CAN总线全称为“控制器局域网总线(Controller Area Network)”,是德国博世公司从80年代初为解决现代汽车中众多的控制与测试仪器之间的数据交换而开发的一种串行数据通信协议。
LIN(Local Interconnect Network,控制器局域网)总线是由LIN 协会发布的一种新型低成本串行通信总线,也称为经济型CAN网络。
LIN的目标是为现有汽车网络(例如CAN 总线)提供辅助功能,因此LIN总线是一种辅助的总线网络,在不需要CAN 总线的带宽和多功能的场合比如智能传感器和制动装置之间的通信使用LIN总线可大大节省成本。
由于J1850总线通信速率低,只适合用于车身控制系统及诊断系统,目前在美国逐步被CAN 所取代。
MOST(Media Oriented System Transport,面向媒体的系统传输)总线是采用光纤并用于智能交通及多媒体的网络协议,能够支持24.8Mbps的数据速率,与以前的铜缆相比具有减轻重量和减小电磁干扰的优势。
CAN总线全称为“控制器局域网总线(Controller Area Network)”,是德国博世公司从80年代初为解决现代汽车中众多的控制与测试仪器之间的数据交换而开发的一种串行数据通信协议。
LIN(Local Interconnect Network,控制器局域网)总线是由LIN 协会发布的一种新型低成本串行通信总线,也称为经济型CAN网络。
LIN的目标是为现有汽车网络(例如CAN 总线)提供辅助功能,因此LIN总线是一种辅助的总线网络,在不需要CAN 总线的带宽和多功能的场合比如智能传感器和制动装置之间的通信使用LIN总线可大大节省成本。
由于J1850总线通信速率低,只适合用于车身控制系统及诊断系统,目前在美国逐步被CAN 所取代。
MOST(Media Oriented System Transport,面向媒体的系统传输)总线是采用光纤并用于智能交通及多媒体的网络协议,能够支持24.8Mbps的数据速率,与以前的铜缆相比具有减轻重量和减小电磁干扰的优势。
FlexRay还能够提供很多CAN网络不具有的可靠性特点,尤其是FlexRay 具备的冗余通信能力可实现通过硬件完全复制网络配置,双通道冗余进行数据通信。
FlexRay支持高达10 Mbps的数据传 输速率,满足汽车中大量数据传输的 需求。
FlexRay具有错误检测和纠正功能, 能够保证数据传输的可靠性。
1 2
FlexRay支持静态和动态两种通信模式,可以根 据实际需求进行选择。
FlexRay支持星型和总线型两种拓扑结构,可以 根据汽车内部ECU的分布情况进行选择。
对实时性的 依赖
由于FlexRay总线的通信机制和硬件资源限制,其支 持的节点数量有限,可能不适合大规模分布式系统。
CAN总线是一种广泛应用于汽车行业的通信协议,具有高可靠性和良好的实时 性。
CAN总线采用基于优先级的通信方式,支持多主节点同时通信,具有较高的数 据传输速率和较低的延迟时间。然而,CAN总线在处理大量数据和复杂通信时 可能会遇到带宽限制。
随着汽车电子化程度的不断提高,对汽车内部通信的要求也 越来越高,FlexRay总线技术正是在这样的背景下应运而生。
FlexRay总线技术最初由BMW和戴姆勒-克莱斯勒于1999年联合开发,旨在为汽车 内部通信提供一种高性能、高可靠性的总线系统。
自推出以来,FlexRay总线技术得到了广泛的认可和应用,已成为汽车内部通信的标 准之一。
随着汽车电子化程度的不断提高,对 线控技术的需求也在不断增长。 FlexRay总线技术作为汽车线控技术 的关键组成部分,其市场需求将进一 步扩大。
汽车ecu bms通信协议标准
标题:汽车ECU BMS通信协议标准一、概述随着汽车电子系统的不断发展和智能化水平的提高,汽车的ECU(汽车电子控制单元)和BMS(电池管理系统)之间的通信协议变得越来越重要。
二、汽车ECU和BMS的通信协议标准1. CAN总线通信协议CAN(Controller Area Network)总线是一种广泛应用于汽车电子系统中的通信协议。
2. LIN总线通信协议LIN(Local Interconnect Network)总线是一种针对汽车电子系统中从属设备之间通信的低成本、低速率的总线标准。
3. FlexRay通信协议FlexRay是一种高速、冗余的汽车网络协议,它被设计用于替代现有的汽车通信标准,提供更高的数据传输速率和实时性能。
三、通信协议标准的选择和应用1. 根据汽车电子系统的要求,选择合适的通信协议标准,考虑到数据传输速率、实时性能、抗干扰能力等因素。
2. 对于不同的汽车电子系统,选择不同的通信协议标准,以确保各个子系统之间的通信稳定和可靠。
3. 根据通信协议标准的应用场景和技术要求,对汽车ECU和BMS之间的通信协议进行定制化设计和开发,以满足具体需求。
四、未来发展趋势1. 随着汽车电子系统的不断发展和智能化水平的提高,汽车的ECU和BMS之间的通信协议标准将会不断进化和完善。
2. 在未来,通信协议标准的选择和应用将更加智能化和个性化,以满足汽车电子系统对数据传输速率、实时性能和稳定性的不断提升的需求。
3. 通信协议标准的开放性和统一性将会更加重要,以促进不同厂商的汽车电子系统之间的互操作和兼容性。
(完整版)FlexRay总线原理及应⽤FlexRay 总线原理及应⽤1 FlexRay 总线介绍1.1 FlexRay 产⽣及发展随着汽车中增强安全和舒适体验的功能越来越多,⽤于实现这些功能的传感器、传输装置、电⼦控制单元(ECU)的数量也在持续上升。
如今⾼端汽车有100 多个ECU,如果不采⽤新架构,该数字可能还会增长,ECU 操作和众多车⽤总线之间的协调配合⽇益复杂,严重阻碍线控技术( X-by-Wire ,即利⽤重量轻、效率⾼、更简单且具有容错功能的电⽓/电⼦系统取代笨重的机械/液压部分)的发展。
⽬前⼴泛应⽤的车载总线技术CAN 、LIN 等由于缺少同步性,确定性及容错性等并不能满⾜未来汽车应⽤的要求。
宝马和戴姆勒克莱斯勒很早就意识到了,传统的解决⽅案并不能满⾜汽车⾏业未来的需要,更不能满⾜汽车线控系统( X-by-Wire )的要求。
于是在2000 年9 ⽉,宝马和戴姆勒克莱斯勒联合飞利浦和摩托罗拉成⽴了FlexRay 联盟。
该联盟致⼒于推⼴FlexRay 通信系统在全球的采⽤,使其成为⾼级动⼒总成、底盘、线控系统的标准协议。
其具体任务为制定FlexRay 需求定义、开发FlexRay 协议、定义数据链路层、提供⽀持FlexRay 的控制器、开发FlexRay 物理层规范并实现基础解决⽅案。
1.2 FlexRay 特点FlexRay 提供了传统车内通信协议不具备的⼤量特性,包括:(1) ⾼传输速率:FlexRay 的每个信道具有10Mbps 带宽。
由于它不仅可以像CAN 和LIN ⽹络这样的单信道系统⼀般运⾏,⽽且还可以作为⼀个双信道系统运⾏,因此可以达到20Mbps 的最⼤传输速率,是当前CAN 最⾼运⾏速率的20 倍。
如果靠手动来管理这些ECU 之间数以千计的信息和交互操作是不可能的,因此汽车设计人员必然用自动化设计和合成工具来预测网络性能和调整车载功能。
集群通常会共享同一类型的总线,因此要达到高可靠性、高速率的标准,就要采用FlexRay 网络,但要求没那么高的门锁ECU可以由CAN或LIN来负责。
FlexRay总线原理及应用1 FlexRay总线介绍1.1 FlexRay产生及发展随着汽车中增强安全和舒适体验的功能越来越多,用于实现这些功能的传感器、传输装置、电子控制单元(ECU)的数量也在持续上升。
其具体任务为制定FlexRay需求定义、开发FlexRay 协议、定义数据链路层、提供支持FlexRay的控制器、开发FlexRay物理层规范并实现基础解决方案。
1.2 FlexRay特点FlexRay提供了传统车内通信协议不具备的大量特性,包括:(1)高传输速率:FlexRay的每个信道具有10Mbps带宽。
FlexRay一、FlexRay介绍 (2)1.1汽车网络通信协议综述 (2)1.2FlexRay特点 (2)1.3FlexRay协会 (3)1.4FlexRay应用 (3)二、FlexRay协议 (4)2.1FlexRay的ECU结构 (4)2.2FlexRay通信模式 (5)2.3FlexRay拓扑结构 (6)2.4FlexRay帧格式 (8)2.4.1帧头部分 (8)2.4.2有效数据部分 (8)2.4.3帧尾部分 (9)2.5帧编码与解码 (9)2.5.1帧编码 (9)2.5.2特征符编码 (10)2.6时钟同步 (11)2.7唤醒与启动 (12)三、FlexRay物理层 (13)3.1FlexRay总线信号 (13)3.2FlexRay套件(以富士通为例) (13)3.2.1FlexRay开发进程 (13)3.2.2FlexRay产品 (14)3.2.3FlexRay产品特性 (15)四、历史与展望 (16)4.1汽车技术与汽车产业 (16)4.2关于汽车计算平台的思考与机会 (17)一、FlexRay介绍FlexRay通讯协议运用于可靠的车内网络中,是一种具备故障容错的高速汽车总线系统。
CAN总线全称为“控制器局域网总线(Controller Area Network)”,是德国博世公司从80年代初为解决现代汽车中众多的控制与测试仪器之间的数据交换而开发的一种串行数据通信协议。
FlexRay时钟同步为了确保网络中的所有节点能够按照相同的时钟进行通信,FlexRay 使用了分布式时钟同步技术。
FlexRay总线原理及应用1 FlexRay总线介绍1.1 FlexRay产生及发展随着汽车中增强安全和舒适体验的功能越来越多,用于实现这些功能的传感器、传输装置、电子控制单元(ECU)的数量也在持续上升。
其具体任务为制定FlexRay需求定义、开发FlexRay 协议、定义数据链路层、提供支持FlexRay的控制器、开发FlexRay物理层规范并实现基础解决方案。
1.2 FlexRay特点FlexRay提供了传统车内通信协议不具备的大量特性,包括:(1)高传输速率:FlexRay的每个信道具有10Mbps带宽。
FlexRay Communications System Electrical Physical Layer SpecificationVersion 2.1Revision BFlexRay Electrical Physical Layer Specification Disclaimer DISCLAIMERThis specification as released by the FlexRay Consortium is intended for the purpose of information only. The use of material contained in this specification requires membership within the FlexRay Consortium or an agreement with the FlexRay Consortium. The FlexRay Consortium will not be liable for any unauthorized use of this Specification.Following the completion of the development of the FlexRay Communications System Specifications commercial exploitation licenses will be made available to End Users by way of an End User's License Agreement. Such licenses shall be contingent upon End Users granting reciprocal licenses to all Core Partners and non-assertions in favor of all Premium Associate Members and Associate Members.All details and mechanisms concerning the bus guardian concept are defined in the FlexRay Bus Guardian Specifications.The FlexRay Communications System is currently specified for a baud rate of 10 Mbit/s. It may be extended to additional baud rates.No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.The word FlexRay and the FlexRay logo are registered trademarks.Copyright © 2004-2006 FlexRay Consortium. All rights reserved.The Core Partners of the FlexRay Consortium are BMW AG, DaimlerChrysler AG, Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH, General Motors Corporation, Philips GmbH, Robert Bosch GmbH and Volkswagen AG.Table of contentsCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION (7)1.1 Objective (7)1.2 Overview (7)1.3 References (7)1.4 Terms and definitions (8)1.5 List of abbreviations (8)1.6 Notational conventions (9)1.6.1 Parameter prefix conventions (9)1.7 Important preliminary notes (10)1.7.1 Bus speed (10)1.7.2 Functional classes (10)1.7.3 System and conformance tests (10)1.8 Revision history (11)1.8.1 Changes applied to “E-PL spec v2.1 Revision A” (11)1.9 Open issues (11)CHAPTER 2 COMMUNICATION CHANNEL BASICS (12)2.1 Objective (12)2.2 Propagation delay (12)2.2.1 Asymmetric delay (13)2.3 Truncation (14)2.4 Symbol length change (15)2.5 Collisions (15)2.6 EMC jitter (16)2.6.1 EMC jitter on signal edges (16)2.6.2 EMC jitter on TSS-truncation (16)2.6.3 EMC jitter on Symbol length change (16)2.7 Wake-up patterns (17)2.7.1 Overview (17)2.7.2 Valid wake-up pattern (17)2.7.3 Non valid wake-up patterns (18)CHAPTER 3 PRINCIPLE OF FLEXRAY NETWORKING (19)3.1 Objective (19)3.2 Interconnection of nodes (19)CHAPTER 4 NETWORK COMPONENTS (21)4.1 Objective (21)4.2 Cables (21)4.3 Connectors (21)4.4.1 Terminated cable end (22)4.4.2 Un-terminated cable end (23)4.5 Termination concept (23)4.6 Common mode chokes (24)4.7 DC bus load (24)CHAPTER 5 NETWORK TOPOLOGY (26)5.1 Objective (26)5.2 Point-to-point connection (26)5.3 Passive star (27)5.4 Linear passive bus (28)5.5 Active star network (29)5.6 Cascaded active stars (30)5.7 Hybrid topologies (31)5.8 Dual channel topologies (31)CHAPTER 6 ELECTRICAL SIGNALING (32)6.1 Objective (32)6.2 Overview (32)6.3 Bus state: Idle_LP (32)6.4 Bus state: Idle (32)6.5 Bus state: Data_1 (33)6.6 Bus state: Data_0 (33)CHAPTER 7 SIGNAL INTEGRITY (34)7.1 Objective (34)7.2 Definition of test planes (34)7.3 Eye-diagram at TP1 (35)7.4 Eye-diagram at TP4 (only valid for point-to-point connections) (36)CHAPTER 8 ELECTRICAL BUS DRIVER (37)8.1 Overview (37)8.2 Operation modes (38)8.2.1 BD_Normal mode (38)8.2.2 BD_Standby mode (38)8.2.3 BD_Sleep mode (optional) (38)8.2.4 BD_ReceiveOnly mode (optional) (38)8.3 Operation mode transitions (39)8.4 Bus Driver – Communication Controller interface (40)8.4.1 TxD/TxEN behavior in case a Bus Driver - Bus Guardian interface is implemented (40)8.4.2 TxD/TxEN - behavior in case a Bus Driver - Bus Guardian interface is not implemented (41)8.4.3 RxD - behavior (41)8.5 Bus Driver – Bus Guardian interface (optional) (42)8.6.1 Overview (43)8.6.2 Hard wired signals (Option A) (43)8.6.3 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) (Option B) (46)8.7 Bus Driver – Power supply interface (46)8.7.1 V CC supply voltage monitoring (47)8.7.2 V BAT supply voltage monitoring (47)8.7.3 Inhibit output (optional) (48)8.8 Bus Driver - Level shift interface (optional) (48)8.8.1 V IO voltage monitoring (48)8.9 Bus Driver - Bus interface (49)8.9.1 Receiver characteristics (49)8.9.2 Receiver behavior (50)8.9.3 Receiver timing characteristics (52)8.9.4 Receiver behavior at transition from idle to active and vice versa (54)8.9.5 Transmitter characteristics (56)8.9.6 Transmitter behavior at transition from idle to active and vice versa (58)8.9.7 Bus Driver - bus interface behavior, when not powered (59)8.9.8 Bus Driver - bus interface behavior under short-circuit conditions (59)8.10 Bus Driver – Wake-up interface (optional) (60)8.10.1 Local Wake-up operating requirements (60)8.11 Remote Wake-up event detector (optional) (60)8.11.1 Remote Wake-up operating requirements (60)8.12 Bus Driver behavior under fault conditions (61)8.12.1 Environmental errors (61)8.12.2 Behavior of unconnected digital input signals (62)8.12.3 Dynamic low battery voltage (63)8.12.4 Bus failure detection (64)8.12.5 Over-temperature protection (64)8.13 Bus Driver functional classes (65)8.13.1 Functional class “Bus Driver voltage regulator control” (65)8.13.2 Functional class “Bus Driver - Bus Guardian interface” (65)8.13.3 Functional class “Bus Driver internal voltage regulator” (65)8.13.4 Functional class “Bus Driver logic level adaptation” (65)8.14 Bus Driver signal summary (66)CHAPTER 9 ACTIVE STAR (68)9.1 Overview (68)9.2 Hardware realization (68)9.2.1 Active star - Communication Controller interface (optional) (69)9.2.2 Active star - Bus Guardian interface (optional) (69)9.2.3 Active star - Power supply interface (69)9.2.4 Active star - Bus interface (69)9.3 Basic functionality (69)9.4 Enhanced functionality (70)9.4.1 Functional class: “Active Star - Communication Controller interface” (70)9.4.2 Functional class: “Active Star - Bus Guardian interface” (71)9.4.3 Functional class "Active Star - Voltage regulator control" (71)9.4.4 Functional class "Active Star - Internal voltage regulator" (71)9.5 Active Star timing characteristics (71)9.6 Active Star operation modes (72)9.6.1 AS_Sleep (72)9.6.3 AS_Standby (72)9.7 Active Star operation mode transitions (73)9.7.1 Active Star behavior after wake-up (74)9.8 Operating states of branches (74)9.8.1 Branch_Idle (74)9.8.2 Branch_Active (74)9.8.3 Branch_FailSilent (74)9.9 Branch operating state transitions (75)9.10 Collisions (76)9.10.1 Collisions on busses (76)9.10.2 Collision of bus activity and TxEN (76)9.11 Active Star behavior under fault conditions (78)9.12 Behavior of unconnected digital input signals (79)CHAPTER 10 BUS GUARDIAN (80)CHAPTER 11 GENERAL FEATURES FOR FLEXRAY PARTS (81)11.1 Objective (81)11.2 Input voltage thresholds for digital signals (81)11.3 Voltage limits for digital output signals (81)11.4 ESD protection on chip level (82)11.5 ESD protection on ECU level (82)11.6 Operating temperature (82)11.7 Serial peripheral interface (SPI) (83)11.7.1 Behavior of unconnected digital input pins (83)CHAPTER 12 SYSTEM TIMING CONSTRAINTS (84)12.1 Objective (84)12.2 Overview of timing parameters (84)12.3 Requirements of the decoding process according to [PS05] (84)12.4 FlexRay topologies (85)12.4.1 Signal chain (87)12.4.2 Example of a signal chain (88)12.5 Description of asymmetry portions (89)12.5.1 Communication Controller (89)12.5.2 Contribution of the Bus Driver (90)12.5.3 Interface between the Bus Driver and Communication Controller (91)12.5.4 Passive networks (91)12.5.5 ECU (92)12.6 Requirements for Communication Controller (92)12.7 Overview of the network integrity (93)Chapter 1Introduction1.1 ObjectiveThis specification describes the electrical physical layer for FlexRay communications systems.1.2 OverviewThe electrical physical layer for FlexRay is designed to network automotive electronic control units (ECUs). The medium that is used is dual wires. Signaling on the bus is accomplished by asserting a differential voltage between those wires. Topology variations range from linear passive busses up to active star topologies. Furthermore the physical layer optionally incorporates a so called bus guardian as an instance, which may watch over the bus access and has the power to disable the bus access of a node module to a channel in case of mismatches in the time schedule.This specification includes the definition of electrical characteristics of the transmission itself and also documentation of basic functionality for bus driver (BD), bus guardian (BG) and active star (AS) devices.1.3 References[PS05] FlexRay Communications System - Protocol Specification, v2.1 Revision A,FlexRay Consortium, December 2005[EMC05] FlexRay Communications System - Physical Layer EMC Measurement Specification, v2.1, FlexRay Consortium, December 2005[EPLAN06] FlexRay Communications System - Electrical Physical Layer Application Notes, v2.1 Revision B, FlexRay Consortium, November 20061.4 Terms and definitionsFlexRay specific terms and definitions are listed in [PS05].1.5 List of abbreviationsAS: active starBD: bus driverBG: bus guardianBSS: byte start sequenceCC: communication controllerECU: electronic control unitSPI: serial peripheral interfaceTSS: transmission start sequenceuV BAT: means a voltage applied at the V BAT pin relative to ground of the semiconductor device uV ECU: means a voltage applied at the battery connector of an ECU relative to groundX: don’t carex: placeholder for a figure [2, 3, 4, …]1.6 Notational conventions1.6.1 Parameter prefix conventions<variable> ::= <prefix_1> [<prefix_2>] Name <prefix_1> ::= a | c | v | g | p<prefix_2> ::= d | l | n | ua AuxiliaryParameter Auxiliary parameter used in the definition or derivation of other parameters or in the derivation of constraints.c Protocol Constant Values used to define characteristics or limits of the protocol.These values are fixed for the protocol and cannot be changed.v Node Variable Values which will be changed depending on time, events, etc.g Cluster Parameter Parameter that must have the same value in all nodes in a cluster.p Node Parameter Parameter that may have different values in different nodes in thecluster.- Prefix 1 can be omittedThis table is mirrored from [PS05], where the binding definitions are made!Table 1-1: Prefix 1.d Time Duration Value (variable, parameter, etc.) describing a time duration, thetime between two points in timel Length Physical length of e.g. a cablen Amount Number of e.g. stubsu Voltage Differential voltage between two conducting materials (e.g. copperwires)The prefixes “l”, “n” and “u” are defined binding here. For all other prefixes refer to [PS05]Table 1-2: Prefix 2.1.7 Important preliminary notes1.7.1 Bus speedThe FlexRay communication system currently specifies for a data rate of 10MBit/s only.Thus the nominal time of one bit (gdBit) is 100ns.1.7.2 Functional classesIn chapters 8, 9 and 10, the physical layer devices BD, AS and the electrical interfaces of the BG are specified. This specification comprises the minimum functional features in order to ensure interoperability of FlexRay devices and compliance to constraints given by the FlexRay protocol. In addition to this, some ‘functional classes’ are introduced. Each functional class combines a set of specified options, which have to coexist when implemented. These functional classes may be implemented in order to enhance the set of functional features of FlexRay physical layer devices and make them more valuable for building automotive ECUs.1.7.3 System and conformance testsTests for system behavior and FlexRay conformance are currently under development. Some basic information and prerequisites can be found in this specification. Potentially, this kind of content is to be moved when appropriate test specification documents are available.1.8 Revision history1.8.1 Changes applied to “E-PL spec v2.1 Revision A”- Changes as listed in “Errata Sheet to E-PL v2.1 Rev. A”- Complete reworked chapter 121.9 Open issues- Chapter 10 to be updated – according to most recent BG conceptsChapter 2Communication Channel Basics2.1 ObjectiveThe electrical physical layer provides among other things an implementation of a FlexRay communication channel. In this section an abstract definition of the physical properties of this communication channel is given. Any physical layer that behaves according to these basics provides a valid FlexRay communication channel.2.2 Propagation delayBinary data streams transmitted from node module M are received at node module N with the propagation delay dPropagationDelay M,N. The propagation delay shall be measured from the falling edge in the Byte Start Sequence (BSS; see [PS05]) in the transmit (TxD) signal of node module M to the corresponding falling edge in the receive (RxD) signal at node module N.Node module MM,NNode module NFigure 2-1: Propagation delay.The actual propagation delay that occurs between node module M to node module N depends mainly on the topology of the path. The following equation must be true in order to meet the constraints given by the FlexRay protocol:dPropagationDelay M,N≤cPropagationDelayMaxIn [PS05] the parameter cPropagationDelayMax is limited to 2500ns. Consequently it is:Name Description Min Max Unit dPropagationDelay M,N Propagation delay from node module M to2500 nsnode module NTable 2-1: Propagation delay.See also section “Application hint: Propagation delay” in [EPLAN06].2.2.1 Asymmetric delayAs defined above the propagation delay is defined with help of the first negative edge after the TSS in the binary data stream.Due to the limitations of the FlexRay decoder module the channel plus the sending and receiving bus driver shall not introduce a static asymmetric delay that exceeds a certain level.For further consideration see chapter 12.Node module MM,NNode module NdAsymmetricDelayM,NFigure 2-2: Asymmetric propagation delay.2.3 TruncationThe channel may truncate the TSS (see [PS05]). The interval by which the TSS is truncated from a transmitting node module M to a receiving node module N is denoted as dFrameTSSTruncation M,N. The effect of truncation of the TSS of a frame is shown in figure 2-3.Node module MNode module NNFigure 2-3: Frame TSS Truncation.The truncation time is calculated as the difference of the duration of TSS at sender and duration of TSS at receiver: dFrameTSSTruncation M,N = dTSS M - dTSS N .The value of dFrameTSSTruncation M,N needs to be less than the maximum configurable value of the protocol parameter gdTSSTransmitter. The effect of truncation sums up of different portions, which are contributed by active stars and the activity detection in the receiving BDs.Name Description Min Max UnitdFrameTSSTruncation M,N Truncation on path from node module M to100 1350 nsnode module NTable 2-2: TSS Truncation.The truncation depends on the number of active stars in the path from node M to node N. More detailed information is given in [EPLAN06]2.4 Symbol length changeQuite similar to the truncation of the TSS the length of symbols is changed while traveling through the physical layer. Besides the truncation at the beginning by the activity detection time a lengthening at the end by the idle detection time occurs. These effects are described in detail in section 8.9.4.Name Description Min Max Unit dSymbolLengthChange M,N Change of length of a symbol on path from-1200 900 nsnode module M to node module NA negative value means that the symbol is shortened, a positive value means the symbol is elongated.Table 2-3: Symbol length change.2.5 CollisionsFlexRay is designed to perform communication without collisions. I.e. the nodes do not arbitrate on the channel and collisions do not happen during normal operation. However, during the startup phase of the protocol, collisions on the channel may happen. The electrical physical layer does not provide a means to resolve those collisions.In case of collisions of communication elements on the bus (at least two nodes are transmitting simultaneously) it cannot be predicted what signal the nodes will receive. At least some activity (noise) on the channel will be detected.Data_0 Data_0Data_0Data_0 Data_1Data_0 or Data_1Data_1 Data_0Data_1 or Data_0Data_1 Data_1Data_1For definition of Data_0 and Data_1 see chapter 6.Table 2-4: Data signal collision on the bus.2.6 EMC jitter2.6.1 EMC jitter on signal edgesJitter on signal edges, i.e. those edges that are different from first transition from HIGH to LOW at start of frame and the last transition from LOW to HIGH at the end of a frame, shall be considered in the course of system evaluation.2.6.2 EMC jitter on TSS-truncationJitter on the TSS-truncation, which means jitter on the first falling edge in a frame, might shorten the TSS additionally to the truncation as described in section EMC jitter on Symbol length changeJitter on the two edges of symbols might lead to deviations of the symbol length change as described in section Wake-up patterns2.7.1 OverviewIndependent from the data rate wake-up patterns can be sent to remotely wake nodes that are in Sleep mode.2.7.2 Valid wake-up patternA valid remote wake-up event is the reception of at least two consecutive wake-up symbols via the bus.The wake-up detector for such events shall be active when the BD is in a low power mode (e.g. BD_Standby or BD_Sleep (if implemented)).For remote wake-up in FlexRay systems, a wake-up pattern is sent via the bus as described in [PS05]. The FlexRay wake-up pattern consists of several repetitions of FlexRay wake-up symbols. The wake-up symbol is defined as a phase of Data_0 followed by a phase of Idle.A remote wake-up event occurs from BD's perspective when any sequence of { Data_0, Idle, Data_0, Idle } that starts after Idle and has a timing according to figure 2-4 and table 2-5 is received. The definition of the pattern [PS05] guarantees at the receiver: dWU01 > 4µs, dWU Idle1 > 4µs, dWU02 > 4µs, dWU Idle2 > 4µs and dWU < 48µs.tFigure 2-4: Valid signal for wake-up pattern recognition at receiver.Name Description Min Max Unit dWU0Detect Acceptance timeout for detection of a1 4 µsData_0 phase in wake-up patterndWU IdleDetect Acceptance timeout for detection of a Idle1 4 µsphase in wake-up patterndWU Timeout Acceptance timeout for wake-up pattern48 140 µsrecognitionTable 2-5: Wake-up pattern detection timing at receiver.Short discontinuities (e.g. due to external disturbances like injection of RF fields) in Data_0 or Idle phases shall not harm the recognition of a remote wake-up, therefore uBus shall be evaluated after integrative filtering in order to achieve a sufficient robustness against such disturbances. The acceptable discontinuities depend on implementation and need to be specified on BD product level.Moreover, the wake-up detector is allowed to judge Data_1 as Idle and the behavior needs to be specified on BD product level. Thus, the BD might also wake-up upon receiving other patterns, e.g. FlexRay frames.Mind that idle and activity detection is the process how the wake-up pattern is received, see section 8.9.2 Receiver behavior and especially table 8- Non valid wake-up patternsThe BD shall not wake-up, whena) the first idle phase is shorter than 1µs, while the Data_0 phases are 6µsb) the second Data_0 phase is shorter than 1µs, while the first Data_0 phaseand the first idle phase are 6µsc) the first idle phase is longer than 140µs, while the Data_0 phases are 6µsChapter 3Principle of FlexRay Networking3.1 ObjectiveThis chapter shows the basic operation principle of FlexRay networks.3.2 Interconnection of nodesThe FlexRay electrical physical layer provides a differential voltage link (= bus) between a transmitting and oneor more receiving communication modules. The differential voltage is measured between two signal lines, denoted BP (Bus Plus) and BM (Bus Minus). The fundamental mechanism of the bidirectional differential voltage link is shown below. The bidirectional link between any two nodes modules requires a transmitter and receiver circuit which are integrated in so called bus drivers.Bus driver Bus driverFigure 3-1: Principle of a differential voltage link.This structure can be extended with further bus drivers that are connected to the differential voltage link as depicted in the following figure. The differential voltage link is implemented by a dual wire cable. With each communication module one bus driver is added to the system.Bus driver Bus driverFigure 3-2: Principle of a linear passive bus.Limitations to the number of bus drivers (ECUs) and cable extents are documented in chapter 5. Furthermore, the bus can also comprise active stars, which are working in principle as bidirectional repeaters. The functionality of active stars is specified in chapter 9.Bus driverFigure 3-3: Principle of an active star network.Chapter 4Network Components4.1 ObjectiveThis chapter introduces some basic network components that are used to build up FlexRay networks.4.2 CablesThe objective of this subsection is to specify the required cable characteristics, but not to define a selection of cable types. The medium in use for FlexRay busses may be unshielded as well as shielded cables, as long as they provide the following characteristics:Name Description Min Max UnitZ0Differential mode impedance @ 10 MHz (*) 80 110 ΩT’0Specific line delay 10 ns / mα5MHz Cable attenuation @ 5 MHz (sine wave) 82 dB / km(*) see [EPLAN06]Table 4-1: Cable characteristics.4.3 ConnectorsThis specification does not prescribe certain connectors for FlexRay systems. However, any electrical connector used in FlexRay busses shall meet the following constraints:Name Description Min Max UnitR DCContact Contact resistance (including crimps) 50 mΩZ Connector Impedance of connector 70 200 Ωl Coupling Length coupling connection (*) 150 mmdContactInterruption (**)Contact resistance R> 1Ω100 nsDCContact(*) this parameter defines the length of the connectors including the termination areas of the cables(**) this requirement is to be generally understood as an quality issue and has no direct link with the timing performance of FlexRay.Table 4-2: Connector parameters.See further recommendations about connectors in [EPLAN06].4.4 Cable termination4.4.1 Terminated cable endThe simplest way to terminate the cable at an ECU consists of a single termination resistor between the bus wires BP and BM. Other termination possibilities are shown in [EPLAN06].Figure 4-1: Terminated cable end.In following sections, ECUs that have this kind of termination are symbolized with the following icon.Figure 4-2: Symbol: Terminated cable end.4.4.2 Un-terminated cable endAt an un-terminated cable end, no resistive element is connected between the bus wires.Figure 4-3: Un-terminated cable end.In following sections, ECUs that have this kind of termination are symbolized with the following icon.Figure 4-4: Symbol: Un-terminated cable end.4.5 Termination conceptThis specification does not prescribe a certain termination concept. Application specific solutions have to be found. Find some more general recommendations about termination in [EPLAN06].4.6 Common mode chokesThis specification does not prescribe a certain common mode choke for FlexRay systems. However, anycommon mode choke used in FlexRay systems shall meet the following constraints over the entire temperature range as specified in section 11.5:Name DescriptionMinMaxUnit R CMCResistance (per line)2 ΩTable 4-3: Common mode choke parameters.See further recommendations about common mode chokes in [EPLAN06].4.7 DC bus loadThe DC load a BD sees between the bus wires is R DCLoad . A network equivalent DC circuit is as follows:R DCLoad Figure 4-5: DC bus load.The schematic does not include parasitic resistances from common mode chokes (R CMC ), connectors (R Connector ) and the series resistance of the wiring (R Wire ), since those shall be neglected in the following calculation: The formula to calculate the overall DC bus load is:R DCLoad = (Σm (R Tm )-1)-1Equation 4-1: DC bus load.Name Description Min Max Unit R DCLoad DC bus load 40 55 ΩTable 4-4: DC bus load limitation.Mind that the termination resistance R Tm is usually a termination resistor in parallel to the BD’s receiver common mode input resistance (see section 8.9.1). The termination resistor might also be applied outside the ECU, e.g. at a network splice. In case of an un-terminated cable end according to section 4.3.2. the resistance R Tm represents only the BD’s receiver common mode input resistance.Some exemplary termination concepts for different bus structures are described in [EPLAN06]. All termination concepts have to consider the DC bus load limitation as defined here.Chapter 5Network Topology5.1 ObjectiveThis chapter introduces possible bus structures, their names and parameters. The layout of busses has to follow the constraints that are explained in this chapter. Application examples and recommendations are given in [EPLAN06].Dual channel applications, a main feature of FlexRay, are discussed at the end of this chapter.All FlexRay topologies are 'linear', which means that they are free from rings or closed loops respectively.A termination concept has to be found for each topology implementation individually. General hints can be found in [EPLAN06]. Whether a topology/termination combination composes a valid FlexRay network has to be judged according the signal integrity requirements as given in chapter 7.5.2 Point-to-point connectionThe point-to-point configuration is shown in figure 5-1. It represents the simplest bus and can be regarded as the basic element for the construction of more complex busses. For simplicity, the two-wire bus is shown as one thick line in the figures of this document.Figure 5-1: Point to point connection.5.3 Passive starFor connecting more than two ECUs a passive star structure can be used, which is a special case of a linear passive bus that is described in the following section. At a passive star all ECUs are connected to a single splice. The principle of a passive star network is shown in figure 5-2.Figure 5-2: Example of a passive star.Name Description Min Max Unit nSplice Number of splices (*) 1 1(*) if nSplice is 0, then refer to section 5.1, if nSplice is greater than 1, then refer to section 5.4Table 5-1: Parameters of a passive star.Practical limitations for nStub and lStub N depend on each other and depend also on other factors like cable type and termination concept; i.e. a passive star with nStub = 22 and each lStub = 12m for each stub is likely not to be operable.Examples of practical values are given in [EPLAN06], where also consideration about EMC robustness can be found in a separate section.。
FlexRay通信系统协议规范V2.1修订本A-第一章 简介
Chapter 1IntroductionFlexRay通信协议1.1ScopeThe FlexRay communication protocol described in this document is specified for a dependable automotive network. Some of the basic characteristics of the FlexRay protocol are synchronous and asynchronous frame transfer, guaranteed frame latency and jitter during synchronous transfer, prioritization of frames during asynchronous transfer, multi-master clock synchronization1, error detection and signaling, error containment on the physical layer through the use of a bus guardian device, and scalable fault tolerance2.1.2References1.2.1FlexRay consortium documents[EPL05]FlexRay Communications System - Electrical Physical Layer Specification, v2.1 Revision A, FlexRay Consortium, December 2005.[EPLAN05]FlexRay Communications System - Electrical Physical Layer Application Notes, v2.1 Revision A, FlexRay Consortium, December 2005.[DLLCT05]FlexRay Communications System - Data Link Layer Conformance Test Specification, v1.0, FlexRay Consortium, December 2005.[Req05]FlexRay Requirements Specification, v2.100, FlexRay Consortium, December 2005.[Mül01] B. Müller, “On FlexRay Clock Synchronisation”, Robert Bosch Corporation, 2001 (internal document).[Ung02]J. Ungermann, “Performance of the FlexRay Clock Synchronisation”, Philips GmbH, 2002 (internal document).1.2.2Non-consortium documents[Cas93]G. Castagnoli, S. Bräuer, and M. Herrmann, "Optimization of Cyclic Redundancy-Check Codes with 24 and 32 Parity Bits", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 41, pp. 883-892, June1993.[Koo02]P. Koopman, "32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Codes for Internet Applications", Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2002), Washington DC,pp. 459-468. June 2002.[Pet72]W. W. Peterson and E. J. Weldon, Jr., Error-Correcting Codes, 2nd ed., Cambridge MA: M.I.T.Press, 1972.[Rau02]M. Rausch, "Optimierte Mechanismen und Algorithmen in FlexRay", Elektronik Automotive, pp.36-40, December 2002.1 Multi-master clock synchronization refers to a synchronization that is based on the clocks of several (three or more)synchronization masters or sync nodes.2 Scalable fault tolerance refers to the ability of the FlexRay protocol to operate in configurations that provide various degrees offault tolerance (for example, single or dual channel clusters, clusters with or without bus guardians, clusters with many or few sync nodes, etc.).[Wad01]T. Wadayama, “Average Distortion of Some Cyclic Codes”, web site available at: http://www-tkm.ics.nitech.ac.jp/~wadayama/distortion.html[Wel88]J. L. Welch and N. A. Lynch, "A New Fault-Tolerant Algorithm for Clock Synchronization", Infor-mation and Computation, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 1-36, April 1988.[Z100]ITU-T Recommendation Z.100 (03/93), Programming Languages - CCITT Specification and Description Language (SDL), International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, 1993.1.3Revision history Vers.Date Changes2.030-Jun-2004First public release.2.1May2005The SDL processes in Chapter 3 (Coding) have been restructured.Appendix B has been almost completely rewritten.BG references and BGSM chapter (former chapter 10) have been removed. Specific significant changes to CHI:•channel dependency of pMicroInitialOffset[Ch] and pMacroInitialOffset[CH] has been introduced in•pDecodingCorrection has been added in CHI in•error indicator in CHI has been added in•vSyncFramesEven/Odd/A/B have been removed in•indicators for zLastDynTxSlot have been added in status variable vPOC!StartupState has been introduced in the CHI in The variable is reset in Figure 2-6 to Figure 2-8 and set in Figure 7-11 to Figure 7-19.Figure 6-10 was split into two figures (now Figure 6-10 and Figure 6-11).The following figures have modifications that changed the operation of the protocol: Figure 2-8, Figure 5-21, Figure 6-8, Figure 6-16 (former 6-15), Figure 6-17 (former 6-16), Figure 7-3, Figure 7-11, Figure 7-19, Figure 8-4, Figure 8-8, Figure 8-10, Fig-ure 8-11, Figure 8-15, and Figure 8-17. The text related to these figures has also been updated.Numerous non-technical corrections and clarifications were made throughout the document.2.1 Rev A Dec2005Use of SDL priority input to resolve certain race conditions (see section andFigure 5-21 and Figure 8-8)Re-arrangement of SDL to eliminate the use of SDL "enabling condition" structure(Figure 6-10, Figure 6-11, Figure 7-3, Figure 7-4, and Figure 7-5)Update of zLastDynTxSlot (Figure 5-13, Figure 5-20, Figure 5-21, and Figure 5-22)Re-arrangement of channel idle detection (Figure 2-9, Figure 3-15, Figure 3-16, Fig-ure 3-17, Figure 3-18, Figure 3-25, Figure 3-36, Figure 3-37, Figure 7-3, and Figure7-11)Introduction of new "a" class of variables (see section 1.6.1)Replacement of the bit counter by a timer in Figure 3-23Explicit export of all CHI variablesExtension of the color coding to SDL signals (see section 1.6.2)Rework of Appendix BNumerous non-technical corrections and clarifications were made throughout thedocument.Table 1-1: Revision history1.4Terms and definitionsapplication datadata produced and/or used by application tasks. In the automotive context the term 'signal' is often used for application data exchanged among tasks.busa communication system topology in which nodes are directly connected to a single, commoncommunication media (as opposed to connection through stars, gateways, etc.). The term bus is also used to refer to the media itself.bus driveran electronic component consisting of a transmitter and a receiver that connects a communication controller to one communication channel.bus guardianan electronic component that protects a channel from interference caused by communication that is not temporally aligned with the cluster's communication schedule by limiting the times that acommunication controller can transmit to those times allowed by the schedule.channelsee communication channel.channel idlethe condition of medium idle as perceived by each individual node in the network.cliqueset of communication controllers having the same view of certain systems properties, e.g., the global time value or the activity state of communication controllers.clustera communication system of multiple nodes connected via at least one communication channel directly(bus topology) or by star couplers (star topology).coldstart nodea node capable of initiating the communication startup procedure on the cluster by sending startupframes.communication channelthe inter-node connection through which signals are conveyed for the purpose of communication. The communication channel abstracts both the network topology, i.e., bus or star, as well as the physical transmission medium, i.e. electrical or optical.communication controller (CC)an electronic component in a node that is responsible for implementing the protocol aspects of the FlexRay communications system.communication cycleone complete instance of the communication structure that is periodically repeated to comprise the media access method of the FlexRay system. The communication cycle consists of a static segment, an optional dynamic segment, an optional symbol window, and a network idle time.communication slotan interval of time during which access to a communication channel is granted exclusively to a specific node for the transmission of a frame with a frame ID corresponding to the slot. FlexRay distinguishes between static communication slots and dynamic communication slots.cycle counterthe number of the current communication cycle.cycle timethe time within the current communication cycle, expressed in units of macroticks. Cycle time is reset to zero at the beginning of each communication cycle.dynamic segmentportion of the communication cycle where the media access is controlled via a mini-slotting scheme, also known as Flexible Time Division Multiple Access (FTDMA). During this segment access to the media is dynamically granted on a priority basis to nodes with data to transmit.dynamic communication slotan interval of time within the dynamic segment of the communication cycle consisting of one or more minislots during which access to a communication channel is granted exclusively to a specific node for transmission of a frame with a frame ID corresponding to the slot. In contrast to a static communication slot, the duration of a dynamic communication slot may vary depending on the length of the frame. If no frame is sent, the duration of a dynamic communication slot equals that of one minislot.framea structure used by the communication system to exchange information within the system. A frameconsists of a header segment, a payload segment and a trailer segment. The payload segment is used to convey application data.frame identifierthe frame identifier defines the slot position in the static segment and defines the priority in thedynamic segment. A lower identifier indicates a higher priority.gatewaya node that is connected to two or more independent communication networks that allows informationto flow between the networks.global timecombination of cycle counter and cycle time.Hamming distancethe minimum distance (i.e., the number of bits which differ) between any two valid code words in a binary code.the part of an ECU where the application software is executed, separated by the CHI from the FlexRay protocol engine.macrotickan interval of time derived from the cluster-wide clock synchronization algorithm. A macrotick consists of an integral number of microticks. The actual number of microticks in a given macrotick is adjusted by the clock synchronization algorithm. The macrotick represents the smallest granularity unit of the global time.medium idlethe condition of the physical transmission medium when no node is actively transmitting on thephysical transmission medium.microtickan interval of time derived directly from the CC's oscillator (possibly through the use of a prescaler).The microtick is not affected by the clock synchronization mechanisms, and is thus a node-local concept. Different nodes can have microticks of different duration.minislotan interval of time within the dynamic segment of the communication cycle that is of constant duration (in terms of macroticks) and that is used by the synchronized FTDMA media access scheme to manage media arbitration.networkthe combination of the communication channels that connect the nodes of a cluster.network topologythe arrangement of the connections between the nodes. FlexRay supports bus, star, cascaded star, and hybrid network topologies.nodea logical entity connected to the network that is capable of sending and/or receiving frames.null framea frame that contains no usable data in the payload segment. A null frame is indicated by a bit in theheader segment, and all data bytes in the payload segment are set to zero.physical communication linkan inter-node connection through which signals are conveyed for the purpose of communication. All nodes connected to a given physical communication link share the same electrical or optical signals(i.e., they are not connected through repeaters, stars, gateways, etc.). Examples of a physicalcommunication link include a bus network or a point-to-point connection between a node and a star. A communication channel may be constructed by combining one or more physical communication links together using stars.precisionthe worst-case deviation between the corresponding macroticks of any two synchronized nodes in the cluster.see communication slot.stara device that allows information to be transferred from one physical communication link to one or moreother physical communication links. A star duplicates information present on one of its links to the other links connected to the star. A star can be either passive or active.startup frameFlexRay frame whose header segment contains an indicator that integrating nodes may use time-related information from this frame for initialization during the startup process. Startup frames are always also sync frames.startup slotcommunication slot in which a startup frame is sent.static communication slotan interval of time within the static segment of the communication cycle that is constant in terms of macroticks and during which access to a communication channel is granted exclusively to a specific node for transmission of a frame with a frame ID corresponding to the slot. Unlike a dynamiccommunication slot, each static communication slot contains a constant number of macroticksregardless of whether or not a frame is sent in the slot.static segmentportion of the communication cycle where the media access is controlled via a static Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) scheme. During this segment access to the media is determined solely by the progression of time.sync frameFlexRay frame whose header segment contains an indicator that the deviation measured between the frame's arrival time and its expected arrival time should be used by the clock synchronizationalgorithm.sync slotcommunication slot in which a sync frame is sent.1.5Acronyms and abbreviationsµT MicrotickAP Action PointBD Bus DriverBIST Built-In Self TestBITSTRB Bit Strobing ProcessBSS Byte Start SequenceCAS Collision Avoidance SymbolCC Communication ControllerCE Communication ElementCHI Controller Host InterfaceCHIRP Channel Idle Recognition PointCODEC Coding and Decoding ProcessCRC Cyclic Redundancy CodeCSP Clock Synchronization ProcessCSS Clock Synchronization Startup ProcessDTS Dynamic Trailing SequenceECU Electronic Control Unit, same as nodeEMC Electromagnetic CompatibilityERRN Error Not signalFES Frame End SequenceFSP Frame and Symbol ProcessingFSS Frame Start SequenceFTDMA Flexible Time Division Multiple Access (media access method) FTM Fault Tolerant MidpointID IdentifierINH Inhibit signalMAC Media Access Control ProcessMT MacrotickMTG Macrotick Generation ProcessMTS Media Access Test SymbolNIT Network Idle TimeNM Network ManagementPOC Protocol Operation ControlRxD Receive data signal from bus driverRxEN Receive data enable signal from bus driverSDL Specification and Description LanguageSPI Serial Peripheral InterfaceSTBN Standby Not signalSuF Startup FrameSW Symbol WindowSyF Sync FrameTDMA Time Division Multiple Access (media access method)TRP Time Reference PointTSS Transmission Start SequenceTxDTransmit Data signal from CC TxENTransmit Data Enable Not signal from CC WUPWakeup Pattern WUSWakeup Symbol WUPDEC Wakeup Pattern Decoding Process 1.6Notational conventions 1.6.1Parameter prefix conventions<variable> ::= <prefix_1> [<prefix_2>] Name<prefix_1>::= a | c | v | g | p | z<prefix_2>::= d | s1.6.2Color codingThroughout the text several types of items are highlighted through the use of an italicized color font.NamingConventionInformation Type Description aAuxiliary Parameter Auxiliary parameter used in the definition or derivation of other parameters or in the derivation of constraints.cProtocol Constant Values used to define characteristics or limits of the protocol. These values are fixed for the protocol and cannot be changed.vNode Variable Values that vary depending on time, events, etc.g ClusterParameterParameter that must have the same value in all nodes in a cluster, is initialized in the POC:default config state, and can only be changed while in the POC:config state.p Node Para-meterParameter that may have different values in different nodes in the cluster, is initialized in the POC:default config state, and can only be changed while in the POC:config state.zLocal SDLProcessVariable Variables used in SDL processes to facilitate accurate representa-tion of the necessary algorithmic behavior. Their scope is local to the process where they are declared and their existence in any particu-lar implementation is not mandated by the protocol.Table 1-2: Parameter prefix 1.NamingConventionInformation Type Description dTime Duration Value (variable, parameter, etc.) describing a time duration, the time between two points in time s Set Set of values (variables, parameters, etc.)Table 1-3: Parameter prefix 2.Parameters, constants and variables are highlighted with blue italics. An example is the parameter gdStat-icSlot. This convention is not used within SDL diagrams, as it is assumed that such information is obvious. The meaning of the prefixes of parameters, constants, and variables is described in section 1.6.1.SDL states are highlighted in green italics. An example is the SDL state POC:normal active. This highlighting convention is not used within SDL diagrams. Further notational conventions related to SDL states are described in section 1.7.2.SDL signals are highlighted in brown italics. An example is the SDL signal CHIRP on A. Again, this convention is not used within the SDL diagrams themselves as the fact that an item is an input or output signal should be obvious.Terms which are important for FlexRay are highlighted in red italics at their first (or defining) instance in the text. An example is the term communication element.1.7SDL conventions1.7.1GeneralThe FlexRay protocol mechanisms described in this specification are presented using a graphical method loosely based on the Specification and Description Language (SDL) technique described in [Z100]. The intent of this description is not to provide a complete executable SDL model of the protocol mechanisms, but rather to present a reasonably unambiguous description of the mechanisms and their interactions. This description is intended to be read by humans, not by machines, and in many cases the description is optimized for understandability rather than exact syntactic correctness.The SDL descriptions in this specification are behavioral descriptions, not requirements on a particular method of implementation. In many cases the method of description was chosen for ease of understanding rather than efficiency of implementation. An actual implementation should have the same behavior as the SDL description, but it need not have the same underlying structure or mechanisms.Several SDL diagrams have textual descriptions intended to assist the reader in understanding the behavior depicted in the SDL diagrams. Some technical details are intentionally omitted from these explanations. Unless specifically mentioned, the behavior depicted in the SDL diagrams takes precedence over any textual description.The SDL in this specification describes a dual channel FlexRay device. As a result, there are a number of mechanisms that exhibit behavior that is specific to a given channel. It is also possible to have FlexRay devices that only support a single channel, or that may be configured to support a single channel. Imple-menters of single channel devices will have to make appropriate adjustments to eliminate the effects of mechanisms and signals that do not exist in devices operating in a single channel mode.1.7.2SDL Notational ConventionsStates that exist within the various SDL processes are shown with the state symbol shaded in light gray. These states are named with all lowercase letters. Acronyms or proper nouns that appear in a state name are capitalized as appropriate. Examples include the states "wait for sync frame" and "wait for CE start". SDL states that are referenced in the text are prefixed with an identification of the SDL process in which they are located (for example, the state POC:normal active refers to the "normal active" state in the POC process). This convention is not used within the SDL diagrams themselves, as the process information should be obvious.The definitions of an SDL process are often spread over several different figures. The caption of each figure that contains SDL definitions indicates to which SDL process the figure belongs.1.7.3SDL ExtensionsThe SDL descriptions in this specification contain some constructs that are not a part of normal SDL. Also, some mechanisms described with constructs that are part of normal SDL expect that these constructs behave somewhat differently than is described in [Z100]. This section documents significant deviations from "standard" SDL., macrotick and sample tick timersThe representation of time in the FlexRay protocol is based on a hierarchy that includes microticks and macroticks (see Chapter 8 for details). Several SDL mechanisms need timers that measure a certain number of microticks or macroticks. This specification makes use of an extension of the SDL 'timer' construct to accomplish this.An SDL definition of the formµT timerdefines a timer that counts in terms of microticks. This behavior would be similar to that of an SDL system whose underlying time unit is the microtick.An SDL definition of the formMT timerdefines a timer that counts in terms of macroticks. Note that a macrotick timer uses the corrected macroticks generated by the macrotick generation process. Since the duration of a macrotick can vary, the duration of these timers can also vary, but the timers themselves remain synchronized to the macrotick-level timebase of the protocol.In all other respects both of these constructs behave in the same manner as normal SDL timers.In addition to the above, several SDL mechanisms used in the description of encoding make use of a timer that measures a certain number of ticks of the bit sample clock. An SDL definition of the form ST timerdefines a timer that counts in terms of ticks of the bit sample clock (i.e., sample ticks). This behavior would be similar to that of an SDL system whose underlying time unit is the sample tick. In all other respects this construct behaves in the same manner as a normal SDL timer.There is a defined relationship between the "ticks" of the microtick timebase and the sample ticks of bit sampling. Specifically, a microtick consists of an integral number, pSamplesPerMicrotick, of sample ticks. As a result, there is a fixed phase relationship between the microtick timebase and the ticks of the sample clock.The time expression of a timer is defined in [Z100] by:<Time expression> = now + <Duration constant expression>In this specification the time expression is used in the following simplified way:<Time expression> = <Duration constant expression> behavior of the 'now' - expressionThe behavioral descriptions of various aspects of the FlexRay system require the ability to take "time-stamps" at the occurrence of certain events. The granularity of these timestamps is one microtick, and the timestamps taken by different processes need to be taken against the same underlying timebase. This specification makes use of an extension of the SDL concept of time to facilitate these timestamps.3 If the duration time expression is zero or negative then the timer is started and expires immediately.This specification assumes the existence of an underlying microtick timebase. This timebase, which is available to all processes, contains a microtick counter that is started at zero at some arbitrary epoch assumed to occur before system startup. As time progresses, this timebase increments the microtick counter without bound4. Explicit use of the SDL 'now' construct returns the value of this microtick counter. The difference between the timestamps of two events represents the number of microticks that have occurred between the events. process replicationThe FlexRay protocol described in this specification is a dual channel protocol. Several of the mechanisms in the protocol are replicated on a channel basis, i.e., essentially identical mechanisms are executed, one for channel A and one for channel B. This specification only provides SDL descriptions for the channel-specific processes on channel A - it is assumed that whenever a channel-specific process is defined for channel A there is another, essentially identical, process defined for channel B, even though this process is not explicitly described in the specification.Channel-specific processes have names that include the identity of their channel (for example, "Clock synchronization startup process on channel A [CSS_A]"). In addition, signals that leave a channel-specific process have signal names that include the identity of their channel (for example, the signal integration aborted on A). of Priority Input SymbolsThe SDL language contains certain ambiguities regarding the order of execution of processes if multiple processes have input queues that are not empty. For example, the usage of timers and clock oscillator inputs causes multiple processes to be eligible for execution at the beginning of clock edges. Generally, this poses no problem for the FlexRay specification, but for certain special cases it is not possible to specify the required behavior in an unambiguous way without additional language constructs.To resolve these situations the SDL priority input symbol is used, but with a slightly extended meaning. Whenever an input priority symbol is used, no other exit path of this state may be taken unless it is impossible that the priority input could be triggered on the current microtick clock edge. Effectively, the execution of the process in question is stalled until all other process have executed. Should multiple processes be in a state where they are sensitive to a priority input, all are executed last and in random order. The message queue is handled in the standard way, i.e. the signal triggering the priority input is removed from the queue while any signals placed before or after are preserved for the succeeding state.1.8Network topology considerationsThe following sections provide a brief overview of the possible topologies for a FlexRay system. This material is for reference only - detailed requirements and specifications may be found in [EPL05].There are several ways to design a FlexRay cluster. It can be configured as a single-channel or dual-channel bus network, a single-channel or dual-channel star network, or in various hybrid combinations of bus and star topologies.A FlexRay cluster consists of at most two channels, identified as Channel A and Channel B. Each node in the cluster may be connected to either or both of the channels. In the fault free condition, all nodes connected to Channel A are able to communicate with all other nodes connected to Channel A, and all nodes connected to ChannelB are able to communicate with all other nodes connected to Channel B. If a node needs to be connected to more than one cluster then the connection to each cluster must be made through a different communication controller5.4 This is in contrast to the vMicrotick variable, which is reset to zero at the beginning of each cycle.5 For example, it is not allowed for a communication controller to connect to Channel A of one cluster and Channel B of anothercluster.。
一、研究方面:1. FlexRay总线协议研究:对FlexRay总线协议的研究是了解FlexRay的基础。
二、应用方面:1. ADAS(高级驾驶辅助系统):FlexRay总线可以实现不同传感器之间的快速和可靠通信,从而支持ADAS系统的实时性要求。
《汽车网络控制系统检修》模块五 FlexRay 总线系统
FlexRay总线系统的结构组成有哪些?数据的通信原理是怎样的?目前 的应用状况如何? 本模块将着重介绍这些问题。
七、FlexRay 数据帧的组成
帧头共由5个字节(40bit)组成,包括以下几位: ① 保留位(Reserved bit,1bit):为日后的扩展做准备。 ② 负载段前言指示(Payload preamble indicator,1bit):指明帧的负载段的矢 量信息。 ③ 空帧指示(Null frame indicator,1bit):指明负载段的数据帧是否为零0 ④ 同步帧指示(Sync frame indicator,1bit):指明这是一个同步帧。 ⑤ 起始帧指示(Startup frame indicator,1bit):指明发送帧的节点是否为起始 帧。 ⑥ 帧ID(Frame ID,11bit):指明在系统设计过程中分配到每个节点的ID(有效范 围为1-2047)。 ⑦ 有效数据长度(Payload length,7bit):指示有效数据的长度,以字为单位。 ⑧ 头部CRC(Header CRC,11bit):表明同步帧指示器和起始帧指示器的CRC计 算值,以及由主机计算的帧ID和帧长度。 ⑨ 周期(Cycle count,6bit):指明在帧传输时间内传输帧的节点的周期计数。
宝马7系F01/F02车型 FlexRay总线系统的拓扑结构 (见 右图)。
ecu协议ECU协议,即发动机控制单元协议(Engine Control Unit Protocol),是指用于发动机控制系统的一套标准化通信协议。
A类总线标准包括TTP/A(Time Triggered Protocol/A)和LIN(Local Interconnect Net-work),其传输速率较低。
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A类总线标准包括TTP/A(Time Triggered Protocol/A)和LIN(Local InterconnectNet-work),其传输速率较低。
②LIN是在1999年由欧洲汽车制造商Audi、BMW、DaimlerChrysler、Volvo、Volkswagen、VCT公司以及Motorola 公司组成的LIN协会共同努力下推出的用于汽车分布式电控系统的开放式的低成本串行通讯标准,从2003年开始得到使用。
①TTP/C协议由维也纳工业大学研发,基于TDMA(Time Division Multiple Access)分时多址的访问方式。
②FlexRay是BMW、Daimler Chrysler、Motorola和Philips等公司制定的功能强大的网络通讯协议。
(二)节点(Node)的内部逻辑结构主要由电源供给系统(Power Supply),总线驱动器(Bus Driver,简称BD)、总线监控逻辑(Bus Guardian,简称BG)、固化有FlexRay通讯协议的通讯控制器(CommunicationController,简称CC)及主机(Host)5个部分组成,如图6所示。
(三)FlexRay网络通讯协议FlexRay网络通讯协议主要体现在4个核心机制上:编码与解码(encoding and decoding)、媒体接入控制(Media Access Control)、数据帧与特征符处理(frame and symbol processing)和时钟同步(clock synchronization)。
除此之外,控制器主机接口(controller Hostinter face,简称CHI)为实现这些机制提供数据传输服务。
1.编码与解码(encoding and decoding)编码的过程实际上就是对要发送的数据进行相应处理的过程,如加上各种校验位、ID符等。
1)帧编码传输起始序列(transmission start sequence,简称TSS),为一段时间的低电平,用于初始化传输节点与网络的对接。
帧起始序列(frame start sequence,简称FSS),为一小段时间的高电平,紧跟在传输起始序列(TSS)之后。
字节起始序列(byte start sequence,简称BSS),由一段高电平和一段低电平组成,位于FSS之后。
帧结束序列(frame end sequence,简称FES),由一段低电平和一段高电平组成,位于有效数据位之后。
如果是在动态时序部分接入网络,则还要在FES后附加上DTS——动态尾部序列(Dynamic trailing sequence)。
2)特征符编码F1exRay,协议有3种特征符:冲突避免特征符(collision avoidance symbol,简称CAS)、媒体接入测试特征符(Media access test symbol,简称MTS)和唤醒特征符(wake up symbol,简称WUS)。
包括保留位(Reserved bit,1位)、数据指示位(Pay load Preamble indicator,1位)、空帧指示位(Null frame indicator,1位)、同步帧指示位(Sync frame indicator,1位)、启动帧指示位(Start up frame indicator,1位)、ID(11位)、有效数据长度(7位)、头部循环校验CRC(11位)和循环计数(6位)。
在帧的CRC校验中,有效数据部分的前6个字节设为海明距离(Hamming Distance)。
在接收节点中,对一个帧的存储依靠于利用消息ID 而进行过滤处理的结果,如图13所示。