



access discrimination 进入歧视action research 动作研究adjourning 解散adhocracy 特别结构administrative principle


artifacts 人工环境artificial intelligence 人工智能工巧匠avoiding learning 规避性学习ambidextrous approach 双管齐下策略

B balance sheet 资产负债表bcg matrix 波士顿咨询集团矩阵bona fide occupation qualification ? 善意职业资格审查bounded rationality 有限理性bureaucracy 官僚机构benchmarking 标杆瞄准bounded rationality perspective 有限理性方法

boundary-spanning roles 跨超边界作用


computer-aided design and computer-automated

manufacturing(cad/cam) 计算机辅助设计与计算机自动生产confrontation 对话consortia 企业联合change agent 变革促进者

chaos theory 混沌理论

chari ?matic leaders 魅力型领导者

charity principle 博爱原则coercive power 强制权cohesiveness 凝聚力collaborative management 合作型管理comparable worth 可比较价值competitive benchmarking 竞争性基准confrontation meeting 碰头会

constancy of purpose 永久性目标contingency approach 权变理论corporate social performance 公司社会表现corporate social responsibility 公司社会责任

corporate social responsiveness 公司社会反应

critical incident 关键事件

current assets 流动资产current liabilities 流动负债

culture strength 文化强度creative department 创造性部门craft technology 技艺性技术contextual dimension 关联性维度continuous process production 连续加工生产collectivity stage 集体化阶段clan control 小团体控制clan culture 小团体文化coalition 联合团体collaborative 协作网络centrality 集中性

centraliazation 集权

chari ?matic authority 竭尽忠诚的权力

D decentralization 分权democracy management 民主管理departmentalization 部门化differential rate system 差别报酬系统

dialectical inquiry methods 辩证探求法division of labor 劳动分工downward mobility 降职流动dynamic engagement 动态融合dynamic network 动态网络domain 领域direct interlock 直接交叉

divisional form 事业部模式

differentiation strategy 差别化战略decision premise 决策前提dual-core approach 二元核心模式


electronic data-processing(edp) 电子数据处理employee-oriented style 员工导向型风格empowerment 授权

encoding 解码

end-user computing 终端用户计算系统entrepreneurship 企业家精神equity 净资产

equity theory 公平理论

espoused value 信仰价值

ethnocentric manager 种族主义的管理者expectancy theory 期望理论expense budget 支出预算expense center 费用中心external audit 外部审计external stakeholders 外部利益相关者

extrinsic rewards 外部奖励ethic ombudsperson 伦理巡视官external adaption 外部适应性elaboration stage 精细阶段entrepreneurial stage 创业阶段escalating commitment 顽固认

同 F family group 家庭集团financial statement 财务报表

flat hierarchies 扁平型结构

flexible budget 弹性预算force-field theory 场力理论formal authority 合法权力formal systematic appraisal 正式的系统评估franchise 特许经营权formalization stage 规范化阶段functional grouping 职能组合

formal channel of communication 正式沟通渠道


game theory 博弈论general financial condition 一般财务状况geocentric manager 全球化管理者

general manager 总经理globalization 全球化gossip chain 传言链grapevine 传言网global strategic partnership 全球战略伙伴关系general environment 一般环境generalist 全面战略geographic grouping 区域组合global company 全球公司global geographic structure 全球区域结构


hawthorne effect 霍桑效应heuristic principles 启发性原理hierarchy 科层制度hiring specification 招聘细则

horizontal linkage model 横向联系模型hybrid structure 混合结构high tech 高接触high-velocity environments 高倍速环境


impoverished management 放任式管理income statement 损益表information transformation 信息转换infrastructure 基础设施integrative process 整合过程

intelligent enterprises 智力企业internal audit 内部审计

internal stakeholder 内部相


internship 实习intrapreneurship 内部企业家精神intrinsic reward 内在报酬inventory 库存, 存货internal integration 内部整合interorganization relationship 组织间的关系intergroup conflict 团体间冲突interlocking directorate 交叉董事会

institutional perspective 机构的观点

intuitive decision making 直觉决策

idea champion 构思倡导者incremental change 渐进式变革informal organizational structure 非正式组织结构

informal performance appraisal 非正式业绩评价


job description 职务描述

job design 职务设计

job enlargement 职务扩大化job enrichment 职务丰富化job rotation 职务轮换

job specialization 职务专业化


key performance areas 关键业丨务区key result areas 关键绩效区


labor productivity index 劳动生产力指数laissez management 自由化管理large batch production 大批量生产lateral communication 横向沟通leadership style 领导风格least preferred co-

worker(lpc) 最不喜欢的同事

legitimate power 合法权力liability 负债liaison 联络者line authority 直线职权liquidity 流动性liaison role 联络员角色

long-linked technology 纵向关联技术losses from conflict 冲突


low-cost leadership 低成本领先


management by objective 目标管理Managerial Grid 管理方格

matrix bosse ? 矩阵主管management champion 管理倡导者

materials-requirements planning(MRP) 物料需求计划Mslow,s hierarchy of needs 马斯洛需求层次论

marketing argument 管理文化多元化营销观multiculturalism 文化

多元主义multidivisional firm 多部门公司

moral rules 道德准则

management by walking around(MBWA) 走动式管理matrix structure 矩阵结构



enterprise(MNE) moral

relativism 道德相对主义mechanistic system 机械式组织middle-

of-the-road management 中庸式管理meso theory 常态理论multidomestic strategy 多国化战略mediating technology 调停技术N

na?ve relativism 朴素相对主义need-achievement 成就需要norming 规范化norms 规范nonprogrammed decisions 非程序化决策nonsubstitutability 非替代性nonroutine technology 非例行技术

niche 领地


off-the-job training 脱产培训on-the-job training 在职培训operational budget 运营预算order backlog 订单储备organic system 有机系统organizational development(OD) 组织发展orientation 定位outcome interdependence 结果的相互依赖性outplacement services 外延服务organization ecosystem 组织生态系统

paradox of authority 权威的矛盾

paradox of creativity 创造力的矛盾

paradox of disclosure 开放的矛盾

paradox of identify 身份的矛盾

paradox of individuality 个性的矛盾

paradox of regression 回归的矛盾

partial productivity 部分生产率

participative management 参与式管理

path-goal model 路径目标模型

peer recruiter 同级招聘

political action committees(PACs) 政治活动委员会polycentric 多中心管理者

ortfolio framework 业丨务组合框架

portfolio investment 资产组合投资

positive reinforcement 正强化

production flexibility 生产柔性

profitability 收益率programmed decisions 程序化决策psychoanalytic view 精神分析法paradigm 范式personal ratios 人员比例pooled dependence 集合性依存professional bureaucracy


problem identification 问题识别

problemistic search 问题搜寻

population ecology model 种群生态模型

Q quality 质量

quality circle 质量圈question mark 问题类市场quid pro quo 交换物


rational model of decision making 理性决策模式realistic job preview(RJP) 实际工作预览reciprocal interdependence 相互依存

resource dependence 资源依赖理论routine technology 例行技术retention 保留rational approach 理性方法rational model 理性模型rational-legal authority 理性—合法权威S semivariable cost 准可变成本sense of potency 力量感sensitivity training 敏感性


sexual harassment 性骚扰short-run capacity changes 短期生产能


single-strand chain 单向传言链situational approach 情境方法situational force 情境力量situational leadership theory 情境领导理论sliding-scale budget 移动规模预算

small-batch production 小规模生产

sociotechnical approaches 社会科技方法span of management 管理幅度staff authority 参谋职权standing plan 长设计划

step budget 分步预算stewardship principle 管家原则stimulus 刺激storming 调整阶段strategic management 战略管理strategic partnering 战略伙伴关系strategy formulation 战略制定strategy

implementation 战略实施

strategic control 战略控制strategic contingencies 战略权变satisficing 满意度subsystems 子系统subunits 子单位synergy 协同system boundary 系统边界structure dimension 结构性维度sequential interdependence 序列性依存self-directed team 自我管理型团队

specialist 专门战略strategy and structure changes 战略与结构变革

symptoms of structural deficiency 结构无效的特征

T tall hierarchies 高长型科层结构task force or project team


task independence 任务的内部依赖性task management 任务型管理task-oriented style 任务导向型管理风格

total productivity 全部生产率

Total Quality Management 全面质量管理training positions 挂职培训training program 培训程序transactional leaders 交易型领导transformational leaders 变革型领导

treatment discrimination 歧视待遇

two-factory theory 双因素理论two-boss employees 双重主管员工technical or product champion 技术或产品的倡导者


unfreezing 解冻unit production 单位产品

V variation 变种子variety 变量valence 效价

variable costs 可变成本

vertical communication 纵向沟通

vertical integration vestibule training



venture team 风险团队

value based leadership 基于价值的领导

work flow automation 工作流程自动化 whistle blowing 揭发 Z

zero-sum 零 --- 和

zone of indifference(area of acceptance) 无差异区域 ( 可接受区域 )

目标 mission/ objective 内部环境 internal environment 外部环境 external environment 集体目标 group objective 计划 planning 组织 organizing

人事 staffing

领导 leading

控制 controlling

步骤 process 原理 principle

方法 technique

经理 manager 总经理 general manager 行政人员

administrator 主管人员 supervisor 企业 enterprise 商业 business 产业 industry 公司 company 效果 effectiveness 效率 efficiency 企业家 entrepreneur 权利 power 职权

authority 职责 responsibility 科学管理 scientific

management 现代经营管理 modern operational management 行为科学 behavior science 生产率 productivity 激励 motivate win-win



literacy work 双赢情境 员工的读写能力 在制品

动机motive 法律law 法规regulation 经济体系economic system 管理职能managerial function 产品product 服务service 利润profit 满意satisfaction 归属affiliation 尊敬esteem 自我实现self-actualization 人力投入human input

盈余surplus 收入income 成本cost 资本货物capital good ? 机器machinery 设备equipment 建筑building 存货inventory 经验法the empirical approach 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach 集体行为法the group behavior approach 协作社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach 社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach 决策理论法the decision theory approach 数学法the mathematical approach 系统法the systems approach 随机制宜法the contingency approach 管理任务法the managerial roles approach 经营法the operational approach 人际关系human relation 心理学psychology 态度attitude 压力pressure 冲突conflict 招聘recruit 鉴定appraisal 选拔select


报酬compensation 授权delegation of authority 协调coordinate 业绩performance 考绩制度merit system 表现behavior 下级subordinate 偏差deviation 检验记录inspection record 误工记录record of labor-hours lost 销售量sales volume 产品质量quality of products 先进技术advanced technology 顾客服务customer service 策略strategy 结构structure 领先性primacy 普遍性pervasiveness 忧虑fear 忿恨resentment 士气morale 解雇layoff 批发wholesale 零售retail 程序procedure 规则

rule 规划program 预算budget 共同作用synergy 大型联合企业conglomerate 资源resource 购买acquisition 增长目标growth goal 专利产品proprietary product 竞争对手rival 晋升promotion 管理决策managerial decision 商业道德

business ethics 有竞争力的价格competitive price . 供货商supplier 小贩vendor 利益冲突conflict of interests 派生政策derivative policy 开支帐户expense account 批准程序approval procedure 病假sick leave 休假vacation 工时labor-hour 机时machine-hour 资本支出capital outlay 现金流量cash flow 工资率wage rate 税收率tax rate 股息dividend 现金状况cash position 资金短缺capital shortage 总预算overall budget 资产负债表balance sheet 可行性feasibility

投入原则the commitment principle 投资回报return on investment 生产能力capacity to produce 实际工作者practitioner 最终结果end result 业绩performance 个人利益personal interest 福利welfare 市场占有率market share 创新innovation 生产率productivity 利润率profitability 社会责任public responsibility 董事会board of director 组织规模size of the organization 组织文化organizational culture 目标管理management by objectives 评价工具appraisal tool 激励方法motivational techniques 控制手段control device 个人价值personal worth 优势strength 弱点weakness 机会opportunity 威胁threat 个人责任personal responsibility 顾问counselor 定量目标quantitative objective 定性目标qualitative objective 可考核目标verifiable objective 优先priority 工资表payroll 策略strategy 政策policy 灵活性discretion 多种经营diversification 评估asses ?ment 一致性consistency 应变策略consistency strategy 公共关系public relation 价值value 抱负aspiration 偏见prejudice 审查review 批准approval 主要决定major decision 分公司总经理division general manager 资产组合距阵portfolio matrix 明星star 问号question mark 现金牛cash cow 赖狗dog 采购procurement 人口因素demographic factor 地理因素

geographic factor 公司形象company image 产品系列product line 合资企业joint venture 破产政策liquidation strategy 紧缩政策retrenchment strategy 战术tactics 追随followership 个性individuality 性格personality 安全safety 自主权latitude . 悲观的pessimistic 静止的static 乐观的optimistic 动态的dynamic 灵活的flexible 抵制resistance 敌对antagoni ?m 折中eclectic 激励motivation 潜意识subconscious 地位status 情感affection 欲望

desire 压力pressure 满足satisfaction 自我实现的需要needs for self-actualization 尊敬的需要esteem needs 归属的需要affiliation needs 安全的需要security needs 生理的需要physiological need ? 维持maintenance 保健hygiene 激励因素motivator 概率probability 强化理论reinforcement theory 反馈feedback 奖金bonus

股票期权stock option 劳资纠纷labor dispute 缺勤率absenteei ?m 人员流动turnover 奖励reward 特许经营franchise 热诚zeal 信心confidence 鼓舞inspire 要素ingredient 忠诚loyalty 奉献devotion 作风style 品质

trait 适应性adaptability 进取性aggressiveness 热情enthusia ?m 毅力persistence 人际交往能力interpersonal skills 行政管理能力administrative ability 智力intelligence 专制式领导autocratic leader 民主式领导democratic leader 自由放任式领导free-rein leader

管理方格图the managerial grid 工作效率work efficiency 服从obedience 领导行为leader behavior 支持型领导supportive leadership 参与型领导participative leadership 指导型领导instrumental leadership 成就取向型领导achievement-oriented leadership Automated inspection 自动化检验automatic assembly system 自动化装配系统applied

biomechanics 应用生物力学 CAD/CAM 计 算机辅助设计与制造 computer integrated manufacturing system 计算机整合制造系统

data structure 数据结构

data base management system 数据库管理系统 decision

analysis 决策分析 engineering economy 工程经济

engineering statistics 工程统计 facilities planning 设施规划

factory diagnoisis and improvement method 工厂诊断与改善方法

financial and cost analysis 财务与成本分析

fuzzy theory and application 模糊理论与应用

human-computer interaction (HCI) 人因工程与计算机系统 human factors engineering 人因工程 human information processing 人类讯息处理 human-machine system design 人机系统设计 human resource management 人力资源管理 human system diagnosis and improvement 人体系统诊断与改善 industrial environment


industrial organizations and

management industrial safety 工业安全 information technology 信息技术 intellectual property laws 智慧财产权法

knowledge engineering 知识工程 linear algebra 线性代数 manufacturing automation 制造自动化 manufacturing

engineering 制造工程 manufacturing management 制造管理

manufacturing proces ? 制造程序 manufacturing systems and management 制造系统与管理 market and marketing 市场与行销 material flows automation 物流自动化

mathematical programming 数学规划 multicriteria decision 工业环境评估 工业组织与管理

making 多目标规划

multi-criteria decision methods 多准则决策分析network analysis 网络分析numerical analysis 数值分析organization and management 组织与管理product and technology development management 产品与技术开发管理production management 生产管理production planning and control 生产计划与管制

quality control 质量管理quality engineering 品质工程quality management techniques and practice 品质管理queueing theory 等候线理论reliability engineering 可靠度工程

research ,development and innovation management 研究发展管理semiconductor production management 半导体生产管理sequencing and scheduling 排序与排程simulation 模拟分析statistical method 统计方法stochastic processes 随机系统strategic management of technology 技术策略

system analysis and design in large scale 大型系统分析与设计

system performance evaluation 系统绩效评估技术

system quality assurance engineering 系统品质保证工程systems engineering 系统工程systems simulation 系统仿真vision and colors 视觉与色彩work physiology 工作生理学work study 工作研究

Accounting Assistant 会计助理Accounting Clerk 记帐员Accounting Manager 会计部经理Accounting Stall 会计部职员Accounting Supervisor 会计主管Administration Manager 行政经理Administration Staff 行政人员Administrative Assistant 行政助理Administrative Clerk 行政办事员Advertising Staff 广告工作人员Airlines Sales

Representative 航空公司定座员Airlines Staff 航空公司职员

Application Engineer 应用工程师Assistant Manager 副经理

Bond Analyst 证券分析员Bond Trader 证券交易员

Business Controller 业丨务主任

Busines ? Manager 业丨务经理

Buyer 采购员

Cashier 出纳员

Chemical Engineer 化学工程师Civil Engineer 土木工程师Clerk/Receptionist 职员/ 接待员

Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书

Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer 计算机工程师

Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理Copywriter 广告文字撰稿

Deputy General Manager 副总经理

Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理Electrical Engineer 电气工程师

Engineering Technician 工程技术员English

Instructor/Teacher 英语教丨师Export Sale ? Manager 外销部经理Export Sales Staff 外销部职员Financial Controller 财务主任Financial Reporter 财务报告人

F.X. (Foreign Exchange)Clerk 外汇部职员

F.X. Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员

Fund Manager 财务经理

General Auditor 审计长

General Manager/ President 总经理

General Manager Assistant 总经理助理General Manager's Secretary 总经理秘书

Hardware Engineer 计算机硬件工程师

Import Liaison Staff 进口联络员

Import Manager 进口部经理

Insurance Actuary 保险公司理赔员

International Sales Staff 国际销售员

Interpreter 口语翻译

Legal Adviser 法律顾问

Line Supervisor 生产线主管

Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师

Management Consultant 管理顾问

Manager 经理

Manager for Public Relation ? 公关部经理Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师Manufacturing Worker 生产员工

Market Analyst 市场分析员

Market Development Manager 市场开发部经理Marketing Manager 市场销售部经理

Marketing Staff 市场销售员

Marketing Assistant 销售助理

Marketing Executive 销售主管

Marketing Representative 销售代表

Marketing Representative Manager 市场调研部经理Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师

Mining Engineer 采矿工程师

Music Teacher 音乐教丨师

Naval Architect 造船工程师

Office Assistant 办公室助理

Office Clerk 职员

Operational Manager 业丨务经理

Package Designer 包装设计师

Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位预订员Personnel Clerk 人事部职员

Personnel Manager 人事部经理

Plant/ Factory Manager 厂长

Postal Clerk 邮政人员

Private Secretary 私人秘书

Product Manager 生产部经理

Production Engineer 产品工程师

Professional Staff 专业人员

Programmer 电脑程序设计师

Project Staff 项目策划人员

Promotional Manager 推售部经理

Proof-reader 校对员

Purchasing Agent 采购进货员

Quality Control Engineer 质量管理工程师

Real Estate Staff 房地产职员

Recruitment Co-ordinator 招聘协调人

Regional Manger 地区经理

Research&.Development Engineer 研究开发工程师Restaurant Manager 饭店经理

Sales and Planning Staff 销售计划员

Sales Assistant 销售助理

Sales Clerk 店员、售货员

Sales Coordinator 销售协调人

Sales Engineer 销售工程师

Sales Executive 销售主管

Sale? Manager 销售部经理

Salesperson 销售员

Seller Representative 销售代表

Sales Supervisor 销售监管

School Registrar 学校注册主任

Secretarial Assistant 秘书助理

Secretary 秘书

Securities Custody Clerk 保安人员

Security Officer 安全人员

Senior Accountant 高级会计

Senior Consultant/Adviser 高级顾问

Senior Employee 高级雇员

Senior Secretary 高级秘书

Service Manager 服务部经理

Simultaneous Interpreter 同声传译员

Software Engineer 计算机软件工程师

Supervisor 监管员

Systems Adviser 系统顾问

Systems Engineer 系统工程师

Systems Operator 系统操作员

Technical Editor 技术编辑

Technical Translator 技术翻译

Technical Worker 技术工人

Telecommunication Executive 电讯(电信)员Telephonist / Operator 电话接线员、话务员Tourist Guide 导游

Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管

Trainee Manager 培训部经理

Translation Checker 翻译核对员

Translator 翻译员


商业金融词汇 ①account 账目,账户 budget account 预算账户 current account 活期存款账户 deposit account 定期存款 ②accountant 会计师 ③accountancy 会计师工作 ④acquisition购置物购置的产业 ⑤adjustment 调整适应调节。例:She went through a period of emotional adjustment after her marriage broke up ⑥airline 航空公司 international airlines 国际航空公司 ⑦administration 政府;管理,行政;执行施行 ⑧administer 管理(国家)治理(公司,企业等);执行,施行 例:①:to administer a charity 管理一家慈善机构 ②:The questionnaire was administered by the trained interviewers. ⑨agenda 议事日程 ⑩allocate 划拨分给......东西 allocation 划拨的东西分拨的东西 allowance 津贴补助金(collateral 抵押品担保品) analyst 分析者化验员 political analyst 政治分析员 food analyst 食品化验员announcement 公布公告;宣布宣告 assess –assessment –assessor {顾问;(财产,费用等的)估价员} asset 财产,资产{a thing of value ,especially property that a company or person owns ,which can be used or sold to pay debts} assume—assumption—{(假定,假设) (责任的承担,权力的获得)}


2. GEOLOGY地质 2.1 LITHOLOGY CASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION ORDER 岩性分类和描述顺序 2.1.1 Rock Types 岩石类型 Sedi Sedimentry 沉积岩 clas clastic 碎屑岩 ss sandstone 砂岩 mdst mudstone 泥岩 sh shale 页岩 clyst, clst claystone 粘土岩 sd sand 砂 mSsd medium sandstone 中砂岩 fsst fine sandstone 细砂岩 bldr boulder 卵石 pbl pebble 卵石 grl gravel 砾石 cgl conglomerate 砾岩 gywk graywacke 硬砂岩 cbl cobble 大鹅卵石 ark arkose 长石砂岩 grnl granule 粒砂 brec breccic 角砾岩 bioc bioclastic 生物碎屑岩 vcrs sst very coarse sandstone 极粗砂岩 argl argillite 泥板岩 gyp gypsum 石膏 anhy anhydrite 硬石膏 slt salt 盐岩 flint-lingite 隧石 carbonate 碳酸盐岩 ls limestone 灰岩,石灰岩 dolo dolomite 白云石 dolst dolostone 白云岩

mrls marlstone 泥灰石 coq coquina 贝壳灰岩 biosp biosparte 生物亮晶灰岩 biomi biomicrite 生物微晶灰岩 clcar calcarenite 灰屑岩,钙屑灰岩 clclt calcilutite 泥屑石灰岩 micr micrite 微晶灰岩 clcrd calcirudite 砾屑石灰岩 clslt calcisilitite 粉砂屑石灰岩 grst grainstone 粒状灰岩 oolitic limestone 鲕状灰岩 Igneous Rock 火成岩 intrusive igneous 侵入岩 extrusive igneous 喷出岩 volc colcanic 火山岩 grt granite 花岗岩 dr diorite 闪长岩 grdr grano diorite 花岗闪长岩 qu dr quartz diorite 石英闪长岩 dr po diorite porphyrite 闪长玢岩 syenite 正长岩 gab, gb gabbro 辉长岩 qu po quartz porphyrite 石英玢岩 an andesite 安山岩 bas basalt 玄武岩 arag aragonite 纹石,霞石 Meta Metsmorphic rock 变质岩 phyl phyllite 千枚岩 sl slate 板岩 sch schist 片岩 mbl marble 大理岩 gne gneiss 片麻岩 qtzt quartzite 石英岩 novac novaculite致密石英岩 2.1.2 COL Color, Colour 颜色 blk black 黑色 brn brown 棕色 yel yellow 黄色 gy, gry grey 灰色


公共管理学专业英语词汇 目标 mission/ objective 内部环境 internal environment 外部环境 external environment 集体目标 group objective 计划 planning 组织 organizing 人事 staffing 领导 leading 控制 controlling 步骤 process 原理 principle 方法 technique 经理 manager 总经理 general manager 行政人员 administrator 主管人员 supervisor 企业 enterprise 商业 business 产业 industry 公司 company 效果 effectiveness 效率efficiency 企业家 entrepreneur 权利 power 职权 authority 职责 responsibility 科学管理 scientific management 现代经营管理 modern operational management 行为科学 behavior science 生产率 productivity 激励 motivate 动机 motive 法律 law 法规 regulation 经济体系 economic system 管理职能 managerial function 产品 product 服务 service 利润 profit 满意 satisfaction 归属 affiliation 尊敬 esteem 自我实现 self-actualization 人力投入 human input 盈余 surplus 收入 income 成本 cost 资本货物 capital goods 机器 machinery 设备 equipment 建筑 building 存货 inventory 经验法the empirical approach 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach 集体行为法 the group behavior approach 协作社会系统法 the cooperative social systems approach


政治学与行政管理学专用英语词汇 一院制Unicameral一党制国家One—party States人权Human rights人权宣言Declarations of the Rights of Man and the Citizen工会Trade unions下议院House of Commons上议院House of Lords个人主义Individualism女权主义Feminism马列主义Marxism—Leninism马克思主义Marxism马基雅维里主义Machiavelli王权Crown无产阶级Proletariat无产阶专政Dictatorship of the proletariat无政府主义Anarchism专制Despotism专制政府/绝对专制主义Absolute government/absolutism中央与地方的关系Central/Local relations分权Separation of powers公共行政Public administration公民权利Civil rights公民自由Civil liberties 正义Justice可审判性Justiciability平等Equality奴隶制Slavery占统治地位的党Dominant party代表Delegate代议员Representative 代议制政府Representative government 代表制Representation主权Sovereignty市民社会Civil society市(镇)长Major立宪主义Constitutionalism立宪政体Constitutional government立法机关Legislatures立法否决Legislative veto立法委员会Legislative committees 立法起草Legislative drafting半总统制Semi-presidential systems议长Speaker议会制度Parliamentary system司法机构Judiciary司法行政官Magistrate司法审查Judicial review民主Democracy民主党Democratic Party民主集中制Democratic centralism民意测验Opinion polls共产党Communist Parties共和国Republic 机构/制度Institution权力Power权利Rights权利法案Bill of rights权威Authority妇女选举权Women’s suffrage地方长官Prefect地方政府Local government地方政府财政Local government finance地方政治Local politics同意Consent同意投票Approval voting 团体理论Group theory邦联Confederation邦联条例Articles of Confederation 自由Freedom自由党Liberal parties自由裁量权Discretion 自决Self-determination自治Self-government自治领Dominion行为主义Behaviouralism行政Administration行政机关Executives政委员Administrative board行政法庭Administrative tribunal 行政法院Administrative court州长Governor多元主义Pluralism多元社会Plural society多头制Polyarchy多数派政府Majority government多数统治Majority rule决策Decision making决策理论Decision theory农奴制Serfdom阶层/阶级Class麦迪逊,詹姆斯Madison,James苏格拉底Socrates极权主义Totalitarianism 否决权Veto投票Voting投票率Turnout护宪Entrenchment财产权Property 利益Interests利益表达与聚合Interest articulation and aggregation利益集团Interest group 言论,表达和出版自由Freedom of speech,expression,and the press社区/共同体Community社团主义Corporatism社会主义Socialism 社会民主主义Social democracy社会契约论Social contract君主制Monarchy责任Responsibility责任政府Responsible government直接民主Direct democracy直接行动Direct action杰斐逊,托马斯Jefferson,Thomas欧洲议会European Parliament欧洲共同体European Community歧视Discrimination国际法International Law国家State国家元首Head of state国家消亡Withering away of the state国家财政危机Fiscal crisis of the state非暴力反抗Civil disobedience非暴力行为Non-violent action制定法Statute Law制衡Checks and balance委任Patronage 委员会Commission质询Interpellation法Law法令Act法官Judge法治Rule of law法律的正当程序Due process of law法案,议案Bill宗教自由Freedom of religion审判Adjudication审查制度Censorship官僚制/官僚Bureaucracy 实证主义Positivism封建主义Feudalism革命和反革命Revolution and counter-revolution政体Polity政纲platform 政变Coup D’etat政府Government政府组成过程Government formation process 政府首脑Head of government政府调查Public inquiry政治Politics政治义务Political obligation 政治文化Political culture政治中的种族问题Race in politics 政治心理学Political psychology 政治发展Political development政治行动委员会(美国)Political action committee 政治行为研究Political behaviour政治地理学Political geography政治权力Political power 政治局(及常务委员会)Politburo(and Pesidium)政治沟通Political communication政治体系/政治系统Political system政治参与Political participation政治财政Political finance政治科学Political science政治社会化Political socialization政治社会学Political sociology政治学的定量方法Quantitative methods in politics政治态度Political attitudes政治腐败Political corruption政治继承Political succession政治理论Political theory政治暴力Political


地质专业英语词汇A a horizon a 层位 a lineation a 线理 a twin a双晶 aa lava 块熔岩 aalenian stage 阿林阶 abandon 废弃 abandoned mine 废弃得矿山abandoned well 废孔 abatis 通风隔墙 abdomen 腹部 abdominal appendage 腹肢abdominal cavity 腹腔 abdominal fin 腹 abductor外展肌 abductor muscle外展肌abernathyite 水砷钾铀矿 aberration象差 abichite 光线矿 abiogenesis 自然发生abiogeny自然发生 abiotic factor 非生物因素ablation 剥蚀 ablation breccia 剥蚀角砾岩ablation moraine 消融碛ablation skin 熔蚀皮 ablationtill 消融碛ablykite 阿布石 abnormal异常得 abnormal interference color 异常干涉色 abnormal metamorphism异常 变质酌 abolition 废除 abrade 剥蚀 abrasion海蚀 abrasionplatform磨蚀台 地 abrasion surface 浪蚀面 abrasion terrace 磨蚀阶地 abrasionn test磨耗试验 abrasive 磨料;海蚀得 abrazite 多水高岭土 absarokite 正边玄武岩 absite钍钛铀矿 absolute age 绝对年龄 absolute black body绝对 黑体 absolute chronology绝对 年代学 absolute dating绝对年 代测定 absolute geopotential 绝对 重力势 absolute porosity 绝对孔隙率 absolute pressure 绝对压力 absolutestructure 绝对构 造 absorbed water 吸附水 absorbent吸收剂 absorber 吸收器 absorbing well 吸水井 absorption 吸收 absorption axis 吸收轴 absorptionborder融蚀缘 absorption curve 吸收曲线 absorption edge吸收端 absorption factor 吸收率 absorption spectrum 吸收 光谱 absorptive capacity吸收 率 absorptivity 吸收性 abukumalite 铋磷灰石 abundance丰度 abundance of elements 元素丰度 abundance ofisotopes 同位素丰度 abundance ratio of isotopes 同位素相对丰度 abysmaldeposits 深海沉积 物 abyss深海 abyssal 深海得 abyssal benthic zone 深渊底 栖带 abyssal deposits 深海沉积 物 abyssalfacies 深海相 abyssal hills province 深 海丘陵区


公共管理硕士(MPA)重要英语词汇 force, enforce, reinforce, report, scope, spirit, decline, climate, lend to, accuse, afford, anxiety, atmosphere, blame, bargain, calculate, circle, confidence, conscious, convince, custom, desperate, encourage, discourage, economic, economy, motive, promote, emotional, motion, fail to, flat, install, intimate, limit, major, no matter, neutral, outlet, perform, inform, formal, normal, radiate, authority, companion, concept, create, creature, dentist, identify, identical, identity, engage, entitle, evaluate, fluid, influence, fortune, fulfill, general, intense, interpret, justice, adjust, judge, minor, observe, deserve, preserve, parallel, percept, stuff, surroundings, transport, transmit, transform, undergo, wander, wonder, widespread, ambition, approach, brief, conquer, result, consult, insult, deliberate, despair, compare, emergence, emergency, establish, exhaust, expand, fade, frustrate, handy, incredible, inherit, conference, infer, offer, interfere, length, manufacture, mood, necessity, noble, occasion, occasional, output, oversea, pattern, plunge, practice, practical, recognize, release, rescue, maintain, remain, obtain, entertain, rural, urban, similar to, trial, trail, witness, absolute, accumulate, in advance, advanced, advantage, agent, appeal, application, point, appoint, approximate, barrier, claim, climate, complicate, comprise, considerable, resume, consume, assume, contact, convict, crew, crucial, define, definite, deliver, disaster, disorder, diverse, economic, alert, exert, facility, faith, faithful, gap, sympathy, trace, track, visual, vision, worship, apparatus, brand, civil, clarity, declare, combine, connect, consider, insert, desert, drown, external, frank, press, impress, pressure, depress, express, indispensable, inspect, respect, prospect, perspective, peculiar, particular, likely,


1.管理与组织导论 管理者:(manager) 基层管理者:(first-line managers) 中层管理者:(middle managers) 高层管理者:(top managers) 管理:(management) 效率:(efficiency) 效果:(effectiveness) 计划:(planning) 组织:(organizing) 领导:(leading) 控制:(controlling) 管理角色:(management roles) 人际关系角色:(interpersonal roles) 信息传递角色:(informational roles) 决策制定角色:(descisional roles) 技术技能:(technical skills) 人际技能:(human skills) 概念技能:(conceptual skills) 管理得普遍性:(universality of management)

2.管理得历史 劳动分工:(division of labor) 工作专业化:(job specialization) 工业革命:(industrific revolution) 科学管理:(scientific management) 一般行政管理理论:(general administrative theory)管理原则:(principles of management) 官僚行政组织:(bureaucracy) 定量方法:(quantitative approach) 组织行为:(organizational behavior) 霍桑研究系统:(Hawthorne studies systems) 封闭系统:(closed systems) 开放系统:(open systems) 权变理论:(contingency approach) 劳动力多元化:(workforce diversity) 电子企业:(e-business) 电子商务:(e-merce) 内部网:(intranet) 学习型组织:(learning organization) 知识管理:(knowledge management)


The Earth From classical times it has been known that the earth is roughly spherical in shape. Actually the planet is shaped more like a slightly flattened ball whose polar radius is about 21km shorter than its equatorial radius. The average radius is 6371km. The earth’s specific gravity is 5.5. It is 5.5 times as heavy as an equal volume of water. The specific gravity is greater than that of any other planet in the solar system, but not appreciably different from that of Mercury, Venus and Mars. Because the average specific gravity of surface rocks is only about 2.7, the material existing deep within the earth must have a specific gravity well in excess of the 5.5 average. Very likely, the material at the earth’s center has a specific gravity as high as about 15. The splendid photographs of the earth taken from space by Apollo astronauts remind us that our planet is more than a rocky globe orbiting the sun. The patterns of white clouds above the azure blue color tell us of the presence of an atmosphere and hydrosphere. Here and there one can even discern patches of tan that indicates the existence of continents. Greenish hues provide evidence of the planet’s most remarkable feature: there is life on earth. THE A TMOSPHERE We live beneath a thin but vital envelope of gases called atmosphere. We refer to these gases as air. “Pure air”is composed mainly of nitrogen (78.03%) and oxygen 920.99%). The remaining 0.98% of air is made of argon, carbon dioxide and minute quantities of other gases. One of these “other”components found mostly in the upper atmosphere is a form of oxygen called ozone. Ozone absorbs much of the sun’s lethal ultraviolet radiation, and is thus of critical importance organisms on the surface of the earth. Air also contains from 0.1 percent to 5.0 percent of water vapor. However, because this moisture content is so variable, it is not usually included in lists of atmospheric components. Every day, the atmosphere receives radiation from the sun. This solar radiation provides the energy that heats the atmosphere and drives the winds. Distribution of solar radiation is one of the most important factors in determining the various kinds of climate we experience on the earth. THE HYDROSPHERE(水圈) The discontinuous envelope of water that covers 71 percent of earth’s surface is called hydrosphere. It includes the ocean as well as water vapor. The water contained in streams and lakes, water frozen in glaciers, and water that occurs underground in the pores and cavities of rocks. If surface irregularities such as continents and deep oceanic basins and trenches were smoothed out, water would completely cover the earth to a depth of more than two kilometers. Water is an exceedingly important geologic agent. Glacier composed of water in its solid form alter the shape of the land by scouring, transporting and depositing rock debris. Because water has the property of dissolving many natural compounds, it contributes significantly to the decomposition of rocks and, therefore, to the development of soils on which we depend for food. Water moving relentlessly down hill as sheetwash, in rills, and in streams loosens and carries away the particles of rock to lower elevations where they are deposited as layers of sediment. Clearly, the process of sculpturing our landscapes is primarily dependent upon water. By far the greatest part of the hydrosphere is contained within the ocean basins. These basins are of enormous interest to geologists who have discovered that they are not permanent and immobile as once believed, but rather are dynamic and ever changing. There is ample evidence


管理学英语词汇 目标mission/ objective. 内部环境internal environment. 环境external environment . 集体目标group objective. 计划planning . 组织organizing. 人事staffing . 领导leading . 控制controlling . 步骤process. 原理principle. 方法technique . 经理manager. 总经理general manager. 行政人员administrator . 主管人员supervisor . 企业enterprise . 商业business . 产业industry . 公司company . 效果effectiveness . 效率efficiency. 企业家entrepreneur . 权利power . 职权authority. 职责responsibility . 科学管理scientific management . 现代经营管理modern operational management . 行为科学behavior science . 生产率productivity . 激励motivate . 动机motive. 法律law. 法规regulation. 经济体系economic system . 管理职能managerial function. 产品product . 服务service . 利润profit. 满意satisfaction . 归属affiliation.

尊敬esteem . 自我实现self-actualization. 人力投入human input . 盈余surplus . 收入income. 成本cost . 资本货物capital goods . 机器machinery. 设备equipment . 建筑building. 存货inventory. 经验法the empirical approach. 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach . 集体行为法the group behavior approach . 社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach. 社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach . 决策理论法the decision theory approach . 数学法the mathematical approach . 系统法the systems approach . 随机制宜法the contingency approach . 管理任务法the managerial roles approach . 经营法the operational approach . 人际关系human relation . 心理学psychology . 态度attitude. 压力pressure. 冲突conflict . 招聘recruit 鉴定appraisal 选拔select . 培训train . 报酬compensation. 授权delegation of authority. 协调coordinate. 业绩performance . 考绩制度merit system. 表现behavior. 下级subordinate. 偏差deviation . 检验记录inspection record . 误工记录record of labor-hours lost . 销售量sales volume . 产品质量quality of products . 先进技术advanced technology .


行政管理英语试题及答案 试卷代号:2204 英语Ⅰ(1) 试题 注意事项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸指定的位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) l一5题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(刚Sht),不恰当的选B (Wrong),并将答案写在答题纸上。 1. —Why don't we have a barbecue? —That's a good idea. A. Right B. Wrong 2. —Are you free on Friday? Yes, Friday is fine. A. Right B. Wrong 3. —What's the weather like in Beijing? —That' s all right. A. Right B. Wrong

4.—Is there a bank near here? —Yes. The bank is on the corner. A. Right B. Wrong 5. —How much oil do you need? —It costs about 50 pounds. A. Right B. Wrong 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分) 6—25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项的字母符号。 6. I work in office in Shanghai. A.a B. an C. the 7. There four children in the picture. A. is B. are C. have 8. We often have supper at home. A. us B. our C. ours 9. Chris worried about the presentation 1ast week? A.Is B.Was C.Were 10.This is my new watch.It was a present my wife.


公共管理学专业英语词汇 目标mission/ objective 内部环境internal environment 外部环境external environment 集体目标group objective 计划planning 组织organizing 人事staffing 领导leading 控制controlling 步骤process 原理principle 方法technique 经理manager 总经理general manager 行政人员administrator 主管人员supervisor 企业enterprise 商业business 产业industry 公司company 效果effectiveness 效率efficiency 企业家entrepreneur 权利power 职权authority 职责responsibility 科学管理scientific management 现代经营管理modern operational management 行为科学behavior science 生产率productivity 激励motivate 动机motive 法律law 法规regulation 经济体系economic system 管理职能managerial function 产品product 服务service 利润profit 满意satisfaction 归属affiliation 尊敬esteem 自我实现self-actualization 人力投入human input 盈余surplus 收入income 成本cost 资本货物capital goods 机器machinery 设备equipment 建筑building 存货inventory 经验法the empirical approach 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach 集体行为法the group behavior approach 协作社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach 社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach 决策理论法the decision theory


abbreviate v.缩写,简写abno rmally ad.异常地 abrupt v. 突然的 absolute porosity绝对孔隙度access n接近,进入accumulate v.聚集accumulation n.聚集acquisition n.获取,采集acromagnetic a.航空磁测的acyclic a.无环的 admixture n.混合,混合物aeolian a.风成的,风积的aerobic a.喜氧的 affinity n. 亲合力,亲合性 aformentioned a.上述的,上面提到的agency n.因素,营力,作用agglomeration n. 结块,凝聚aggregated gas R集型气 agitated a.搅动过摇过的 agitation n. 搅拌,搅动 aircraft n. 飞机,航空器 algae藻类 aliphatic a. 脂肪类的 alkane 链烷 alka ne n.烷烃,链烷 alke ne n.烯烃 alkylaromatic a. 烷基芳烃的 alkylate v. 烷基化

allochthonous a.外来的,异地的 alluvial fan 冲积扇 alteration n. 蚀变作用 ambie nt a.周围的 ambiguity n.含糊,模棱两可ambiguous a.意思含糊的,模棱两可的ami no acids 氨基酸 ammonite n. 菊石 amorphous a.非晶质的,无一定方向的amphibolite n.角闪石 amplitude n. 幅度,振幅 analogous a类似的,模拟的 angular a.棱角状的,带角的anhydrite n.硬石膏 anomoly n. 异常,变异 anoxic a. 缺氧的 an teisoalka ne n.反异构烷烃 an thracite n.无烟煤 anticline n. 背斜 antiform n. 背斜构造 aperture n 孔,孔眼 apparent molecular weight表观分子量aquatic a.水的,水生的 arago nite n霰石
