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2018 届高考考前外刊阅读精选10 篇


1 Artificial Intelligence: Friend And Foe[M] (2)

人工智能:亦敌亦友 (2)

2 The digital proletariat[H] (5)

数字无产阶级 (5)

3 Why we ca n’t stop checking Facebook[M] (8)

我们为何忍不住刷“脸书”? (8)

4 Jam tomorrow[H] (11)

未来的拥堵 (11)

5 Competition and tech: Taming the titans[H] (15)

竞争与科技:驯服巨人 (15)

6 Having Your Smartphone Nearby Takes a Toll on Your Thinking[M] (19)

你的智能手机不利于你的思考 (19)

7 The Third Education Revolution[M] (23)

第三次教育革命 (23)

8 Rules of the road[M] (27)

道路规则 (27)

9 Epic fail[M] (30)

脸书劫数 (30)

10 Can Reading Help My Brain Grow and Prevent Dementia? [M] (33)

阅读有助于大脑发育,预防痴呆吗? (33)

1 Artificial Intelligence: Friend And Foe[M]


来源: FORBES DEC. 26 2017

1 Artificial intelligence has a huge role to play on both sides of the cybersecurity equation. The industry faces a protracted and severe skill shortage. AI can perform both rote management tasks more quickly and efficiently, without getting bored or distracted. It can also learn new and better security practices from the evolving digital framework it inhabits. (1) In ou r world whe re conne cti vit y

has far ou tpac ed securit y, int ell igent a gents that ca n h eal and defend themse lves are invaluabl e all ies. Machine learning has already proven effective in sandbox environments at exploring potential

vulnerabilities and devising defenses.、

2 But cybercriminals are developing their own AI, and are unlikely to do so ethically. In legitimate lab settings, AI can be carefully monitored and trained for years to be predictable and reliable.

(2)Cybercriminals are less likely to avoid these potentially dangerous side effects, favoring speed over safet y. Malware rings resembling intelligent swarms of (一大群) angry bees are already starting to

appear, weaponizing devices against their owners.

3 It is the rise of the hive (数据仓库工具) . Today the term botnet refers to automated, zombie-like devices that are remotely programmed to target other vulnerable systems with malware (恶意软件) , or to infect them via blunt-force attacks, such as denial of service. Botnets are dangerous and account for billions of unauthorized network communications every quarter. The hivenet, however, is much more frightening because each unit of the hivenet, a swarmbot, will itself be powered by AI.

(3)Swarmbots will be able to make autonomous decisions without relying on a botnet herder and join togethe r int o larger autonom ous thi nking networks. The potential for hivenet damage is substantially

greater than anything we have faced from already-potent botnets.

4 (4)That’s why one of the most serious threats we face in 2018 and beyond is malware with the capa cit y to learn and gro w throu gh it s own su cces ses . Polymorphic (多态的) malware with pre-coded algorithms (算法) designed to subvert (破坏) countermeasures and screens is already a reality. But

that approach simply generates millions of slight variations on the same theme. Nextgen Al- generated malware will be aware and capable of adapting itself.

5 (5)Instead of sim pl y f oll owing a set of pre -p rogramm ed inst ructi ons, it will select targets of

opportuni t y, assess th eir weakness es, dev elo p a plan of att ack and cover it s tracks. And it will make intelligent decisions about what information to exfiltrate, and when. (6) In sh
