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【2011江苏卷,28】——Are you still mad at her?

——Not really, but I can’t ______ that her remarks hurt me.

A.deny B.refuse C.reject D.decline

【2011湖北卷,27】The minister said. “We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but we’ll never_______ with criminals.”

A. negotiate

B. quarrel

C. argue

D. consult 【2011安徽卷, 34】If you _____faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.

A. come across

B. care about

C. look for

D. focus upon 【2011江西卷35】You can’t predict everything. Often things don’t ____ as you expect.

A.run out

B.break out

C.work out

D. put out.

〖10全国Ⅱ〗My mother opened drawer to _________the knives and spoons.

A. put away

B. put up

C. put on

D. put together Practice:

1.The flowers ___ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

A. to smell

B. smelling

C. smelt

D. to be smelt

2. We had thought the examination would be difficult, but it _____ easy.

A. turned

B. came

C. appeared

D. proved

3. I can’t see my old grandma ________alone in the country, so I’ll have her ___ with me in the city.

A. leave, stay

B. left, stay

C. leaving, to stay

D. left, to stay

4. When we saw the sun ____ above the surface of the sea, the students let out a cry of joy.

A. to raise

B. to rise

C. raising

D. rising



1) sell, wash, burn, cook, cut, drive, dress, play, last, open, write, start, run, read, act, draw, clean, wear, lock, shut, dry, eat, drink , burn +adv. (well, poorly, easily, smoothly, badly)

Dry wood _______________(容易燃烧)

The cloth _____________(好洗).

3. Your composition ___________(读起来很好)except for a few spelling mistakes.

1.--Have you got a ticket for the concert?

--No, the tickets______ well andthey _______out last week.

A. sell; were sold

B. sell; sold

C. sell; have been sold

D. are sell; sold

2.It is said that the pen ____ , so I bought one yesterday.

A. writes well

B. writes good

C. is well written

D. is good written

2) need, want, require(要求,需要), deserve(应得,值得), be worth(值得),后面接doing主动形式表被动意义。

The book is worth reading.

These young seedlings will require/need looking after (=need to be looked after) carefully.

Your hair wants/needs cutting (needs to be cut).


take place, happen, break out等。

A big fire happened/took place/broke out last night.




Harry turned up after the party when everyone had left.

(2) 动词+副词(及物)

Please turn every light in the house off.


She gave them away.


I'm looking for my glasses.



She's got more work than she can cope with.


I look forward to seeing you soon.


In this way both grain and vegetable can be well looked after.

(5)动词+ 名词+ 介词

You should make full use of your time.

(6) 动词+ 名词

Great changes are taking place in our life.
