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Please translate the following passage into English.


My daughter and her husband invited me to dinner. We chattered a lot over the meal. All of a sudden, my daughter looked very grave and said to me, “I was very sad last night. I cried for a long time.” Before she had quite finished, I hastened to ask what had happened.

[注释] “见面的时候,聊个不停”,根据前文应理解为“见面、进餐时聊个不停”,故译为“chattered a lot over the meal”。

“脸色凝重”译为“looked very grave”。


Sensing the anxiety in my face, she quickly broke into a smile and explained, “Mom, don’t be alarmed. It’s the South Korean film I watched. The story is very sad. As the plot developed, I became more and more responsive and grief-stricken. Unable to control myself, I burst out crying. When the show was over, my eyes were red and swollen, and my nose hurt badly with too much wiping. ”

[注释] “认真的(地)”在此处不宜译作seriously,seriously 是认真地,非玩笑地。根据淑婉着急的心态,试译为anxiety。

“满脸笑容”不译为full of smiles, 而译为broke into a smile, 以此描述她女儿表情瞬间的转换。

“你放心”,按上下文推论,译作don’t be alarmed,因为淑婉以为大事不妙,十分惊慌;她女儿请她不必担心。

“……,使我愈看愈伤心,……”。此处的“愈……愈……”,不译作the … , the …,因为淑婉的女儿在这里的意思只可能是故事展开后,剧情更令人伤心。所以译为:as the plot developed, …。


“看完戏之后,……”不宜译作I’ve finished seeing the film。试译作更为地道的表达:When the show was over, …。



Having heard her out, I felt sorry for her sake. I have never known a person saddened to such an extreme over a mere play. “Don’t look for misery, ”I advised her. “You are exhaust ed enough after a very long day’s work. What you need is relaxation and recreation. Do you think it is worthwhile to shed so many tears over a sentimental tale?”

[注释] “我听后,……,…….达到极点的”。这部分可用拆分法译成独立的两句。

“因看戏”的参考译文是“…over a mere play”,“mere”为加强语气而增添,与后面


从“我劝她”起,译文换用direct speech ,更方便更生动些。注意引号内外的标点符号,和译文中添加的主语。

“要纾解自己的工作压力”,译为“What you need is relaxation and recreation”,这样译以求得更好的音韵效果。

“苦情戏”,译作a sentimental play。


In my opinion, the touching story in a play reflects life. That is why people say life is a play, which in turn represents life. In this world of ours, misfortunes and miseries are here, there and everywhere. They will bring tears to anyone who witnesses or even hears of them. Having been through so much, I feel resigned. Hence, to me, life is just a drama.

[注释] resign vt. 顺从;听命于(resign oneself to sth.)




I seldom watch tear-jerking plays, because I don’t want to find myself in low spirits or even feeling miserable. In recent years, I prefer slapstick comedies, not excluding silly sit-com. They often make me laugh loud so much so that forgetting about the cares and worries of the world, then I become optimistic.

[注释] tear-jerker n. 催人泪下的电影或故事

tear-jerking a. 催人泪下的

slapstick comedy n. 无聊的喜剧,闹剧

sit-com (situation comedy) n. 情景喜剧

so much so that …如此程度以致……

“情绪低沉而难过”。这里的“而”似不表示因果关系,所描述的两种情绪似构成了发展的两个不同层次。所以译为“find myself in low spirits or even feeling miserable”。


(淑婉《爱看喜剧》)Life being fickle / impermanent / transient, let’s treasure and enjoy every minute of it. That’s how to live.

Shu Wan I Love Comdy [注释] “人生无常”。按照《俗语佛源》(“佛教谓世间一切事物不能久住,都处于生死成坏之中,故为无常”),“无常”可译成:fickle, transient, impermanent, vicissitudinous等。
