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1.chicken head 笨蛋,蠢人

2.go bananas发疯

3.apples and oranges两码事,不可混为一谈

4.carrot and stick软硬两手

5.sandwich man身前身后挂广告牌的人

6.bread and water 简单的生活

7.a piece of cake小菜一碟

8.one's cup of tea 某人所喜爱的

9.a big fish大人物

10.not for all the tea in China无论稿酬多高

11.a small potato 无关紧要的人

12.cold turkey谈正经事

13.like two peas in a pod一模一样

14.the cream 精华

15.a bad egg坏人

16.a talk full of salt谈笑风生

17.not care a chip for对……毫不在意

18. like peas and carrots 形影不离



1. a piece of cake / as easy as pie : an easy task 容易的事;小菜一碟That homework is a piece of cake to me, it's as easy as pie.

2. a big cheese / a big potato : an important person, a leader (usually about business).重要人物Mr. Smith is a big cheese in the company.

3. a hot potato / a tough nut to crack: a difficult problem to solve ;something that is difficult or dangerous to deal with难对付的人;棘手的事Water pollution is really a hot potato to local government.

4. a bad egg / a bad person, to be avoided 坏蛋He acted as a bad egg in this movie.

5. one’s cup of tea: something one enjoys or does well某人喜欢或擅长的事情I really enjoyed the film, it was just my cup of tea.

6. one's daily bread / one’s bread and butter : basic needs

of life (food, shelter, clothing )生计;生活必需品I don’t

know how to earn my daily bread if I lose my job.

7. pie in the sky: an empty wish or promise空想不能实

现的愿望或诺言To buy a new car is a pie in the sky for


8. apple of one's eye:One that is treasured宠爱之人;

掌上明珠Her grandson is the apple of her eye.

9. couch potato: a person who spends much time sitting

or lying down, usually watching television.终日懒散的


husband is a couch potato.

10. in the soup / in the hot water / in a jam: in serious

trouble陷于困境We know that if they lose on Saturday,

we’ll really be in the soup. I'm in a bit of a jam - I haven't

got enough money to pay for this meal.

11. in a nutshell: in a few words; concisely简括地简言

之;简要地说:Just give me the facts in a nutshell.

12. have a finger in the pie : be involved in something干

预某事, 参与某事You want to have a finger in the

pie ? You’d better keep away from it.

13. to sell like hot cakes : to sell quickly or rapidly销路

很好The kind of new car sold like hot cakes.

14. as cool as a cucumber: to be very calm and relaxed,

especially in a difficult situation 泰然自若, 极为冷静

James Bond was as cool as a cucumber in the face of


15. alike as two peas in a pod: very or exactly alike一模

一样Trevor and his brother are as alike as two peas in a


16. as different as chalk and cheese: be completely

different from each other完全不同I don't have anything

in common with my brother. We're as different as chalk

and cheese.

17. to eat humble pie: to accept shame忍辱含垢, 忍气

吞声Jim was forced to eat humble pie and publicly

apologize to her.

18. to use one’s noodle: think动动脑筋You have to

use your noodle to solve this problem.

19.to go bananas: to behave in a silly or mad way发疯,

神经错乱I will go bananas with boredom.

20. to bring home the bacon: to earn a living for the

family. 获得成功;维持家庭生计He has to work

hard to bring home the bacon.

21. to spill the beans : disclose a secret.泄露秘密

Anyone who spills the beans will be punished.

22. to cry over spilt milk: to cry or complain about

something that has already happened覆水难收; 木已

成舟, 哭也无用It's no good crying over spilt milk,

what's done is done.

23. to have two bites at the cherry / to have another

bite at the cherry /to have another opportunity to

achieve something or to get something you want 得到

第二次机会做某事She failed the exam but she will

get another bite at the cherry next year.

24. to put all one's eggs into one basket: to risk

everything on a single venture孤注一掷Don’t put all

your eggs into one basket.

25. egg on (one's) face :embarrassment; humiliation尴

尬;羞辱:If you do that, you'll end up with egg on

your face.

26.to butter up: to flatter someone to try to get their

favor or friendship阿谀奉承He was always buttering

up the boss hoping for promotion.

27. be full of beans: energetic; frisky精力旺盛;充满

活力The children were too full of beans to sit still.


1. as easy as cake/pie 易如反掌,很容易The

examination is as easy as cake.这次考试很容易。

2. a piece of cake 真容易,简单"Could you help me

to repair my bike?" "Certainly. It's a piece of cake." "

你可以帮我修修自行车吗?"" 当然可以,小菜一碟。"

3. apple polisher 马屁精That man has been

promoted because he is a real apple polisher.那人得到


4. a big cheese 大老板The woman is a big cheese.

She owns three factories. 这个女人是个大老板,她拥


5. apples and oranges 两码事(不可混为一谈) Let's
