供应链管理概论:物流视角 (3)

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It might include:
an overview of the logistics strategy underlying beliefs and culture of logistics aims of logistics how the logistics function will achieve these aims policies about supply chain structure policies about the movement of materials a description of how the separate activities of logistics will contribute to
Logistics does not just respond to the higher strategies, but plays a role in their design
The extent of this role depends on many factors Its overall aims can be summarised in a logistics
Business – shows how each business within a diversified corporation contributes to the corporate strategy
Functional strategy – shows how each function within a business will contribute to the business strategy including logistics strategy
Decisions are at three levels
Strategic - set the overall direction of the organisation; have effects over the long term, involve many resources and are the most risky
the strategy resources needed to achieve the strategy a description of the way that this strategy affects the rest of the business
Higher strategies set the context for a logistics strategy
Tactical - implement the strategies over the medium term; look at more detail, involve fewer resources and some risk
Operational - are the most detailed and concern activities over the short term; involve few resources and little risk
long-term objectives.
Levels of decision Strategic role of logistics Contents of a logistics strategy Designing a logistics strategy Strategic focus Lean and agile strategies Other strategies
This part looks at the design of supply chains.
It shows managers can define structures that give efficient operations and achieve
A logistics strategy consists of all the long-term goals, plans, policies, culture, resources, decisions and actions that relate to the management of an organisation’s supply chains
organisation’s decisions Describe an approach to designing a strategy Appreciate the need for a strategic focus Discuss lean and agile strategies Review a range of other strategies
Strategic decisions
Mission or vision – a precise statement giving th百度文库 overall purpose and aims of an organisation
Corporate strategy – shows how a whole diversified corporation will achieve its mission
Describe the features of strategic decisions Review the strategic importance of logistics Discuss the contents of a logistics strategy Understand how a logistics strategy fits into an