Oxford English 1B Unit 2——Small animals 教案

Oxford English 1B Unit 2——Smallanimals 教案Oxford English 1B Unit 2——Small animals 教案Oxford English 1B Unit 2——Small animals 教案school: foreign languages primary school attached to shanghai normal university(松江区上海师范大学附属外国语小学)teacher: liu wei(刘伟)grade: 1material: oxford english book 1b unit2topic: the story of piggy hoggyteaching contents:1) word: peacock2) sentences: i want to be…how…!3) the story: piggy hoggyteaching aims:1) students can read the word “peacock”.2) students can express their ideas with the sentences “i want to be…how…!”3) students can read the story: piggy hoggyteaching aids:multimedia, cards, story –booksteachingprocedure:procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparation:1.warming up and revisionsay a chant:rat, rat, go, go, go.ox, ox, follow her.tiger, tiger, very strong,…通过中英文十二生肖歌曲的演唱,让学生尽快进入英语学习状态,同时引出故事中的主角:piggy hoggypicture 12.elicit the story: “piggy hoggy”show the picture of piggy hoggy, ss say hello to him.出现piggy hoggy 的图画,介绍piggy hoggy要参加party,激发学生的好奇心。

Unit 2 Small animals【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS )】一、教材地位(UNIT POSITION )1从本单元的中心“春季”为主线来看,教材内容是着重围绕春天里常见的一些“小动物” 主题展开;语言的使用环境是在公园里观察春天的景物。
2、词汇方面:学习一些小动物frog, rabbit, butterfly, bird, bee的口头表达。
3、句型方面:一年级第一学期从儿歌Paper, a pen cil, I ca n see.中初步接触了see本单元则呈现了完整的交互的问答句:What do you see? I see a ________________ .4、在数字方面,一年级第一学期学习了数字1至6的表达,本单元在儿歌的诵读和歌曲的吟唱中出现了数字7至10的表达。
二、学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVE)1、春天万物复苏,百花盛开,来到大自然尽情享受美妙的春光。
2、能够看图用正确的语音语调表述frog, rabbit, butterfly, bird, bee 等。
3、在情景中能听懂What do you see?并学会用I see ____________ .来描述观察到的景物,培养学生从小善于观察的良好习惯。
4、在学学做做,模仿小动物的过程中学会用I am a ___________ .来介绍,增强学习的趣味性。
三、教学资源(TEACHING RESOURCES1、现代技术支持(I.P. support )+录音机+ 电脑+实物投影机2、视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids )+ 图片+实物3、学习材料(Materials )*学生用书+配套练习册+教学参考书+补充材料四、课时划分(PERIOD DIVISION)本单元建议分六课时完成。
牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals(oxford 1B)教案

牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals(oxf ord 1B)教案Oxford English 1b unit 2 small animals (Oxfor d 1b)牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals(oxford 1B)教案前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。
unit 2 small animals(为了方便大家,本人将各部分分页了,请点""或页码阅读)small animalslanguage focus: ing numerals to counteg. one, two, threeing nous to identify small commals.eg. birdlistening; locate specific information in response to simple in structions.speaking: use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.materials: 1.10 paper cut-outs of bees.2.word and picture cards 1bteaching ladders:ⅰ. warming up1.greeting2.t:today i’ll invites you to a beautiful place, there are man animds, would you go with me? (情景)s:yes.t:ok, let’s go.3.traini like the sweets.i like this new dress.i like the new shoes.ⅱ. pre-task preparation1.draw ten flowers on the board.shits 1~6 for reviewing.t:one, two, three, four, five, six2.count the pens penals rulers sweets.eg: 1、2、3 three pens3.write t & sayt:seven (emphasize)(1)the whole class read(2)read it one by one.4.repead stop 2 for “eight” “nine” and “ten”5.(1) t:(hold up ten fingers) count with me.t & s:one, two, three……(2) do pair work.t:(encarrage the students to get into pairs and count each other’s fingers.)ⅲ. while-task procedure1.t:( extend arms move around)bzz, bzz, bzzi am a beet & s:i am a bee.2.t:(extand your arms & move them up and dowm.)i am birdlet students follow.3.t:(put hands above your head. squat, hop)i am a rabbitlet students copy4.t:(stoop down slightly & pretand to jump forward)i am a frog.let student copy5.repeat the number 1~6 7~106.play the cassette tape for students to listen toa nativw speaker.7.play the tape againt:say the lines & do the actions.ⅴ. post-task activityteach another rhymeone two, buckle my shoethree four shut the doorfive six pick up sticksseven eight close the gatenine ten a good fat herⅵ. summanylanguage focus: using formulaic expressions to indicate whet people see.eg. i see a beespeaking: e modeled phrases to communicate with other learners2.open on interaction by eliriting a response. materials: wall charts 1bteaching ladders:ⅰ. warming up1.greeting2.traini like the sweetsthis new dressthe new shoes3.read a rhyme1.2.3 i’m a bee4.5 bird6.7.8 rabbit9.10 frogⅱ. pre-task preparation再表演儿歌动作:i’mt:(use the picture cards to review the names for the four small animals taught in the previons lesson.)ⅲ. while-task procedure1.put up the wallchart for page 8.t:it was a beautiful day in spring. sam & may went to a park with their parents. spotty went with them. may saw a beautiful yellow butterfly near the flowers. “i see a butterfly” sam was interested in a flog. he said. “i see a frog.” sporty saw a rabbit hiding itself in a hole under a big tree. he was thinking: “i see a rabbit.” it ws such funit the park.2.t:(point to a boy). i see a boy (point to your eyes.)“see”.3.t:what did may say?samspotty4.t:(point to the vocabulang items on the wallchart)t & s:i see a buiterflyfrograbbit(1)train(2)croup work5.listen to the tape.ⅳ. post-task activityencaurage students to tell others what the see in the classroom using the structure “i see a ……”ⅴ. sunnamytoday we’re learned “i see……”language focus: using mouns to identify small animals.eg. frog, rabbitlistening: identify key words in on utterance by recognizing stress.speaking: pronounce words properlymaterials: word and picture cards 1bteaching ladders:ⅰ. warming up1.greeting2.trainhow are you?how old are you?3.review father, mother ……4.t:today i’ll invite you to a beautiful place. there are many unimals three.would you go with me?s:yes.t:ok, let’s go.ⅱ. pre-task preparation1.出示 bee师:(翁翁翁) listen.i am a bee.beet:read after me.s:beet:beei am a bee.(1)请生读(2)group work.(3)bee i am a bee.请生表演2.出示 birdt:bird (twice)s:birdt:birdi am a bird.s:birdi am a bird(1)请生表演(2)请男、女生读3.出示 rabbitt:rabbits:rabbitt、s:rabbiti’m a rabbitdo group work4.frog, butterfly目标配乐器学。
一年级英语下册 1B Unit2 Small animals(1)教案 沪教牛津版

Unit 2 Small animals【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】一、教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1、从本单元的中心“春季”为主线来看,教材内容是着重围绕春天里常见的一些“小动物”主题展开;语言的使用环境是在公园里观察春天的景物。
2、词汇方面:学习一些小动物frog, rabbit, butterfly, bird, bee的口头表达。
3、句型方面:一年级第一学期从儿歌Paper, a pencil, I can see.中初步接触了see,本单元则呈现了完整的交互的问答句:What do you see? I see a _______.4、在数字方面,一年级第一学期学习了数字1至6的表达,本单元在儿歌的诵读和歌曲的吟唱中出现了数字7至10的表达。
二、学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1、春天万物复苏,百花盛开,来到大自然尽情享受美妙的春光。
2、能够看图用正确的语音语调表述frog, rabbit, butterfly, bird, bee等。
3、在情景中能听懂What do you see?并学会用I see_____.来描述观察到的景物,培养学生从小善于观察的良好习惯。
4、在学学做做,模仿小动物的过程中学会用I am a ________.来介绍,增强学习的趣味性。
三、教学资源(TEACHING RESOURCES)1、现代技术支持(I.P. support)♦录音机♦电脑♦实物投影机2、视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids)♦图片♦实物3、学习材料(Materials)♦学生用书♦配套练习册♦教学参考书♦补充材料四、课时划分(PERIOD DIVISION)Unit 2 Small animals第一课时(1ST PERIOD)一、主要新授内容(New contents)Let’s learn --bird, butterfly, beeLet’s talk—What do you see? I see a butterfly.二、学习目标(Objectives)1、通过观察春天的公园及公园内的小动物,感受春天的气息,培养学生热爱自然的美好情感。

本学期采用的教材为牛津英语(上海版)一年级第一学期1B.全册教材共有三个主题九个单元,分别为:Theme 1: SpringUnit 1: New YearUnit 2: Small animalsUnit 3: ColoursTheme 2: People who help usUnit 4: Postman and policemanUnit 5: Doctor and nurseUnit 6: Farmer and fishermanTheme 3: Food and drinkUnit 7: Birthday partyUnit 8: DinnerUnit 9: Revision教学目标:在这个学期中要求学生达到的也就是本学期的教学的总的目标是:1.要求学生很扎实的掌握好书本的各个知识点。

牛津英语1BUnit2Smallanimals(oxford1B)教案unit 2 small animals(为了方便大家,本人将各部分分页了,请点"下一页"或页码阅读) unit 2small animalslanguage focus: 1. using numerals to counteg. one, two, three2. using nous to identify small commals.eg. birdlistening;locate specific information in response to simple in structions. speaking: use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners. materials: 1. 10 paper cut-outs of bees.2. word and picture cards 1bteaching ladders:ⅰ. warming up1.greeting2.t:today i’ll invites you to a beautiful place, there are man animds,would you go with me? (情景)s:yes.t:ok, let’s go.3.traini like the sweets.i like this new dress.i like the new shoes.ⅱ. pre-task preparation1.draw ten flowers on the board.shits 1~6 for reviewing.t:one, two, three, four, five, six2.count the pens penals rulers sweets.eg: 1、2、3 three pens3.write t & sayt:seven (emphasize)(1)the whole class read(2)read it one by one.4.repead stop 2 for “eight”“nine”and “ten”5.(1) t:(hold up ten fingers) count with me.t & s:one, two, three……(2) do pair work.t:(encarrage the students to get into pairs and count each other’s fingers.)ⅲ. while-task procedure1.t:( extend arms move around)bzz, bzz, bzzi am a beet & s:i am a bee.2.t:(extand your arms & move them up and dowm.)i am birdlet students follow.3.t:(put hands above your head. squat, hop)i am a rabbitlet students copy4.t:(stoop down slightly & pretand to jump forward)i am a frog.let student copy5.repeat the number 1~6 7~106.play the cassette tape for students to listen to a nativw speaker. 7.play the tape againt:say the lines & do the actions.ⅴ. post-task activityteach another rhymeone two, buckle my shoethree four shut the doorfive six pick up sticksseven eight close the gatenine ten a good fat herⅵ. summanylet’s talklanguage focus: using formulaic expressions to indicate whet people see. eg. i see a beespeaking: 1. use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners2.open on interaction by eliriting a response. 共4页,当前第1页1234 materials: wall charts 1bteaching ladders:ⅰ. warming up1.greeting2.traini like the sweetsthis new dressthe new shoes3.read a rhyme1. 2. 3i’m a bee4. 5 bird6. 7. 8 rabbit9. 10 frogⅱ. pre-task preparation再表演儿歌动作:i’mt:(use the picture cards to review the names for the four small animalstaught in the previons lesson.)ⅲ. while-task procedure1.put up the wallchart for page 8.t:it was a beautiful day in spring. sam & may went to a park with their parents. spotty went with them. may saw a beautiful yellow butterfly near the flowers. “i see a butterfly”sam was interested in a flog. he said. “i see a frog.”sporty saw a rabbit hiding itself in a hole under a big tree. he was thinking: “i see a rabbit.”it ws such fun it the park. 2.t:(point to a boy). i see a boy (point to your eyes.) “see”.3.t:what did may say?samspotty4.t:(point to the vocabulang items on the wallchart)t & s:i see a buiterflyfrograbbit(1)train(2)croup work5.listen to the tape.ⅳ. post-task activityencaurage students to tell others what the see in the classroom using the structure “i see a ……”ⅴ. sunnamytoday we’re learned “i see……”let’s learnlanguage focus: using mouns to identify small animals.eg. frog, rabbitlistening: identify key words in on utterance by recognizing stress. speaking: pronounce words properlymaterials: word and picture cards 1bteaching ladders:ⅰ. warming up1.greeting2.trainhow are you?how old are you?3.review father, mother ……4.t:today i’ll invite you to a beautiful place. there are many unimals three.would you go with me?s:yes.t:ok, let’s go.ⅱ. pre-task preparation1.出示bee师:(翁翁翁)listen.i am a bee.beet:read after me.s:beet:beei am a bee.(1)请生读(2)group work.(3)bee i am a bee.请生表演2.出示birdt:bird (twice)s:birdt:birdi am a bird.共4页,当前第2页1234 s:birdi am a bird(1)请生表演(2)请男、女生读3.出示rabbitt:rabbits:rabbitt、s:rabbiti’m a rabbitdo group work4.frog, butterfly目标配乐器学。
一年级:牛津小学英语1B Unit 2 Small animals(教学设计)

新修订小学英语教学教案英语教案( English Lesson Plans )学校:_______________________年级:_______________________教师:_______________________本文档文字可以自由修改一年级:牛津小学英语1B Unit 2 Smallanimals(教学设计)单元教材分析:本单元的主题是“小动物”。
在let’s act 中主要学习数数及动物单词,用各种游戏吸引学生的兴趣,数字在上学期已学过,重点在于小动物的教学;在let’s talk 中学习了句型i see……通过各种形式操练,让学生能正确掌握;let’s learn 这部分主要学习几个小动物的单词:bird, rabbit, butterfly, frog, bee. 可通过图片或动作等形式教学,能充分吸引学生的注意力;let’s play 这是个游戏环节,既锻炼学生口语能力,同时也锻炼想象力和动手画的能力,而最后一部分let’s enjoy是学习了一首关于小动物的歌,是对本单元知识的复习巩固。
2、能正确掌握动物单词bird, rabbit, butterfly, frog, bee。
3、能正确用句型what do you see? i see……表达自己所看到的。
2、能正确用句型what do you see? i see……表达自己所看到的。
第一课时教学目标:能正确掌握单词bird、rabbit、butterfly、frog、bee.教学重点、难点:能正确掌握单词bird、rabbit、butterfly、frog、bee.教学准备:单词图片、有睡莲的图、录音机、磁带教学过程:step1 free talk1. t: hello, how are you?s1: i’m fine, thank you. how are you,**? t: i’m fine, thank you/very well, and you? s2: i’m fine.…………2. t: look, who is he?(出示爷爷照片)s1:grandfather(read several times)t: who’s she ?(出示奶奶照片)s2:grandmother(read several times)同法复习aunt, uncle.3. t: what are these?(出示糖果) i like the sweets. do you like sweets?s1: i like the sweets.s2: i like the sweets.step 2 presentation1. t:(出示青蛙图片)what is this?this is a bee.ss: beess read it for several times.ask individual s to read it.say: one two three, i am a bee.(为下一课教学作铺垫)让学生有节奏说该句。

上海版牛津1B 全册教案Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Look and seeUnit 2 Listen and hearUnit 3 Taste and smellModule 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Toys I likeUnit 2 Food I likeUnit 3 Drinks I likeModule 3 Things around us Unit 1 SeasonsUnit 2 WeatherUnit 3 ClothesModule 4 Things we doUnit 1 ActivitiesUnit 2 New Year's DayUnit 3 Story time板书设计Stand upTouch…Smell…教学效果的反馈Task in this unit:Begin an interaction by expressing one’s preferencesBegin an interaction by eliciting a responseLanguage focus:Using nouns to identify toys: ball,doll,bicycle,kiteUsing adjectivesto describe things: It’s super.Using the definite article to indicate particular things: the ball,the dollUsing formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you Using formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.Using formulaic expressions to express thanks: Thank you.Language skills:Listening:Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation: ball,doll,bicycle,kiteUnderstand the key pattern: I like…Understand formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.Understand formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help youSpeaking:Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly: ball,doll,bicycle,kiteUse formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like…Use formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.Use formulaic expressions to express thanks: Thank you.Use adjectivesto describe things: It’s super.Use formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help youPeriod Core contents Extension MaterialsVocabularyGrammar andexpressionsModule2 / Unit 1 / Period 1Aims:1. Words: ball,doll,bicycle,kite2.Function: Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like…Language focus:1. Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly2. Understand the key pattern: I like…Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Module 2 / Unit 1 /Period 2Aims:1. Use formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.e formulaic expressions to express thanks: Thank you.e adjectivesto describe things: It’s super.e formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help youLanguage focus:1. Understand formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.2. Understand formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help youAids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Module 2 / Unit 1 /Period 3Aims:1. Review the words: ball,doll,bicycle,kite2. Review the sentences: I like …3. Drills: I like the ….Language focus:Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like the…Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 2 Food I likeTasks in this unit1.Begin an interaction by in troducing one’s preferences2.End an interaction by using simple formulaic expressions3.Begin an interaction by eliciting a responseLanguage focus1. Using nouns to identify foodeg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuitformulaic expressions to indicate preferences. I like ice cream.3. Asking yes/no questions to find out one’s preferences. Do you like,…4. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny. Yes./No.formulaic expressions to offer people things. One for you.Learning skills:Listening5.Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciationeg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit6.Identify specific information in response to questions. Do you like sweets No.3. Understand formulaic expressions indicating preferences. I like ice cream.Speaking1.Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciationeg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit2. Using formulaic expressions to indicate preferences. I like …3. Asking ye s/no questions to find out one’s preferences. Do you like,…4. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny. Yes./No.5. Using formulaic expressions to offer people things. One for you.The first PeriodAims:1. Words: jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit6.Function: Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like…Language focus:1. Pronounce the words, phrases and sentences correctly. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit2.Understand the key pattern: I like…Aids: Pictures, Radio, tape.The second PeriodAims:1.Words: jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit2.Sentences: Do you like … Yes./No.One for you and one for me.Function:1. Asking yes/no questions to find out one’s preferences. Do you like,…2. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny. Yes./No.Language focus:1. Asking yes/no questions to find out one’s preferences. Do you like,…2. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny. Yes./No.Aids: Pictures, Radio, tape.The third periodA:Contents :Sentence: One for you and one for you.B:Teaching Aims :Using formulaic expressions to offer people things . One for you.C:Teaching aids :Recorder and workbook ,picture cardsModule 2 My favourite thingsUnit 3 Drinks I likeTasks in this unit:Begin an interaction by introducing one’s preferencesEnd an interaction by using simple formulaic expressionsBegin an interaction by eliciting a responseLanguage focus:Using nouns to identify drinks: cola,juice,milk,waterUsing imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.Using the indefinite determiner some to show quantity: Drink some water,Mum.Asking wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person: What do you likeUsing the simple present tense to express preferences: I like water.Using formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: Happy Birthday,Eddie.Language skills:Listening:Identify specific information in simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.Identify the key words by hearing the pronunciation: cola,juice,milk,waterIdentify specific information in response to simple questions: What do you likeI like water.Understand formulaic expressions wishing someone a happy birthday: Happy Birthday,Eddie.Speaking:Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly: cola,juice,milk,waterUsing imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.Asking wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person: What do you likeUse the key pattern to express preferences: I like water.Use adjectivesto describe things: It’s super.Use formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: Happy Birthday,Eddie.Drinks I likeThe First PeriodAims:1.Words: cola,juice,milk,water2.Function: Use specific information in response to simple questions: What doyou like I like…Language focus:1.Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly2.Identify specific information in response to simple questions: Whatdo you like I like…Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Drinks I likeThe Second PeriodAims:e imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.2.Ask wh-questions t o find out one’s preferences: What do you likee the key pattern to express preferences: I like water.Language focus:ing imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.2.Asking wh-questions to find out one’s preferences: What do you li keing the verb like to indicate preferences: I like water.Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Drinks I likeThe Third PeriodAims:1.Review the words: birthday,cola,juice,milk,water2.Review the sentences: What do you like I like water(milk, cola,juice).e formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: HappyBirthday,Eddie.Language focus:Using formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: HappyBirthday,Eddie.Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Module 4 Things we doUnit 2 New Year’s DayTasks in this unit:Begin an interaction and maintain it by responding to questions Using modeled phrases to communicate with other students.Use formulaic expressions to offer people thingsLanguage focus:Using nouns to identify objects., gift, card, firework, firecrackerUsing imperatives to give instructions., Draw. Write. Fold.Using adjectives to describe things., newUsing formulaic expressions to greet people on New Year’s Day., Happy New Year!Using formulaic expressions to offer people things., A gift for you.Using the simple present tense to express interest and preferences ., I like the red dress.Language skills:ListeningIdentify specific information in response to simple instructions., draw, write, foldUnderstand the key pattern., I like the red dress.Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation ., gift, card, firework, firecrackerunderstand formulaic expressions of New Year’s greetings., Happy New Year!Understand formulaic expressions offering people things., A gift for you.Understand a simple story with the help of pictures and body languageSpeakingPronounce the words, phrases and sentences correctly., gift, card, firework, firecrackerUse imperatives to give instructions., Draw. Write. Fold.Use formulaic expression to greet people., Happy New Year, Miss Fang.Use the pattern I like the … to express interests and preferences ., I like the sweets.Use formulaic expressions to offer people things., A gift for you.Use formulaic expressions to express thanks., Thank you.Period 1Language focus:Using nouns to identify objects., gift, card, firework, firecrackerUsing formulaic expressions to greet people on New Year’s Day., Happy New Year!Using formulaic expressions to offer people things., A gift for you.Language skills:ListeningIdentify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation ., gift, firework, card, firecrackerUnderstand formulaic expressions of greetings., Happy New Year!Understand formulaic expressions offering people things., A gift for you.Understand the meaning of the song.SpeakingPronounce the words, phrases and sentences correctly., firecracker, gift, firework, cardUse formulaic expressions of greetings., Happy New Year!Use formulaic expressions to offer people things., A gift for you.Use formulaic expressions to express thanks., Thank you.Sing the song and act it outMaterials:Student’s Book 1B, and 45Workbook 1B, , Part ACassette 1BWall picture 1BFlashcards 1B (gift, card, firework, firecracker)M4 Unit 2 New Year’s Daygift Happy New Year!card Happy New Year! firecracker A gift for you, …. firework Thank you.Exercise:Act out the dialogue with your classmates.。
小学英语 1B Unit 2 Small animals教案 牛津版

Unit 2 Small animalsLanguage focus: 1. Using numerals to countEg. One, two, three2. Using nous to identify small commals.Eg. BirdListening; Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.Speaking: Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.Materials: 1. 10 paper cut-outs of bees.2. Word and picture cards 1BTeaching ladders:Ⅰ. Warming up1.Greeting2.T:Today I’ll invites you to a beautiful place, There are man animds, wouldyou go with me? (情景)S:Yes.T:OK, let’s go.3.TrainI like the sweets.I like this new dress.I like the new shoes.Ⅱ. Pre-task preparation1.Draw ten flowers on the board.Shits 1~6 for reviewing.T:one, two, three, four, five, six2.Count the pens penals rulers sweets.Eg: 1、2、3 three pens3.Write T & SayT:Seven (Emphasize)(1) The whole class read(2) Read it one by one.4.Repead stop 2 for “eight” “nine” and “ten”5.(1) T:(Hold up ten fingers) Count with me.T & S:One, two, three……(2) Do pair work.T:(Encarrage the students to get into pairs and count each other’s fingers.)Ⅲ. While-task procedure1.T:( Extend arms move around)Bzz, bzz, bzzI am a beeT & S:I am a bee.2.T:(Extand your arms & move them up and dowm.)I am birdLet students follow.3.T:(Put hands above your head. Squat, hop)I am a rabbitLet students copy4.T:(stoop down slightly & pretand to jump forward)I am a frog.Let student copy5.Repeat the number 1~6 7~106.Play the cassette tape for students to listen to a nativw speaker.7.Play the tape againT:Say the lines & do the actions.Ⅴ. Post-task activityTeach another rhymeOne two, buckle my shoeThree four shut the doorFive six pick up sticksSeven eight close the gateNine ten a good fat herⅥ. SummanyLet’s talkLanguage focus: Using formulaic expressions to indicate whet people see.Eg. I see a beeSpeaking: 1. Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners2.Open on interaction by eliriting a response. Materials: Wall charts 1BTeaching ladders:Ⅰ. Warming up1.Greeting2.TrainI like the sweetsthis new dressthe new shoes3.Read a rhyme1. 2. 3 I’m a bee4. 5 bird6. 7. 8 rabbit9. 10 frogⅡ. Pre-task preparation再表演儿歌动作:I’mT:(Use the picture cards to review the names for the four small animals taught in the previons lesson.)Ⅲ. While-task procedure1.Put up the wallchart for page 8.T:It was a beautiful day in spring. Sam & May went to a park with their parents. Spotty went with them. May saw a beautiful yellow butterfly near the flowers. “I see a butterfly” Sam was interested in a flog. He said. “I see a frog.” Sporty saw a rabbit hiding itself in a hole under a big tree. He was thinking: “I see a rabbit.” It ws such fun it the park.2.T:(point to a boy). I see a boy (point to your eyes.) “see”.3.T:What did May say?SamSpotty4.T:(Point to the vocabulang items on the wallchart)T & S:I see a buiterflyfrograbbit(1) Train(2) Croup work5.Listen to the tape.Ⅳ. Post-task activityencaurage students to tell others what the see in the classroom using the structure “I see a ……”Ⅴ. Sunnamytoday we’re learned “I see……”Let’s learnLanguage focus: Using mouns to identify small animals.Eg. frog, rabbitListening: Identify key words in on utterance by recognizing stress. Speaking: Pronounce words properlyMaterials: Word and picture cards 1BTeaching ladders:Ⅰ. Warming up1.Greeting2.TrainHow are you?How old are you?3.Review father, mother ……4.T:Today I’ll invite you to a beautiful place. There are many unimals three. Would you go with me?S:Yes.T:OK, let’s go.Ⅱ. Pre-task preparation1.出示 bee师:(翁翁翁) listen.I am a bee.BeeT:Read after me.S:beeT:beeI am a bee.(1) 请生读(2) group work.(3) bee I am a bee.请生表演2.出示 birdT:bird (twice)S:birdT:birdI am a bird.S:birdI am a bird(1) 请生表演(2) 请男、女生读3.出示 rabbitT:rabbitS:rabbitT、S:rabbitI’m a rabbitDo group work4.Frog, butterfly目标配乐器学。

一、主要新授内容(new contents)Let’s learn---uncle, auntLet’s talk--- How are you? I am fine, thank you./ Very well, and you?二、学习目标(Objectives)情感目标:1、通过在“新年”的主题中,习得拜年、串门、招待客人时可以使用的相互简单问候,让学生开始形成在日常生活中良好的语言习惯和待人接物时落落大方的态度、有问有答的礼貌。
2、在“新年到,家人、亲朋好友相互拜访”的语言使用环境中,能用正确的语音语调说出uncle, aunt两个新授词汇;能够根据家庭成员的关系在口语中正确表达uncle, aunt的称谓。
功能目标:1. 在一年级第一学期的学习基础上,能熟练运用How are you? Fine, thank you./ I am fine, thank you./ Very well, and you?等简单语句进行相互问候。
2.根据二期课改新课标的要求,在确保完成基本教学目标的基础上,可以结合学生的学习能力和语言的实际使用对教材呈现的教学内容进行拓展,所以在口语导入Just so-so. Not bad.等等生活中同样常用、表达意思不同的多种简单回答,有助于学生在实际生活中对语言的理解和表达更为准确和真实。
类似导入uncle,但节奏更快、更直接地导入aunt一词,教师不用猜而直接提示:This is father’s sister. 引入aunt把语音和语义同时输入给学生。
Unit 1 New Year第二课时(2nd PERIOD)一.要新授内容(new contents)Let’s learn---grandmother, grandfatherLet’s talk----Happy New Year!二.主要目标(Objectives)情感目标:1.通过“新年”这个主题,使学生学会用新年特定的问候语Happy New Year与家人或客人相互问候,让学生在日常生活中养成良好的语言习惯及文明习惯。

上海版牛津1B 全册教案Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Look and seeUnit 2 Listen and hearUnit 3 Taste and smellModule 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Toys I likeUnit 2 Food I likeUnit 3 Drinks I likeModule 3 Things around us Unit 1 SeasonsUnit 2 WeatherUnit 3 ClothesModule 4 Things we doUnit 1 ActivitiesUnit 2 New Year's DayUnit 3 Story timeTask in this unit:●Begin an interaction by expressing one’s preferences●Begin an interaction by eliciting a responseLanguage focus:●Using nouns to identify toys: ball,doll,bicycle,kite●Using adjectivesto describe things: It’s super.●Using the definite article to indicate particular things: the ball,the doll●Using formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you?●Using formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.●Using formulaic expressions to express thanks: Thank you.Language skills:Listening:●Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation:ball,doll,bicycle,kite●Understand the key pattern: I like…●Understand formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.●Understand formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you? Speaking:●Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly: ball,doll,bicycle,kite●Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like…●Use formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.●Use formulaic expressions to express thanks: Thank you.●Use adjectivesto describe things: It’s super.●Use formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you?Module2 / Unit 1 / Period 1Aims:1. Words: ball,doll,bicycle,kite2.Function: Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like…Language focus:1. Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly2. Understand the key pattern: I like…Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Module 2 / Unit 1 /Period 2Aims:1. Use formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.e formulaic expressions to express thanks: Thank you.e adjectivesto describe things: It’s super.e formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you? Language focus:1. Understand formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.2. Understand formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you? Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Module 2 / Unit 1 /Period 3Aims:1. Review the words: ball,doll,bicycle,kite2. Review the sentences: I like …3. Drills: I like the ….Language focus:Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like the…Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 2 Food I likeTasks in this unit1.Begin an interaction by introducing one’s preferences2.End an interaction by using simple formulaic expressions3.Begin an interaction by eliciting a responseLanguage focus1. Using nouns to identify foodeg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuiting formulaic expressions to indicate preferencese.g. I like ice cream.3. Asking yes/no questi ons to find out one’s preferencese.g. Do you like,…?4. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or denye.g. Yes./No.ing formulaic expressions to offer people thingse.g. One for you.Learning skills:Listening5.Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciationeg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit6.Identify specific information in response to questionse.g. Do you like sweets? No.3. Understand formulaic expressions indicating preferencese.g. I like ice cream.Speaking1.Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciationeg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit2. Using formulaic expressions to indicate preferencese.g. I like …3. Asking yes/no questions to find out one’s prefe rencese.g. Do you like,…?4. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or denye.g. Yes./No.5. Using formulaic expressions to offer people thingse.g. One for you.The first PeriodAims:1. Words: jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit6.Function: Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like…Language focus:1. Pronounce the words, phrases and sentences correctlye.g. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit2.Understand the key pattern: I like…Aids: Pictures, Radio, tape.The second PeriodAims:1.Words: jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit2.Sentences: Do you like …? Yes./No.One for you and one for me.Function:1. Asking yes/no questions to find out one’s preferencese.g. Do you like,…?2. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or denye.g. Yes./No.Language focus:1. Asking yes/no questions to find out one’s preferencese.g. Do you like,…?2. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or denye.g. Yes./No.Aids: Pictures, Radio, tape.The third periodA:Contents :Sentence: One for you and one for you.B:Teaching Aims :Using formulaic expressions to offer people thingse.g. One for you.C:Teaching aids :Recorder and workbook ,picture cardsModule 2 My favourite thingsUnit 3 Drinks I likeTasks in this unit:●Begin an interaction by introducing one’s preferences●End an interaction by using simple formulaic expressions●Begin an interaction by eliciting a responseLanguage focus:●Using nouns to identify drinks: cola,juice,milk,water●Using imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.●Using the indefinite determiner some to show quantity: Drink some water,Mum.●Asking wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person: What do youlike?●Using the simple present tense to express preferences: I like water.●Using formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: HappyBirthday,Eddie.Language skills:Listening:●Identify specific information in simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.●Identify the key words by hearing the pronunciation: cola,juice,milk,water●Identify specific information in response to simple questions: What do you like?Ilike water.●Understand formulaic expressions wishing someone a happy birthday: HappyBirthday,Eddie.Speaking:●Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly: cola,juice,milk,water●Using imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.●Asking wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person: What do youlike?●Use the key pattern to express preferences: I like water.●Use adj ectivesto describe things: It’s super.●Use formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: HappyBirthday,Eddie.Drinks I likeThe First PeriodAims:1.Words: cola,juice,milk,water2.Function: Use specific information in response to simple questions: What do you like? Ilike…Language focus:1.Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly2.Identify specific information in response to simple questions: What do you like? Ilike…Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Drinks I likeThe Second PeriodAims:e imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.2.Ask wh-questions to find out one’s preferences: Wha t do you like?e the key pattern to express preferences: I like water.Language focus:ing imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.2.Asking wh-questions to find out one’s preferences: What do you like?ing the verb like to indicate preferences: I like water.Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Drinks I likeThe Third PeriodAims:1.Review the words: birthday,cola,juice,milk,water2.Review the sentences: What do you like? I like water(milk, cola,juice).e formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: Happy Birthday,Eddie. Language focus:Using formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: HappyBirthday,Eddie.Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Module 4 Things we doUnit 2 New Year’s DayTasks in this unit:Begin an interaction and maintain it by responding to questions Using modeled phrases to communicate with other students.Use formulaic expressions to offer people thingsLanguage focus:Using nouns to identify objectse.g., gift, card, firework, firecrackerUsing imperatives to give instructionse.g., Draw. Write. Fold.Using adjectives to describe thingse.g., newUsing formulaic expressions to greet people on New Y ear’s Daye.g., Happy New Year!Using formulaic expressions to offer people thingse.g., A gift for you.Using the simple present tense to express interest and preferencese.g., I like the red dress.Language skills:ListeningIdentify specific information in response to simple instructionse.g., draw, write, foldUnderstand the key patterne.g., I like the red dress.Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation e.g., gift, card, firework, firecrackerunderstand formulaic expression s of New Year’s greetingse.g., Happy New Year!Understand formulaic expressions offering people thingse.g., A gift for you.Understand a simple story with the help of pictures and body language SpeakingPronounce the words, phrases and sentences correctlye.g., gift, card, firework, firecrackerUse imperatives to give instructionse.g., Draw. Write. Fold.Use formulaic expression to greet peoplee.g., Happy New Year, Miss Fang.Use the pattern I like the … to express interests and preferences e.g., I like the sweets.Use formulaic expressions to offer people thingse.g., A gift for you.Use formulaic expressions to express thankse.g., Thank you.Period 1Language focus:Using nouns to identify objectse.g., gift, card, firework, firecrackerUsing formulaic expressions to greet people on New Year’s Day e.g., Happy New Year!Using formulaic expressions to offer people thingse.g., A gift for you.Language skills:ListeningIdentify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation e.g., gift, firework, card, firecrackerUnderstand formulaic expressions of greetingse.g., Happy New Year!Understand formulaic expressions offering people thingse.g., A gift for you.Understand the meaning of the song.SpeakingPronounce the words, phrases and sentences correctly e.g., firecracker, gift, firework, cardUse formulaic expressions of greetingse.g., Happy New Year!Use formulaic expressions to offer people thingse.g., A gift for you.Use formulaic expressions to express thankse.g., Thank you.Sing the song and act it outMaterials:Student’s Book 1B, pp.42 and 45Workbook 1B, p.42, Part ACassette 1BWall picture 1BFlashcards 1B (gift, card, firework, firecracker)M4 Unit 2 New Year’s D aygift Happy New Year! card Happy New Year! firecracker A gift for you, …. firework Thank you. Exercise:Act out the dialogue with your classmates.。

本学期采用的教材为牛津英语(上海版)一年级第一学期1B.全册教材共有三个主题九个单元,分别为:Theme 1: SpringUnit 1: New YearUnit 2: Small animalsUnit 3: ColoursTheme 2: People who help usUnit 4: Postman and policemanUnit 5: Doctor and nurseUnit 6: Farmer and fishermanTheme 3: Food and drinkUnit 7: Birthday partyUnit 8: DinnerUnit 9: Revision教学目标:在这个学期中要求学生达到的也就是本学期的教学的总的目标是:1.要求学生很扎实的掌握好书本的各个知识点。
一年级英语下册 1B Unit2 Small animals教案 沪教牛津版

Unit 2 Small animalsThe First PeriodLet’s act一.教学目标:1、知识目标:数字1~10数数,并认明小动物2、能力目标:能听懂特定环境中简单的命令3、情感目标:培养学生的节奏感,激发学生学习兴趣二.教学重点:儿歌的完整性三.教学难点:数字1~10的认识四.教具准备:Student’s Book 1B page 7Cassette 1B and a cassette playerWord 1B Picture Cards 1B10paper cut –outs of beesWork book 1B page 5五、教学过程The Second PeriodLet’s talk一、教学目标:1.知识目标:用特定的句型让学生说I see……2.能力目标:一般学生能会说课文中的三句句子,基础好的学生能运用以往所学活用句型。
二、教学重点:I see……三.教学难点:butterfly的读音四.教具准备:Student’s Book 1 B page 8Casette 1B and a cassette playerWord and Picture Cards I BWallcharts I BWorkbookI B page 6五.教学过程:The Third PeriodLet’s Learn一.教学目标1知识目标:bird rabbit butterfly frog bee 单词的识记。
三.教学难点:butterfly的发音四.教具准备:Student’s Book 1B page 9Cassette 1B and a cassette playerWord and picture cards 1BSilhouettes of the above small animalsWork book 1B page 7The Fourth PeriodLet’s play一教学目标1 知识目标:问句 What do you see?2 能力目标:会熟练运用问句进行对话。
小学牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals第一课时教案

小学牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals第一课时教案课题: small animals教学内容: let’s learnlet’s talk教学目标: 1 能听懂、会说、会读有关动物的单词: bird、rabbit、butterfly、frog and bee.2 能在实际情景中运用句型i see a ….教学重点: new wordsnew sentence pattern教学难点: 能在日常生活中运用所学的句子课时支配: 一课时教学预备: 单词卡、动物图片、ppt教学设计思路: 本节课主要是教授有关动物的五个单词和一个句型,为了吸引同学的留意力,提高他们的爱好,在设计本节课时,我利用小伴侣都熟识的童话故事丑小鸭来贯穿整个教学中,并在教学中充分渗透德育,让同学在轻松的课堂中学习英语.教学过程:step 1. warming up1 say the chant togethershow me one and two;show me three and four;show me five and six;show me seven and eight;show me nine and ten.2 free talkt : how many pencils/pens/books/….?s : one/three/ten/…step 2 presentation1 to show ducks to the studentst : boys and girls , do you like story?s : yes.t : now, today i’ll tell you a story about ducks. please look at the screen , how many ducks ?s : five.2 to show two ducks to let students to know beautiful and ugly.3 to learn new wordst : the ugly duck is sad , so he take his luggage go away . now , what animals he met? (present rabbit)s : 小白兔t : it’s rabbit .how many rabbits?s : onet : so it’s a rabbit .(use gesture to do it)4 use the same ways to teach other animals5 game1) big and low voice2) find correct picture3) act some animals6 to show a picture of sping , to teach new sentences patternst: how beautiful ! i see a rabbit . what do you see?s: i see …7let students can use “ i see …” to say somethingsstep 3 practice1 listen and point2 listen and say3 say and act.板书设计bee butterfly rabbit frog bird课后反思: 本节课的教学整个围围着丑小鸭的故事来绽开一切活动,同学对学习的单词很感爱好,反应特别乐观.吸引同学的留意力,多媒体的课件,激发了同学参加课堂活动的爱好.但在操练句型的环节,应让同学扩展自己的空间来运用所学的句型.。
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Unit 2 Small animals
2、词汇方面:学习一些小动物frog, rabbit, butterfly, bird, bee的口头表达。
3、句型方面:一年级第一学期从儿歌Paper, a pencil, I can see.中初步接触了see,本单元则呈现了完整的交互的问答句:What do you see? I see a _______.
2、能够看图用正确的语音语调表述frog, rabbit, butterfly, bird, bee等。
3、在情景中能听懂What do you see?并学会用I see_____.来描述观察到的景物,培养学生从小善于观察的良好习惯。
4、在学学做做,模仿小动物的过程中学会用I am a ________.来介绍,增强学习的趣味性。
1、现代技术支持(I.P. support)
2、视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids)
Unit 2 Small animals
第一课时(1ST PERIOD)
一、主要新授内容(New contents)
Let’s learn --bird, butterfly, bee
Let’s talk—What do you see? I see a butterfly.
2、结合“春季”这一主线,引出本课的主题――小动物,会用正确的语音语调认读单词butterfly, bird, bee
3、鼓励学生运用所学语言介绍butterfly, bird, bee,培养学生最基本的阅读能力。
4、听懂What do you see?并学会用I see a _____.来描述观察到的景物,培养学生从小善于观察的良好习惯。
5、在练习三个新单词时适当拓展,让学生感知与主题相关的内容tree, flower, big, small, fly,为学有余力的学生理解和运用所学知识打下基础。
1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section)
Pre-task Preparation是指要求学生学习目的语言之前,创设语言学习背景,呈现新语言材料。
也就是我们常说的:warming up.在这个环节主要让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知。
Activity 1 Song
1、教学辅助(Aids) 1)录音机
Activity 2 Rhyme
1、教学辅助(Aids) 1)电脑(1B-U2-1)2)屏幕
Activity 3 (Song)1、教学辅助(Aids) 1)简笔画
2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section)
While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。
Activity 1 Guessing game
可以用类似的方法练习bird, bee
Activity 2 (Repetition)
Activity 3 (Listening and speaking )
Activity 4 (Guessing game )
Activity 5 (Questions and answers )1、教学辅助(Aids)
Activity 6 (Pair work )
3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section)
Post-task Activity,这是指经过机械性操练和意义性操练,引导学生运用他们所获得的知识与技能来完成一个交际性的任务“task”,也就是语言的输出与运用:output。
Activity 1(Reading and matching )
Activity 2(Reading and matching )
1) 简笔画
2) 卡片
Activity 3(Listening comprehension ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 听力材料 2) 录音机
Activity 4(Thinking and practice ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-5) 2) 屏幕
Activity 5(Thinking and practice )1、教学辅助(Aids)
1) 听力材料。