
Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》-Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior...legend: 传奇legendary: 传奇的warrior: 武士传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士,whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他的功夫出神入化。
He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人他走遍天涯,独孤求败,-Demon: I see you like to chew.chew: 咀嚼,咬你挺喜欢吃啊,Maybe you should chew on my fist!有种就吃了我的拳头!-Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃,Then he swallowed.然后一口吞下,And then he spoke. 开口道:“Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!”“别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-Narrator: He was so deadly in fact他的一招一式如此彪悍that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.exposure: 暴露pure: 完全的awesomeness: 敬畏他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿-Demon: My eyes!我的眼睛!-Rabbit1: He's too awesome!awesome: 令人惊叹的他太彪悍了!-Rabbit2: And attractive!太有魅力了!-Rabbit1: How Can We repay you?我们何以回报?-Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness.awesomeness: 非凡的伟大不求回报Or attractiveness.attractiveness: 魅力迷人更无所需Kablooey! Kablooey!哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈!-Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced.他征战无数They were no match for his body!无人堪与匹敌,Never before had a panda been so feared!从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧,And so loved.又让人如此爱戴。
电影《黑客帝国》剧本 字幕文件 中英双译

[1439:30.00]=字幕制作:LRC中国 [00:07.61]片名:骇客任务DNA娱乐363[00:18.52]-Is everything in place? -You weren't supposed to relieve me. (启动通话)[00:18.83]-一切就绪了吗?-今天不是轮到你值班[00:22.06]I know. but I felt like taking a shift. 我知道,我只是想接班[00:25.23]You like him. don't you? You like watching him. 你喜欢他,对吧?喜欢看着他[00:27.90]-Don't be ridiculous. -We're gonna kill him. You understand? -别傻了-我们会害死他,你知道吗?[00:31.20]Morpheus believes he is the One. 莫斐斯相信他是救世主[00:33.91]-Do you? -It doesn't matter what I believe. -你信吗?-那并不重要[00:37.08]You don't. do you? 你不信,对吧?[00:38.91]-Did you hear that? -Hear what? -听到了吗?-什么?[00:41.25]Are you sure this line is clean? 你确定没被窃听?[00:43.15]Yeah. of course I'm sure. 我很确定[00:45.49]I better go. 我得走了[01:24.76]-Freeze! Police! -Hands on your head! -别动,警察-手举起来[01:27.09]Do it! Do it now! 快点,举起来[01:37.60](市中心旅馆)[01:49.72]-Lieutenant. -Oh. shit. -警官-可恶[01:53.19]Lieutenant. you were given specific orders. 警官,我给你的指令很明确[01:56.59]Hey. l'm just doing my job. 我只是公事公办[01:58.96]You give me that ''juris-my-dick-tion'' crap. you can cram it up your ass. 要是你给我摆臭架子你就去死吧[02:03.86]The orders were for your protection. 我是为了你们的安全[02:07.87]l think we can handle one little girl. 我们对付得了一个女人[02:15.17]l sent two units! 我派了两组警员[02:17.18]They're bringing her down now! 他们就要逮到她了[02:18.98]No. Lieutenant. your men are already dead. 才怪,警官,他们早就死了[02:51.31]Shit. 可恶[02:54.81]Morpheus. the line was traced. l don't know how. 莫斐斯,我的行踪暴露了[02:57.48]I know. They cut the hard line. 我知道,电话线被切断[02:59.35]There's no time. Get to another exit. 来不及了,你得找别的出口[03:01.79]-Are there any agents? -Yes. -附近有干员吗?-有[03:04.42]Goddamn it. 该死[03:05.86]You have to focus. Trinity. 崔妮蒂,你得专心[03:07.63]There's a phone at Wells and Lake. 威斯和雷克街口有电话[03:10.43]You can make it. 你赶得到[03:12.30]-All right. -Go. -好-去吧[04:16.00]That's impossible. 不可能[04:52.13]Get up. Trinity. Just get up. 起来,崔妮蒂快起来[04:54.80]Get up. 起来[05:41.91]She got out. 她逃走了[05:43.75]lt doesn't matter. 无所谓[05:45.25]The informant is real. 线人没说错[05:48.55]-We have the name of their next target. -The name isNeo. -我们知道下一个目标-名字是尼欧[05:55.53]We'll need a search running. 必须进行搜寻[05:57.36]lt has already begun. 已经开始了[06:09.34](搜寻中)[06:11.34](莫斐斯逃脱警方围捕)[06:22.15](展开追捕行动)[06:43.11](醒醒,尼欧)[06:54.02]What? 什么?[06:56.12](母体奴役着你)[07:01.03]What the hell? 搞什么?[07:07.27](跟随小白兔)[07:10.17]''Follow the white rabbit.'' 跟随小白兔?[07:14.71](退出)[07:18.31](有人敲门,尼欧)[07:23.92]Who is it? 什么人?[07:25.32]lt's Choi. 是乔伊[07:40.13]You're two hours late. 你迟到了两小时[07:41.93]-l know. lt's her fault. -You got the money? -我知道,都是她的错-钱呢?[07:46.97]Two grand. 两千元[07:48.97]Hold on. 等等[07:56.08]《拟像与仿真》[08:07.89]Hallelujah. 哈利路亚[08:09.56]You're my savior. man. My own personal JesusChrist. 你是救世主,老兄你是我的救星[08:12.63]You get caught using that.... 要是你被逮到[08:14.37]l know. This never happened. You don't exist. 我知道,不能把你抖出来[08:18.04]-Right. -Something wrong. man? -对-怎么了?[08:20.34]You look a little whiter than usual. 你的脸色很苍白[08:23.51]My computer. it.... 我的电脑[08:28.68]You ever have that feeling where you're not sure ifyou're awake or still dreaming? 你会不会觉得自己在半梦半醒之间?[08:34.12]All the time. lt's called mescaline. 每次嗑了药就有这种感觉[08:37.32]lt's the only way to fly. 让你腾云驾雾[08:39.69]Hey. look. it just sounds like you might need tounplug. man. 听起来你得发泄发泄[08:43.56]You know? Get some R and R? 休息一下吧[08:45.97]What do you think. Dujour? Should we take himwith us? 怎么样?带他去好吗?[08:51.70]Definitely. 当然好[08:53.21]No. l can't. l have work tomorrow. 不行,明天我得上班[08:56.84]Come on. 来吧[08:58.28]lt'll be fun. l promise. 一定会很好玩,我保证[09:07.42]Yeah. 好[09:09.79]Sure. l'll go. 我去[09:39.32]Hello. Neo. 你好,尼欧[09:41.79]How do you know that name? 你知道我名字?[09:43.52]l know a lot about you. 我知道的很多[09:46.23]-Who are you? -My name is Trinity. -你是谁?-我叫崔妮蒂[09:49.23]Trinity. 崔妮蒂[09:52.23]The Trinity? That cracked the lRS D-base? 不就是侵入国税局的电脑骇客[09:55.67]That was a long time ago. 那是很久以前[09:57.40]-Jesus. -What? -天啊-怎么了?[09:59.77]l just thought... 我以为[10:03.34]-...you were a guy. -Most guys do. -你是男的-男人都这么想[10:07.41]That was you on my computer. 你侵入我的电脑[10:10.25]-How did you do that? -Right now. all l can tell you... -怎么办到的?-现在我只能告诉你[10:15.29]...is that you're in danger. 你有危险[10:17.29]-l brought you here to warn you. -Of what? -我是来警告你-什么危险?[10:20.29]They're watching you. Neo. 他们在监视你,尼欧[10:22.73]-Who is? -Please. just listen. -谁?-听我说[10:28.50]l know why you're here. Neo. 我知道你来的目的[10:31.14]l know what you've been doing. 还有你在做什么[10:33.37]l know why you hardly sleep... 我知道你辗转难眠[10:35.54]...why you live alone. and why. night after night... 每天晚上都独自一个人[10:38.88]...you sit at your computer. 坐在电脑前工作[10:42.38]You're looking for him. 你在找他[10:44.68]l know. because l was once looking for the same thing. 我也曾找过同一个人[10:48.25]And when he found me... 当他找到我[10:50.99]...he told me l wasn't really looking for him... 他说其实我不是在找他[10:54.99]...l was looking for an answer. 而是寻找一个答案[10:57.36]lt's the question that drives us. Neo. 有个问题驱使着我们,尼欧[11:01.13]lt's the question that brought you here. 这问题把你带来这里[11:05.94]You know the question... 你我[11:07.57]...just as l did. 都知道这个问题[11:10.58]What is the Matrix? 母体是什么?[11:12.44]The answer is out there. Neo. 世上一定有答案,尼欧[11:15.58]lt's looking for you. 它在寻找你[11:18.42]And it will find you... 只要你愿意[11:20.35]...if you want it to. 它就会找到你[11:28.73]Shit. 该死[11:30.23]Shit. shit. 该死该死[11:41.71]You have a problem with authority. Mr. Anderson.安德森先生,你很叛逆[11:44.81]You believe that you are special. that somehow therules do not apply to you. 你自以为很特别可以不遵守公司的规定[11:49.58]Obviously. you are mistaken. 很显然,你错了[11:54.45]This is one of the top software companies in theworld... 这是世界顶尖的软体公司[11:57.66]...because every employee understands they are partof a whole. 每个员工都是小螺丝钉[12:01.29]Thus. if an employee has a problem. the companyhas a problem. 只要一个员工出错公司就会出毛病[12:08.20]The time has come to make a choice. Mr. Anderson.你现在有两个选择安德森先生[12:12.30]Either you choose to be at your desk on time fromthis day forth... 从今天起准时到公司上班[12:16.81]...or you choose to find yourself another job. 或是另谋高就[12:20.25]Do l make myself clear? 你明白吗?[12:21.81]Yes. Mr. Rhineheart. Perfectly clear. 是的,我完全明白[12:32.69]Thomas Anderson? 汤犸斯安德森吗?[12:35.83]Yeah. that's me. 我就是[12:45.20]Great. 太好了[12:47.81]Have a nice day. 祝你愉快[13:04.86]-Hello? -Hello. Neo. -喂?-尼欧[13:07.03]Do you know who this is? 你知道我是谁吗?[13:11.40]-Morpheus. -Yes. -莫斐斯-是的[13:13.40]I've been looking for you. Neo. 我一直在找你[13:15.63]I don't know if you're ready to see what I want toshow you... 我不知道你准备好了没有[13:19.07]...but. unfortunately. you and I have run out of time.不过我们恐怕没时间了[13:22.51]They're coming for you. Neo. and I don't know whatthey're going to do. 他们来抓你尼欧,后果不堪设想[13:26.48]Who's coming for me? 谁来抓我?[13:28.05]Stand up and see for yourself. 站起来自己看[13:30.38]What? Right now? 什么?现在吗?[13:32.15]Yes. Now. 对现在[13:35.52]Do it slowly. 慢慢站起来[13:37.86]The elevator. 电梯那边[13:43.96]-Oh. shit! -Yes. -糟糕-没错[13:50.44]-What do they want? -I don't know. -他们抓我干嘛?-不知道[13:52.34]But if you don't want to find out. get out of there. 如果不想被逮我建议你快逃[13:55.54]-How? -I can guide you... -怎么逃?-我教你[13:56.98]...but you must do exactly as I say. 不过你得听话[13:59.81]-Okay. -The cubicle across from you is empty. -好-对面是空的[14:05.58]-But what if they--? -Go. Now. -要是他们-快去[14:14.49]Stay here for just a moment. 先待在这里躲一下[14:24.10]When I tell you. go to the end of the row... 等我下令就走出去[14:27.01]...to the office at the end of the hall. 到走廊尽头的办公室[14:29.27]Stay as low as you can. 尽量趴低点[14:33.85]Go. Now. 去吧[14:49.56]Good. Now. outside there is a scaffold. 很好,现在外面有个洗窗架[14:55.67]-How do you know all this? -We don't have time. -你是怎么知道的?-来不及了,尼欧[14:58.30]To your left there's a window. Go to it. 左手边有窗户,快点[15:03.41]Open it. 打开[15:05.74]Use the scaffold to get to the roof. 用洗窗架上到屋顶[15:07.81]No way! No way! This is crazy! 不行,太疯狂了[15:10.65]There are two ways out of this building. 只有两个方法能出去[15:13.25]One is that scaffold. The other is in their custody. 爬上洗窗架或是被他们带走[15:17.36]You take a chance either way. I leave it to you. 都很危险,你自己决定[15:24.16]This is insane! 太疯狂了[15:27.07]Why is this happening to me? 怎么会有这种事?[15:29.23]What'd l do? 我干了什么?[15:31.24]l'm nobody. l didn't do anything. 我是小人物,什么也没干[15:34.57]l'm gonna die. 我死定了[15:45.75]Shit! 该死[16:07.07]Oh. shit! 该死[16:13.25]l can't do this. 我办不到[16:27.76]Shit. 可恶[17:17.98]As you can see. we've had our eye on you for some time now. Mr. Anderson. 如你所见我们已经注意你很久了[17:24.12]lt seems that you've been living... 看来你一直有[17:26.99]...two lives. 两种身份[17:30.56]ln one life. you're Thomas A. Anderson... 其中一个是汤犸斯安德森[17:33.29]...program writer for a respectable software company. 软体公司的程式工程师[17:37.70]You have a social security number. You pay your taxes. 你有社会安全号码,也纳税[17:41.40]And you... 还有[17:44.27]...help your landlady carry out her garbage. 你会帮房东太太倒垃圾[17:50.41]The other life is lived in computers... 另一个你活在电脑中[17:53.78]...where you go by the hacker alias ''Neo'' ... 使用的骇客代号是尼欧[17:57.02]...and are guilty of virtually every computer crime wehave a law for. 几乎犯下每项电脑犯罪[18:03.16]One of these lives... 你其中一个身份[18:05.32]...has a future. 有前瞻性的未来[18:07.49]And one of them does not. 另一个则没有[18:13.20]l'm going to be as forthcoming as l can be. Mr.Anderson. 我就直话直说吧,安德森[18:18.07]You're here... 找你来,是因为[18:19.74]...because we need your help. 我们需要你的协助[18:25.61]We know that you've been contacted by a certain...我们知道你常常联络[18:28.88]...individual. 某个人[18:31.55]A man who calls himself ''Morpheus.'' 这个人称呼他自己为莫斐斯[18:36.62]Whatever you think you know about this man isirrelevant. 你对他了解多少都不重要[18:40.83]He is considered by many authorities... 警方都把他视为[18:43.56]...to be the most dangerous man alive. 世上最危险的人物[18:49.27]My colleagues... 我的同事[18:50.97]...believe that l am wasting my time with you. 认为我是在浪费时间[18:54.17]But l believe you wish to do the right thing. 不过我相信你想改过自新[18:57.88]We're willing to wipe the slate clean... 我们愿意删除你的不良纪录[19:01.75]...give you a fresh start. 让你重新做人[19:04.42]All that we're asking in return is your cooperation...你只要跟我们合作[19:07.55]...in bringing a known terrorist to justice. 把这名恐怖份子绳之以法[19:12.42]Yeah. 是啊[19:14.86]Well. that sounds like a really good deal. 这条件听起来很棒[19:18.70]But l think l got a better one. 但我有更棒的想法[19:20.67]How about... 这样吧[19:22.63]...l give you the finger... 我向你伸中指[19:27.24]...and you give me my phone call. 你就让我打电话[19:31.44]Mr. Anderson... 安德森先生[19:37.28]...you disappoint me. 你让我很失望[19:38.75]You can't scare me with this gestapo crap. 你这样是吓不倒我的[19:41.59]l know my rights. 我有权利[19:43.22]l want my phone call. 我要打电话[19:45.32]Tell me. Mr. Anderson... 请你告诉我,安德森[19:48.36]...what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak?开不了口打电话有什么用?[20:27.40]You're going to help us. Mr. Anderson... 你一定要帮我们[20:30.27]...whether you want to or not. 不管你要或不要[21:30.70]This line is tapped. so I must be brief. 电话被监控,我长话短说[21:34.20]They got to you first. but they've underestimatedhow important you are. 他们逮到你却低估你的重要性[21:38.77]If they knew what I know... 要是他们知道[21:40.84]...you would probably be dead. 你或许早就没命了[21:43.88]What are you talking about? What is happening tome? 你在说什么?我是什么人?[21:47.81]You are the One. Neo. You see. you may have spentthe last few years... 你是救世主,尼欧[21:52.85]...looking for me. but I've spent my entire life... 这几年来你在找我但是我这辈子[21:56.05]...looking for you. 都在找你[21:59.12]Now. do you still want to meet? 现在,你还想见我吗?[22:02.29]-Yes. -Then go to the Adams Street bridge. -想-那就到亚当街桥[22:15.31]Get in. 上车[22:28.89]-What the hell is this? -lt's necessary. Neo. -这是干嘛?-是必须的[22:31.72]-For our protection. -From what? -这是为了保护我们的安全-你们怕谁?[22:33.96]From you. 怕你[22:36.39]-Take off your shirt. -What? -脱掉上衣-什么[22:38.50]Stop the car. 停车[22:43.77]Listen to me. coppertop. 给我听好,你最好废话少说[22:45.24]We don't have time for 20 Questions. 我们没时间慢慢的回答你所有的问题[22:47.77]Right now. there's only one rule: 现在,你只有两个选择[22:50.41]Our way... 不听我们的[22:51.91]...or the highway. 就滚下车[22:59.82]Fine. 好吧[23:02.65]Please. Neo. you have to trust me. 拜托,尼欧请你相信我[23:05.69]-Why? -Because you have been down there. Neo. -为什么?-因为你活在这虚拟世界[23:09.09]You know that road. 对它很清楚[23:11.30]You know exactly where it ends. 只有一个后果[23:15.10]And l know that's not where you want to be. 那不是你想要的[23:31.58]Apoc. lights. 开灯[23:35.69]Lie back. Lift up your shirt. 躺下来,掀开上衣[23:39.86]-What is that thing? -We think you're bugged. -那是什么?-你肚子里有虫[23:49.73]Try and relax. 试着放轻松[23:57.41]Come on. 现身吧[23:59.78]Come on. 快点[24:02.55]lt's on the move. 它在动[24:05.25]Come on. you shit. 可恶[24:08.32]-You're gonna lose it. -No. l'm not. -你抓不到它-才怪[24:10.82]Clear! 让开[24:20.27]Jesus Christ! That thing is real?! 天啊,那玩意是真的[24:56.30]This is it. 我们到了[25:00.97]Let me give you one piece of advice. 我给你一个建议[25:04.41]Be honest. 老实点[25:07.65]He knows more than you can imagine. 他几乎无所不知[25:18.59]At last. 我们终于见面[25:21.33]Welcome. Neo. 尼欧,欢迎[25:23.73]As you no doubt have guessed... 你一定猜到[25:25.93]...l am Morpheus. 我就是莫斐斯[25:28.20]lt's an honor to meet you. 见到你是我的荣幸[25:30.17]No... 不[25:31.87]...the honor is mine. 这是我的荣幸[25:34.07]Please. come. Sit. 请过来坐[25:51.69]l imagine... 我猜[25:53.73]...that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice. 你现在一定觉得有点像爱丽丝[25:58.20]Tumbling down the rabbit hole? 梦游到了仙境[26:01.53]You could say that. 有点像[26:03.43]l can see it in your eyes. 从你的眼神,我看得出来[26:06.67]You have the look of a man who accepts what hesees... 你对这一切逆来顺受[26:10.17]...because he's expecting to wake up. 你想从梦中惊醒[26:13.88]lronically. this is not far from the truth. 老实说,你会醒过来[26:17.18]Do you believe in fate. Neo? 尼欧,你相信命运吗?[26:20.08]-No. -Why not? -不信-为什么?[26:22.62]Because l don't like the idea that l'm not in control ofmy life. 我相信我能掌控自己的生命[26:26.36]l know exactly what you mean. 我了解你所说的意思[26:34.03]Let me tell you why you're here. 让我告诉你来的原因[26:37.27]You're here because you know something. What youknow. you can't explain. 你知道有些事虽然你无法解释[26:41.61]But you feel it. 却能感觉到[26:43.81]You felt it your entire life: 你这一生都感觉到[26:46.34]There's something wrong with the world. You don'tknow what. but it's there. 这世界很不对劲你说不出个所以然来[26:50.95]Like a splinter in your mind... 就像心头有根刺[26:53.45]...driving you mad. 会把你逼疯[26:56.22]lt is this feeling that has brought you to me. 所以你才会找上我[27:01.49]Do you know what l'm talking about? 你知道是什么吗?[27:05.23]The Matrix? 母体吗?[27:09.00]Do you want to know... 你想知道[27:11.04]...what it is? 它是什么吗?[27:15.57]The Matrix is everywhere. 母体无所不在[27:17.68]lt is all around us. 随处可见[27:19.64]Even now. in this very room. 它甚至在这房间[27:22.35]You can see it when you look out your window... 你从窗户外可以看到它[27:24.95]...or when you turn on your television. 或在电视上也会看到它[27:27.62]You can feel it when you go to work... 上班时感觉它的存在[27:31.69]...when you go to church... 当你上教堂[27:33.83]...when you pay your taxes. 或纳税时也一样[27:37.00]lt is the world that has been pulled over your eyes...它是虚拟世界[27:40.16]...to blind you from the truth. 在你眼前制造假象蒙蔽真相[27:43.97]What truth? 什么真相?[27:49.47]That you are a slave. Neo. 你是个奴隶[27:52.34]Like everyone else. you were born into bondage... 每个人呱呱落地后[27:55.11]...born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. 就活在一个没有知觉的牢狱[28:00.08]A prison for your mind. 一个心灵的牢笼[28:09.73]Unfortunately. no one can be... 很不幸,我无法告诉你[28:12.36]...told what the Matrix is. 母体到底是什么?[28:18.27]You have to see it for yourself. 你必须亲眼目睹[28:29.65]This is your last chance. 这是你最后一次机会[28:32.12]After this. there is no turning back. 决定了就不能反悔[28:34.99]You take the blue pill... 吞下蓝色药丸的话[28:36.75]...the story ends. you wake up in your bed and believe... 幻境结束,起床后[28:40.06]...whatever you want to believe. 想信什么就信什么[28:42.09]You take the red pill... 吞下红色药丸的话[28:43.63]...you stay in Wonderland... 就留在幻境[28:46.16]...and l show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. 而我就带你去见识见识[28:58.71]Remember... 记住[29:00.78]...all l'm offering is the truth. Nothing more. 我只能告诉你真相[29:18.16]Follow me. 跟我来[29:21.97]Apoc. are we online? 艾巴,上线了吗?[29:23.94]Almost. 快了[29:28.67]Time is always against us. 时间老是不够[29:31.08]Please. take a seat there. 请坐下来[29:50.76]You did all this? 你也这么做过?[29:56.60]The pill you took is part of a trace program. 药丸里有追踪程式[29:59.44]lt disrupts your input/output carrier signals so we can pinpoint your location. 用来追踪你身体所在的位置[30:04.38]What does that mean? 什么意思?[30:06.14]lt means buckle your seat belt. Dorothy... 系好安全带,菜鸟[30:08.65]...because Kansas is going bye-bye. 跟老家说再见吧[30:49.19]Did you...? 你们?[31:01.57]Have you ever had a dream. Neo. that you were sosure was real? 你曾做过一种梦仿佛实实在在的发生过?[31:07.14]What if you were unable to wake from that dream?要是你醒不过来呢?[31:09.91]How would you know the difference between thedream world... 你该怎么分辨梦世界[31:13.21]...and the real world? 和真实世界?[31:16.21]-This can't be. -Be what? -不可能-什么?[31:19.18]Be real? 不可能是真的?[31:24.69]lt's going into replication. 开始复制程序[31:26.32]Still nothing. 找不到[31:27.99]lt's cold. lt's cold! 好冷好冷[31:34.57]Tank. we're going to need a signal soon. 坦克,赶快找到讯号[31:37.37]l got a fibrillation. 心脏衰很[31:38.90]Apoc. location. 艾巴,快找到位置[31:40.67]Targeting almost there. 就快找到了[31:45.48]He's going into arrest. 他的心跳停止[31:47.08]-Lock. l got him! -Now. Tank. now! -找到了-坦克,快动手[34:46.86]Welcome... 欢迎[34:48.33]...to the real world. 来到真实世界[34:51.66]We've done it. Trinity. 我们成功了,崔妮蒂[34:53.70]We found him. 我们找到他了[34:55.50]-l hope you're right. -l don't have to hope. -希望你没错-不用怀疑[34:58.87]l know it. 我很确定[35:05.51]Am l dead? 我死了吗?[35:07.14]Far from it. 正好相反[35:23.26]He still needs a lot of work. 他需要很多复健[35:26.16]What are you doing? 你在做什么?[35:27.57]Your muscles have atrophied. We're rebuilding them.你的肌肉萎缩,得重新锻炼[35:30.53]Why do my eyes hurt? 我的眼睛好痛[35:32.67]You've never used them before. 你从来都没用过[35:38.48]Rest. Neo. The answers are coming. 休息吧,尼欧你会知道答案的[36:55.85]Morpheus. what's happened to me? 莫斐斯,我发生什么事?[36:58.16]-What is this place? -More important than ''what'' is''when.'' -这是哪里?-更重要的是这是几时[37:02.86]-''When''? -You believe it's the year 1 999... -几时?-你以为是1999年[37:06.06]...when. in fact. it's closer to 21 99. 其实是2199年左右[37:09.43]l can't tell you exactly what year it is because wehonestly don't know. 我无法告诉你确定的年份因为我不知道[37:14.61]There's nothing l can say that will explain it for you.我怎么说你都不会懂,尼欧[37:17.71]Come with me. See for yourself. 跟我来,你自己看吧[37:20.95]This is my ship. 这是我的船[37:23.05]The Nebuchadnezzar. lt's a hovercraft. 《尼布加尼撒号》,是艘气垫船[37:28.79]This is the main deck. 这是主舱[37:36.56]This is the core... 核心地带[37:38.03](2060年制造)[37:40.06]...where we broadcast our pirate signal and hack intothe Matrix. 我们非法向母体传播讯号[37:47.20]Most of my crew you already know. 这些人你都认识[37:55.38]This is Apoc... 这是艾巴[37:57.55]...Switch... 苏哩琪[38:00.48]-...and Cypher. -Hi. -塞佛-你好[38:01.89]The ones you don't know. Tank and his big brother.Dozer. 你不认识的是坦克和他大哥道瑟[38:06.46]The little one behind you is Mouse. 在你后面的是茂史[38:13.26]You wanted to know what the Matrix is. Neo? 你想知道母体是什么吗?[38:17.53]Trinity. 崔妮蒂[38:39.79]Try to relax. 放轻松[38:46.23]This will feel a little weird. 你会觉得有点怪[38:52.14](辅助磁碟机)[39:00.08]This... 这里[39:01.61]...is the Construct. 是主架构[39:03.75]lt's our loading program. 资料载入程式[39:06.05]We can load anything. from clothing... 应有尽有[39:08.82]...to equipment... 包括有衣服器材[39:10.49]...weapons... 武器[39:12.42]...training simulations... 模拟训练[39:14.66]...anything we need. 要什么有什么[39:20.00]Right now we're inside a computer program? 我们已在电脑程式中?[39:22.67]ls it really so hard to believe? 这么难以置信吗?[39:25.10]Your clothes are different. The plugs in your body are gone. 你的穿着不同,插孔不见了[39:28.91]Your hair has changed. 发型也不一样[39:31.44]Your appearance now is what we call ''residual self-image.'' 这是所谓的“残留自我影像”:[39:35.48]lt is the mental projection of your digital self. 你在虚拟世界的投影[39:43.99]-This isn't real? -What is ''real''? -这都不是真的?-什么是真实?[39:47.29]How do you define ''real''? 真实该怎么定义?[39:49.73]lf you're talking about what you can feel. what you can smell. taste and see... 如果你指的是触觉嗅觉、味觉和视觉[39:54.63]...then ''real'' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. 那全是大脑接收的电子讯号[40:02.71]This is the world that you know. 这是你熟悉的世界[40:06.54]The world as it was at the end of the 20th century.就是二十世纪末的世界[40:11.95]lt exists now only as part of a neural-interactivesimulation... 其实这是互动的虚拟世界[40:16.55]...that we call the Matrix. 我们所谓的母体[40:22.33]You've been living in a dream world. Neo. 你一直活在梦世界,尼欧[40:26.10]This is the world as it exists today. 这才是真实的世界[40:42.38]Welcome to the desert... 欢迎来到[40:46.15]...of the real. 真实世界[40:51.16]We have only bits and pieces of information. 我们只有残缺的资料[40:53.76]But what we know for certain is that in the early 21st century... 不过我们知道在21世纪初[40:57.80]...all of mankind was united in celebration. 全人类都欢欣鼓舞[41:01.30]We marveled at our own magnificence as we gavebirth to Al. 庆祝我们伟大的成就AI终于研发成功[41:06.77]Al. AI?[41:08.81]You mean artificial intelligence. 你是说人工智慧?[41:10.61]A singular consciousness that spawned an entire raceof machines. 这个人工智慧繁衍出电脑人[41:15.95]We don't know who struck first. us or them. 谁先攻击谁已经不可考[41:19.78]But we know that it was us that scorched the sky. 不过人类却遮蔽了天空[41:24.72]They were dependent on solar power... 当时电脑人只能依靠太阳能[41:27.06]...and it was believed that they would be unable tosurvive... 人类以为电脑人只要[41:30.79]...without an energy source as abundant as the sun.失去太阳的能量就会灭亡[41:34.50]Throughout human history. we have been dependenton machines to survive. 在近代的历史人类一直仰赖电脑生存[41:40.90]Fate. it seems. is not without a sense of irony. 命运,它似乎充满了反讽[41:48.31]The human body generates more bioelectricity than a1 20-volt battery. 电脑人身体发出的生化电力超过120伏特[41:52.92]And over 25.000 BTUs of body heat. 产生25000热量单位[41:58.99]Combined with a form of fusion... 只要经过核翰合[42:01.53]...the machines had found all the energy they wouldever need. 电脑人就有用之不尽的能量[42:10.43]There are fields. Neo. endless fields... 它们开发出一望无际的场地[42:14.44]...where human beings are no longer born. 人类不再从娘胎出生[42:18.38]We are grown. 而是被栽培出来[42:26.22]For the longest time. l wouldn't believe it. 我一直不肯相信[42:29.09]And then l saw the fields with my own eyes... 直到我亲眼看见它们[42:32.99]...watched them liquefy the dead... 将死人融化[42:35.03]...so they could be fed intravenously to the living. 融化的液体用来喂食新生儿[42:38.86]And standing there. facing the pure. horrifyingprecision... 我眼睁睁看着它们规律的运作[42:43.30]...l came to realize the obviousness of the truth. 终于知道残酷的真相[42:48.91]What is the Matrix? 母体是什么?[42:51.74]Control. 一种控制方法[42:54.31]The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world...母体是电脑模拟的梦世界[42:58.45]...built to keep us under control... 为了控制所有的人类[43:02.75]...in order to change a human being... 把我们从人[43:06.52]...into this. 变成这玩意[43:09.03]No. 不字幕制作:LRC中国[43:11.86]l don't believe it. 我不相信[43:13.80]lt's not possible. 不可能[43:15.60]l didn't say it would be easy. Neo. 我没说这很容易相信,尼欧[43:19.00]-l just said it would be the truth. -Stop! -我只说这是真相-别说了[43:22.21]Let me out! 让我出去[43:24.21]Let me out! l want out! 放开我,我要出去[43:28.08]-Easy. Neo. Easy. -Get this thing out of me. -尼欧,冷静点-把这玩意弄掉[43:30.95]Get this thing out of me! 把这玩意弄掉[43:34.45]Don't touch me! Get away from me! Stay away from me! 别碰我,走开离我远一点[43:38.26]l don't believe it. 我不信[43:40.42]l don't believe it. 我不相信你[43:41.99]-l don't believe it. -He's gonna pop. -我不信-他会发疯[43:45.00]Breathe. Neo. Just breathe. 深呼吸,尼欧[44:05.58]l can't go back. can l? 我回不去了,对吧?[44:08.19]No. 没错[44:10.42]But if you could... 要是你能[44:12.46]...would you really want to? 你真想回去吗?[44:16.46]l feel l owe you an apology. We have a rule: 我向你道歉我们有个规矩[44:20.30]We never free a mind once it's reached a certain age. 绝对不能解放成人的心灵[44:23.90]lt's dangerous. 非常危险[44:25.57]The mind has trouble letting go. 会无法接受真相[44:27.47]l've seen it before. and l'm sorry. 我见过,很抱歉这么说[44:30.77]l did what l did because... 我这么做是因为[44:33.61]...l had to. 别无选择[44:43.49]When the Matrix was first built. there was a man born inside... 当母体成形时有一个人在里面出生[44:48.03]...who had the ability to change whatever he wanted... 他有能力随意改变母体[44:52.26]...to remake the Matrix as he saw fit. 重新创造真实世界[44:56.90]lt was he who freed the first of us... 他解放了第一批反抗份子[45:01.27]...taught us the truth. 告诉我们真相[45:04.34]As long as the Matrix exists... 只要母体存在一天[45:07.71]...the human race will never be free. 人类就没有自由[45:14.02]After he died... 他死后[45:16.35]...the Oracle prophesied his return... 祭师预言他将再度降临[45:19.42]...and that his coming would hail the destruction ofthe Matrix... 他将带来母体的毁灭[45:23.06]...end the war... 战争的终结[45:25.00]...bring freedom to our people. 和全人类的自由[45:27.63]That is why there are those of us who have spent ourentire lives searching the Matrix... 所以我们终其一生游走母体中[45:32.60]...looking for him. 寻找救世主[45:36.61]l did what l did because... 我这么做是因为[45:40.34]...l believe that search is over. 我相信我找到了[45:47.55]Get some rest. 好好休息[45:49.59]You're going to need it. 你需要体力[45:54.39]For what? 做什么?[45:58.43]Your training. 接受训练[46:17.65]Morning. Did you sleep? 早,睡得好吗?[46:20.22]You will tonight. 我保证[46:21.82]l guarantee it. 你今晚一定睡得好[46:24.92]l'm Tank. l'll be your operator. 我是坦克,你的总机[46:27.26]-You don't-- You don't have any-- -Holes? Nope. -你身上没有-插孔?没有[46:30.56]Me and my brother Dozer. we're both 1 00 percentpure... 我和我老哥道瑟我们是百分之百的[46:33.60]...old-fashioned. homegrown human. 纯种人类[46:35.57]Born free right here... 土生土长的自由人[46:37.37]...in the real world. 在真实世界出生的[46:38.94]Genuine child of Zion. 锡安之子[46:41.44]-Of Zion? -lf the war was over tomorrow... -锡安?-要是战争结束[46:44.11]-...Zion's where the party would be. -lt's a city? -锡安就热闹了-那是个城市?[46:47.48]The last human city. The only place we have left. 硕果仅存的人类城市[46:52.35]Where is it? 在哪里?[46:55.32]Deep underground. near the Earth's core. where it'sstill warm. 在地底,靠近温热的地心[47:00.39]You live long enough. you might even see it. 你活得够久就能看到[47:04.49]Goddamn! l gotta tell you. l'm excited to see whatyou're capable of... 老实说,要是莫斐斯说得没错[47:09.70]...if Morpheus is right and all. 我很想见识你的本事[47:11.84]We're not supposed to talk about this. but... 我们不该谈这档事[47:14.87]...if you are... 不过如果你是[47:17.34]...it's a very exciting time. 真令人兴奋[47:20.44]We got a lot to do. We gotta get to it. 今天会很忙,我们快开始吧[47:25.42]Now.... 那么[47:27.05]We're supposed to start with these operationprograms first. 本来要从这些程式先开始[47:30.95]That's major boring shit. Let's do something a littlemore fun. 不过太无聊了先来点好玩的[47:34.76]How about... 搏击训练[47:37.83]bat training? 怎么样?[47:45.60]''Jujitsu''? 柔道?[47:47.97]l'm going to learn jujitsu? 我要学柔道?[48:00.95]Holy shit! 我的天[48:02.45]''Hey. Mikey. l think he likes it.'' 乖乖,他很喜欢[48:05.12]How about some more? 再来吗?[48:06.62]Hell. yes. 好呀[48:10.19]Hell. yeah. 太棒了[48:11.86]“少林拳”“跆拳道”、“醉拳”。


KungfuPanda《功夫熊猫》-Narrator:Legendtellsofalegendarywarr ior...legend:传奇legendary:传奇的warrior:武士传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士,whosekungfuskillswerethestuffoflegend .他的功夫出神入化。
Hetraveledthelandinsearchofworthyfoes .insearchof:寻找foe:敌人他走遍天涯,独孤求败,-Demon:Iseeyouliketochew.chew:咀嚼,咬你挺喜欢吃啊,Maybeyoushouldchewonmyfist!有种就吃了我的拳头!-Narrator:Thewarriorsaidnothingforhis mouthwasfull.武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃,Thenheswallowed.然后一口吞下,Andthenhespoke.开口道:“Enoughtalk.Let'sfight!Shashabooey!S hashabooey!”“别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-Narrator:Hewassodeadlyinfact他的一招一式如此彪悍thathisenemieswouldgoblindfromoverexp osuretopureawesomeness.exposure:暴露pure:完全的awesomeness:敬畏他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿-Demon:Myeyes!我的眼睛!-Rabbit1:He'stooawesome!awesome:令人惊叹的他太彪悍了!-Rabbit2:Andattractive!太有魅力了!-Rabbit1:HowCanWerepayyou我们何以回报?-Warrior:Thereisnochargeforawesomenes s.awesomeness:非凡的伟大不求回报Orattractiveness.attractiveness:魅力迷人更无所需Kablooey!Kablooey!哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈!-Narrator:Itmatterednothowmanyfoeshef aced.他征战无数Theywerenomatchforhisbody!无人堪与匹敌,Neverbeforehadapandabeensofeared!从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧,Andsoloved.又让人如此爱戴。

迪士尼电影花木兰一中英对照(完整版)花木兰Mulan匈奴入侵,快点烽火!We're under attack!Light the signal!现在全中国的人都知道你来了Now all of China knows you're here.好极了Perfect.启票皇上Your Majesty匈奴已越过北方边界the Huns have crossed our northern border.不可能,无人能越过长城lmpossible. No one can get through the Great Wall.他们由单于领军Shan-Yu is leading them.我们将保卫你的皇宫We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately.不,派你的军队保护朕的子民No. Send your troops to protect my people.赐福Chi Fu.是皇上Yes, Your Highness?通令全国各地征召壮丁Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces.紧急召集所有军人回营服役Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.皇上,恕臣直言Forgive me, Your Majesty,我相信我的军队就能阻挡单于but I believe my troops can stop him.朕不能冒这个险,将军l won't take any chances, General.小兵也会立大功A single grain of rice can tip the scale.有时候,一个人就是胜败关键One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.妇德就是文静,谦虚Quiet and demure.文雅 ……Graceful.礼貌Polite.雅致Delicate.举止优雅…小心…Refined. Poised. Punctual.'守时糟了Ai-yah!小白Little Brother!小白Little Brother!小……Lit...你在这儿啊?Ah! There you are.谁是世上最聪明的小狗狗Who's the smartest doggy in the world?来吧,小家伙Come on, smart boy.今天你能帮我做家务吗?Can you help me with my chores today?列祖列宗Honorable ancestors,让木兰今天给媒婆一个好印象please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.求求您,请帮帮她吧Please.Please help her.爹爹,我给您带来……Father, l brought your... Whoa!木兰Mulan.我多准备了一个l brought a spare.医生说清早三杯茶The doctor said three cups of tea in the morning...还有晚上上三杯哦and three at night.木兰,你早该进城了Mulan, you should already be in town.我们都指望你……We are counting on you替花家光宗耀祖啊to uphold the family honor.别担心,爹Don't worry, Father.我不会让您失望l won't let you down.祝我好运Wish me luck.快去吧Hurry!我要求祖宗多多保佑木兰l'm going to... pray some more.夫人,你女儿来了没?Fa Li, is your daughter here yet?媒婆可不是个有耐性的人哦The matchmaker is not a patient woman.她怎么老是迟到啊Of all days to be late.我早该求祖宗保佑的l should have prayed to the ancestors for luck.他们能保佑什么?How lucky can they be?他们死了啊They're dead.除此之外……我有Besides, l've got..我们需要的幸运符all the luck we'll need.你该有点用处了This is your chance to prove yourself.奶奶,小心啊Grandma, no!哇塞Yep,这只蟋蟀真是幸运this cricket's a lucky one!我来了l'm here.怎么了?What?娘,我必须..But, Mama, l had to...不要找借口None of your excuses.你先要打扮一下Now, let's get you cleaned up. @ This is what you give me to work with@ Well, honey, I've seen worse @ We are gonna turn this sow's ear@ Into a silk purselt's freezing.好冷哦lt would have been warmif you were here on time.@ We'll have you washed and dried@ Primped and polishedTil you glow with pride@ Trust my recipe for instant bride@ You'll bring honor to us all Mulan, what's this?Uh, notes.ln case l forget something. Hold this.We'll need more luck than l thought.@ Wait and see when we're through@ Boys will gladly go to war for you- @ With good fortune- @ And a great hairdo [together] @ You'll bring honor To us all@ A girl can bring her family @ Great honor in one way- @ By striking a good match - Huh?- @ And this could be the day- [laughs]@ Men want girls with good taste - Calm.- Obedient.@ Who work fast-paced@ With good breeding- @ And a tiny waist- [gasps]@ You'll bring honor to us all@ We all must serve our emperor @ Who guards us from the Huns @ A man by bearing arms@ A girl by bearing sons@ When we're through you can't fail@ Like a lotus blossom soft and pale@ How could any fellow say no sale@ You'll bring honor to us all@ You'll bring honor to us all There. You're ready.Not yet.An apple for serenity.A pendant for balance.@ Beads ofjade@ For beauty@ You must proudly @ Show it@ Now add a cricket@ Just for luck@ And even you can't blow it@ Ancestors, hear my plea@ Help me not to make a fool of me@ And to not uproot my family tree@ Keep my father standing tall @ Scarier than the undertaker@ We are meeting our matchmaker [townspeople] @ Destiny guard our girls@ And our future as it fast unfurls @ Please look kindlyOn these cultured pearls@ Each a perfect porcelain doll @ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us all @花木兰Fa Mulan.在Present.不要随便开口Speaking without permission.哦Oops.她火气这么大干嘛?Who spit in her bean curd?太瘦了Mmm. Too skinny.不容易生出儿子Hmph! Not good for bearing sons.妇有四德指的是什么?说呀妇德指导的是谦虚而妇言是少说话妇容是和悦,还有妇力……是妇功妇功意思是服从跟我来Hmm. This way.现在呢Now,倒茶pour the tea.取悦你未未的公婆To please your future in-laws,一定要谨慎望而却步、优雅you must demonstrate a sense of dignity...还要心存恭敬and refinement.你也必须注意仪态You must also be poised.对不起Um, pardon me.还要安静And silent!能不能还我一下?Could l just take that back?等一下One moment.为什么,你笨手笨脚Why, you clumsy...我认为进行得顺利,对吧?l think it's going well, don't you?快给我水,浇水呀Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!你实在是太不像话You are a disgrace!你也许看起来像个新娘You may look like a bride,可是永远不会为你们家争光but you will never bring your family honor!@ Look at me看看我@ I will never pass我永远成为不了@ For a perfect bride好新娘@ Or a perfect daughter或是好女儿@ Can it be可以吗@ I'm not meant to play this part 我不是有意要这样@ Now I see现在我知道@ That if I were truly to be myself 我是不是真的自我@ I would break my family's heart 我会伤了家人的心@ Who is that girl I see我看到的那女孩是谁@ Staring straight@ Back at me@ Why is my reflection为什么我的倒影@ Someone I don't know@ Somehow I cannot hide@ Who I am我是谁@ Though I've tried虽然我尝试了@ When will my reflection show @ Who I am inside@ When will my reflection show @ Who I am@ Inside @天啊My, my.今年花开得真漂亮啊What beautiful blossoms we have this year.可是你看,这朵迟了But look.This one's late.但我肯定等到它开花的时候But l'll bet that when it blooms,一定会是最美丽的it will be the most beautiful of all.什么事?What is it?木兰,你别出去Mulan.Stay inside.乡亲们Citizens我从京城带来皇上谕令l bring a proclamation from the imperial city.匈奴已侵犯中原The Huns have invaded China.皇上有令By order of the emperor,每家都要选出一名壮丁从军one man from every family must serve in the lmperial army.萧家接旨The Hsiao family.易家接旨The Yi family.我愿替我爹保卫国家l will serve the emperor in my father's place.花家接旨The Fa family.不no我已准备为国效劳l am ready to serve the emperor.爹,你不能去Father, you can't go.木兰Mulan!官爷,求求你Please, sir,我爹已经参加过战场了my father has already fought bravely...住嘴!Silence!你该教教你女儿You would do well to teach your daughter男人说话,哪有她插嘴的份?to hold her tongue in a man's presence.木兰,你让爹丢尽颜面Mulan, you dishonor me.明日到军营报到Report tomorrow to the Wu Zhong camp.是Yes, sir.楚家接旨The Chu family!你不应该去的You shouldn't have to go!木兰Mulan.有足够的年轻人为国打仗啊There are plenty of young men to fight for China.能够保家卫国是我的荣耀lt is an honor to protect my country and my family.就为了荣耀,连命都不要? So, you'll die for honor.我为国拐躯,死而无憾l will die doing what's right. -可是,如果…-我自有分寸- But if you...- l know my place!倒是你该管管自己lt is time you learned yours.木兰走了Mulan is gone!什么?What?怎么可能?lt can't be.木兰不你得快追她回来You must go after her.这要杀头的She could be killed.只有我们不说她才能活命列祖列宗,求求你们保佑木兰Watch over Mulan.木须,醒来吧Mushu, awaken!我复活了!I live!告诉我哪个凡人要我保护?老祖宗要我去,只要开口木须我来说几句,要是谁敢找我们花家的麻烦Let me say somethin'. Anybody who's foolish enough to threaten our family,我就好好收拾他vengeance will be mine!木须它们才是守护神它们…They...保护这个家protect the family.而你这降了级的And you, o demoted one?我…是负责敲锣l... ring the gong.说对了,现在去叫醒祖先们吧That's right.Now, wake up the ancestors.我这就去叫醒大家大家起来快起来,别偷懒了要办正事罗,别睡美容觉了我就知道……l knew it. l knew it!木兰从一开始就是个大麻烦That Mulan was a troublemaker from the start!别看我Don't look at me.她可是你家那边的人She gets it from your side of the family.她只想帮助她父亲She's trying to help her father.要是她被人发现lf she's discovered,花家就会永远抬不起头Fa Zhou will be forever shamed.花家祠堂会声望全无千百年传统沦丧家产全得没收我家孩子从没惹过麻烦My children never caused such trouble.他们全是针灸师傅They all became acupuncturists.总不能全都当针灸师啊Well, we can't all be acupuncturists.是啊,你的曾孙女还女扮男装哩No! Your great-granddaughter had to be a cross-dresser!派守护神带她回来Let a guardian bring her back.是啊,叫醒最精明的Yes, awaken the most cunning.不,那行动最快的No, the swiftest.不,最有智慧的No, send the wisest.安静Silence!我们得派能力最强的We must send the most powerful of all.好啦…我了解,我去Okay, okay, l get the drift.l'll go.你们以为我不行?Y'all don't think l can do it.看我的Watch this here.我不错吧?Aha! Jump back.l'm pretty hot, huh?谁敢让我试试看啊?你有机会去保护花家You had your chance to protect the Fa family.结果却把花嶝害得很惨对呀,多亏你了Yeah, thanks a lot.什么意思?And your point is?意思是……The point is ...我们要派真正的龙去找木兰we will be sending a real dragon to retrieve Mulan.什么?What? What?我是真正的龙啊l'm a real dragon!你根本就不够格You are not worthy of this spot.现在快叫醒石像神龙吧Now, awaken the great stone dragon.那你会重新考虑让我去吗?So you'll get back to me on the job thing?唉!唉!我只是要个机会嘛又不是要你老命lt's not like it'll kill ya.石头,醒醒啊Yo, Rocky, wake up!你得去追木兰Ya gotta go fetch Mulan!快起来,去追她去呀来呀有人在吗?有人在吗?醒醒!石头…Stony?他们会杀我Oh, man, they're gonna kill me.石像神龙你醒了吗?have you awakened?是啊…我刚醒uh, uh...Yes, l just woke up!我是伟大的石像神龙l'm... l am the great stone dragon.早上好,我会去追回木兰的Good morning!l will go forth and fetch Mulan.我有说我是石像神龙吗? Did... Did l mention that l was the great stone dragon?去吧go花家的命运The fate of the Fa family都交在你的手中了rests in your claws.别担心,我不会丢脸的Don't even worry about it.l will not lose face.我好像扭到我的筋骨了Oh. My elbow!l know l twisted somethin'.这下可好,现在该怎么办?That's just great.Now what?我死定了,都是因为男人婆l'm doomed, and all 'cause Miss Man干嘛要女扮男装惹祸? decides to take her little drag show on the road.去找她?Go get her?你有毛病吗?What's the matter with you?石像神龙已裂成两半除非她是英雄我才能回来等等,这就对了我让她变成英雄就能凯旋归来就这么办我真聪明谁说你能来的?Hey, what makes you think you're comin'?你运气好吗?You're lucky?我长得像呆子吗?Do l look like a sucker to you?你什么意思?我很衰?What you mean, ''a loser''?看我拔掉你的胡须如何?How 'bout l pop one of your antennas off?再看看谁比较衰?Then who's the loser?京城来的探子lmperial scouts.单于两位,干得好Nice work, gentlemen.你们找到匈奴军队了You found the Hun army.皇上会阻止你们The emperor will stop you.阻止我?Stop me?是他请我来的He invited me.他不断修筑长城向我挑战By building his wall,he challenged my strength.我只是陪他玩玩Well, l'm here to play his game.滚!Go!叫你们皇上派最强的军队来Tell your emperor to send his strongest armies.我等着l'm ready.送个信要多少人?How many men does it take to deliver a message?一个One.好嘛…这样呢?Okay, okay, how about this?对不起,该在哪里报到? Excuse me.Where do l sign in?我看见你有把剑Ha, l see you have a sword.我也有l have one, too.它们可是非常男人味和有力的They're very manly and... tough.我很努力在学哎l'm working on it!我骗得了谁?Oh. Who am l fooling?除非奇迹出现,我才能从军lt's going to take a miracle to get me into the army.是不是有人希望奇迹出现?Did l hear someone ask for a miracle?让我听你大声喊 “啊”Let me hear you say ''aaah''!啊!Aaah!很接近了That's close enough.鬼?A ghost.你的贴身护卫龙来了你的祖先派我来完成你代父从军的愿望快点,你想跟来就快扇呀听清楚了So heed my word!如果军队发现你是个女的'Cause if the army finds out you're a girl,就只有死路一条the penalty is death!你是谁?Who are you?我是谁?Who am l?我是谁?Who am l?我是迷失灵魂的守护神l am the guardian of lost souls.威力无比、欢乐无限l am the powerful,the pleasurable,且无坚不摧的木须the indestructible Mushu.哈帅吧?Oh. Ha, ha.Pretty hot, huh?我的祖先派只蜥蜴来帮我?Uh, my ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?喂,是龙,不是蜥蜴Hey, dragon, dragon, not lizard.我不来吐舌头那套l don't do that tongue thing.你很……You're, um...很吓人?还是很威风?lntimidating? Awe-inspiring?很小Tiny.当然Of course.这是为了让你携带方便l'm travel-size for your convenience.如果是我真实的尺寸lf l was my real size会吓死你的牛your cow here would die of fright.跪下,母牛Down, Bessie.我的威力超越人们的想像My powers are beyond your mortal imagination.举个例For instance我眼睛能看透你的盔甲哦my eyes can see straight through your armor.好了,够了All right, that's it!你没面子!你家会没面子Dishonor!Dishonor on your whole family.你和你家的牛都会没面子Dishonor on you,dishonor on your cow, dis...慢点,对不起……Stop. l'm sorry. l'm sorry.我只是太紧张了l'm just nervous.l've never done this before.我从来没扮过男生那你得相信我Then you're gonna have to trust me.别再打我了And don't slap me no more.懂不懂?We clear on that?好吧,咱们上路吧All right.Let's get this show on the road!蟋蟀,拿袋子Cri-Kee, get the bags我们走罗Let's move it, heifer.好了,我们到了Okay, this is it.学学男人走路Time to show 'em your man walk.肩膀靠后、挺胸、叉开脚Shoulders back, chest high,feet apart,抬头,开步走head up and strut.神气点,一、二、三Two, three. Break it down.就这样,二、三Hup, two, three. And work it!很美,对吧?Beautiful, isn't it?他们好恶心They're disgusting.他们是男人No, they're men.你得学他们You have to act like them,注意看so pay attention.看Look.这刺青能保护我不受伤This tattoo will protect me from harm.我希望你能把你的钱拿回来l hope you can get your money back!我想我做不了这样子l don't think l can do this.都是态度问题lt's all attitude.耍狠,像这个人一样Be tough, like this guy here.呸!你看什么看?What are you lookin' at?扁他,男人都这样打招呼Punch him.lt's how men say hello.阿尧,你交了朋友哦,Oh, Yao, you've made a friend.打他屁股Slap him on the behind.他们喜欢那样They like that.我要狠狠地揍你l'm gonna hit you so hard,让你老祖宗都头昏it'll make your ancestors dizzy.阿尧,放轻松,跟我念Yao, relax and chant with me.南无阿弥陀佛……感觉好点了吗?Feel better?有Yeah.你不值得我打,胆小鬼you ain't worth my time.Chicken boy.胆小鬼?Chicken boy.有种当我面说,低能儒夫Say that to my face, ya limp noodle!对不起,阿宁Oh. Sorry, Ling.你死定了Whoa! You're dead!他去那儿了!Oh, there he goes!弟兄们Hey, guys.匈奴攻下这儿The Huns have struck here,这儿和这儿here and here.我要带主力军到同萧关l will take the main troops up to the Tung Shao Pass...在单于摧毁这个村庄之前阻止他and stop Shan-Yu before he destroys this village.好高明的战术Excellent strategy, sir.我真的喜欢这份惊喜l do love surprises.你将留下来训练新兵You will stay and train the new recruits.当赐福审核后你再加入我们 校尉When Chi Fu believes you're ready,you will join us, Captain.校尉?Captain?这是重要的任务啊,将军This is an enormous responsibility, General.也许找个更有经验的士兵会……Perhaps a soldier with more experience...全班第一名、熟知战术兵法Number one in his class,extensive knowledge of training techniques 优良军事家庭出身an impressive military lineage.我相信李翔会干得很出色的l believe Li Shang will do an excellent job.我会的,我不会让你失望Oh, l will. l won't let you down.这真是,我是说……This is... l mean...遵命Yes, sir.那样就好Very good then.我们会在胜利后在京城庆功We'll toast China's victory at the imperial city.三个礼拜后给我报告l'll expect a full report in three weeks.我的报告会一字不落And l won't leave anything out.李翔校尉Captain Li Shang.中国最好的军队的统帅Leader of China's finest troops.不,是有史以来最棒的军队No. The greatest troops of all time.还真不是普通的逊Most impressive.祝你好运了,校尉Good luck, Captain. Hyah!好运Good luck,父亲Father.第一天Day one.士兵们Soldiers!是他惹起的……He started it!我不想任何人在我的军营里惹麻烦l don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp.对不起Sorry. Uh...我是说抱歉,给你看到那样l mean, uh...sorry you had to see that.不过你也知道男人就是这样But you know how it is when you get those manly urges行动起来非得动手打架不可and you just gotta kill something,修理东西啦!野炊啦!Fix things, cook outdoors...你叫什么名字?What's your name?我…你校尉在问你话呢Your commanding officer just asked you a question.我有名字啊Uh, l've got a name.而且也是个男人的名字哦Ha! And it's a boy's name, too.阿宁,怎么样?Ling. How 'bout Ling?他才叫阿宁His name is Ling.我不是问他的名字l didn't ask for his name.我问的是你的名字l asked for yours!就叫…哈啾Try, uh, uh, ah, Chu.哈啾Ah Chu.哈啾?Ah Chu.保重身体啊!我真坏Gesundheit.Ha, ha. l kill myself.木须Mushu.木须?Mushu.-不,-那到底叫什么?-No,-Then what is it?叫平,平是我的最好的朋友Ping was my best friend growin' up.是花平lt's Ping.花平?Ping.当然啦,平抢走我的女...Of course, Ping did steal my...是,我叫花平Yes, my name is Ping.让我看下你的征召令Let me see your conscription notice.花弧,有名的花弧?Fa Zhou? The Fa Zhou?我不知道花弧还有儿子?l didn't know Fa Zhou had a son.我爹很少提起我Um, he doesn't talk about me much.我有这种儿子也不会说出来好了,大伙儿Okay, gentlemen,多亏你们的新朋友,花平thanks to your new friend, Ping,今晚大家要把每一粒米捡干净you'll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice.明天,我们正式开始训练And tomorrow, the real work begins你得在人缘这方面多下工夫You know, we have to work on your people skills.太阳都升起来了,睡美人Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.起来,快……Come on. Hup, hup, hup.快穿好衣服,准备好Get your clothes on.Get ready.早饭给你弄好了Got breakfast for ya.看,稀饭哟Look, you get porridge,它在对你笑耶and it's happy to see you.滚开,你会害人生病的Hey, get outta there!You gonna make people sick.我迟到了吗?Am l late?没时间说话了No time to talk.今天是你第一天训练lt's your first day of training.要听老师话,别打架Listen to your teacher and no fightin'要乖Play nice除非有人想打你unless one of the other kids wanna fight.你才能踢他屁股Then you have to kick the other kid's butt.我不想踢人家屁股l don't wanna kick the other kid's butt.吃饭别说话Don't talk with your mouth full.让我看下你装狠Let's see your war face.这样吓不了人的求求你…吓吓我吧Come on! Scare me, girl.这才是我狠脸的战士That's my tough-lookin' warrior.走吧要让我感到骄傲哦Get out there and make me proud.军队已经出发了?The troops just left?他们什么了!They what?等下!你忘了你的剑了Wait! You forgot your sword.我的小宝贝要上战场了My little baby,off to destroy people.吵,你们吵什么?Order. People, order.我要炒一盘葱花蛋l'd like a pan-fried noodle.我要炒宫保虾仁,炒着肚丝啦Oh! Sweet and pungent shrimp.Moo goo gai pan.不好笑That's not funny!好像我们的新朋友今天睡过头了Looks like our new friend slept in this morning.你好啊,花平Hello, Ping.你饿不饿?Are ya hungry?是啊!因为我要赏你饱拳一顿Yeah, 'cause l owe you a knuckle sandwich.士兵们Soldiers!每天清早就要迅速整装集合You will assemble swiftly and silently every morning.任何人不听命令Anyone who acts otherwise我就让他好看will answer to me.好狠哦Ooh. Tough guy.阿尧Yao.谢谢你的自愿Thank you for volunteering.去把箭拿回来Retrieve the arrow.我去拿回来,小白脸l'll get that arrow, pretty boy,我穿着衣服也能拿and l'll do it with my shirt on.等一下One moment.你还少了点东西You seem to be missing something.这代表纪律This represents discipline,这代表力量and this represents strength.带着它们把箭取回吧You need both to reach the arrow.看来还有得训练呢We've got a long way to go. @ Let's get down to business - [all gasp]- @ To defeat the Huns- [all] Hoo-ah!- @ Did they send me daughters@ When I asked for sons@ You're the saddest bunch I ever met@ But you can bet before we're through@ Mister, I'll make a man@ Out of you[Li Shang] @ Tranquil as a forest @ But on fire within@ Once you find your center @ You are sure to win@ You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot@ And you haven't got a clue @ Somehow I'll make a man@ Out of you@ I'm never gonna catch my breath@ Say good-bye to those who knew me@ Boy, was I a fool in school For cutting gym[Mushu] @ This guy's got 'em Scared to death[Mulan] @ Hope he doesn't see Right through me@ Now I really wishThat I knew how to swim[men] @ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river@ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon@ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire@ Mysterious as the dark side Of the moon@ Time is racing toward us@ Till the Huns arrive@ Heed my every order@ And you might survive@ You're unsuited for the rage of war@ So pack up, go home you're through@ How could I make a man@ Out of you[men] @ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river@ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon@ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire- @ Mysterious as the dark side - [men cheering]@ Of the moon@ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river@ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon@ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire- @ Mysterious as the dark side - [all grunting]@ Of the moon @你们看到什么?What do you see?黑松木Black pine,来自高山的……from the high mountains.一匹白马,京城的良马White horse hair.lmperial stallions.硫磺,是大炮Sulfur, from cannons.这娃娃来自同萧关的村子This doll came from a village in the Tung Shao Pass,京城士兵在那儿埋伏where the imperial army is waiting for us.我们能轻松避开他们We can avoid them easily.不,最快进京城就是经过那关No.The quickest way to the emperor is through that pass.除此之外And besides,小女孩会想念他的娃娃the little girl will be missing her doll.我们该还给她We should return it to her.这不太好啦No, this is not a good idea.被人看到怎么办?What if somebody sees you?就算要看上去像男人Just because l look like a man 也不必弄得浑身发臭doesn't mean l have to smell like one.有些人袜子都没洗啊So a couple of guys don't rinse out their socks.挑剔Picky, picky, picky.我自己有点喜欢那股怪味道Well, myself, l kind of like that corn chip smell.够了…All right. That's enough.你再泡就要脱皮了Get out before you get all pruny and stuff.木须Mushu,如果你这么担心,就帮我看着啊if you're so worried,go stand watch.是啊…Yeah, yeah.帮我守着,木须Stand watch, Mushu,别让我被人揭穿,受不了while l blow our secret with my stupid girlie habits.'我们完蛋了!We're doomed!他们一定会发现有两点不同There are a couple of things l know they're bound to notice!花平Hey, Ping!嗨!哥儿们Oh, hi, guys.我不知道你们来了l didn't know you were here.我刚洗好l was just washing.现在干净了我要走了,再见So now l'm clean, and l'm gonna go. Bye-bye.回来嘛Come back here.我知道我们以前对你不太好l know we were jerks to you before,让我们重新开始吧so let's start over.嗨!我叫阿宁Hi. l'm Ling.我叫金宝And l'm Chien-Po.嗨!金宝我…And I..叫阿尧am Yao!石头之王King of the rock!跟你们这些娘娘腔不一样And there's nothin' you girls can do about it.是吗?Oh, yeah?我和花平就对付得了你Well, l think Ping and l can take you.我真的不想对付他l really don't wanna take him anywhere.花平,我们得打呀Ping, we have to fight!不,我们不要No, we don't.我们可以闭上眼晴We could just close our eyes 并且游远一点and swim around.来啦,别像个女...Come on. Don't be such a gir...有东西咬我Ouch! Something bit me!味道真恶心What a nasty flavor.蛇!Snake!有蛇!Snake!蛇……Snake!岩石之王不错嘛Some king of the rock. Aah!天啊,好险Boy, that was close.才怪,真下流!你欠我一个大大的人情No. That was vile.You owe me big.我再也不想看到脱光的男人l never want to see a naked man again.别看我Hey, don't look at me.我再不咬屁股了l ain't bitin' no more butts.你以为你军队准备好上战场吗? You think your troops are ready to fight?没两下就会被匈奴打垮Ha! They would not last a minute against the Huns!他们完成了训练They completed their training.那些小毛孩不适合做士兵……Those boys are no more fit to be soldiers你也不适合做校尉than you are to be captain.等将军看到我的报告Once the general reads my report,你们就别想上战场your troops will never see battle.你休想,我一定要让木兰上战场Oh, no, you don't!I've worked too hard to get Mulan into this war.那家伙坏了我的计划哎This guy's messin' with my plan.我还没说完We're not finished!小心点,校尉Be careful, Captain.将军是你的父亲The general may be your father,但是我是皇上的宰相but l am the emperor's counsel.顺便说一句…And, oh, by the way,那个职位是我靠自己努力得来的l got that job on my own.退下吧You're dismissed.我抓着他让你打Hey. l'll hold him, and you punch.当我没说Or not.我觉得……For what it's worth,你是了不起的校尉l think you're a great captain.我看出来了l saw that.什么?What?你喜欢他,对吧?You like him, don't you?没,我…No! l ..是的没错了!回你的帐篷去!Yeah, right, sure.Go to your tent!现在该我们掌控战局了l think it's time we took this war into our own hands.让我看看Let me see what you got.李将军书From General Li.儿子,我们在关口等待匈奴Dear son,we're waiting for Huns at the pass.如果你来支援就意义重大lt would mean a lot if you'd come back us up.''不错,不过你忘了,因为我们缺花粉That's great. Except you forgot,Since we're out of potpourri,也许你不介意带送一点来perhaps you wouldn't mind bringing some.''拜托,这是军书哎Hello! This is the army!要听起来更紧急一点Make it sound more urgent!知道我说的吗?Know what l'm talkin' about?这还差不多,走吧That's better.Much better. Let's go.阿汗小亲亲Khanny, baby.我们要搭个便车Hey, we need a ride.不知羞耻的无赖lnsubordinate ruffians!你们欠我一双新的拖鞋You men owe me a new pair of slippers!我才不会像娘儿们乱叫And l do not squeal like a girl.将军府有令Urgent news from the general.怎么,没见过特殊快递吗? What's the matter? You've never seen a black and white before?你是谁?Who are you?什么?我想问题是,你是谁Excuse me?l think the question is, who are you?我们正在打仗哎,老兄We're in a war, man!没时间问蠢问题There's no time for stupid questions!我应该摘下你的乌沙帽l should have your hat for that.Snatch it right off your head.但我今天大发慈悲But l'm feeling gracious today,就不告发你了so carry on before l report you.校尉,将军府来急今Captain, urgent news from the general!前线需要我们支援We're needed at the front.收拾行李,蟋蟀,我们走Pack your bags, Cri-Kee.We're movin' out.@ For a long time We've been marching off to battle长期训练只为上战场@ In our thundering herd We feel a lot like cattle像头大黄牛拉车耕田[mooing]@ Like a pounding beat our aching feet昂首迈大步@ Aren't easy to ignore不容忽视@ Hey! Think of instead待凯旋归来@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我That's what l said.我就这个意思@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ I want her paler than the moon 我的她皎白像月亮@ With eyes that shine like stars 眼眸赛星光[Yao] @ My girl will marvel At my strength我的她欣赏我健壮@ Adore my battle scars羡慕我满身伤疤[Chien-Po] @ I couldn't care less What she'll wear不管她穿啥衣裳@ Or what she looks like或长啥模样@ It all depends on what she cooks like我只希望她是好厨娘@ Beef, pork, chicken, mmm牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉@ Bet the local girls thought You were quite the charmer这里的姑娘以为你是个大帅哥@ And I'll bet the ladies Love a man in armor世上美女迷恋盔甲戎装的男人[men] @ You can guess What we have missed the most我们错过了什么- @ Since we went off to war自从我们去战场- [Ling] @ What do we want- @ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ My girl will think I have no faults我的她认为我没缺点@ That I'm a major find我是大好人@ Uh, how 'bout a girl who's got a brain聪明有智慧的女人如何呢- @ Who always speaks her mind- [together] nah!还有自己的主张 - 切@ My manly ways and turn of phrase我为人风趣@ Are sure to thrill her逗她乐弯腰@ He thinks he's such a lady-killer 他觉得自己是妇女杀手。
The secret-电影中英文字幕对照-翻译

.的来引吸像图的象想所中脑头你是; .dnim ruoy ni gnidloh eruoy sa egami eht fo eutriv yb uoy ot detcartta sti dnA
.的致导想思的你是都情事些那 .gnikniht eruoy tahw stI
.律定力引吸是就密秘个那的说所面上们我 .noitcarttA fo waL eht si terces ehT
...迹奇的复修情感�迹奇的复康理心 ...spihsnoitaler ni gnilaeh ,gnilaeh latnem
�吗功成的多更有想你�业事么什营经想你 ?sseccus erom tnaw uoy oD ?evah annaw uoy od ssenisub a fo dnik tahW �吗翁富万百为成想你�子房的样么什住想你 ?erianoillim a eb annaw uoy oD ?ni evil annaw uoy od esuoh a fo dnik tahW
。大多有标目个这管不而——。西东何任的择选所们我有拥能们我 .si ti gib woh erac tnod I .esoohc ew si taht revetahw evah nac eW 。人的为成想你为成�情事的干想所你干�西东的要想你有拥能你 .tnaw uoy gnihtyna eb ro od ,evah nac uoY 。富财�康健�福幸 .h tlaew dna htlaeh ,ssenippaH . 西东的要想你有所到得能就你 ,密秘个这了道知你果如 .tnaw uoy gnihtyreve uoy sevig ti terces siht wonk uoy fI
.律定力引吸——即; .noitcarttA fo waL eht staht dna

24部中英字幕英语原声电影,部部经典,迅速提升听力!《乱世佳人》豆瓣9.3 费雯·丽主演名著改编奥斯卡奖历史爱情片中英字幕~1939《卡萨布兰卡》豆瓣8.7 奥斯卡奖英格丽·褒曼主演美国战争爱情片中英字幕~1943《煤气灯下》豆瓣8.4 奥斯卡奖美国犯罪悬疑片中英字幕~1944 《巨人传》豆瓣8.0 奥斯卡奖美国西部爱情片中英字幕~1956《西北偏北》豆瓣8.3 希区柯克导演美国悬疑惊悚冒险片中英字幕~1959《惊魂记》豆瓣9.0分希区柯克导演美国悬疑恐怖片中英字幕~1960《音乐之声》豆瓣9.1 奥斯卡奖美国爱情歌舞片中英字幕~1965 《罗丝玛丽的婴儿》豆瓣8.1 美国恐怖片中英字幕~1968《教父》豆瓣9.3 奥斯卡奖白兰度主演美国犯罪片中英字幕~1972《飞越疯人院》豆瓣9.1 奥斯卡奖美国剧情片中英字幕~1975《猎鹿人》豆瓣8.4 奥斯卡奖美国战争片中英字幕~1978《克莱默夫妇》豆瓣8.5 霍夫曼主演奥斯卡奖美国家庭片中英字幕~1979《美国往事》豆瓣9.2 意大利犯罪片中英字幕~1984《走出非洲》~豆瓣8.6 奥斯卡奖美国爱情传记冒险片中英字幕~1985《死亡诗社》豆瓣9.1 美国剧情片中英字幕~1989《教父 3》~豆瓣9.0 美国犯罪片中英字幕~1990《辛德勒的名单》豆瓣 9.5 斯皮尔伯格导演奥斯卡奖美国战争历史片中英字幕~1993《狮子王》~豆瓣9.1 奥斯卡奖美国歌舞冒险动画片中英字幕~1994《低俗小说》~豆瓣8.9 金棕榈奖美国犯罪喜剧片中英字幕~1994《两杆大烟枪》~豆瓣9.1 英国犯罪喜剧片中英字幕~1998《第六感》~豆瓣8.9 美国惊悚悬疑片中英字幕~1999《我是山姆》豆瓣9.0 美国家庭片中英字幕~2001《人工智能》~豆瓣8.7 美国科幻片中英字幕~2001。
电影《绝密飞行》 剧本 中英文 字幕文件

[00:22.02](海军航空队)[00:26.15](为了对抗恐怖攻击威胁)[00:29.02](军方已拟出全新计划)[00:31.56](运用最先进的)[00:33.76](实验性科技)[00:36.06](目的是消灭)[00:38.33](世界各地的敌人)[00:40.94](4百多名飞行员申请参与此计划)[00:46.14](3名顶尖飞官雀屏中选)[01:05.99]Talon 1 requesting Bitching Betty relay Combat Control commands. 鹰爪1号请求指挥中心下达指令[01:09.33]Roger, Talon 1. 收到,鹰爪1号[01:10.93]Central Prime is transmitting... 指挥中心正在传送[01:12.53]...encrypted satellite auto-terrain comparison. 加密地形自动侦测卫星影像[01:15.10]Talons, this is Operator. 这是指挥官[01:16.97]PAYCOM has given his final tasking orders. 攻击指挥员发出最后指令[01:19.77]You are to proceed to target and prosecute with precision. 前往攻击目标,准确执行任务[01:23.91]Now, remember, you are pilots of the U.S. Navy. 你们是美国海军飞行员[01:26.61]l expect nothing less than perfection. 一定要有完美表现[01:30.15]Roger, skipper. Activating tactical music. 收到,执行攻击任务[01:32.82]Countermeasure is silent party. Talon 2, confirm. 鹰爪2号,请确认[01:36.02]Talon 2 confirms. Music on. 确认,执行任务[01:37.76]Risk assessment is we have a clean mission status. 这次任务没有风险[01:40.13]Attack commencing. 展开攻击[01:53.54]Gotcha. 你死了[02:06.79]Missile lock. Missile lock. 飞弹来袭飞弹来袭[02:09.19]Talon 3, there's a SAM site on the west wall. We got birds in the air. 西边有地对空飞弹发射基地我们遭到飞弹攻击[02:26.31]Talon 2, the SAM site's been erased. 地对空飞弹发射基地被消灭[02:28.48]Now, that's how you do it. 我可不是好惹的[02:55.60]Talon 3, that was shit-hot! 鹰爪3号,好样的[02:57.61]Talon 1 , l expect the same out of you. 鹰爪1号,该你上场了[03:15.99]Arming Blue Ferret for penetration detonation. 准备发射蓝獾飞弹轰爆目标[03:20.86]Missile armed. Missile armed. 飞弹启动[03:49.12](海军空战演练场斐伦,内华达州)[04:00.90]Yep, 1 00 over 1 00. That's correct. 一百分满分,没错[04:04.01]And l can rely on these numbers? 分数可靠吗?[04:06.01]Well, this isn't figure skating, Ray. You either scoreor you don't. 这又不是花式溜冰他们的命中率是百分百[04:10.71]National Command Authority's duly impressed. 国家指挥当局非常满意[04:12.85]They've given us the go-ahead on phase two. 并同意进行第二阶段[04:15.08]You know what? 知道吗?[04:16.52]You should come to D.C. and make the presentationto the senators. 你应该来华府一趟亲自向参议员做报告[04:20.62]That's how Admiral Rickover got things done. 芮准将就是这么做[04:23.12]Admiral. You get my meaning? 你也想升准将,对吧?[04:25.26]No, l'm flattered, but you do the lobbying. 我还是让你去进行游说吧[04:28.33]Politics is for politicians. 我不搞政治这一套[04:31.13]-Captain? -l'll get back to you. -上校?-我再跟你联络[04:34.87]There's Popsicles in the cooler. 冰柜有冰棒,自己拿[04:36.64]-Got any grape? -Any grape? -有葡萄口味吗?-有葡萄口味吗?[04:39.47]l believe there is one left, and don't lose your dignity.只剩一根,不要抢[04:42.71]Oh, thank you. 谢了[04:44.98]-All right, take a seat. -Nice catch. -大伙儿坐吧-接得好[04:47.72]Talk to me. Where are the holes? How can weimprove? 有什么地方需要改进?[04:51.42]Come on. l'm not a patient man. 快说,我没有耐心[04:53.45]Sorry, l got caught up on that west wall. l had to pullout-- 我急着甩掉地对空飞弹来不及摧毁目标[04:56.49]War is a team sport. 战争是团队运动[04:58.99]Those AAA sites were thick. Gave extra time to theSAM sites. 当攻击目标太多队友就得互相支援[05:02.50]See, that's your answer. There really was no room forimprovement. 没错,没有需要改进的地方[05:05.63]Actually, what Lieutenant Wade did was right. 韦上尉做的很对[05:08.14]She took out their communications and exposed theirSAM sites... 她摧毁敌方的通讯系统找出地对空飞弹发射基地[05:11.21]-...so Henry could lay it down. -That's what l do. -好让亨利一举消灭它-这就是我的绝招[05:13.57]-l mean, it was perfect. -''Perfect.'' l'll go along withthat. -一切都很完美-我完全同意[05:16.51]Much as l hate to see that smile of yours get anysmugger. 我只是不想看到你这么臭屁[05:20.78]You blushing? 你脸红啦?[05:23.69]l've got good news. 我有好消息[05:25.32]Tell us we got a carrier, skipper, come on. 我们要被派到航空母舰[05:27.76]Affirmative. 没错[05:28.99]The USS Abraham Lincoln. 亚伯拉罕林肯号[05:31.43]Captain's an old classmate of mine, Dick Marshfield.马狄克舰长是我的老同学[05:34.00]-l believe you two know each other. -He was thecaptain l told you about. -你应该也认识他-我说的舰长就是他[05:37.50]-Hell of a pilot in his day. -He's black too. He's black. -他当年是个顶尖飞行员-他也是个黑人[05:41.20]l'm also gonna be expanding your squadron. 这个飞行中队有新队员[05:44.91]On the carrier, you'll be joined by a new wingman. 会有一架新战机加入你们[05:48.38]A fourth wingman? 第四架战机?[05:50.61]Wait, l thought there were only three Talons in existence. 我以为只有三架鹰爪战机[05:54.25]What is the problem, Purcell? You look like you been hit in the gut. 亨利,怎么了?你好像很不爽[05:57.85]For one, captain, we've been flying together for a long time and it's good. 咱们在一起很久,合作无间[06:01.39]And four is an unlucky number. 而且这数字不吉祥[06:04.39]-Unlucky? -lt's not a prime number. -不吉祥?-不是质数[06:06.09]Prime numbers can only be divided by one or itself. 质数只能被和本身整除[06:08.66]Three is prime. The Holy Trinity. 3就是质数,三位一体[06:10.33]Thesis and antithesis come together and form the synthesis-- 正反合的辩证法则[06:13.17]This is not a seminar on metaphysics. This is the U.S. Navy. 这是美国海军,不是哲学课[06:17.14]Now, we ship out Wednesday at 0500. Dismissed. 星期三清晨五点整出发解散[06:22.08]Okay. lf he'd let me finish, l was gonna say... 我还要说[06:24.58]... Three's Company, Three Stooges, Three Musketeers, three-peat... 三人行、三人成虎三剑客[06:28.55]...''three strikes, you're out,'' ''Three Times a Lady.'' 三好球出局三民主义[06:31.05]-Three dimensions. -Three blind mice. -三次元-大三元[06:32.82]There's menage a trois. Don't forget that one. 别忘了还有3P[06:38.26]To the original three. 敬咱们三个最佳搭档[06:39.93]-Cheers to that. -Cheers. -干杯-干杯[06:41.76]-Cheers. -And assorted guests. -干杯-敬各位朋友[06:44.20]Cheers. 干杯[07:02.95]l'll be back in a second. 我马上就回来[07:06.62]l gotta go pee-pee. 我得去尿尿[07:09.79]That's nasty. 拜托[07:15.90]At least she's potty-trained. l'll give her that. 至少她自己会大小便[07:19.30]-Chip O'Dell. -No way. -奇普欧-不可能[07:20.97]Yeah, it's gotta be him. Hey, Henry, our fourth wing.lt's gotta be him. 一定是他第四个队友一定是他[07:24.37]He tried to manipulate his way into the program, butyou two beat him. 他一直想抢你们的位置[07:27.64]Yeah, but Becky Martinez could fly circles aroundO'Dell. 不过麦贝琪比他更高杆[07:31.35]-Two out of the four are women? No. -Hey, younever know. -两个女飞官?不可能啦-那可不一定[07:34.35]-God, you're such a chauvinist. -Hold on, now, that'snot true. -他好大男人主义哦-且慢,这不是真的[07:37.82]l bow down before the superiority of the opposite sexin many respects. 我很乐意向女性低头认输[07:42.32]But from time to time... 不过有时候[07:43.86]...l believe they should bow down before me. 她们也该向我低头[07:45.96]-Oh, please. -Kara. Kara, listen. You're different. -拜托-卡莉,你不同[07:49.43]-You are a singularity. -Absolutely. -你独一无二-没错[07:51.70]You're a freak. Of nature. 你是大自然的突变[07:53.63]-Well, thank you, Henry, l think. -You are verywelcome. -多谢夸奖哦-不客气[07:57.17]You know what l think? 你知道我怎么想吗?[07:59.97]Don't think. Drink. 别想,喝就对了[08:47.46]Have fun. 玩得开心点[09:03.24](亚伯拉罕林肯号,菲律宝海)[10:14.68]Spectacular night, huh? 很壮观的夜空[10:17.48]-Dark and mysterious, sir. -Don't you like surprises,Ben? -既黑暗又神秘-班,你不喜欢惊喜吗?[10:26.45]Well, here he comes now. 他来了[10:52.05]Meet your new wingman. 来见见你的新队友[11:07.43]Allow me to introduce the future of digital warfare.Tim? 让我介绍数位化战争的未来提姆4]Open for Tim, please. 请为提姆打开驾驶舱[11:23.01]Fuel, catalyzed A1 methane. 燃料:催化甲烷[11:26.35]Exoskeleton, metal-ceramic composite. 机身:陶瓷合成金属[11:29.18]Aeroelastic wings. 气动弹性机翼[11:31.62]Pulse detonation engine with twin hybrid scramjetturbos. 脉冲爆震引擎外加双混合冲压式歹轮引擎[11:36.42]EDl's sensors can pick out a face five miles away. 艾迪能在五英里外辨识身份[11:40.19]So we'll take three. Drop the top on mine,personalized license plate. 那就订做三台吧我要敞篷,车牌上写我的名字[11:44.23]So this is one of these smart UCA Vs. 这是智慧型无人战机[11:46.53]Well, technically you could call it an UnmannedCombat Aerial Vehicle. 这么说未免太小看他了[11:50.04]But that would be like calling this carrier a rowboat.你不会说航空母舰是艘帆船吧?[11:52.61]l feel you, captain. l know a bit about this. 你说的对,这玩意我也懂[11:54.91]-This is quantum processing, right? -Yeah, it's thefirst tested application. -这是量子处理器,对吧?-对,这是第一台[11:58.58]Ten terabits a second. 每秒处理十兆位元[12:00.05]So if it's a UCA V, why does it have a seat? 无人战机为什么有驾驶舱?[12:02.78]The cockpit's just for testing and maintenance. 那是为了测试和维修[12:05.05]Otherwise, EDl flies all by himself. 艾迪他会自己飞[12:07.72]You mean ''itself,'' don't you, sir? 你是说“它”吧?[12:10.16]So this is what the fuss is all about. 原来你说的就是这玩意儿[12:15.13]You're looking at VLO stealth, captain. 这是超先进隐形战机[12:17.90]lt's got a brain like a quantum sponge. 它的能力超越极限[12:20.03]And one day, its survivability is going to fly right off the charts. 它的表现会打破所有记录[12:24.00]-Lieutenant Wade. -lt's good to meet you, sir. -韦上尉-幸会,长官[12:27.24]lt is a bag of chips, all right. 它果然令人鼓为观止[12:31.65]-Lieutenant Purcell. -Honored to meet you, sir. -卜上尉-我的荣幸,长官[12:34.25]lt will replace us all. 它会取代我们大家[12:36.95]Looks and sounds like science fiction, George. 乔治,这看起来像科幻小说[12:39.92]Well, so did everything, once upon a time. 科幻小说的情节也可能成真[12:42.19]Ain't that the truth. 你说的对[12:44.49]Mr. Gannon. Good to have you back. 贾先生,欢迎回来[12:47.19]Your first squadron tour still holds some of the ship's most... 你之前的飞行中队仍然保持[12:51.10]...impressive records. 惊人的记录[12:52.97]Thank you, Captain Marshfield. Records are made to be broken. 谢谢你,马舰长记录一定会被打破[12:55.94]Rules too, if l remember your philosophy. 规矩也一样,这是你的作风[12:58.81]Captain Cummings, this is my X O, Mr. Carlson. 康上校,副舰长卡尔森[13:01.71]Carlson. 卡尔森[13:03.14]Why don't you meet me up on the flight deck after you're through. 咱们待会在飞行甲板上见[13:06.25]-You bet. -Congratulations, George. -没问题-恭喜了,乔治[13:08.02]-Thank you. -Good to see you again, Dick. -谢谢-很高兴再见面,狄克[13:10.45]You too. 我也是[13:11.82]-lt's humming. -No, EDl's thinking. -它在发出低鸣声-不,艾迪是在动脑筋[13:14.69]-Thinking? Thinking about what, sir? -You. All ofyou. -动什么脑筋?-查你们的底细[13:18.29]He's going over your files. He's reviewing all yourflight logs. 他在查你们的档案你们所有的飞行记录[13:22.20]Let's take it for a spin, see what it can do. 让它飞一飞,看看它的能耐[13:24.37]No, no, no. Tomorrow. 等到明天再说[13:26.33]-First, you gotta do your homework. -Homework? -你们得先做功课-功课?[13:31.87]-Thank you. -Thank you. -谢谢-谢谢[13:35.68]''EDl UCA V. Extreme Deep lnvader.'' EDI无人战机极限深度侵略者[13:39.61]Yeah, l've been called that a few times. 也有人这么形容过我[13:41.88]-l've heard that one. -Yeah, right. -这笑话超冷的-是喔[13:57.03]Well, hello, gorgeous. 你好,帅哥[13:59.53](EDI深度攻击结构)[14:08.11](武器系统与攻击战略)[14:21.72]Please, no pictures, please. No pictures, please.Please. 拜托,别偷拍,拜托[14:25.53]Okay, take them. Take them. Take them. 好啦,尽管拍吧[14:36.50]lt's open. 门没锁[14:38.44]Study break. 休息时间[14:42.61]You are one big study break. 你很不用功哦[14:45.18]Just a natural. 我天生聪明[14:47.51]So that is the appeal. 原来你是靠头脑把妹[14:49.25]Okay, because l was really wondering how youmanage... 怪不得你专门[14:51.85]...to pull a rocket scientist at every port. 泡金发尤物[14:55.09]You better be careful, Ben, you know. Hair bleachcauses cancer in rats. 你最好小心点金发尤物可不好惹[14:59.03]Well, l'm not a rat. That's my appeal. 放心,我的经验丰富[15:03.36]-You checking out the drone? -Yeah. -你很用功嘛-对啊[15:05.90]Just barely skimmed the surface. 这玩意真的很精密复杂[15:08.90]-We really are in the era of EDl. -EDl. -未来会是艾迪的时代-艾迪[15:12.87]Did l ever tell you about that foster mother l had? 我有没有提过我的养母?[15:15.64]-The one who weighed 350 pounds? -No. -体重一百五十公斤-没有[15:18.88]Anyway, one day she comes home with thisChihuahua, right? 有一天她带了一只吉娃娃回家[15:22.98]Guess what she named him. Eddie. 你猜他叫什么?艾迪[15:25.39]-You know what l realized about you? -What? -我又知道你另一个泡妞绝招-什么?[15:28.79]You got a foster mom for every situation. 你老爱说养母的冷笑话[15:31.26]Hey, l lived through my childhood. l may as well useit, right? 我的童年悲惨,不用白不用[15:34.30]That's right. 是啊[15:40.53]So tell me, you think Marshfield's right? 你同意马舰长的话[15:43.00]You think they're gonna trade us all in for thatmachine? 我们会被机器取代吗?[15:45.74]No way. War is about tools. Think about it. 不可能,打仗要靠武器[15:49.71]Claws to clubs, bronze to steel. 从徒手到棍棒,铜器到铁器[15:51.78]-Best guy with the best weapon wins. -Or girl. 最顶尖的战士才能赢或是女战士[15:54.98]And we all know who that is, don't we? 大家都知道你是捍卫女战士[16:00.05]The dull thud of a Ben Gannon compliment. 你这话好像有点酸溜溜哦[16:12.60]Well.... 嗯[16:14.07]Oh, pardon my C cup. 小心我的C罩杯[16:19.51]Study break is over. 休息时间结束[16:35.36]Good morning to the crew of the USS Abraham Lincoln. 早安,林肯号[16:37.93]Remember, foreign-object debris can ruin a jet engine. 任何异物都会破坏喷射引擎[16:40.53]Let's keep our safety record. Scour that deck. 大家一起检查飞行甲板[16:43.36]Hey. Feel like we got older, Dick. What the hell happened? 咱们都老了,怎么回事?[16:47.53]Don't complain. You still got your hair. 至少你的头发还在[16:49.60]Yeah. Some of it. 也只剩一点了[16:53.91]Look, truth be told... 老实说[16:57.28]...l never wanted this little experiment of yours on my ship. 我并不想让你在我的舰上做实验[17:02.32]Well, you're not hurting my feelings, Dick. 你不是唯一的一个人[17:04.59]Admiral Spelling shared your point paper with me... 史准将也不赞成[17:07.02]...and your objections were duly noted. 我会把你的意见反应上去[17:09.29]-You always could work the politics. -lt's indispensable in a bureaucracy. -你一向都很有政治手腕-没办法,这是官僚制度[17:13.56]This isn't a bureaucracy, not out here. 我的舰上可没有官僚制度[17:16.46]You rush a weapons system into service... 当你急着使用全新武器系统[17:18.87]...you shortcut an operational test cycle, people might get killed. 忽略必要的测试程序就可能会死人[17:22.87]You know l can't pick my nose here without 7000people approving it. 没经过允许我绝对不敢乱来[17:26.91]Nobody rushed a damn thing. 没有人忽略任何程序[17:29.08]Program is just ahead of schedule. 这项计划只是提早完成[17:34.25]You missed this. 你忽略了这玩意[17:39.79]l'm out first, boys. 我在你们前面[17:41.56]l'm right on that ass. 我就跟在你屁股后面[17:44.36]After you, ladies. 你们先请吧[18:18.86]Talon 2, airborne. 鹰爪2号升空[18:24.20]Talon 3, airborne. 鹰爪3号升空[18:32.21]Talon 1 is off and heading 2-5-4. 鹰爪号升空,航向2-5-4[18:35.21]Deploying Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle... 启动无人战机[18:37.48]...Extreme Deep lnvader now. 极限深度侵略者[18:50.56]l never thought we would see this day. 我没想到会有这一天[18:52.49]Me neither, sir. 我也没想到[19:12.78]UCA V EDl, you have launch. 艾迪,你可以升空了[19:47.11]One to UCA V. Confirm flight link. Over. 进行编队飞行,请确认[19:50.32]Flight link confirmed, Talon 1. 编队飞行,确认[19:52.85]It is good to be part of the squadron. 很高兴能加入飞行中队[19:55.72]What? Well, well, well. He can talk. 哇塞,他会讲话耶[19:58.53]Big deal. l know a guy's BMW, does exactly thesame thing. 那有什么了不起我朋友的宝马轿车也会说话[20:16.68]Picture, please. 给我影像[20:18.91]Aye, aye, sir. 是,长官[20:23.18]Swarm logic activated. 启动适应性逻辑系统[20:26.09]All right, Ben. EDl's here to learn from you. 班,艾迪是来向你学习[20:29.39]So let's make sure these lessons are up to speed, allright? 你要把一身本领都教给他[20:33.13]Well, then, let the schooling begin. 那就开始上课吧[20:44.74]Captain Cummings. 康上校[20:51.45]lnside, please. 请进来一下[20:53.35]-What's the deal? -You, sir, have a new tasking order.-什么事?-你有一项新任务[21:00.79]One to wing, anybody got a visual on the UCA V? 你们看到无人战机吗?[21:05.53]-Negative, 1 . -Negative, 1 . -没看到-我也没看到[21:07.23]We better find him and regroup. 快让它归队[21:08.90]Before it takes a crap in its quantum pants. 别让它趴趴走[21:11.13]Wait up. Hold on. 等一下[21:12.90]What the hell is he doing? 他在干什么?[21:14.84]Here he comes. Here he comes. 他来了,他来了[21:17.37]l think little brother is messing with us. 那个小兄弟在耍我们[21:22.21]UCA V, your position is always on my starboard side.你的位置永远在我右侧[21:25.78]Other starboard. 另一边[21:38.43]That's hot. 超炫的[21:40.03]Got no heart, but it sure can fly. That's not bad for atin man. 它没有心,不过蛮会飞的这个锡人还不赖嘛[21:43.70]EDl, it's official. You got a call sign. UCA V ''TinMan'' EDl, the first. 艾迪,你有新的呼号你的呼号是锡人一世[21:56.84]-Operator to squadron. -Go for Talons. -呼叫飞行中队-请说[21:59.15]There's been a change of plans. 改变计划[22:01.48]We're giving you an emergency mission redirect.Repeat. 你们有新的任务[22:04.92]That's an emergency redirect. Do you read me? 全新的紧急任务,收到吗?[22:07.39]Roger. Where's the fire, skipper? 收到,什么任务?[22:09.12]PAYCOM has given us a brand-new tasking order.攻击指挥员发出全新指令[22:12.43]Please access your encrypted file... 请接收加密档案[22:14.43]d ''Advanced War Vector Scenarios.'' 档名是备战状态指示[22:18.80]File's open. Go ahead. 档案打开了,请说[22:20.37]All right. Firewall code is ''Terror Summit.'' 防火墙密码是恐怖高峰会[22:24.37]We are upgrading this file from a scenario to a tactical action plan. 从备战状态升级为攻击行动[22:29.21]Repeat, we are upgrading the file. 重覆,这是攻击行动[22:32.48]ClA human intel has just learned that the heads of three terrorist cells... (仰光)[22:32.48]中情局得知三名恐怖组织首脑[22:36.85]...are about to meet in 2 4 minutes. 将在24分钟后开会[22:40.65]The country is Myanmar. The city is Rangoon. 地点是缅甸的仰光市[22:44.06]They're planning an imminent attack on U.S. soil. 他们要商讨攻击美国本土[22:46.79]One to Control, what about the UCA V? 无人战机怎么办?[22:51.83]EDl will observe your attack. 艾迪要跟去观察你们的行动[22:54.50]Proceed to primary. 立刻前往目的地[22:57.14]Roger. 收到[22:59.01]One to UCA V, confirm observation status only. 你只能进行观察,请确认[23:04.34]Tin Man confirms, Talon 1. 锡人确认[23:08.58]New coordinates have been uploaded. 新座标上传完毕[23:13.92]Baptism by fire, Tin Man. 锡人,这是震撼教育[23:26.00]Mach 1. 1马赫[23:28.90]Mach 2. 2马赫[23:31.74]Mach 3. 3马赫[23:34.47]Mach 4. 4马赫[23:40.41]Primo's now analyzing the location. Here we go. 电脑正在分析攻击目标[23:45.05]The primary is this building. 目标是这栋大楼[23:47.62]A new defense ministry still under construction. 正在兴建中的国防部大厦[23:50.72]Specs indicate 1 4-foot-thick cement roof... 14英尺厚混凝水泥屋顶[23:55.36]...with steel reinforcements. 以及强化钢梁[23:57.70]Roger. We're not weaponized for something thatthick. 我们的武器无法摧毁目标[24:00.20]Repeat, not weaponized. 重覆,无法摧毁目标[24:01.87]This is 2. What's the population of the collateral area?杀伤范围有多少人口?[24:06.87]The building's unoccupied, but it's in the middle ofdowntown Rangoon. 大楼本身空无一人但是它位于仰光市中心[24:10.74]This is 3. Talk to me about that roof. 这栋大楼的屋顶[24:12.75]What's Primo advocate to ordinance and influence?用什么武器才能炸穿?[24:15.05]Primo says Talons can't penetrate it. 鹰爪战机没有适用的武器[24:17.05]This is our chance. We may never catch thesebastards together again. 这是唯一的机会以后就逮不到他们了[24:21.09]Try a lateral vector. 采用横向攻击[24:24.59]Just do what he says. 照他的话做[24:28.66]This is 2 to Control. Risk assessment officer advises...这是鹰爪号[24:31.50]...casualties from lateral vector will be in thethousands. 横向攻击会造成数千人伤亡[25:08.27]Tin Man has integrated all network-centric spysatellites. 锡人拦截了间谍卫星讯号[25:11.84]Here is new data. 这是全新的资讯[25:13.91]UCA V is bypassing Central Prime. He's distributingsecure video stream. 艾迪绕过中央电脑系统正在发送机密影像[25:29.06](语音分析)[25:30.76](夏格艾胡力)[25:32.16](身份确认)[25:37.46](视网膜扫瞄)[25:39.63](孙杰丁)[25:41.47](身份确认)[25:50.81]Look at that. Oh, yeah. Oh, now l know what l wantfor Christmas. (曼瑟珊苏丹)[25:50.81]今年圣诞节我要这玩意当礼物[25:54.41]One to Control, we've entered our mission window.我们即将到达攻击目标[25:56.72]Six-three seconds to primary and counting. 63秒后到达目标[25:58.75]Come on, Control, we have our targets. 快点,我们锁定目标了[26:00.75]Come on. l need an alternative. We got these guys inthe bull's-eye. 快想出其它办法这些恐怖份子是我们的囊中物[26:05.26]There is an alternative, Combat Control. 有另一个可行的方法[26:10.13]Operator to UCA V. Talk to me. Give me something.无人战机,快说[26:13.60]Squadron carries truncheon implosion bombs. 鹰爪战机挂载内爆式飞弹[26:17.50]Negative, will not work. 不行,威力不够强[26:19.24]Central Prime says truncheons can't achieve velocityfor penetration. 电脑说它无法达到穿透速度[26:23.28]One to UCA V, 3 7 seconds to primary. Come on,explain. 只剩37秒,赶快解释[26:27.01]Diving dead vertical at 207 0 knots will increasetruncheon velocity. 极速垂直俯冲能增加飞弹速度[26:31.25]Bomb will successfully penetrate roof. 飞弹能够成功穿透屋顶[26:33.69]What's the blackout risk at vertical 20 70? 极速垂直俯冲晕厥机率是多少?[26:36.06]-Seventy-three percent. -Time on target is 23 seconds.-七成三-23秒后到达目标[26:39.86]-Call it off. lt's not worth the risk. -Operator to Talons, pull back. -取消任务,不值得冒险-鹰爪号撤退[26:43.36]-EDl will plant the truncheon. -Captain. -让艾迪发射飞弹-上校[26:45.37]This is what we built this machine for. 这就是无人战机的作用[26:47.83]There's no blood in those quantum veins. lt can't black out. 它不是血肉之躯不会昏过去[26:51.77]Operator to Talons, repeat, EDl will plant the truncheon. 重覆,让艾迪发射飞弹[26:56.31]Control, negative, Control. Mission critical. One will prosecute. 不行,这项任务重大让我执行任务[26:59.91]This is 3 to 1 . l got your back... 这是3号,我挺你[27:01.65]...but if you black out, you're gonna kill everyone. 不过你若昏倒会造成重大伤亡[27:04.12]Negative, 3. l did not get this far by being in the 73rd percentile. 放心,我不是那七成三的逊脚[27:08.09]l like my odds. 我一定会成功[27:09.62]Talon 1, your orders are to stand down. 我命令你撤退[27:12.79]-Do you read me, lieutenant? -I do-- -收到吗?-收到[27:17.13]-Talon 1, stand down. -l'm having-- -鹰爪号,立刻撤退-好像传送[27:18.97]Can you--? Can you--? 你能?[27:25.07]Go, baby, go. 加油[28:14.12]One hundred knots to release velocity. 一百节后达到极速[28:23.20]Fifty knots to release velocity. 五十节后达到极速[28:31.04]His BP is spiking, sir. 他的血压剧增[28:35.71]Release velocity attained. 达到极速[28:37.74]Truncheon away. 发射飞弹[28:55.50]Ten seconds to implosion. 倒数十秒后引爆[28:58.53]Nine, eight... 9,8[29:01.47]...seven, six... 7,6 [29:04.74]...five, four, three... 5,4,3[29:09.31]...two, one. 2,1[29:38.81]This is 1 to Control. Looks like we lost radio contactfor a second there. 这是鹰爪号刚才失联了一下子[29:42.98]There you go. l wasn't worried, baby. l wasn'tworried. 好样的,我对你有信心[29:46.51]Activating swarm logic, going full-stealth egress. 启动适应性逻辑系统进行匿踪飞行[29:50.32]Roger, Talon 1 . Full-stealth egress. Swarm logic ison. 收到,进行匿踪飞行[29:54.22]Battle damage assessment, 1 00 over 1 00. 任务达成度百分之百[29:56.96]Collateral damage, zero. 间接伤亡人数是零[30:13.37]Let's go home. 回家吧[30:15.68]Going hypersonic. 超音速巡航[30:21.78]Same old Ben. 班还是老样子[30:24.62]Yep. 没错[30:26.59]Oh, and, George... 乔治[30:29.12]...hell of a first mission. 第一次任务很成功[30:31.32]Thank you, captain. 谢谢你,舰长[30:35.50]On my way to the bridge. 我要去舰桥[30:41.97]Talon 2 and 3 are on deck. 鹰爪2、3号成功降落[30:44.10]Talon 1 and UCA V EDl are on approach. 1号和无人战机艾迪准备进场[30:48.14]Roger, Control. UCA V will go first. l'll take the lasttrap. 艾迪先降落,我殿后[30:51.04]UCA V, confirm you've got the ball. 艾迪,请确认[30:53.21]Confirmed, Talon 1. Tin Man will land next. 确认,锡人准备降落[31:13.93]Okay, 1 to Control, we've had a lightning strike. 艾迪被闪电击中[31:17.00]The UCA V's very unstable. 无人战机机身摇晃[31:19.11]Landing sequence is altered. l'll go in first... 更改降落顺序,我先进场[31:21.41]...but the UCA V is gonna need the net. 无人战机需要安全网[31:36.46]Nice landing, ma'am. 你降落得真好[31:37.99]On the flight deck, stand by to rig barricade. 准备拉起安全网[31:47.90]Extreme Deep Invader aircraft inbound for crashlanding. 无人战机准备迫降[32:00.45]Pull it out! Pull it out! Pull it out! 快拉起来,拉起来[32:03.65]-Hold on! Stop! Stop. -Stay low, stay low! Pull low! -等一下,够了-低一点[32:13.26]Pull starboard! Pull starboard! 右侧,右侧[32:30.71]Clear the deck! 无人战机进场了[32:32.21]Move it! Move it! Move it! 快点,快点[33:04.78]-You scared me. -Sorry, just a bit restless. -你吓我一大跳-抱歉,我睡不着[33:08.41]Really got whacked tonight, right? Like a hair dryerin a bathtub. 你被电得很惨就像洗泡泡澡被吹风机电到[33:12.42]Oh, he can't hear you. l pulled his voice recog. 我拆掉语音识别器,他听不见[33:15.09]l'll call it a ''he'' when it gets out of its cockpit andtakes a piss, how's that? 等它可以出来撇尿了我再把它当成人[33:20.99]-You all right? -Yeah. -你没事吧?-没事[33:23.60]lt's just a power surge, that's all. 只是跳电而已[33:27.30]-And that's normal? -Normal? -这正常吗?-正常?[33:31.07]Let me show you something. 我给你看样东西[33:41.11]That was EDl's neural network. 这是艾迪之前的神经网络[33:44.32]Now, check this out. 你看看[33:50.82]l mean, ever since the lightning strike, he's just beenwriting all of this.... 他被闪电击中后就开始写这些程式[33:55.19]l don't know. A language or a code. 也许是电脑语言或是密码[33:57.83]And what does it mean? 这代表什么?[34:00.27]Yeah. ''Mean.'' 我不知道[34:02.17]The person that could really answer that question...只有它的设计者[34:04.74]-...is its designer, Keith Orbit. -Orbit? -天基斯才知道-天基斯?[34:07.41]-The guy's name is Orbit? -Yeah, l know. -那家伙姓天?-是啊[34:10.91]He did all the Al on the Raptor when he was 22... 他22岁就替猛禽战机设计程式[34:14.41]...and l guess, after that, he decided that his given name was too earthly. 我猜他觉得他的本姓太平凡了[34:22.26]Off for Tim, please. 请关掉电源[34:24.86]At least it's a good song. 至少这首歌很赞[34:28.73]He downloads songs from the Web. 他上网下载了歌曲[34:33.07]Yeah? How many? 几首歌?[34:37.57]All of them. 全部[34:42.54]You're in a peck of trouble with the record companies there, son. 你会被唱片公司告上法院[34:47.05]Ben, could--? 班,你能?[34:53.75]l saw how serious that shit is up there. 我知道空中作战有多危险[34:57.49]So l think it's only fair that l tell you that EDl's been designed to evolve. 艾迪的设计程式能够进行自主性演化[35:02.76]-lt's just unpredictable-- -Let me ask you something. -很可能变得难以预料-让我问你[35:06.70]Just between you and me, do you have confidence in this plane? 请你直接告诉我你对这架战机有信心吗?[35:15.24]There's your answer. 你的答案很明显[35:20.45]lt's open. 门没锁[35:24.18]Have a seat. 坐下来[35:25.82]''Waffle'' for 1 5 points. l'm kicking your ass, buddy. 我得分,你输定了[35:29.06]You didn't cheat, did you? 你没作弊吧?[35:31.02]Cheating's not part of my vocabulary. 我的字典没有作弊这两个字[35:34.56]Listen, l scheduled your jet for a little maintenance. 你的战机需要维修[35:37.60]l gotta get the bugs out of that radio, don't you think? 最好把无线电通讯器修好[35:41.00]lt was a difficult situation and l made a decision. 那是非常情况,我做了决定[35:43.50]You made a mistake, Ben. 你犯了错误[35:45.24]Sir, there's a thin line between insubordination and--我知道你认为我不服从命令[35:47.81]No, no, no, that's not the mistake you made. 那不是你犯的错[35:50.24]Your mistake was getting competitive with a machine.你犯的错是和一台机器赌气[35:53.51]l'm the point of the sword up there, sir. 我是飞行中队队长[35:55.92]And l pulled it off, 1 00 over 1 00. 我以一百分满分完成任务[35:58.28]Yes, indeedy, and l congratulate you. Calls have beencoming in all night. 没错,我要恭喜你大家都打电话来致贺[36:02.39]But that doesn't change the issue. 但是问题还是一样[36:05.16]What is the issue, then? 问题是什么?[36:06.59]-Would you like a cigar? -Thank you, no. -来根雪茄?-不了,谢谢[36:08.66]-You sure? -Fine, thank you. -你确定?-确定,谢谢[36:11.10]Rolled on the thighs of mulatto women. 这是古巴女人卷的雪茄哦[36:17.44]What are you afraid of, Ben? 你在怕什么?[36:19.31]Being replaced? ls that it? 被取而代之吗?[36:21.77]You afraid EDl's gonna take your job? 你怕被艾迪抢走饭碗?[36:23.94]No. No, to be honest with you... 不是,老实说[36:26.41]...l just don't think war should become some kind ofvideo game. 我只是觉得战争不是电玩游戏[36:31.48]And how do you feel about black body bags? 你想看到士兵阵亡吗?[36:34.25]What am l supposed to tell all the weeping mothers?我该怎么向他们的母亲交代?[36:37.16]We could've got the job done without sacrificing theirchildren... 本来可以不必牺牲她们的儿女[36:40.29]...but no, we decided not to because of what? 我们却非得遵循传统[36:43.00]-Tradition? -Not tradition, it's.... -是吗?-并不是遵循传统[36:44.90]Look, we have things those computers can neverhave... 我们有电脑没有的优点[36:48.07]...like instincts and feelings and moral judgment. 像是直觉、情感和道德判断[36:51.10]You can call me old-fashioned, you can call itwhatever you want... 你可以说我思想保守[36:54.24]...but l just don't think that in war... 但是我认为作战[36:56.51]...the action should ever be divorced from theconsequences. 一定要考虑到后果[36:59.98]You don't think l consider the consequences... 我每次派你们挂载炸弹出任务[37:02.18]...every time l send you up there with bombs? 难道就没有考虑后果吗?[37:05.35]-l know you do, sir. -l've dedicated my life... -我知道你有-我花了毕生精力[37:07.75]...to considering the consequences. 考虑后果[37:11.36]l got a bad feeling about this plane. 我对这架战机有不好的预感[37:14.49]l don't know, l think it needs more.... 我只是觉得它需要[37:16.93]l don't know, trials before it's ever put in a combatsituation again. 做更多测试才能实际参战[37:20.90]You been talking to Marshfield? 你跟马舰长谈过吗?[37:23.37]-Sir, you're my commanding officer. -That's right. -你才是我的直属上司-没错[37:27.77]And l guarantee you this thing will be 1 00 percentbefore l risk it in the field. 我有百分百信心才会让它上战场[37:31.98]Look, Ben... 听我说,班[37:34.08]...all we need is one more successful mission... 只要再成功完成一项任务。

Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》-Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior...legend: 传奇legendary: 传奇的warrior: 武士传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士,whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他的功夫出神入化。
He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人他走遍天涯,独孤求败,-Demon: I see you like to chew.chew: 咀嚼,咬你挺喜欢吃啊,Maybe you should chew on my fist!有种就吃了我的拳头!-Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃,Then he swallowed.然后一口吞下,And then he spoke.开口道:“Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!”“别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-Narrator: He was so deadly in fact他的一招一式如此彪悍that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.exposure: 暴露pure: 完全的awesomeness: 敬畏他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿-Demon: My eyes!我的眼睛!-Rabbit1: He's too awesome!awesome: 令人惊叹的他太彪悍了!-Rabbit2: And attractive!太有魅力了!-Rabbit1: How Can We repay you?我们何以回报?-Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness.awesomeness: 非凡的伟大不求回报Or attractiveness.attractiveness: 魅力迷人更无所需Kablooey! Kablooey!哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈!-Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced.他征战无数They were no match for his body!无人堪与匹敌,Never before had a panda been so feared!从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧,And so loved.又让人如此爱戴。


1. 霸王别姬 (Farewell My Concubine)《霸王别姬》是陈凯歌执导的一部中国电影,讲述了两位京剧演员的传奇故事。
这个片名的英文对照为"Farewell My Concubine",用英文精确地传达了电影的主题和情感。
2. 英雄 (Hero)《英雄》是中国导演张艺谋创作的一部古装武侠片。
3. 卧虎藏龙 (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)这部由李安执导的中国武侠电影赢得了世界范围内的赞誉。
中文片名"卧虎藏龙"意味着隐藏在暗处的强者,而英文片名"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"则传达了同样的意思。
4. 飘 (Gone with the Wind)《飘》是根据美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔的同名小说改编的一部经典电影。
这个片名的中文对照为"飘",简洁而富有诗意;而英文片名"Gone with the Wind"则传达了电影对战争时期美国南方社会变迁的描绘。
5. 指环王 (The Lord of the Rings)《指环王》是根据英国作家J.R.R.托尔金的奇幻小说改编的三部曲电影。
中文片名"指环王"直接表达了电影的主题,而英文片名"TheLord of the Rings"更加强调了戒指在故事中的重要性。
6. 生活多美好 (It's a Wonderful Life)这是一部由法兰克·卡普拉执导的黑白经典电影。

NON STOP空中营救People have to realize人们要意识到We cannot make everybody totally safe我们无法保证每个人绝对安全Even if we allocated the entire federal budget towards security哪怕所有的政府预算都拨给国防I promise you there is not a easier job in the whole federal government than riding first class in airplanes from我向你们保证所有联邦政府的工作中没有什么比坐着头等舱飞来飞去更容易的了Yeah 是的I know. I’m sorry 我知道抱歉No, no. you can trust me. I’m fine不不你能信任我我没事What? I can’t hear you 什么我听不清I can’t hear you 我听不清Hey, man ,you got a light 嘿伙计能借个火吗Sir. Excuse me.先生打扰一下Excuse me. You got a light? 抱歉先生能借个火吗?Yeah. Sorry. 可以抱歉May I have your attention, please? 请大家注意So, where you off to 那么你要去哪儿Where you headed?你飞哪儿?I’m headed to Amsterdam 我准备去阿姆斯特丹May I have your attention, please? 请大家注意The white zone is for the immediate loading 白色区域仅供接送旅客车辆And unloading of passengers only 即停即走Here you go. Sir. Enjoy your flight. 给你先生祝你旅途愉快Everyone and their mother’s in the game right now. 现在每个人都在和自己的老妈玩这个游戏You got Korean phones, Japanese phones, Scandinavian phones. 你能接到韩国的电话,日本的电话,斯堪的纳维亚的电话。

电影《阿甘正传》中英文双字幕Forrest Gump<导演>罗伯特·泽米吉斯视频/ltc/?q=node/124来源:/12215445_d.html《阿甘正传》的中英台词对照[原创2007-08-25 14:05:48][02:54.49]你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump. [03:05.00]要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?[03:09.51]我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.[03:14.02]我妈妈常说My mama always said[03:16.02]人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.[03:21.36]你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.[03:31.37]那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.[03:34.37]穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that [03:37.81]脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.[03:41.98]我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.[03:45.49]其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .[03:47.99]妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot [03:49.99]只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.[03:54.00]他会往哪里走Where they're going,[03:56.00]他住在哪里where they've been.[04:04.51]我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.[04:09.02]如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard[04:12.02]我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.[04:17.19]妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .[04:20.39]她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.[04:23.49]好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .[04:33.51]你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.[04:42.95]感觉如何?How do those feel?[04:47.96]他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,[04:50.33]是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.[04:52.83]但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.[04:56.97]但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?[05:00.41]福雷斯!Forrest![05:01.74]我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,[05:04.48]妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero[05:07.31]内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.[05:08.32]内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.[05:09.48]她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.[05:12.99]他做过的事情是:What he did was,[05:14.49]建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.[05:17.99]他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets [05:21.50]看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.[05:26.00]他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.[05:30.01]不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.[05:34.15]妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me[05:37.55]我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,[05:40.56]并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.[05:51.95]向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh![05:54.96]好了All right.[05:57.19]你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?[05:59.20]从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen[06:00.70]小孩子戴脚撑的吗?a little boy with braces on his legs before ?[06:04.94]不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody[06:06.44]说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.[06:08.94]如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,[06:11.44]他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.[06:14.45]妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.[06:18.59]我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,[06:22.99]距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.[06:26.00]这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.[06:29.00]我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family[06:31.50]从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa[06:33.64]他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.[06:37.14]房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama[06:39.58]我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,[06:41.58]妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,[06:44.08]给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,[06:45.59]比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.[06:49.26]我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.[06:52.26]妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.[06:55.10]记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.[06:57.10]你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.[07:02.44]听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?[07:04.94]你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.[07:07.45]你并没有什么不一样You are no different.[07:09.45]你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.[07:14.19]他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.[07:16.69]我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,[07:19.30]汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.[07:23.80]她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education[07:26.30]所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she to ok me to the Greenbow County Central School.[07:29.81]我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.[07:32.81]请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.[07:36.15]这是正常水平Now, this is normal.[07:38.62]福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .[07:43.69]州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80[07:46.60]才能上公立学校to attend public school.[07:48.40]甘太太Mrs. Gump,[07:49.77]他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.[07:52.74]在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.[07:55.24]正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?[07:57.74]他可能… He might be...[07:59.74]反应不太灵敏a bit on the slow side,[08:01.95]但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest[08:03.45]应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. [08:06.45]他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school[08:08.62]学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.[08:10.63]这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .[08:15.46]一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.[08:18.43]我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.[08:22.97]我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.[08:25.81]甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?[08:33.39]他去度假了He's on vacation.[08:52.38]你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.[09:01.90]你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?[09:15.93]“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.[09:18.20]“看起来容易,但是… "It looked easy, but...[09:21.20]“发生了怪事,首先他们… oh, what happened. First they--"[09:23.87]妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?[09:27.21]度假?Vacation?[09:28.54]爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?[09:32.21]度假就是你去一个地方… Vacation's when you go somewhere...[09:37.39]然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.[09:43.73]总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say[09:45.73]我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.[09:48.37]但我们不介意But we didn't mind.[09:50.40]我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.[09:52.91]经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.[09:55.91]开饭!Supper![09:57.08]大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone![09:58.58]这看起来很特别That sure looks special.[10:00.18]有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us [10:03.08]每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,[10:06.59]这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases[10:09.09]还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.[10:12.60]福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?[10:16.37]有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us, [10:19.27]他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.[10:26.95]“你从来逮不到兔子” # Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #[10:30.79]“你也不是…” # And you ain't no #[10:32.45]“我的朋友” # Friend of mine #[10:35.86]福雷斯Forrest,[10:37.53]叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.[10:40.36]不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.[10:41.87]我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.[10:45.37]好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.[10:48.37]行,好极了。

這就是我來的原因 我有一間學校 專門照顧你這樣的孩子 特別的孩子 “特別”這個詞只是代替… 奇怪?或瘋狂? 尌 有時候是這樣 噢 有時也能 用來形容重要的人 很了不起 或很酷也行 你很有天賦 琴 你知道嗎? 就像這枝筆 這東西… 拿著 這是禮物 你能用它畫出 很棒的圖 或是用來戳別人的眼珠 無論如何 筆還是筆 只是一件禮物 要如何使用 取決於你 如果你想用來做好事 我能幫你 你不像其他醫生 沒錯 你也不像其他病人 喜歡嗎? 我不能留下來 好 為什麼? 這裡太高級 我… 我會弄壞東西 這樣吧 如果你弄壞東西 我會修好 有些東西修不好 我能幫你 讓你永遠不需要再破壞東西
It's written all over your face.
You tell me it's good, it's good.
你說沒問題 就沒問題
If anything goes wrong,
பைடு நூலகம்
I'll turn us around in a heartbeat.
《X 战警:黑凤凰 Dark Phoenix (2019)》英中字幕
Well, that's why I'm here, actually. You see, I have a school that is for young people, who are like you. Special. Special is just a nice word for-Weird? Or crazy? Yep. Yep, sometimes it is. Ooh. Sometimes, it can be a word used to describe people who are significant. Or amazing. Or... Or just... just really cool. You've got gifts, Jean. Do you know what? Take this pen, right. It's something that... Well, actually, just take it. It's a gift. Now, you could choose to draw a really good picture with that... or you could use it to poke someone's eyes out. But either way, it's still just a pen. It's just a gift. And what you choose to do with your gift, well, that's entirely up to you. But if you want to use it to do good stuff... well, I can help. You're not like the other doctors. No. And you're not like the other patients. CHARLES: What do you think? I can't stay here. Okay. Why not? It's too nice. (sighs) I... - I break things. - Well, how does this sound: If you break something, anything, I can fix it. Not anything. I can help you. I can help you so that you never have to break things ever again. You think you can fix me too.
电影 《空军一号》 剧本 中英文 字幕文件

[ti:未知][ar:][al:][by:][00:01.00]字幕制作:LRC中国 [00:50.58]主演:哈里逊福特[00:56.18]盖瑞欧夫曼[01:01.79]片名:空军一号[01:58.85]葛伦克萝丝[03:04.18]制片:沃夫刚彼得森盖尔凯兹[03:09.78](前苏联共和国哈萨克总统府)[03:39.81]编剧:安德鲁马娄[03:56.03]导演:沃夫刚彼得森[04:04.54]Check, check. Head count. Head cou-- 检查人数[04:07.01]- Two. - Three. 二、三、四、五、六[04:09.01]- Four. - Five. -Six.[04:13.31]- Demo set. - Let's move. 安装炸药[04:14.92]走吧[04:29.76]Clear. 安全[04:48.18]Low Boy, Low Boy, this is Black Cat. E. T.A. Romeo LZ, one-niner. 小子,这是黑猫19秒后回到屋顶[04:53.86]We are hot. Copy. 我们马上赶来[04:58.69]Come on. Get out there! Go, go! 快出去[05:03.43]Come on! 快点[05:09.04]Get in. 上去[05:13.81]Cover, cover. On the roof. 屋顶上有敌人[05:20.48]Go! 起飞[05:30.79]This is Low Boy. Package is wrapped. 这是小子,任务完成[05:36.66](莫斯科,三周后)[05:48.74]Ladies and gentlemen. 各位贵宾[05:51.25]Three weeks ago... 三个礼拜前,美俄特种部队[05:53.25]Russian and American special forces...[05:56.45]apprehended the self-proclaimed leader of Kazakhstan... 逮捕自封为哈萨克领袖的伊凡芮狄将军[05:59.45]General Ivan Radek. [06:05.16]The forces of Radek were directed towards thesuppression of democracy. 芮狄的政权镇压民主运动[06:10.33]His nuclear arsenal could have brought the world intoa new cold war. 他的核子武器可能再造成新的冷战[06:15.94]But thanks to the support of one of the world'sgreatest leaders... 一名伟大的世界领袖仗义相助[06:19.67]Radek is now in prison. 让芮狄琅铛入狱[06:26.85]Today, we are honoring this brave man. 今晚我们向这位勇士致敬[06:31.45]Ladies and gentlemen, my friend... 各位贵宾,吾友…[06:34.19]the president of the United States of America. …美国总统[06:52.74]The dead remember our indifference. 死者永记我们袖手旁观[06:56.18]The dead remember our silence. 死者永记我们沉默无语[06:58.51]I came here tonight to be congratulated. 这原本是场庆功宴[07:02.32]But today, when I visited the Red Cross camps... 可是当我探访红十字会难民营[07:04.92]overwhelmed by the flood of refugees... 目睹逃离暴政的哈萨克人民[07:08.16]fleeing from the horror of Kazakhstan...[07:11.36]I realized I don't deserve to be congratulated. 我知道我们没有资格庆功谁都没有资格[07:13.86]- None of us do. - What's he doing? 他在干什么?[07:16.03]- Let's speak the truth. - That's not the speech. 这不是演讲稿[07:18.03]The truth is, we acted too late. 事实是,我们为时已晚[07:21.67]Only when our own national security wasthreatened... 我们等到自己的国家安全受到威胁才行动[07:25.41]did we act.[07:28.18]Radek's regime murdered over 200,000 men, womenand children, 芮狄政权屠杀二十万名男女老幼[07:32.55]and we watched it on TV. 我们看着电视、袖手旁观[07:34.78]We let it happen.[07:36.58]People were being slaughtered for over a year... 大屠杀进行一年有余[07:39.79]and we issued economic sanctions and hid behind therhetoric of diplomacy. 我们却只实施经济制裁拿外交辞令当藉口[07:44.96]How dare we? 真不应该死者不会原谅我们[07:46.73]The dead remember, real peace is not just the absenceof conflict.[07:48.63]真正的和平不是避免冲突而是伸张正义[07:52.03]It's the presence of justice.[07:56.84]And tonight I come to you with a pledge to changeAmerica's policy. 今晚我誓言改变美国政策[08:00.58]Never again will I allow our political self-interest...我绝不再让政治利益[08:05.71]to deter us from doing what we know to be morallyright. 阻止我们捍卫道德的勇气[08:09.32]Atrocity and terror are not political weapons. 暴行和屠杀绝非政治手段[08:12.49]And to those who would use them: 至于恐怖份子[08:16.22]Your day is over. 你们的死期到了[08:19.73]We will never negotiate. 我们不再谈判[08:23.30]We will no longer tolerate, and we will no longer beafraid. 我们不再姑息养奸担心害怕[08:30.14]It's your turn to be afraid. 你们才该害怕[09:03.30]Good evening. Can I get you to open the briefcase?[09:08.51]- The Russian was a nice touch. - Tell my mother.She wanted me to study French. 那两句俄语是神来之笔[09:10.01]我母亲本来要我学法语[09:12.78]-You know what you committed us to, sir? -Yeah, Iknow exactly what I committed us to. 你知道你得说话算话[09:14.38]我当然知道[09:23.19]Gentlemen! Welcome to Air Force One. 各位,欢迎搭乘空军一号[09:26.16]Please present your equipment for inspection. 我们要检查你们的器材[09:28.96]W-We were just inspected at the gate. 刚才检查过了[09:30.97]Sir, this plane carries the president of the United States, although we-- 这是美国总统的专机[09:33.97]I understand. I'm terribly sorry. 我了解,抱歉[09:37.91]Please place your thumb on the I D pad. 请把拇指按在辨识板上[09:48.25]Access cleared. 准许进入[10:06.90]Hello there. I'm Melanie Mitchell, deputy press secretary. 你们好我是副公关秘书梅兰妮米契[10:10.24]- I'll be takin' you in from here. - Oh, Miss Mitchell. 我会带你们上机[10:12.61]This honor is to finally meet you in person. 米契小姐很高兴终于和你见面[10:14.68]The president and I were delighted we could accommodate your news crew. 我们都很高兴能接待你们[10:17.41]So, if, uh, you boys are all clear? 你们都获准上机[10:20.41]Now, you know the president's on a very tight schedule. 总统很忙,请你们配合[10:22.92]So, this is how it works: during the flight, two members of your crew... 待会只有两人能到机上拍摄[10:26.05]will be allowed outside the press area for filming. [10:28.42]You'll get exactly ten minutes with the president, 20 with the crew. 总统有十分钟,机员二十分钟[10:37.57]Listen, Gary, the president is ready to take Congress on. 总统要和国会抗争到底[10:40.70]He's not gonna kiss their ass for each vote. 他不会为了选票妥协[10:42.70]Let 'em vote us down and stand on their record. 他们投票反对就得自承后果[10:46.07]Yeah, I'm with him now. I'll call you from the plane. 他在这里,待会再说[10:48.44]- What do they say about the speech? - Your speech is leading the news. 他们有何反应?[10:49.98]你的演讲是头条新闻[10:52.18]- They're already calling it the ''Be Afraid'' speech. -Good. 记者都说那是“死期”演讲[10:55.52]With all due respect, sir, next time you want to makea major policy departure... 很好[10:55.62]下次你要改变政策[10:58.55]you might want to discuss it with your NationalSecurity Advisor first. 请你先和国家安全顾问商量[11:03.19]- We did discuss it,Jack. - We discussed it in private,which is where I thought it would remain. 我们谈过[11:04.66]私下谈过,我以为只是如此[11:07.86]Well, now it's public. Now it's policy. 现在这是公开的政策[11:12.40]- Get behind it. - The allies are gonna be very upsetthat they weren't consulted about this. 你一定要支持[11:13.67]你没事先照会盟国会很生气[11:16.44]It might come back and bite us in the ass inNovember. 可能会影响十一月大选[11:19.24]It's the right thing to do, and you know it. 这么做是对的,你们都知道[11:24.71]There goes the neighborhood. 这下完了[11:27.38]If you'd like, I think we have time for a quick tour.我有时间带你们参观一下[11:30.62]- It would be delightful. - Good. - Andrei, Boris. 那就太好了[11:31.55]很好[11:33.82]Just follow me. Ahead of this staff cabin is SecretService, right here. 安卓、包洛斯[11:34.26]请跟我来[11:35.89]这里是特勤人员驻守的区域[11:39.13]Don't ever try to go past 'em without an escort. Youwill be very sorry. 没有人陪同千万别硬闯[11:43.06]- Hello! - Hello. - Hi. 你好[11:45.30]Thanks for the warning. 谢谢你的警告[11:47.90]And here we have our in-flight offices. 这里是机上的办公室[12:09.36]Mr. President![12:13.43]Over here! Over here, Mr. President![12:16.36]A lot of the plane's features are classified, but I cantell you... 这些设备很机密,全都能防弹[12:19.17]that it's bullet-resistant, and that it's even protectedagainst the pulse of a nuclear blast. 甚至能抵挡核爆的威力[12:24.57]I'm not sure that's very comforting. 这真能让人安心[12:28.04]Up those stairs is the cockpit... 上面是驾驶舱[12:30.04]along with the most advanced communications centeron or above the face of the earth. 还有地面空中最先进的通讯中心[12:34.78]We could run the whole country from here, or even awar if we had to. 足以治理一个国家或是发动战争[12:38.79]Just last week, the president called the shuttleastronauts right from up there. 上礼拜总统就在这儿和太空人通话[12:41.82]- Melanie? - Yes? - The president's arriving. 梅兰妮是的[12:43.82]They should all take their seats. Right away. 总统即将抵达,请他们回座[12:46.69]I'll get out of here and let you all get some sleep. 马上回去[12:46.76]我就让各位休息吧[13:04.25]- Mr. President, welcome aboard, sir. - Hey, Danny.How are ya? 总统先生,欢迎登机[13:07.25]- Mr. President. - Mr. President. 丹尼,你好[13:07.31]总统先生[13:09.92]Change in plan, Danny. Let's go to Barbados. 改变行程,咱们到巴贝多去[13:13.75]- Anything you want. You're the president. - Boy, Iwish. 您想去就去,您是总统[13:15.56]是真的就好[13:17.36]- Mr. President. - Mr. Gibbs, where's my bunch? 总统先生[13:19.59]The ballet ran late. They'll be here in five minutes.她们人呢?[13:19.46]芭蕾舞刚结束,她们正赶来[13:21.60]- Okay. Lewis, you tape the game? - Oh, it was a real squeaker, sir. 球赛录了吗?[13:22.90]真是精采刺激[13:24.83]Lewis, don't brief me on it. I want to watch it, for Christ's sake. 别向我简报,我还想看呢[13:29.27]- We'll be under way in about 30 minutes, sir. - Okay. 半小时后就起飞[13:31.84]- Mr. President-- -Sir? - Yeah, could you put the game on now, please? 总统先生[13:32.97]请你放球赛吧[13:34.74]- Yes, sir. - Yeah,Jack. - The Iraqis have mobilized two armored brigades towards-- 什么事?[13:35.88]伊拉克出动两辆装甲车…[13:38.05]Just got it. Gimme 1 5 minutes. Get the guys together. 我知道,等我十五分钟召集大家开会[13:42.55]Repel them, repel them. Make them relinquish the ball. Hear about Notre Dame,Jim? 看过球赛吗?打得你死我活[13:45.75]- Don't, don't, don't, don't. Don't tell me the score. - Great game. 别把比数告诉我[13:48.86]- Mr. President. - We need to strategize, smooth some things out politically. 球赛好精采[13:48.72]总统先生[13:49.79]我们得向盟国解释…[13:52.36]- What was that? - Oh, it's not so important. - It's damage control. Now, what if-- 那是什么?[13:53.13]不重要[13:55.53]- Gimme a minute alone, will ya? - what if a quote, high-ranking White House official-- …及时补救[13:55.36]让我静一下[13:56.73]也许应该让政府官员…[13:59.33]-Just give me a few moments alone, please. - a quote, high-ranking White House official... 让我静一下[14:00.67]…让政府官员缓和你的措辞[14:02.50]- unquote, were to qualify what you said last night, leak it to... - Stop.[14:04.57]- Drop it. Drop it. Do yourself a favor. - theWashington Post? 别再说了,这是政策[14:06.81]It's policy. Drop it, or find yourself another ride home.Yeah? 你再说就改搭别的班机[14:10.44]Mr. President, the Russian news crew's with us. I toldthem you'd give 'em a sound bite... 俄国记者想知道你在白宫的生活[14:12.88]- about life in the White House. - There is no life inthe White House. 白宫没有生活可言[14:16.05]- You said it. The president needs some time alone. -Aha. 说得好[14:17.72]总统想静一下[14:20.72]Fourteen-thirteen Michigan! All right, Mr. President.十四比十三,密西根大学赢[14:23.16]棒呆了,总统先生[14:28.60]That wasn't you napping during the performance,was it, Tom? 你看芭蕾舞时没打瞌睡吧?[14:31.30]No, ma'am, it was very enjoyable. 没有,挺好看的[14:34.24]Come on, Alice. You can finish it on the plane. Let'snot keep your father waiting. 走吧,待会再看别让你爸等太久[14:37.94]-Just try and smile, sweetheart, okay? - Quick picture,Alice? - Alice! Alice! 试着笑一笑,好吗?[14:40.51]- One picture for me? - Thank you very much, Alice.[14:44.01]...up over the ball. Second and five at the NotreDame 28.[14:46.91]Hudson split wide, Muhammad the I-back. Gives toMuhammad over the right side, number 25...[14:50.45]is hit hard by Ron Davis and--[14:55.49]Shh. Daddy's asleep. 嘘,爹地睡着了[15:01.13]How was the ballet? 芭蕾舞好看吗?[15:04.10]- It was great! - Ow! - Oh! 棒呆了[15:06.27]- Brat. Are you trying to kill me? - Dad-Daddy! 你想害死我吗?[15:08.97]- Was it really good? Did you enjoy it? Did you loveit? - It was great! 别这样[15:09.77]男人穿紧身裤有什么好看?[15:11.77]- Men in tights. Did you hear my speech? - Yeah. 听到我的演讲吗?[15:14.68]- ''Yeah''? - You're gonna get yourself reelected. 听到了[15:14.71]怎样?[15:15.64]你会获得连任[15:17.28]That's what I keep tellin' them. 我一直跟他们这么说[15:24.05]Ladies and gentlemen, this is the aircraft commander.[15:26.52]- We'll be taking the runway in just a few moments. -So, are you guys comfortable? 你们还好吧?[15:29.32]- Yes, very. - I brought you VI P press kits. 很好[15:31.06]这是贵宾用的资料[15:32.56]- Oh, thank you. - You're welcome. 谢谢你[15:34.06]不客气[15:46.57]- ...he's allowed tojam that receiver-- - Passinterference.[15:49.64]- That's cheating! - Only if they get caught. 妨碍接球,他犯规[15:51.18]被逮到才算[15:52.68]- Dad. - Way of the world, kiddo. 爸[15:53.88]这是现实世界[15:55.65]The ball's marked at the 3 7-yard line. Let's call itthird and a long three.[16:00.82]Why didn't you take me with you when you went tothe refugee camp today? 你今天去难民营为什么不带我去?[16:07.16]Well, for one thing, it's not 1 00% secure. 那里不是百分之百安全[16:13.37]You got your whole life to live, baby. You don't needto see that kind of stuff. 你还小,不必看这种事[16:18.41]Come on, Dad. It's not like I don't see it on the news.少来,我又不是没看新闻[16:21.78]- It's different on the news. - All I'm saying is, I'mready. 那和新闻不同[16:23.51]我能接受的事比你想像的多[16:25.01]You know, for things you don't think I'm ready for. [16:27.72]- Maybe I'm not ready. - I'm 1 2 years old, Dad. 也许我不能接受[16:29.05]我十二岁了[16:31.39]In the caveman days, I'd be having children of my own. 十二岁的原始人都能生孩子[16:35.96]That's what we call progress, young lady. You're missing the best part of the game. 我们是文明人,快看球赛[16:40.36]God. 真是的[16:44.23]Well, we're so looking forward to seeing you. 我们很期待和你见面[16:47.50]- I just can't tell you-- - She is so anxious to grow up. - Oh, I know, she's-- 她等不及想长大[16:52.21]Yes. The both of us. Okay. Bye-bye. 我知道[16:52.21]我们都是,好,再见[16:58.45]Well, she couldn't stay your little girl forever,Jim. 你的小女儿不能永远长不大[17:01.85]Well, I was hoping it would last till she was 1 4 or 1 5 or 50. 我只希望等到十四或十五岁[17:06.49]或是五十岁[17:10.19]They hated your speech, didn't they? 他们不喜欢你的演讲[17:12.76]They're afraid we won't have the guts to back it up... 他们怕我们不能言出必行[17:15.33]and that if we do, it'll be political suicide. 就算能也会毁了政治前途[17:18.47]- Remember our first campaign? - In the House? 记得你第一次竞选吗?[17:22.27]- Yeah. - Yeah. - Downstate, driving around with, uh... 竞选众议员?[17:22.24]对,我们一起坐车[17:24.51]- Who's that kid, our volunteer? - That-- Remember, with the-- - Henry. 和那个义工…亨利[17:27.14]- Henry, with the convertible... - Yeah. 开着那辆破敞蓬车[17:29.21]- with the broken top, and the-- - Snow comin' in.[17:31.78]Yeah, and we were the only three people who thoughtyou could win that. 大雪灌进车里[17:32.01]只有我们三个认为你能赢[17:35.05]You didn't give a damn. You knew what needed to bedone, and you did it. 你不为名利,只为信念努力[17:39.55]And you spoke from your heart. And that's what Iheard tonight. 你的话发自内心今晚也一样[17:45.36]Well, it felt good. 感觉很好[17:48.96]Yeah, I'll bet it did. 那是一定的[17:56.17]Sir-- 长官[17:58.64]Sorry to interrupt. Everybody's assembled, sir. 不好意思,大家都到齐了[18:06.98]United States Air Force One. 美国空军一号[18:09.42]It is an honor to clear you for immediate takeoff onrunway two-five. 25跑道可供你们马上起飞[18:14.05]Air Force One clear for takeoff. Thank you for yourhospitality, Moscow. 空军一号可以起飞[18:15.96]谢谢莫斯科的热情接待[19:12.31]In Moscow tonight, President Marshall defended...马歇总统为他对芮狄展开[19:14.48]thejoint military action against the Radek regime...所谓的“武装干预”进行辩护[19:17.05]an act the administration had been calling a one-timeintervention.[19:20.45]But, in a rare display of emotion, the presidentalluded... 他表现出罕见的情绪指出他将改变美国外交政策[19:23.16]to a major change in U.S. foreign policy, when hestated...[19:26.33]that America will no longer tolerate any terroristgovernment. 他说美国将不再容忍恐怖行动[19:29.90]Meanwhile, in Kazakhstan, Radek's ouster has stalledthe neocommunist revolution. 同时在哈萨克芮狄遭到监禁…[19:33.97]These are two of Saddam Hussein's RepublicanGuard brigades... 两旅伊拉克共和军向北移动[19:36.84]- that have been moved north. - He knows we'rewatching. He knows we'll retaliate.[19:38.81]海珊明知我们会报复为什么还这么做?[19:40.84]Why the hell is he sending tanks to the border?[19:43.28]Could be a response to your speech, Mr. President.也许是因为你的演讲[19:46.11]- Maybe he's got a son-in-law out there. - Very funny.也许他在北边有女婿[19:48.25]Think there's one or two he hasn't shot yet. Whatdoes State have to say? 不好笑[19:48.22]他还剩两个没除掉[19:51.35]国务院怎么说?[19:53.02]The Iraqi ambassador is claiming it's just an exercise.伊拉克大使说那只是演习[19:56.32]Let's not waste anymore time. Send the Nimitz backin. 别浪费时间派尼米兹号回去[19:59.93]- ...we're leaving Berlin's airspace, and-- - ...andRoger--[20:04.26]- Gibbs. - Guys. 吉布[20:04.97]大伙[20:15.84]- Sleepin' on the job? - No, sir. 你在偷懒吗?[20:16.91]没有[20:32.69]You guys, these are the advance team reports... 这是迈阿密特勤小组的报告[20:35.53]from the, uh, Miami field agent.[20:38.47]- Take a look at 'em. - Thank you. 你们看一看[20:39.03]谢谢[21:31.52]Smoke. There's smoke! 有烟…[21:39.43]Steward! Steward, there's smoke in the cabin! 机舱在冒烟[21:42.13]Everybody move to the back of the plane. Now!Please! 大家请到机尾[21:45.60]Smoke! Smoke! Notify the cockpit! 有烟,通知驾驶舱[21:50.50]趴下来[21:58.21]Come on! Come on![22:00.95]Mr. President, stay back. 总统先生,请退后[22:07.39]Get down! Everybody down! 大家趴下[22:18.50]- Oh, my God! - Code Red! We have a Code Red,Jeremy! Shots fired on board. 紧急状况,我重覆[22:23.17]I've got Code Red acknowledged. Bridges, lock that door, now. 机上有人开枪[22:23.24]知道了,关上门[22:25.74]- Yes, sir. - Flight control, this is Air Force One declaring emergency. 这是空军一号发生紧急状况[22:28.48]- Get down! Get down! - Cover up! Stay back! [22:31.75]别过去[22:36.15]- Pick me up! - I'll cover ya! 上吧,我掩护你[22:38.35]Go! Go, go! 快点,快点[22:41.12]- What's goin' on? - Shots fired, sir! - My family! What about my family? 怎么回事?[22:41.72]有人开枪[22:43.92]- We're handling it, sir. - Boy Scout's comin' out! Cover! Cover! Give him cover! 我的妻女呢?[22:43.92]我们会处理,长官[22:45.69]童子军出来了[22:49.16]- Daddy? - Alice, get back! 爹地[22:51.47]- Daddy! - Alice? Alice, get down! 爱丽丝,退后[22:51.43]爹地[22:52.33]爱丽丝,快趴下[22:55.54]Around here! Take him around here! Get down! 把他带过来[22:58.17]Ramstein Tower, this is Air Force One. We are Code Red. 趴下[22:58.17]塔台,空军一号,紧急状况[23:01.04]Shots fired on board. Request emergency assistance.E. T.A..; 1 5 minutes. (德国瑞姆斯丹空军基地)[23:03.01]需要协助,15分钟后到达[23:05.68]Air Force One, acknowledged. We are scrambling our fighters. 空军一号,知道了[23:07.95]Emergency equipment will be standing by. 我们会准备紧急支援[23:21.13]- Get him to the escape pod. - Boy Scout is headed tothe vault.[23:22.96]童子军前往逃生舱[23:25.53]- The football! The football! - There it is. 足球(核弹发射密码)[23:31.51]- Get around here! - Get him down to the pod! 把他带下来,快进逃生舱[23:37.41]- Don't move! - Everybody, head down! 别动[23:39.71]去找总统[23:44.02]- Move! They're on us! - Where's my family? 他们跟来了[23:46.02]- Get in the pod, sir. Get in! - What about my family?我的家人呢?[23:46.09]进去,长官[23:47.52]我的家人呢?[23:55.90]Air Force One, landing runway 09. I repeat, runway09. 空军一号请使用09跑道重覆,09跑道[23:59.87]Roger. Turning to heading 1 85. Descending to 5,000feet. 收到方向是185、高度5千英尺[24:20.99]快点,他跑进逃生舱[24:35.37]Ramstein. This is Air Force One. Emergency pod hasbeen deployed. 塔台,这是空军一号逃生舱已发射[24:39.07]I repeat. The emergency pod has been deployed. 重覆,逃生舱已发射[24:42.21]Ramstein Tower, acknowledge. We are picking upthe homing beacon and deploying search and rescue. 收到讯号,已派出搜救小组[24:52.45]诺维将军到了吗?[24:55.62]- Has General Northwood arrived? - Yes, he has. 到了[25:00.29]- Give me an update. - Madam Vice-President, thisway. We'll avoid the press. 情况如何?[25:01.26]这里请,副总统我们得避开记者[25:03.76]- Is the president secure? - Not yet. The recoveryteam will have him very soon. 找到总统吗?[25:05.23]还没有,搜救小组会找到他[25:21.48]Air Force One, this is Halo Flight Lead. You are nowunder escort. 空军一号,这是光环分队[25:24.82]All airspace has been cleared. Alert forces have beenmobilized. 战机进行护卫,领空已安全[25:26.35]全体紧急动员[25:28.26]- Is everyone here? - We're workin' on it. 人都到了吗?就快到了[25:30.26]How the hell did this happen? How the hell did theyget Air Force One? 他们怎么可能挟持空军一号?[25:33.13]Gentlemen. Mr. Secretary. 各位,部长先生[25:37.86]Ramstein Tower, we are at ten miles northwest tofinal, coming in red hot. 塔台,距离十哩,情况危急[25:41.97]Roger, Air Force One, wind is zero-niner-zero atone-two. You are clear to land. 收到,空军一号风速12节,你可以降落[25:55.22]他们要降落[25:57.68]- Hey, what are you guys-- - Get down now! 给我趴下来[26:05.73]Open the door! 快开门,快开门[26:09.13]Open the door! 快打开来[26:19.57]Open! Open the door! 快开门,快打开来[26:22.48]No matter what happens, we land this aircraft. Is thatunderstood? 无论如何都得降落明白吗?[26:27.75]Come on, come on. Flaps, 30. 快点,尾翼30度[26:30.58]Flaps, 30. 尾翼30度[26:41.36]一降落就完了[27:03.62]- No! - Get the fuck in the air! 回到空中[27:10.62]Now! Take this plane up! 快点,快升空[27:14.69]Up! Up![27:18.63]- Get us back in the air now! - Artie! 升空,快升空[27:22.60]- Take it up! - Artie-- 升空[27:24.80]Get this plane back in the air now, or you die! 给我升空,你在干嘛?[27:29.61]- Get up now! - No! 快升空[27:46.89]Get him![28:00.74]No!Jesus! 不,老天[28:23.16]Come on, come on![28:25.87]Come on![29:06.41]Air Force One, this is Ramstein Tower.[29:08.64]- Contact those F-1 5s. - Sir. 快通知F15战机[29:10.81]I want them to keep Air Force One in visual contact at all times. 要他们一直盯着空军一号[29:13.85]- What are our airborne scenarios? - There are no airborne scenarios. 劫机的紧急程序是什么?[29:15.12]根本就没有[29:16.92]Well, we'd better start generating them, hadn't we, General? And they better be damn good, and they better work. 我们最好快想办法而且一定得成功[29:20.75]How long can they stay up there with the fuel they have? 他们还能飞多久?[29:22.69]- That's a question of air speed. Wind. - Altitude. 这要看速度和风向还有高度[29:25.43]We need an Air Force One pilot in here. Any educated guesses as to where they might be going? 快把飞行员找来他们可能飞去哪儿?[29:29.16]- Iraq, Libya, Algeria-- - Those are guesses. I don't know if they're educated. 伊拉克、利比亚…[29:30.70]这只是猜测,没有根据[29:32.40]So we better notify our allies. We'll need secure airspace. Could we keep that under wraps? 通知盟国清出领空别透露消息[29:35.87]- We'll do our best. - If you could just try and relax, Kathryn. I'm in charge here. 我尽量试[29:36.70]放轻松,凯瑟琳,我来作主[29:40.41]Well, I don't know, Walter. It seems to me that they're in charge. 不晓得,华特看来他们在作主[29:48.75]Air Force One, this is Ramstein Tower. Please respond.[29:50.38]我们要回家了[29:54.92]Air Force One, this is Ramstein Tower.[29:57.06]State your intention. 去逮他吧[30:00.23]- Don't hurt me! - Go. - Yes, I will.[30:02.23]- Here. - Go.[30:07.60]总统呢?[30:10.04]他不在机上[30:12.94]他跑进逃生舱逃走[30:14.57]Keep moving![30:30.92]Moscow police found six members of a Russian TVnews crew murdered-- 莫斯科警方发现六名俄国电视记者遇害[30:34.73]the same crew that was cleared to fly on Air ForceOne. 他们获准登上空军一号[30:37.96]-Jesus. - Oh, please tell me it's not that easy. 天哪[30:40.53]No. You would have to generate fake I D, photo,fingerprints-- 别跟我说有这么简单[30:40.63]他们得伪造身份证、指纹[30:43.97]- Could be with a little help from Moscow. - Howwould they get the weapons on board the plane? 可能得到俄国政府协助[30:45.74]他们怎么拿到武器?[30:47.44]There's no way to get weapons aboard Air Force One.It's impossible. 机上不可能拿到武器不可能[30:50.31]Well, there are enough weapons already on board totake Panama. But who has access to them? 他们手上有武器从哪儿来的?[30:53.78]- You think someone on the plane helped them? -What if somebody did, and they're still on the plane? 机上有人帮助他们吗?[30:55.95]如果是真的这个人还在机上[30:58.48]Who do they trust up there? Who do we trust? 他们能相信谁?我们该相信谁?[31:03.72]Madam Vice-President? Mr. Secretary. 副总统,部长先生[31:06.79]All compromised nuclear launch codes have beencanceled. New codes are active. 核弹发射密码取消全都换成新的[31:11.93]Ramstein, the president's escape pod has been located.塔台我们找到总统的逃生舱[31:15.64]We're homing in at 285 degrees. 讯号在285度[31:23.31]There it is. Ramstein, we have a strong signal. 在那儿,讯号很强[31:26.91]E.T.A.: two minutes. 估计两分钟后赶到[31:32.92]Oh, my God![31:37.96]Where is the wife and daughter? 他的妻女呢?[31:42.13]-Just wait. - I want to talk to him. - Wait, wait, wait.[31:45.27]No, let me go.[31:47.60]Let me see him. Let me--[31:49.34]让开[31:53.11]Where is my husband? 我先生呢?[31:57.48]He has fled. The coward chose to save himself. 他开溜了这懦夫只顾着逃命[32:01.68]- Yes! - Yes![32:03.68]But one can always strike a bargain. 不过我有谈判的筹码[32:08.32]No, you listen to me. 你给我听好[32:11.29]I don't know who you are or what you want... 不管你是谁,有何目的[32:14.96]but you will never get it. 你都不能得逞[32:18.00]He will not negotiate. 他不会和你谈判[32:22.47]Really? His wife. His daughter. 是吗?[32:24.67]他的妻子、女儿在我手上[32:28.81]A man could not live with himself. 一个男人绝不会抛下妻女[32:32.15]And it would be such bad politics. 何况这会影响他的政治前途[32:42.89]- I think he will negotiate. - Oh, my God. 我看他一定会谈判[32:56.87]Escape pod is visually acquired. 我们看到逃生舱[32:59.21]Location off Ramstein is 284 degrees... 方位284度距离瑞姆斯丹十二英哩[33:02.54]1 2 miles out.[33:56.83]武器全都收回来了[33:59.57]尼夫斯基,再查一次[34:02.30]你轮第一班看守[34:18.52]我去搜下面[34:33.27]好了[35:01.79]It's Air Force One. They want to talk to the vice-president. 是空军一号,他们找副总统[35:16.81]Hello, can you hear me? 喂?你听得到吗?[35:20.65]This is the vice-president of the United States. To whom am I speaking? 我是美国副总统你是哪位?[35:26.35]This is the person who controls Air Force One... 我是控制空军一号的人[35:29.69]the world's most secure aircraft. 世上最安全的飞机[35:34.86]What is it that you want? 你要什么?[35:37.80]We'll get to that. 待会再说[35:41.33]- I would like to speak to the First Lady. - No. 我想和第一夫人谈话[35:44.50]- No. Why? - I need to know that they're safe. 不行,为什么?[35:46.27]我要确定她们的安全[35:48.67]The president is safe. But then, you must know that. 总统很安全,你们应该知道[35:52.95]He ran from here like a whipped dog. 他像条狗夹着尾巴逃走[35:56.85]I'm sure you can't wait for him to get back to making the decisions... 你一定急着等他回去指挥[36:00.29]so you can stop sweating through that silk blouse of yours. 你就不必直冒冷汗弄湿丝衬衫[36:08.86]What is the condition of the people on board? 机上乘客情况如何?[36:12.37]- Some are dead. -Jesus. 死了一些人[36:15.74]- What are your intentions? - What arrogance... 你有什么目的?[36:18.87]to think you could ever understand my intentions. 你怎么能了解我的目的?[36:22.38]I want to understand what it is that you want. 我想知道你要什么[36:25.88]What do I want? 我要什么?[36:28.98]When Mother Russia becomes one great nationagain... 当伟大的苏俄祖国再度统一[36:34.82]when the capitalists are dragged from the Kremlin...当资本家被拖到街上枪毙[36:38.26]and shot in the street...[36:41.33]when our enemies run and hide in fear... 当敌人听到俄国威名逃之夭夭[36:45.40]at the mention of our name...[36:47.40]and America begs our forgiveness-- 当美国乞求我们原谅[36:52.07]on that great day of deliverance... 当这伟大的日子来临[36:56.61]you will know what I want. 你就知道我要什么[37:01.08]We can give you a forum for your grievances. 我能让你提出申诉我能联络俄国政府[37:03.25]We can contact the Russian government.[37:05.59]But you must understand that it will take some time.不过你要了解这得花点时间[37:08.45]Oh, really? Well, when you talk to the president,youmight remind him... 是吗?请你转告总统[37:12.96]that I am holding his wife, his daughter, his Chief ofStaff... 他的妻女、幕僚长国家安全顾问[37:17.10]his National Security Advisor, his classified papers...机密文件和棒球手套全在我手上[37:20.37]and his baseball glove![37:23.50]If he wants them back, he will prevail upon thepuppet regime in Moscow... 他想要拿回去[37:25.61]就得逼莫斯科的槐儡政府释放芮狄将军[37:28.77]to release General Radek.[37:32.11]Fifty for one. 五十人换一人,很划算[37:33.95]It's a good deal. How's your blouse?[37:36.65]你还在冒冷汗吗?[37:40.99]What assurances do I have that you'll keep your word?我怎么知道你会说话算话?[37:44.46]I'll wait for confirmation that General Radek hasbeen released. 我要确定芮狄将军被安全释放[37:50.03]Until then... 在他被释放之前[37:53.40]I will execute a hostage every half an hour. 每半小时我就处决一名人质[37:59.34]You have my word. 我说话算话[38:03.64]You must understand that we-- 你要了解我们…喂?[38:06.21]- Hello? - They're off!. - Hello? 切断了[38:10.98]- Dave's the language expert. - Damn it.[38:13.52]Nobody does this to the United States. 该死,谁都不能欺负美国[38:16.32]The president will get back his baseball glove andplay catch with this guy's balls. 总统会讨回他的手套要这家伙好看[38:20.03]We can't do anything in half an hour. We need moretime. 半小时来不及我们需要更多时间[38:22.90]He's a zealot. Tough to negotiate with. All you can dois wear them down. 他是狂热份子不会跟你谈判[38:24.76]我们只能跟他磨下去[38:26.33]Mr. Secretary! Mr. Secretary, sir. 部长先生[38:28.30]部长先生,长官[38:36.41]We found the escape pod. It's empty. 找到逃生舱,上面没有人[38:44.68]So where's the president? 总统在哪里?[38:50.19]I think we have to acknowledge the possibility... 我们必须面对总统已经丧命的可能[38:53.49]that the president...[38:55.86]may be dead.[39:00.10]Why wouldn't they tell us? 他们为何不说?[39:03.64]Diversion, trying to buy some time. 引开注意,拖延时间[39:07.54]Could have happened at a cross fire, and they'reafraid we'll retaliate. 他可能遭枪击他们怕我们会报复[39:10.38]Damn right we'll retaliate. We'll release GeneralRadek into the goddamn atmosphere. 我们当然会报复我们要让芮狄粉身碎骨[39:13.78]It doesn't add up. That terrorist knew that we'd。

第3章基因的本质第1节DNA 是主要的遗传物质(一)学习目标1.阐述格里菲思、艾弗里肺炎链球菌转化实验的过程。
2.肺炎链球菌的类型项目S 型细菌R 型细菌菌落表面表面菌体有无毒性3.格里菲思的体内转化实验S 型活细菌是怎样产生的?(2)S 型细菌是有毒性的,据此推测曲线bc 段上升的原因是什么?4.艾弗里的体外转化实验(1)实验过程及结果(2)结论:才是使R型细菌产生稳定遗传变化的物质。
3.不同生物的遗传物质细胞生物非细胞生物项目真核生物原核生物DNA病毒RNA病毒核酸种类DNA和RNA DNA和RNA DNA RNA遗传物质DNA DNA DNA RNA答案一、1.蛋白质2.光滑粗糙有无3.不死亡死亡不死亡死亡S转化因子(1)加热致死的S型细菌的DNA将R型细菌转化为S型活细菌。
◎中文名后天◎片名The Day After Tomorrow◎年代2004◎国家美国◎类别剧情/惊悚/动作/冒险/科幻◎语言英语◎字幕中英字幕◎导演罗兰德·艾默里克Roland Emmerich ◎主演丹尼斯·奎德Dennis Quaid .... Jack Hall杰克·吉伦希尔Jake Gyllenhaal .... Sam Hall艾美·罗萨姆Emmy Rossum .... Laura Chapman达什·米霍克Dash Mihok .... Jason Evans杰伊·山德斯Jay O. Sanders .... Frank Harris瑟拉·沃德Sela Ward .... Dr. Lucy HallAustin Nichols .... J.D.Arjay Smith .... Brian ParksTamlyn Tomita .... Janet TokadaSasha Roiz .... Parker伊恩·霍姆Ian Holm .... Terry RapsonNassim Sharara .... Saudi DelegateCarl Alacchi .... Venezuelan Delegate肯尼思·韦尔什Kenneth Welsh .... Vice President BeckerMichael A. Samah .... Saudi Translator ◎简介《末日浩劫》描绘的是以美国为代表的地球一天之内突然急剧降温,进入冰期的科幻故事。
