作, 而是全 力以赴 工作, 投入了 自己的 全部以 后,才 有了地 位名望 钱财。 你要先投入,才会有收获,当你 真正投 入做一 件事后 ,会明 白两件 事:首 先你会 明白, 把

文字要简短明了,避免使用大段文 字。
字体颜色要与背景色形成对比,避 免看不清。
记叙文:注意叙事顺序,情节曲折,人物塑造 议论文:论点明确,论据充分,论证严密 说明文:抓住事物特征,条理清晰,语言准确 应用文:格式规范,语言得体,内容符合要求
逐句分析,提炼句式、词汇 和表达方式
总结范文写作技巧,引导学 生掌握写作要领
字体大小:根据幻灯片布局和观众距离调整,确保清晰易读 字体颜色:与背景色形成对比,突出重点内容,避免使用刺眼颜色 文字排版:遵循简洁明了原则,避免文字堆积和混乱布局 文字数量:精简文字内容,突出重点,避免过多文字干扰观众理解
文字与图片结合,增加视觉冲击力 图片选择要符合主题,清晰度高 图片与文字排版要简洁明了,易于理解 色彩搭配要合理,避免过于花哨或单调
回顾本节课所学的 单词和短语。
复习本节课所学的 语法和句型。
强调本节课的重点 和难点。
总结本节课所学的 写作技巧和方法。
作业内容:根据本节课所学内容,写一篇80-100词的英语作文。 作业要求:认真审题,结合本节课所学知识,注意语法和单词的拼写,书写工整。 上交时间:下节课上课前提交,逾期不候。 奖励机制:对完成出色的同学进行表扬和奖励。
高中英语写作指导课 PPT课件 图文

Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。
Where there is a will, there is a way . 有志者 , 事竟成。
All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。
Action speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩
第三组: Lately (最近);to start with (首先) In order to (为了); then (然后) Anyway (无论如何); however(然而) All in all (总之) ;finally(最后) 第四组: As a result (结果)therefore(最后) In fact (事实上);unfortunately(不幸福地) Beside (除此); for example (例如) Firstly (首先);recently(最近)
Writing Class
Warming up
考考反应力: 随着音乐拍手跺脚,老师说turn left ,同学就
turn right;老师说turn right,同学就turn left; 老师说turn round,同学就just stand ;老师 说raise you right hand ,同学就raise left hand ;老师说raise your left hand ,同学就 raise right hand;。
2. will a is there there where , way a is
Where there is a will, there is a way . 有志者 , 事竟成。
3. Rome roads to lead all All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 4. louder speak than words action Action speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩 5. impossible to a
高中英语记叙文写作 教学课件(共40张PPT)

meeting to discuss it.
8. It is reported that the river has been polluted (污染).
9. She tried to remind (提醒) us not to throw rubbish anywhere.
10. We can breathe fresh (新鲜的) air and enjoy ourselves.
Last Sunday, we had a picnic in a mountain near our school.
Spring is coming. let’s have a picnic.
What can we eat?
What are they cooking, fish or pork?
When our monitor suggested having a picnic , we were all pleased.
4) 我们带了各种食品和饮料。 bring /bring…with… kinds of/all kinds of/various/a variety of/varieties of food and drinks We brought all kinds of food and drinks.
Li Hai told such a funny story that we couldn’t help laughing.
6) 赵娟在跳舞时摔了一跤。 dance fall/have a fall Zhao Juan fell when she danced.
Zhao Juan had a fall when she danced.
8. It is reported that the river has been polluted (污染).
9. She tried to remind (提醒) us not to throw rubbish anywhere.
10. We can breathe fresh (新鲜的) air and enjoy ourselves.
Last Sunday, we had a picnic in a mountain near our school.
Spring is coming. let’s have a picnic.
What can we eat?
What are they cooking, fish or pork?
When our monitor suggested having a picnic , we were all pleased.
4) 我们带了各种食品和饮料。 bring /bring…with… kinds of/all kinds of/various/a variety of/varieties of food and drinks We brought all kinds of food and drinks.
Li Hai told such a funny story that we couldn’t help laughing.
6) 赵娟在跳舞时摔了一跤。 dance fall/have a fall Zhao Juan fell when she danced.
Zhao Juan had a fall when she danced.

2) It may bring about severe unpredicted consequence.
3)It does us much harm// It is harmful to us.// It is bad for us.
4) It brings more harm than good to us.
they benefit people’s health greatly by giving them due physical exercise.
From what has been mentioned above, we have good
reason to believe that the bike will soon become people’s
English Writing
细化写作 化繁为简
1)There are three reasons for this.
2)The reasons for this can be listed as
3 ) The reason for this is obvious .
近年来,人们的生活发生了翻天覆地的 变化。电脑在今天已经进入寻常百姓家,请 简单阐述其原因。
Three reasons may account for the
changes that have taken place in our
life.First of all,people’s living
While I admit that it is sometimes inconvenient for one to go on a long trip by bike, bicycles still have more advantages than disadvantages, compared with cars. There are several reasons accounting for my opinion.

句子1 翻译
句1:学生会将要举办一次英语演讲比赛。目的: 增长环保知识和提高英语口语。主题:“保护环 境, 节约能源”。
The Students’ Union is going to organize an English-speaking contest to increase our knowledge about the environment and iTmhperothveem适更oue当加riss调顺:p“o整畅PkreonteEcnt goluisrhe.nvironment and save our energy”.
英语作文写作 What makes
a good essay?
1. 话题词汇、短语错误 积累少
2. 词汇、短语、句型贫乏
3. 句子语法错误
4. 连贯性差
1.取悦评卷人: 有清晰的整体脉络, 有自然的段间衔接. 经典的用词用句, 有整齐美观的书写. 2.经典的用句: 感叹句,倒装、强调、虚拟、省略句、定 语从句,名词性从句,名人名言。
学生会 _T_h_e_S_t_u_d_e_n_ts’ Union
参加 __ta_k_e_p_a_r_t_in_/_p_a_r_ti_cipate in
保护 _p_r_o_te_c_t_(v_t_) protection(n)
环境 _e_n_v_ir_o_n_m__en_t__(n_)_e_n_v_ir_o_n_m_e_n_t_a_l _(_a_dj)
中文没有主语 时:要补充主 语再翻译。
句子4、5 翻译
句4: 奖项:3个一等奖, 6个二等奖和12个三等奖。
句子1 翻译
句1:学生会将要举办一次英语演讲比赛。目的: 增长环保知识和提高英语口语。主题:“保护环 境, 节约能源”。
The Students’ Union is going to organize an English-speaking contest to increase our knowledge about the environment and iTmhperothveem适更oue当加riss调顺:p“o整畅PkreonteEcnt goluisrhe.nvironment and save our energy”.
英语作文写作 What makes
a good essay?
1. 话题词汇、短语错误 积累少
2. 词汇、短语、句型贫乏
3. 句子语法错误
4. 连贯性差
1.取悦评卷人: 有清晰的整体脉络, 有自然的段间衔接. 经典的用词用句, 有整齐美观的书写. 2.经典的用句: 感叹句,倒装、强调、虚拟、省略句、定 语从句,名词性从句,名人名言。
学生会 _T_h_e_S_t_u_d_e_n_ts’ Union
参加 __ta_k_e_p_a_r_t_in_/_p_a_r_ti_cipate in
保护 _p_r_o_te_c_t_(v_t_) protection(n)
环境 _e_n_v_ir_o_n_m__en_t__(n_)_e_n_v_ir_o_n_m_e_n_t_a_l _(_a_dj)
中文没有主语 时:要补充主 语再翻译。
句子4、5 翻译
句4: 奖项:3个一等奖, 6个二等奖和12个三等奖。

famous for
Located in the North America, Canada is the second largest country in the world,larger than the United States. It covers a total area of 9.98 million square kilometers with a population of about 35 million in 2013. It is mainly a cold country in winter, where temperature falls below freezing point throughout most of the area with only the south western coast having a relatively mild climate. Its capital is Ottawa and Toronto is one of the largest cities. Much of the country is covered by forests, so this country is rich in forestry . Also well known for its fishing and wildlife, Canada attracts the tourists from all over the world to enjoy its charming scenery. 划出介绍地点时常用的词句
高分作文要求:(1)书写美观,卷面整洁; (2)信息内容完整,句子结构; (3)篇章结构连贯。
高中英语作文讲解 PPT课件(共59张)

I’m very pleased to tell you the changes in my life since our homework has reduced. Before that, learning during the day was very simple. Having class and doing homework was the only thing we should do. In the evening, we also had a lot of homework to do. We could not go to bed until 11:30. Nevertheless, since reducing the learning load, my life has become much more interesting. I often visit museums and computer rooms and draw pictures in my spare time. In the evening, I also have time to watch TV and read newspapers. I no longer stay up late; on the contrary, I go to bed at about 10 pm. In short, I am quite satisfied with my life now.
简要内容 介绍减负前后变化 公园是否该收门票 介绍住房信息 介绍才艺大赛
时态 综合 现在 现在 现在 将来 现在 现在 现在
2005 表格
2006 提纲 2007 提纲 2008 提纲 2009 提纲
书信记叙 说明
高中英语作文 PPT课件 图文

• Reason 1:高考临近,没有心情玩
• Sentence pattern: • They say/believe/hold the opinion… that…. • Eg: They say that with college entrance
examination drawing near, they don’t feel like going anywhere.
that…,since it tends to…,which is unfavorable to … Most students, about 65%, are for the idea that Senior 3 students should go spring outing.
Reason1:接触大自然,呼吸新鲜空 气,有利健康
Which composition feels more attractive, why?
影响给分的因素之二: 文中所采用的语言材料
A. 词汇的选择灵活新颖,出奇制胜; B. 句型结构运用灵活多变;
Conclusion: 小段总结,进一步亮 明观点,前后呼应。
• Eg: They think it will do good to their students.
• Point 2:35%的学生认为不应该 春游(亮明观点)
• 注意:使用过渡句,自然衔接句子和段落 (承上启下)
• Sentence pattern:
A.总起: Opinions are divided on this question. Different people hold different / opposite opinions. People have taken/adopted different attitudes
高中英语写作课说课(获奖) PPT 课件

• Ending
Work in groups of two, each designing
a writing task -a letter of inquiry and asking the other to finish it.
回答问题,故用词要fea礼tu貌re、s 恳of切th,e 且助无都Pofu论应Drp对该eos方事siDge是先insc否表us愿示siSn意感liaiengmctq或谢ttiieluva能。rierrsi够yttoihefb提isny供karts
Work in groups of four
Structure/lexi cal chunks
Ability: 1)Writing skill/ 2) Solve problems with English
11 ATded YaocurhTeixnt g materials 2 Students
3 Teaching methods 4 Procedures
Part 3
wish for an early reply
The ending
Group work
1. Work in groups of four. One of you acts as a recorder.
2. Find out the lexical chunks(词 块)in the three letters .

常用的连词有or , either…or…..,otherwise, or else(否则), 等连接.如:
Either you are mad or I am. You must go early, otherwise you will miss the bus.
Will he still be there or will he have gone away? Take this bus or else you won’t get there in time.
She is a student. He has become an engineer.
It tastes sweet.
His face goes red.
注意:系动词除了be 动词外,还包括become, turn, look, seem, appear, sound, taste, smell, remain, prove, keep, fall.
并列句:由并列连词把两个或两个以上的简单句 连在一起的句子叫做并列句。
He helps me and I help him. He not only gave us a lot of advice , but also helped us to study English.
注意:不同的并列连词表示并列分句之间的不同关系, 根据并列分句之间的关系不同,并列分句可以分为四种。
Once, she teached in India for many years . In 1950, she set up the Missionaries of charity to help the poor in Calcutta. She devoted to help the poor 、 the patiences、the homeless persons and the dead persons. Because of those, in 1979, she got the Nobel peace prize in 1997. she died in India.

It provides a comprehensive guide to help students develop their writing ability, including essay writing, letter writing, and other practical writing tasks
It is important to understand the basic rules of English grammar, such as subject verb agreement, use of positions, and correct placement of commands PowerPoint presentations can break down these rules into easy to understand slides with examples and exercises to help students master them
Argumentative Writing: Practice and Feedback
Applied Writing
Applied Writing
Applied Writing
Applied Writing
Letters and Emails
Resumes and Cover Letters
The courseware uses a variety of examples and practical exercises to make learning more interesting and effective
It is important to understand the basic rules of English grammar, such as subject verb agreement, use of positions, and correct placement of commands PowerPoint presentations can break down these rules into easy to understand slides with examples and exercises to help students master them
Argumentative Writing: Practice and Feedback
Applied Writing
Applied Writing
Applied Writing
Applied Writing
Letters and Emails
Resumes and Cover Letters
The courseware uses a variety of examples and practical exercises to make learning more interesting and effective

What is a good writing?
Content: everything needed included which is related to your view.(内容要完整)
Structure: * Good beginning and ending(好的开头结尾)
next to our natural resources. 4) I fleofrtgot my dictionary at home. 5) It will tcaokste us much money to buy one.
I∧t built in the 1980s. was
Since the program of reducing learning load was
introduced, my life, however, has become much more
interesting. I frequently pay a visit to museums, drop
Before that, I was often exhausted at weekends. I
attended school and had classes the whole day. In the
evening,I was often forced to do my boring
homework and I could not go to bed until 11:30.
besides; However ; because ; Therefore
What is a good writing?
Content: everything needed included which is related to your view.(内容要完整)
Structure: * Good beginning and ending(好的开头结尾)
next to our natural resources. 4) I fleofrtgot my dictionary at home. 5) It will tcaokste us much money to buy one.
I∧t built in the 1980s. was
Since the program of reducing learning load was
introduced, my life, however, has become much more
interesting. I frequently pay a visit to museums, drop
Before that, I was often exhausted at weekends. I
attended school and had classes the whole day. In the
evening,I was often forced to do my boring
homework and I could not go to bed until 11:30.
besides; However ; because ; Therefore

Para.1: The 29th Olympic Games were hosted in Beijing with a great success. I hear you are collecting some advice on how to make the best of the stadiums. I would like to contribute the following suggestions to you.
结尾 信息5 总结,意愿……
In my opinion/ as far as I am concerned../from my point of view
I. would appreciate… I would you will think of /take…into consideration….
结尾 信息5 总结,意愿……
In my opinion/ as far as I we am should concerned../from my point of view From my point of view, do what we can to make
. I would appreciate… full use of the stadium. I you will think of /take…into consideration…. I would would appreciate it if you would take my advice into deep consideration In a word…
Want to write some advice/Would like to give you some advice
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
有人认为,自行车在不久的将来会再次成为 人们的新宠,对此你持何种态度,为什么?请利用 今天所学的表达形式写一篇120—150词的短文。
Many people think that the bike will soon become people’s favorite once again. As to this, I can’t agree more.
2. There are several reasons accounting for the phenomenon reflected in the picture.
3. A number of factors account for the phenomenon reflected in the picture.
❖Traveling can do us a lot of good,
which can be listed as follows. First of all, it helps us know the world better,
and it can broaden our horizons as well.In addition, it makes it possible
Firstly, they are affordable for most people and convenient to park. Secondly, being eco-friendly, they bring no environmental problem.Thirdly, unlike cars, they almost cause no traffic problems. Last but not least,
for us to make friends with people in different areas. To sum up,traveling is of great benefit to us.
1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.
Hale Waihona Puke LOGOSummary:
1. Reasons
2. Advantages
3. Disadvantages
(changes/phenomena/importance/possibility/ conclusion…)
While I admit that it is sometimes inconvenient for one to go on a long trip by bike, bicycles still have more advantages than disadvantages, compared with cars. There are several reasons accounting for my opinion.
8)Setting off fireworks can be very dangerous.
9)It is a waste of time playing computers games.
10)It does no good to us students reading such books.
need or like.Last but not least,more
and more people prefer to enjoy
modern life.
1)It has the following advantages. 2)It does us a lot of good. 3) It's good for you to take regular exercise. 4) Her advice was a great help. 5)It will bring benefit to you. 6) It is to your advantage. 7) It is advantageous to your future career.
standard has been greatly improved,
making it possible for them to spare
enough money for something
else.Secondly,most people are well
paid, and they can afford what they
they benefit people’s health greatly by giving them due physical exercise.
From what has been mentioned above, we have good
reason to believe that the bike will soon become people’s
众所周知,电视在我们生活中起 到很重要的作用,但它也有很多负面 影响。请简单说明一下它的害处。
❖…However,every coin has two sides.And television is no exception. Watching too much TV can be very harmful to our eyesight.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television. Worst of all, some programs for adults do no good to us young students.
4. Several factors contribute to the phenomenon reflected in the picture.
5. There are several factors contributing to the phenomenon reflected in the picture.
6. Several factors result in [lead to// bring about] the phenomenon mentioned above.
7. The phenomenon reflected in the picture 4 largely results from several factors.
English Writing
细化写作 化繁为简
1)There are three reasons for this.
2)The reasons for this can be listed as
3 ) The reason for this is obvious .
近年来,人们的生活发生了翻天覆地的 变化。电脑在今天已经进入寻常百姓家,请 简单阐述其原因。
Three reasons may account for the
changes that have taken place in our
life.First of all,people’s living
4) The reason for this is that...
5) We have good reason to believe
6) The answer to this problem involves
many factors.
Express the same meaning using other expressions:
5) It has a bad effect/influence on the health and bodies of young people.…
7)It is inconvenient for people there to have access to the outside world.
2) It may bring about severe unpredicted consequence.
3)It does us much harm// It is harmful to us.// It is bad for us.
4) It brings more harm than good to us.
account for contribute to result from result in lie in lead to bring about
1. There are several reasons that account for the phenomenon reflected in the picture.
13) It helps a lot.//It will help.// It is of great help to us.
14) It has brought us great convenience
谈谈旅游对我们青少年的好处。 (请尽量使用我们所练过的表达形 式)
❖8)It benefits us quite a lot. 9)It is beneficial to us.
10)It is of great benefit to us.
11) We can benefit greatly from it.
12) Walking and running are all healthy forms of exercise.
Many people think that the bike will soon become people’s favorite once again. As to this, I can’t agree more.
2. There are several reasons accounting for the phenomenon reflected in the picture.
3. A number of factors account for the phenomenon reflected in the picture.
❖Traveling can do us a lot of good,
which can be listed as follows. First of all, it helps us know the world better,
and it can broaden our horizons as well.In addition, it makes it possible
Firstly, they are affordable for most people and convenient to park. Secondly, being eco-friendly, they bring no environmental problem.Thirdly, unlike cars, they almost cause no traffic problems. Last but not least,
for us to make friends with people in different areas. To sum up,traveling is of great benefit to us.
1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.
Hale Waihona Puke LOGOSummary:
1. Reasons
2. Advantages
3. Disadvantages
(changes/phenomena/importance/possibility/ conclusion…)
While I admit that it is sometimes inconvenient for one to go on a long trip by bike, bicycles still have more advantages than disadvantages, compared with cars. There are several reasons accounting for my opinion.
8)Setting off fireworks can be very dangerous.
9)It is a waste of time playing computers games.
10)It does no good to us students reading such books.
need or like.Last but not least,more
and more people prefer to enjoy
modern life.
1)It has the following advantages. 2)It does us a lot of good. 3) It's good for you to take regular exercise. 4) Her advice was a great help. 5)It will bring benefit to you. 6) It is to your advantage. 7) It is advantageous to your future career.
standard has been greatly improved,
making it possible for them to spare
enough money for something
else.Secondly,most people are well
paid, and they can afford what they
they benefit people’s health greatly by giving them due physical exercise.
From what has been mentioned above, we have good
reason to believe that the bike will soon become people’s
众所周知,电视在我们生活中起 到很重要的作用,但它也有很多负面 影响。请简单说明一下它的害处。
❖…However,every coin has two sides.And television is no exception. Watching too much TV can be very harmful to our eyesight.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television. Worst of all, some programs for adults do no good to us young students.
4. Several factors contribute to the phenomenon reflected in the picture.
5. There are several factors contributing to the phenomenon reflected in the picture.
6. Several factors result in [lead to// bring about] the phenomenon mentioned above.
7. The phenomenon reflected in the picture 4 largely results from several factors.
English Writing
细化写作 化繁为简
1)There are three reasons for this.
2)The reasons for this can be listed as
3 ) The reason for this is obvious .
近年来,人们的生活发生了翻天覆地的 变化。电脑在今天已经进入寻常百姓家,请 简单阐述其原因。
Three reasons may account for the
changes that have taken place in our
life.First of all,people’s living
4) The reason for this is that...
5) We have good reason to believe
6) The answer to this problem involves
many factors.
Express the same meaning using other expressions:
5) It has a bad effect/influence on the health and bodies of young people.…
7)It is inconvenient for people there to have access to the outside world.
2) It may bring about severe unpredicted consequence.
3)It does us much harm// It is harmful to us.// It is bad for us.
4) It brings more harm than good to us.
account for contribute to result from result in lie in lead to bring about
1. There are several reasons that account for the phenomenon reflected in the picture.
13) It helps a lot.//It will help.// It is of great help to us.
14) It has brought us great convenience
谈谈旅游对我们青少年的好处。 (请尽量使用我们所练过的表达形 式)
❖8)It benefits us quite a lot. 9)It is beneficial to us.
10)It is of great benefit to us.
11) We can benefit greatly from it.
12) Walking and running are all healthy forms of exercise.