



9. 大部分学生相信,业余工作更有利于发展他们的 交际能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。
The majority students believe that part-time jobs will provide them much more opportunities to____________________________.
develop their interpersonal skills, which will put their in a favorable position in the future job market.
10. 没人能否认,教育是人生最重要的一方面。 _________a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life. No one can deny the fact that
2. Unfortunately
4. 任何政府忽视这一点,都会付出惨重的代价。
Any government , which______________________.
is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price .
5. 许多市民抱怨城市公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间 能一辆公交车,而车上可能已经载满乘客。(此句做为长难 句要求翻译) Many city residents complain that it is so few bus in their city that they have spent much more time waiting for a bus which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Students are influenced more by their teachers than by their friends.











托福独立写作题目及范文:稳定工作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?If people have the opportunity to get a secure job, they should take it right away rather than wait for a job that would be more satisfying.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.分类: 独立写作话题: 建造问题托福TPO27独立写作题目翻译:你是否同意以下观点:当人们有机会得到一个有保障的工作他们应该马上接受而不应该去等待另一个更满意的工作。

审题关键词:secure,right away,wait,satisfying论证分析:正:Opportunities of getting employed is rare in this economy, a more satisfying job seldom shows upOne can totally get promotion at work and then one’s job is getting more satisfying.负:If one take the secure job now one misses the better job wage-wiseOne might get trapped in the job that is secure for it has no room for promotion or progressTPO27独立写作范文:Whether a person should take a job offer immediately or wait for a better option largely depends on his/her position in the job market. While those who practice occupations needed urgently by the market can wait for their dream job, on balance, people who don’t have the similar advantages should not take the risks.First, for job seekers who get high market value, they can afford to wait for better opportunities. People who are highly skilled, or experienced in certain fields are exactly what the markets needs nowadays. They get what it takes to generate wealth for their employers. Therefore, they should not get low balled in the hiring process, even in a tough economy. For those elites, they never have to compromise with the second best. If they and an employer have wildly different ideas about what their background is worth, they can keep waiting for the perfection. Because they never have to worry about remaining unemployed for too long. If one cannot know it from concrete examples, one can deduce it from general principles. We rarely see the most valuable NBA player of the year have to make do with the offer he doesn’t favor in the first place.Next, for the job seekers who have relatively low market value, they had better take a secure job offer as soon as they have the chance. When I pursuedmy master degree, I had to juggle between two temp jobs to cover my livingexpense. Majoring in communication and technology, I am a multimedia wizard witha certificate on video producing. There were always lots of hiring ads callingfor video photographer on Craigslist, so I could be particular about the shooting location and the payment before I decided to take the tasks. MeanwhileI also worked as a server on night shift in some sushi bar. However, as aninexperienced waitress, frankly speaking, I did not have lots of options.Servers live on tips, and an inexperienced waitress can seen as the pain in the neck in a restaurant. At the time my wage was always the lowest, but I could not afford to stay in my apartment earning nothing at all. People should be flexible enough to adapt to the changes in the job market. Only when one becomes strong enough, he/she will have the leverage to negotiate with potential employers.For new college graduates, despite the shining diploma they have printed on their CVs, they may not have the specific kinds experience and skills the marketrequires. However, those graduates should thinking thoroughly before they take ajob offer. For them, we are not only talking about one, two, three years or longer of those graduates lives. We’re talking about the launch of their career.A sound decision will make that launch a successful one, while a poor one couldlead long time, if it’s not lifelong, disappointment.In sum, whether to take a less-than-perfect job offer or wait for a job that they might like better is not an easy question to answer, because the rightdecision depends entirely on one’s situation. While people who have the leverage such as experience and unique skills can afford to take the risk, people who have relatively low market value should take what they can have as soon as possible.。



托福的作文范例好句翻译解析在相距很远的时候,电话经常给人一种惊喜.在加拿大给朋友打电话,往往给他们惊喜,使关系更好.这里为大家分享一些关于托福作文好句的解析,希望能帮助大家!托福作文好句的解析1.同意上大学好.(1)为未来工作进行准备(2)交更多的朋友,学习他们的思维方式(3)系统的学习知识2.同意父母是的老师(1)父母从小就和我们在一起,给我们很多的知识(2)父母和我们最为亲密,在任何时候,都会毫无保留地给我们知识(3)父母最了解我们,所以他们给我们的建议和意见都是最有针对性的3.食品容易保存将改变人们的生活习惯(1)食品容易准备,节省了大量的时间,使人们可以做其他事情(2)食品容易准备,为人们提供了更多的花样.(3)食品容易准备,为人们的健康带来了很多好处4.首先进行比较,然后说书是最重要的来源(1)读书能够节省很多时间(2)书是有系统性的,能够让人以很科学的方式迅速获得知识(3)读书相对比较便宜和容易,而在寻找经验则比较昂贵和困难5.先说明优势和劣势,让后说同意建一个工厂(1)工厂能够吸收附近很多人进行就业,对地方的经济有很大的贡献(2)建立工厂能够促使附近其他的商业发展,例如小商店,药店等等,这可以大大方便附近的居民(3)建造工厂,赢利后,就可以向当地政府贡献税收,政府可以利用这些钱改善社区的服务6.一个重要的改变就是改变环境,让它变的更好(1)环境好能改善人的身体健康,很多人因为环境而生病(2)环境好了,吸引更多的游客来旅游(3)环境好能够促进经济发展,吸引更多的商人来投资7.电影和电视影响人的行为(1)电影和电视能够让人们迅速了解整个国家和世界,丰富人的知识,让人们更加乐观(2)电影和电视让人变的懒惰,不愿意和人接触(3)电影和电视让人变的violent8.电影和电视没有破坏朋友和家人的交流(1)电影和电视的很多内容正是朋友和家人聊天的重要内容.没有电影和电视,似乎聊天就缺了很多内容.(2)我们在很多时候是和朋友和家人一起欣赏电影和电视的,这促进了交流(3)电影和电视现在的设计很多是让家人朋友一起参与,这实际上也促进了交流9.选择在大城市生活(1)大城市工作机会更多一些(2)大城市生活相对方便,有很好的商店,交通等等(3)大城市的娱乐也更多,如电影院,博物馆等等.10.不同意,实际上运气在人成功的过程中也很重要(1)先肯定努力是成功不可或缺的一部分.(2)在找工作的过程中,同样优秀的人在申请工作的时候不一定就都会被接受,而两个人的人生道路就非常不同.或者从申请签证的角度来说也可以.(3)别人帮助可以根本不费努力而成功11.同意,对体育进行投入(1)体育活动对于学生学习和健康非常有利(2)体育活动有助于培养学生的团队精神和人生态度(3)体育活动对于学校的名声是非常重要的.好的运动队能够提高学校的名气12.人们到一个新的地方,为什么首先喜欢参观当地的博物馆?(1)人们访问博物馆,是博物馆反映了一个国家的文化和历史(2)访问时间比较短,访问博物馆可以程度了解一个地方(4)非常珍贵的东西,只有在博物观才能看到13.选择在饭馆吃饭(1)节省时间,自己做饭很麻烦(2)能够品尝各种各样的美食(3)能够促进和朋友的感情14.应当要求学生上课(1)学生上课能够和教师更好的交流,学习会更好(2)学生上课能够和同学互相学习,学习他们的思维方式,团队精神有所提高 (3)学生上课是责任和纪律要求,如果学生想上课就上课,那么学校将无法管理15.邻居的素质(1)尊重理解自己.(2)尊重别人的隐私,不到处去传闲话(3)当自己有难处的时候,能够尽可能的帮助自己16.同意新饭馆建立(1)增加就业(2)提供一个好的休闲娱乐场所(3)贡献税收,改进社区17.应当和老师一起学习(1)教师受过培训,他们了解学生的问题,所以在进行辅导的时候系统有重点 (2)教师和学生进行交流,使学生能够迅速掌握知识(3)教师提供了学习的方法,这在未来学生学习其他知识的时候都很有帮助18一个好的上级应当是(1)尊重下级,有礼貌,(2)有高超的专业知识(3)在自己工作遇到困难的时候,能够尽自己的努力帮助自己19.应当改善交通(1)大多数人都需要并没有私人汽车,他们需要公共交通,所以要符合大多数人的需要(2)公共交通能够保护环境,改善公共交通能够吸引更多人坐工车,对环境有保护作用(3)公共交通能够带来更多人的就业,能够更好的促进经济的发展20.不同意,儿童应当长在大城市(1)大城市能让儿童受到良好的教育(2)大城市能够让儿童开阔视野,接触到很多东西.(3)大城市的娱乐更多,儿童更喜欢(4)大城市的医疗设备比较好,儿童得病可以得到迅速治疗21.人们寿命延长的原因在于(1)医学发展,很多病能够得到及时的治疗,人们的寿命延长(2)世界和平,没有大型的战争(3)人们更加注意健康,积极参加体育活动,饮食也比以前合理.22.一个好的同事的标准是(1)尊重你,对你有礼貌(2)尊重你的隐私(3)在你有困难的时候,帮助你23.学习期间打工是一个好主意(1)能够从工作中学习实际的经验,将书本的东西用到工作中(2)挣了钱,能够减轻父母的财政压力(3)学习更加合理的管理时间24.假设此城市是个大城市喜欢的(1)更多的工作机会的收入(2)更多的娱乐(3)生活方便不喜欢的可以写:(1)环境污染 (2)人比较冷漠25.同意建一个大型的购物中心(1)增加就业(2)提供休闲的方便地方(3)贡献税收,服务社区26.同意人们有时候要做自己不喜欢作的事情(1)谋生的需要,很多农民到城市来打工,自己不喜欢,但是必须这样做(2)个人发展的需要,比如说学习数学,物理等等,虽然不喜欢,但是这和未来个人发展很有帮助(3)在紧急时刻,必须要做自己不喜欢作的事情,比如说好友得了癌症,自己不能告诉他28.同意电视等媒体过分注重公众人物的报道(1)媒体为了满足大众的好奇心(SATISFYTHECURIOSITY),所以过分注重公众人物的报道.比如说,名人的食品和生活方式等等.(2)媒体为了赚钱的需要,集中在公共人物的报道.(3)媒体为了监督公众人物.所以经常报道他们的私生活.29.不同意人们的活动将世界变成了一个更好的地方(1)地球的自然资源消失的很快(2)环境污染问题(3)人类发动战争.人口.古迹.土地都受到了损失30. 同意建立高中(1)吸收就业(2)让孩子能够就近接受教育(3)学校的一些商业活动可以象当地政府贡献税收31.选择寻找其他的地方(1)更好的就业发展机会(2)认识更多的朋友(3)学习另外一种文化,语言等等32.存钱比较好(1)存钱可以防备不时之需.如生病等等(2)存钱可以买非常贵重的商品,如房子,汽车等等(3)存钱放到未来花,可以更好的享受生活,如去欧洲,美洲旅游等等33.有钱可以去买音乐会的票(1)参加音乐会可以看到自己最喜欢的音乐家(2)音乐可以让人得到好的休息机会.(3)去听音乐会可以和朋友家人一起去,增进朋友关系34.不应当雇佣终身制.(1)雇员的表现不好就应当开除,终身制使雇员的表现无法提高(2)雇佣终身制使公司的费用增大.(3)雇佣终身制无法使公司聘用更好的员工35.参加现场表演比在家看电视好(1)参加现场的表演可以非常直接的看到演员的表演(2)参加现场的表演能够感受到现场的气氛(3)现场的表演经常还有抽奖活动等等,有时候有意想不到的收获36.飞机改变了人们的生活(1)飞机使人们能够迅速地到达目的地,节省了时间.(2)飞机还提供了很多的就业机会,这使得很多梦想能够飞上蓝天的人得到了机会(3)飞机还使旅行更为安全.37.发展不一定都是好的(1)经济发展带来了环境的破坏,污染(2)科技的发展带来了计算机犯罪等现象的发生(3)媒体的发展另人们变的更加懒惰38.学习过去对于我们现在是有很大的价值的(1)学习过去的历史,能够更好的在现在避免错误.比如说学习世界大战的历史(2)学习过去的知识和文化,能够更好地进行发明和创造(3)学习过去的人物,能够更好地帮助我们自己成为一个对社会有用的人39.同意在技术的帮助下,学生能够可以学习到更多的信息,并且学得更快 (1)在技术的帮助下,学生可以得到更多的信息.互联网的出现,使学生在写报告的时候可以查到更多的资料(2)在技术的帮助下,学生能够与教师更好的沟通,从而提高学习.教师上课用计算机演示,非常一目了然(3)在技术的帮助下,学生能够不受时间的限制获得更多的信息40.同意一定要为自己的目标不放弃(1)在学习中,不放弃,为了自己的目标.考试刚开始不及格,后来全班第一名 (2)在工作中,不放弃,为了自己的目标努力意味着成功.企业家刚开始的时候被人不理睬,但是不放弃,努力的工作,成为百万富翁(3)在生活中,不放弃,为了自己的目标努力.减肥,刚开始的时候很痛苦,后来成功.41.不同意人类对于农田.房屋和工业的需要要比保护濒危动物重要(1)如果不保护濒危动物,那么会对环境造成巨大的破坏(2)濒危动物的消失,会为动物学和生物学带来巨大的损失(3)再说明人类对于农田.房屋和工业的需要也非常重要,但是保护濒危动物也是必要的.42.计算机技能是最重要的(1)计算机是工作中必须的.不会计算机软件的话,无法进行工作和学习(2)计算机已经成为人们互相交流的重要方面,如电子邮件等等.(3)计算机技能能够大量的节省时间.一个成功的人必须把精力抽出来放在最重要的事情上43.人们喜欢危险运动的原因在于:(1)现在的生活压力很大,生活枯燥,危险运动能够放松自己,给自己一些刺激 (2)危险运动能够带来巨大的金钱收益(3)危险运动能够展示自己44.更喜欢和同伴旅行(1)和同伴旅行,能够互相照顾,比较安全(2)和同伴旅行,成本会比较低(3)和同伴旅行,能够更好的观赏旅游景点45.我更喜欢早上起的早些(1)早起对身体是比较好,(2)早起能够提高效率,利用时间(3)早点起,进行工作是公司所愿意看到的,因为很多业务都是在早上进行.46.好的儿子或者女儿的素质是(这些一直都没有改变)(1)自己的事业出色,不让父母担心(2)尊敬父母(3)为父母提供退休后养老的经济来源47.选择在大公司工作(1)大公司提供很多的在职培训,能够将工作和学习互相结合(2)在大公司工作的时候,机会会更多些,比如说跳槽(3)大公司工作给人比较高的社会地位48.人们工作除了金钱以外还有其他的原因:(1)社会地位.一个没有工作的人是没有社会地位的(2)结交更多的朋友.在工作岗位中可以认识很多人(3)个人的兴趣.喜欢计算机的人做程序员很多是为了兴趣49.不同意面对面的交流比其他交流方式好(1)其他交流的方式降低了成本.招聘中电话面试等等(2)其他交流方式节省时间,提高了效率.有些问题打电话发电子邮件就可以解决了,不用跑到当地解决.TELEPHONEBANKING(3)有些时候面对面的交流方式不适用,必须要用其他的方式.比如学校要通知所有学生一件事情.50.我选择做一些新的事情和冒险(1)做新的事情和冒险对自己是一个挑战.感受这个过程能够让人变的更成熟 (2)做新的事情和冒险能够学习新的东西,丰富自己的知识(3)做新的事情和冒险可以结识更多的朋友51.成功来自于仔细的计划(1)仔细的计划可以明确自己的目标(2)仔细的计划可以避免未来可能发生的错误(3)仔细的计划可以提高工作的效率52.改变环境污染,与前题重53.同意工作的最重要的部分是挣到的钱(1)一个人需要养家糊口,如果没有钱的话,不能生存(2)如果一份工作挣钱很少,在社会上的地位仍然很低(3)如果一份工作挣钱很少,无法做一些自己希望做的事情,比如说旅游等等54同意不应当通过外表来衡量一个人(1)一个人无法决定自己的外表,以外表来衡量一个人是不公平的.(2)以外表来衡量一个人经常会出现错误,比如说很多有钱人穿着很朴素(3)以外表来衡量一个人,和导致很多争端,对自己很不利55.不同意一个人不应当独自做决定这个观点(1)自己一个人做决定,节省很多时间(2)自己一个人做决定,最后的结果经常是正确的(3)自己一个人做决定,在很多场合下是必须的,所以必须要经常培养自己的这种技能.如在医院当医生等等56.将钱投入在保护环境上(1)保护环境,有利于人民的健康(2)保护环境,能够更好地促进商业发展.(3)公司将钱投入到环境上,能够提高自己的名声,更好的获得利益57.我喜欢看喜剧片(1)生活压力很大,所以我看喜剧片能够放松.比如说MRBEAN(2)喜剧片让人发笑,而经常笑能够让人保持健康,乐观(3)喜剧片人人都喜欢,可以和朋友和家人共同欣赏,增进感情58.不同意商业应当做任何他们能够做的事情来获利(1)商业如果这样做对社会有害,空气污染等等(2)商业如果这样做会影响自身的形象.比如说烟草公司的形象很差(3)商业如果这么做会使自己的生意破产.卖假货的公司.59.喜欢做事情的时候快一些(1)工作的要求.如果不这样做的话,就会面临非常不好的后果,比如说解雇等等.如果做的快,就会有奖赏(2)可以让自己有更多的闲暇时间来处理其他事情.做完后,将宝贵的时间放在其他方面(3)心情更舒畅,有一种成就感,有利于自己的健康.60.游戏对于成年人来说对于儿童一样重要(1)进行游戏有助于培养团队精神,这在成年人中更为重要(2)进行游戏可以让成年人放松,感受到了除了工作以外还有更多额外的东西可以享受(3)进行游戏可以让成年人感受到人生的成功与失败,以更乐观的心情对待工作61.同意父母和家属应当为15-18岁的孩子做重要的决定(1)15-18岁的孩子对未来不了解,所以父母必须要为他们做重要的决定.上大学和不上大学(2)15-18岁的人没有足够的资金来做决定.父母需要为他们出钱,所以父母要做这个决定.比如说上私立或者公立学校(3)父母对于15-18岁的孩子来说对他们更了解.所以他们做的决定是更正确.62.我最希望我的朋友可靠(1)一个可靠的朋友能够在最困难的时候帮助你(2)一个可靠的朋友不会欺骗你,有时候欺骗你的人往往是你的朋友,而可靠的朋友不会欺骗你(3)一个可靠的朋友不会浪费你的时间.等朋友出去玩等等.63.同意在最困难的时候的经历是未来最宝贵的教训(1)在学习中,最困难的时候,给我们带来了很多宝贵的教训.考试成绩差,但是决不放弃.(2)在工作中,最困难的时候,给我们带来的很多宝贵的教训.刚到一个单位和同事相处,犯了很多错误.这个过程给你带来人际交流的能力(3)在生活中,最苦难的时候,给我们带来了很多宝贵的教训.比如说到一个地方丢了钱,没有人帮助,自己打工挣钱,培养了独立意识64.我希望自己有一个生意(1)自己为自己工作,比较自由,没有官僚主义(2)自己为自己工作能够挣钱挣的更多些,因为不用向雇主交钱(3)自己为自己工作,是一个挑战.65.一个城市应当保留老的,历史性的建筑(1)老的历史性的建筑是城市的象征,没有这些建筑,城市就失去了意义(2)老的历史性建筑是历史教育的来源(3)老的历史性建筑是吸引游客的好来源66.不同意.参见2父母是的老师67.我选择低工资的没有经验的员工(1)工资比较低,节省开支(2)没有经验可以进行培训(3)不用担心短时间跳槽68.每天的作业是有用的(1)作业有助于帮助学生复习功课(2)让学生养成学习的好习惯(3)有时候,学生一起做作业有助于加强同学之间的关系和友谊69.学习计算机(1)现在的科技和计算机联系很紧密(2)我非常有兴趣(3)找工作很容易70.汽车造成了很大的麻烦(1)空气污染(2)道路堵塞(3)汽车事故71选择工资低些,但能和家人和朋友多呆的工作(1)工作时间过长,对身体健康有害(2)工作是人生的一部分,和朋友和家人一起也非常重要(3)只有和家人的关系融洽了,工作才可以做的好72.同意分数鼓励学生学习(1)学生可以知道自己掌握了多少知识,所以能够更加有针对性的学习(2)分数可以让学生之间互相比较,激励学生学习(3)分数可以让学生有成就感,更加乐观,积极,所以能够学的更好73.同意计算机使工作变的更加容易和方便了(1)计算机和很多工作结合在一起,减轻了工作量,很多计算一秒钟就完成了 (2)计算机让工作变的更加赏心悦目(3)计算机使生活变的更加方便,如互相交流,EMAIL74.同意让导游协助旅游(1)导游对环境比较熟悉,懂得语言,所以提供很多方便,比较安全(2)导游对于景点熟悉,所以能够了解更多的信息(3)导游安排更加系统75.同意学校让学生学习很多课程(1)为未来的工作和生活做准备(2)让学生结识更多的朋友,了解别人的思维方式(3)学习在未来的工作领域中还有很多人生应当感受的东西76.同意孩子应当在一上学就学外语(1)儿童语言能力强,能够迅速的学好外语.(2)儿童不怕犯错误,可以更好的学习外语(3)儿童有比较多的时间,可以用来学习外语.77.男孩子和女孩子不应当分校(1)男孩子和女孩子在学习中互相交流,有利于学习.(2)对于男孩子和女孩子的性格会比较好(3)不分校,男孩子和女孩子可以交更多的朋友,生活更丰富78.和一个团队工作更好(1)节省很多时间(2)团队精神(3)学习别人的思维方式79.找一个人,不仅是专业知识出色,而且还要对社会有所贡献.可能需要杜撰一个.80.在春天的时候和朋友一起到郊区种树(1)保护环境(2)对自己的健康有利(3)和朋友在一起,增进友谊81.同意技术让世界变的更美好(1)科学技术让人的效率提高(2)科学技术给人带来很多方便(3)科学技术节省了人很多时间._小学生建党100周年祝福语我们不能忘记党的历史,但我们也要以崭新的姿态迎接未来,记住历史会是我们的前行更加_七一建党100周年经典句子在党还没有成立之前,中国仍然处于黑暗.迷雾的状态,自党诞生以来,中华大地升起了太早安让人看了舒服的句子说说_0句无论生活是什么样的,我们每天都要保持好心态继续前进的步伐,让我们一起从每天的早晨庆祝建党100周年祝福语句子党的发展历史是十分曲折的,在黑暗的年代里,党从弱小走向强大,离不开每个人人民群众。



6. 一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾 处理的需求就会越大。
6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.
13. 理论在本质上是对认识了的现实的一种抽象 13. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic 和符号化的表达。 representation of what is conceived to be reality.
14. Long before children are able to speak or 14. 儿童在能说或能听懂语言之前,很久就会通 understand a language, they communicate through 过面部表情和靠发出噪声来与人交流了。 facial expressions and by making noises.
12. Billie Holiday’s 作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐 12. Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的 blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional 能力。 depth to her songs.
9. 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后 者是口头的。
9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.




The TOEFL exam, also known as the Test of English as a Foreign Language, is a standardized test that measures the English proficiency of non-native speakers. The TOEFL is required for admission to many universities and colleges in the United States and other countries.The TOEFL exam is divided into four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The Reading and Listening sections test your ability to understand written and spoken English. The Speaking section tests your ability to speak English clearly and coherently. The Writing section tests your ability to write English in a clear and concise manner.Preparing for the TOEFL Exam。

There are a number of ways to prepare for the TOEFL exam. You can take a TOEFL preparation course, study on your own using TOEFL study materials, or practice taking TOEFL tests online.If you decide to take a TOEFL preparation course, there are a number of different options available. You can take a course in person at a local language school or online. In-person courses typically cost more than online courses, but they offer the advantage of having a live instructor to guide you through the material. Online courses are more flexible and affordable, but they require more self-discipline.If you decide to study on your own, there are a number of TOEFL study materials available. You can find TOEFL study books, online courses, and practice tests at most bookstores and libraries.Taking the TOEFL Exam。



托福考试写作万能句式托福写作万能句子一:表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能1)It isimportant(necessary,difficult,convenient,possible)for sb.to do sth.2)We think it necessary to do sth.3)It plays an important role in our life.例如: Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business.Soon,computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age.托福写作万能句子二:表示措施1)We should take some effective measures.2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.4)We should solve the problems that we areconfronted(faced)with.希望上面的信息对考生们的托福写作备考有协助,说是万能的句子,同学们还是要灵活应用才行。

托福写作万能句子三:表示好处1)It has the following advantages.2)It does us a lot of good.3)It benefits us quite a lot.4)It is beneficial to us.5)It is of great benefit to us.例如: Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us.托福写作万能句式3、表示坏处1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.2)It does us much harm.3)It is harmfulto us.例如:However,everything dividesinto two.Television can also托福写作万能句子四:表示原因1)There are three reasons for this.2)The reasons for this are as follows.3)The reason for this is obvious.4)The reason for this is not far to seek.5)The reason for this is that...例如: There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life.Firstly,peoples living standard has been greatly improved.Secondly,most people are well paid,andthey can afford what they need or st but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.。



托福英语作文翻译模板英文回答:1. Introduction:The TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test) is a standardized English language proficiency test designed to assess non-native English speakers' ability to use and understand English in an academic setting. The test is divided into four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The Writing section consists of two tasks: an Integrated Task (Task 1) and an Independent Task (Task 2).2. TOEFL Writing Templates。

Integrated Task (Task 1)。

The Integrated Task requires test takers to read a short passage of text and listen to a related lecture or conversation. Test takers must then summarize the mainpoints of both the text and the listening passage in a coherent and well-organized response.Independent Task (Task 2)。

The Independent Task requires test takers to write an essay on a given topic. Test takers must develop a clear and well-supported argument in response to the prompt.3. Common TOEFL Writing Prompts。



According to a research recently ,4000000 people die from diseases linked to smoking each year.The research recently show that most of children have no favorable impression about homework.No invention like Internet has received so much praise and criticismPeople seem to ignore that the education should’t finish with the graduation.Many professor point out that sport directly link to the healthy.Nowadays,many students always feel exciting about the coming life of high school or college they will begin.However,for most people,on their first day on campus is not a pleasant experience.Considering the seriousness of the problem,before it become more serious ,effective measures should be taken.We should take some measure to limit the number of foreign tourists,efforts to protect local environment and history from the negative effects from international tourism.An increasing number of experts believe that migrants in city construction has played a positive role.However,more and more city residents have challenged this claim,they complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems in city,like crime and prostitutionMany city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city,they have to spend a long time waiting for a bus,and the bus may be full of passengers.There is no denying that air pollution is a serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to solve the pollution problem.An investigation show that female have a positive attitude toward the problem of retire.A proper part time job will not take many time of student, it is not healthy to spend all the time on study.Any government which can not see this point will pay a heavy price.More and more people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.About education , most of people think it is a process of study all one’s life.Most of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills,which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.We can not deny that there are millions of people who live in hungry and cold environment.Although this view is wildly accepted ,there is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.No one can deny this fact, education is the most important part of one’s life.。



托福写作备考:50个翻译句子练习托福写作就是把我们想要表达的东西用英文表达出来,对于以中文为母语的我们来说,英语语言表达这一块会比较生疏,所以平时可以做一些句子的翻译练习,对我们托福写作有好处!下面小编给大家带来托福写作备考:50个翻译句子练习,来看看吧!托福写作备考:翻译句子练习11. It is inevitable for the old to have generation gap with their children.对老年人来说,和他们的孩子有代沟是不可避免的。

2. It is sagacious that all relevant factors should be taken into account before taking any action.在采取任何行动之前,应该考虑所有相关的因素,这是明智之举。

3. A fear has arisen among some people that the more machines will be used, the more workers will be unemployed and the lower our living standard will become.恐惧在一些人当中出现了。


4. Before airing my opinion, I will analyze the hot issue from diverse perspectives.在表明观点之前,我将从不从的角度来分析这个热门话题。

5. As soon as a child becomes old enough to communicate with other children, he begins having friends, who sometimes influence him more rapidly than his family.当一个孩子长到足以和其他人交流时,他便开始交朋友,这些朋友对他的影响有时比家庭更快6. They spend too much time in front of the television, ignoring their study, outdoor activities and even their families.他们在电视机前面花费了太多的时间,忽略了学习、户外活动,甚至他们的家庭。



1.T o t a l l y w i t h o u t l i g h t a n d s u b j e c t e d t o i n t e n s e p r e s s u r e s h u n d r e d s o f t i m e s g r e a t e r t h a n a t t h e E a r t h’s s u r f a c e,t h e d e e p—o c e a n b o t t o m i s a h o s t i l e e n v i r o n m e n t t o h u m a n s,i n s o m e w a y s a s f o r b i d d i n g a n d r e m o t e a s t h e v o i d o f o u t e r s p a c e.由于完全没有光,而且承受着比在地球表面大数百倍的极大压力,深海底部对人类而言是一个充满敌意的环境,在某些方面就像外层空间一样险恶和遥远。

T o t a l l y w i t h o u t l i g h t a n d s u b j e c t e d t o i n t e n s e p r e s s u r e s h u n d r e d s o f t i m e s g r e a t e r t h a n a t t h e E a r t h’s s u r f a c e原因状语t h e d e e p—o c e a n b o t t o m i s a h o s t i l e e n v i r o n m e n t t o h u m a n s主句i n s o m e w a y s a s f o r b i d d i n g a n d r e m o t e a s t h e v o i d o f o u t e r s p a c e 后置定语,修饰a h o s t i l e e n v i r o n m e n t t o h u m a n s整个句子结构是:原因状语+主句+后置定语这是一个主句前后分别有状语和定语的修饰成分,但是不是复合句。



托福写作必备短语及例句(五)托福写作必备短语及例句(五)61. to apply...to...把...应用于,运用到...What can be applied to one circumstance may not be applicable to another situation, and this is what we call “exception”.能被应用于某一种情况的理论不一定也适用于另一种情况。


62. to make appointment with...与...约定,约会The president made an appointment with his aid for a secret talk about the. change of foreign policy toward the country with which it has had problems.总统与其助理约定进行一次秘密交谈讨论与其有瓜葛的国家外交政策的改变问题。

63. to be appreciative of...欣赏...;感激...He is not actually appreciative of your advice, though he pretends not to give you that impression.尽管他装作一副感激的样子,但实际上他对你的劝告并不领情。

64. to have/feel an apprehension for/over对...感到不安(焦虑、恐惧)Most small and medium-sized enterprises are feeling a strong apprehension for their existence and prospects.很多中、小型的企业对其生存和前途感到忧心忡忡。

65. to be apprehensive for / of...对...感到不安,焦虑,恐惧Many parents nowadays are very much apprehensive of their children’s future.近几年来,很多父母对其子女的前途感到焦虑不安。



托福作文模板及翻译题Title: TOEFL Writing Template and Translation Questions。


The TOEFL exam is a widely recognized English language proficiency test that is required for non-native English speakers who want to study or work in English-speaking countries. The exam consists of four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. In this article, we will provide a template for the TOEFL writing section and discuss common translation questions that may appear on the exam.TOEFL Writing Template。

The TOEFL writing section consists of two tasks: an integrated writing task and an independent writing task. For the integrated writing task, test takers are required to read a passage and listen to a lecture on the same topic. They must then write a response that summarizes the main points of the passage and the lecture. Here is a template that can be used for the integrated writing task:Introduction:Paraphrase the topic and state the main points of the passage and the lecture.Body Paragraph 1:Summarize the main points of the passage.Provide examples or details from the passage to support the summary.Body Paragraph 2:Summarize the main points of the lecture.Provide examples or details from the lecture to support the summary.Conclusion:Summarize the relationship between the passage and the lecture.Restate the main points and express your opinion if necessary.For the independent writing task, test takers are given a prompt and must write an essay expressing their opinion on the topic. Here is a template that can be used for the independent writing task:Introduction:Paraphrase the topic and state your opinion.Body Paragraph 1:Present the first reason or example to support your opinion.Provide details or examples to support your reason.Body Paragraph 2:Present the second reason or example to support your opinion.Provide details or examples to support your reason.Body Paragraph 3:Present the third reason or example to support your opinion.Provide details or examples to support your reason.Conclusion:Restate your opinion and summarize the main points.Translation Questions。



托福口语翻译练习1. 对我而言,当我遇到困难时,我会选择向我哥哥寻求建议。








2.①In my case, 我最喜欢的电影类型是科幻电影。


②I think 朋友最重要的品质是幽默感。


③First of all, 这对缓解压力有所帮助。


④The main reason is that 这在跟人相处时很有帮助。


⑤Another reason is that 能够使人恢复能力。


⑥Also, 提升了我的自信心。


⑦For these reasons, 我最喜欢科幻电影。


⑧That is why 我认为幽默感对任何友情来说都很重要。
















托福写作初级-翻译、词句替换练习题(含学生答案)课程1第一部分翻译下面的句子1.为了保护濒危物种(the endangered species),我们必须竭尽所能We must do everything to protect the endangered species.2.为了完成任务,我尝试了各种工具来修(repair)我的车I try every tours to repair my car in an effort to achieve the work.3.北朝鲜和美国重启双边会谈(restart bilateral talks),试图解决由来已久的(age-old)核问题(nuclear issue)North Korea and America restarted bilateral talks in an effort to solve the age-old nuclear issue.4.奥巴马的目标是提高(increase)中产阶级的可支配收入(disposable income)Obama’s goal is to increase disposable income.5.昨天老妈同意给我买车了,但是她没买My mother agreed to buy me a car yesterday, but she failed to do it.6.我的想法(idea)是去租一辆汽车My idea is to lease a car.7.为了通过SAT考试,提高我的词汇量很关键(essential)It’s essential to improve my number of words to pass SAT8.达到目标体重的方法之一是通过(through)身体锻炼(physical exercise)It’s one way to reach goal weight through physical exercise.9.解决空气污染的方法之一是发展公共交通(public transport)(两种写法)One way to reduce air pollution is to develop public transport.To develop public transport is a way to reduce air pollution.10.使用人工色素(artificial color)是使食物色彩丰富(colorful)的最常见方法(两种写法)It’s the most popular way to make food colorful to use artificial color.To use artificial color is the most popular way to make food colorful.11.修建地铁(metro)是降低交通堵塞(congestion)的最佳方法(两种写法)To make metro is the best way to reduce transport congestion.The best way to reduce transport congestion is to make metro.第二部分地道的替换词1.事实是:In factthe reality is that2.快乐:happiness,例句:America is about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness3.悲伤sadnessgrief4.私家车保有量:the ownership of private cars5.名人:Famous mancelebritie s6.领域:Place onSphere造句练习:1.残酷的(harsh)现实是她不爱我The harsh fact is she doesn’t love me.2.我的目标是追求快乐My goal is to look for happiness.3.我不得不掩藏我的悲伤(grieves)I have to cover my grieves.4.正在上涨的私家车保有量引发了一系列的交通问题An increasing number of the ownership of private cars causes some traffic problems.第三部分段落阅读及仿写Obviously, you can't make everyone happy all the time, and some of your actions are going to ruffle feathers. One way to figure out how to handle these situations is to imagine how you will describe what happened later, when the dust has cleared(主旨句). I'm reminded of a case a few years ago when a student come to me for advice. He was leading the campus-wide business competition and one team didn't show up for the final round of judging. Like all the teams that reach that stage of the competition, the team had been working on the project for seven months and had managed to(设法做到了)make it over a lot of hurdles (跨栏)to get to the finish line(目的). The team hadn't received the message about the presentation time, in part because it was posted late and in part because they weren't paying attention. The student came to ask my opinion(目的)was torn(撕裂)about what to do (该做什么). He felt there were two clear choices: he could hold fast to(坚持)the rules and disqualify the team, or he could be flexible and find another time for them to present their work.(目的)His gut reaction (直觉反应)was to stick to the rules. Everyone else had managed to show up, and it was going to be a burden to reschedule(目的). The only guidance I gave him was this: whatever he did, I hoped he would be pleased with his decision at a later date. I urged him to consider how he would describe this challenge if during a job interview he were asked how he handled an ambiguous situation. The delinquent team was subsequently allowed to present, and I realized afterward that thinking about how you want to tell the story in the future is a great way to assess your response to dilemmas in general. Craft the story now so you'll be proud to tell it later.(段尾总结,与主旨句呼应)地道表达:克服了很多困难:Try ones bestover a lot of hurdles到达终点/完成:achieveget to the finish line(面对两难的选择时)不知道该如何选择:be torn about what to do,其中torn是tear的过去时,这里做动词Don’t know how to choose坚持规则:hold fast to the rules, stick to the rulesObey the rules佳句仿写你可以为我找另一个时间来做演讲(give a lecture)You can give a lecture for me in another time.成为我们的一员,你将会非常自豪You’ll be proud of yourself to join us.我不知道该选哪个女孩I don’t know which girl to choose.课程21,很少有人能克服困难成功的戒了烟(quit smoking)。



托福英语作文模板翻译英文回答:Introduction:The advent of globalization has fostered unprecedented interconnectedness, leading to an influx of intercultural interactions. Amidst this transformative landscape, individuals are confronted with the challenge of navigating cultural differences and adapting to diverse social norms.In this essay, I will present a comprehensive analysis ofthe challenges and opportunities associated with cross-cultural encounters.Challenges of Cross-Cultural Encounters:1. Language Barriers: Communication is the lifeblood of human interaction, and language serves as the primary medium of expression. However, in cross-cultural encounters, individuals may encounter language barriers that hindereffective communication. This can lead to misunderstandings, frustrations, and a sense of isolation.2. Cultural Differences: Cultures shape our values, beliefs, and behaviors. When interacting with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, we may encounter unfamiliar customs, norms, and expectations. These differences can be jarring and may create discomfort or misunderstandings.3. Stereotypes and Prejudice: Unfortunately,stereotypes and prejudices often accompany cross-cultural interactions. These preconceived notions can cloud our perceptions and lead to biased judgments. Stereotyping can perpetuate negative attitudes and hinder meaningful connections.Opportunities of Cross-Cultural Encounters:1. Personal Growth: Navigating cross-culturalencounters requires adaptability, open-mindedness, and a willingness to learn. This exposure to differentperspectives and ways of life fosters personal growth and broadens our horizons.2. Enhanced Communication Skills: The challenges of language barriers and cultural differences can actually enhance our communication skills. By actively seeking to overcome these obstacles, we develop empathy, cultural awareness, and effective communication strategies.3. Greater Tolerance and Understanding: Cross-cultural encounters challenge our assumptions and prejudices, fostering greater tolerance and understanding of others. By interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds, we gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and complexity of human experiences.Conclusion:Cross-cultural encounters present both challenges and opportunities. While language barriers, cultural differences, and stereotypes can impede communication and understanding, they also offer avenues for personal growth,enhanced communication skills, and greater tolerance. Embracing the challenges of cross-cultural encounters with open-mindedness and a desire to learn can lead to richer, more rewarding, and interconnected lives.中文回答:引言:全球化的兴起促进了前所未有的联系,导致了跨文化交流的激增。

托福TOEFL 综合写作之句子意译

托福TOEFL 综合写作之句子意译

莘美教育专注于美国高中留学傅老师教师专栏综合写作要点之二: 句子意译上次说到综合写作的前两个学习要点,也就是阅读推测听力内容和记笔记.在有了充分的笔记内容之后, 接下来就是写作了。






我们来看一个例子:A major factor contributing to our present energy crisis is that the necessary research and development efforts which could have provided us with the technological options and capabilities we now need so desperately were not undertaken in the past. 这句话中的所有黑体字都可以找到近义词供我们选用,依次为:major-main, factor-contributor, contributing to-attributable to,present-current, provided-offer, options-alternatives, desperately-extremely, undertaken-established. 但是如果仅仅是改变几个词,整个句子的变动并不大。



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托福写作翻译句子试————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:1. 旅游业不但给政府带来税收而且给很多人提供了就业机会。

2. 赌博不但对健康有害,而且会影响家庭和睦。

3. 打工不但能让学生赚零花钱,而且还能让他们学到人际交往的能力。

4. 现在很多学校的校服不但贵,而且还难看,质量不好。

5. 政府不但要多建一些公路,还要鼓励人们多使用公交车。

6. 老人们既不需要很多的钱,也不需要很大的房子,他们最需要的是子女的关心和照顾。

7. 我喜欢旅游,但是,我既没有钱,也没有时间。

8. 在老人院,老人既能够接受到医疗,又能够找到很多有共同话题,共同兴趣的的伙伴。

9. 缴税既是有有利于国家,也是有利于个人。


10. 打电脑游戏既浪费时间,又有害视力。

11. 打电脑游戏既能使人放松,又能锻炼大脑的灵活性,反映能力12. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。

13. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。

14. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。

15. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。

16. 考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施。

17. 尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明飞机会造成灾难性的污染。

18. 没有人能否认:教育是人生最重要的一方面。

19. 事实上,我们必须承认生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。

20. 我们应该不遗余力地保护我们的环境。

21. 现在,人们普遍认为22. 我同意后者,有如下理由:23. 这一观点正受到越来越多人的质疑。

24. 使用自行车有助于人们的身体健康,并极大地缓解了交通阻塞。

25. 尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,但是它也存在它的问题。

26. 在速度和舒适度方面,自行车是无法和汽车、火车这样的交通工具相比的。

27. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:自行车的优点远大于缺点,并且在现代社会它仍将发挥重要作用。

28. 这个问题已经引起了广泛关注。

29. 很多人生活在这样的幻想之中。

30. 就我而言,我同意教育不应该随着毕业而结束的观点,有以下原因:31. 现在越来越多的人开始相信学习新的技术和知识能直接帮助他们获得工作就会或提升的机会。

32. 艺术资助对于很多发展中国家是个奢侈的做法。

(art funding, luxurious)33. 兴建体育场馆和剧院等会浪费政府有限的财政。

(stadium, theater, tight budget)34. 政府资助艺术家和音乐家的做法其实就是滥用纳税人的钱。

(taxpayer)35. 保护濒危的动物需要花费大量的公共资金,对于发展中国家而言,是个沉重的经济负担。

(endangered species, economic burden.)36. 电脑游戏太诱人了,以至于很多孩子都沉迷其中不能自拔。

(alluring abandon oneself to)37. 有些小孩缺乏自控和自律能力,整天沉迷于网络游戏和网上聊天。

(self-control, self-discipline)38. 有些小孩缺乏自律能力,整天沉迷于网络游戏和网上聊天。

(self-discipline, be addicted to)39. 减肥的最好方法就是减少摄入的热量,同时增加活动量。

(lose weight, the level of physical activity)40. 应该对私家车进行限制,因为汽车排放的有毒气体里含有许多的致癌物。

(emit, toxic gas, carcinogen)41. 体育锻炼有利于人们减压。

(physical exercise, mental strain)42. 过分沉迷于电脑游戏会导致近视和肥胖。

(overindulgence, myopia, obesity)43. 电视和互联网使人们与朋友疏远了,因为现在人们缺乏与朋友面对面的交流。

(alienate…from…, face-to-face communication)44. 国际旅游业的发展可能导致国与国之间紧张关系的加剧。

(tension)45. 如果老人到敬老院住,他们会觉得自己没有价值了,被家人抛弃了,同时感到绝望。

(useless, desert)46. 通过旅游,有不同种族和政治背景的人会更加了解对方,从而消除误会和偏见,维护世界和平。

(remove misunderstanding and prejudice)47. 出国留学的好处包括:全球意识增强,语言学习,跨文化交际,独立性,自信心和适应性增强。

(global awareness, cross-cultural communication, adaptability) 48. 许多人认为国际旅游对经济发展有积极作用,应鼓励地方政府发展国际旅游。


49. 就我而言,我坚定地认为国外旅游者的数量应得到限制,理由如下:50. 虽然科技带来了很多便利和效率,也同时带来了环境的恶化。

50句翻译练习的答案1. Gambling not only harms people’s health but also damages family harmony.2. Taking part-time jobs not only enables students to earn pocket money/allowance but also learn interpersonal skills.3. The government should not only build/construct more roads but also encourage people to use public transport. pass4. The elderly neither need big houses nor much money. What they need is their children’s care and attention.5. Nowadays, many school uniforms are not only expensive/pricy but also ugly and poor-quality.6. I enjoy traveling, but I neither have money nor time.7. In nursing houses, the elderly can both receive medical care and find friends who have similar topics and hobbies with them.8. Paying tax both benefits a country and ind ividuals, because/for the government’s revenue is mainly used for public services, which is rewarding to everyone.9. Playing computer games both wastes time and impairs eyesight.10. Playing computer games both enables people to relax and improve brain’s flexibility.12. According to a recent survey, there are four million ppl who die ofsmoking-related diseases.13. No invention has received more praise and abuse than that of the Internet.14. Many experts point out that sports conduce to health./physical fitness.15. There is no denying that air pollution is such a serious/severe problem that the government should take effective/strong measures to relieve it.Admittedly,No one can deny that…undoubtedly15. Considering the severity of the problem, …I n light of the…In view of…16. Despite the fact that this view is widely accepted, there is little evidence that airplanes can cause=result in=give rise to disastrous pollution.aspect17. Actually, we must admit that life quality is as important as life itself.18. make every effort to do19. it is generally accepted that..20. I agree with the latter view/one for the following reasons. The reasons go as follows.21. This view is being questioned by an increasing number of ppl.22. Riding bicycles benefit s people’s health, which relieves traffic jams considerably.23. Despite the fact that bicycles have many obvious advantages,they are not without their problems.24. Using bicycles contributes to people’s health and greatly reduces traffic jams.25. Although bicycles have many obvious advantages, they are not without their problems.26. For speed and comfort, bicycles cannot be compared with other means of transport such as trains or buses.27. From the above discussion, we can safely draw the conclusion that the advantages of bicycles far outweigh their disadvantages and they will play an important role in modern society.28. This issue has aroused wide public concern.29. Many people live under the illusion that….30. As for me/as far as I am concerned/For my part/from my perspective, I agree that education should not end with graduation for the following reasons.31. Nowadays, an increasing number of people are beginning to believe that acquiring new techniques and knowledge can help them obtain more employment or promotion opportunities.32. Art funding is a luxurious practice for many developing countries.33. Building stadiums and theatres will waste the government’s tight budget.34. Art funding is a waste of taxpayers’ money. (or the practice of art funding is…)35. Protecting endangered species requires huge amount of public funds, which is aheavy economic burden to developing countries.36. Computer games are so fascinating that many children are addicted to them. (用addicted吧。
