5年级下册英语剑桥Join in版 Unit6

动词 动词 形容 词 名词 形容 词 形容 词 动词
形容 词
骑 地面 害怕 的 年龄 矮的
健壮 的
例句:I can ride a bike。我会骑自行车 例句:He is lying on the ground。他正躺在地上。 例句:There‘s no need to be afraid。没有必要害 怕。 例句:What‘s your age?你多大了? 例句:My brother is short,我弟弟个子矮。
1.借助图片和实物来加深对重点单词的理解。 2.根据教师创设的情景,学生动手来设计自己喜欢的衣服。
coat ride ground afraid
age short
worry strong
名词 外套 例句:Put your coat on。穿上外套。
例句:He is tall and thin,他又高又瘦。
例句:She worries about her daughter。她担心她 女儿。 例句:He is a big strong man。
名词 银行 例句:We have little money in the bank。我们存在
He is good at swimming, 他很擅长游泳 解析:interes
His parents are proud of him. 他的父母为他感到自豪 解析:interes
dark 解析:interes

外研社剑桥小学英语Join_in四年级上册整体课时教案Starter Unit Let's begin第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:How are you today? I’m fine/OK.Goodbye.The pupils learn to use:What’s your name? I’m (Alice).How are you? I’m fine. I’m OK.Activities and skills:Decoding meaning from teacher input.Using phrases for interaction in class.Greeting each other.I Introduce oneself.Asking someone’s mane.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.Sing a song. Hello, what’s your name?Step 2: Presentation.1. What’s your name? I’m….(1) The teacher introduces herself, saying:Hello, /Good morning, I’m Miss Sun.(2) Asks a volunteer’s name:What’s your name?The teacher prompt the pupil by whispering, I’m (Alice).(3) Asks all the pupils the same question and help those who need it by whisperingI’m….2. How are you today? I’m fine. I’m OK.(1) The teacher explains the meaning of How are you today? (2) Tell the class to ask the question all together and introduce two answers,I’m (notvery) fine/I’m Ok.(3) Asks all the pupils the same question and make sure that all the students can reply.Step3: Speak English in class.1. Tells the pupils to open their books at page3, look at the four photographs, andlisten to the tape.2. Asks the pupils to dramatise the situations depicted in the four photographs. Avolunteer will play the part of the parts of the other pupils, answering as a group.第二学时:The pupils learn to use these new words:Sandwich, hamburger, hot dog, puller, cowboy, jeans, cinema, walkman, snack bar, Taxi, clown, superstar.Activities and skills:Singing the song and colouring picture frames.Teaching process:Step 1:Warm—up:Greetings:(1) Good morning!(2) I’m Miss Sun. What’s your name?I’m (Alice, John…).(3) How are you today?I’m fine/OK.Step 2: New words.1. Learn to say these words one by one using flash cards.2. Guessing game.Is it a cowboy/snack bar…?No, it isn’t. Yes, it is.3. Read them following teacher.4. Colour the frames.(1)Open book at page4, take your colour pens. Listen and colour.(2)Colour your (hamburger, orange…).(3)Let’s check.The hamburger is orange.Step 3: Sing the song.1. Listen to the tape.2. Teacher sings the words.3. Learn to say the words.4. Let’s sing it one sentence by one sent ence.5. Sing the song and do the actions together.Step 4: Say good—bye.Goodbye, children.Goodbye, Miss Sun. See you next time.第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:Watch me. Stretch. Clap your hands. Stand back to back.Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. The pupils learn to use: Good morning./Morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.Good night.Activities and skills:Carrying out action story.Listening to the tape and filling numbers.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up(1) Greetings.(2) Play guessing game with flash cards. (3) Sing the song: English is easy.Step 2: Mime the action story.1. The teacher and the pupils listen to the instructions on the cassette. The teacherperforms each action and the pupils watch and then imitate the teacher. Repeat thisstage several times.2. The teacher gives the instructions in the same order which the pupils heard them onthe cassette during Phase 1. The pupils listen and do the actions one at a time,following the teacher’s instructions.3. The teacher gives the instructions in jumbled order. The pupils listen and performsthe actions one at a time.Step 3: Listen and fill in the numbers.(1) Listen and mime.(2) Fill in the numbers.(3) Check it. Make sure that everyone is correct.Step 4: Learn to say.The teacher draws a clock on blackboard. When it is 7:30, says “Good morning” or“Morning” to the pupils. The pupils answer “Good morning” or “Morning”.“Good afternoon”, “Good evening” and “Good night” are the same above.第四学时:The pupils learn to use:How are you? I’m fine/very well/OK.Thank you. And you?Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.Activities and skills:Speaking and comprehension:Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up.1. Greetings.Good morning. /Morning.Good afternoon.2. Sing a song: Join in.Step 2: Let’s read and act.1. T: Hello, I’m Miss Sun. What’s your name?S: Hi, I’m Alice.T: Nice to meet you.Tell the student that he or she should say “Nice to meet you, too.”Have this conversation with others, and make sure that all the pupils can say itcorrectly.2. Other sentences just to be taught and learnt like those above.3. Actions:(1). Pair work: Two pupils to act the conversations. (2). Boys and girls competition.Step 3: The end.Goodbye, children.Goodbye, Miss Sun.Unit 1 Numbers第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:The tiger jump.Do the numbers rock.The pupils learn to say:Numbers 1—12.Twelve o’clock; do the numbers rock.Yippee!Let’s do the tiger jump.Your turn.Activities and skills:Singing the song: The numbers rock.Saying the chant : The tiger jump.Colouring the numbers.Listening to conversations and matching the names of children with numbers ondice.Playing two number games.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.1. Count numbers from 1 to 10.2. Sing the song. Hop.Step 2: Listen and sing the song. The numbers rock. 1. Learn to say:11 eleven, 12 twelve. Twelve o’clock.2. Listen and say the chant.Step 3: Listen and say the chant.1. The teacher says the chant and performances in the same order,the pupils follow.2. Teacher says, pupils do in the same order.3. The teacher saysand pupils do in the jumbled order. 4. Listen to the tape and say the chant, do the actions.Step 4: Colour the numbers.1. Show numbers’ cards 1—12 to the pupils. Count them.2. Open book at page9, match numbers with the words.3. Colour them and check them.Step 5: Listen and match.1. Teacher writes numbers on the blackboard. The pupils read them.For example: 3, 6, 1 5, 4 5, etc.2. Listen and match then check.3. learn to say “Your turn.”4. Play the game in class.第二学时:The pupils learn to understand:What’s in the box?Guess the number.Super prize!Come on, (Fred).Here is your prize, Emma.Thank you, Emma.Great!The pupils learn to use:What’s in the box?Snails! Yuk!How many?Activities and skills,Listening to and understanding a story. Playing game: “Guess the number.”Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.1. Say the chant : The tiger jump.2. Sing the song: The numbers rock.Step 2: A game. Guess the number. 1. Count numbers 1—12.2. Shows the pupils numbers’ cards, guess the number.3. Take a box, put some glass balls in it. Shows them a glass ball, asks:What’s this? What’s in t he box? How many?If the pupils are right, says “Great! Here is your prize.” And give them a glass ball.Step 3: A story. The snails.1. Teacher says, You will hear a story. The snails. Please listen carefully.2. Listen to the tape several times.3. Make sure that the pupils fully understand the meaning of this story.4. Play this game in class.第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:Guess the number.The pupils learn to use:Twelve is two plus ten, now let’s start again.How many?Yes. / No.Activities and skills:Saying the rhyme.Playing two number games.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.Sing the song. The numbers rock.Step 2: Listen and say the rhyme. 1. Count numbers 1—12.2. Read the words line by line several times.3. listen to the tape, say the rhyme.4. Asks a group of 6-7 pupils stand in a circle, and say the rhyme, see who is left out.Step 3: Play a game.1. Teacher asks a pupil to come to the front of the class and demonstrate the game asshown in the first two pictures.2. Play in pairs and proceed in the same way for the second game.3. Play this game one by one.第四学时:The pupils learn to understand and use:What’s your phone number?Activities and skills:Listening and taking notes of phone numbers and saying what they are.Asking other pupils for their phone numbers and taking notes.Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up.1. Count numbers 1—12.2. Say the rhyme.Step 2: Listen and write the phone numbers.1. Draw a big telephone on the board. Introduce the word Phone or telephone immediately followed by the sentence My phone number is ….2. Listen and write.Tell the pupils that they are going to hear some recorded interviews, and that theyhave to listen and discover the telephone numbers of a few children. Read the names of the children out loud and ask the pupils to repeat them. Listen to the tape several times and write.3. Let’s check.Step 3: Write your phone numbers.1. The pupils write their phone number. Tell them how to read the number.2. Read your number yourself.Step 4: Asks children’s phone number.1. Teacher asks, what’s your phone number? A volunteer answers, other pupils write down.2. Work in pairs.3. The pupils ask and answer each other, and write.4. Let’s check.第五学时:Teaching aims:1. Learn to say:How many girls/boys/flags…can you see?Let me count. I can see….2. Learn to say:What is (seven) plus (twelve)?What is (eleven) minas (nine)?3. Write the numbers 1—12.Teaching process:Step 1: A game.Prepare a box which is full of glass balls. Shows them the box, and asks, what’s in it?Let pupil guess, and then someone touches it. (Glass balls.)How many? How many glass balls? How many glass balls can you see? Count, please. The pupil counts. One, two, three, four…Step 2: Learn to say.1. Teacher chooses a group of pupils, and asks, how many girls can you see? Tellsthem to reply, let me count. And then, count. One, two,…. Tells them to say, I can see…2. Repeat this exercise several times.3. Ask and answer with other words which they learned, such as boys, flags, dogs…Step 3: Learn to say.1. Write those below on the blackboard:7+5 8+2 11-96+4 12-9 2+2Point a pupil to read them.2. The teacher asks What is 7 plus 5,Make sure that each pupil can reply “It’s…” correctly.3. Pupils open book at page 15, work in pairs.Some pairs of pupils wok in class.Step 4: Complete the word puzzle.1. Show the pupils flashcards of numbers 1—12. Read them, and spell the words. 2. Open book at page 15, complete the 14th exercise.3. Check it.Unit 2 Colours第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:What colour is this/The pupils learn to use:Colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, white.I like (green) and (red); I like orange, too.Oh, what a rainbow!Activities and skills:Listening to words and pointing at the appropriate pictures in the box.Sing a song.Teaching process:Step 1: warm—up.1. Greetings.Good morning. / Good afternoon.2. Sing a song. Butterfly.Step 2: Listen and point—presentation.1. Introduce the following colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white and black.Show the pupils colours with the help of coloured flash cards and objects in the classroom,2. Say the words.(1) Show a colour and say the word several times, then ask thepupils to repeat it. (2) Name a colour and ask the pupils to touch something of that colour. 3. A game.(1) Teacher names a colour, four pupils touch an object of the correct colour. The last pupil is “out”. The winner is the person who touches the correct one first.(2) Asks of the pupils to take over the role of the teacher.(3) Proceed in the same way for the other remaining colours.Step 3: Listen and point.Open their book at page 16, listen to the tape carefully, point the corresponding colour.Step 4: Listen and sing s song. Rainbow.1. Draw a picture of a rainbow on the board and introduce the word Rainbow.2. Listen to the word and repeat it.3. Sing the song following the tape.第二学时:The pupils learn to understand:1. What colour is (the wizard’s house)?2. I’m from Italy; (Great Britain; Argentina; Brazil).The pupils learn to use:I’m (Lucia). I’m from China. This is my flag.Activities and skills:Finding out from a listening text wha t colour the wizard’s house is (listening for detail).第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:Help.Open the door.The pupils learn to use:(Green), please. Here you are.Good night! Good morning!What’s this? Wow!Activities and skills:Listening to and understanding a story.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.1. Sing a song. The rainbow.2. (1) Teacher walks around the classroom asking the pupils:Blue, please. Green, please, etc.The pupils should give me a colored pencil requested. (2) Do the same exercise by the pupils in pairs.Step 2: The story.1. Introduce and practise new vocabulary. Here you are. Help. Open the door. What’s this?2. Pupils listen to the text two or three times with their books closed and try toimagine what is happening from the tone of the voices and blackboard noises. 3. Pupils listen two or three times with their books open.4. Pupils listen one more time with their eyes closed and try to imagine what they saw in the text.Step 3: Act out the story.Two pupils for wizards, somebody to make the noises of boiling water, and explosion, colored bottles.第四学时:The pupils learn to understand:What’s my favourite colour? Is it (blue)?What’s your favourite colour?Yes, that’s right.The pupils learn to use:Guess.What’s my favourite colour? Is it (blue)?What’s your favourite colour?Yes, that’s right.Activities and skills:Playing a game based on the principle of information gap.Completing dialogues in writing.Listening to a chant and circling patches of colour.Saying a chant.Doing a crossword puzzle.Teaching process:Step 1: Play a guessing game.1. Ask a pupil to touch a part of the coloured fish.The teacher can’t see what colour the pupil is touching and, naming several different colours, should try to guess.2. Once the pupils have understand the way game works, they can play in pairs and exchange roles.Step 2: Complete the dialogues.1. Learn to write the words and sentence:Green, blue, white, please.Here you are.2. Ask the pupils to look carefully at the four scenes and to complete the dialogues according to what they see in the pictures.Step 3: A chant.1. The pupils should listen to the chant once all the way through.2. Then they listen a second time, but this time the tape should be stopped after each question to give the pupils time to circle the colour.3. Finally they listen a third time to check the answers.The teacher should check that the pupils have understood and ask which colours theyhave circled. The pupils say the colours in the correct order.4. The teacher writes them on the blackboard. The pupils copy the words.5. Repeat the chant in two separate groups.第五学时:The pupils learnt to understand:What about you?What about this?What’s that over t here?The pupils learn to use:I’m from (America).I like (red) best.What’s your favourite colour?What colour do you like?Activities and skills:Speaking those sentences in groups. Talking about the birthplace and the favourite colours of themselves.Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up1. Say the chant: what’s your favourite colour?2. Revise the words: Great Britain, Italy, Brazil, Argentina.I’m from China.Step 2: Let’s learn and work in groups.1. Introduce new words.America, England, Canada, best, about. 2. Learn to say.I’m….I’m from….I like (red) best.3. Introduce how to use “what about you?”. Make sure that everyone has understoodit.4. Read the sentences.Step 3: Work in the groups.1. Pair work.2. Teacher and student act in class.3. Work in tablemates as the model.Step 4: Let’s talk.1. Introduce new words: jeep, over there.2. Using some flashcards, ask and answer. T: What’s this? (A car.)S: It’s a car.T: What colour is it?S: It’s (red).And tell the volunte er to say: It’s a Chinese car. All the class repeat it.The teacher shows them another flashcard, and asks: What about this? Make sure that the student can answer it correctly.3. Talk about the flashcards in pairs.4. Let’s talk in class.Unit 3 School things第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:What colour is the wizard’s schoolbag,The pupils learn to use:Pen, pencil, pencil case, schoolbag, ruler, eraser, book..Activities and skills:Listening to the words on the tape and filling in the numbers in the book. Listening to the tape and finding out what colour the wizard’s schoolbag is.Teaching process:Step1: Warm--up.1. Show pupils some school things, such as:pencil, book, pen, schoolbag, pencil case. Ask pupils: What’s this? It’s a (p en).2. A game Toby says:Touch your (pen). Take your (book).Step2: Listen and fill in the numbers.1. Introduce the new vocabulary using regalia, rule, eraser,2. The pupils open their books at Page 24.The teacher reads the words, first in the order in which they are presented and then injumbled order, ask the pupils to point to the corresponding picture.3. Listen and fill in the numbers.(1) The first time, the pupils listen to the tape without interruptions for general dothe exercise by themselves.(2) The second time, the pupils listen to the tape without interruptions so that everybody can do the exercise.Check the answer. Name the objects and ask the pupils to answer with the corresponding numbers.Step3. Listen. What colour is the wizards schoolbag.1. Tell the pupils in Chinese that they have to discover the colour of the wizards schoolbag.2. Give them an example.The pupils point to the word start, the teacher says blue and the pupils point to the blue square. Then say ruder and the pupils touch the ruder.Proceed in this way from ruder to yellow, and then to pencil to blue to eraser.At this point ask what colour is the wizards schoolbag? (Blue). 3. Listen to the tape and follow the sequence of squares using a pencil. 4. Listen two or three times to check the answer.第二学时:The pupils learn to understand:Open your (schoolbag).Take out (a ruler).Take out (two books).What’s this? A skipping rope.Hooray!The pupils learn to use:Three pens, four pencils, two books.Activities and skills:Understanding instructions and miming actions.Listening to the tape and filling in numbers.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.Ask and answer.Show the pupils a ruler, a pen , a schoolbag, two erasers, four books, three pencils. Ask: What’s this? What colour is it? How many books can you see? Etc.Step 2: New word.Show them a skipping rope and teach the new word.Step 3: Mime the action story.1. The teacher and the pupils listen to the instructions on the cassette. The teacher performs each action and the pupils watch and then imitate the teacher. Repeat this stage several times.2. The teacher gives the instructions in the same order which the pupils heard them on the cassette during Phase 1. The pupils listen and do the a ctions one at a time, following the teacher’s instructions.3. The teacher gives the instructions in jumbled order. The pupils listen and performs the actions one at a time.Step 4: Listen and fill in the numbers.(4) Listen and mime.(5) Fill in the numbers.(6) Check it. Make sure that everyone is correct.第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:How many (red) things are there?The pupils learn to use:Two pens, three erasers, four pens, five rulers.Activities and skills:Reading what is in the picture and colour frames around word groups in the appropriate colour.Counting school things in a picture puzzle.Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up.A guessing game.1. Show the pupils a box which is full of pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, and books.And ask the pupils to guess how many pens/ pencils/rulers/erasers/books are there?T: Guess! How many (pens)?2. When the pupils guess correctly, ask them: What colou are the (two pens)?Step 2: Read and colour the frames.1. Introduce how to do the exercise.Point out to the pupils that there are 10 pictures and only five boxes on the right. Thepupils have to colour the frames of the boxes on the right following the example. Theframe of the box containing the words two pens, is orange like the two pens in thedrawing.2. The pupils colour the frames themselves.3. Check the answer.Ask the pupils to say which colours match which words.Step3: Count and write the numbers.1. Read the sentences several times. And translate the questions.2. The pupils write exercise in the book.3. Check the answer.Ask the question and the pupils answer orally.第四课时 :Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to understand:Stop it.Come here, Timmy.Help me, please.Where’s my pencil case?It’s not here.I’ve got it!2. Acticities and skills:Decoding the meaning of the language in a story. Important and Difficult front:Understand the sentences of the story.Teaching process:Step 1:Warming-up1. Sing an English song: Join in.2. Revise the school thing. Which have learnt in this unit.3. Revise the sentence: Here is your prize. Here is my prize.Step 2 : Presentation1. Listen to the story.2. Ask the students to open their books at page 28.3. Ask them listen to the tape, listen to an English story.4. Ask the students to tell the meaning of the story.Step 3 : Learn to understand the sentences.1. Ask some students do a action, then say: Stop it, xxx.” Let the students tell themeaning of the sentence. Then practise it.2. Pre tend to find something, and say: Where’s my pen?” Ask the students to say whatam I doing. And tell the meaning of the sentence.3. Ask someone xxx, help me, please.” Let him/her find things with me. Then ask them to tell the meaning of the sentence.4. Practise the two Sentences in pairs.5. Say:It’s not here,” while finding the thing. Let them say the meaning of thesentence. Then practise it.6.When finding the thing, say: I’ve got it!” Let the students tell the meaning of thesentence. then practise to say it.Step 4 : Consolidation1. Listen again and say the sentences after the tape.2. Perform the story in the class.第五学时 :Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to use:How many desks are there?What about Chairs?How many pens have you got?2. Activities and skills:Let’s read.Let’s work in groups.Important and difficult point: Read the conversation.Teaching process:Step 1 : Revision1. Sing an English song: In our classroom.2. Show some pictures to the students and ask them to read it. (desks). (chairs).3. Revise the colours.4. Revise the sentences. Which they have leaned in previous class.5. Spell the words.Step 2 : PresentationA: Learn to say the conversation.1. Show a picture to the students.2. Ask the m How many desks are there”?3. Ask: What about Chairs? How many chairs are there?”4. Show some other things to the student, practise to the sentence How many(desks)are there?”5. Read the conversation to the students, ask them to tell me the meaning of theconversation.6. Read the conversation after the teacher several times. Then practise by themselvesin pairs, until they can read it correctly.7. Ask someone to perform the conversation in the front of the classroom.Step 3 : Play a game and do the group work.1. Send something to the students.2. Ask them one by one: How many pens have you got?” Answer the question in steadof the students. Then ask them to tell me the meaning of the sentence. 3. Ask them to read the sentence after the teacher several times. 4. Practise the sentence by themselves, until they can read it correctly. 5. Do the group work.第六学时 (12. Revision)Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to read the sentences:I have got (a small room).It’s (nice) and (cle an).There is (a bed) (in my room).There is (a computer) (on the desk).I often work at the desk.2. Activitise and skills: Read the text.Important and difficult point:Can read the text of the lesson.Teaching process:Step 1 :Revision1. Sing an English song.2. Spell and read the words:pencil, pencil case, pen, book, eraser, ruler, schoolbag. 3. Look the pictures and say.Two pencils two blue pencils ect.5. Ask and answer:How many pencils are there?How many blue things are there?How many pens have you got?Step 2 :PresentationA : Look at the pictures, learn to say the new words. 1. Point the thing and say the English of it.2. Ask the students to read the word after the teacher. (bed computer)3. Practise to say the words by themselves, and then say out loudly, until they can redit correctly.B : Look at the picture again. Ask and answer:Where is the (bed),1. Ask the students to look at the picture and answer: Where is the bed?2. Answer in stead of the students: It’s in t he room.e the same way to teach:It’s by the window.It’s on the desk.Step 3: Learn to say the text.1. Look at the picture and listen to the teacher read the text.2. Ask them to tell the meaning of the text.3. Read the text after the teacher several times.4. Practise to read the text by themselves, until they can read it correctly.5. Ask someone to point the picture and say the text.Unit 4 Pets第一学时:Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to use:What have you got?Have you got a pet? Yes, I have.2. Learn to use the words:Cat dog mouse fish budgie, rabbit. Hamster. 3. Activities and skills: Saying a chantListening to a cassette and finding out what the wizard’s pet is.Important and difficult point:pictures, radio and tape.Teaching process:REVISION:1. Sing an English song: join in.2. Conversation:What’s your favourite colour?What colour is the schoolbag? ect.PRESENTATION:A: Learn to say the six new words.1. Learn to say the word: cat.Show a picture of a cat to the students, tell them: This is a cat.” Ask them to read the word after the teacher several times. Then practise by themselves, until they canread the word correctly.e the same way to teach the other words: dog, mouse, fish,budgie, rabbit.3.Fun time.Listen to the sound of these animals or mine these animals. Ask the students to saythe words and at the same time point to the corresponding flashcard.B: Learn to say the sentences.1. Learn to say the sentence: Have you got a pet?Pretend to need a pen and ask a pupil: Have you got a pen? If necessary translatethe sentence.2. Read the sentence after the teacher several times.3. Practise the sentence by themselves:Use the flashcard and ask the students:Have you got a (ha mster)? And then answer “Yes.” And then ask the students to askthe teacher answer.e the same way to teach:What have you got?C: Listen and say the chant.Play the chant two or three times and ask the pupils to repeat it, until they can readit correctly.D: Listen and find the wizard’s pet.Ask the same way before.BLACKBOARD DESIGN:PetsCat dog mouseFish budgiz rabbit。

《Join_In》剑桥小学英语导学案例《Join_In》剑桥小学英语导学案例《Join In》1剑桥小学英语导学案例――四年级小学英语教材Colours---Let’s learn and work in groups武汉市洪山区广埠屯小学夏爱华《Join_In》剑桥小学英语导学案例《Join In》1剑桥小学英语导学案――四年级小学英语教材Unit 2: Colours(Part 9)武汉市洪山区广埠屯小学夏爱华一.设计背景教案,是教师教学活动的设计。

4. 能正确理解句子并根据听到的录音结合图片标号。
5. 能会认读有关月份的单词,并圈出来,正确地写一写。
6. 能听懂、读懂对话内容,根据对话内容填空并能在提示下进行复述。
7. 能读懂对话, 并给问句找到相应的答句。 。
8. 能根据图片正确理解句子并作出相应判断, 看图,结合图片信息回答有关 there
第二课时: 2, 3,4,Revision1(Page26-1)
第三课时: 5a,5b, Group work,Revision1(Page27-3)
第四课时: 6,Revision1(Page28-4)
第五课时: 7, 8,Pair work
第一课时: 1a,b
It's …
clock. 指的是整点,而 It's half past … .表达的是几点半,并根据找出的字母认
识单词 midnight 。
重点是复习 1-12 的数字单词 。 区分 It's … clock指. 的是整点,而 It's half
past … .表达的是几点半。可要求学生自制钟面一个,课堂上利用自己制作的
’ clock.
第一课时: part1a,1b
五年级下册英语剑桥Join in知识要点汇总

JOIN IN英语五年级期下册课本知识点Start unit Join in againWords touch触摸enjoy享受……的乐趣everyone每个人fun乐趣head头near接近shake hands握手alphabet字母Sentences1.Touch your nose and shake your head.触摸你的鼻子,摇摇你的头。
2.Welcome back now.欢迎回来。
3.Learning can be lots of fun.学习充满乐趣。
4.Enjoy your time in class again.很高兴再次回到课堂。
5.Sing and dance and rock with me.跟我来唱跳摇滚吧。
6.Shake hands with your partner.和你的同伴摇摇手。
7.Turn around.转圈。
8.Dance with me.跟我跳舞。
Unit1A phone callWordsask问before在……以前call通话get收到,接到ill病paint颜料programme节目something某物,某事website网站work运转wrong有问题的across穿过;横过like喜欢read读collect收集Phraseshave to不得不listen to music听音乐do shopping购物mobile phone移动电话over there在那边,在那儿phone call电话phone box电话亭write emails写邮件play games玩游戏get messages收信息watch TV programmes看电视节目see films看电影make phone calls打电话visit websites访问网站take photos拍照send messages发邮件Sentences 1.Wait a moment.稍等。
剑桥小学英语《Join in》Book3 Unit8 Part4,5教学设计

教学设计剑桥小学英语《Join in》Book3 Unit8 Part4,5一、说教材1、教材内容分析本课选自《剑桥小学英语Join in》Book3 Unit8 In town ( Part4,5),教学对象为小学六年级学生。
本单元以“Asking the way”为中心话题,与我们的生活紧密结合,是我们经常要用到的知识。
2、教学目标(1)语言知识目标复习九个建筑物单词和五个方位词;正确运用句型“Excuse me, where’s the police office?”;运用所学知识用英语问路或给别人指路;(2)语言技能目标在活动中运用和感知语言;通过听音和与他人交流提高学生的听力能力;学生在情境中感受并学会运用语言,进一步培养用英语思维和表达的能力;运用任务型教学,让学生在完成任务中,获得语言,锻炼他们的英语表达能力;(3)情感、态度、价值观通过设计多项游戏活动进一步激发和培养学生学生学习英语的兴趣;通过创设情境,让学生感受和学会运用语言,并用英语解决问题,培养学生的语言运用能力;通过设计“小导游”活动,让学生感受家乡的悠久历史,培养他们热爱祖国文化遗产的品质;3、教学重难点能正确用英语问路并给他人指路;能正确描述建筑物的大致方向;二、说教法和学法课堂教学中我始终本着以“学生为主体”的教学思想,采用多种教学方法,如:任务型教学法、情境法、听说法、交际法、小组合作法,从学生的兴趣出发,创设多种生活情境,将学生带入语言的学习中,让学生在“学中用,用中学”,体现了教学的交际性。
剑桥小学英语Join 教材分析

《剑桥小学英语Join in —入门阶段》教材教法分析(上)一、教材分析:(一).教材特点:《Join in 》教材的突出特点表现在以下几个方面:1.以学生为主体,全面提高学生的素质。
剑桥(join in)版小学英语五年级下册单元知识梳理总结(全册)

Start unit Join in again一、熟读词汇二、背诵句型1 Touch your nose and shake your head. 触摸你的鼻子,摇摇你的头。
2 Welcome back now. 欢迎回来。
3 Learning can be lots of fun. 学习充满乐趣。
4 Enjoy your time in class again. 很高兴再次回到课堂。
5 Sing and dance and rock with me. 跟我来唱跳摇滚吧。
6 Shake hands with your partner. 和你的同伴摇摇手。
7 Turn around. 转圈。
8 Dance with me. 跟我跳舞。
重点:一、介绍自己的家庭和好朋友书P3 1、There be 句型: There is...单数或不可数There are...复数2、介绍朋友可以从年龄:How old is he?生日:When is his birthday?来自哪个国家:Where is he from?会什么:What can he do?喜欢什么: What does he love?通常什么时间起床:when does he get up in the morning?什么时间去学校:When does he go to school?什么时候开始上课:When do classes begin?什么时候回家:When does he go home?什么时候睡觉:When does he go to bed?等方面进行描述二、一般现在时:1、概念:一般现在时:表示经常性的事情,经常性的动作或一般性事实。
时间状语:often 经常,usually通常,always 总是,every每个,sometimes 有时,at …在几点钟只有在第三人称单数用动词的“三单变化”,其他用动词的原形。
剑桥(join in)版五年级上册英语全册课件

She is taking photos.
She is reading.
She is playing the piano.
Listen, number and repeat.
Role play
—What are you doing? —I’m...
Complete the sentence.
Mike: Hi, Linda. _______H_doowyou like Canada?
Linda: It’s a _____b_e_a_u_tcifouul ntry! I like it very much.
Mike: Thank you. What _____areyyeoaru in?
She is doing homework. She is cleaning her room. She is playing computer games. She is reading. She is listening to English. She is swimming. She is taking photos. She is playing the piano.
I’m doing my homework. She is doing her homework.
Let’s say.
I’m cleaning my room. She is cleaning her room.

序号 英文 中文序号 英文 中文1and/ænd/和,与25look/lʊk/看2are/ɑː/是26mime/maɪm/比划着表达3begin/bɪ'gɪn/开始27Miss/mɪs/小姐4child/tʃaɪld/孩子(复数形式为children)28morning/'mɔːnɪŋ/早晨,上午5colour/'kʌlə/给……着色;色彩,颜色29name/neɪm/名字6come/kʌm/来30OK/əʊˈkeɪ/行,可以7come on过来呀31play/pleɪ/玩耍8draw/drɔː/画32read/riːd/阅读9easy/'iːzi/容易的33ready/'redi/准备好的10English/'ɪŋglɪʃ/英语34sing/sɪŋ/唱11fine/faɪn/健康的35speak/spiːk/说话,讲话12good/gʊd/好的36the/ðə/〔用于表示你正在谈论一个已经提到过、已经知道的人或物〕13goodbye/ˌgʊd'baɪ/再见37think/θɪŋk/想14guess/ges/猜测38tiger/'taɪgə/老虎15hello/hə'ləʊ/你好39today/tə'deɪ/今天16hi/haɪ/〔非正式〕你好40what(what's=what is)什么(是什么)17how/haʊ/怎么样(尤在见面时用于询问健康状况)41write/raɪt/写18I(I'm=Iam)我(我是)42yeah/jeə/〔非正式〕是,对19in/ɪn/在……里43you/juː/你20is/ɪz/是44your/jʊə/你的21join/dʒɔɪn/参加45action/ˈækʃ(ə)n/行为22kid/kɪd/小孩,儿童46apple/'æpl/苹果23let(let's=let us)让(用于表示提议或帮忙)47bed/bed/床24listen(to)听48bye-bye/baɪbaɪ/〔非正式〕再见,拜拜外研剑桥joinin版三年级英语上册单词表49cat/kæt/猫74no/nəʊ/不,不行50dog/dɒg/狗75number/'nʌmbə/数字;电话号码51egg/eg/蛋76one/wʌn/一52go/gəʊ/走77phone/fəʊn/电话53me/miː/我78prize/praɪz/奖品54my/maɪ/我的79seven/'sevn/七55new/njuː/新的80six/sɪks/六56skateboard/ˈskeɪtbɔːd/滑板81snail/sneɪl/蜗牛57this/ðɪs/这,这个82super/ˈsuːpə(r)/极好的,了不起的58box/bɒks/盒83ten/ten/十59crayon/ˈkreɪən/彩色蜡笔;彩色粉笔84thank/θæŋk/感谢60do/duː/做,干85three/θriː/三61eight/eɪt/八86two/tuː/二62five/faɪv/五87yes/jes/是,对63flag/flæɡ/旗,旗帜88yippee/jɪˈpiː/好啊64four/fɔː/四89yuk/jʌk/呸,啐,讨厌65great/greɪt/非常好的;大的90zero/'zɪərəʊ/零66guitar/ɡɪˈtɑː/吉他91at/æt/向,朝67horse/hɔːs/马92black/blæk/黑色68how many几个,多少个93blue/bluː/蓝色69ice cream冰激凌94brown/braʊn/褐色,棕色70juice/dʒuːs/(水果或蔬菜的)汁;水果(蔬菜)汁饮料95butterfly/ˈbʌtəflaɪ/蝴蝶71jump/dʒʌmp/跳96door/dɔː/门72kite/kaɪt/风筝97green/griːn/绿色73nine/naɪn/九98grey/greɪ/灰色99heeheehee〔笑声〕嘿嘿嘿124book/bʊk/书100Help!/help/〔口语〕救命!125eraser/ɪ'reɪsə/〔美〕橡皮101here you are给你126hooray/hʊˈreɪ/〔表示高兴的呼喊声〕好哇102house/haʊs/房屋127pen/pen/钢笔103light/laɪt/灯128pencil/'pensl/铅笔104like/laɪk/喜欢129pencil case铅笔盒;笔袋105milk/mɪlk/牛奶;羊奶130put/pʊt/放,放置106night/naɪt/夜晚,夜间131queen/kwiːn/王后;Q(牌)107nose/nəʊz/鼻子132rabbit/'ræbɪt/兔108now/naʊ/现在133rubber/ˈrʌbə/〔英〕橡皮擦109oh/əʊ/〔用于引起别人的注意〕喂,嘿134ruler/'ruːlə/尺子,直尺110open/'əʊpən/开,打开135schoolbag/'skuːlˌbæg/书包111orange/'ɔːrɪndʒ/柑橘,橙;橙色136see/siː/看见,看到112phew/fjuː/〔表示疲倦、热或放心〕啊!唷!唉!137skipping rope跳绳113pink/pɪŋk/粉红色138star/stɑː/星;星状,星形114plane/pleɪn/飞机139table/'teɪbl/桌子115please/pliːz/请140tomorrow/tə'mɔːrəʊ/明天116purple/'pɜːpl/紫色141TV/‚tiː'viː/电视117rainbow/ˈreɪnbəʊ/彩虹142abracadabra/ˌæbrəkəˈdæbrə/阿布拉卡达布拉(表演魔术、施魔法时所念的咒语)118red/red/红色143banana/bə'nɑːnə/香蕉119too/tuː/也,还144birthday/'bɜːθdeɪ/生日120white/waɪt/白色145cake/keɪk/蛋糕121wizard/ˈwɪzəd/巫师146can/kæn/能,会122wow/waʊ/〔表示赞叹或惊奇〕呀!哇!147cap/kæp/帽子123yellow/'jeləʊ/黄色148card/kɑːd/卡片;贺卡149catch/kætʃ/接住174want/wɒnt/想要(某物)150chocolate/ˈtʃɒkəlɪt/巧克力175water/'wɔːtə/水151happy/'hæpi/高兴的,快乐的176welcome/'welkəm/欢迎152Happy birthday!生日快乐!177X-ray/ˈeks reɪ/X射线,X光153have/hæv/吃;喝178year/jɪə/年154here/hɪə(r)/给你〔用于把某物给某人或向某人展示时〕179yoyo/ˈjəʊjəʊ/悠悠,溜溜球155hip, hip, hooray!〔表示赞许的声音〕加油!好哇!180yummy/ˈjʌmi/〔非正式〕美味的,可口的156lovely/ˈlʌvli/美好的181zebra/ˈzebrə/斑马157mum/mʌm/妈妈182all right好的,好吧158old/əʊld/(多少)岁183blackboard/'blækbɔːd/黑板159on/ɒn/在……上184board/bɔːd/板160ouch/aʊtʃ/哎唷185chair/tʃeə/椅子161party/'pɑːti/聚会,宴会,派对186classroom/'klɑːsrʊm/教室162pizza/'piːtsə/比萨饼187cut out剪下;剪出(某种形状)163present/ˈpreznt/礼物188desk/desk/书桌164run/rʌn/跑,奔跑189floor/flɔː/地板,地面165surprise/səˈpraɪz/令某人惊喜的事物190letter/'letə/字母166take off脱下,脱去191next time下一次167tea/tiː/茶192whiteboard/ˈwaɪtbɔːd/白板168there/ðeə/〔表示某事物存在或发生〕193window/'wɪndəʊ/窗,窗户169thirsty/'θɜːsti/渴的,口渴的194with/wɪð/和……一起170throw/θrəʊ/投,扔195won't/wəʊnt/要不要171tree/triː/树196172UFO/ˌjuː ef ˈəʊ/不明飞行物197。
教学内容《Join In》剑桥小学英语 学生用书2(五年级)

教学内容:《Join In》剑桥小学英语学生用书2(五年级)Unit 10 of Book 2 Holidays:A story --- The monster.执教者:武汉市光谷第一小学汪远琦一.教材说明《剑桥少儿英语》是英国剑桥大学出版社2000年最新出版的教材。
三.教学设计.Ⅰ.Teaching Aims.(教学目标)1.Knowledge Aims.(知识目标).(1)能理解故事内容,并学习和使用现在进行时这种新的时态;(2)能给故事设计一个合理地结尾;(3)能运用简单的对话进行交流,并能听、说、演故事。
2.Ability Aims.(能力目标).通过实践性学习培养学生的听、说、读、写,以及综合运用英语进行交际的能力。

Starter Unit Let's begin第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:How are you today? I’m fine/OK.Goodbye.The pupils learn to use:What’s your name? I’m (Alice).How are you? I’m fine. I’m OK.Activities and skills:Decoding meaning from teacher input.Using phrases for interaction in class.Greeting each other.I Introduce oneself.Asking someone’s mane.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.Sing a song. Hello, what’s your name?Step 2: Presentation.1. What’s your name? I’m….(1) The teacher introduces herself, saying:Hello, /Good morning, I’m Miss Sun.(2) Asks a volunteer’s name:What’s your name?The teacher prompt the pupil by whispering, I’m (Alice).(3) Asks all the pupils the same question and help those who need it by whispering I’m….2. How ar e you today? I’m fine. I’m OK.(1)The teacher explains the meaning of How are you today?(2)Tell the class to ask the question all together and introduce two answers, I’m (not very) fine/I’m Ok.(3)Asks all the pupils the same question and make sure that all the students can reply.Step3: Speak English in class.1. Tells the pupils to open their books at page3, look at the four photographs, and listen to the tape.2. Asks the pupils to dramatise the situations depicted in the four photographs. A volunteer will play the part of the parts of the other pupils, answering as a group.第二学时:The pupils learn to use these new words:Sandwich, hamburger, hot dog, puller, cowboy, jeans, cinema, walkman, snack bar, Taxi, clown, superstar.Activities and skills:Singing the song and colouring picture frames.Teaching process:Step 1:Warm—up:Greetings:(1)Good morning!(2)I’m Miss Sun. What’s your name?I’m (Alice, John…).(3)How are you today?I’m fine/OK.Step 2:New words.1.Learn to say these words one by one using flash cards.2.Guessing game.Is it a cowboy/snack bar…?No, it isn’t. Yes, it is.3.Read them following teacher.4.Colour the frames.(1)Open book at page4, take your colour pens. Listen and colour.(2)Colour your (hamburger, orange…).(3)Let’s check.The hamburger is orange.Step 3: Sing the song.1.Listen to the tape.2.Teacher sings the words.3.Learn to say the words.4.Let’s sing it one sentence by one sentence.5.Sing the song and do the actions together.Step 4: Say good—bye.Goodbye, children.Goodbye, Miss Sun. See you next time.第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:Watch me. Stretch. Clap your hands. Stand back to back.Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm.The pupils learn to use:Good morning./Morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.Good night.Activities and skills:Carrying out action story.Listening to the tape and filling numbers.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up(1)Greetings.(2)Play guessing game with flash cards.(3)Sing the song: English is easy.Step 2: Mime the action story.1.The teacher and the pupils listen to the instructions on the cassette. The teacher performs each action and the pupils watch and then imitate the teacher. Repeat this stage several times.2.The teacher gives the instructions in the same order which the pupils heard them on the cassette during Phase 1. The pupils listen and do the actions one at a time, following the teacher’s instructions.3.The teacher gives the instructions in jumbled order. The pupils listen and performs the actions one at a time.Step 3:Listen and fill in the numbers.(1)Listen and mime.(2)Fill in the numbers.(3)Check it. Make sure that everyone is correct.Step 4: Learn to say.The teacher draws a clock on blackboard. When it is 7:30, says “Good morning” or “Morning” to the pupils. The pupils answer “Good morning” or “Morning”.“Good afternoon”, “Good evening” and “Good night” are the same above.第四学时:The pupils learn to use:How are you? I’m fine/very well/OK.Thank you. And you?Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.Activities and skills:Speaking and comprehension:Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up.1.Greetings.Good morning. /Morning.Good afternoon.2.Sing a song: Join in.Step 2: Let’s read and act.1.T: Hello, I’m Miss Sun. What’s your name?S: Hi, I’m Alice.T: Nice to meet you.Tell the student that he or s he should say “Nice to meet you, too.”Have this conversation with others, and make sure that all the pupils can say it correctly.2.Other sentences just to be taught and learnt like those above.3.Actions:(1). Pair work: Two pupils to act the conversations.(2). Boys and girls competition.Step 3: The end.Goodbye, children.Goodbye, Miss Sun.Unit 1 Numbers第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:The tiger jump.Do the numbers rock.The pupils learn to say:Numbers 1—12.Twelve o’clo ck; do the numbers rock.Yippee!Let’s do the tiger jump.Your turn.Activities and skills:Singing the song: The numbers rock.Saying the chant : The tiger jump.Colouring the numbers.Listening to conversations and matching the names of children with numbers on dice. Playing two number games.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.1.Count numbers from 1 to 10.2.Sing the song. Hop.Step 2: Listen and sing the song. The numbers rock.1.Learn to say:11 eleven, 12 twelve. Twelve o’clock.2.Listen and say the chant.Step 3: Listen and say the chant.1.The teacher says the chant and performances in the same order, the pupils follow.2.Teacher says, pupils do in the same order.3.The teacher says and pupils do in the jumbled order.4.Listen to the tape and say the chant, do the actions.Step 4: Colour the numbers.1.Show numbers’ cards 1—12 to the pupils. Count them.2.Open book at page9, match numbers with the words.3.Colour them and check them.Step 5: Listen and match.1.Teacher writes numbers on the blackboard. The pupils read them.For example: 3, 6, 1 5, 4 5, etc.2.Listen and match then check.3.learn to say “Your turn.”4.Play the game in class.第二学时:The pupils learn to understand:What’s in the box?Guess the number.Super prize!Come on, (Fred).Here is your prize, Emma.Thank you, Emma.Great!The pupils learn to use:What’s in the box?Snails! Yuk!How many?Activities and skills;Listening to and understanding a story.Playing game: “Guess the number.”Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.1.Say the chant : The tiger jump.2.Sing the song: The numbers rock.Step 2: A game. Guess the number.1.Count numbers 1—12.2.Shows the pupils numbers’ cards, guess the number.3.Take a box, put some glass balls in it. Shows them a glass ball, asks:What’s this? What’s in the box? How ma ny?If the pupils are right, says “Great! Here is your prize.” And give them a glass ball.Step 3: A story. The snails.1. Teacher says, You will hear a story. The snails. Please listen carefully.2. Listen to the tape several times.3. Make sure that the pupils fully understand the meaning of this story.4.Play this game in class.第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:Guess the number.The pupils learn to use:Twelve is two plus ten, now let’s start again.How many?Yes. / No.Activities and skills:Saying the rhyme.Playing two number games.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.Sing the song. The numbers rock.Step 2: Listen and say the rhyme.1.Count numbers 1—12.2.Read the words line by line several times.3.listen to the tape, say the rhyme.4.Asks a group of 6-7 pupils stand in a circle, and say the rhyme, see who is left out.Step 3: Play a game.1.Teacher asks a pupil to come to the front of the class and demonstrate the game as shown in the first two pictures.2.Play in pairs and proceed in the same way for the second game.3.Play this game one by one.第四学时:The pupils learn to understand and use:What’s your phone number?Activities and skills:Listening and taking notes of phone numbers and saying what they are.Asking other pupils for their phone numbers and taking notes.Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up.1. Count numbers 1—12.2. Say the rhyme.Step 2: Listen and write the phone numbers.1.Draw a big telephone on the board. Introduce the word Phone or telephone immediately followed by the sentence M y phone number is ….2.Listen and write.Tell the pupils that they are going to hear some recorded interviews, and that they have to listen and discover the telephone numbers of a few children.Read the names of the children out loud and ask the pupils to repeat them.Listen to the tape several times and write.3.Let’s check.Step 3: Write your phone numbers.1.The pupils write their phone number. Tell them how to read the number.2.Read your number yourself.Step 4: Asks children’s phone number.1.Teacher asks, wh at’s your phone number? A volunteer answers, other pupils write down.2.Work in pairs.3.The pupils ask and answer each other, and write.4. Let’s check.第五学时:Teaching aims:1.Learn to say:How many girls/boys/flags…can you see?Let me count. I can see….2.Learn to say:What is (seven) plus (twelve)?What is (eleven) minas (nine)?3.Write the numbers 1—12.Teaching process:Step 1: A game.Prepare a box which is full of glass balls. Shows them the box, and asks,what’s in it? Let pupil guess, and then someone touches it. (Glass balls.)How many? How many glass balls? How many glass balls can you see? Count, please. The pupil counts. One, two, three, four…Step 2: Learn to say.1.Teacher chooses a group of pupils, and asks, how many girls can you see? Tells them to reply, let me count. And then, count. One, two,…. Tells them to say, I can see…2.Repeat this exercise several times.3.Ask and answer with other words which they learned, such as boys, flags, dogs…Step 3: Learn to say.1.Write those below on the blackboard:7+5 8+2 11-96+4 12-9 2+2Point a pupil to read them.2.The teacher asks What is 7 plus 5?Make sure that each pupil can reply “It’s…” correctly.3. Pupils open book at page 15, work in pairs.Some pairs of pupils wok in class.Step 4: Complete the word puzzle.1.Show the pupils flashcards of numbers 1—12. Read them, and spell the words.2.Open book at page 15, complete the 14th exercise.3.Check it.Unit 2 Colours第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:What colour is this/The pupils learn to use:Colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, white.I like (green) and (red); I like orange, too.Oh, what a rainbow!Activities and skills:Listening to words and pointing at the appropriate pictures in the box.Sing a song.Teaching process:Step 1: warm—up.1. Greetings.Good morning. / Good afternoon.2. Sing a song. Butterfly.Step 2: Listen and point—presentation.1.Introduce the following colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white and black.Show the pupils colours with the help of coloured flash cards and objects in the classroom,2.Say the words.(1)Show a colour and say the word several times, then ask the pupils to repeat it.(2)Name a colour and ask the pupils to touch something of that colour.3. A game.(1)Teacher names a colour, four pupils touch an object of the correct colour. The last pupil is “out”. The winner is the person who touches the correct one first.(2)Asks of the pupils to take over the role of the teacher.(3)Proceed in the same way for the other remaining colours.Step 3: Listen and point.Open their book at page 16, listen to the tape carefully, point the corresponding colour.Step 4: Listen and sing s song. Rainbow.1.Draw a picture of a rainbow on the board and introduce the word Rainbow.2.Listen to the word and repeat it.3.Sing the song following the tape.第二学时:The pupils learn to understand:1.What colour is (the wizard’s house)?2.I’m from Italy; (Great Britain; Argentina; Brazil).The pupils learn to use:I’m (Lucia). I’m from China. This is my flag.Activities and skills:Finding out from a listening text what colour the wizard’s house is (listening for detail).第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:Help.Open the door.The pupils learn to use:(Green), please. Here you are.Good night! Good morning!What’s this? Wow!Activities and skills:Listening to and understanding a story.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.1.Sing a song. The rainbow.2.(1) Teacher walks around the classroom asking the pupils:Blue, please. Green, please, etc.The pupils should give me a colored pencil requested.(2) Do the same exercise by the pupils in pairs.Step 2: The story.1.Introduce and practise new vocabulary.Here you are. Help. Open the door. What’s t his?2.Pupils listen to the text two or three times with their books closed and try to imagine what is happening from the tone of the voices and blackboard noises.3.Pupils listen two or three times with their books open.4.Pupils listen one more time with their eyes closed and try to imagine what they saw in the text.Step 3: Act out the story.Two pupils for wizards, somebody to make the noises of boiling water, and explosion, colored bottles.第四学时:The pupils learn to understand:What’s my favour ite colour? Is it (blue)?What’s your favourite colour?Yes, that’s right.The pupils learn to use:Guess.What’s my favourite colour? Is it (blue)?What’s your favourite colour?Yes, that’s right.Activities and skills:Playing a game based on the principle of information gap.Completing dialogues in writing.Listening to a chant and circling patches of colour.Saying a chant.Doing a crossword puzzle.Teaching process:Step 1: Play a guessing game.1.Ask a pupil to touch a part of the coloured fish.The teacher can’t see what colour the pupil is touching and, naming several different colours, should try to guess.2.Once the pupils have understand the way game works, they can play in pairs and exchange roles.Step 2: Complete the dialogues.1.Learn to write the words and sentence:Green, blue, white, please.Here you are.2.Ask the pupils to look carefully at the four scenes and to complete the dialogues according to what they see in the pictures.Step 3: A chant.1.The pupils should listen to the chant once all the way through.2.Then they listen a second time, but this time the tape should be stopped after each question to give the pupils time to circle the colour.3.Finally they listen a third time to check the answers.The teacher should check that the pupils have understood and ask which colours they have circled. The pupils say the colours in the correct order.4.The teacher writes them on the blackboard. The pupils copy the words.5.Repeat the chant in two separate groups.第五学时:The pupils learnt to understand:What about you?What about this?What’s that over there?The pupils learn to use:I’m from (America).I like (red) best.What’s your favourite colour?What colour do you like?Activities and skills:Speaking those sentences in groups.Talking about the birthplace and the favourite colours of themselves.Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up1.Say the chant: what’s your favourite colour?2.Revise the words: Great Britain, Italy, Brazil, Argentina.I’m from China.Step 2: Let’s learn and work in groups.1.Introduce new words.America, England, Canada, best, about.2.Learn to say.I’m….I’m from….I like (red) best.3.Introduce how to use “what about you?”. Make sure that everyone has understood it.4.Read the sentences.Step 3: Work in the groups.1.Pair work.2.Teacher and student act in class.3.Work in tablemates as the model.Step 4: Let’s talk.1. Introduce new words: jeep, over some flashcards, ask and answer.T: What’s this? (A car.)S: It’s a car.T: What colour is it?S: It’s (red).And tell the volunteer to say: It’s a Chinese car. All the class repeat it.The teacher shows them another flashcard, and asks: What about this?Make sure that the student can answer it correctly.3.Talk about the flashcards in pairs.4.Let’s talk in class.Unit 3 School things第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:What colour is the wizard’s schoolbag?The pupils learn to use:Pen, pencil, pencil case, schoolbag, ruler, eraser, book..Activities and skills:Listening to the words on the tape and filling in the numbers in the book.Listening to the tape and finding out what colour the wizard’s schoolbag is.Teaching process:Step1: Warm--up.1. Show pupils some school things, such as:pencil, book, pen, schoolbag, pencil case. Ask pupils: What’s this? It’s a (pen).2. A game Toby says:Touch your (pen). Take your (book).Step2: Listen and fill in the numbers.1.Introduce the new vocabulary using regalia, rule, eraser,2.The pupils open their books at Page 24.The teacher reads the words, first in the order in which they are presented and then in jumbled order, ask the pupils to point to the corresponding picture.3.Listen and fill in the numbers.(1)The first time, the pupils listen to the tape without interruptions for general do the exercise by themselves.(2)The second time, the pupils listen to the tape without interruptions so that everybody can do the exercise.Check the answer. Name the objects and ask the pupils to answer with the corresponding numbers.Step3. Listen. What colour is the wizards schoolbag.1.Tell the pupils in Chinese that they have to discover the colour of the wizards schoolbag.2.Give them an example.The pupils point to the word start, the teacher says blue and the pupils point to the blue square. Then say ruder and the pupils touch the ruder.Proceed in this way from ruder to yellow, and then to pencil to blue to eraser.At this point ask what colour is the wizards schoolbag? (Blue).3.Listen to the tape and follow the sequence of squares using a pencil.4.Listen two or three times to check the answer.第二学时:The pupils learn to understand:Open your (schoolbag).Take out (a ruler).Take out (two books).What’s this? A skipping rope.Hooray!The pupils learn to use:Three pens, four pencils, two books.Activities and skills:Understanding instructions and miming actions.Listening to the tape and filling in numbers.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.Ask and answer.Show the pupils a ruler, a pen ,a schoolbag, two erasers, four books, three pencils. Ask: What’s this? What colour is it? How many books can you see? Etc.Step 2: New word.Show them a skipping rope and teach the new word.Step 3: Mime the action story.1.The teacher and the pupils listen to the instructions on the cassette. The teacher performs each action and the pupils watch and then imitate the teacher.Repeat this stage several times.2.The teacher gives the instructions in the same order which the pupils heard them on the cassette during Phase 1. The pupils listen and do the actions one at a time, followi ng the teacher’s instructions.3.The teacher gives the instructions in jumbled order. The pupils listen and performs the actions one at a time.Step 4:Listen and fill in the numbers.(4)Listen and mime.(5)Fill in the numbers.(6)Check it. Make sure that everyone is correct.第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:How many (red) things are there?The pupils learn to use:Two pens, three erasers, four pens, five rulers.Activities and skills:Reading what is in the picture and colour frames around word groups in the appropriate colour.Counting school things in a picture puzzle.Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up.A guessing game.1. Show the pupils a box which is full of pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, and books. And ask the pupils to guess how many pens/ pencils/ rulers/erasers/books are there? T: Guess! How many (pens)?2.When the pupils guess correctly, ask them: What colou are the (two pens)?Step 2: Read and colour the frames.1.Introduce how to do the exercise.Point out to the pupils that there are 10 pictures and only five boxes on the right. The pupils have to colour the frames of the boxes on the right following the example. The frame of the box containing the words two pens, is orange like the two pens in the drawing.2.The pupils colour the frames themselves.3.Check the answer.Ask the pupils to say which colours match which words.Step3: Count and write the numbers.1.Read the sentences several times. And translate the questions.2.The pupils write exercise in the book.3.Check the answer.Ask the question and the pupils answer orally.第四课时:Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to understand:Stop it.Come here, Timmy.Help me, please.Where’s my pencil case?It’s not here.I’ve got it!2. Acticities and skills:Decoding the meaning of the language in a story.Important and Difficult front:Understand the sentences of the story.Teaching process:Step 1:Warming-up1. Sing an English song: Join in.2. Revise the school thing. Which have learnt in this unit.3. Revise the sentence: Here is your prize. Here is my prize.Step 2 : Presentation1. Listen to the story.2. Ask the students to open their books at page 28.3. Ask them listen to the tape, listen to an English story.4. Ask the students to tell the meaning of the story.Step 3 : Learn to understand the sentences.1. A sk some students do a action, then say: Stop it, xxx.” Let the students tell the meaning of the sentence. Then practise it.2.Pretend to find something, and say: Where’s my pen?” Ask the students to say what am I doing. And tell the meaning of the sentence.3. A sk someone xxx, help me, please.” Let him/her find things with me. Then ask them to tell the meaning of the sentence.4. Practise the two Sentences in pairs.5. S ay:It’s not here,” while finding the thing. Le t them say the meaning of the sentence. Then practise it.6.When finding the thing, say: I’ve got it!” Let the students tell the meaning of the sentence. then practise to say it.Step 4 : Consolidation1. Listen again and say the sentences after the tape.2. Perform the story in the class.第五学时:Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to use:How many desks are there?What about Chairs?How many pens have you got?2. Activities and skills:Let’s read.Let’s work in groups.Important and difficult point: Read the conversation.Teaching process:Step 1 : Revision1. Sing an English song: In our classroom.2. Show some pictures to the students and ask them to read it. (desks). (chairs).3. Revise the colours.4. Revise the sentences. Which they have leaned in previous class.5. Spell the words.Step 2 : PresentationA: Learn to say the conversation.1. Show a picture to the students.2. A sk them How many desks are there”?3. Ask: What about Chairs? How many chairs are there?”4. Show some other things to the student, practise to the sentence How many(desks) are there?”5. Read the conversation to the students, ask them to tell me the meaning of the conversation.6. Read the conversation after the teacher several times. Then practise by themselves in pairs, until they can read it correctly.7. Ask someone to perform the conversation in the front of the classroom.Step 3 : Play a game and do the group work.1. Send something to the students.2. Ask them one by one: How many pens have you got?” Answer the question in stead of the students. Then ask them to tell me the meaning of the sentence.3. Ask them to read the sentence after the teacher several times.4. Practise the sentence by themselves, until they can read it correctly.5. Do the group work.第六学时(12. Revision)Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to read the sentences:I have got (a small room).It’s (nice) and (clean).There is (a bed) (in my room).There is (a computer) (on the desk).I often work at the desk.2. Activitise and skills: Read the text.Important and difficult point:Can read the text of the lesson.Teaching process:Step 1 :Revision1. Sing an English song.2. Spell and read the words:pencil, pencil case, pen, book, eraser, ruler, schoolbag.3. Look the pictures and say.Two pencils two blue pencils ect.5. Ask and answer:How many pencils are there?How many blue things are there?How many pens have you got?Step 2 :PresentationA : Look at the pictures, learn to say the new words.1. Point the thing and say the English of it.2. Ask the students to read the word after the teacher. (bed computer)3. Practise to say the words by themselves, and then say out loudly, until they can red it correctly.B : Look at the picture again. Ask and answer:Where is the (bed)?1. Ask the students to look at the picture and answer: Where is the bed?2. A nswer in stead of the students: It’s in the room.e the same way to teach:It’s by the window.It’s on the desk.Step 3: Learn to say the text.1. Look at the picture and listen to the teacher read the text.2. Ask them to tell the meaning of the text.3. Read the text after the teacher several times.4. Practise to read the text by themselves, until they can read it correctly.5. Ask someone to point the picture and say the text.Unit 4 Pets第一学时:Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to use:What have you got?Have you got a pet? Yes, I have.2. Learn to use the words:Cat dog mouse fish budgie, rabbit. Hamster.3. Activities and skills:Saying a chantListening to a cassette and finding out what the wizard’s pet is.Important and difficult point:pictures, radio and tape.Teaching process:REVISION:1. Sing an English song: join in.2. Conversation:What’s your favourite colour?What colour is the schoolbag? ect.PRESENTATION:A: Learn to say the six new words.1. Learn to say the word: cat.Show a picture of a cat to the students, tell them: This is a cat.” Ask them to read the word after the teacher several times. Then practise by themselves, until they can read the word correctly.e the same way to teach the other words: dog, mouse, fish, budgie, rabbit.3.Fun time.Listen to the sound of these animals or mine these animals. Ask the students to say the words and at the same time point to the corresponding flashcard.B: Learn to say the sentences.1. Learn to say the sentence: Have you got a pet?Pretend to need a pen and ask a pupil: Have you got a pen? If necessary translate the sentence.2. Read the sentence after the teacher several times.3. Practise the sentence by themselves:Use the flashcard and ask the students:Have you got a (hamster)? And then answer “Yes.” And then ask the students to ask the teacher answer.e the same way to teach:What have you got?C: Listen and say the chant.Play the chant two or three times and ask the pupils to repeat it, until they can read it correctly.D: Listen and find the wizard’s pet.Ask the same way before.BLACKBOARD DESIGN:PetsCat dog mouseFish budgiz rabbitHamster.。

JOIN IN剑桥小学英语Book 1教案(四年级)第六单元 Clothes教学内容 Unit6 of Book 1 Clothes教学目的能听、说的单词T-shirt jeans cap dress socks sweater shoes trainers shirt skirt shorts能听懂会说 .Put on your T-shirt.学唱 My favourite T-shirt学说 Put on your jeans .借助图片和动作提示读懂故事和小短文.教学重难点单词T-shirt jeans cap dress socks sweater shoestrainers shirt skirt shorts句型My favourite T-shirt is blue . Put on your T-shirt Emma is wearing blue jeans.在实际生活中,理解和表达有关服装话题的简单信息。
教具准备录音机;服装道具;世界主要国家标志性服饰图片;单词卡片;人物服装示意图课时安排6课时学完本单元第一课时listening and sing the song.第二课时 mime the action and listening.第三课时 Reading ,writing and listening.第四课时 Reading and writing.第五课时 Play the game and say the chant第六课时 Writing and language study.Period 1教学内容 Unit 6 Clothes (第一课时)教学目标语言技能: Speaking and listening语言知识: 学习11个服装单词.表述服装话题的简单信息.情感态度: 有兴趣说英语和唱英语歌曲.文化意识:了解英语国家正式和非正式场合服饰和世界主要国家的穿戴习俗.教学重难点单词T-shirt jeans cap dress socks sweater shoes trainers shirt skirt shorts在实际生活中,表达自己最喜欢的服装教具准备录音机; 服装道具; 世界主要国家标志性服饰图片.教学步骤Step1 Warm up1. 组织学生听唱英文歌曲.2. 教师用简笔画呈现歌词中提到的 T-shirt sweater cap 在T-shirt cap图下分别写上英文单词(引导学生了解简单的拼读规律).请单个学生口拼,然后让全班学生跟着一起边口拼边书空.Step 2 Preparation1. 叫两个学生到台上,给简笔画涂色.教师按实际情况说My favourite T-shirt/sweater/cap is…,请台上同学说,全班跟着说.2. 教师用简笔画呈现jeans dress socks shoes trainer shirt skirt shorts ,由一次看图说一个词,到一次看图说多个词.3. 在dress socks shoes shirt图下分别写上英文单词,并请学生涂色.师生一起边口拼边书空,引导学生按实际情况表达自己最喜欢的服装和服装的颜色.Step3 Consolidation1. 听录音,先完整听一遍,然后逐句跟唱模仿.2. 同桌两人模仿录音原音,并相互评价模仿的结果(用符表示).3. 最后全班齐读和个人读相结合.Step 4 Application1. 叫一个学生到前面,按老师读的顺序给黑板上11个服装图编号.全班同学印证.2. 情景会话,教师先做示范 My favourite T-shirt is purple. My favourite jeansis blue .My favourite shoes and socks is white. 让学生说出自己今天所穿服装的颜色.3. 教师出示正式和非正式场合服装的图片,引导学生识别世界主要国家标志性服饰.Step 5 End the class1. 让学生打开书,做listening and point练习.2. 教师说Now let’s spell.引导学生用正确的语调拼读,再摹写.要向学生讲清T-shirt的第一个字母要大写.3. 布置课后练习教学反思:Period 2教学内容 Unit 6 Clothes (第二课时)教学目标语言技能:Speaking and listening语言知识:了解Put on your T-shirt /short……句式。
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Join In剑桥小学英语(改编版)入门阶段Unit 1Hello,hello第1单元嗨,嗨and mime.1 听,模仿Stand up Say 'hello' Slap hands Sit down站起来说"嗨" 拍手坐下来Good. Let's do up Say 'hello' Slap hands Sit down好. 我们来再做一遍.站起来说"嗨"拍手坐下来the pictures.2 再听一遍给图画编号.up "hello" hands down1 站起来2 说"嗨"3 拍手4 坐下来说3. A ,what's yourname3 一首歌嗨,你叫什么名字Hello. , what's yourname Hello. Hello.嗨. 嗨. 嗨, 你叫什么名字嗨,嗨.Hello, what's yourname I'm Toby. I'm Toby. Hello,hello,hello.嗨, 你叫什么名字我叫托比. 我叫托比 . 嗨,嗨,嗨.I'm Toby. I'm Toby. Hello,hello, let's go!我是托比. 我是托比. 嗨,嗨, 我们一起!Hello. , what's yourname I'm 'm Toby.嗨.嗨.嗨, 你叫什么名字我叫托比.我叫托比. Hello,hello,hello. I'm 'm Toby. Hello,hello,let's go!嗨,嗨,嗨.我是托比. 我是托比. 嗨,嗨,我们一起!4 Listen and stick4 听和指What's your name I'm Bob.你叫什么名字我叫鲍勃.What's your name I'm Rita. What's your name I'm Nick.你叫什么名字我叫丽塔. 你叫什么名字我叫尼克.What's your name I'm Lisa.你叫什么名字我叫利萨.5. A story-Pit'sskateboard.5 一个故事-彼德的滑板.Pa:Hello,Pit.Pa:好,彼德.Pi:Hello,:What's thisPi:嗨,帕特.Pa:这是什么Pi:My new :Look!Pi:Goodbye,Pat!Pi:这是我的新滑板.Pi:看!Pi:再见,帕特!Pa:Bye-bye,Pit!Pi:Help!Help!pi:Bye-bye,skateboard!Pa:再见,彼德!Pi:救命!救命!Pi:再见,滑板!Unit 16. Let's learnand act第1单元6 我们来边学边表演.Hello! What's yourname Hello! I'mXiaoqing. Let's go ,Lisa. Ok! Bye-bye!嗨!你叫什么名字嗨!我叫小晴.丽莎,我们走吧.好的!再见!Good-bye,Xiaoqing!Hi!My name's 's your nameHello!I'm Jiefeng.再见,小晴!嗨!我叫汤姆.你叫什么名字嗨!我叫杰风.In FocusHello!/Hi!Good moring./Moring.重点嗨!/嗨!早上好./早上好.What's your nameI'm...你叫什么名字我是......Unit 17. Let's new skateboardWhat's this第1单元7 我们来说一说.我的新滑板.这是什么my book my pencilmy pen my schoolbag我的书我的铅笔我的钢笔我的书包Unit 's say Bb Cc Dd第1单元8 读字母Aa Bb Cc DdUnit 2Numbers第2单元数字Unit song .A ,two ,three.第2单元1 一首歌.一首数字歌.一, 二, 三.Hop,hop,,five ,six ,Now let's stop.跳,跳,跳.四,五,六,现在我们停下来.One ,two ,,hop,,five ,Six ,Now let's stop.一,二,三,跳,跳,跳.四,五,六,现在我们停下来.One ,two ,,hop,,five ,Six ,Now let's stop.一,二,三,跳,跳,跳.四,五,六,现在我们停下来.One ,two ,,hop,,five ,Six ,Now let's stop.一,二,三,跳,跳,跳.四,五,六,现在我们停下来.Unit chant. 第2单元2 吟诵.青蛙.听.嗄.One , ,croak,croak.一只青蛙.嗄.嗄.两只青蛙.嗄,嗄,嗄.Three ,croak,croak, frogs.三只青蛙.嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄.四只青蛙.Croak,croak,croak,croak, frogs.嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄.五只青蛙.Croak,croak,croak,Croak,croak, frogs.嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄.六只青蛙.Look!A crocodile!Bye-bye ,frogs!看!一条鳄鱼!再见,青蛙!Unit and 's balloonis number four.第2单元3 听和写丽塔的气球是4号.Toby's balloon isnumber 's balloon isnumber one.托比的气球是六号.帕特的气球是一号.Sandra's balloon isnumber 's balloon isnumber five.桑德拉的气球是三号.彼德的气球是五号.Lisa's balloon isnumber two.利萨的气球是二号.Unit 's 's the numberIt's one-one-zero.第2单元6 我们来说一说.这个号码是多少是110.My number is five-six-zero-two-four.我的电话号码是56024.Unit 's learn theletters and say thechant.第2单元8 学字母,读儿歌.Ee Ff GgA, B ,C , D , E ,Please look at thistree.Ee Ff GgA, B ,C , D , E ,请看这棵树.A,B,C,D,E,F,G,In front of it ,two,three,four,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,绵羊们都在它的前面.一,二,三,四,The tree is very ,two,three,four,five,The sheepare fat and white.树很高.一,二,三,四,五,绵羊又肥又白.In 's the numberIt's book one dog重点1 号码是多少是六.2 一本书一只狗one pen two booksfive dogs six pens一只钢笔两本书五只狗六只笔Unit 3 ToysUnit 31. Listen and your ball.第3单元玩具第3单元1 听,模仿.拿起你的球.Throw it to hear a up.扔给你的朋友.你听到飞机的声音.你抬头看.The ball comes !'s do itagain:球飞了回来.哎哟.好的.我们再来一遍:Take your it to hear a plane.拿起你的球.扔给你的朋友.你听到飞机的声音.Look ball comes !你抬头看.球飞了回来.哎哟!Unit again .Number the :Take your ball.第3单元2 再听一遍.给图画编上号码.1 拿起你的球.Two:Throw it toyour :You hear aplane.2 扔给你的朋友.3 你听到飞机的声音.Four:Look :The ball :Ouch!4 你抬头看.5 球飞了回来.6 哎哟!Unit ,two,three,four,第3单元3 听.玩个游戏.一,二,三,四,five,six ,seven,eight,nine,'s start ,two,three,五,六,七,八,九,十.我们再来一遍.一,二,三,Four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,'s start again.四,五,六,七,八,九,十.我们再来一遍.One,two,three,Four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,'s start again.一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十.我们再来一遍.Unit and stickOne Two ThreeFour Five Six Seven第3单元4 听和指出来一二三四五六七Eight Nine Ten八九十Unit and checkNumber one is theball.第3单元5 听,检查一号是一个球.Number two is three is theskateboard.二号是青蛙.三号是滑板.Number four is five is thetrain.四号是洋娃娃.五号是火车.Number six is seven is thecar.六号是自行车.七号是汽车.Number eight is nine is theboat.八号是飞机.九号是船.Number ten is thecrocodile.十号是鳄鱼.Unit 37. Let's ask 's five and five第3单元7 问和答.五加五等于多少Five and five is 's three minustwoIt's one.五加五是十.三减二是多少是一.In is seven andthreeTen.重点1 七加三是多少是十.'s five minusfiveZero.2 五减五是多少是零.Unit 38. Learn and sayOne,two,three,four,We've got some balls.第3单元8 边学边说一,二,三,四,我们有一些球.Five,six,seven,eight,Let's pass and ,ten; nine,ten,Let's be good friends.五,六,七,八,我们传球和打球玩.九,十;九,十,我们成为好朋友.Unit birthday song第3单元9 生日歌Revision Unit and has got a has got a doll.复习第1单元3 听和检查尼克有一个球.丽塔有一个布娃娃.Bob has got a has got a has got a has got鲍勃有一条船.利萨有一辆汽车.彼德有一列火车.桑德拉有一辆自行车.Ken has got a has got askateboard.肯有一架飞机.托比有一个滑板.Revision Unit and checkThere is one train.复习第1单元5 听和检查那里有一列火车.There are are three are four planes.有两个滑板.有三辆自行车.有四架飞机.There are five are six are seven dolls.有五只船.有六辆汽车.有七只布娃娃.There are eight are nine are tenballoons.有八个球.有九只青蛙.有十个汽球.Unit 4 song The ButterflyLook at the butterfly,The lovely butterfly. [27:]第4单元颜色1 一首歌蝴蝶看那只蝴蝶,可爱的蝴蝶.[27:]Hello,hello, at the butterfly,The lovely ,hello,hello.[27:]嗨,嗨,嗨.看那只蝴蝶,漂亮的蝴蝶.嗨,嗨,嗨.[27:]It's green and red,It's pink and 's brown and yellow,too.它是绿色和红色的,它是粉红色和蓝色的.它也是棕色和黄色的.It's green and red,It's pink and 's brown and yellow,too.它是绿色和红色的,它是粉红色和蓝色的.它也是棕色和黄色的.Oh,little butterfly,My little butterfly,Bye-bye,bye-bye,bye-bye.噢,小蝴蝶,我的小蝴蝶再见,再见,再见.Oh,little butterfly,My lilttle butterfly,Bye-bye,bye-bye,bye-bye.噢,小蝴蝶,我的小蝴蝶再见,再见,再见.Unit and paints the boatblue.第4单元2 听和着色托比把船涂成蓝色.Then he paints thecar he paints thetrain red.然后他把汽车涂成绿色然后他把火车涂成红色Then he paints thedoll he paints theball pink.然后他把布娃娃涂成黄色.然后他把球涂成粉红色Then he paints theskateboard he paints thebike brown.然后他把滑板涂成橙色然后他把自行车涂成棕色.Then he paints theplane blue and red.然后他用蓝色和红色来涂飞机.Unit story-the and stick.第4单元4 一个故事-猫.听和贴.Pi:lzzy ,wizzy pat's milk :My milk!It's blue!Pi:Hee hee hee!Pi:力兹,为兹,喔.把帕特的牛奶变成蓝色Pa:我的牛奶!它成蓝色了!Pi:嘿嘿嘿! Pa:lzzy,wizzy,Kingand Pit'smilk :My milk!It's green!Pa:力兹,为兹.国王和王后.把彼德的牛奶变成绿色. Pi:我的牛奶!它变成绿色了! Pa:Hee hee hee!Pi:Look at the cat!Pa:Oh,no!Pa:嘿嘿嘿!Pi:看那只猫!Pa:噢,不!Unit 's learn orange yellow第4单元5 我们边学边说.红色橙色黄色green blue brownpink blackWhat colour is thisIt's white.绿色蓝色棕色粉红色黑色这是什么颜色这是白色的.In FocusWhat colour is thisIt's white.重点这是什么颜色这是白色的.Unit 's point andtalk.第4单元6 我们边指边说.What's thisIt's the letter colour is itIt's blue.这是什么就是字母d.它是什么颜色它是蓝色的.What's the numberIt's the number colour is itIt's yellow.这个数字是几这是数字4.它是什么颜色它是黄色的.Unit 47. Let's talk andcolour.第4单元7 说并着色What letter is thisIt's the letter it red,.这是什么字母这是H.请把它涂成红色.好的.Hh Ii Jj KkHh Ii Jj KkUnit 48. Let's say 's Flag第4单元8 我们来读儿歌.中国国旗We're standing sideby red flag flieshigh.我们肩并肩站着.红旗高高飘扬.The five-star redflag,It flies in theblue sky.五星红旗,它在蓝色天空里飞扬.China's flag 's sing out withgreat pride.中国国旗高高飞扬.我们唱出我们的自豪.We all love china'sflag,And safeguard isas our eyes.我们都爱中国国旗.像保护我们的眼睛一样保护它.This is china's 's a five-star redflag. I love love china's flag.这是中国的国旗.它是五星红旗.我爱中国.我爱中国国旗.Unit 5School thingsUnit and colour第5单元学习用品第5单元1 听并涂色.Colour Toby's pencilcase Toby's pen red.把托比的铅笔盒涂成蓝色.把托比的钢笔涂成红色Colour Toby's Toby's bookorange.把托比的铅笔涂成粉红色.把托比的书涂成橙色.Colour Toby'sschoolbag yellowand green.用黄色和绿色来涂托比的书包.Unit and ,what colour's yourschoolbag green.第5单元2 听,贴.彼德,你的书包是什么颜色绿色的.Pat,what colour'syour schoolbagred.帕特,你的书包是什么颜色红色的.Pit,what colour's yourpencil caseIt's .彼德,你的铅笔盒是什么颜色是粉红色的.P-I-N-K .Pat,what colour'syour pencil caseMy pencil caseHee hee hee.帕特,你的铅笔盒是什么颜色我的铅笔盒嘿嘿嘿.It's ,what colour'syour book是橙色的.彼德,你的书是什么颜色One and two,my bookis hee ,what colour'syour book一加二,我的书是蓝色的.嘿嘿嘿.帕特,你的书是什么颜色It's green,green,green,,what colour'syour pen是绿色,绿色,绿色,绿色的.彼德,你的钢笔是什么颜色My pen is ,what colour'syour penIt's blue,blue,blue.我的钢笔是黄色的.帕特,你的笔是什么颜色是蓝色,蓝色,蓝色的.Pit ,what colour'syour pencilbrown.彼德,你的铅笔是什么颜色棕色的.Pat ,what colour'syour pencil've got anorange pencil.帕特,你的铅笔是什么颜色橙色的.我有一只橙色的铅笔.Unit and 's a caterpillaron your desk.第5单元3 听并模仿.你的书桌上有一只毛毛虫.It crawls over it crawls overyour pencil case.你爬过你的书.然后爬过你的铅笔盒.Then it crawls intoyour ,look intoyour schoolbag.然后你爬进你的书包.现在,朝你书包里看.The caterpillar'seating your . Let's do itagain:毛毛虫正在吃你的苹果呢.好的.现在我们再做一遍.There's a caterpillaron your crawls over yourbook.你的书桌上有一只毛毛虫.你爬过你的书.Then it crawls overyour pencil it crawls intoyour schoolbag.然后爬过你的铅笔盒.然后你爬进你的书包.Now ,look into caterpillar'seating your apple.现在,朝你书包里看.毛毛虫正在吃你的苹果呢.Unit the pictures.第5单元4 再听一遍.给图画编上号.'s acaterpillar on yourdesk.1 你的书桌上有一只毛毛虫.crawls over it crawls overyour pencil case.2 你爬过你的书.3 然后爬过你的铅笔盒it crawls intoyour ,look into yourschoolbag.4 然后你爬进你的书包5 现在,朝你书包里看.caterpillar'seating your apple.6 毛毛虫正在吃你的苹果呢.Unit 55. A chantSee you tomorrow第5单元5 吟诵明天见.Open your in your pencil in your pencils.打开你的书包.把你的书放进去.打开你的铅笔盒.把你的铅笔放进去. Put in your you youtomorrow. Bye-bye.把你的钢笔放进去.明天见.再见.明天见.再见.Unit 's point pencil a pen第5单元6 边指边说一支铅笔一支钢笔a book a pencil casea schoolbag一本书一个铅笔盒一个书包In FocusWhat's this inEnglishIt's a pencil.重点这个用英语怎么说这是钢笔.Unit 's read Mm Nn Oo Pp第5单元7 我们边读边学.Ll Mm Nn Oo PpUnit 's say andspell. Hello!I'm Bill,B-I-L-L,Bill.第5单元8 说,拼写.好啊!我是比尔,B-I-L-L,比尔.In FocusBill,B-I-L-L,!I'm !Good morning.重点比尔,B-I-L-L,比尔.你好!我是迈克.好!早上好.I'm ! I'm pat,P-A-T,Pat. What'syour name,please我是尼克.好!我是帕特,P-A-T,帕特.请问你叫什么名字Hello!I'm Bob,B-O-B, to meet you, to meet you,too.好!我叫鲍勃,B-O-B,鲍勃.认识你很高兴,鲍勃.认识你也很高兴. CultureBoys' namesTom Bob NickMike Pit Pat习俗男孩的名字汤姆鲍勃尼克迈克彼德帕特Unit 6My classroomUnit and write.第六单元我的教室第六单元1 听和写One: Lisa,put thePencil case in .1 利萨,把你的铅笔盒放进书包里.好的.Two:Tom,close thewindow, 汤姆,请关上窗户.好的.3 鲍勃Yes Clean the board, thebook on your .什么事请把黑板擦干净.好的.4 利萨,把书放在你的课桌上.好的. Five:NickYesOpenthe window,,Miss.5 尼克什么事请打开窗户.好的,小姐.Six:Rita,close thedoor,.6 丽塔,请关上门.好的.Unit 62. A songOur happy classroomIn our classroom,第6单元2 一首歌我们幸福的教室在我们的教室里,In our classroom,In our happy, our classroom,在我们的教室里,在我们幸福的,幸福的教室里.在我们的教室里, In our classroom,In our happy, floor is brown.在我们的教室里,在我们幸福的,幸福的教室里.地板是褐色的. The board is door is pink chairs are red.黑板是黑色的.门是粉红色和蓝色的.椅子是红色的.The desks are windows aregreen our classroom,书桌是绿色的.窗户也是绿色的.在我们的教室里,In our classroom,In our happy, our classroom,在我们的教室里,在我们幸福的,幸福的教室里.在我们的教室里, In our classroom,In our happy,happyclassroom.在我们的教室里,在我们幸福的,幸福的教室里.Unit 63. Listen and a plane.第6单元3 听,模仿画一个飞机.Colour it red it it on your desk.用红色和黄色来涂它.把它剪出来.把它放上你的桌子.'s aloud plane flies outof the window.听.有一阵大的嘈杂声.飞机飞出了窗口.'s do itagain. Draw a it red andyellow.好的.我们再做一遍.画一个飞机.用红色和黄色来涂它.Cut it out .Put it on your ,there's aloud .把它剪出来.把它放上你的桌子.听.有一阵大的嘈杂声.The plane flies outof the window.飞机飞出了窗口.Unit 64. Listen the :Draw a plane.第6单元4 再听一遍.把图画编上号.1 画一个飞机.Two:Colour it redand :Cut it out.2 用红色和黄色来涂它3 把它剪出来.Four:Put it on :'sa loud .4 把它放上你的桌子.5 听.有一阵大的嘈杂声.Six:The plane fliesout of the window.6 飞机飞出了窗口.Unit 's read and !Yes第六单元6 读并表演它.巴迪!什么事Put the book in yourbag,'s go right.把书放进你的包里.好的.我们回家吧.好的.Open the door,! Close the door,,Mum.开门,妈妈.好的!关上门,巴迪.好的,妈妈.Put your bag on thetable, you !巴迪,把你的包放在桌子上.好的.明天见.再见!In Focus重点What colour is theboard colour is theboard这个黑板是什么颜色1 黑板是什么颜色It's colour arethe chairsThey're yellow.是黑色的.2 椅子是什么颜色它们是黄色的.Unit 's Rr Ss Tt第6单元8 我们来学Qq Rr Ss TtRevision unit and :Colour thebutterfly pink.复习的第二单元5 听,作记号.1 把蝴蝶涂成粉红色.Two:Put the planeon your :Open the window.2 把飞机放在你的桌子上.3 打开窗户.Four:Cut out :Draw a :Take a pencil.4 把青蛙剪出来.5 画一辆汽车.6 拿一只铅笔.Revision unit 's say up.复习的第二单元6 我们说并作相应的动作.坐下.站起来.Listen, the a boat, please.请听一听.打开门.关上窗户.请画一只船.Clean the car, the panda out,please.请把汽车擦干净.请把熊猫剪出来.Unit chantWhat's for breakfastWhat's for breakfast第7单元1 吟诵早餐吃什么早餐吃什么I'm 's forbreakfastI'm hungry.我饿了.早餐吃什么我饿了.Milk and cornflakes,toast and jam,teaand juice,rolls andham.牛奶和脆玉米片,烤面包和果酱,花卷和火腿.Yummy,yummy,I ,yummy,I lovebreakfast.美味,美味,我喜欢早餐.美味,美味,我喜欢早餐.I love breakfast,yeah.我喜欢早餐,是的.Unit and 's time forbreakfast. Listen.第七单元3 听并模仿.是吃早餐的时间了.听.Open the is a littledog.打开门.发现一只小狗.It's your a bite.它饿了.拿起你的香肠.咬了一口.Give the rest tothe 's do itagain.把剩下的留给了小狗.好的.我们再做一遍.It's time the door.是吃早餐的时间了.听.打开门.There is a littledog. It's your sausage.发现一只小狗.它饿了.拿起你的香肠.Take a the rest tothe dog.咬了一口.把剩下的留给了小狗.Unit thepictures.第7单元4 再听一遍.把图画编上号码.One:It's time ::Open the door.1 是吃早餐的时间了.2 听.3 打开门.Four:There is alittle :It's :Get your sausage.4 发现一只小狗.5 它饿了.6 拿起你的香肠.Seven:Take a :Give the restto the dog.7 咬了一口.8 把剩下的留给了小狗Unit story-Breakfastfor Pit and Pat.第7单元5 一个故事-彼德和帕特的早餐.Pi:I'm 's forbreakfastPi:我饿了.早餐吃什么Pa:Cornflakes,rollsand ::Woof,woof.Pa:脆玉米片,花卷和香肠.Pi:美味.D:低吠声.Pa:Let's watch :、Pa:Hee,hee,hee.Pa:我们来看卡通片.Pi:好的.Pi、Pa:嘿嘿嘿Pi:I'm :Me 、Pa:Oh,no!D:ZZZZZZZZPi:我饿了.Pa:我也是的.Pi、Pa:噢,不!D:ZZZZZZZZUnit 's learn love juice.第7单元6 学和说.我喜欢果汁.What about youI don't like like Focus你呢我不喜欢果汁.我喜欢茶.重点I like love don't like juice.我喜欢茶.我喜欢果汁.我不喜欢果汁.milk tea juicerice bread ice-creamapples eggs cakesbananas 牛奶茶果汁米面包冰淇淋苹果蛋蛋糕香蕉Unit 's learn Vv Ww第7单元7 学,读Uu Vv WwUnit 's learn and is 'm from china.第7单元8 学和说.这是中国.我来自中国.I love is 'm from love china.我喜欢中国.这是天安门.我从北京来.我喜欢中国.This is my like it .I love school.这是我的学校.我喜欢它.我爱我的学校.P:Hello,Toby!T:Hi,Panda!Where are you fromP:I'm from China.P:你好,托比!T:你好,熊猫!你从哪儿来P:我来自中国.What about you T:I'm from :I love you ,:I love you ,too.你呢T:我从英国来.P:我喜欢你,托比.T:我也喜欢你.Unit 8 SweetsUnit and stick.第八单元糖果1 听和贴.Have some chocolates, you . I have an orange吃一些巧克力,汤姆.谢谢.美味.我能要一个桔子吗Here you are , some ice cream,Nick.给你,桑德拉.吃一些冰淇淋,尼克.Thank you .I loveice I havea lollipopHere you are,Lisa.谢谢你.我喜欢冰淇淋.我能要一个棒棒糖吗给你,丽塔.Have some Popcorn, I have a bananaHere you are ,Rita.鲍勃,吃一些爆米花.谢谢.好吃.我能有一个香蕉吗给你,丽塔.Unit songYummy, yummyLots of lollipops.第8单元2 一首歌美味,美味好多棒棒糖.Lots of of ice of of lollipops.好多爆米花.好多冰淇淋.好多巧克力.好多棒棒糖.Lots of of ice of chocolates.好多棒棒糖.好多冰淇淋.好多巧克力.Oh,my tummy,tummy,tummy,tummy,,my tummy,tummy,tummy,tummy,tummy.噢,我的肚子,肚子,肚子,肚子,肚子啊.噢,我的肚子,肚子,肚子,肚子,肚子啊.Have an apple,apple,apple,apple, an orange,orange,orange, orange,orange.吃一个苹果,苹果,苹果苹果,苹果.吃一个桔子,桔子,桔子桔子,桔子.Yummy, yummy, yummy,yummy, an apple,havean ,yummy.美味,美味,美味,美味,美味.吃一个苹果,吃一个桔子.美味,美味.Unit and 're thirsty.第8单元3 听并模仿.你渴了.Look!There's . Ouch!Take off you cap.看!有一个桔子.跳起来.哎哟!脱下你的帽子.Throw it at theorange. Catch theorange.扔向桔子.抓住了桔子.Oh,no!Your cap is inthe orange tree!'s do itagain.噢,不!你的帽子挂在了桔子树上.好的.我们再做一遍.You're !There's .你渴了.看!有一个桔子.跳起来.Ouch!Take off you it at theorange.哎哟!脱下你的帽子.扔向桔子.Catch the ,no!Your cap is inthe orange tree!抓住了桔子.噢,不!你的帽子挂在了桔子树上.Unit :You're thirsty.第8单元4 再听一遍.把图画编上号码.1 你渴了.Two:Look!There's ::ouch!2 看!有一个桔子.3 跳起来.4 哎哟!five:Take off yur capSix:Throw it at theorange.5 脱下你的帽子.6 扔向桔子.Seven:Catch :Oh,no!Your capis in the orange tree!7 抓住了桔子.噢,不!8 你的帽子挂在了桔子树上.Unit story-Oh,my tummy!Pi:Let's climb thetree.第8单元5 一个故事-噢,我的肚子!Pi:我们来爬树吧.Pa::Look,there's ahole.Pa:好的.Pi:看,有一个洞.Pa:There's somethingin the :A gold :Wow!Pa:洞里面好像有个东西.Pa:是个金戒指.Pi:哇!Pa:Is this your ringW:Let me see...Oh,yes,it you verymuch. Just a minute. Pa:是你的金戒指吗让我看看...噢,是的.太谢谢你们了.等一下.W:These are for 、Pa:Chocolate,:My tummy hurts.W:这是给你们的.Pi、Pa:巧克力,美味啊Pi:我的肚子痛.Pa:I feel :Have an ice 、Pa:No,thank you.Pa:我觉得难受.W:再吃一个冰淇淋.Pi、Pa:不了,谢谢了.Unit 's read and :Sit down,please,Lisa.第8单元6 读并表演.B:请坐下,丽塔.L:Thank :Have some Wuchangfish,:.L:谢谢.B:吃一些武昌鱼吧,丽塔.L:谢谢.好吃.B:Can I have an apple,LisaL: you :Thank you very much.B:我能吃一个苹果吗,丽塔L:是的.给你.B:太感谢了.L:That's all :Let's have someice-cream.L:不用谢.B:我们来吃冰淇淋吧.L:No, don'tlike : like it verymuch.L:不,谢谢.我不喜欢吃B:好的.我很喜欢吃.In FocusHave some you you very much.重点喝果汁.给你.太谢谢你了.you .That'sall right/OK.谢谢.谢谢.不用客气.不用客气.Unit 's play a ball.第8单元7 我们来做个游戏.画一个球.Colour yor it in your colour is myball It is red给你的球涂上色.把它夹在书里.你的球是什么颜色是红色的吗No,it's not it orangeYes,it's good!不,它不是红色的.是橙色的吗是的,是橙色的.太好了!What colour is myballPlease go no withthe game.你的球是什么颜色请继续游戏.Draw another thingby yourself and colourit.你自己画另一个东西,涂上色.Unit 's read andlearn.第八单元8 边读边学It's the letter X .It's 's the letter 's blue.这是字母 X.它是红色的.这是字母 Y.它是蓝色的.It's the letter 's Yy Zz这是字母 Z.它是绿色的.Xx Yy ZzRevision unit and :Get a :Take a bite.复习的第三单元3 听并作记号.1 拿一根香肠.2 咬一口.Three:Give a bananato :You're :Jump.3 给托比一根香蕉.4 你渴了.5 跳起来.Six:Throw your cap.6 扔掉你的帽子.Revision unit Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg复习的第三单元5 英语字母表.Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff GgHh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt UuVv Ww Xx Yy ZzLet's say the ABC. Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt UuVv Ww Xx Yy Zz我们来说ABC. Revision unit 's Hh Jj Kk复习的第三单元6 我们来读.Aa Hh Jj KkEe Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp TtVv Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss XxZzIi YyEe Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp TtVv Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss XxZzIi YyOoUu Qq WwOoUu Qq WwUnit 9ChristmasUnit 91. A song第9单元圣诞节第9单元1 一首歌Christmas is nearChristmas is is near.圣诞节快来了.圣诞节快来了.圣诞节快来了.A Merry, a Happy New is near.圣诞快乐,快乐.还有新年快乐.圣诞节快来了. Christmas is Merry , a Happy New Year.圣诞节快来了.圣诞快乐,快乐.还有新年快乐. Christmas is is Merry,MerryChristmas.圣诞节快来了.圣诞节快来了.圣诞快乐,快乐.And a Happy New Christmas.还有新年快乐.圣诞快乐.Merry Christmas.圣诞快乐.圣诞快乐.圣诞快乐.圣诞快乐.Unit 94 .Let's say HappyNew Year to eachother.第9单元4 我们来相互祝福新年快乐.Happy New Year,Xiaoqing!The same to you,Sandra.新年快乐,小晴!你也是,桑德拉.Culture习俗Christmas DayDecember 25New Year's DayJanuary 1圣诞节12月15日新年1月1日In Focus重点。