典范英语3a-11 学案


2019-2020年三年级英语上册 3A unit11教案 广东版开心

2019-2020年三年级英语上册 3A unit11教案 广东版开心

2019-2020年三年级英语上册 3A unit11教案广东版开心一、教学目标:1.句型——What do you like ?——I like cheese.2.拓展句型:I don’t like ants .3.词汇:cake, cheese, ice cream, bread, salad, soda4.拓展词汇:noodles, rice, juice二、重点难点:1.学生在发don’t这个单词时候常常漏掉尾音;2.学生在运用I like noodles.时容易读成noodle;3.学生在区分可数名词和不可数名词时存在困难。

三、课时安排:1.Sing a song“I like juice.”(in Grade 1 Unit 9)2.Presentation and Drill○1T :Look!(PPT:show the picture of juice, pizza and milk)I like juice. What about you ?S1:I like pizza.T :Good! Sit down please! What do you like ?S2:I like …(Ask 3 more students.)○2T :Read after me please.——What do you like ?○3T :Wow! (PPT:show some pictures of food and drink they have learned)What do you like ?S :I like …○4( PPT:show the picture of cake)T :Look! Cake. I like cake . Do you like cake ?S :Yes.T :OK. Read after me .I like cake .Cake, cake, C-A-K-E cake.S : …(The same for ice cream, bread, salad and soda.)3.Practice○1T :Ok! Let’s place a game. Where is the cheese.(Hide a picture card of cheese.And ask one student to find it out by the voice of the other students. The nearer the student moved to the picture card , the louder the other students speak it out. )(The same for cake, ice cream, bread, salad and soda.)○2T :Ok! Ask and answer one by one. Team one. I like cake. What do you like ?S1: I like cheese. What do you like ?S2: I like ……4.Review○1T : You are very good ! Let’s sing a song.“What do you like ?”First, listen. Second, repeat.○2T :Ok! Listen to the tape and finish this table.○3Activity 1T :I like cake, ice cream, bread and soda. What do you like ?(Ask one student for example.)Hello! I’m Miss Xie. What’s your name ?S1: My name’s …T :What do you like ?S1: I like …T : Nice to meet you !S1: Nice to meet you too!T : Goodbye!S1: Goodbye!T : Ok! Ask your partner.附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 3A unit12教案广东版开心Teaching aims:1.review the aords we have learned in the previous units;2.review the sentences we have learned in the previous units. Teaching difficult points:The review of those new sentences.Teaching aids:Courseware, cards, etc.Teaching procedure:1. Review the target of units 9-11.What color is it? It’s…. (colors)How old are you? I’m…. (ages)How old is he / she? He / She is…. (ages)What do you like? I like / don’t like…. (food)2. Review the words of units 9-11.Key words: red yellow blue green orange purpleballoons candles presents cookies plates cupscake cheese ice-cream bread salad soda3. Review alphabet:Ss /s/ Tt /t/ Uu /ju:/ Vv /v/ Ww /w/ Xx /ks/ Yy /j/ Zz /z/4. Have Ss finish the exercises in Ss’book Pages 61-62.Have Ss have a test. (Units9-12)Writing on the blackboard:What color is it? It’s….How old are you? I’m…How old is he / she? He / She is….What do you like? I like / don’t like….red yellow blue green orange purpleballoons candles presents cookies plates cups cake cheese ice-cream bread salad soda小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第5 页共5 页。



牛津3A——Unit11Aboyandagirl教案三年级英语教案Unit 11 A boy and a girl . 教材简析:本单元主要围绕人物和表示状态的单词,学习“自我介绍”这一功能项目。




本单元的Learn to say形式由以往的对话形式改为陈述形式。


1、能听懂、会说My name is …/I'm …/I'm not …/I'm from …/My …is /are …2、能听懂、会说a man ,a woman ,a boy ,a girl ,tall ,short ,long ,short ,fat ,thin ,big ,small .3、掌握最简单的自我介绍方法。

4、能有韵律地诵读歌谣my friends .教学重点:1、能听懂、会说My name is …/I'm …/I'm not …/I'm from …/My …is /are …2、能听懂、会说a man ,a woman ,a boy ,agirl ,tall ,short ,long ,short ,fat , thin, big ,small .3、培养学生的交际意识和合作精神。

教学难点;1、能听懂、会说My name is …/I'm …/I'm not …/I'm from …/My …is /are …2、鼓励学生大胆地进行自我介绍。



课时安排第一课时:A Learn to say中部分句型。

B Look and Learn中部分单词。

第二课时:A Learn to say中部分句型。

B Look and Learn 中部分单词。



《典范英语》(3a-L21)教学参考The New Gingerbread Man教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。


一、教学目标1. 语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能看图复述主要故事情节;掌握字母“g”的拼读规律;能简单地改写故事结局。

2. 非语言能力目标:通过让学生观察、预测故事情节培养学生的观察力;让学生体会两个姜饼人故事的异同;通过讨论培养学生的想象力;培养学生大胆表达自己想法的自信和勇气。


三、教师要求1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解本课故事相关文化背景:Gingerbread Man(姜饼人)西方重大节日如圣诞节、复活节、万圣节都有做姜饼人的习俗。

据说这一传统源自英国女皇伊丽莎白一世(Elizabeth I),她命令点心师把姜饼做成重要宾客的模样以招待贵宾。




突然,姜饼人从烤箱里跑出来,一边跑一边喊:“跑!跑!快快跑!我是姜饼人,谁也追不到!”(Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me. I’m the gingerbread man!)老奶奶和老爷爷一起追赶姜饼人,后来,很多动物都也加入了追赶姜饼人的队伍,姜饼人喊着相似的话,一直跑到河边。




案例选登《牛津小学英语》3A Unit 11 A boy and a girl-精选教育文档

案例选登《牛津小学英语》3A Unit 11 A boy and a girl-精选教育文档

案例选登《牛津小学英语》3A Unit 11 A boy and agirl教学内容:PartALearntosayPartBLookandlearn教学重点:1.Enable the students to read Part A fluently and actit out.2.Enable the students to introduce themselves inseveral English sentences.教学过程:一、复习交流,新知导入Step 1 Warming up and revision1. CAI, Song “What’s your name?”2. Free talk.T: How are you?T: What’s your name?板书:My name is…(设计意图:歌曲热身,让学生通过观看视频上的画片与歌词进行歌唱,迅速进入英语氛围,同时歌词也恰好地体现本课所要学习的句型。

)二、合作探究,自主学习Step 2 Presentation and practice1. a boy and a girl(1)T: Hi, boy! What’s your name?T: Hi, girl! What’s your name?(2)多问几个学生,然后呈现单词卡片“aboy”,“agirl”练读。

(3)指着单个男女生,分别练读“a boy”“a girl”。

(4)请一名男孩一名女孩站到黑板前,对照板书“A boy anda girl”。


(请一名男孩一名女孩站到黑板前,并结合课题“A boy anda girl”练读,更加直观、实际,有助于学生理解课题。

)2. tall, short(1)(轮到高个学生说好自己的年龄,)惊讶呀!T: Oh, you’re tall! A tall boy!(用手势表示他很高,)同时出示单词卡“tall”。



科普版英语三年级上册3ALesson11Howdoyoudo全课时教案(2课时)(2020年最新)Lesson 11 How do you do ?Teaching material analyses(教材分析)Study some new words: glad, banana, for, an , apple, baby, chick,pear ,How do you do?Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words.Let the students master the useful expression:This is ……Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.Glad to meet you. Glad to meet you,too.How do you do? How do you do?An apple for you. Thank you.Go over the words “vest bus well zip” and the letters “Uu Qq Vv Ww Zz”Goal request(教学目的)1、In this part,let the students master the useful expression: Studysome new words: glad, banana, for, an , apple, baby, chick, pear ,How do you do?2、Let the students master the useful expression:This is ……Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.Glad to meet you. Glad to meet you,too.How do you do? How do you do?An apple for you. Thank you.3、Go over the words “vest bus well zip” and the letters “Uu Qq Vv Ww Zz”Key difficulty(重点难点)1. Master the useful expression: This is ……Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.Glad to meet you. Glad to meet you,too.How do you do? How do you do?An apple for you. Thank you.2. Go over the words “vest bus well zip” and the let ters “Uu Qq Vv Ww Zz”Teaching method(教学方法)three doubts three searchesTeaching preparation and method(教学准备)cards,radio第一课时Let’s talkTeaching process(教学过程)Warmer:T:Good morning ,boys and girls.S: Good morning ,teacher.T:Before our class ,let’s sing a song :How are you ?T:OK.Very good . You have done a great job .Step 1.Review(3分钟)T:What’s your name ?S1:My name is ……T:How old are you?S1:I am ten.T:How are you ?Thank you.S1: I’ m fine .Step 2 设疑自探(7分钟)T:OK,very good .The teacher show the new words in this lesson: glad, banana, for, an , apple, baby, chick, pear ,How do you do?Then let the Ss ask :1)How to read these words ?2)What’s the meaning of these words ?Give them some time to read by themselves,and try to find the meaning .Then let them read the new words after the teacher ,andread for several times.T: Now turn to page 53.Today we will learn the new lesson : Lesson 11 How do you do ?(板书)Get some Ss try to read the title ,then all the Ssread .T:Now do you have any questions when you see the title ?S:课题是什么意思?Give Ss some time to think ,then ask one student to answer S:你好!(是两个人打招呼的常用语)T:Do you have any other questions ?S:该怎么回答?还有其他的打招呼用语吗?Give Ss some time to think about these questions.Then the Ss try to answer the questions ,if not ,findothers to help him /herGive Ss some time to think about these questions.Then the Ss try to answer these questions ,if nobody cananswer ,let’s find the answer from the text.Step 3 解疑合探(15分钟)1、Let Ss read this text by themselves, and think about themeaning of this text.Find one student to say the meaning of the text .(Other Ss or the teacher can help him /her .)2、The Ss read the text after the teacher and correct thepronunciation.3.The Ss read by themselves .4.Then listen to the tape and read after the tape again,and correctthe wrong pronunciation.5.Broadcast the text sentence by sentence, and let Ss say out themeaning of the sentences. At the same time, the teacher can correct the Ss if there is something wrong .6.Then let us listen this part again, and read after the tape forseveral times.7.Let the Ss find out the key sentence in this text.Practise the keysentence i n roles ,read in pairs , read in groups(girls and boys practise in different roles)S1: This is Mrs Bird . S2: Glad to meet you.S3: Glad to meet you ,too. S2: An apple for you.S3:Thank you.S1:This is Mrs Duck. S2: How do you do ?S1:How do you do ?An apple for you.S3:Thank you.8.Let’s chant ,and follow the tape .9.Lisen to the tape ,and study the song : How do you do ?Step 4质疑再探(5分钟)Let the students think about any other questions:What else do you want to ask?(If there are some questions, the teacher will choose any otherstudents to try to answer them)Step5拓展运用(8分钟)1:请你和你的同桌用下列句式进行练习1) This is……Glad to meet you./ How do you do ? 2)An apple for you. Thank you.2:Do some exercise:Bb writing desgin(板书设计)Lesson 11 How do you do ?Let’s talk1. This is……Glad to meet you./ How do you do ?2. An apple for you. Thank you.第二课时Let’s act, Let’s read , Let’s make a keyboad.Warmer:T:Good morning ,boys and girls.S: Good morning ,teacher.T: Nice to meet you .S:Nice to meet you ,too.T:Let’s sing the song we learnt last class .Step 1.Review(3分钟)Review the text.:T:Who can make dialogues of the text ?S1: This is Mrs Bird . S2: Glad to meet you.S3: Glad to meet you ,too. S2: An apple for you. S3:Thank you.S1:This is Mrs Duck. S2: How do you do ?S1:How do you do ?An apple for you. S3:Thank you.……Step1.设疑自探(8分钟)T:Today we will continue to T: Very good ,let’s give them a big hand..learn the new part: L et’s act, Let’s read , Let’s make a keyboad.1.Show the words on the Bb: vest bus well zip Uu Qq Vv Ww ZzThe teacher point at the above words and let the Ss say theChinese .If the Ssshould tell them .can’t say ,the teacher1.Show the sentence structure: A:What colour is it?B:It’s red .Encourage the Ss try to read this sentence .The teacher give Ss some time to think about :How to use this sentence structure?Step2.解疑合探(15分钟)1.Turn to page 56,loo k at the part :Let’ s read .They can discuss with their partener ,or discuss in groups .Let the Ss read this part again . Let the Ss read the words for several times and try to recite them .The teacher should tell the Ss the rule of these words .2.Turn to page 55,look at the part : Let’s chant .Let the Ss read Let’s chant themselves ,and think : What’s the meaning of the short dialogue?They can discuss with their deskmate .Find one student try to say the meaning .Then the Ss can practice the sentence in different ways .Eg : S1:Nice to see you . S2: Nice to see you,too .Group1: How do you do ? Group2: How do you do ?Gils: Nice to see you . Boys:Nice to see you,too .T: How do you do ? Ss: How do you do ?Listen to the tape ,and try to follow it .3.Listen to the part :Let’s act .Then encourage the Ss to act out the shortdialogues .Step3.质疑再探(5分钟)Look at these questions , then ask them: Do you have anyotherquestions?pass.If they have, solve it , if not, let’sStep4.运用拓展(8分钟)Use the following sentence structure ,and make dialogues withyour friends .Example: A: What colour is the apple ?B: It’s red .A: What colour is the dog ?B : It’s eight white .Bb writing design(板书设计)Lesson 11 How do you do ?Let’s act, Let’s readvest bus well zip Uu Qq Vv Ww ZzA:Nice to see you . B:Nice to see you,too .A:How do you do ? B: How do you do ?。


1.引入本节课的重点词汇,如“accident”、“traffic light”、“car accident”等,并配有图片或实物展示,帮助学生理解和记忆。
3.掌握情态动词“have to”的过去式“had to”,并能够运用到实际情景中,如“I had to go to the doctor yesterday.”。
4.能够正确运用过去时态描述过去常常做的事情,如“I often played soccer after school last year.”。

3A Unit11教案

3A Unit11教案

Unit 11 A boy and a girl第一教时一、教学内容《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书·牛津小学英语》3A第十一单元第一教时二、教学目标1 能听懂、会说单词 a boy, a girl, a man, a woman, tall, short, thin, 和fat。

2能听懂、会说My name is … I’m… He’s… She’s…三、教学重点1 单词:对应词 a boy,a girl; a woman, a man。

形容词反义词对:tall, short; thin, fat。

2日常交际用语:My name is… I’m … He’s… She’s…四、教学难点1 woman, girl, thin, tall的读音。

2 能比较自如地应用My name is…介绍自己的姓名,用I’m…介绍自己的身材;初步学习句型He’s… She’s…3 初步了解My name is…中my 和name的含义,进一步体会my的用法。

五、教学准备1 一张家人或朋友的照片或图片。

2 几张胖瘦高矮各异的人物和动物图片。

3 Part B的挂图。

七板书Unit 11 tall short boy girl fat thin man womanMy name is… I’m… He’s… She’s…第二教时一、教学内容《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书·牛津小学英语》3A第十一单元第二教时二、教学目标1 能听懂、会说单词long, short, big, small, hair, eye(s)。

2 初步学习句型My/His/Her…is… My/His/Her eyes are … 学会用I’m… 表达年龄。

三、教学重点1 单词:名词 hair 和eye(s)。

形容词反义词对 long, short; big, small。

2 日常交际用语:I’m…(表达年龄)My/His/Her…is…和My/His/Her eyes are…四、教学难点1 small的读音。





一、教学目标1. 语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能看图复述主要故事情节;复习字母组合“igh”的拼读规律;能简写故事。

2. 非语言能力目标:使学生感受校园游艺会的乐趣;联系生活实际,学会宽容和相互理解。


三、教师要求1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解本课故事相关的文化背景:在英国,学校经常举办游艺会(school fair),邀请家长共同参与。


插画中我们可以看到此次游艺会上有卖东西的摊位(Ices, Books, Mrs Hussain’s home-made Jams and Cakes, Bric-a-Brac)、甚至还有看手相算命的(Palmist),当然更少不了花样繁多的中奖游戏(Hook-a-Duck, Spin the Wheel, Lucky Dip, Kick and Score, Bull’s-Eye, Gym Display等)。


2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作、表情帮助学生理解。

3. 全英文授课。


五、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):观看视频,让学生了解school fair通过观看视频,让学生了解校园游艺会,为看图讲故事做好铺垫。

教师播放视频短片Horrid Henry’s School Fair(见课件),然后与学生互动:What’s the video about? (BQ: Is it about the school fair? 可用中文帮助学生理解school fair)Do you like this school fair?Is this school fair interesting?Do you have a school fair every year?之后,展示故事第一幅图,自然过渡到讲故事环节:Look! Dad took Wilf and Wilma to the school fair. What did they do at the school fair? Did they enjoy the school fair? Let’s have a look.2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察游艺会的各种趣味活动,体会其中的乐趣教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生观察游艺会上的趣味活动,感受其中的乐趣,并体会故事结尾的幽默。

小学英语 3AUnit11Part教案 苏教牛津版

小学英语 3AUnit11Part教案 苏教牛津版

牛津小学英语3A-Unit 11-Part A(教案)1.Aims:(1) Three skills: My name is ××.I’m an English girl/a Chinese boy.I’m from London/Nanjing.I’m nine/ten.I’m not tall. /I’m thin.My hair is long. / My eyes are small.能用所学日常用语进行自我介绍2.Preparations:课件,长尺,短铅笔,小黑板(hair头发,eyes眼睛(复数))Unit 11(A) Dec,10A boy and a girl 1 2 3 4My name is …I’m an English/a Chinese …I’m from London/Nanjing/…I’m …My … is/are …(1) Greetings:(1’)T: Are you ready?Now class begins.Good afternoon, boys and girls.Sit down, please.(2) Revision:(9’)T: It’s time for English. Let’s speak English. OK?①T+C: (Ask+Answer: My English name is Emma. What are your English names, please?→My English name is …Oh. How old are you, please?→I’m nine/ten.I see.)T+S: (Ask+Answer:××, how are you this afternoon?→…Ask your classmate, please.→…[2-3人次]Hi, ××. Let’s go to Zhenjiang.→… But how?By bike.→No. By car.All right. Please invite your classmate.→…[2-3人次])T: Well, boys and girls. We can’t go to … now. We’re having an English class. Right?②T+C: (A long ruler:Look at my ruler. It’s long.(A short pencil:Is this pencil long?→It’s short.(Point to my hair:My pencil is short.But my hair is not short. My hair is long.Hair, understand?(Lead to read:hair, / /, hairyour hair, my hair(Lead to read with actions:Long, long, long. My hair is long.Short, short, short. Your hair is short.)T: (Point to the short boy) Your hair is short. Come here, please. His hair is short. He’s short, too. And I’m not tall. I am short. (Computer) Who is tall? 姚明is tall.(Lead to read with actions:Tall, tall, tall. 姚明is tall.Short, short, short. I am short.)T: (Point to myself:I’m short. And I’m not fat. I’m thin.)(Lead to read with actions:Fat, fat, fat. I’m not fat.Thin, thin, thin. I’m thin.)T: (Point to my eyes) Look at me. These are my eyes. Eyes, understand?(Lead to read:eyes, eye, eye, eyeshis eyes, her eyes, my eyesMy eyes are not big. My eyes are small.(Lead to read with actions:Small, small, small. My eyes are small.Big, big, big. Her eyes are big.)③T: Look at me. I’m not fat. I’m thin. I’m not tall. I’m short. Who can say like me? (Computer) S+T:(Say:→…Yes. You are very …)T: Look. My hair is not short. My hair is long. My eyes are not big. My eyes are small. Who can say like me? (Computer)S+T:( Say:→…Yes. Your … is/are quite …)(3) Presentation:(14’)T: Look. (Point to a long-hair girl) ××’s hair is long. She is a girl. Girls can have long hair. (Point to a boy) Does × have long hair? No. He’s a boy. Boys usually have short hair.Today we’ll go on learning Unit 11.(Lead to read:Unit 11 A boy and a girl)①T: (Computer:杨林,刘涛) Look. This boy is … This girl is …(Computer:南希)Who’s this?Yes. This is Nancy. Her full name is Nancy Black. Understand?(Lead to read:Nancy Black)One of them is speaking. Who’s it? Liu Tao, Yang Ling or Nancy Black? Let’s listen.C+S: (Listen to Nancy’s introduction twice+ Guess)T: Who’s speaking? Let’s see. (Computer)T: (Computer) Nancy Black is an English girl. But Yang Ling is not.(Lead to read:an English girl)Nancy Black is from London. Where is London? London is in the UK. It’s the capital of the UK. (Lead to read:London)2S: (Read one by one)T: Nancy is in China now. But she is from London. Understand?各组:(Computer, Read:from London)T: Nancy Black is telling us something about herself. Let’s listen and repeat.C: (Computer, Read Nancy’s introduction sentence by sentence)②T: (Computer:刘涛) Nancy is from London. Is Liu Tao from London? Where is he from? Let’s listen.C: (Listen to Liu Tao’s introduction twice, Answer)T: Liu Tao is from Nanjing. So he’s a Chinese boy.各组: (Computer,Read:a Chinese boy)T: Liu Tao is a Chinese boy. (Point to a boy)×× is a …(Point to a girl) And × is a …(Point to myself) I’m a Chinese woman. Who can say like me?屏幕:T: Nancy is 9. How old is Liu Tao? Is Liu Tao fat? Are his eyes big? Listen carefully.C: (Listen to Liu Tao’s introduction, Answer)(Computer, Read Liu Tao’s introduction sentence by sentence)③C: (Read the text: Nancy after the teacher)2组+2组:(Read the first three sentences+ Read the last three sentences)[交换]C: (Read the text: Liu Tao after the teacher)2组+2组:(Read the first three sentences+ Read the last three sentences)[交换]C: (Read by themselves)G: (Read Nancy’s introduction)B: (Read Liu Tao’s introduction)④C: (Look at the computer,Read together)(4) Practice:(15’)①T: (Introduce myself:My English name is Emma.I’m a Chinese woman.I’m from Wuxi.I’m not tall. I’m thin.My hair is long. My eyes are small.Can you introduce yourself like me? Practise in groups of four.4S: (Prepare to introduce themselves in groups)[几人次]②T: Let’s play another game:“Who am I?”(Computer:Mimi&机器猫&Tom猫)Look. This cat is … Mimi is a Chinese cat. This is … 哆啦A 梦is a Japanese cat. Tom is an American cat. Who’s speaking? Listen.介绍自己的时候, you can also say something about your mouth and nose. (Computer, Teach:My mouth/nose is big.)(Computer:杨利伟&贝克汉姆&赵薇)This is … This is … This is David Beckham. Who’s speaking?Listen.介绍自己的时候, you can also tell us the colours of your hair and coat. (Computer, teach:My hair is yellow.My T-shirt is yellow, black and blue.)③T: (Computer:金麟)Look. The 10th National Games will be held in Nanjing. 这是十运会的吉祥物金麟。

小学三年级英语:3A Unit 11 A boy and a girl教案

小学三年级英语:3A Unit 11 A boy and a girl教案

新修订小学阶段原创精品配套教材3A Unit 11 A boy and a girl教案教材定制 / 提高课堂效率 /内容可修改3A Unit 11 A boy and a girl教师:风老师风顺第二小学编订:FoonShion教育3A Unit 11 A boy and a girl教案3a unit 11 a boy and a girl教案3a unit11 a boy and a girl第一课时教学内容:1、词汇:girl ,boy ,man ,woman ,nine ,ten ,from ,london, nanjing, chinese,english .2、学习单词:man ,woman ,boy ,girl ,nine, ten ,from, london ,nanjing.教具准备:人物图片、录音机、磁带。

教学过程:step1 warm up1. sing a song2. greetings.(hello, everyone .how are you today?)3. free talk:a. t: look ,this/that is my /his /her jacket .s: it’s smart /pretty /nice/how nice .b. t: turn off /on the … ,please .ss: all right /ok .t: open /close the …, please .ss: all right/ok /good .c. t: some cake ?/an ice –cream ?ss: no ,thanks /yes ,please .d. t: what’s your name ?/your name, please?s: i’m…e. 学生出示人物照片以look ,this is …介绍家庭成员或朋友。

比如:look, this is my father.(老师响应:oh ,he is a man.并向学生展示man的图片,解释man的意思。



《典范英语》(3a-L10)教学参考Book Week教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。


一、教学目标1. 语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能理解并运用book week/author/dressed up/ate/book sale 等单词或词组;能看图完成句子;能够变换视角复述故事情节;能根据提示自制简易故事书。

2. 非语言能力目标:通过让学生观察图片中的时间变化和文字描述培养学生的观察力;使学生感受“读书周”的文化氛围;通过自制图书培养学生的动手动脑能力。


三、教师要求1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解本课故事相关的文化背景:英国小学普遍重视培养孩子阅读能力,学校以及社区会采取各种举措鼓励孩子阅读。




儿童读书周(Children’s Book Week)1919年发轫于美国,后来逐渐扩展到英国等国家。

为了让孩子们享受读书的乐趣,学校、书店、图书馆等机构在读书周里都会组织各种与读书相关的活动和游戏:如自创故事、设计封面、制作绘本、寻宝游戏(Book Hunt)、化装成故事中的人物(fancy dress)、图书售卖(book sale)、图书捐赠(book donation)、聚餐(book picnic)和参观图书馆等。

英国的读书周为每年十月的第一个完整星期(first full week of October every year),如2012年为10月1日至7日,2013年为10月7日至13日。



3AUnit11TheMerchantofVenice(新课标版高三英语上册教案教学设计)I. Aims and demands:Let the Ss know sth about the famous novel “The Merchant of Venice”; know some useful expressions; Review the usage of Infinitive.II. Important words:1. Important words:on condition that , mercy, according to , comfort, take pride in.2. Important drills:1) If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.2) It’s useless tr ying to argue with Shylock.3) The reason for this was that…3. Grammar: Review the usage of Infinitive1) She seems to be very happy .2) I wish you to come with me.3) He was the first person to come.4) I’m sorry to hear that .5) To dance is a lot of fun.6) We go to school to study.III. Teaching Aids: T ape recorder, Slide shownIV. Teaching method: Learning by themselves , through readingProduce:Step 1. IntroductionThe novel “The Merchant of Venice” was written by “William Shakespeare”. (a British writer)His famous four tragedies:King Lear 《李尔王》Hamlet 〈哈姆雷特〉Othello 〈奥塞罗〉Mecbeth 〈麦克白〉His four comedies:Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream 《仲夏夜之梦》The Merry Wives of Windsor 《温莎的风流妇人(娘儿们)》The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》Step 2. Main characters:Bb:Antonio: a merchant of the city of VeniceBassanio: A’s friendPortia; a rich and beautiful ladyShylock: a moneylender ( greedy, cruel )( scolded ~ publicly for being greedy and cruel )< ~ on condition that Shylock would take a pound of A”s flesh from his body if he didn’t pay the money back at the end of three months.>Nerissa: P’s maidDuke: judgeStep 3: ReadingRead the text and tell whether the following statements are True or False: TTFFT TFF FF1. Antonio was a merchant of the city of Venice.2. Bassanio was in love with Portia but he couldn’t marry her because he was poor.3. Antonio was a moneylender.4. Bassanio asked Shylock to lend him 3000 ducats to marryPortia.5. Portia was a clever woman and she had a good idea to help Antonio.6. Shylock hated Antonio because Antonio had scolded him many times for his being greedy and cruel.7. Shylock was a man who was very rich and always ready to help others.8. Shylock refused to have mercy on Antonio , because Antonio could not repay the money Shylock had lent him.9. The law of Venice said anyone who tried to kill a citizen of Venice should give all he owned to the person he had tried to kill.10. When Shylock heard that all his money should be taken away from him, he asked the Duke to take his life too, because he loved his money better than his own life.( money and goods are as deer to him as life itself.)Step 4. Read the text again and answer more questions:Para 1.1. What was Antonio?----- a merchant2. What is your opinion of A ntonio’s character?----- kind, helpfulPara 2:1. Who was Antonio’s best friend?----- Bassanio2. Who did Bassanio want to marry?]----- Portia3. Why do you think it was not possible for Bassanio to marry Portia without money?----- Probably it was not the custom of that period for men to marry rich women if they were poor themselves.4. What did Antonio do to help his friend?----- went to Shylock and ……5. Why did Shylock hate Antonio?----- scolded him publicly for being greedy and curel.6. Did Shylock promise to lent 3,000 ducats to Antonio?7. On what condition did Shylock agree to lend money to Antonio?----- on condition that Antonio made a promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his flesh from whatever part of his body if he did not pay the money back at the end of three months.8. Why did Antonio accept Shylock’s bitter condition?---- to help his friend.9. What is your opinion of Shylock?---- cruel.Para 3.1. What happened to Antonio as Bassannio and Portia were getting married?------ A letter arrived saying that all his ships had been lost and that he would have to give Shylock a pound of his flesh .2. What did Portia decide to do immediately after her wedding?------ She told Bassanio to go to his friend at once .She thought of a clever plan to save Antonio.3. What was the clever plan?------ Ask her friend to lend her his lawyer’s clothes and books. She pretended to be a lawyer, and her maid , dressed herself as a lawyer’s clerk. They arrived at the court of the Duke.Part 1.1. Did the Duke succeed in persuading Shylock to have mercy on Antonio?2. Why did Shylock insist on taking Antonio’s flesh even when Bassanio offered to repay him much more than what Antonio owed him?------ Shylock hated Antonio because Antonio had many times scolded him publicly for being greedy and cruel.3. What happened as the Duke was wondering what to do?------ Nerissa, dressed liked a lawyer’s clerk arrived with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited.4. What did the letter say?----- “I am very ill. When your letter reached me, I had with me a learned young doctor from Rome. I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio. We studied many lawbooks and he knows what I would say. I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgment. He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.”5. After the letter was read, who entered the room and took her seat as judge?----- Portia.Part 2.1. What did Portia say to Shylock when she took her seat as judge?---- “Mercy brings good. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. It blesses those who give it, and those who receive it. We should learn to show mercy to others. Do you still ask for this pound of flesh?”----- “Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut off by him nearest to Antonio’s heart. But only one pound , and he was not allowed to let any of Antonio’s blood drop.Lesson 431. How did Portia stop Shylock from cutting Antonio’s flesh?----- by asking him to cut only one pound of flesh without a drop of blood.2. What did Portia say when Shylock finally agreed to take three times more than Antonio borrowed from him?------“Wait, Shylock would not take the money earlier. All he wanted was right to be done. That is all he can have now. You must cut off one pound of flesh, no more, no less. And not one drop of blood must fall.”2. What was the result of the trial?----- Half of Shylock’s money and goods were given to the city of Venice .Antonio gave up his part of Shylock’s money on condi tion that he would leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.3. What do you think of the “judge” and her judgment?----- clever; justice (公正)Step 4. Exercises Wb. / comprehensionHomeworkReading comprehension for 3A Unit 11 ---Lesson 41~42 DCACC BDC1. The text mainly wells about ___.A. Antonio’s kindnessB. Portia’s clevernessC. Shylock’s crueltyD. all of the above2. Antonio did business with ___.A. people in VeniceB. people in ItalyC. people in other countriesD. people in the world3. Antonio was a ___ person.A. warm-heartedB. strong-willedC. open-mindedD. ill-tempered4. By saying “Do not be so bitter.” The Duke wants Shylockto be ___.A. forgivingB. calmC. kind-heartedD. reasonable5. The word “scold” in the second paragraph means _.A. fool withB. laugh atC. criticizeD. make known6. It seemed that the Duke in the court supported ___.A. PortiaB. AntonioC. ShylockD. none of the above7. That Portia was able to defend Antonio was due to_.A. her clevernessB. a famous lawyer’s helpC. her husband’s supportD. both A and B8. Which happened last in Part 2?A. Shylock insisted on having one pound of Antonio’s flesh.B. Portia asked Shylock to show his mercy on Antonio.C. Antonio said his last words to Bassanio.D. Portia warned Bassanio of the impossibility of changing the law.Reading comprehension for 3A Unit 11-L.43 CADB1. In the text the author shows us human beings’ merit(优点) of ____.A. braveryB. prideC. kindnessD. tolerance(容忍)2. Shylock was charged with (指控)___.A. murderB. stealingC. cheatD. ill-treatment3. To punish a murderer, the law of Venice would ___.A. take everything that he owned awayB. sentence him to imprisonmentC. sentence him to deathD. both A and C4. Which happened first in the text?A. Shylock wanted to take the money instead of Antonio’s flesh.B. Portia permitted to give Shylock a fair judgment.C. Shylock promised to leave his money to his daughter and son-in-law.D. Antonio forgave Shylock.Exercises for Unit 11 --- The Merchant of Venice (3A) DCDCB AACBCDDA ADDAB CBDAB1. His scheme(方法) might have worked ___.A.in different conditionB. in different conditionsC.on different conditionD. under different conditions2. When he entered the room, he found Mary ___ at the desk, reading.A. seatingB. satC. seatedD. sitting himself3. We all know that ___ speak louder than words.A. movementsB. performancesC. operationsD. actions4. You are always talking here. I think you’d better do the ___.A. actB. actionC. deedD. movement5. I would love ___ to the party last night, but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.A. to goB. to have goneC. goingD. having gone6. Little Jim should love ___ to the theater this evening.A. to be takenB. to takeC. being takenD. taking7. Robert is said ___ abroad, but I don’t know which country he studied in.A. to have studiedB. to studyC. to be studyingD. to have been studying8. ___ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.A. To sleepB. SleepingC. SleepD. Having slept9. They were lost at sea, ___ the mercy of wind and weather.A. inB. atC. withoutD. on10. He ___ in love with Stella for ten years before he __ her.A. had fallen, get marriedB. had been, was married withC. had been, marriedD. had fallen, got married to11. I’ll lend you the money only on ___ you can pay ___ on time.A. one condition, for itB. condition that, for itB. one condition, it back D. condition that , it back12. We are all ___ Chinese sportsmen’s success in Olympic Games.A. pride in b. pride of C. proud in D. proud of13. I’d like to ___ with you on your hike (远足) last weekend, but I had to attend a meeting.A. have goneB. goC. having gone C. going14. You may borrow it ___ you don’t lend it to anyone else.A. on condition thatB. in condition thatC. so far asD. unless15. This book is said ___ into English since it was published.A. to translateB. to have translatedC. to be translatedD. to have been translated16. His suit has become loose. He seems ___ weight.A. to loseB. being lostC. losingD. to have lost17. Sandy could do nothing but __ to his teacher that he was wrong.A. admitB. admittedC. admittingD. to admit18. You can use the bike __ you return it before Friday.A. unless thatB. on condition thatC. wheneverD. as if19. They took ___ at the small round table.A. a seatB. their seatC. their seatsD. seat20. The classroom can __ 60 students. The bottle can ___ a pound of milk.A. seat, seatB. hold, holdC. hold, seatD. hold, sit21. The theatre can __ 1,000 people.A. take upB. be seatedC. sitD. seat22. The guests were all ___ by the fire.A. seatedB. satC. seatingD. seat23. Mary looked very anxious. She seemed ___ what the speaker really meant.A. not to understandB. not to have understoodC. not to be understandingD. to be not understanding乐意做某事与某人相爱与某人结婚由于……而责备同意做某事条件是……与……做生意在海上许下诺言对某人作出判决想出一个聪明的计划向某人宣读假装在做某事一位有学问的律师把自己打扮成…… 替代某人宽恕(怜悯)某人如此年轻的法官做……是没用的以法官的身份就座一件非常麻烦的案子根据法律请坐付诸行动拥抱某人由……摆布在……掌握之中跪下乞求饶恕在……临死的时候(争论中)袒护(某人、某团体)。



《典范英语》(3a-L19)教学参考Gorilla on the Run!教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。


一、教学目标1. 语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;学会用不同字体(斜体和大写)表示强调;能复述主要故事情节;能改写故事结局。

2. 非语言能力目标:通过观察人物表情培养学生的观察力;让学生体会故事人物看到gorilla时的不同反应;通过让学生改写故事培养学生的想象力。


三、教师要求1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。

2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。

3. 全英文授课。


五、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):播放视频,让学生了解大猩猩的危险通过观看视频短片Donald Duck and the Gorilla,让学生对大猩猩有直观的印象,为看图讲故事做好铺垫。

教师播放视频短片(见课件),并与学生互动:Which gorilla is real? The first or the second?Is the real gorilla dangerous?Are you afraid of a gorilla?What will you do if you see a real gorilla?之后,自然过渡到看图讲故事环节:Today we are going to learn the story Gorilla on the Run!. Why was the gorilla on the run? Who saw the gorilla? Was the gorilla real? Let’s learn the story.2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察并体会故事人物看到gorilla的不同反应教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生观察并体会故事人物看到gorilla 的不同反应,尤其是Grandpa Chen从不相信到被吓到的心情变化。

湘少版英语三上精品教案教学设计 3A Unit 11

湘少版英语三上精品教案教学设计 3A Unit 11

Unit11 It’s a cow.Period 1一、教学目标1、能听懂、会说单词a cow ,a pig ,a duck,2、能用“What is it ? It’s a …”谈论动物。


二、教学重点及难点重点:掌握新单词,及运用“What is it ? It’s a …”谈论动物难点:掌握“Is it a ….?” 。

三、教学准备单词卡片、教学挂图、教学录音机四、教学步骤Step 11、师生问候。

2、听英语歌曲“Body song"。

Step 2游戏将全班同学分成三组进行比赛。




T: What is this ?帮助学生回答“It’s a cow.”。

出示单词卡片a cow。

板书单词a cow和句型“What is it ? It’s a ….”。


T:Read after me. A cow ,a cow, c-o-w ,cow.T: What is it ?Ss: It’s a cow.拿出a cow的单词卡片。

T: What is it?Ss: It’s a cow3、用同样的方法教单词a duck ,a pig.4、听课文A部分录音,跟读。

Step 3把单词卡片分发到学生手中,让同桌之间模仿练习:S1: What is it?S2 It’s a cow……游戏-----Guess, guess, guess! (猜一猜)以课文A部分为游戏内容,分角色进行游戏。

Step 4 Consolidation1、创设情景,自由会话。


Period 2一、教学目标1、能听懂、会说单词a hen, a mouse,2、能用“What is it ? It’s a …”谈论动物。




牛津小学英语3A-Unit 11-Part A(教案)南京市察哈尔路小学朱洁Three skills: My name is ××.I’m an English girl/a Chinese boy.I’m from London/Nanjing.I’m nine/ten.I’m not tall. /I’m thin.My hair is long. / My eyes are small.能用所学日常用语进行自我介绍1.Preparations:Steps:(1) Greetings:(1’)T: Are you readyNow class begins.Good afternoon, boys and girls.Sit down, please.(2) Revision:(9’)T: It’s time for English. Let’s speak English. OK①T+C: (Ask+Answer: My English name is Emma. What are yourEnglish names, please→My English name is …Oh. How old are you, please→I’m nine/ten.I see.)T+S: (Ask+Answer:××, how are you this afternoon→…Ask your classmate, please.→…[2-3人次]Hi, ××. Let’s go to Zhenjiang.→… But howBy bike.→No. By car.All right. Please invite your classmate.→…[2-3人次])T: Well, boys and girls. We can’t go to … now. We’re having an English class. Right②T+C: (A long ruler:Look at my ruler. It’s long.(A short pencil:Is this pencil long→It’s short.(Point to my hair:My pencil is short.But my hair is not short. My hair is long.Hair, understand(Lead to read:hair, / /, hairyour hair, my hair(Lead to read with actions:Long, long, long. My hair is long.Short, short, short. Your hair is short.)T: (Point to the short boy) Your hair is short. Come here, please. His hair is short. He’s short, too. And I’m nottall. I am short. (Computer) Who is tall 姚明is tall.(Lead to read with actions:Tall, tall, tall. 姚明is tall. Short, short, short. I am short.) T: (Point to myself:I’m short. And I’m not fat. I’m thin.) (Lead to read with actions:Fat, fat, fat. I’m not fat.Thin, thin, thin. I’m thin.) T: (Point to my eyes) Look at me. These are my eyes. Eyes, understand(Lead to read:eyes, eye, eye, eyeshis eyes, her eyes, my eyesMy eyes are not big. My eyes are small.(Lead to read with actions:Small, small, small. My eyes are small.Big, big, big. Her eyes are big.)③T: Look at me. I’m not fat. I’m thin. I’m not tall. I’mshort. Who can say like me (Computer)S+T:(Say:→…Yes. You are very …)T: Look. My hair is not short. My hair is long. My eyes are not big. My eyes are small. Who can say like me (Computer) S+T:( Say:→…Yes. Your … is/are quite …)(3) Presentation:(14’)T: Look. (Point to a long-hair girl) ××’s hair is long.She is a girl. Girls can have long hair. (Point to a boy) Does × have long hair No. He’s a boy. Boys usually have short hair.Today we’ll go on learning Unit 11.(Lead to read:Unit 11 A boy and a girl)①T: (Computer:杨林,刘涛) Look. This boy is … This girl is …(Computer:南希)Who’s thisYes. This is Nancy. Her full name is Nancy Black. Understand (Lead to read:Nancy Black)One of them is speaking. Who’s it Liu Tao, Yang Ling or Nancy Black Let’s listen.C+S: (Listen to Nancy’s introduction twice+ Guess)T: Who’s speaking Let’s see. (Computer)T: (Computer) Nancy Black is an English girl. But Yang Ling is not.(Lead to read:an English girl)Nancy Black is from London. Where is London London is in the UK. It’s the capital of the UK. (Lead to read:London) 2S: (Read one by one)T: Nancy is in China now. But she is from London. Understand 各组:(Computer, Read:from London)T: Nancy Black is telling us something about herself. Let’s listen and repeat.C: (Computer, Read Nancy’s introduction sentence by sentence)②T: (Computer:刘涛) Nancy is from London. Is Liu Tao fromLondon Where is he from Let’s listen.C: (Listen to Liu Tao’s introduction twice, Answer)T: Liu Tao is from Nanjing. So he’s a Chinese boy.各组: (Computer,Read:a Chinese boy)T: Liu Tao is a Chinese boy. (Point to a boy)×× is a …(Point to a girl) And × is a …(Point to myself) I’m a Chinese woman. Who can say like meT: Nancy is 9. How old is Liu Tao Is Liu Tao fat Are his eyes big Listen carefully.C: (Listen to Liu Tao’s introduction, Answer)(Computer, Read Liu Tao’s introduction sentence by sentence)③C: (Read the text: Nancy after the teacher)2组+2组:(Read the first three sentences+ Read the last three sentences)[交换]C: (Read the text: Liu Tao after the teacher)2组+2组:(Read the first three sentences+ Read the last three sentences)[交换]C: (Read by themselves)G: (Read Nancy’s introduction)B: (Read Liu Tao’s introduction)④C: (Look at the computer,Read together)(4) Practice:(15’)①T: (Introduce myself:My English name is Emma.I’m a Chinese woman.I’m from Wuxi.I’m not tall.I’m thin.My hair is long. My eyes are small.Can you introduce yourself like me Practise in groups of four.4S: (Prepare to introduce themselves in groups)[几人次]②T: Let’s play another game:“Who am I”(Computer:Mimi&机器猫&Tom猫)Look. This cat is … Mimi isa Chinese cat. This is … 哆啦A梦 is a Japanese cat. Tomis an American cat. Who’s speaking Listen.介绍自己的时候, you can also say something about your mouth and nose. (Computer, Teach:My mouth/nose is big.)(Computer:杨利伟&贝克汉姆&赵薇)This is … This is … This is David Beckham. Who’s speaking Listen.介绍自己的时候, you can also tell us the colours of your hair and coat. (Computer, teach:My hair is yellow.My T-shirt is yellow, black and blue.)③T: (Computer:金麟)Look. The 10th National Games will be heldin Nanjing. 这是十运会的吉祥物金麟。

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