
例如:2011环境污染;2010:一个火锅——多种文化*2015重点预测正面2015考研大作文万能模板---英语一第一段3句话①In the picture above,...... .第一句话(句型要用do+ing\with短语+非限定性定语从句)要将整个漫画内容描述完整。
要考验大家的语法功底,首句很重要哦!②There has been a heated discussion about them in the newspaper. 第二句就是套话,大家也可以自己换其他自己喜欢的句子。
③The picture , at the first glimpse , seem to be simple ,but only a penetrating sight can pierce through its superficial meaning. 同第二句解释的一样。
①The picture tells us that nothing can be compared with the (漫画主题词) / nothing is more harmful or damaging than the ( 主题词) . 当时漫画反映坏/好的方面的主题时,大家相应地进行替换。
②In no country other than China ,it has been said ,is this phenomenon more obvious (好的主题用此句). / is the problem of (有关主题词) more serious(坏的主题用此句).③What's more,nobody dare fail to / the public fail to attach due attention to the ( 主题词) . 进一步强调主题的好/坏。

语法知识梳理:详细列出考研英语中常见的语法知识点,包括句子结构、时 态、语态、虚拟语气等,为考生提供系统的语法复习框架。
长难句解析:选取考研英语中的典型长难句进行分析,教授学生如何理解和 翻译这些复杂句子,提高阅读理解能力。
我要说的是,这本书的标题就足够吸引人。在考研英语的备考中,语法和长 难句一直是许多考生的痛点,而词汇记忆更是让许多人头疼不已。刘晓艳老师的 这本书,恰好针对了这些问题,用大雁作为象征,寓意着带领考生在考研英语的 海洋中飞翔。
书中的内容安排得十分合理,从基础的语法知识开始,逐步深入到长难句的 分析,再到词汇的记忆,每一步都讲解得清晰明了。刘晓艳老师的语言风格亲切 而生动,使得枯燥无味的语法知识变得有趣而易于理解。
系统性:目录结构层次分明,从基础知识到实战应用,循序渐进,帮助考生 建立完整的知识体系。
针对性:针对考研英语的特点和难点,选取重点内容进行详细讲解和练习, 提高学习效率。
实用性:不仅提供理论知识,还注重实战应用,通过大量的练习和模拟试题, 帮助考生将知识转化为实际应试能力。
易用性:目录清晰明了,方便考生快速找到所需内容,附录和索引的设置也 便于考生查阅和复习。
《刘晓艳考研英语一英二大雁教大家语法长难句带大家记单词刘晓燕大家》 读后感
对于考研英语的备考者来说,一本好的辅导书无疑是他们在漫漫备考路上的 一盏明灯。最近,我有幸阅读了《刘晓艳考研英语一英二大雁教大家语法长难句 带大家记单词刘晓燕大家》这本书,深感其内容的详实与实用,对考研英语的复 习有很大的帮助。
在阅读过程中,我深受启发的是刘晓艳老师对于语法和长难句的讲解。她不 仅详细地解释了各个语法点的含义和用法,还通过大量的例句,让我们在实际语 境中理解并掌握这些语法知识。对于长难句的分析,刘晓艳老师更是给出了许多 实用的方法和技巧,帮助我们更好地理解和分析这些句子。

1. 提高词汇量:考研英语阅读理解的难点在于大量的生词和短语,因此,提高词汇量是提高阅读理解能力的关键。
2. 掌握阅读技巧:考研英语阅读理解题型多样,包括细节理解、推理判断、主旨大意等,每种题型都有其特定的解题技巧。
3. 培养良好的阅读习惯:在做题时,要养成先读问题再读文章的习惯,这样可以更有针对性地寻找答案。
4. 多做模拟题:通过做模拟题,可以熟悉考试题型,提高解题速度和准确率。
5. 提高阅读效率:在阅读文章时,要学会快速扫读和精读相结合。
6. 培养良好的心态:考研英语阅读理解需要耐心和细心,不要因为一时的困难而放弃。

刘晓艳考研英语大作文模版大作文第一段How enlightening and compelling the above drawing is! It is so funny that whoever sees it cannot help thinking:_____. (这句自己加完整,从宏观上描述一下图画就可以,笼统的,大体的) ______while_______.(这句从微观上具体说明一下图画要描述的矛盾点,必须找到矛盾点,用到while这个单词) Simple as it looks,its intended(或者用implied) meaning goes far deeper what on earth(究竟)does the drawer(作者)really aim to convey.第二段What the image above vividly mirrors(名词用做动词)goes far more than a simple image,insteed,it carries(有)a thought provoking social phenomenon:____.(本文的主旨)There are upsetting(如文章不是讽刺性的,就把upsetting删除) parallels today in our contemporary community,and an acquaintance of mine may serve as a good example.______.(用一句话或者两句话来举例)Another telling example is my fomer colleague,who___.(另外一个例子,如果字数够就不用再举)第三段:Much can be done. To begain with the schools and the mass media should develop noble and worthy values and qualities among people,doing their utmost to awaken people of the growing threat of this worsening situation.(of this worsening situation自己可以换成主旨的句子,如果不换,这样也可以。

刘晓艳写作笔记整理●第一部分——写作概述●【一】写作题型●1)小作文:10行左右(包括称呼、落款)●公务信、私人书信、告示●2)大作文:18行左右(包括称呼、落款)●图画作文、图表作文●【拓展】英语考试答题的顺序和时间安排●1、写作(40分钟)●2、阅读(90分钟,一篇阅读20-25分钟)●3、新题型(保命班会讲,15分钟)●4、翻译(20分钟,英语二25分钟至多)●5、完形(15分钟)●【二】评分原则和方法●1)黄金原则一:书写工整、卷面整洁、字迹清晰●2)黄金原则二:语言第一、结构第二、内容第三●1、语言第一:单词、愈发正确、准确、多变●单词正确;所有写不来的单词都写成自己会的词汇,一定要正确●单词准确(必须有单词量):在正确的基础上最重要的就是准确●Y ou are a good teacher.●Y ou are a responsible teacher.●Y ou are a teacher who can make complex knowledge become easy.●单词多变●语法正确:小心的用、正确的用●语法多变●2、结构第二:●三段论:三段之间比例适中,1:1:1;1:2:2●句子和句子之间多用逻辑关系词(连词、副词、介词短语)●多用代词代替已经出现过的名词●3、内容第三:●内容不重要,大纲中的要求就是内容切题,不跑题就行●第二部分——写作满分句型(单词替换、高级表达)●【一】简单句的满分句型●一、被动●1)当汉语中出现我们、人们、大家、有人等人称代词做主语时都可以写成被动●2)本句型推荐写在第一段最后一句引出文章中心时使用,或者第三段第一句话,文章总结时使用●eg1:我们应该孝敬父母●Parents should be respected by us ——>superiors are supposed to berespected by their descendants●Parents——>superiors 父母、长辈、上司;the elderly 长者、老人;seniorcitizens高级公民●should——> be obliged to ; ought to ; be supposed to 应该做●we/us/people——>human beings ; the public ; private individuals●替换越准确越好(写作中,根据不同情况的人选一个,写成具体类的人)●年轻人——teenagers and youngsters●大学生——undergraduates ; youngsters on campus●孩子们——children ; kids ; offspring ; descendants●商人——businessman●专家和教授——experts and professors●所有人——all children and adults /men and women in all walks●eg2:我们不应该盲目追星●Celebrities are not supposed to pursue by teenagers and youngsters●not——>never ; by no means ; under no circumanstances ; fail to (失败——>不)●eg3:越来越多的人认为自信很重要●Confidence is supposed to important by mounting men and women in all walks.●eg4:污染很严重●Environmental contamination is thought very serious by more and moreexperts and professors.●more and more—— >an increasing amount of●think(thought) 土单词排行榜no.1/believe/consider——>●h old/argue/contend/claim ===think●h ave been convinced that/cling to the perspective that === I think that●very非常——>distinctly/remarkably/extraordinarily/strikingly●serious严重的——>fatal / grave / fearful / be of great severity●二、there be/exist/seem/remain句型,“有”●1)本句型推荐写在第二段第一句话,引出原因分析时使用,或者第三段最后一句喊口号时使用●2)参考句型●There seems strong evidence to show that ... 有确凿的证据表明●There remains a growing worldwide awareness around the world that = moreand more people think that ...●There exist absolutely no reason for us to believe that a brighter future for theworld is an impossibility. 我们完全有理由相信一个更美好的未来是有可能的●eg:有很多原因解释我的观点 There exist many reasons to explain my idea.●many——>a sea of/a host of / a multitude of /a train of / immerse amounts of/ numerous●reasons原因、因素——>causes / factors / elements●explain——>account for / give rise to●idea——>viewpoint / perspective●三、比较结构●1)as...as 和...一样,同级比较●1、只要作文中出现形容词、副词的地方,都能写成as...as句型●2、考研作文(图画)的中心一定是要么某事很重要,要么某事很严重,本句型推荐写在第一段最后一句引出文章中心或者第三段第一句文章总结时使用●eg : She is as beautiful as a red rose , which manages to take away the breathof a sea of children and adults 她很美●b e动词(除了被动和现在进行时不能替换,其他都可以换,因为在被动和现在进行时中它是助动词)●所有感官动词都可以替换成be动词(look/sound/taste/feel/seem/appear)●保持(keep/remain)●变化(remain/become)●prove●b eautiful——>graceful/elegant/attractive/charming/gorgeous●eg : Confidence proves as important as sunshine ,which plays an essential rolein the normal growth of all creatures 自信很重要●i mportant——>vital/crucial/indispensable/be of great importance/play akey role in sth●eg: sth很严重●s th becomes as grave as aids ,which has threatened the health of patients ortaken away their lives.●2)the more...the more,这个句型叫做the+a./ad.的比较级+句子,the+a./ad.的比较级+句子●1、本句型推荐写在作文第二段,分析原因时使用●2、需要注意的是主将从现哦~而且想好想要加的是形容词的比较级还是副词的比较级●eg : The higher one ascends , the farther he will overlook. 你爬得越高,看得越远●【注意】没有特指的一个人用one,没有特指的一类人用those●f ar的比较级有两种:●farther是指距离真的很远●further是指抽象的远,比如心理距离的远●这里用的是farther●eg : 你学习越努力,进步的越容易●【注意】一句话没有谓语动词怎么办?●只要一句话需要谓语动词而又没有谓语动词,就加be动词,这里加了is——>keep转成较高级的词汇●T he more diligent one keeps , the easier he will achieve glories.●为什么错?keep替换的是is,也就是个系动词,后面加形容词diligent可以,但easier修饰的是取得(achieve),但“取得”是一个实义动词,那么就应该副词修饰实义动词,所以这里不应该是easy的比较级,而应该是easily的比较级easiler●T he more diligent one keeps , the more easiler he will achieve glories.(正确表达)●eg: The harder all children and adults remain , the more fortunate they willbecome 越努力,越幸运●用 fortunate 还是 fortunately 取决于后面句子的谓语动词是实义动词还是系动词,系动词用fortunate,实义动词用fortunately●eg: 文化交流的越频繁,我国经济发展的越迅速●交流——>副词,修饰文化,发展——>实义动词,迅速(副词)修饰发展●T he more frequently culture exchange , the more rapidly Chinese economywill develop.●错误一:【注意】可数名词永远不能单独使用,要么变成复数,要么前面加冠词;如果你能确定是可数名词,那么变成复数,如果不确定,加the最保险。

一、what is 简单句?二、简单句得分类(一)主谓结构(二)主谓宾(三)主谓表(四)主谓双宾(五)主谓宾宾补三、句子得成分(词性得问题)(一)谓语(二)主语(三)宾语(四)表语一、what is 简单句?英语必须具备主谓结构,并且主语一定就是谓语动作得发出者,如果有宾语,宾语一定就是谓语动作得承受者。
试译:我得英语说得很好I speak English well、我要去剪头A barber will cut my hair、二、简单句得分类(一)主谓结构he died; welaugh(ed)(二)主谓宾谓语:实意动词(三)主谓表谓语:系动词系动词:1、be2、感官动词:looksmell taste sound feel3、变化:bee get4、保持:keep stay remain(四)主谓双宾(五)主谓宾宾补I bought him a dog(双宾)It makeshim happy(宾补)判断双宾还就是宾补:二者就是否有关系,无关双宾有关宾补;加is就是否通顺,通顺为宾补不通为双宾三、句子得成分(词性得问题)(一)谓语有时态得实意动词或系动词充当谓语1、谓语得成分谓语只能就是动词,动词只能做谓语,所以我们需要把一句话中所有不做谓语得动词变成不就是动词(1)+ing主动(2)+ed被动(3)+to目得2、动词能不能多?绝对不能,一句话中只能有一个动词得存在,并且充当谓语,多余得动词全部变成非谓语动词,所以英语中有了独立主格与分词作状语Beat you is my fault、→Beating you is my fault、I enjoy watch TV、→I enjoywatching TV、My dream is watch TV、→My dream is watching TV、My dream is bee a teacher、→My dream is being a teacher、试译:她拍了拍我得肩膀,一句话都没说就离开了Hebeat my shoulder, saying nothing, departed、我爱您,您爱我I loving you,you loveme、 (独立主格)(能分清主次,留主要得为谓语;分不清留后面得为谓语)把几句话写成一句话得方法:●独立主格(分词作状语):把多个句子用逗号连接写成一个句子,留一个为谓语,其她变为非谓语动词●并列句:在几句话中加连词●复合句:把最重要得句子留下,其她变为从句冬天来了,春天就不远了Winter approaching, springwill be around thecorner、我就是一个老师,我喜欢唱歌I be a teacher, I enjoy singing、(独立主格)主语一致省略一个主语Be a teacher, I enjoy singing、(分词作状语)3、动词能不能少?绝对不能,当一句话中需要动词而没有动词时,永远都加be动词,并且be动词没有意思Your mother mustvery beautiful、→Your mother must be very beautiful、I against you、→I amagainst(介词) you、谓语总结:一句话中有且只有一个有时态得实意动词或者系动词得存在,并且充当谓语。

The xx chart given above reflects that
some changes have taken place in the number/ proportion of sth. over the past several years. // ( 增降 ) From year1 to year2, the number / proportion of sth1. increased/ decreased rapidly/ slowly / gradually from No.1 to No.2. ( 不 变 ) From year3 to year4, the number/ or proportion of sth2. remained unchanged at No.3
Saving energy/ inherit the traditional culture,virtues Patience/ haste makes waste / independence Making plans/ valuing time / be thrifty/ details Sense of innovation/ passion,enthusiasm in life
16.12月六级命题更多倾向漫画作文, 主题也会涉及心态哲理和品质素质为主
Information security / Personal data leakage
Credit Cards/ Password flooding / mobile phone
to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty.

三 复合句
• 一)主语从句
• that you never fail to fascinate me is obvious.
• It … that… • It is common knowledge that • It is my belief that
• It is self-evident that • It has been found that • It is beyond dispute that • It is universally acknowledged
raising pets can not only reduce loneliness but also can cultivate our love heart.
what is worse is that I forgot my book.
• 为什么孝敬父母 • 中华民族的传统美德 • 子女的义务
• which plays a key role in our daily life.
• Important • Vital • Significant essential • Indispensable • Play a key role in sth • Be of great importance
• 2)汉语的无主句也喜欢用
• 我们应该孝敬父母;
• Parents should be respected by us.
• Should • Ought to • Be supposed to • Be obliged to
• the public • private individuals the folk • youngsters teenagers

刘晓燕考研英语学习计划IntroductionMy name is Liu Xiaoyan, and I am a senior English major at a university in China. I have always been passionate about language and literature, and I have decided to pursue a postgraduate degree in English. In order to achieve this goal, I have developed a comprehensive study plan that will help me improve my English language skills and prepare for the postgraduate entrance exam.Study ObjectivesMy primary objective is to achieve a high score on the postgraduate entrance exam in English. In order to do this, I will focus on improving my reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. I also aim to broaden my knowledge of English literature and language, as well as develop a deeper understanding of critical theory and literary analysis.Study ScheduleMy study plan is divided into three main categories: language skills, literary knowledge, and exam preparation. Each category has a specific set of goals and activities to help me stay on track and make progress towards my objectives.Language SkillsIn order to improve my English language skills, I will focus on reading, writing, speaking, and listening. I plan to spend at least two hours a day on language practice, and I will use a variety of resources and techniques to help me improve.Reading: I will read a variety of English-language texts, including novels, essays, and academic articles. I will also practice reading comprehension and speed reading techniques to improve my reading efficiency.Writing: I will practice writing essays, analyses, and critical reviews of literary works. I will also work on improving my grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure through regular writing exercises.Speaking: I will participate in English conversation groups and practice speaking with native speakers. I will also use language learning apps and platforms to improve my pronunciation and fluency.Listening: I will listen to English-language podcasts, news broadcasts, and audio recordings of literature. I will also practice listening comprehension exercises to improve my ability to understand spoken English.Literary KnowledgeIn addition to improving my language skills, I also plan to deepen my knowledge of English literature and language. I will read a variety of literary works from different time periods and genres, and I will also study critical theory and literary analysis.Literature: I will read a selection of classic and contemporary English-language literature, including poetry, drama, and fiction. I will also study the historical and cultural context of each work to gain a deeper understanding of its significance.Critical Theory: I will study the major schools of literary theory, including formalism, structuralism, post-structuralism, feminism, and postcolonialism. I will also practice applying these critical approaches to literary analysis and interpretation.Exam PreparationIn order to prepare for the postgraduate entrance exam, I will focus on practicing exam-style questions and developing test-taking strategies. I will also review the main topics and themes covered in the exam, and I will work on improving my test-taking skills.Practice Tests: I will take regular practice exams to familiarize myself with the format and content of the postgraduate entrance exam. I will also analyze my performance on these tests to identify areas for improvement.Test-Taking Strategies: I will practice time management and strategy for multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and essay questions. I will also work on developing effective note-taking and revision techniques.Revision: I will review the main topics and themes covered in the postgraduate entrance exam, including English literature, language, and critical theory. I will also practice memorization and retention techniques to help me recall important information during the exam.ConclusionIn summary, my study plan for postgraduate English involves a combination of language practice, literary study, and exam preparation. I am confident that with dedication and hard work, I will be able to achieve my goal of passing the postgraduate entrance exam and pursuing further study in English. I am committed to following my study plan and making the most of my time and resources to achieve success in my postgraduate English studies.。

刘晓艳写作笔记整理●第一部分——写作概述●【一】写作题型●1)小作文:10行左右(包括称呼、落款)●公务信、私人书信、告示●2)大作文:18行左右(包括称呼、落款)●图画作文、图表作文●【拓展】英语考试答题的顺序和时间安排●1、写作(40分钟)●2、阅读(90分钟,一篇阅读20-25分钟)●3、新题型(保命班会讲,15分钟)●4、翻译(20分钟,英语二25分钟至多)●5、完形(15分钟)●【二】评分原则和方法●1)黄金原则一:书写工整、卷面整洁、字迹清晰●2)黄金原则二:语言第一、结构第二、内容第三●1、语言第一:单词、愈发正确、准确、多变●单词正确;所有写不来的单词都写成自己会的词汇,一定要正确●单词准确(必须有单词量):在正确的基础上最重要的就是准确●Y ou are a good teacher.●Y ou are a responsible teacher.●Y ou are a teacher who can make complex knowledge become easy.●单词多变●语法正确:小心的用、正确的用●语法多变●2、结构第二:●三段论:三段之间比例适中,1:1:1;1:2:2●句子和句子之间多用逻辑关系词(连词、副词、介词短语)●多用代词代替已经出现过的名词●3、内容第三:●内容不重要,大纲中的要求就是内容切题,不跑题就行●第二部分——写作满分句型(单词替换、高级表达)●【一】简单句的满分句型●一、被动●1)当汉语中出现我们、人们、大家、有人等人称代词做主语时都可以写成被动●2)本句型推荐写在第一段最后一句引出文章中心时使用,或者第三段第一句话,文章总结时使用●eg1:我们应该孝敬父母●Parents should be respected by us ——>superiors are supposed to berespected by their descendants●Parents——>superiors 父母、长辈、上司;the elderly 长者、老人;seniorcitizens高级公民●should——> be obliged to ; ought to ; be supposed to 应该做●we/us/people——>human beings ; the public ; private individuals●替换越准确越好(写作中,根据不同情况的人选一个,写成具体类的人)●年轻人——teenagers and youngsters●大学生——undergraduates ; youngsters on campus●孩子们——children ; kids ; offspring ; descendants●商人——businessman●专家和教授——experts and professors●所有人——all children and adults /men and women in all walks●eg2:我们不应该盲目追星●Celebrities are not supposed to pursue by teenagers and youngsters●not——>never ; by no means ; under no circumanstances ; fail to (失败——>不)●eg3:越来越多的人认为自信很重要●Confidence is supposed to important by mounting men and women in all walks.●eg4:污染很严重●Environmental contamination is thought very serious by more and moreexperts and professors.●more and more—— >an increasing amount of●think(thought) 土单词排行榜no.1/believe/consider——>●h old/argue/contend/claim ===think●h ave been convinced that/cling to the perspective that === I think that●very非常——>distinctly/remarkably/extraordinarily/strikingly●serious严重的——>fatal / grave / fearful / be of great severity●二、there be/exist/seem/remain句型,“有”●1)本句型推荐写在第二段第一句话,引出原因分析时使用,或者第三段最后一句喊口号时使用●2)参考句型●There seems strong evidence to show that ... 有确凿的证据表明●There remains a growing worldwide awareness around the world that = moreand more people think that ...●There exist absolutely no reason for us to believe that a brighter future for theworld is an impossibility. 我们完全有理由相信一个更美好的未来是有可能的●eg:有很多原因解释我的观点 There exist many reasons to explain my idea.●many——>a sea of/a host of / a multitude of /a train of / immerse amounts of/ numerous●reasons原因、因素——>causes / factors / elements●explain——>account for / give rise to●idea——>viewpoint / perspective●三、比较结构●1)as...as 和...一样,同级比较●1、只要作文中出现形容词、副词的地方,都能写成as...as句型●2、考研作文(图画)的中心一定是要么某事很重要,要么某事很严重,本句型推荐写在第一段最后一句引出文章中心或者第三段第一句文章总结时使用●eg : She is as beautiful as a red rose , which manages to take away the breathof a sea of children and adults 她很美●b e动词(除了被动和现在进行时不能替换,其他都可以换,因为在被动和现在进行时中它是助动词)●所有感官动词都可以替换成be动词(look/sound/taste/feel/seem/appear)●保持(keep/remain)●变化(remain/become)●prove●b eautiful——>graceful/elegant/attractive/charming/gorgeous●eg : Confidence proves as important as sunshine ,which plays an essential rolein the normal growth of all creatures 自信很重要●i mportant——>vital/crucial/indispensable/be of great importance/play akey role in sth●eg: sth很严重●s th becomes as grave as aids ,which has threatened the health of patients ortaken away their lives.●2)the more...the more,这个句型叫做the+a./ad.的比较级+句子,the+a./ad.的比较级+句子●1、本句型推荐写在作文第二段,分析原因时使用●2、需要注意的是主将从现哦~而且想好想要加的是形容词的比较级还是副词的比较级●eg : The higher one ascends , the farther he will overlook. 你爬得越高,看得越远●【注意】没有特指的一个人用one,没有特指的一类人用those●f ar的比较级有两种:●farther是指距离真的很远●further是指抽象的远,比如心理距离的远●这里用的是farther●eg : 你学习越努力,进步的越容易●【注意】一句话没有谓语动词怎么办?●只要一句话需要谓语动词而又没有谓语动词,就加be动词,这里加了is——>keep转成较高级的词汇●T he more diligent one keeps , the easier he will achieve glories.●为什么错?keep替换的是is,也就是个系动词,后面加形容词diligent可以,但easier修饰的是取得(achieve),但“取得”是一个实义动词,那么就应该副词修饰实义动词,所以这里不应该是easy的比较级,而应该是easily的比较级easiler●T he more diligent one keeps , the more easiler he will achieve glories.(正确表达)●eg: The harder all children and adults remain , the more fortunate they willbecome 越努力,越幸运●用 fortunate 还是 fortunately 取决于后面句子的谓语动词是实义动词还是系动词,系动词用fortunate,实义动词用fortunately●eg: 文化交流的越频繁,我国经济发展的越迅速●交流——>副词,修饰文化,发展——>实义动词,迅速(副词)修饰发展●T he more frequently culture exchange , the more rapidly Chinese economywill develop.●错误一:【注意】可数名词永远不能单独使用,要么变成复数,要么前面加冠词;如果你能确定是可数名词,那么变成复数,如果不确定,加the最保险。

刘晓素考研英语绝稀提分课程冲刺道义之阳早格格创做1、话题做文Nowadays, there are more and more ___X___ in ___X___ . It is estimated that ___X___ . Why have there been so many ___X___ ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is ___X___ . Besides, ___X___ The third one is ___X___ . To sum up, the main cause of it is due to ___X___ . It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing ___X___ . For another thing, ___X___ . All these measures will certainly reduce the number of ___X___ .2、对付比瞅面做文(1.有一些人认为...2.另一些人认为...3.尔的瞅法...)The topic of ___X___is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason ___X___What is more, ___X___. Moreover,___X___.While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,___X___. Secondly (besides),___X___. Thirdly (finally),___X___.From my point of view, I think ___X___. The reason is that ___X___. As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons toexplain my choice. For me, the former/latter is surely a wise choice .3、议论文Along with the advance of the society more and more controversial issues have been brought to our attention, one of which is that....随着社会的没有竭死少,出现了越去越多的问题,其中之一即是_________.As to whether it is worthwhile ___X___ there is a long-running debate.闭于是可值得___X___的问题,向去此后争论没有戚.Just as the saying goes: "so many people so many minds". It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person.雅话道,"".分歧的人对付此有分歧的瞅法是不妨明白的. Those who criticize ___X___ argue that ___X___ They believe that ___X___ But people who favor ___X___ on the other hand argue that.___X___1.To begin /start withst but not least.批判___X___的人认为___X___.他们疑赖___X___,没有过,另一圆里,赞共___X___的人则认为___X___.After a thorough consideration for my part I am in favor of the latter view that ___X___通过深思死虑,尔较收援后一种瞅法,亦即___X___.4、证明文Along with the advance of the society more and more controversial issues have been brought to our attention one of which is that ___X___随着社会的没有竭死少,出现了越去越多的问题,其中之一即是___X___.Why have there been so many ___X___ maybe the reasons can be listed as follows1.To begin /start withst but not least.为什么有那样多___X___,缘由如下Obviously it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problemFor one thing... For another...很明隐,咱们当前必须采与一些步伐一圆里...... 另一圆里......I think all the measures above can make present situation better.Let us all start to do so by ourselves.尔认为上述步伐能使现状变佳.让咱们皆从自己干起!5、图表做文As is show by the percentage in the picture ___X___ has been on rise/ decrease, ___X___ dramatically decreasing from ___X___ in ___X___ to ___X___ in ___X___. From the sharp decline in the chart, it goes without saying that ___X___.There are at least two good reasons account for ___X___ .on the one hand, ___X___ .on the other hand, ___X___ is due to the fact that ___X___ .In addition, ___X___ is responsible for ___X___ . Maybe there are some other reasons to show ___X___ .But itis generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing.As far as I am concern, I hold the point of view that ___X___ . I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.附:做文中时常使用的句子:1、As society develops people are attaching much importance to....随着社会的死少,人们启初闭注............2、People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting供职的历程中,人们缓缓意识到里试的要害性.3、In the process of modern urban development we often findourselves in a dilemma.正在乡市的死少中,咱们往往会坠进逆境.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern some people are in alarm that....迩去,那种局里引起了人们的广大闭注,有人启初担心______________.4、The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization more problems are brought to our attention.人类加进了一个履历的崭新的阶段,经济寰球化、乡市化的速度没有竭加快,随之给咱们戴去了很多问题..5、..... plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world there comes a question is it a blessing or a curse?"_______隐得非常要害而成为现正在天下所闭注的最大的问题,那是无可薄非的.没有过,问题是:"咱们该怎么样决议?"6、Now we are entering a new era full of opportunities and challenges当前咱们正正在加进一个充谦机会战挑拨的新时代.7、People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case.分歧止业的人对付共一种问题的阐明没有尽相共.8、The controversial issue is often brought into public focus. People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue.那中极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的闭注.分歧的人对付此问题的瞅法也没有尽相共.9、When asked ... some people think..... while some prefer...道到______,有人认为________,而另一些人则认为__________.10、To this issue different people come up with various attitudes.对付于那个问题,分歧的人持分歧的瞅面.11、There is a good side and a bad side to everything it goes without saying that...万事万物皆有其二里性,所以,勿庸置疑,____________.12、When it comes to ... most people believe that ... but other people regard ...as ....提到_________问题,很多人认为_________,没有过,一些人则认为______是____.13、When faced with.... quite a few people claim that .... but other people think as...提到_________问题,仅少量人认为________,然而另一些人则认为_________.14、Some people are of the opinion that..有些人认为_____________.15、Some people contend that ... has proved to bring many advantages (disadvantages)有些人认为________有很多有利之处(不利之处).16、Those who argue for ... say that ...economic development of the cities.感触_____的人认为,______ 皆会的经济死少.17、Some people advocate that ....有些人正在脆持认为_________.18、They hold that ...他们认为_________.19、People who advocate that ... have their sound reasons (grounds)脆持认为______的人也有其道法(依据).20、Those who have already benefited from practicing it sing high praise of it.那些从中受益的人对付此大家夸奖.21、Those who strongly approve of ... have cogent reasons for it.热烈认共_______的人有很多本果.22、Many people would claim that...有人会认为___________.23、People who support ... give some or all of the following reasons.那些收援_________瞅面的人列出了如下本果:________. 24、But others hold the view that ...然而是,其余一些人则认为_______.瞅面的用词汇:Attitude opinion 与其拆配的动词汇以及词汇组:Take have come up with,set forth put forward等.25、But on the other hand there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that...没有过,另一圆里,也有少部分人脆持认为_______________.26、But people who are ... on the other hand maintain that...没有过,另一圆里,________的人认为__________.27、However there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.然而,很多人对付此有分歧的瞅法.问题用词汇:Issue phenomenon,后交介词汇 on over等. 28、However some others argue that...然而,另一些人则认为_________.29、However there are also some others who contend that...然而,也有人认为__________.30、But other people set forth completely totally different argument concerning this case.没有过,对付于此,另一些人则持真足分歧的瞅面.31、Some peoplethis issue from another angle.有的人用另一角度去瞅那一问题.32、On the other hand there are also many opponents who strongly ...另一圆里,也有很多阻挡付的人,他们认为_____________.33、According to my personality and fondness I would prefer ... rather than...根据尔的本性以及快乐喜爱,尔采用_______而没有会采用__________.34、Personally I side with the latter (former) opinion...便尔部分而止,尔收援后者(前者)___________.35、Personally I am in favor of the former point of view.便尔部分而止,尔较共意前一种瞅法.36、To my point of view尔认为37、To my mind the advantages far overweigh the drawbacks(disadvantages shortcomings)尔认为,少处赛过缺面.38、For my part I stand on side of the latter opinion that..便尔而止,尔较赞共后一种瞅面________________.39、As far as I am concerned I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view.正在尔瞅去,尔较共意后一种瞅面.40、If asked to make a decision I would prefer...假若果然需要做出采用,尔宁愿____________.41、Recently the issue of ...... has been brought into public focus.近去,_______的问题引起了社会的广大闭注.42、Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations and great changes hav e taken place in people’s attitude towards some traditional practice.当前咱们加进了一个充谦机逢战革新的崭新时代,很多人对付某些保守的瞅法也爆收了很大改变.43、Recently the issue of whether or not ... has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public.近去,是可_______的问题已经非常精确而且引起了社会的广大闭注.44、The issue whether it is good or not to .... has aroused a heated discussion all over the country.______的利与弊已正在世界范畴内引起热烈的计划.45、At present some people think ....while others claim ...Both sides have their merits.暂时,一些人认为_______而另一些人则认为_______.本去,二种瞅面皆其可与之处.46、People rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue.对付于那种极具争议的话题,咱们很易做出千万于的回问.47、People who support ... give some or all of the following reasons.那些收援_________瞅面的人列出了如下本果:________.48、But others hold the view that ...然而是,其余一些人则认为_______.49、But on the other hand there are also quite a few people whostrongly advocate that...没有过,另一圆里,也有少部分人脆持认为_______________.50、But people who are ... on the other hand maintain that...没有过,另一圆里,________的人认为__________.51、However there are a large number of people who hold adifferent view concerning this case.然而,很多人对付此有分歧的瞅法.52、However some others argue that... 然而,另一些人则认为_________.However there are also some others who contend that...然而,也有人认为__________.53、But other people set forth completely totally different argument concerning this case.没有过,对付于此,另一些人则持真足分歧的瞅面.54、Some people examine this issue from another angle.有的人用另一角度去瞅那一问题.55、On the other hand there are also many opponents who strongly ...另一圆里,也有很多阻挡付的人,他们认为_____________.56、According to my personality and fondness I would prefer ... rather than...根据尔的本性以及兴趣,尔采用_______而没有会采用__________.57、Personally I side with the latter (former) opinion...便尔部分而止,尔收援后者(前者)___________.58、Personally I am in favor of the former point of view.便尔部分而止,尔较共意前一种瞅法.59、To my mind the advantages far overweigh the drawbacks(disadvantages shortcomings)尔认为,便宜赛过缺面.60、For my part I stand on side of the latter opinion that..便尔而止,尔较赞共后一种瞅面________________.61、As far as I am concerned I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view.正在尔瞅去,尔较共意后一种瞅面.62、After a thorough consideration for my part I am in favor of the latter view that...通过深思死虑,尔较收援后一种瞅法,亦即________________________.63、If asked to make a decision I would prefer...如果果然需要做出采用,尔宁愿____________.。


英语作文考研刘晓艳I can't believe I'm finally writing this essay for the English subject of the postgraduate entrance exam. It feels like just yesterday that I was struggling with my English classes in college, and now here I am, trying to showcase my language skills in a whole new level.English has always been a fascinating language for me.I remember how I used to watch American TV shows and movies with subtitles, trying to pick up on the nuances of the language. It's amazing how a language can have so many different accents and dialects, and yet still be understood by so many people around the world.One of the things that I find most challenging about English is its vast vocabulary. There are so many wordsthat have similar meanings, but are used in different contexts. It's like trying to navigate through a maze of synonyms and antonyms, trying to find the perfect word to express exactly what I mean.Grammar is another aspect of English that I find both intriguing and frustrating. The rules are so complex and sometimes seem arbitrary, but at the same time, they give the language its structure and coherence. It's like a puzzle that I'm constantly trying to solve, and every time I think I've got it figured out, there's always a new rule or exception to trip me up.Despite the challenges, I have to admit that I love the English language. I love how it allows me to express myself in so many different ways, and how it opens up a whole new world of literature and culture. I may still have a lot to learn, but I'm excited to see where my journey with English will take me in the future.。

刘晓燕考研英语作文Hello everyone! I'm here to share my thoughts on preparing for the English essay section of the graduate entrance exam. Let's dive right in!First off, don't be afraid of the blank page. It's just a challenge, and you're ready to tackle it. Remember, practice makes perfect. So, grab some past papers and start practicing. Oh, and don't forget to check the time while you're writing. You don't want to run out of time and leave your essay unfinished.Now, let's talk about brainstorming. It's key to a good essay. Think about the topic and jot down ideas that come to your mind. Don't worry if they're not perfect, just get them down on paper. Later, you can organize them and pick the best ones for your essay.Next, I always recommend starting with an outline. It helps me keep my thoughts organized and makes sure I don'tmiss any important points. But don't get too caught up in it. Sometimes, it's okay to deviate from the outline andlet your thoughts flow freely.And don't forget about grammar and vocabulary. They're essential for a good essay. Use a dictionary or grammar checker if you're not sure about something. But don't rely on them too much. It's always better to have a solid grasp of the basics.Lastly, read your essay aloud. It helps you catch any mistakes or awkward phrasing. Plus, it gives you a better sense of how your essay flows and sounds. So, don't skip this step!That's it for my tips on preparing for the English essay section of the graduate entrance exam. Remember, everyone has their own way of preparing, so find what works best for you and stick to it. Good luck!。

刘晓艳考研英语绝密提分课程冲刺讲义欧阳家百(2021.03.07)1、话题作文Nowadays, there are more and more ___X___ in ___X___ . It is estimated that ___X___ . Why have there been so many ___X___ ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is ___X___ . Besides, ___X___ The third one is ___X___ . To sum up, the main cause of it is due to ___X___ . It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing ___X___ . For another thing, ___X___ . All these measures will certainly reduce the number of ___X___ .2、对比观点作文(1.有一些人认为。
)The topic of ___X___is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason ___X___What is more, ___X___. Moreover,___X___.While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,___X___. Secondly (besides),___X___. Thirdly (finally),___X___.From my point of view, I think ___X___. The reason is that ___X___. As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice.For me, the former/latter is surely a wise choice .3、议论文Along with the advance of the society more and more controversial issues have been brought to our attention, one of which is that....随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是_________。

刘晓艳考研英语绝密提分课程冲刺讲义1、话题作文Nowadays, there are more and more ___X___ in ___X___ . It is estimated that ___X___ . Why have there been so many ___X___ ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is ___X___ . Besides, ___X___ The third one is ___X___ . To sum up, the main cause of it is due to ___X___ . It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing ___X___ . For another thing, ___X___ . All these measures will certainly reduce the number of ___X___ .2、对比观点作文(1.有一些人认为。
)The topic of ___X___is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their viewfor the reason ___X___What is more, ___X___. Moreover,___X___.While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,___X___. Secondly (besides),___X___. Thirdly (finally),___X___.From my point of view, I think ___X___. The reason is that ___X___. As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former/latter is surely a wise choice .3、议论文Along with the advance of the society more and more controversial issues have been brought to our attention, one of which is that....随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是_________。
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• serious
• Grave severe fearful • Be of great severity
• 二)there be 句型 •
• There are many reaons explain the phenomenon.
• Be • Look smell taste feel sound • Seem prove appear exist • Become get • Keep remain
• Many • A sea of • a host of a multitude of • A train of • an army of
• Immense amounts of • Numerous innumerable • Abundant plentiful
• Causes • Factors • elements
• 1 单词常见问题: • A 单词匮乏,重复使用; • B 编造词汇; • dreamboat、
to my point,according to my opinion • C 用词不准确
• D 语域问题 • a 缩写词非正式 • b 泛指的不定代词you one
• you never know what measures the president will take.
• Not • Never • Seldom • By no means • Fail to
• 污染很严重
• pollution is thought very • serious by an increasing amount
of private individuals
• Think • Hold argue • Contend assume presume • Insist maintain assert claim
• C 正式问题的引导词that不能省略。
• d 做定语或状语的短语
• the man standing in the corner looks so funny.
• he cried with a rose in his hands.
–e 插入语使句子更具正式性
• E 拼写错误
• 2. 语法常见问题: • A、 单复数问题: 老师就像油灯一样 • B、 冠词使用问题 • C、 主谓一致问题: • D、时态一致问题: • E、词性误用问题 • F . 中文思维的问题 • G 并列结构不一致的问题
• which plays a key role in our daily life.
• There is a growing worldwide awareness around the world that
• There exist/ remain/ appear/prove
• 3 比较结构 • 1) as … as… • Liu is very graceful; • Liu looks as graceful as a red red rose, • who can take many people’s breath
• 作文概述 • 单词 • 句子 • 句子的改写和扩写 • 段落论述 • 文章
一 课程设置
一 写作概述
• 写作题型,评分原则和方法 • 1 题型 • 2 原则和方法 • 黄金原则一 书写工整,卷面整洁,字
迹清晰 • 黄金原则二 语言第一,结构第二 内
• 二)考研写作常见问题
• 二)结构上的问题 • 结构指的是段落的安排和句子之间的衔接和连贯 • 1 缺少连词 • 2 乱用连词 • 3 随意分段
• 三)内容上的问题 • 文章偏题或无内容可写。空洞宽泛
二节 写作满分表达和练习
• 一 )简单句 • 1. 被动 • 1)当汉语用人们,我们或有人作主语时;
• Be of the opinion that • Have been convinced that • Cling to the perspective that
• Very • Pretty quite rather • Distinctly outstandingly • Remarkably exceedingly • Especially extraordinarily • Enormously
• experts and professors • all children and adults • all human beings • men and women in all walks
• 我们不应该盲目追星;
• Superstars should not be pursued blindly by us.
• explain • account for • lead to give rise to • contribute to • Be responsible for
• There is little doubt that • There are those who claim that
• There is strong evidence to show that
away. •
• 他很丑 • He is as ugly as an standing toad, • Which can make many people
stop to look at him.
• 练习:英语很重要
• English is as essential as air and water,
• 2)汉语的无主句也喜欢用
• 我们应该孝敬父母;
• Parents should be respected by us.
• Should • Ought to • Be supposed to • Be obliged to
• the public • private individuals the folk • youngsters teenagers