光通信技术 课件勘误表1
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《Fiber-Optic Communications Technology 》勘误表
1. 非常确定的错误:
P39. Line 6. "/"p h E λ= should be "/"p hc E λ=; 2)
P88. (4.7a). "(,)/"y H z t y ∂∂ should be "(,)/"y H z t z ∂∂; 3)
P88. Line 21. "/"y x E e E z ∇⨯=-∂∂ should be "/"y x E e E z ∇⨯=∂∂; 4)
P92. Line 10. "()"j j γμωσωε=+ should be 2"()"j j γμωσωε=+; 5)
P93. Line 33. "0"σ→ should be ""σ→∞;
6) P96. last equation. "g λλ= should be "g λλ=; 7)
P97. (4.28). 222"///"c g l l l λλλ=+ should be 222"1/1/1/"c g λλλ=+; 8)
P110. Line 11. “39.2” should be “0.392; 9) P112. in the box. “Formula 3.18” should be “Formula 4.18”;
10) P112. in the box. 211"2(/)"n k ωεμπλ== should be
11"[(2/)]"n k ωεμπλ==;
11) P127. (4.78). 00"()()()/..."g g g g τλτλτλλτλ=+-∂∂+ should be 00"()()()/..."g g g τλτλλλτλ=+-∂∂+;
12) P128. (4.83). "/(1/)[()]/..."c n βωωω∂∂=∂∂= should be "/(1/)[()]/..."c n βωωωω∂∂=∂∂=;
13) P132. Line 35. “Formula 4.23” should be “Formula 3.23”;
14) P150. Line 13. "/86.57/"t L ns km ∆= should be "/84.76/"t L ns km ∆=;
15) P164. Line 15. “12550nm ” should be “1250nm ”;
16) P171. (6.5). "[2"c V λπ= should be "[2"c V λπ=;
17) P173. (6.6). "[2"c V πλ= should be "[2"c V πλ=;
18) P174. Line 2. "NA = should be "NA =;
19) P250. Lateral misalignment for SM Fiber. 20"10log[exp(/)]"lat Loss x w =--
should be 20"10log{exp[(/)]}"lat Loss x w =--;
20) P381. (10.38). int "/"nr ηττ= should be int "/"r ηττ=;
21) P382. (10.41). int ".../"nr ηττ== should be int ".../"r ηττ==;
22) P382. (10.42). int "/..."nr ηττ== should be int "/..."r ηττ==;
23) P380. Figure 10.7. int ___""___Number of radiated photons Number of ejected electrons
η= should be int ___""___Number of radiated photons Number of injected electrons
η=; 24) P435. Figure 11.1 b). forward biasing should be reverse biasing;
25) P443. Line 22. “To decrease tr τ, we have to increase the thickness of the depletion region, w …To decrease RC τ, we need to decrease w,…” should be “To decrease tr τ, we have to decrease the thickness of the depletion region, w …To decrease RC τ, we need to increase w,…”;
26) P473. (11.57). min 1010"...1/2{[()/()]"BER erfc I I i i ==-+ should be
min "...1/2{BER erfc ==; 27) P475. (11.65). min min 1"(2)/..."2BER erfc RP = should be
min min 1")/..."2
BER erfc =.
2. 不太确定的地方:
1) P6. Line 10. The rule of thumb 提到带宽大概是载波频率的十分之一。但接下来就说
10GHz 载波的带宽是100Mhz ,怀疑应该是1GHz ;
2) P115. (4.57). 用到了n =。我觉得应该用n =或者是加上
01r μμμ=⇔=的假设会比较严谨;
3) P133的”empiric formula ” 跟 ”actual result ”有十倍之差,让人十分费解;
4) P179. Line 8. 真正需要满足的条件是()()()0mat p wg D D D λλλ++=。但由三个D
的正负关系来看,并不等价于书上给出的条件()()()mat p wg D D D λλλ+=;
5) 全书BR 和BW 混用,十分混乱。我的意见是BR 跟BW 通过码型相联系。而由时
延计算出来的应该是BW 。像P70, P71公式中的其实都应该是BW 。书上还有很多其它这样的地方;