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• 3. 用介词短语表虚拟(with, without, in, under, but for ) • 1) Without air, there would be no living things. • =If there were no air, there would be… • 2) Under the leadership of a less experienced person, the experiment would have failed. =If it had been under the …, the experiment… • 3) I would have lost my head in that position. • =If I had been in that position, I would have… • 4) But for their help, we could not have got over the difficulties. • =If it hadn’t been for their help, we could not have got…
注: 当从句中有动词 had, should, were, 可省略if, 并采用倒装形式. Had he seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it. Should it (Were it to) rain, the crops would be saved.
3)将来虚拟 If I were to do it again tomorrow, I might do it in different ways. If there should be no water, there would be no life on earth. If it rained tomorrow, we would stay indoors. 主句谓语用would(could,should, might +动词原形,从句 谓语 用动词过去式,也可用were to /should+动词原形
• Attention: • If I had studied at high school, I would have been admitted into a better college and I would be working in a better company now.
4. 当wish表难以实现的或没有实现的愿望时, 从句根据时间情况用虚拟结构 • I wish I knew her address. • How I wish I had been able to say the rules without a mistake! • I wish I could go home right now/tomorrow. 5. 在would rather +that 从句时 I’d rather you went home now. I would rather he had stayed at the hotel yesterday. I’d rather they left tomorrow.
一、动词填空用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. If I _____(be) you, I would do it in a were different way. 2. If I _________ had known (know) you liked would have bought chocolates, I _______________(buy) more for you yesterdBaidu Nhomakorabeay.
二、翻译句子将下列句子译成英语。 1. 昨天我要知道你电话号码的话,就告诉你真相了。 If I had known your telephone number _________________________________ yesterday, I would have told you the truth _________________________________. 2. 如果我年轻10岁,我会从头开始的。 If I were 10 years younger, I would start all over again ______________________________________. 3. 明天我要去那里的话,我就带着我的女儿。 If I went/should go/were to go there tomorrow, _________________________________ I would take my daughter with me ___________________________. 4. 要是我早想到这一点,就不会做这样愚蠢的事情了。 If I had thought of it earlier, I wouldn’t __________________________________ have done such foolish things. _____________________________.
• • • •
6. 在if only 开头的句子中 If only we had a car of our own! If only I hadn’t lost my dictionary! If only I could go abroad next year.
• 7.由as if , as though 引导 的状语从句和表 语从句表夸张的比喻和猜测时 • He works very hard as if he never knew tiredness. • It seems as if it were spring already. • “I remember,” she tells her children, • “ how wild his white hair looked as if it had been electrified.” • She cries as if her heart would break.
• 把下列的句子改成省略倒装句: • If you had taken my advice then, you would have got better results. • Had you taken my advice then, … • If he should take away my house, I would certainly fight him. • Should he take away my house, … • If I were as young as you are, I would study hard. • Were if as young as you are, …
2. 用连词or, otherwise, but, but that表虚拟
• I’m really busy, otherwise/or(, ) I would certainly go with you. • =I’m really busy. If I were not busy, I would certainly go with you. • But that/But I saw it, I could not have believed it. • If I hadn’t seen it, I could not have believed it.
3. If it were to rain tomorrow, we ____________ would stay (stay) home all day. taken (take) my advice, you would 4. If you had _________ not have failed in the exam. 5. If you had followed my advice just now, would be (be) fine now. you________ 6. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball. Otherwise he____________________ would have scored (score) a goal. 7. Without the air to hold some of the sun’s heat, would be (be) freezing cold, too the earth at night ________ cold for us to live.
1.在由if引导的非真实条件状语从句中 1)现在虚拟. We would ask the teacher if he were here now. If he were not ill in bed, he might come to class.
主句谓语用would(could,should, might +do从 句谓语 用动词过去式 2)过去虚拟. If I hadn’t forgotten your telephone number, I would have called you last Sunday. 主句谓语用would(could,should, might +have done, 从句谓语 用had done.