英汉翻译 第二讲 课后作业




Translation Practice TwoI. Translate the following sentences into English1. 中华文明博大精深、源远流长, 为人类文明进步作出了巨大贡献。

2. 今天邀大家来开座谈会,目的是要和大家交换意见,……3. 只有你方把现有订货量增至我们所确定的最低数字,我们才能供货。

4. 采取“一国两制”适合中国的国情,并非权宜之计。

5. 国家要统一,民族要复兴,台湾问题不能无限期地拖延下去。

II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. As the weather was fine, we decided to climb the mountain.2. As water can float a ship, so can it swallow the ship.3. Put into an old Chinese proverb, it means that one will never find it difficult to do anything until one has experienced it.4. A notion has taken hold in the United States to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them.5. As soon as the cinema is in darkness, spotlights are focused on the curtains which are drawn slowly apart, often to the accompaniment of music to reveal the title of the cinema.III. Translate the following passage into Chinese.Attitudes toward WorkA person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work.He may have the idea that he is not capable of it. It is easy to get such an idea even though there is not justification for it. A child may think he is stupid because he does not understand how to make the most of his mental faculties, or he may accept another person’s mistaken estimate of his ability. Older people may be handicapped by the mistaken belief that are incapable of learning anything new because of their age.IV. Translate the following passage into English.回家的感觉真好,可以吃到妈妈亲手做的家乡菜。

英译汉教程课后练习题含答案 (2)

英译汉教程课后练习题含答案 (2)



初级1.He is a teacher. 答案:他是一名教师。

2.She likes to play soccer. 答案:她喜欢踢足球。

3.They are brothers. 答案:他们是兄弟。

4.I have a black cat. 答案:我有一只黑猫。

5.We are students. 答案:我们是学生。

中级1.She is a talented singer and songwriter. 答案:她是一位有才华的歌手和词曲创作人。

2.The company is planning to launch a new product next year.答案:公司计划明年推出一款新产品。

3.He graduated from a prestigious university with a degree incomputer science. 答案:他从一所名牌大学毕业,拥有计算机科学学位。

4.The hotel offers a wide range of amenities and services toits guests. 答案:该酒店为客人提供了各种设施和服务。

5.The movie won several awards at international film festivals.答案:该电影在国际电影节上获得了几个奖项。

高级1.The scientific research project ms to explore the underlyingmechanisms of human cognition and perception. 答案:该科学研究项目旨在探索人类认知和知觉的基本机制。

2.The new policy proposes a comprehensive overhaul of theexisting health care system. 答案:新政策提出了对现有医疗保健系统进行全面改革。



英汉课后练习21.Now that you are in for it, you must carry on.你既然做了就要坚持下去。

2.Cigarettes were the death of me.香烟对我而言是致命的。

3.If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening does not wish to get intotrouble, he will return the umbrella to No. 10 Broad Street.上兴趣日晚,那个从城市教堂拿走雨伞的人,如果不想惹上麻烦,他就会把伞送回到不劳德大街10号。

4.If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always.如果你施恩于别人,不要耿耿于怀;如果你受人恩惠,请铭记在心。

5.Her sighs made it clear that she was unhappy.她的叹气声表明了她的不开心。

6.They had no running water where they lived. Nor did they have any conveniences of life such as gas andelectricity.他们住的地方没有自来水,也没有任何电气之类的便利的生活设施。

7. Theater will be reinvented and become much freer and more imaginative.剧院即将彻底改造,会变得更加自由,充满想象力。

8. Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may result in serious disease if certainimportant elements are missing.如今人们意识到:如果饮食中缺乏重要元素,不含有害物质的饮食也会导致重大疾病。

英语翻译讲义课后习题答案 (2)

英语翻译讲义课后习题答案 (2)

一、Studies serve for delight(高兴、欢喜), for ornament 装饰and for ability.二、Histories make men wise; poets witty机智的; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave庄重; logic and rhetoric able to contend争辩,争辩.3、When my grandfather died, my 83-year-old grandmother, once full of life, slowly began to fade.4、All is well that ends well.五、Where there is a way for a car, there is a Toyota.六、Not all cars are created equal.7、Showing off your proficiency with an axe before LuBan–the master carpenter八、to draw a snake and add feet to it to paint the lily九、电影名翻译:Casablanca Shrek Titanic Waterloo BridgeThe Bridge of Madison Broke Back Mountain10、概念:Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.译文:1,念书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。

英汉翻译入门第二版课后答案 (2)

英汉翻译入门第二版课后答案 (2)




Exercis 141.拉尔夫的蓝眼睛眯成了一条缝,看着十分友善2.铁暴露在潮湿的空气里会生锈3.她坐在河边一块石头上,撩起上衣的一角,擦去脸上的汗水4.他在没有客人的空当儿抓紧时间看书5.处于顺境时交朋友易如反掌;处于逆境时比登天还难6.几个世纪来诺曼农民们修筑堤岸,开掘沟渠或种植树篱,用各种方法将田分成小块7.穿上牛仔裤,活泼可爱;穿上绒线衫,潇洒迷人8.14%的女性开车时会打瞌睡9.公开追求物质享受的风气迅速蔓延开来,引起了古巴政府的警觉10.我认为他说的话离题十万八千里,于是我打断了他11.许多学生因为担心考试而感到紧张,因此没能正常发挥12.他要是动作慢上几秒钟,就会被狗咬成重伤13.参观的客人大量融入,拥挤不堪。

有坐半轮来的,有坐包船来的,还有驾着游艇来的,码头通道上整天挤满了人,不知道有什么好看的1.she left the child to my care2.The young man went for a ride on horseback against the wind and through the rain3.The meeting ended in disagreement4.the river rushed passionately past boulders and over waterfalls5.with a rifle on shoulder,he marched away with the army6.the plan shall be puplicized upon its approval7.the flood drove people to higher groundExercis151.詹尼坐在哪儿,别人说什么她都没听见,她的调羹稳稳搁在稀饭上,眼神朦朦胧胧的,心里在美滋滋地猜吃过饭之后要打开的那个大包里会是什么礼物。


Difference 1 English : Passive (被动) Chinese: Active (主动)
1. Astonishment and even horror oppressed him.
2. Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance.
2. There is a crying need for a new remedy.
3. It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal.
Difference 3
English : Static (静态)
1. She is the best hater I’ve ever known.
2. There is a crying need for a new remedy.
3. It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal.
3. The sight of the big tree 我一看到那棵大树就想 always reminds me of my 起了童年的情景。 childhood.
Difference 2 English : Impersonal (物称) Chinese: Personal (人称)
Contrast Between English and Chinese
英汉语言对比与翻译 Contrast and Translation between
English and Chinese
Lecture 2 英汉语系统对比与翻译



How to explain that I was not a proud owner seeking admiration for his vehicle, but a tourist who had broken down如何解释,我不是一个骄傲的主人寻求佩服他的汽车,但游客坏了吗Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruptions that last less than two hours.特种设备确保计算机就不会被打断,力量持续不到两个小时。

It is actually very, very old and was not always as beautiful as it is now. It is not certain how the Earth began. Probably it began as a huge globe of gas and dust. The globe became smaller and denser. Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard,它实际上是非常非常老的,并不总是像现在这样美丽。




今天的外层或地壳是凉爽且硬,It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, not horror, nor any of the other emotions that she had been prepared for.那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是嫌恶,也不是她原先准备应付的任务一种感情。

Modern geology has for its aim the deciphering of the whole evolution of the earth from the time of the earlier records that can be recognized in the rocks to the present day.当代地质解释为其目标的整体演化的地球早期的时间记录,可以识别岩石到当代。


2. There is a crying need for a new remedy.
3. It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal.
Difference 3
English : Static (静态)
英汉语言对比与翻译 Contrast and Translation between
English and Chinese
Lecture 2 英汉语系统对比与翻译
翻译下面三张PPT的 句子,并结合本讲内容 找出英汉表达的不同点。 10月16日上课检查。
Difference 1 English : Passive (被动) Chinese: Active (主动)
1. Astonishment and even horror oppressed him.
2. Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance.
1. They are paid for this. 2. The difficulties have been
overcome, and the problem solved. 3. Table tennis is played all over China. 4. Why should all these unpleasant jobs be pushed on to me?
3. The sight of the big tree 我一看到那棵大树就想 always reminds me of my 起了童年的情景。 childhood.

翻译作业2 译文点评

翻译作业2 译文点评
生孩子,尤其是第一个孩子,给夫妻关系带来的压力超过他们以往所面临的任 何压力。有些夫妻同舟共济,双方的感情会更加紧密、深厚,但许多夫妻的感情则 永远不复从前。
批注 [xiao3]: 注意借助上文 relationship 正确理解词义。即 使没有上下文,也不能理解为“更有钱了”,因为本句谈论 的是夫妻双方的关系,从逻辑上与财富没任何关系。
批注 [xiao7]: 物质至上的 批注 [xiao8]: 目的
这种实利主义的观念严重的影响着教育。现在,越来越少的年轻人仅仅为了求 知本身的乐趣而学习,每一门功课都要有一定的导向,比如为了获得更高的薪酬。 技能型人才供不应求,大公司竞相在学生尚未毕业时就录用他们,为他们提供的诱 人的薪水和附加福利。这样的人才录用策略已导致“人才流失”,也就是高技能人 才流向出最高价码的雇主。富国就这样从相邻的穷国掠走了他们最富才干的公民。 在对财神的膜拜已经史无前例的今天,富者更富,穷者更穷。
不只是在富裕的社会里人们才沉迷于赚钱,消费品到处受到人们热捧,现代工 业主动出击不断开辟新市场。以前工业品做得坚固耐用的日子已经一去不复返了。 工业化的车轮必须滚滚向前,商品内在的过时性提供了一个办法:制造产品的目的 就是要淘汰的,轿车造得越来越单薄。人们刚刚买到今年的新款式就开始考虑寻找 它的替代品了。
4. It is not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more money. Consumer goods are desirable everywhere and modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets. Gone are the days when industrial goods were made to last forever. The wheels of industry must be kept turning. “Built-in obsolescence” provides the means: goods are made to be discarded. Cars get thinner and thinner. You no sooner acquire this year’s model than you are thinking about its replacement.


5.With Asia’s economic meltdown rattling the Beijing leadership, Zhu and his colleagues now have a powerful argument that China must get its own house in order to prevent meddling by the International Monetary Fund or other outsiders. (China:Zhu is Taking a Broom to the Bureaucrats)
6.It is rainingcats and dogsoutside.
7.It isnot halfbad for a beginner.
8. Don’tmake light oftheir design.
10. She had spent a sleepless night, and rising early had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn.



Exerc‎i s101.他上了年纪‎,记性不好,喝了酒就更‎不能清晰地‎思考了。



Exerc‎i s 141.拉尔夫的蓝‎眼睛眯成了‎一条缝,看着十分友‎善2.铁暴露在潮‎湿的空气里‎会生锈3.她坐在河边‎一块石头上‎,撩起上衣的‎一角,擦去脸上的‎汗水4.他在没有客‎人的空当儿‎抓紧时间看‎书5.处于顺境时‎交朋友易如‎反掌;处于逆境时‎比登天还难‎6.几个世纪来‎诺曼农民们‎修筑堤岸,开掘沟渠或‎种植树篱,用各种方法‎将田分成小‎块7.穿上牛仔裤‎,活泼可爱;穿上绒线衫‎,潇洒迷人8.14%的女性开车‎时会打瞌睡‎9.公开追求物‎质享受的风‎气迅速蔓延‎开来,引起了古巴‎政府的警觉‎10.我认为他说‎的话离题十‎万八千里,于是我打断‎了他11.许多学生因‎为担心考试‎而感到紧张‎,因此没能正‎常发挥12.他要是动作‎慢上几秒钟‎,就会被狗咬‎成重伤13.参观的客人‎大量融入,拥挤不堪。



Lesson 2 Paradoxes(似非而是的论点, 自相矛盾的话) of Translating Activity 1 QuizTask 1 Translation from English to Chinese1. John is now with his parents in New York City; it is already three years since he was a bandmaster. (grammar: since从句中的过去式联系动词was 或were 是一种状态的结束。


2. John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game. (注意短语用法)约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又正直。

3.Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.不必担心太早。


)4.Do you see any green in my eye?你以为我是好欺骗的吗?5.There’s no pot so ugly it cant find a lid.罐儿再丑,配个盖子不发愁。


)Task 2 Translation from Chinese into English1.“武装到牙齿”(armed to the teeth)“象牙塔”(ivory tower)趁热打铁(strike while the iron is hot)“血浓于水”(Blood is thicker than water.)2.不愛紅妝愛武裝 .To face the powder and not to powder the face.3.“情人眼中出西施” Beauty is in the eye of the beholder4.一日之计在于晨 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.5.無邊落木蕭蕭下不見長江滾滾來The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by showerThe endless rivers rolls its waves hour after hourActivity 2 Questions1. Could you write down the difficulties that you have come across when doing translation? (5mins)2. The following 4 questions are mainly based on Eugene A. Nida (1993). Please think over the questions below and write down your understandings.(1)Translating is a complex and fascinating task. In fact, some scholarshave claimed that it is probably the most complex type of event in the history of the cosmos(宇宙). And yet, translating is so natural and easy that children seem to have no difficulty in interpreting for their immigrant parents. These children normally do very well until they have gone to school and have learned about nouns, verbs, and adverbs. Why?Answer:Because they then try to match the words and grammar rather than the content.(2)Most people assume(vt.假定, 设想, 采取, 呈现) that literalness(n.文字的, 表面意义上的, 无修饰的) in translating means faithfulnessto the text. Because of the many discrepancies (n.相差, 差异, 矛盾)between meanings and structures of different languages, some people have insisted that translating is impossible. What do you think?Answer: Those who insist that translating is impossible are usually concerned with some of the more marginal(adj.记在页边的, 边缘的, 边际的) features of figurative (adj.比喻的, 修饰丰富的, 形容多的) language and complex poetic structures. The use of figurativelanguage is universal(adj.普遍的, 全体的, 通用的, 宇宙的, 世界的), but the precise figures of speech in one language rarely match those in another. Yet translating is simply doing the impossible well. In fact, though some famous authors insist that translating is impossible, they do not hesitate to have their own writingtranslated.(3)What do you think of the view that paraphrase(explanation) shouldbe avoided in translating?Answer: In fact, all translating involves different degrees of paraphrase, since there is no way in which one can successfully translate word for word and structure for structure. For example, the Chinese saying 他下海了is literally “He went down to the sea”, but is more appropriately translated as “He became a businessman”.Since languages do not differ essentially in what they can say, but in how they say it, paraphrase is inevitable. What is important is the semantic(语义的) legitimacy (n.合法(性), 正统(性), 正确(性), 合理(性)) of the paraphrase.(4)There is a widespread( adj.分布广泛的, 普遍的) view that atranslator should first produce a more or less literalrendering(translating) of the source text(source text源程序正文) and then proceed to improve it stylistically(adv.在文体上). Do you agree?Answer: Style is not the frosting on the cake(蛋糕上的糖霜), but an integral part(integral part主要的部分)of the text right from the beginning. It must be built into the text right from the beginning. It is usually better to aim first at a stylistically satisfactory rendering of the source text and then review it carefully to “tighten it up” by analyzing and testing the correspondences(n.相应, 通信, 信件). A few errors in the correspondences of lexical meaning are much more excusable (adj.可原谅的, 可容许的, 言之有理的, 可免除的)than missing the spirit and aesthetic (adj.美学的, 审美的, 有审美感的)character of the source text.(Now how did you feel after going through the above 4 questions? You might feel a bit disappointed for there seems to be nothing particularly exotic and exciting in Nida’s saying. At the same time, you might alsofeel a bit confused, for the above 4 questions do not present a very clear and well-organized picture of translation. Well, do not worry too much at this stage. In the rest of the book, we shall take a closer look at the nature and the procedures of translation. Our focus, however, will be on introducing some useful translation skills and on practicing translating ourselves. We shall also spend some time examining those language points on which English and Chinese differ, hence are difficult to deal with in translation. One such point is presented in Activity 3 below.)Activity 3 Language Differ: Differences in LexiconsSince translation theories and skills are both built upon the differences and similarities between the source language and the target language, in each chapter of this course, we shall examine one or two language points on which English and Chinese differ. First of all, Chinese and English show a lot of discrepancies in their lexicons, especially in word meanings and word combinations.Task 1 Words sharing the same designative(指定的) and associative (adj. 联想的)meaningsSome English words and their Chinese counterparts share exactly the same designative and associative meanings. These are mainly some proper names, technical terms and the names of some everyday objects.Can you give their Chinese equivalents?The U.S. State Department 美国国务院Cognitive linguistics 认知语言学The Indian Ocean 印度洋AIDS 艾滋病Helicopter 直升飞机Skyscraper 摩天大楼Now please list 5 English examples and their Chinese counterparts and 5 Chinese examples and their English counterparts in the space provided below. Discuss with your partner if all the examples you list indeed share the same meanings and the same connotations(内涵) with their counterparts in the target language.List AList BTask 2 Words Not Sharing the Same MeaningsWhen you were thinking of your own examples for Task 1, you might already notice that many English words and their seeming (adj.表面上的)Chinese counterparts do not really share exactly the same meanings or connotations.(1) Is the following translation version provided the only possible one?If not, can you offer other versions?Brother哥弟Mother-in-law岳母婆婆Grandparents祖父母外祖父母Aunt姑姨、婶、Uncle叔伯、舅(2) Now can you think of your own English and Chinese examples? If yes, please write them down in the space provided below. You may have a brainstorming (自由讨论,智力爆发)with your partners if you happen to get stuck on your own.Task 3 English Words with More Than One MeaningAs learners of English, we are familiar with the fact that most English words have more than one meaning depending on different context. When translating into Chinese, these different meanings are usually matched with different Chinese words rather than with one Chinese word.A. To take “hard” as an example, can you translate the following phrases into Chinese?1.hard rocks 坚硬的岩石2.a hard blue 一种刺目(眼)的蓝色3.hard drugs 烈性毒品4.hard sounds 清音5.hard currency 硬通货6.hard water 水质较硬的水7.hard evidence 确凿的证据(铁证)8.a hard winter 一个严寒的冬天(严冬)9.hard times 艰难岁月10.hard on somebody 对某人很严厉11.a hard smile (一个)冷酷的微笑12.think hard 认真地思考13.hard work 辛苦的工作14.a hard question (一个)难回答的问题B. Loo k at the meanings of ‘man’1.man and his wife 丈夫和妻子2.officers and men 官和兵3.his man Friday 他的仆人礼拜五(丹尼尔·笛福《鲁滨逊漂流记》)4.man-of-war 军舰5.Be a man! 要像个男子汉﹗C. sophisticated1.sophisticated man 老于世故的人2.sophisticated woman 狡黠的女子3.sophisticated columnist 老练的专栏作家,资深专栏作家4.sophisticated electronic device 高度精密的电子装置5.sophisticated weapon 尖端武器D. run1.run to seed 花谢结子—不修边幅—丧失活力—破旧不堪2.run the streets 流浪街头3.run a hare 追捕野兔—追捕坐车不买票的人4.run one’s eyes down a list匆匆看一下单子5.run one’s head into a wall撞南墙;碰壁6.the machine runs well 机器运转良好7.the river runs east 河水流向东方(大江东流去)8.the news runs rapidly in the town 这个消息迅速在镇上传开Task 4 Chinese Words with More Than One MeaningYou might already be saying to yourselves “Well, English is not alone in giving one word many different meanings. Chinese is even more extreme in this respect.” You are certainly justified(v.证明...是正当的)in thinking that way.To take a very simple word下as an example. Can you translate the following into English?1.下班 get off work/ knock off2.下半辈子the later half of one’s life3.下策 an unwise decision/ a stupid move 4.下厨房 go to the kitchen (to prepare a meal) 5.下蛋 lay eggs6.下饭 go well with rice7.下岗 go off sentry(卫兵,岗哨) duty 8.下课 finish class/ the class is over 9.下列 listed below10.下坡路 a downhill path11.下棋 play chess12.下属 subordinate13.下乡 go to the countryside14.下旬 the last ten-day period of a month 15.下意识 sub-consciousnessTask 5 Co-occurrence with Other Words:Many English words and their Chinese counterparts also show a lot of differences in their combinations with other words. To take “play” as an example, to play basketball is 打篮球, to play football is踢足球 , and to play the piano is弹钢琴 .Now please try to translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying special attention to the italicized parts.1.He wore a pair of dark glasses and a thick grey overcoat.他戴一副墨镜,穿一件厚厚的灰外套。













实际上,英语单词与汉语词并非一一对应的关系,而应根据词所在的语境决定词在上下文中的涵义、词义的广狭、词的感情色彩词、词的语体色彩、词的联想意义等,然后根据这些意义在目的与中选择恰当的对应词(eqiuvalent).⏹Leech(利奇)在《语义学》中列举了七种意义类型:概念意义(conceptual meaning)内涵意义(connotative meaning)风格意义(stylistic meaning)情感意义(affective meaning)联想意义(reflected meaning)搭配意义(collocative meaning)主题意义(thematic meaning)⏹概念意义是意义的中心部分,是客观事物的反映与概括,也就是说,概念意义就是词典里收录的释义,具有约定俗成的特点;内涵意义是词汇的喻义和引申意义,是附加在概念意义之上的意义,不同的语境中,词的内涵意义不尽相同;风格意义指在不同的场合中词汇的运用会呈现不同的层次,不同历史时期、不同的说话人、不同的交际手段和方式等都会影响到词汇的风格意义;情感意义用来表达说话者的感情和态度,取决于词所描述的对象;联想意义是能引起听者或读者联想的意义,有些词可以引起愉快的联想,而有的词可以引起不愉快的联想,尤其是在不同的文化中,词的联想意义有很大的区别。



英译汉翻译作业21. 句子翻译1) He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.他把手插入口袋,耸了耸肩。

2) The decrease in his income changed his life style.收入降低改变了他的生活方式。

3) I am ill-fated. My father died when I was four years old. My mother took her solemn vow to remain in widowhood. She was stricken with poverty and had to earn a living all by herself. She nurtured me and educated me until I grew up.(请用文言文翻译)吾不幸,生孩四年,慈父见背,母严誓寡居。


4) A poverty-stricken people would breed wickedness and all kinds of evils. But poverty rises from insufficiency, which in turn comes from the people’s being divorced from farming. Without farming, they would not be settled on the land, and this would cause them to leave their native places and make little of their homes. If people are like fowls and beasts, they are not to be contained even by high walls and severe punishments. When attacked by cold and hunger, one might be lost to all sense of shame. For it is in the human nature that one would feel hungry without eating twice a day and would freeze without renewing his clothes by the end of a year. If hunger is not stayed by food and cold not resisted with clothes, even a kind-hearted mother could not keep her children, how could a monarch keep his people? (请用文言文翻译)贫者生万恶之念。



Lecture TwoTour Interpreting祖国山河美不美,全靠导游一张嘴。

An eloquent and learned guide can paint the landscape alluring.疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏。

The shape of the scattered plum flowers is reflected on the pure water,the quiet fragrance sent out is scattering into air in such a moonlight night.楼观沧海日,门对浙江潮。

Setting foot in right places and enjoying the fascinating scenery can broaden your mind, strengthen your emotion and releasing oneself.半水半烟半柳,半风半雨催花;半没半浮渔艇,半藏半见人家。

---(明)梅鼎祚Willows sway in the region of rivers and lakesFlowers fall along with the gentle breeze and fine rainFishing boats float up and down on the riverOnly blurry shape of the cabins can be seen《望湖楼醉书》---苏东坡黑云翻墨未遮山,白雨跳珠乱入船。


No matter how the slashing gray clouds scud which can not blot out the mountain.Raindrops the size of peas starts falling constantly onto the boat.A blast of rampaging winds blow away the rainThe surface of the water seems sparkling and boundless after fighting against all this mess水水山山处处明明秀秀晴晴雨雨时时好好奇奇Every lake in Hangzhou is clean and pureEvery mountain in Hangzhou is green and flourishingWhere there is a rain there is charmingWhere there is a sun there is charming。



第2课参考译文1. Mt.Tianzi has / boasts / enjoys beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate.2. Each stone is more than 1000 kg in weight / weighs more than 1000 kg.3. Out of the living-room walked an old gentleman in a western suit.4. He put on his jacket hastily and walked out with a hoe on his shoulder.5. (You) buy some fruit with this money to take to the hospital. / This money you use to buy some fruit to take to the hospital.Wonders in IndiaI arrived in India / came to India by plane / by air. It was a novel place.Throughout the year, there was always a wide variety of flowers. Sometimes even the locals couldn’t tell the names of the flowers. One day, I saw a lot of very big fruit hanging in a big tree. When I took a closer / more careful look, it turned out to be a flock of bats. During the night, when they spread out their wings, they were / looked / appeared as big as basins.To the southwest of Delhi was a beautiful ancient city (which was) called Jaipur. The buildings of the whole city were painted pink, so it was also known as the City of Roses. In fact, we might as well call it the Land of Peacocks / In fact, it might as well be called the Land of Peacocks. The peacocks there were surprisingly numerous / There were surprisingly numerous peacocks there. Early in the morning, you could see a few peacocks dancing in the flowering shrubs. Every evening, they came out to look for food. They wondered around / about in threes and fours / in small groups. They never avoided people.There were elephants as well / too. They were prettily decked out / up all over. Their keepers called them “Miss Elephant.” Well, they also enjoyed listening to music. When climbing the hill, I rode on an elephant’s back. There was someone ringing a bell behind / Someone was ringing a bell behind. “Miss Elephant” rocked from side to side to the rhythm. After I got down / climbed down from the elephant’s back, the keeper said, “Please give Miss Elephant a little money to buy sweets with (to eat).” The elephant stretched out her trunk to me. I stuffed a coin into her nostril. She flung / threw her trunk back, and passed the coin into her master’s hand. Very cute / smart / clever she was indeed.。

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Translate the following English phrases or sentences into Chinese.
1. Take off
The new dictionary has really taken off.(这本新字典很受欢迎。

Take off your wet shirt.(把你的湿衬衫脱下来。

The doctor took off his wounded left leg.(医生给他受伤的左腿做了截肢手术。

They had to take off the show because of poor audience.(观众太少令他们不得不取消演出)You can take only one day off.(你只能休一天假。

The officer leading the inquiry has been taken off.(主持这项调查的官员已经被撤职。

2. But his attack was always repulsed by a kick or a blow from a stick.(但是他的攻击总是被一针拳打脚踢击退)
1)We must help them in every way possible (every possible way).
2)This is the only reference book available here.
3)They are working to increase production at the highest speed possible
4)This is the best solution imaginable.
2. 状语的位置
1)A jeep, full, sped fast, drenching me in spray.
2)North American viewers watched the start of the royal procession without missing a single
hoof beat. (北美人观看了皇室游行,没有错过一点细节)
3. 形容词并列时的位置
the ancient Chinese alchemists (中国古代的炼金师)
a beautiful new black Italian leather jacket (一件漂亮的新的黑色的意大利皮夹克)
4. 短语做定语
1)Consult the references as given at the end of the chapter(请查阅本章所给出的参考书目)
2)There is the challenge, more clearly defined than ever before, to scientists to apply the results of science and technology. (对于科学家来说,将科技成果运用到实践中,毫无疑问,是一个巨大的挑战)
3)There are children for her to look after and a big house to take care of.(她有一群孩子需要照顾,还有一所大房子需要照看)
4)The idea of fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs, even to run an electric motor, is almost unbelievable.(鱼可以产生足以点亮灯泡的电流,其产生的电流甚至可以运转电动动机,这一观点是难以置信的。

5)It’s not necessary to provide yet another analysis of the disintegration of the family or the breakdown of the social fabric or the price of democracy to explain what had happened to our society. (为了搞清楚我们社会的走向,而特意提供关于家庭破裂、社会结构的解体、民主代价的分析报告,这些是完全没有必要的。

5. 形义间的联系/俗语短语的灵活运用
1)Make up your mind before you make up your face. (说谎之前先想清楚)
2)Jack has become Jack of all trades and master of none.(jack成了各行业的高手,并成了一个万金油)
6. Part-time barman wanted. Hours and salary negotiable.(招兼职酒保。

7. This Bill of Lading (lade v. 装载货物) is issued in a negotiable form, so it shall constitute title to the goods and the holder, by endorsement (背书,签注文件) of this B/L. (本提单是以可转让的形式发行的,所以应在提单上背书该货物的名称及其所有者)
8.We must bring the chairman around to our point of view. (我们必须要让主席支持我们的观点)
9. The Asian countries along the coast of the Pacific all came out against the US new military base in Japan. (太平洋沿岸的亚洲国家都公开反对美国在日本建造新的军事基地)
10. Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon. (虽然他们的食物和水即将耗尽,但是人们对于走出困境仍然很乐观很自信)。
