
Page : 1/4Status:PROCEDURE 程序文件Procurement Management Procedure 采购控制程序目的OBJECTIVE 2 范围SCOPE2 职责RESPONSIBILITY2 正文PROCEDURAL ELEMENTS3 流程FLOW CHART3 任务描述TASKS DESCRIPTION4 参考文件REFERENCE DOCUMETS4 定义与缩写DEFINITIONS/ ABBREVIATIONS 4 记录RECORDS4________________________________________________________________Page : 2/4Status:PROCEDURE 程序文件Procurement Management Procedure 采购控制程序Objective 目的This document is to define the procedure how the procurement should be handled in the factory. 本文件用于定义公司之采购流程。
__________________________________________________________Scope 范围This procedure is applicable for all the procurement orders issued by QF. 此流程适用于所有发出的采购订单。
__________________________________________________________Responsibility 职责Procurement department should provide all the specification of the material according to PD dept’s BOM.Procurement dept is responsible for issuing and following the necessary procurement to ensure production in QF factory. QF Procurement is responsible for providing the information to Finance department on the material which need to be paid.采购部,根据开发部的《物料用量表》From_PR_008_003,提供所有生产大货的物料规格即《生产制造单》From_PR_008_005。

英文采购管理制度及流程1. IntroductionThe procurement management system (PMS) and process are critical components of any organization's operations. It involves the acquisition of goods, services, and resources required to run the business. A well-designed and efficient PMS and process can help an organization achieve cost savings, quality improvements, and timely delivery of goods and services. This document outlines the procurement management system and process for our organization.2. ObjectivesThe primary objectives of the procurement management system and process are as follows: - To ensure the timely acquisition of goods and services required for the organization's operations.- To obtain goods and services of the right quality at the best possible price.- To promote transparency, fairness, and accountability in the procurement process.- To establish and maintain good relationships with suppliers and vendors.3. Policy and ProceduresThe procurement management system and process are governed by a set of policies and procedures that are designed to ensure that all procurement activities are carried out in a transparent, fair, and effective manner. The key policies and procedures include:- Supplier selection and evaluation: A comprehensive list of pre-approved suppliers and vendors is maintained, and new suppliers are evaluated based on their reputation, experience, quality standards, and pricing. This ensures that the organization works with reliable and competent suppliers.- Request for Proposals (RFP): When significant purchases are required, the organization sends out RFPs to potential suppliers, outlining the specifications and requirements for the goods or services required. This allows the organization to compare proposals from different suppliers and select the one that offers the best value for money.- Contract management: Once a supplier is selected, a contract is drawn up that outlines the terms and conditions of the purchase, including price, delivery schedule, quality standards, and payment terms. The contract is managed throughout its duration to ensure that the supplier delivers the goods or services as per the agreed-upon terms.- Purchase orders: For routine purchases, purchase orders are issued to suppliers, specifying the type and quantity of goods required, the agreed-upon price, and the deliveryschedule. This ensures that the procurement process is standardized and that all purchases are authorized and tracked.- Supplier performance evaluation: The performance of suppliers is monitored and evaluated on an ongoing basis, using criteria such as delivery timeliness, product quality, responsiveness to issues, and compliance with contractual terms. This allows the organization to identify any issues with suppliers and take corrective action as required.4. Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe procurement management system and process involve the participation of various stakeholders within the organization, each with specific roles and responsibilities:- Procurement manager: The procurement manager oversees the entire procurement process, including supplier selection, contract management, and supplier performance evaluation. They are responsible for ensuring that all procurement activities are carried out in accordance with the organization's policies and procedures, and that the best possible value is obtained from suppliers.- Requisitioner: The requisitioner is the individual within the organization who identifies the need for goods or services and initiates the procurement process. They are responsible for providing the procurement manager with all the necessary information about the goods or services required, including specifications, quantity, and desired delivery schedule.- Approver: The approver is the individual within the organization who has the authority to approve purchase orders, contracts, and other procurement documents. They ensure that all procurement activities are authorized and comply with the organization's budget and procurement policies.5. Technology and ToolsThe procurement management system and process are supported by various technology tools that help streamline procurement activities and improve efficiency. These include:- Procurement software: Many organizations use specialized procurement software that automates various aspects of the procurement process, including supplier management, RFPs, contract management, and purchase orders. This software can help reduce manual paperwork, improve record-keeping, and provide valuable data and analytics on procurement activities.- Supplier portals: Some organizations use supplier portals, which are online platforms that allow suppliers to submit their proposals, receive purchase orders, and interact with the organization's procurement team. This can help streamline communication with suppliers and provide transparency in the procurement process.- E-procurement systems: E-procurement systems allow organizations to conduct procurement activities electronically, including sourcing, ordering, and payment. This canhelp reduce delays, errors, and administrative costs associated with traditional paper-based procurement processes.6. Performance MeasurementThe effectiveness of the procurement management system and process is measured through various performance indicators, including:- Cost savings: This measures the amount of money saved through efficient procurement practices, such as negotiating lower prices with suppliers, consolidating purchases, and reducing waste and excess inventory.- Supplier performance: This measures the performance of suppliers in terms of delivery timeliness, product quality, responsiveness to issues, and compliance with contractual terms. This can help identify areas for improvement in supplier relationships and ensure that the organization is working with the best suppliers.- Process efficiency: This measures the efficiency of the procurement process in terms of lead times, cycle times, and paperwork reduction. This can help identify opportunities for process improvement and streamlining.7. ConclusionThe procurement management system and process are critical to the success of any organization, as they ensure that the organization has the goods and services required to operate efficiently and effectively. By following clear policies and procedures, leveraging technology tools, and measuring performance, organizations can achieve cost savings, quality improvements, and supplier relationships. This can help the organization maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace and achieve its strategic goals.。

Procedure: [Purchasing Proc. Title]1.0SUMMARY1.1.This procedure defines the requirements for evaluation and selection of critical suppliers,purchasing critical materials and services, and monitoring supplier performance.1.2.The receipt and receiving inspection of incoming purchased items is defined in the procedure[Receiving Proc. Title].1.3.“Critical materials or services” are those materials or services which are incorporated into fproduc t, or which have a direct impact on the company’s product or quality system, or whare otherwise deemed as critical by management.1.4.Office supplies, administrative consumables, furniture, etc. are not critical materials, andtherefore not subject to this procedure.1.5.[Short Client Name] understands it is responsible for the conformity of all products purchasedfrom suppliers, including product from sources defined by the customer.1.6.The [who?] is responsible for implementation and management of this procedure.2.0REVISION AND APPROVALRev. Date Nature of Changes Approved By[Rev Number] [Date of Issue] Original issue.[ProcedureApprover Name]3.0SUPPLIER EVALUATION, SELECTION AND CONTROL3.1.The [who?] evaluates new suppliers. This person/these individuals has/have both theresponsibility and authority to approve and disapprove suppliers.3.2.New suppliers are evaluated in accordance with the following criteria:?Modify this list as needed?Pricing?Availability?Reputation / references?Location?Shipping terms and capabilities?Quality system certification status (ISO 9001 certification preferred)?Quality of samples received (incl. testing results)?On-site audit results?Telephone interview results?Written survey results?Customer mandate?Sole source / OEM status3.3.Where a customer mandates a special process source, both [Short Client Name] and anysuppliers must use the required supplier; this usage may override [Short Client Name]status rules.3.4.In some cases a formal risk assessment may be conducted as part of the evaluation andselection of a potential supplier, or in order to determine if a problematic supplier should be retained; see [Risk Management Proc. Title].[Use this next section if the ASL is a spreadsheet, database or document – NOT if the ASL is part of an ERP system.]3.5.The [who?] will maintain an Approved Supplier List (modify name if needed) which lists allevaluated and approved suppliers, and their approval status.3.6.Suppliers who meet any of the evaluation criteria, in the judgment of the person conducting theevaluation, may then be entered into the purchasing system and items may be purchased.However, the supplier is entered into the Approved Supplier List (ASL) on a CONDITIONAL basis, pending inspection or review of products or services rendered.3.7.Upon successful receipt or review of products or services, the manager may then advance thesupplier’s status to APPROVED.3.8.If the results of review of product or service received are insufficient or otherwise lacking, thestatus to DISAPPROVED, or to leave it at buyer may then elect to change the supplier’sCONDITIONAL until further orders are received and reviewed.3.9. A supplier may also be listed as RESTRICTED, where certain purchasing restrictions are placed onthe supplier. This may be useful to limit what products may be purchased from a supplier, or toplace other conditions.3.10.The Approved Supplier List indicates the supplier, location, approval status (Approved,Conditional, Disapproved, Restricted), and the scope of approval (typically commodity type orproduct family). Re-approval of suppliers is continual and ongoing based on the suppliers abilityto meet the criteria of paragraph 3.2. For Restricted status, a note of the restriction must alsobe included.3.11.Suppliers used for at least six months prior to [Date of Issue], have been grandfathered into thesystem as Approved, provided they have no outstanding quality issues on record, and only uponthe decision by [who?] to do so.[Use this next section if the ASL is part of the ERP system]。
Purchasing Management采购管理程序(中英文)

1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 The procedure standards the purchasing request and order process to ensure the quality ofproducts and service meet the production and customer’s requirements.规范公司各项物资的采购活动,确保满足生产及客户的需求。
2.0 SCOPE 范围2.1 Apply to operations for all production and non- production requisitions and purchase orders.适用于公司所有生产和非生产物料的采购活动。
3.0 DEFINITIONS定义3.1 Production Material:All the materials used in products BOM,can calculate amount throughERP system生产性物料:所有用于产品BOM的物料,可以通过ERP展算用量。
3.2 Non-Production Material:Material that don’t directly used for products,such as productionequipment,instrument,low-value consumption goods。
4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS参考文件4.1 MC-S2-01 Supplier management Procedure 供应商管理程序4.2 MC-C4-01 Planning Management Procedure 计划管理程序4.3 MC-C4-02 Material And Goods Management Procedure物料管理程序4.4 MC-S5-01 Product Monitoring and Measurement Procedure产品监视与测量程序4.5 MC-S6-01 Nonconforming Product Control Procedure 不合格品控制程序5.0 RECORDS 记录5.1 FN-PU-012 Purchase Order 采购订单5.2 FN-PU-013 Capital approval Form 固定资产审批单5.3 FN-PU-014 Purchasing Requisition Form 采购申请单5.4 FN-PU-015 Purchasing Inquiry Form 询价单5.5 FN-PU-016 Urgency Purchasing Requisition Audit Form紧急需求申请审批单5.6 FN-PU-017 Purchasing Inquiry Record 采购询价记录表5.7 FN-PU-018 Notice of Deductions 供应商扣款单5.8 FN-PU-019 Purchasing Change Application Form 采购变更申请审批单6.0 RESPONSIBILITY职责6.1 Purchasing department: Purchasing for productive materials and non- productive, such asequipments, tooling and fixtures, measuring instruments, and etc.采购部:负责生产性物料和非生产性物料的采购,非生产性物料如设备、工装、量具等。
采购流程 英文

采购流程英文The procurement process is a critical aspect of any business, as it involves the purchasing of goods and services that are essential for the operation of the organization. Effective procurement management is crucial for ensuring that the right products are obtained at the right time and at the right cost. In this document, we will discuss the key steps involved in the procurement process and how it can be effectively managed to achieve optimal results.1. Identify the Need。
The first step in the procurement process is to identify the need for a particular product or service. This may be initiated by various departments within the organization, such as production, marketing, or administration. It is important to clearly define the specifications and requirements for the desired item to ensure that the procurement process is aligned with the organization's objectives.2. Supplier Identification and Selection。

采购程序(中英⽂含流程图)采购程序PURCHASING PROCEDURE采购程序PURCHASING PROCEDURE1. Purpose⽬的Provide a consistent method for assuring purchased material meet XXXX and customer requirements and optimize purchasing cost and efficiency.为了确保所采购的物料满⾜xxxx公司及客户的需要,优化采购成本及效率。
2. Scope范围Apply to all direct and indirect material used for finish goods and non-production material.所有⽤于成品或⽣产当中的直接或间接物料。
3. Reference Document参考⽂件4.1 Purchasing control flow chart (Direct Material) OP-PU-FC-01采购控制流程图(直接物料)4.2 Purchasing control flow chart (Indirect Material) OP-PU-FC-02采购控制流程图(间接物料)4.3 RTV control flow chart OP-PU-FC-03退货流程图4.4 Approval Vendor List (Direct Material) OP-PU-FO-01合格供应商清单4.5 Lead Time Summary (Direct Material) OP-PU-FO-02交货周期汇总4.6 Sorting Cost monthly report OP-PU-FO-05挑选费⽤⽉报表4.7 Purchase Request OP-MC-FO-03采购申请表5. Definition定义5.1 MPS - Master Production Schedule主⽣产计划5.2 MRB – Material Review Board物料评审会5.3 MRP – Material Request Plan物料需求计划5.4 PO - Purchase Order采购单5.5 PR - Purchase Request采购申请表6. General procedure⼀般程序6.1 Responsibilities 责任⼈6.1.1 Buyer is responsible for creating PO, issuing PO to supplier and following up delivery.采购员负责下订单,分发订单及跟踪交期。

4.2对供方的开发导入、调查评价The development of the supplier, import, investigation, assessment
For the first survey and evaluation of new supplier development, it is necessary to ensure that the sample is approved and the survey and evaluation are conducted on the premise that the trial production is qualified. The total score is 100 points, and the survey evaluation items are as follows:
4.1.3 B类:不直接影响产品质量或即使略有影响,但可采取措施予以纠正的采购产品,如电线、电缆、硅钢片、有色金属;模压壳体;按钮配件;弹簧;印刷电路板、电阻、电容、二极管、三极管、发光器件等电子元器件;
Class B: not directly affect the quality of the product or even a slight impact, but can take measures to correct the procurement of products such as wires, cables, silicon steel, non-ferrous metals; moldedshell; button accessories; spring; printed circuit boards, Capacitors, diodes, transistors, light-emitting devices and other electronic components;

采购部流程英语The procurement process is an essential part of any organization, as it involves acquiring goods and services that are necessary for the business to operate. The process typically involves several steps, from identifying the need for a product or service to selecting a supplier and making the purchase. Here is an overview of the procurement process:1. Identify the Need: The first step in the procurement process is to identify the need for a particular product or service. This could be triggered by a request from a department within the organization, or it could be part ofa regular procurement plan.2. Develop a Purchase Requisition: Once the need has been identified, a purchase requisition is created. This document outlines the details of the required product or service, including quantity, specifications, and any other relevant information.3. Supplier Selection: The next step is to identify potential suppliers who can provide the required product orservice. This may involve issuing a request for proposal (RFP) or a request for quotation (RFQ) to solicit bids from potential suppliers.4. Evaluate Bids: Once the bids have been received, they are evaluated based on various criteria, such as price, quality, delivery time, and supplier reputation. The goalis to select the supplier that offers the best overallvalue for the organization.5. Negotiate Terms: After selecting a supplier, negotiations may take place to finalize the terms of the purchase, including price, delivery schedule, payment terms, and any other relevant details.6. Purchase Order: Once the terms have been agreed upon,a purchase order is issued to the selected supplier. This document serves as a formal contract between theorganization and the supplier, outlining the details of the purchase.7. Receipt and Inspection: When the goods or servicesare delivered, they are received and inspected to ensure they meet the requirements outlined in the purchase order. Any discrepancies or issues are addressed with the supplier.8. Invoice and Payment: After the goods or services have been received and accepted, the supplier issues an invoice, and payment is made according to the agreed-upon terms.9. Record Keeping: Throughout the procurement process, detailed records are maintained to track the purchases, payments, and supplier performance. This information is essential for financial and performance analysis, as wellas for compliance and audit purposes.采购流程是任何组织的重要组成部分,因为它涉及获取业务运营所需的货物和服务。

采购控制程序Purchasing control procedure(ISO9001:2015)1目的:Purpose对物料采购计划等采购文件的编制与审核以及采购产品的验证等作业具体规定,确保所采购的物质满足生产所需。
Compile and audit the purchasing document like material purchasing plan and so on, and the regulation of purchasing product verification, ensure the purchasing material should satisfy the production.2 适用范围:Scope本程序适用于公司所采购的各类物料。
Be applicable to all kinds of purchasing material of our company3 职责Responsibility3.1 供应部负责编制采购计划,签订采购合同,采购物料的及时到仓。
Purchasing dept. is responsible for compile purchasing plan and sign purchasing contract, purchasing material to warehouse timely.3.2 供应部负责人负责采购计划,采购合同的审核批准。
Responsible person of purchasing dept. is responsible for the approval of purchasing plan and purchasing contract4 程序:Procedure4.1 采购信息Purchasing information4.1.1 采购申请purchasing application各部门根据顾客订单要求等,向供应部提出采购申请,在呈报给供应部之前,已完成的采购申请应经本部门负责人批准。

1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Scope1.1.1 PurposeThe purpose of this procedure is to define the steps and to formalize the process of non-purchase payment .2 TERMINOLOGY2.1 Non-purchase paymentAny cash-out from ALHZ for businesses, should be separated to purchase payment and non-purchase payment. (Purchase payment was defined in procedure C-AP-24-0-4 <<Purchase Payment>>.) Non-purchase payment is the payment which is not mandatory to be underlying with an existing purchase order issued by the company. This kind of payment could be paid by only being justified by invoices or other qualified evidences.Non-purchase payment includes the advance or reimbursement to employee and the direct payment to supplier.2.2 ReimbursementALHZ employee pays himself for expenses related to the ALHZ business operation. After employee provides the original evidence to AF Dept. (the evidence must meet the requirement of laws and regulations), the employee can ask ALHZ to refund the equal amount to the employee.2.3 Direct PaymentAny payment from ALHZ to a third party without basing on an existing Purchase Order. Normally, all the payment for business reasons should be basing on a prepared purchase order. But for some special cases, to prepare a PO or go through the supplier qualification is not worthwhile, or unfeasible. It could go through the direct payment process.Direct payment could be only made following an exhaustive list (C-FRM-24-0-29). All the payments excluded from that list must follow the purchase payment procedure.2.4 AdvanceMoney borrowed by employee from ALHZ.2.5 InvoiceA kind of Official document which is issued by the seller to the buyer for justifying the business and requesting the payment.2.6 ReceiptA kind of document which is issued by the seller to the buyer for detailing the business contents.2.7 FapiaoA special type of invoice which is mandatory used in Chinese businesses. The formatted Fapiao is printed by Tax Bureau. Companies must buy blank Fapiao from tax bureau andissue it following the tax laws. The consumption of Fapiao is strictly monitored by the tax bureau. And it is the unique justification of certifying the authenticity of the business in Chinese commercial practices. .Issuing Fapiao is tax-payable mandatory and obtaining Fapiao is tax-deductible. All the legal Fapiao are stamped by a red chop of tax-bureau which looks like follows.2.8 Official ReceiptA special receipt which is popularly used in Chinese businesses, which is issued by the receiver to the payer, can certify the authenticity of cash transferring. It is also a payment notice from the receiver to the payer.Official Receipt is formatted and printed and monitored by relative authorities.Companies must buy blank tax receipts from tax bureau and subject to the inspection by the bureau.Other Non-for-profit organizations and government departments are using official receipt for their business instead of Fapiao.3 FLOWCHART OF ALHZ PAYMENT4 DESCRIPTION4.1 Advance from Company4.1.1 General Rulesa. The advance from ALHZ is applicable for those cases which need to be paid urgentbefore the company get the original evidences, such as Fapiao or invoices.b. Employee requesting advance needs to fill the Advance request. The Advancerequest should be validated and signed by the authorized managers according to C-AP-0-0-4 <<ALHZ Limitations and Delegations of Power>>.c. In principle, the payment shall be made by bank remittance except some urgentrequests. The payment made by petty cash must be below a certain threshold, which are RMB1,000, or USD 500, or EUR 500. Any special case which requests petty cash above the threshold should be approved up to the AFIS Director.d. The payment falls on every 8th and 23rd. Any urgent request must inform AF dept. inadvance. AF needs time to prepare the cash and payment with the bank.∙Urgent RMB can be paid within maximum 2 working days after AF was informed;∙Urgent Foreign Currency can be paid within maximum 4 working days after AF was informed;f. The advance must be returned or offset within a reasonable term. AF accounting teamis responsible for reminding the borrower to clear the balance when the advance is due. Under a condition of the previous advance being overdue for a long time, it is possible for AF to refuse its borrower to borrow again. And it is also possible for AF to inform HR Dept. to deduct the residual balance from the borrower’s salary.g. It is the borrower’s responsibility to well-plan the advances. If the borrower returnsmore than 40% of his(her) foreign currency advances, AF has the right to reimburse him(her) basing on an unfavorable exchange rate.h. The advance borrower must be ALHZ employees with official employment contract.Any temporary employee, rental employee cannot request the advance as a borrower.Under special cases with department manager’s approval, the employee on probation can request the advance with the max limitation up to accumulative RMB 2,500yuan.i. In principle, the advance must be applied for business reason. Any application forpersonal reason, such as advance for salary, must be approved by the General Manager of ALHZ.j. All the advances must be cleared before each year-end closing.4.1.2 Temporary Advancea. Employees can request temporary advance anytime when necessary.b. For temporary advances, the Advance Request needs to be filled (Refer toC-FRM-24-0-1) by the employee and approved by the authorized Manager.c. The temporary advance must be cleared (returned or offset) within 2 months.4.1.3 Mission AdvanceFollow procedure C-AP-0-5-10 <<Air Liquide Hangzhou Travel Policy>>.4.1.4 Yearly Permanent Advancea. For those employees who need advance frequently, to avoid wasting working hourson requesting advance frequently, they can apply for yearly permanent advance.b. For yearly permanent advances, the Advance Request needs to be filled (Refer toC-FRM-24-0-1) by the employee and approved by the authorized manager. It must be marked as “Yearly Permanent Advance”.c. The yearly permanent advance will not be required to be cleared during the wholeyear until year-end. Any special requirement for keeping this advance overcrossing the year-end, must be approved by both the borrower’s department manger and the AF manager.4.1.5 Good Practicesa. Using credit line of employees’ private credit card or Corp credit card will get morebenefit and be more convenient than using cash. Advances should be better requested when really necessary.b. For ALHZ employee, if possible, to use credit card of UnionPay is cheaper than to usethe credit card of Visa or Master.4.2 Reimbursement4.2.1 General Rulesa. Any reimbursement payment must be justified by a paper C-FRM-24-0-3<<Reimbursement sheet>>, which is validated and signed by authorized manager as per C-AP-0-0-4 <<ALHZ Limitations and Delegations of Power>>.b. Reimbursement sheet must be submitted to AF with 2 months upon expenditureoccurrence.c. Payment date∙The payment falls on every 8th and 23rd. The deadline for cross-check is every 1st and 16th. The requests handed over to AF before 1st will be paid on 8th. Therequests handed over to AF before 16th will be paid on 23rd. Postponed atholidays.∙Employees or his (her) delegatee shall register the request in a table prepared by accounting team when they hand over the requests to AF. The purpose is to avoidthe risk of loss and the registration date is used to determine the payment date.d. The AP-Employee Accountant will audit the reimbursement sheet and return thoseunqualified requests to the people who hand over them.4.2.2 Rules of Reimbursementa. The reimbursement is applicable for refunding the expenditure that the employeeshave already paid by using their own money. For example, the travel expenses, small-amount procurement in oral contract, etc.b. The reimbursement claiming should be basing on the filled and signed reimbursementsheet.c. If the reimbursement includes foreign currency, and it needs to be converted to RMB,it will be calculated according to the bank intermediate exchange rate of the accounting date.d. All the reimbursement shall be paid by RMB for Chinese employee. But for foreignexpatriates, the reimbursement could be paid by foreign currency together with his(her) salary at the end of month.e. Original evidences of reimbursement sheet:∙Any domestic expenditure must be justified by Fapiao.∙In principle, any expenditure abroad must be justified by invoice or receipt.∙Fapiao of gifts to customer, or of meals to host customer, must contain the indication of the customers’or agencies’name. All the gifts or hosts which areoffered to customers or agencies must comply with the Air Liquide GroupBluebook << Code Anti-Corruption >>.∙In general, manual Fapiao is always the copy page of carbon paper, it must be duplicated. Any Fapiao which is written directly by pen is null.∙All the evident documents, including Fapiao, invoices, etc. must be pasted on the back of reimbursement sheet, cannot use stapler.f. Determining the payment amount∙If no limitation, the amount equals the sum of all the Fapiao or invoices.∙If there is a limitation, AF will pay the lesser amount of Fapiao or invoices and the amount of limitationg. Means of payment∙In principle, the reimbursement sheet should be paid by bank remittance. Special case with special approval from AFIS Director can be paid by petty cash.∙For some intra-city direct payment, cheque could be used as a payment method.h. To avoid the inefficiency of approval workload, the reimbursement request shall betwice per month in maximum. In principle, the threshold of reimbursement sheet shall be RMB 200 at least.4.2.3 Type of reimbursementa. General ReimbursementFor General reimbursement, the Expense Reimbursement Sheet needs to be filled (Refer to C-FRM-24-0-3) by the employee and approved by the authorized manager.b. Mission ReimbursementFollow C-AP-0-5-10 <<Air Liquide Hangzhou Travel Policy>>.c. Site Works Reimbursement∙For field Engineers working in project sites, follow C-AP-0-5-6 and C-AP-0-5-8.∙For Short-term assignment to project sites, follow Inter-Memo HR06(04).∙For relocation to manufacturing rented sites (i.e. Anji Workshop and Deqing Workshop), follow Inter-Memo HR08(05) <<The Policy of Entitlement Payment forRelocation to Manufacturing Site Work (Anji Workshop and Deqing Workshop)>>and Inter-Memo HR08(06) << Detailed rules of the Policy of Entitlement Paymentfor Relocation to Manufacturing Site Work (Anji workshop and Deqing Workshop)and supplementary Explanation>>.d. Medical Reimbursement∙For medical reimbursement, the Medical Reimbursement Sheet needs to be filled (Refer to C-FRM-24-0-5) by the employee. Then the company doctor will inspectthe medical Fapiao attached. It shall be approved by the GS Manager finally.∙The calculation and limitation of medical reimbursement please refer to ALHZ internal memo HR96(04) <<Regulation on Reimbursement of Medical CareExpenses>> and HR 06(02) << Supplementary Regulation on Reimbursement ofMedical Care Expenses>>.∙For glasses expense reimbursement, the Medical Reimbursement Sheet needs to be filled (Refer to C-FRM-24-0-5) by the employee. It shall attach the glassesFapiao and the eyes inspection report, then finally be approved by GS Manager.∙The calculation and limitation of glasses expense reimbursement please refer to ALHZ internal memo HR96(07) <<A Notice for the Reimbursement of SpectaclesExpenses>>.4.3 Direct Payment4.3.1 General Rulesa. The direct payment is applicable for paying the expenditure that is not necessary forpurchase order. Those payments must be included in the prepared exhaustive list (C-FRM-24-0-29). Any payment to supplier which is out of that scope should go through the procurement procedure.For direct payment, the payment request is the C-FRM-24-0-30 <<Direct payment request>>.b. All the suppliers of direct payment must be already qualified and existing in the ERPsystem.c. The direct payment claiming should be basing on the filled and signed direct paymentrequest.d. Any domestic expenditure must be justified by Fapiao or other qualified documents.e. In principle, any expenditure abroad must be justified by invoice.f. The payment falls on every 8th and 23rd. The deadline for cross-check is every 1st and16th. The requests handed over to AF before 1st will be paid on 8th. The requests handed over to AF before 16th will be paid on 23rd. Postponed at holidays.g. Direct payment is forbidden to be paid to employees’personal bank account or bypetty cash.4.3.2 Bank Information Managementa. The management of suppliers’ information is under RMQS department except for thebank information of all suppliers.b. AF accounting team is responsible for managing the input and update of bankinformation of all suppliers for direct payments. And the responsible person of this function must not be involved in any jobs of AP accounting and Treasury.c. AF accounting team updates suppliers’ bank information after receiving the requisitionsheet from the RMQS department.4.3.3 Good Practicea. For small amount payment, it’s better to get the Fapiao first and then request thepayment.b. For intra-city payment, using cheque is more secured and convenient than using banktransfer or petty cash.4.4 Accounting Requirementa. Accounting team of AF Dept. will make the journal voucher based on the originalnon-purchase payment request.b. Expenses accountant is responsible for making the voucher, and the chief accountantor his/her delegatee will perform the cross-check.c. The claimer can only get petty cash reimbursement after signing on the voucher.d. All the journal vouchers must be bound to books and be archived. The archival term isat least 10 years.e. To meet the requirement of law and government audit, all the accounting journalvouchers and original evidence must be recorded at least in one Chinese language.When there is a meaning conflict between different languages, it’s mandatory to follow the Chinese meaning.f. Except for those foreign expatriates, it’s default that all Chinese staff’s signature isChinese word. Whatever the signature is chosen by staff, it’s prohibited to change frequently as long as it is determined.采购程序5 INTRODUCTION5.1 Scope5.1.1 PurposeThe purpose of this procedure is to describe the process of procurement activities. The goal is to procure quality materials, equipment and service from qualified sources with pricing at or below the established budget and delivered on time.5.1.2 Scope of Application5.1.3 Specific RequirementsNot applicable6 PROJECT PROCUREMENTProject procurement is composed by three stages: purchasing, expediting/inspection & capitalization.The Coordinator Purchaser assigned to the project will develop the Project Main Equipment Procurement Schedule(C-FRM-23-0-12) based on the Procurement Strategy and Plan (organized by PT), Project Equipment List, copy of contract with customer, first edition of project master schedule and the supplier list of the project. The Project Main EquipmentProcurement Schedule is updated on monthly basis. The electronic file of this report is sent by PD Secretary monthly upon update to related persons.The Expeditor (by category) will follow up POs issued and report the expediting results with Project Main Equipment & Material Follow-up Report The Project Main Equipment & Material Follow-up Report is updated on weekly basis.After project accomplishment, the Coordinator Purchaser assigned to the project will organize Procurement Capitalization meeting. The participants of this meeting are mainly: Requisitioner, Responsible Manager, Inspector and Expeditor. The main output of this meeting is Supplier Performance EvaluationThe following workflow describes the whole process of project procurement.6.1 Purchasing6.1.1 Receive RFQThe Coordinator Purchaser assigned to the project or Category Purchaser will receive the RFQ (C-FRM-23-0-8) accompanied by related technical specifications from the Requisitioner. The Requisitioner shall properly fill the RFQ with project Name, project No. Requisitioner name, RFQ issue date, addressee, RFQ serial No., goods or service to be inquired with analytic code, quantity, specification No. and revision No., expected quotations returned date, delivery time, delivery place, INCOTERMS and currency. The Requisitioner can propose suppliers to be inquired but Purchaser can inquire suppliers other than proposed ones if necessary. The RFQ shall be properly approved by Responsible Manager before submittal to Purchaser. Purchaser will sign on the RFQ with date upon receipt.In some cases such as technical specifications clarified with revision for purchase issued and/or supplier already selected etc., RFP (C-FRM-23-0-9) can be directly issued by the Requisitioner to PD.6.1.2 Send InquiryUpon receipt of RFQ, the Purchaser will determine if competitive bidding, a LTA or single source will be utilized to establishing pricing for the order. If a LTA is in place for the material/service needed, only the LTA supplier will be inquired in principle except for some special cases (supplier imposed by custormer etc.). If competitive bidding will be utilized, the Purchaser will send inquiry to at least 2~3 suppliers for quotations.The Purchaser shall check that the suppliers inquired are those in QSL and those listed in the project supplier list. If new supplier, make sure that actions for qualification are taken according to C-PR-23-0- Inquiry DocumentThe inquiry document should be issued with the same layout, terms and conditions as intended to be used in the final contract.Issue of inquiry document to suppliers should be under cover of an “Invitation to Quotation”, including or make reference to:Instruciton to suppliers♦Terms of engagement, such as General Purchase Conditions), template of contract (or PO) to be used, Confidentiality Agreement (C-TPL-23-0-1) and In-house Contractor Safety Plan♦Enclosed technical specificationsThe above documents excluding the technical specifications shall be maintained and updated by Procurement Department and changes to the documents will be made in consultation with Legal and PD management where appropriate.The mode of transmission of “Invitation to Quotation” should take into account that all suppliers receive it at approximately the same time, not giving any supplier a significant advantage in time for preparing his quotation. Normally this can be achieved by electronic means i.e. by fax or e-mail.Instruction to suppliers should include at least the following:♦Details on format of quotation (if a technical evaluation is needed, an un-priced technical quotation shall be requested, which will be provided to technical team), number of copies required, closing date and time, required validity of quotations ♦Instructions how quotations are to be submitted♦ A statement that ALHZ is not obliged to accept the lowest quotation and will treat quotations received confidential♦ A statement that ALHZ will not pay or reimburse any expense incurred by suppliers in preparing their quotations♦Quotations must be submitted strictly in accordance with the inquiry documents.Unsolicited qualifications/reservations and alternative quotations should be made separately♦Invited suppliers that do not wish to submit a quotation should confirm this in writing ♦Suppliers are to confirm acceptance of terms of engagement or specify their proposed exceptions6.1.4 Receive and Distribute QuotationsDuring the preparation of quotation, suppliers may request clarifications to the inquiry. All communications with suppliers during the quotation period shall be conducted through PD staff and be recorded in writing. The Purchaser will answer commercial type questions and get technical questions’ answer from Requisitioner.After receiving the quotations from supplier, Purchaser will distribute a copy of technical quotation to the Requisitioner.6.1.5 Technical & Commercial Evaluation of QuotationsRequisitioner will organize the technical evaluation of all quotations and Purchaser will invite supplier for technical clarification meeting if needed upon request of Requisitioner. If after clarification meeting, the initial specification or delivery scope is changed, suppliers shall be requested to update their quotations. The quotations based on the clarified specification will be considered as final input for the commercial evaluation. The technical evaluation should conclude whether or not the quotation complies with the required specification and therefore is technically acceptable.The Purchaser will perform the commercial evaluation for the technical acceptable quotations. The Quotation Comparison Report(C-TPL-23-0-6) is to be used for this purpose. The comparison is made between different quotations and with historic data. Also, the requisitioner shall provide the budget to the Purchaser to have a comparison with budget. The commercial evaluation must be made on the basis of total life cycle costs including acquisition cost, cost of maintenance, cost of spares, cost of initial and refresher training, freight, exchange rate, payment conditions, tax, duties and insurance, cost of contract/PO management by ALHZ etc. The commercial evaluation must also take into account the delivery time, workload and previous performance of supplier. The Purchaser will give his recommendation for supplier selection in the Quotation Comparison Report.6.1.6 Select SupplierFor POs with amount below 10,000RMB, the Purchaser can take decision by himself to which supplier he will award the PO based on evaluation of the quotations he received. In this case, the Quotation Comparison Report (C-TPL-23-0-6) is not mandatory to be filled.For POs with amount above 10,000RMB, the Quotation Comparison Report (C-TPL-23-0-6) shall be filled by the Purchaser.For POs with amount between 10,000RMB to 100,000RMB, the Purchaser will get supplier selection decision from Purchase Group Leader, Procurement Dept. Manager & PM by e-mail then get the Quotation Comparison Report signed by the same together with PO.For POs with amount above 100,000RMB, the Quotation Comparison Report shall be signed before preparation of PO by Purchase Group Leader, PM, Procurement Dept. Manager, and GM if for compressor, expander and heat exchanger.6.1.7 NegotiationIf the price quoted by the selected supplier exceed the estimate or historic prices or being regarded above the market price, commercial negotiation can be organized with the selected supplier.The negotiating team shall be composed minimum by 2 people: one of which being a PD staff. All negotiations shall be minuted and signed by the negotiating team members after each negotiation meeting.Negotiation can also be made by means of FAX, E-mail and telephone, if negotiation is through telephone, the Purchaer shall ask supplier to send a Fax or e-mail to confirm the negotiated price or terms.6.1.8 Receive RFPAfter the successful supplier has been selected, the Requisitioner will prepare the RFP (C-FRM-23-0-9) and get it approved by Responsible Manager. The Requisitioner shall list in the RFP all documents (technical specifications and project documents) related to the purchase of goods or service, which will be integral appendices of the PO. All documents used for the purchase shall be at least the revision for purchase (Rev.1). Project Name, project No. Requisitioner name, RFP issue date, addressee, RFP serial No., goods or service to be purchased with analytic code, quantity, specification No. and revision No., expected deliverytime, delivery place, INCOTERMS, currency, packing requirement and Buyer name shall be filled by the Requisitioner in RFP.The Requisitioner will forward the properly signed original RFP together with a copy of all technical specifications signed by related Engineer to the Purchaser and the electronic version will be also provided upon request. It is responsibility of the Requisitioner to provide to the Purchaser appropriate information necessary for preparation of the PO.6.1.9 Award POThe Purchaser will issue the official PO only after the RFP is received and to supplier selected as per 2.1.6.The Purchaser compiles the official PO which shall at least include:♦Details of both contracting parties♦ALHZ’s General Purchase Conditions♦Scope of work (the designation and quantity of the product purchased, the brief technical definition (description) of the product to let people know what is purchased without having to consult the technical appendix of the PO)♦Total amount of the PO and breakdown price as detailed as possible including separated packing, transportation, installation…price. This is indispensable for estimations, comparison for future purchase and correct budget check etc.♦Delivery time and delivery place♦Packing requirements and transportation mode (Packing, Marking and Labeling of Equipments)♦Payment terms with or without bank guarantee♦Guarantee period♦Applicable technical and commercial appendices with good revision No. The Purchaser shall ensure that all documents listed in the RFP are properly listed in the PO with accuracy.♦Invoice type (VAT invoice, or service/Investment invoice, if VAT invoice, to define the percentage of VAT applied). VAT invoice is requested for all POs expect those for service and investment. If any deviation, Purchaser shall get confirmation from Responsible Manager and AF Manager before placing PO.♦Sub-contractor list agreed by both parties as appendix for PO with amount above 1,000,000RMB♦Contacts of both parties for execution of the POThe commercial part of the PO is composed by:♦ A cover sheet in one or several pages describing the goods (service) purchased with unit price and total PO amount♦Purchase Order or Invoice Payment Approbation, in which the Purchaser define the payment schedule with date and conditions♦Pages for detailed commercial terms as appendix: to be compiled from the standard template according to the type of PO- the big off-shore template is used for compressors(MAC, BAC, Nigrogen etc.), Steam Turbine, Expander and heat exchangers; for other imported equipment, the small off-shore template will be used. The on-shore template is used for on-shore POs with amount above 100,000RMB.6.1.10 Approval and Signature of POAfter completion of the PO and mutual agreement on terms with supplier, the Purchaser submits the requisite number of copies for internal approval and signature as defined in the “Authorization and delegation of signtures”.After the internal approval and signature has been finalized, the Purchaser will send by courier the copies to supplier for signature and require return one original for AF filing. For PO with only cover sheet and if supplier has no objection, only one copy of original to be signed and the Purchaser will send the signed PO by Fax or E-mail (scanned copy) to supplier for signature and request supplier to return also by Fax or E-mail the signed copy.Purchasers will submit the original signed PO to PD secretary and the latter will hand over to AF.6.1.11 Letter of Regret (C-FRM-23-0-xx) to Unsuccessful SuppliersAfter the award of the PO to the selected supplier has been formally concluded, it is recommended that the other suppliers should be informed promptly by the responsible Purchaser that they have been unsuccessful, without detailing the exact reason or disclosing information on quotation and award details. This practice will particularly apply to higher value (above 1 million) quotations.6.1.12 LOIIf a LOI shall be issued to supplier before official PO, the key points such as designation & quantity of product, technical specification, delivery time & place, total amount, payment terms, liquidated damages, guarantee, etc. shall be included in the LOI. The LOI should also state a date, by which the final PO should be issued.The LOI should be signed at the same authority level as the final PO and should require formal confirmation of acceptance by the supplier.6.1.13 Amendment/COAfter the original PO is issued, an amendment/CO is needed in following circumstances: ♦Modifications on technical specification or contractual terms(delivery time, delivery place, payment conditions etc)♦Supplement of products or service that we would like to place order to the same supplier In this case, if the initial PO price will not be affected by the change or the change will result in a price decrease or in a price increase not exceeding 10% of total amount of the initial PO, the Requisitioner will issue RFP for the change to the same supplier and submitting to the Responsible Manager for approval. The Purchaser will negotiate the amendment/CO and issue the formal amendment/CO with the same supplier.If several suppliers can supply the supplemented products or service and the estimated affected amount will exceed 10% of the initial PO total amount, the request of this change will be treated as a new RFQ and new PO.。

2.0 範圍 Scope: 本程序适用于:影響本公司塑膠件生產服務之供應商。包括: 主料、副料、輔料供應商以及外發加工承包商, 其中包括客戶指定的供應商,但客戶直接提供的物料除外。 The procedure applies to all the suppliers whose materials or service influence to the quality of plastic parts.. Including main material, sub-material, supplementary material, the subcontractors and the suppliers specified by customer. Not including material provided by customers. 3.0 定义 Definitions: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 主料供應商:包括塑膠生產主料和模具制造主料之供應商。 Main material supplier: Including suppliers of main material for plastic production and mold production. 塑膠產品生產主料: 塑膠原料及装配物料。 Main material for plastic parts: Raw material and assembly material. 模具制造主料:模具制造用料:如:模胚、鋼材等。 Main material for mold: mold-base, steel material etc 副料供應商:提供膠料添加劑(色粉/色種)、油墨、油漆等供應商。Sub-material supplier: suppliers for plastic additive (pigment/master batch), ink, paint etc . 輔料供應商:為生產/制造提供輔助材料的供應商。輔助材料主要為:包材(如: 紙箱、 吸塑、 海綿)等。 Supplementary material supplier: Suppliers of supplementary material for production /manufacturing. Mainly are packing materials: carton, clamshell, sponge etc 3.6 3.7 3.8 外发加工承包商:包括塑膠產品某工序生產外發加工之承包商。Subcontractor: Including subcontractors that carry out a certain process of plastic parts. AVL: 认可合格供应商清单 Approved Vendor List. ME:制程工程师 Manufacturing Engineer

Assess and selectsuppliersaccording to product quality, capability, service and price.
4.2.2评价和选择的原则Assessment and selection principle
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4.1采购物资的分类Product classification

The latest issues of the following documents are effective.
COP001《纠正和预防措施控制程பைடு நூலகம்》
Corrective and Preventive Action Control Procedure
Working instruction for equipment management
Working instruction for government, safety and environment code
This procedure stipulates control method forincoming goods inspection /validation of raw /auxiliary material, equipment,parts ,subassembly and parts processed by other company .Its purpose is to make checking and accepting ofraw /auxiliary material , parts purchased from other company / processed with the help of other company and processed products can be carried out quickly ,correctly and effectively and ensure the products that haven’t been inspected or inspected to be unsatisfactory will not be used or processed (except the ones we haven’t time to validate )

XX有限公司文件编号:___________________ 版本版次:___________________ 制定部门:__________________ 制定日期:___________________ 修定日期:__________________ 总页次:_____________________会签:1.0 目的Purpose建立公司采购过程的管理程序,对产品采购的过程及价格进行有效控制,以确保所采购的物品/服务质量能符合和满足公司的各项生产需求。
To establish a management procedure for purchasing process control, ensure to control the product purchasing process and price effectively, in order to ensure the products/service purchased can satisfy the company ' s requirenmeeendt s.and2.0 范围Scope本文件适用于公司内部所有采购过程(指满足公司最终产品所需要的各种原材料、辅助材料、设备及维修材料、外协加工服务、工具以及其它物品的采购) 。
This procedure apply to all purchase process happen in our company (all kinds of raw material, auxiliary material, equipments and maintain material, outside machining service, tooling and all other goods needed by the company ' s prod)uction or work.3.0 适用文件Applicable documents以下文件的最新版本有效The latest issue of the following documents are effect.COP037 《供应商管理程序》<Suppliers management procedure>COP028 《仓储管理程序》<Storage Management Procedure>COP010《测量仪器校正与管理程序》<Measuring Equipment Calibration and Management Procedure>COP002《质量环境记录控制程序》< Quality and environment Records control procedure>COP038《不合格品控制程序》<Control procedure for Unsatisfactory Products>QCI002 《IQC 来料检验作业指导书》<Working Instruction for Incoming Material Inspection>PMI014《产品搬运包装防护作业指导书》<Products Conveying, Packing and Protecting Work Instruction>4.0 职责Responsibilities4.1采购部负责制定物料的采购计划、采购以及价格控制。

采购控制程序(中英文)采购控制程序Purchasing control procedure(ISO9001:2015)1目的:Purpose对物料采购计划等采购文件的编制与审核以及采购产品的验证等作业具体规定,确保所采购的物质满足生产所需。
Compile and audit the purchasing document like material purchasing plan and so on, and the regulation of purchasing product verification, ensure the purchasing material should satisfy the production.2 适用范围:Scope本程序适用于公司所采购的各类物料。
Be applicable to all kinds of purchasing material of our company3 职责Responsibility3.1 供应部负责编制采购计划,签订采购合同,采购物料的及时到仓。
Purchasing dept. is responsible for compile purchasing plan and sign purchasing contract, purchasing material to warehouse timely.3.2 供应部负责人负责采购计划,采购合同的审核批准。
Responsible person of purchasing dept. is responsible for the approval of purchasing plan and purchasing contract4 程序:Procedure4.1 采购信息Purchasing information4.1.1 采购申请purchasing application各部门根据顾客订单要求等,向供应部提出采购申请,在呈报给供应部之前,已完成的采购申请应经本部门负责人批准。

1 目的Objective为确保采购的原材料,协配件符合规定要求及进行有效的控制,特制定本程序。
The objective of this procedure is to ensure that the purchased raw materials and components conform to the specifications and that they are under effective control.2 适用范围Applicable Scope适用于原材料、协配件的采购。
This is applicable to the purchase of raw materials and components.3 职责Responsibility3.1 工程技术部负责提供原材料、协配件的图样和技术标准等文件。
The Engineering Department is responsible for providing sample drawings and technicalstandards related to the raw materials and components.3.2 采购物流部负责采购计划的编制和实施采购。
The Purchase & Logistics Department is responsible for formulating purchase plan andimplementing purchase activities.3.3 主管领导负责采购计划和采购资料的审批。
The supervisory managers are responsible for the examination and approval of purchaseplan and data.3.4 质量部负责采购产品的检验和试验。
The Quality Department is responsible for the inspection and test of the purchasedproducts.4 工作程序Work Procedures4.1 采购文件的编写与审批Compilation & Approval of Purchase Documents4.1.1 每月25日前采购物流部根据公司每月生产计划和仓库库存情况,编制采购计划,报主管领导审批。

File Name 文件名称Control Procedure forEquipment Purchase设备采购控制程序File No.文件编号MP/Q 08-LEdition版次B/2Page页次1/81、Purpose/目的Standardize the equipment purchase process to ensure the needed equipments of each department are in place and guarantee the purchased equipments meet the requirements of the company.规范设备采购流程,保证公司各部门所需设备正常到位,确保采购的设备符合公司的要求。
2、Scope/适用范围Applicable to all the production equipments, IT equipments, administration and logistics equipments, experiment equipments and workshop facilities that the unit price is more than 2000 RMB in the Lithium-ion battery branch of the company.适用于本公司锂电所有单价大于或等于2000元,使用寿命超过一年的生产加工设备、IT设备、行政后勤设备、试验设备、厂房设施等。
3、Responsibility/职责3.1 Material Department: takes charge of the effective implementation of this procedure. MaterialDepartment manager takes charge of monitoring and supervising the operation of this procedure.3.1 物料部:负责本程序的有效实施,物料部经理负责监控本程序的运作。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
XX有限公司文件编号:版本版次:制定部门:制定日期:修定日期:总页次:会签:1.0 目的Purpose建立公司采购过程的管理程序,对产品采购的过程及价格进行有效控制,以确保所采购的物品/服务质量能符合和满足公司的各项生产需求。
To establish a management procedure for purchasing process control, ensure to control the product purchasing process and price effectively, in order to ensure the products/service purchased can satisfy the company’s requirements and needs.2.0 范围Scope本文件适用于公司内部所有采购过程(指满足公司最终产品所需要的各种原材料、辅助材料、设备及维修材料、外协加工服务、工具以及其它物品的采购)。
This procedure apply to all purchase process happen in our company (all kinds of rawmaterial, auxiliary material, equipments and maintain material, outside machining service, tooling and all other goods needed by the company’s production or work.)3.0 适用文件Applicable documents以下文件的最新版本有效The latest issue of the following documents are effect.COP037 《供应商管理程序》<Suppliers management procedure>COP028 《仓储管理程序》<Storage Management Procedure>COP010《测量仪器校正与管理程序》<Measuring Equipment Calibration and Management Procedure> COP002《质量环境记录控制程序》< Quality and environment Records control procedure>COP038《不合格品控制程序》<Control procedure for Unsatisfactory Products>QCI002 《IQC来料检验作业指导书》<Working Instruction for Incoming Material Inspection>PMI014《产品搬运包装防护作业指导书》<Products Conveying, Packing and Protecting Work Instruction>4.0 职责Responsibilities4.1 采购部负责制定物料的采购计划、采购以及价格控制。
Purchasing department is responsible to arrange the material purchase plan, purchaseprocess and price control.4.2 品保部负责公司成品委外检验和试验,仪器校正的作业。
QA department is responsible for the finished product’s third-party inspection and testing,and the job of equipment calibration.4.3 维修部负责制定生产设备配件、水电材料采购计划。
MA department is responsible for arrange purchase plan for production equipmentfittings, water and electricity materials.4.4 工艺部负责工程使用物料的申购,与生产有关设备的评估选择、设备改造项目的计划。
ME departments is responsible to apply to purchase the engineering probationmaterials, evaluate and choose the equipments related to production, and the projectplan of equipment alteration.4.5 各部门负责本部门生产消耗性配件、常用工具以及与生产消耗无关物品的采购申请。
Other departments are responsible for purchase application of production consumptivefittings, normal tools and products not related to production consume.4.6 其它与生产有关的消耗性辅料、劳动保护用品等,由各部门制定月消耗标准,由仓库出采购申请采购。
The other products such as consumptive auxiliary material related to production, laborprotection appliance, shall make a monthly consume standards by use department, andthen hand into storehouse to apply to purchase.4.7 网络设备及其消耗性材料(除生产设备附属之电脑及零部件)由电脑部统一申请采购。
MIS department shall apply to purchase the network equipments and their consumptivematerial (exclude the computer and parts attached on production equipments)5.0程序内容Procedure content5.1 生产物料的采购Production material purchasing5.1.1 采购计划Purchase plan5.1.1.1采购计划制定的依据为历史产量及物料用量、当月的销售订单的状况。
The purchase plan is prepare base on the past output and materials dosage, the salesorder of this month.采购部将物料采购分为单项控制和批量控制。
Purchase department separate the material purchase as monomial control and batchcontrol. And the important raw material and special material will carry the monomialcontrol, the other material will carry batch control.单项控制的物料,对于每一份订单,采购员应先查询生产制作指示并结合物料消耗定额标准,计算其需求量,在ERP里生成采购请求单。
Materials which take monomial control, for each order, buyer shall query theproduction fabricate instruction firstly and combine with material consume rationstandards, calculate theirneeds, create the purchase application in ERP system. 批量控制的物料,采购员可根据预计月产量、该物料的订货周期,制定安全库存、最低库存的订购点以及计划采购量。
Materials which take batch control, buyer can make the safety storage,theminimum inventory reorder point and planed purchase quantity base on theguesstimate monthly output and order cycle. 采购计划量需考虑库存数量、采购周期、已订购在途数量、最低库存量以及物料的有效期限及月末库存金额等因素。
Purchase plans need to consider the factors such as amount of storage, purchasecycle, ordered amount in-transit, the minimum storage, the material’s useful-lifeand the stocks value in the end of the month. The production cycle of the ordershall also take into consideration for monomial control, and the average consumeof each order shall be take into consideration for batch control. 完成采购计划后,可汇总采购批量,生成采购申请单。
Summarize the purchase batch after finished the purchase plan, create purchaseapplication.5.1.2 送货计划Deliver plan5.1.2.1采购请求单经采购部经理、财务部成本中心、总裁审批后,可向供应商发出正式的订购单。
Send the formal order form to supplier after the purchase application approvedby purchase department manager, cost center principal and the president.所有采购单需明确材料名称、规格、数量、交货时间、币种、税率、价格、包装、运输及交付方式、付款方式等其它必要条件。