



支持向量机(SVM)、支持向量机回归(SVR):原理简述及其MATLAB实例一、基础知识1、关于拉格朗日乘子法和KKT条件1)关于拉格朗日乘子法2)关于KKT条件2、范数1)向量的范数2)矩阵的范数3)L0、L1与L2范数、核范数二、SVM概述1、简介2、SVM算法原理1)线性支持向量机2)非线性支持向量机二、SVR:SVM的改进、解决回归拟合问题三、多分类的SVM1. one-against-all2. one-against-one四、QP(二次规划)求解五、SVM的MATLAB实现:Libsvm1、Libsvm工具箱使用说明2、重要函数:3、示例支持向量机(SVM):原理及其MATLAB实例一、基础知识1、关于拉格朗日乘子法和KKT条件1)关于拉格朗日乘子法首先来了解拉格朗日乘子法,为什么需要拉格朗日乘子法呢?记住,有需要拉格朗日乘子法的地方,必然是一个组合优化问题。


那么你可以想想,假设没有约束条件这个问题是怎么求解的呢?是不是直接 f 对各个 x 求导等于 0,解 x 就可以了,可以看到没有约束的话,求导为0,那么各个x均为0吧,这样f=0了,最小。












二、SVMRFE函数的作用SVMRFE函数的全称为Support Vector Machines Recursive Feature Elimination,它的作用是利用支持向量机进行特征选择。









四、SVMRFE函数的优点SVMRFE函数具有以下几个优点:1. 自动化:SVMRFE函数可以自动选择最佳的特征子集,减少了用户手工试验的时间和精力。

2. 高性能:SVMRFE函数采用支持向量机作为分类器,具有较高的分类精度和泛化能力。

3. 灵活性:SVMRFE函数支持多种特征选择方法和评价指标,用户可以根据自己的需求进行灵活调整。

五、SVMRFE函数的示例以下是一个简单的示例,演示了如何使用SVMRFE函数进行特征选择:```matlab准备数据load fisheririsX = meas;y = species;设置参数opts.method = 'rfe';opts.nf = 2;调用SVMRFE函数[selected, evals] = svmrfe(X, y, opts);```在这个示例中,我们使用了鸢尾花数据集,设置了特征选择的方法为递归特征消除(RFE),并且要选择2个特征。



matlab中fitcsvm函数用法MATLAB中的fitcsvm函数是支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)分类器的一个功能强大的实现。








下面是fitcsvm函数的一般语法:SVMModel = fitcsvm(X, Y)SVMModel = fitcsvm(X, Y, 'Name', value)其中,X是一个包含训练数据的矩阵,每一行代表一个样本,每一列代表一个特征。



下面是一些常用的参数及其解释:1. 'BoxConstraint':表示SVM的惩罚因子,用于控制错误分类的重要性。


2. 'KernelFunction':表示SVM使用的核函数。


3. 'KernelScale':表示SVM的核函数标准差。


4. 'Standardize':表示是否对输入数据进行标准化。



30个智能算法matlab代码以下是30个使用MATLAB编写的智能算法的示例代码: 1. 线性回归算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];y = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];coefficients = polyfit(x, y, 1);predicted_y = polyval(coefficients, x);2. 逻辑回归算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1];model = fitglm(x, y, 'Distribution', 'binomial'); predicted_y = predict(model, x);3. 支持向量机算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 1, 2, 2, 3, 3];y = [1, 1, -1, -1, -1];model = fitcsvm(x', y');predicted_y = predict(model, x');4. 决策树算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]; y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1];model = fitctree(x', y');predicted_y = predict(model, x');5. 随机森林算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]; y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1];model = TreeBagger(50, x', y');predicted_y = predict(model, x');6. K均值聚类算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12]; y = [1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12]; data = [x', y'];idx = kmeans(data, 2);7. DBSCAN聚类算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12]; y = [1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12]; data = [x', y'];epsilon = 2;minPts = 2;[idx, corePoints] = dbscan(data, epsilon, minPts);8. 神经网络算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1];net = feedforwardnet(10);net = train(net, x', y');predicted_y = net(x');9. 遗传算法:matlab.fitnessFunction = @(x) x^2 4x + 4;nvars = 1;lb = 0;ub = 5;options = gaoptimset('PlotFcns', @gaplotbestf);[x, fval] = ga(fitnessFunction, nvars, [], [], [], [], lb, ub, [], options);10. 粒子群优化算法:matlab.fitnessFunction = @(x) x^2 4x + 4;nvars = 1;lb = 0;ub = 5;options = optimoptions('particleswarm', 'PlotFcn',@pswplotbestf);[x, fval] = particleswarm(fitnessFunction, nvars, lb, ub, options);11. 蚁群算法:matlab.distanceMatrix = [0, 2, 3; 2, 0, 4; 3, 4, 0];pheromoneMatrix = ones(3, 3);alpha = 1;beta = 1;iterations = 10;bestPath = antColonyOptimization(distanceMatrix, pheromoneMatrix, alpha, beta, iterations);12. 粒子群-蚁群混合算法:matlab.distanceMatrix = [0, 2, 3; 2, 0, 4; 3, 4, 0];pheromoneMatrix = ones(3, 3);alpha = 1;beta = 1;iterations = 10;bestPath = particleAntHybrid(distanceMatrix, pheromoneMatrix, alpha, beta, iterations);13. 遗传算法-粒子群混合算法:matlab.fitnessFunction = @(x) x^2 4x + 4;nvars = 1;lb = 0;ub = 5;gaOptions = gaoptimset('PlotFcns', @gaplotbestf);psOptions = optimoptions('particleswarm', 'PlotFcn',@pswplotbestf);[x, fval] = gaParticleHybrid(fitnessFunction, nvars, lb, ub, gaOptions, psOptions);14. K近邻算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]; y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1];model = fitcknn(x', y');predicted_y = predict(model, x');15. 朴素贝叶斯算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]; y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1];model = fitcnb(x', y');predicted_y = predict(model, x');16. AdaBoost算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 1, 2, 2, 3, 3];y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1];model = fitensemble(x', y', 'AdaBoostM1', 100, 'Tree'); predicted_y = predict(model, x');17. 高斯混合模型算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]';y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1]';data = [x, y];model = fitgmdist(data, 2);idx = cluster(model, data);18. 主成分分析算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]; coefficients = pca(x');transformed_x = x' coefficients;19. 独立成分分析算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]; coefficients = fastica(x');transformed_x = x' coefficients;20. 模糊C均值聚类算法:matlab.x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]; options = [2, 100, 1e-5, 0];[centers, U] = fcm(x', 2, options);21. 遗传规划算法:matlab.fitnessFunction = @(x) x^2 4x + 4; nvars = 1;lb = 0;ub = 5;options = optimoptions('ga', 'PlotFcn', @gaplotbestf);[x, fval] = ga(fitnessFunction, nvars, [], [], [], [], lb, ub, [], options);22. 线性规划算法:matlab.f = [-5; -4];A = [1, 2; 3, 1];b = [8; 6];lb = [0; 0];ub = [];[x, fval] = linprog(f, A, b, [], [], lb, ub);23. 整数规划算法:matlab.f = [-5; -4];A = [1, 2; 3, 1];b = [8; 6];intcon = [1, 2];[x, fval] = intlinprog(f, intcon, A, b);24. 图像分割算法:matlab.image = imread('image.jpg');grayImage = rgb2gray(image);binaryImage = imbinarize(grayImage);segmented = medfilt2(binaryImage);25. 文本分类算法:matlab.documents = ["This is a document.", "Another document.", "Yet another document."];labels = categorical(["Class 1", "Class 2", "Class 1"]);model = trainTextClassifier(documents, labels);newDocuments = ["A new document.", "Another new document."];predictedLabels = classifyText(model, newDocuments);26. 图像识别算法:matlab.image = imread('image.jpg');features = extractFeatures(image);model = trainImageClassifier(features, labels);newImage = imread('new_image.jpg');newFeatures = extractFeatures(newImage);predictedLabel = classifyImage(model, newFeatures);27. 时间序列预测算法:matlab.data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];model = arima(2, 1, 1);model = estimate(model, data);forecastedData = forecast(model, 5);28. 关联规则挖掘算法:matlab.data = readtable('data.csv');rules = associationRules(data, 'Support', 0.1);29. 增强学习算法:matlab.environment = rlPredefinedEnv('Pendulum');agent = rlDDPGAgent(environment);train(agent);30. 马尔可夫决策过程算法:matlab.states = [1, 2, 3];actions = [1, 2];transitionMatrix = [0.8, 0.1, 0.1; 0.2, 0.6, 0.2; 0.3, 0.3, 0.4];rewardMatrix = [1, 0, -1; -1, 1, 0; 0, -1, 1];policy = mdpPolicyIteration(transitionMatrix, rewardMatrix);以上是30个使用MATLAB编写的智能算法的示例代码,每个算法都可以根据具体的问题和数据进行相应的调整和优化。



svmtrain用法svmtrain 是 MATLAB 中用于训练支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)的函数。


以下是 svmtrain 函数的基本用法:svmStruct = svmtrain(training, group)其中:training 是训练数据,是一个大小为m × n 的矩阵,其中 m 是样本数量,n 是特征数量。

group 是训练样本的类别标签,是一个大小为m × 1 的列向量。

返回值 svmStruct 包含了训练后的 SVM 模型。

如果需要更多的控制和定制,可以使用以下形式:svmStruct = svmtrain(training, group, 'PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...)其中,PropertyName 和 PropertyValue 是一对一对的参数名和参数值,用于设置 SVM 训练的不同选项。

以下是一些常用的参数:'kernel_function':指定核函数的类型,如 'linear'(线性核函数,默认值)或 'rbf'(径向基函数)等。

'boxconstraint':指定软间隔 SVM 的惩罚参数,控制对误分类样本的容忍度。

'showplot':设置为 true 时,在训练过程中显示决策边界的可视化图。

以下是一个简单的例子:% 生成示例数据rng(1); % 设置随机数种子以保持结果的一致性data = randn(100, 2);labels = ones(100, 1);labels(51:end) = -1;% 使用线性核函数训练 SVM 模型svmStruct = svmtrain(data, labels, 'kernel_function', 'linear');% 预测新样本newData = randn(10, 2);predictedLabels = svmclassify(svmStruct, newData);% 显示决策边界sv = svmStruct.SupportVectors;figure;gscatter(data(:,1), data(:,2), labels);hold on;plot(sv(:,1),sv(:,2),'ko','MarkerSize',10);legend('Positive Class','Negative Class','Support Vector');上述例子中,首先生成了一个简单的二分类问题的数据集,然后使用线性核函数训练了一个 SVM 模型,并最后对新样本进行了预测。

ocsvm matlab代码

ocsvm matlab代码

ocsvm matlab代码OC-SVM(One-Class Support Vector Machine)是支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)的一种变体,它只有一个类别,用于异常检测和离群点检测。




如下代码:X = randn(100,2); % 生成100个样本,每个样本具有2个特征figurescatter(X(:,1),X(:,2),'filled')title('Randomly Generated Data')第二步:训练模型我们可以使用fitcsvm函数来训练OC-SVM模型,此函数可在训练集上训练支持向量机分类器。

如下代码:svmModel = fitcsvm(X,'KernelFunction','rbf','Nu',0.05); figureplot(svmModel)title('Trained OC-SVM Model')第三步:预测现在我们可以使用训练好的模型来预测未知数据。

如下代码:[newX1,newX2] = meshgrid(linspace(-4,4)); % 创建网格点newX = [newX1(:) newX2(:)];[~,score] = predict(svmModel,newX); % 预测输出得分figurescatter(X(:,1),X(:,2),'filled')hold oncontour(newX1,newX2,reshape(score,size(newX1)),[00],'linewidth',2)title('Predicted Anomalies with the Trained OC-SVM Model') xlabel('Feature 1')ylabel('Feature 2')legend({'Normal Data','OC-SVM Predicted Anomalies'}) 第四步:结果分析在以上代码中,我们可以看到Matlab输出了预测结果,结果分为两部分,分别是好的结果和坏的结果。



⽀持向量机的smo算法(MATLABcode)建⽴smo.m% function [alpha,bias] = smo(X, y, C, tol)function model = smo(X, y, C, tol)% SMO: SMO algorithm for SVM%%Implementation of the Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO)%training algorithm for Vapnik's Support Vector Machine (SVM)%% This is a modified code from Gavin Cawley's MATLAB Support% Vector Machine Toolbox% (c) September 2000.%% Diego Andres Alvarez.%% USAGE: [alpha,bias] = smo(K, y, C, tol)%% INPUT:%% K: n x n kernel matrix% y: 1 x n vector of labels, -1 or 1% C: a regularization parameter such that 0 <= alpha_i <= C/n% tol: tolerance for terminating criterion%% OUTPUT:%% alpha: 1 x n lagrange multiplier coefficient% bias: scalar bias (offset) term% Input/output arguments modified by JooSeuk Kim and Clayton Scott, 2007global SMO;y = y';ntp = size(X,1);%recompute C% C = C/ntp;%initializeii0 = find(y == -1);ii1 = find(y == 1);i0 = ii0(1);i1 = ii1(1);alpha_init = zeros(ntp, 1);alpha_init(i0) = C;alpha_init(i1) = C;bias_init = C*(X(i0,:)*X(i1,:)' -X(i0,:)*X(i1,:)') + 1;%Inicializando las variablesSMO.epsilon = 10^(-6); SMO.tolerance = tol;SMO.y = y'; SMO.C = C;SMO.alpha = alpha_init; SMO.bias = bias_init;SMO.ntp = ntp; %number of training points%CACHES:SMO.Kcache = X*X'; %kernel evaluationsSMO.error = zeros(SMO.ntp,1); %errornumChanged = 0; examineAll = 1;%When all data were examined and no changes done the loop reachs its%end. Otherwise, loops with all data and likely support vector are%alternated until all support vector be found.while ((numChanged > 0) || examineAll)numChanged = 0;if examineAll%Loop sobre todos los puntosfor i = 1:ntpnumChanged = numChanged + examineExample(i);end;else%Loop sobre KKT pointsfor i = 1:ntp%Solo los puntos que violan las condiciones KKTnumChanged = numChanged + examineExample(i);end;end;end;if (examineAll == 1)examineAll = 0;elseif (numChanged == 0)examineAll = 1;end;end;alpha = SMO.alpha';alpha(alpha < SMO.epsilon) = 0;alpha(alpha > C-SMO.epsilon) = C;bias = -SMO.bias;model.w = (y.*alpha)* X; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%model.b = bias;return;function RESULT = fwd(n)global SMO;LN = length(n);RESULT = -SMO.bias + sum(repmat(SMO.y,1,LN) .* repmat(SMO.alpha,1,LN) .* SMO.Kcache(:,n))'; return;function RESULT = examineExample(i2)%First heuristic selects i2 and asks to examineExample to find a%second point (i1) in order to do an optimization step with two%Lagrange multipliersglobal SMO;alpha2 = SMO.alpha(i2); y2 = SMO.y(i2);if ((alpha2 > SMO.epsilon) && (alpha2 < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon)))e2 = SMO.error(i2);elsee2 = fwd(i2) - y2;end;% r2 < 0 if point i2 is placed between margin (-1)-(+1)% Otherwise r2 is > 0. r2 = f2*y2-1r2 = e2*y2;%KKT conditions:% r2>0 and alpha2==0 (well classified)% r2==0 and 0% r2<0 and alpha2==C (support vectors between margins)%% Test the KKT conditions for the current i2 point.%% If a point is well classified its alpha must be 0 or if% it is out of its margin its alpha must be C. If it is at margin% its alpha must be between 0%take action only if i2 violates Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditionsif ((r2 < -SMO.tolerance) && (alpha2 < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon))) || ...((r2 > SMO.tolerance) && (alpha2 > SMO.epsilon))% If it doens't violate KKT conditions then exit, otherwise continue.%Try i2 by three ways; if successful, then immediately return 1;RESULT = 1;% First the routine tries to find an i1 lagrange multiplier that% maximizes the measure |E1-E2|. As large this value is as bigger% the dual objective function becames.% In this first test, only support vectors will be tested.POS = find((SMO.alpha > SMO.epsilon) & (SMO.alpha < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon)));[MAX,i1] = max(abs(e2 - SMO.error(POS)));if ~isempty(i1)if takeStep(i1, i2, e2), return;end;end;%The second heuristic choose any Lagrange Multiplier that is a SV and tries to optimizefor i1 = randperm(SMO.ntp)if (SMO.alpha(i1) > SMO.epsilon) & (SMO.alpha(i1) < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon))%if a good i1 is found, optimiseif takeStep(i1, i2, e2), return;end;endend%if both heuristc above fail, iterate over all data setfor i1 = randperm(SMO.ntp)if takeStep(i1, i2, e2), return;end;endend;end;%no progress possibleRESULT = 0;return;function RESULT = takeStep(i1, i2, e2)% for a pair of alpha indexes, verify if it is possible to execute% the optimisation described by Platt.global SMO;RESULT = 0;if (i1 == i2), return;end;% compute upper and lower constraints, L and H, on multiplier a2alpha1 = SMO.alpha(i1); alpha2 = SMO.alpha(i2);y1 = SMO.y(i1); y2 = SMO.y(i2);C = SMO.C; K = SMO.Kcache;s = y1*y2;if (y1 ~= y2)L = max(0, alpha2-alpha1); H = min(C, alpha2-alpha1+C);elseL = max(0, alpha1+alpha2-C); H = min(C, alpha1+alpha2);end;if (L == H), return;end;if (alpha1 > SMO.epsilon) & (alpha1 < (C-SMO.epsilon))e1 = SMO.error(i1);elsee1 = fwd(i1) - y1;end;%if (alpha2 > SMO.epsilon) & (alpha2 < (C-SMO.epsilon))% e2 = SMO.error(i2);%else% e2 = fwd(i2) - y2;%end;%compute etak11 = K(i1,i1); k12 = K(i1,i2); k22 = K(i2,i2);eta = 2.0*k12-k11-k22;%recompute Lagrange multiplier for pattern i2if (eta < 0.0)a2 = alpha2 - y2*(e1 - e2)/eta;%constrain a2 to lie between L and Hif (a2 < L)a2 = L;elseif (a2 > H)a2 = H;end;else%When eta is not negative, the objective function W should be%evaluated at each end of the line segment. Only those terms in the%objective function that depend on alpha2 need be evaluated...ind = find(SMO.alpha>0);aa2 = L; aa1 = alpha1 + s*(alpha2-aa2);Lobj = aa1 + aa2 + sum((-y1*aa1/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i1) + (-y2*aa2/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i2)); aa2 = H; aa1 = alpha1 + s*(alpha2-aa2);Hobj = aa1 + aa2 + sum((-y1*aa1/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i1) + (-y2*aa2/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i2)); if (Lobj>Hobj+SMO.epsilon)a2 = H;elseif (Lobj<Hobj-SMO.epsilon)a2 = L;elsea2 = alpha2;end;if (abs(a2-alpha2) < SMO.epsilon*(a2+alpha2+SMO.epsilon))return;end;% recompute Lagrange multiplier for pattern i1a1 = alpha1 + s*(alpha2-a2);w1 = y1*(a1 - alpha1); w2 = y2*(a2 - alpha2);%update threshold to reflect change in Lagrange multipliersb1 = SMO.bias + e1 + w1*k11 + w2*k12;bold = SMO.bias;if (a1>SMO.epsilon) & (a1<(C-SMO.epsilon))SMO.bias = b1;elseb2 = SMO.bias + e2 + w1*k12 + w2*k22;if (a2>SMO.epsilon) & (a2<(C-SMO.epsilon))SMO.bias = b2;elseSMO.bias = (b1 + b2)/2;end;end;% update error cache using new Lagrange multipliersSMO.error = SMO.error + w1*K(:,i1) + w2*K(:,i2) + bold - SMO.bias;SMO.error(i1) = 0.0; SMO.error(i2) = 0.0;% update vector of Lagrange multipliersSMO.alpha(i1) = a1; SMO.alpha(i2) = a2;%report progress madeRESULT = 1;return;画图⽂件:start_SMOforSVM.m(点击⾃动⽣成⼆维两类数据,画图,这⾥只是线性的,⾮线性的可以对应修改) clearX = []; Y=[];figure;% Initialize training data to empty; will get points from user% Obtain points froom the user:trainPoints=X;trainLabels=Y;clf;axis([-5 5 -5 5]);if isempty(trainPoints)% Define the symbols and colors we'll use in the plots latersymbols = {'o','x'};classvals = [-1 1];trainLabels=[];hold on; % Allow for overwriting existing plotsxlim([-5 5]); ylim([-5 5]);for c = 1:2title(sprintf('Click to create points from class %d. Press enter when finished.', c));[x, y] = getpts;plot(x,y,symbols{c},'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', 'black');% Grow the data and label matricestrainPoints = vertcat(trainPoints, [x y]);trainLabels = vertcat(trainLabels, repmat(classvals(c), numel(x), 1));endend% C = 10;tol = 0.001;% par = SMOforSVM(trainPoints, trainLabels , C, tol );% p=length(par.b); m=size(trainPoints,2);% if m==2% % for i=1:p% % plot(X(lc(i)-l(i)+1:lc(i),1),X(lc(i)-l(i)+1:lc(i),2),'bo')% % hold on% % end% k = -par.w(1)/par.w(2);% b0 = - par.b/par.w(2);% bdown=(-par.b-1)/par.w(2);% bup=(-par.b+1)/par.w(2);% for i=1:p% hold on% h = refline(k,b0(i));% set(hdown, 'Color', 'b')% hup=refline(k,bup(i));% set(hup, 'Color', 'b')% end% end% xlim([-5 5]); ylim([-5 5]);%% pauseC = 10;tol = 0.001;par = smo(trainPoints, trainLabels, C, tol);p=length(par.b); m=size(trainPoints,2);if m==2% for i=1:p% plot(X(lc(i)-l(i)+1:lc(i),1),X(lc(i)-l(i)+1:lc(i),2),'bo') % hold on% endk = -par.w(1)/par.w(2);b0 = - par.b/par.w(2);bdown=(-par.b-1)/par.w(2);bup=(-par.b+1)/par.w(2);for i=1:phold onh = refline(k,b0(i));set(h, 'Color', 'r')hdown=refline(k,bdown(i));set(hdown, 'Color', 'b')hup=refline(k,bup(i));set(hup, 'Color', 'b')endendxlim([-5 5]); ylim([-5 5]);。

matlab fitsvm参数

matlab fitsvm参数

matlab fitsvm参数fitcsvm是MATLAB中用于构建支持向量机(SVM)分类模型的函数。



下面将介绍一些常用的参数及其相关参考内容:1. 'KernelFunction'参数:指定SVM模型所使用的核函数类型。


可以使用以下代码来设置核函数类型:```matlabSVMModel = fitcsvm(X, Y, 'KernelFunction', 'linear');```有关不同核函数的详细信息和选取准则,可以参考MATLAB官方文档中的KernelFunction参数说明。

2. 'BoxConstraint'参数:用于控制模型的复杂度和鲁棒性。


可以使用以下代码来设置BoxConstraint的值:```matlabSVMModel = fitcsvm(X, Y, 'BoxConstraint', 1.0);```3. 'Standardize'参数:指定是否对输入数据进行标准化处理。


可以使用以下代码来设置是否进行标准化处理:```matlabSVMModel = fitcsvm(X, Y, 'Standardize', true);```更多关于数据标准化的信息可以参考MATLAB官方文档中的Standardize参数说明。

4. 'KernelScale'参数:用于指定核函数的缩放因子。



支持向量机matlab例题当涉及到支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,简称SVM)的例题时,我们可以通过MATLAB来实现和解决。








代码如下:matlab.% 生成数据。

rng(1); % 设置随机种子,以确保结果可重现。

n = 100; % 每个类别的样本数量。

X1 = randn(n, 2) + repmat([1, 1], n, 1); % 类别1的数据点。

X2 = randn(n, 2) + repmat([-1, -1], n, 1); % 类别2的数据点。

X = [X1; X2]; % 合并数据。

y = [ones(n, 1); -ones(n, 1)]; % 类别标签。


代码如下:matlab.% 训练SVM模型。

svmModel = fitcsvm(X, y);% 预测分类结果。

y_pred = predict(svmModel, X);现在,我们已经得到了预测的分类结果。


代码如下:matlab.% 可视化结果。

figure;gscatter(X(:, 1), X(:, 2), y, 'rb', 'o');hold on;% 绘制决策边界。

h = svmModel.Beta(1);k = svmModel.Beta(2);x1 = linspace(min(X(:, 1)), max(X(:, 1)), 100);x2 = (-svmModel.Bias h x1) / k;plot(x1, x2, 'k--', 'LineWidth', 2);% 设置图形属性。









fitcecoc函数使用“Error-Correcting Output Codes”(ECOC)策略来处理多类分类问题,它将原始多类分类问题转化为一系列的二元分类子问题。










1. 安装libsvm我们需要在Matlab中安装libsvm。



2. 数据准备在使用libsvm进行SVM模型训练之前,我们首先需要准备好训练数据。



假设我们的训练数据保存在一个名为"train_data.mat"的文件中,可以使用以下代码加载数据:```matlabload train_data.mat;```3. 数据预处理在加载数据之后,我们可能需要对数据进行一些预处理操作,例如特征缩放、特征选择、数据平衡等。


4. 模型训练接下来,我们可以使用libsvm在Matlab中进行SVM模型的训练。



下面是一个简单的示例:```matlabmodel = svmtrain(label, sparse(train_data), '-s 0 -t 2 -c 1 -g0.07');```上面的代码中,label是训练数据的标签向量,train_data是训练数据的稀疏矩阵,'-s 0 -t 2 -c 1 -g 0.07'是SVM训练的参数设置,具体含义可以参考libsvm的官方文档。

matlab fitsvm参数

matlab fitsvm参数

matlab fitsvm参数在 MATLAB 中,fitcsvm 函数用于训练支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)分类器。

下面是 fitcsvm 函数的常用参数:1. 数据集参数:- 'X':输入特征矩阵,大小为M×N,其中M是样本数量,N是特征数量。

- 'Y':分类标签向量,大小为M×1,其中M是样本数量。

2. 模型参数:- 'KernelFunction':核函数类型,可以是线性核函数'linear'、多项式核函数'polynomial'、高斯核函数'gaussian'(默认值)、径向基函数'rbf'等。

- 'KernelScale':核函数的尺度参数,用于控制特征空间中各个特征的重要程度。


3. 优化参数:- 'BoxConstraint':惩罚参数C,用于控制分类器的错误容忍度。


- 'KernelOffset':与超平面的距离偏移量,可以用于改变判决边界的位置。

- 'Solver':优化求解器的类型,可以是序列最小优化(SMO)算法'smo'(默认值)、拉格朗日乘子法(Lagrange multiplier)'lagrange'、内点法(interior-point)'interior-point'等。

4. 其他参数:- 'Standardize':是否对输入数据进行标准化处理,默认为true。

svm matlab 代码

svm matlab 代码

svm matlab 代码如何使用SVM(支持向量机)进行二分类任务的MATLAB代码。

支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)是一种机器学习算法,可用于二分类问题。






例如,假设你的数据集保存在一个名为data.csv的文件中,你可以使用以下代码导入数据集:matlabdata = load('data.csv');X = data(:, 1:end-1); 输入特征y = data(:, end); 类别标签这样,数据集中的输入特征将存储在X矩阵中,而类别标签将存储在y向量中。




以下是一个示例代码:matlabcv = cvpartition(y, 'HoldOut', 0.2); 将数据集按照20的比例划分为测试集X_train = X(training(cv), :); 训练集输入特征y_train = y(training(cv), :); 训练集类别标签X_test = X(test(cv), :); 测试集输入特征y_test = y(test(cv), :); 测试集类别标签现在,我们已经准备好了训练和测试集。


以下是一个使用线性核函数(linear kernel)的示例代码:matlabSVMModel = fitcsvm(X_train, y_train, 'KernelFunction', 'linear');上述代码中,fitcsvm函数用于训练SVM分类器。



支持向量机的matlab代码如果是7.0以上版本>>edit svmtrain>>edit svmclassify>>edit svmpredictfunction [svm_struct, svIndex] = svmtrain(training, groupnames, varargin)%SVMTRAIN trains a support vector machine classifier%% SVMStruct = SVMTRAIN(TRAINING,GROUP) trains a support vector machine% classifier using data TRAINING taken from two groups given by GROUP. % SVMStruct contains information about the trained classifier that is% used by SVMCLASSIFY for classification. GROUP is a column vector of % values of the same length as TRAINING that defines two groups. Each % element of GROUP specifies the group the corresponding row of TRAINING% belongs to. GROUP can be a numeric vector, a string array, or a cell% array of strings. SVMTRAIN treats NaNs or empty strings in GROUP as % missing values and ignores the corresponding rows of TRAINING.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'KERNEL_FUNCTION',KFUN) allows you to specify the kernel% function KFUN used to map the training data into kernel space. The% default kernel function is the dot product. KFUN can be one of the% following strings or a function handle:%% 'linear' Linear kernel or dot product% 'quadratic' Quadratic kernel% 'polynomial' Polynomial kernel (default order 3)% 'rbf' Gaussian Radial Basis Function kernel% 'mlp' Multilayer Perceptron kernel (default scale 1)% function A kernel function specified using @,% for example @KFUN, or an anonymous function%% A kernel function must be of the form%% function K = KFUN(U, V)%% The returned value, K, is a matrix of size M-by-N, where U and V have M % and N rows respectively. If KFUN is parameterized, you can use% anonymous functions to capture the problem-dependent parameters. For% example, suppose that your kernel function is%% function k = kfun(u,v,p1,p2)% k = tanh(p1*(u*v')+p2);%% You can set values for p1 and p2 and then use an anonymous function: % @(u,v) kfun(u,v,p1,p2).%% SVMTRAIN(...,'POLYORDER',ORDER) allows you to specify the order of a% polynomial kernel. The default order is 3.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'MLP_PARAMS',[P1 P2]) allows you to specify the% parameters of the Multilayer Perceptron (mlp) kernel. The mlp kernel% requires two parameters, P1 and P2, where K = tanh(P1*U*V' + P2) and P1% > 0 and P2 < 0. Default values are P1 = 1 and P2 = -1.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'METHOD',METHOD) allows you to specify the method used% to find the separating hyperplane. Options are%% 'QP' Use quadratic programming (requires the Optimization Toolbox) % 'LS' Use least-squares method%% If you have the Optimization Toolbox, then the QP method is the default % method. If not, the only available method is LS.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'QUADPROG_OPTS',OPTIONS) allows you to pass an OPTIONS% structure created using OPTIMSET to the QUADPROG function when using% the 'QP' method. See help optimset for more details.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'SHOWPLOT',true), when used with two-dimensional data,% creates a plot of the grouped data and plots the separating line for% the classifier.%% Example:% % Load the data and select features for classification% load fisheriris% data = [meas(:,1), meas(:,2)];% % Extract the Setosa class% groups = ismember(species,'setosa');% % Randomly select training and test sets% [train, test] = crossvalind('holdOut',groups);% cp = classperf(groups);% % Use a linear support vector machine classifier% svmStruct = svmtrain(data(train,:),groups(train),'showplot',true); % classes = svmclassify(svmStruct,data(test,:),'showplot',true);% % See how well the classifier performed% classperf(cp,classes,test);% cp.CorrectRate%% See also CLASSIFY, KNNCLASSIFY, QUADPROG, SVMCLASSIFY.% Copyright 2004 The MathWorks, Inc.% $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/12/24 20:43:35 $% References:% [1] Kecman, V, Learning and Soft Computing,% MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 2001.% [2] Suykens, J.A.K., Van Gestel, T., De Brabanter, J., De Moor, B., % Vandewalle, J., Least Squares Support Vector Machines,% World Scientific, Singapore, 2002.% [3] Scholkopf, B., Smola, A.J., Learning with Kernels,% MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 2002.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'KFUNARGS',ARGS) allows you to pass additional% arguments to kernel functions.% set defaultsplotflag = false;qp_opts = [];kfunargs = {};setPoly = false; usePoly = false;setMLP = false; useMLP = false;if ~isempty(which('quadprog'))useQuadprog = true;elseuseQuadprog = false;end% set default kernel functionkfun = @linear_kernel;% check inputsif nargin < 2error(nargchk(2,Inf,nargin))endnumoptargs = nargin -2;optargs = varargin;% grp2idx sorts a numeric grouping var ascending, and a string grouping% var by order of first occurrence[g,groupString] = grp2idx(groupnames);% check group is a vector -- though char input is special...if ~isvector(groupnames) && ~ischar(groupnames)error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:GroupNotVector',...'Group must be a vector.');end% make sure that the data is correctly oriented.if size(groupnames,1) == 1groupnames = groupnames';end% make sure data is the right sizen = length(groupnames);if size(training,1) ~= nif size(training,2) == ntraining = training';elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:DataGroupSizeMismatch',...'GROUP and TRAINING must have the same number of rows.') endend% NaNs are treated as unknown classes and are removed from the training % datanans = find(isnan(g));if length(nans) > 0training(nans,:) = [];g(nans) = [];endngroups = length(groupString);if ngroups > 2error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:TooManyGroups',...'SVMTRAIN only supports classification into two groups.\nGROUP contains %d different groups.',ngroups)end% convert to 1, -1.g = 1 - (2* (g-1));% handle optional argumentsif numoptargs >= 1if rem(numoptargs,2)== 1error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:IncorrectNumberOfArguments',...'Incorrect number of arguments to %s.',mfilename);endokargs ={'kernel_function','method','showplot','kfunargs','quadprog_opts','polyorder','ml p_params'};for j=1:2:numoptargspname = optargs{j};pval = optargs{j+1};k = strmatch(lower(pname), okargs);%#okif isempty(k)error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownParameterName',...'Unknown parameter name: %s.',pname);elseif length(k)>1error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:AmbiguousParameterName',...'Ambiguous parameter name: %s.',pname);elseswitch(k)case 1 % kernel_functionif ischar(pval)okfuns = {'linear','quadratic',...'radial','rbf','polynomial','mlp'};funNum = strmatch(lower(pval), okfuns);%#okif isempty(funNum)funNum = 0;endswitch funNum %maybe make this less strict in the futurecase 1kfun = @linear_kernel;case 2kfun = @quadratic_kernel;case {3,4}kfun = @rbf_kernel;case 5kfun = @poly_kernel;usePoly = true;case 6kfun = @mlp_kernel;useMLP = true;otherwiseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownKernelFunction',...'Unknown Kernel Function %s.',kfun);endelseif isa (pval, 'function_handle')kfun = pval;elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadKernelFunction',...'The kernel function input does not appear to be a function handle\nor valid function name.')endcase 2 % methodif strncmpi(pval,'qp',2)useQuadprog = true;if isempty(which('quadprog'))warning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:NoOptim',...'The Optimization Toolbox is required to use the quadratic programming method.')useQuadprog = false;endelseif strncmpi(pval,'ls',2)useQuadprog = false;elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownMethod',...'Unknown method option %s. Valid methods are ''QP'' and ''LS''',pval);endcase 3 % displayif pval ~= 0if size(training,2) == 2plotflag = true;elsewarning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:OnlyPlot2D',...'The display option can only plot 2D training data.')endendcase 4 % kfunargsif iscell(pval)kfunargs = pval;elsekfunargs = {pval};endcase 5 % quadprog_optsif isstruct(pval)qp_opts = pval;elseif iscell(pval)qp_opts = optimset(pval{:});elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadQuadprogOpts',...'QUADPROG_OPTS must be an opts structure.');endcase 6 % polyorderif ~isscalar(pval) || ~isnumeric(pval)error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadPolyOrder',...'POLYORDER must be a scalar value.');endif pval ~=floor(pval) || pval < 1error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:PolyOrderNotInt',...'The order of the polynomial kernel must be a positive integer.')endkfunargs = {pval};setPoly = true;case 7 % mlpparamsif numel(pval)~=2error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadMLPParams',...'MLP_PARAMS must be a two element array.');endif ~isscalar(pval(1)) || ~isscalar(pval(2))error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:MLPParamsNotScalar',...'The parameters of the multi-layer perceptron kernel must be scalar.');endkfunargs = {pval(1),pval(2)};setMLP = true;endendendendif setPoly && ~usePolywarning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:PolyOrderNotPolyKernel',...'You specified a polynomial order but not a polynomial kernel');endif setMLP && ~useMLPwarning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:MLPParamNotMLPKernel',...'You specified MLP parameters but not an MLP kernel');end% plot the data if requestedif plotflag[hAxis,hLines] = svmplotdata(training,g);legend(hLines,cellstr(groupString));end% calculate kernel functiontrykx = feval(kfun,training,training,kfunargs{:});% ensure function is symmetrickx = (kx+kx')/2;catcherror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownKernelFunction',...'Error calculating the kernel function:\n%s\n', lasterr);end% create Hessian% add small constant eye to force stabilityH =((g*g').*kx) + sqrt(eps(class(training)))*eye(n);if useQuadprog% The large scale solver cannot handle this type of problem, so turn it % off.qp_opts = optimset(qp_opts,'LargeScale','Off');% X=QUADPROG(H,f,A,b,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,X0,opts)alpha = quadprog(H,-ones(n,1),[],[],...g',0,zeros(n,1),inf *ones(n,1),zeros(n,1),qp_opts);% The support vectors are the non-zeros of alphasvIndex = find(alpha > sqrt(eps));sv = training(svIndex,:);% calculate the parameters of the separating line from the support% vectors.alphaHat = g(svIndex).*alpha(svIndex);% Calculate the bias by applying the indicator function to the support% vector with largest alpha.[maxAlpha,maxPos] = max(alpha); %#okbias = g(maxPos) - sum(alphaHat.*kx(svIndex,maxPos));% an alternative method is to average the values over all support vectors % bias = mean(g(sv)' - sum(alphaHat(:,ones(1,numSVs)).*kx(sv,sv)));% An alternative way to calculate support vectors is to look for zeros of % the Lagrangians (fifth output from QUADPROG).%% [alpha,fval,output,exitflag,t] = quadprog(H,-ones(n,1),[],[],...% g',0,zeros(n,1),inf *ones(n,1),zeros(n,1),opts);%% sv = t.lower < sqrt(eps) & t.upper < sqrt(eps);else % Least-Squares% now build up compound matrix for solverA = [0 g';g,H];b = [0;ones(size(g))];x = A\b;% calculate the parameters of the separating line from the support% vectors.sv = training;bias = x(1);alphaHat = g.*x(2:end);endsvm_struct.SupportVectors = sv;svm_struct.Alpha = alphaHat;svm_struct.Bias = bias;svm_struct.KernelFunction = kfun;svm_struct.KernelFunctionArgs = kfunargs;svm_struct.GroupNames = groupnames;svm_struct.FigureHandles = [];if plotflaghSV = svmplotsvs(hAxis,svm_struct);svm_struct.FigureHandles = {hAxis,hLines,hSV}; end41|评论(6)。



% 支持向量机用于多类模式分类 - 必须选择最优参数 gam,sig2% 工具箱:LS_SVMlab% 使用平台:Matlab6.5% 作者:陆振波,海军工程大学% 欢迎同行来信交流与合作,更多文章与程序下载请访问我的个人主页% 电子邮件:luzhenbo@% 个人主页:clcclearclose all%---------------------------------------------------% 产生训练样本与测试样本,每一列为一个样本n1 = [rand(3,5),rand(3,5)+1,rand(3,5)+2];x1 = [1*ones(1,5),2*ones(1,5),3*ones(1,5)]; % 特别注意:这里的目标与神经网络不同n2 = [rand(3,5),rand(3,5)+1,rand(3,5)+2];x2 = [1*ones(1,5),2*ones(1,5),3*ones(1,5)]; % 特别注意:这里的目标与神经网络不同xn_train = n1; % 训练样本dn_train = x1; % 训练目标xn_test = n2; % 测试样本dn_test = x2; % 测试目标%---------------------------------------------------% 参数设置X = xn_train';Y = dn_train';Xt = xn_test';Yt = dn_test';type = 'c';kernel_type = 'RBF_kernel';gam = 2;sig2 = 2;preprocess = 'preprocess';codefct = 'code_MOC';% 将“多类”转换成“两类”的编码方案% 1. Minimum Output Coding (code_MOC)% 2. Error Correcting Output Code (code_ECOC)% 3. One versus All Coding (code_OneVsAll)% 4. One Versus One Coding (code_OneVsOne)%---------------------------------------------------% 编码[Yc,codebook,old_codebook] = code(Y,codefct);%---------------------------------------------------% 交叉验证优化参数%[gam,sig2] = tunelssvm({X,Yc,type,gam,sig2,kernel_type,preprocess})%---------------------------------------------------% 训练与测试[alpha,b] = trainlssvm({X,Yc,type,gam,sig2,kernel_type,preprocess}); % 训练Yd0 = simlssvm({X,Yc,type,gam,sig2,kernel_type,preprocess},{alpha,b},Xt); % 分类%---------------------------------------------------% 解码Yd = code(Yd0,old_codebook,[],codebook);%---------------------------------------------------% 结果统计Result = ~abs(Yd-Yt) % 正确分类显示为1Percent = sum(Result)/length(Result) % 正确分类率%---------------------------------------------------% 注意:以这两种写法等价% -- 1 --% [Yc,codebook,old_codebook] = code(Y, codefct)% [alpha, b] = trainlssvm({X,Yc,type,gam,sig2,kernel,preprocess})% Yd0 = simlssvm({X,Yc,type,gam,sig2,kernel}, {alpha,b}, Xt)% Yd = code(Yd0,old_codebook,[],codebook)% -- 2 --% model = initlssvm(X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel,preprocess)% model = changelssvm(model,'codetype',codefct)% model = trainlssvm(model)% Yd = simlssvm(model, Xt)。

svm matlab 代码 -回复

svm matlab 代码 -回复

svm matlab 代码-回复如何用MATLAB编写SVM算法代码支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)是一种被广泛应用于模式分类和回归分析的机器学习算法。







1. 数据归一化数据归一化是将样本数据按照一定的比例缩放,使得数据在同一数量级上。



2. 数据划分为了评估模型的性能,我们需要将数据分为训练集和测试集。





1. 设置SVM参数在训练SVM模型之前,我们需要设置SVM的参数。



2. 训练模型使用`fitcsvm`函数进行训练模型。



1. 预测结果使用训练好的SVM模型对测试数据进行预测,得到预测结果。

MATLAB 提供了`predict`函数用于进行预测。



svm交叉验证matlab代码以下是一个使用支持向量机(SVM)进行交叉验证的MATLAB代码示例:matlab.% 加载数据集。

load fisheriris.X = meas(:,3:4);Y = species;% 设置SVM参数。

C = [0.01, 0.1, 1, 10];gamma = [0.1, 1, 10];k = 5; % 交叉验证折数。

% 初始化结果矩阵。

accuracy = zeros(length(C), length(gamma));% 执行交叉验证。

for i = 1:length(C)。

for j = 1:length(gamma)。

svmModel = fitcsvm(X, Y, 'KernelFunction', 'rbf', 'BoxConstraint', C(i), 'KernelScale', gamma(j));cv = crossval(svmModel, 'KFold', k);accuracy(i, j) = 1 kfoldLoss(cv);end.end.% 找到最优参数组合。

[maxAcc, idx] = max(accuracy(:));[optCIdx, optGammaIdx] = ind2sub(size(accuracy), idx);optC = C(optCIdx);optGamma = gamma(optGammaIdx);% 输出最优参数和准确率。

fprintf('最优参数组合,C = %.2f, gamma = %.2f\n', optC, optGamma);fprintf('最优准确率,%.2f%%\n', maxAcc 100);这段代码首先加载了一个经典的鸢尾花数据集(Fisher's Iris Dataset),然后定义了SVM的参数C和gamma,并设置了交叉验证的折数k。




下面是一些常见的智能算法及其在MATLAB中的代码示例:1. 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm):MATLAB中有一个专门的工具箱,称为Global Optimization Toolbox,其中包含了遗传算法的实现。

以下是一个简单的遗传算法示例代码:matlab.% 定义目标函数。

fitness = @(x) x^2;% 设置遗传算法参数。

options = gaoptimset('Display', 'iter','PopulationSize', 50);% 运行遗传算法。

[x, fval] = ga(fitness, 1, options);2. 粒子群优化算法(Particle Swarm Optimization):MATLAB中也有一个工具箱,称为Global Optimization Toolbox,其中包含了粒子群优化算法的实现。

以下是一个简单的粒子群优化算法示例代码:matlab.% 定义目标函数。

fitness = @(x) x^2;% 设置粒子群优化算法参数。

options = optimoptions('particleswarm', 'Display','iter', 'SwarmSize', 50);% 运行粒子群优化算法。

[x, fval] = particleswarm(fitness, 1, [], [], options);3. 支持向量机(Support Vector Machine):MATLAB中有一个机器学习工具箱,称为Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox,其中包含了支持向量机的实现。






1. abc-svm算法的原理- 我们来了解一下abc-svm算法的原理。


2. abc-svm算法的特点- 在评估abc-svm算法时,我们还需要考虑其特点。



3. abc-svm算法的MATLAB实现- 在MATLAB中,我们可以使用现成的工具包或者自行编写代码来实现abc-svm算法。


4. 个人观点和理解- 从个人角度来看,abc-svm算法在深度学习中具有重要的意义。









多元线性回归和BP 神经网络及决策向量机之间的比较,个人理解:多元线性回归:就是多个属性的线性组合,在组合时,通过不断调节每个属性的权重来使多元线性回归函数更多的适用于多个样本。

BP 神经网络:通过使用最快速下降法,通过反向传播来不断调整网络中的权值和阈值,使网络的误差平方和最小。


算法比较: BP 目标函数: 权值调整:决策向量机目标函数:min1/2w^2 支持向量机(Support vector machines ,SVM)与神经网络类似,都是学习型的机制,但与神经网络不同的是SVM 使用的是数学方法和优化技术。

学习效率的比较:导入数据:File->import data参数优化常用方法:[train_pca,test_pca] = pcaForSVM(train_data,test_data,97);函数为RBF 核函数时: 优化前:train_label=data(1:50,1);train_data=data(1:50,2:14);model=svmtrain(train_label,train_data,'-s 3 -t 2 -c -g -p ');[predict_label,mse,dec_value]=svmpredict(train_label,train_data,model); %上一行利用自身的值和预测值进行比较,求得模型实际结果和预测结果的均方值 test_label=data(51:100,1);test_data=data(51:100,2:14);[predict_label,mse,dec_value]=svmpredict(test_label,test_data,model);优化后:train_label=data(1:50,1);train_data=data(1:50,2:14);[bestmse,bestc,bestg] = SVMcgForRegress(train_label,train_data)%优化方法暂定为网格寻优cmd = ['-c ',num2str(bestc),' -g ',num2str(bestg),' -s 3 –t 2 -p '];model=svmtrain(train_label,train_data,cmd);[ptrain,mse,dec_value]=svmpredict(train_label,train_data,model);∑=-=m p j j m j dy J 12)(2111---=∆k ijk ij w J w ∂∂εfigure;%画图比较预测值和实际值subplot(2,1,1);plot(train_label,'-o');hold on;plot(ptrain,'r-s');grid on;legend('original','predict');title('Train Set Regression Predict by SVM');2.核函数为多项式核函数时train_label=data(1:50,1);train_data=data(1:50,2:14);[bestmse,bestc,bestg] = SVMcgForRegress(train_label,train_data); cmd = ['-c ',num2str(bestc),' -g ',num2str(bestg),' -s 3 -t 1 -p ']; model=svmtrain(train_label,train_data,cmd);[ptrain,mse]=svmpredict(train_label,train_data,model);figure;%画图比较预测值和实际值subplot(2,1,1);plot(train_label,'-o');hold on;plot(ptrain,'r-s');grid on;legend('original','predict');title('Train Set Regression Predict by SVM');Mean squared error = (regression)Squared correlation coefficient = (regression)3.核函数为线性乘积0 -- linear: u'*vtrain_label=data(1:50,1);train_data=data(1:50,2:14);[bestmse,bestc,bestg] = SVMcgForRegress(train_label,train_data); cmd = ['-c ',num2str(bestc),' -g ',num2str(bestg),' -s 3 -t 0 -p ']; model=svmtrain(train_label,train_data,cmd);[ptrain,mse]=svmpredict(train_label,train_data,model);figure;%画图比较预测值和实际值subplot(2,1,1);plot(train_label,'-o');hold on;plot(ptrain,'r-s');grid on;legend('original','predict');title('Train Set Regression Predict by SVM');Mean squared error = 14537 (regression)Squared correlation coefficient = (regression)4.核函数为sigmoid: tanh(gamma*u'*v + coef0)神经元的非线性作用函数train_label=data(1:50,1);train_data=data(1:50,2:14);[bestmse,bestc,bestg] = SVMcgForRegress(train_label,train_data); cmd = ['-c ',num2str(bestc),' -g ',num2str(bestg),' -s 3 -t 3 -p ']; model=svmtrain(train_label,train_data,cmd);[ptrain,mse]=svmpredict(train_label,train_data,model);figure;%画图比较预测值和实际值subplot(2,1,1);plot(train_label,'-o');hold on;plot(ptrain,'r-s');grid on;legend('original','predict');title('Train Set Regression Predict by SVM');Mean squared error = (regression)Squared correlation coefficient = (regression)下图为江良学长的测试成本-因素结果注意:第一部分在建模时仅采用的是前50组数据生成的测试效率-因素模型,当选取的训练集越多(接近100)时,他的效果是越差的,举例说明如下:核函数为RBFMean squared error = (regression)Squared correlation coefficient = (regression)选取的样本越多,得到的MSE越大(虽然mse增加,但对样本的预测效果肯定会更好,因为随着样本数增加,学习能力肯定提高),而相关系数反而有所提高(接近于1最佳);问题提出:为什么bestmse =+004与实际训练出来的Mean squared error = (regression)相距甚选Part2:从参数优化方法选取不同上比较那种参数选取更优此比较基于RBF核函数而言1.基于网格寻优方法代码:train_label=data(1:50,1);train_data=data(1:50,2:14);[bestmse,bestc,bestg] = SVMcgForRegress(train_label,train_data)%优化方法暂定为网格寻优cmd = ['-c ',num2str(bestc),' -g ',num2str(bestg),' -s 3 –t 2 -p '];model=svmtrain(train_label,train_data,cmd);[ptrain,mse,dec_value]=svmpredict(train_label,train_data,model);结果:bestmse =+004bestc =bestg =Mean squared error = (regression)Squared correlation coefficient = (regression)2.基于遗传算法寻优train_label=data(1:50,1);train_data=data(1:50,2:14);[bestCVmse,bestc,bestg,ga_option]=gaSVMcgForRegress(train_label,train_data) cmd = ['-c ',num2str(bestc),' -g ',num2str(bestg),' -s 3 –t 2 -p '];model=svmtrain(train_label,train_data,cmd);[ptrain,mse,dec_value]=svmpredict(train_label,train_data,model);结果:bestCVmse =+004bestc =bestg =ga_option =maxgen: 200sizepop: 20ggap:cbound: [0 100]gbound: [0 1000]v: 5Mean squared error = (regression)Squared correlation coefficient = (regression)3.基于pso寻优(在这里使用启发式算法PSO来进行参数寻优,用网格划分(grid search)来寻找最佳的参数c和g,虽然采用网格搜索能够找到在CV意义下的最高的分类准确率,即全局最优解,但有时候如果想在更大的范围内寻找最佳的参数c和g会很费时,采用启发式算法就可以不必遍历网格内的所有的参数点,也能找到全局最优解)代码:train_label=data(1:50,1);train_data=data(1:50,2:14);[bestCVmse,bestc,bestg,pso_option]=psoSVMcgForRegress(train_label,train_data) cmd = ['-c ',num2str(bestc),' -g ',num2str(bestg),' -s 3 –t 2 -p '];model=svmtrain(train_label,train_data,cmd);[ptrain,mse,dec_value]=svmpredict(train_label,train_data,model);结果:bestCVmse =+004bestc =bestg =pso_option =c1:c2:maxgen: 200sizepop: 20k:wV: 1wP: 1v: 5popcmax: 100popcmin:popgmax: 1000popgmin:Mean squared error = (regression)Squared correlation coefficient = (regression)注意:仍是以前50组样本为例Part3:主元分析仍然以RBF为核函数,进行主元分析之后参数优化,最终得到MSE 代码:train_label=data(1:50,1);train_data=data(1:50,2:14);test_label=data(51:100,1);test_data=data(51:100,2:14);[train_pca,test_pca] = pcaForSVM(train_data,test_data,97);%主元分析[bestmse,bestc,bestg] = SVMcgForRegress(train_label,train_pca)cmd = ['-c ',num2str(bestc),' -g ',num2str(bestg),' -s 3 –t 1 -p ']; [ptrain,mse,dec_value]=svmpredict(train_label,train_pca,model);结果:Mean squared error = (regression)Squared correlation coefficient = (regression)。

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支持向量机的matlab代码Matlab中关于evalin帮助:EVALIN(WS,'expression') evaluates 'expression' in the context of the workspace WS. WS can be 'caller' or 'base'. It is similar to EVAL except that you can control which workspace the expression is evaluated in.[X,Y,Z,...] = EVALIN(WS,'expression') returns output arguments from the expression.EVALIN(WS,'try','catch') tries to evaluate the 'try' expression and if that fails it evaluates the 'catch' expression (in the current workspace).可知evalin('base', 'algo')是对工作空间base中的algo求值(返回其值)。

如果是7.0以上版本>>edit svmtrain>>edit svmclassify>>edit svmpredictfunction [svm_struct, svIndex] = svmtrain(training, groupnames, varargin)%SVMTRAIN trains a support vector machine classifier%% SVMStruct = SVMTRAIN(TRAINING,GROUP) trains a support vector machine % classifier using data TRAINING taken from two groups given by GROUP.% SVMStruct contains information about the trained classifier that is% used by SVMCLASSIFY for classification. GROUP is a column vector of% values of the same length as TRAINING that defines two groups. Each% element of GROUP specifies the group the corresponding row of TRAINING % belongs to. GROUP can be a numeric vector, a string array, or a cell% array of strings. SVMTRAIN treats NaNs or empty strings in GROUP as% missing values and ignores the corresponding rows of TRAINING.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'KERNEL_FUNCTION',KFUN) allows you to specify the kernel % function KFUN used to map the training data into kernel space. The% default kernel function is the dot product. KFUN can be one of the% following strings or a function handle:%% 'linear' Linear kernel or dot product% 'quadratic' Quadratic kernel% 'polynomial' Polynomial kernel (default order 3)% 'rbf' Gaussian Radial Basis Function kernel% 'mlp' Multilayer Perceptron kernel (default scale 1)% function A kernel function specified using @,% for example @KFUN, or an anonymous function%% A kernel function must be of the form%% function K = KFUN(U, V)%% The returned value, K, is a matrix of size M-by-N, where U and V have M% and N rows respectively. If KFUN is parameterized, you can use% anonymous functions to capture the problem-dependent parameters. For % example, suppose that your kernel function is%% function k = kfun(u,v,p1,p2)% k = tanh(p1*(u*v')+p2);%% You can set values for p1 and p2 and then use an anonymous function:% @(u,v) kfun(u,v,p1,p2).%% SVMTRAIN(...,'POLYORDER',ORDER) allows you to specify the order of a% polynomial kernel. The default order is 3.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'MLP_PARAMS',[P1 P2]) allows you to specify the% parameters of the Multilayer Perceptron (mlp) kernel. The mlp kernel% requires two parameters, P1 and P2, where K = tanh(P1*U*V' + P2) and P1 % > 0 and P2 < 0. Default values are P1 = 1 and P2 = -1.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'METHOD',METHOD) allows you to specify the method used % to find the separating hyperplane. Options are%% 'QP' Use quadratic programming (requires the Optimization Toolbox)% 'LS' Use least-squares method%% If you have the Optimization Toolbox, then the QP method is the default% method. If not, the only available method is LS.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'QUADPROG_OPTS',OPTIONS) allows you to pass an OPTIONS % structure created using OPTIMSET to the QUADPROG function when using % the 'QP' method. See help optimset for more details.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'SHOWPLOT',true), when used with two-dimensional data,% creates a plot of the grouped data and plots the separating line for% the classifier.%% Example:% % Load the data and select features for classification% load fisheriris% data = [meas(:,1), meas(:,2)];% % Extract the Setosa class% groups = ismember(species,'setosa');% % Randomly select training and test sets% [train, test] = crossvalind('holdOut',groups);% cp = classperf(groups);% % Use a linear support vector machine classifier% svmStruct = svmtrain(data(train,:),groups(train),'showplot',true); % classes = svmclassify(svmStruct,data(test,:),'showplot',true);% % See how well the classifier performed% classperf(cp,classes,test);% cp.CorrectRate%% See also CLASSIFY, KNNCLASSIFY, QUADPROG, SVMCLASSIFY.% Copyright 2004 The MathWorks, Inc.% $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/12/24 20:43:35 $% References:% [1] Kecman, V, Learning and Soft Computing,% MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 2001.% [2] Suykens, J.A.K., Van Gestel, T., De Brabanter, J., De Moor, B., % Vandewalle, J., Least Squares Support Vector Machines,% World Scientific, Singapore, 2002.% [3] Scholkopf, B., Smola, A.J., Learning with Kernels,% MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 2002.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'KFUNARGS',ARGS) allows you to pass additional% arguments to kernel functions.% set defaultsplotflag = false;qp_opts = [];kfunargs = {};setPoly = false; usePoly = false;setMLP = false; useMLP = false;if ~isempty(which('quadprog'))useQuadprog = true;elseuseQuadprog = false;end% set default kernel functionkfun = @linear_kernel;% check inputsif nargin < 2error(nargchk(2,Inf,nargin))endnumoptargs = nargin -2;optargs = varargin;% grp2idx sorts a numeric grouping var ascending, and a string grouping % var by order of first occurrence[g,groupString] = grp2idx(groupnames);% check group is a vector -- though char input is special...if ~isvector(groupnames) && ~ischar(groupnames)error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:GroupNotVector',...'Group must be a vector.');end% make sure that the data is correctly oriented.if size(groupnames,1) == 1groupnames = groupnames';end% make sure data is the right sizen = length(groupnames);if size(training,1) ~= nif size(training,2) == ntraining = training';elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:DataGroupSizeMismatch',...'GROUP and TRAINING must have the same number of rows.')endend% NaNs are treated as unknown classes and are removed from the training % datanans = find(isnan(g));if length(nans) > 0training(nans,:) = [];g(nans) = [];。
