Western Culture: An Introduction(西方文化导论)Chapter 1 Culture in Ancient Greece (古希腊文化)1.Cradle of western civilization (西方文明的摇篮)---Ancient Greek“We are all Greeks.”------Percy Bysshe Shelley (珀西·比希·雪莱)When Shelley said “We are all Greeks”, he is expressing his buy-in(认同)to the then current belief that European culture could trace its roots back (追根溯源于)to the Greek ideals and customs. This would include everything: architecture, education, medicine, our basic myths and memes, government, etc.2.Phases of development )(发展阶段)Delphi 特尔斐(希腊古都)Three Ages:ca.3000-1200 BC, the Heroic Age(英雄时代)(ca. 1200-750 BC), the Greek City-State (希腊城邦)and the Persian Wars(波斯战争)(ca. 750-480 BC), the Golden Age (黄金时代)(Ca. 480-430 BC).Bronze Age Civilizations of the Aegean (ca. 3000-1200 BC):1.1Minoan[miˈnəuən] civilization 克里特文明flourished between 2000-1400 BC, when itseems to be absorbed or destroyed by the Mycenaeans.The most famous of the leg ends of Minoan culture is Minotaur [ˈmaɪnətɔ:(r)] 人身牛头怪/弥诺陶洛斯, a being “part man and part bull”.Where did the Renaissance start with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture?In Florence 佛罗伦萨(意大利都市名)and Venice()意大利港市.1.2Mycenae[maiˈsi:ni:]迈锡尼/Mycenaean [maisiˈni:ən] culture (ca. 1600-1200).By 1600 BC, the Mycenaeans had established themselves in the Aegean(爱琴海).Around 1200 BC, the Mycenaeans attacked Troy, a commercial stronghold on the northwest coast of Asia Minor小亚细亚半岛. The ten-year-long war between Mycenae and Troy would provide the historical context for the Iliad [ˈɪliəd] (伊利亚特)and the Odyssey [ˈɒdəsi](奥赛德). ------ Homer(荷马), the blind Greek poetTrojan war (特洛伊战争)------ Penelope’s web 珀涅罗珀的织物;故意拖延的策略;永远做不完的工作1.2.1The Heroic Age (ca. 1200-750 BC): after 1200 BC, more powerful, iron-bearing tribes of Dorians (多利亚人约于前1200-1000年间从巴尔干半岛北部迁入希腊,后来建立了斯巴达(Sparta)、科林斯(Corinth)、阿尔戈斯(Argos)等城邦,更多时候是作为入侵者和征服者被看待,荷马认为其野蛮黑暗), a Greek-speaking people from the north, destroyed Mycenaean civilization.Peloponnesian Wars 伯罗奔尼撒战争(431-404 BC)between Athens(雅典) and Sparta(斯巴达);Years of internal wars weakened the once powerful Greek city-states of Sparta, Athens, Thebes(底比斯), and Corinth(科林斯). Philip II of Macedonia (马其顿)(northern Greece) rose to power and, in 338 BC, he rode south and conquered the cities of Thebes and Athens, uniting most of Greece under his rule. Upon Philip II ‘s death, his son, Alexander the Great(亚历山大大帝), took control and proceeded to conquer all of the lands between Greece and India including Egypt.After the death of Alexander in 323 BC, Macedonia was defeated by Roma(罗马)at the Battleof Cynoscephalae(基诺斯山战役)in 197 BC and then again at the Battle of Pydna(皮德纳战役)in 168 BC. The Greeks were finally defeated at the Battle of Corinth in 146 BC. Rome completely destroyed and plundered(掠夺)the city of Corinth as an example to other Greek cities.1.2.2The Greek City-State and the Persian Wars (ca. 750-480 BC)In 490 BC, Battle of Marathon 马拉松战役In 480 BC, Battle of the Hot Gates and Battle of Salamis 萨拉米斯海战Persian Wars(希波战争): Herodotus 希罗多德(ca. 485-425 BC), the father of history 历史之父。
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In a way the change of the cultural and intellectual climate in this period had something to do with romanticism and cultural trend of the time. More radical modes of creation appeared, first in poetry and then spread to other forms of writing and art. They were more rebellious, more radical, more opposed to tradition and social reality and more concerned with their own forms of subjective representation. Such a changed approach moved eventually into modernism.
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Modernism was born at the turn of the 20th century and swept many countries. Many social and psychological problems found expression in cultural and literary form, thus representing the real mood and emotion of the ordinary people in the West who were torn by countless troubles arising out of the social, political and cultural contradictions and clashes.
西方文化导论课程设计 (2)
二、起源与发展1. 古希腊文化的影响古希腊文化是西方文化的重要起源之一。
2. 罗马帝国的传承罗马帝国继承并发展了古希腊文化,形成了独特的罗马文化。
3. 基督教的兴起基督教的兴起标志着西方文化的新阶段。
4. 文艺复兴与启蒙运动文艺复兴和启蒙运动是西方文化发展的重要阶段。
三、西方文化的特点1. 个人主义西方文化强调个体的独立性和自由意志,鼓励个人追求幸福和成功。
2. 科学与技术的重视西方文化崇尚科学与技术的发展,注重实证主义和理性思维,推动了现代科学的进步。
3. 民主与法治西方文化倡导民主政治和法治社会,注重个人权利和平等,推动了现代民主制度的发展。
4. 艺术与文学的创新西方文化在艺术与文学领域具有创新精神,不断探索新的表达形式和艺术风格。
四、西方文化对全球的影响1. 语言和文学英语作为西方文化的代表语言,成为国际交流和商务的重要工具。
2. 科学与技术西方文化的科学与技术成果对全球产生了广泛影响,如工业革命、电子技术、计算机科学等。
3. 政治与法律西方文化的民主制度和法治观念对全球政治和法律体系的发展产生了重要影响。
4. 艺术与娱乐西方音乐、电影、时尚等艺术与娱乐形式在全球范围内受到广泛欢迎,成为全球流行文化的一部分。
两种思维或话语模式:两种思维或话语模式: Logos vs. Mythos
The Greek word LOGOS designates a certain kind of thinking about the world, a kind of logical analysis that places things in the context of reason and explains them with the pure force of thought. Such an intellectual exercise was supposed to lead to wisdom (Sophia), and those who dedicated themselves to Logos were thought of as lovers of wisdom (love =), hence as philosophers.
2. 迈锡尼文化:建筑、文字。
3. 荷马时代文化:《荷马史诗》、陶艺。
1 •早期希腊的文化:神话和宗教,文字和文学,艺术。
Multiple choice.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
(1) Ancient Roman culture is the culture from the formation of ____ to the end of the Roman Empire, which had lasted about 1200 years throughout.
Comprehension Exercises
True of false question.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
பைடு நூலகம்
_F_ (1) In ancient Rome, freed slaves could become Roman citizen without any restrictions on their legal rights.
A. Octavian and Caesar B. Caesar and Remus C. Romulus and Remus D. Romulus and Octavian
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
A. Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Sulla B. Pompey, Crassus, Cleopatra C. Pompey, Crassus, Julius Caesar D. Octavian, Brutus, Marius
Text Study
《西方文化导论》综合复习第一章西方文化的起源一、填空1 、希腊历史的第一页是 ___非洲_____ 文明的历史。
爱琴海文明指的是爱琴海地区的青铜文化,先后形成了两大中心: ________ 和 ________ ,因此又通称克里特岛—迈锡尼文化。
2 、公元前 ________ 年期间,是克里特文化最为繁盛的时代。
克里特文化的中心是 ________ ,传说中的 ________ 国王建立了海上霸权,控制了整个爱琴海地区。
克里特的文字经历了象形文字和线形文字两大发展阶段,在它的繁盛期,线形文字全岛通用,这种文字又称 ________ ,以区别迈锡尼的 ________ 。
3 、迈锡尼文化以 ________ 而得名,但它实际上是希腊本土文化青铜文化的通称,是 ________ 的继续,只不过又加上了希腊民族文化的一些要素。
4 、荷马时代的艺术主要表现为 ________ ,陶器表面多用 ________ 来装饰,所以荷马时代的考古文化通称为 ________ 风格文化。
5 、爱琴海文明经历了一个盛极而衰的过程。
随着希腊文化中心的北移,希腊文化也越来越摆脱了 ________ 和 ________ 文明的巨大影响,形成了具有特色的希腊民族文化。
奠定了日后 ________ 的根基。
二、名词解释1 、迈锡尼文化2 、荷马史诗三、问答题:1 、荷马史诗的成就是什么?第二章希腊古典时代的文化一、填空1 、在古希腊史上,通常把公元前 8 世纪—前 6 世纪称为 ________ ,这是古希腊文化发展和形成的重要时期;公元前 6 世纪以后直至马其顿征服希腊,称为 ________ ,是上古希腊文化发展的鼎盛时期;古典时代以后到奥古斯都打败安东尼这一时期,为 ________ ,是上古希腊文化广泛传播于 _______ 、________ 、 ________ 三大洲许多地区的时代,同时也是希腊文化没落的时代。
GREEK希腊1 city-states 城邦国家:Athens 雅典,Sparda斯巴达2 Mount Olympus 奥林匹斯山in Greek mythology (希腊十二神) ( both on heaven and on earth)Zeus 宙斯(Jupiter) -- the chief gold -- keeps order with thunderbolts(迅雷)Hera 赫拉(Juno) -- Zeus’s wife --the goddess responsible for mariage and family Poseidon波塞冬(Neptune) – Zeus’s brother – looks after the seasHades 哈德斯(Pluto) – Zeus’s brother –reigns(统治) the underworld, the kingdomof deathAthena 雅典娜(Minerva) –Zeus’s daughter –a deity of wisdom, regarded as theguardian angel for the Temple of Athena, itselfsymbolic of civilization and artΑπολλων阿波罗(Apollo) – Zeus’s son(born of Leto勒托) –the god of sun, incharge of thrust, light, and medicine –attributesdemonstrating intelligenceArtemis 阿尔特弥斯(Diana) – Apollo’s twin sister – the goddess of the moon andhuntingAphrodite 阿特洛狄忒(Venas)–Zeus’s daughter(born of Dione) –the goddess oflove and beautyHephaestus 赫菲斯托斯(Vulcan) –the husband of Aphrodite –metal-workingtechnology who made the thunderbolt forZeusHermes 赫尔墨斯(Mercury) –Zeus’s son –Zeus’s messager and servant, the deitylooks after merchants, tourists andthieves.Ares 阿瑞斯(Mars) – Zeus and Hera’s son – a warring god 战神Hestia 赫提斯亚(Vesta) –Zeus’s virgin sister –the goddess for kitchen and home,her status is replaced by Dionysus -- the god of wine anddramaEros 厄洛斯(Cupid丘比特) – the god of love3古希腊的三位哲人philosopherSocrates 苏格拉底, Plato 柏拉图,Aristotle 亚里士多德4犬儒派cynics (愤世嫉俗的) 代表:Diogenes5 literature – epic poetry:Homer荷马– Iliad 伊利亚特,Odyssey 奥德赛6 drama – Prometheus Bound 被缚的普罗米修斯(Aeschylus 埃斯库罗斯)Oedipus the King 俄底浦斯王:Oedipus Complex 恋母情结Electra Complex 恋父情结7建筑:the Parthenon 帕特农神庙Venus de Milo米洛斯的维纳斯Discobolics (Discus Thrower) 掷铁饼者Rome1. 将领:Julius Caesar(尤利西斯—凯撒)Octavianus(Octavian )屋大维(Octobor), Augustus 奥古斯都(August)He initiated a way of ruling by calling himself the First Citizen, meaning head of state 首脑2 文学:Virgil 维吉尔——Aeneid 埃涅阿斯记(epic poem)3 建筑:colosseum 圆形角斗场Pantheon 万神殿Bible1.Pentateuch 摩西五书Genesis 创世纪– God’s creation of the worldthe Great Flood (Noah’s Ark) 诺亚方舟the Tower of Babel 巴别塔Exodus出埃及记—Ten Commandments 十诫Leviticus 利来记Nambers 民数记Deuteronomy 生命记2.Jewish Festivals 犹太人节日The Sabbath安息日Chanukah or Hanuka灯节Shavuot 五旬节Passover 逾越节3.the Middle Ages 中世纪The period in European history from the collapse of the Roman Civilization in the 5th century AD to the period of the Renaissance in the 14th century is termed generally as the Middle Ages.(1000年)The Renaissance文艺复兴–三杰1 Leonardo da vinci 达芬奇(artist and scientist)The Virgin of the Rocks 岩间圣母Mona Lisa蒙娜丽莎The last Supper 最后的晚餐2 Michelangelo米开朗基罗(Buonarotti)(poet and architect)Genesis 创世纪Final Judgement 最后的审判the sculpture David 雕像大卫3 Raphael 拉斐尔The School of Athens 雅典学院Sistine Madonna 西斯廷圣母1Genesis ; The SabbathGenesis describes God’s creation of the world and traces the history of the Hebrews from Abraham(亚伯拉罕) to Joseph(约瑟).The Sabbath :It begins from the sunset of Friday and lasts to the sunset of Saturday. It was set apart by Moses as a holy day, for rest and worship in commemoration of the completion of the creation.2. Noah’s Ark; the dove, the raven and the rainbowGod saw that the whole world was corrupt and full of violence. So he intended to destroy them, and the earth with them. Noah was a righteous man, the one blameless man of his time; God knew that Noah was trying to do right. He told Noah that heintended to bring the waters of the flood over the earth to destroy the earth and its wicked people. But Noah shall go into the ark with his sons, his wife and his sons’ wives with you. Soon it was time for Noah to go inside with his family and other creatures. After forty days and forty nights the rain stopped. But the water stayed on the earth for many months after that. Then Noah tried to find out if the waters had gone down.Raven1.He sent out a raven, but the raven kept flying to and fro until the waters were dried up.Dove2. Noah sent out a dove to see what would happen. The dove could not find a place to rest so it came back to the ark.3.Seven days later he sent the dove out again. This time she returned with an olive leaf in her beak.4.So he waited another seven days and sent her out once more. This time the dove did not return.the water was finally gone and the earth was dry. Now Noah and his family could leave the ark.Rainbow PromiseFinally, the earth dried up and the Noah’s came back the earth. God promised. ―All flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there be again a flood to destroy the earth.‖Rainbow stands for God’s eternal promise to the human3.The Babel Tower; confusion ;different languages in the worldThe story of the Tower of Babel, from the Book of Genesis, is used to explain why we have so many languages. The essence of the story is that the people of Shinar (Babylonia) decided to build a giant tower that would reach into heaven. It was an enormous enterprise, so it took a long time and lots of cooperation among people who all spoke the same language. After a while, God disrupted the project. To make it impossible for the workers to communicate, he forced everyone to speak a different language4. Exodus ;the meaning of Exodus in the Bi ble and today’s English ;Passover (逾越节)Passover (逾越节);an important Jewish religious holiday when the escape of the Jews from Egypt is rememberedExodus in the Bible:the second book of the Old Testament: tells of the departure of the Israelites(以色列人) out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses; God gave them the Ten Commandments(十诫) and the rest of Mosaic law(摩西律法) on Mount Sinai(西奈山) during the Exodus Exodus in today’s English:a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment 大批的离去Canaan-a land flowing with milk and honey, the promised land5.The birth of Jesus ChristOver two thousand years ago a young woman by the name of Mary lived in the small town of Nazareth. Mary was to be married to a carpenter named Joseph. One day an angel Gabriel said that she will have a baby name Jesus. When they arrived in Bethlehem they did not have a place to stay. The kind innkeeper told them he had a stable that they could stay in for the night. Jesus, God’s Son, was born that night. Mary wrapped baby Jesus in a small cloth and placed him in a manger of hay.The shepherds牧羊人That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby. Suddenly, an angel before them. He told them that the Son of God has been born today. They will recognize Him by this sign; he will be wrapped snugly in cloth, lying in a manger. The shepherds hurried to go to see Baby Jesus. When they found him in the stable in Bethlehem, They kneeled before the baby and worshipped him.Candy cane拐杖糖A candy manufacturer living in Indiana wanted to produce a kind of candy which can tell others about the existence of God. At the very beginning, white candy. Then,One thick red line: The blood Jesus shed on the cross. Through his death we are forgiven. Three fine red lines: the whipping Jesus suffered. By his stripes we are healed. White candy: innocent Jesus who was born of a virgin. Hard candy: Jesus, the cornerstone of the church, is our rock of refuge. J-shaped candy cane: Jesus Christ and the cane of shepherds.The Three Wise Men from the east东方三博士After Jesus was born,wise men(magi)came to look for Him,from an area which is now in either Iran or Saudi Arabia. They were certainly men of learning. They had seen an unusual new star,and knew that it told of the birth of a special king. They followed it to East - and eventually found the place where Mary,Joseph and Jesus were staying. To bring honor to the child,they brought rich gifts:gold,frankincense and myrrh .The Star of Bethlehem伯利恒的星The Magi, they observed a huge star directly over Bethlehem. A shining star in thesky over Bethlehem and guided Three Wise Men to the small manger where the Christ Child lay.6. The last supperThe Last Supper is a 15th century mural painting in Milan created by Leonardo da Vinci. It represents the scene of The Last Supper from the final days of Jesus as it is told in the when Jesus announces that one of his Twelve Disciples(Bartholomew, James, son of Alphaeus,Andrew,Judas Iscariot, Peter,John,Thomas, James the Greater,Philip,Matthew, Jude ThaddeusSimon the Zealot )would betray him.The Lord’s Supper圣餐the name applies to the memorial of Yeshiva’s death.So the historical origin of the Lord’s Supper is that final supper that Jesus ate with his disciples the night before he was crucified. It is a Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wi neBread and wineThe Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of the Lord in which gathered believers eat bread, signifying Christ’s body given for His people, and drink the cup of the Lord, signifying the Ne w Covenant in Christ’s blood. We do this in remembrance of the Lord’ death until He comes. Those who eat and drink in a worthy manner partake of Christ’s body and blood spiritually by faith.The Holy Grail圣杯In Christian mythology, the Holy Grail was the dish, plate, cup or vessel that caught Jesus' blood during his crucifixion. It was said to have the power to heal all wounds.A theme joined to the Christianized Arthurian mythos relates to the quest for the Holy Grail.The death of ChristA prickly crown of thorns was placed on his head and he was stripped naked. He was led to Golgotha where he would be crucified. Stake-like nails were driven through his wrists and ankles, fastening him to the cross where he was crucified between two convicted criminals.the Resurrection复活The resurrection of Jesus is the Christian religious belief that Jesus Christ returned to life on the Sunday following the Friday on which he was executed by crucifixion. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures‖.JudasAfter the dinner, Jesus went out as usual to the Mountain of Olives. While he was speaking to his disciples, Judas come out with a crowd, he was leading them. He approached Jesus and kissed him. Because of the Judas' betray, Jesus was arrestedPeterAt the time of Jesus' s arrested, Peter had denied Jesus for three times before the cock crows as Jesus predicts before.The Good FridayGood Friday, also known as Holy Friday, Black Friday, Great Friday, It is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion (苦难)of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. The holiday is observed during Holy Week(复活节前周) on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday(复活节).EasterEaster is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary as described in the New Testament. Easter is preceded by Lent, a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance.7(1)Pygmalion(皮革马利翁), a king of Cyprus(塞浦路斯), was a famous sculptor. He made a beautiful ivory statue of a woman and gave it the name of Galatea(加拉泰亚), and fell in love with it. At his prayers ,Aphrodite—the goddess of beauty and love(爱神阿芙洛狄忒), gave it life. And Galatea ,now a woman in flesh and blood, became Pygmalion' wife. --Greek mythology Pygmalion effect The Pygmalion effect is a form of self-fulfilling prophecy(自我实现), people will internalize(内在化)their negative label, and those with positive labels succeed accordingly. Within sociology(社会学), the effect is often cited with regard to education and social class.The Pygmalion Effect is that people tend to behave as you expect they will.(2)George Bernard Shaw(萧伯纳)Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesman, and a leading figure in the 20th century theater, who was regarded as 'a second Shakespeare', who had revolutionized the British theatre. A defender of women's rights, and advocate of equality of income. In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.3)Theme of My fair lady: Higgins, a phonetics(语言学家)created a new girl Eliza from lower class to upper class by teaching her English.For others: encourage and praiseFor ourselves:Self-fulfilling and confident8 money is not everythinganyone can not be much too greedy.9The golden fleece 金羊毛:symbol of wealth, spirit of adventure, the pursuit of ideals and happiness.10Pandora’s box 帕朵拉的盒子:curiosity, temptation, hope11 Endimion 恩底弥翁(1) John keats’ (约翰*济慈) poem,based on the Greek myth of Endymion (theshepherd 牧羊人beloved by the moon goddess Selene 塞勒涅)。
Unit2西方文化导论 ppt课件
Decline: In 33 AD, Roman Empire was divided into two parts.
End: In 476, West Rome was defeated by German troops and came to an end.
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Text Study
Text Study
I. The Historical Development of Ancient Rome II. The Roman Social and Economic Conditions III. Roman Cultural Achievements
Main Ideas
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
• “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
• 你怎么称呼老师?
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
the Roman revolt in 509 BC which led to the
establishment of the Roman Republic.
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Romulus and Remus 罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯: Romulus (771 BC–717 BC) and Remus (771 BC–753 BC) were the twin brothers, who were said to be the founders of Rome. In Roman mythology, their parents were Mars and Rhea Silvia, the daughter of Latin King. The twins were ordered to be drowned by the new king who dethroned the Latin King. However, they were saved and raised by a she-wolf. When they grew up, the twins built their own city, but Remus was killed
Comments on Leaves of Grass
• 1). Nature’s beauty uplifts the human spirit(line
15, 23,24 specially refer to this theme).The nature stimulate the mind of human and give them relaxing and satifatory feeling. 2). People sometimes fail to appreciate nature’s wonders as they go about their routines(17 &18) 3). Nature thrives unattended. The daffodils proliferate in splendor along the shore of the lake without the need of the human attention
2. What does “wander” mean?
Questions about the theme
3. Why do you think the poet chooses to personify daffodils in the poem?
4. What is the relation between the poet and daffodils as described in the poem? 5. What’s the function of nature?
The theme
• The poem was about nature and
describing the great power of nature which may influence our life deeply as revealed in the poem. There is not only the visual effect but also the emotional response . • The choose of the word “lonely” in “I wandered lonely as a cloud” instead of other words like carefree, leisure or jolly convey to us the poet’s depression and disconsolateness悲伤 at the very beginning.
二、西方文化导论的重要性西方文化导论的重要性体现在以下几个方面:1. 了解和认识西方世界西方文化导论是了解和认识西方世界的重要途径。
2. 提高跨文化交流能力西方文化导论是提高跨文化交流能力的重要途径。
3. 培养文化创新能力西方文化导论是培养文化创新能力的重要途径。
三、西方文化的特点和发展历程西方文化是指欧洲及北美地区的文化,具有以下几个特点:1. 注重个人主义和自由观念西方文化注重个人主义和自由观念,强调个人的权利和自由,鼓励人们追求个人目标和幸福。
2. 强调理性和科学精神西方文化强调理性和科学精神,注重以理性思考和科学方法来探究自然和社会现象。
Unit8 西方文化导论
Text Study
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1. A General Introduction 2. Focus In
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The 18th and 19th centuries were not only an important period for political stage, but also a period of important cultural change. A great host of forms and styles came to the fore in the scene of Western literature and art. They included romanticism, realism and naturalism. Generally realism is based on the mode of reproducing reality, while romanticism focuses on emotion and nature and ontological naturalism refers more to reality being limited to the observable world. The 18th-century Enlightenment firmly established the rational capacity of the Europeans. But by the end of the century and into the early part of the 19th century, people began to realize that man is an emotional and organic individual. Therefore, the man of reason became the new man
“Cultus”包含两种涵义:(1)“Cultus deorum(英文decorum)”,即指为敬神而耕作的意思;(2)“Cultus agori(英文agriculture)”,即指为生计而耕作的意思。
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generations as the earliest one in Greek sculpture history.
Think and Discuss
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Think and Discuss
the Renaissance to it. This changed the intellectual conditions of the later medieval period and opened the way to the modern era in the West.
Greek religion really took shape during the Homeric Age and featured polytheism with gods taking human form and feeling. Greek religion made a great contribution to Greek literature, philosophy and art. It is an important origin of Greek mythology which was fully developed by the religious tales of the Homeric epic and thus affected the later development of all kinds of Greek culture.
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Text Study
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Text Study
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Greek politics was one of the greatest influences on the Western civilization. The Greeks were the first to successfully create a government based on the consensus of the people and thus provided a foundation for Western democracy.
In science the mathematician Euclid established plane geometry and Archimedes discovered the ratio of radius of a circle and the relationship between the volume and surface of a sphere.
was created by Myron. _F_ (4) Euclid discovered the ratio of radius of a circle and the
relationship between the volume and surface of a sphere. _T_ (5) The chief Greek philosophers are Socrates, Plato and
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Text Study
Polyclitus 波利克里托斯: A noted Greek bronze sculptor in the 5th and the early 4th centuries BC. He belonged to the
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Text Study
Comprehension Exercise
True of false question.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Think and Discuss
Text Study
Think and Discuss
The second significant influence was that of philosophy. The Socratic idea about ethics and knowledge helped the Westerners care more for the effect of knowledge and value of morality, both of which give sound guidance to people in the later years to improve and change the world outside themselves, i.e., human society and the natural world.
school of Argos. His works included the colossal gold and ivory statue of Hera,a famous bronze male nude known as the “Doryphoros” (“Spear-carrier”) and other statues “Discobolus” (“Discus-bearer”), “Diadumenos” (“Diadem-wearer”). Under the influence of Polyclitus and
Think and Discuss
Text Study
Think and Discuss
(2) What do you think of the influence Greek culture has exerted on Western civilization as a whole? Give examples.
The core Greek philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates had scant regard for material wealth, but was keen on probing into the definition of some ethical and behavioral issues, such as “friendship” and “courage”.
Later generations of Westerners have benefited a lot from Greek culture, such as those in painting, sculpture, architecture, drama, poetry and historical works. Classicism had Greek culture as one of the crucial sources, and this has helped Westerners so much that they ascribed the origin of
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Text Study
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Text Study
_F_ (1) The play Oedipus at Colonus was written by Aristophanes. _F_ (2) Greek philosophy started with Aristotle. _T_ (3) The famous bronze sculpture of athletes, Discus Thrower,
Greek culture is often termed the cradle of the Western civilization and has had an enormous impact on Western culture. The specific contributions are found in the areas of philosophy, politics, literature, art, science and architecture.
Think and Discuss
Text Study
Think and Discuss
Plato established the Academy - the first Greek institution of higher learning. His contributions included his theory of ideas and his arguments on “republic” which was supposed to embrace his ideals about a future state where humans could enjoy a happy life. Aristotle is also a learned man and his work covers wide-ranging areas. His reputation as a philosopher largely depends on his argument on metaphysics which he tried to achieve a compromise between matter and divinity.