小编今天就给大家分享一些英语的优秀作文,欢迎阅读,仅供参考写艾滋病的英语作文AIDS is not only harmful to the AIDS patients, bring heavy burden to the family, but also directly affect the development of the national economy, social stability, national prosperity, national prosperity of survival, it seems that AIDS is not only a threat to every person, every family, but also threaten the whole country, the social influence development and stability, visible AIDS prevention is the responsibility of the whole society.AIDS is indeed very scary, but HIV infected people and AIDS patients are still our good friends. They should not get prejudice and discrimination, but from social and personal care.The AIDS virus is highly contagious, but some daily behavior can not spread AIDS, such as hugging, shaking hands, a public toilet, eat together, talk, share of labor supplies, school supplies and so on, so we should have a correct understanding of AIDS transmission, to treat HIV with the correct attitude of the infected people and AIDS patients.艾滋病不仅对艾滋病病人本身造成危害,给家庭带来沉重的负担,而且还直接影响国家经济的发展,社会的稳定,国家的兴衰,民族的兴存亡,由此看来,艾滋病不仅威胁着每一个人,每一个家庭,而且威胁着整个国家,影响社会的发展和稳定,可见预防艾滋病是全社会的责任。
艾滋病的相关调查报告艾滋病的相关调查报告1. 简介艾滋病是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起的一种病毒性感染,它主要通过性传播、血液传播以及母婴传播的方式传播。
2. 调查目的本次调查旨在了解社会对艾滋病的认识、预防意识以及对艾滋病患者的态度。
3. 方法采用问卷调查的方式,共发放100份问卷,其中男性50份,女性50份。
4. 调查结果(1)对艾滋病的认识在对艾滋病的认识上,有60%的受访者了解艾滋病是由HIV引起的,而其余40%的人对此并不了解。
5. 结论从调查结果来看,大部分人对艾滋病有基本的认识,但对于传播途径和预防措施的了解程度有待提高。
6. 建议(1)加强艾滋病知识宣传教育,提高公众对艾滋病的认知水平;(2)提高艾滋病检测率,推广全民艾滋病检测;(3)加强对性传播、血液传播以及母婴传播的预防知识的普及;(4)加强对艾滋病患者的支持与关怀,减少歧视和偏见的存在。
艾滋病研究性课题背景介绍艾滋病,全称为“获得性免疫缺陷综合症”(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome),是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染所引起的一种慢性免疫系统疾病。
4.预防措施研究在预防艾滋病方面,我们将研究性行为教育、安全套使用推广、静脉吸毒者的harm reduction 策略、艾滋病疫苗研发等方面的工作,以期减少新的感染者数量。
[关键词] 艾滋病;大学生;认知;态度艾滋病是英语"AIDS"中文名称,AIDS是获得性免疫缺陷综合征的英文缩写。
在艾滋病疫情最为严重的撒哈拉以南非洲地区,儿童感染人数占全世界的90% 。
281名调查对象中有 20人(7.1%)在过去12个月中没有接受过艾滋病检测。
【关键词】hiv/aids;性行为;危险因素【中图分类号】r193 【文献标识码】a 【文章编号】1004-7484(2013)05-0582-032009年中国疫情估计报告显示,“截止2009年底,估计中国现存活艾滋病病毒感染者和病人(hiv/aids)74万人(56-92万)”。
我国政府高度重视艾滋病防控工作,制定了一系列政策措施,包括将艾滋病纳入国家重大传染病防治规划、实施 免费抗病毒治疗、对感染者提供“四免一关怀”政策等。同时,各级政府也加大了对艾滋病防控工作的投入和支 持力度。
由于艾滋病病情严重、传 染性强,患者往往会产生 强烈的恐惧和焦虑情绪。
受到社会歧视和排斥,患 者容易产生自卑感和孤独 感。
面对疾病带来的痛苦和生 命威胁,患者可能产生愤 怒和绝望情绪。
帮助患者改变对疾病的错误认知 ,建立积极应对方式。
HIV在体外生存能力极差,不耐高温,离开人体不易生存。常温下,在体外的血液中只可存活数小时 。
HIV对热敏感,在56℃条件下30分钟即失去活性。此外,HIV对许多化学物质也很敏感,常用的漂白 粉、新鲜配制的2%戊二醛溶液等都能迅速灭活病毒。
HIV主要通过性接触、血液和母婴三 种途径传播。其中,性接触是主要的 传播途径,包括同性、异性和双性性 接触。
艾滋病主要通过性接触、血液传播和母婴传播三种途径传播。其中,性接触是 最主要的传播途径,包括同性、异性和双性性接触。
HIV病毒主要攻击人体的免疫系统,特别是CD4+T淋巴细胞 ,导致免疫功能逐渐降低。随着病毒的不断复制和免疫系统 的破坏,感染者逐渐出现各种机会性感染和恶性肿瘤。
组织学与胚胎学论文综述免疫系统研究进展--艾滋病的研究进展Advance in the Research of immune system——Advance in the research of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome专业:2012针推班学号: 12211037姓名: 申博完成时间:2013年6月20日免疫系统研究进展——艾滋病的研究进展Advance in the Research of immune system——Advance in the research of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome作者:申博(ShenBo)摘要:艾滋病即获得性免疫缺陷综合症(又译:后天性免疫缺陷症候群)。
关键词:免疫系统;艾滋病病毒;抑制剂;药物治疗Abstract:AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (also translated:acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). In the United States in 1981 virus ”(also known as the AIDS virus) and the immune system caused by the collapse of infectious disease。
AIDS has become a serious public health and social problems harm to human survival and development in the world. China’s AIDS epidemic through afferent phase, diffusion stage,has entered a period of rapid growth, in the trend of high prevalence in both national and local area and the low prevalence of specific population. This is the HIV drugs in the treatment of some recent research progress.Key word:immune system; The AIDS virus;inhibitor;medication前言:自1981 年美国发现首例艾滋病(AIDS) 患者以来,全球累计感染者总数已达 6 900 万,死亡者总数超过 2 000 万。
艾滋病调查问卷及报告第一篇:艾滋病调查问卷及报告艾滋病(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)是指由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染引起的一种严重的病毒性感染。
调查问卷如下:1. 您是否知道艾滋病的传播途径?(是/否)2. 您是否知道如何预防艾滋病的传播?(是/否)3. 您是否有过艾滋病相关知识的培训或教育?(是/否)4. 您是否认为艾滋病在社会中的认知度足够高?(是/否)5. 您认为保持良好的卫生习惯对预防艾滋病是否重要?(是/否)6. 您是否愿意与感染艾滋病的人保持正常的交往?(是/否)7. 您是否认为在学校等场所开展艾滋病相关知识的宣传活动有助于预防艾滋病?(是/否)8. 您是否有过艾滋病的病例接触经历?(是/否)9. 您是否愿意接受艾滋病疫苗的注射?(是/否)10. 您是否了解艾滋病的治疗方法?(是/否)通过这份调查问卷,我们收集到了来自不同群体的回答,并进行了统计与分析。
英语作文关于艾滋病英文回答:HIV/AIDS is a global health crisis that has claimed the lives of millions of people worldwide. The virus that causes AIDS attacks the immune system, making it difficult for the body to fight off infections. While there is no cure for AIDS, there are treatments that can help people manage the virus and live longer, healthier lives.One of the biggest challenges in the fight against HIV/AIDS is stigma. People who are living with HIV/AIDS often face discrimination and social isolation. This stigma can make it difficult for people to get the care and support they need. It can also prevent people from getting tested for HIV, which can lead to late diagnosis and treatment.Another challenge in the fight against HIV/AIDS is the lack of access to treatment. In many developing countries,people who are living with HIV/AIDS cannot afford the medications they need to stay healthy. This lack of access to treatment can lead to AIDS-related illnesses and death.Despite the challenges, there has been significant progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS. In recent years, the number of people who are living with HIV/AIDS has declined, and the number of people who are dying from AIDS-related illnesses has also decreased. This progress is due to the development of new and more effective treatments, as well as increased access to care and support.There is still much work to be done in the fight against HIV/AIDS, but we have made significant progress in recent years. With continued research, education, and access to treatment, we can end the AIDS epidemic.中文回答:艾滋病是一种全球性的健康危机,已经夺去了全世界数百万人的生命。
关于艾滋病的英语作文英文回答:AIDS, also known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It weakens the immune system, making it difficult for the body to fight off infections and diseases. 。
I remember the first time I learned about AIDS. It was in high school during a health class. The teacher explained how the virus is transmitted through unprotected sex, sharing needles, and from mother to child during childbirth or breastfeeding. I was shocked to learn that it could also be transmitted through blood transfusions and organ transplants.I also learned about the importance of safe sex and using protection to prevent the spread of HIV. The teacher emphasized the need for regular testing and how earlydetection can lead to better treatment outcomes. It was a wake-up call for me and my classmates to take our sexual health seriously.As I grew older, I realized that AIDS does not discriminate. It affects people from all walks of life, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. I have seen friends and family members affected by the virus, and it has opened my eyes to the stigma and discrimination that people living withHIV/AIDS face.I have also witnessed the incredible progress in medical research and treatment options for HIV/AIDS. The development of antiretroviral therapy has transformed the prognosis for those living with the virus. It has become a chronic manageable condition rather than a death sentence.Despite the progress, there is still much work to be done in raising awareness, combating stigma, and ensuring access to treatment and care for all. It is important for individuals to get tested, know their status, and seeksupport if they are living with HIV/AIDS.中文回答:艾滋病,也称为获得性免疫缺陷综合症,是一种严重且潜在危及生命的疾病,由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起。
艾滋病患者论文临床观察论文32例艾滋病患者的临床观察与护理[摘要] 目的讨论AIDS患者的护理问题及护理措施,提高护理。
关键词:获得性免疫缺陷综合症感染护理艾滋病又称为获得性免疫缺陷综合症(acquired immune deficency syndrome,AIDS),它是由人免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)所引起的致命性慢性传染病。
1 临床资料本组32例,患者血清抗HIV均阳性,并经河南省疾病控制中心确诊。
2 护理2.1 心理护理艾滋病是一种不可治愈性疾病,另外该病一直受到社会的歧视,给患者带来了恐惧、抑郁等心理问题。
2.2 基础护理做好保护性隔离措施,防止交叉感染。
艾滋病病毒论文:探讨艾滋病病毒检测渠道与存在的问题目前,全球艾滋病病毒感染者人数大约4 000万左右,其中估计约三分之二在位于撒哈拉以南的非洲地区。
1 材料与方法1.1 调查对象我市劳教所劳教人员、娱乐场所相关人员进行调查。
Heard these things, you must know the importance of life? Yeah, the beginning of life is a candle, until your mother give you some "wick", you begin to write the first sentence for precious life poetry. Until you will be called "yi ah yi ah", will speak "mother", a shake a put to walk, will say many, many words, have thought, will feel everything is so beautiful. Till now, did you know if our lives of AIDS, just never see butterflies dance track and spring like washed the sky this truth? If you out the candle, that you see will be darkness, not light.In order to not let us lose precious life much earlier, from now on, please look around the size of the details.The classmates! Please drive your mom and dad, relatives and friends, let everybody pay attention to personal hygiene, AIDS is not with us! Let us shout loudly: "AIDS prevention! Cherish precious life!"听到这一切的一切,你一定知道生命的重要性了吧?是呀,生命的开始其实就是一支蜡烛,直到你的母亲给你点上“灯芯”,你才开始为宝贵的生命谱写第一句诗歌。
篇一:有关艾滋病的英语作文You may have a memory of the terrifying attacks by AIDS several years ago. A number of people died of the disease. Few months ago, there had been hints that the terrible disease would come back again.Uncurable as it is, we could keep the illness at bay. As far as I am concerned, we has been urging citizens with symptoms of the illness--a sharp increase in body temperature, headaches, muscular pains and breathing problems -- to visit their nearest medical center as soon as possible.Many people nowadays have taken steps to prevent this terrible thing from stalking all over the world. As far as I am concerned, The Chinese capital has stepped up its efforts to fight AIDS by advocating a healthy ethical manners. The World Health Organization (WHO) said that although China has a strong political determination to tackle the problem and had stepped up monitoring efforts, more needed to be done at the local level.Bright future is at hand. Maybe, a few years later, the disease will be gone, and a tranquil life may come.你可能回忆起几年前艾滋病的可怕袭击。
高校研究生艾滋病相关知识的调查及健康教育效果评价――以浙江师范大学为例吴东红;胡高楼;陈根芝【摘要】为了了解高校研究生对艾滋病知识掌握的情况,观察健康教育的效果,以2017年9月入学的浙江师范大学研究生新生为研究对象,采用分层整群抽样的方法,以开展专题讲座、知识竞赛、宣传资料发放、微信推送等多种形式对研究生新生进行艾滋病知识的健康教育.教育前后分别进行网上调查问卷测评,并进行效果评价;同时,对他们的生活习惯、性相关知识及知识来源途径等进行调查、分析、整理.结果表明:通过健康教育后,研究生对艾滋病知识的知晓率从教育前的57.8%提高到教育后的92.0%.表明专题讲座、知识竞赛、宣传资料发放、微信推送等多种形式的健康教育效果显著.结论:研究生新生的艾滋病健康教育应采用性知识、行为生活方式及艾滋病知识教育一体化模式,借助多形式、多渠道、多方位的教育途径,从而有效地提高研究生新生对艾滋病的防范能力,遏制艾滋病疫情在校园蔓延.【期刊名称】《浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2019(042)001【总页数】6页(P104-109)【关键词】研究生新生;艾滋病;健康教育;效果评价【作者】吴东红;胡高楼;陈根芝【作者单位】浙江师范大学医院,浙江金华 321004;浙江师范大学医院,浙江金华321004;浙江师范大学医院,浙江金华 321004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R193.8最近五年,艾滋病在校园的发病率逐年上升[1],青年学生已成为感染艾滋病的高危人群[2],尤其是18~24岁感染的人数占青少年感染数的50%以上[3].研究生新生大多数处在这个年龄段,同时又是一个容易被学校忽视的群体.因此,对研究生新生进行艾滋病知识健康教育意义重大.健康教育是目前预防和控制性传播疾病和艾滋病最有效的手段之一[4],为了解艾滋病知识健康教育对高校研究生人群的影响效果,笔者于2017年9月对浙江师范大学(全国艾滋病防控工作试点高校)全日制研究生新生进行了艾滋病及性知识等的教育,在教育前后进行问卷调查,得到了较有意义的结果.现呈上管见,旨在为相关部门决策提供参考.1 研究对象与方法1.1 研究对象以浙江师范大学2017级全日制研究生新生作为调查对象,采取随机整群抽样的方法,选取15个学院共573名研究生新生进行艾滋病知识专题健康教育效果调查.其中女生409人,占比71.4%,男生164人,占比28.6%;户籍来自农村的有384人,占比67%;来自城市的有189人,占比33%.对所抽取的研究生新生样本,根据其性别、生源地等一般资料进行分析比较,结果无显著性差异,χ2=0.310,P>0.05,样本分组间具有可比性.1.2 研究方法1.2.1 艾滋病知识健康教育的方法利用新生报到后的安全教育周对全体新入学研究生开展1 h艾滋病知识专题讲座.由研究者编写统一的艾滋病知识健康教育专题报告课件,包括基本知识、流行现状、预防、干预措施、国家艾滋病防治政策、感染者关怀等方面内容.在具有良好扩音设备的多媒体报告厅进行专题讲座培训,由多年高校传染病防控经验的主任医师主讲.此外,给每位研究生新生发放艾滋病宣传资料并附发学校关于认真学习相关知识的通知.同时,通过在医院开辟艾滋病知识专栏,设置校园内艾滋病主题黑板报、组织艾滋病防控学生志愿者社团活动、建立班级微信群等方式,及时推送、普及艾滋病及其防治相关知识.1.2.2 问卷调查法由研究者自行编制问卷,设计时参考相关文献资料并结合研究生特点,经过专题小组讨论,专家评阅等过程,共设计2份调查表:第1份调查表(健康教育前使用)内容主要涵盖个人基本情况、生活方式、艾滋病知识、性相关知识、健康教育需求及获得知识途径等,共35题,其中含5题多选题、29题单选题及1题简答题;第2份调查表(健康教育后使用)内容主要针对艾滋病相关知识,采用《国八条》(8题单选题),其中答对6题及以上的同学视为“知晓”,否则视为“不知晓”.1.2.3 网上问卷调查法在健康教育前后,对所抽取的研究生新生各进行1次手机端或电脑网上问卷调查(共2次),第1次是新生报到当天填写,第2次是在集中统一完成艾滋病知识专题学习后填写.操作时,研究者在辅导员和助班配合下,由预先培训过的调查员对学生讲解本次调查的意义及健康教育前后2次填写调查表的要求.调查问卷采用匿名方式,答题者无任何提示或辅助信息,通过网络确认问卷的回收情况及有效性.由于问卷填写者流失,健康教育专题讲座前后样本差异为38人.此外,研究者还对部分研究生新生进行面对面访谈.1.3 统计分析应用SPSS 19.0软件所获的数据进行一般描述性分析和χ2检验,P<0.05为差异显著.2 结果2.1 研究生新生艾滋病知识健康教育前后知晓率比较通过艾滋病知识健康教育,研究生新生艾滋病总体知晓率显著提高(χ2=169.343,P<0.05),由受教育前的57.8% (331/573)上升至受教育后的92.0% (492/535).各具体知识问题知晓率比较,受教育前后知晓率差异均具有统计意义(P<0.05).其中,健康教育对于艾滋病严重程度的基本认知 (Q1)、传播途径(Q2)、毒品对于艾滋病感染的风险影响 (Q6)、高危性行为后的检测干预手段 (Q7)及国家对于艾滋病感染者的关怀保护政策 (Q8)5个方面的知晓率提升效果尤为显著.研究生新生艾滋病知识健康教育前后知晓率比较详细情况见表1.表1 研究生新生艾滋病知识健康教育前后知晓率比较知识问题教育前知晓率/%(n=573)教育后知晓率/%(n=535)χ2PQ1.艾滋病是一种不可治愈的严重传染病吗?61.8(354)82.1 (439)55.902<0.01**Q2.目前我国青年学生中艾滋病流行呈快速增长趋势,主要传播方式为男性同性性行为,其次为异性性行为,是吗?49.4(283)77.9(417)96.972<0.01**Q3.通过外表可以判断一个人是否感染了艾滋病?74.5(427)93.5(500)72.603<0.01**Q4.日常生活和学习接触会感染艾滋病吗?86.0(493)95.3(510)27.827<0.01**Q5.坚持正确使用安全套可以减少感染和传播艾滋病的风险吗?83.8(480)99.6(533)88.743<0.01**Q6.使用新型毒品(如冰毒、摇头丸、K 粉等)会增加感染艾滋病的风险吗?58.7(336)85.0(455)94.468<0.01**Q7.发生高危行为后(共用针具吸毒/不安全性行为等),应主动寻求艾滋病检测与咨询吗?66.1(378)99.3(531)208.016<0.01**Q8.艾滋病病毒感染者的结婚/就业/入学等权益受我国法律保护吗? 56.3(322)93.3(499)198.152<0.01** 回答正确6题及以上57.8(331)92.0(492)169.343<0.01**注:括号内容为答对人数;*表示P<0.05,差异显著;**表示P<0.01,差异极显著.2.2 研究生新生生活习惯情况在生活习惯方面,研究生新生入学后基本延续之前大学阶段的生活习惯.由于学校生活大多可以自主安排,因此,生活习惯上具有较大差异性.问卷调查结果显示,分别有17.80%和4.20%的学生有喝酒史和吸烟史;75.00%的学生每日平均睡眠不足7 h;有56.70%的学生每周锻炼少于3次;19.40%的学生存在饮食规律问题;同时,绝大多数受访学生每天连续上网超过2 h,占总样本的84.30%.具体情况见图1.图1 研究生新生生活习惯情况(n=573,下同)2.3 研究生新生对性教育环境、性观念及性传染病的了解情况2.3.1 性教育环境、性观念及性知识掌握情况笔者也对研究生的性教育环境、性观念及相关的性知识掌握情况进行了调查.结果显示,绝大多数学生羞于和家长、老师或者同学谈及性方面的问题或讨论相关知识.仅有27.1%的受访学生与家长谈及过性的问题,15.9%的学生选择经常和同学讨论性相关话题.当遇到困惑时,只有18.5%的学生会选择向父母或老师寻求帮助.同时,研究结果还体现了性教育的缺失及教育质量的欠佳:超过半数(52.9%)受访学生从未阅读过性教育书籍或观看性教育视频;有64.9%的学生表达了对学校现有性教育的不满.在性观念方面,受访学生对于婚前性行为(80.8%)、同性恋(66.8%)的认可度较高,但有4.9%的学生对自己的性取向存疑.受访学生对于性教育的重要程度认识充分(98.8%),且83.2%的学生可以采取正常态度面对“敏感”性话题.有58.1%的学生认为自己了解性知识,但仍有41.0%的学生对避孕套的用法知识欠缺.研究生新生性教育环境、性观念及知识掌握具体情况见表2.表2 研究生新生性教育环境、性观念及知识掌握情况(n=573)分类问题问题选项人数占比/%性教育环境您的家长有跟您谈起过关于性的问题吗?有15527.1没有41872.9您觉得您曾经接受过的学校性教育怎么样?好20135.1不好37264.9您有看过性教育视频、性教育书籍之类吗?有27047.1没有30352.9您会和同学经常在一起讨论性方面的话题吗?会9115.9不会48284.1在性方面有困惑时会咨询老师或者父母吗?会10618.5不会46781.5性观念及知识对婚前性行为的看法可以理解46380.8反对11019.2对同性恋的态度认可38366.8不认可19033.2对性教育的态度重要56698.8不重要71.2认为自己了解性知识了解33358.1不了解24041.9面对性相关“敏感话题”正常47783.2回避9616.8怀疑自己性取向有284.9没有54595.1知道避孕套的用法知道33859.0不知道23541.02.3.2 性知识获取途径、需求及性传染病的了解情况本研究同时对性教育存在问题、责任、知识来源途径、青年学生对性知识期望及性传染病了解的情况进行了调查 .研究结果表明,受访者认为目前我国性教育存在的主要问题依次是:1)学校不重视(79.58%);2)形式和内容不佳(69.46%);3)教师父母本身缺乏性知识(68.76%);4)学生不愿意参加(52.01%);5)老师和家长反对(50.26%).具体情况见图2.研究生新生认为应该承担性教育的责任主体前3位依次是:1)学校(78.53%);2)自己(73.12%);3)家长(72.77%).具体情况见图3.研究生获取艾滋病及性相关知识的渠道依次是:1)网络(85.34%);2)电视广播(68.94%);3)学校(68.24%);4)书报杂志(53.93%);5)亲朋(23.56%).具体情况见图4.性传染病了解情况调查显示,研究生较为了解的性传染病前3位依次为:1)艾滋病(98.8%);2)梅毒(62.0%);3)淋病(40.8%).针对研究生新生性知识期望的调查显示,学生希望开展艾滋病健康教育的内容中,居于前3位的依次是:1)性卫生知识(82.6%);2)预防性病、艾滋病知识(80.1%);3)性心理知识 (73.0%).具体情况见表3.图2 中国性教育中存在问题的观点图3 研究生对谁应该承担性教育责任的观点比较图4 研究生获得艾滋病相关知识的途径表3 研究生新生性知识期望(n=573)性知识的内容人数选择的比例/%传授避孕知识36363.4传授性心理知识41873.0传授预防性病、艾滋病知识45980.1传授性卫生知识47382.6传授性道德知识36363.4传授性生理知识40670.93 讨论3.1 开展专题讲座、知识竞赛、宣传资料发放、微信推送等多种形式的健康教育成效明显调查结果显示,开展以艾滋病知识专题讲座、知识竞赛、宣传资料发放、微信推送等多种形式一体化健康教育方式,能有效提高研究生新生艾滋病知识的总体知晓率(从教育前的57.8%提高到教育后的92.0%).其中,对于教育前明显欠缺的相关知识,如高危行为后主动寻求检测、国家关怀政策、吸毒增加感染艾滋病风险等方面知晓率提高尤为显著.教育前后知晓率的差异表明,研究生群体对艾滋病的关注度仍存在不足,但对知识的接受能力较强,通过多渠道、多方面的宣传教育,往往能起到立竿见影的效果.研究生的学习、科研任务繁重,参加社团活动又相对较少,因此,针对研究生艾滋病的健康教育,可更多地考虑新媒体,如建立微信群等方式,将艾滋病知识通过微信群进行推送、宣传,以提高研究生对于艾滋病的关注度及相关知识的可及性.3.2 性教育能提升研究生对艾滋病知识的理解,增强对艾滋病的防范意识当前性传播是我国艾滋病流行的主要方式[5],尤其是男男同性性行为[6].控制艾滋病经性传播是我国艾滋病防治工作的重点和面临的难点[7].本次调查发现,研究生对于性知识的获取需求迫切,其中93.9%的受访学生希望接受更多的艾滋病及性知识教育.同时调查结果也表明,目前我国性教育存在的主要问题是学校不重视、形式和内容欠佳、教师和父母本身性知识缺乏.64.9% 受访学生表达了对学校性知识教育的不满,且绝大多数学生羞于与同学、老师及家长讨论性方面话题,但可以理解婚前性行为.由于学校性教育的长期“失语”及家庭性教育的“缺位”,网络成了获取艾滋病及性相关知识的主要渠道.然而,网络信息所存在的系统性和完整性缺陷,会使得性知识教育效果难以保证.未经筛选的错误信息更会导致适得其反的负面效应.研究生新生处在性活跃期,随着网络交友的便捷及性观念的日渐开放,对性相关知识缺乏系统学习及防范能力不足,使得其成为感染艾滋病的高危人群.因此,开展艾滋病知识健康教育,对于高等院校研究生对艾滋病知识的理解和防范意识的提升具有重要意义.同时,健康教育前后知晓率的差异也进一步表明了研究生新生对于艾滋病知识的了解具有内容上的结构性差异.艾滋病知识健康教育应该更具有针对性和侧重点.建议在新生艾滋病健康教育过程中,结合性知识内容重点进行生殖健康知识和性道德观教育,引导学生正确对待性冲动,学会正确使用安全套,以防性病、艾滋病的传播.3.3 健康的行为生活方式对防控艾滋病具有促进作用世界卫生组织(WHO)认为,人的疾病60%是由个人不良的行为及生活方式所引起,艾滋病也不例外.吸烟、酗酒、性乱等不良的个人行为生活方式,会不断消磨人的志气,降低人的免疫力,对艾滋病的传播起着促进的作用.本次调查显示,研究生新生在吸烟喝酒等传统“非健康”生活习惯方面行为表现尚可,然而,在新型的“亚健康”生活习惯上存在较多问题,如睡眠不足7 h,长时间的连续上网等.健康生活习惯的培养是一个逐渐积累的过程,建议对研究生新生的健康教育在性知识、艾滋病知识教育基础上,适当增加健康行为生活方式知识的内容,促使研究生新生改变一些不良的生活习惯,增强对社会、家庭及个人的健康责任感.4 结论艾滋病作为全球性的公共卫生问题正在严重威胁着人群的健康.长期性教育的缺失导致高校学生成为感染艾滋病的高危人群,高等院校也成了艾滋病疫情的“重灾区”.因此,高校艾滋病健康教育工作对于开展艾滋病知识普及和防控措施宣传,进而有效抑制艾滋病传播具有重要意义.本研究通过对新入学研究生生活方式、艾滋病知识、性相关知识、健康教育需求及获得知识途径等方面信息的收集分析,为高等院校开展艾滋病健康教育工作提供参考依据.此外,健康教育前后高校学生在艾滋病知识知晓率方面的显著差异,证明了在高等院校推行多形式、多渠道、多方位艾滋病知识一体化教育模式的有效性和必要性.同时,倡导艾滋病知识健康教育应该更具有针对性和实用性.本文的研究对象主要关注于新入学的研究生群体,建议未来研究通过大样本数据对不同学历层次、不同专业及不同家庭背景的学生群体进行更为详细的差异化分析.参考文献:【相关文献】[1]侯蕾蕾,张东方,牛家峰,等.大学生艾滋病知识宣教方法的探究[J].中国社区医师,2016,32(32):175-177.[2]黄亚阳,马迎华,周佳,等.我国15省市大学生艾滋病综合防治知识知晓情况调查[J].保健医学研究与实践,2016,13(4):14-17.[3]张欣,娜荷芽,叶墨,等.北京大学生艾滋病相关知识、态度、行为的变化特点及影响因素[J].北京大学学报(医学版),2017,49(3):462-468.[4]苏云鹏,申元英,何梅,等.大学生艾滋病健康教育研究进展[J].中国性科学,2014,23(12):87-88.[5]熊翠欢,阳宜均.桂北某高校新生艾滋病健康教育干预前后比较分析[J].桂林师范高等专科学校学报,2017,31(4):134-137.[6]刘光军,黄少平,阙震,等.在校大学生男男性行为者艾滋病相关知识和行为调查[J].天津医学,2017,45(9):990-993.[7]梁志静,金晓燕,马琪,等.高校新生艾滋病知信行现状及健康教育需求的调查分析[J].中国医学教育技术,2017,31(5):501-505.。
艾滋病课题研究1. 引言艾滋病(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome,AIDS)是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus,HIV)感染引起的一种免疫系统紊乱和功能损害的疾病。
2. 艾滋病的流行状况据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)数据,截至2020年底,全球共有约3800万人感染了HIV病毒,其中约2200万人已死亡。
3. 艾滋病的传播途径艾滋病主要通过以下途径传播:•性传播:性行为中的性器官直接接触是最常见的艾滋病传播方式。
4. 艾滋病的预防措施艾滋病的预防工作主要包括以下几个方面:•行为干预:宣传教育,提高艾滋病的认知和防范意识。
5. 艾滋病的治疗与支持目前,艾滋病依然没有可治愈的方法,但通过抗病毒治疗可以有效延缓疾病的进展,提高生活质量。
艾滋调研报告艾滋调研报告一、背景介绍艾滋病(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome,AIDS)是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus,HIV)引起的一种免疫系统损害性疾病。
三、调研结果1. 艾滋病的流行状况调研结果显示,艾滋病在全球范围内仍然呈现高发态势。
2. 艾滋病的防治措施调研结果显示,艾滋病的防治工作取得了一定的成绩,但仍然存在一些问题和挑战。
3. 艾滋病对社会心理的影响调研结果显示,艾滋病对社会心理带来了巨大影响。
四、对策建议1. 加强艾滋病的宣传教育通过加强对艾滋病的宣传教育,提高公众对该疾病的认知度和防范意识,减少疫情的发生和传播。
2. 完善防治措施加强艾滋病的防治措施,包括提高病毒筛查、强化性教育、推行安全注射等方面的工作,以实现艾滋病的控制和治愈。
3. 关注艾滋病患者的心理健康加强对艾滋病患者及其家庭的心理支持和关怀,减少对他们的歧视和孤立,使他们能够积极面对疾病并融入社会。
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Report on Survey of Knowledge, Attitude, Beliefs and Practice on AIDS in Chongqing UniversitySubmitted by Su HongfangStudent ID: 20131802094Chemical Engineer DepartmentChongqing UniversityMay 25, 2014ContentAbstract ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
1 Introduction (2)2 Literature Review (3)3 Methodology (5)4 Results & Discussion (6)4.1 Knowledge about AIDS (6)4.1.1 Basic knowledge about AIDS (6)4.1.2 Knowledge about transmission channels of AIDS (7)4.1.3 Knowledge about effective means of AIDS prevention (7)4.2 Attitudes towards AIDS patients (8)4.3 Beliefs and practice about AIDS (10)5 Conclusion & Suggestions (13)Reference (14)Appendix (15)AbstractThis study investigated postgraduates’ knowledge, attitude towards AIDS and AIDS patients, as well as beliefs and practice about AIDS. In order to offer the scientific basis for governments’ AIDS prevention policy, an d explore an appropriate programme of AIDS education, a structured questionnaire concerning knowledge, attitude, beliefs and practice towards AIDS and AIDS patient was conducted in Chongqing university. The results shows that postgraduates have moderate or good knowledgeable about AIDS, but their attitudes toward AIDS patients were not so much positive. There are still some worries about living or working with people with AIDS, and only half of the students were willing to be the volunteer of AIDS. Keywords: AIDS, postgraduates, knowledge, attitude1 IntroductionThe AIDS epidemic is a major international public health problem. In China , there are around 1.5 to 2 million people are HIV positive. Thus, AIDS prevention is imperative to conduct both in schools and societies. It’s reported that inadequate or incorrect information about HIV/AIDS causes fear, misunderstanding and misinformation. In a study conducted in Turkish, the nursing students still have misconceptions and lack of knowledge of HIV/AIDS ( Akin et al. 2013). Maswanya et al (2006) also found that female college students in Japan have considerable misconceptions and prejudices about people living with AIDS. Similar foundings were reported.The aim of this project is to research po stgraduates’ knowledge, attitude towards AIDS and AIDS patients, as well as beliefs and practice about AIDS. Aiming to offer the scientific basis for governments’ AIDS prevention policy, and explore an appropriate programme of AIDS education.The introduction to the background and aim of this study are presented in this chapter. The rest of the dissertation is organized as follows.Chapter 2 presents a review of other researchers’ work which focus on people’s knowledge and attitude towards AIDS patients. People from different countries and various identities were researched.Chapter 3 describes the methodology used in the present study. It covers the subjects, procedure and methods of this research.Chapter 4 presents the result and discussion of this study. In this part, students’ knowledge about AIDS, attitudes towards AIDS patients and beliefs and practice about AIDS are included, and discussions were given.Finally, conclusions of the present study are given in Chapter 5 together with suggestions for schools and governments.2 Literature ReviewWith the general growth of HIV/AIDS work in many academic fields, it is much more curious about what people’s attitudes toward patients with AIDS are —especially those who accepted higher education. It’s k nown to all that HIV/AIDS is an epidemic and not discovered a cure yet. In the studies before, many researchers focused on analysing the pathological mechanism of HIV/AIDS or its effect on health. However, some research has focus on people’s knowledge of AIDS, such as if they kno w what is HIV or what’s its effect channel, other work has sought to explain the participants’ attitudes toward AIDS/HIV. At this facet, Laund and Toul(2009) conducted a random telephone survey toward HongKong residents, the results shows that the general public in Hong Kong has formed some negative perceptions of PLWHA. Discriminatory attitudes towards PLWHA are common and cover different aspects of their life. So they suggest that intervention programmes are warranted. Manchester (2009) also conducted a similar research, he carried out 6,777 people in ten cities and ten towns throughout China completing the interviews and found there was fairly widespread awareness of HIV/AIDS, however, there was still a lack of understanding of many aspects of HIV and AIDS in China. Such conditions resemble to female college students in Nagasaki, Japan. Swanny et al (2000) conducted a cross-sectional questionnaire survey for first year female student in Japan, it’s encouraging to see that female college students in Nagasaki, Japan have a high level of knowledge concerning AIDS/HIV , while considerable misconceptions and prejudice about patients with AIDS still exist.Except the public, professional persons were surveyed too. Olafimihan investigated Health Care Providers' knowledge of and attitude towards AIDS and AIDS patients.It’s indicated that Health Care Providers are significantly knowledgeable about AIDS, but do not have a positive attitude towards AIDS patients.what’s more , physicians and nurses/midwives have different perception ofAIDS.This kind of surveys were conducte d because improving professional persons’ knowledge and attitudes towards patients with HIV/AIDS is vital for providing quality care for such patients. Accordingly, Alkin et al (2013) selected 580 nursing students from three nursing schools in Turkish to assess nursing students’ knowledge of and attitudes towards people living with AIDS/HIV and to determine the variables associated with students’ knowledge and attitudes towards th em,in his article, Alkin notes that nursing students still have misconceptions and a lack of knowledge ofHIV/AIDS and that their attitudes need to be improved.Although those researches are specific enough,they are not related to the higher educated peopl e’s attitudes toward AIDS.In order to learn this,a study was conducted in Chongqing University,and the sample was consist of 125 post graduates who were required to complete questionnaires involve knowledge of AIDS and the transmission routes as well as the attitudes toward people living with AIDS/HIV.125 valid answers were obtained finally.3 MethodologySubjectsA cross-sectional questionnaire survey for postgraduates was conducted at Engineering School in Chongqing University. A total of 125 students whose age ranged from 23 to 25 years fully completed questionnaires, representing a valid response rate of 100%.ProcedureQuestionnaires were administered while the students were in the classroom after explaining the nature and anonymity of the survey, and assuring confidentiality of the personal responses. The survey was conducted in class. Participants were asked not to communicate with each other during administration of the questionnaire so as to encourage honest response.MethodsThe questionnaire had 46 questions, divided into three subscales. The first section had 27 questions testing students’ knowledge about AIDS, 7 questions about basic knowledge, 12 questions about transmission channels, and 8 items about effective preventions respectively. The second section had 10 questions relating to attitudes toward people with AIDS, including two hypothetical situations. The third section consisted of 9 questions about beliefs and practices on AIDS.4 Results & Discussion4.1 Knowledge about AIDS4.1.1 Basic knowledge about AIDSTableⅠshows students’ basic knowledge about AIDS. For all but the statement ‘AIDS can not be cured’ and the question ‘How long can the HIV survive after leaving human body?’(64%), most respondents (80%) gave correct answers to the others questions and all of the respondents heard about AIDS.This demonstrates that postgraduates generally had good basic knowledge of AIDS, because all of them are higher educated and easily access to the related information, however, they didn’t have a further understanding of it. For example, 27% of the students don’t know that how long the HIV can survive after leaving human body,and 20% of the students though there is an effective vaccine. So education such as a lecture about AIDS/HIV is still needed to improve their AIDS knowledge.TableⅠ. Students’ basic knowledge about AIDSQuestions Correct response Correct answer1. Have you heard about AIDS? Yes, I heard it 100%2. AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 96.3%3. HIV is Human Immunodeficiency Virus 95%4. How long can the HIV survive after leaving human body? HIV dies in a few minutes after leavinghuman body73%5. Which statement is correct? The people who are infected with AIDS virusare just AIDS virus carrier. After a longperiod of development, they become AIDSpatient.96%6.1 AIDS can not be cured. True 64% 6.2 Their is an effective vaccine False 80% 10. Could it be possible that a personwho looks healthy is a HIV infectedperson?Possible 95%4.1.2 Knowledge about transmission channels of AIDSAll students knew that blood transfusion with untested blood can transmit the virus. Again, almost all students answered correctly about ‘share an injection needle’, ‘shake, hug with an AIDS person’, ‘polite kiss on cheek’, ‘sexual intercourse without safety measure’. Misconceptions do exist, however. Nearly a half of respondents (49%) struggled with ‘mosquito bites’, and 19% of the students answered wrongly about ‘mending tooth with non-sterile equipment’ and ‘sneezing and coughing’. (TableⅡ).It seems that most students knew that blood, sex and mother-to-fetus are the three main transmission routes, but there were some misunderstandings which tend to produce prejudices against those having AIDS/HIV.TableⅡ.Students’ knowledge about transmission channels of AIDSChannel Correct response Correct answer 7.1 Share an injection needle when taking drug True 99%7.2 Blood transfusion with untested blood True 100%7.3 Treatment/mending tooth with non-sterileTrue 81% equipment7.4 Mother with AIDS gives birth to the baby True 96%7.5 Mosquito bites False 51%7.6 Shake, hug with an AIDS person False 99%7.7 Polite kiss on cheek with an AIDS person False 99%7.8 AIDS person’s sneezing and coughing False 81%7.9 Talk with an AIDS person in short distance False 94%7.10 Have dinner with an AIDS person False 90%7.11 Share the public facilities with an AIDS person False 85%7.12 Sexual intercourse without safety measure True 98%4.1.3 Knowledge about effective means of AIDS preventionApart from ‘Timely cure other sex diseases’ and ‘Not living in the same room with a HIV person’, the percentage of those who gave correct answers to the rest of 6 questions was high (92%). Students knew that the following measures were highlyeffective in preventing the transmission of AIDS: keep to a single sex partner (94%), use condom (95%), not share a needle with anyone (100%), be cautious about getting blood transfusion (100%), take HIV test before getting pregnancy (98%), no breast feeding (92%). While there were still some students (39%) didn’t know that timely cure other sex diseases is an effective precautionary measures, and nearly a quarter misunderstood that not living in the same room with a HIV person was a mean to prevent HIV infections (Table Ⅲ).Although there has no direct connections between other sex diseases and AIDS, it’s obvious that timely cure other sex diseases can lower the risk of AIDS transmission. Generally, living in the same room with a HIV person would not affected with AIDS, so it’s not an effective mean of prevention. It’s students’ fears which lead to their misconceptions, so that any closely contact would arose their worries about been affected with AIDS.Table Ⅲ.Students’ knowledge about effective means of AIDS preventionMeasures CorrectresponseCorrectanswer8.1 Keep to a single sex partner True 94%8.2 Use condom when having sex True 95%8.3 Not share a needle with anyone True 100%8.4 Be cautious about getting blood transfusion True 100%8.5 Timely cure other sex diseases True 61%8.6 Take HIV test before getting pregnancy True 98%8.7 No breast feeding to the baby when mother is infected with HIV True 92%8.8 Not living in the same room with a HIV person False 77%4.2 Attitudes towards AIDS patientsTable Ⅳshows students’ attitudes toward AIDS patients. 23% of students thought that AIDS patients should be separated from the health people, 20% agree that the privacy of the AIDS people should not be stressed, and nearly one third thought that the employment/promotion of HIV/AIDS people should be restricted,what’s more, 12% of the students though s chools have rights to refuse the attendance of the children whose close relatives are HIV/AIDS people. Things became worse when it comes to living or working with AIDS patients. Only 70% of the students indicated that they would treat their family members as before and keep living together with them (Fig.1), 33% chose to keep the disease as a secret for one of his employee and let him go (Fig.2).This indicate that students’ attitudes towards people living with AIDS is not so much positive, even if they had moderate or good knowledge of AIDS. It seems that students still had some worries about living or working with AIDS patients. It’s no doubt that this is caused by fears, while fears is just the superficial reasons. The underneath reasons is the impact of surroundings. Chinese are traditional and sex is quite a sensitive topic to talk about in the public, which hinder the universal education of AIDS. People who can not accept the systematic AIDS education is very likely to produce negative attitude toward AIDS patients, although postgraduates are higher educated, lacking of systematic and pragmatic AIDS education programme is still existence in colleges. So measures should be taken to change the bad situation.Table Ⅳ.Students’ attitudes toward AIDS patientsMeasures Agree Disagree I don’t know 9.1 Only the immoral people get AIDS 5% 95%9.2 Anyone can be infected with AIDS 91% 9%9.3 HIV/AIDS infected people should be separated23% 75% 2%from the health people9.4 For most people `s benefits, the privacy of the20% 77% 3%HIV/AIDS people should not be stressed9.5 The employment/promotion of HIV/AIDS people29% 71%should be restricted9.6 HIV/AIDS people`s right to use public2% 97% 1% transportation, public facilities should be deprived of2% 98%9.7 Hospitals have rights to reject treatment ofHIV/AIDS people9.8 Schools have rights to refuse the attendance of the12% 87% 1%children whose close relatives are HIV/AIDS peopleFig.1Students’ re sponse about family members with AIDSFig.2 Students’ attitudes towards with employee4.3 Beliefs and practice about AIDSAs is shown in Table Ⅴ, the main source of information about AIDS was the mass media ,with TV/internet ranking first, followed by magazines, mouth-to-mouth from friends/parents and newspapers. 73% of the respondents thought that it’s very essential for universities to educate students about AIDS. It appears that the massmedia have succeeded in raising AIDS awareness, and educational interventions is expected to promote practice toward people with AIDS.It’s surprised to see that the vast majority of the students were not worried (59%) (or not much worried 24% )about been infected HIV. More than 70% of the students would take measures to protect themselves, and students want to know the information about precautions most, followed by the transmission channels and symptom. Although the majority of students (93%) thought they have responsibility for the prevention of AIDS’ spread, onl y 58% of the respondents though that everyone should take the main responsibility for AIDS prevention and wanted to be a volunteer.It’s unexpected to see that so many respondents did not want to be a volunteer for AIDS prevention. As Chinese are quite conservative, it would be a long time to change their concepts of AIDS patients, even if those students with higher education. However, lacking of knowledge is also a reason leading to their prejudice, so schools and governments need to pay much attention on the education of AIDS.Table Ⅴ. Students’ b eliefs and Practices about AIDS17.The media you get most knowledge about AIDS (only one item)A. Newspaper (9%)B. TV (35%)C. Magazines (11%)D. Mouth-to-mouth from friends/parents (10%)E. Internet (35%)15. Do you think the university should educate students about AIDS?A. It is very essential (73%)B. It is necessary (27%)C. It is not necessary13. Are you worried that you will be infected HIV?A.Worried (17%)B. not much worried (59%)C. not worried at all (24%)14. To protect yourself, what are you going to do (more than one items are allowed)e condom when having sex 37 (79%)B. Keep to a single sex partner 44 (80%)C.Avoid sex outside of marriage 36 (74%)D. I don`t know (2%)16. The information you want to know most (only one item)A. How to prevent being infected (55%)B. the transmission channels (20%)C.Symptom of AIDS and treatment methods (25%)18. Do you think you have responsibility for the prevention of AIDS` spread?A.Yes 51 (93%)B. No 1 (2%)C. I don`t know 2 (5%)19. Who do you think should take the main responsibility for AIDS prevention ? (only one item)A. Central government (8%)B. Local government (4%)C. Health Administration Department (16%)D HIV/AIDS patients (14%) E. Everyone (58%)20. Do you want to be a volunteer for AIDS prevention?A. Yes (58%)B. No (42%)5 Conclusion & SuggestionsThe study revealed that postgraduates have moderate or good knowledgeable about AIDS, but their attitudes toward AIDS patients were not so much positive. There were still some worries about living or working with people with AIDS, and only half of the students were willing to be the volunteer of AIDS.Based on the fundings that emanated from this study, the following suggestions are made:For schools, there is the need to pay much attention to the education about AIDS, especially the knowledge about transmission and preventions, aiming to achieve behavioral and attitudinal changes towards people living with AIDS.For govern ments, it’s necessary to devote more resource to the problem of AIDS, such as enhancing the propaganda of AIDS knowledge and making some related policies.The most important is that individuals should treat AIDS patients without discriminate through learning informations and joining some meaningful activities about AIDS. Also, there would be a great change if everyone take the AIDS prevention as their own responsibilities.ReferenceAkin,S.et al,(2013) ‘Turkish nursing students’ knowledge of and a ttitudes towards patients with HIV/AIDS’. Journal of Clinical Nursing,22,3361-3371Lau JTF and Tsui HY (2006) ‘Discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS and associated factors:a population based study in the Chinese general population’. 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Human Immunodeficiency Virus (95%)D. an effective medicine for AIDS treatment (2%)4. How long can the HIV survive after leaving human body?A. HIV will not die forever (10.5%)B. HIV dies after leaving human body immediately (16.5%)C. HIV dies in a few minutes or tens minutes after leaving human body. (73%)5. Which statement is correct?A. The people who are infected AIDS virus are AIDS patient (4%)B. The people who are infected with AIDS virus are just AIDS virus carrier.After a longperiod of development, they become AIDS patient (96%)10. Could it be possible that a person who looks healthy is a HIV infected person?A. Possible (95%)B. Impossible (3%)C. I don’t know (2%)11. If one of your family members is unfortunately infected with HIV, you will (choose only one item)A. treat him/her as before and keep living together with him/her (70%)B. find another place for him/her to live alone (8%)C. not know what to do (22%)12. If you were a leader and found that one of your employee was infected HIV/AIDS, you wouldA. keep the disease as a secret for him and let him go on working (33%)B. keep the disease as a secret for him but let him go home(fire him) (55%)C. publicize his disease and fire him (1%)D. not know what to do. (11%)13. Are you worried that you will be infected HIV?A. worried (17%)B. not much worried (59%)C. not worried at all (24%)14. To protect yourself, what are you going to do (more than one items are allowed)A. Use condom when having sex 37(79%)B. Keep to a single sex partner44(80%)C. Avoid sex outside of marriage 36(74%)D. I don’t know (2%)15. Do you think the university should educate students about AIDS?A. It is very essential (73%)B. it is necessary (27%)C. It is not necessary16. The information you want to know most (only one item)A. how to prevent being infected (55%)B. the transmission channels (20%)C. symptom of AIDS and treatment methods (25%)17. The media you get most knowledge about AIDS (only one item)A. Newspaper (9%)B. TV (35%)C. Magazines(11%)D. Mouth-to-mouth from friends/parents (10%)E. Internet (35%)18. Do you thin k you have responsibility for the prevention of AIDS’ spread?A. Yes, 51 (93%)B. No 1(2%)C. I don’t know 1(5%)19. Who do you think should take the main responsibility for AIDS prevention?( only one item)A. Central government (8%)B. Local government (4%)C. Health Administration Department (16%)D. HIV/AIDS patients (14%)E. Everyone (58%)20. Do you want to be a volunteer for AIDS prevention?A. Yes (58%)B. No (42%)。